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Sentence Writing

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Sentence Building Pretest

To better understand Chapter One, correct the mistakes below. Write

the corrected sentences on the lines below.

1. Jenny attends several classes at her university. For example, English

literature, listening, and speech.


2. Dr. Lim is the President of the school board.


3. His birthday is November 9 1951.


Chapter One

Sentence Building

Chapter One is designed to help you write better by giving you instruction in
building better sentences. Sections of the chapter devoted to capitalization,
punctuation, and proper article usage will get you started in the right direction.
Other sections providing instruction in sentence structure, sentence building, and
error correction will get you ready for the basics of paragraph building in Chapter

Sentence Building Tools: Capitalization

Capitalization is a good place to start when you study writing. The first word in
every sentence should be capitalized. It sets off the more specific nouns.
Common nouns are not capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence.

The names of people should be capitalized.

Suhyun Kim

John Wayne

Ted Tucker

Exercise 1.1

1. Using correct capitalization, write the following names.

james monroe ____________________________________

wilson pickett ____________________________________

jung-ah park ____________________________________

2. Write your name with the correct capital letters.

name: _______________________________________________________

The first letter of the first word in a sentence is capitalized. This includes all types
of sentences: statements, commands,
questions, and exclamations.


Statement: I want to buy a new car.

Command: Close the door.

Question: Are you a student?

Exclamation: Look out!

The names of cities, countries, and continents are capitalized.

Seoul Pusan Europe Africa
London New York Korea China

Exercise 1.2

Write the names of two cities, three countries, and a continent here:


Capitalize the names of languages and nationalities.

German Russian Japanese Korean Chinese Pakistani

Koji is Japanese

Illyana is Russian

Exercise 1.3

Write the names of two languages here: _____________________

Write names of three nationalities here: _______________________________

Sentence Building Tools: Punctuation

Punctuation is an important part of writing skills.

Put a period at the end of every statement and


Statement: Jenny is a student.
Command: Have a seat.

Exercise 1.4

Write a similar statement.


Write a similar command.


Put a question mark (?) at the end of every question.

Is Jenny a Student?

Exercise 1.5

Write a similar question.


Put an exclamation mark (!) period at the end of every exclamation.

Look out!

Exercise 1.6

Write a similar exclamation:

Sentence Building Tools: Using the articles a and an
Using articles correctly will help your writing have a natural flow to it.

Singular nouns that begin with a consonant sound should be preceded by a.

Singular nouns that begin with a vowel sound should be

preceded by an.

a uniform an x-ray machine
a university an hour

Exercise 1.7

Choose a or an for each of the following nouns and terms

_____unit _____heir _____honest person

_____SAT score _____yellow hourglass _____UFO

Exercise 1.8

Fill in the blanks. Use an article (a or an).

Rewrite the sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. _____ banana is tasty


2. _____ x-ray machine can be found in every hospital


3. _______ eagle is _________ bird


4. _____ cell phone is _____ very handy communication tool.


5. _____ elevator will take you to the main offices on the fiftieth floor.

Sentence Building Tools:
Capitalization – Days, Months, Seasons, and more
Capitalize the days of the week.

Saturday Wednesday

Sunday Thursday

Monday Friday


The months of the year are

capitalized, however, the seasons
are not.






Capitalize the names of streets, roads, avenues, highways, and expressways.


Chong-ro Street

Third Avenue

The Honam Expressway

A brand names is capitalized, but the name of the product is not.


A Samsung television

A Lotte hamburger

Exercise 1.9

Write complete sentences using the following nouns.

Use correct punctuation and capitalization.



Birds are animals.

1. tokyo


2. china


3. cabbage


4. an eagle


5. february


Always capitalize the subject pronoun I.

Example: I am tall and fat.

Exercise 1.10

Write a sentence using i


Sentence Building Tools:
Punctuation – Apostrophes
Contractions need an apostrophe. The apostrophe should be
placed where the missing letter(s) would be and also placed
higher than the lower case letters.


Bob’s coming to school today = Bob is coming to school


doesn’t = does not

she’s = she is

Review Exercise 1.11

There are mistakes in the following sentences. Write the sentences correctly and
use correct punctuation and capitalization.

1. kim and i am brother’s


2. brazils an country


3. an cat is an animal


4. a Hotel and an Hospital are a buildings


5. tianjin and fukuoka are city


6. hes very tall


Sentence Building Tools: Titles
A job name is capitalized only if it is used as a title.

Use a period after titles that are abbreviations.


Mrs. Oh

Professor Basker (capitalized as a title)

She is a professor. (not capitalized as a job name)

Ms. Park is an assistant.

Dr. Kim (title and abbreviated—so capitalize and

use period after the abbreviation)

Exercise 1.12

Fill in the blanks with a negative form of the be verb

(be, is, am, are, was, were).

Use contractions and rewrite these sentences with

correct capitalization and punctuation on the lines

1. mrs anderson ________________ a business woman


2. mr young and ms lee ________________ doctors


3. dr park ________________ a professor


Sentence Building Tools: Error Correction

Rather than correct your sentences and paragraphs for you, your instructor may
choose to note your errors on your paper so that you can correct them. When you
correct your own errors, you learn more than when someone else corrects them.

Your instructor will use the proofreading symbols on the charts below.
Proofreading Symbols

Explanation Sentence marked with Corrected sentence

1. Insert a space Mr. Lim wentto work. Mr. Lim went to work.
2. connect and They go to school to gether. They go to school together.
make one word
3. add words Haeundae is very pretty, Haeundae is very pretty, but it is not my
but not my favorite beach. favorite beach.

4. remove this Jenny is a businesswoman. Jenny is a businesswoman.

She is from India. India is
inexpensive to visit She is from India.

5. add this Dr. Noh is professor. Dr. Noh is a professor.

6. wrong word You speak English very You speak English very well.
ww good.
7. change order Ramon is boss my. Ramon is my boss.

8. word order error We drove to the coast east We drove to the east coast yesterday.
9. Capitalization where did you go on Where did you go on Sunday?
error sunday?


10. add punctuation Let’s go Let’s go.

11. spelling error She’s really smrt. She’s really smart.

Exercise 1.13

The mistakes in the following sentences have been marked with editing symbols.
Write the corrected sentences on the lines provided.
1. I like go to shopping on Sundays.
2. Chungju is acity in Korea.
3. Gina is a very practically person.
4. Monet is a very famus painter
5. she is from china.

