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C11 and C13 Industrial Engines-Maintenance Intervals

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C11 and C13

Maintenance Intervals

Excerpted from Operation & Maintenance Manual (SEBU7901-01-01)

© 2007 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
SEBU7901-01 51
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i02433183 Initial 500 Hours (for New Systems, Refilled

Systems, and Converted Systems)
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) -
SMCS Code: 1000; 7500 Obtain ................................................................. 62

Ensure that all safety information, warnings, and Every 500 Service Hours
instructions are read and understood before any
operation or any maintenance procedures are Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace .............................. 55
performed. Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) -
Obtain ................................................................. 61
The user is responsible for the performance of Starting Motor - Inspect ........................................ 86
maintenance, including all adjustments, the use of Turbocharger - Inspect .......................................... 86
proper lubricants, fluids, filters, and the replacement Water Pump - Inspect ........................................... 88
of components due to normal wear and aging. The
performance of this product may be diminished if Every 500 Service Hours or 6 Months
proper maintenance intervals and procedures are not
followed. Components may experience accelerated Engine Protective Devices - Check ...................... 74
wear if proper maintenance intervals and procedures
are not followed. Every 2000 Service Hours or 1 Year
Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 53
Use fuel consumption, service hours, or calendar
time, WHICH EVER OCCURS FIRST, in order to
determine the maintenance intervals. Products that Every Year
operate in severe operating conditions may require Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) -
more frequent maintenance. Obtain ................................................................. 62
Note: Before each consecutive interval is performed, Every 3000 Service Hours or 3 Years
all maintenance from the previous interval must be
performed. Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change .......... 56
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 60
When Required Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................... 63
Battery - Replace .................................................. 54
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 55
Every 8000 Service Hours or 3 Years
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) -
Clean/Replace .................................................... 66 Driven Equipment - Check .................................... 64
Engine Storage Procedure - Check ...................... 75
Fuel System - Prime ............................................. 76 Every 12 000 Service Hours or 6 Years
Severe Service Application - Check ..................... 85
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ............. 58
Every 14 400 L (3750 US gal) of Fuel or 250
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 61 Service Hours or 1 Year
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ..... 69
Engine Oil Level - Check ...................................... 71 Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 54
Fuel System Primary Filter/Water Separator - Electronics Grounding Stud - Inspect/Clean/
Drain ................................................................... 78 Tighten ................................................................ 65
Power Take-Off Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate .. 84 Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean ..................... 70
Walk-Around Inspection ........................................ 87 Engine Oil Sample - Obtain .................................. 72
Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator)
Every Week Element - Replace .............................................. 78
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace .............. 79
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................. 80 Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace .................. 81
Jacket Water Heater - Check ................................ 82 Radiator - Clean .................................................... 85

Every 250 Service Hours Every 28 500 L (7500 US gal) of Fuel or 500
Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive Service Hours or 1 Year (Deep Sump)
(SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 62 Engine Oil and Filter - Change ............................. 72
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ............................. 72
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................. 80
52 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

Every 114 000 L (30 000 US gal) of Fuel or

3000 Service Hours
Aftercooler Core - Clean/Test ............................... 53

Every 170 400 L (45 000 US gal) of Fuel or

3000 Service Hours
Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ................. 64
Electronic Unit Injector - Inspect/Adjust ................ 65
Engine - Clean ...................................................... 66
Engine Mounts - Inspect ....................................... 71
Engine Speed/Timing Sensors - Check/Clean/
Calibrate .............................................................. 74
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust ...................... 75
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect ........................... 76
Fan Drive Bearing - Lubricate ............................... 76

Every 380 000 L (100 000 US gal) of Fuel or

10 000 Service Hours
Overhaul Considerations ...................................... 82

Fan Drive Bearing - Replace ................................ 76
SEBU7901-01 53
Maintenance Section
Aftercooler Core - Clean/Test

i01188617 Note: If parts of the aftercooler system are repaired

or replaced, a leak test is highly recommended. The
Aftercooler Core - Clean/Test FT1984 Aftercooler Testing Group is used to perform
(Air-To-Air Aftercooler) leak tests on the aftercooler. Refer to the Systems
Operation/Testing and Adjusting, “Aftercooler - Test”
SMCS Code: 1064-070; 1064-081 and the Special Instruction, SEHS8622 for the proper
testing procedure.
Note: Adjust the frequency of cleaning according to
the effects of the operating environment. Inspect these items for good condition: welds,
mounting brackets, air lines, connections, clamps,
Inspect the cooling air side of the aftercooler for these and seals. Make repairs, if necessary.
items: damaged fins, corrosion, dirt, grease, insects,
leaves, oil, and other debris. Clean the cooling air For more detailed information on cleaning and
side of the aftercooler, if necessary. inspection, see Special Publication, SEBD0518,
“Know Your Cooling System”.
For air-to-air aftercoolers, use the same methods that
are used for cleaning the outside of radiators. i00072207

Alternator - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1405-040
Personal injury can result from air pressure.
Caterpillar recommends a scheduled inspection
Personal injury can result without following prop-
of the alternator. Inspect the alternator for loose
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro-
connections and proper battery charging. Inspect the
tective face shield and protective clothing.
ammeter (if equipped) during engine operation in
order to ensure proper battery performance and/or
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
proper performance of the electrical system. Make
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.
repairs, as required. Refer to the Service Manual.

Pressurized air is the preferred method for removing Check the alternator and the battery charger for
loose debris. Direct the air in the opposite direction proper operation. If the batteries are properly
of the fan’s air flow. Hold the nozzle approximately charged, the ammeter reading should be very near
6 mm (0.25 inch) away from the fins. Slowly move the zero. All batteries should be kept charged. The
air nozzle in a direction that is parallel with the tubes. batteries should be kept warm because temperature
This will remove debris that is between the tubes. affects the cranking power. If the battery is too cold,
the battery will not crank the engine. The battery will
Pressurized water may also be used for cleaning. not crank the engine, even if the engine is warm.
The maximum water pressure for cleaning purposes When the engine is not run for long periods of time
must be less than 275 kPa (40 psi). Use pressurized or if the engine is run for short periods, the batteries
water in order to soften mud. Clean the core from may not fully charge. A battery with a low charge will
both sides. freeze more easily than a battery with a full charge.

Use a degreaser and steam for removal of oil and

grease. Clean both sides of the core. Wash the core
with detergent and hot water. Thoroughly rinse the
core with clean water.

After cleaning, start the engine and accelerate the

engine to high idle rpm. This will help in the removal
of debris and drying of the core. Stop the engine.
Use a light bulb behind the core in order to inspect
the core for cleanliness. Repeat the cleaning, if

Inspect the fins for damage. Bent fins may be opened

with a “comb”.
54 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Battery - Replace

i01878164 8. Connect the cable from the NEGATIVE “-” terminal

on the starter motor to the NEGATIVE “-” battery
Battery - Replace terminal.
SMCS Code: 1401-510

Battery Electrolyte Level -

Batteries give off combustible gases which can Check
explode. A spark can cause the combustible gas-
es to ignite. This can result in severe personal in- SMCS Code: 1401-535
jury or death.
When the engine is not run for long periods of time or
Ensure proper ventilation for batteries that are in when the engine is run for short periods, the batteries
an enclosure. Follow the proper procedures in or- may not fully recharge. Ensure a full charge in order
der to help prevent electrical arcs and/or sparks to help prevent the battery from freezing. If batteries
near batteries. Do not smoke when batteries are are properly charged, ammeter reading should be
serviced. very near zero, when the engine is in operation.

All lead-acid batteries contain sulfuric acid which

The battery cables or the batteries should not be can burn the skin and clothing. Always wear a face
removed with the battery cover in place. The bat- shield and protective clothing when working on or
tery cover should be removed before any servic- near batteries.
ing is attempted.

Removing the battery cables or the batteries with 1. Remove the filler caps. Maintain the electrolyte
the cover in place may cause a battery explosion level to the “FULL” mark on the battery.
resulting in personal injury.
If the addition of water is necessary, use distilled
water. If distilled water is not available use clean
1. Switch the engine to the OFF position. Remove water that is low in minerals. Do not use artificially
all electrical loads. softened water.
2. Turn off any battery chargers. Disconnect any 2. Check the condition of the electrolyte with the
battery chargers. 245-5829 Coolant Battery Tester Refractometer.
3. The NEGATIVE “-” cable connects the NEGATIVE 3. Keep the batteries clean.
“-” battery terminal to the NEGATIVE “-” terminal
on the starter motor. Disconnect the cable from Clean the battery case with one of the following
the NEGATIVE “-” battery terminal. cleaning solutions:
4. The POSITIVE “+” cable connects the POSITIVE
“+” battery terminal to the POSITIVE “+” terminal
• A mixture of 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) of baking soda and
1 L (1 qt) of clean water
on the starting motor. Disconnect the cable from
the POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
• A mixture of 0.1 L (0.11 qt) of ammonia and 1 L
(1 qt) of clean water
Note: Always recycle a battery. Never discard a
battery. Return used batteries to an appropriate Thoroughly rinse the battery case with clean water.
recycling facility.
Use a fine grade of sandpaper to clean the
5. Remove the used battery. terminals and the cable clamps. Clean the items
until the surfaces are bright or shiny. DO NOT
6. Install the new battery. remove material excessively. Excessive removal
of material can cause the clamps to not fit properly.
Note: Before the cables are connected, ensure that Coat the clamps and the terminals with 5N-5561
the engine start switch is OFF. Silicone Lubricant, petroleum jelly or MPGM.
7. Connect the cable from the starting motor to the
POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
SEBU7901-01 55
Maintenance Section
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect

i01492654 If the belts are too tight, unnecessary stress is placed

on the components. This reduces the service life of
Battery or Battery Cable - the components.
SMCS Code: 1402-029
For applications that require multiple drive belts,
replace the drive belts in matched sets. Replacing
one drive belt of a matched set will cause the new
The battery cables or the batteries should not be drive belt to carry more load because the older drive
removed with the battery cover in place. The bat- belts are stretched. The additional load on the new
tery cover should be removed before any servic- drive belt could cause the new drive belt to fail.
ing is attempted.
Alternator Belt Adjustment
Removing the battery cables or the batteries with
the cover in place may cause a battery explosion
resulting in personal injury.

1. Turn the start switch to the OFF position. Turn the

ignition switch (if equipped) to the OFF position
and remove the key and all electrical loads.

2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal at the

battery that goes to the start switch. Ensure that
the cable cannot contact the terminal. When four
12 volt batteries are involved, the negative side of
two batteries must be disconnected.

3. Tape the leads in order to help prevent accidental g00788814

starting. Illustration 25

4. Proceed with necessary system repairs. Reverse 1. Remove the belt guard.
the steps in order to reconnect all of the cables.
2. Loosen mounting bolts (1) and adjusting bolt (2).

i02042962 3. Move the assembly in order to increase or

decrease the belt tension.
Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace
4. Tighten adjusting bolt (2). Tighten mounting bolts
SMCS Code: 1357-025; 1357-040; 1357-510 (1).

