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Chapter 10

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The key takeaways are that oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions involve the transfer of electrons between reactants, with one reactant becoming oxidized by losing electrons and the other becoming reduced by gaining electrons. Oxidizing agents accept electrons and are reduced, while reducing agents donate electrons and are oxidized.

Oxidation reactions involve the loss of electrons by a reactant, while reduction reactions involve the gain of electrons by a reactant. Oxidation and reduction always occur together in a redox reaction.

Oxidation numbers are used to identify the oxidizing and reducing agents in a reaction. The oxidizing agent is the species that undergoes a decrease in oxidation number, accepting electrons from the reducing agent. The reducing agent undergoes an increase in oxidation number by donating electrons.


Chapter 10

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Solutions for Practice Problems
Student Textbook page 467
1. Problem

Write a balanced net ionic equation for the reaction of zinc with aqueous iron(II) chloride. Include the physical states of the reactants and products. Solution Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Include the physical states. Zn(s) + FeCl2(aq) Fe(s) + ZnCl2(aq) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction. Zn(s) + Fe2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) Fe(s) + Zn2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) Eliminate the spectator ions (the chloride ions) to write the net ionic equation. Zn(s) + Fe2+(aq) Fe(s) + Zn2+(aq)
2. Problem

Write a balanced net ionic equation for each reaction, including physical states. (a) magnesium and aqueous aluminum sulfate (b) a solution of silver nitrate with metallic cadmium Solution (a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Include the physical states. Mg(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq) Al(s) + MgSO4(aq) (unbalanced) 3Mg(s) + Al2(SO4)3(aq) 2Al(s) + 3MgSO4(aq) (balanced) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction. 3Mg(s) + 2Al3+(aq) + 3SO42(aq) 2Al(s) + 3Mg2+(aq) + 3SO42(aq) Eliminate the spectator ions (the sulfate ions) to write the net ionic equation. 3Mg(s) + 2Al3+(aq) 2Al(s) + 3Mg2+(aq)
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Include the physical states.

AgNO3(aq) + Cd(s) Ag(s) + Cd(NO3)2(aq) (unbalanced) 2AgNO3(aq) + Cd(s) 2Ag(s) + Cd(NO3)2(aq) (balanced) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction. 2Ag+(aq) + 2NO3(aq) + Cd(s) 2Ag(s) + Cd2+(aq) + 2NO3(aq) Eliminate the spectator ions (the nitrate ions) to write the net ionic equation.
2Ag+(aq) + Cd(s) 2Ag(s) + Cd2+(aq)

3. Problem

Identify the reactant oxidized and the reactant reduced in each reaction in question 2. Solution
(a) The reactant oxidized is the reactant that loses electrons. The reactant reduced is

the reactant that gains electrons.

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



The net ionic equation shows that each magnesium atom loses two electrons to form a magnesium ion, and that each aluminum ion gains three electrons to form an aluminum atom. 3Mg(s) + 2Al3+(aq) 2Al(s) + 3Mg2+(aq) Therefore, magnesium is oxidized, and aluminum ions are reduced.
(b) The reactant oxidized is the reactant that loses electrons. The reactant reduced is

the reactant that gains electrons. The net ionic equation shows that each cadmium atom loses two electrons to form a cadmium ion, and that each silver ion gains one electron to form a silver atom. 2Ag+(aq) + Cd(s) 2Ag(s) + Cd2+(aq) Therefore, cadmium is oxidized, and silver ions are reduced.
4. Problem

Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent in each reaction in question 2. Solution
(a) The oxidizing agent is the reactant that accepts electrons. The reducing agent is

the reactant that donates electrons. The net ionic equation shows that each aluminum ion accepts three electrons to form an aluminum atom, and that each magnesium atom donates two electrons to form a magnesium ion. 3Mg(s) + 2Al3+(aq) 2Al(s) + 3Mg2+(aq) Therefore, aluminum ions are the oxidizing agent, and magnesium is the reducing agent.
(b) The oxidizing agent is the reactant that accepts electrons. The reducing agent is

the reactant that donates electrons. The net ionic equation shows that each silver ion accepts one electron to form a silver atom, and that each cadmium atom donates two electrons to form a cadmium ion. 2Ag+(aq) + Cd(s) 2Ag(s) + Cd2+(aq) Therefore, silver ions are the oxidizing agent, and cadmium is the reducing agent.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 468
5. Problem

Write balanced half-reactions from the net ionic equation for the reaction between solid aluminum and aqueous iron(III) sulfate. The sulfate ions are spectator ions and are not included. Al(s) + Fe3+(aq) Al3+(aq) + Fe(s) Solution The net ionic equation shows that each aluminum atom loses three electrons to form an aluminum ion, and that each iron(III) ion gains three electrons to form an iron atom. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Al(s) Al3+(aq) + 3e Reduction: Fe3+(aq) + 3e Fe(s)
6. Problem

Write balanced half-reactions from the following net ionic equations. (a) Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR


CHEMISTRY 12 (b) Cd(s) + 2Ag+(aq) Cd2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)

Solution (a) The net ionic equation shows that each iron atom loses two electrons to form an iron(II) ion, and that each copper(II) ion gains two electrons to form a copper atom. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Fe(s) Fe2+(aq) + 2e Reduction: Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s)
(b) The net ionic equation shows that each cadmium atom loses two electrons to

form a cadmium ion, and that each silver ion gains one electron to form a silver atom. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Cd(s) Cd2+(aq) + 2e Reduction: Ag+(aq) + 1e Ag(s)
7. Problem (a) Sn(s) + PbCl2(aq) SnCl2(aq) + Pb(s) (b) Au(NO3)3(aq) + 3Ag(s) 3AgNO3(aq) + Au(s) (c) 3Zn(s) + Fe2(SO4)3(aq) 3ZnSO4(aq) + 2Fe(s)

Write balanced half-reactions for each of the following reactions.

Solution (a) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction. Sn(s) + Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) Sn2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) + Pb(s) Eliminate the spectator ions (the chloride ions) to write the net ionic equation. Sn(s) + Pb2+(aq) Sn2+(aq) + Pb(s) The net ionic equation shows that each tin atom loses two electrons to form a tin(II) ion, and that each lead(II) ion gains two electrons to form a lead atom. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Sn(s) Sn2+(aq) + 2e Reduction: Pb2+(aq) + 2e Pb(s)
(b) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction.

Au3+(aq) + 3NO3(aq) + 3Ag(s) 3Ag+(aq) + 3NO3(aq) + Au(s) Eliminate the spectator ions (the nitrate ions) to write the net ionic equation. Au3+(aq) + 3Ag(s) 3Ag+(aq) + Au(s) The net ionic equation shows that each gold(III) ion gains three electrons to form a gold atom, and that each silver atom loses one electron to form a silver ion. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Ag(s) Ag+(aq) + e Reduction: Au3+(aq) + 3e Au(s) 3Zn(s) + 2Fe3+(aq) + 3SO42(aq) 3Zn2+(aq) + 3SO42(aq) + 2Fe(s) Eliminate the spectator ions (the sulfate ions) to write the net ionic equation. 3Zn(s) + 2Fe3+(aq) 3Zn2+(aq) + 2Fe(s) The net ionic equation shows that each zinc atom loses two electrons to form a zinc ion, and that each iron(III) ion gains three electrons to form an iron atom. Therefore, the two half-reactions are as follows. Oxidation: Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e Reduction: Fe3+(aq) + 3e Fe(s)

(c) Write a balanced total ionic equation for the reaction.

