Maya Angelou, born Marguerite Ann Johnson, on April 4, 1928) is an American novelist and poet. She
is best known for her series of six autobiographies, which focus on her childhood and early adulthood
experiences. The first, best-known, and most highly acclaimed, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969),
focuses on the first seventeen years of her life, brought her international recognition, and was nominated
for a National Book Award.
Angelou has had a long and varied career, holding jobs such as fry cook, dancer, actress, journalist,
educator, television producer, and film director. She was active in the Civil Rights movement.
Angelou has been highly honored for her literary work, including being awarded over 30 honorary
degrees and the nomination of a Pulitzer Prize for her 1971 volume of poetry, Just Give Me a Cool Drink
of Water 'Fore I Diiie”. Since the 1990s, she has had a busy career on the lecture circuit, making about 80
appearances a year. Since 1991, Angelou has taught at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North
Carolina. In 1993, she recited her poem On the Pulse of Morning at President Bill Clinton's inauguration,
the first poet to make an inaugural recitation since Robert Frost at John F. Kennedy's inauguration in
1961. In 1995, she was recognized for having the longest-running record (two years) on The New York
Times Paperback Nonfiction Bestseller List.
With the publication of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Angelou became recognized and highly
respected as a spokesperson for blacks and women. Angelou has made a deliberate attempt through her
work to challenge the common structure of the autobiography by critiquing, changing, and expanding the
genre. Her books and poetry have covered themes such as identity, family, and racism.
This story which was originally entitled “Mary” takes place in the first half of the twentieth century, in
Stamps, Arkansas, USA. It is the story of a ten year old black little girl named Marguerite, who works at a
white woman’s kitchen.
Marguerite, the narrator, starts by comparing the education of black girls of her generation in the
Southern American States with that of white girls. White girls have a privileged education. They learn
how to waltz and social good manners (how to sit gracefully with a tea cup balanced on their knees),
black girls learn how to take care of a house and become white people's servants (set a proper table,
baking, cooking, etc). Marguerite herself is sent to Mrs Cullinan's, an unattractive white woman, to learn
how to become a domestic servant under the orders of Miss Glory, the black servant who teaches
Marguerite about the house work, cleaning, cooking, setting a proper table, cutlery and kitchenware.
From what she teaches Marguerite we get to know that black servants have separate glasses to drink
from, which are kept in a separate shelf.
Miss Glory also tells Marguerite some details of Mrs Cullinan's life. It's from Miss Glory that Marguerite
knows that Mrs Cullinan can't have children. Later her brother Bailey tells her that Mr Cullinan, Mrs
Cullinan's husband, has two daughters by a black woman. He tells Marguerite that she must know them
because they resemble Mr Cullinan. But Marguerite has some difficulty in picturing Mr Cullinan, even
though she sees him everyday. This because she never looked straight at his face, for fear of being
punished for lack of respect.
For a time Marguerite feels pity for Mrs Cullinan, because she can't have children. She arrives early for
work and leaves late, she even feels pity for her when she calls her "Margaret", instead of "Marguerite",
she thinks Mrs Cullinan can't pronounce her name correctly. She feels so sorry for her that she even wants
to write a tragic poem about her (being white, fat, old and without children. But when Mrs Cullinan,
following the suggestion of her friends, calls her Mary, Marguerite gets angry and tries to find a reason to
quit the house and the job (she has to have a good explanation to give her grandmother for quitting the
job). She begins to look at Mrs Cullinan's face whenever she calls her "Mary", although she knows it's
very rude for a black girl to look at a white adult's face, she begins to come late and leave early, she
leaves the dishes dirty and doesn't shine the silver. She hopes that Miss Glory will complain to Mrs
Cullinan and that she will dismiss her, but nothing happens.
When Marguerite tells her brother Bailey about the situation, he suggests her to break Mrs Cullinan's
favourite china. Marguerite decides to do it the next time Mrs Cullinan calls her "Mary". Horrified at
losing her mother's china, Mrs Cullinan falls to the floor and cries, while trying to pick up the pieces of
the broken china. When her friends asked if Mary had broken the china, she screams out that her name is
The incident gives Marguerite a reason to quit the house and the job. When she runs away she leaves the
door open wide, so that the neighbours can see the comic scene and the chaos she had caused inside the
house, as a result of her revenge. She also wants to show everybody that she was able to stand up for her
rights and that she was brave enough to leave the door open for others to see how pathetic and ridiculous
Mrs Cullinan looked and the mess inside her Alice-in-Wonderland house.
