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Skyworth Is Expanding: Receiver Manufacturer SKYWORTH, China

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COMPANY REPORT Receiver Manufacturer SKYWORTH, China

■ SKYWORTH’s futuristic
headquarters located directly
on Shennan Boulevard, the main
street that runs directly through

ë Shenzhen

is Expanding
76 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —
One of the larger receiver manufacturers in China is SKYWORTH. They’ve
consistently been in expansion mode and have managed to make a
phenomenal entrance into the South American marketplace in 2010: a large
contract with the government of Argentina involving 400,000 receivers for
the terrestrial ISDB-T standard resulted in SKYWORTH’s intense production
activity. “All these receivers have already been shipped”, we learn from Jack
Jiang, Sales Director of SKYWORTH’s receiver division. The company’s official
name is Shenzhen SKYWORTH Digital Technology Co., Ltd. — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 77

We met up with Jack Jiang in SKY- SD models and only 25% were DVB-S2 Brazil in 2009”, explains Jack Jiang, “in
WORTH’s futuristic headquarters located HD models.” It’s clear from these num- 2010 we shipped roughly 30,000 OEM
in Shenzhen’s High-Tech Park. He told bers that the market for HD receivers in receivers to our partner in Brazil.”
us of some of the companies additional this region hasn’t really picked up yet.
highlights: “Next to Europe, the Middle The remaining 5% were twin receivers. For 2011 SKYWORTH expects that
East including Turkey are large markets number to rise since more and more
for us”, he reveals, “we sold half a million Jack Jiang has more to tell us: “Up countries in South America are starting
receivers in this region in 2010 and we’re until now in the Middle East only Iran has regular service of terrestrial TV in the
actually expecting this number to double made DVB-T official; SKYWORTH delivers ISDB-T standard.
for 2011.” OEM DVB-T MPEG4 receivers to a local
partner in Iran.” Thousands of units have “We can offer three different models
There’s a reason for this optimism as already been shipped to Iran and SKY- for South America: a standard ISDB-T
can be seen by the type of receivers sold WORTH foresees a significant increase in box, a box with ISDB-T and the Middle-
there; the Middle East still has quite a bit these deliveries for 2011. ware Ginga - this allows access to inter-
of potential for HD receivers. According active programming content - as well as
to Jack Jiang, “70% of the receivers sold But let’s get back to South America. a combo box with ISDB-T and DVB-S2.”
in the Middle East in 2010 were DVB-S “We shipped our first ISDB-T receiver to SKYWORTH is quite capable of deliver-
1. Jack Jiang is SKYWORTH’s Sales Director

1 2. A look at the large open office area with

SKYWORTH’s software developers

SKYWORTH Company Details

OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees
▼ ▼
0............................ 1250 .............................. 2500
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0........................... 1.250 ................. 250 Mio US$

Production Certificates
Main Products
Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, ISDB-T with single, twin and
combo tuner, Receiver Sticks for USB, SCART in DVB-S and

TELE-satellite World

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Available online starting from 28 January 2011

78 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

ing receivers to this new and upcoming will be an especially interesting high- in SCART format and naturally in stan-
market! light from SKYWORTH: “We will be intro- dard definition - only the HDMI interface
ducing an HDMI stick to the market for is qualified to be used with HDTV. “And
As long as we’re on the subject, how DVB-S2 and of course with a PVR func- for the third quarter of 2011 we will also
does it look for new DVB products? Jack tion”, explains Jack Jiang. offer HbbTV”, comments Jack Jiang as
Jiang has the answers: “We recently he lists SKYWORTH’s new products.
started a DVB-S2 receiver with the HDTV SKYWORTH already has plenty of
variant CI+.” A test report on this new experience with receivers in stick format; Vice General Manager David Ken
receiver in TELE-satellite is forthcoming. in TELE-satellite’s issue 04-05/2010 has more information for us: “We have
By the time you read this issue, there we introduced a receiver stick - it was 2500 employees”, explains David Ken,
“of which 400 are engineers in the R&D
An important reason for SKYWORTH’s
success is their technical support. “Nine
engineers are in the technical support
department and are immediately there
to help our customers should there be a
problem with a receiver.”

1. Are there technical problems? Then all you

need to do is send an e-mail to SKYWORTH’s
technical support team. Here we see Rock
Cai; he is manager of the nine-engineer strong
technical support team. He gives us insight into
what kind of problems they see: “The hardware
typically functions error-free. When there are
problems, it’s usually with the software.” The
reason for this is that the software is always
being updated. “Most of the problems can be
corrected with a software upgrade”, explains
Rock Cai, who has succeeded thus far to track
down every problem.

2. SKYWORTH is currently introducing a

receiver with CI+. Gong Yangno, shown here,
is responsible for technical development. He
runs the CI+ software development team with 22

80 TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine — 02-03/2011 —

In this case the customers aren’t SKYWORTH’s receivers, you can meet Hong Kong.” This provides many oppor-
the end users but rather the large dis- up with Vice General Manager David Ken tunities to take a much closer look at
tributors and trademarks that get their and Sales Director Jack Jiang at many SKYWORTH’s product line and to discuss
receivers from SKYWORTH as an OEM different trade shows.
delivery options.
supplier. For these companies it’s espe-
cially important that the receivers func- Jack Jiang lists the trade shows that
With their many innovative products
tion flawlessly since only then can they SKYWORTH will be part of in 2011: “We’ll
stay successful in the market. be at CABSAT in Dubai, SET in Sao Paulo, and their extensive technical know-how,
IFA in Berlin, ANGA in Cologne, IBC in SKYWORTH’s customers are in very
If you want to find out more about Amsterdam and at the Fall trade show in good hands!

1 4

1. Wong Wei is responsible for the South

American ISDB-T receiver’s software. He’s in
charge of four ISDB-T engineers.

2. Front panel of the South American ISDB-T


3. Rear panel of the South American ISDB-T


4.A TV monitor is used to test a SKYWORTH

ISDB-T receiver. Country selection can be seen
here in the menu which for this receiver is
SKYWORTH ISDB-T Receiver limited to South American countries that have
adopted the ISDB-T standard.

for South America — 02-03/2011 — TELE-satellite — Global Digital TV Magazine 81

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