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A Project Report On Recruitment and Selection in GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals .......

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A Project Report on Recruitment and Selection in GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

Submitted by: Neelam.C.Bisare JankiDevi Bajaj Institute, SNDT MMS-2nd Semester.

Gratitude is not a thing of expression; it is more matter of feeling. To acknowledge, it would be a word too small for the help and guidance extended by all the people involved in my mentors. There is always a sense of gratitude which one express towards others for their help and supervision in achieving the goals. This formal piece of acknowledgement is an attempt to express the feeling of gratitude towards people who help me in successfully completing of my training. My success at GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical limited was because of the contribution and guide provided to me by the institute itself. My sincere acknowledgements are due to them. To begin with, I would first like to thank to Mr. Satish Desai (H.R. Manager) for giving their precious time and relevant information and experience, I required without which the project would have been incomplete.

Executive Summary
The objective of the study is to analyze the actual recruitment process GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical limited and to evaluate how far this process confirms to the purposes underlying the operational aspects of the industry. How far this process is accepted by it? The study on recruitment highlights the need of recruitment in GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Limited. Human Resource is a most valuable asset in the Organisation. Profitability of the Organization depends on its utilization is done properly Organization will make profit otherwise it will make loss. If a good dancer appointed as a Chief Executive Officer of a Company, he may not run the business. So right man should procured at right place in right time, otherwise their proper utilization may not be done. To procure right man at right place in right time, some information regarding job and job does is highly essential. This information is obtained through Job Analysis, Job Description, and Job specifications. GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Limited procures manpower in a very scientific manner. It gets information by use of these important documents like Job Analysis, Job descriptions and Job specifications. Without these recruitment may be unsuccessful.

Introduction of Organization Glaxo Smith Kline

GSK is one of the few pharmaceutical companies researching both medicines and vaccines for the World health Organizations three priority diseases Ill V/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and are very proud to have developed some of the leading global medicines in these fields.

Headquartered in the UK and with operations based in the US, GSK is one of the industry leaders, with an estimated seven per cent of the worlds pharmaceutical market.

But being a leader brings responsibility. This means that GSK care about the impact that its have on the people and places touched by our mission to improve health around the world.

It also means that GSK must help developing countries where debilitating disease affects millions of people and access to life-changing medicines and vaccines is a problem. To meet this challenge, we are committed to providing discount medicines where they are needed the most.

As a company with a firm foundation in science, GSK have a flair for research and a track record of turning that research into powerful, marketable drugs. Every hour GSK spend more than 300,000 (USS562, 000) to find new medicines.

GSK produces medicines that treat six major disease areas asthma, virus control, infections, mental health, diabetes and digestive conditions. In addition, GSK is a leader in the important area of vaccines and is developing new treatments for cancer.

GSK also market other products, many of which are among the market leaders:

y Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines including Gaviscon and Panadol y Dental products such as Aqua fresh and Macleans y Smoking control products Nicorette/Niquitin

Nutritional healthcare drinks such as Lucozadc, Ribena and Horlicks

GSKs mission is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer

GSK undertake our quest with the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs excited by the constant search for innovation we value performance achieved with integrity. We will attain success as a world class global leader with

each and every one of our people contributing with passion and unmatched senses of urgency

Business Drivers
GSK face a highly competitive marketplace, populated by other excellent companies, with their own gifted people, and their own determination to succeed. GSK will beat the competition by achieving excellence in five areas that are primary drivers for our business.

GSK vision for the future is powered by their business drivers. It finds purpose and direction with their strategic intent. It is guided by our corporate culture that places people and capabilities and the pivot that changes and transforms situations.

The vision for the future

GlaxoSmithKline vision is exciting and will give you the opportunity to make a difference in the health of billions of people. Our value systems and operating principles will provide the necessary guide on how we work at GSK. The key to our success will be powered by the desire and passion to pursue GSKs priorities, expressed by the business driver

Glaxo Smith Kline India Limited A Company Profile

Glaxo India Limited a British Multinational is the largest drug firm in India and a great Pharmaceutical giant. It is managed by an efficient board of directors, the Chairman, the Vice Presidents & the other representatives, leading Industrialists & Professionals of Glaxo Smith Kline India Ltd.

To ensure the optimum utilization of resources, the companys operations have been divided in to various divisions Pharmaceuticals, Family Products, Production and Business Development. These operating Divisions receive support from finance and secretarial, personnel, technical and the other corporate services.

The company has five manufacturing units. Three are in Maharashtra. The factory at Worli, Mumbai, manufactures vaccines and pharmaceutical formulations. The Thane unit is for basic drugs manufacture, and the manufacture of formulations and fine formulations is undertaken. In Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, special foods are manufactured and at Ankleshwar, Gujrat, basic drugs. The Head Office is at the Worli Establishment in Bombay and there are four branches and seventeen odd depots.

About the Glaxo Management

The company is managed by the Board of directors and the Corporate executive team. The Board is comprised of three executive and eight non-executive directors who are responsible for our corporate governance and ultimately accountable for their activities, strategy and performance. The Chief executive officer (CEO) is responsible for the management of the business and is assisted by the corporate executive team that manages their activities. Each member is responsible for a specific part of the business and reports to the CEO.

About Products
y Prescription medicines

Their pharmaceutical products include treatments for Asthma, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Depression, Migraine, Diabetes, Heart failure, Digestive conditions and Cancer.


They also market over 25 vaccines to protect against illnesses such as hepatitis A and B, Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Typhoid and Influenza. Over 1300 of their scientists are dedicated to developing new vaccines.

Consumer Healthcare

They bring dental health products, over-the-counter medicines and nutritional drinks to millions of people. Many of our brands, such as Panadol, Aquafresh and Lucozade are familiar around the world.

