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27 Lunar Mansions 1

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Vol. 6 No. 1 Winter 2000

Nakshatras: The 27 Lunar Mansions - Part 11

by Dennis Harness, Ph.D.

19 - Mula 0˚ 00' to 13˚ 20' Sagittarius

The nineteenth nakshatra, Mula represents the beginning of the last group of nakshatras, which
reflect a sattwic or spiritual orientation. Mula translates as the root and is symbolized by a tied
bunch of roots. It is also depicted as the tail of a lion and is located in a group of stars that form the
scorpion s tail. This star constellation is near the serpent holder or Ophiuchus which marks the
galactic center. It marks the end of materialism and the beginning of spiritualization. Mula is also
called the root star, the original star, or the foundation star.

The ruler of this lunar mansion is Ketu, the South Node of the Moon. The Mula individual may
possess a deep philosophical nature and an inquisitive mind that enjoys exploring the roots of any
subject. The entire nakshatra resides in the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. The person may
experience much wealth and luxury through Mula. It may also create the dissolution of fame and
money. Howard Hughes had his natal Sun and Jimmy Swaggart his Lagna residing in this asterism.

The deity of this nakshatra is Nirriti, the goddess of destruction, who lives in the kingdom of the
dead. Mula is often associated with butchers, violence and cruelty. Arrogance, egotism, lust and
anger can be experienced here. Nirriti means calamity and can indicate an individual tied to a
position of misfortune. Nirriti, being the goddess of destruction, has the power to ruin, destroy and
break things apart (barhana shakti).1 It reveals the necessary dissolution to proceed to a new life.
Nirriti is also called Alakshmi or the denial of Lakshmi (prosperity). She is also depicted as Kali, the
fierce goddess who wears a necklace of skulls, representing the heads of ignorance.

Mula inflicts pain, but the pain is intended to set the person on the right track toward God-
realization. It leads the person to seek divine help. Mula people can be very devoted to a spiritual
path and learn to transmute the animality of the ego in to spirit. Their animal symbol is a male dog
and their nature is rakshasic or demon. Mula is a tikshna (sharp or dreadful) nakshatra which can
be related to black magic, casting spells, exorcism, punishment and even murder. Powerful, bold
and brash activities can occur under its influence. They must learn to control their passions. For the
Mula person, pain in inevitable, suffering is optional.

1 Frawley, David. Shaktis of the Nakshatras. 1998.

Mula at a Glance

Range: 00˚ 00' 13˚ 20' Sagittarius

Symbol: Tied bunch of roots, the tail of the lion
Ruling Planet: Ketu, the South Node of the Moon
Rakshasa (demon)
Primary Motivation:
Animal Symbol: Kama (desire)
Direction: Male Dog
Sounds: North
Qualities: Yey Yo Baa Bee
Deities: Sattwa/Rajas/Rajas
Nirriti, the goddess of dissolution