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



8. Problem

Write the net ionic equation and the half-reactions for the disproportionation of mercury(I) ions in aqueous solution to give liquid mercury and aqueous mercury(II) ions. Assume that mercury(I) ions exist in solution as Hg22+ . Solution Write a balanced net ionic equation for the reaction. Hg22+(aq) Hg( ) + Hg2+(aq) The net ionic equation shows that the reaction is a disproportionation in which equal numbers of mercury(I) ions undergo oxidation and reduction. Half the mercury(I) ions lose electrons to form mercury(II) ions, and the other half of the mercury(I) ions gain electrons to form mercury atoms. Because only one Hg22+ ion is present in the balanced net ionic equation, the half-reactions are easier to see if the net ionic equation is multiplied by 2. 2Hg22+(aq) 2Hg( ) + 2Hg2+(aq) The two half-reactions are as follows. Reduction: Hg22+(aq) + 2e 2Hg( ) Oxidation: Hg22+(aq) 2Hg2+(aq) + 2e Note: For simplicity, the formula of mercury(I) ions is sometimes written as Hg+ , even though these ions exist in the form Hg22+ . If the formula of mercury(I) ions is written as Hg+ , the balanced net ionic equation and the half-reactions are written as follows. 2Hg+(aq) Hg( ) + Hg2+(aq) Reduction: Hg+(aq) + e Hg( ) Oxidation: Hg+(aq) Hg2+(aq) + e

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 478
9. Problem

Determine the oxidation number of the specied element in each of the following. (a) N in NF3 (c) Cr in CrO42 (e) C in C12H22O11 (b) S in S8 (d) P in P2O5 (f) C in CHCl3 Solution (a) Because the compound NF3 does not contain hydrogen or oxygen, rule 5 applies. Because NF3 is a compound, rule 6 also applies. Nitrogen has an electronegativity of 3.04. Fluorine has an electronegativity of 3.98. Therefore, from rule 5, assign uorine an oxidation number of 1. The oxidation number of nitrogen is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, x + 3(1) = 0 x 3=0 x =3 The oxidation number of nitrogen is +3.


Because S8 is the formula of a pure element, rule 1 applies. From rule 1, the oxidation number of S in S8 is 0. Because the polyatomic ion CrO42 contains oxygen, rule 4 applies. Because CrO42 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies.

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of chromium is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 2. Then, x + 4(2) = 2 x 8 = 2 x =6 The oxidation number of chromium is +6. Because the compound P2O5 contains oxygen, rule 4 applies. Because P2O5 is a compound, rule 6 also applies. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of phosphorus is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, 2x + 5(2) = 0 2x 10 = 0 2x = 10 x =5 The oxidation number of phosphorus is +5. Because the compound C12H22O11 contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because C12H22O11 is a compound, rule 6 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of carbon is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, 12x + 22(+1) + 11(2) = 0 12x + 22 22 = 0 12x = 0 x =0 The oxidation number of carbon is 0. Because the compound CHCl3 contains hydrogen, rule 3 applies. Because CHCl3 is a compound, rule 6 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. The oxidation numbers of carbon and chlorine are both unknown. Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.55. Chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16. Therefore, using the same reasoning as in rule 5, assign chlorine an oxidation number of 1. The oxidation number of carbon is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, x + 1(+1) + 3(1) = 0 x +13=0 x 2=0 x =2 The oxidation number of carbon is +2.




10. Problem (a) H2SO3 (a)

Determine the oxidation number of each element in each of the following. (b) OH (c) HPO42 Solution Because the compound H2SO3 contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because H2SO3 is a compound, rule 6 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2.
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



The oxidation number of sulfur is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, 2(+1) + x + 3(2) = 0 2+x 6=0 x 4=0 x =4 The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. The oxidation number of sulfur is +4. The oxidation number of oxygen is 2. Because the polyatomic ion OH contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because OH is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 1. 1(2) + 1(+1) = 1 2 + 1 = 1 The oxidation number of oxygen is 2. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. Because the polyatomic ion HPO42 contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because HPO42 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of phosphorus is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 2. Then, 1(+1) + x + 4(2) = 2 1 + x 8 = 2 x 7 = 2 x =5 The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. The oxidation number of phosphorus is +5. The oxidation number of oxygen is 2.



11. Problem

As stated in rule 4, oxygen does not always have its usual oxidation number of 2. Determine the oxidation number of oxygen in each of the following. (a) the compound oxygen diuoride, OF2 (b) the peroxide ion, O22

Solution Oxygen has an electronegativity of 3.44. Fluorine has an electronegativity of 3.98. Therefore, using the same reasoning as in rule 5, assign uorine an oxidation number of 1. Because OF2 is a compound, rule 6 applies. The oxidation number of oxygen is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 6, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 0. Then, x + 2(1) = 0 x 2=0 x =2 The oxidation number of oxygen is +2.


Because O22 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 applies. The oxidation number of oxygen is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers is 2. Then, 2x = 2 x = 1 The oxidation number of oxygen is 1.
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



12. Problem

Determine the oxidation number of each element in each of the following ionic compounds by considering the ions separately. Hint: One formula unit of the compound in part (c) contains two identical monatomic ions and one polyatomic ion. (a) Al(HCO3)3 (b) (NH4)3PO4 (c) K2H3IO6

Solution The compound Al(HCO3)3 contains Al3+ ions and HCO3 ions. Because Al3+ is a monatomic ion, rule 2 applies. From rule 2, the oxidation number of aluminum is +3. Because the polyatomic ion HCO3 contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because HCO3 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of carbon is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers in HCO3 is 1. Then, 1(+1) + x + 3(2) = 1 1 + x 6 = 1 x 5 = 1 x =4 The oxidation number of aluminum is +3. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. The oxidation number of carbon is +4. The oxidation number of oxygen is 2.


The compound (NH4)3PO4 contains NH4+ ions and PO43 ions. Because the polyatomic ion NH4+ contains hydrogen, rule 3 applies. Because NH4+ is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. The oxidation number of nitrogen is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers in NH4+ is +1. Then, x + 4(+1) = +1 x + 4 = +1 x = +1 4 x = 3 Because the polyatomic ion PO43 contains oxygen, rule 4 applies. Because PO43 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 4, oxygen has its usual oxidation number of 2. The oxidation number of phosphorus is unknown, so let it be y. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers in PO43 is 3. Then, y + 4(2) = 3 y 8 = 3 y = 3 + 8 y=5 The oxidation number of nitrogen is 3. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. The oxidation number of phosphorus is +5. The oxidation number of oxygen is 2. The compound K2H3IO6 contains K+ ions and H3IO62 ions. Because K+ is a monatomic ion, rule 2 applies. From rule 2, the oxidation number of potassium is +1. Because the polyatomic ion H3IO62 contains hydrogen and oxygen, rules 3 and 4 apply. Because H3IO62 is a polyatomic ion, rule 7 also applies. From rule 3, hydrogen has its usual oxidation number of +1. From rule 4, the oxidation number of oxygen is 2.


Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



The oxidation number of iodine is unknown, so let it be x. From rule 7, the sum of the oxidation numbers in H3IO62 is 2. Then, 3(+1) + x + 6(2) = 2 3 + x 12 = 2 x 9 = 2 x =7 The oxidation number of potassium is +1. The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. The oxidation number of iodine is +7. The oxidation number of oxygen is 2.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 480
13. Problem (a) H2O2 + 2Fe(OH)2 2Fe(OH)3 (b) PCl3 + 3H2O H3PO3 + 3HCl

Determine whether each reaction is a redox reaction.

Solution Find the oxidation number of each element in the reactants and products. Identify any elements that undergo an increase or a decrease in oxidation number during the reaction. (a) H2O2 + 2Fe(OH)2 2Fe(OH)3
+1 1 +2 2 +1 +3 2 +1

The oxidation number of hydrogen is +1 on both sides of the equation, so hydrogen is neither oxidized nor reduced.

The oxidation number of the oxygen atoms that originate in Fe(OH)2 is 2 on both sides of the equation. The oxidation number of the oxygen atoms that originate in H2O2 decreases from 1 to 2. The oxidation number of iron increases from +2 to +3. Because both oxygen and iron undergo changes in oxidation number, the reaction is a redox reaction.
(b) PCl3 + 3H2O H3PO3 + 3HCl
+3 1 +1 2 +1 +3 2 +1 1

No elements undergo changes in oxidation number, so the reaction is not a redox reaction.
14. Problem

Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent for the redox reaction(s) in the previous question. Solution In part (a) of the previous question, The oxidation number of the oxygen atoms that originate in H2O2 decreases from 1 to 2, so H2O2 is reduced. Therefore, H2O2 is the oxidizing agent. The oxidation number of iron increases from +2 to +3. The iron atoms on the reactant side of the equation exist in the compound Fe(OH)2 . Therefore, Fe(OH)2 is oxidized, and Fe(OH)2 , or the ion Fe2+ , is the reducing agent.

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



15. Problem

For the following balanced net ionic equation, identify the reactant that undergoes oxidation and the reactant that undergoes reduction. Br2 + 2ClO2 2Br + 2ClO2 Solution Find the oxidation number of each element in the reactants and products. Identify any elements that undergo an increase or a decrease in oxidation number during the reaction. Br2 + 2ClO2 2Br + 2ClO2
0 +3 2 1 +4 2

The oxidation number of oxygen is the same on both sides of the equation. The oxidation number of chlorine increases from +3 to +4. The chlorine atoms on the reactant side are found in ClO2 ions. Therefore, ClO2 ions undergo oxidation. The oxidation number of bromine decreases from 0 to 1. The bromine atoms on the reactant side are found in elemental bromine, Br2 . Therefore, elemental bromine undergoes reduction.

16. Problem

Nickel and copper are two metals that are important to the Ontario economy, particularly in the Sudbury area. Nickel and copper ores usually contain the metals as suldes, such as NiS and Cu2S. Do the extractions of these pure elemental metals from their ores involve redox reactions? Explain your reasoning. Solution In NiS, nickel has an oxidation number of +2. Metallic nickel, Ni, is an element with an oxidation number of 0. In Cu2S, copper has an oxidation number of +1. Metallic copper, Cu, is an element with an oxidation number of 0. Because each of these metals undergoes a decrease in its oxidation number during extraction, the extraction process must involve reduction. Oxidation and reduction always occur together, so the extraction processes must be redox reactions. (We do not need to know the other reactants to know that this conclusion is true.)

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 484
17. Problem

Write a balanced half-reaction for the reduction of cerium(IV) ions to cerium(III) ions. Solution Represent the given reactant and product with the correct formulas. Ce4+ Ce3+ Balance the atoms, if necessary. The atoms are already balanced. Add an electron to the left side to balance the charges. Ce4+ + e Ce3+

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



18. Problem

Write a balanced half-reaction for the oxidation of bromide ions to bromine. Solution Represent the given reactant and product with the correct formulas. Br Br2 Balance the bromine atoms. 2Br Br2 Add two electrons to the right side to balance the charges. 2Br Br2 + 2e
19. Problem (a) O2 H2O2

Balance each of the following half-reactions under acidic conditions. (b) H2O O2 (c) NO3 N2 Solution The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. O2 H2O2 There are no atoms to balance other than oxygen and hydrogen. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms, if necessary. The oxygen atoms are already balanced. The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. O2 + 2H+ H2O2 Add two electrons to the left side to balance the charges. O2 + 2H+ + 2e H2O2 The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. H2O O2 There are no atoms to balance other than oxygen and hydrogen. The reaction occurs in aqueous solution, so add another water molecule to balance the oxygen atoms. 2H2O O2 The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 2H2O O2 + 4H+ Add four electrons to the right side to balance the charges. 2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. NO3 N2 Balance the nitrogen atoms. 2NO3 N2 The reaction occurs in aqueous solution, so add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. 2NO3 N2 + 6H2O The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 2NO3 + 12H+ N2 + 6H2O Add ten electrons to the left side to balance the charges. 2NO3 + 12H+ + 10e N2 + 6H2O

(a) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Step 5 (b) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 (c) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



20. Problem (a) ClO3 Cl

Balance each of the following half-reactions under acidic conditions. (b) NO NO (c) Cr2O72 Cr3+ 3 Solution The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. ClO3 Cl Balance the chlorine atoms, if necessary. The chlorine atoms are already balanced. The reaction occurs in aqueous solution, so add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. ClO3 Cl + 3H2O The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. ClO3 + 6H+ Cl + 3H2O Add six electrons to the left side to balance the charges. ClO3 + 6H+ + 6e Cl + 3H2O The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. NO NO3 Balance the nitrogen atoms, if necessary. The nitrogen atoms are already balanced. The reaction occurs in aqueous solution, so add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. NO + 2H2O NO3 The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. NO + 2H2O NO3 + 4H+ Add three electrons to the right side to balance the charges. NO + 2H2O NO3 + 4H+ + 3e The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. Cr2O72 Cr3+ Balance the chromium atoms. Cr2O72 2Cr3+ The reaction occurs in aqueous solution, so add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. Cr2O72 2Cr3+ + 7H2O The reaction occurs in acidic solution, so add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. Cr2O72 + 14H+ 2Cr3+ + 7H2O Add six electrons to the left side to balance the charges. Cr2O72 + 14H+ + 6e 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

(a) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 (b) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 (c) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 486
21. Problem

