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Occurs when a firm charges a different price to

different groups of consumers for an identical
good or service, for reasons not associated with costs.

There is a distinction between price discrimination

and product differentiation – differentiation of the
product gives the supplier greater control over price
and the potential to charge consumers a premium
price because of actual or perceived differences in
the quality / performance of a good or service.
Conditions necessary for price discrimination

 Differences in price elasticity of demand between

markets: There must be a different price elasticity of demand
from each group of consumers.
-higher price to the group with a more price inelastic demand
-lower price to the group with a more elastic demand
By adopting such a strategy, the firm can increase its total
revenue and profits (i.e. achieve a higher level of producer
surplus). To profit maximise, the firm will seek to set marginal
revenue = to marginal cost in each separate (segmented)
 Barriers to prevent consumers switching from one
supplier to another: The firm must be able to prevent
“market seepage”, which is easier to achieve with the
provision of a unique service such as a haircut rather than
with the exchange of tangible goods. Seepage might be
prevented by selling a product to consumers at unique and
different points in time.
 The firm must operate in imperfect competition, it must
be a price maker with a downwardly sloping demand curve.

1.)Perfect Price Discrimination (Optimal Pricing)

The firm separates the whole market into each individual
consumer and charges them the price they are willing and able
to pay. It is an ideal form of price discrimination.
This is impossible to achieve unless the firm knows every
consumer’s preferences.
Although optimal pricing can and does take place in the real
world, most suppliers and consumers prefer to work with price
lists and price menus from which trade can take place.
2.)Second Degree Price Discrimination
Involves businesses selling off packages of a product deemed to
be surplus capacity at lower prices than the previously
published/advertised price.
Have high fixed costs and small variable costs. The cheaper price
that adds to revenue at least covers the marginal price of each
Example: Hotel and Airline industries
where spare rooms and seats are sold
on a last minute standby basis.
3.)Third degree Price Discrimination
This is the most frequently found. Involves charging different
prices for the same product in different segments of the
market. It means that the prices charged may bear little or no
relation to the cost of production but to consumer’s
willingness. The market is usually separated in two ways: by
time or by geography.

Example: Exporters may charge a higher price

in overseas markets if demand is estimated to
be more inelastic than it is in home markets.
Secondary Types

a.)Early-bird discounts – extra cash-flow

The main concept is Price Elasticity of Demand. Customers
normally find lower prices if they are prepared to commit
themselves to the product by booking early.

Example: Low cost airlines

Magazine subscriptions
b.)Peak and Off-Peak Pricing
High prices are imposed at peak periods and low prices at off-
peak periods. At off-peak times, there is plenty of spare capacity
and marginal costs of production are low (the supply curve is
elastic) whereas at peak times when demand is high, we expect
that short run supply becomes relatively inelastic

Example: Telecommunications industry,

Leisure Retailing and in the Travel
c.)The internet and price discrimination
A number of recent research papers have argued that the rapid
expansion of e-commerce using the internet is giving
manufacturers unprecedented opportunities; Consumers on the
net often provide suppliers with a huge amount of information
about themselves and their buying habits that then give sellers
scope for discriminatory pricing.
Example: Dell Computer charges different
prices for the same computer on its web pages,
depending on whether the buyer is a state or
local government, or a small business
d.)Two Part Pricing Tariffs
A fixed fee is charged (often with the justification of it
contributing to the fixed costs of supply) and then a
supplementary “variable” charge based on the number of units
consumed. Price discrimination can come from varying the
fixed charge to different segments of the market and in varying
the charges on marginal units consumed.
Example: Taxi fares, Amusement park
entrance charges and the fixed charges
set by the utilities (gas, water and
e.)Product Line Pricing
Prominent in markets selling particularly manufactured
products where there are many closely connected
complementary products that consumers may be enticed to
buy. The producer may manufacture many related
products. They may choose to charge one low price for the
core product as a means of attracting customers to the
components / accessories that have a much higher mark-up
or profit margin.
Example: Cameras,
Razors, Games Consoles.

Consumer Surplus is reduced in most cases, for the

Impact on

majority of consumers, the price charged is usually

above marginal cost of production. However, Low-
Consumer income consumers may be able to buy if the supplier is
willing and able to charge them a lower price.
Welfare Example: Medical and Legal Services

Producer ●
The profits made in one market may allow firms to
cross-subsidise loss-making ones that have social
Surplus and benefits. It makes a firm more competitive.
However, it may also be used as a predatory
Use of Profits pricing tactic. Example: Transport services.

Firms will be able to increase revenue. This will

enable some firms to stay in business who otherwise
would have made a loss. For example price
discrimination is important for train companies who
offer different prices for peak and off peak.
Increased revenues can be used for research and
development which benefit consumers
Some consumers will benefit from lower fares. E.G.
old people benefit from lower train companies, old
people are more likely to be poor

Some consumers will end up paying higher prices.

Decline in consumer surplus.
Those who pay higher prices may not be the poorest.
E.g. adults could be unemployed
There may be administration costs in separating the
Profits from price discrimination could be used to
finance predatory pricing.
Thus, we conclude by stating that Price Discrimination
is indeed, possible and very much existing these
days. It is still a common strategy used by companies
so as to realise their underlying motive-


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