Mula on the Ascendant Famous People

Ambitious and independent Jimi Hendrix

Attractive, learned, philosophical Sophia Loren, Priscilla Presley

Skilled and clever, suspicious Jimmy Swaggart

Marital turmoil, issues with anger Jim Jones, Danny DeVito

Health complaints, overcome illness Joe Frazier

Moon in Mula Famous People

Proud, attractive, fixed mind Al Gore

Peace loving, gives spiritual advice Dalai Lama

Good oratory skills,success in foreign lands Billy Graham

Wealthy, luxurious habits, spends money on

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Judy Garland

Soft disposition, charitable nature Sri Aurobindo

Sun in Mula Famous People

Fame, success, wealth Howard Hughes

Powerful, strong, dictatorial nature Brad Pitt, Jane Fonda

Psychic, mystical interests Uri Geller, Henry Miller

Athletic ability, courage Alberto Tomba, Denzel Washington

Humanitarian concern, noble Steven Spielberg, Arthur Clarke

Spiritual leadership, gives good advice Swami Satchidananda

Mula Career Interests Health Issues

Public speakers, writers Hip and thigh problems

Philosophers, spiritual teachers Sciatic nerve troubles

Spiritual teachers Foot problems

Lawyers, politicians Obesity, liver issues

Doctors, pharmacists Mental vacillation

Business and sales

20 - Purva Ashadha 13˚ 20' to 26˚ 40' Sagittarius

The twentieth nakshatra, Purva Ashadha resides entirely within the constellation of Sagittarius and
consists of two stars (Kaus Borealis and Kaus Australis) which form the archer s bow. The stars
were thought to look like a fan or winnowing basket which is used for ridding corn of its husks. The
ruling planet is Venus, reflecting the popularity (the person s name is fanned around a lot) of this
asterism. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius which is connected with the elephant headed God,
Ganesha. Purva Ashadha means the undefeated or unsubdued and is called the invincible star. Its
natives are very proud people with the ability to influence and empathize with the masses. Purva
Ashadha usually brings fame, wealth, fertility and much wisdom.

The deity of this lunar mansion is Apas, representing the cosmic waters deified as God, depicted as
the causal waters spreading in all directions and giving rise to the affairs of humanity. This also
relates to the concept of spreading one s name and reputation throughout the land. Its power is that
of invigoration (varchograhana shakti).1 Varuna is also mentioned as a residing deity due to his
protection of the seas and the giving of rain. He pervades all things, representing the inner law of
higher truth. There can be flashes of intuition in this nakshatra which provide valuable insight into
the workings of divine law.

Purva Ashadha people can reveal a deeply philosophical and spiritual nature as the the corn husks
of the ego are stripped away. Their primary motivation is moksha or spiritual liberation. They usually
possess a strong need to continually improve their life situation. Purva Ashadha brings about
purification and regeneration through early victories in life. For example, the youthful golf
professional Tiger Woods has his natal Sun in this nakshatra. These people have an independent
nature with many friends to support their aspirations.

The shadow side of Purva Ashadha is hubris and an egoic nature. These natives can exhibit an
over-expansive nature, and usually do what they like without considering others opinions. They are
good debaters and can defeat anyone in an argument. They can become obstinate and will not
submit to the demands of anyone. The infamous dictator, Adolf Hitler, had his natal Moon in this
nakshatra. Mental aggression and self-deception may be present. Sometimes the native will exhibit
his negative qualities to a magnified extent to help the person work through the lessons. Purification
and cleansing of the pride and ego can result if the individual can surrender to God s will.

1 Frawley, David. Shaktis of the Nakshatras. 1998. 

Purva Ashadha at a Glance

Range: 13˚ 20' 26˚ 40' Sagittarius
Symbol: Fan, Winnowing Basket
Ruling Planet: Venus
Manushya (human)
Primary Motivation:
Animal Symbol: Moksha (spiritual liberation)
Direction: Male Monkey
Sounds: East
Qualities: Bu Dhaa Pha Dha
Deity: Sattwa/Rajas/Tamas
Apas, the Water God, Varuna, the God of Rain

Purva Ashadha on the Ascendant Famous People

Proud nature, positions of high respect James Earl Jones

Faithful to their mate, good marriage Paul Newman

Humble, many friends and children Dustin Hoffman

Educational handicaps can occur Dennis Rodman

Strong interest in law and politics J. Edgar Hoover, Earl Warren

Moon in Purva Ashadha Famous People

Attractive, charismatic leader Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Obstinate, convincing power, dictatorial Adolf Hitler, Ernest Hemingway

Intelligent, good communicator Johnny Carson

Highly philosophical nature, writing skill William James

Strong attachment to certain friends Eddie Albert, Donna Summer

Sun in Purva Ashadha Famous People

Leadership skills, philosophical Paramahansa Yogananda

Political interests, good speaking skills Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover, Earl

Slow, but steady recognition, fame Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson, Kahlil Gibran

Humanitarian concern, charitable Mary Tyler Moore

Interest in sports, competitive Tiger Woods

Strange personality challenges, zealous Jimmy Bakker, Joseph Stalin

Purva Ashadha Career Interests Health Issues

Writers, teachers, debaters Bladder, kidney problems

Shipping industry, boating Thighs and hips

Politicians, lawyers Sexual diseases

Travel industry, foreign traders Colds and lung problems

Actors, film, public speaking Sciatica, rheumatism



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