The Characters
Marguerite, or Margaret, is the main character of the story. She has many aspects related to the author of
the short story “Names” which can be seen as an autobiography of Maya Angelou. In this work the
author tells part of her life when she lived with her grandmother, who she called Momma and with her
brother, Bailey.
Marguerite is a young negro girl who was sent to work for Mrs. Cullinan, a white woman. It was her
"finishing " school in which Miss Glory , the servant , was the "teacher".
In Mrs. Cullinan ‘s house Marguerite has a good friend, Miss Glory, also a Negro woman who is
Margueritt daily company. She helps her with the work and also gives her some advices.
At first, Marguerite is obedient and does everything she is asked to. She feels pity for Mrs Cullinan
because she can’t have children. However, when Mrs. Cullinan tries to change her name to Mary,
according to the suggestion of one of her friends ,"...but the name's too long. I'd never bother myself. I'd
call her Mary if I was you". Marguerite gets angry. Miss Glory tries to calm her down and tells her that
Mrs. Cullinan had changed her own name ,too. However, Marguerite had already made up her mind, she
wanted to show Mrs. Cullinan that her name was Marguerite and not Mary as her mistress had started to
call her. She makes up a plan to get on Mrs Cullinan’s nerves. She starts showing herself lazy, she does
not do what Mrs. Cullinan asks her to her and she does not answer when Mrs. Cullinan calls her Mary.
And when she sees this doesn’t work, she decides to follow her brother’s suggestion and break Mrs
Cullinan’s favourite china.
Mrs Cullinan
Mrs. Cullinan is a white racist woman who treats her negro employees like slaves despite the fact that
slavery had finished a long time ago. She continues her family’s legacy, treating Negroes as slaves, an
example is Miss Glory, whose family always served the Cullinans.
Mrs. Cullinan likes to have her house always very tidy, with everything in its right place. ”The exactness
of her house was inhuman. This glass went here and only here. That cup had its place and it was an act of
impudent rebellion to place anywhere else.” She also wants her black servants to know their place and to
have their own cups and dishes. “I had a glass to drink from, and it sat with Miss Glory’s on a separate
shelf from others.” In addition to this discrimination , she is a very bad example for everyone. She drinks
alcoholic drinks frequently and much “….she drank alcohol out of unmarked bottles. She was keeping
herself embalmed .”
Furthermore, she seemed to have a very weak personality and will. For example, she used to call
Marguerite by her name, but when a “friend” of hers suggested to call her Mary , she immediately
followed the advice. Nevertheless, she had already done something like that when she changed Miss
Glory’s name from “Hallelujah” to “Glory”. Besides being cold , severe and racist, Mrs. Viola Cullinan
is indeed a very unhappy and frustrated woman. There are be two reasons for her frustration. Firstly, her
husband is never at home. Secondly she can’t have children, and the existence of the two daughters of
Mr. Cullinan out of his marriage is something that torments her. Those girls could have been their
daughters, and they are beautiful. Although with a negro mother, those girls are light-skinned and they
look like their father. "They were very light-skinned and certainly didn't look very much like their mother
( no one ever mentioned Mr. Coleman).
Miss Glory
Miss Glory is a middle-aged negro woman and like many Negroes in that time, she is a servant, the cook,
at Mrs. Cullinan’s .
Miss Glory becomes good help to Marguerite ,she is very patient to her and when Margauerite gets mad
and revolted with Mrs. Cullinan’s behaviour, Miss Glory advises her not to care about it. She says that
Mrs. Cullinan had also changed her name but she has resigned to being called out of her name. " My
name used to be Hallelujah. That's what Ma named me, but my mistress give me "Glory", and it stuck. I
likes it better too." She is loyal to her mistress, yet she seems to be Marguerite's friend, too.
Other Characters
Besides these characters, there are others whose characteristics are not quite specified. They are Bailey
(Margaret’s brother ) ,Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Randall's maid , Mr. Cullinan (Mrs. Cullinan’s husband) and
the ladies (Mrs. Viola's friends), Marguerit refers to one of them as "the speckled-faced one"... Among all
them, Bailey is probably the most relevant because he is the one who tells Marguerite to break Mrs.
