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Cosmic Rhythms - Session 1 - Introduction

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Cosmic Rhythms & Planting


Working with Rhythms is a

major area where BD
improves on other streams
of organic practices

 Conscious incorporation of rhythms into our

agricultural activities is one of the major
areas where Biodynamic Farming
distinguishes and improves over other forms
of organic practices

2 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

In These Sessions

 Session I
– Introduction to Cosmic Rhythms
 Session II
– Connection To Farming Activities
 Session III
– Planting Calendar

3 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL


 What is a Rhythm
– A regular recurrence of an action
 Examples - heartbeat/breath
 Activities done in tune with rhythms yield
maximum benefit
 Earth and the Cosmos have rhythms too
– We are already aware of and in tune with some
rhythms (e.g. Sun’s rhythms)
– Others we are unaware & hence lose out on potential

4 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Benefits of Working With Cosmic

 At a minimum they provide a broad framework/ set of

principles to plan and do our farm activities.
– They introduce a discipline into the farming activities
 The real major benefit is that they allow the cosmic
energies to revitalize our soil
– Food produced from such a living soil has not only more
nutrition but increased life force and vitality
 Can be looked upon as a free bonus/subsidy available
to the organic farmer
 Weeds follow Cosmic Rhythms
– Weeds specialize in extracting every possible subsidy
available in nature

5 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

The Different Cosmic Rhythms

 Sun Rhythms
– Day/Night
– Seasons
 Moon Rhythms
– Full Moon/New Moon
– Nodes/Eclipses
– Perigee/Apogee
– Ascending/Descending
– Moon opposite Saturn
– Moon in Zodiac Constellations

6 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Sun’s Day/Night Rhythm
Sun’s Day/Night Rhythm

 Caused by earth’s (West to East) rotation on it’s axis

in 24 hours
– Part of the earth facing the sun receives sunlight and it is
day time in that part
– The portion that is away from the sun receives no sunlight
and it is night time in that part
 Most of us are already in tune with this rhythm
– We sleep at night and do all agricultural activities during the
 This is the Earth’s daily breath
– Earth breathes in during the night and breathes out during
the day

8 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Sun’s Seasons
Sun’s Seasons

 Caused by Earth going round the Sun

– Takes 365.25 days to complete one revolution
– Path is elliptical (but this has only slight effect on the seasons)
– The earth’s axis is not perpendicular to the orbital plane but is at 23.5
degree angle to it and always points to the North Star
 Winter Sun is more southwards and its path is a smaller/lower arc in
the sky
– hence slanted/milder rays; short days and cool climate
 Summer Sun is more northwards and its path is a higher/bigger arc
in the sky
– hence perpendicular/harsher rays; long days and hot climate
 Agricultural activities generally follow this rhythm
 This is the Earth’s yearly breath
– Earth breathes in during winter and out during summer

10 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Solstice & Equinox
(21st March)

Winter Summer
Solstice Solstice
(21st Dec) (21st June)

(21st Sept)
Sun’s Seasons - Solstice & Equinox
(N. Hemisphere)

 21st June - Summer Solstice

 Tropic of Cancer – Longest day; Sun directly overhead.
 Equator – Sun has a 66.5 degree northerly path above horizon
 North Pole - 24 Hours sunlight. Sun 23.5 degrees above horizon
 21st Sept – Equinox
 Tropic of Cancer –Equal day and night
 Equator – Sun directly overhead.
 North Pole - Sun always at the horizon
 21st December – Winter Solstice
 Tropic of Cancer – Shortest day; Sun has a 23.5 degree southerly path above horizon
 Equator – Sun has a 66.5 degree southerly path above horizon
 North Pole – 24 hours darkness.
 21st March – Equinox
 Tropic of Cancer –Equal day and night
 Equator – Sun directly overhead
 North Pole - Sun always at the horizon

12 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Full Moon/New Moon
Full Moon/New Moon

 Caused by Moon’s revolution around the earth in 27.3

– We see the moon because of light reflected from Sun
– When Moon is opposite the Sun (with Earth in between), the
sun’s rays are reflected from full face of the moon and we have
full Moon.
– When Moon is between the Sun and Earth, no light is reflected
and we have the No or the New Moon.
– In all other positions, light gets reflected from a part of the
moon and hence we have the waxing (becoming bigger) and
the waning (becoming smaller) of the moon.
– This is a 29.5 day rhythm [Synodic Period]

14 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Moon Nodes
Moon Nodes

 Caused by intersection of the Moon’s & Earth’s

orbital planes
– Moon’s orbital plane is at 5 degrees to Earth’s orbital plane
– Approx. every 13.5 days their paths cross
– When the node occurs on a new Moon we experience the
solar eclipse
– When the node occurs on a full Moon we experience the
lunar eclipse
– Nodes can be considered mini eclipses in terms of their
– This is a 27.2 day rhythm

17 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL



 This happens because the Moon’s orbit is

– Perigee is the Moon’s closest point to the Earth
– Apogee is the Moon’s farthest point from the
– The Moon’s distance varies by as much as 50000
kms. between these points
– This is a 27.5 day rhythm

19 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Ascending/Descending Moon

Descended Ascended
Moon Moon
Ascending/Descending Moon

 Caused by Earth's axis not being perpendicular to the

planetary orbital plane but being at 23.5 degrees to it
– Very similar to the sun's seasons
 Ascending moon – moon's summer
 Descending moon – moon's winter
– Descended moon rises at the southern most point and its path
across the sky is very low
– Ascended moon rises at the northern most point and its path
across the sky is higher
– This is a 27.3 day cycle
– Most important rhythm for agriculture
– This is the Earth's monthly breath
 Asc – Earth breathes out; Desc – Earth breathes in

22 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Moon Opposite Saturn

Moon Earth Saturn

Moon Opposite Saturn

 Occurs when Moon is exactly opposite

– Occurs once in 27.3 days
– Very important rhythm for agriculture

24 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

Moon In Zodiac Constellations

Cancer Taurus

Leo Aries

Virgo Pisces

Libra Aquarius

Scorpio Capricorn

Moon in Zodiac Constellations

 The Moon passes in front of the zodiac

constellations during it's orbit around Earth
– So does the sun and all the planets
 Each zodiac constellation radiates certain
favourable conditions which the Moon
focuses on to the Earth as it resides in each

26 Dec 8, 2021 BASIL

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