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Synopsis of School of Planning and Architecture New Delhi

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One learns through various institutions since the

start of age but the role of an educational institute
in making one capable enough to make use of
his/her talents fruitfully for the development of a
nation remains above all.

The role of built environment in providing

an institute, its character is immense; the
profession of architecture that concerns itself
with the development of man made environment
has the added responsibility of creating such
temples of learning that provides an atmosphere
conducive enough to cater the aims of that

Educational institute are just a fragment of

the vast field where an architect’s services are
required to create an educational institution that
has to impart knowledge of broadly defined
profession of architecture.

Numerous architecture schools are existing

through the length and breadth of the country but
viewing the growth of our town and cities and
degradation of our environment; the ever
increasing problem of our rural habitat and due to
many others factors, a vast number of
professionally qualified and specialized trained
persons are in increased demand nowadays in our

ABOUT S.P.A.(School of planning and architecture) :-

S.P.A. is an all India institution with the potential to grow and double its
present output in terms of graduates and areas of specialization.
Over last sixty years, the school has grown over more than ten times,
in terms of annual intake of students. Initially the school used to impart
training in field of architecture at under-graduates as well as post graduate
level while presently, it trains Architects and Planners at under-graduate as
well as post graduate levels .Traditionally, the school admits both fresh
graduates and professionals at PG level. Of the several thousand
professionals trained by the School so far, many are well known throughout
the national and international community for their professional excellence
and integrity.


The project deals with is the new campus of School of Planning and
Architecture located in VasantKunj, New Delhi. At present it consists of a
main administrative block in Indraprastha Estate with the department of
planning and the girl’s hostel on the same plot. The architecture
department is located about 800 meters away in a distinct block. The boys
hostel and the faculty and staff housing is located 8 Kms away in Maharani
Bagh. The new campus is intended as an integrated campus to allow the
institution to perform to its full potential.

At present, S.P.A. operates from three locations. The planning dept. and
the architecture dept. are housed in different buildings in different plots.
There are 11 distinct departments presently and all of them are flourishing
units in themselves possessing a wealth of knowledge and resources. They
are supervised and run by the best and most experienced faculty of the
country. But physical segregation of the institution means that there is very
little interaction between the students and faculty of the various
departments. The resource of the institute can not be utilized fully. In the
planning building itself, the location of the studios and the faculty areas is
such that one does not get to know about other studios on their way.
Hence, inter-department interaction is minimal.


The site for the new campus of the School of Planning and Architecture,
New Delhi has been allocated in the zone F-2 of the master plan of Delhi.
Situated on the north-west of Jawaharlal Nehru University, the site though
falling in an institutional area is conveniently close enough to the
commercial zone which is half a kilometer away. The site is located in
Vasant Kunj, off Nelson Mandela Road. It is adjacent to Hotel Grand
Hyatt. It has an area of 80,000 m2.
The prominent feature in the area is the Delhi Ridge, an extension of the
Aravallis, which trends in NNE-SSW direction with elevation as high as
338m in south and as low as 208m in north. The site has been quarried in
the past for stone. It is a slopping site with a chasm approximately 180m
long having an average width of 40m and depth of 8m-10m. This chasm is
the unique characteristic feature of this site. The lowest point of the site is
at +251m above MSL whereas the highest point is at +266m. The main
dominant level is +265.5m.


Template for comparison and assessment of school of architecture and

1) Reasons for choosing the case study (justification and aspect study).

2) Context:-

a) Location (plan and latitude)

b) Physical setting and context
c) Age of the city
d) Population
e) Markers and point of anchorage
f) Different scale studies
g) Land use and building use around case study site
h) Climate
i) Views from building

3) Basic data:-

a) Years of making the institution(age)

b) Years of making the building/project
c) Cost of the project
d) Student strength
e) History of the institution
f) Courses/ curricula

g) program

4) Hypothesis/Design philosophy:-

a) Architect(s) of the project

b) Architect’s vision for the building and the institute
c) Architect’s place of birth
d) Architect’s age(at the time of building the project)
e) Education
f) Design process and method
5) Evaluation of site and building regulation:-

a) Size of site
b) Topography of site
c) F.A.R. regulation
d) Ground coverage permitted
e) Set backs
f) Building height

6) Circulation:-

a) Circulation pattern
b) Approach and entrances
c) Configuration of the path and sequence of the spaces

7) Indoors:-

a) Built-up area
b) Spatial character(internal sections and views)
c) Activity analysis(core and inter-relationships of
programmatic components
d) Space size(studios)
e) No of students per studio
f) Studio area per student
g) Built-up area per student

8) Outdoors:-

a) Landscape plans and features

b) Soft area / paved area
c) Usage pattern and type of activities
d) Activity density(most used area/least used area

9) construction:-

a) Structure system
b) External wall system
c) Materials

10) Architectural expression:-

a) Façade(proportions and sciagraphy )

b) Formal attributes and expression
c) Size and system of openings
d) Crafts and Ornaments and details

11) Services:-

a) Service area
b) Acoustics/Electricity/Artificial lighting/Firefighting
c) Plumbing and drainage

12) Building performance:-

a) Building orientation and response to climate

b) Natural lighting level
c) Thermal quality(u-values) and temperature control.

