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150 Goats Report

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Indian Goat Farm

(Rohit Rathore, Project Manager/Marketing)

Village Post Au, Block Phalodi
District – Jodhpur – (Rajasthan) INDIA.
Mobile: (+91) 9636296906

Project Report – Commercial Goat Farming

150 Goats Project
Please do keep the followings in mind while reading this project; -

1. This is an Expense statement for 2 yrs.

2. Before Starting Goat Farming Business it is very important that you
should have good knowledge of the same.
3. Land Cost is not included.
4. Goat Farming Business takes 2 to 3 years to give you to the break-even
point. (For Good Business what I consider is 4 to 5 Years.). So please
calculate the figures according to this plan.
5. Here in this project report I am calculating the growth rate in the ration
of 1:1 (male: female) and the mortality rate of 10% per kidding.
6. Please survey the land, location, road access, water facility and other
useful things.
7. Condition of Soil For cultivating green fodder for goats. (Hint: Goat
business is never profitable if buying green fodder from outside the farm)
8. Visit other Goat Farms before starting yours, to survey the housing
system, fodder management, handling goats, cascading bucks etc.
9. Suggestion: Use animal manure (day manure) to make vermicompost for
additional income from this business (this is also a part of goat farming
business). Use manure (night manure) to improve the soil of your farm
for cultivation of green fodders.
10. Suggested Green Fodders: CO3, CO4, Lucern, Barseem, Stylo, Dashrath,
Hybrid Napier, African Tall, Sorghum, Molato, Gini Grass, Subabul. (As
per your soil requirement)
11. Dry Fodder: Barley, Maize, Ground Nut etc.
12. Never use goat milk for personal use, as kids need this milk up to 3
13. Always Try to buy pregnant goats, which give kids in 40 to 60 Days.
In the following Synopsis; certain assumptions have been taken.

1. The land has already been purchased or acquired for setting up the
Commercial Level Goat Farming.
2. The farm will comprise of goats with previous track records (if & where
possible) only so as to improve the genetic potential & optimize
3. It will be ensured that around 89% of the goats will always give kids.
4. The Farm will initially hold 150 Goats Of Sirohi Breed and 6 Breeding Bucks.
5. Feeding cost of Goats is taken @ Rs. 4–5 Rs. Per Day.
6. Goat give kids twice a year, gestation period of 150 Days.
7. Under Stall Fed conditions the ratio of kids is 60% Twins, 38% Single and
2% Triple.
8. Expenses on Vaccinations are 15 Rs. a Year Per Goat.

9. Deworming the goats routinely.

Capital Cost

S.N Particulars Unit Total Cost G. Total

a. Capital Cost 150 goats 5000 each 7,50,000

b. Shed For Goats 01 60,000 0,60,000
c. Godown for Dry Fodder 01 10,000 0,10,000
d. Labor Quarters 01 10,000 0,10,000
e. Cascader, Ear Tags etc - 3,000 0,05,000
f. Cutter, Tanks, Mixer - 2,000 0,02,000
g. Cutting Machine 01 3,000 0,03,000
h. Feeders 15 600 0,09,000
TOTAL 8,49,000

A. Total Capital Cost is 8,49,000/- or Say 8,50,000/-

Capital cost is needed only ONCE & like all other businesses it will be required to start
the Goat Farming smoothly.
Running Capital (Yearly Report)

S.No. Administrative Costs No. Rate (Rs.) Cost Yearly

a. Senior Labor 01 4000 0,48,000 Rs.

b. Junior Labor 01 2000 0,24,000 Rs.
c. Fodder For 156 Goats 156 5 2,80,800 Rs.
d. Vaccines 156 15 0,02,340 Rs.
e. Electricity 1 1500 0,18,000 Rs.
f. Transport - 10,000 0,10,000 Rs.
g. Printing & Stationary - 1500
TOTAL 3,83,140 Rs.

B. Total Running Capital is 3,83,140/- or Say 3,85,000/-

• This is a fixed & optional variable and will be constant over a period of 2 yrs.
• All the running expenses are taken on higher side and calculated on 10th of
August 2009.
• Cost of Vehicles and other equipment are not considered here in this Project
• You may reduce expenses with Good Skills and Managements Practices.
• Add 4% of Insurance as not added in this Report.

It is also crucial to note that these practices for feeding & management have to be inculcated in
the labors from day ONE. A small-added expense of Re. 1/day/per animal will incur losses to a
tune of Rs.56,160 in 365 days (Believe this figures).
At the same time a saving of Re. 1 on feeding can help us SAVE Rs. 56,160 /-
/- yearly.