Proofreading Skills: Correction Symbols

Study the symbols in the table below. They will help you understand your instructors
marks on your writing. Using this system you can learn to correct your own papers.


wrong tense Susie go to school next year. Susie will go to school next year.


sentence fragment When she was studying. When she was studying, she fell
She fell asleep.


run-on sentence We talked late into the night, in ad- We talked late into the night. In
dition we ate a lot of food. addition, we ate a lot of food.
4. He studied continuously during his He studied continuously during his
university years. When he started university years.
his new job at Samsung, he was
tired all the time. When he started his new job
new paragraph at Samsung, he was tired all the

5. When he started his new job at When he started his new job at
Samsung, he was tired all the time. Samsung, he was tired all the time.
indent Then, after a couple years, he real- Then, after a couple years, he real-
ized that he had a health problem. ized that he had a health problem.

6. When he started his When he started his new job at

Samsung, he was tired all the time.
new job at Samsung, he was Then, after a couple years, he real-
tired all the time. Then, after a cou- ized that he had a health problem.
11 move to the margin ple years, he realized that he had a
health problem.
Exercise 1.14

There are many mistakes in this paragraph. Editing symbols have been used to
mark the errors. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the paragraph correctly.

Solhe kim is a accountant. she work for kumho tire company in seoul.
She married five year and has daughter. She enjoys bowling. And

singing. Solhe goes to graduate school at night speaks

germany and english.









Sentence Building Tools: Commas

A comma is used to separate three or more adjectives or items on a list.


Modern airplanes are fast, comfortable and safe.

Modern airplanes are fast and comfortable.

Also, place a comma between a city and a country or a city and a state (or province).


Seoul, Korea Chungju, Chungcheongbuk-d Seattle, Washington

Exercise 1.15

Fill in the blanks. Use the verbs is, isn’t, are, or aren’t. Then write the sentences
with correct capitalization and punctuation on the lines below.

1. a Ferrari ________ fast beautiful and expensive

2. a jungle ________ cold dry and dusty

3. We visited the Forbidden City in Peking China

4. My home is in Kaoshung Taiwan.


Sentence Building Tools: Acronyms

Acronyms use capital letters from the first letters of a name to make an abbreviation.
We write and say the short form.

These acronyms are spoken as letters:

the UN the United Nations

the USA the United States of America
the UK the United Kingdom
the UAE the United Arab Emirates

the WTO World Trade Organization

the KFTA Korea Foreign Trade Association
the IMF International Monetary Fund

These acronyms are spoken as words:

OPEC the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

KAIST Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
PNUT (peanut) Pusan National University of Technology

Usually the first letters of words are used to make acronyms—like the examples
above. Sometimes other letters are used, sometimes not.


TV television DVD digital video disk

CD compact disk ID identification

Exercise 1.16

Fill in the blanks using is and are. Then write the sentences with correct
capitalization and punctuation on the lines below.

1. kaist and pnut ________ located in korea

2. my tv ________ broken

3. my new id card ________ from konkuk university

4. the hotels in the uae _________________ expensive


Sentence Structure: Parts of a Sentence

A sentence is an expression of a complete thought and contains a subject, verb,
and ending punctuation.

In general, a sentence names something (a subject) and then states something

about that subject. The part of the sentence that “talks” about the subject is the
predicate (at least a verb and possibly more words that help describe the
subject). A sentence also must have ending punctuation.

A subject is a noun or pronoun that identifies the person, place or thing the
sentence is about. The subject does the action of an action verb or comes before
a linking verb in a statement.

A linking verb is a verb that connects (or

“links”) a subject to a word or words that name or
describe it. The most commonly used linking
verbs are be, become, seem, appear, look, feel,
grow, smell, and taste.

A fragment is part of a sentence presented as if it were complete sentence
(subject + verb). A fragment may be missing a subject or verb (or both). A
fragment is an incomplete sentence and is grammatically incorrect.

Fragments can be corrected with the following methods:

You can correct a fragment, by giving it a subject and/or verb.


Jenny attends several classes at her university.

For example, English literature, listening, and speech. [fragment]


Jenny attends several classes at her university.

For example, she studies English literature, listening, and speech. [complete

You can connect a fragment to a sentence.


Dr. Yum enjoys teaching classes.

And writing books. [fragment]

Dr. Yum enjoys teaching classes and writing books. [correct]

A beautiful log cabin, for example, is correct English, but it is not a sentence
because it doesn’t have a verb. A beautiful log cabin sits on top of the mountain is
a complete sentence because it has both a subject and verb.

Sometimes the subject of a sentence is not written (or spoken), but is understood.

“Come to my office after class.” is a complete sentence.

This is a command or imperative sentence. The subject is
you is understood by both the writer and reader (or
speaker and listener) and the sentence really means:
You come to my office after class.

Exercise 1.17

Read the phrases below and mark the fragments with and
F and the complete sentences with CS.

Example: A beautiful log house. F

1. He walks home every day. 11. He walks.

2. Drives a big car. 12. The large apartment.

3. Eagles soar. 13. Is smart.

4. What do you want? 14. Great!

5. Stop! 15. Okay.

6. Please don’t go. 16. I don’t know how to do it.

7. She’s a teacher 17. Do you understand?

8. Before midnight. 18. What time is it?

9. Too much homework. 19. When?

10. Too hot! 20. Let’s go!

Exercise 1.18

Rewrite these sentences using proper capitalization and punctuation.

1. six sentences

suhuyn has a roommate the name of

her roommate is jenny kim jenny is
from jeju island she works for samsung
in seoul but she also studies English at
night after work jenny and suhyun
enjoy going to movies on the weekends
they also go singing with other friends


2. seven sentences

tom and jerry are good friends they are

teachers at a school in kwangju tom is from
australia and jerry is from new zealand they are
english teachers they enjoy hiking and camping
on the weekends they also have fun looking for
foods from their own countries the foods are
hard to find in korea they have fun traveling to
different large cities searching for them


Sentence Building Tools:

Capitalizing the names of places
Place names such as seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, islands, deserts, mountains, and
planets should be capitalized. The sun and moon should not be capitalized
because they are a class of celestial bodies and not specific.


East Asia the Gobi Desert Lake Geneva

the Sea the Middle East Jeju Island

the Pacific Ocean Venus

Exercise 1.19

Rewrite the sentences below with correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. shikoku island is in japan


2. the yellow river is in china


3. woraksan mountain is in chungcheongbuk-do in korea

4. the south sea is between korea and japan


You should capitalize place names such as hospitals, hotels, buildings, companies,
and schools.


