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Spondylus and Long Distance Trade in Prehistoric Europe M L Seferiades CNRS

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Spondylus and Long-Distance Trade

in Prehistoric Europe
Michel Louis Séfériadès
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

Long-distance trade routes have always been an object Age, about 5500–3000 bc. Researching books and archae­
of fascination for geographers and historians, exciting ological reports,1 I realized that this shell, which grows
the imagination and stimulating inquiries, for the simple only in Mediterranean waters, was exported far into
reason that trade routes combine universal concepts of Europe and in fact represented the oldest long-distance
space and time—thus making sense of the human condi- trade of a specific, identifiable resource on the continent.
tion in an indelible way. Linking diverse cultures and I also perceived an analogy to much-later trade in other
civilizations, these routes depended upon economic, precious natural resources, characterized by a complicated
social, political, cultural, and religious conditions, and mixture of economic, social, and religious associations,
reflected the entire array of institutions and ideologies such as the lapis lazuli trade that brought this brilliant
embraced by the individuals who interacted along the way. blue stone from Afghanistan to Mesopotamia (actually
As a microcosm of the essential problems of the social Iraq), 2 or the well-known jade trade that crossed central
sciences, trade routes can help to frame the questions we and east Asia. 3 Similar socioeconomic and religious im-
ask in seeking to understand the meaning of social life plications perhaps held for other historically attested
in the ancient world, as well as the possible answers that exchange systems, such as the circulation of Cowrie shells
we might expect. (Cypraeidae) from India to Africa4 and, at a smaller scale,
that of the Dentalium shell in North America. 5 I asked
I have been interested for a long time in ancient shells, why a shell that is, in simple terms, just an oyster would
and particularly in the Spondylus gaederopus. I dis­ have been traded from the Mediterranean almost to the
covered a Spondylus shell during my first excavation at British Channel, but I was dissatisfied with the answer
the archaeological site of Dikili-Tash in Greek eastern repeatedly offered, that it was for “prestige.” What hap-
Macedonia, not far from the Aegean Sea. The site was pened across Europe with the Spondylus shell seems
occupied from the Neolithic through the Early Bronze to me a much more complicated affair and one that, we
shall see, remains surrounded by many mysteries.

