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Central Giant Cell Granuloma A Potential Endodontic Misdiagnosis

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Central Giant Cell Granuloma: A potential

endodontic misdiagnosis
1* 2
Safoura Seifi DDS, MS, and Ramin Fouroghi DDS, MS
1. Assistant professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran.
2. Assistant professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran.

Central Giant Cell Granulomas (CGCGs) may manifest as radiolucencies anywhere in the
mandible or maxilla. In rare cases, it can appear as a localized periradicular area and mimic an
endodontic lesion. This case report presents an uncommon location of CGCG which was not
accurately diagnosed nor timely treated. Periodic follow ups of periapical radiolucencies after
RCT are necessary. Dentists should include CGCG in differential diagnosis of lesions that are
refractory to endodontic treatment. [Iranian Endodontic Journal 2009;4(4):158-60]

Keywords: Central Giant Cell Granuloma, Dental Granuloma, Periapical disease, Radicular

Received May 2009; accepted August 2009

*Correspondence: Dr. Safoura Seifi, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Department, Babol Dental School,
Felestin st., Babol, Iran. E-mail: sf_seify @

Introduction reactive woven bone rimmed by osteoblasts. In

Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is an addition, scattered inflammatory cells within
uncommon benign lesion (1) that was described the stroma can be seen (5,6).
by Jaffe in 1993 (2). There are some CGCGs that are localized to the periapical
controversies about its nature; some associate it region or lateral to tooth roots can be easily
as benign tumor of the maxillofacial skeleton confused with inflammatory odontognic lesions
(3), others as reactive, non neoplastic lesion such as dental granuloma and radicular cyst.
(4). CGCGs are more commonly found in the The common occurrence of periapical
mandible and mainly in young adults (1). granulomas and cysts lead the clinician to
Clinical and radiographic appearances of arrive at a definitive diagnosis without full
CGCG are not pathognomonic (5). Two diagnostic tests and histopathologic
distinct forms are currently recognized; 1) examination (7). This case report discusses a
nonaggressive and asymptomatic slow growing CGCG that appeared as periapical radiolucency
forms which do not perforate cortical bone and associated with a mandibular right canine
2) aggressive forms that result in expansion and which was initially misdiagnosed and treated as
perforation of cortical bone and even tooth a radicular cyst.
displacement and resorption (6). CGCGs have
various radiographic appearances; most lesions Case Report
are multilocular, well circumscribed, and A 30 year-old woman was seen in a dental
noncorticated radiolucencies. However, they surgery complaining of painful swelling on her
may occasionally manifest as unilocular anterior lower jaw in the parasymphysis area.
corticated radiolucencies (5). The anterior The history of complaint revealed gradual
segment of mandible is affected more growth of the swelling during the past year.
commonly than other regions (1). The medical history was not significant. Oral
Aggressive and non-aggressive forms of cavity examination revealed a 2.5-cm fixed
CGCGs are similar in their histopathologic painful mass in anterior of mandible. The oral
features (6) which demonstrate lobules of mucosa was intact. Intraorally, anterior lower
spindle fibroblasts, numerous multinucleated teeth were intact and not mobile. Panoramic
osteoclast-like giant cells and hemorrhage and and periapical radiographies revealed well

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Central Giant Cell Granuloma

Figure 1. In panoramic radiography was revealed unilocular Figure 2. Histopathologic view with
radiolucency in periapical area of anterior mandibular teeth. H&E staining in CGCG (×10)

demarcated unilocular periapical radiolucency Discussion

in region of mandibular incisors and canine CGCG is a benign intra-osseous lesion with
(Figure 1). Sensitivity tests of involved teeth unknown etiology (8). A quantity of studies
were negative for the right mandibular canine. suggests local trauma, sex hormones and
Initially, root canal treatment of right genetics as etiological factors (1); the
mandibular canine was performed. However, pathogenesis of CGCGs are not related to
after 6 months, expansion and pain of anterior dental factors. In rare cases, the lesion may be
region of mandible had increased gradually. localized near the teeth roots; thus it may be
The patient was referred to an endodontist for misdiagnosed as inflammatory odontogenic
re-treatment of right mandibular canine. After lesion especially if the associated tooth
re-treatment, signs and symptoms did not happened to be non-vital (7,9).
subside and the swelling of the anterior The review of similar literature revealed that
mandible persisted. Patient was referred to oral CGCG localized to the periapical area most
and maxillofacial surgeon. Needle aspiration commonly occurred in the anterior mandible, in
biopsy was carried out, unfortunately it females, with an age of ≥ 30 years (6,7).
demonstrated negative results. According to the text book definitions, CGCG
Clinical examination discovered no not localize to the periapical region, most
neurosensory defects by the oral surgeon. commonly occurred in younger patients (10-30
These findings suggested a differential years old) (10). Spatafore et al. researched
diagnosis of Central Giant Cell Granuloma 1659 periapical radiolucencies over a 10 year
(CGCG), Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, or Cystic period and found that 52% of periapical lesions
Calcifying Odontogenic Tumor. Excisional were granulomas, 42% cysts, 2% periapical
biopsy was conducted. scars and 4% other disorders (11). In 2005,
Gross examination of lesion revealed many De lange et al. reported that from 89 cases of
small soft elastic specimens, white-brown in CGCG, 79 cases were unilocular radiolucency
color with size of 2.5 × 2 × 0.5 cm. Solid section and 8 cases (8.9%) were localized in periapical
surface of specimens was seen. areas of the tooth (12).
Histologically, multinucleated giant cells were Ortega et al. showed that from 43706 biopsy
distributed in a stroma that was highly cellular specimens 9.13% had endodontic pathosis of
compromising both spindle-shaped and round periradicular area, 26 cases had a histo-
cells which were found mostly in hemorrhagic pathologic diagnosis of non-endodontic
and reactive bone areas. Ingested RBCs and pathology. The most common periapical non-
scant collagen fibers were also seen (Figure 2). endodontic radiolucency was OKC (11 cases)
These findings confirmed diagnosis of CGCG. followed by CGCG (3 cases). No malignancy
After excisional biopsy and curettage, 7- was seen (13). Dehlkemper et al. described 16
months follow up did not show recurrence. cases of periapical CGCG. Lesions were most

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Seifi & Fouroghi

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