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Fraudulent Assignment Bill Koch

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The affidavit details the qualifications and background of Lynn E. Szymoniak who is serving as an expert witness. It establishes that Szymoniak has over 30 years of legal experience, primarily in cases involving insurance fraud and white-collar crimes. Szymoniak has also testified as an expert witness in several federal and state cases related to fraudulent documents and insurance practices.

The affidavit establishes Lynn E. Szymoniak as an expert witness by detailing her legal background and qualifications in cases related to insurance fraud and financial crimes.

Lynn E. Szymoniak graduated from Bryn Mawr College and Villanova Law School. She has been practicing law in Florida for over 30 years and her practice has primarily focused on representing major insurance companies in fraud cases. She also has training and experience as a Certified Fraud Examiner.

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AFFIDAVIT OF LYNN E. SZYMONIAK, ESQ., AS PLAINTIFFS EXPERT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH LYNN E. SZYMONIAK, Esq., having been duly sworn, and under penalty of perjury of laws of the United States, deposes and states that if sworn as a witness she can testify competently to the facts stated in this affidavit, based upon her personal knowledge: 1. I am an adult citizen of the United States, and have resided in Palm Beach County, Florida since 1979.

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2. I am an attorney and was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1980. My business address is: The Szymoniak Firm, P.A., The Metropolitan, PH205, 403 S. Sapodilla Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. Telephone: (561) 630-6928. I have practiced law in Palm Beach County for 31 years. I am a graduate of Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, and Villanova Law School in Villanova, Pennsylvania. 3. For the past twenty years, my practice has primarily been in cases involving white-collar crime allegations, particularly, in representing major insurance companies in claims that they have been defrauded by large policyholders. 4. In the last ten years, I have also served as an expert witness in civil and criminal cases. In criminal cases, I have served as an expert witness for the United States of America and the State of California. I have testified at trial in two federal court cases in Jacksonville, Florida, where the allegations involved false and fabricated documents including fabricated insurance policies and certificates of insurance. The two Jacksonville cases were United States v. Thomas King, Case No. 3:05-cr-52-J-99MMH, Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division and United States v. Donald Touchet, et al., Case No. 3:2007cr00090, Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division. My designation as an expert and the use of my testimony were affirmed in an 11th Circuit opinion, United States v. Robert D. Jennings, Case No. 08-13434 (11th Cir. Jan. 5, 2010). I also submitted an expert opinion for the government in a New York Northern District federal case that ended in a guilty plea: United States v. James Kernan, Case No.

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5:2008cr00061. I have also been designated an expert on insurance regulatory matters in Florida and testified at trial in April, 2010, in a federal criminal trial involving financial guaranty insurance, United States v. Michael Zapetis, et al., Case No. 8:2006cr00026, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division. This case also resulted in a guilty verdict. I have also worked as a consultant/expert for the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs and the South Carolina Department of Insurance. I also submitted an expert opinion in a California state case involving fraudulent insurance practices and documents that resulted in a guilty plea in March, 2010, the People of the State of California v. Mitchell Zogob, Orange County, California. I have testified as an expert in a foreclosure case in Harris County, Texas. I have also served as an expert and consultant for the South Carolina Department of Insurance and for the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs. 5. I have written several articles on mortgage foreclosures and residential mortgage-backed securitized trusts, including the following: An Officer of Too Many Banks, Fraud Digest, January 14, 2010; Too Many Jobs, Fraud Digest, January 19, 2010; Mortgage Assignments As Evidence of Fraud, Fraud Digest, February 9, 2010; Inroads on Foreclosure Fraud by Mortgage Servicers Fraud Digest, April 7, 2010; Mass-Produced Affidavits Filed by Foreclosure Firms, Fraud Digest, April 13, 2010; How Lender Processing Services, Inc. Solves Deutsche Banks Missing Paperwork Problem in Foreclosures, Fraud Digest, April 16, 2010 and The Real Employers of the Signers of Mortgage Assignments to Trusts, Fraud Digest, May 14, 2010. 6. I was formerly a Certified Fraud Examiner, and have had nine hours training by the National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners in