Two large bracelets. Spondylus, Hamangia, Cernavodă, 5000–4600 bc,


The Origin and Distribution of Spondylus deep notch or V-shaped incision; thin as well as very large
gaederopus Shells bracelets that are round or flattened in section, made from
Bivalves of the genus Spondylus (Latin spondylus, Greek the outer circumference of the shell; beads in the shape of
sphondulos, spondulos, vertebra) are mollusks (phylum discs and ovoid or rhomboidal cylinders; and occasionally
mollusca) of the class Bivalvia (bivalves). The animal pendants sculpted in the form of anthropomorphic or
lacks filaments (byssus) with which to attach itself to the zoomorphic figures.
sea floor, but instead cements itself to rocks like the true
oyster. The shell is more or less round but with two In Europe the appearance of Spondylus as a valuable
unequal valves, and on the outside it is brightly colored item in long-distance trade coincided with the creation of
and furnished with spines and foliaceous blades (fig. 8-1). new regional exchange networks that accompanied the
The two valves are connected with a ball-and-socket introduction of farming economies, precipitating the new
type hinge, thick enough to provide the raw material economic order that began the Neolithic era. The earliest
for beads and other ornaments, while the shell itself is farming economies in Europe evolved, I believe, as the
a highly colored, very attractive purplish crimson. result of a largely independent process, which took place
first in the modern territory of Greece about 7500–6500
There are many species of Spondylus around the globe, bc, whereby local foragers adopted domesticated plants
but all live only in warm seas, at depths from two to thirty and animals from the Near East.10 Within this Aegean
meters. The shells are found relatively isolated and environment the Spondylus was a native shell. In spite of
strongly attached to rock. As beautiful curiosities they are the absence of texts and oral traditions, we can follow
relatively rare: They lose some of their color if exposed the Spondylus trade archaeologically over nearly three
on a beach, so the best specimens for ornaments must be thousand kilometers—mirroring the trajectory of the
obtained by diving, but they are difficult to find and spread of domesticated wheat, barley, legumes, cattle, and
detach. In ancient Europe the shells were valued both on sheep northward out of Greece extending from the Aegean
the Mediterranean coasts and far inland, where they were and the Adriatic Seas, where the shells were harvested,
worked, venerated, and exchanged in many different to France, Germany, and Poland, where they are found in
periods. In Pre-Columbian America they nourished the the archaeological remains of settlements and cemeteries,
gods, 6 and in the western islands of the Pacific Ocean they in graves, and as isolated finds (fig. 8-3).11
were until recently symbols of institutional power.7
In the Mediterranean, the southernmost Spondylus beads
The species S. gaederopus lives in the waters of the are found in the Neolithic of Sicily and the archipelago
Mediterranean Sea and extends down the northwestern of Malta.12 In the Aegean region during the Neolithic, as
African coast, but does not occur in the Black Sea, pri- during the Copper Age, worked Spondylus ornaments
marily due to the temperature and the salinity of its water. are commonly found in Greece and Thessaly and in Greek
Analyses of the oxygen and strontium isotopes in ancient Macedonia and Thrace.13 They also occur south to the
Spondylus shells found in Neolithic archaeological sites Peloponnese in Greece, in contexts related to sites of
in Europe have shown that they came from the Mediter­ worship or sacred places such as caves. A small cut-out
ranean, and not from old fossil deposits on land or from and contour-perforated pendant representing a bear,
the Black Sea. 8 As the microstructure of the shell is possibly pregnant, was found in the cave of Kitsos (Attica)
formed from calcite and aragonite, 9 the large valves of and may be related to neighboring Braurôn, the site of a
S. gaederopus offer an ideal material for working, sculpt- sanctuary of Artemis and a bear cult (fig. 8-4).
ing, and fine polishing, to produce objects for the
adornment of clothing and the body (fig. 8-2). Neolithic To the north, in Bulgaria, the large Neolithic and Copper 8-2. Spondylus shell and representative bracelet fragments. 1. Spondylus,
inner side of the left valve, a. socket, b. cardinal tooth, c. spine, d. adductor
ornaments made from Spondylus are superbly executed Age cemeteries (dated about 4500–4200 bc) of Varna scar, e. ventral margin; 2–10. bracelet fragments; the arrow points to the
and include pendants made of the whole shell with single and Durankulak on the edge of the Black Sea have pro- preserved bottom of the umbonal cavity (source: Dimitrijevic and Tripkovic,
8-1. Spondylus gaederopus (source: Chenu, 1842). 2006, fig. 2).
or multiple perforations, and the whole shell cut by a duced many objects fabricated from Spondylus with other

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shells, including Glycymeris,14 as well as with various
objects of cut and polished stone and bone, copper, and
gold (figs. 8-5, 8-6). In northeastern Bulgaria the “trea-
sure” of the tell of Omurtag, preserved in a vase from the
Copper Age culture of Karanovo VI, includes fragments
of Spondylus bracelets, cut and polished stone tools, bone
artifacts, the incisors of a pig, and a grindstone.15

North of Bulgaria, Spondylus artifacts are found in

great numbers in Romania, the territory of the former
Yugoslavia,16 Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic
(Bohemia and Moravia). The tombs of old men—the
richest graves—have yielded Spondylus artifacts in
Slovakia and the necropolis of Nitra (Bandkeramik
Neolithic culture, about 5500–5000 bc), and in southern
Poland, where artifacts are found that combine Spondylus
with cut and polished stone.17 During the Neolithic
and Copper Age periods in Romania, Spondylus artifacts
are present not only in the south of the country—in
the Danubian areas corresponding with the cultures of
Criş, Dudeşti, Hamangia, Boian, Gumelnitsa, Cernavoda
I, and Cernavoda II—but also in the Carpathian Basin,
Transylvania, and Banat (figs. 8-7–8-10).

