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April 2008 £15.

Issue 46


Published by the ICAEW Corporate Finance Faculty
Supported by

valuation issues
Issues that corporate finance practitioners will encounter in their work
Authors: Heather Stevenson, Doug McPhee (KPMG)

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 1 25/3/08 11:05:16


03 Introduction
03 Selection of appropriate valuation methodologies:
advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls
07 Fair value issues in mergers and acquisitions
– intangible assets
09 Fair value issues in mergers and acquisitions
– tangible assets
10 Valuation issues relating to joint ventures
13 Valuing minority shareholdings including
valuation clauses in shareholder agreements and
articles of association
15 International cost of capital and other issues in
valuing overseas investments
16 Valuing loss-making businesses
17 Valuing share options
19 Bibliography

A core aim of the Corporate Finance Faculty is to support the

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for example, attendance at our events: seminars, forums and debates
and reading this best-practice guideline and Corporate Financier,
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• Securities & Investment Institute (SII)
• Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT)
• Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT)
• Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT)

The onus is on the individual to ensure that the activity is relevant for
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Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 2 26/3/08 15:27:02 03

Valuation issues

Introduction Discounted cash flow

Valuation is critical to most aspects
of corporate finance. This guideline Overview of DCF methodology where:
looks at certain key valuation issues The discounted cash flow (“DCF”) D = market value of debt
which corporate finance practitioners methodology values a business by E = market value of equity
will encounter in their work. discounting the expected future free Kd = cost of debt (rate of return
The guideline assumes a basic cash flows to the firm, to arrive at the required by debt financiers)
understanding of valuation principles net present value (“NPV”) of those Ke = cost of equity (rate of return
and methodologies, in particular as cash flows. The relevant cash flows required by equity providers)
they impact on business and share are the residual cash amounts after t = applicable tax rate
valuations; for instance, as detailed deducting all operating expenses and
in the Corporate Finance Guideline: taxes, but prior to deducting debt and Estimating the cost of debt is
Business Valuations (Issue 4 1997). equity financing payments. The NPV relatively straightforward for bank
This guideline covers the following: is computed as follows: financing as it represents the market
l selection of appropriate valuation interest rate charged to the business
methodologies: advantages, on bank debt. For traded corporate
disadvantages and pitfalls debt, the required return is the yield
l fair value issues in mergers and and this will fluctuate with market
acquisitions – intangible assets where: prices. It is important to remember
l fair value issues in mergers and FCFF = free cash flows to the firm that a tax shield is available on
acquisitions – tangible assets K = discount rate (cost of capital) interest payments and this benefit
l valuation issues relating to joint n = number of periods should be included in the WACC
ventures calculation.
l valuing minority shareholdings Discount rate The cost of equity is usually
including valuation clauses in The appropriate discount rate used estimated using the capital asset
shareholder agreements and to calculate NPV reflects the risks pricing model (“CAPM”), which can
articles of association associated with the cash flows be presented in a formula as follows:
l international cost of capital and and the time value of money. This
other issues in valuing overseas provides the rate of return required
investments by an investor. The usual method
l valuing loss-making businesses for determining the discount rate is where:
l valuing share options the weighted average cost of capital Rf = current return on risk-free assets
(“WACC”). (usually the yield on government
Selection of appropriate The rationale for using the WACC bonds)
valuation methodologies: is that the assets of a business are β = beta factor, the measure of
advantages, financed through a combination of systematic risk of a particular
disadvantages and pitfalls debt and equity. All the providers of security relative to the market
When valuing entire businesses or this capital require a return and the (this can be obtained for quoted
majority shareholdings, the principal WACC can be calculated as follows: companies from sources including
approaches to valuation are: London Business School,
l discounted cash flow; Datastream and Bloomberg)
l capitalised earnings; and Rm = expected average return of the
l asset based. market
Rm - Rf = average risk premium
In addition, particularly when above the risk-free rate for
valuing non-controlling interests, the a market portfolio of assets
dividend yield approach may be used.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 3 25/3/08 11:05:19


In calculating the cost of equity, Box 1: Points to watch out for when using discounted cash flow
some corporate finance practitioners
include an additional risk premium l c apital expenditure and depreciation: In the long run these amounts would normally
known as the ‘alpha factor’. This is converge to equate to each other; that is, it is assumed that the business is acquiring new
added to calculate a discount rate assets at that same rate that it is utilising its existing ones. If, in the terminal value cash flow,
which incorporates additional risks capital expenditure does not equal depreciation, this assumption should be reviewed and
considered to be inherent within consideration given as to whether the business has in fact reached steady state; if not, the
the business being valued but which annual cash flows may need to be extended further before the terminal value is calculated.
are not present in the comparable
companies used as benchmarks for l l ong-term growth rates: The terminal growth rate assumed for a business would normally
the beta factor. equal the average long-term growth rate forecast for the relevant economy or market.
This may be to reflect small Rates above the average long-term growth rate imply that the business can continue to
company size, a country risk premium outperform the market and its competitors which in most cases will not be realistic. A
or other business risks. There method of dealing with a business which is forecast to have above average growth rates
are public sources of information for a period beyond the explicit cash flow forecast is to extrapolate the forecasts for an
available to assist in this further appropriate period using a higher growth rate but then at the end of this period apply a
analysis and these include: perpetuity terminal value calculation based on an average long-term rate.

l Damodaran’s website for country l f orecast cash flow assumptions: Cash flow assumptions can be tested for reasonableness by
risk premiums and country default comparing them to historical results and also against other benchmarks; for example what
spreads; and does the assumed forecast sales growth in year 5 mean in terms of implied market share for
l Ibbotson Associates for small the business and is this realistic?
company risk premiums
l s ensitivity and scenario analysis: This can be performed to determine the impact on value of
Practical application of DCF changes in assumptions.
In practice, the relevant cash flows
tend to be estimated for the first l c ross check using other methods: Finally, given that small changes in key assumptions
five or ten years and discounted (including the discount rate and terminal value growth rate) can have a material impact on
to their present value. After this value, it is generally a good idea to cross check the DCF valuation to values derived from
period, a terminal value is computed, other methods; for instance to the implied prospective EBIT and EBITDA multiples.
if applicable, incorporating the
estimated long-term growth rate
that applies to the cash flows of the represent a significant portion the valuation methodology is less
business. For example the valuation of overall value. As such, the impacted by market sentiment;
of a business with estimated cash assumptions upon which this l it values a business based on future
flows available for three years would terminal value is calculated need to cash flows and not reported
be calculated as follows: be carefully reviewed (eg, terminal profit and therefore excludes the
year cash flows, which need to be effects of accounting conventions
reflective of maintainable earnings, and estimates;
perpetuity growth assumptions, l the DCF approach forces the
applied exit multiples etc.). valuer to consider the underlying
where: The above DCF methodology characteristics of the firm and
FCFF = free cash flows to the firm calculates the value to the firm to understand its business. The
K = discount rate (cost of capital) (enterprise value) which is the value forecast cash flows, growth rates
1, 2, 3 = number of periods to all investors (debt and equity) and risks associated with the
g = the ongoing growth rate who have a claim on the business. business must be incorporated into
Deducting the value of debt from the valuation separately; and
The choice of perpetuity growth (g) is the enterprise value gives the value l the impact on value from the
of particular importance and need to of equity. separate components of value both
reflect the long-term, stable growth of within the cash flows and growth
the business being valued. Advantages of DCF rates and risks can be separately
In many instances, the terminal l the DCF methodology is based on quantified and analysed through
value of a DCF calculation can asset fundamentals and therefore scenario and sensitivity analysis.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 4 25/3/08 11:05:20 05