Kook Min Bank Konkuk University Hospital

Shilla Hotel the Hanam Building

Samsung Corporation Seoul National University

Exercise 1.20

Rewrite the sentences below using correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. seoul national university is near subway stop number 238


2. the silla hotel is near the Hilton hotel


3. kaist is in daejon

Sentence Structure:
Some of the simplest sentences you will write will use the verb “be”.


My house is in Pusan.

It is noon.

We are students.

Integrated Exercise 1.21

Write sentences with the following words using the example structure.

Use correct capitalization, punctuation, and articles.

Example: cats are animals.

Structure: Subject + be + Noun

subjects verb nouns

cats be big city

i person

she actor

seoul and tokyo student

bird animal

jackie chan people

students furniture

hong kong big cities

chairs animals










As stated in the previous section, some of the most simple sentences you will
write will use the verb “be”. Be connects or links the subject to more than just
nouns, as in the previous exercise, but also to an adjective or a place. On the
previous pages we practiced writing with be, now we will practice using it in the
negative form.

The negative form: Subject + be + not + adjective/noun/place


Adjectives Nouns Places

I am (not) tall. I'm (not) a Canadian. I'm (not) at work.

He is (not) handsome. He's (not) a professor. He is(n't) here.

She is (not) beautiful. She's (not) a dentist. She is(n't) in the library.

It is (not) too big. It's (not) a hotel. It is(n't) on the desk.

We are (not) smart. We're (not) students. We are(n’t) in Seoul.

You are (not) funny. You're (not) a man. You are(n’t) here.

They are (not) friendly. They're (not) Koreans. They are(n’t) at school.

Exercise 1.22

Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of be.

1. I / be / not / at school


2. you / be / a student


3. the students / be / not/ in class


4. my office / be / the 3rd floor / on


5. frogs / be / not / fish


6. Dr. Park and I / be / friends


7. I / be / student / good / a


8. we / be / hungry


Integrated Review Exercise 1.23

Rewrite the following sentences. If possible, change all the nouns in parentheses
to the plural form. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. You
should use the simple present tense and correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. the (woman) (be) smart

2. his (teeth) (be) white

3. the (child) (have) a (toy)

4. his (car) (be) expensive

5. the (air) (be) dirty in the big (city)

6. the (hotel) (be) outside the city


Integrated Review: Proofreading Exercise

The following exercise includes many of the problems discussed in this chapter.

Exercise 1.24

The underlined nouns and verbs should be changed, if incorrect. Verbs may need
to be changed to reflect singular or plural subjects. Crossout errors and write the
correction above in the space above them.

When morning came, they started again. Before they had gone

far they heard a low rumble, as of the growling of many wild animal.

Toto whimpered a little, but none of the others was frightened, and

they kept along the well-trodden path until they came to an opening

in the wood, in which were gathered hundreds of beast of every

variety. There were tiger and elephant and bear and wolf and fox and

all the other in the natural history, and for a moment Dorothy was

afraid. But the Lion explained that the animals was holding a meeting,

and he judged by their snarling and growling that they were in great

22trouble. (from The Wizard of Oz)

Sentence Building Tools: Punctuation
Questions and Short Answers

You should use a question mark at the end of a question.

Example: Is Bob a teacher?

You should use a comma after yes or no in answers to questions.

Examples: Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Exercise 1.25

Rewrite the sentences below with correct capitalization and punctuation. Don’t
forget to use a question mark.

1. is he a student no he isnt

2. are they going to a movie yes they are


3. is the new car expensive yes it is


Sentence Building Tools: Dates

You should put a comma between the day and year in dates.


November 9, 1951

Exercise 1.26: Practice and Review

Write the sentences below using correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. is dr. lim in fukuoka japan yes he is


2. is today december 31 2003 no it isnt


3. are they in pusan chollanam-do no they arent


4. let’s drive to paris france on january 15th 2005


Sentence Structure: Sentences, Subjects, and Verbs

Our definition of a sentence earlier in the book stated that a sentence is an

expression of a complete thought and contains a subject, verb, and ending
punctuation. A sentence may also have more than one subject and more than one

Review the following paragraph.


Jerry and Jenny Chen are students at the Seoul International


School. They are two of the over five-hundred foreign students there.


Their father owns a big chemical company. After the international school,


Jerry and Jenny hope to study business at university so they can join their


father’s business. They know they will need to learn English well so they

can help the business grow internationally.

Exercise 1.27

Read the following paragraph and circle the subject(s) and verb(s) in each
sentence. Then write by each circled word an S for subject or V for verb.

Jenhua is a high school student at the Tongnae women’s college.

She lives in Pusan, but she was born in a small town near Daegu. She

lives with her father and mother. She has one brother and one sister.

Her brother is a doctor, and her sister studies English literature at

Pusan University of Foreign Languages. Jenhua wants to go to Korea

university. She enjoys studying, and she also likes working out at the gym.

Exercise 1.28

Write an S or V where the question marks are to tell what is missing. Then write
the missing words next to the question marks.

Hospitals ? _______ places where people go when they

are very sick. People ? _______ there also when they have been

hurt or injured in an accident. ? _______ can be expensive unless you

have insurance. Most ? _______ hope they never have to go to a


To better understand Chapter Two, answer the questions below.

1. What is the purpose of a topic sentence?


2. A topic sentence is usually the __________ in a paragraph.

3. The sentences following the topic sentence in a paragraph are called

____________ sentences.

4. Supporting sentences must support the main idea of a _________.

5. The main of idea of sentence is stated in the _______ sentence.

Chapter Two

Basic Concepts of Paragraph Building

Paragraph Building: Defining a Paragraph

A paragraph is a number of sentences written about the same topic. The
main idea of the paragraph is usually given in the first sentence—which is called
the topic sentence. The topic sentence introduces what the paragraph is talking
about and limits the information that can be given in the other sentences The
other sentences add information to the topic and are called supporting

When you are writing a paragraph, it is important to write only about things
related to the topic sentence. When something is not related to the topic sentence
it should not be in the paragraph, and it is called irrelevant.

Exercise 2.1

Which sentences below are relevant or irrelevant to the topic? Write an r or an i

on the space next to each sentence to note if it is relevant (r) or irrelevant (i) to
the topic sentence. Below the sentences write why you think the irrelevant
sentence does not belong with the others.


Topic Sentence: Seoul is a great town to visit on vacation.

___r__ 1. There are many museums and art

galleries to see.

