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Manuals Control Valve

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The document discusses the operation, components, potential issues and recommended maintenance of a booster relay for compressed air systems.

The main components of the booster relay discussed are the diaphragm, valve stem, spring, and restrictor. The diaphragm controls air flow and the valve stem, spring, and restrictor work together to regulate air pressure and flow based on input signals.

Some common issues discussed are a broken or cracked diaphragm, pressure leaks from loose screws, an overly open restrictor, and changes to the valve stem length from loosened lock nuts.

Series 250

Pneumatic Control Valves

Type 3259-1 and Type 3259-7

Fig. 1 ⋅ Type 3259-7 Control Valve according to the IG standard

Mounting and
Operating Instructions

EB 8059 EN
Edition May 2006

Contents Page
1. Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Assembling valve and actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Mounting position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Signal pressure line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 Shut-off valves and bypass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Test connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4. Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5. Troubleshooting - replacing parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1 Replacing parts of standard valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1.1 Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.1.2 Seat and/or plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2 Replacing parts in valve with bellows seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2.1 Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2.2 Metal bellows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.3 Replacing parts in valve with insulating section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6. Description of nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7. Customer inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2 EB 8059 EN
Safety instructions

General safety instructions

 The control valve may only be mounted, started up or serviced by fully trained
and qualified personnel, observing the accepted industry codes and practices.
Make sure employees or third persons are not exposed to any danger.
All safety instructions and warnings in these instructions, particularly those
concerning installation, start-up and maintenance, must be observed.
 The control valve fulfills the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment
Directive 97/23/EC. Valves with a CE marking have a declaration of con -
formity that includes information on the applied conformity assessment proce -
dure. The declaration can be viewed and downloaded on the Internet at
 For appropriate operation, make sure that the control valve is only used in
areas where the operating pressure and temperatures do not exceed the oper -
ating values based on the valve sizing data submitted in the order. The manu -
facturer does not assume any responsibility for damage caused by external
forces or any other external influence!
Any hazards which could be caused in the control valve by the process me -
dium, operating pressure, signal pressure or by moving parts are to be
prevented by means of the appropriate measures.
 Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.
 For installation and maintenance work on the valve, make sure the relevant
section of the pipeline is depressurized and, depending on the process me -
dium used, drained as well. If necessary, allow the control valve to cool down
or warm up to reach ambient temperature prior to starting any work on the
 When working on the valve, make sure that the supply lines for the air supply
as well as the control signal are disconnected to prevent any hazards that
could be caused by moving parts.

EB 8059 EN 3
Design and principle of operation

1. Design and principle of operation Fail-safe action:

Depending on the arrangement of the com-
The Type 3259-1 and Type 3259-7 Control
pression springs (8.3) in the actuator, the
Valves consist of the single-seated Type
control valve provides two different types of
3259 Angle Valve and either the Type
fail-safe action:
3271 or Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator.
The process medium flows through the valve Actuator stem extends:
in the direction indicated by the arrow. The
position of the plug (3) is changed by the When the signal pressure is reduced or the
signal pressure acting on the diaphragm in air supply fails, the springs force the actua-
the actuator (8). tor stem to move downward and close the
The plug stem (6) and plug are connected valve. When the signal pressure rises, the
to the actuator stem (8.1) by the stem con- valve opens while acting against the force
nector (7). The plug stem is sealed by of the springs.
spring-loaded PTFE V-ring packing (4.2) or
Actuator stem retracts:
by an adjustable high-temperature packing.
The control valve can be equipped with an When the signal pressure is reduced or the
extension bonnet with metal bellows which air supply fails, the springs force the actua-
functions as an additional seal to comply tor stem to move upward and open the
with stringent regulations. valve. When the signal pressure rises, the
valve closes while acting against the force
of the springs.

4 EB 8059 EN
Design and principle of operation

Type 3271 Actuator Type 3277 Actuator


8.2 8.5
8.1 8.5
7 5.5
4.2 5.3
1 Valve body 6 Plug stem
1.1 1.1 Lens ring gasket 6.1 Stem connector nut
2 Seat 6.2 Lock nut
3 Plug 7 Stem connector
4.2 Packing 8 Actuator
3 5 Valve bonnet 8.1 Actuator stem
5.1 Nuts and expansion 8.2 Ring nut
1 bolts 8.3 Springs
5.2 Threaded bushing 8.4 Diaphragm
2 5.3 Yoke 8.5 Signal air connection
5.5 Travel indicator 8.6 Vent

Tightening torques
Nominal size Expansion bolts (5.1) Seat (2)
Seat thread Reduced seat bore
16, 24, 30 150 Nm + 10 % M36 x 1.5 400 Nm
45, 58 300 Nm + 10 % M58 x 1.5 1000 Nm
70, 90 900 Nm + 10 % M100 x 2 2700 Nm

Fig. 2 ⋅ Sectional drawing of Type 3259-1 (Type 3259-7)

EB 8059 EN 5
Assembling valve and actuator

2. Assembling valve and actuator tween 0.4 to 2 bar) to the upper dia-
phragm chamber connection.
If the valve and the actuator were not assem- 5. Turn the stem connector nut (6.1) by
bled by the manufacturer or if the original hand until it contacts the actuator stem
actuator attached to the valve is to be ex- (8.1). Turn it another 1/4 turn and se-
changed for an actuator of another type or cure this position with the lock nut (6.2).
size, proceed as follows:
6. Attach the stem connector parts (7) and
1. Loosen the lock nut (6.2) and the stem screw tight.
connector nut (6.1) on the valve. Align the travel indicator scale (5.5)
Press the plug and plug stem firmly into with the tip of the stem connector.
the seat ring, then thread the stem con-
nector nut and the lock nut down
2. Unscrew the connector stem parts (7)
and the ring nut (8.2) from the actuator. Note on disassembly:
Slide the ring nut over the plug stem of When disassembling an actuator, first
the valve. apply a loading pressure slightly higher
3. Place the actuator on the yoke (5.3) than the lower bench range value (see
and secure with the ring nut (8.2). nameplate on actuator) to the signal press -
Read the bench range and fail-safe ac- ure connection before unscrewing the ring
tion of the actuator stated on the name- nut (8).
The fail-safe action "actuator stem extends"
or "actuator stem retracts" is marked with
the letters "FA" or "FE" respectively on the
Type 3271 Actuator, and with a symbol on
the Type 3277 Actuator.
The lower bench range value corresponds
to the initial value of the bench range to be
set and the upper bench range value corre-
sponds to the final value of the bench range.
4. For actuators with actuator stem ex-
tends, apply a signal pressure that
corresponds to the lower bench range
value (e.g. 0.8 when the range is be-
tween 0.8 to 2.4 bar) to the lower dia-
phragm chamber connection.
For actuators with actuator stem re-
tracts, apply a signal pressure that
corresponds to the upper bench range
value (e.g. 2 bar when the range is be-

6 EB 8059 EN

3. Installation 3.3 Shut-off valves and bypass

3.1 Mounting position We recommend that you install hand-oper-

ated shut-off valves both upstream and
The valve and actuator can be mounted in downstream of the control valve as well as
any position, however, large valves should to make a bypass so that it is not necessary
preferably be installed in horizontal pi- to shut down the plant for maintenance rou-
pelines with the actuator pointing upwards tines.
to help make any maintenance work easier.
For valves with insulating section or bellows 3.4 Test connection
seal or with for actuators that weigh more
than 50 kg, the actuator must be fitted with Versions with metal bellows (Fig. 4) include
a suitable support or suspended. a test connection (11.1) located on the
upper flange for checking any leakage from
the bellows.
Especially for liquids and vapors, we recom-
The valve must be installed free of stress
mend connecting a suitable leakage indica-
and with the least amount of vibrations
tor (e.g. contact pressure gauge, outlet into
an open receptacle or sight-glass) at the test
Thoroughly flush the pipeline before install -
ing the valve.

3.2 Signal pressure line

For valves with fail-safe action "actuator
stem extends", connect the signal pressure 4. Operation
line to the lower diaphragm case, and for
(e.g. reversing the operating direction)
valves with fail-safe action "actuator stem re-
Please refer to the Mounting and operating
tracts", connect it to the upper diaphragm
instructions EB 8310 EN for Type 3271
Pneumatic Actuator and EB 8311 EN for
The Type 3277 Actuator’s connection for
Type 3277 Actuator.
the lower diaphragm case is located on the
side of the yoke underneath the lower case.

EB 8059 EN 7
Troubleshooting – replacing parts

5. Troubleshooting – replacing parts We recommend removing the valve

from the pipeline.
The control valve is subject to natural wear
especially at the seat, plug and packing.
Depending of the application conditions
The tightening torques required for assem-
that prevail, the valve must be inspected at
bling the valve are listed in the table on
appropriately scheduled intervals to prevent
page 5. The appropriate seat wrenches can
any problems before they occur.
be found in EB 029 EN (formerly WA 029
If any leaks occur to the atmosphere, the EN). Also available at http://www.sam-
packing may be leaking. If the valve does
not seal properly, this may be because tight
shut-off is prevented by dirt or other im-
purities between the seat and plug or be- Disassembling the actuator:
cause the seating surfaces have been dam- 1. Unscrew the ring nut (8.2) and remove
aged. the stem connector (7) .
We recommend removing the parts, thor- Before proceeding with actuators with
oughly cleaning them and, replacing them "actuator stem extends" and especially
with new parts, if necessary. for actuators with pre-tensioned
springs, apply a signal pressure that is
Important! slightly higher that the lower bench
If you intend carrying out mainten- range (see nameplate) to the actuator.
ance work on the valve, first relieve After unscrewing the ring nut, discon-
the corresponding plant section of nect the loading pressure again.
pressure and, depending on the pro - 2. Lift the actuator off the valve yoke.
cess medium, drain it as well.
Let the plant section cool down to 5.1 Replacing parts of standard
reach ambient temperature, if valves
As the process medium cannot drain 5.1.1 Packing
completely out of the valve, be
aware that the some of the process If the stuffing box leaks, its packing (4.2)
medium could still be in the valve. and sealing parts (4.5 and 4.6) must be re-
This applies particularly to valves placed as described below:
with a bellows seal or an insulating
section. Disassembly
Prior to performing any work on the 1. Remove nuts (5.1) and bolts and lift the
valve body, disconnect the signal valve bonnet (5) together with plug stem
pressure, remove the signal pressure and plug out of the valve body (1.1).
line and dismount the actuator.
2. Unscrew the stem connector nut and
lock nut (6.1 and 6.2) from the plug

8 EB 8059 EN
Troubleshooting – replacing parts

stem. 8. Screw the lock nut (6.2) and stem con-

Unthread the threaded nut (5.2) from nector nut (6.1) onto the plug stem with-
the stuffing box. out tightening them.
3. Pull the plug and plug stem out of the 9. Attach the actuator as described in sec-
valve bonnet (5). tion 2 and adjust the lower and upper
4. Take all the stuffing box parts out of the bench range according to section 2.
packing chamber using a suitable tool.
Replace damaged parts.
Thoroughly clean the packing chamber.