Valuation issues
Disadvantages of DCF performance etc to the business and tax (EBIT) and Profit after tax.
l DCF requires more inputs and being valued. The multiples of the It is important to bear in mind
information than other valuation comparator companies are publicly which value each of these financial
methods. These inputs may be available as the companies are measures generate: Enterprise
difficult to estimate with any either publicly quoted or have been value or Equity value (ie, market
degree of certainty and can the subject of a takeover where the capitalisation). Revenue, EBITDA and
therefore make the resulting transaction details were disclosed. EBIT are financial results which are
values highly subjective; The capitalisation multiple can shared by the providers of both debt
l small changes in the discount be applied to revenues or earnings and equity. Therefore:
rate and other assumptions (eg, including Earnings before interest,
terminal growth rates) can have tax, depreciation and amortisation
material effects on the valuation; (EBITDA), Earnings before interest
l the DCF method analyses a
company at a point in time Box 2: Points to watch out for when using capitalised earnings
and therefore the inputs and
assumptions require constant lm
 aintainable earnings: Take care to analyse the earnings and in particular exclude non-
review and modification to ensure recurring items such as profits (or losses) from discontinued businesses and/or disposal of
the valuation is up to date; fixed assets, exceptional bad debts, costs of litigation etc.
l the DCF method is based on
one estimated outcome without l c haracteristics of comparable companies: Market sector and the nature of traded products or
consideration of where that services are not the only factors to consider when identifying comparable companies. Other
outcome sits within the range of considerations include the level of gearing, accounting policies, size and the diversification
possible outcomes. This weakness of the entities. These elements ultimately affect the future cash flows and risk of the
can be overcome through, for investment.
instance, the use of techniques
such as Monte Carlo simulation lE
 BITDA, EBIT or PE ratio? Think carefully about the selection of the earnings multiple
which can look at the probability of which is to be applied. The advantage of EBIT is that it excludes the impact of different
outcomes and the resulting impact gearing levels between comparator companies and EBITDA extends this and also excludes
on value; and differences due to financing arrangements for fixed assets and growth through acquisition
l the WACC applied in the valuation or organic growth by stripping out the effects of depreciation and amortisation. The PE
of a firm assumes a constant ratio on the other hand focuses directly on profits available to equity holders; albeit that
capital structure. This is simplistic care must be taken to reflect differences in gearing and/ or depreciation and amortisation
and does not cater for changes policy. In many circumstances, different types of earnings multiples can be applied to act as
in leverage of a company over a cross check to each other.
time. Alternative discounted cash
flow approaches such as Adjusted lw
 hich generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)? Take into account the accounting
Present Value can overcome this standards upon which the earnings have been prepared and make adjustments for material
shortcoming if it is a material issue differences that result from the application of different accounting policies. That said, the
for the valuation. introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards has improved comparability of
financial information, particularly when looking a quoted company comparables.
Capitalised earnings
 ccounting periods: It is important that consideration is given to the accounting periods
Overview of capitalised earnings which apply to comparator companies and the business being valued. If material, adjust
methodology to achieve coterminous year ends and take care not to apply multiples based on historic
The capitalised earnings methodology earnings to prospective ones.
is a valuation methodology that
applies a multiple to the earnings of a l PEG ratio: While not a valuation methodology, this is a metric which considers the
business to capitalise those earnings relationship between a company’s PE ratio and its expected future growth and can be a
into a value for the business. useful analytical tool. It is calculated as follows:
The earnings multiples applied
Price / annual earnings
are typically based on multiples of PEG ratio =
% annual growth
companies which are comparable
in terms of activities, size, financial

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premium generally needed to gain approach: This values the business
control, whereas transaction data using the historical cost of net
would normally incorporate such assets of the firm;
a control premium – the valuer l the adjusted historical cost
In contrast, Profit after tax is needs to distinguish these and also approach: This values the business
available only to the equity providers be aware of whether the required using the revised net assets of the
as interest payable, the return to debt valuation should include a control firm that have been restated to the
providers, has already been deducted. premium or not; current market values. Intangible
Therefore: l earnings are not always comparable assets are also identified and
across industries or countries; measured and included in the
l information on comparable business valuation;
transactions is often limited l the replacement cost approach:
to multiples based on historic This values the business based on
Advantages of capitalised earnings performance with little the amount it would cost to replace
l the methodology is relatively transparency on the expectations of all assets and liabilities of the firm
straight forward to apply and is future performance for a business today; and
widely understood; which is privately owned; and l the net realisable value approach:
l it reflects current market l unique companies in niche markets This values the business by
sentiment; are difficult to value using the aggregating the estimated sales
l if the comparator companies used capitalised earning approach as proceeds of the assets and liabilities
to derive the multiples closely comparators are limited. owned by the firm. This is also
resemble the business being valued, known as the liquidation value.
this method provides values based Asset Based
on direct market evidence of what Advantages of the asset based
investors are paying in the market; Overview of asset based methodology methodology
and The asset based methodology values l the asset based approaches are easy
l the methodology can be applied the individual assets and liabilities to understand by the investor; and
to both historic and prospective of a business or company and l the capital at risk is identified.
earnings. It has the advantage of aggregates them to arrive at a value.
being applied to earnings which There are several variants to the Disadvantages of the asset based
have been achieved and also to asset based valuation models. These methodology
prospective earnings which reflect include: l the value of a business is usually
future performance. It is not l the historical cost net assets greater than the identified
therefore solely reliant on estimates
of future performance. Box 3: Points to watch out for when using asset based

