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Intel Easy Steps English

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Module 1: Introducing Computers and Operating System 1.01

Module 2: Introducing Internet 2.01

Module 3: Introducing Word Processing 3.01

Module 4: Introducing Spreadsheets 4.01

Module 5: Introducing Multimedia 5.01

Module 6: Introducing Email 6.01

Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation. Digital Inclusion Project

All rights reserved.

Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System

Module 1

Introducing Computers and

Operating System
Description: Computers have become an important part of everyday life in today´s
world. Many people use computers to keep records, do calculations, to search
information, store pictures and music, play games and communicate with others.
Computers have changed the way we work and live. This course is structured to
develop technology literacy skills which involves being able to use technology such
as computers to communicate, solve problems, and collect, organise and share
information. The course provides you many hands-on experiences to explore and
discover the basic computer applications. The objective of this module is for you to
learn about the basic parts of computer and the operating system.

Activity 1: Introducing Yourself

In this activity, you will have an opportunity to introduce yourself and meet other participants.

1. On the lines below, you can list the key points you want to share with others, such as your
name and occupation.


2. Introduce yourself to the group.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

Activity 2: Naming the parts

A computer is an assembly of many parts working together. Before you begin using the computer,
you need to learn about these basic parts of a computer. The parts of computer are listed in the
following table. Try to locate the corresponding part on your computer.

Parts of Computer

The system unit is the core of a computer system. Usually it's a rectangular box placed on or
underneath your computer desk. CPU (Central Processing Unit), the brain of the computer is found
enclosed within system unit.

The monitor, like television has a screen to display information.

The computer keyboard is designed like the keyboard of typewriter. It has keys for letters and
numbers, but it also has special keys. It is used to type and give commands to computer.

The mouse is a small hand-held device that controls the pointer on the screen. A mouse usually has
two buttons, a primary button (usually the left button) and a secondary button (the right button). A
mouse can also have a wheel between the two buttons, which allows you to scroll smoothly through
screens of information.

The CD drive is usually located on the front of the system unit. It is used to „read‟ information from
the Compact Disk or CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is the short form of Compact Disk Read Only Memory. It is
used to store information for or from the computer.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System

Activity 3: Turning On Computer

Turn on your computer by pressing the Power On button on the computer.

Activity 4: Introducing Operating System

Whenever you turn on the computer, the operating system, which is the most important program in
the computer, starts automatically. An operating system controls almost everything a computer
does, such as recognising the input from the keyboard and mouse, sending output to the monitor,
and organising and managing files and folders on the computer. There are different types of
operating systems. For e.g. Microsoft Windows*, Linux, MacOS, MS-DOS, Unix, etc.

When you turn on the computer and the operating system has finished loading, the computer´s
desktop is displayed on the monitor.

In this activity, we will explore Microsoft Windows*, which is one of the most popular operating

Step 1: Learning about Desktop

After you turn on the computer, you see the desktop, which is the main screen area of the
computer. The desktop is like a real desk, it has place to work, a place to file documents, and various
tools to help you complete your tasks. There are many icons or small pictures on the desktop.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

Icons are small picture that represent some of the actions or tasks you can perform on computer.
Some of the icons represent computer software. Other icons represent places on your computer
where files can be stored. Icons provide an easy way to open the programs or files you would be
using on daily basis.

What picture, or icons, do you see on your computer desktop?


Taskbar is the blue rectangular bar located at the bottom of the Windows desktop. The taskbar
includes Start button, status area, and the systems clock.

Follow the steps to explore desktop and practice mouse movements:

1. Hold the mouse gently with your index finger resting on the left button and your thumb
resting on the side.

2. Move the mouse by sliding it slowly in any direction. Notice that as you move the mouse,
the pointer on your screen moves in the same direction.

3. Click any desktop icon. What happens to the desktop icon?

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System


Note: Click means to point an item on the screen, then pressing the primary button (usually
the left button) of mouse once and quickly letting it go. Most of the time you will be doing
left clicking. As a general rule, “Click or single click” refers to clicking the primary button
(usually the left button).

Click in an empty area of the desktop. What happens to the desktop icon?


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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

Right click in an empty area of the desktop. What happens?


Note: Right click means to point an item on the screen, press the secondary button (usually the right
button) and release it.

Double click any desktop icon. What happens?


Note: Double click means to point to an item on the screen and press the primary button (usually
the left button) twice very quickly. Note that if the two clicks are spaced too far apart, they might
be considered as two individual clicks rather than as double-click.

Click the Close button at the top right corner.

Click and Drag any desktop icon to empty area of the desktop.

Note: Drag means to point an item on the screen, press the primary button (usually the left button)
and move the item to a new location and release the button. You can drag the mouse towards left,
right, up or down or any other direction.

Click and Drag the desktop icon back to its original position.

Step 2: Exploring Start Menu

The desktop icons represent only the most frequently used programs and features. For more
options, you need to use the Start button which is the main gateway to all your computer's
programs, folders, and settings. Follow the steps to explore start menu.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System

1. Click the Start button at the bottom-left corner of the desktop. What are
some of the listed options?


2. Click All Programs. What are some of the listed options?


3. Click Accessories. What are some of the listed options?


4. Click Notepad. It is the most basic text editor included in Microsoft Windows.

5. Notice that Notepad has opened in a new window. This window is on the top of the
desktop. The title bar at the top of the window shows the name of the application, for e.g.
Untitled – Notepad. The taskbar at the bottom of the desktop displays the name of the
program which is currently open. Notice the notepad button on the taskbar.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

6. Click the Minimize button at the top-right corner of the Notepad Window. What
happens to the window?


7. Click the Notepad button on the taskbar at the bottom of the desktop. What happens?


8. Click the Maximize window at the top-right corner of the Notepad Window. What
happens to the window?


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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System

Step 3: Using Notepad

Notice a blinking vertical line ( | ) in the work area of the Notepad Window. It is cursor, which shows
where the text will begin.