Glaxos Research and Development The company continues to lay emphasis on development of costeffective technologies for the manufacture of bulk drugs. Several improvements have been made in the production processes of bulk drugs manufactured at the Thane and Ankleshwar plants. Glaxos Corporate Quality Policy Quality is of paramount importance to the success of our business. y The policy of the Glaxo group of complaints is to ensure that

customers worldwide receive products and services which are safe, effective and of the highest quality. y Their concept of Quality requires the adoption of a wide view of

quality and must not be confined to compliance with specification. The principles of Quality Assurance must be applied to all activities and systems from pharmaceutical product design and development through production, distribution and marketing, with continual evaluation and improvement, so generating customer confidence that the highest standards of quality are consistently achieved.

They ensure that everyone, in all aspects of the business is committed

to achieving the corporate quality requirement. In an increasingly competitive environment our future depends on our reputation for quality and commitment to our customers. y This policy statement applies to all Glaxo group and associated

companies involved in the manufacture and / or distribution of primary and secondary products.


Being a premier pharmaceutical company in the country, GSKs core value is to be a good corporate citizen. It is committed to the communities in which it works. Support to the community through charitable initiatives is the way through which it invests in society. This is done by Being proactive in improving the environment Participating and contributing actively for Tribal Welfare Our initiatives are primarily focused towards women & children and are directed in the areas of Health and Education. We believe that these areas are related and of direct concern to GSK. If there is proper education, one will eventually learn to be hygienic, and if one is hygienic, will one remain healthy. The organization facilitates in educating masses on good practices of healthy living. At GlaxoSmithKline India, the activities towards community development are attached to the Corporate Communications Department. Since 1970, the Company has been implementing various social responsibility activities apart from statutory ones. The following Community Development activities are carried out through the companys social work unit situated at its Head Office in Mumbai.

Nature and Scope of the project

The human resources are the most important asset of an organisation. The success or failure of organisation is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive and creative contributions from people, organisations cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goal or perform the activities of the organisation, therefore, we need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, we have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organisation in mind. GlaxoSmithKline gave the opportunity to know the aspect of recruitment and selection. The scope of the project is short listing of candidate, scheduling interviews and confirming and other recruitment related procedures.

Objective of the project

The main objective of the project is to learn as much as about the recruitment. To understand what is recruitment and what are the methods of recruitment. To understand what are factors governing recruitment. To understand what are HR challenges in recruitment. To learn as much as during the winter project period at GSK and gain experience during this course of time.

HRP helps determine the number and type of people in an organisation needs. Job analysis and job design specify the task and duties of job and qualification expected from prospective jobholders. The next logical step is to hire the right number of people of the right type to fill the jobs. Hiring involves two broad groups of activities: y Recruitment y Selection Recruitment and selection needs can be explained in the diagram given below:

Fig-1.2 Recruitment and selection needs

Recruitment Meaning and Definition :Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition of recruitment is: It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is the pool of applicants from which new employees are selected

Purpose and Importance:Determine the present and future requirements in conjunction with personnel planning and job analysis activities.  Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization.  Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization.  Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.  Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.  Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.  Help increase success rate of selection process by reducing number of underqualified or over-qualified applications.  Reduce the probability that job applicants once selected would leave shortly  Meet legal and social obligations  Identify and prepare potential job applicants  Evaluate effectiveness of various recruitment techniques and sources for job applicants.

Factors Governing Recruitment:Given its key role and visibility, recruitment is naturally subject to influence of several factors. These include external as well as internal factors.

Fig-1.3 Factors governing Recruitment

Internal factors Affecting Recruitment

The internal factors or forces which affecting recruitment are:
1.Recruitment Policy
The recruitment policy of an organisation specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programme. It may involve organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programmes and procedures by filling up vacancies with best qualified people.

Factors affecting recruitment policy

y y y y y Organizational objectives Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors. Preferred sources of recruitment. Need of the organization. Recruitment costs and financial implications.

2. Human Resource Planning

Effective human resource planning helps in determining the gaps present in the existing manpower of the organization. It also helps in determining the number of employees to be recruited and what qualification they must possess.

3. Size of the Firm

The size of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the organization is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.

4. Cost
Recruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organizations try to employ that source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organization for each candidate.

5. Growth and Expansion

Organization will employ or think of employing more personnel if it is expanding its operations.


The external factors which affecting recruitment are:
The availability of manpower both within and outside the organization is an important determinant in the recruitment process. If the company has a demand for more professionals and there is limited supply in the market for the professionals demanded by the company, then the company will have to depend upon internal sources by providing them special training and development programs.

Employment conditions in the community where the organization is located will influence the recruiting efforts of the organization. If there is surplus of manpower at the time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or announcement in the meeting etc will attract more than enough applicants.

Image of the employer can work as a potential constraint for recruitment. An organization with positive image and goodwill as an employer finds it easier to attract and retain employees than an organization with negative image. Image of a company is based on what organization does and affected by industry. For example finance was taken up by fresher MBAs when many finance companies were coming up.

Various government regulations prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment have direct impact on recruitment practices. For example, Government of India has introduced legislation for reservation in employment for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped etc. Also, trade unions play important role in recruitment. This restricts management freedom to select those individuals who it believes would be the best performers. If the candidate cant meet criteria stipulated by the union but union regulations can restrict recruitment sources.

One of the factors that influence the availability of applicants is the growth of the economy (whether economy is growing or not and its rate). When the company is not creating new jobs, there is often oversupply of qualified labour which in turn leads to unemployment.

The recruitment policies of the competitors also effect the recruitment function of the organisations. To face the competition, many a times the organisations have to change their recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by the competitors.

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