Inspection 5. Reinstall the belt guard.

Inspect the alternator belt and the fan drive belts for If new drive belts are installed, check the drive belt
wear and for cracking. Replace the belts if the belts tension again after 30 minutes of engine operation
are not in good condition. at the rated rpm.

Check the belt tension according to the information in Adjustment of the Fan Drive Belt
the Service Manual, “Specifications”.
1. Remove the belt guard.
Slippage of loose belts can reduce the efficiency
of the driven components. Vibration of loose belts 2. Loosen the mounting bolt for the pulley.
can cause unnecessary wear on the following
components: 3. Loosen the adjusting nut for the pulley.
• Belts 4. Move the pulley in order to adjust the belt tension.
• Pulleys 5. Tighten the adjusting nut.

• Bearings 6. Tighten the mounting bolt.

56 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change

7. Reinstall the belt guard. Allow the coolant to drain.

If new drive belts are installed, check the drive belt NOTICE
tension again after 30 minutes of engine operation Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle.
at the rated rpm. Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.
Cooling System Coolant
(DEAC) - Change For information regarding the disposal and the
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar
SMCS Code: 1350-070; 1395-044 dealer or consult Caterpillar Dealer Service Tools:

Clean the cooling system and flush the cooling Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-TOOL
system before the recommended maintenance Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-TOOL
interval if the following conditions exist: Canada: 1-800-523-TOOL

• The engine overheats frequently. Flush

• Foaming of the coolant 1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order
to remove any debris.
• The oil has entered the cooling system and the
coolant is contaminated. 2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. Refer to the
• The fuel has entered the cooling system and the Specifications Manual for your particular engine for
coolant is contaminated. more specific information on the proper torques.
Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130, “Torque
NOTICE Specifications” for more general information on
Use of commercially available cooling system clean- the proper torques.
ers may cause damage to cooling system compo-
nents. Use only cooling system cleaners that are ap-
proved for Caterpillar engines.
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks.
Note: Inspect the water pump and the water
temperature regulator after the cooling system has
3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean
been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling System
the water pump, the water temperature regulator and
Cleaner. Add .5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per 15 L
the hoses, if necessary.
(4 US gal) of the cooling system capacity. Install
the cooling system filler cap.
4. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle for a
minimum of 30 minutes. The coolant temperature
should be at least 82 °C (180 °F).
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri-
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, NOTICE
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system can result in damage to copper and other metal com-
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- ponents.
To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure
to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa-
1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
cleaning agent are gone.
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap.

2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped).

If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain
valve, remove one of the drain plugs.
SEBU7901-01 57
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change

5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. 5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
equipped) or remove the cooling system drain equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
system with clean water. Close the drain valve (if system with clean water. Close the drain valve (if
equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the drain equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the drain
plugs. Refer to the Specifications Manual for your plugs. Refer to the Specifications Manual for your
particular engine for more specific information on particular engine for more specific information on
the proper torques. Refer to the Specifications, the proper torques. Refer to the Specifications,
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications” for more SENR3130, “Torque Specifications” for more
general information on the proper torques. general information on the proper torques.

Cooling Systems with Heavy Fill

Deposits or Plugging Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Note: For the following procedure to be effective, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations” topic for
the capacity of the engine’s system and for coolant
there must be some active flow through the cooling
system components.

1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order Engines that are Equipped with a Coolant
to remove any debris. Recovery Tank
2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. Refer to the
Specifications Manual for your particular engine for Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks.
more specific information on the proper torques.
Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130, “Torque
Specifications” for more general information on 1. Fill the cooling system with coolant/antifreeze.
the proper torques. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” topic
NOTICE (Maintenance Section) for more information on
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal) cooling system specifications. Do not install the
per minute to avoid air locks. cooling system filler cap.

2. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle.

3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean Increase the engine rpm to high idle. Run the
water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling System engine at high idle for one minute in order to purge
Cleaner. Add .5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per 3.8 to 7.6 L the air from the cavities of the engine block. Stop
(1 to 2 US gal) of the cooling system capacity. the engine.
Install the cooling system filler cap.
3. Add coolant to the cooling system until the cooling
4. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle for a system is full.
minimum of 90 minutes. The coolant temperature
should be at least 82 °C (180 °F). 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If
NOTICE the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap
Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
can result in damage to copper and other metal com- cap and install a new cooling system filler cap.
ponents. If the gasket that is on the cooling system filler
cap is not damaged, perform a pressure test. A
To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is used to perform
to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa- the pressure test. The correct pressure for the
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the cooling system filler cap is stamped on the face of
cleaning agent are gone. the cooling system filler cap. If the cooling system
filler cap does not retain the correct pressure,
install a new cooling system filler cap.
58 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

5. Loosen the cap for the coolant recovery tank i02070355

slowly in order to relieve any pressure. Remove
the cap for the coolant recovery tank. Cooling System Coolant (ELC)
6. Pour coolant into the coolant recovery tank until
- Change
the coolant reaches the “COLD FULL” mark. SMCS Code: 1350-070; 1395-044
DO NOT fill the coolant recovery tank above the
“COLD FULL” mark. Clean the cooling system and flush the cooling
system before the recommended maintenance
7. Clean the cap for the coolant recovery tank. Install interval if the following conditions exist:
the cap for the coolant recovery tank.
• The engine overheats frequently.
8. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
leaks and for proper operating temperature. • Foaming of the coolant
Engines that are Not Equipped with a • The oil has entered the cooling system and the
Coolant Recovery Tank coolant is contaminated.

• The fuel has entered the cooling system and the

NOTICE coolant is contaminated.
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks. Note: When the cooling system is cleaned, only
clean water is needed when the ELC is drained and
1. Fill the cooling system with coolant/antifreeze. replaced.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” topic Note: Inspect the water pump and the water
(Maintenance Section) for more information on temperature regulator after the cooling system has
cooling system specifications. Do not install the been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
cooling system filler cap. the water pump, the water temperature regulator and
the hoses, if necessary.
2. Start the engine and run the engine at low idle.
Increase the engine rpm to high idle. Run the Drain
engine at high idle for one minute in order to purge
the air from the cavities of the engine block. Stop
the engine.

3. Check the coolant level. Maintain the coolant level Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri-
within 13 mm (.5 inch) below the bottom of the ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap,
pipe for filling. Maintain the coolant level within stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
13 mm (.5 inch) to the proper level on the sight components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
glass (if equipped). pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If 1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. system filler cap.
If the gasket that is on the cooling system filler
cap is not damaged, perform a pressure test. A 2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped).
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is used to perform If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain
the pressure test. The correct pressure for the valve, remove the cooling system drain plugs.
cooling system filler cap is stamped on the face of
the cooling system filler cap. If the cooling system Allow the coolant to drain.
filler cap does not retain the correct pressure,
install a new cooling system filler cap. NOTICE
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle.
5. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
leaks and for proper operating temperature. coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.
SEBU7901-01 59
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

For information regarding the disposal and the 1. Fill the cooling system with Extended Life Coolant
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar (ELC). Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
dealer or consult Caterpillar Dealer Service Tools: Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations”
topic (Maintenance Section) for more information
Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-TOOL on cooling system specifications. Do not install the
Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-TOOL cooling system filler cap.
Canada: 1-800-523-TOOL
2. Start the engine and operate the engine at low
idle. Increase the engine rpm to high idle. Operate
Flush the engine at high idle for one minute in order to
purge air from the cavities of the engine block.
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order
Stop the engine.
to remove any debris.
3. Pour more ELC into the cooling system until the
2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
cooling system is full.
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. Refer to the
Specifications Manual for your particular engine for
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
more specific information on the proper torques.
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If
Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130, “Torque
Specifications” for more general information on the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap
is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
the proper torques.
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap is
NOTICE not damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal) in order to pressure test the cooling system filler
per minute to avoid air locks. cap. The correct pressure for the cooling system
filler cap is stamped on the face of the cooling
system filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap
3. Fill the cooling system with clean water. Install the
cooling system filler cap. does not retain the correct pressure, install a new
cooling system filler cap.
4. Start the engine and run the engine at low
idle until the temperature reaches 49 to 66 °C 5. Loosen the cap for the coolant recovery tank
slowly in order to relieve any pressure. Remove
(120 to 150 °F).
the cap for the coolant recovery tank.
5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
6. Pour Extended Life Coolant (ELC) into the coolant
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
recovery tank until the coolant reaches the “COLD
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if FULL” mark. DO NOT fill the coolant recovery
tank above the “COLD FULL” mark.
equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
system with clean water. Close the drain valve (if 7. Clean the cap for the coolant recovery tank. Install
the cap for the coolant recovery tank.
equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the drain
plugs. Refer to the Specifications Manual for your
particular engine for more specific information on 8. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
leaks and for proper operating temperature.
the proper torques. Refer to the Specifications,
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications” for more
general information on the proper torques. Engines that are NOT Equipped with a
Coolant Recovery Tank
Engines that are Equipped with a Coolant Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
Recovery Tank per minute to avoid air locks.

NOTICE 1. Fill the cooling system with Extended Life Coolant

Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal) (ELC). Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
per minute to avoid air locks. Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations”
topic (Maintenance Section) for more information
on cooling system specifications. Do not install the
cooling system filler cap.
60 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add

2. Start the engine and operate the engine at low

idle. Increase the engine rpm to high idle. Operate
the engine at high idle for one minute in order to
Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam
purge air from the cavities of the engine block.
and alkali.
Stop the engine.
At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot
3. Check the coolant level. Maintain the coolant level
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines
within 13 mm (.5 inch) below the bottom of the
to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
pipe for filling. Maintain the coolant level within
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.
13 mm (.5 inch) to the proper level on the sight
glass (if equipped).
Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If
touch with your bare hand.
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap
is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap is
not damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump
in order to pressure test the cooling system filler
Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
cap. The correct pressure for the cooling system
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
filler cap is stamped on the face of the cooling
system filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap
does not retain the correct pressure, install a new NOTICE
cooling system filler cap. Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
5. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
leaks and for proper operating temperature. collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.

Cooling System Coolant Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar

Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
Extender (ELC) - Add suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Cat ELC (Extended Life Coolant) does not require mandates.
the frequent additions of any supplemental cooling
additives which are associated with the present
conventional coolants. The Cat ELC Extender only 1. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
needs to be added once. order to relieve pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap.
2. It may be necessary to drain enough coolant from
Use only Cat Extended Life Coolant (ELC) Extender
the cooling system in order to add the Cat ELC
with Cat ELC.
Do NOT use conventional supplemental coolant addi-
3. Add Cat ELC Extender according to the
tive (SCA) with Cat ELC. Mixing Cat ELC with conven-
requirements for your engine’s cooling system
tional coolants and/or conventional SCA reduces the
capacity. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Cat ELC service life.
Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations”
article for more information.
Check the cooling system only when the engine is
stopped and cool. 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
gaskets on the cooling system filler cap. Replace
the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are
damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap.
SEBU7901-01 61
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check

i01197583 3. Clean the cooling system filler cap and check the
condition of the filler cap gaskets. Replace the
Cooling System Coolant Level cooling system filler cap if the filler cap gaskets are
- Check damaged. Reinstall the cooling system filler cap.