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identifying forged and fabricated documents, in a course taught by retired agents of the FBI. 7. I have examined a copy of the Corporate Assignment of Deed of Trust in the instant case, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 8. Regarding the Assignment marked Exhibit A, dated June 14, 2011, the Grantor/Assignor is identified as New Century Mortgage Corporation by Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. FKA Fairbanks Corp. Its Attorney In Fact. The Grantee/Assignee is U.S. Bank, N.A., as Trustee on behalf of the Holders of The Asset Backed Securities Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series NC 2005-HE8, Asset Backed PassThrough Certificates, Series NC 2005-HE8. This Assignment was signed by Bill Koch, who is identified as a Document Control Officer of Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., FKA Fairbanks Corporation. This Assignment was notarized in Salt Lake County, Utah. 9. I have examined over 5,000 other Mortgage Assignments and Assignments of Deeds of Trust, including at least 1,000 Assignments where the GRANTOR was identified as New Century Mortgage Corporation or Select Portfolio Servicing. Most of the Assignments I have examined involve Assignments made to residential mortgagebacked securitized (RMBS) trusts. 10. From my knowledge and experience, I know that Bill Koch signed Mortgage Assignments to many mortgage-backed trusts using many different job titles. Koch frequently did not disclose that he was employed by Select Portfolio Servicing on the Assignments. He also frequently claimed that his employer was attorney-in-fact for various

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mortgage companies without attaching or referencing any authority or filed document for this claim. 11. Other titles used by Bill Koch when signing Mortgage Assignments include: Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Credit Suisse Financial Corp.; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Mortgage One, Inc.; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for CMG Mortgage, Inc.; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Pinnacle Direct Funding Corp.; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Diversified Mortgage; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Act Lending Corporation d/b/a Act Mortgage Capital; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Cherry Creek Mortgage Company, Inc.; Asst. Secretary, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Credit Suisse Financial Corp.;

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Document Control Officer, Aames Funding Corp. DBA Aames Home Loan By Its Attorney-In-Fact Seclect Portfolio Servicing, Inc., f/k/a Fairbanks Capital Corp. Document Control Officer, Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. f/k/a Fairbanks Capital Corp. as Attorney-In-Fact for Master Financial, Inc.; and Document Control Officer, Equicredit Corporation of America By its Attorney-In-Fact Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. f/k/a Fairbanks Capital Corp. Copies of other Assignments signed by Bill Koch are attached hereto as Exhibit B. 12. This pattern of signing many different job titles is consistent with the practices of other employees of mortgage servicing companies. I have written two articles on this practice: (January 19, 2010, Fraud Digest). Schack in Kings County, New York. 13. I am familiar with the mortgage securitization process and I have written several articles regarding mortgage securitization. The trust referenced on the Assignment in this case had a closing date, the final date when properties could have been added to the trust under the An Officer of Too Many Banks (January 14, 2010, Fraud Digest) and Too Many Jobs This practice has also been questioned by various courts, particularly by the Honorable Arthur

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terms of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement that governed the trust, on October 28, 2005. 14. In the rush to securitize residential mortgages, many securities companies did not secure the essential paperwork. In particular, many trusts have missing Mortgage Assignments. This is true even though the trust documents set forth plainly that such Assignments shall have been delivered to the Trustee or Custodian of the Trust by the Trust Depositor. In the present case, the Depositor, Asset Backed Securities Corporation, should have delivered a signed and dated Assignment to the Trustee an original Assignment of the mortgage in blank and the original recorded Assignment or Assignments of the Mortgage showing a complete chain of Assignment from the originator to the Person assigning the Mortgage to the Trustee or in blank. (Pooling and Servicing Agreement, Article II, Conveyance of Mortgage Loans, Section 2.01 (a) (iii) and (iv), Asset Backed Securities Corporation Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-HE8.) 15. According to the essential trust document cited above, assuming no other intervening owners, at a minimum, by the trust closing date, October 28, 2005, the Trustee or Custodian should have received an assignment from New Century Mortgage Corporation, the originator, to Asset Backed Securities Corporation, the depositor, to the trust. 16. In addition to the dating issue, the Assignment in this case is deficient because it purports to be an Assignment from the Originator to the Trust when there was an intervening owner, the Depositor, Asset Backed Securities Corporation. 17. The failure of certain mortgage-backed securitized trusts to 7

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produce Assignments has been noted by several Courts, including Massachusetts Land Court Judge Keith Long, reaffirming a 2009 ruling (Ibanez) that invalidated foreclosures on two properties because the lenders did not hold clear title to the properties at the time of the foreclosure sale. Mortgage assignments were a key issue in Ibanez, a case that involved ineffective assignments to the Trust. noted: ...the plaintiffs' own securitization documents required mortgage assignments to be made to the plaintiffs in recordable form for each and every loan at the time the plaintiffs acquired them. Surely, compliance with this requirement would (and certainly should) have been a priority for an entity issuing securities dependent on recoveries from loans, such as these, known from the start to have a higher than normal risk of delinquency and default (KCL). See, U.S. BANK, N.A. v. Antonio Ibanez, et al., Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Land Court Dept., 08 MISC 384283 (KCL). Judge Long

18. The Ibanez decision was affirmed by the Massachusetts Supreme decision, We agree with the judge that the plaintiffs, who were not the original mortgagees, failed to make the required showing that they were the holders of the mortgages at the time of foreclosure. As a result, they did not demonstrate that the foreclosure sales were valid to convey title to the subject properties, and their requests for a declaration of clear title were properly deniedIn Massachusetts, where a note has been assigned but there is no written assignment of the mortgage underlying the note, the assignment of the note does not carry with it the assignment of the mortgage. decision, one of the first to address foreclosures, This recent mortgage

assignments and securitizations, makes it clear that a foreclosing party 8

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who is not the original lender must have a valid Mortgage Assignment.