___r__ 2. The city is well-known for its many fine


___i__ 3. The traffic jams in the city are terrible.

___r__ 4. It is an easy city to fly into

from outside the country.

Sentence number 3 is irrelevant because it is not talking about something “great”

about Seoul.

I. Topic Sentence: Learning English is not always difficult.

_____ 1. Some teachers know how to make learning English fun.

_____ 2. Visiting English speaking countries can help you learn English

faster and easier.

_____ 3. No matter where you learn English it is expensive to study.

_____ 4. Watching English language movies can be a lot of fun and

very helpful.

Which sentence is irrelevant? Why?_________________________.

II. Topic Sentence: Football is my favorite sport.

_____ 1. Football is exciting to watch.

_____ 2. The game is easy to learn.

_____ 3. Football doesn’t require expensive equipment..

_____ 4. Many people get hurt playing football.

Which sentence is irrelevant? Why?_________________________.

III. Topic Sentence: I love to watch science fiction movies.

_____ 1. Science fiction can tell us a lot about what tomorrow’s world

may be like.

_____ 2. Science fiction movies can teach us about science sometimes.

_____ 3. It is exciting to see the new ideas the writers come up with.

_____ 4. Movies are too expensive nowadays.

Which sentence is irrelevant? Why?_________________________.

IV. Topic Sentence: Drunk driving should be punished

more severely.

_____ 1. It’s okay to drive if you drink just a little bit.

_____ 2. Many people are hurt and killed by drunk drivers.

_____ 3. Drunk driving causes many accidents.

_____ 4. The accidents caused by drunk drivers increase the cost of

insurance for all of us.

Which sentence is irrelevant? Why?_________________________.

Exercise 2.2

Read this paragraph carefully.

There are many reasons why parents should not hit

their children. First of all, there is research that shows
that children who are hit by their parents will learn to hit
their children. Hitting can also get in the way of the child
learning a new, more appropriate behavior. It also teaches
children that hitting is an appropriate way to express
frustration or anger. Many children hit other children when
they are angry.

What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?


Notice that the sentence, Many children hit other children when they are
angry is irrelevant because it does not talk about the topic sentence. It should be
taken out of the paragraph.

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions.

1. Children sick with a cold or the flu usually don't need to stay in bed all day. In
fact, you probably can't keep them there! They should avoid being too active and
should rest often. Sometimes parents are too busy to take care of their sick
children. Simple and quiet games can help keep them occupied. A Disney movie
or video may help pass the time too.

What is the topic sentence?


Are there any irrelevant sentences? Which one? Why?


2. There are many reasons why students cheat on examinations. Some don’t
understand that it is wrong. Others are under a lot of pressure to achieve. Still
others find the work is too difficult and don’t know how to study. Many children
are afraid they will be punished by their parents if their test scores are too low.
Studying is the best way to get a good score on an examination.

What is the topic sentence?


Are there any irrelevant sentences? Which one? Why?


Paragraph Building Exercise:
Irrelevant Sentences

Exercise 2.3

Each of the following paragraphs has a sentence that is irrelevant.

Draw a line through that sentence.

Example: There are many things you can do to help the earth’s environment. You
can recycle newspapers, clear plastic and aluminum cans. You can buy products
made from recycled paper. Also, you can purchases drinks in glass bottles or
aluminum cans instead of plastic containers. Glass and aluminum are easier to
recycle. I enjoy recycling.


Responsibility is an important part of being an adult. We should

meet our obligations by being reliable, accountable, and dependable.

We should follow through on our promises. It is important to be one

time for appointments that we have agreed to. I am often late for my

appointments. Be someone your friends can count on. Students

should do their homework on time. By creating a habit of reliability,

people around us will see us as responsible individuals.


Bird watching is a great hobby. Many birdwatchers began

watching birds as children or young people. Birds hold a

fascination with many people because there are almost

always birds around to see. Butterflies are great to watch

too. Birds are easy to learn to identify and fun to watch.

Backyard bird feeding is a good way to get started

watching birds by bringing them to your yard.

Sentence Structure Review Exercises:
Subject-Verb Agreement

Exercise 2.4

Rewrite all the following sentences by changing the nouns to plural form. Be sure to
use the correct form of the verb. Use the simple present tense and correct
capitalization and punctuation.

1. (chimpanzee) (be) smart

2. the (tree) (have) brown (leaf)

3. the (car) (be) clean

4. their (house) (be) very big


Exercise 2.5

Rewrite the following sentences by changing them from singular to plural or plural to
singular. Correct capitalization and punctuation should be used.

1. schools are for education


2. a telephone is a useful tool


3. apples are tasty


4. a dog makes a good friend


5. whales are mammals


6. mothers know what is best for their children


Topic Sentence Review Exercises:

Exercise 2.7

Choose the best topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs and put an “x” on
the line next to it.


_____ a. Korea has a great variety of plant life.

_____ b. Korea is great!

_____ c. Korea is a nice place to visit.

There's more to Korean plant life than just rice, apple trees and pine trees. Because
of the diversity of Korean soil and environments, it has a wide variety of plants. A
drive around the countryside will show you what an interesting assortment of plants
there are.


_____ a. Flying in bad weather is difficult.

_____ b. Pilots do a lot of work.

_____ c. Pilots plan their flight carefully.

They check their plane to make sure that it is working properly. They also make sure
that baggage or cargo has been loaded correctly. They check the weather forecast to
see if they will run into any bad weather on their trip. They then decide what route
they should take, and how high and fast they should fly.


_____ a. Doctors work very hard

_____ b. Doctors have an effect upon all our lives.

_____ c. Doctors know a lot about medicine.

When we are sick, they tell us what we have. They give us medicine and other kinds
of treatment. They examine us and listen to us tell them how we feel. They tell us
what is good for us to eat and how we can have better hygiene.


_____ a. Nepal has many colorful celebrations.

_____ b. Anyone can be a relative in Nepal.

_____ c. A day of feast in Nepal.

One in particular is the celebration called Tihar. This is a day when "sisters" honor
their "brothers" by giving tikka (a red powder mark on the forehead, which is a
blessing). Quotes are around "sister" and "brother" because in Nepal these words can
mean any relative in the same age range: cousins, children of in-laws, and so forth.
During Tihar, special food is prepared and eaten, and everybody gets new clothes.