1. Apply lubricant (order no. 8150-0111) 5.2
to all parts as well as to the plug stem
(6). Do not apply lubricant to graphite 4.5
packing! 4.2
2. Push the plug stem into the valve bonnet 4.4
3. Carefully slide the packing parts over
the plug stem into the packing cham-
ber. Make sure you keep the correct 4.6
order. Depending on the nominal size 4.5
of the valve, the number of bushings
(4.3) may vary. 4.2
4. Screw threaded bushing (5.2) over the 4.4
plug stem into the valve bonnet. Do not
5. Insert a new lens ring gasket (1.1) into 4.3
the valve body and carefully push the
whole valve bonnet into the valve body.
6. Attach expansion bolts with nuts (5.1) Standard High-temperature
and fasten the valve bonnet in the valve
body. (See table on page 5 for tighte-
ning torques used for expansion bolts). 4.1 Spring 4.5 Carbon bushing(s)
4.2 V-ring packing 4.6 Graphite, compressed
7. Screw tight the threaded bushing (5.2). 4.3 Spacer(s) 5.2 Threaded bushing
With high-temperature packings, only 4.4 Washer(s)
slightly tighten the threaded bushing. In
case of leakage, also only tighten
Fig. 3 ⋅ Packing

EB 8059 EN 9
Troubleshooting – replacing parts

5.1.2 Seat and/or plug 5.2 Replacing parts in valve with

bellows seal
When replacing the seat or plug, we recom-
mend to replace the packing (4.2 or 4.5
and 4.6) as well.
On disassembling and assembling
Seat: the bellows seal, no torque should
be transferred to the metal
1. Remove nuts (5.1) and bolts. Pull the bellows.
valve bonnet (5) together with plug stem
and plug out of the valve body.
2. Unscrew the seat (2) using the appropri- 5.2.1 Packing
ate seat wrench (see sheet WA 029).
Replace parts as described for standard
3. Apply lubricant (order no. 8150-0119) valves in chapter 5.1.1. However, remove
to the thread and sealing cone of the nuts (11.2) and bolts. Then separate the
new seat (or the old one after it has bonnet (11) and intermediate piece (9). Re-
been cleaned or reworked) and screw it place gaskets (9.1) with new ones. Separa-
in. ting the bonnet and the intermediate piece
The tightening torques for the seats are is only necessary when the packing needs
listed in the table on page 5. to be replaced.
5.2.2 Metal bellows
1. Remove nuts (5.1) and bolts. Lift the
valve bonnet (5) together with the plug The metal bellows (10) can only be re-
stem (6) and plug out of the valve body placed as a whole bellows seal together
(1). with the plug stem. To do this, proceed as
described in section 5.1.2.
2. Unscrew nuts (6.1, 6.2) and threaded
bushing (5.2).
5.3 Replacing parts in valve with
3. Pull the plug out of the valve bonnet.
insulating section
4. Replace the used plug with a new plug
(3) and plug stem (6). Replace packing as described in section
Apply lubricant (order no. 8150-0119) 5.1.1.
to the plug stem (6) and insert it. Replace the seat and plug as described for
5. Reassemble as described in section standard valves in section 5.1.2.

10 EB 8059 EN
Troubleshooting – replacing parts





9 Intermediate piece
9.1 Gaskets
10 Metal bellows
11 Bonnet
9.1 11.1 Test connection
11.2 Nuts and expansion bolts


Fig. 4 ⋅ Valve with bellows seal

EB 8059 EN 11
Description of nameplates

6. Description of nameplates

Type 3259 Valve Type 3271 Actuator

SAMSON 3 -4 5 6 SAMSON 1 2 3 4
1 7 8
H 5 F 6 V 7
9 10

Made in
11 12 13 14 15

Type 3277 Actuator

1 CE marking or Art. 3, Abs. 3 (see article 3, SAMSON
§ 3 of PED), where applicable Model - No. 1
2 Ident. number of notified body, Serial - No.
fluid group and category, where applicable Pneum. Stellantrieb Hub
3 Type designation Pneum. actuator 3 cm² Stroke mm
4 Modification index of the valve Servo - monteur pneum. Course
5 Material Federbereich
Spring range bar
6 Year of manufacture Plage des ressorts
7 Nominal size: DIN: DN, ANSI: Size Stelldruckbereich
8 Permissible excess operating pressure at Signal pressure range bar
room temperature: DIN: PN, ANSI: CL Plage avec précontrainte
9 Order number with modification index
10 Item position in the order
Zuluft max. 6 bar Begrenzt auf
11 Flow coefficient: Air supply 90 psi Up to
DIN: K85 value, ANSI: Cv value Air d' alimentation Limité à bar
12 Characteristic: Made in France

% equal percentage, Lin linear,

DIN: A/Z quick opening, ANSI: O/C
13 Sealing: 1 Type designation
ME metal, ST stellited, Ni nickel-plated 2 Modification index
PT soft sealing with PTFE, 3 Effective diaphragm area cm
PK soft sealing with PEEK 4 Fail-safe action:
14 Pressure balancing: DIN: D, ANSI: B DIN: FA, ANSI: C Actuator stem extends
DIN: FE, ANSI: O Actuator stem retracts
5 Travel
DIN: H in mm, ANSI: S in mm
6 Bench range (spring range)
DIN: F in bar, ANSI: R in psi
7 Bench range with pre-tensioned springs
DIN: V in bar, ANSI: R in psi

Fig. 5 ⋅ Nameplates

12 EB 8059 EN
Customer inquiries

7. Customer inquiries
Should you have any questions regarding
the control valve, please submit the follow-
ing details (see also nameplate):
 Order number
 Type, product number, nominal size and
valve version
 Pressure and temperature of the process
 Flow rate in m3/h
 Direction of flow through the valve
 Bench rate (e.g. 0.2 to 1 bar) of the
mounted actuator
 Has a strainer been installed?
 Installation drawing

Refer to Data Sheet T 8059 EN for dimen-

sions and weights of the different valve ver -

EB 8059 EN 13
S/Z 2006-05


Weismüllerstraße 3 ⋅ 60314 Frankfurt ⋅ Germany
Phone +49 69 4009-0 ⋅ Fax +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: EB 8059 EN
Pneumatic Actuator
Type 3271

Type 3271

Type 3271-5 Type 3271 with handwheel

Type 3271-52

Fig. 1 · Type 3271 Actuators

Mounting and
Operating Instructions

EB 8310 EN
Edition October 2004
Contents Safety instructions

Contents Page
1 Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Reversing the operating direction (fail-safe action) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 Type 3271 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.2 Actuator with handwheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Replacing the diaphragm and stem seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Adjusting the travel stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Manual operation of Type 3271 with side-mounted handwheel . . . . . 12
2.4.1 Normal operation with the handwheel locked . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.2 Actuator stem extends upon air supply failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.3 Actuator stem retracts upon air supply failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4.4 Actuator stem extends when supply air is applied . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.5 Actuator stem retracts when supply air is applied . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 Description of nameplate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 Customer inquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

General safety instructions

4 Assembly, start-up and operation of the device may only be performed by

trained and experienced personnel familiar with this product.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel is
referred to individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned to
and recognize possible hazards due to their specialized training, their
knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant
4 Any hazards which could be caused by the signal pressure and moving
parts of the actuator are to be prevented by means of appropriate
4 Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.

2 EB 8310 EN
Design and principle of operation

1 Design and principle of have a handwheel mounted on the top dia-

operation phragm case or mounted on the side of the
valve yoke. The handwheel moves the actua-
The Type 3271 Actuators are primarily used tor stem over a spindle. The Type 3271 Ac-
for attachment to Series 240, 250, 260 and tuator can be equipped in a special version
280 Valves. with a mechanically adjustable travel stop
(Fig. 7).
Type 3271-5 with a die-cast aluminum
casing and effective diaphragm areas of 60 The signal pressure creates a force at the di-
and 120 cm2, is mounted to Type 3510 aphragm surface which is balanced by the
Valves and Series 240 Valves. springs (6) arranged in the actuator. The
The Type 3271 Actuator is made up of two number of springs and their compression
diaphragm cases, a rolling diaphragm and determine the bench range (signal pressure
springs. range) while taking the rated travel into ac-
Actuators with manual override additionally count which is directly proportional to the
signal pressure.

Actuator stem Actuator stem

retracts FE extends FA
2 1 1.1
4 5

9 8.1
12 10
12.1 11
3 15 9 Nuts and bolts
1 Nut 10 Bottom diaphragm case
1.1 Nut 13
11 Loading pressure connection
2 Actuator stem 16 12 Stem seal
3 Vent plug 6 Springs
12.1 Dry bearing
4 Loading pressure 7 Diaphragm plate 13 Wiper
connection 8 Diaphgram
15 Ring nut
5 Top diaphragm 8.1 Hose clamp
16 Stem connector
Fig. 2 · Sectional diagram of Type 3271

EB 8310 EN 3
Design and principle of operation

A maximum of 30 springs can be installed, sure connection (4) to fill the top diaphragm
partly fitted inside one another. chamber with air which causes the actuator
stem to move downwards.
In an actuator with the fail-safe action
The stem connector (16) connects the actua-
"Actuator stem extends FA", the loading
tor stem (2) to the plug stem of the valve.
pressure is connected to the loading pres-
sure connection (11) to fill the bottom dia- Fail-safe action
phragm chamber with air which causes the
When the signal pressure fails, the fail-safe
actuator stem to move upwards.
action of the actuator depends on whether
In an actuator with the fail-safe action
the springs are installed in the top or bottom
"Actuator stem retracts FE", the loading
diaphragm chamber.
pressure is connected to the loading pres-

2 1 1.1 6 9

12.1 10 2.1
20 21 22

1 Nut
1.1 Nut 7 Diaphragm plate 21
2 Actuator stem 7.1 Metal plate 22 13 Wiper
2.1 Bushing 8 Diaphragm 15 Ring nut
3 Vent plug 9 Nuts and bolts 16 16 Stem connector
3.1 Vent plug 10 Bottom diaphragm case 20
Screw (60 cm )
4 Loading press. connection 11 Loading press. connection 21 Washer (60 cm )

Actuator stem retracts Actuator stem extends 2

22 Sleeve (60 cm )
5 Top diaphragm case 12 Stem seal
6 Springs 12.1 Dry bearing

Fig. 3 · Type 3271-5 Actuators with 120 cm2 (top) and 60 cm2 (bottom) effective diaphragm area

4 EB 8310 EN
Design and principle of operation

Actuator stem extends creased enough to overcome the force ex-

When the signal pressure is reduced or the erted by the springs.
air supply fails, the springs move the actua- The tandem actuator (Fig. 4) has two dia-
tor stem downwards and close the valve. phragms connected to each other. The sig-
The valve opens when the signal pressure is nal pressure produces an actuating force
increased enough to overcome the force ex- double to that of an actuator with just one
erted by the springs. diaphragm.
Actuator stem retracts Actuators with an additional manual over-
When the signal pressure is reduced or the ride (Fig. 5) have a handwheel that moves
air supply fails, the springs move the actua- the actuator stem over a spindle after the
tor stem upwards and open the valve. The locking mechanism (lock nut) has been dis-
valve closes when the signal pressure is in- engaged. A side-mounted handwheel (Fig.
8) moves the stem over a bevel or worm
4 Note!
Refer to the attached valve’s Mounting and
Operating Instructions to mount or remove
the actuator from the valve.
4.1 3 Actuators with 2800 cm2 diaphragm area
weigh 450 kg and cannot be mounted onto
4 3.1 the valve on site.
The pneumatic actuators are designed for a
maximum supply pressure of 6 bar.
To prevent the actuator from being dam-
4.1 3 aged, do not let the supply pressure exceed
15 the upper spring range value by more than
7 3 bar when the actuator is used for
16 flow-switching service (on-off valve) with the
Actuator stem Actuator stem fail-safe action "Actuator stem retracts".
retracts extends
Label actuators that have a reduced supply
3 Loading pressure connection
pressure with a sticker "max. supply pres-
3.1 Vent plug sure limited to ... bar".
4 Loading pressure connection The maximum supply pressure for actuators
4.1 Vent plug with fail-safe action “Actuator stem extends”
15 Ring nut and mechanical travel stops should not ex-
16 Stem connector ceed the upper spring range value by more
than 1.5 bar.
Fig. 4 · Tandem actuator

EB 8310 EN 5

2 Operation 2.1.1 Type 3271

Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator
Note! Only apply the loading pressure to
stem extends" to "Actuator stem retracts"
the diaphragm chamber that does not con-
(Fig. 2)
tain the springs. It is important for a
troublefree operation of the actuator that the 1. Unthread nuts and remove the bolts (9)
vent plug (3) is not blocked. Make sure in from the diaphragm cases.
versions with a handwheel that the plug 2. Lift off the top diaphragm case (5) and
stem can move freely when the valve is be- remove the springs (6).
ing positioned by the pneumatic actuator by 3. Pull the actuator stem (2) with dia-
moving the handwheel into a neutral posi-
phragm plate (7) and diaphragm (8) out
tion (Fig. 5 for 240 to 700 cm2 and Fig. 8
of the bottom diaphragm case (10).
for 1400 and 2800 cm2) .
4. Unscrew nut (1), while holding the nut
(1.1) stationary with a suitable tool.
2.1 Reversing the operating Caution! Proceed carefully to avoid
direction (fail-safe action) damaging the seals of the actuator stem.