19. New Century Mortgage Corporation filed for bankruptcy in 2007. (USBC, District of Delaware, Case No. 07-10416). Because the power of attorney was not produced in this case, it is not possible to know whether the Bankruptcy Court authorized Select Portfolio Servicing to to act as attorney in fact for new Century Mortgage Corporation to convey assets that may have been part of the bankruptcy estate. 20. In my opinion, the present case is another example of a trust failing to produce the Assignment that should have been obtained in 2006. The Assignment Date on the Exhibit A Assignment is almost certainly false because it is very unlikely that a Trust created (and closed) in 2005 acquired a non-performing loan on June 14, 2011. From my knowledge and experience with mortgage-backed securitized trusts, such acquisition of non-performing loans is prohibited, particularly after the closing date of the Trust, because the Trust would be in violation of the REMIC provisions and be exposed to significant negative tax consequences. 21. In thousands of Assignments I have examined, new replacement Assignments have been prepared and presented to Courts without any disclosure to the Court or to the Homeowner/Defendants that the original Assignments were lost. Assignments from New Century Mortgage Corporation and the Asset Backed Securities Corporation Trusts are among the Trusts that are frequently unable to produce the original Assignments and regularly attempt to substitute Assignments prepared by mortgage servicing companies specially to use in foreclosure litigation. 9

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22. Many courts have now recognized that documents produced by mortgage servicing companies are unreliable when such documents are signed en masse by robo-signers, clerical employees who sign without any actual knowledge, expertise, training and often without having even reading the documents they sign. These mass-produced documents have caused courts in Florida, Maryland, New Jersey and New York to implement rules to safeguard the Courts and litigants from unreliable documents submitted in foreclosures. On January 19, 2011, Sheila Bair, then head of the FDIC, called for the establishment of a foreclosure claims commission to provide remedies for borrowers harmed by past practices. On May 12, 2011, Bair testified before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee that Flawed mortgage banking processes have potentially infected millions of foreclosures, and the damages to be assessed against these operations could be significant and take years to materialize. 23. There were also widespread abuses of mortgage documents involving abuse of authority to sign on behalf of mortgage companies resulted in the entry of Consent Orders by the FDIC and 14 major banks and servicers on April 13, 2011, aimed at rectifying such abuses. A copy of such a Consent Order is attached hereto as Exhibit C. These Consent Orders focus on the abuse of authority by mortgage servicing company employees when executing mortgage documents. It is my opinion that the Assignment in this case is an example of such abuse. 24. There is also a problem with this Assignment in that the date of the recording of the Deed of Trust is wrongly stated to be BOTH


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document dated June t4,2011-

25. For all of the reasons set fofth above, it is my opinion that the Corporate Assignment
Exhibit A, is fraudulent.

of Deed of Trust in this case, attached as



Before me, the undersigned authority, on this 29th day of July, 201t, personally appeared Lynn E. Szymoniak, who produced a Florida

Driver's License as identification, whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and swore to me that the information herein is true and that she executed the document for the purposes contained



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OCC No. AA-EC-11-20 Board of Governors Docket Nos. 11-051-B-SC-1, 11-051-B-SC-2 FDIC-11-194b OTS No. 11-040 FHFA No. EAP-11-01

CONSENT ORDER The Comptroller of the Currency of the United States of America (Comptroller), through his national bank examiners and other staff of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. (Board of Governors), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) (collectively the Agencies), as part of an interagency horizontal review of major residential mortgage
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servicers and mortgage service providers, have conducted an examination of MERSCORP, Inc. (MERSCORP), and of its wholly-owned subsidiary corporation, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., (MERS), both of which provide various services to financial institutions related to tracking and registering residential mortgage ownership and servicing, acting as mortgagee of record in the capacity of nominee for lenders, and initiating foreclosure actions. The Agencies have identified certain deficiencies and unsafe or unsound practices by MERS and MERSCORP that present financial, operational, compliance, legal and reputational risks to MERSCORP and MERS, and to the participating Members. Members are institutions that use MERSCORPs and MERS services and have agreed to abide by MERSCORPs Rules of Membership (the Rules). The Members include depository institutions regularly examined by, or subsidiaries or affiliates of depository institutions subject to examination by the OCC, the Board of Governors, the FDIC, the OTS, and other appropriate Federal banking agencies, as defined by subsection 1(b)(1) of the Bank Service Company Act, 12 U.S.C. 1861(b)(1), and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are subject to examination by the FHFA, (collectively Examined Members). The Agencies have informed MERS and MERSCORP of the findings resulting from the examination. MERS and MERSCORP have begun implementing procedures to remediate the practices addressed in this Order. MERS and MERSCORP, by and through their duly elected and acting Boards of Directors (collectively the Boards), have executed a Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance of a Consent Order, dated April 13, 2011 (Stipulation and Consent), that is accepted by the Agencies. By this Stipulation and Consent, which is incorporated by reference, MERS and MERSCORP have consented to the issuance of this Consent Cease and Desist Order (Order), pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1818(b), 1867(c)-(d), and 4631, by the Agencies, consistent with the