Disadvantages of capitalised earnings l t he type of firm being valued: The asset based approach is most commonly used in business
l the methodology is based on valuations where the underlying assets, as opposed to the ongoing operations, are responsible
earnings rather than cash flow and for a significant proportion of the value of the firm. These include property companies or
it is cash which ultimately drives investment trusts; the approach would not, for instance, normally be suitable for firms in the
value. Earnings include estimates services sector which typically have a low level of tangible assets. In many cases, the asset
based on applying accounting based valuations will be derived from earnings and cash flow based methodologies eg, a hotel
principles whereas cash is cash; valuation is likely to take into account the future earnings potential of the hotel.
l the approach requires the valuer to
condense a number of important lm
 arket premiums: The valuation of the business should be cross checked with market-based
assumptions into one multiple; approaches (comparable companies analysis) as a test of reasonableness and to identify any
drivers of value including annual premiums applied in transactions.
forecast earnings, growth rates,
and investor required rate of return l l iquidation value: In certain circumstances, including the liquidation of a company, an asset
cannot be analysed separately; based approach will be the most appropriate method. In these circumstances, the going
l market P/E ratios typically reflect concern assumption is unlikely to apply and in determining the asset values, account would
the price for transactions involving normally be taken of the impact on value of a ‘fire sale’ situation.
small parcels of shares, not the

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 6 25/3/08 11:05:23 07

Valuation issues
Advantages of the dividend yield
l it is a simple model to use, with
relatively few inputs; and
l the method bases the valuation of
the investment on the expected
cash flows that will be distributed
to the shareholders, and not the
earnings generated by the firm
and therefore is suitable for non-
controlling interests.

Disadvantages of the dividend yield

l the valuation model requires one
separable net assets; the required return by an investor as perpetual growth rate which may
l asset based approaches exclude opposed to the actual dividend policy not reflect the expected dividend
internally generated intangible of the company. The required return policy of the firm. Dividends
assets and goodwill; and can be estimated through comparable declared are based on the
l the asset based valuation generally company analysis from information company’s ability to support the
excludes future income generation available in the market. payment and this results from the
from operating the assets owned The Gordon’s growth model is a financial performance. Therefore,
by the firm. variation of the discounted dividend the dividend payments could have a
approach. This methodology varied growth rate each year; and
Dividend yield incorporates a growth rate to the l if a stock does not pay a dividend,
dividend and can be expressed as like many growth companies, this
Overview of the dividend yield follows: valuation model can not easily be
methodology applied.
The dividend yield is calculated by
dividing the declared dividend in Fair value issues in
the last financial year by the current mergers and acquisitions
share price. – intangible assets
The value of the investment can The above methodology provides Under International Accounting and
therefore be calculated through a valuation based on perpetual Financial Reporting Standards1, an
manipulating the dividend yield dividend payments. This valuation intangible asset acquired as part
formula. This is known as the approach is appropriate particularly of a business combination must be
dividend discount model: for non-controlling interests, where recognised separately from goodwill
the holder receives a stream of on the acquirer’s balance sheet, if it
dividends, and less so for a majority meets the following criteria:
investor. The latter has a controlling l it is separately identifiable;
interest and has greater influence 1. International l it is controlled by an entity;
Financial Reporting
over company strategy, operating Standard 3: Business
l it is a probable source of economic
When calculating the value of an cash flows and capital realisation. Combinations benefits; and
and International
investment through the dividend Accounting Standard
l its fair value can be reliably
yield approach, the denominator is 38: Intangible Assets measured.

Box 4: Points to watch out for when using a dividend yield approach The identification and valuation
of intangible assets are usually
l c ompany dividend policy: Fast growing firms may not pay dividends as a result of initial performed for disclosure in the
losses or to invest the profits into the business for further expansion. This creates difficulty acquirer’s accounts post deal.
estimating the dividend payments. Well-established firms tend to have a higher dividend yield However this work is also performed
which is more predictable. during the acquisition phase at a
high level to give acquirers a clearer

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picture of the intangibles they are assets are readily available.
buying, what they are worth, and Comparable transactions may
the impact on the financial results include the recent sales price of the
(eg, impact on EPS), with the same or similar asset in an arm’s
detailed work then performed post length transaction or the market
acquisition. price for the license of the same or
Examples of commonly recognised similar asset to an independent third
intangibles include trademarks/ party. The valuation methodology
brands, customer relationships, ultimately selected, is a matter
customer lists and technology. Other of professional judgement, based
intangible assets such as workforce, on the nature of the asset and the
technical expertise and geographic quality of the information available.
presence are subsumed into goodwill. Summarised below are the valuation
methodologies which would typically
Valuation methodologies apply in the context of a brand and
There are three conventional customer relationships.
approaches adopted by valuation
practitioners to value the intangible Illustrative example 1 – valuation
assets identified as part of an of a brand
acquisition. There are two traditional approaches
to brand valuations, which are
Income approach outlined below.
This approach is predicated upon the
value of the future cash flows that an Multi-Period Excess Earnings Method
asset will generate over its remaining (“MEEM”)
useful life. The income approach This approach assumes the value of
entails: the brand reflects the gains realised
l an estimation of the future cash by the premium on price associated
flows the asset is expected to with the brand. Comparative business
generate over its useful life; and valuations are performed firstly by
l discounting the cash flows assuming the existence of the brand,
to a present value equivalent and then assuming there is no brand. of returns) generated by the brand
by applying a discount rate The difference in value is attributable being valued;
commensurate with the level of risk to the value of the brand. l estimated useful economic life of
associated with the asset. the brand; and
Relief from Royalty (“RFR”) l the appropriate risk adjusted
Cost approach This approach assumes the value discount rate used to present value
This approach estimates the fair value of the brand reflects the savings the stream of anticipated royalty
of an asset to be the current cost to realised by owning the brand. The payments.
purchase or replace the asset. It is underlying premise is that if the
based on the principle of substitution, brand was licensed to an unrelated Illustrative example 2 – valuation of
assuming that a prudent investor party, the unrelated party would pay customer relationships
would pay no more than the amount a percentage of revenue for its use. Under IFRS, customer contracts and
necessary to replace the asset. The brand owner is, however, spared related customer relationships are
this cost. This cost saving or relief two distinct intangible assets, and are
Market approach from royalty represents the value of usually valued separately.
This approach assumes that the fair the brand. The value of the brand is a A discounted cash flow method
value of an asset reflects the price at function of the following factors: is typically the most appropriate
which comparable assets have been l the concluded royalty rate (as a method used to value customer
purchased in transactions under percentage of revenues) that an relationships as it reflects the
similar circumstances. The market unrelated party would pay for use present value of the operating
approach requires that comparable of the brand; cash flows generated by the
transactions for individual intangible l the projected revenues (sales net customer relationships over their