Cullinan’s favourite china ,fact which is essential to the development of the story.
How the narrator (Marguerite) and Mrs Cullinan change along the story
Both Marguerite and Mrs Cullinan change through the story. At the beginning, Marguerite is a quiet and
obedient girl. She doesn't mind being called Margaret by Mrs Cullinan (she undrerstands it as a wrong
way of saying her name). She even feels pity for Mrs Cullinan because she can't have children.
But, when Mrs Cullinan starts calling her Mary, Marguerite shows her rebellious side. She turns out a
revengeful and rebel girl who can stand up for her rights, as her acts show. She thinks that, just because
she's a black servant and just because Mrs Cullinan is a white Mistress, she doesn't have the right to treat
her that way and call her as she wants. " When I heard Mrs. Cullinan scream, "Mary!" I picked up the
casserole and two of the green glass cups in readiness. As she rounded the kitchen door I let them fall on
the tiled floor." She had completed her revenge, she is quite happy about it and forced Mrs Cullinan to
yell her real name.
Although Mrs Cullinan isn't nice to her black maids and shows racial prejudice by separating their
glasses, at the beginning she says Marguerite is "a sweet nice thing", which is a proof of her tenderness
and shows that she likes her. But, after Marguerite breaks her favourite china, she shows insensitivity
and violence and calls her black servant insulting names.
Our name is an essential part of our identity, if someone deliberately changes our name, it is a lack of
respect for our identity. In this story that identity is "denied", since Mrs Cullinan decided to change
Marguerite’s name to “Mary”, just because it was easier to say. Besides black people didn’t like to be
called out of their names because it reminded them the times of slavery when white people had no
respect for their black slaves’ identity and named them as they wished. It’s Marguerite herself who says :
"Every person I knew had a hellish horror of being called out of his name. It was a dangerous practice to
call a Negro anything that could be loosely construed as insulting because of the centuries of their having
been called niggers, jigs, dinges, blackbirds, crows, boots and spooks".
So, it was natural that black people didn't like being "called out of their names". First it meant the whites
didn't respect them, then it reminded them of the slavery times and the insulting names white people used
to call them.
The very expression "calling someone names" means "insulting someone", in this case it shows racial
prejudice, which is the main theme of the story
When Mrs Cullinan starts calling her Mary, Marguerite, who used to be an obedient girl, just can’t stand
it. Firstly she decides to do everything wrong so that she can be sent away from that home. Then, as her
plan doesn’t work, she decides to take drastic measures and breaks Mrs. Cullinan’s favourite china
plates. On doing it she makes Mrs Cullinan lose her temper and yell her real name.
Reading Task
Decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
4. Miss Glory is a descendant of a line of slaves who had always worked for the Cullinan family.
5. Miss Glory tells Marguerite that Mrs Cullinan can’t have children
6. Mrs Cullinan’s husband has two daughters out of the marriage from a white lady
7. For a while, Marguerite has great sympathy for the Mrs Cullinan because she can’t have children.
8. Marguerite thinks Mrs Cullinan calls her “Margueret” because she’s black.
9. Mrs Cullinan’s friend finds the name Marguerite too long and suggests her to shorten it to “Mary”.
10. Margurtite doesn’t like it and gets angry when Mrs Cullinan called her “Mary”.
11. Miss Glory gets also revolted even because her own name had been changed from Halleluja to Glory.
12. Marguerite runs away from Mrs Cullinan whenever she calls her Mary.
14. Miss Glory gives her the idea of breaking Miss Cullinan’s favourite casserole dish and two of her
glass cups.
15. The next time Mrs Cullinan calls her “Mary”, Marguerite throws her favourite casserole dish and two
of her glass cups to the floor.
16. Mrs Cullinan is so surprised that she doesn’t have any reaction.
17. When she leaves Mrs Cullinan’s house Marguerite, slams the door.
Bearing in mind the short story “Names” by Maya Angelou compare Marguerite and Miss Glory, as they
have different attitudes towards the same kind of discrimination.
Write a short comment (about 80 words) on the short story “Names” as a portrait of Southern American
society of the time.
Choose one of the following topics (A or B) and write about 50 words on it.