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Stipulation and Consent. MERS and MERSCORP have committed to take all necessary and appropriate steps to remedy the deficiencies and unsafe or unsound practices identified by the Agencies.

ARTICLE I JURISDICTION For purposes of this Consent Order: (1) MERS and MERSCORP are providers of services to Examined Members within

the meaning of 12 U.S.C. 1867(c). (2) MERS and MERSCORP are each an institution-affiliated party within the

meaning of 12 U.S.C. 1813(u) by virtue of MERS acting as agent for lenders (who include Examined Members) with respect to serving as mortgagee in a nominee capacity for the lender, and are each an entity-affiliated party within the meaning of 12 U.S.C. 4502(11) by virtue of MERS acting as agent for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with respect to serving as mortgagee in a nominee capacity for the owner of residential mortgage loans. (3) The OCC, the Board of Governors, the OTS, and the FDIC examined the services

provided by MERS and MERSCORP to Examined Members pursuant to the provisions of 12 U.S.C. 1867(c), on behalf of themselves and other appropriate Federal banking agencies as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1861(b)(1). (4) The Agencies have authority to enter into this Consent Order pursuant to 12

U.S.C. 1818(b), 1867(c)-(d), and 4631.

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AGENCIES FINDINGS The Agencies find, and MERS and MERSCORP neither admit nor deny, the following: (1) MERS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MERSCORP. MERSCORPs

shareholders include federally regulated financial institutions that own and/or service residential mortgages, including Examined Members, and other primary and secondary mortgage industry participants. (2) MERSCORP operates a national electronic registry that tracks beneficial

ownership interests and servicing rights associated with residential mortgage loans and any changes in those interests or rights. There are approximately 5,000 participating Members, of which 3,000 are residential mortgage servicers. Members register loans and report transfers, foreclosures, and other changes to the status of residential mortgage loans on the MERS System. There are currently approximately 31 million active residential mortgage loans registered on the MERS System. Examined Members receive a substantial portion of the services provided by MERSCORP and MERS. (3) MERS serves as mortgagee of record and nominee for the participating Members

in local land records. MERS takes action as mortgagee through documents executed by certifying officers of MERS. MERS has designated these individuals, who are officers or employees of Members or certain third-parties who have contractual relationships with Members, as officers of MERS. By virtue of these designations, the certifying officers execute legal documents in the name of MERS, such as mortgage assignments and lien releases.

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In connection with services provided to Examined Members related to tracking,

and registering residential mortgage loans and initiating foreclosures (residential mortgage and foreclosure-related services), MERS and MERSCORP: (a) have failed to exercise appropriate oversight, management supervision and

corporate governance, and have failed to devote adequate financial, staffing, training, and legal resources to ensure proper administration and delivery of services to Examined Members; and (b) have failed to establish and maintain adequate internal controls, policies,

and procedures, compliance risk management, and internal audit and reporting requirements with respect to the administration and delivery of services to Examined Members. (5) By reason of the conduct set forth above, MERS and MERSCORP engaged in

unsafe or unsound practices that expose them and Examined Members to unacceptable operational, compliance, legal, and reputational risks. Pursuant to the authority vested in them by the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1818(b), the Bank Service Company Act, 12 U.S.C. 1867(c)-(d), and the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act, 12 U.S.C. 4631, the Agencies hereby ORDER that:

ARTICLE III COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE (1) Within twenty (20) days of this Order, the Boards of Directors of MERSCORP

and MERS (the Boards) shall each establish and thereafter maintain a Compliance Committee of at least three (3) directors, of which at least two (2) may not be employees or officers of MERS or MERSCORP or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. In the event of a change of the

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membership, the name of any new committee member shall be submitted to the OCC Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision (Deputy Comptroller). The Compliance Committee shall be responsible for monitoring and coordinating MERS and MERSCORPs compliance with the terms and provisions of this Order. The Compliance Committee shall meet at least monthly and maintain minutes of its meetings. (2) Within ninety (90) days of this Order, and within thirty (30) days of the end of

each calendar quarter thereafter, the Compliance Committee shall submit a written progress report to the Boards setting forth in detail its actions taken to comply with each Article of this Consent Order, and the results and status of those actions. (3) The Boards shall forward a copy of the Compliance Committees report, with any

additional comments by the Boards, to the Deputy Comptroller and the OCC Examiner-inCharge within ten (10) days of receiving such report.

