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Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046 Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN

Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046

Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

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Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046 Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046
Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

Pray!Books is the book line of Pray! magazine, published by NavPress Periodicals. NavPress is Foreword
the publishing ministry of the Navigators, an international Christian organization whose You are holding in your hands a dangerous little book about a dangerous
mission is to reach, disciple, and equip people to know Christ and to make Him known through
successive generations. little prayer. Right now it is in the process of changing my life; it can change
© 2001 by Jacquie Tyre your life as well.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from Pray!, P.O. Box 35004, Colorado Springs, CO 80935. Visit the Pray! website at I pastor a church in metro Atlanta that is becoming a house of prayer for all
nations. We adopted the prayer of Jabez as our year verse and asked Jacquie
Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture quotations in this publication are taken from the
HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® (NIV®). Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Tyre to write a supplemental prayer guide that was first published for our
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights congregation. It struck a chord. More and more people began asking for
reserved. Some quotations are from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION (NKJV), copyright ©
1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers. copies until now it has found its way into your hands.
Printed in the United States of America
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10/ 05 04 03 02 01 Over the next few weeks as you put these pages to good use, I want to issue
a warning. This dangerous little prayer is not a magical formula or a good
Words of Gratitude luck charm. Bottom line, it’s not the prayer of Jabez we need; it is the God of
My deepest gratitude goes to the following people, with much love: Jabez. I and my congregation are praying for you and yours that He will
My husband, Mike, and our three sons, Aaron, Nathan, and Justin. Thank you for supporting me show you just what a dangerous, not-so-little God He really is.
and loving me through times of joy, sorrow, victory, and defeat. In many ways the very writing of
this book comes as the fruit of God’s dealings with me through our journey together as a family.
You are the best! Fred A. Hartley III
My parents, Wade and Charlotte Johnson, who have given me unconditional love, challenged me to Senior Pastor, Lilburn Alliance Church
aim higher, and encouraged me to pursue God’s best all my life. Thank you for just being you— Lilburn, Georgia
faithful, loving parents and servants of the Most High God. You’ve taught me more than you will
ever know. June 2001
Pastor Fred Hartley and the congregation of Lilburn Alliance Church. You have each contributed in
special ways to the development of my life and this prayer guide. If not for our Lord using you to How to Use This Guide
encourage, challenge, and give opportunity for these prayer guides to be used, this day would not be
here. May God’s hand continue to be upon you to the praise of His holy name. The Jabez Prayer Guide is simple in format, but powerful in results if a few
Jonathan Graf and the staff of Pray! and Pray!Books for seeing God’s hand upon this work and instructions are followed.
investing in seeing this book come to completion. May God bless you, indeed! 1. Don’t take shortcuts. The real strength of this Guide lies in what you
Most of all, my deepest thanks and love goes to the Lord Jesus Christ, for without Him no blessings glean and pray related to the Scriptures. Read all of the scripture suggested
would exist. He is not only the Bless-er, but the Blessing! with each day.
Dedication 2. Turn the Scriptures into prayer. Suggestions on what to pray are pro-
I would like to dedicate this book to the loving memory of three very special people who went to be
with the Lord within the past year: vided each day. We recommend that you turn some of the thoughts from the
My grandmother, Roma Thomas, affectionately known as MawMaw. When I was a child, she and Word you read into your prayers.
Papa allowed me to learn the joys of serving the Lord by their side whenever I visited them. What a 3. Stay the course. Pray through the entire Guide, If you miss some days,
marvelous heritage!
pick it up where you left off. The whole of this Guide provides a real cross
My dear friend, Robin Askins, who died of breast cancer in May 2000. Robin lived life to its fullest
until the very last minute. In reflection, she lived out the prayer of Jabez daily. Her life challenged section of important issues on which to seek God.
me to press forward and to not settle for mediocrity in anything! Her friendship was truly a blessing 4. Pray this for more than yourself. This Guide is designed to be used by
from the Lord.
the individual. But we recommend praying these blessings for your family,
Finally, Armin Gesswein, the great statesman of the prayer movement and a man I was privileged to friends, and your church. In fact, many churches are using this Guide corpo-
have touch my life for the last seven years through Prayer Summits and the College of Prayer. God
used him to speak blessings and challenges that remain dear to my heart. rately, with every member praying it at the same time.
—Jacquie Tyre


Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046 Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046
Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

SUNDAY: Lord, is it okay to pray like this?

“Lord, bless me.” Does this prayer make you uncomfortable? Does it seem
somehow too self-centered? Would you feel more at ease praying for others?
If so, you are not alone. God’s word, however, clearly says that it is wise to
“Lord, Bless Me Indeed” desire God’s blessing—and to ask Him for it. In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestled
with the angel of the Lord and cried out: “I will not let you go unless you

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“And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh, that You would bless bless me!” Not only was his prayer answered, but Jacob is honored for all
me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, eternity for his tenacity and desperate desire to receive the blessing of God.
and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!’ So God Scripture: Read Genesis 32:22-32.
granted him what he requested.” Prayer: If you need to, confess your hesitancy to pray this prayer. Then by
(1 Chron. 4:10, NKJV) faith, boldly pray, “Lord, bless me indeed!”