SMCS Code: 1395-082 4. Inspect the cooling system for leaks.

Check the coolant level when the engine is stopped i02326688

and cool.
Cooling System Coolant
Sample (Level 1) - Obtain
SMCS Code: 1350-008; 1395-008; 1395-554; 7542

Note: Obtaining a Coolant Sample (Level 1) is

optional if the cooling system is filled with Cat
ELC (Extended Life Coolant). Cooling systems that
are filled with Cat ELC should have a Coolant Sample
(Level 2) that is obtained at the recommended interval
that is stated in the Maintenance Interval Schedule.

Note: Obtain a Coolant Sample (Level 1) if the

cooling system is filled with any other coolant
g00285520 instead of Cat ELC. This includes the following
Illustration 26
Cooling system filler cap types of coolants.

Table 12
Recommended Interval
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Type of Coolant Level 1 Level 2
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, Every 250
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system Cat DEAC Yearly(1)(2)
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- Cat ELC Optional(2) Yearly(2)
sure. (1) This is the recommended interval for coolant samples for all
conventional heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze. This is also the
recommended interval for coolant samples of commercial
1. Remove the cooling system filler cap slowly in coolants that meet the Cat EC-1 specification for engine
order to relieve pressure. coolant.
(2) The Level 2 Coolant Analysis should be performed sooner if a
2. Maintain the coolant level within 13 mm (0.5 inch) problem is suspected or identified.
of the bottom of the filler pipe. If the engine is
equipped with a sight glass, maintain the coolant • Commercial long life coolants that meet the
level to the proper level in the sight glass. Caterpillar Engine Coolant Specification -1
(Caterpillar EC-1)

• Cat DEAC (Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant)

• Commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze

Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.
Illustration 27
Note: Level 1 results may indicate a need for
Typical filler cap gaskets
Level 2 Analysis.
62 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Obtain

Obtain the sample of the coolant as close as possible Submit the sample for Level 2 analysis.
to the recommended sampling interval. In order
to receive the full effect of S·O·S analysis, you For additional information about coolant
must establish a consistent trend of data. In order analysis, see Special Publication, SEBU6251,
to establish a pertinent history of data, perform “Caterpillar Commercial Diesel Engines Fluids
consistent samplings that are evenly spaced. Recommendations” or consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Supplies for collecting samples can be obtained from
your Caterpillar dealer.

Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of

the coolant:
Cooling System Supplemental
Coolant Additive (SCA) -
• Complete the information on the label for the Test/Add
sampling bottle before you begin to take the
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081
• Keep the unused sampling bottles stored in plastic This maintenance procedure is required for
conventional coolants such as DEAC and for
mixtures of water and SCA. This maintenance is
• Obtain coolant samples directly from the coolant NOT required for cooling systems that are filled
sample port. You should not obtain the samples
with Extended Life Coolant.
from any other location.

• Keep the lids on empty sampling bottles until you

are ready to collect the sample.
Cooling system coolant additive contains alkali.
• Place the sample in the mailing tube immediately To help prevent personal injury, avoid contact with
after obtaining the sample in order to avoid the skin and eyes. Do not drink cooling system
contamination. coolant additive.

• Never collect samples from expansion bottles. Note: Caterpillar recommends an S·O·S coolant
analysis (Level 1).
• Never collect samples from the drain for a system.
Submit the sample for Level 1 analysis. Test the Concentration of the SCA
For additional information about coolant analysis, Coolant/Antifreeze and SCA
see Special Publication, SEBU6251, “Caterpillar
Commercial Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations” NOTICE
or consult your Caterpillar dealer. Do not exceed the recommended six percent supple-
mental coolant additive concentration.
Test the concentration of the SCA with the 8T-5296
Cooling System Coolant Coolant Conditioner Test Kit.
Sample (Level 2) - Obtain
Water and SCA
SMCS Code: 1350-008; 1395-008; 1395-554; 7542
NOTICE Do not exceed the recommended eight percent sup-
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and plemental coolant additive concentration.
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This Test the concentration of the SCA with the 8T-5296
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor- Coolant Conditioner Test Kit. Use the instructions
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both that follow:
dealers and customers.
1. Fill the syringe to the “1.0 ml” mark with the
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Obtain” 2. Dispense the 1.0 mL coolant sample from the
for the guidelines for proper sampling of the coolant. syringe into the empty mixing bottle.
SEBU7901-01 63
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator - Replace

3. Add tap water to the mixing bottle in order to bring

the level up to the “10 ml” mark. Place the cap on NOTICE
the bottle and shake the bottle. Excessive supplemental coolant additive concentra-
tion can form deposits on the higher temperature sur-
4. Add 2 to 3 drops of the “NITRITE INDICATOR faces of the cooling system, reducing the engine’s
SOLUTION B” to the mixing bottle. Move the bottle heat transfer characteristics. Reduced heat transfer
in a circular motion in order to mix the solution. could cause cracking of the cylinder head and other
high temperature components.
5. Add 1 drop of “NITRITE TEST SOLUTION A” to
the mixing bottle. Move the bottle in a circular Excessive supplemental coolant additive concentra-
motion in order to mix the solution. tion could also result in blockage of the heat exchang-
er, overheating, and/or accelerated wear of the water
6. Repeat 5 until the solution changes color from red pump seal.
to light gray, green, or blue. Record the number of
drops of “NITRITE TEST SOLUTION A” that were Do not exceed the recommended amount of supple-
required to cause the color change. mental coolant additive concentration.

7. Use Table 13 to interpret the results.

3. Add the proper amount of SCA. For the
Table 13 proper amount of SCA, refer to this Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities
Number of Concentration Maintenance and Recommendations” topic. The proper
Drops of SCA Required
concentration of SCA depends on the type of
Less than 25 Less than the Add SCA. coolant that is used. For the proper concentration
recommended Retest the of SCA, refer to Special Publication, SEBU6251,
concentration of coolant. “Caterpillar Commercial Diesel Engine Fluids
SCA Recommendations”.
25 to 30 The None
recommended 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Install the
concentration of cooling system filler cap.
More than 30 More than the Remove the i00912898
recommended coolant.
concentration of Replace with Cooling System Water
SCA water only
Retest the Temperature Regulator -
coolant. Replace
SMCS Code: 1355-510
Add the SCA, If Necessary
Replace the water temperature regulator before
the water temperature regulator fails. This is a
recommended preventive maintenance practice.
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Replacing the water temperature regulator reduces
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, the chances for unscheduled downtime.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system A water temperature regulator that fails in a
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- partially opened position can cause overheating or
sure. overcooling of the engine.

A water temperature regulator that fails in the closed

1. Remove the cooling system filler cap slowly. position can cause excessive overheating. Excessive
overheating could result in cracking of the cylinder
Note: Always dispose of fluids according to local head or piston seizure problems.

2. If necessary, drain some coolant in order to allow

space for the addition of the SCA.
64 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect

A water temperature regulator that fails in the open Inspect the damper for evidence of fluid leaks. If
position will cause the engine operating temperature a fluid leak is found, determine the type of fluid.
to be too low during partial load operation. Low The fluid in the damper is silicone. Silicone has
engine operating temperatures during partial loads the following characteristics: transparent, viscous,
could cause an excessive carbon buildup inside the smooth, and difficult to remove from surfaces.
cylinders. This excessive carbon buildup could result
in an accelerated wear of the piston rings and wear If the fluid leak is oil, inspect the crankshaft seals for
of the cylinder liner. leaks. If a leak is observed, replace the crankshaft
Failure to replace your water temperature regulator Inspect the damper and repair or replace the damper
on a regularly scheduled basis could cause severe for any of the following reasons:
engine damage.
• The damper is dented, cracked, or leaking.
Caterpillar engines incorporate a shunt design cooling
system and require operating the engine with a water • The paint on the damper is discolored from heat.
temperature regulator installed.
• The engine has had a failure because of a broken
If the water temperature regulator is installed incor- crankshaft.
rectly, the engine may overheat, causing cylinder head
damage. Ensure that the new water temperature reg- • Analysis of the oil has revealed that the front main
ulator is installed in the original position. Ensure that bearing is badly worn.
the water temperature regulator vent hole is open.
• There is a large amount of gear train wear that is
Do not use liquid gasket material on the gasket or not caused by a lack of oil.
cylinder head surface.
Refer to the Service Manual or consult your
Caterpillar dealer for information about damper
Refer to the Service Manual for the replacement replacement.
procedure of the water temperature regulator, or
consult your Caterpillar dealer.

Note: If only the water temperature regulators are

replaced, drain the coolant from the cooling system to
Driven Equipment - Check
a level that is below the water temperature regulator SMCS Code: 3279-535
Check the Alignment
To minimize bearing problems and vibration of the
Crankshaft Vibration Damper engine crankshaft and the driven equipment, the
- Inspect alignment between the engine and driven equipment
must be properly maintained.
SMCS Code: 1205-040
Check the alignment according to the instructions
Damage to the crankshaft vibration damper or failure that are provided by the following manufacturers:
of the crankshaft vibration damper can increase
torsional vibrations. This can result in damage to • Caterpillar
the crankshaft and to other engine components. A
damper that is damaged can cause excessive gear • OEM of the drive coupling
train noise at variable points in the speed range.
• OEM of the driven equipment
The damper is mounted to the crankshaft which is
located behind the belt guard on the front of the Torque all of the fasteners to the proper specifications.

Visconic Damper
The visconic damper has a weight that is located
inside a fluid filled case. The weight moves in the
case in order to limit torsional vibration.
SEBU7901-01 65
Maintenance Section
Electronic Unit Injector - Inspect/Adjust

Inspect the Drive Coupling The operation of Caterpillar engines with improper
adjustments of the electronic unit injector can reduce
Inspect the drive coupling according to the engine efficiency. This reduced efficiency could result
instructions that are provided by the OEM of the in excessive fuel usage and/or shortened engine
coupling. For the following service information, see component life.
the literature that is provided by the OEM of the
coupling: Only qualified service personnel should perform
this maintenance. Refer to the following topics
• Lubrication requirements for your engine for the correct procedure: Refer
to the Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
• Specifications for the end play “Electronic Unit Injector - Test” for the test procedure,
and Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
• “Reusability Guidelines” “Electronic Unit Injector - Adjust” for the correct
procedure for adjusting the injectors.
• Replacement instructions
Inspect the Rear Gear Train The camshafts must be correctly timed with the crank-
shaft before an adjustment of the lash for the fuel in-
Inspect the crankshaft gear. If excessive wear is jector is made. The timing pins must be removed from
found, replace the crankshaft gear and the large the camshafts before the crankshaft is turned or dam-
cluster idler. age to the cylinder block will be the result.