The operating direction, i.e. fail-safe action, Caution!

of pneumatic actuators can be changed. Do not loosen the nut (1.1) on the actuator
Prior to proceeding, you must remove the stem. It is painted over to protect it.
actuator from the valve. If, however, it does become loose, it is es-
The fail-safe action "Actuator stem extends" sential that the dimension "a" from the top
or "Actuator stem retracts" is specified on of the nut to the bottom of the actuator stem
the nameplate with the initials FA and FE on is kept as shown in Fig. 2 and the table
Type 3271 Actuator or by a symbol on below.
Type 3271-5 Actuator.
Actuator cm Dimension a in mm (Fig. 2)

120 100.5, or 89 with threaded end

240 98.25
To disassemble an actuator with
preloaded actuator springs (recog- 350 107.25
nizable by the long bolts on the dia- 125 for 15 mm rated travel
phragm chambers), always undo the 700
(0.4-1.2 bar)
144 for 30 mm and 40 mm
short bolts first and then unthread
rated travel
the long bolts slowly and evenly until
the actuator springs are fully decom- 1400 230
pressed. 2800 430

6 EB 8310 EN

5. Lift off the diaphragm plate with dia- Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator
phragm and replace them in reverse or- stem retracts" to "Actuator stem extends"
der. Tighten nut (1). (Fig. 2)
6. Apply lubricant/sealant (order no. 1. Unthread nuts and remove the bolts (9)
8152-0043) to the actuator stem. and lift off the top diaphragm case (5).
7. Place the diaphragm plate with dia- 2. Pull the diaphragm plate (7) and dia-
phragm in the top diaphragm case. In- phragm with the actuator stem (2) out of
sert the springs (6) and slide the lower the bottom diaphragm case (10). Re-
diaphragm case over the actuator stem. move the springs (6).
8. Screw tight the nuts and bolts of the dia- 3. Unscrew nut (1), while holding the nut
phragm cases. (1.1) stationary with a suitable tool.
9. Remove vent plug (3) from top dia- Caution! Proceed carefully to avoid
phragm case and screw it into the load- damaging the seals of the actuator stem.
ing pressure connection on the bottom 4. Remove the diaphragm plate with dia-
diaphragm case. phragm and replace them in reverse or-
The actuator springs now press against the der. Screw tight nut (1).
diaphragm plate from below and cause the 5. Coat the actuator stem with sealant/lu-
actuator stem to retract. The loading pres-
bricant (order no. 8152-0043) and in-
sure is connected over the connection (4) to
sert it into the bottom diaphragm cham-
the top diaphragm chamber. The actuator
stem starts to extend when the signal pres- ber along with the diaphragm plate and
sure overcomes the force of the springs. diaphragm.
6. Insert springs (6) and place the top dia-
10. Record the changed fail-safe action on phragm case back on.
the nameplate! 7. Screw tight the nuts and bolts of the dia-
phragm cases.
Proceed in the same manner for the Type
8. Remove the vent plug (3) from the bot-
3271-5 Actuator, but additionally install the
tom loading pressure connection and
metal plate (7.1).
For the version intended for attachment to place it in the top connection.
micro-flow valves, additionally install the
bushing (2.1) for the mechanical travel stop. The springs which are now pressed from the
In Type 3271-52 Actuator with 60 cm2 dia- top against the diaphragm plate cause the
phragm area, unthread the screw (20) and actuator stem to extend.
then remove the washer (21) and sleeve The signal pressure is connected via the con-
(22). nection (11) to the bottom diaphragm cham-
ber. The actuator stem starts to retract when
the signal pressure overcomes the force of
the springs.

EB 8310 EN 7

9. Record the changed fail-safe action on 2.1.2 Actuator with handwheel

the nameplate!
240, 350 and 700 cm2 (Fig. 5) only
Proceed in the same manner for the Type 1. Undo lock nut (20) and relieve the
3271-5 Actuator, but additionally install the springs (6) by turning the handwheel
metal plate (7.1).
For an actuator intended for a micro-flow
2. Loosen threaded pin (26) and unscrew
valve, install the bushing (2.1) for the travel
stop. coupling nut (25) from the coupling
For Type 3271-52 Actuator with 60 cm2 3. Knock out the clamping sleeve (23) and
undo the screw (20) and then remove the
remove the ring (24).
washer (21) and sleeve (22).
4. Unthread the ring nut (28) and lift off the
flange part (21).

Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator

stem extends" to "Actuator stem retracts"

4 Proceed as described in section 2.1.1.

However, use the word "spindle with nut
(27)" in place of "nut (1)".

After reversing the operating direction:

1. Place the flange part (21) and coupling
nut (25). Then fasten the flange part (21)
with the ring nut (28).
2. Attach the ring (24) with clamping
sleeve (23).
3. Screw coupling nut (25) as far as it will
go onto the coupling (22) and secure
with threaded pins (26).

Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator

stem retracts" to "Actuator stem extends"

4 Proceed as described in section 2.1.1.

However, use the word "spindle with nut
(27)" in place of "nut (1)".

8 EB 8310 EN

After reversing the operating direction: 2. Attach the ring (24) with clamping
1. Place the flange part (21) and the cou- sleeve (23).
pling nut (25) and then secure flange 3. Screw coupling nut (25) as far as it will
part (21) with ring nut (28). go onto the coupling (22) and secure
with threaded pins (26).

2 Actuator stem
3 Vent plug
4 Loading press. connection
5 Top diaphragm case
20 6 Springs
6.1 Additional springs
7 Diaphragm plate
22 8 Diaphragm
Neutral position
9 Nuts and bolts
Pointer points to groove in
23 8.1 Hose clip
coupling (22)
24 10 Bottom diaphragm case
26 11 Loading press. connection
28 16 Stem connector
27 4 17 Handwheel
5 20 Lock nut
8.1 6 21 Flange part
7 22 Coupling
23 Clamping sleeve
24 Ring
25 Coupling nut
8 26 Threaded pin
6.1 27 Spindle with nut
10 28 Ring nut

2 11

Actuator stem retracts Actuator stem extends

Fig. 5 · Actuators 240, 350 und 700 cm2 with handwheel

EB 8310 EN 9

2.2 Replacing the diaphragm

and stem seal
Diaphragm (Fig. 2)
1. Remove the diaphragm plate (7) to-
gether with diaphragm (8) and actuator
stem (2) from the diaphragm case as de-
scribed in section 2.1.
2. Remove the hose clamp (8.1) and pull it
together with the diaphragm (8) off the
diaphragm plate (7) (not necessary with
Type 3271-5 as the diaphragm is held
in place by the metal plate (7.1)).
3. Stretch the new diaphragm onto the dia-
phragm plate. Fit the hose clamp (8.1)
evenly into the groove intended for it
and tighten. Insert a piece of protective
wear-resistant rubber between the dia-
phragm and the worm screw of the hose
clamp (jubilee clip) to protect the dia-
phragm. 12
4. Reassemble actuator as described in
section 2.1. 12.1

Stem seal (Fig. 6)

1. Remove the diaphragm plate (7) to- 2
gether with the actuator stem (2) from
the diaphragm case as described in
section 2.1.
2. Coat the new stem seal (12) with lubri-
cant/sealant (order no. 8152-0043)
and insert it.
Fig. 6 · Actuator stem seal
3. If necessary, replace the dry bearing (12.1)
and wiper (13) with new ones as well.
4. Reassemble the actuator as described in
section 2.1.

10 EB 8310 EN

2.3 Adjusting the travel stop

(Type 3271 in special version only) 33
The travel stop can be adjusted upwards or
downwards to 50 % of the travel.
Downward travel stop
(actuator stem extends)

1. Undo the lock nut (34) and unscrew the 34

cap (33).
2. Undo the lock nut (31) and adjust the
nut (32) to set required travel stop. 5
3. Tighten the lock nut (31) again.

Upward travel stop

(actuator stem retracts) 7

1. Undo the lock nut (34) and adjust the 2

cap (33) to set the required travel stop.
Actuator stem Actuator stem
2. Tighten the lock nut (34) again. retracts extends

2 Actuator stem
7 Diaphragm plate
31 Lock nut
32 Nut
33 Cap
34 Lock nut

Fig. 7 · Travel stop

EB 8310 EN 11

2.4 Manual operation of Type 4 Pull the locking knob on the side all the
3271 with side-mounted way out and turn it to unlock the
4 Turn the handwheel counterclockwise
(direction Auf/Open/Ouvert), the pin
Note! To operate the handwheel on actua- sinks into the flange.
tors with 1400 and 2800 cm2 diaphragm Initially, the handwheel is easy to turn
areas, do not use any additional tools such and after a certain point of pressure is
as a lever or wrench. reached, the valve starts to open.
4 On reaching the final position at the
stop, do not turn the handwheel any fur-
2.4.1 Normal operation with the ther by force.
handwheel locked Caution! Risk of damage.
4 After finishing manual operation, turn
The handwheel is not used. The valve is po- the handwheel to bring the pin back into
sitioned by the pneumatic signal pressure the neutral position again.
applied to the valve. 4 Turn the locking knob until it engages to
To achieve this, the pin next to the actuator lock the handwheel again.
stem must be in the neutral position:
The pin must sink into the flange so far that 2.4.3 Actuator stem retracts upon
its groove is aligned with the top of the
air supply failure
If this is not case: The manual override must overcome the
force of the actuator springs to close the
4 Pull the locking knob on the side all the valve.
way out and turn it to unlock the
handwheel. 4 Pull the locking knob on the side all the
4 Turn the handwheel until the pin reaches way out and turn it to unlock the
the neutral position. handwheel.
4 Turn the locking knob until it engages to 4 Turn the handwheel clockwise (direction
lock the handwheel again. Zu/Close/Fermé), the pin emerges from
The easiest way to adjust the handwheel is the flange.
with the valve in the fail-safe position. Initially, the handwheel is easy to turn
and after a certain point of pressure is
2.4.2 Actuator stem extends upon reached, the valve starts to close.
air supply failure 4 On reaching the final position at the
stop, do not turn the handwheel any fur-
The manual override must overcome the ther by force.
force of the actuator springs to open the Caution! Risk of damage.

12 EB 8310 EN

4 After finishing manual operation, turn 2.4.5 Actuator stem retracts when
the handwheel to bring the pin back into supply air is applied
the neutral position again.
4 Turn the locking knob until it engages to The manual override must overcome the
lock the handwheel again. force of the actuator springs to close the
2.4.4 Actuator stem extends when Do not open the valve any further than be-
supply air is applied fore unlocking the handwheel.

The manual override must overcome the

force of the actuator springs to open the Pin with groove
Do not close the valve any further than be-
fore unlocking the handwheel.
4 Pull the locking knob on the side all the
way out and turn it to unlock the
4 Turn the handwheel counterclockwise Neutral
(direction Auf/ Open/Ouvert), the pin
sinks into the flange.
Initially, the handwheel is easy to turn
and the pin’s position does not move
anymore. After a certain point of pres-
sure is reached (how long depends on
the valve travel), the valve starts to open.