13) Construction and Opportunities:-

a) Strength and weakness(SWOT analysis)

b) Quantitative assessment (grading)
c) Qualitative assessment
d) Deriving standards

14) Conclusion



1. Center of Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT)

Center for planning and technology was established by Ahmadabad
Education Society (A.E.S.) – A premier voluntary and non profit
organization- to provide integral approach to training, education, and
research in architecture and planning. From its inception, primary focus of
the academic program has been on suitable development of human
settlement and improving quality of life of urban and rural populace through
better sources to employment opportunities, infrastructure service and

The campus houses:-

• School of architecture(1962)
• School of planning(1972)
• Institute of building technology and science(1982)
• School of interior designing(1991)
CEPT campus is located in midst of many institutions of Gujarat University
campus with roads on three sides. The site was previously occupied by
bricks kilns hence had slight undulated topography.
The architect of the project Ar. B.V. Doshi together with other
concerned people developed a philosophy. The salient features of which
are stated below-
 Interaction between various disciplines nourishes education directly
or indirectly our concept of life is affected by it.
 Creation of physical environment due to its existence guides a great
deal of our physical activities
 Any institution (educational) must promote this kind of atmosphere
and should be full of generous invitation and free from inhibitions.
 The class- room sense must be all over outside as well as inside the
built structure.
 There should be no feeling of restriction to exchange ideas
 Participation of even the public should be invited
The overall planning of the campus is based on central courtyard with built
masses on three sides and thick green belt on fourth side which gives the
desired protection from the hazards of the university main road.
The courtyard and the basement circulation has been designed as
open and on a very large scale whereas the circulation inside the building
is very restricted one as available area has been used for maximum
utilization of space and compactness of design
The basement has been designed as multifunctional space. It is a very
active space of the campus as one side of it are the rising contours that
protect it from the road there by helping it create its own environment and
on the other side are the combination of steps leading to another active
space of the campus i.e. the central courtyard .
Theory classes of architecture students are held in this space .The
flexible furniture helps in several, seating con- guration and attract students
from other areas. Climatic comforts have achieved by shade but lack of
audio and visual privacy makes this space a bit “unfit for the stated use.
The audience sits on the steps and creates an environment of free
The circular Kota stone raised floor and moreover the variation in
flooring materials makes the space symbolic of cultural dance area.
Festivals space becomes the most active one during the festivals and
as it symbolizes invitation and informality various other activities such as
exhibition, workshop, jam-sessions, quiz etc. demand the use of this space.
The space undemanding forms an image of a lobby which is very
disturbing considering its other uses.
The design studios are designed in a manner of factory with north-
south axis for the studios as each studio receives sufficient natural light
from the north and breeze penetration is facilitated from the south side. The
duplex section of the studio has been designed for easy communication
between two studios and the surrounding space but he same time are at
some time audio – visual disturbing too.
The CEPT library is placed away from the school building. And is
located on the first floor of the administrative wing.


The building sits on a angle of about 45 degree to the geometry of the site
in order to take in ample amount of north light. The 8-13 acres piece of flat
land is situated in campus of Punjab University. The plot is surrounded by
road along the four sides.
Brick facades on the three sides surround the open space. The space
plays suitable role in retaining students in their free hours. The cement
platform of canteen raised earthen land and tree give variety of play to the
landscape. Dotted with shading tree and student made sitting furniture add
to the intimacy and utility of the space.
The space requirement as it stands at present seems more or less
adequate but as future provision has been proposed the internal circulation
may pose congestion problem also in certain areas like library etc. is bound
to occur which may result in deteriorating the environment.
Architect’s philosophy has been very successfully transformed in to
build form to create desire environment and the impulses. However at
places philosophy has overruled functions like circulation through studios.
The low height volume with approx 10’ roof houses some of spaces
divided by non-load bearing wall. The architectural system provides
provision suitable scheme with above three components sop that the
system is selves solves many problems i.e. lighting flexibility provision of
future expansion and strong open spaces with its facades. The provision of
natural lighting by the section of roofs minimizes the window areas on the
The movement along the movement along the elongated vestibule
not only provides an impressive entry but the perforations on the walls also
render an active dialogue with outer and inner spaces. The numerous wall
with in the vestibule support the slab; provide access to other corridor and
place for notice boards.
The lecture halls have high degree of habitability. The functional
aspects include right amount of ambience, stepped sitting, suitable built in
furniture and minimum nominal disturbance. More over the half fit nicely in
the given architectural system.
Lecture halls provide with steps render an easy and proper sitting
position while taking lectures. Provision of one- door and slit widows at the
back accounts for a very disciplined and destruction free environment.
CCA has large and voluminous studio with pleasant amount of
ambience. The studio is large enough to accommodate lecture chairs,
drawing boards stands and individual lockers.
T.J. Manickman