ARTICLE IV ACTION PLAN (1) Within ninety (90) days of this Order, MERS and MERSCORP shall jointly

develop and submit to the Deputy Comptroller an acceptable plan containing a complete description of the actions that are necessary and appropriate to achieve compliance with the terms and provisions of this Order (Action Plan), as well as the resources to be devoted to the planned actions, with respect to services provided to Examined Members. In the event the Deputy Comptroller requests MERS or MERSCORP to revise the Action Plan, they shall immediately make the requested revisions and resubmit the Action Plan to the Deputy Comptroller. Following acceptance of the Action Plan by the Deputy Comptroller, MERS and

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MERSCORP shall not take any action that would constitute a significant deviation from, or material change to the requirements of the Action Plan, or this Order, unless and until MERS or MERSCORP have received a prior written determination of no supervisory objection from the Deputy Comptroller. (2) The Boards shall ensure that MERS and MERSCORP achieve and thereafter

maintain compliance with this Order, including, without limitation, successful implementation of the Action Plan. The Boards shall further ensure that, upon implementation of the Action Plan, MERS and MERSCORP achieve and maintain effective residential mortgage and foreclosurerelated services on behalf of Examined Members, as well as associated risk management, compliance, quality control, audit, training, staffing, and related functions. In order to comply with these requirements, the Boards shall: (a) require the timely reporting by MERS and MERSCORP management of

such actions taken to comply with this Order and/or directed by either Board to be taken pursuant to this Order; (b) follow-up on any compliance issues with such actions in a timely and

appropriate manner; and (c) require corrective action be taken in a timely manner for any non-

compliance with such actions. (3) The Action Plan shall address, at a minimum: (a) the capability of the Boards and senior management to ensure that MERS

and MERSCORP are operated in a safe and sound manner in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and requirements of this Order;

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development and implementation of a strategic plan to include a

comprehensive review of business operations, including the risks associated with each business line, and recommendations to implement the strategic plan; (c) consistent with the strategic plan, development and implementation of a

financial plan to ensure that MERSCORP and MERS have adequate financial strength to support business operations related to Examined Members. The financial plan, at a minimum, shall address: (i) capital; (ii) and liquidity risk; and (iii) a profit and budget plan to include specific goals to reduce the identification, measurement, monitoring and control of funding any need for additional capital, including the amount and source of

discretionary expenses and improve and sustain earnings, as well as maintain adequate reserves for contingency risks and liabilities; (d) development and implementation of a comprehensive litigation strategy to

effectively manage lawsuits and legal challenges involving MERS and MERSCORP, regardless of whether MERSCORP or MERS is a named party, including early identification and tracking of such lawsuits and challenges; (e) development and implementation of a communication plan to

communicate effectively and in a timely manner with MERSCORPs shareholders, Members including Examined Members, and relevant external parties; (f) development and implementation of a compliance and quality assurance

program for ensuring that Examined Members implement and follow all of the Rules, including

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adherence to the requirements set forth in MERS Announcement 2011-01, dated February 16, 2011; (g) development and implementation of a plan to ensure that MERS certifying

officers are transitioned expeditiously onto the Corporate Resolution Management System (CRMS) in accordance with MERS current certifying officer policy and process; (h) development and implementation of appropriate standards to maintain

separation of corporate functions between MERS and MERSCORP; (i) review of the effectiveness of the Rules, and related Procedures, Terms

and Conditions to determine what, if any, additions, amendments, or deletions are appropriate; (j) development and implementation of enhanced information reporting

practices to senior management from lower levels of each organization, and from senior management to the Boards to ensure that significant issues are properly identified and escalated, and that corporate actions are considered, taken in a timely fashion, ands properly documented; (k) any Matter Requiring Attention in the OCC Supervisory Letter No. MERS

2011-01, dated January 19, 2011, that addresses an issue that is not otherwise covered by provisions of this Order; and (l) development of contingency plans to address issues that arise with respect

to any of the foregoing elements of the Action Plan, including plans that address operational continuity issues in the normal course of business and in a stressed environment. (4) The Action Plan shall specify timelines for completion of each of the

requirements of this Order. The timelines in the Action Plan shall be consistent with any deadlines set forth in this Order.