Total Cost Of Goat Farming Project:

Capital Cost: 8,50,000/- (One Time Up-to 400 Goats)

Running Capital: 3,85,000/- (Yearly)

Total Cost: 12,35,000/-

Margin Amount: 15% of Total Cost i.e. 01,85,250/-

Bank Finance 85% i.e. 10,49,750/-
(Finance Available on Goat Farming By NABARD)

*Note – This Project Report is for financial assistance not for submission in Bank.
Growth Rate Calculation

150 Pregnant Goats (assume give kids in 2 months)

• As I mentioned always buy pregnant goats.
• Here consider 50% Double & 50% Single Kidding.
• Bucks & Does Ration is 50:50.
• This Table is Only Growth Calculator.
• Calculation of 2 Years.
• Less 10% Mortality
• 89% Kidding (11%Not)
• As 2 months of interval is less in last months because 16 months of young female goats
are ready for kidding. At the age of 10 Months Does (female goat) is ready for mating.

Growth Calculation Table 1.1

Time Period No. Of Goats Young Goats Mature Goats Male / Female Total
150 Goats Nil 150 6 / 150 156
02 Months 150 “ 150+75 = 225 150 116 / 265 381
06 Months 150 “ 150+75 = 225 150 226 / 380 606
12 Months 265 “ 397 265 424 / 578 1002
18 “ 380 “ 380+190=570 380 710 / 863 1573
24 “ 578 “ 578+289=867 578 1143/1296 2439

Total Male Female Mortality/Pregnancy

2439 1143 1296 243 / 250 = 493

1946 973 973 10%/11%

Does (Female Goats) Feeding Cost

Time Period No. Of Goats Total Cost

02 Months 150 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 2 months 0,45,000 Rs.

06 Months 150 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 1,35,000 Rs.
06 Months 265 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 2,38,500 Rs.
06 Months 380 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 3,42,000 Rs.
06 Months 578 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 5,20,200 Rs.

Total 12,80,700 Rs.

• Here Bucks Feeding Cost is not included.

• As we consider from 100 Bucks 80% Sale Out at the Age of 6 to 8 Months.
• Rest 20% Diet Schedule is Different.

Bucks (Male Goats) Feeding Cost

Time Period No. Of Goats Total Cost

06 Months 779 x 7 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 9,81,540

18 Months 194 Eid Goats @ Rs 12,000 For 18 Months 23,28,000
Up-to Two Teeth’s

Total 33,09,540 Rs.

• All Bucks are sold out in 8 Months.

• Here 6 Months Feeding Cost is mentioned.
• As they live up-to two months on mother’s milk (Colostrum).
• Here I mention the Feeding Cost, which we provide at Indian Goat Farm.
• This Report is for 150 Goats Farm; at Indian Goat Farm this is different.

Revenue Report

Revenue From Bucks (8 months + EID goats)

Qty Rate Weight Total

779 Regular Goats 160 Rs/per/kg Fresh weight of 25 31,16,000

kg. Avg.

194 Eid Goats 18,000 Rs avg. price 50 kg each 34,92,000

TOTAL 66,08,000

Stock Value Of Female Goats

Qty Rate Weight Total

973 4000 Avg. 25-30 Kg./Avg. 38,92,000

Total Revenue Report

S.No. Particular Gross Profit Expenses Net Profit

1. 779 Regular Goats 31,16,000 9,81,540 21,34,460

2. 194 Eid Goats 34,92,000 23,28,000 11,64,000

Total 66,08,000 33,09,540 32,98,460

- - - -
Less Yearly Exp 2,08,400
Less Interest @12% 2,96,400
Less Return 85,000 27,08,660

• Less Yearly Exp from Running Cost of 2 yrs. Here I deduct Fodder Cost
• Fodder Cost is included in Diet Chart.
• Yearly Expenses are Running Capital.
• Less Return on Capital Expenses
• Rate Of interest is flat 12@ per annum
• Return time is 10 yrs.

Close Monitoring of the following for Optimizing:

• Nutritional requirements (Fodders /Silages)
• Supplement requirement
• Concentrate Need at different stages
• Feeding Management
• Breeding Management
• Health Control
• Mastitis Control
• Daily Economic Calculation

Here all the calculation is on practical figures, and I assume expenses on higher
side and income on lower side, you can increase your profit by proper labor,
fodder, and pregnancy management.

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