If any gear causes damage to other gears through

failure, replace the entire rear gear train. i02052170

For the correct parts, see the Parts Manual for the Electronics Grounding Stud -
engine. For removal and replacement instructions,
see the Service Manual, “Disassembly and
Assembly” module. Consult your Caterpillar dealer SMCS Code: 7423-040; 7423-070; 7423-079
for assistance.


Electronic Unit Injector - The connection of battery cables to a battery and

the disconnection of battery cables from a battery
Inspect/Adjust may cause an explosion which may result in injury
or death. The connection and the disconnection
SMCS Code: 1251-025; 1251-040; 1290-025; of other electrical equipment may also cause an
1290-040 explosion which may result in injury or death. The
procedures for the connection and the disconnec-
tion of battery cables and other electrical equip-
ment should only be performed in a nonexplosive
Be sure the engine cannot be started while this atmosphere.
maintenance is being performed. To prevent pos-
sible injury, do not use the starting motor to turn
the flywheel.

Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow

additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
suring/adjusting the unit injectors.

The electronic unit injectors use high voltage. Dis-

connect the unit injector enable circuit connector
in order to prevent personal injury. Do not come
in contact with the injector terminals while the en-
gine is running.
66 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine - Clean


Engine - Clean
SMCS Code: 1000-070

Personal injury or death can result from high volt-


Moisture can create paths of electrical conductiv-


Make sure that the electrical system is OFF. Lock

out the starting controls and tag the controls “DO

Accumulated grease and oil on an engine is a fire haz-
Illustration 28
g00765094 ard. Keep the engine clean. Remove debris and fluid
spills whenever a significant quantity accumulates on
Electronics grounding stud (side view)
the engine.
Inspect the OEM harness for good connections.
Inspect the condition of the OEM harness. Periodic cleaning of the engine is recommended.
Steam cleaning the engine will remove accumulated
The electronics grounding stud must have a wire oil and grease. A clean engine provides the following
ground to the battery. Tighten the electronics benefits:
grounding stud at every oil change. Ground wires
and straps should be combined at engine grounds. • Easy detection of fluid leaks
All grounds should be tight and free of corrosion.
• Maximum heat transfer characteristics
• Clean the electronics grounding stud and the
terminals for the electronics ground strap with a • Ease of maintenance
clean cloth.
Note: Caution must be used in order to prevent
• If the connections are corroded, clean the electrical components from being damaged by
connections with a solution of baking soda and excessive water when you clean the engine. Avoid
water. electrical components such as the alternator, the
starter, and the ECM.
• Keep the electronics grounding stud and the strap
clean and coated with MPGM grease or petroleum
jelly. i01553486

Engine Air Cleaner Element

(Dual Element) - Clean/Replace
SMCS Code: 1054-037; 1054-510

Never run the engine without an air cleaner element
installed. Never run the engine with a damaged air
cleaner element. Do not use air cleaner elements with
damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dirt entering the
engine causes premature wear and damage to engine
components. Air cleaner elements help to prevent air-
borne debris from entering the air inlet.
SEBU7901-01 67
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) - Clean/Replace

Never service the air cleaner element with the engine
running since this will allow dirt to enter the engine.

Servicing the Air Cleaner Elements

If the air cleaner element becomes plugged, the air
can split the material of the air cleaner element.
Unfiltered air will drastically accelerate internal engine
wear. Your Caterpillar dealer has the proper air
cleaner elements for your application. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer for the correct air cleaner element.
Illustration 29
• Check the precleaner (if equipped) daily for (1) Cover
accumulation of dirt and debris. Remove any dirt (2) Primary air cleaner element
and debris, as needed. (3) Secondary air cleaner element
(4) Turbocharger air inlet
• Operating conditions (dust, dirt and debris) may
require more frequent service of the air cleaner 1. Remove the cover. Remove the primary air
element. cleaner element.

• The air cleaner element may be cleaned up to 2. The secondary air cleaner element should be
six times if the element is properly cleaned and removed and discarded for every three cleanings
inspected. of the primary air cleaner element.

• The air cleaner element should be replaced at least Note: Refer to “Cleaning the Primary Air Cleaner
one time per year. This replacement should be Elements”.
performed regardless of the number of cleanings.
3. Cover the turbocharger air inlet with tape in order
Replace the dirty paper air cleaner elements with to keep dirt out.
clean air cleaner elements. Before installation, the
air cleaner elements should be thoroughly checked 4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner cover and body
for tears and/or holes in the filter material. Inspect with a clean, dry cloth.
the gasket or the seal of the air cleaner element for
damage. Maintain a supply of suitable air cleaner 5. Remove the tape for the turbocharger air inlet.
elements for replacement purposes. Install the secondary air cleaner element. Install a
primary air cleaner element that is new or cleaned.
Dual Element Air Cleaners
6. Install the air cleaner cover.
The dual element air cleaner contains a primary
air cleaner element and a secondary air cleaner 7. Reset the air cleaner service indicator.
element. The primary air cleaner element can be
used up to six times if the element is properly cleaned
and inspected. The primary air cleaner element
should be replaced at least one time per year. This
replacement should be performed regardless of the
number of cleanings.

The secondary air cleaner element is not serviceable

or washable. The secondary air cleaner element
should be removed and discarded for every three
cleanings of the primary air cleaner element. When
the engine is operating in environments that are
dusty or dirty, air cleaner elements may require more
frequent replacement.
68 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) - Clean/Replace

Cleaning the Primary Air Cleaner Pressurized Air

Elements Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air
cleaner elements that have not been cleaned more
NOTICE than two times. Pressurized air will not remove
Caterpillar recommends certified air filter cleaning ser- deposits of carbon and oil. Use filtered, dry air with a
vices that are available at Caterpillar dealers. The maximum pressure of 207 kPa (30 psi).
Caterpillar cleaning process uses proven procedures
to assure consistent quality and sufficient filter life.

Observe the following guidelines if you attempt to

clean the filter element:

Do not tap or strike the filter element in order to re-

move dust.

Do not wash the filter element.

Use low pressure compressed air in order to remove

the dust from the filter element. Air pressure must not
exceed 207 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air flow up the
pleats and down the pleats from the inside of the filter
element. Take extreme care in order to avoid damage Illustration 30
to the pleats.
Note: When the primary air cleaner elements are
Do not use air filters with damaged pleats, gaskets, or cleaned, always begin with the clean side (inside)
seals. Dirt entering the engine will cause damage to in order to force dirt particles toward the dirty side
engine components. (outside).

The primary air cleaner element can be used up Aim the hose so that the air flows inside the element
to six times if the element is properly cleaned and along the length of the filter in order to help prevent
inspected. When the primary air cleaner element is damage to the paper pleats. Do not aim the stream
cleaned, check for rips or tears in the filter material. of air directly at the primary air cleaner element. Dirt
The primary air cleaner element should be replaced could be forced further into the pleats.
at least one time per year. This replacement should
be performed regardless of the number of cleanings. Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Use clean primary air cleaner elements while dirty
elements are being cleaned. Vacuum Cleaning
Vacuum cleaning is a good method for cleaning
primary air cleaner elements which require daily
Do not clean the air cleaner elements by bumping or
cleaning because of a dry, dusty environment.
tapping. This could damage the seals. Do not use el-
Cleaning with pressurized air is recommended prior
ements with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dam-
to vacuum cleaning. Vacuum cleaning will not remove
aged elements will allow dirt to pass through. Engine
deposits of carbon and oil.
damage could result.
Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Visually inspect the primary air cleaner elements Elements”.
before cleaning. Inspect the air cleaner elements for
damage to the seal, the gaskets, and the outer cover.
Discard any damaged air cleaner elements.

There are two common methods that are used to

clean primary air cleaner elements:

• Pressurized air
• Vacuum cleaning
SEBU7901-01 69
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect

Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic as a
Elements protective covering for storage. An airflow restriction
may result. To protect against dirt and damage, wrap
the primary air cleaner elements in Volatile Corrosion
Inhibited (VCI) paper.

Place the primary air cleaner element into a box

for storage. For identification, mark the outside of
the box and mark the primary air cleaner element.
Include the following information:

• Date of cleaning
• Number of cleanings
Store the box in a dry location.
Illustration 31

Inspect the clean, dry primary air cleaner element.

Use a 60 watt blue light in a dark room or in a similar
Engine Air Cleaner Service
facility. Place the blue light in the primary air cleaner Indicator - Inspect
element. Rotate the primary air cleaner element.
Inspect the primary air cleaner element for tears
(If Equipped)
and/or holes. Inspect the primary air cleaner element SMCS Code: 7452-040
for light that may show through the filter material. If it
is necessary in order to confirm the result, compare
Some engines may be equipped with a different
the primary air cleaner element to a new primary air service indicator.
cleaner element that has the same part number.
Some engines are equipped with a differential gauge
Do not use a primary air cleaner element that has for inlet air pressure. The differential gauge for inlet
any tears and/or holes in the filter material. Do not air pressure displays the difference in the pressure
use a primary air cleaner element with damaged
that is measured before the air cleaner element and
pleats, gaskets or seals. Discard damaged primary the pressure that is measured after the air cleaner
air cleaner elements. element. As the air cleaner element becomes dirty,
the pressure differential rises. If your engine is
Storing Primary Air Cleaner Elements equipped with a different type of service indicator,
follow the OEM recommendations in order to service
If a primary air cleaner element that passes inspection the air cleaner service indicator.
will not be used, the primary air cleaner element can
be stored for future use. The service indicator may be mounted on the air
cleaner housing or in a remote location.

Illustration 32
Illustration 33
Typical service indicator
70 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean

Observe the service indicator. The air cleaner i01848984

element should be cleaned or the air cleaner element
should be replaced when one of the following Engine Crankcase Breather -
conditions occur: Clean
• The yellow diaphragm enters the red zone. SMCS Code: 1317-070

• The red piston locks in the visible position.

Test the Service Indicator

Service indicators are important instruments.

• Check for ease of resetting. The service indicator

should reset in less than three pushes.

• Check the movement of the yellow core when the

engine is accelerated to the engine rated speed.
The yellow core should latch approximately at the
greatest vacuum that is attained.
Illustration 34
If the service indicator does not reset easily, or if the
yellow core does not latch at the greatest vacuum, (1) Bolts. (2) Hose clamp. (3) Breather cover.
the service indicator should be replaced. If the new
service indicator will not reset, the hole for the service NOTICE
indicator may be plugged. Perform this maintenance with the engine stopped.