4 On reaching the final position at the

stop, do not turn the handwheel any fur-
ther by force.
Caution! Risk of damage.
4 After finishing manual operation, turn
Locking knob
the handwheel to bring the pin back into
the neutral position again.
4 Turn the locking knob until it engages to
lock the handwheel again.
Version in this drawing
for 80 mm travel

Fig. 8 · Side-mounted handwheel

EB 8310 EN 13
Description of nameplate

4 Pull the locking knob on the side all the 3 Description of nameplate
way out and turn it to unlock the
4 Turn the handwheel clockwise (direction
Zu/Close/Fermé), the pin emerges from
the flange.
After a certain point of pressure is SAMSON 1 2 3 4
reached, the valve starts to close. H 5 F 6 V 7
4 On reaching the final position at the
stop, do not turn the handwheel any fur-
ther by force.
Caution! Risk of damage. 1 Type designation
4 After finishing manual operation, turn 2 Modification index
the handwheel to bring the pin back into 3 Effective diaphragm area
the neutral position again. 4 Operating direction:
4 Turn the locking knob until it engages to Actuator stem extends FA
lock the handwheel again. Actuator stem retracts FE
5 Travel
6 Bench range (spring range)
7 Bench range with preloaded springs

Fig. 9 · Nameplate

14 EB 8310 EN
Customer inquiries

4 Customer inquiries
Please specify the following details on mak-
ing inquires:
4 Type and model number
4 Effective diaphragm area
4 Bench range (spring range) in bar
4 Actuator version and its operating direc-

Dimensions and weights

Refer to the Data Sheets T 8310-1 EN or
T 8310-2 EN for the different actuator ver-

EB 8310 EN 15
S/Z 2004-11


Weismüllerstraße 3 ⋅ 60314 Frankfurt am Main ⋅ Germany
Phone +49 69 4009-0 ⋅ Fax +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: EB 8310 EN
Pneumatic Actuator
Type 3277

Fig. 1 · Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuator Fig. 2 · Type 3277-5 Pneumatic Actuator

Mounting and
Operating Instructions

EB 8311 EN
Edition July 2006
Design and principle of operation

1 Design and principle of actuator stem over a spindle after the lock-
operation ing mechanism (lock nut) has been disen-
gaged. In addition, the actuator can be
The Type 3277 Pneumatic Actuators with an equipped in a special version with a me-
effective diaphragm area of 240, 350 or chanically adjustable travel stop.
700 cm² are primarily mounted to control The signal pressure creates a force at the di-
valves from the Series 240, 250 and 280. aphragm surface which is balanced by the
Type 3277-5 with a die-cast aluminum case springs (6) arranged in the actuator. The
and an effective diaphragm area of number of springs and their compression
120 cm², is mounted to Type 3510 and Se- determine the bench range (signal pressure
ries 240 Valves. range) while taking the rated travel into ac-
count which is directly proportional to the
The actuator is made up of two diaphragm signal pressure. A maximum of 30 springs
cases, a rolling diaphragm and springs. The can be installed, partly fitted inside one an-
lower diaphragm case is permanently fixed other.
to the yoke which allows the direct attach-
ment of either a pneumatic or electropneu- The stem connector (16) connects the actua-
matic positioner or a limit switch. tor stem (2) with the plug stem of the control
Actuators with manual override (Fig. 5) ad-
ditionally have a handwheel mounted on the
diaphragm case. The handwheel moves the

4 Assembly, start-up and operation of the device may only be performed by

trained and experienced personnel familiar with this product.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel is
referred to individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned to
and recognize possible hazards due to their specialized training, their
knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant
4 Any hazards which could be caused by the signal pressure and moving
parts of the actuator are to be prevented by means of appropriate
4 Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.

2 EB 8311 EN
Design and principle of operation

Fail-safe action Actuator stem retracts

When the signal pressure fails, the fail-safe When the signal pressure is reduced or the
action of the actuator depends on whether air supply fails, the springs move the actua-
the springs are installed in the top or bottom tor stem upwards and open the valve. The
diaphragm chamber. valve closes when the signal pressure is in-
creased enough to overcome the force ex-
Actuator stem extends erted by the springs.
When the signal pressure is reduced or the
air supply fails, the springs move the actua-
tor stem downwards and close the valve.
The valve opens when the signal pressure is
increased enough to overcome the force ex-
erted by the springs.

5 1.1 1 6 6.1 3

1 Nut
1.1 Nut
2 Actuator stem
3 Vent plug 8
4 Loading pressure9
connection 12
5 Top diaphragm 2
case 12.1

6 Springs
7 Diaphragm plate 11
8 Diaphragm
9 Nuts and bolts
10 Yoke with bottom 12.1
diaphragm case
Dimension a 15
11 Loading pressure 350 cm² = 209 mm
connection 700 cm² = 246 mm
12 Stem seal 13
12.1Dry bearing
13 Wiper
15 Ring nut
16 Stem connector

Fig. 3 · Sectional diagram of Type 3277 with 240, 350 and 700 cm² effective diaphragm area

EB 8311 EN 3
Design and principle of operation

Loading pressure connection 4 Turn the connecting plate to align the

Type 3277 Actuator (Fig. 3) symbol (14.3) for the appropriate
In the Type 3277 Actuator with fail-safe ac- fail-safe action "Actuator stem extends"
tion "Actuator stem extends", the loading or "Actuator stem retracts" with the mark
pressure is connected to the loading pres- (14.4). See Fig. 4, bottom right.
sure connection (11) at the side of the yoke 4 Make sure that the flat gasket of the con-
to fill the bottom diaphragm chamber which necting plate is correctly inserted.
causes the actuator stem (2) to move up- 4 The connecting plate has both NPT and
wards. In an actuator with the fail-safe ac- G threaded bores. Seal the bore not re-
tion "Actuator stem retracts", the loading quired with a rubber gasket and square
pressure is connected the loading pressure plug.
connection (4) to fill the top diaphragm Accessories: The switchover plate or con-
chamber which causes the actuator stem to necting plate must be ordered separately.
move downwards. Please note that actuators with modification
index 01 e.g. 3277-531xxx20.01 (old =
Type 3277-5 Actuator (Fig. 4) .00) are equipped with new plates.
In the Type 3277-5 Actuator, the loading
pressure is connected to a borehole either at Old and new plates are not interchangeable.
the left or right of the yoke. A switchover In-
Order no.
plate (14, accessories) directs the air to one dex
of the diaphragm chambers, depending on Switch- New 01 1400-6822
the fail-safe action of the actuator ("Actuator over plate Old 00 1400-6819

stem extends" or "Actuator stem retracts"), Con- New 01 1400-6823

necting Old: G thread 00 1400-6820
which is determined by how the plate is plate 1400-6821
Old NPT thread 00
aligned with the mark (14.4).
4 Turn the switchover plate to align the Note! The pneumatic actuators are designed
symbol (14.3) for the appropriate
fail-safe action with the mark (14.4). See for a maximum supply pressure of 6 bar.
Fig. 4, bottom left. The operating direc- To prevent the actuator from being dam-
tion (>>) or (<>) of the positioner deter- aged, do not let the supply pressure exceed
mines whether the left or right attach- the upper spring range value by more than
ment is to be used. 3 bar when the actuator is used for
A connecting plate (accessories) is required flow-switching service (on-off valve) with the
instead of the switchover plate if the actua- fail-safe position "Actuator stem retracts".
tor is operated without a positioner. The Label actuators that have a reduced supply
loading pressure is directly connected to the pressure with a sticker "max. supply pres-
loading pressure connection (14.8) of the sure limited to … bar".
connecting plate to fill the diaphragm cham- Note! Refer to the operating instructions of
ber. the corresponding valve on how to mount
and remove the actuator from the valve.

4 EB 8311 EN
Design and principle of operation

9 6 1 2 1.1 2.1 2

7 7.1

12 14.1
10 14.2

1 Nut 15
1.1 Nut 12.1 Dry bearing
2.1 Bushing 13 Wiper
5 Diaphragm case 14 Switchover or connecting
6 Springs plate 16
7 Diaphragm plate 16 Air routing:
7.1 Metal plate 14.1 for actuator stem extends Actuator with threaded
8 Diaphragm 14.2 for actuator stem retracts connection for a
9 Nuts and bolts 15 Ring nut micro-flow valve
10 Yoke 16 Stem connector
Switchover plate Connecting plate
12 Stem seal

14.3 Symbol
14.4 Marking for signal
pressure input 14.8
14.7 14.5 For left attachment
14.6 For right attachment
14.5 14.7 Seal with filter
14.3 14.8 Loading pressure
14.4 Actuator stem retracts
Actuator stem extends
Left attachment Right attachment Actuator stem
Left attachment Right attachment
extends retracts

Dimension a = 188.5 with 15 mm travel

and 185.5 with 20 mm travel

Fig. 4 · Type 3277-5 Actuators with 120 cm2 effective diaphragm area

EB 8311 EN 5

2 Operation 2.1.1 Standard actuator

Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator
stem extends" to "Actuator stem retracts"
It is important for a trouble-free operation of
the Type 3277 Actuator that the vent plug
(3) is not blocked. Note!
Make sure in versions with a handwheel that Actuators with 700 cm² (travel = 30 mm)
the plug stem can move freely when the that are mounted to valves with 15 mm
valve is being positioned by the pneumatic travel, are preloaded by approx. 75 % on
actuator by moving the handwheel into a mounting them to the valve.
neutral position. The signal pressure range is recorded on the
nameplate when the actuators have been
preloaded on mounting them to the valve.
2.1 Reversing the operating
direction (fail-safe action)
1. Unthread nuts and remove the bolts (9)
The operating direction, i.e. fail-safe action, from the diaphragm cases.
of pneumatic actuators can be changed. 2. Lift off the top diaphragm case (5) and
Prior to proceeding, you must remove the remove the springs (6).
actuator from the valve. 3. Pull the actuator stem (2) with dia-
The fail-safe action is represented by a sym- phragm plate (7) and diaphragm (8) out
bol on the nameplate. of the yoke (10).
4. Unscrew nut (1), while holding the nut
"Actuator stem extends"
(1.1) stationary or clamping the actuator
stem with a suitable tool.
"Actuator stem retracts"
Caution! Proceed carefully to avoid
damaging the seals of the actuator stem.
To disassemble an actuator with pre-
loaded actuator springs (recogniza-
ble by the long bolts on the di-
aphragm chambers), always undo
the short bolts first and then unthre-
ad the long bolts slowly and evenly
until the actuator springs are fully

6 EB 8311 EN
Reversing the operating direction (fail-safe action)

Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator

stem retracts" to "Actuator stem extends"
Do not loosen the nut (1.1) on the actuator
stem. It is painted over to protect it. 1. Unthread nuts and remove the bolts (9)
If, however, it has been loosened, it is essen- and lift off the top diaphragm case (5).
tial that the dimension a (Figs. 3 and 4) 2. Pull the actuator stem with diaphragm
measured from the top of the nut to the bot- plate, diaphragm and metal plate (7.1),
tom of the actuator stem is kept. if applicablethe diaphragm plate (7) out
of the yoke and bottom diaphragm case
5. Apply lubricant/sealant (order no. (10).
8152-0043) to the sealing places on the 3. Unscrew nut (1), while holding the nut
actuator stem. (1.1) stationary or clamping the actuator
6. Turn over top diaphragm case (5). Place stem with a suitable tool.
the actuator stem with diaphragm plate, Caution! Proceed carefully to avoid
diaphragm and metal plate (7.1), if ap- damaging the seals of the actuator stem.
plicable in the case. 4. Remove the diaphragm plate with dia-
7. Insert the springs (6) and slide the yoke phragm and replace them in reverse or-
with bottom diaphragm case over the der. Screw tight nut (1).
actuator stem. 5. Coat the sealing parts of the actuator
8. Screw tight the nuts and bolts of the dia- stem with sealant/lubricant (order no.
phragm cases. Remove vent plug (3) in 8152-0043).
Type 3277 Actuator. 6. Insert the actuator stem with diaphragm
plate, diaphragm and metal plate (7.1),
Proceed in the same manner for the if applicable, into the bottom diaphragm
Type 3277-5 Actuator intended for the mi- case with yoke.
cro-valve, but additionally attach the bush- 7. Insert springs (6) and place the top dia-
ing (2.1) for the mechanical travel stop. phragm case back on. Screw tight the
The springs now press from below against nuts and bolts of the diaphragm cases.
the diaphragm plate and cause the actuator 8. Screw the vent plug (3) into the top load-
stem to retract (fail-safe action). The actuator ing pressure connection of the
stem only starts to extend when the signal Type 3277 Actuator.
pressure overcomes the force of the springs.
Proceed in the same manner for the
9. Record the changed fail-safe action on Type 3277-5 Actuator intended for the mi-
the nameplate! cro-valve, but additionally attach the bush-
ing (2.1) for mechanical travel stop.
The springs now press from the top against
the diaphragm plate and cause the actuator
stem to extend (fail-safe action). The actua-