Write a balanced half-reaction for the oxidation of chromium(II) ions to chromium(III) ions. Solution Represent the given reactant and product with the correct formulas. Cr2+ Cr3+ Balance the atoms, if necessary. The atoms are already balanced. Add an electron to the right side to balance the charges. Cr2+ Cr3+ + e
22. Problem

Write a balanced half-reaction for the reduction of oxygen to oxide ions. Solution Represent the given reactant and product with the correct formulas. O2 O2 Balance the oxygen atoms. O2 2O2 Add four electrons to the left side to balance the charges. O2 + 4e 2O2
23. Problem (a) Al Al(OH)4 (b) CN CNO (c) MnO4 MnO2

Balance each of the following half-reactions under basic conditions. (d) CrO42 Cr(OH)3 (e) CO32 C2O42 Solution

(a) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7 (b) Step 1

The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. Al Al(OH)4 Balance the aluminum atoms, if necessary. The aluminum atoms are already balanced. Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. Al + 4H2O Al(OH)4 Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. Al + 4H2O Al(OH)4 + 4H+ Adjust for basic conditions by adding four hydroxide ions to each side. Al + 4H2O + 4OH Al(OH)4 + 4H+ + 4OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the right side into water molecules. Al + 4H2O + 4OH Al(OH)4 + 4H2O Remove four water molecules from each side. Al + 4OH Al(OH)4 Add three electrons to the right side to balance the charges. Al + 4OH Al(OH)4 + 3e

The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. CN CNO Step 2 Balance the carbon and nitrogen atoms, if necessary. These atoms are already balanced.
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7 (c) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. CN + H2O CNO Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. CN + H2O CNO + 2H+ Adjust for basic conditions by adding two hydroxide ions to each side. CN + H2O + 2OH CNO + 2H+ + 2OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the right side into water molecules. CN + H2O + 2OH CNO + 2H2O Remove a water molecule from each side. CN + 2OH CNO + H2O Add two electrons to the right side to balance the charges. CN + 2OH CNO + H2O + 2e The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. MnO4 MnO2 Balance the manganese atoms, if necessary. The manganese atoms are already balanced. Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. MnO4 MnO2 + 2H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. MnO4 + 4H+ MnO2 + 2H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding four hydroxide ions to each side. MnO4 + 4H+ + 4OH MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. MnO4 + 4H2O MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH Remove two water molecules from each side. MnO4 + 2H2O MnO2 + 4OH Add three electrons to the left side to balance the charges. MnO4 + 2H2O + 3e MnO2 + 4OH The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. CrO42 Cr(OH)3 Balance the chromium atoms, if necessary. The chromium atoms are already balanced. Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. CrO42 Cr(OH)3 + H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. CrO42 + 5H+ Cr(OH)3 + H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding ve hydroxide ions to each side. CrO42 + 5H+ + 5OH Cr(OH)3 + H2O + 5OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. CrO42 + 5H2O Cr(OH)3 + H2O + 5OH Remove one water molecule from each side. CrO42 + 4H2O Cr(OH)3 + 5OH Add three electrons to the left side to balance the charges. CrO42 + 4H2O + 3e Cr(OH)3 + 5OH

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7 (d) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



(e) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7

The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. CO32 C2O42 Balance the carbon atoms. 2CO32 C2O42 Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. 2CO32 C2O42 + 2H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 2CO32 + 4H+ C2O42 + 2H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding four hydroxide ions to each side. 2CO32 + 4H+ + 4OH C2O42 + 2H2O + 4OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. 2CO32 + 4H2O C2O42 + 2H2O + 4OH Remove two water molecules from each side. 2CO32 + 2H2O C2O42 + 4OH Add two electrons to the left side to balance the charges. 2CO32 + 2H2O + 2e C2O42 + 4OH

24. Problem (a) FeO42 Fe3+ (acidic conditions) (b) ClO2 Cl (basic conditions)

Balance each of the following half-reactions.

(a) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 (b) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. FeO42 Fe3+ Balance the iron atoms, if necessary. The iron atoms are balanced. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. FeO42 Fe3+ + 4H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. FeO42 + 8H+ Fe3+ + 4H2O Add three electrons to the left side to balance the charges. FeO42 + 8H+ + 3e Fe3+ + 4H2O The unbalanced half-reaction, including the correct formulas, is given. ClO2 Cl Balance the chlorine atoms, if necessary. The chlorine atoms are balanced. ClO2 Cl Balance the oxygen and hydrogen atoms as if the conditions are acidic. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. ClO2 Cl + 2H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. ClO2 + 4H+ Cl + 2H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding four hydroxide ions to each side. ClO2 + 4H+ + 4OH Cl + 2H2O + 4OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. ClO2 + 4H2O Cl + 2H2O + 4OH Remove two water molecules from each side. ClO2 + 2H2O Cl + 4OH Add four electrons to the left side to balance the charges. ClO2 + 2H2O + 4e Cl + 4OH

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6 Step 7

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook pages 490 491
25. Problem

Balance each of the following redox equations by inspection. Write the balanced half-reactions in each case. (a) Na + F2 NaF (b) Mg + N2 Mg3N2 (c) HgO Hg + O2

Solution Balance the uorine atoms. Na + F2 2NaF Balance the sodium atoms. 2Na + F2 2NaF (balanced) NaF contains Na+ ions and F ions. Therefore, each sodium atom loses an electron to form a sodium ion, and each uorine atom gains an electron to form a uoride ion. To balance each half-reaction, write the symbol of the reactant and product, balance the atoms (if necessary), and add one or more electrons to balance the charges. Oxidation half-reaction: Na Na+ Na Na+ + e (balanced) Reduction half-reaction: F2 F F2 2F F2 + 2e 2F (balanced)


Balance the magnesium atoms. 3Mg + N2 Mg3N2 Mg3N2 contains Mg2+ ions and N3 ions. Therefore, each magnesium atom loses two electrons to form a magnesium ion, and each nitrogen atom gains three electrons to form a nitride ion. To balance each half-reaction, write the symbol of the reactant and product, balance the atoms (if necessary), and add one or more electrons to balance the charges. Oxidation half-reaction: Mg Mg2+ Mg Mg2+ + 2e (balanced) Reduction half-reaction: N2 N3 N2 2N3 N2 + 6e 2N3 (balanced) Balance the oxygen atoms. 2HgO Hg + O2 Balance the mercury atoms. 2HgO 2Hg + O2 (balanced) HgO contains Hg2+ ions and O2 ions. Therefore, each mercury(II) ion gains two electrons to form a mercury atom, and each oxide ion loses two electrons to form an oxygen atom. To balance each half-reaction, write the symbol of the reactant and product, balance the atoms (if necessary), and add one or more electrons to balance the charges.


Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Reduction half-reaction: Hg2+ Hg Hg2+ + 2e Hg (balanced) Oxidation half-reaction: O2 O2 2O2 O2 2O2 O2 + 4e (balanced)
26. Problem

Balance the following equation by the half-reaction method. Cu2+ + I CuI + I3 Solution Step 1 The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. Cu2+ + I CuI + I3 (Note: CuI is not written in ionic form because the electronegativity difference between copper and iodine is quite small (0.76). This compound is covalent.) Step 2 Divide the unbalanced net ionic equation into two half-reactions. Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements, if necessary. If you notice that the oxidation number of copper decreases from +2 to +1, there is no need to assign other oxidation numbers. Copper must be involved in the reduction half-reaction. Reduction half-reaction: Cu2 + I CuI Oxidation half-reaction: I I3 Step 3 Balance the half-reactions independently. Reduction: Cu2+ + I + e CuI (balanced) Oxidation: 3I I3 3I I3 + 2e (balanced) Step 4 The LCM of 1 and 2 is 2. Step 5 Multiply the reduction half-reaction by 2, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 2Cu2+ + 2I + 2e 2CuI Step 6 Add the half-reactions. 2Cu2+ + 2I + 2e 2CuI 3I I3 + 2e 2Cu2+ + 5I + 2e 2CuI + I3 + 2e Step 7 Simplify by removing two electrons from both sides. 2Cu2+ + 5I 2CuI + I3 (balanced)
27. Problem

Balance each of the following ionic equations for acidic conditions. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent in each case. (a) MnO4 + Ag Mn2+ + Ag+ (b) Hg + NO3 + Cl HgCl42 + NO2 (c) AsH3 + Zn2+ H3AsO4 + Zn (d) I3 I + IO3 What Is Required? You need to write a balanced net ionic equation for the given reaction for acidic conditions, and to identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent. What Is Given? You know the formulas of some reactants and products, and that the reaction takes place in acidic solution.
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Plan Your Strategy Follow the steps for balancing a net ionic equation by the half-reaction method for acidic conditions. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent from the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions.
(a) Step 1

Act on Your Strategy The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. MnO4 + Ag Mn2+ + Ag+ Step 2 There is no need to assign oxidation numbers, because silver atoms, Ag, are clearly being oxidized to silver ions, Ag+ . Therefore, permanganante ions, MnO4, are being reduced. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: Ag Ag+ Reduction: MnO4 Mn2+ Step 3 Balance the two half-reactions for acidic conditions. Oxidation: Ag Ag+ + e (balanced) Reduction: MnO4 Mn2+ MnO4 Mn2+ + 4H2O MnO4 + 8H+ Mn2+ + 4H2O MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e Mn2+ + 4H2O (balanced) Step 4 The LCM of 1 and 5 is 5. Step 5 Multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 5, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 5Ag 5Ag+ + 5e Step 6 Add the half-reactions. 5Ag 5Ag+ + 5e + MnO4 + 8H + 5e Mn2+ + 4H2O 5Ag + MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e 5Ag+ + 5e + Mn2+ + 4H2O Step 7 Simplify by removing 5 electrons from both sides. 5Ag + MnO4 + 8H+ 5Ag+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O (balanced) From the half-reactions, MnO4 is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the half-reactions, Ag is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent. The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. Hg + NO3 + Cl HgCl42 + NO2 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. Hg + NO3 + Cl HgCl42 + NO2
0 +5 2 1 +2 1 +4 2

(b) Step 1

The oxidation number of mercury increases, so mercury is oxidized. The oxidation number of nitrogen decreases, so nitrate ions are reduced. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: Hg + Cl HgCl42 Reduction: NO3 NO2 Step 3 Balance the two half-reactions for acidic conditions. Oxidation: Hg + Cl HgCl42 Hg + 4Cl HgCl42 Hg + 4Cl HgCl42 + 2e (balanced) Reduction: NO3 NO2 NO3 NO2 + H2O NO3 + 2H+ NO2 + H2O NO3 + 2H+ + e NO2 + H2O (balanced) Step 4 The LCM of 1 and 2 is 2.
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Multiply the reduction half-reaction by 2, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 2NO3 + 4H+ + 2e 2NO2 + 2H2O Step 6 Add the half-reactions. Hg + 4Cl HgCl42 + 2e 2NO3 + 4H+ + 2e 2NO2 + 2H2O Hg + 4Cl + 2NO3 + 4H+ + 2e HgCl42 + 2e + 2NO2 + 2H2O Step 7 Simplify by removing 2 electrons from both sides. Hg + 4Cl + 2NO3 + 4H+ HgCl42 + 2NO2 + 2H2O (balanced) From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, NO3 is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, Hg is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.
Step 5 (c) Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. AsH3 + Zn2+ H3AsO4 + Zn There is no need to assign oxidation numbers, because zinc ions, Zn2+ , are clearly being reduced to zinc atoms, Zn. Therefore, AsH3 is being oxidized. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Reduction: Zn2+ Zn Oxidation: AsH3 H3AsO4 Balance the two half-reactions for acidic conditions. Reduction: Zn2+ + 2e Zn (balanced) Oxidation: AsH3 H3AsO4 AsH3 + 4H2O H3AsO4 AsH3 + 4H2O H3AsO4 + 8H+ AsH3 + 4H2O H3AsO4 + 8H+ + 8e (balanced) The LCM of 2 and 8 is 8. Multiply the reduction half-reaction by 4, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 4Zn2+ + 8e 4Zn Add the half-reactions. 4Zn2+ + 8e 4Zn AsH3 + 4H2O H3AsO4 + 8H+ + 8e 2+ 4Zn + 8e + AsH3 + 4H2O 4Zn + H3AsO4 + 8H+ + 8e Simplify by removing 8 electrons from both sides. 4Zn2+ + AsH3 + 4H2O 4Zn + H3AsO4 + 8H+ (balanced) From the half-reactions, Zn2+ is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the half-reactions, AsH3 is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.

(d) Step 1

The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. I3 I + IO3 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to both elements. I3 I + IO3
1/3 1 +5 2

Iodine undergoes both oxidation and reduction. The reaction is a disproportionation, and I3 is a reactant in both half-reactions. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Reduction: I3 I Oxidation: I3 IO3 Step 3 Balance the two half-reactions for acidic conditions. Reduction: I3 I

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Step 4 Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

I3 3I I3 + 2e 3I (balanced) Oxidation: I3 IO3 I3 3IO3 I3 + 9H2O 3IO3 I3 + 9H2O 3IO3 + 18H+ I3 + 9H2O 3IO3 + 18H+ + 16e (balanced) The LCM of 2 and 16 is 16. Multiply the reduction half-reaction by 8, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 8I3 + 16e 24I Add the half-reactions. 8I3 + 16e 24I I3 + 9H2O 3IO3 + 18H+ + 16e 8I3 + 16e + I3 + 9H2O 24I + 3IO3 + 18H+ + 16e Simplify by adding 8I3 and I3 on the left side, and by removing 16 electrons from both sides. 9I3 + 16e + 9H2O 24I + 3IO3 + 18H+ + 16e 9I3 + 9H2O 24I + 3IO3 + 18H+ Divide by 3. 3I3 + 3H2O 8I + IO3 + 6H+ From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, I3 is both reduced and oxidized, so it is both the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent.