A. Mind the following passage from the short story “Names”, by Maya Angelou: “The very next day
she (Mrs Cullinan) called me by the wrong name. Miss Glory and I were washing up the lunch dishes
when Mrs Cullinan came to the doorway. “Mary?”.
Say in 50 words, how this episode contributed to make Marguerite change her opinion about Mrs
Cullinan and take her final decision
A. “What´s in a name?” Refer to the short story “Names” by Maya Angelou and connect it to Marguerite
´s revolt when her boss called her ‘out of her name’. Do it in 50 words.
A. Bearing in mind the short story “Names” by Maya Angelou, refer to the way the main characters
interact along the story (the relationships they establish with each other). Write about 80 words
on it.
Bearing in mind the short story “Names”, account for the way the title fits the development of the story.
A. Bearing in mind the short story “Names” by Maya Angelou, comment on Marguerite’s reaction at the
end of the story. (how she reacted; why she reacted like that; the meaning of her reaction). Write about 80
words on it.
• Horários.
Present Para falar de: now; at the What are they doing now?
continuous moment; this
morning; ... They are sitting at the window and
• O que está a
(Am/is/are + v- watching the traffic.
fazer/acontecer no
We are having a class meeting this
• Combinações/planos afternoon.
(o que vai fazer);
I'm always telling you to avoid doing
Com “always” para dizer o that.
que está sempre a fazer.
Past Simple Para falar de uma yesterday; last How long ago did you arrive?
acção/situação que aconteceu week, with dates;
(Os verbos num determinado momento I arrived two hours ago.
regulares do passado.
“ed”.Os verbos
irregulares têm
uma forma
Present Perfect Para falar do que tem already; just; I've worked here for three years
acontecido. Acções que ever; for; since;
(have/has + começaram no passado e se never; (not)
participio prolongam até ao presente. yet; ...
passado (3ª
forma do
Present Perfect Para falar do que tem estado a for, since I've been waiting for you since 7.
Continuous fazer.
(am/is/are +
Past Para falar de: I was reading a book when he came
(was/were + v- • o que estava a fazer
ing) He was reading the paper, while I was
quando algo aconteceu.
eating breakfast.
A. Complete with the correct form ( present simple affirmative, interrogative or negative) of these
verbs: have, study, watch, do, borrow, get up, read, eat
5. We go/are going for a walk everyday, but today we stay/are staying in.
D. Complete this text about S. Paulo, Brazil, using the Simple Present or the Present Continuous
Everyone ____________ (know) what a megacity ___________ (look) like. Take S. Paulo for example.
S. Paulo _____________ (be) one of the most densely populated cities in the world. A third of its
population ___________ (live) in slums, where their standard of living is unbelievably low.
Today safety in S. Paulo ______________ (get) worse and worse and social discontent _____________
(grow) bigger and bigger. Robberies and assaults _____________ (happen) everywhere, everyday.
In an effort to stop violence the government _________ (try) to take stricter safety measures, but things
_____________ (not seem) easy to solve.
E. Put the verbs in the correct tense: simple past or past continuous.
2. George ________________ (read) the newspaper while his wife _____________(cook) dinner.
3. John ___________ (fall) off the ladder while he ____________ (wash) the window.
4. Sorry to interrupt you. I _____________ (not know) you __________ (have) lunch.
5. When I ___________ (get up) this morning, my father ___________ (listen) to the radio.
6. Peter ____________ (sleep) in front of the television when someone __________ (knock) at the door.
F. Complete with the simple past or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. While Jack __________________ (watch) television, his wife _________________ (clean) the house.
5. When I ___________ (open) the window this morning, the birds ____________ (sing) outside.
G. Use the verbs in brackets in the simple past or the present perfect.
5. Mary ___________ (break) her leg. I __________ (see) her walking on crutches yesterday.
6. Last week was the first time I ____________ (drive) a car.
7. It’s the first time I am in this city. I ____________ (never/be) here before.
1. Many people (think/ are thinking) that the battle for a "better and clean world" is helpless.
2. Environmentalists (are feeling/will feel) totally satisfied when there is no more pollution.
4. They (are having/ have) a panel on environmental issues on BBC this evening at 10.
5. I always (am taking/take) public transport to school. This way I try to minimise the human
impact on earth.