EB 8311 EN 7
Reversing the operating direction (fail-safe action)

tor stem only starts to retract when the signal Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator
pressure overcomes the force of the springs. stem extends" to "Actuator stem retracts"
9. Record the changed fail-safe action on 4 Proceed as described in section 2.1.1.
the nameplate! However, use the word "spindle with nut
(27)" in place of "nut (1)".
2.1.2 Actuator with handwheel
After reversing the operating direction:
Type 3277 (Fig. 5) only
1. Replace the flange part (21) with ring
1. Undo lock nut (20) and relieve the nut (15) and coupling nut (25).
springs (6) by turning the handwheel 2. Tighten ring nut (15). Attach the ring
(17). (24) with clamping sleeve (23).
2. Loosen threaded pin (26) and unscrew 3. Screw coupling nut (25) as far as it will
coupling nut (25) from the coupling go onto the coupling (22) and secure
(22). with threaded pins (26).
3. Knock out the clamping sleeve (23) and
remove the ring (24). Reversing the fail-safe action "Actuator
4. Unthread the ring nut (15) and lift off the stem retracts" to "Actuator stem extends"
flange part (21) together with the cou-
pling nut (25).
4 Proceed as described in section 2.1.1.
However, use the word "spindle with nut
(27)" in place of "nut (1)".

After reversing the operating direction:

1. Replace the flange part (21) with ring
nut (15) and coupling nut (25).
2. Tighten ring nut (15). Attach the ring
(24) with clamping sleeve (23). Attach
the ring (24) with clamping sleeve (23).
3. Screw coupling nut (25) as far as it will
go onto the coupling (22) and secure
with threaded pins (26).

8 EB 8311 EN
Reversing the operating direction (fail-safe action)



2 Actuator stem
Neutral position
Pointer points to groove 21 3 Vent plug
in coupling (22) 4 Loading press. connection
5 Top diaphragm case
22 6 Springs
23 24 6.1 Additional springs
26 13 7 Diaphragm plate
15 8 Diaphragm
25 3 9 Nuts and bolts
10 Bottom diaphragm case
12 4
11 Loading press. connection
6 15 Ring nut
5 12 Stem seal
27 12.1 Dry bearing
13 Wiper
17 Handwheel
20 Lock nut
21 Flange part
8 9 22 Coupling
6.1 23 Clamping sleeve
12 24 Ring
10 25 Coupling nut
7 26 Threaded pin
27 Spindle with nut


Fig. 5 · Type 3277 Actuator with additional handwheel

EB 8311 EN 9
Adjusting the travel stop

2.2 Adjusting the travel stop

(with Type 3277 in special version only)
The travel stop can be adjusted upwards or
downwards to 50% of the travel.
Downward travel stop
(actuator stem extends) 32
1. Undo the lock nut (34) and unscrew the
cap (33).
2. Undo the lock nut (31) and adjust the 34
nut (32) to set required travel stop.
3. Tighten the lock nut (31) again.
Upward travel stop
(actuator stem retracts)
1. Undo the lock nut (34) and adjust the
cap (33) to set the required travel stop. 7
2. Tighten the lock nut (34) again.

Actuator stem Actuator stem

retracts extends

2 Actuator stem
5 Top diaphragm case
7 Diaphragm plate
31 Lock nut
32 Nut
33 Cap

Fig. 6 · Travel stop

10 EB 8311 EN
Replacing the diaphragm and stem seal

3 Replacing the diaphragm and 4 Customer inquiries

stem seal
Please specify the following details on mak-
ing inquires:
3.1 Diaphragm
4 Type and model number
(Fig. 3) 4 Effective diaphragm area
1. Remove the diaphragm plate (7) to- 4 Bench range (spring range) in bar
gether with diaphragm (8) and actuator 4 Actuator version and its operating direc-
stem (2) from the diaphragm case as de- tion
scribed in section 2.1.1.
2. Remove the hose clamp and pull it to-
gether with the diaphragm (8) off the di- Dimensions and weights
aphragm plate (7) (not necessary with Refer to the Data Sheet T 8310-1 EN dimen-
Type 3277-5 as the diaphragm is held sions and weights of the different actuator
in place by the metal plate (7.1)). versions.
3. Stretch the new diaphragm onto the dia-
phragm plate. Fit the hose clamp evenly
into the groove intended for it and
4. Reassemble actuator as described in
section 2.1.1.

3.2 Stem seal

1. Remove the diaphragm plate (7) to- 12.1
gether with the actuator stem (2) from
the diaphragm case as described in
section 2.1.1.
2. Coat the new stem seal (12) with lubri-
cant/sealant (order no. 8152-0043)
and insert it.
3. If necessary, replace the dry bearing
(12.1) and wiper (13) with new ones as 13
Fig. 7 · Actuator stem seal
4. Reassemble the actuator as described in
section 2.1.1.

EB 8311 EN 11
S/Z 2006-08


Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: EB 8311 EN
Electric multi-turn actuators
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1
SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 16.1

Certificate Registration No.

Operation instructions
12 100/104 4269
Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

Scope of these instructions: These instructions are valid for multi-turn actuators of the type range
SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1 in version AUMA NORM.
These operation instructions are only valid for “clockwise closing”, i.e.
driven shaft turns clockwise to close the valve

Table of contents Page

1. Safety instructions 4
1.1 Range of application 4
1.2 Commissioning (electrical connection) 4
1.3 Maintenance 4
1.4 Warnings and notes 4
2. Short description 4
3. Technical data 5
4. Transport and storage 7
5. Packaging 7
6. Mounting to valve/ gearbox 8
7. Manual operation 10
8. Electrical connection 11
8.1 Ex-plug/socket connector with terminal board 11
8.2 Ex-plug-in terminal connection 12
8.3 Delay time 13
8.4 Heater 13
8.5 Motor protection 13
8.6 Remote position transmitter 13
8.7 Limit and torque switches 14
8.8 Fitting of the cover 14
9. Opening the switch compartment 15
9.1 Removal of the switch compartment cover 15
9.2 Pulling off the indicator disc (option) 15
10. Setting of the limit switching 16
10.1 Setting for end position CLOSED (black section) 16
10.2 Setting for end position OPEN (white section) 16
10.3 Checking the switches 16
11. Setting of the DUO limit switching (option) 17
11.1 Setting for direction CLOSE (black section) 17
11.2 Setting for direction OPEN (white section) 17
12. Setting of the torque switching 18
12.1 Programming 18
12.2 Checking the switches for torque and DUO limit switching 18
13. Test run 19
13.1 Check direction of rotation: 19
13.2 Check limit switching: 19
14. Setting of the potentiometer (option) 20
15. Setting of electronic position transmitter RWG (option) 21
15.1 Setting for 2-wire system 4 – 20 mA and 3- /4-wire system 0 – 20 mA 22
15.2 Setting for 3- / 4- wire system 4 – 20 mA 23
16. Setting of the mechanical position indicator (option) 24
17. Closing the switch compartment 24

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

18. Maintenance 25
19. Lubrication 26
20. Disposal and recycling 26
21. Service 26
22. Spare parts list multi-turn actuator SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1 with plug/ socket connector 28
23. Spare parts list multi-turn actuator SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1 with terminal connection 30
24. PTB certificate 32
25. Declaration of Conformity and Declaration of Incorporation 34
Index 35
Addresses of AUMA offices and representatives 36

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

1. Safety instructions
1.1 Range of application AUMA actuators are designed for the operation of industrial valves, e.g.
globe valves, gate valves, butterfly valves and ball valves.
For other applications, please consult us. The manufacturer is not liable for
any possible damage resulting from use in other than the designated appli-
cations. Such risk lies entirely with the user.
Observance of these operation instructions is considered as part of the
actuators’ designated use.

1.2 Commissioning For work carried out in hazardous areas, special regulations (Standard
(electrical connection) EN 60079-17) must be observed.
Work at the open actuator under voltage must only be performed if it is
assured that for the duration of the work there is no danger of explosion.
Pay attention to additional national regulations.
During electrical operation certain parts inevitably carry lethal voltages.
Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be carried out by a
skilled electrician himself or by specially instructed personnel under the
control and supervision of such an electrician and in accordance with the
applicable electrical engineering rules.

1.3 Maintenance The maintenance instructions (refer to page 25) must be observed, other-
wise a safe operation of the actuator is no longer guaranteed.

1.4 Warnings and notes Non-observance of the warnings and notes may lead to serious injuries or
damage. Qualified personnel must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings
and notes in these operation instructions.
Correct transport, proper storage, mounting and installation, as well as
careful commissioning are essential to ensure a trouble-free and safe
The following references draw special attention to safety-relevant proce-
dures in these operation instructions. Each is marked by the appropriate
This pictograph means: Note!
“Note” marks activities or procedures which have major influence on the
correct operation. Non-observance of these notes may lead to consequen-
tial damage.
This pictograph means: Electrostatically endangered parts!
If this pictograph is attached to a printed circuit board, it contains parts
which may be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharges. If the
boards need to be touched during setting, measurement or for exchange, it
must be assured that immediately before a discharge through contact with
an earthed metallic surface (e.g. the housing) has taken place.
This pictograph means: Warning!
“Warning” marks activities or procedures, which, if not carried out correctly,
can affect the safety of persons or material.