The keyboard is the main way to enter information into the computer. There are different types of
keyboards available, but basically all keyboard keys can be divided into several groups based on their

 Typing keys: These keys are used to type letters, numbers, punctuations, and symbols
just like a typewriter .
 Control keys: These keys are used alone or in combination with other keys to perform
certain actions. The most frequently used control keys are CTRL, ALT, the Windows logo
key, and ESC.
 Function keys: The function keys are used to perform specific tasks. They are labeled
as F1, F2, F3, and so on, up to F12. The functionality of these keys differs from program
to program.
 Navigation keys: These keys are used for moving around in documents and editing
text. They include the arrow keys, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, DELETE, and
 Numeric keypad: The numeric keypad is handy for entering numbers quickly. The keys
are grouped together in a block like a conventional calculator or adding machine.

Using Typing Keys

In addition to letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and symbols, the typing keys also include SHIFT,

Key Name Key Image Function

SHIFT Press SHIFT in combination with a

letter to type an uppercase letter.
Press SHIFT in combination with
another key to type the symbol shown
on the upper part of that key.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

CAPS LOCK Press CAPS LOCK once to type all

letters as uppercase. Press CAPS LOCK
again to turn this function off.

TAB Press the TAB key to move the cursor

(the blinking vertical line (I) which
shows where the text will begin)
several spaces forward. You can also
press the TAB key to move to the
next text box on a form.

ENTER Press ENTER to move the cursor to

the beginning of the next line. In a
dialog box, press ENTER to select the
highlighted button.

SPACEBAR Press the SPACEBAR to move the

cursor one space forward.

Using Navigation Keys

The navigation keys allow you to move the cursor, move around in documents and web pages, and
edit text. The following table lists some common functions of these keys.

Use this Key Image Function

LEFT, RIGHT, UP or Move the cursor in the direction of the

DOWN ARROW arrow or use it to scroll pages of
information in the direction of the

HOME Move the cursor to the beginning of a


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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating System

END Move the cursor to the end of a line.

CTRL+HOME Move to the top of a document.

CTRL+END Move to the bottom of a document.

PAGE UP Move the cursor or page up one


PAGE DOWN Move the cursor or page down one


DELETE Delete the character after the cursor,

or the selected text.

INSERT Turn Insert mode off or on. When

Insert mode is on, text that you type is
inserted at the cursor. When Insert
mode is off, text that you type
replaces existing characters.

Follow the steps to use Notepad and explore different keys on your key board

Type your name using the typing keys of the keyboard. Press SHIFT key in combination with the
first letter of your name to type an uppercase letter. For e.g. Raheela

1. Press the SPACEBAR key to move the cursor one space forward.

Type your surname using the typing keys of the keyboard. Press SHIFT key in combination with the
first letter of your surname to type an uppercase letter. For e.g. Siddiqui

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

2. Press ENTER key to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
3. Type your address.

(See example below)

4. Keep the cursor at the last letter of your name and press BACKSPACE key to delete the
letter before the cursor.
5. Keep the cursor at the first letter of your name and press DELETE key to delete the letter
after the cursor.
6. Notice the vertical scroll bar along the right side of the Notepad Window. To view the text

not visible on the screen, click the Down scroll arrow . To go back to the top of the page,

click the Up scroll arrow . You can also press the left mouse button and drag the rectangle
on the scroll bar to display the part of the page that you want to see.

7. Click the Close button at the top right corner of the Notepad Window. What happens to
the window? Also, notice the change in the taskbar.


You will have an opportunity to develop your typing and mouse control skills as you complete the
sample in the Guided Practice section and create samples in Self Practice section later.

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Introducing Computers and Operating System

Guided Practice

1. Open Notepad

2. Type a paragraph about yourself.

(See example below)

3. Click the Close button at the top right corner of the Notepad Window.

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Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

Self Practice


In this Self Practice, you will learn how to type in your Note pad.

Type a letter to your trainer informing about your progress in using computer keyboard.

Type the letter as shown in the sample.

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Introducing Computers and Operating System

List of Address

In this self practice, you will practice special characters such as underscore(_),at the rate(@) and
forward slash(/);punctuation marks such as colon(:) and hyphen(-) and numeric keypad.

Activity 5: Creating Folders

A folder is like a filing cabinet, where you can store files and subfolders. It assists you in organizing
and managing your files and documents. All documents, spreadsheets and presentations relating to
this course will be saved in specific folders so that you will be able to find them easily. Follow the
steps to create folders on the desktop.

1. Right click in the middle of the desktop, click New  Folder on the drop down menu.

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Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

2. Notice that a new folder icon appears on your desktop.

3. Rename the folder by typing your first name underscore your last name. (for example,
Raheela) Press Enter. If the new folder text is not selected, right-click the folder, and click

4. Double-click the folder that you renamed, to open the folder. Inside, create three more
folders in the same manner described above.

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Introducing Computers and Operating System

5. Name the new folders: Word_Processing, Spreadsheet and Multimedia.

6. Click the Close button in each window. You will now be able to see the desktop again.

Activity 6: Turning Off the Computer

When you have finished working on your computer, you must shut down the computer.

Follow the steps to shut down the computer using the Start menu:

1. Click the Start button and click Turn Off Computer.

2. The computer is turned off.

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Module 1

Introducing Computers and Operating Syetem

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

I can name the different parts of a computer.

I know about the functions of different parts of a computer.

I can turn on the computer.

I can identify the different keys of keyboard.

I know functions of the keys of keyboard.

I know how to hold and move the mouse.

I can type using different keys of the keyboard.

I can use Notepad.

I know about Windows desktop.

I can identify the parts of a Window.

I can use the Start Button and Start Menu.