6. Due to recent disasters, some people all over Europe (protest/are protesting) against the use of aging oil
8. She fell asleep while the train (rolled/was rolling) slowly down the mountain.
10. If she studies, I’m sure she (is passing/ will pass) her exams.
11. The train (had already left /has already left) when we got to the station.
14. They (emigrated/have emigrated) to America in 1965 and (have lived/ live) there since then.
15. Mr Davis (is/ has been) in hospital since he (was/ has been) run over by a bus two weeks ago.
16. The Davies (have just moved/ just moved) into a new flat, you know.
17. Many people (lose/lost) their lives and property in the Great Fire of London.
1. My friends and I usually ............ out to the disco on Saturday nights. (go)
2. My children never ............... their beds when they .......... to school. (make/leave)
17. Jill .......... in New York for two weeks, but she ......... a musical on Broadway yet. (be/not see)
21. Last night I.............. asleep while I.................. TV. (fall /watch)
22. The phone ............ while I................. a bath yesterday. (rang/ have)
25. They ...............all the seats when I got to the box office. (already/sell)
1. ________________ you (read/have read) Rachel Carson's Silent Spring? Yes, I __________
(have/did). I __________ (read/have read) it a few months ago.
2. Although Silent Spring was written many years ago people _____________ (didn't cease/haven't
ceased) to admire it.
3. Rachel Carson’s books ____________ (contribute/have contributed) a lot to rise concern about
environmental issues.
5. Silent Spring ______________ (was published/has been published) in 1962 and _______________
(has been read/was read) ever since by thousands of people.
I ______________ (not like) cartoons very much. So, when we _________ (change) channels I, most of
the times, _________(go) to my bedroom and do my homework.
Today I must write a report about the school trip we ______________ (do) to the Zoo last Wednesday.
We ____________ (go) there with some of our teachers and we _____________ (see) lots of strange
animals. I ____________ (enjoy) it very much, because I really ____________ (like animals).
____________________ (you/ever/be) to the Zoo? Some people _________ (think) Zoos are a sort of
prisons for the animals that are kept there, but I _____________ (disagree) totally with it. All the animals
I _____________ (see) there last Wednesday _______________ (seem) to be happy. At least they
__________ (feel) protected there.
Preparação para o Exame de Equivalência à Frequência – Inglês (11º Ano)
Ficha de Trabalho – 6
Exercise A - Follow the example and rewrite the following sentences starting as indicated below.
Seldom .....................................
Rarely ................................
Hardly ......................
Hardly ...
Hardly ......
Nowhere ....
Seldom ....
Rarely ...
No sooner ...
Never before …
14. Fred jumped over the garden wall as soon as he saw the policeman.
No sooner …
15. As soon as Sophie arrived at the office she saw Guy’s message inviting her for dinner.
No sooner …
Rarely …
Never …
18. I have never worked so much before.
Never before …
Only by chance …
Little …
Hardly …
Not until …
Rarely …
Hardly …
Ficha de Trabalho 5
Clauses of Concession: however (contudo); although (embora); in spite of (apesar de); nevertheless
2. Tom was seriously advised by his teacher, but he insisted in disturbing the class.
Although …
In spite of …
Although, ….
In spite of …
Despite …
5. They didn’t have much time, however they came to visit us.
In spite of ….
Although ….
Despite ….
7. Although the shirts are very expensive, people buy them because they are trendy.
In spite of …
In spite of ….
9. I didn’t like the CD you have recommended me, but I bought it all the same.
a) Although …
In spite of…
10. I told her all the truth. However she didn’t believe me.
a) Although …
b) In spite of
11. They didn’t play well, but they won the game.
a) Although …
b) Despite …
12. They felt very cold but they didn’t turn on the heater.
Despite …
a) Although …
b) In spite of …
14. He has all the necessary books but he doesn’t use them to study.
Despite …
15. She works very hard but she doesn’t deserve a raise.
a) Although …
b) In spite of …
16. She is not prepared for the test, but she has to do it.
Despite …
Although …
18. It was a nice sunny but there was nobody at the beach.
a) Although …
b) Is spite of …
19. He arrived later but he finished work earlier than the others.
Although …..
20. The new waitress seems honest and diligent. However the boss doesn’t like her.
a) Although …
b) In spite of …
Ficha de Trabalho 4
If = se
2. instruções
If + present Imperative
If you want coffee with milk, press button A
1st Conditional
......................................, if he apologises.