Check Your Solution In each equation, the atoms are balanced and the charges are balanced.
28. Problem

Balance each of the following ionic equations for basic conditions. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent in each case. (a) CN + MnO4 CNO + MnO2 (b) H2O2 + ClO2 ClO2 + O2 (c) ClO + CrO2 CrO42 + Cl2 (d) Al + NO2 NH3 + AlO2 What Is Required? You need to write a balanced net ionic equation for the given reaction for basic conditions, and to identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent. What Is Given? You know the formulas of some reactants and products, and that the reaction takes place in basic solution. Plan Your Strategy Follow the steps for balancing a net ionic equation by the half-reaction method for basic conditions. Identify the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent from the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions.
(a) Step 1

Act on Your Strategy The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. CN + MnO4 CNO + MnO2 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. CN + MnO4 CNO + MnO2
+2 3 +7 2 +4 3 2 +4 2

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



The oxidation number of carbon increases, so cyanide ions, CN , are oxidized. The oxidation number of manganese decreases, so permanganate ions, MnO4, are reduced. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: CN CNO Reduction: MnO MnO2 4 Step 3 Balance the two half-reactions as if the conditions are acidic. Oxidation: CN CNO CN + H2O CNO CN + H2O CNO + 2H+ CN + H2O CNO + 2H+ + 2e (balanced) Reduction: MnO4 MnO2 MnO4 MnO2 + 2H2O MnO4 + 4H+ MnO2 + 2H2O MnO4 + 4H+ + 3e MnO2 + 2H2O (balanced) Step 4 Adjust for basic conditions. Oxidation: CN + H2O + 2OH CNO + 2H+ + 2e + 2OH CN + H2O + 2OH CNO + 2H2O + 2e CN + 2OH CNO + H2O + 2e Reduction: MnO4 + 4H+ + 3e + 4OH MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH MnO4 + 4H2O + 3e MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH MnO4 + 2H2O + 3e MnO2 + 4OH Step 5 The LCM of 2 and 3 is 6. Step 6 Multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 3, and multiply the reduction half-reaction by 2, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 3CN + 6OH 3CNO + 3H2O + 6e 2MnO4 + 4H2O + 6e 2MnO2 + 8OH Step 7 Add the half-reactions. 3CN + 6OH 3CNO + 3H2O + 6e 2MnO4 + 4H2O + 6e 2MnO2 + 8OH 3CN + 6OH + 2MnO4 + 4H2O + 6e 3CNO + 3H2O + 6e + 2MnO2 + 8OH Step 8 Simplify by removing 6 electrons from both sides. 3CN + 6OH + 2MnO4 + 4H2O 3CNO + 3H2O + 2MnO2 + 8OH Step 9 Simplify by removing 3 water molecules and 6 hydroxide ions from both sides. 3CN + 2MnO4 + H2O 3CNO + 2MnO2 + 2OH (balanced) (Note: An alternative method is to use the LCM to combine the two half-reactions from step 3 to give a balanced net ionic equation for acidic conditions. The balanced net ionic equation is then adjusted for basic conditions. If this method is used, the following equations are obtained. Both methods give the same nal result.) Balanced equation (acidic conditions): 3CN + 3H2O + 2MnO4 + 8H+ + 6e 3CNO + 6H+ + 6e + 2MnO2 + 4H2O Simplify: 3CN + 2MnO4 + 2H+ 3CNO + 2MnO2 + H2O Adjust for basic conditions: 3CN + 2MnO4 + 2H+ + 2OH 3CNO + 2MnO2 + H2O + 2OH 3CN + 2MnO4 + 2H2O 3CNO + 2MnO2 + H2O + 2OH 3CN + 2MnO4 + H2O 3CNO + 2MnO2 + 2OH (balanced)

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, MnO4 is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, CN is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.
(b) Step 1

The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. H2O2 + ClO2 ClO2 + O2 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. H2O2 + ClO2 ClO2 + O2
+1 1 +4 2 +3 2 0

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5 Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

The oxidation number of oxygen (from H2O2 ) increases, so H2O2 is oxidized. The oxidation number of chlorine decreases, so ClO2 is reduced. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: H2O2 O2 Reduction: ClO2 ClO2 Balance the two half-reactions as if the conditions are acidic. Oxidation: H2O2 O2 H2O2 O2 + 2H+ H2O2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e (balanced) Reduction: ClO2 ClO2 ClO2 + e ClO2 (balanced) Adjust for basic conditions. Oxidation: H2O2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e H2O2 + 2OH O2 + 2H+ + 2e + 2OH H2O2 + 2OH O2 + 2H2O + 2e Reduction: ClO2 + e ClO2 The LCM of 1 and 2 is 2. Multiply the reduction half-reaction by 2, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 2ClO2 + 2e 2ClO2 Add the half-reactions. H2O2 + 2OH O2 + 2H2O + 2e 2ClO2 + 2e 2ClO2 H2O2 + 2OH + 2ClO2 + 2e O2 + 2H2O + 2e + 2ClO2 Simplify by removing 2 electrons from both sides. H2O2 + 2OH + 2ClO2 O2 + 2H2O + 2ClO2 (balanced) From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, ClO2 is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, H2O2 is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.

(c) Step 1

The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. ClO + CrO2 CrO42 + Cl2 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. ClO + CrO2 CrO42 + Cl2 The oxidation number of chromium increases, so CrO2 is oxidized. The oxidation number of chlorine decreases, so ClO is reduced. Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: CrO2 CrO42 Reduction: ClO Cl2
+1 2 +3 2 +6 2 0

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Balance the two half-reactions as if the conditions are acidic. Oxidation: CrO2 CrO42 CrO2 + 2H2O CrO42 CrO2 + 2H2O CrO42 + 4H+ CrO2 + 2H2O CrO42 + 4H+ + 3e (balanced) Reduction: ClO Cl2 2ClO Cl2 2ClO Cl2 + 2H2O 2ClO + 4H+ Cl2 + 2H2O 2ClO + 4H+ + 2e Cl2 + 2H2O (balanced) Step 4 Adjust for basic conditions. Oxidation: CrO2 + 2H2O CrO42 + 4H+ + 3e CrO2 + 2H2O + 4OH CrO42 + 4H+ + 3e + 4OH CrO2 + 2H2O + 4OH CrO42 + 4H2O + 3e CrO2 + 4OH CrO42 + 2H2O + 3e Reduction: 2ClO + 4H+ + 2e Cl2 + 2H2O 2ClO + 4H+ + 2e + 4OH Cl2 + 2H2O + 4OH 2ClO + 4H2O + 2e Cl2 + 2H2O + 4OH 2ClO + 2H2O + 2e Cl2 + 4OH Step 5 The LCM of 3 and 2 is 6. Step 6 Multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 2, and multiply the reduction halfreaction by 3, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 2CrO2 + 8OH 2CrO42 + 4H2O + 6e 6ClO + 6H2O + 6e 3Cl2 + 12OH Step 7 Add the half-reactions. 2CrO2 + 8OH 2CrO42 + 4H2O + 6e 6ClO + 6H2O + 6e 3Cl2 + 12OH 2CrO2 + 8OH + 6ClO + 6H2O + 6e 2CrO42 + 4H2O + 6e + 3Cl2 + 12OH Step 8 Simplify by removing 6 electrons from both sides. 2CrO2 + 8OH + 6ClO + 6H2O 2CrO42 + 4H2O + 3Cl2 + 12OH Step 9 Simplify by removing 4 water molecules and 8 hydroxide ions from both sides. 2CrO2 + 6ClO + 2H2O 2CrO42 + 3Cl2 + 4OH (balanced) From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, ClO is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, CrO2 is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.
Step 3 (d) Step 1