Sentence Building Review Exercise: Using articles

Exercise 2.8
Fill in the blanks with a, an, or some. Use some with non-count nouns. Then rewrite
the sentences with the correct form of the verb using simple present tense. Use
correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. ________ student (have) a lot of homework


2. ________ people (be) at the office party

3. ________ eagle (be) in that tree


4. ________ equipment (be) useful


5. ________ fruit (be) on the table


6. she (have) ________ new furniture


Sentence Building: and, but

As your writing skills improve you will want to use more complex sentences to keep
your writing interesting. And or but can connect two sentences. When using and or
but to connect two sentences, use a comma before and or but.

That car is beautiful. It is fast.

That car is beautiful, and it is fast.

Dr. Park’s class is very interesting. Dr. Park’s class is difficult to pass.
Dr. Park’s class is very interesting, but it is difficult to pass.

When you use And it adds information to the first sentence.

When you use But it adds surprising or unexpected information to the first sentence.

She is a very rich woman, and she has a large savings account.
She is a very rich woman, but she never has any money with her.

Her house is expensive, but it is very dirty inside.

Don’t use a comma when you use two adjectives and join them with and or

The puppy is cute and playful.

He is smart but lazy.

Exercise 2.9
Rewrite the following sentences with the correct form of be. Use and or but to
connect the two sentences. Correct capitalization and punctuation should be used.

1. Daegu apples (be) very delicious. They (be) popular.


2. Daegu apples (be) very popular. They (be) hard to find.


3. Jae-un (be) friendly ________ popular.


4. Su-sun (be) friendly ________ unpopular.


5. Samsung computers (be) high quality. They (be) inexpensive.


6. Tae Dung computers (be) expensive. They (be) not reliable.


7. There (be) good Chinese food at that restaurant. It (be) too expensive.

8. There (be) good Chinese at that restaurant. It (be) not very expensive.

9. His poetry (be) wonderful to read. It (be) easy to understand.


10. His poetry (be) wonderful to read. It (be) difficult to understand.


Sentence Structure:
Building Descriptive Sentences

A common sentence structure for describing things is:

Article + adjective + noun + verb (has) + adjective(s) + noun

This type of sentence describes the characteristics or qualities of something.

Example 1:

A sports car has a powerful, noisy motor.

Article + adjective + noun + has + article + adjectives + noun

To put variety in your writing you can also write the characteristic or quality first, use
the preposition of, and change the verb have to be. Then you must begin the
sentence with the. Rewrite the follow sentences using this structure:

The + noun + (of a/an) + noun + is/are adjective(s).

Example 2:

The motor of a sports car is powerful and noisy.

The + noun + (of a/an) + adjective + noun + is/are + adjective(s).

Exercise 2.10
Rewrite the following sentences using the structure in Example 2.

1. An airplane has a long, sleek body.


2. A desk has a flat, hard surface.


3. A hotel has big, comfortable beds.


4. An eagle has strong, powerful wings.


5. A giraffe has a long thin neck.


Exercise 2.11
Choose three familiar objects and write sentences like the examples above.




Paragraph Organization: Sorting Information

Exercise 2.12
The following sentences are about the weather and how to dress while touring
Beijing, China. There is too much information here for one paragraph. Some of the
sentences are specifically about the weather. Put the number of those sentences in
the box below marked Weather. Other sentences are about how to dress while
touring Beijing. Put the number of those sentences in the box below marked Dress.
Each set of sentences has one that is general enough to be a topic sentence. Circle
those two sentences.

1. Winter is freezing cold.

2. Autumn is best as the temperature is mild and the sun is out a lot.

3. Beijing's four seasons are distinctly recognizable.

4. In the warmer months, T-shirts and light pants or shorts are

the best bet.

5. It is easy to dress for touring Beijing.

6. In the autumn, jeans and a sweater are usually fine.

7. For touring during the day, wear casual clothes.

8. Bring nice clothes for going out at night.

9. The temperature in spring is nice, too, but it is very dry and windy.

10. Summer can be unbearably hot.

11. In the colder months, it is wise to dress in layers; long underwear

and jeans, shirt, sweater and a down jacket.








Exercise 2.13
Now, rewrite these two sets of sentences as separate paragraphs.

Beijing’s weather:







How to dress while touring:








Sentence Structure:
Describing Things

To keep your writing interesting, describe things with the same information in a
different way. Do this by using a different word order.

This is a typical word order:

The ___(noun)__ of a/an (thing) is ___________.











Example: A TV weighs ten kilograms. (weight)

The weight of a TV is ten kilograms.

The (noun)_ of a/an (thing) is __________.

Exercise 2.14
Rewrite each of the sentences below using the descriptive structure in the example.

1. A wool blanket is soft. (texture)


2. A good pizza is two centimeters thick. (thickness)

_________________________________ _____

3. An apple is round. (shape)


4. A Boeing 747 is large. (size)


5. My bowling ball is ten kilograms. (weight)


6. That electric cord is four meters long. (length)


7. His new Hyundai is black. (color)


8. That building is over 1000 meters high. (height)


9. The Mississippi River is a mile wide. (width)


Exercise 2.15
Write four sentences describing the same object. Use both sentence structures from
the previous exercise.




2.B. _______________________________________________________





Read this paragraph about a common object in our lives.

Chopsticks are common objects. We find them everywhere, usually in pairs. An

individual chopstick is usually made of wood or steel. It is small in size. The length
of a chopstick is about fifteen centimeters. It can be round or square in shape. It is
also tapered from one end to the other. The color of a chopstick is often tan or silver,
but could be any color. A chopstick is very light in weight. Sometimes we find a pair
of chopsticks in a paper wrapper.

Exercise 2.16

Write a paragraph to describe a common object. Use the paragraph above as a

model and try to describe all the characteristics of the object using both sentence

Begin the paragraph with a topic sentence like this one:

(plural noun) are common objects.








To better understand some of the problems in
Chapter Three, answer the questions below.

1. There (is/are) ________ a cat and two dogs at my house.

2. There (is/are) ________ two cats and a dog at my house.

3. There (is/are) ________ two cats and two dogs at my house.

4. W5000 (is/are) _________ you need for the movie tonight.

5. Rewrite this topic sentence: This paragraph is about my family.


Chapter Three: Tools for Building Paragraphs

Sentence Building Tools: There

Although there is in the subject position of a sentence, it is not the subject. There
has no meaning. It only shows that the subject exists. The real subject of the
sentence comes after there is or there are, and the verb (is or are) must agree
with the real subject.

Examples: There is a new student in our class.

There is a cat and two dogs at my house.

There are six books and a pen on my desk.

More than one noun can come after there + be.