2. Short description AUMA multi-turn actuators type SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1 have a
modular design. The limitation of travel is realised via limit switches in both
end positions. Torque seating is also possible in both end positions. The type
of seating is determined by the valve manufacturer.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

3. Technical data
Table 1: Technical data multi-turn actuator SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Multi-turn actuators AUMA NORM require external controls. AUMA offers the controls AMExC 01.1 or ACExC 01.1. These can
also easily be mounted to the actuator at a later date.
Features and functions
Explosion protection Standard: II2G EEx de IIC T4
Options: II2G EEx d IIC T4
Protection types Motor compartment: d flameproof enclosure EEx d
Switch compartment: d flameproof enclosure EEx d
Terminal compartment: e increased safety EEx e
d (Option) flameproof enclosure EEx d
Gear housing : c constructional safety
EC type examination certificate PTB 01 ATEX 1087
Type of duty 1) Standard: SAExC Short-time duty S2 - 15 min
SARExC Intermittent duty S4 - 25 %
Option: SAExC Short time duty S2 - 30 min
SARExC Intermittent duty S4 - 50 %
Motors 3-ph AC asynchronous motor, type IM B9 according to IEC 34
Insulation class F, tropicalized
Motor protection Standard: SAExC 3 PTC thermistors (according to DIN 44081)2)
SARExC 3 PTC thermistors (according to DIN 44082)2)
Option: SAExC 3 thermoswitches (NC)3)
Self-locking yes (for output speeds from 4 to 90 rpm)
Limit switching Counter gear mechanism for end positions CLOSED and OPEN
for 1 to 500 turns per stroke (optional for 1 to 5,000 turns per stroke)
Standard: Single switch (1 NC and 1 NO) for each end position:
Options: Tandem switch (2 NC and 2 NO) for each end position,
switches galvanically isolated
Triple switch (3 NC and 3 NO) for each end position, switches galvanically isolated
Intermediate position switch (DUO limit switching), available
for any intermediate position
Torque switching adjustable torque switching for direction OPEN and CLOSE
Standard: Single switch (1 NC and 1 NO) for each direction
Options: Tandem switch (2 NC and 2 NO) for each direction, switches galvanically isolated
Non-intrusive setting (option) Magnetic limit and torque transmitter MWG
(only possible in combination with actuator controls ACExC 01.1)
for 1 to 500 turns per stroke or for 10 to 5,000 turns per stroke
Position feedback signal, Potentiometer or 0/4 – 20 mA
analogue (options) For further details see separate data sheet
Torque feedback signal, analogue Only available in connection with magnetic limit and torque transmitter MWG and the
(option) actuator controls ACExC 01.1
Mechanical position indicator Continuous indication, adjustable indicator disc with symbols OPEN and CLOSED
Running indication Blinker transmitter
Heater in switch compartment Standard: self-regulating PTC heater, 5 – 20 W
110 – 250 V DC/AC
Options: 24 – 48 V DC/AC
A resistance type heater (5 W, 24 V DC) is installed in the actuator in combination with the
actuator controls AMExC or ACExC .
Manual operation Manual drive for setting and emergency operation, handwheel does not rotate during
electric operation.
Option: Handwheel lockable
Electrical connection Standard: Ex-plug/socket connector with terminal board (screw type connection)
Options: Ex-plug-in terminal connection
Threads for cable glands Standard: Metric thread
Options: Pg thread, NPT thread, G thread
1) Based on 20 °C ambient temperature and at an average load with running torque according to Technical data SA(R)ExC.
The type of duty must not be exceeded
2) PTC thermistors require additionally a suitable tripping device in the controls
3) According to EN 60079-14 a thermal overload relay (e.g. motor protection switch) must be installed for explosion-proof actuators in addition to the

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

Terminal plan SAExC: KMS TP 210/001 (basic version)

SARExC: KMS TP 200/001 (basic version)
Output drive types A, B1, B2, B3, B4 according to EN ISO 5210
A, B, D, E according to DIN 3210
C according to DIN 3338
Special output drives: AF, AK, AG, IB1, IB3
Service conditions
Enclosure protection according to Standard: IP 67
EN 60 529 Option: IP 68
For both enclosure protections (IP 67 and IP 68) the terminal compartment ist additionally
sealed against the interior - double sealed
Corrosion protection Standard: KN Suitable for installation in industrial units, in water- or power plants
with a low pollutant concentration4)
Options: KS Suitable for installation in occasionally or permanently aggressive
atmosphere with a moderate pollutant concentration (e.g. in
wastewater treatment plants, chemical industry)
KX Suitable for installation in extremely aggressive atmosphere with
high humidity and high pollutant concentration
KX-G same as KX, however aluminium-free version (outer parts)
Finish coating Standard: two-component iron-mica combination
Standard colour Standard: silver-grey (DB 701, similar to RAL 9007)
Option: Other colours are possible on request
Ambient temperature5) Standard: – 20 °C to + 40 °C
Optionen: – 40 °C to + 40 °C (low temperature)
– 50 °C to + 40 °C (extreme low temperature)
Vibration resistance6) 2 g, from 10 Hz to 200 Hz (without controls)
according to EN 60068-2-6
Lifetime Type Operating cycles (OPEN-CLOSE-OPEN)
with 30 turns per stroke
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 10.1 20,000
SAExC 14.1 – SAExC 16.1 15,000
SAExC 25.1 – SAExC 30.1 10,000
SAExC 35.1 – SAExC 48.1 5,000
Typ Starts in Number of starts based on S4 - 25 %, for an
millions expected lifetime of a minimum of operation hours
min. 5,000 h 10,000 h 20,000 h
SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 10.1 5.0 1,000 500 250
SARExC 14.1 – SARExC 14.5 3.5 700 350 175
SARExC 16.1 3.5 600 300 150

Other information
EC directives ATEX directive: (94/9/EC)
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): (89/336/EEC)
Low Voltage Directive: (73/23/EEC)
Machinery Directive: (98/37/EC)
Reference documents Product description “Electric multi-turn actuators SA/SAR”
Information “Electric actuators and valve gearboxes according to ATEX”
Dimension sheets SA(R)ExC
Electrical data sheets SA(R)ExC
Technical data SAExC
4) If occasionally or permanently exposed to aggressive substances, we recommend a higher corrosion protection KS or KX.
5) Under certain conditions (special sizing) up to + 60 °C possible
6) For standard version with Ex-plug/socket connector with terminal board

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

4. Transport and storage .. Transport to place of installation in sturdy packing.

Do not attach ropes or hooks to the handwheel for the purpose of lifting by

If multi-turn actuator is mounted on valve, attach ropes or hooks for the
purpose of lifting by hoist to valve and not to multi-turn actuator.
Store in well-ventilated, dry room.

Protect against floor dampness by storage on a shelf or on a wooden
Cover to protect against dust and dirt.
Apply suitable corrosion protection agent to bright surfaces.

If multi-turn actuators are to be stored for a long time (more than 6 months),

the following points must be observed additionally:

Prior to storage: Protect bright surfaces, in particular the output drive parts
and mounting surface, with long-term corrosion protection agent.
Check for corrosion approximately every 6 months. If first signs of corro-
sion show, apply new corrosion protection.

After mounting, connect actuator immediately to electrical

system, so that condensation is prevented by the heater.

5. Packaging Our products are protected by special packaging for the transport ex works.
The packaging consists of environmentally friendly materials which can
easily be separated and recycled.
For the disposal of the packaging material we recommend recycling and
collection centres.
We use the following packaging materials: wood, cardboard, paper and PE

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

6. Mounting to valve/ gearbox . Prior to mounting the multi-turn actuator must be checked
for damage. Damaged parts must be replaced by original

. spare parts.
After mounting to valve/ gearbox, touch up any possible

. damage to paint finish.

Increased temperatures at the valve flange or valve stem:
If temperatures > 40 °C are to be expected at the valve mount-
ing flange or the valve stem (e.g. due to hot media), please
consult AUMA. Temperatures > 40 °C are not considered with
regards to the non-electrical explosion protection.

Mounting is most easily done with the valve shaft/gearbox shaft pointing
vertically upward. But mounting can be done in any other position as well.
The multi-turn actuator leaves the factory in position CLOSED (limit switch

CLOSED tripped).

Check if mounting flange fits the valve/ gearbox.

Spigot at flanges should be loose fit!

The output drive types B1, B2, B3 or B4 (figure A) are delivered with bore
and keyway (usually according to ISO 5210).
Figure A
Output drive type B1/B2 Output drive type B3/B4
Plug sleeve Bore with keyway

For output drive type A (figure B-1), the internal thread of the stem nut must
match the thread of the valve stem. If not ordered explicitly with thread, the

stem nut is unbored or with pilot bore when delivered. For finish machining
of stem nut refer to next page.
Check whether bore and keyway match the input shaft of valve/gearbox.

Thoroughly degrease mounting faces at multi-turn actuator and valve/
Apply a small quantity of grease to input shaft of valve/gearbox.
Place actuator on valve/ gearbox and fasten. Fasten bolts (at least quality
8.8, refer to table 2) evenly crosswise.

Table 2: Fastening torque for bolts

Strength class 8.8 TA (Nm)
M 8 25
M 10 50
M 12 87
M 16 220

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

Finish machining of stem nut (output drive type A):

Figure B-1
Output drive type A
Stem nut


80.01/ 80.02


The output drive flange does not have to be removed from the actuator.

Remove spigot ring (80.2, figure B-1) from mounting flange.

Take off stem nut (80.3) together with thrust bearing (80.01) and thrust
bearing races (80.02).
Remove thrust bearing and thrust bearing races from stem nut.

Drill and bore stem nut and cut thread.
When fixing in the chuck, make sure stem nut runs true!
Clean the machined stem nut.

Apply ball bearing grease to thrust bearing and races, then place them on
stem nut.

Re-insert stem nut with thrust bearings into the mounting flange. Ensure
that dogs are placed correctly in the slots of the hollow shaft.
Screw in spigot ring until it is firm against the shoulder.
Press Lithium soap EP multi-purpose grease on mineral oil base, quanti-
ties see table, into the grease nipple with a grease gun:

Table 3: Grease quantities for output drive A

Output A 07.2 A 10.2 A 14.2 A 16.2 A 25.2 A 30.2 A 35.2 A 40.2 A 48.2
Qty1) 1.5 g 2g 3g 5g 10 g 14 g 20 g 25 g 30 g
1) For grease with a density ρ = 0.9 kg/dm³

Protection tube for rising valve stem

Protection tubes may be supplied loose. Seal thread with hemp, Teflon
tape or thread sealing material.

Screw protection tube (1) into thread (figure B-2) and tighten it firmly.
For corrosion protection KS/ KX, push down the seal (2) to the housing.
Check, whether cap (3) is available and without damage.
Figure B-2: Protection tube for rising valve stem

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

7. Manual operation The actuator may be operated manually for purposes of setting and
commissioning, and in case of motor failure or power failure.
Manual operation is engaged by an internal change-over mechanism.

Engaging manual operation: . Lift change-over lever in the centre of the handwheel up to approx. 85°,
while slightly turning the handwheel back and forth until manual drive
engages (figure C).

Figure C Figure D

Manual force is sufficient for operating the change-over

lever. It is not necessary to use an extension. Excessive

force may damage the change-over mechanism.

Release change-over lever (should snap back into initial position by spring
action, figure D), if necessary push it back manually.

Operating the change-over lever while the motor is running

(figure E) can lead to increased wear at the change-over

Figure E Figure F

. Turn handwheel into desired direction (figure F).

Disengaging manual operation: Manual operation is automatically disengaged when motor is started again.
The handwheel does not rotate during motor operation.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

8. Electrical connection When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the

European Standards EN 60079-14 “Electrical Installations in
Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Mainte-
nance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.
Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be
carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially
instructed personnel under the control and supervision of
such an electrician and in accordance with the applicable
electrical engineering rules.

8.1 Ex-plug/socket connector with terminal board

For the Ex-plug/socket connector (figure G-1), the electrical mains connec-
Figure G-1: Connection tion is made after removing the plug cover (50.0) at the EEx e terminals of
the terminal board (51.0). The flameproof compartment (type of protection

EEx d) remains hereby closed.

Check whether type of current, supply voltage and frequency correspond
to motor data (refer to name plate at motor).

Loosen bolts (50.01) (figure G-1) and remove plug cover.

Insert cable glands with “EEx e” approval and of size suit-

. able for connecting cables.
Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 is only ensured if suit-

. able cable glands are used.

Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.

Remove cable sheathing in a length of 120 –140 mm.

Figure G-2: Disconnection from the

Strip wires: Controls max. 8 mm, motor max. 12 mm.
mains For stranded wires use end-sleeves according to DIN 46228.
2 wires for each connection permitted.
Connect cables according to order related terminal plan KMS TP . . .
The terminal plan applicable to the actuator KMS TP . . . is attached to
51.0 the handwheel in a weather-proof bag, together with the operation instruc-
tions. In case the terminal plan is not available, it can be obtained from
AUMA (state commission no., refer to name plate) or downloaded directly
51.02 from the Internet (

If the actuator must be taken from the valve, e.g. for service purposes, it can
be separated from the mains without having to remove the wiring
(figure G-2). For that the screws (51.02) are removed and the plug/ socket
connector is pulled off. Plug cover (50.0) and terminal board (51.0) remain

Flameproof enclosure! Before opening, ensure that there is

no explosive gas and no voltage.