The service indicator may need to be replaced

frequently in environments that are severely dusty, if If the crankcase breather is not maintained on a
necessary. Replace the service indicator annually regular basis, the crankcase breather will become
regardless of the operating conditions. Replace the plugged. A plugged crankcase breather will cause
service indicator when the engine is overhauled, and excessive crankcase pressure that may cause
whenever major engine components are replaced. crankshaft seal leakage.

Note: When a new service indicator is installed, 1. Loosen hose clamp (2) and remove the hose from
excessive force may crack the top of the service breather cover (3).
indicator. Tighten the service indicator to a torque
of 2 N·m (18 lb in). 2. Loosen four bolts (1) for the breather cover and
remove breather cover (3).

3. Remove the breather element and wash the

breather element in solvent that is clean and
nonflammable. Allow the breather element to dry.

4. Install a breather element that is clean and dry.

Install breather cover (3) and install bolts (1).
Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130 in order to
locate the proper torques.

5. Install the hose. Install hose clamp (2). Refer to

the Specifications, SENR3130 in order to locate
the proper torques.
SEBU7901-01 71
Maintenance Section
Engine Mounts - Inspect


Engine Mounts - Inspect

SMCS Code: 1152-040

Inspect the engine mounts for deterioration and for

proper bolt torque. Engine vibration can be caused
by the following conditions: Illustration 36

(Y) “ADD” mark

• Improper mounting of the engine (X) “FULL” mark

• Deterioration of the engine mounts

Any engine mount that shows deterioration should Perform this maintenance with the engine stopped.
be replaced. Refer to the Specifications Manual,
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”. Refer to your 1. Maintain the oil level between “ADD” mark (Y) and
Caterpillar dealer for more information. “FULL” mark (X) on oil level gauge (1). Do not fill
the crankcase above “FULL” mark (X).
Engine Oil Level - Check Engine damage can occur if the crankcase is filled
above the “FULL” mark on the oil level gauge (dip-
SMCS Code: 1348-535-FLV stick).

An overfull crankcase can enable the crankshaft to

dip into the oil. This will reduce the power that is de-
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal veloped and also force air bubbles into the oil. These
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to bubbles (foam) can cause the following problems: re-
contact the skin. duction of the oil’s ability to lubricate, reduction of oil
pressure, inadequate cooling of the pistons, oil blow-
ing out of the crankcase breathers, and excessive oil

Excessive oil consumption will enable deposits to form

on the pistons and in the combustion chamber. De-
posits in the combustion chamber lead to the following
problems: guttering of the valves, packing of carbon
under the piston rings, and wear of the cylinder liner.

If the oil level is above the “FULL” mark on the oil level
gauge, drain some of the oil immediately.

2. Remove oil filler cap (2) and add oil, if necessary.

For the correct oil to use, see this Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities and
Recommendations” topic (Maintenance Section).
Do not fill the crankcase above “FULL” mark (X)
on the oil level gauge. Clean the oil filler cap.
Install the oil filler cap.

Illustration 35
g00622328 3. Record the amount of oil that is added. For the
(1) Oil level gauge
next oil sample and analysis, include the total
(2) Oil filler cap amount of oil that has been added since the
previous sample. This will help to provide the most
accurate oil analysis.
72 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain

Engine Oil Sample - Obtain Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
SMCS Code: 1000-008; 1348-554-SM;
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
7542-554-OC, SM
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
In addition to a good preventive maintenance
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
program, Caterpillar recommends using S·O·S oil
dealers and customers.
analysis at regularly scheduled intervals in order
to monitor the condition of the engine and the
maintenance requirements of the engine. S·O·S oil If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve,
analysis provides infrared analysis, which is required use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is
for determining nitration and oxidation levels. designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion
into the sump.
Obtain the Sample and the Analysis
For instructions, see Special Publication, PEHP6001,
“How To Take A Good Oil Sample”. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer for complete information and
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to engine.
contact the skin.
Before you take the oil sample, complete the Label,
PEEP5031 for identification of the sample. In order Engine Oil and Filter - Change
to help obtain the most accurate analysis, provide
the following information: SMCS Code: 1318-510; 1348-044

• Engine model
• Service hours on the engine Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
• The number of hours that have accumulated since contact the skin.
the last oil change

• The amount of oil that has been added since the Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the oil
last oil change cools, suspended waste particles settle on the bottom
of the oil pan. The waste particles are not removed
To ensure that the sample is representative of the with the draining cold oil. Drain the crankcase with
oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil the engine stopped. Drain the crankcase with the
sample. oil warm. This draining method allows the waste
particles that are suspended in the oil to be drained
To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools properly.
and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil
samples must be clean. Failure to follow this recommended procedure will
cause the waste particles to be recirculated through
Caterpillar recommends using the sampling valve the engine lubrication system with the new oil.
in order to obtain oil samples. The quality and the
consistency of the samples are better when the Drain the Engine Oil
sampling valve is used. The location of the sampling
valve allows oil that is flowing under pressure to be After the engine has been run at the normal operating
obtained during normal engine operation. temperature, stop the engine. Use one of the
following methods to drain the engine crankcase oil:
The 169-8373 Fluid Sampling Bottle is
recommended for use with the sampling valve. The • If the engine is equipped with a drain valve, turn the
fluid sampling bottle includes the parts that are drain valve knob counterclockwise in order to drain
needed for obtaining oil samples. Instructions are the oil. After the oil has drained, turn the drain valve
also provided. knob clockwise in order to close the drain valve.
SEBU7901-01 73
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

• If the engine is not equipped with a drain valve,

remove the oil drain plug in order to allow the oil
to drain. If the engine is equipped with a shallow
sump, remove the bottom oil drain plugs from both
ends of the oil pan.

After the oil has drained, the oil drain plugs should
be cleaned and installed.

Replace the Oil Filter

Caterpillar oil filters are built to Caterpillar speci-
fications. Use of an oil filter not recommended by g00103713
Caterpillar could result in severe engine damage to Illustration 37
the engine bearings, crankshaft, etc., as a result of Typical filter mounting base and filter gasket
the larger waste particles from unfiltered oil entering
the engine lubricating system. Only use oil filters 3. Clean the sealing surface of the filter mounting
recommended by Caterpillar. base. Ensure that all of the old oil filter gasket is
1. Remove the oil filter with a 1U-8760 Chain 4. Apply clean engine oil to the new oil filter gasket.

2. Cut the oil filter open with a 175-7546 Oil Filter NOTICE
Cutter Gp. Break apart the pleats and inspect the Do not fill the oil filters with oil before installing them.
oil filter for metal debris. An excessive amount This oil would not be filtered and could be contaminat-
of metal debris in the oil filter may indicate early ed. Contaminated oil can cause accelerated wear to
wear or a pending failure. engine components.

Use a magnet to differentiate between the ferrous 5. Install the oil filter. Tighten the oil filter until the
metals and the nonferrous metals that are found in oil filter gasket contacts the base. Tighten the oil
the oil filter element. Ferrous metals may indicate filter by hand according to the instructions that are
wear on the steel and cast iron parts of the engine. shown on the oil filter. Do not overtighten the oil
Nonferrous metals may indicate wear on the
aluminum parts, brass parts or bronze parts of
the engine. Parts that may be affected include Fill the Engine Crankcase
the following items: main bearings, rod bearings,
turbocharger bearings, and cylinder heads. 1. Remove the oil filler cap. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities and
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not Recommendations” for more information.
uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the
oil filter. Consult your Caterpillar dealer in order NOTICE
to arrange for a further analysis if an excessive If equipped with an auxiliary oil filter system or a re-
amount of debris is found in the oil filter. mote oil filter system, follow the OEM or filter manu-
facturer’s recommendations. Under filling or overfilling
the crankcase with oil can cause engine damage.

To prevent crankshaft bearing damage, crank the en-
gine with the fuel OFF. This will fill the oil filters before
starting the engine. Do not crank the engine for more
than 30 seconds.

2. Start the engine and run the engine at “LOW

IDLE” for two minutes. Perform this procedure in
order to ensure that the lubrication system has
oil and that the oil filters are filled. Inspect the oil
filter for oil leaks.
74 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Protective Devices - Check

3. Stop the engine and allow the oil to drain back to i01464654
the sump for a minimum of ten minutes.
Engine Speed/Timing Sensors
4. Remove the oil level gauge in order to check the
oil level. Maintain the oil level between the “ADD”
- Check/Clean/Calibrate
and “FULL” marks on the oil level gauge. SMCS Code: 1912-040; 1912-070; 1912-524


Engine Protective Devices -

SMCS Code: 7400-535

Alarms and shutoffs must function properly. Alarms

provide timely warning to the operator. Shutoffs help
to prevent damage to the engine. It is impossible
to determine if the engine protective devices are
in good working order during normal operation.
Malfunctions must be simulated in order to test the
engine protective devices.

A calibration check of the engine protective devices

will ensure that the alarms and shutoffs activate
at the setpoints. Ensure that the engine protective
devices are functioning properly.
Illustration 38
Left side view
During testing, abnormal operating conditions must be
simulated. (1) Secondary speed/timing sensor
(2) Primary speed/timing sensor

The tests must be performed correctly in order to pre-

1. Remove the speed/timing sensors from the front
vent possible damage to the engine.
housing. Check the condition of the plastic end
of the speed/timing sensors for wear and/or
To prevent damage to the engine, only authorized contaminants.
service personnel or your Caterpillar dealer should
perform the tests. 2. Clean the metal shavings and other debris from
the face of the speed/timing sensors. Use the
procedure in the Service Manual in order to
Visual Inspection calibrate the speed/timing sensors.
Visually check the condition of all gauges, sensors
Refer to the Service Manual for more information on
and wiring. Look for wiring and components that
the speed/timing sensors.
are loose, broken, or damaged. Damaged wiring
or components should be repaired or replaced
SEBU7901-01 75
Maintenance Section
Engine Storage Procedure - Check

i01458399 i01849001

Engine Storage Procedure - Engine Valve Lash -

Check Inspect/Adjust
SMCS Code: 1000-535 SMCS Code: 1102-025

The oil change interval may be extended to 12 The initial valve lash adjustment on new engines,
months for a vehicle that is operated seasonally rebuilt engines, or remanufactured engines is
and placed in storage for the remainder of the year recommended at the first scheduled oil change. The
by using the required storage procedures and the adjustment is necessary due to the initial wear of
required start-up procedures. This extension is the valve train components and to the seating of the
permitted if the following categories for oil change valve train components.
intervals in the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Maintenance Interval Schedule” have not been This maintenance is recommended by Caterpillar
reached: as part of a lubrication and preventive maintenance
schedule in order to help provide maximum engine
• Mileage life.

• Operating hours NOTICE

Only qualified service personnel should perform this
• Fuel consumption maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your
Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust-
If an engine is out of operation and if use of the ment procedure.
engine is not planned, special precautions should
be made. If the engine will be stored for more than Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve
three months, a complete protection procedure is adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re-
recommended. For more detailed information on duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
engine storage, see Special Instruction, SEHS9031, and/or shortened engine component life.
“Storage Procedure For Caterpillar Products”.