If the first noun is singular, use there is:

Example: There’s a cat and two dogs at my house.

If the first noun phrase is plural, use there are:

Example: There are six books and a pen on my desk.

Exercise 3.1
Write sentences using There + be.

Example: a computer on my desk

There is a computer on my desk.

1. two tests this week at school


2 .one plate and two glasses on the table


3 .two students and a professor in my office


4. twenty pages of homework today


5. ten students and only five books for the class


Exercise 3.2
Using there is/there are, write complete sentences using the
words given. Remember to add articles and prepositions
where needed.

Example: two cars/ in front of my house

There are two cars in front of my house.

1. 500 paintings / in the art gallery


2. twenty problems / on the test


3. book / two pencils / on Minsu’s desk


4. answers / on the last page of the book


5. new computer/ in Dr. Seon’s office


6. duck/ two geese/ in the lake


7. many problems/ in life


8. a new car/ in my garage


Sentence Building Tools: Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement when using there has several rules:

1. If the subject is uncountable, use a singular verb.


There is some trouble at school today.

There is some coffee in your cup.

2. If the subject is countable and is plural, use a plural verb.


There are some problems at school today.

There aren't any clean coffee cups in the cupboard.

When using there is or there are many sentences will contain prepositional
phrases of place.

Examples of prepositional phrases of place:

on the water in town in line at the bank

near my house upside down on the bus at the beach

Example sentence: Three are many colorful fish in the pond.

Exercise 3.3

Using There are/There is, write sentences below using prepositional phrases of
place and the subjects in this list:

many new people

some large fishing boats

a lot of money

Mr. Park

Example: There are many colorful fish in the pond.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

Proofreading Exercise: Using there
Exercise 3.4

The descriptive paragraph below has mistakes. Rewrite the paragraph and correct
the mistakes. Use There are/There is when possible and vary the sentence
structures (word order).

My university is beautiful. It have a large lake and two small pond on the campus.
The lake is round in shape. The pond are square. One pond has a large fountain.
Around the pond are garden. One of the gardens has three rose bush and two large
magnolia trees. They smell wonderful! Next to the lake is a seating area for
students. It has a bench and many chairs. The bench is hard, but the chairs are
very soft and comfortable. There are a covered area. It is to protect the students
from the sun and the rain. It is large and brown. The campus also has a very large
grassy area. The grass is soft and green. The beautiful lake, ponds and grassy area
are where the students like to study and spend time with their friends.








Exercise 3.5

Now write a paragraph about your own school (or workplace). What is it like? Start
with a topic sentence like the one in the paragraph above. Use There are/There is
when possible and vary the sentence structures (word order).








Sentence Building Tools: Before and After
When you write sentences that describe a series of activities or events, you can use
sequence words to combine sentences.

Two common sequence words are before and after. If the sentence starts with
before or after put a comma after the first phrase. If before or after is in the
middle of the sentence, don’t use a comma.


I go to school.

I do my homework.

Before I go to school, I do my homework.

I do my homework before I go to school.

After I do my homework, I go to school.

I go to school after I do my homework.

Exercise 3.6

Write five sentences using before or after. Write about your daily routine.

Examples of daily routine: get up in the morning, brush my teeth, comb my hair, go
to school, study, attend classes, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner

1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

Topic Sentences: Introducing your Topic
Every paragraph must have a topic sentence. The main idea of the paragraph is
usually given in the first sentence and is called the topic sentence. It introduces
what the paragraph is talking about (the topic) and limits the information that can be
given by the other sentences.

In your paragraph about your day (the exercise below), the purpose of the topic
sentence should be to introduce your topic.

A topic sentence should talk about the topic, not about what you intend or are
planning to write. Students often mistakenly begin a paragraph with sentences such
as: I want to tell you about . . . or I’m going to write about . . .or This
paragraph is about . . . or Let me tell you about . . .. These are not proper
topic sentences as they do not really introduce the topic. They introduce your intent,
your writing plan, but not your topic.

Begin a paragraph with a topic sentence like this:

My day was wonderful/a giant mess/a big problem/a lot of fun/

Today easier than usual/terrific!/a lot of hard work

Exercise 3.6

Write a paragraph about a day in your life on the following blank lines.

The day could be today, yesterday or any day in recent memory.










Exercise 3.7

Read each of the paragraphs below and write a topic sentence for that paragraph.
Remember that the topic sentence should introduce the main idea of the
paragraph and will also limit what the other sentences can talk about. Be sure the
topic sentence is general enough to include all the sentences in the paragraph.

1. Topic Sentence:


The prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who

created the prizes in his will. He donated a good portion of his estate to

fund the prizes, decided who would judge the winners of each award

and also named the prize categories.

2. Topic Sentence:


The topic of body odors is so offensive that most people will not tell

another person he or she has bad breath or body odor. You do not have

to cover yourself with perfumes and chew gum constantly. It should

be enough to take a shower each day, wear clean clothes, and brush

your teeth after meals.

3. Topic Sentence:


When flirting, you should express an interest in an activity which also

interests the other person. Ask them about themselves and in the

course of the conversation tell them a little about yourself. Suggest

that they join you in a casual, non-romantic group activity.

4. Topic Sentence:


Many governments sponsor several different types of gambling games, including

instant-win scratch-off type games, daily games and games where you have to pick
three or four numbers. But the game with the biggest jackpot is almost always
called Lotto. This game usually involves picking the correct numbers from a set of
balls, with each ball numbered from 1 to 50.

5. Topic Sentence:


In the last hundred years alone, there have been more than 1.5 million earthquake-
related fatalities. Usually, it's not the shaking ground itself that claims lives -- it's
the destruction of manmade structures and the creation of other natural disasters,
such as tsunamis, avalanches and landslides.

6. Topic Sentence:


Think long and hard about the fact that a tattoo is permanent. What’s

"cool" at 18 might not be very appealing on a 40-year-old. Also, tattoo

removal is more painful and expensive than tattooing. The process

usually takes several sessions and offers varying results. Doctors

say tattoos can be lightened but not always completely removed.

Sentence Building Tools: Using Time Words

Similar to before and after, when can be used to combine sentences when you
are writing about a series of activities or events.

The same punctuation rules apply when you combine two sentences into one. If
the sentence starts with when, put a comma after the first phrase. If when is in
the middle of the sentence, don’t use a comma.

When I am late for school, I don’t eat breakfast.
I don’t eat breakfast when I am late for school.

When I am sick, I go to the doctor.

I go to the doctor when I am sick.