Figure G-3: Parking frame

(accessory) A special parking frame (figure G-3) for protection against touching the bare
contacts and against environmental influences is available.

Parking frame

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

Table 4: Technical data Ex-plug/ socket connector with terminal board for explosion-proof actuators
Technical data Motor power connections1) Protective earth Control pins
No. of contacts max. 3 1 (leading contact) 38 pins / sockets
Marking U1, V1, W1 according to VDE 1 to 24, 31 to 40, 47 to 50
Voltage max. 550 V – 250 V
Current max. 25 A – 10 A
Type of customer connection Screws Screws Screws
Cross section max. 6 mm2 6 mm2 1.5 mm2
Material: Pin / socket carrier Araldite / Polyamide Araldite / Polyamide Araldite / Polyamide
Contacts Brass (Ms) Brass (Ms) Brass (Ms) tin-plated
1) Suitable for copper wires. For aluminium wires contact AUMA.

8.2 Ex-plug-in terminal connection

The electrical connection to the mains is on terminals (figure G-4). The

Figure G-4: Connection terminal compartment is designed for explosion protection “EEx e”
(increased safety). The separation between the terminal compartment
50.1 (increased safety) and the switch compartment (flameproof enclosure) is

realised via a flameproof line bushing with integral plug/ socket connector.

51.01 Check whether type of current, supply voltage and frequency correspond
to motor data (refer to name plate at motor).

Loosen bolts (51.01) (figure G-4) and remove terminal cover (50.1).

Insert cable glands with “EEx e” approval and of size suit-

. able for connecting cables.

Enclosure protection IP 67 or IP 68 is only ensured if suit-

. able cable glands are used.

Seal cable entries which are not used with suitable plugs.

51.16 Connect cables according to order related terminal plan KMS TP . . . .

The terminal plan applicable to the actuator KMS TP . . . is attached to the
handwheel in a weather-proof bag, together with the operation instruc-
tions. In case the terminal plan is not available, it can be obtained from
AUMA (state commission no., refer to name plate) or downloaded directly
from the Internet (
Figure G-5: Disconnection from the
If the actuator must be taken from the valve, e.g. for service purposes, it can
50.1 be separated from the mains without removing the wiring (figure G-5). For
that the screws (51.02) are removed and the frame assly. with the integral
plug/ socket connector is pulled off. Terminal cover (50.1) and frame assly.
(51.16) remain together.

Flameproof enclosure! Before opening, ensure that there is

51.16 51.02 no explosive gas and no voltage.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

Figure G-6: Parking frame (accessory)

A special parking frame (figure G-6) for protection against touching the bare
contacts and against environmental influences is available.

Parking frame

Table 5: Technical data Ex-plug-in terminal connection for explosion-proof actuators

Technical data Motor power connections1) Protective earth Control terminals
Terminals max. 3 1 48
Marking U1, V1, W1 according to VDE 1 to 48
Voltage max. 750 V – 250 V
Current max. 25 A 16 A
Type of connection Screws Screws Cage clamp2)
Cross section max. 10 mm2 up to SA 16.1 10 mm2 2.5 mm2 flexible, 4 mm2 solid
1) Suitable for copper wires. For aluminium wires contact AUMA.
2) Optional with screw connections

8.3 Delay time The delay time is the time from the tripping of the limit or torque switches to
the motor power being removed. To protect the valve, we recommend a
delay time < 50 ms. Longer delay times are possible provided the output
speed, output drive type, valve type and the type of installation are taken
into consideration.
We recommend to switch off the corresponding contactor directly by the limit
or torque switch.

8.4 Heater AUMA multi-turn actuators have a heater installed as standard. To prevent
condensation, the heater must be connected.

8.5 Motor protection In order to protect against overheating and impermissibly high temperatures
at the actuator, PTC thermistors or thermoswitches are embedded in the
motor winding. The thermoswitch is tripped as soon as the max. permissible
winding temperature has been reached.

PTC thermistors and PTC tripping device or thermoswitches and thermal

overload relay have to be connected, otherwise the guarantee for the motor
will lapse.

8.6 Remote position transmitter For the connection of remote position transmitters (potentiometer, RWG)
screened cables must be used.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

8.7 Limit and torque switches

Only the same potential can be switched on the two circuits (NC/ NO
Figure G-7 contact) of a limit or torque switch. If different potentials are to be switched
simultaneously, tandem switches are required.


I Single switch
For correct signalisation, the leading contacts must be connected at the
tandem switch.
Use the lagging contacts for switching off.

Table 6: Technical data limit and torque switches



life time = 2 x 106 starts

II Tandem switch Type of current Switch rating Imax

30 V 125 V 250 V
RD 2

BK 2


1-phase AC
5A 5A 5A
(ind. load) cos phi = 0.8
2A 0.5 A 0.4 A
(resistive load)
with gold plated
min. 5 V, max. 50 V
RD 2

BK 2


Current min. 4 mA, max. 400 mA


8.8 Fitting of the cover

After connection:

Clean sealing faces at the plug cover or terminal cover and the housing.
Check whether O-ring is in good condition.
Apply a thin film of non-acidic grease (e.g. Vaseline) to the sealing faces.
Preserve joint surfaces with an acid-free corrosion protection agent.

Flameproof enclosure! Handle cover and housing parts with

care. Joint surfaces must not be damaged or soiled in any

way. Do not jam cover during fitting.

Replace cover (50.0 figure G-1 or 50.1 figure G-4) and fasten 4 bolts
evenly crosswise.
Fasten cable glands with the specified torque to ensure the required
enclosure protection.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

9. Opening the switch To be able to make the following settings (clause 10. to 16.) the switch
compartment compartment must be opened and, if installed, the indicator disc must be

These settings are only valid for “clockwise closing”, i.e. driven shaft turns
clockwise to close the valve.

When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the

European Standards EN 60079-14 “Electrical Installations in
Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Mainte-
nance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.
Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be
carried out by a skilled electrician himself or by specially
instructed personnel under the control and supervision of
such an electrician and in accordance with the applicable
electrical engineering rules.

9.1 Removal of the switch compartment cover

Flameproof enclosure! Before opening, ensure that there is

no explosive gas and no voltage.

. Remove 4 bolts and take off the cover at the switch compartment
(figure H) .
Figure H-1: Cover with indicator glass Figure H-2: Cover without indicator glass

9.2 Pulling off the indicator disc (option)

If installed, pull off indicator disc (figure J). Open end spanner (approx.
14 mm) may be used as lever.

Figure J: Pulling off the indicator disc



Indicator disc

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

10. Setting of the limit switching

10.1 Setting for end position CLOSED (black section)

Turn handwheel clockwise until valve is closed.

After having reached the end position, turn back handwheel approximately

1/2 a turn (overrun). During test run (page 17) check overrun and, if
necessary, correct setting of the limit switching.
Press down and turn setting spindle A (figure K-1) with screw driver
(5 mm) in direction of arrow, thereby observe pointer B.
While a ratchet is felt and heard, the pointer B moves 90° every time.
When pointer B is 90° from mark C, continue turning slowly. When pointer
B has reached the mark C, stop turning and release setting spindle. If you
override the tripping point inadvertently (ratchet is heard after the pointer
has snapped), continue turning the setting spindle in the same direction
and repeat setting process.

Figure K-1: Control unit



10.2 Setting for end position OPEN (white section)

Turn handwheel counterclockwise until valve is open, then turn back
approximately 1/2 a turn.
Press down and turn setting spindle D (figure K-1) with screw driver
(5 mm) in direction of arrow, thereby observe pointer E.
While a ratchet is felt and heard, the pointer E moves 90° every time.
When pointer E is 90° from mark F, continue turning slowly. When pointer
E has reached the mark F, stop turning and release setting spindle. If you
override the tripping point inadvertently (ratchet is heard after the pointer
has snapped), continue turning the setting spindle in the same direction
and repeat setting process.

10.3 Checking the switches The red test buttons T and P (figure K-1) serve for operating the limit

switches manually.

Turning T in direction of the arrow LSC (WSR) triggers limit switch
Turning P in direction of the arrow LSO (WÖL) triggers limit switch OPEN.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

11. Setting of the DUO limit switching (option)

Any application can be switched on or off via the two intermediate position

For setting, the switching point (intermediate position) must

be approached from the same direction as afterwards in
electrical operation.

11.1 Setting for direction CLOSE (black section)

Move valve to desired intermediate position.

Press down and turn setting spindle G (figure K-2) with screw driver
(5 mm) in direction of arrow, thereby observe pointer H.
While a ratchet is felt and heard, the pointer H moves 90° every time.
When pointer H is 90° from mark C, continue turning slowly. When pointer
H has reached the mark C, stop turning and release setting spindle. If you
override the tripping point inadvertently (ratchet is heard after the pointer
has snapped), continue turning the setting spindle in the same direction
and repeat setting process.

Figure K-2: Control unit




11.2 Setting for direction OPEN (white section)

Move valve to desired intermediate position.

Press down and turn setting spindle K (figure K-2) with screw driver
(5 mm) in direction of arrow, thereby observe pointer L.
While a ratchet is felt and heard, the pointer L moves 90° every time.
When pointer L is 90° from mark F, continue turning slowly. When pointer
L has reached the mark F, stop turning and release setting spindle. If you
override the tripping point inadvertently (ratchet is heard after the pointer
has snapped), continue turning the setting spindle in the same direction
and repeat setting process.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

12. Setting of the torque switching

12.1 Programming .. The set torque must suit the valve!

This setting should only be changed with the consent of
the valve manufacturer!

Figure L: Torque switching heads

Setting CLOSED Setting OPEN


.. Loosen both lock screws O at the torque dial (figure L).

Turn torque dial P to set it to the required torque (1 da Nm = 10 Nm).
Figure J shows the following setting:

3.5 da Nm = 35 Nm for direction CLOSE
4.5 da Nm = 45 Nm for direction OPEN

Tighten lock screws O again

The torque switches can also be operated in manual

. operation.
The torque switching acts as overload protection over full
travel, also when stopping in the end positions by limit

12.2 Checking the switches for torque and DUO limit switching

The red test buttons T and P (figure K-2) serve for operating the torque

switches manually:

Turning T in direction of the arrow TSC (DSR) triggers torque switch

Turning P in direction of the arrow TSO (DÖL) triggers torque switch
If a DUO limit switching (optional) is installed in the actuator, the interme-
diate position switches will be operated at the same time.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

13. Test run Work at the open actuator under voltage must only be
performed if it is assured that for the duration of the work
there is no danger of explosion.

13.1 Check direction of rotation: . If provided, place indicator disc on shaft.

The direction of rotation of the indicator disc (figure M-1) indicates the
direction of rotation of the output drive.
If there is no indicator disc, the direction of rotation can also be observed
on the hollow shaft. To this end, remove screw plug (no. 27) (figure M-2).
Figure M-1: Indicator disc Figure M-2: Opening the hollow shaft


Move actuator manually to intermediate position or to sufficient distance
from end position.
Switch on actuator in direction CLOSE and observe the direction of rotation:

If the direction of rotation is wrong switch off immediately

Correct phase sequence at motor connection. Repeat test run.

Table 7:
Direction of rotation of the indicator disc:
counterclockwise correct
Direction of rotation of the hollow shaft:
clockwise correct

13.2 Check limit switching: .. Move actuator manually into both end positions of the valve.
Check whether limit switching is set correctly. Hereby observe that the
appropriate switch is tripped in each end position and released again after
the direction of rotation is changed. If this is not the case, the limit
switching must first be set, as described from page 15.

If no other options (clauses 14. to 16.) require setting:
Close switch compartment (see page 24, clause 17.).

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

14. Setting of the potentiometer (option)

– For remote indication –

Move valve to end position CLOSED.
If installed, pull off indicator disc.

Turn potentiometer (E2) clockwise until stop is felt.
End position CLOSED corresponds to 0 %, end position OPEN to 100 %.
Turn potentiometer (E2) back a little.