If the engine will not be started for several weeks, the

lubricating oil will drain from the cylinder walls and
from the piston rings. Rust can form on the cylinder Ensure that the engine can not be started while
liner surface. Rust on the cylinder liner surface will this maintenance is being performed. To help pre-
cause increased engine wear and a reduction in vent possible injury, do not use the starting motor
engine service life. Caterpillar recommends the to turn the flywheel.
use of volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) oil in order
to prevent internal engine damage due to moisture Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
during storage. These inhibitors in the VCI oil act by additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
evaporating inside the engine. The inhibitors then suring/adjusting valve lash clearance.
condense over the inside surfaces of the engine. The
evaporation process and the condensing process
offers full protection to surfaces that cannot be Ensure that the engine is stopped before measuring
reached with preservatives. 0.9 L (1.0 qt) of 4C-6792 the valve lash. To obtain an accurate measurement,
VCI oil will treat 28.4 L (30.0 qt) of engine oil. This allow the valves to cool before this maintenance is
will give a 3 percent concentration of VCI oil. The performed.
engine must be completely sealed when the engine
is stored in order for the VCI oil to function properly. The following components should be inspected and
The VCI oil is easily cleaned from the engine when adjusted when the valves are inspected and adjusted.
you remove the engine from storage. The volatile
vapors are removed by simply running the engine • Valve actuators
to operating temperature. A mineral oil base is left
behind after the volatile vapors are removed. • Injectors
• Compression brakes
Refer to the Service Manual for more information.
76 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect


Engine Valve Rotators - Inspect

SMCS Code: 1109-040

When inspecting the valve rotators, protective

glasses or face shield and protective clothing
must be worn, to help prevent being burned by
hot oil or spray.

Engine valve rotators rotate the valves when the

engine runs. This helps to prevent deposits from Illustration 39
building up on the valves and the valve seats. Typical location of the grease fitting (if equipped) that is for the fan
drive bearing
Perform the following steps after the engine valve The pulley is shown with the belt guards that have been removed.
lash is set, but before the valve covers are installed:
Lubricate the grease fitting that is on the fan drive
1. Start the engine according to Operation and bearing with Bearing Lubricant or the equivalent.
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Starting” (Operation
Section) for the procedure. Inspect the fan drive pulley assembly for wear or for
damage. If the shaft is loose, an inspection of the
2. Operate the engine at low idle. internal components should be performed. Refer to
the Service Manual for additional information.
3. Observe the top surface of each valve rotator.
The valve rotators should turn slightly when the
valves close. i02053753

Fan Drive Bearing - Replace
A valve rotator which does not operate properly will SMCS Code: 1359-510-BD
accelerate valve face wear and valve seat wear and
shorten valve life. If a damaged rotator is not replaced, 1. Remove Bearings. Refer to Disassembly and
valve face guttering could result and cause pieces of Assembly, “Bearing Removal”.
the valve to fall into the cylinder. This can cause piston
and cylinder head damage. 2. Measure the bearing housings for roundness and
for proper size.
If a valve fails to rotate, consult your Caterpillar
dealer. 3. Replace the bearings.

i02239650 i02075183

Fan Drive Bearing - Lubricate Fuel System - Prime

SMCS Code: 1359-086-BD SMCS Code: 1258-548

Some of the fan drives have grease fittings and some The Secondary Fuel Filter Has
of the fan drives do not have grease fittings. If there is
no grease fitting, periodic lubrication is not required. Been Replaced
The fan drive requires grease only if the fan drive
is equipped with a zerk.

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-

trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.
SEBU7901-01 77
Maintenance Section
Fuel System - Prime

Note: There may be a noticeable change in the

NOTICE sound of the running engine when the air purge
Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might screw is tightened. The change in the sound of the
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately. engine is normal.

Note: Failure to tighten all fittings could result in

NOTICE serious fuel leaks.
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that 6. Clean any residual fuel from the engine
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon- components.
nected fuel system component.
7. After the engine has operated smoothly for 30
seconds, turn the priming valve (3) to the “Open
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, (Run)” position.
“Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace” for
information on replacing the filter. Note: Shortened injector life may occur if the priming
valve (3) is left in the “Closed (Prime)” position.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.

The Engine Has Been Run Out of

Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.

Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component.
Illustration 40
(1) Fuel priming pump 1. Turn the ignition switch to the “OFF” position.
(2) Air purge screw
(3) Priming valve (If Equipped) 2. Fill the fuel tank(s) with clean diesel fuel.
2. Turn the priming valve (3) (If Equipped) to the
“Closed (Prime)” position in order to prime the fuel

3. Open air purge screw (2) for the fuel filter by three
full turns. Do not remove the air purge screw.

Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.

4. Start the engine. The engine should start and the

engine should run smoothly. Illustration 41

(1) Fuel priming pump

Note: You may use the fuel priming pump for the fuel (2) Air purge screw
filter (IF EQUIPPED) instead of starting the engine (3) Priming valve (If Equipped)
and running the engine.
3. Turn the priming valve (3) (If Equipped) to the
5. While the engine is running, observe air purge “Closed (Prime)” position in order to prime the fuel
screw (2). When a small drop of fuel appears system.
at the threads of the air purge screw, close and
tighten air purge screw (2).
78 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Primary Filter/Water Separator - Drain

4. Open air purge screw (2) for the fuel filter by three
full turns. Do not remove the air purge screw. NOTICE
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
NOTICE clean the area around a fuel system component that
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two nected fuel system component.
minutes before cranking the engine again.

5. Crank the engine for 30 seconds. Use a suitable

container to catch the fuel while you crank the
engine. Allow the starter motor to cool for 2

Note: You may use the fuel priming pump (1) (IF
EQUIPPED) for the fuel filter instead of cranking the

6. Crank the engine for 30 seconds. Allow the starter

motor to cool for 2 minutes.

7. Repeat Step 6 until the engine starts and the g00709596

Illustration 42
engine runs.
(1) Element
(2) Bowl
Note: Failure to tighten all fittings could result in (3) Drain
serious fuel leaks.
Bowl (2) should be monitored daily for signs of water.
8. After the engine has operated smoothly for 30 If water is present, drain the water from the bowl.
seconds, turn the priming valve (3) to the “Open
(Run)” position. 1. Open drain (3). The drain is a self-ventilated drain.
Catch the draining water in a suitable container.
Note: Shortened injector life may occur if the priming Dispose of the water properly.
valve (3) is left in the “Closed (Prime)” position.
2. Close drain (3).
9. Clean any residual fuel from the engine
The water separator is under suction during normal
i01341997 engine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tight-
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fuel
Fuel System Primary system.
Filter/Water Separator - Drain
SMCS Code: 1260-543; 1263-543 i02053433

Fuel System Primary Filter

(Water Separator) Element -
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-
trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when SMCS Code: 1260-510-FQ; 1263-510-FQ
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately. Water in the fuel can cause the engine to run rough.
Water in the fuel may cause a electronic unit injector
NOTICE to fail. If the fuel has been contaminated with water,
Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might the element should be changed before the regularly
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately. scheduled interval.
SEBU7901-01 79
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace

The primary filter/water separator also provides

filtration in order to help extend the life of the NOTICE
secondary fuel filter. The element should be changed The primary filter/water separator may be prefilled with
regularly. If a vacuum gauge is installed, the fuel to avoid rough running/stalling of the engine due
primary filter/water separator should be changed at to air. Do not fill the secondary filter with fuel before
50 to 70 kPa (15 to 20 inches Hg). installation. The fuel would not be filtered and could
be contaminated. Contaminated fuel will cause accel-
Replace the Element erated wear to fuel system parts.

7. Lubricate the top seal of element (1) with clean

diesel fuel. The element may be filled with fuel at
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri- this time. Install the new element on the mounting
cal components can cause a fire. base. Tighten the element by hand.

1. Close the main fuel supply valve.
The water separator is under suction during normal
engine operation. Ensure that the vent plug is tight-
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fu-
el system.

8. Open the main fuel supply valve.

9. Start the engine and check for leaks. Run the

engine for one minute. Stop the engine and check
for leaks again.

Detecting leaks is difficult while the engine is

running. The primary filter/water separator is
under suction. A leak will allow air to enter the fuel.
The air in the fuel can cause low power due to
Illustration 43 aeration of the fuel. If air enters the fuel, check the
Element (1), Bowl (2), and Drain (3) components for overtightening or undertightening.

2. Remove element (1) from the element mounting

base while bowl (2) is attached.

3. Dispose of the contents of the filter. Remove bowl

Fuel System Secondary Filter -
(2) from element (1). The bowl is reusable. Do not Replace
discard the bowl. Dispose of the used element.
SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE
4. Remove the O-ring from the gland of the bowl.
Clean the following components:

• Bowl Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-

trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
• O-ring vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
• Mounting base Clean up fuel spills immediately.
Inspect the O-ring for damage and for
deterioration. Replace the O-ring, if necessary. NOTICE
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
5. Lubricate the O-ring with clean diesel fuel. clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over any dis-
6. Install bowl (2) on a new element. Tighten the connected fuel system components.
bowl by hand. Do not use tools in order to tighten
the bowl.
80 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain

Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately. - Drain
SMCS Code: 1273-543-M&S
1. Stop the engine. Turn the ignition switch to the
OFF position or disconnect the battery. Refer to
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Battery NOTICE
or Battery Cable - Disconnect” topic (Maintenance Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
Section) for more information. Shut off the fuel during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
supply valve (if equipped). ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
2. It may be necessary to relieve residual fuel ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
pressure from the fuel system before the fuel nent containing fluids.
filter is removed. Wait for one to five minutes until
the fuel pressure has lowered. Use a suitable Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
container in order to catch any fuel that may spill. Dealer Service Tool Catalog” for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
3. Remove the used fuel filter and discard the used products.
fuel filter.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
4. Clean the gasket sealing surface of the fuel filter mandates.
base. Ensure that all of the old gasket is removed.

5. Apply clean diesel fuel to the new fuel filter gasket. Fuel Tank
Fuel quality is critical to the performance and to the
NOTICE service life of the engine. Water in the fuel can cause
Do not fill the secondary fuel filter with fuel before in- excessive wear to the fuel system. Condensation
stalling. The fuel would not be filtered and could be occurs during the heating and cooling of fuel. The
contaminated. Contaminated fuel will cause acceler- condensation occurs as the fuel passes through the
ated wear to fuel system parts. fuel system and the fuel returns to the fuel tank. This
causes water to accumulate in fuel tanks. Draining
the fuel tank regularly and obtaining fuel from reliable
NOTICE sources can help to eliminate water in the fuel.
In order to maximize fuel system life and prevent pre-
mature wear out from abrasive particles in the fuel, a
two micron high efficiency fuel filter is required for all Drain the Water and the Sediment
Caterpillar Electronic Unit Injectors. Caterpillar High
Efficiency Fuel Filters meet these requirements. Con- Fuel tanks should contain some provision for draining
sult your Caterpillar dealer for the proper part num- water and draining sediment from the bottom of the
bers. fuel tanks.