School of planning and architecture came into existence when in 1959 the
department of architecture and the school of town and country planning
amalgamated in 1979 the school was granted the permission/status of
deemed to be university. Ever since its existence the school’s education
system works on the philosophy that ‘education extends beyond the studio
and class rooms ‘the school has an open feed back system. The school
has grown to its present form in number of stages. The basic policy of
education was the team work approach involving faculty and students to
meet the aspirations of the out side world’s growing demands.

The campus is located on the busy ring-road near I.T.O. in New Delhi
since the two parts of S.P.A. are located about a distance about 800 m.
away from each other thereby it cannot be called a single campus.

The design of school was done by an Englishman T.J.Manicman,

since the development of the school has taken place in many fragments in
a series of after thoughts. The campus itself is in part with two academic
wings about 800 m apart due to which there exist a serious communication
gap between the two. Faculty members and at the same time hinders the
overall development of the students. There is no link whatsoever between
the under-graduate and post-graduate students which doesn’t go well with
the co-school’s philosophy of teamwork studies.

The entry to the campus is through the service road supported by the
green belt as soon as one enters the campus one witness a very informal
scene near the landscaped sitting adjacent to the canteen but for a passer
by it becomes a very ugly scene leaving a bad impression on the
environment, the other spaces seems to well planed ones. We have a large
open lawn/play area in front of auditorium which seems its extension.

Scope and Limitations;-

The architectural institutions are very much different from other
professional institutions.
They are about to arranging spaces of student with students, student with
teachers and students with outsiders to achieve such a design one should
be sensible enough towards:-

 Micro/macro climate of site.

 Architectural style of religion.
 Method of technology used in construction
 Geology and geography of site.
 Vegetation and view.
 Historical relevance
Institute should have space, which inspire the students to show their talent
in other field.
• Sports
• Stages
• Visual designing
• Literatures
To achieve this entire, one had to very open minded careful, while the
process of designing.

1. An ideal course, be it involved with architecture or planning would be
one that offers students flexibility and more choices. The aim of the
institution should not only be to produce through, able and
competent professionals but also to promote research and
provide choice for exploring topics and subjects of one’s owns

2. To create an environment which

a) Inspires the sprit of creativity and inventiveness…..

b) Provides an environment conducive to learning……

3. Use the building (or non building) as an educational tool to

demonstrate the importance of the environment in suitable human

4. To look and the design, treatment and the rendering of open spaces
because in a campus like this open spaces play an important role as
public spaces.

Development Controls:-
According to the Delhi master plan the site of Vasant Kunj falls in the
category of ‘Education and Research center (large campus with area more
than 8 HA.). it further states that the campus will be divided in to three
parts –

1. Academic area including administration (45% of the total area)

Maximum ground area 20%

Maximum F.A.R. 80

Basement below the ground floor and to the maximum extent of the ground
coverage shall be allowed and if used for parking and services should not
be included in F.A.R.

2. Residential (25% of the total land area)

This will be developed at a density of 400 pph gross. The land shall be
reserved for residential facilities @9.2 sq m / person. Sub- division
regulation as per group housing bye laws shall apply.

3. Sports and cultural activities (15% of total area)

Maximum ground area 10%

Maximum F.A.R. 15

4. Parks and landscape (15% of total land area)

Suitable landscape plan to be prepared for area

• Organizing and pooling of the best resources like



Physical aspects

• A generation of an inter disciplinary link between department, for

better awareness among the people involved of the new techniques
to be adopted in areas of specialization. This acts as a stimulation to
the faculty also.

• Regular research and feed back maintained in allied field which helps
in modification of teaching method ands and curriculum.

• Create a great link between the under-graduate and post-graduate

students with which they could fallow the co-school’s philosophy of
teamwork studies.

• Create a better relationship among the different zones of architecture

and planning departments so that a better environment could be
created by the each member of the school.

I, Santosh Kumar Shahi, do hereby declare that the information
gathered is true to the best of my knowledge. The mentioned facts have a
specific source and would be used as basis of the thesis study to be
followed respectively.

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