Reflections: ____________________________________________________
e know very little about Jabez from Scripture, except that he ________________________________________________________________
was more honorable than his brothers and that his mother ________________________________________________________________
named him Jabez because she bore him in pain (the Hebrew ________________________________________________________________
word for pain sounds like Jabez)(1 Chron. 4:9). But while we know little ________________________________________________________________
about what Jabez did, we can understand much from what he prayed. ________________________________________________________________
There is nothing to indicate he made this request because he believed he ________________________________________________________________
deserved it more or thought he was better than anyone else. Jabez simply
recognized his need and voiced it before God. He needed God to bless him MONDAY: The Covenant Blessings of God
and he dared to ask, not having any idea how God would answer the bold The Hebrew word for bless is barak (Strong’s Concordance 1288). It means to
request. “kneel down, salute, congratulate, praise, or thank.” Our God is a God of
We know that God did answer Jabez. Does that mean God wants us to ask blessing. All blessings originate with Him, and blessings were a significant
Him for blessing? Absolutely! Our God is all good and He delights in part of His covenants with man through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God’s
responding to His children when they ask Him in faith and boldness to meet ultimate covenant with us—the Lord Jesus Christ—establishes us to receive
their needs. His blessings for all eternity. In Christ, He has been delighted to give us all
Jabez, whose name was pain, cried out to the Lord for a release of heaven we need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:2-4).
on earth! Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will Scripture: Read the original blessing covenants: with Abraham (Gen. 12:1-
be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt. 6:10)—a model of asking for God’s 3, 22:15-18); with Isaac (Gen. 26:1-6); and with Jacob (Gen. 28:13-15).
blessing, indeed. Prayer: Ask God to grant you the grace to understand and lay hold of all
Have you identified your deepest needs and desires? Are you convinced of that He has given you in Christ Jesus, blessing you freely, so that through
your absolute need for God to bless you? Then believe God to release a touch you, others may be blessed.
of heaven’s aroma into your life. Expect Him to reveal more of Himself in you. Reflections: ____________________________________________________
Lord, bless me indeed. Let Your kingdom come to bear upon me so that ________________________________________________________________
Your goodness and glory are realized and revealed in greater measures in ________________________________________________________________
and through me. For Your Name’s sake. Amen. ________________________________________________________________


Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046 Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046
Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

TUESDAY: Positioned to Receive THURSDAY: That They May Be One

A covenant is a binding agreement between two parties, based upon a “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. . . . For
mutual commitment to each other, for a specified purpose. Covenants there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore” (Psalm 133). God
require the satisfaction of conditions for fulfillment. God is a covenant- delights in pouring out the blessings of abundant life upon His children who
keeping God. Our part of the “conditions for fulfillment” are that we join dwell together in unity. These verses seem to suggest that unity is needed for
Him by faithfulness and obedience to His Word. This positions us to God’s blessing to come. Our unity greatly pleases Him—it is like “precious oil
receive His blessings, which are ours by covenant. poured on the head” (Ps. 133:2), because it bears testimony to His love. That
Scripture: Read Deut. 30:11-20; Lev. 26:18-19; Psalm 1. Note the connec- unity is what Jesus asked on our behalf when He prayed to the Father: “May
tion between God’s blessing and His requirements for receiving the full- they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me
ness of those blessings. and have loved them even as you have loved me” (Jn. 17:23).
Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in repentance and a fresh commit- Scripture: Read Psalm 133; Jn. 17:20-26; Eph. 4:3.
ment to walk in the ways of the Lord, positioning you to receive His Prayer: Repent before God for any areas of isolationism, prejudice, pride, or
blessings. separation that keep you from walking in unity with fellow believers. Cry
Reflections:______________________________________________________ out to God for purification of yourself and the church in this area. Ask the
________________________________________________________________ Holy Spirit to guide all believers to keep the unity of the Spirit through the
________________________________________________________________ bond of peace.
________________________________________________________________ Reflections:______________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
WEDNESDAY: Ask and You Shall Receive ________________________________________________________________
“You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, ________________________________________________________________
because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures” (Jas. 4:2-3,
NKJV). God desires that we ask. And He promises to give, if we ask according FRIDAY: The Promised Holy Spirit
to His will (1 Jn. 5:14) and in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn. 15:16), Jesus said, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay
and are abiding in Him (Jn. 15:7) so that His desires become ours (Ps. 37:4). in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Lk.
He wants to bless us with every good and perfect gift (Jas. 1:17-18), so that 24:49). It is by the power of the promised Holy Spirit dwelling in us that we
through His children of promise all the nations of the earth might be blessed are able to lay hold of all the blessings God intended for our good. Jesus
(Gen. 12:1-3). promised us the Holy Spirit to empower us as effective witnesses to the
Scripture: Read Mt. 7:7-12. world of His grace, mercy, life, love, power, and salvation. The Lord desires
Prayer: Ask the Lord to forgive you for not asking, or for asking amiss. Ask to fill each of us with this most precious gift.
Him to search your heart and reveal the places where your will does not line Scripture: Read Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4.
up with His. Ask Him to purify your motives. Then ask Him to bless you so Prayer: Seek the Lord for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit and receive it, by
you might receive every good and perfect gift from Him and become a faith, with gratitude. Ask for opportunities to bless others, allowing the Holy
blessing to those around you. Spirit to minister the grace of the Lord through you. Ask specifically for the
Reflections:______________________________________________________ blessing of salvation upon two or three people who need it.
________________________________________________________________ Reflections:______________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Sample from The Jabez Prayer Guide / ISBN 1576833046
Copyright © 2001 NavPress Publishing. All rights reserved. To order copies of this resource, comeback to

SATURDAY: Lord, Bless Me Indeed

Our Father has promised to bless us. He has blessed us. And it is His desire
to continually bless us. His blessings on our lives flow through us and reveal
Him to the world around us. As Jabez did, we can expect God’s blessings to
come to us. We can expect that we will receive much, and that God’s Name
will be exalted and glorified through those blessings.
Scripture: Read Psalm 21.
Prayer: Thank God for the blessings you have already received, and for
those you have not yet received or recognized. Praise the Lord that He is our
ultimate blessing and our primary reward.


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