I can use the Task Bar.

I can create folders and subfolders.

I can turn off the computer.

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

Module 2

Introducing Internet
Description: While searching for some information about health, jobs vacancies or
entertainment through books, friends, neighbours, etc., we often end up without
relevant information or without any information at all. Today, with just a click of
mouse, we can get the latest information from any corner of the world right at our

The objective of this module is for you to get introduced to the Intel® Education
Help Guide, a digital resource to help you do tasks on the computer. You will also
learn how use the Internet effectively for searching information and
communication. You will develop Internet skills by conducting search.

Activity 1: Exploring the Help Guide

At various points during this course, you might have asked help from your friends or instructor. Now
onwards, when you want any technical help, you can use the Intel® Education Help Guide. The Help
Guide provides simple step-by-step directions for completing technical tasks. You can use Help
Guide to quickly learn how to do certain tasks on your computer as they are needed.

Follow the steps to learn how to use the Help Guide

1. Insert the Help Guide CD in the CD Drive and wait for auto run.

2. Select “Open folder to view files”, and click OK.

3. Double click Help Guide folder.

4. Double click Help Guide.exe to start the application.

5. Click the Help Guide link on the left navigation pane, which shows the contents of the Help

Note: To select a link, move your cursor over it. You will notice the cursor changes to a hand .

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

6. Check the two main skills:

1. Click Finding Technology Skills (Help Guide Skill 1.)

a. Read the instructions to find a skill in the left navigation pane. (See Help Guide
Skill 1.1)

b. Read the instructions to search for a skill. (See Help Guide Skill 1.2)

2. Click Viewing Skills While You Work (Help Guide Skill 2.)

a. Read the instructions to view a skill in the main window. (See Help Guide Skill

b. Read the instructions to view a skill in the individual skill pop up window. (See
Help Guide Skill 2.2)

c. Read the instructions to close the pop up window and return to the main
window. (See Help Guide Skill 2.5)

Activity 2: Learning Internet Basics

Before you begin using Internet, you need to learn about the basic terms related to Internet.


The Internet sometimes called “the Net” is a worldwide network of computers, where computers
across different locations can communicate with each other.


Web/World Wide Web (WWW) is similar to a library. It refers to the collection of information
available on the Internet. It consists of millions and millions of pages of text, pictures, sounds and
animation on various topics.


A browser is a software program that is necessary in order for you to view Web pages on the Web,
for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer*, Mozilla Firefox*, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and
Opera etc.

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

Web Address or URL:

A Web address (URL) refers to the address of the Web page or Web site on the Internet. It
specifies the exact location of the Web page on the Internet like your detailed address including
your name, house name, flat number, street name or number, city name and pin code. For example,

Activity 3: Exploring Web Browser

You need a software program called a Web browser to explore the information available on the
World Wide Web. A Web browser is used to display Web pages on your computer. In this activity we
will explore Web browsers in detail.

The Web browser consists of a title bar, a toolbar, a menu bar, a status bar and scroll bars. In
addition, it includes an address bar. The address bar displays the Web address or URL of the Web
page you are currently viewing. The toolbar provides navigation buttons that can be used to explore
the Web.

Use Help Guide to explore Web browser.

1. Start the web browser (See Web Technologies Skill 1.1 or 3.1) or double-click the web
browser icon on the desktop.

2. Type on the Address or Location bar. (See Web Technologies

Skill 1.4 or 3.4)

Note: Make sure you type the web address correctly or else the desired web page will not

3. Read the information and use vertical or horizontal scroll bars to view the text not visible
on the screen.

4. Click on any hyperlink. (word, picture or object linked to other information)

Note: You will notice that the cursor changes to a hand when it placed on any hyperlink.

5. Click on the Back / Go back one page button to go back to the first page.

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

6. Type the Address or Location bar. (See Web Technologies Skill
1.1 or 3.1)

7. Read the information and click on any hyperlink.

8. Click on the Home icon on the toolbar to go to the home page of the Web browser.

Activity 4: Exploring Search Engines

Search engines are tools used to find information on the World Wide Web. Usually, searches are
based on a word or a combination of words or topics. The search results may consist of web pages,
images, information and other types of files (presentations, documents, spreadsheets, etc.)

Certain search engines used widely are:

Follow the steps to explore search engines:

1. Start the web browser (See Web Technologies Skill 1.1 or 3.1) or double-click the web
browser icon on the desktop.

2. Type on the Address or Location bar. (See Web Technologies

Skill 1.4 or 3.4)

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

3. Suppose you want to book an online rail ticket. Type the key words “wikipedia” in the
Search Box.

Note: Keyword is the word used by the search engines in its search for relevant websites.
Choose the keywords carefully to save your time on search engines. Certain tips:

 Instead of asking the question “Who was the first man on the moon?” you can just put
“first man moon.”

 Make it more specific – Instead of typing “cars”, you can just type “Nano”

 Write correct spellings of keywords.

 Avoid, “a”, “the” “is” “are”, etc. unless you are searching for some exact phrase.

4. Click the Search button.

5. Look at the list of website and click on the most relevant website. (For this search, the most
relevant website is

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

Note: Notice that the keywords are highlighted in the entire search result and under each
website; the search engines display the phrases with the keywords. You can identify which
website is relevant by reading the phrases written under each website instead of going to
each one of them.

6. Click Back / Go back one page button to go to the home page of the search engine.

7. Type keywords about any information you want to find on Internet.

Frame your keywords in the space provided below:


8. Click Search button.

9. Look at the list of website and click on the most relevant website address.

Note: Notice that the keywords are highlighted in the entire search result and under each
website; the search engines display the phrases with the keywords. You can identify which
website is relevant by reading the phrases written under each website instead of going to
each one of them.

10. Read the required information. In case, the website does not have the required information,
click Back / Go back one page button and click on other website link from the search list.