Open the drain valve on the bottom of the fuel tank

6. Install the new fuel filter. Spin the fuel filter onto in order to drain the water and the sediment. Close
the fuel filter base until the gasket contacts the the drain valve.
base. Use the rotation index marks on the filters
as a guide for proper tightening. Tighten the filter Check the fuel daily. Drain the water and sediment
according to the instructions that are on the fuel from the fuel tank after operating the engine or drain
filter. Do not overtighten the filter. the water and sediment from the fuel tank after the
fuel tank has been filled. Allow five to ten minutes
7. Open the fuel supply valve. The engine will need before performing this procedure.
to be purged of air. Refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” topic Fill the fuel tank after operating the engine in
(Maintenance Section) for more information. order to drive out moist air. This will help prevent
condensation. Do not fill the tank to the top. The
fuel expands as the fuel gets warm. The tank may
SEBU7901-01 81
Maintenance Section
Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace

Some fuel tanks use supply pipes that allow water Check for the following conditions:
and sediment to settle below the end of the fuel
supply pipe. Some fuel tanks use supply lines that • End fittings that are damaged or leaking
take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank. If
the engine is equipped with this system, regular • Outer covering that is chafed or cut
maintenance of the fuel system filter is important.
• Exposed wire that is used for reinforcement
Fuel Storage Tanks
• Outer covering that is ballooning locally
Drain the water and the sediment from the fuel
storage tank during the following conditions: • Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed

• Weekly • Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering

A constant torque hose clamp can be used in place
• Oil change of any standard hose clamp. Ensure that the constant
torque hose clamp is the same size as the standard
• Refill of the tank clamp.
This will help prevent water or sediment from being
Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will
pumped from the storage tank into the engine fuel
heat set. Heat setting causes hose clamps to loosen.
tank. A 2 micron filter for the breather vent on the
fuel tank is also recommended. Refer to Special This can result in leaks. A constant torque hose
clamp will help to prevent loose hose clamps.
Publication, SENR9620, “Improving Fuel System
Each installation application can be different. The
differences depend on the following factors:
If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal • Type of hose
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the • Type of fitting material
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel.
When possible, water separators should be used. • Anticipated expansion and contraction of the hose
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the
i02121526 fittings

Hoses and Clamps - Replace the Hoses and the Clamps

SMCS Code: 7554-040; 7554-510

Inspect all hoses for leaks that are caused by the Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri-
following conditions: ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap,
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
• Cracking components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
• Softness sure.

• Loose clamps 1. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool.

Replace hoses that are cracked or soft. Tighten any 2. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
loose clamps. order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap.
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not in- Note: Drain the coolant into a suitable, clean
stall bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses. Repair container. The coolant can be reused.
any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes and
hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Inspect all lines, tubes 3. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a
and hoses carefully. Tighten all connections to the rec- level that is below the hose that is being replaced.
ommended torque.
4. Remove the hose clamps.
82 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Jacket Water Heater - Check

5. Disconnect the old hose. Oil Consumption as an Overhaul

6. Replace the old hose with a new hose.
Oil consumption, fuel consumption, and maintenance
7. Install the hose clamps with a torque wrench.
information can be used to estimate the total
operating cost for your Caterpillar engine. Oil
Note: Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130,
consumption can also be used to estimate the
“Torque Specifications” in order to locate the proper
required capacity of a makeup oil tank that is suitable
for the maintenance intervals.
8. Refill the cooling system.
Oil consumption is in proportion to the percentage
of the rated engine load. As the percentage of the
9. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
engine load is increased, the amount of oil that is
cooling system filler cap’s gaskets. Replace
consumed per hour also increases.
the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are
damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap.
The oil consumption rate (brake specific oil
consumption) is measured in grams per kW/h (lb per
10. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
bhp). The brake specific oil consumption (BSOC)
depends on the engine load. Consult your Caterpillar
dealer for assistance in determining the typical oil
i02486400 consumption rate for your engine.

Jacket Water Heater - Check When an engine’s oil consumption has risen to three
times the original oil consumption rate due to normal
SMCS Code: 1383-535 wear, an engine overhaul should be scheduled.
There may be a corresponding increase in blowby
Jacket water heaters help to improve startability in and a slight increase in fuel consumption.
ambient temperatures that are below 21 °C (70 °F).
All installations that require automatic starting should Overhaul Options
have jacket water heaters.
Before Failure Overhaul
Check the operation of the jacket water heater. For
an ambient temperature of 0 °C (32 °F), the heater A planned overhaul before failure may be the best
should maintain the jacket water coolant temperature value for the following reasons:
at approximately 32 °C (90 °F).
• Costly unplanned downtime can be avoided.
• Many original parts can be reused according to the
Overhaul Considerations standards for reusable parts.

SMCS Code: 7595-043 • The engine service life can be extended without the
risk of a major catastrophe due to engine failure.
Reduced hours of operation at full load will result in a
lower average power demand. A decreased average • The best cost/value relationship per hour of
power demand should increase both the engine extended life can be attained.
service life and the overhaul interval.
After Failure Overhaul
The need for an overhaul is generally indicated by
increased fuel consumption and by reduced power. If a major engine failure occurs and the engine
must be removed, many options are available. An
The following factors are important when a decision overhaul should be performed if the engine block or
is being made on the proper time for an engine the crankshaft needs to be repaired.
If the engine block is repairable and/or the crankshaft
• The need for preventive maintenance is repairable, the overhaul cost should be between 40
percent and 50 percent of the cost of a new engine
• The quality of the fuel that is being used with a similar exchange core.

• The operating conditions This lower cost can be attributed to three aspects:

• The results of the S·O·S analysis • Specially designed Caterpillar engine features
SEBU7901-01 83
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations

• Caterpillar dealer exchange components • Unscheduled downtime

• Caterpillar Inc. remanufactured exchange • Costly repairs
• Damage to other engine parts
Overhaul Recommendation
• Reduced engine efficiency
To minimize downtime, a scheduled engine overhaul
by your Caterpillar dealer is recommended. This will • Increased fuel consumption
provide you with the best cost/value relationship.
Reduced engine efficiency and increased fuel
consumption translates into higher operating costs.
Note: Overhaul programs vary according to the
engine application and according to the dealer that Therefore, Caterpillar Inc. recommends repairing
out-of-spec parts or replacing out-of-spec parts.
performs the overhaul. Consult your Caterpillar
dealer for specific information about the available
overhaul programs and about overhaul services for Inspection and/or Replacement
extending the engine life.
Piston Rings, Crankshaft Bearings, Valve
If an overhaul is performed without overhaul service Rotators, and Crankshaft Seals
from your Caterpillar dealer, be aware of the following
maintenance recommendations. The following components may not last until the
second overhaul.
Unit Fuel Injector
• Thrust bearings
Clean the fuel injector body and replace the O-rings.
Replace the O-rings and the gasket on the injector • Main bearings
sleeve. Clean the area around the injector seating
in the injector sleeve. Refer to the Service Manual • Rod bearings
for the complete procedure, or consult with your
Caterpillar dealer for assistance. • Valve rotators
• Crankshaft seals
Rebuild or Exchange
Caterpillar Inc. recommends the installation of new
Cylinder Head Assembly, Connecting Rods, parts at each overhaul period.
Pistons, Cylinder Liners, Turbocharger, Cylinder
Packs, Oil Pump, and Fuel Transfer Pump Inspect these parts while the engine is disassembled
for an overhaul.
These components should be inspected according to
the instructions that are found in various Caterpillar Inspect the crankshaft for any of the following
reusability publications. The Special Publication, conditions:
SEBF8029 lists the reusability publications that are
needed for inspecting the engine parts. • Deflection
If the parts comply with the established inspection • Damage to the journals
specifications that are expressed in the reusable
parts guideline, the parts should be reused. • Bearing material that has seized to the journals
Parts that are not within the established inspection Check the journal taper and the profile of the
specifications should be dealt with in one of the crankshaft journals. Check these components by
following manners: interpreting the wear patterns on the following
• Salvaging
• Rod bearing
• Repairing
• Main bearings
• Replacing
Note: If the crankshaft is removed for any reason,
Parts that do not comply with the established use the magnetic particle inspection process to check
inspection specifications can result in the following for cracks in the crankshaft.
84 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Power Take-Off Clutch - Check/Adjust/Lubricate

Inspect the camshaft for damage to the journals and • Identification of metal corrosion
to the lobes.
• Identification of contaminants
Note: If the camshaft is removed for any reason, use
the magnetic particle inspection process to check for • Identification of built up impurities (corrosion and
cracks in the camshaft. scale)

Inspect the following components for signs of wear or S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 2) provides a report of
for signs of scuffing: the results of both the analysis and the maintenance
• Camshaft bearings
For more information about coolant analysis, consult
• Camshaft followers your Caterpillar dealer.

Caterpillar Inc. recommends replacing the crankshaft

vibration damper.

Oil Cooler Core and Aftercooler Core

Power Take-Off Clutch -
During an overhaul, the removal of the oil cooler
core and the aftercooler core is recommended. The SMCS Code: 3055-036; 3055-086
oil cooler core and the aftercooler core should be
cleaned and pressure tested. NOTICE
New power take-offs should have the clutch adjust-
NOTICE ment checked before being placed into service. The
Do not use caustic cleaners to clean the core. clutch adjustment should be checked again after the
first ten hours of operation. New clutch plates have a
Caustic cleaners can attack the internal metals of the “wear in” period, and the clutch may require several
core and cause leakage. adjustments until the new plates are “worn in”.

Obtain Coolant Analysis

The concentration of supplemental coolant additive
(SCA) should be checked regularly with test kits
or with S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 1). Further
coolant analysis is recommended when the engine
is overhauled.