In northeastern Romania, however, in the region of the

Cucuteni-Tripol’ye culture, Spondylus artifacts appear
absent, with no obvious explanation. The single known
exception is the unique hoard of Karbuna, found in
Moldova, south of Chisinau.18 The Karbuna hoard con-
tained 444 copper objects as well as 270 ornaments and
unfinished pieces of Spondylus shell hidden in a Tripol’ye
A pot probably dated about 4500 bc—an exceptional
indication that Spondylus was traded into Cucuteni-
Tripol’ye societies.

Even farther north, in Austria, Bavaria, the Rhenish

regions, and northwestern France, Spondylus artifacts
also are found, usually in Neolithic graves. The farthest 8-4. Small Spondylus pendant representative of a bear from the cave of
Kitsos, Attic, Greece (after D. Vialou, Musée Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle).
northwestern find was a large cylindrical Spondylus
bead serendipitously discovered at Epône, northwest of 8-5. Necklace and bead bracelets made from Spondylus, and other objects
made from the canine teeth of deer, from the cemetery of the later Hamangia
Paris. Further west the acid nature of the soil probably culture at Durankulak, Bulgaria (after H. Todorova and M. Avramova, National
did not favor the preservation of the shells, but one may Museum of History, Sofia).

wonder whether Spondylus artifacts could have reached 8-6. Diadem and bead bracelet made from Spondylus, and other objects
8-3. The pattern of Neolithic diffusion of Spondylus artifacts from the Brittany and consequently the Atlantic coast. Curiously, made of copper, from the cemetery at Durankulak, Bulgaria (after H. Todorova
Aegean and Adriatic seas to the English Channel. and M. Avramova, National Museum of History, Sofia).
the farther one moves away from the Adriatic-Aegean,

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the native habitat of the Spondylus, the more frequently
Spondylus artifacts appear to abound! This apparent
paradox stimulates a number of questions concerning the
underlying reasons for the astonishing diff usion.

The Organization and Meaning

of the Spondylus Trade
Most of the Spondylus artifacts found in Europe were
initially processed and then fi nished on the Aegean
and Adriatic coasts or in farming communities not far
from the sea, principally in modern Greece, Albania,
Montenegro, and Croatia. Spondylus shells usually were
not traded in a fresh or growth state or as separate un-
worked valves. Nevertheless, abraded valves apparently
collected on beaches are found in some of the areas far-
thest away from the Aegean, as illustrated by discoveries
at Vadastra in Romania. In fact there is more evidence for
the circulation of unworked or minimally worked shells
in a natural state than has been realized. Evidence of
the circulation and exchange of these shells in a natural
state is of two types: fi rst, from the limited excavations
of settlements, and second, from workshops often located
far from their native marine habitat. In the latter category
are sites like Asagi Pinar (Turkish Thrace), Orlovo
(southeast Bulgaria), Obre (Bosnia), Sopot (the Middle
Danube), Battonya (southeastern Hungary), and Hîrsova
(Romania; fig. 8-11), all dated about 5500–4000 bc.
Unfi nished objects occur to a small extent almost every-
where from the Carpathians to Bavaria. In addition, the
typology of Spondylus objects reveals a great variety
of forms, subtypes, and alternatives that vary from place
to place, and often are specific to particular cultures and
“facies” of the Neolithic and Copper Age over nearly
three thousand years, 6500–3500 bc.19 This local vari-
ability in time and space suggests that the shells often
were modified and reworked locally as they followed
trade routes.
8-7 (top). Necklace. Spondylus and copper, Gumelniţa, Brăiliţa,
4600–3900 bc, MBR.
The pattern of diff usion of Spondylus artifacts through
much of Europe along a southeastern to northwestern 8-8 (bottom). Necklace. Spondylus and copper, Foltesti, Vadul Catagatei,
4000–3900 bc, MBR.
axis probably reflects distribution at the most densely
inhabited places during the Neolithic and Copper Ages. 8-9 (opposite: top). Necklace. Spondylus, Hamangia, Limanu,
5000–4600 bc, MINAC.
The trade among these places presupposes a network
of access routes and a social framework of elaborate 8-10 (opposite: bottom). Necklace. Spondylus, Hamangia, Limanu,
5000–4600 bc, MINAC.
exchange systems—including bartering, gift exchange,