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BOARD AND MANAGEMENT SUPERVISION (1) Within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Order, MERSCORP and

MERS shall engage an independent third party, acceptable to the Deputy Comptroller, with the appropriate expertise and qualifications to analyze and assess the directors, officers, management and staffing needs with respect to any and all services provided by MERSCORP and MERS to Examined Members, in order to operate MERS and MERSCORP in a safe and sound manner and achieve compliance with this Order. The engagement shall provide that the required analysis and assessment be completed and summarized in a written report to the Boards (Management Report) within sixty (60) days of the third partys engagement, with a copy simultaneously delivered to the Deputy Comptroller. At a minimum, the Management Report shall: (a) identify the type and number of positions needed appropriately to manage

and supervise all services provided to Examined Members, including, but not limited to: (i) the orderly and expeditious transitioning of Examined Members onto the CRMS; (ii) the enhanced communication and coordination with Examined Members required by the Communications Plan; and (iii) registration or tracking systems, assignment and/or foreclosure services, detailing any vacancies and additional staffing needs with appropriate consideration to the scope and complexity of the services provided, for the number of Examined Members and MERS certifying officers who will need to complete the certification process, and for the size of the portfolios for which these services are provided; (b) identify the type and number of officer and staff positions needed to

ensure compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and material

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contractual requirements, as well as to implement any newly established or revised plans, policies, procedures, processes and systems required by this Order, detailing any vacancies, additional needs and/or unit re-alignments required with appropriate consideration to the scope and complexity of the services provided as well as the size of the portfolios for which these services are provided; (c) identify and address the appropriateness of the duties, responsibilities,

authority and accountability of each professional position, giving due consideration to the relevant knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of the incumbent (if any); (d) present a clear and concise description of the relevant knowledge, skills,

abilities, and experience necessary for each officer position, including delegations of authority and performance objectives, including whether the incumbent (if any) has the requisite knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience for such position; (e) recommend a plan to recruit and retain directors, officers, management

and staff consistent with the independent third partys analysis and assessment; (f) recommend any reorganization or realignment of directors, officers,

management and staff consistent with the independent third partys analysis and assessment; (g) recommend any additional training and development needs as well as a

plan to provide such training and development to appropriate directors, officers, management and staff; and (h) recommend procedures to periodically review and update the Management

Plan required by subparagraph (3) below and assess the performance of all directors, officers, management and staff.

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MERSCORP and MERS shall provide a copy of the proposed engagement letter

or contract with the third party to the Deputy Comptroller for review and non-objection prior to entering into the engagement. (3) Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Management Report, MERSCORP and

MERS shall jointly develop a written plan of action (the Management Plan) in response to each recommendation contained in the Management Report and a time frame for completing each action. The Management Plan and any subsequent modification(s) thereto shall be submitted to the Deputy Comptroller for review and non-objection. (4) The Boards shall immediately establish a schedule of regular Board meetings to

be held at least once every calendar quarter.

ARTICLE VI COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO LEGAL PROCEEDINGS (1) Within sixty (60) days of this Order, MERS and MERSCORP shall jointly

develop and submit to the Deputy Comptroller a plan for communicating with Members concerning significant legal proceedings or issues. The plan shall include: (a) a process for notifying and informing Examined Members concerning significant legal proceedings and legal issues that relate to the functioning of MERS, MERSCORP, or the Examined Members interests with respect to MERS or MERSCORP, including, but not limited to significant favorable or adverse decisions, within a short time period after the issue arises or a decision is issued;

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(b) a process that provides sufficient incentives for Members to inform MERSCORP and MERS of the filing of all lawsuits brought in MERS name or to which MERS is a named party, and periodically update MERS concerning the status of such lawsuit; (c) a process to track all legal proceedings brought in MERS name, in which MERS is a named party, or which involve legal issues that affect the interests of MERS, MERSCORP, or Examined Members with respect to MERSCORP and MERS; (d) a process to ensure an appropriate response by MERS to legal proceedings brought in MERS name, in which MERS is a named party, or which involve legal issues that affect the interests of MERS, MERSCORP, or Examined Members with respect to MERSCORP and MERS; (e) proposed revisions as necessary to the MERSCORP Rules to implement these processes. (2) Within thirty (30) days of this Order, MERSCORP and MERS shall establish

Legal Risk Subcommittees of the Boards, which shall make regular reports to the Boards on outstanding legal issues and pending litigation that affect the interests of MERS, MERSCORP, and Examined Members with respect to MERSCORP and MERS, and provides analysis and recommendations concerning litigation contingency reserves.