2nd. Conditional
7. I don't buy a new video camera because I don't have enough money.
12. The dog didn't bite the girl because the owner stopped it.
3rd conditional
If you had arrived earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the train.
15. I didn't hear the weather forecast. So, I didn't bring the umbrella.
16. You spent the night at the pub. You didn't study much.
If you hadn’t spend all night at the pub, you ....
17.You didn't take your raincoat. That's why you got wet.
18. She didn't give you a box of chocolates because she didn't know it was your birthday.
19. You didn't spend he holidays with us, that's why you didn't enjoy yourself a lot.
E. Unless
If you don’t bring the money, I won’t buy you the tickets.
C. Unless . Rewrite as indicated below. The first one is already done as an example.
1. If you don’t read your messages, you won’t receive e-mail greetings.
Unless you read your messages, you won’t receive e-mail greetings.
Unless ...
3. If you didn’t arrive early, you wouldn’t get the best seats.
Unless ...
Unless ...
Unless ...
8. If they hadn’t lent me the money, I wouldn’t have bought the house.
Unless ...
11. If she doesn't ask me, I will not tell Sue what you said.
Unless I _________________________________________
Unless we _______________________________________
15. Children are only allowed to use the swimming pool if they are with an adult.
16. The doctor will not see you today, if it is not an emergency.
Unless it ________________________________________________________
D. 1st; 2nd; 3rd Conditional - Re-write as indicated below. The first one is already done as an
If they had clarified their position, we wouldn’t have rejected the offer.
2. I don't sell my car because they don't pay much money for it.
3. I'm sure you didn't leave your watch in my house, because I didn't find it.
If you had left your watch in my house, _______________________________
6. She didn't give me the ring , because she didn't find it.
7. You don't feel better because you don't take much exercise.
8. She didn't apply for the job, because she didn't know about it.
9. You must write the test carefully, not to repeat it all again.
11. John doesn't drive carefully. He has had too many accidents.
14. You don't spend your holiday in Spain. You don't learn how to dance the flamenco.
If we see ...
3. You don't know how to swim, so you can't come with us.
4. You can't find a good job, because you aren't qualified enough.
6. You didn't apply for the job, that's why you didn't get it .
7. She didn't find a good seat because she didn't come on time.
Ficha de Trabalho 3
Verb Tense Active Passive
Present simple The farmer keeps the cows here The cows are kept here by the farmer
Present continuous They are painting the house The house is being painted
Past Simple John wrote the letter The letter was written by John
Past continuous Sally was driving the car The car was being driven by Sally
Present perfect The police has raid the area The area has been raided by the police
Present perfect The police has been raiding the area The area has been being raided by the
continuous police
Past perfect They had never done it before It had never been done before
Past perfect continuous They had been restoring the old The old house had been being restored
Future We will finish it soon. It will be finished soon
Conditional They would do it in time. It would be done in time
Modals They can't farm that land. That land can't be farmed
Indirect Passive Passiva (Passiva idiomática)
A. Change into the passive (The first one is already done as an example)
Present Simple
An interview ……
The newspaper
Present Continuous
A new road ….
The area …
Past Simple
No information ...
The advertisements…
The consumers …
A different attitude …
4. They were studying the problem.
The problem ….
Present Perfect
My car ...
Her mother....
That note …
2. They have been warning the population about the dangers of contaminated water.
The population …
Past perfect
His example …
That town …
3. They had published a new book.
A new book ….
The brochures
The scheme
The pavements …
Our bathroom...
My wallet ...
Dinner ...
The school …
English ...
13. One of the students left the gym equipment in the playground.
16. The headmaster will punish the students that have missed the classes.
C. Indirect Passive - Rewrite the following sentences as indicated below (the first one is already
done as an example)
He ...
She ...
She ….
He …..
Mr Y ...
Mr Y ...
Mr Y ...
Mr Y....
She ….
Mary …
13. They had already given her that book.
She ….
We ...
She ...
17. Nobody could allow him to play hockey because he wouldn’t keep the rules.
He ...
18. They have granted her the request to open a shop here.
She ...
You ...
She ...
21. Someone gave the guide a good tip for his service
22. They will offer him lots of money for his discovery.
I ...
He ...