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and reciprocity—such that these shells even reached some- Such beliefs also might help explain the omnipresence of varied miscellany of objects often associated with
what isolated places, including high mountain valleys objects made from Spondylus across Europe beginning in Spondylus artifacts—recovered from sites such as Dikili
in the Carpathians. In the absence of any texts or oral the oldest Neolithic (seventh–sixth millenia bc). Trade and Tash in Greece, Omurtag in Bulgaria, Sultana “Malu
histories and in spite of a growing number of extensive interest in these objects was still growing in the Copper Rosu” in Romania, Giurgiulesti and Karbuna in Moldavia,
excavations, it still is not possible to identify particular Age, only to disappear suddenly at the beginning of the and Csoka-Kremenjak in Hungary—are variously called
localities as centers of concentration or redistribution. Bronze Age, when in the middle of the fourth millennium by archaeologists “treasures,” “deposits,” “magic-kits,”
bc there was apparently a total social discontinuity with and even “tool-kits” (!) and are probably the many accou-
Why was there such a desire for these shells that, once the preceding millennia as other cultures appeared—the trements or ritual accessories of shamans. 26 The “trea-
deeply transformed (the red color seldom being preserved) new civilizations originating mainly in the Pontic steppes. sure” of Ariusd in Romania is composed of Spondylus
and after having traveled, must have lost much of their Spondylus shells were linked to the traditions and customs artifacts, bone, objects made from copper and gold, and
original beauty? Spondylus artifacts are associated in of the European Neolithic and Copper Age in such a canine teeth of red deer (cervids), 27 which were used as
most archaeological reports with concepts of wealth and strong way that, after the end of Neolithic traditions and beads and ornaments at the close of the Paleolithic period
prestige. 20 The creation of chiefs, figures of authority, the inception of the Bronze Age, Spondylus was no longer and during the Mesolithic. These hunting and gathering
small potentates, “princes,” and revered elders at the top desired or valuable. cultures form a cultural subcontext of the European
of the social hierarchy (depending upon the form of social processes of Neolithization, to which in the Neolithic
stratification), and their accumulation of these shells, The great archaeologist V. Gordon Childe noted, “The are added Spondylus artifacts that represent a new reality
reinforced the capacity to aggregate possessions of a Danubians seem to have brought with them from the south layered on top of old myths.
variety of objects ranging from rare raw materials (honey- a superstitious attachment to the shells of a Mediterranean
colored flint from Madara in Dobrogea, obsidian from the mussel, Spondylus gaederopus, which they imported even The Spondylus-decorated plate of Popina II (southeastern
Carpathians and perhaps the Aegean Islands, marble, into central Germany and the Rhineland for ornaments Romania), the multiperforated valves of Battonya (Tisza
malachite, jadeite, rock crystal, and carnelian) to valuable and amulets.”23 Childe here referred to the fact, borne out culture, Hungary; fig. 8-12), and the complex pectoral
artifacts (polished stone axes, adzes, and mace heads) by recent archaeological research, that the fi rst farming pendant reconstructed from the Vert-la-Gravelle tomb
and metal (copper and gold). 21 When Spondylus shells cultures of southeastern Europe (‘the Danubians”) came (Marne, France; fig. 8-13) can be regarded as elements
are found in graves, they are often together with these originally from Greece and the Aegean, so that the desire of the costume of the shaman. However, the V-shaped
kinds of valuables in accumulations that suggest they were for Spondylus was in one sense “brought with them” from notched Spondylus shells present only in Central Europe
regarded as a kind of wealth or a sign of prestige. their Aegean homeland. But Spondylus artifacts were (fig. 8-14) and in the Paris Basin could be interpreted
much more important in interior Europe than they ever as representations of vulva, as has been postulated for
However, these simple concepts of wealth and prestige were in Greece, so there must have been another element some motifs of the Paleolithic period in both parietal and
appear inadequate to explain the deep interest in that made Spondylus attractive, which Childe labeled a mobiliary art in Russia and in France. 28
Spondylus artifacts exhibited by Neolithic and Copper “superstitious attachment.”
Age Europeans. More-fundamental reasons for such Shamanism remains the best explanation for why certain
a passion cannot be understood without recourse to the In connection with possible beliefs of the prehistoric objects made of Spondylus were transmitted from gen-
comparative ethnographic literature. For example, in European people discussed here, it is difficult not to evoke eration to generation while others, including anthropo-
a similar manner and until relatively recently, the Yurok shamanism, “one of the great systems imagined by the morphic and zoomorphic figurines, were intentionally
Indians and the Salish of western North America human spirit, in various areas of the world, to give a broken and/or burned. 29 The multiperforated pendant of
were unaware of the maritime source of shells such as direction to events and to act on them,” a concept to be the Gumelnitsa at Popina II (Bralia, Romania) is deeply
Dentalium, which they obtained via the Chilcotin Indians understood as “a social fact that relates to the totality worn, as are the pendants and beads found in the tomb
of the Pacific coast. Likewise, in the European Neolithic of society and its institutions, a fact that at the same time of Cys-la-Commune (Aisne, France), which also are asso-
and Copper Age, people living far from the Mediterranean can mark the symbolic system, the economic, the political, ciated with the bone of a crane—a migratory bird that
coastline also may have been unaware of the maritime and the aesthetic.”24 may symbolize the concept of eternal return. 30 In contrast
source of Spondylus artifacts; 22 perhaps the objects to these worn and used examples, a broken bracelet sized
were part of a halo of mysteries, an ensemble of beliefs Prehistory is endowed with representations of shamans25 — for a child in the richest burial of the necropolis of Varna
and myths aimed mainly at providing an account of the at least we attribute this interpretation to rare silhouettes was repaired by means of two gold fasteners. Thus we
8-11. Fragments of Spondylus bracelets, beads in the course of manufacture, supernatural origins of the shells. of characters with their arms raised to the sky, dancing have “the inversion of the two Worlds,” a component of
and copper tools from the workshop of Hîrsova, Romania (after Comsa, 1973).
or masked, painted or carved onto the walls of vases. The ancient beliefs, behaviors, and religious rites characteristic