ARTICLE VII CERTIFYING OFFICERS (1) Within sixty (60) days of this Order, MERS shall prepare and submit a plan to the

Deputy Comptroller to strengthen its governance processes applicable to MERS certifying officers with respect to Examined Members. The plan shall include, but not be limited to:

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(a) policies and processes to designate or certify individuals as authorized MERS certifying officers, and that only such individuals act in such capacity; (b) policies, processes and resources to track the identity and activities of MERS certifying officers and to ensure their compliance with the Rules and related requirements, including the requirements of the CRMS; (c) policies, processes and resources to register third-party MERS certifying officers who are acting for Examined Members; (d) policies, processes and resources to ensure the adequacy and appropriateness of training for certifying officers; (e) policies, processes, and resources to ensure that Examined Members comply with MERS Membership Rule 8 and MERS Announcement 2011-01; and (f) policies, processes, and resources to ensure that Examined Members and third parties can quickly and accurately determine if specific individuals are designated to act as authorized MERS certifying officers.

ARTICLE VIII QUALITY ASSURANCE AND DATA INTEGRITY (1) Within sixty (60) days of this Order, MERS and MERSCORP shall jointly

prepare and submit a plan to the Deputy Comptroller to strengthen its policies, processes, resources and controls for data standards and quality assurance of information submitted to and contained in MERSCORP data systems. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: (a) an assessment and determination of which data elements are necessary to MERS and MERSCORP operations and should be mandatory reporting requirements

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(mandatory reporting fields) for Examined Members. The plan shall include elimination of collection of existing data elements currently reported by Members that are not reasonably related to MERS or MERSCORP operations; (b) policies, processes and resources to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data reported to MERSCORP, including but not limited to system-to-system reconciliations of all MERS mandatory reporting fields, frequent capture of all reject/warning reports associated with registrations, transfers, and status updates on open-item aging reports, and an accurate determination of foreclosures pending in MERS name; (c) adoption or revision of an adequate written quality assurance procedures manual and processes to ensure appropriate implementation of the quality assurance program described in the quality assurance procedures manual; (d) policies, processes and resources to ensure that Examined Members comply with MERSCORP approved quality assurance plans submitted to MERSCORP by Examined Members and provide to MERSCORP an annual independent report demonstrating their adherence to their MERSCORP approved quality assurance program, including submission of all mandatory MERS data reporting fields, and processes for system-to-system reconciliation and reject/warning error correction.

ARTICLE IX eREGISTRY (1) Within ninety (90) days from the effective date of this Order, the MERSCORP

Board shall obtain an independent, external review of and recommendations regarding the eRegistry system of recording electronic notes. The review and recommendations shall consider

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whether appropriate policies, procedures, and operating controls are in place to ensure effective operation of eRegistry. Within sixty (60) days of completion of the review and recommendations required by this Article, MERSCORP shall submit to the Deputy Comptroller for review and supervisory non-objection a plan describing actions necessary to implement any changes to applicable policies, procedures and controls as a result of the findings of the audit. In the event the Deputy Comptroller asks MERSCORP to revise the plan required by this Article, MERSCORP shall immediately make the requested revisions and resubmit the plan.

ARTICLE X COMMUNICATIONS PLAN (1) Within sixty (60) days from the effective date of this Order, MERSCORP shall

develop, adopt and implement a plan designed to enhance communications and coordination with its Examined Members with respect to their duties and responsibilities as set forth in the Rules and related Procedures, Terms and Conditions (Communications Plan). The Communication Plan shall, at a minimum, be designed to ensure that all Examined Members and appropriate personnel within an Examined Member are aware of, and can comply with current Rules and related Procedures, Terms and Conditions and any new or revised Rules or related Procedures, Terms and Conditions on an ongoing basis and to ensure that Examined Members and appropriate personnel within or retained by an Examined Member are aware of, and are able to comply with, the requirement to advise MERSCORP of the initiation of litigation naming or otherwise involving MERS, MERSCORP and/or one of their subsidiaries and coordinate the defense or prosecution of such litigation with MERSCORP.

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APPROVAL, IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTS (1) MERS and MERSCORP shall submit the written assessments, reports and plans

required by this Order for review and written determination of no supervisory objection to the Deputy Comptroller and within the applicable time periods set forth in the Order. MERS and MERSCORP shall adopt the plans required by this Order upon receipt of a determination of no supervisory objection from the OCC, and shall immediately make any revisions requested by the Deputy Comptroller. Upon adoption, MERS and MERSCORP shall immediately implement the plans required by this Order and thereafter fully comply with them. (2) During the term of this Order, the required plans, programs, policies and

procedures shall not be amended or rescinded in any material respect without the prior written approval of the Deputy Comptroller. (3) During the term of this Order, MERS and MERSCORP shall revise the required

plans, programs, policies and procedures as necessary to incorporate new or changes to applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, court orders, and contractual or other requirements. (4) The Boards shall ensure that MERS and MERCORP have processes, personnel,

resources, and control systems to ensure implementation of and adherence to the plans, programs, policies and procedures required by this Order. (5) Within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter following the date of

this Order, MERS and MERSCORP shall submit to the Deputy Comptroller a written progress report detailing the form and manner of all actions taken to secure compliance with the provisions of this Order and the results thereof. The progress report shall include information