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 8 26/3/08 15:27:06 09

Valuation issues
Key issues for corporate finance
practitioners to consider
In valuing intangible assets acquired,
consideration must be given to
intangible assets with finite and
indefinite lives. Intangible assets with
finite lives are amortised, whereas
intangible assets with indefinite
lives (and goodwill) are not
amortised but tested for impairment
at least annually.
The level of amortisation charge
will impact on the level of earnings
per share post transaction.
As noted above, all intangible assets
with indefinite lives and goodwill
must be tested for impairment
at least annually. The disclosure
requirements for impairment include
providing information such as key
drivers, sensitivities of valuation and
discount rates to the market, which
will therefore come under scrutiny by
shareholders and potential investors.
Ultimately a good deal is still
a good deal and the accounting
implications should not hinder this.
However, management teams that
undertake poor deals will increasingly
come under the spotlight from
the increased transparency in the
term, including the probability of applicable to valuing the asset; market place, in particular from
renewal. The value of the customer l the estimated charges for the use impairment losses taken relatively
relationships would normally take of other contributory assets by the soon after an acquisition. Purchasers
into account the following: customer relationships including must focus on what they are really
l the estimated level of revenue working capital, fixed assets, brands buying and whether paying large deal
which will be generated from and the assembled workforce. The premiums where the intangibles have
the customer relationships over premise underlying this charge short lives, for example customer
the estimated useful life of those is the use of all these assets is relationships and technology, creates
relationships; necessary for the realisation of the shareholder value.
l the estimated operating cash flows cash flows generated by customer
by charging appropriate costs or relationships, and as such a charge Fair value issues in
margins to the revenue stream; should be made for all the assets mergers and acquisitions
l customer churn rates or the length that contribute to the cash flows; – tangible assets
of time customers have transacted and Under IFRS, tangible assets acquired
with the business; l an appropriate risk-adjusted as part of a business combination
l the estimated attrition rate discount rate is applied to present must also be stated at fair value. The
that will apply to the customer value the stream of cash flows conventional approaches applied to
relationships; attributable to the customer valuing tangible fixed assets are the
l the estimated useful economic life relationship. same as those for intangible assets:
of the customer relationships; the Income approach, the Cost
l the estimated income tax payable, approach, and the Market approach.
based on the effective tax rate

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Income approach
The Income approach, as for
intangible assets, is estimated
based upon the cash flows that the
subject asset can be expected to
generate over its remaining useful
life and is typically applied using
the Discounted Cash Flow (“DCF”)

Cost approach
The Cost approach is a valuation
approach that uses the concept of
replacement cost as an indicator of
fair value. The premise of the Cost
approach is that a prudent investor
would pay no more for the tangible
fixed asset than the amount for which
the asset could be replaced.
Replacement Cost New (“RCN”)
which refers to the cost to replace
the assets with like utility assets
using current material and labour
rates, establishes the highest amount
a prudent investor would pay. To
the extent that an existing asset will
provide less utility than a new one, the
value of that asset is less. Accordingly,
RCN is typically adjusted for loss in
value due to physical deterioration,
functional obsolescence and economic
l physical deterioration is the loss
in value brought about by wear
and tear, action of the elements,
of an asset. Considerations such
as location, time of sale, physical
“The Cost approach is
disintegration, use in service and characteristics, and conditions of sale a valuation approach
all physical factors that reduce the are analysed for comparable assets
life of an asset; and are adjusted to indicate a current that uses the concept of
l functional obsolescence is the
loss in value due to changes
value of the subject asset.
replacement cost as an
in technology, discovery of Market approach indicator of fair value”
new materials and improved The Market approach, as for
manufacturing processes; and intangible assets, estimates the Valuation issues relating
l economic obsolescence is the loss fair value of a tangible fixed asset to joint ventures
in value caused by external forces based on market prices in actual Weighing up the merits of going
such as legislative enactments, transactions and on asking prices for it alone or forming a JV are major
overcapacity in the industry, assets currently available for sale. strategic decisions and at the heart
changes in supply and demand The valuation process is essentially of that decision process is valuation
relationships in the market, etc. that of comparison and correlation – not just at the outset, but at every
between the subject asset and other stage, from initial discussions and
Obsolescence is typically measured similar assets. due diligence right through to
by identifying excess operating considering what would be the most
costs, overcapacities or inadequacies effective exit route and tax issues.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 10 25/3/08 11:05:41 11

Valuation issues
of assets to be contributed to a JV Whether entering an equity or
can be wide-ranging, from individual non-equity based JV, there are
tangible and intangible assets such as many valuation issues to consider,
machinery, property or a trade name to including:
the contribution of an entire business l the value of an equity to be issued
and it is vital that prior to entry the to new partners entering the
stand-alone value of these contributions venture or existing shareholders;
be established. l supporting evidence required in
However, this is only one part of raising additional equity or debt
the equation. The aim of the JV has finance;
to be to derive, in whole, greater l minority interest valuation issues
value for the contributing partners (eg, under articles of association/
than the sum of its individual parts. shareholder agreement); and
As such, as well as understanding l tax compliance issues (eg, share
stand-alone value it is vital to schemes or stamp duty).
establish and quantify the operational
and financial efficiencies that the Factoring into the valuation what
venture will unlock and which party the parties aim to get out of the JV
is driving these efficiencies. Then the It’s not just what you put in that
true relative contributions by both counts it’s also what you take out
parties can be understood, which, in Of course, the relative “go-in” value
turn, can be used to form the basis is only part of the matter. The true
of an equalisation payment from one value of a JV to each partner will
party to the other in order to deliver be based upon the strategic reasons
equitable JV ownership. for each entering the JV and the
An appreciation of the importance synergistic value the JV achieves,
of such valuation issues at an early including:
stage is critical to the success of a JV l operational factors (eg, spread
and often inability to agree on the operational risks, capture
value of the contributed assets leads economies of scale, support core
to a failed venture. competencies, access to resources
or networks of other JV partners);
Valuation issues and financial l financial factors (eg, spread
In this section, some of the key structure financial risks, boost revenues/
valuation issues relating to JVs are Companies need to identify the reduce costs, protect value created
considered. operational and financial structure by JV partners and encourage new
that best suits the stated objectives joiners (value creation));
Establishing what is to be valued of the JV l expansion/future growth (eg,
based on what the partners are Depending on the strategic potential to be spun-off as
contributing to the JV requirements of the venture, there are independent entities (eg, as an
The strategic reasons for a JV may many operational and financial forms Initial Public Offering), improve
make sense, but does the valuation of of JV or alliance. market position or expand into new
the contributed assets? Within this spectrum, there are two markets); and
Do you know what you are general types of JV or alliance: l regulatory/competition (eg,
contributing to a JV? Do you know l equity-based alliances, which circumnavigate regulatory barriers
what your partner is putting in? Are include minority and majority stake facing mergers or entry into
you fully aware of what both parties investments; and emerging markets).
aim to get out of the venture? l non-equity based alliances, which
Once a company decides to undertake are more often governed by It is vital to the success of the JV
a JV, it is crucial to understand what it contractual arrangement specifying that there is no unintended value
and its partner are going to contribute the responsibilities of each party, shift between the partners due to
to the venture and what each partner the fundamental operation of the this synergistic value. As such, it
is looking to leverage from it. The type venture and exit considerations. is important that the key drivers