Exercise 3.8
Write six sentences using when. Use when at the beginning and in the middle of

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________

Sentence Building Tools: Word Order

When writing sentences in English, there are several common “word orders” that
can be used. One of the most common is below.

Exercise 3.9

Put the scrambled sentences below into the following order:

Who + Verb + What + Where + When


Professor Lim teaches her first class in the library at 10:00 o’clock.

Who + Verb + What + Where + When

Not every sentence will have a What, Where and When part.

1. English / in the library / every morning /Jenna / studies


2. in the math building / are studying / the students /for the test


3. a difficult language / Chinese / is / to learn


4. was stolen / this morning / his new BMW / from the parking lot


5. on Friday / her new job / starts / she


Exercise 3.10

Now write six sentences using who + verb + what + where + when.

Use the word order from the exercise ahead.

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________________

Sentence Building Tools: need to and want to

You can use the terms need to and want to to help you build useful sentences.

Need to is used to indicate something that you feel you must do.
Want to is used to indicate something that you would like to do.

Exercise 3.10
Use the phrases from the list below to make eight new sentences.

Study for my English test
I need to study for my English test.

Phrase list
get a taxi
walk home
call my girlfriend
get good grades
find a good job after university
help my parents
buy a bus ticket to Pusan
go to a move this weekend

1. __________________________________________________________________________








Sentence Structure: Simple Sentences

A simple sentence has a subject and one main verb. It may also contain a
describing phrase (or complement).

The subject is the noun or pronoun that identifies the person place or thing the
sentence is about. The verb tells the action done by the subject or explains its

These are examples of simple sentences:

Subject Verb

She studies.

He runs.

My dog is sleeping.

My dog and cat are fighting.

The subject in a simple sentence may be compound. That is two nouns may use
the same verb in the sentence.

A sentence may also have a describing phrase (or complement), but it does not
have to have one. A describing phrase or complement gives additional
information about the meaning about the subject or verb.

Following are examples of simple sentences with describing phrases (or

compliments). Note that the complements or phrases can function as adjectives,
adverbs, pronouns, and nouns.

Subject Verb Describing Phrase

or Complement

He loves her. (pronoun)

Her new car is super fast. (adjective phrase)

Her major was English Literature. (noun phrase)

She runs fast. (adverb)

She owns her own tour business. (noun phrase)

A complement can also be a verb phrase or a prepositional phrase.

His girlfriend wants to buy a new car. (verb phrase)

Professor Em is in the classroom. (prepositional phrase)

You may also combine descriptive phrases.

He wants to start a new business on the internet.

(verb phrase + prepositional phrase)

Yusun bought a new car yesterday. (noun phrase + adverb)

Exercise 3.11

Write three descriptive sentences below using each of the nine sentence
structures above.

1. __________________________________________________________________________



4. __________________________________________________________________________



7. __________________________________________________________________________



Sentence Structure: Subject-Verb Agreement

A singular subject must be followed by a singular verb, and a plural subject must
be followed by a plural verb. This rule is called subject-verb agreement.


Her book is missing. (singular)

Her books are missing. (plural)

Her books and pens are missing. (plural)

Each and every, when used with a singular noun, should be followed by a singular


Each pen is of the highest quality. (singular)

Every pen is of the highest quality. (singular)

The following subject nouns require a singular verb:

everyone, anyone, someone, no one,

everybody, anybody, somebody, nobody,

everything, anything, something, nothing,

etc., should be used with a singular verb.


Everyone is going to the party tonight. (singular)

Anything is better than nothing at all. (singular)

Something is wrong. (singular)

Someone came by to see you. (singular)

It is difficult sometimes to decide if a subject is singular or plural. This is

especially true when there is additional information following the subject, but
before the verb. The additional information is often written in a prepositional

A prepositional phrase connects a subject to the rest of the sentence. It is a

group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun. A
prepositional phrase usually tells where, when, how, or why. Thus a prepositional
phrase works as an adverb or adjective.
at my house at noon
of my friends on Monday
on the edge of town of books

on the chairs under the table

A prepositional phrase often comes after the subject of a sentence, but
before the verb. The phrase is not a part of the subject, so it should not
be used to determine for the form of the verb.

Examples which use singular verbs:

None of my friends is a student. The subject none is


One of his cars is red. The subject one is singular.

Each of them wants to come. The subject each is


Phrases referring to amounts, measurements, and quantities

use a singular verb.

Five hundred won is all I have.
The number of people here tonight is amazing!

Three tablespoons of sugar is all I need.

Examples which use plural verbs:

Both of us are tired.

Several of us are going to the cinema tonight.

There are times when you will need to use the noun in the prepositional phrase to
determine the correct verb form. This is true when using a lot, any, none, plenty,
the majority, most, some, a number, a/the majority and all. If the noun in the
prepositional phrase is a non-count noun, you should use a singular verb. If it is a
plural noun, use a plural verb. If it is a singular noun, use a singular verb.

On the following page is a chart of terms and their verb requirements:

term + preposition noun verb
any of

each of

none of plural noun singular

either of

neither of
most of

some of

all of

a lot of plural plural

a/the majority of

a number of

plenty of

the number of plural singular

the majority of

most of

plenty of

all of non-count noun singular

some of

a lot of

none of

Exercise 3.12

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Use the correct form of

the verb in parenthesis.

1. The number of students at the university _______ (have) increased this


2. A lot of the problems on the test _______ (be) impossible to solve.

3. Most of my friends _______ (be) went home for the holidays.

4. Neither of my parents _______ (have) studied at university.

5. A majority of the voters _______ (be) not going to vote for him.

6. None of them _______(be) coming to the party tonight.

7. Each of them _______ (have) their own ideas.

8. The price of the pencils _______(be) 1000 won.

9. Something _______(need) to be done about the problems.

10. None of the coffee _______ (be) left.

Exercise 3.13

Write ten sentences of your own using the terms in the chart on the previous











Sentence Structure Exercise:


Exercise 3.14

Look at the sentences below and write S, V, or C above the subjects,

verbs, and complements.



My car is a Daewoo Leganza.

1. My hometown is Kyeongju.

2. Most of my classes are in English.

3. Seoul has over 12 million people living there.

4. Kyeongju is one of the many historical centers of Korea.

5. Happiness is a hike in the mountains.

6. The East Sea of Korea is a beautiful area.

7. Every one of the students is a delight to work with.

8. Chinese is a difficult language to learn to read and write.

9. Life is a bowl of cherries.

10. I am going to sleep.

Sentence Structure Exercise:

Compound Subjects

Exercise 3.15 – Compound Subjects

Rewrite each sentence using a compound subject.


