Care Plan
Care Plan
Care Plan
Nursing Diagnosis
(Dx, related to, & as evidenced by)
Expected Outcomes
(Short term (8-48 hr.) reasonable expectations stated in measurable, behavioral terms, i.e., action verbs)
Nursing Interventions/Rationale
List all interventions for each nsg. dx (include patient/family teaching)
Outcome Evaluation
(Patient outcome noted as met or unmet/responses described)
Impaired physical mobility r/t sever curvature of spine and recent laminectomy AEB right leg limp when walking, slow and cautious movement, and need for assistance when changing positions or ambulating.
Client will sit up in bed and hang legs off the side by herself by day two post surgery.
Increase independence in ADLS, encouraging self-efficacy and discouraging helplessness as client gets stronger. (Some clients may feel only like resting after surgery, however, encouragement from the nurse can persuade the client to get moving as soon as possible so that the client will gain mobility quickly and be able maintain ADLS once leaving the hospital) Screen for bed mobility at least two times a day. (This will ensure that the client is progressing in ability to move and provide sufficient time for intervention if mobility proves to be decreasing) Instruct client to log roll onto side and lower legs slowly off the bed while pushing up with elbow to sit at the side of the bed. Avoid twisting movements. (This will promote the clients ability to perform tasks independently and provide a basic guideline of movement to decrease the risk of injury)
Patient met this outcome by the end of my shift on day two post surgery. She was very eager to eat in a chair next to the bed on her own, which encourged her to get herself up and out of bed.
Other Nursing Diagnosis Risk for constipation related to narcotic use, decrease in activity post surgery, and lack of bowel movement within two days post surgery. Risk for infection related to large incision on back and constantly laying on area which may lead to moisture accumulation around site. Risk for falls related to age, narcotic use, recent surgery, six previous hip fractures, and limited mobility from spinal curvature. Client will ambulate for five minutes using walker at a moderate pace by day three post surgery.
Before activity, observe for and treat pain, while ensuring that client is not overly sedated. (Getting pain under cotrol will encourage the patient to move and start gaining mobility; pain can discourage the client from getting out of bed)
I expect this outcome to be met based on the fact that the client was able to walk to the bathroom with the assistance of the nurse by day 2 post surgery and walk with the assistance of her husband around the unit on that same day. The patient expresses
Acute pain related to osteoarthritis aggravated by movement AEB grimacing when after long periods of movement and patients statements of experience pain during long days of activity.
Perform passive range of motion (PROM) on all limbs on day one post surgery and active ROM on all limbs on days 2-4 post surgery. (Performing PROM exercises can keep the clients limbs mobile and ready for ambulating. It also provides the client a way of gaining motion while still in bed) Aid client in ambulating with nurse using gaitbelt for at least five minutes on days 2-3 post surgery. (This will allow the nurse to gauge the clients progress with ambulation and decrease the risk of falling and injurying themselves during ambulation) Client will agree to participate in physical therapy after leaving hospital before being discharged (day four post surgery). Provide referrals to several appropriate physical therapy clinics near the patients home. (The patient will be more likely to comply with treatment if the location is convenient and they do not have to search for what clinic they should go to) Offer to help patient schedule an appointment if she needs help. (This will take the stress of scheduling off of the patient and ensure the nurse that the client has made, at least, a tentative commitment to go to physical therapy) Discuss and help organize a means of transportation to and from physical therapist and support group for continuing her physical therapy while at home. (This will ensure that the patient can realistically incoorporate physical therapy into their daily life and have the emotional support to promote the healing process)
a strong desire to get up and moving as soon as possible. Working up to ambulating alone will give her time to become more comfortable with it again.
I expect this outcome to be met also because the patient has experienced the benefits of physical therapy after previous surgeries and injuries and she has a desire to gain back as much mobility as possible. She is hopeful that she will return to her state of mobility previous to her first laminectomy. As far as ensuring that this outcome is met, the best that the nurse can do is to offer the client referrals and discuss the benefits of physical therapy after surgery. Also, allow time for the patient to ask any question and arrange a meeting with the doctor is necessary. Still, the client seems very enthusiastic to meet this outcome.
References: Ackley, B. J., & Ladwig, G. B. (2006). Nursing diagnosis handbook: a guide to planning care. St. Louis: Mosby, Inc.