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 11 25/3/08 11:05:47


of synergies be identified early appropriate royalty payments;
on and be sensitised in order to l determining strategic options to
understand the impact on the value enhance exit values: IP valuations
of the JV and relative contributions on entry into a joint venture will
of the parents. This not only helps serve as a starting point for desired
to ensure that the “go-in” relative target IP valuations on exit and
values are appropriate, but that the help concentrate management
ongoing combined value of the JV efforts onto accomplishing those
is understood so that ultimately targets; and
the value of any achieved synergies l monitoring and controlling Returns
is apportioned to the parents in a on Investment: IP valuations can
manner that reflects the contributions result in more realistic appraisals
of each. of total invested capital in the JV
and serve as a more appropriate
Dealing with the value of basis for measurement and control
Intellectual Property of management performance.
There’s value in what you can’t see as
well as in what you can Further, to the extent that the JV
Intellectual Property (IP) is is to be fair value accounted, there
increasingly key in making a JV may well be a requirement to value
successful, particularly where shared the intangible assets arising on the
assets, such as trade marks, databases formation of the JV in accordance
or patented technology are employed. with the accounting pronouncements
As such, recognising the need to value such as IFRS 3.
IP is also crucial in a JV.
Partners need to consider whether Valuation issues and exit
existing IP should be included in a JV Parting need not be such sweet
or used under a licence agreement, sorrow
with the venture paying royalties. If As with all businesses, JVs evolve or fair value for its shareholding,
the JV is developing or using new and rarely remain confined to the whereby market value represents
IP, partners should be clear about initial rubric upon which they the effective price attainable for the
ownership rights at the outset and were established. The strategic shareholding being sold in the open
understand the need to review its aims of JV partners may change market between a hypothetical willing
value throughout the life of the JV. requiring the exit of one or more buyer and a hypothetical willing seller
As a result, there are a number of parties, the direction of the JV may and fair value represents value where
instances in which the dealing with mean it becomes more valuable to there is a desire to treat the interests
the value of IP in a JV may be crucial, one partner ahead of another, or of both parties in a balanced way.
for example: additional parties may join the JV. Issues around defining valuation
l tax planning purposes (eg, transfer Whilst such future occurrences are clauses in shareholder agreements are
ownership of IP): IP valuations will hard to predict, likely changes in the dealt with further in the section below
assist in determining appropriate nature and construct of the JV should on minority shareholdings.
tax strategies to maximise tax be factored into the ongoing valuation
savings for the joint venture of the venture. Conclusion
participants; Further, at the outset of the JV In summary, whilst a joint venture
l transfer pricing: IP valuations the partners should establish clear can be value accretive and deliver
may be necessary to justify that valuation definitions for when the strategic goals of the parents,
fees payable to JV partners are at one partner exits the venture and unlocking its potential is based
arm’s length and comply with the these should be documented in the upon overcoming a number of
appropriate tax regulations; articles of association or shareholder obstacles throughout the JV lifecycle
l licensing of IP from a partner to agreement of the JV. This is most and in most instances, valuation is
the JV: IP valuations can ensure commonly achieved through an at its heart.
that partners contributing IP to a agreement whereby the exiting
JV get a fair return in the form of partner is paid either a market value

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 12 25/3/08 11:05:50 13

Valuation issues
provision for the sale of shares by
the company’s shareholders and will
typically contain pre-emption rights
and a mechanism for share transfers.
There will often be some direction as
to how the shares are to be valued.
This direction may include:
l definition of value: eg, ‘market
value’ or ‘fair value’. Market value
is defined as effectively the price
of a shareholding being sold in
the open market by a willing seller
to a willing buyer whereas fair
value allows the valuer to move
away from market value if this is
appropriate and to determine a
value which is fair having regard to
the circumstances of the valuation
and the parties involved;
l whether a discount is to be applied
by virtue of the shareholding being
a minority stake or whether the
valuation is to be based on the pro
rata share of the value of the whole
company – that is, no discount
l sometimes a discount is to be
applied to take into account
Valuing minority pay the same price per share as that certain factors: eg, income and
shareholdings including which they would pay to acquire a capital rights but not others: eg,
valuation clauses in controlling stake in that company? restrictions on the sale of the
shareholder agreements The answer, typically, is no. shares;
and articles of association As a result, a discount is normally l the assumption that the company
The value of a minority shareholding applied to the whole company value or business will carry on as a going
is, like any other asset or majority when determining the market value concern;
shareholding, based on the future of a minority shareholding but the l a list of certain matters which the
cash flows which the owner of the question of how much discount should valuation should take into account;
shares expects to receive. This be applied is a matter of careful for instance, historical financials,
return may be in the form of income, judgement on the part of the valuer future prospects etc; and
typically dividends, or a realisation and is based on a number of factors. l occasionally there may be a stated
of capital, through for instance formula; for instance, a specified
participating in a sale or IPO of the Legal and/or regulatory framework multiple is to be applied to the
whole company. for the valuation average levels of earnings over a
A key issue with a minority One of the first things to ask for when given number of years.
shareholding, however, is the extent valuing a minority stake is the legal
to which the shareholder is able to documentation including the articles When drafting a valuation clause in a
influence the returns he or she receives. of association, the shareholder shareholder agreement (or articles of
In most minority shareholding agreement and any other document association, joint venture or similar
valuations, part of the valuation which sets out the rights, obligations agreement) the basis of valuation
process will include valuing the and protections which apply to the should be considered carefully and
whole company; however will the shares being valued. defined clearly.
purchaser of a minority shareholding Most Articles of Association and/or
in a private company be willing to shareholder agreements will contain