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Module 2

Introducing Internet

11. Click on the Images link at the top of the search engine window to search for relevant

12. Save the image in the folder Raheela you created in Module 1. (See Web Technologies 4.4)

13. Click the Close button.

Self Practice
1. Visit the following websites
 To watch news online -
 To send e-greeting cards -
 To view recipes -
 To search for activities for children -
2. Conduct Internet search on your favourite topics.

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

I know about Internet, World Wide Web, browser and Web


I can start web browser.

I am able to search the Web using search engines.

I can download and save images.

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Description: In personal or professional life, writing letters, resumes, documents,
etc. is an essential activity. Writing involves drafting, checking spellings and
grammatical errors, revising and editing the content. Many a times, while writing
letters we end up rewriting it entirely because of spelling mistakes or we end up
with a rather untidy letter with many cancellations. Word processing software
makes the entire process very fast and simple. It allows you to change the way
words look and even insert pictures. In this module you will explore Word
Processing software in detail. You will develop word processing skills by creating
documents that will be useful in your daily routine.

Activity 1: Getting to know Word Processing using the Help Guide

Follow the steps to explore Word Processing skills using the Help Guide:

1. Double click Help Guide icon on the desktop to start the application.

2. Click the Word Processing link on the left navigation pane.

3. What are some of the listed skills?


4. Click Getting to Know Microsoft Word* (See Word Processing Skill 1)

5. What are some of the listed options?


6. Open a new document (See Word Processing Skill 1.1)

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Note: To view individual steps while you work, click the serial number of the skill. Click Return at
the bottom of the individual pop up window to come back to the main window.

7. View the different toolbars. (See Word Processing Skill 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5)

8. Type your name and address (See Word Processing Skill 2.1)

(See example below)

9. Change the colour of the text. (See Word Processing Skill 2.2 and 3.4)

10. Make the text of your name bold. (See Word Processing Skill 3.3)

11. Increase the font size of your name. (See Word Processing Skill 3.2)

(See example below)

12. Make Copies of your name and address without retyping them. (See Word Processing Skill
2.6 and 2.8)

13. Click the Close button to close Word Processing.

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Activity 2: Using Word Processing Skills

You will have an opportunity to develop word processing skills as you complete the sample in the
Guided Practice section and create samples in Self Practice section later.

Guided Practice: Flyer


Flyers are used by individuals or in business to inform people about products, events, services, or
special offers. Flyers are usually single page leaflets given on the streets, at events, posted on
notice boards, etc. They are also called pamphlets.


Imagine you run a shop and want to promote it. You make a flyer to inform people about the special
offers. Look at the following sample:

Flyer example

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Think about the following questions and plan your flyer.

What will you sell in your shop?


What will be the name of your shop?


List your ideas about the special offers you would like to provide on your products.


What will be the contact details of your shop?


Which images will you need to create your flyer?


Plan your content and layout of your flyer in the space below:

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing


Try to complete the following steps using the Help Guide.


1. Start the word processing software and open a new blank document. (See Word Processing Skill

2. Save your work in the Word_Processing folder created in Module 1. (See Word Processing Skill


1. Type a title at the top of the page that tells the name of your shop. (See Word Processing Skill

2. Below the title, type a few words about your shop. This could be a slogan or a catchy line.

3. Make the text bigger or smaller. (See Word Processing Skill 3.2)

4. Change the look of the words. (See Word Processing Skill 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4)

5. Change the alignment of the words. (See Word processing Skill 4.2)

6. Save your work.


1. There are two ways you can add pictures:

 Draw your own picture with the use of drawing tools. (See Graphics Group 5)

 Add a picture from the clipart gallery. (See Word Processing Skill 5.1)

2. Move or resize the pictures. (See Word Processing Skill 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6)

3. Save your work.

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing


1. Insert a table to your flyer. (See Word Processing Skill 7.1)

2. Type information about special offers in the rows. (See Word Processing Skill 2.1)

3. Change the look of words in your table. (See Word Processing Skill 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4)

4. Save your work.


1. In the empty spaces on the flyer, add some more clipart pictures that show what people will find
in the shop. (See Word Processing Skill 5.1)

2. Add a colourful page border to your flyer. (See Word Processing Skill 6.12)


1. Type the contact details of the shop at the bottom of the page. (See Word Processing Skill 2.1)

2. Type any other information inviting people to the special offer. Change the look of words as you

3. Save your work.


1. See how your flyer will look before you print it. (See Word Processing Skill 6.18)

Self Practice

Practice your Word Processing skills by making samples using the Help Guide.

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing


A resume is the first step to apply for a job. Have a look at the sample and make your resume using
the Help Guide.

Resume example

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Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Greeting Card

Create a greeting card to make your family or friends feel special. You can create a greeting card for
any occasion birthday, anniversary, festivals, etc. Look at the sample and make a greeting card using
the Help Guide.

Greeting card example

Dear Sana,


3.8 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved
Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Activity 3: Using what I learnt

You can use Word Processing for making

 Invitation Cards
 Banners
 Business Cards
 Personal Calendars

Think about other possible uses of Word Processing in your day to day life. Use the space given
below to list the different uses of Word Processing.
Share the list with your friends and note down any additional points.

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 3.9
All rights reserved. Version 1.0
Module 3

Introducing Word Processing

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

I can type and change words.

I can change the colour of words.

I can change the style of words.

I can make the words bigger or smaller.

I can change the space between lines.

I can make a numbered list.

I can change alignment of words.

I can insert pictures.

I can insert tables.

I can apply page borders.

I can save a document.

3.10 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheets

Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheets
Description: A spreadsheet or worksheet is an effective tool to record all sorts of
data like addresses, financial data of businesses, income and expenses, etc. It is
used to perform simple to complex calculations and organise data. It can also be
used to make charts and graphs.

