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Monkey's Paw Multiple Choice

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The Monkey’s Paw - Comprehension www.handouts.

fr eM251c

Contrôle de lecture. Les questions se rapportent au classique de la

littérature d’épouvante „The Monkey’s Paw“ de W.W. Jacobs,
respectivement à la version simplifiée de Oxford Bookworms Library.

What game did Herbert and his father play? O he told him to be careful.
O football O his wife didn’t like Tom Morris.
O chess
O poker Mrs White said that
O Herbert never helped her with the housework.
How many people were there in the White family? O she would like to get a new husband.
O three O she needed two more hands.
O four
O five Mrs White thought that
O their life wasn’t very exciting.
Where they a rich family? O she didn’t like Tom Morris as a guest.
O No, they were very poor and unhappy. O she didn’t like Tom’s stories.
O They were not rich, but they were happy.
O Yes, they were very rich. Mr White had never been to India but he thought
O there were too many monkeys there.
Tom Morris was O it wasn’t a very exciting country.
O an old soldier. O it was a wonderful country.
O a young sailor.
O Herbert’s teacher. Mr White
O got some money from his friend.
Mr White and Tom Morris drank O didn’t give his friend any money.
O orange juice O gave his friend some money for the monkey’s paw.
O whisky
O red whine Mr White’s first wish was
O a monkey’s paw.
Herbert would like to go to India, too. O thirty thousand pounds.
O His mother didn’t like the idea. O a new car.
O He wanted to go with Tom Morris.
O His father said no. Mr White made his wish. He thought then that the paw
O had cried.
Tom Morris O had disappeared.
O told a lot of stories about India. O had moved.
O was very quiet and didn’t say anything.
O told the family about his business and his plans. The next morning when they woke up
O there wasn’t any money there.
Tom Morris showed the Whites O the money was in a bag under their bed.
O a rare flower. O the money had disappeared.
O a magic paw. The next day
O a green monkey. O the postman brought thirty thousand pounds.
O the postman brought two letters, but there was no money
The monkey’s paw was given to Morris by in them.
O a young soldier. O the postman didn’t come because he was afraid of the
O a friend. monkey.
O an old Indian.
The stranger that had come to Mr and Mrs White
The monkey’s paw should teach us: O was tall and well dressed.
O It’s never good to want to change things. O was small and in a workman’s dress.
O People can’t be happy. O was in a policeman’s uniform.
O Be careful with monkeys.
Herbert worked at
Did Tom Morris have his three wishes? O a small zoo.
O No, he had made only one. O a public library.
O Yes, but they made him unhappy. O a big factory.
O Yes, that’s why he is so rich and so happy.
The stranger
Tom White gave the paw to Mr White, but O was a friend of Tom Morris.
O his son was against it. O looked very unhappy. He didn’t smile.
O was rather happy. He was joking all the time. O teachers and children.

The man from Maw & Meggins said that The story happened
O there was a lot of work at the factory, so Herbert had to O in India.
work until midnight. O in Spain.
O the story about the paw wasn’t true. O in England.
O there had been an accident at the factory.
The story is
The man from Maw & Meggins informed the parents that O true.
O their son was dead. O pure fiction.
O their son had to stay in hospital for a whole week. O written for little children.
O their son had won a voyage to India.
A monkey is
Herbert was killed O a kind of fish. It usually lives in the water.
O in a car accident. O a grey horselike animal.
O by a machine. O an animal with a long tail, it lives in trees in southern
O by a professional killer. countries.

The £ 30 000 pounds were Which is true?

O for a new machine. O The monkey’s paw could speak.
O for the accident. O The Whites got £ 30 000.
O for the costs of the hospital. O Herbert warned his parents to use the paw.

Three days after the accident, Herbert was brought

O to the hospital.
O to the cemetery.
O home.

The idea of the second wish was

O Herbert’s.
O Mr White’s.
O Mrs White’s.

Mr White thinks that if ever their boy would return, he

would return
O very badly hurt.
O in a good condition.
O as a rich man.

Mrs White
O didn’t want to lose the £ 30 000.
O wanted her boy back.
O didn’t believe that the paw could help.

When Mr White made his second wish,

O Herbert returned at once.
O he didn’t believe it would work.
O nothing happened for the moment.

The same night they made their third wish

O somebody knocked at their door.
O they slept well for the first time.
O they saw their son again.

Mr White made a third wish. We don’t know exactly what

he wished
O but we can guess.
O but it pleased Mrs White.
O but the paw didn’t work anyway.

A paw is an animal’s
O tooth.
O ear
O hand.

In a factory there are

O machines
O flowers and trees.

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