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 13 25/3/08 11:05:54


Control issues – shareholder rights significant, to the value of the whole
The rights attaching to the minority company.
shareholding will be an important However, in a situation where a
factor which reflects the level of trade sale or IPO is contemplated or
control the shareholder has; in imminent, this could have a material
particular as regards voting rights, effect on the price a purchaser would
the right to veto certain actions or the pay for a minority shareholding. The
right to have a director on the board. prospect of participating in such a
sale or IPO will increase the value;
Control issues – split of other though in most circumstances there
shareholdings will remain some discount to the
The division of ownership of the shares whole company value to reflect the
among the other shareholders will also risk that the sale or IPO may not
have an impact on the level of control a happen or at least not at the price
minority shareholder can exert. anticipated.
For example, if Shareholder A owns
20% of a business where there is one Marketability/illiquidity
other shareholder owning the residual The availability of a liquid market for
stake of 80%, Shareholder A may be the minority shareholder to sell his
able to exercise some ‘nuisance value’ or her stake is a distinct advantage.
but will not be in a strong position As such a small shareholding in a
to have a significant influence on the publicly quoted company or a private
running of the business. company where there is an active
If, however, Shareholder A owns internal market for shares will enable
20%, and there are four other the minority shareholder to exit
shareholders also each owning 20% more readily. Conversely the holder
stakes, then the ability to have more of a small shareholding in a private
influence; albeit still without control, company with no internal market
may increase the value of the stake. mechanism may have more difficulty
realising value for those shares and
Future income potential this is likely to lead to the value of the
A minority shareholder with little shares being discounted.
control over the operating and
financial policies of a company will Strategic value
typically be reliant on the distribution There may be circumstances where
policy of the company and the there are strategic reasons why
value of the shareholding will be a purchaser wishes to acquire a
determined by the expected future minority stake in a business; for
dividends to be received through the instance to get access to a customer
ownership of the shares. base or to prevent a takeover by
Therefore, a valuation methodology a competitor. This may result in
based on dividend income is a a premium. However, the ability
common method applied in the of a shareholder to sell shares to
valuation of uninfluential minority an external investor for strategic
stakes as detailed in an earlier reasons will depend on the share
section. transfer provisions in the articles of
association or shareholder agreement.
Prospect of trade sale/IPO In addition, the assumption of
In most circumstances, the capital a ‘special purchaser’ may not be
realised for a minority shareholding permitted by the valuation definition
will be based on the future dividend in such agreements.
stream which will typically result in
a value per share at a discount, often

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 14 25/3/08 11:05:56 15

Valuation issues
International Cost of
Capital and other issues “The international cost which is normally computed as the
spread between the yield on dollar-
in valuing overseas of capital should reflect denominated foreign bonds and the
investments yield on the US Treasury bonds.
With the continuing globalisation of the specific risks of
companies, markets and investors and
the rapid development of emerging
investing and operating in Combination of Models
There are several other models
markets such as China and India, most international markets” available to compute ICC. References
corporate finance practitioners find are made to these in the Bibliography.
they need to consider international For practical purposes, expected A combination of the above
cost of capital and other issues relating returns from a developed country approaches is recommended to arrive
to the valuation of investments in (eg, US) can be taken as a starting at sensible computations for ICC.
overseas markets. point and it can then be reasonably
The international cost of capital adjusted for the differences in credit Other considerations when valuing
(ICC) should reflect the specific ratings between the developed international investments
risks of investing and operating in country and the target country. When valuing international
international markets. These risks This model offers the following investments, the following factors
are considered later in this section. features: may be taken into account either
First, this section considers briefly the l broad coverage: Credit ratings can through applying a higher risk factor
different models used in arriving at be obtained for over 170 countries to the cost of capital or through
the international cost of capital. This l lending risk as a proxy of equity adjusting the forecast cash flows:
is a complex area of valuation with risk: Lending risk may be argued
many approaches and methodologies to provide a good proxy to equity Political instability
presented and debated. This guideline risk. Further, it avoids nonsensical Operations in countries with a higher
summarises some of the key models results that are obtained by other risk of political instability must be
used in deriving ICC but directs the statistical models due to the lack of accorded higher risk premiums due
reader to the references for additional good data to the uncertainty of future economic
sources of information in this area. l stable results: Erratic underlying policies that may have an adverse
data can affect the stability of impact on business operations.
International Cost of Capital Models market-based models or macro-
economic based models. Therefore, Exchange rates
Country Risk Rating Model higher volatility in developing Operations in countries with
This model is based on country credit markets and/or lower correlation prospectively weak currencies must
ratings. The rationale behind this with international markets can be accorded higher risk premiums
approach is that the relationship impact the stability of a country’s due to exchange rate losses that
between risk ratings and financial computed cost of capital that is may arise on remittance of profits.
returns of developed market economies not necessarily representative of This can also be evaluated through
can be used to make inferences about country-specific risk adjusting the cash flows.
expected returns in developing or non-
market-based economies. International CAPM Repatriation of profits
The Institutional Investor publishes The principles of CAPM summarised The ability of the investor to
country risk ratings biannually based in an earlier section can be applied repatriate profits is an important
on a survey of lenders around the directly to the international market. consideration which will require
world. The results represent a good When calculating the equity risk the investor to give careful thought
measure of consensus opinion of the premium, account should be taken of to the appropriate structure for the
world’s lenders on country risk levels the risk associated with investing in a transaction. Tax considerations will
worldwide. These are used by banks, particular country. also be important.
mutual funds and similar institutions The country-spread model is one
as reliable measures of country risk. mechanism for doing this. Transparency culture
Using a regression model equating A country’s culture of information
historic returns with risk ratings, Country-Spread Model transparency (or lack of it) may
expected returns are estimated for the This extends the CAPM model by require cost of capital adjustments due
prospective risk ratings. adding a country-specific spread, to the resulting ease or difficulty in all