The unbalanced net ionic equation is given. Al + NO2 NH3 + AlO2 Step 2 To write the half-reactions, assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. Al + NO2 NH3 + AlO2
0 +3 2 3 +1 +3 2

The oxidation number of aluminum increases, so Al is oxidized. The oxidation number of nitrogen decreases, so NO is reduced. 2 Write the two unbalanced half-reactions. Oxidation: Al AlO2 Reduction: NO2 NH3

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Balance the two half-reactions as if the conditions are acidic. Oxidation: Al AlO2 Al + 2H2O AlO2 Al + 2H2O AlO2 + 4H+ Al + 2H2O AlO2 + 4H+ + 3e (balanced) Reduction: NO2 NH3 NO2 NH3 + 2H2O NO2 + 7H+ NH3 + 2H2O NO2 + 7H+ + 6e NH3 + 2H2O (balanced) Step 4 Adjust for basic conditions. Oxidation: Al + 2H2O AlO2 + 4H+ + 3e Al + 2H2O + 4OH AlO2 + 4H+ + 3e + 4OH Al + 2H2O + 4OH AlO2 + 4H2O + 3e Al + 4OH AlO2 + 2H2O + 3e Reduction: NO2 + 7H+ + 6e NH3 + 2H2O NO2 + 7H+ + 6e + 7OH NH3 + 2H2O + 7OH NO2 + 7H2O + 6e NH3 + 2H2O + 7OH NO2 + 5H2O + 6e NH3 + 7OH Step 5 The LCM of 3 and 6 is 6. Step 6 Multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 2, so that equal numbers of electrons are lost and gained. 2Al + 8OH 2AlO2 + 4H2O + 6e Step 7 Add the half-reactions. 2Al + 8OH 2AlO2 + 4H2O + 6e NO2 + 5H2O + 6e NH3 + 7OH 2Al + 8OH + NO2 + 5H2O + 6e 2AlO2 + 4H2O + 6e + NH3 + 7OH Step 8 Simplify by removing 6 electrons from both sides. 2Al + 8OH + NO2 + 5H2O 2AlO2 + 4H2O + NH3 + 7OH Step 9 Simplify by removing 4 water molecules and 7 hydroxide ions from both sides. 2Al + OH + NO2 + H2O 2AlO2 + NH3 (balanced) From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, NO2 is reduced, so this is the oxidizing agent. From the oxidation numbers or the half-reactions, Al is oxidized, so this is the reducing agent.
Step 3

Check Your Solution In each equation, the atoms are balanced and the charges are balanced.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook pages 497
29. Problem

Use the oxidation number method to balance the following equation for the combustion of carbon disulde. CS2 + O2 CO2 + SO2 Solution Step 1 The unbalanced equation is given. CS2 + O2 CO2 + SO2 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. CS2 + O2 CO2 + SO2
+4 2 0 +4 2 +4 2

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Step 7

Sulfur undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Oxygen undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of sulfur increases from 2 to +4, an increase of 6. The oxidation number of oxygen decreases from 0 to 2, a decrease of 2. A 3:1 ratio of oxygen atoms to sulfur atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Use the 3:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of oxygen and sulfur. Make sure that there are three oxygen atoms for every sulfur atom. The unbalanced equation includes 2 sulfur atoms on the left side, so 6 oxygen atoms are needed on the left side. CS2 + 3O2 CO2 + SO2 Balance the sulfur atoms by inspection. CS2 + 3O2 CO2 + 2SO2 (balanced)

30. Problem

Use the oxidation number method to balance the following equations. (a) B2O3 + Mg MgO + Mg3B2 (b) H2S + H2O2 S8 + H2O Solution
(a) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. B2O3 + Mg MgO + Mg3B2 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. B2O3 + Mg MgO + Mg3B2
+3 2 0 +2 2 +2 3

Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Magnesium undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Boron undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of magnesium increases from 0 to +2, an increase of 2. The oxidation number of boron decreases from +3 to 3, a decrease of 6. A 6:2 ratio of magnesium atoms to boron atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Therefore, the smallest whole-number ratio of magnesium atoms to boron atoms is 3:1. Use the 3:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of magnesium and boron in the reactants. Make sure that there are three magnesium atoms for every boron atom. The unbalanced equation includes 2 boron atoms on the left side, so 6 magnesium atoms are needed on the left side. B2O3 + 6Mg MgO + Mg3B2 Because magnesium is found in one reactant and both products, balance the oxygen atoms by inspection. B2O3 + 6Mg 3MgO + Mg3B2 (balanced)

(b) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. H2S + H2O2 S8 + H2O Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. H2S + H2O2 S8 + H2O
+1 2 +1 1 0 +1 2

Sulfur undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Oxygen undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. Step 4 The oxidation number of sulfur increases from 2 to 0, an increase of 2. The oxidation number of oxygen decreases from 1 to 2, a decrease of 1. Step 5 A 2:1 ratio of oxygen atoms to sulfur atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal.
Step 3
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Use the 2:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of oxygen and sulfur. Make sure that there are two oxygen atoms for every sulfur atom. The unbalanced equation includes 8 sulfur atoms on the right side, so 16 oxygen atoms are needed on the right side. H2S + H2O2 S8 + 16H2O Step 7 Because hydrogen is found in both reactants and one product, balance the sulfur atoms and the oxygen atoms by inspection. 8H2S + H2O2 S8 + 16H2O 8H2S + 8H2O2 S8 + 16H2O (balanced)
Step 6 31. Problem

Use the oxidation number method to balance each ionic equation in acidic solution. (a) Cr2O72 + Fe2+ Cr3+ + Fe3+ (b) I2 + NO3 IO3 + NO2 (c) PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + SO42 Solution
(a) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. Cr2O72 + Fe2+ Cr3+ + Fe3+ Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. Cr2O72 + Fe2+ Cr3+ + Fe3+
+6 2 +2 +3 +3

Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Iron undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Chromium undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of iron increases from +2 to +3, an increase of 1. The oxidation number of chromium decreases from +6 to +3, a decrease of 3. A 3:1 ratio of iron atoms to chromium atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Use the 3:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of iron and chromium. Make sure that there are three iron atoms for every chromium atom. The unbalanced equation includes 2 chromium atoms on the left side, so 6 iron atoms are needed on the left side. Cr2O72 + 6Fe2+ Cr3+ + Fe3+ Balance the chromium atoms by inspection. Cr2O72 + 6Fe2+ 2Cr3+ + Fe3+ Balance the iron atoms by inspection. Cr2O72 + 6Fe2+ 2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ Balance for acidic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. Cr2O72 + 6Fe2+ 2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. Cr2O72 + 6Fe2+ + 14H+ 2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O (balanced)