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of shamanic thought and, consequently, of the Neolithic
and Chalcolithic people, who were engaged in an eter­
nal dialectic between man and nature: What is good here
is bad up there, and vice versa. Perhaps if the bracelet
had remained intact, the individual buried at Varna,
whether a child or an adult, could not have carried it to
the other World. 31

Patterns incised on a valve of a Spondylus pendant

found in the Neolithic burial of a woman in Mostanga in
Voïvodine (Serbia; fig. 8-15), 32 although difficult to inter-
pret, appear to represent a boat and stars—expressions
of the symbolic system encompassing this shell. They
reflect the synergy that related this woman to both the
Earth and the universe through the ever present dialogue
between nature and culture that is an eternal expression
of life’s joys and anguishes.

Translated by A.G. Brown, PhD

8-12 (opposite: top, left). Multiperforated Spondylus shell from Battonya,

Tisza culture, Hungary (after Kalicz, 1989).

8-13 (opposite: right). Reconstruction of a necklace and pectoral made of

Spondylus and an open-weave shawl based upon discoveries at Vert-la-
Gravelle burial, Marne, France (after Chertier, 1988).

8-14 (opposite: bottom, left). Notched Spondylus shell from the cemetery
of Nitra, Slovakia (after Pavuk, 1972).

8-15. Mythical forms engraved onto a Spondylus pendant found in the burial
of the woman of Mostanga IV, Voïvodine, Serbia (after Karmanski, 1977).

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