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 15 25/3/08 11:05:58


aspects of executive decision-making operation with a higher proportion “Volatility measures how
based on the available information. of domestic sales than to one with a
comparatively lower proportion. In much the share price
Regulation & investor protection
This point is a subset of the culture
businesses with a greater proportion
of export sales, exchange rate
of the underlying stock
of transparency (discussed above). considerations (discussed above) will varies in comparison to
A country with an under-developed be more important.
culture for information transparency the market”
may warrant a higher risk premium This list of factors is by no means
regardless of the level of regulation exhaustive but serves as an
and investor protection. In other illustration of issues which may need
cases, effective regulations for investor to be taken into account when valuing
protection may warrant a reduction in overseas investments.
risk premiums and vice versa.
Valuing loss-making
GAAP differences businesses
The transparency of the country The valuation of a business which
specific GAAP and degree of is loss-making is a specific area of l poor management;
difficulty of GAAP conversions may valuation which requires careful l a short-term problem: eg, a bad
be considered in determining risk consideration. debt, litigation, management
premiums. If the country has not As stated above, a key determinant illness;
adopted IFRS and if its GAAP is not of value for any business is the future l lack of available investment; and
internationally recognised, the risk earnings and cash flow that the owner l start-ups and early stage
premium may be revised upwards of the business can reasonably expect businesses.
to reflect difficulties in assessing to receive through the ownership of
true economic performance or the that business. This section considers each situation
accounting information analysed and Therefore when faced with the and based on the specific circumstances,
adjusted to an IFRS basis. Further, challenge of valuing a loss-making provides guidance on the issues and
the cost and time required for GAAP business, the first question the valuer methodologies that should be applied in
conversion should also reflected in should ask him or herself is: ‘Why is the business valuation.
the cash flow forecasts. the business loss-making?’
The second question which follows Cyclical businesses
Labour practices on quickly from this is ‘Can anything When valuing a cyclical business,
Countries with a higher risk of be done to make the business it is important to obtain historical
labour unrest or restrictive labour profitable and to get it into a positive earnings information back a
practices may be accorded higher cash flow position in the future’? sufficient number of years to cover
risk premiums due to the risk of A third issue, relevant if the a whole cycle. This will provide
disruption to business operations. purpose of the valuation is to advise an understanding of the sales and
on a possible transaction, is whether profitability that arise over the cycle,
Market liquidity there are other parties capable of critical in valuing the business.
The level of liquidity in a country’s similar, or greater, changes (eg, The valuation must though be
stock market will impact the ease or competitors with excess capacity, who forward-looking, so any changes from
difficulty of executing entry and exit could cut more costs). one cycle to the other must be taken
strategies in the country. A relatively into account. Capitalised earnings
illiquid market may warrant higher Reasons why a business is loss- and discounted cash flow valuation
risk premiums or alternatively the making methodologies can both be applied.
application of a discount to value. There are many reasons why a If the business is currently loss-
business may be loss-making – making, then a discounted cash flow
Dependence on local markets positive and negative. These include: approach is well suited to allowing
This relates to the proportion of l cyclicality in the industry sector or the improvement in performance to
domestic sales to exports within the economy; the peak of the cycle to be analysed,
business’ sales mix. The country risk l long-term decline: eg, through assessed for risk and reflected in
premium will be more relevant to an product obsolescence; the valuation. The calculation of

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 16 25/3/08 11:06:00 17

Valuation issues

the terminal value needs particular continue to be loss-making, then the thereby recognising the value as an
attention in a cyclical business to business is likely to have to be valued expense to the company over the
ensure that the earnings figure used on the basis of the liquidation value vesting period of the option, if it is
as the basis for an ‘into perpetuity’ of its net assets. equity-settled.
terminal value calculation is based on The principal techniques used to
earnings at the mid point in the cycle. Poor management or other short- value share options are as follows:
Capitalised earnings can also be term problems l Black-Scholes-Merton option
applied to years (either historical The effect on the value of taking pricing model;
or prospective) which show some corrective action to solve these issues l Binomial (and trinomial) lattice
profitability. Clearly it is very should be taken into account in the option pricing models; and
important to ensure that the multiples valuation including the cost and risk l Monte-Carlo simulation.
based on comparable company data associated with these actions.
are based on the same year in the It is important to recognise that this
trading cycle as the earnings of the Start-ups and early stage businesses is a complex area and this section
valued business to which that multiple These businesses are unlikely to have summarises the principal methods
is being applied. a historic track record of making used to value options but depending
profits so discounted cash flow based on the nature of the option being
Long-term decline on forecast future earnings is likely to valued, the models can be complex
When valuing a business that is loss- be the most appropriate approach. and combine methods and techniques.
making through long-term decline The forecast cash flows will need It is also important to recognise that
in the sector, a key consideration to be analysed carefully and the there is a complex interaction between
will be whether, at least in the short discount rate applied adjusted to the accounting standards and the
term, actions can be taken to return reflect the risk of the start-up or early valuation methods employed. The type
the business to profitability: eg, stage nature of the business. of option and performance conditions
through consolidation with other that may apply will play a key role in
businesses in the sector or through Valuing share options deciding which approach to take.
rationalisation of the cost base. IFRS 2 and FRS 20 on Share-Based
In both cases, the cost and risk Payments require companies who Black-Scholes-Merton option
associated with these actions must be provide share-based payment to pricing model
taken into account in addition to the employees or suppliers to account The Black-Scholes-Merton method
improved profitability. for the value of these payments. In is designed to value commercially
Forecast cash flows (for DCF) or relation to the grant of share options traded stock options. The advantage
earnings (for capitalised earnings to its employees, a company will be of the model is that it is relatively
approach) can be adjusted to reflect required to estimate the fair value of straightforward to use; valuing an
the financial impact of these actions. these options and to make a charge option using the formula overleaf:
For a business which is expect to through the profit and loss account

