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Made By: Swati Aggarwal B.Tech (M.E)

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Made by:
Swati Aggarwal
B.Tech(M.E) (23)
Biodiversity is the sum total of all
the varieties of species of
plants,animals and micro-
organisms living on the earth.It
also includes the habitat in which
they live.
Values Of Biodiversity
Direct values :-
 Rosy periwinkle of Madagaskar for
 Cinchona for Malaria.
 Coca for Anaesthesia.
 Domesticated animals provide us a number
of products like milk,wool,meat,skin,etc.
Indirect Values :-
 Soil formation and its protection
from erosion.
 Photosynthesis and carbon fixation.
 Reducing the impact of flood and
 Climate regulation at local as well as
global level.
Levels Of Biodiversity
Genetic Diversity
Species Diversity
Ecosystem Diversity
Hotspots In India
The two hotspots of biodiversity in
India are :-
The Western Ghats and
The Eastern Himalayas.
Threats To Biodiversity
The major threat to the
biodiversity is the human
consumption of resources.
Deforestation is the cause of
habitat destruction.
Forest fire.
Types Of Conservation Of
 In-Situ Conservation
 Ex-Situ Conservation
In-Situ Conservation :-
• The in-situ conservation protects
the species in their natural habitat
or where they are.
• The in-situ conservation is more
cost effective.
Ex-Situ Conservation :-
The ex-situ conservation protects
and preserves the species in a place
that is away from their natural
It includes ways like storage of
seeds in banks,setting up of
aquariums,botanical gardens,etc.
Mitigating People-Wildlife
Conflict :-
Fences and trenches is
recommeneded as it reduces the
interaction and thus the conflict also.
Some areas lack water bodies which
leads the animals from straying
outside the forest areas so water tanks
should be build in the forests.
A bufferzone should be created at
the forest periphery where people can
make limited use of forest products.
Hunting and poaching should be
strictly banned.
Eco-tourism and recreation forestry
should be tried as an income-earning
Protecting Biodiversity
Wildlife Protection Act (1972) :-
Its objective is to preserve the biodiversity.

Endangered Species Act (1973) :-

Implements U.S. participation in CITES
“Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species”
Prohibits trade in listed species
whole organisms
parts: skins, bones, teeth, flowers,
leaves, etc.
H A !!
T U !

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