A coolant analysis can be conducted in order to verify

the condition of the water that is being used in the
cooling system. A full water analysis can be obtained
by consulting your local water utility company or
an agricultural agent. Private laboratories are also
available for water analysis. Illustration 44

(1) Instruction plate

Caterpillar Inc. recommends an S·O·S Coolant (2) Serial number plate
Analysis (Level 2).
Check the clutch adjustment regularly after “wear in”.
S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 2) Heavy-duty applications which have engagements
that are frequent and relatively long periods of
An S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 2) is a clutch slippage require more frequent adjustment
comprehensive coolant analysis which completely than light-duty applications. The operating torque
analyzes the coolant and the effects on the cooling should be measured in order to determine if a clutch
system. An S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 2) provides adjustment is required.
the following information:
Refer to the OEM information and instruction plate
• Complete S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level 2) (1) for instructions on lubrication, adjustment, and
other recommendations for service. Perform the
• Visual inspection of properties maintenance that is specified on the instruction plate.
SEBU7901-01 85
Maintenance Section
Radiator - Clean

Inspect the fins for damage. Bent fins may be opened

with a “comb”. Inspect these items for good condition:
welds, mounting brackets, air lines, connections,
Do not operate the engine with the Instruction
clamps, and seals. Make repairs, if necessary.
Plate cover removed from the clutch. Personal
injury may result.
For more detailed information on cleaning and
inspection, refer to Special Publication, SEBD0518,
If the clutch is damaged to the point of burst fail-
“Know Your Cooling System”.
ure, expelled pieces can cause personal injury to
anyone in the immediate area. Proper safeguards
must be followed to help prevent accidents. i00151038

Severe Service Application -

i01604510 Check
Radiator - Clean SMCS Code: 1000-535
SMCS Code: 1353-070
Severe service is an application of an engine that
exceeds current published standards for that engine.
Note: Adjust the frequency of cleaning according to
Caterpillar maintains standards for the following
the effects of the operating environment.
engine parameters:
Inspect the radiator for these items: damaged fins,
corrosion, dirt, grease, insects, leaves, oil, and other • Performance (power range, speed range, and fuel
debris. Clean the radiator, if necessary.
• Fuel quality
• Altitude range
Personal injury can result from air pressure.
• Maintenance intervals
Personal injury can result without following prop-
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro- • Oil selection and maintenance
tective face shield and protective clothing.
• Coolant selection and maintenance
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. • Environmental qualities

Pressurized air is the preferred method for removing

• Installation
loose debris. Direct the air in the opposite direction Refer to the standards for the engine or consult with
of the fan’s air flow. Hold the nozzle approximately your Caterpillar dealer in order to determine if the
6 mm (0.25 inch) away from the fins. Slowly move the engine is operating within the defined parameters.
air nozzle in a direction that is parallel with the tubes.
This will remove debris that is between the tubes. Severe service operation can accelerate component
wear. Engines that operate under severe conditions
Pressurized water may also be used for cleaning. may need more frequent maintenance intervals in
The maximum water pressure for cleaning purposes order to ensure maximum reliability and retention of
must be less than 275 kPa (40 psi). Use pressurized full service life.
water in order to soften mud. Clean the core from
both sides. Due to individual applications, it is not possible to
identify all of the factors which can contribute to
Use a degreaser and steam for removal of oil and severe service operation. Consult your Caterpillar
grease. Clean both sides of the core. Wash the core dealer for the unique maintenance that is necessary
with detergent and hot water. Thoroughly rinse the for the engine.
core with clean water.
The operating environment, improper operating
After cleaning, start the engine and accelerate the procedures and improper maintenance procedures
engine to high idle rpm. This will help in the removal can be factors which contribute to severe service
of debris and drying of the core. Stop the engine. conditions.
Use a light bulb behind the core in order to inspect
the core for cleanliness. Repeat the cleaning, if
86 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Starting Motor - Inspect

Environmental Factors i01539769

Ambient temperatures – The engine may be Turbocharger - Inspect

exposed to extended operation in extremely
cold environments or hot environments. Valve SMCS Code: 1052-040; 1052
components can be damaged by carbon buildup if
the engine is frequently started and stopped in very Periodic inspection and cleaning is recommended
cold temperatures. Extremely hot inlet air reduces for the turbocharger compressor housing (inlet side).
engine performance. Any fumes from the crankcase are filtered through
the air inlet system. Therefore, by-products from oil
Air Quality – The engine may be exposed to and from combustion can collect in the turbocharger
extended operation in an environment that is dirty compressor housing. Over time, this buildup can
or dusty, unless the equipment is cleaned regularly. contribute to loss of engine power, increased black
Mud, dirt and dust can encase components. smoke and overall loss of engine efficiency.
Maintenance can be very difficult. The buildup can
contain corrosive chemicals. If the turbocharger fails during engine operation,
damage to the turbocharger compressor wheel
Buildup – Compounds, elements, corrosive and/or to the engine may occur. Damage to the
chemicals and salt can damage some components. turbocharger compressor wheel can cause additional
damage to the pistons, the valves, and the cylinder
Altitude – Problems can arise when the engine is head.
operated at altitudes that are higher than the intended
settings for that application. Necessary adjustments NOTICE
should be made. Turbocharger bearing failures can cause large quan-
tities of oil to enter the air inlet and exhaust systems.
Loss of engine lubricant can result in serious engine
Improper Operating Procedures damage.
• Extended operation at low idle Minor leakage of a turbocharger housing under ex-
tended low idle operation should not cause problems
• Frequent hot shutdowns as long as a turbocharger bearing failure has not oc-
• Operating at excessive loads
When a turbocharger bearing failure is accompanied
• Operating at excessive speeds by a significant engine performance loss (exhaust
smoke or engine rpm up at no load), do not continue
• Operating outside the intended application engine operation until the turbocharger is repaired or
Improper Maintenance Procedures
An inspection of the turbocharger can minimize
• Extending the maintenance intervals unscheduled downtime. An inspection of the
turbocharger can also reduce the chance for potential
• Failure to use recommended fuel, lubricants and damage to other engine parts.
Note: Turbocharger components require precision
i00651416 clearances. The turbocharger cartridge must
be balanced due to high rpm. Severe Service
Starting Motor - Inspect Applications can accelerate component wear.
Severe Service Applications require more frequent
SMCS Code: 1451-040; 1453-040 inspections of the cartridge.
Caterpillar Inc. recommends a scheduled inspection
of the starting motor. If the starting motor fails, the Removal and Installation
engine may not start in an emergency situation.
For options regarding the removal, installation, repair
Check the starting motor for proper operation. Check and replacement, consult your Caterpillar dealer.
the electrical connections and clean the electrical Refer to the Service Manual for this engine for the
connections. Refer to the Service Manual for more procedure and specifications.
information on the checking procedure and for
specifications or consult your Caterpillar dealer for
SEBU7901-01 87
Maintenance Section
Walk-Around Inspection

Cleaning and Inspecting i01185304

1. Remove the exhaust outlet piping and remove Walk-Around Inspection

the air inlet piping from the turbocharger. Visually
inspect the piping for the presence of oil. Clean SMCS Code: 1000-040
the interior of the pipes in order to prevent dirt
from entering during reassembly. Inspect the Engine for Leaks and
2. Turn the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel for Loose Connections
by hand. The assembly should turn freely. Inspect
the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel for A walk-around inspection should only take a few
contact with the turbocharger housing. There minutes. When the time is taken to perform these
should not be any visible signs of contact between checks, costly repairs and accidents can be avoided.
the turbine wheel or compressor wheel and the
turbocharger housing. If there is any indication of For maximum engine service life, make a thorough
contact between the rotating turbine wheel or the inspection of the engine compartment before starting
compressor wheel and the turbocharger housing, the engine. Look for items such as oil leaks or coolant
the turbocharger must be reconditioned. leaks, loose bolts, worn belts, loose connections and
trash buildup. Make repairs, as needed:
3. Check the compressor wheel for cleanliness.
If only the blade side of the wheel is dirty, dirt • The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
and/or moisture is passing through the air filtering damaged guards or replace missing guards.
system. If oil is found only on the back side of the
wheel, there is a possibility of a failed turbocharger • Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is
oil seal. serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
The presence of oil may be the result of extended
engine operation at low idle. The presence of oil NOTICE
may also be the result of a restriction of the line For any type of leak (coolant, lube, or fuel) clean up the
for the inlet air (plugged air filters), which causes fluid. If leaking is observed, find the source and correct
the turbocharger to slobber. the leak. If leaking is suspected, check the fluid levels
more often than recommended until the leak is found
4. Use a dial indicator to check the end clearance or fixed, or until the suspicion of a leak is proved to be
on the shaft. If the measured end play is greater unwarranted.
than the Service Manual specifications, the
turbocharger should be repaired or replaced.
An end play measurement that is less than the
Accumulated grease and/or oil on an engine or deck is
minimum Service Manual specifications could
a fire hazard. Remove this debris with steam cleaning
indicate carbon buildup on the turbine wheel. The
or high pressure water.
turbocharger should be disassembled for cleaning
and for inspection if the measured end play is less
than the minimum Service Manual specifications. • Ensure that the cooling lines are properly clamped
and that the cooling lines are tight. Check for leaks.
5. Inspect the bore of the turbine housing for Check the condition of all pipes.
• Inspect the water pumps for coolant leaks.
6. Clean the turbocharger housing with standard
shop solvents and a soft bristle brush. Note: The water pump seal is lubricated by coolant
in the cooling system. It is normal for a small amount
7. Fasten the air inlet piping and the exhaust outlet of leakage to occur as the engine cools down and
piping to the turbocharger housing. the parts contract.

Excessive coolant leakage may indicate the need

to replace the water pump seal. For the removal of
water pumps and the installation of water pumps
and/or seals, refer to the Service Manual for the
engine or consult your Caterpillar dealer.

• Inspect the lubrication system for leaks at the front

crankshaft seal, the rear crankshaft seal, the oil
pan, the oil filters and the valve cover.
88 SEBU7901-01
Maintenance Section
Water Pump - Inspect

• Inspect the fuel system for leaks. Look for loose Note: Refer to the Service Manual or consult your
fuel line clamps or for loose fuel line tie-wraps. Caterpillar dealer if any repair is needed or any
replacement is needed.
• Inspect the piping for the air inlet system and the
elbows for cracks and for loose clamps. Ensure
that hoses and tubes are not contacting other
hoses, tubes, wiring harnesses, etc.

• Inspect the alternator belt and the accessory drive

belts for cracks, breaks or other damage.

Belts for multiple groove pulleys must be replaced as

matched sets. If only one belt is replaced, the belt will
carry more load than the belts that are not replaced.
The older belts are stretched. The additional load on
the new belt could cause the belt to break.

• Drain the water and the sediment from fuel tanks

on a daily basis in order to ensure that only clean
fuel enters the fuel system.

• Inspect the wiring and the wiring harnesses for

loose connections and for worn wires or frayed

• Inspect the ground strap for a good connection and

for good condition.

• Inspect the ECM to the cylinder head ground strap

for a good connection and for good condition.

• Disconnect any battery chargers that are not

protected against the current drain of the starting
motor. Check the condition and the electrolyte level
of the batteries, unless the engine is equipped with
a maintenance free battery.

• Check the condition of the gauges. Replace any

gauges that are cracked. Replace any gauge that
can not be calibrated.


Water Pump - Inspect

SMCS Code: 1361-040; 1361

A failed water pump might cause severe engine

overheating problems that could result in the following

• Cracks in the cylinder head

• A piston seizure
• Other potential damage to the engine
Visually inspect the water pump for leaks. If any
leaking is observed, replace the water pump seal
or the water pump assembly. Refer to the Service
Manual for the disassembly and assembly procedure.

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