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sufficient to validate compliance with this Order, based on a testing program acceptable to the OCC that includes, if required by the OCC, validation by third-party independent consultants acceptable to the Deputy Comptroller. The Deputy Comptroller may, in writing, discontinue the requirement for progress reports or modify the reporting schedule. (6) All communication regarding this Order shall be sent to: (a) Joseph H. Evers Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 250 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20219

With copy to: (b) Stephen Jackson National Bank Examiner Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 250 E Street, SW Washington, DC 20219

ARTICLE XII COMPLIANCE AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME (1) If MERS or MERSCORP contend that compliance with any provision of this

Order would not be feasible or legally permissible, or requires an extension of any timeframe within this Order, the Boards shall submit a written request to the Deputy Comptroller asking for relief. Any written requests submitted pursuant to this Article shall include a statement setting forth in detail the special circumstances that prevent either MERS or MERSCORP from complying with a provision, that require the Deputy Comptroller to exempt either of them from a provision, or that require an extension of a timeframe within this Order.

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All such requests shall be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation,

and to the extent requested by the Deputy Comptroller, a sworn affidavit or affidavits setting forth any other facts upon which MERS or MERSCORP relies. The Deputy Comptrollers decision concerning a request is final and not subject to further review.

ARTICLE XIII OTHER PROVISIONS (1) Although this Order requires MERS and MERSCORP to submit certain actions,

reports and plans for the review or a written determination of no supervisory objection by the Deputy Comptroller, the Boards have the ultimate responsibility for proper and sound management of MERS and MERSCORP. (2) In each instance in this Order in which MERS or MERSCORP are required to

ensure adherence to, and undertake to perform certain obligations, it is intended to mean that the Boards shall: (a) authorize and adopt such actions on behalf of MERS and MERSCORP as may be necessary for them to perform their obligations and undertakings under the terms of this Order; (b) require the timely reporting of MERS and MERSCORP management of such actions directed by either Board to be taken under the terms of this Order; (c) follow-up on any material non-compliance with such actions in a timely and appropriate manner; and (d) require corrective action be taken in a timely manner of any material noncompliance with such actions.

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If, at any time, the Comptroller, the Board of Governors, the FDIC, the OTS, or

the FHFA deems it appropriate in fulfilling the responsibilities placed upon them by the several laws of the United States to undertake any action affecting MERS or MERSCORP, nothing in this Order shall in any way inhibit, estop, bar or otherwise prevent either any of them from so doing. (4) This Order is and shall become effective upon its execution by the Agencies

through their authorized representatives whose hands appear below. The Order shall remain effective and enforceable, except to the extent that, and until such time as, any provision of this Order shall be amended, suspended, waived, or terminated in writing by the Comptroller. (5) Any time limitations imposed by this Order shall begin to run from the effective

date of this Order, as shown below, unless the Order specifies otherwise (6) This Order is intended to be, and shall be construed to be, a final order issued

pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 1818(b), 1867(d), and 4631 and expressly does not form, and may not be construed to form, a contract binding the Comptroller, the Board of Governors, the FDIC, the OTS, or the FHFA or the United States. Without limiting the foregoing, nothing in this Order shall affect any action against MERS, MERSCORP or officers, directors, or employees by a financial regulatory agency, the United States Department of Justice or any other law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under applicable law. (7) The terms of this Order, including this paragraph, are not subject to amendment or

modification by any extraneous expression, prior agreements, or prior arrangements between the parties, whether oral or written. (8) Nothing in the Stipulation and Consent or this Order, express or implied, shall

give to any person or entity, other than the parties hereto, and their successors hereunder, any

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benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under the Stipulation and Consent or this Order. (9) The provisions of this Order shall be binding upon MERSCORP and MERS and

their successors and assigns. (10) MERS and MERSCORP consent to the issuance of this order before the filing of

any notices, or taking of any testimony or adjudication, and solely for the purpose of settling this matter without a formal proceeding being filed.

IT IS SO ORDERED, this 13th day of April, 2011.


By: /s/ Joseph H. Evers Joseph H. Evers Deputy Comptroller for Large Bank Supervision BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM

By: /s/ Jennifer J. Johnson Jennifer J. Johnson Secretary to the Board

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By: /s/ Thomas J. Dujenski Thomas J. Dujenski Regional Director Atlanta Regional Office


By: /s/ Thomas A. Barnes Thomas A. Barnes Deputy Director Examinations, Supervision and Consumer Protection


By: /s/ Christopher H. Dickerson Christopher H. Dickerson Acting Deputy Director for Enterprise Regulation

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