Akiko is a student.

Akiko and Maria are students.

1. My brother lives in an apartment in Paris.


2. My mother speaks six languages.


3. English is my favorite subject.


Exercise 3.16

Rewrite the sentences below with a simple subject.

1. My friend and I want to go shopping.


2. My oldest brother and my youngest sister are married.


3. My mother and father live in Rome.


4. My friends and I eat lunch in the student cafeteria.


Proofreading Exercise
Exercise 3.17

Rewrite the following sentence fragments into complete sentences.

Remember to use correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. I apartment


2. study late every night


3. works hard


4. bob tall


5. my university is


6. this class difficult


7. jim is


8. don’t late


9. doesn’t study very hard


10. She is


11.Before I go to school


12. on weekends


Sentence Structures: Spelling Changes

Simple present verbs require an –s added to the end to change their spelling to
third person singular form.


1st and 2nd 3rd person
person singular

run runs
walk walks
sleep sleeps
shop shops


I walk to school every morning.

She walks to school every morning.

Verbs that end in with -ss, -z, -ch, -sh, and –x require an –es added to
the end to change their spelling to third person singular form.


1st and 2nd 3rd person

person singular

watch watches
push pushes
fix fixes
pass passes


I box everyday for exercise.

He boxes everyday for exercise.

Verbs that end in with a consonant + y require that you change

the y to i and add –es to change their spelling to third person singular
form. { y + -ies }


1st and 3rd person

2nd singular
study studies
fly flies
try tries
carry carries


I try to get good grades.

She tries to get good grades.

Verbs that end in with a vowel + y require that you add –s to change their
spelling to third person singular form. {y+s }


1st and 3rd person

2nd singular
pay pays
play plays
stay stays
buy buys


You buy on the best clothes.

She buys only the best clothes.

Exercise 3.18

Change the subject in the sentences below to third person singular. Use a person
you know as the subject of the sentence. Correct the capitalization and
punctuation. Write the changed and corrected sentences on the lines below.

1. you exercise every day


2. i major in industrial design


3. you enjoy going singing on the weekends


4. i teach a class at a language institute


5. you watch TV all night every night


6. i never finish my homework before class


Exercise 3.19

Now write two similar sentences using your own words.



Paragraph Correction Exercises:

Integrated Review

Exercise 3.20: Paragraph Correction Exercise 1

There are many mistakes in the following paragraph. Correct the mistakes and
rewrite the paragraph on the lines below.

there is many reason why insect are so successful at surviving. their ability to
adapts allow them to live in extreme temperatures and environments. insect can
eats a wide range of naturals and artificial foods. these include paints, pepper,
glue, book, grain, cotton, other insects, plants and animals. because they are
small they can hide in tiny space. strong, hard but flexible shell called a
exoskeleton cover their soft organs. it also protect them from chemicals, water
and physical impact. their wing allow them to fly away from dangerous situation or
toward food or mate.















Exercise 3.21: Paragraph Correction Exercise 2
There are many mistakes in the following paragraph. Correct the mistakes and
rewrite the paragraph on the lines below.

there is some very important things that childrens, need to keep in mind when
they're on a computer at home or at school. First, they should never to give out
personal information such as their name address school or telephone number.
also, they should never sends a picture of themselves to someone they chats with
on the computer without their parent's permission. they should never writes to
someones who have made them feels uncomfortable or scared. also, they should
not meets someone or has them visits them without the permission of their
parents. the problem are that people sometimes misrepresent themselves on the

















Exercise 3.22: Paragraph Correction Exercise 3
There are many mistakes in the following paragraph. Correct the mistakes and
rewrite the paragraph on the lines below.

pharmacists sells medicine to people who are sick, when doctor says that they
need it. they tells peoples how to use the medicine correctly. sometimes,
pharmacists mixes the medicine themselves most often, though, they sells
medicines that has been made for them. Pharmacists usually works in drug
stores. these store is clean and have a lot of light. Many pharmacist stands while
they works. pharmacists often wear glove and masks when they work with things
that could hurts them. some pharmacist work at night or on weekends. this are
because sick peoples may needs medicine at any time.
















Sentence Building Tools: because and so
Because and so help us write cause and effect sentences. Because is used to give
a cause or reason. So is used to give a result.

Because and so can join 2 sentences.


Using because:

I have a big test tomorrow.

I want to study.

Because I have a big test tomorrow, I want to study.

I want to study because I have a big test tomorrow.

Notice that if the reason (because) comes first, you must use a comma after it.

Using so:

I have a big test tomorrow.

I want to study.

I have a big test tomorrow, so I want to study.

You must use a comma before so. Notice also, that you can not use so first - as
you can with because.

Exercise 3.23

Practice combining sentences using because and so. Write two sentences with
because and one sentence with so.

1. I want to buy a car. I’m going to save some money.



2. I am late for class. I have to go.



3. Jenny got an A+ in English. She studied very hard.



4. I was really sick last week. I went to the doctor.



5. I want to go to graduate school next year. I need to get good grades.



6. Jan went singing last night. She was sleepy in class today.



Paragraph Organization:
Topic and Supporting Sentences
When writing a paragraph, it is best to organize your thoughts before you start
putting them in paragraph form.

The topic sentence:

There are several steps you should follow each time you write a paragraph. First,
write several potential topic sentences that clearly state the main idea of your
paragraph. Don’t worry about proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
Then review the sentences and select the one that best states the topic. Finally,

rewrite the topic sentence with proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

Supporting sentences:
Next, you should write many supporting sentences about the topic. Don’t worry
about proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Then review the
supporting sentences and make sure that they all support the main idea of the
topic sentence. Cross out any sentences that do not support the main idea.
Those sentences are irrelevant. Also cross out any sentences that may state the
same ideas as other sentences, but in other ways. These sentences are

Exercise 3.24
Write five possible topic sentences below about your experience at school. Don’t
worry about proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3.25
Go back and select the best topic sentence. Rewrite it below with proper
capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

Topic Sentence:


Exercise 3.26
Now write ten sentences about the main idea of the topic sentence. Don’t worry
about proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3.27
Go back and review the sentences above. Cross out any sentences that are
irrelevant or redundant. Rewrite the best six sentences below with proper
capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

Supporting sentences:

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3.28
Use your topic and supporting sentences from above and put them in paragraph
form below.











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