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 17 25/3/08 11:06:01


underlying share is the time value option at any time once any
of money saved from not having to performance conditions are fulfilled
purchase the share until the option or the vesting period has ended and
is exercised; and is not restricted to exercising the
l conversely, one of the option on one given date;
disadvantages of owning an option, l the employee may leave the
is that the option holder will not company before the options vest;
where: receive any dividends paid out and
P = call option price on the underlying share until the l variables including expected
S = market price of the underlying option is exercised. volatility, the risk-free interest rate
share and dividends may vary over the
X = exercise price Volatility can be estimated based option term; Black-Scholes assumes
r = risk-free interest rate on the historic volatility of the that these variables remain constant
q = dividend yield, if applicable, underlying share or the volatility during the option term.
based on the expected dividends of comparable quoted traded
from the underlying share during options or convertible type financial Binomial or lattice option pricing
the expected term of the option instruments. However, this is a model
expressed with continuous measure of volatility only in known The use of a Binomial pricing
compounding conditions; there may also be the model can overcome some of these
T = time to expiry of the option possibility of more extreme events, limitations. This model is based on a
s = volatility of share price such as takeover speculation in the binomial probability distribution. It
N = normal distribution future. Alternatively, in the case of breaks down the total option exercise
e = exponential a privately owned company, it can period into discrete trading periods.
be estimated based on historical At each step the value of the shares
In terms of the inputs and the value or implied future volatility of may go up or down. Accordingly, early
of the option: comparable quoted shares or traded exercise of the option can be modelled
l the higher the market price of the options of comparable quoted and the model can accommodate
underlying share, the higher the companies or instruments of changes in assumptions during the
value of the option as the option companies in a comparable sector. option term, for instance as regards
holder has a claim on a more In terms of the underlying share volatility, dividends and the risk-free
valuable asset; price, clearly if the shares are quoted, interest rate.
l the value of a call option also there is a readily available market
increases the higher the rate of price. However, if the shares are Monte-Carlo simulation
volatility. Volatility measures in a privately owned company, a Many employee share option schemes
how much the share price of valuation of the shares will have to be award an employee options which
the underlying stock varies in undertaken as part of the process of are dependent on the achievement of
comparison to the market. The valuing the share options. future performance criteria. These
more volatile the share price, the As stated, the Black-Scholes model may be market or non-market related.
greater the likelihood of an upward was designed to value commercially Non-market related conditions
swing in the price which increases traded options. It does, however, are ignored in the valuation of the
the value of the option; have some important limitations options (but are taken into account
l the value of the option also which mean that it cannot be used to in the actual accounting) whereas
increases the greater the time to value shares options in certain types market-related conditions require to
expiry. The longer the period in of share-based incentive schemes. be included in the valuation (but then
which the owner of the option has For certain share schemes, the generally won’t affect the accounting
the right to exercise that option, following will apply: afterwards).
the greater the opportunity for l the option cannot be sold, it can If market conditions apply one
the market price of the underlying only be exercised; would generally use Monte-Carlo
share to exceed the exercise price; l the ability of the employee to simulation to statistically analyse the
l the risk-free interest rate is exercise the option depends on the probability of outcomes relating to
included as an input to take into achievement of given performance the performance criteria and arrive at
account that one of the benefits of conditions; the valuation of share options taking
owning an option rather than the l the employee can exercise the into account the conditions.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 18 25/3/08 11:06:04 19


SPECIFIC REFERENCES Campbell, H. (2005) 12 Ways To

Calculate The International Cost of
Introduction Capital, National Bureau of Economic
Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales (1997) Corporate Campbell, H. (2005) 12 Ways To
Finance Guideline: Business Calculate The International Cost of
Valuations. Issue 4 Capital. Available from: www.faculty.
Selection of appropriate valuation BA456_2006/Harvey_12_ways_to.pdf
methodologies Campbell, H. (1993) The International
London Business School (2008) Risk Cost of Capital and Risk Calculator.
Measurement Service, London, London [online]. Available from: faculty.
Business School.
Thomson Datastream (2008) international_cost.pdf
Datastream Betas. [online]. Available
from: Valuing share options
Options, Futures and Other
Bloomberg (2008) Bloomberg Betas. Derivatives, John C. Hull (6th edition,
[online]. Available from: http://www. Pearson International Edition)
Damodaran (2008) Country Default
Spreads and Risk Premiums. [online]. International Accounting Standards
Available from: http://pages.stern.nyu. Board (2007) International Financial
edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/ Reporting Standards. 2007 edition.
datafile/ctryprem.html London, International Accounting
Standards Board.
Ibbotson Associates (2006) SBBI
Valuation Edition, 2006 Yearbook. Brearley, Richard and Myers, Stewart
Chicago, Ibbotson Associates. (2003) Principles of Corporate Finance.
7th Edition. US, McGraw Hill.
International cost of capital
Institutional Investor (2008) Country Copeland, Tom et al. (2000) Valuation:
Credit. US, Institutional Investor. Measuring and Managing the Value of
Companies, 3rd Edition. US, McKinsey
Campbell, H. (1993) The International & Company, Inc.
Cost of Capital and Risk Calculator,
National Bureau of Economic Research.

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Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 20 25/3/08 11:06:07 21

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 21 25/3/08 11:06:07


If you would like to write

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Guideline on a topic of
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(0)20 7920 8769 or caroline.

The Corporate Finance magazine, Corporate Financier and For more information about the
Faculty best-practice guidelines. Faculty, visit its website or contact
The Corporate Finance Faculty is The Faculty initiated the Lorraine Sinclair on:
the largest network of professionals development of the first T +44 (0)20 7920 8685
involved in corporate finance. It international Corporate Finance E
has more than 6,400 members and qualification for practitioners,
includes more than 90 member which was launched in April 2005.
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The Faculty was established international recognition and for practitioners. It is poised to
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Accountants in England and Wales of foreign regulatory bodies and and a definitive way of identifying
(ICAEW) and celebrated its tenth issuing guidance on capital markets excellence. Those who acquire the
anniversary in 2007. It aims to be matters. The membership now spans qualification will be awarded the
a centre of professional excellence the globe, reaching well beyond letters “CF” after their names and
in corporate finance, contributing chartered accountants. More than can be confident in the knowledge
to consultations from government 10% of the Faculty members are that they are among the best
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Another objective is to finance at Deloitte; the chairman Diploma.
aid continuous professional of its technical committee is Chris For more information about the
development of corporate financiers Searle, corporate finance partner qualification, visit its website or call:
by providing a wide range of at BDO Stoy Hayward. The head of T +44 (0)1908 248 293
services, events and publications, the Faculty is Vera Sabeva, former E
including its award-winning investment banker.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 22 25/3/08 11:06:08 23

Heather Stevenson
Partner, Valuations, KPMG Corporate Finance
Tel. +44 (0)20 7311 8578 KPMG Corporate Finance provides a range of independent, investment
banking advisory services
internationally and comprises more
Heather Stevenson leads KPMG’s Valuation Services in the UK and has over 15 years’ than 1,600 investment banking
experience in commercial valuations. advisory professionals operating
in 51 countries. KPMG Corporate
Heather advises major global public and private companies on commercial valuations Finance provides strategic advisory
including in connection with mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, disposals, minority and deal management services
shareholdings, disputes, restructurings, securitisations, fairness opinions, accounting based covering: acquisitions and disposals;
valuations, impairment reviews and brand and other intangible asset valuations. mergers and takeovers; valuations
and fairness opinions; structured
and leveraged financing; private
equity strategies; initial and
secondary public offerings; joint
Doug McPhee ventures and transaction alliances.
Partner, Valuations, KPMG Corporate Finance
Tel. +44 (0)20 7311 8524

Doug McPhee is Deputy Chair of KPMG’s Global Valuation Services offering. Based in
London, he deals with a full range of complex commercial valuation issues including in the
context of mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, reorganisations, joint ventures and disputes.

Doug has extensive global valuations experience having acted for major public corporations
in leading assignments based in Africa, Bahrain, Canada, Central Eastern Europe, China,
Denmark, Dubai, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Qatar,
Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, the UK, the Ukraine and the US.

Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 23 25/3/08 11:06:09

25/3/08 11:06:09
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Guidelines march2008 v2 DG.indd 24

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