In this module, you will explore spreadsheet software in detail. You will develop
spreadsheet skills by creating worksheets that will be helpful in your daily routine.
You will use the Intel® Education Help Guide to help you do tasks on computer.

Activity 1: Getting to know Spreadsheet using the Help Guide

Follow the steps to explore Spreadsheet skills in the Help Guide:

1. Insert the Help Guide CD in the CD Drive and wait for auto run.

2. Select “Open folder to view files”, and click OK.

3. Double click Help Guide folder.

4. Double click Help Guide.exe to start the application.

5. Click the Spreadsheets link on the left navigation pane.

6. What are some of the listed skills?


7. Click Getting to Know Microsoft Excel* (See Spreadsheets Skill 1)

8. What are some of the listed options?


Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 4.1
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Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheet

9. Open a new spreadsheet (See Spreadsheet Skill 1.1)

Note: To view individual steps while you work, click the serial number of the skill. Click Return at
the bottom of the individual pop up window to come back to the main window.

10. View the different toolbars. (See Spreadsheet Skill 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.6)

11. Notice that an Excel window has several unique elements identified in the table below.

A horizontal group of cells in a worksheet. A Number is used to
identify each row.

A vertical group of cells in a worksheet, identified by a letter.

A Cell is an intersection point between row and column. Each Cell is
assigned a name according to its COLUMN letter and ROW number.
When referencing a cell, you should put the column first and the
row second (e.g., Cell “A2”).

12. View the Name Box (See Spreadsheet Skill 1.5)

13. View the Formula Bar (See Spreadsheet Skill 1.6)

14. Type “Numbers” in cell B1 (See Spreadsheet Skill 4.1)

15. Type any number in cells - B2, B3 and B4.

16. Type “Total” in cell A6.

17. Click cell B6. Then, find sum of the numbers. (See Spreadsheet Skill 7.1)

18. Type any number in cell B5. Notice the change in the total of numbers automatically.

19. Click the Close button to close the spreadsheet.

4.2 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved
Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheets

Activity 2: Using Spreadsheet Skills

You will have an opportunity to develop spreadsheet skills as you complete the sample in the
Guided Practice section and create samples in Self Practice section later.

Guided Practice: Monthly Budget

Monthly Budget

Monthly Budget is a list of planned monthly expenses and income. Nowadays, many people prepare
a monthly budget to plan for their savings and investments.

Create your monthly budget based on your monthly income and expenses. Look at the following

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 4.3
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Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheet

List all the sources of income (For example, Salary, Rent, etc.) and probable expenses in the
following table and plan your monthly budget.


Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

(in Rs.) (in Rs.)

4.4 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved
Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheets



1. Start the spreadsheet software and open a new blank sheet. (See Spreadsheets Skill 1.1)

2. Type a title for your budget in cell A1. (See Spreadsheets Skill 4.1)

3. In the cells below, type column headings “Income”, “Expenditure”, “Particulars”, “Amount (in Rs.)”.
(See Spreadsheets Skill 4.1)

4. Make the headings bigger or smaller. (See Spreadsheets Group 2 and Skill 5.2 )

5. Change the look of the words. (See Spreadsheets Skill 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4)

6. Change the alignment of the words. (See Spreadsheets Skill 5.7)

7. Save your work in the Spreadsheet folder created in Module 2. (See Spreadsheets Skill 1.8)


1. In the cells below the column labels, type the amount for income and expenditure that you had
planned in the table. (See Spreadsheets Skill 4.1)

2. Save your work.


1. Merge cells with the column headings of your budget title, “Income” and “Expenditure”. (See
Spreadsheets Skill 5.10)

2. Save your work.


1. Format the numbers so they show as decimal. (See Spreadsheets Skill 4.9)

2. Save your work.

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 4.5
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Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheet


1. Change the height and width of cells. (See Spreadsheets Skill 5.5 and 5.6)

2. Add a background colour and effects for cells. (See Spreadsheets Skill 5.9)

3. Save your Work.


1. In the cells below the total, type “Savings”, and “Percentage of total income”. (See
Spreadsheets Skill 4.1)

2. Save your work.


1. Insert a sum function to total the income and expenditure. (See Spreadsheets Skill 7.1)

2. Insert a formula to show the savings. (See Spreadsheets Skill 7.4)

3. Insert a formula to show the percentage of total income. (See Spreadsheets Skill 7.6 and 4.9)

4. Save your work.


1. Create a chart using the wizard. (See Spreadsheets Skill 8.2)

2. Change the look of words and numbers in the chart. (See Spreadsheets Skill 8.5)

3. Change the colour of slices in chart. (See Spreadsheets Skill 8.8)

4. Save your work.

4.6 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved
Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheets

Self Practice

Practice your Spreadsheet skills by making samples using the Help Guide.

Address Book

You can record the contact addresses in spreadsheet. The format of spreadsheet makes it easier to
create and manage large number of addresses. Create your address book using the Help Guide.

Address Book Example

Inventory List

You can keep the stock of your inventory in a spreadsheet. Create an inventory list using the Help

Inventory Example

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 4.7
All rights reserved. Version 1.0
Module 4

Introducing Spreadsheet

Activity 3: Using what I learnt

You can use Spreadsheets for making
 Surveys
 Shopping List
 Expense Sheets
 Accounts and Balance sheets

Think about other possible uses of Spreadsheets in your day to day life. Use the space given below
to list the different uses of Spreadsheet.
Share the list with your friends and note down any additional points.

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

I can enter and edit text and numbers in a Spreadsheet.

I can move around the spreadsheet.
I can perform simple calculation and apply a formula.
I can combine and merge cells.
I can format cell and change height and width of rows and columns.
I can create chart and define chart type.
I can save a Spreadsheet.