(b) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. I2 + NO3 IO3 + NO2 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. I2 + NO3 IO3 + NO2
0 +5 2 +5 2 +4 2

Iodine undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Nitrogen undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. Step 4 The oxidation number of iodine increases from 0 to +5, an increase of 5. The oxidation number of nitrogen decreases from +5 to +4, a decrease of 1.
Step 3
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



A 5:1 ratio of nitrogen atoms to iodine atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Step 6 Use the 5:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of nitrogen and iodine. Make sure that there are ve nitrogen atoms for every iodine atom. The unbalanced equation includes 2 iodine atoms on the left side, so 10 nitrogen atoms are needed on the left side. I2 + 10NO3 IO3 + NO2 Step 7 Balance the iodine atoms by inspection. I2 + 10NO3 2IO3 + NO2 Balance the nitrogen atoms by inspection. I2 + 10NO3 2IO3 + 10NO2 Step 8 Balance for acidic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. I2 + 10NO3 2IO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. I2 + 10NO3 + 8H+ 2IO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O (balanced)
Step 5 (c) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + SO42 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + SO42
+2 +6 2 0 +4 2 +6 2

Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Lead undergoes both an increase and a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of some lead atoms increases from +2 to +4, an increase of 2. The oxidation number of other lead atoms decreases from +2 to 0, a decrease of 2. A 1:1 ratio of lead atoms that undergo an increase in oxidation number to lead atoms that undergo a decrease in oxidation number ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. From the 1:1 ratio, the number of lead atoms in the products elemental lead and lead(IV) oxide must be equal. PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + SO42 Keeping the 1:1 ratio of lead atoms on the right side, balance the lead atoms by inspection. 2PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + SO42 Balance the sulfur atoms by inspection. 2PbSO4 Pb + PbO2 + 2SO42 Balance for acidic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. 2PbSO4 + 2H2O Pb + PbO2 + 2SO42 Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 2PbSO4 + 2H2O Pb + PbO2 + 2SO42 + 4H+ (balanced)

32. Problem (a) (b) (c)

Use the oxidation number method to balance each ionic equation in basic solution. Cl + CrO42 ClO + CrO2 Ni + MnO4 NiO + MnO2 I + Ce4+ IO3 + Ce3+

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



(a) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. Cl + CrO42 ClO + CrO2 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. Cl + CrO42 ClO + CrO2
1 +6 2 +1 2 +3 2

Step 3 Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Chlorine undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Chromium undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of chlorine increases from 1 to +1, an increase of 2. The oxidation number of chromium decreases from +6 to +3, a decrease of 3. A 3:2 ratio of chlorine atoms to chromium atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Use the 3:2 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of chlorine and chromium. Make sure that there are three chlorine atoms for every two chromium atoms. 3Cl + 2CrO42 ClO + CrO2 Balance the chlorine atoms by inspection. 3Cl + 2CrO42 3ClO + CrO2 Balance the chromium atoms by inspection. 3Cl + 2CrO42 3ClO + 2CrO2 Balance for basic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. 3Cl + 2CrO42 3ClO + 2CrO2 + H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 3Cl + 2CrO42 + 2H+ 3ClO + 2CrO2 + H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding two hydroxide ions to each side. 3Cl + 2CrO42 + 2H+ + 2OH 3ClO + 2CrO2 + H2O + 2OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. 3Cl + 2CrO42 + 2H2O 3ClO + 2CrO2 + H2O + 2OH Remove one water molecule from each side. 3Cl + 2CrO42 + H2O 3ClO + 2CrO2 + 2OH (balanced)

(b) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. Ni + MnO4 NiO + MnO2 Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. Ni + MnO4 NiO + MnO2
0 +7 2 +2 2 +4 2

Nickel undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Manganese undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. Step 4 The oxidation number of nickel increases from 0 to +2, an increase of 2. The oxidation number of manganese decreases from +7 to +4, a decrease of 3. Step 5 A 3:2 ratio of nickel atoms to manganese atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Step 6 Use the 3:2 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of nickel and manganese. Make sure that there are three nickel atoms for every two manganese atoms. 3Ni + 2MnO4 NiO + MnO2
Step 3
Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR



Balance the nickel atoms by inspection. 3Ni + 2MnO4 3NiO + MnO2 Balance the manganese atoms by inspection. 3Ni + 2MnO4 3NiO + 2MnO2 Step 8 Balance for basic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. 3Ni + 2MnO4 3NiO + 2MnO2 + H2O Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. 3Ni + 2MnO4 + 2H+ 3NiO + 2MnO2 + H2O Adjust for basic conditions by adding two hydroxide ions to each side. 3Ni + 2MnO4 + 2H+ + 2OH 3NiO + 2MnO2 + H2O + 2OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the left side into water molecules. 3Ni + 2MnO4 + 2H2O 3NiO + 2MnO2 + H2O + 2OH Remove one water molecule from each side. 3Ni + 2MnO4 + H2O 3NiO + 2MnO2 + 2OH (balanced)
Step 7 (c) Step 1

The unbalanced equation is given. I + Ce4+ IO3 + Ce3+ Step 2 Assign oxidation numbers to all the elements. I + Ce4+ IO3 + Ce3+
1 +4 s+52 +3

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Step 6

Step 7 Step 8

Iodine undergoes an increase in oxidation number. Cerium undergoes a decrease in oxidation number. The oxidation number of iodine increases from 1 to +5, an increase of 6. The oxidation number of cerium decreases from +4 to +3, a decrease of 1. A 6:1 ratio of cerium atoms to iodine atoms ensures that the total increase in oxidation numbers and the total decrease in oxidation numbers are equal. Use the 6:1 ratio to balance the numbers of atoms of cerium and iodine. Make sure that there are six cerium atoms for every iodine atom. I + 6Ce4+ IO3 + Ce3+ Balance the cerium atoms by inspection. I + 6Ce4+ IO3 + 6Ce3+ Balance for basic conditions. Add water molecules to balance the oxygen atoms. I + 6Ce4+ + 3H2O IO3 + 6Ce3+ Add hydrogen ions to balance the hydrogen atoms. I + 6Ce4+ + 3H2O IO3 + 6Ce3+ + 6H+ Adjust for basic conditions by adding six hydroxide ions to each side. I + 6Ce4+ + 3H2O + 6OH IO3 + 6Ce3+ + 6H+ + 6OH Combine the hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions on the right side into water molecules. I + 6Ce4+ + 3H2O + 6OH IO3 + 6Ce3+ + 6H2O Remove three water molecules from each side. I + 6Ce4+ + 6OH IO3 + 6Ce3+ + 3H2O (balanced)

Chapter 10 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions MHR


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