D. Rewrite these sentences in the passive form. Miscellaneous (the first one is already done as an
Mary ...
4. The authorities are banning the traffic from the city centres
English ...
7. The players are wearing new equipment for the match next Saturday.
No drinks ...
E. Rewrite as indicated below - Miscellaneous (the first one is already done as an example)
Young people................
5. The doctor won't prescribe us a different diet
Young executives..........................
Many accidents...
This house....
The flights....
15. We are expecting the result of the tests in about two hours' time.
The result....
16. You must not allow the children to see television until late.
The children....
An agreement ...
18. They requested all spectators to leave the stadium in good order.
All spectators....
20. The experts will have to instruct the local farmers about the new farming techniques.
F. Rewrite as indicated below - Miscellaneous (the first one is already done as an example)
We ...
Something ...
This land....
Several cartoons …
The house …
She …
John …
Our trip …
Pauline …
These plants …
We …
Tomorrow (amanhã) the following day, the next day (no dia
Yesterday (ontem)
the day before (no dia anterior)
Next week/year... (na próxima
semana/ano …) the following week/year/... (na semana/ano
A year ago (há um ano,…)
a year before/the previous year (no ano
Nota: Quando o verbo que introduz o discurso indirecto está no presente os tempos
verbais não mudam.
He said that …
He said that …
He said that …
B. Some days ago a group of foreign students who attend London University visited the famous
British Museum.
Here are some of the statements they made. Rewrite them as indicated below.
E.g. Pedro: I'll tell Carmen to visit the British Museum next year.
Pedro said that he would tell Carmen to visit the British Museum the following year.
4. Pedro: I'll never forget the time I had visiting the British Museum.
5. Monique: Visiting museums is my hobby. I can spend a whole week in the British Museum without
getting bored..
C. Now look at this example and rewrite the following questions as indicated below.
1. Ismini: How much does this guidebook to the British Museum cost?
Ismini asked ....
2. Maria: How did the British manage to collect all these beautiful things?
5. Maria: Monique, what's your opinion of this work of art? Do you like it?
D. Now read these commands, advices and requests and rewrite them as indicated below:
2. Monique: You should visit the National Gallery; it's worth it.
9. “Mary won’t come next month. She has a lot of work to do”.
Mary asked Jane if she had met her brother the day before.
5. “Go out and don’t make a noise!” The teacher told his students.
6. “Can you show me your driving license!” The police asked the lady.
7. “Do you want to come with us to the cinema next weekend?” John asked me.
9. “Why do you have to ask me these silly questions?” Mary asked Peter.
13. “If it rains today, we will stay at home and we will play the match tomorrow. they said”.
14. “I went to my friend’s birthday party last weekend. I enjoyed it very much”, Mary said.
16. “Fred, are you going with us to the cinema tonight?” Mary wanted to know.
G. A group of European students went on a ten-day visit to New York. It was the first time they had
been there. They were interviewed during their stay. Report what each one said about New York.
Maria Pei, from Italy - It's a perfect choice of holiday for anyone who likes bright lights and lots to do.
Nico Ianopolos, from Greece - It's not as expensive as I imagined. You can live here quite cheap if you
know the right places to go. Yesterday I had an excellent meal for 5 dollars.
Bruce Matlock, from England - I've never seen such a beautiful city in my life.
Etienne Mathieu, from France - I love this city. It's very noisy, very dirty, but very full of life. I'll
definitely come back next year. Ten days are too short.
Kersti Kristiansen, from Denmark - I don't like New York at all. It's too impersonal. I may not stay
here for the full ten days.
Gilles Poitier, from Luxembourg - I've found the people very friendly and generous. And there seem to
be far more integration between black and white people than I imagined.
Martin Dressler, from Germany - We don't like the fast food, but the food you get in the restaurant is
wonderful. You can get almost everything you like here.
He told me ...
He asked her ..
He asked her...
He said that...
4. “Why have you told your mother I was ill?”, he asked him.
5. “Don’t spend all your pocked money in a day”, she advised him.
6. “Did you see my brother Robert at school this morning ?”, she asked him.
8. “Have you enjoyed your holidays?”, the teacher asked the pupils.
18. Take your umbrella, it may rain", His mother told him.
19. "I have just met your brother in the supermarket," said Alice.
Note: When the Introductory verb is in the present there are no verb changes