4.8 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Module 5

Introducing Multimedia
Description: Sometimes, merely words are not enough to express our ideas and
thoughts. A visual presentation with examples, pictures, diagrams, sounds etc. can be
more effective to communicate. Multimedia is used to communicate and deliver
information, ideas, reports, etc. to a large group of people efficiently and effectively.

In this module, you will explore Multimedia software in detail. You will develop
multimedia skills by creating presentations that will be helpful in your daily life. You
will use the Intel® Education Help Guide to help you do tasks on computer.

Activity 1: Getting to know Multimedia presentation using the Help


Follow the steps to explore Multimedia skills in the Help Guide:

1. Insert the Help Guide CD in the CD Drive and wait for auto run.

2. Select “Open folder to view files”, and click OK.

3. Double click Help Guide folder.

4. Double click Help Guide.exe to start the application.

5. Click the Multimedia link on the left navigation pane.

6. What are some of the listed skills?


7. Click Getting to Know Microsoft PowerPoint* (See Multimedia Skill 1)

8. What are some of the listed options?


9. Open a new presentation (See Multimedia Skill 1.1)

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 5.1
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Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Note: To view individual steps while you work, click the serial number of the skill. Click Return
at the bottom of the individual pop up window to come back to the main window.

10. View the different toolbars. (See Multimedia Skill 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5)

11. Notice that a presentation has some unique elements identified in the table below.

Slide: The white rectangular area on the screen is

called the slide, which is the basic component
of a presentation. A presentation can contain
any number of slides, just as a book can
contain any number of pages. Slides can
contain text, pictures, charts and tables. You
can also include animation (moving pictures)
effects, audio and video clips to the slides in
the presentation.

Outlines: An outline is a text-only version of the entire

content of a presentation. The text is
indented according to the levels of headings,
subheadings and running text. These are
useful for editing and rearranging the text in
the slides.

12. Notice that your new presentation has by default opened a Title Slide.

13. Type your name in title text box and your address in subtitle text box. (See Multimedia Skill

14. Insert a clip art in the slide. (See Multimedia Skill 6.1)

5.2 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
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Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

15. Apply a design template to make your slide and make the presentation look good. (See
Multimedia Skill 4.1)

16. Insert a new slide with space for title, text and picture. (See Multimedia Skill 3.1)

17. Type “My City” as title, the name of your city in the text box and insert an appropriate
picture. (See Multimedia Skill 5.2 and 6.2)

18. Change the font colour of the name of your city in the text box. (See Multimedia Skill 5.9)

19. Change the font type of the name of your city in the text box. (See Multimedia Skill 5.6)

20. Change the font style of the name of your city in the text box. (See Multimedia Skill 5.8)

21. Play the presentation. (See Multimedia Skill 9.4)

22. Notice that the presentation runs just like the slide shows through slide projector. The
difference is the presentation is broadcast through a computer instead of a slide projector.

23. Click the Close button to close the presentation.

Activity 2: Using Multimedia Skills

You will have an opportunity to develop Multimedia skills as you complete the sample in the Guided
Practice section and create samples in Self Practice section later.

Guided Practice: Introducing Myself

In our day to day life, we introduce ourselves with the use of words. In this activity you get an
opportunity to create an “Introducing Myself” presentation.

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 5.3
All rights reserved. Version 1.0
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia


Create an “Introducing Myself” presentation to share your hobbies, personal details, likes, dislikes etc.
with others. Look at the following sample.

5.4 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Plan your presentation using the space below. You may consider the hints provided in each slide.

Slide 1: Presentation Title


1. Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip

art would you like to insert?

2. Do you want a subtitle? If yes, what would it be?


Slide 2: Personal Details

<Title> (For example, I am …., personal details, Know me, etc.)

 Name:_____________________

 Age:_______________________

 Where do you live? ____________

 Occupation:__________________

 Qualification:_________________

 Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip

art would you like to insert?
Slide 3: My Hobbies and Interests

<Title> (For example, I like to…, My Hobbies, My interests, etc.)

 Describe your hobbies


 Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip

art would you like to insert?

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 5.5
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Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Slide 4: My Favourite

<Title> (For example, My Favourite, I like to, etc.)

 Describe your favourites (For example, favourite actor,

dish, poet, novelist, artist, holiday destination, sport,


 Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip

art would you like to insert?
Slide 5: Experience of doing this Course

<Title> (For example, My Experience, My Journey, etc.)

 Describe your experience.

(For Example, I liked ………………, I learnt…..., It was difficult to

……………………, etc.)


 Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip art
would you like to insert?

Slide 6: Concluding Slide

 You may want to conclude your presentation by some quotes,

thank you, etc.

 How do you plan to conclude your presentation?


 Do you want to insert a clip art? If yes, what kind of clip art
would you like to insert?

 ___________________
5.6 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia



1. Start the multimedia software and open a new blank presentation. (See Multimedia Skill

2. In the title text box, type a title for your presentation. (See Multimedia Skill 5.1, 5.2)

3. Make the words bigger or smaller. (See Multimedia Skill 5.7)

4. Change the look of the words. (See Multimedia Skill 5.6, 5.8 and 5.9)

5. Save your work in the Multimedia folder created in Module 1. (See Multimedia Skill 1.9)


1. Change the slide layout. (See Multimedia Skill 4.4)

2. Select a design template from your computer. (See Multimedia Skill 4.1)

3. Select a colour scheme. (See Multimedia Skill 4.2)

4. Select a background colour. (See Multimedia Skill 4.3)

5. Save your work.


1. Add a picture to your slide. There are two ways you can insert pictures:

 Draw your own picture with the use of drawing tools. (See Graphics Group 5)

 You can add a picture from clipart or from file. (See Multimedia Skill 6.1 and 6.2)

2. Save your work.

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 5.7
All rights reserved. Version 1.0
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia


1. Insert two new slides with a box for a title and another box for a picture. (See Multimedia
Skill 3.1)

2. Type your personal details and your hobbies. Add appropriate pictures. (See Multimedia Skill
5.1, 5.2, 6.1 and 6.2)

3. Add border, 3D effects and shadow effects to your picture or clipart if you desire. (See
Multimedia Skill 6.3, 6.5 and 6.6)

4. Save your work.


1. Insert a new blank slide. (See Multimedia Skill 3.1)

2. Add or insert a table into a slide. (See Multimedia Skill 5.10)

3. Type about your favourites in the table. (See Multimedia Skill 5.2)

4. Make your table look good. (See Multimedia Skill 5.11)

5. Save your work.


1. Insert two more slides. (See Multimedia Skill 3.1)

2. Change the slide layout. (See Multimedia Skill 4.4)

3. Type your experience about the course. Add appropriate pictures. (See Multimedia Skill 5.2,
6.1 and 6.2)

4. In the concluding slide, include the information you had planned earlier. (See Multimedia Skill
5.2, 6.1 and 6.2)

5. Save your work.

5.8 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia


1. There are four ways to add sound in your presentation.

 You can add sound or music from the clip organiser. (See Multimedia Skill 7.1)

 You can add sound or music saved on your computer. (See Multimedia Skill 7.2)

 You can also play audio track in your presentation. (See Multimedia Skill 7.3)

 Record voice for your presentation. (See Multimedia Skill 7.4)

2. You can add Movies in your presentation by following two ways.

 You can add movie from the clip organiser. (See Multimedia Skill 7.6)

 You can add movie saved on your computer. (See Multimedia Skill 7.7)

3. Save your work.


1. Add effects plays between the slides. (See Multimedia Skill 8.1)

2. Add animation or movement to an object. (See Multimedia Skill 8.3)

3. Add animation effects to words. (See Multimedia Skill 8.4)

4. Set the order and timing of animation on the slide. (See Multimedia Skill 8.13)

5. Save your work. (See Multimedia Skill 1.9)

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 5.9
All rights reserved. Version 1.0
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Self Practice

Practice your Multimedia skills by making samples using the Help Guide.

My Family

Introduce your family to your friends and relatives by creating “My Family” Presentation.

My Family Example

5.10 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Annual Function

Community annual functions are very common and essential part of our daily life. Create a
presentation to share different events organized by your community throughout the year.

Annual Function Example

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Module 5

Introducing Multimedia

Activity 3: Using what I learnt

You can use Multimedia presentations for making

 Business Reports
 Family Functions
 Teaching Children
 Awareness Programs

In this activity, think about other possible uses of Multimedia presentations in your day to day life.
Use the space given below to list the different uses of Multimedia presentations.
Share the list with your friends and note down any additional points.

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

I can create a new presentation.

I can create slides with various layouts.
I can edit slides.
I can apply design templates to slides.
I can insert picture and clipart to slides.
I can insert a table in slides.
I can apply animation.

I can save a presentation.

I can start a slide show.

5.12 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Module 6

Introducing Email

Module 6

Introducing Email
Description: In our everyday life, we often send letters to our family members or
friends living in another city or abroad. With the Internet we can send our
messages and communicate with others across the globe in seconds. In this module,
you will learn how to create an Email account, send and reply to Emails.

Activity 1: Learning basic terms

a. Email:

An Email is a short form of electronic mail. It is a modern day tool to send and receive messages
using the Internet.

Emails have changed the world of communication. It used to take days or even weeks to send a
letter in earlier times, while now with Email you can send it in minutes. All you need is an Email
account, Internet connection and the Email address of the person you are sending the Email to.

b. Email address:

Email address is a like any other address. It is unique and two people cannot have the same email
address. An e-mail address typically has two main parts:. The user name (raheelasiddiqui2009), the
sign (@- at the rate) which is the same in every email address and mail server address (

There are many Email service providers like Yahoo, Rediff, Hotmail, Gmail, etc. You can create an
Email ID with any service provider by registering your details. In the next step, you will create your
Email ID with Gmail.

Note: There are many Email service providers but for this particular activity, Gmail is used.

Activity 2: Creating an Email ID

a) Start the Web browser or Double-click the Web browser icon on the desktop. (See Web
Technologies Skill 1.1 or 3.1)

b) Type on the Address or Location bar. (See Web Technologies Skill
1.4 or 3.4)

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 6.01
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Module 6

Introducing Email

c) Click on ‘Create an account’ to create a new Email ID.

6.02 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
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Module 6

Introducing Email

d) Fill in the appropriate information in the form.

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Module 6

Introducing Email

e) Click I accept. Create my account. Button.

f) Record your Email ID and Password in the space provided below. Remember that the
password is not supposed to be shared with anyone.

Email ID: _______________________________________________

Password: ______________________________________________

g) Click Show me my account to see your account details.

h) Take a look at the table below and learn about the basic features of Gmail.

Inbox Shows all the incoming mails with details.

Sent Mail Stores all mail sent by you.

Compose Email To create a new mail.

Sign out To sign out from the account

6.04 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
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Module 6

Introducing Email

Activity 3: Sending an Email

Follow the steps given below to send an Email.

a) Click Compose mail.

b) Type the Email address of the person to whom you would like to send the message in the
To box.

Note: In case you do not have any Email address with you, take the Email address of your
Digital Literacy Course friends and send a message to them. In case you want to send the
message to more than one person, separate their Email addresses by inserting a comma.
For example: ********, **********

c) Type an appropriate subject in the Subject box.

d) Type the message you would like to send.
e) Click Send.

f) Click Sign out.

Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation. Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course 6.05
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Module 6

Introducing Email

Activity 4: Checking and Replying Emails

You can access your Email account from any place and from any computer with an Internet

a) Start the web browser or double-click the Web browser icon on the desktop. (See Web
Technologies Skill 1.1 or 3.1)

b) Type on the Address or Location bar. (See Web Technologies Skill
1.4 or 3.4)

c) Type your username and password.

d) Click the Sign in button.

e) Click on the message you want to check.
Note: In Gmail, the incoming mails with Sender´s name and Subject of the message are
already displayed on the left side.

f) Click on Reply.

g) The Email address of the person to whom you would like to reply comes automatically.

Note: Do not type the subject here, as it is a reply mail for the same subject.

h) Type your message.

6.06 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
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Module 6

Introducing Email

i) Click Send.

j) Click Sign Out.

Self Practice
1. Send a mail to your friend or relative.
2. Send a mail to your trainer, sharing your experience about the course and your
progress after the course.

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Module 6

Introducing Email

Skills Set Checklist

Skills Acquired Yes No

 I know about Email.

 I can check my Email account.

 I can send, check and reply Email messages.

 I can sign out of my Email account.

6.08 Intel® Easy Steps Basic Course Copyright © 2009 Intel Corporation.
Version 1.0 All rights reserved.
Pre-Training Survey

Digital Inclusion Project

Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course

Pre-Training Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey form.

Skills Yes No

A. Basic Computer Skills

I can name the different parts of a computer.

I know about the functions of different parts of a computer.

I can turn on the computer.

I can identify the different keys of keyboard.

I know functions of the keys of keyboard.

I know how to hold and move the mouse.

B. Microsoft Windows*

I know about Windows desktop.

I can identify the parts of a Window.

I can use the Start Button and Start Menu.

I can use the Task Bar.

I can create folders and subfolders.

I can switch off the computer

C. Word Processing

I can type and change words.

Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.   Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course
All rights reserved.
Pre-Training Survey

I can change the look of words.

I can make the paragraph and words look good.

I can insert pictures.

I can insert tables.

I can apply page borders.

D. Spreadsheet
I can enter and edit text and numbers in a Spreadsheet.

I can move around the spreadsheet.

I can perform simple calculation and apply a formula.

I can combine and merge cells.

I can format cell and change height and width of rows and columns.

I can create chart and define chart type.

I can save a spreadsheet.

E. Multimedia

I can create a new presentation.

I can create slides with various layouts.

I can edit slides.

I can apply design templates to slides.

I can insert picture and clipart to slides.

I can insert table in slides.

I can apply animation.

I can save a presentation.

Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved.
Pre-Training Survey

I can start a slide show.

F. Internet & Email

I know about internet, World Wide Web, browser and Web address.

I can start web browser.

I am able to search the Web using search engines.

I can download and save images.

I know about Email.

I can check my Email account.

I can send, check and reply Email messages.

I can sign out of my Email account.



Name of Participant:






City: ___________________________________ PIN __________________

Phone (STD Code__________) ____________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________


Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.   Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course
All rights reserved.
Post-Training Survey

Digital Inclusion Project

Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course

Post-Training Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey form.

Skills Yes No

A. Basic Computer Skills

I can name the different parts of a computer.

I know about the functions of different parts of a computer.

I can turn on the computer.

I can identify the different keys of keyboard.

I know functions of the keys of keyboard.

I know how to hold and move the mouse.

B. Microsoft Windows*

I know about Windows desktop.

I can identify the parts of a Window.

I can use the Start Button and Start Menu.

I can use the Task Bar.

I can create folders and subfolders.

I can switch off the computer

C. Word Processing

I can type and change words.

I can change the look of words.

Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.   Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course
All rights reserved.
Post-Training Survey

I can make the paragraph and words look good.

I can insert pictures.

I can insert tables.

I can apply page borders.

D. Spreadsheet
I can enter and edit text and numbers in a Spreadsheet.

I can move around the spreadsheet.

I can perform simple calculation and apply a formula.

I can combine and merge cells.

I can format cell and change height and width of rows and columns.

I can create chart and define chart type.

I can save a spreadsheet.

E. Multimedia

I can create a new presentation.

I can create slides with various layouts.

I can edit slides.

I can apply design templates to slides.

I can insert picture and clipart to slides.

I can insert table in slides.

I can apply animation.

I can save a presentation.

I can start a slide show.

Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved.
Post-Training Survey

F. Internet & Email

I know about internet, World Wide Web, browser and Web address.

I can start web browser.

I am able to search the Web using search engines.

I can download and save images.

I know about Email.

I can check my Email account.

I can send, check and reply Email messages.

I can sign out of my Email account.

To what extent do the following statements describe the course, its contents and the materials
used? For each item that follows, select the choice that best represents your experience.

Scale: 1- strongly agree; 2 – agree; 3 – neutral; 4 –disagree; 5– strongly disagree

Course Contents

1 2 3 4 5 Comments

1. The course is focused on

developing technology skills which
could be used in everyday life.
2. The activities covering the
exploration of various technology
areas such as Word Processing,
Spreadsheets and Multimedia were
useful in helping me develop basic
3. The steps listed in the guided
practice sessions were useful in
helping me develop the different
4. The course materials were useful
and organized.

5. The course provides enough time

for each session.

Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.   Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course
All rights reserved.
Post-Training Survey

6. The course delivery mode was


1 2 3 4 5 Comments

7. The instructor responded to

questions in an informative,
appropriate and satisfactory

• Would you recommend this course to others?



• In what ways could this course be improved to better suit your needs?


• In the future how will you use the skills that you have learnt in this course?


• What further training or support do you require in order to successfully use the skills you
have learnt in this course?


Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation
All rights reserved.
Post-Training Survey


Name of Participant:






City: ___________________________________ PIN __________________

Phone (STD Code__________) ____________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________


Copyright © 2009, Intel Corporation.   Intel® Easy Steps - Basic ICT Literacy Course
All rights reserved.

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