Due to the ratio of the reduction gearings for the position

transmitter the complete resistance range is not always
utilized for the whole travel. Therefore an external possibility

for adjustment (setting potentiometer) must be provided.

Perform fine-tuning of the zero point at external setting potentiometer (for

remote indication).

Figure N: Control unit


Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

15. Setting of electronic position transmitter RWG (option)

– For remote indication or external control –

After mounting the multi-turn actuator to the valve, check setting by

measuring the output current (see subclause 15.1 or 15.2) and re-adjust, if

Table 8: Technical data RWG 4020

Terminal plans KMS TP_ _ 4 / _ _ _ KMS TP _ 4 _ / _ _ _
KMS TP _ 5 _ / _ _ _
for 3- or 4- wire system for 2-wire system
Output current Ia 0 – 20 mA, 4 – 20 mA 4 – 20 mA
24 V DC, ±15 % 14 V DC + (I x RB),
Voltage supply Uv
smoothed max. 30 V
I 24 mA at 20 mA 20 mA
Max. input current
output current
Max. load RB 600 Ω (Uv - 14 V) / 20 mA

The position transmitter board (figure P-1) is located under the cover plate
(figure P-2).

Figure P-1: Position transmitter board

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

15.1 Setting for 2-wire system 4 – 20 mA and 3- /4-wire system 0 – 20 mA

Connect voltage for electronic position transmitter.
Move valve to end position CLOSED.
If installed, pull off indicator disc.
Connect ammeter for 0 – 20 mA to measuring points (figure P-2).

The circuit (external load) must be connected (max. load

RB), or the appropriate poles at the terminals (refer to
terminal plan) must be linked, otherwise no value can be


Turn potentiometer (E2) clockwise until stop is felt.

Turn potentiometer (E2) back a little.
Figure P-2 “0” (0/4 mA) “max.” (20 mA)

Cover plate


Measuring point Measuring point

(+) (–)
0/4 – 20 mA 0/4 – 20 mA

.. Turn potentiometer “0” clockwise until output current starts to increase.

Turn potentiometer “0” back until the following value is reached:
for 3- or 4-wire system: approx. 0.1 mA

for 2-wire system: approx. 4.1 mA.
This ensures that the signal remains above the dead and live zero point.

Move valve to end position OPEN.
Set potentiometer “max.” to end value 20 mA.
Approach end position CLOSED anew and check minimum value (0.1 mA
or 4.1 mA). If necessary, correct the setting.

If the maximum value can not be reached, the selection of

the reduction gearing must be checked.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

15.2 Setting for 3- / 4- wire system 4 – 20 mA

Connect voltage for electronic position transmitter.
Move valve to end position CLOSED.
If installed, pull off indicator disc.
Connect ammeter for 0 – 20 mA to measuring points (figure P-2).

The circuit (external load) must be connected (max. load

RB), or the appropriate poles at the terminals (refer to
terminal plan) must be linked, otherwise no value can be


Turn potentiometer (E2) clockwise until stop is felt.

Turn potentiometer (E2) back a little.
Figure P-2
“0” (0/4 mA) “max.” (20 mA)

Cover plate


Measuring point Measuring point

(+) (–)
0/4 – 20 mA 0/4 mA – 20 mA

.. Turn potentiometer “0” clockwise until output current starts to increase.

Turn back potentiometer “0” until a residual current of approx. 0.1 mA is

Move valve to end position OPEN.
Set potentiometer “max.” to end value 16 mA.
Move valve to end position CLOSED.
Set potentiometer “0” from 0.1 mA to initial value 4 mA.

This results in a simultaneous shift of the end value by 4 mA, so that the
range is now 4 – 20 mA.
Approach both end positions anew and check setting. If necessary, correct
the setting.

If the maximum value can not be reached, the selection of

the reduction gearing must be checked.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

16. Setting of the mechanical position indicator (option)

Place indicator disc on shaft.
Move valve to end position CLOSED.

Turn lower indicator disc (figure Q1) until symbol CLOSED is in align-
ment with the mark on the cover (figure Q-2).
Move actuator to end position OPEN.
Hold lower indicator disc CLOSED in position and turn upper disc with
symbol OPEN until it is in alignment with the mark on the cover.
Figure Q-1: Figure Q-2:

Indicator disc


Indicator disc rotates approximately 180° to 230° at full travel from OPEN to
CLOSED or vice versa. A suitable reduction gearing was installed in our
If the turns per stroke are changed at a later date, the reduction gearing
may have to be exchanged, too.

17. Closing the switch compartment

Clean sealing faces of housing and cover
Check whether O-ring is in good condition.
Apply a thin film of non-acidic grease to the sealing faces.
Preserve joint surfaces with an acid-free corrosion protection agent.

Flameproof enclosure! Handle cover and housing parts with

care. Joint surfaces must not be damaged or soiled in any

way. Do not jam cover during fitting.

Replace cover on switch compartment and fasten bolts evenly crosswise.

Touch up possible defects to paint finish after commis-


Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

18. Maintenance For any maintenance work, the following should be observed:

. Regular inspection and maintenance (in 3 year intervals)

performed by qualified and trained personnel according to
the European standard EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Main-
tenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas” is

. required.
When working in potentially explosive areas, observe the
standard EN 60079-17 “Inspection and Maintenance of

. Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.

Work at the open actuator under voltage must only be per-
formed if it is assured that for the duration of the work

. there is no danger of explosion.

Pay attention to national regulations.

Check actuator visually. Ensure that no outside damage or changes are

The electric connecting cables must be without damage and wired

Do a thorough touch-up of possible damage to paint finish to prevent
corrosion. Original paint in small quantities can be supplied by AUMA.
Cable entries, cable glands, plugs etc. have to be checked for correct
tightness and sealing. Observe torques according to manufacturer’s

details. If required, replace the components. Only use components which
have a test certificate.
Check whether Ex-connections are fastened correctly.

Take care of possible discolouration of the terminals and wires. This would
indicate an increased temperature.
For Ex housings, take care especially of a possible collection of water.
This may originate from ‘breathing’ due to severe temperature variations

(e. g. change of night and day), from damaged seals etc. Remove any
water immediately.
Check the flame path gaps of flameproof enclosures for dirt and corro-
Since the dimensions of all flameproof joints are strictly defined and
inspected, no mechanical work (such as grinding) shall be performed on

them. The joint surfaces have to be cleaned chemically (e. g. with

Before fitting, the joint surfaces have to be preserved with an acid-free
corrosion protection agent (e. g. Esso Rust BAN 397).

Ensure that all housing covers are handled carefully and that the seals are
All cable and motor protection components have to be checked.

If defects which affect the safety are detected during maintenance, repair
measures have to be initiated without delay.
Any kind of surface coating for the joint surfaces is not permitted.

When exchanging parts, seals etc. only original spare parts shall be used.

Flameproof enclosure! Before opening, ensure that there

. is no explosive gas and no voltage.

Flameproof enclosure! Handle cover and housing parts
with care. Joint surfaces must not be damaged or soiled in
any way. Housing parts and joint surfaces in particular
must not be processed mechanically. Do not jam cover
during fitting.

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

We recommend additionally:

If operated seldom, perform a test run about every 6 months. This ensures
that the actuator is always ready to operate.
Approximately six months after commissioning and then every year check

bolts between actuator and valve/gearbox for tightness. If required, tighten
applying the torques given in table 2, page 8.
For multi-turn actuators with output drive type A: at intervals of approx.
6 months from commissioning press in Lithium soap EP multi-purpose
grease on mineral oil base at the grease nipple with grease gun (quantity
see table 3, page 9).

19. Lubrication .. The gear housing is filled with lubricant in the factory.

A grease change is recommended after the following operation time:

If operated seldom after 10 – 12 years

If operated frequently after 6 – 8 years

Lubrication of the valve stem must be done separately.

20. Disposal and recycling

AUMA actuators have an extremely long lifetime. However, there will come a
time when you have to replace them.
The actuators have a modular design and may therefore easily be disas-

sembled, separated and sorted according to materials, i.e.:

electronic scrap
various metals
greases and oils

The following generally applies:

Collect greases and oils during disassembly. As a rule, these substances
are hazardous to water and must not be released into the environment.

See disassembled material to a sound disposal or to separate recycling
according to materials.
Observe the national regulations for waste disposal.

21. Service AUMA offers extensive services such as maintenance and inspection for
actuators. Addresses of AUMA offices and representatives can be found on
page 36 and on the Internet (

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM


SAExC 14.1 – SAExC 16.1
SARExC 14.1 – SARExC 16.1 S2

79.0-3 160.2

S1 / S2

S2 51.0
51.1 153.2
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 10.1 79.0-1 51.2
S1 / S2
SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 10.1 51.4
52.0 153.1
58.0 152.2
70.0 27
151.0 153.3
56.0 S1 / S2
52.3 57.0 152.1 155.0
S1 / S2 153.0
S1 / S2 20.0 39
Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1

5.7 5.0
25.0 19.0 5.12 S2
019 17.0
70.1 24.0 / 23.0 5.8 9.0
49.0 22.0
5.37 30.0
S2 5.32
053 S2
105.0 1.0 012
S1 / S2 6

60.0 80.0
100 90.001
106.0 80.3
61.0 S2 80.001 85.001
Sample name plate 2.0

- Actuator type S2 90.001 85.001

- Commission number
- Works number B1 / C A D B3 / B4 / E
- Protection type
Torque range
- Lubricant
- Temperature range
Operation instructions

22. Spare parts list multi-turn actuator SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1 with plug/ socket connector
Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

When placing orders for spare parts, it is essential to mention type of actuator and our commission number
(refer to actuator name plate)
No. Type Designation No. Type Designation
012 E Notched pin 58.0 B Wire for protective earth
019 E Cheese head screw Pin for motor and thermoswitch
59.0 1) B in motor plug
020 E Clamping washer
053 E Countersunk screw Control unit assly. (but without torque head,
60.0 B without switches)
1.0 B Housing assly.
2.0 B Flange, bottom assly. 61.0 B Torque switching head
3.0 B Hollow shaft assly. (without worm wheel) 70.0 B Motor
5.0 B Worm shaft assly. Motor pin carrier
70.1 1) B (without pins)
5.12 E Grub screw
5.32 E Coupling pin 79.0-1 2) B Planetary gearing for motor drive assly.
5.37 B Pull rod assly. 79.0-2 2) B Planetary gearing for motor drive assly.
E 2)
5.7 Motor coupling 79.0-3 B Ex-motor mounting flange
5.8 B Manual drive coupling assly. Output drive Form A assly.
80.0 3) B (without thread in stem nut)
6 E Worm wheel
9.0 B Planetary gear for manual drive assly. 80.0013) E Thrust bearing set
10.0 B Retaining flange assly. 80.3 3) E Stem nut Form A (without thread)
14 E Change-over lever 85.0 B Output drive B3
15.0 B Cover for switch compartment assly. 85.0013) E Snap ring
17.0 B Torque lever assly. 90.0 3) B Output drive D
18 E Gear segment 3)
90.001 E Snap ring
19.0 B Crown wheel assly. Switch for limit / torque switching
100 B (including pins at wires)
20.0 B Swing lever assly.
22.0 B Drive pinion II for torque switching assly. Blinker transmitter including pins at wires
105.0 B (without impulse disc and insulation plate)
23.0 B Drive wheel for limit switching assly.
24 E Drive wheel for limit switching 106.0 B Stud bolt for switches
24.0 B Intermediate wheel for limit switching assly. 107 E Spacer
25.0 E Locking plate 151.0 B Space heater
27 E Screw plug 3)
152.1 B Potentiometer (without slip clutch)
30.0 B Handwheel with ball handle assly. 152.2 3) B Slip clutch for potentiometer
39 E Screw plug 3)
153.0 B RWG assly.
49.0 1) B Motor plug, socket assly. Potentiometer for RWG
153.1 3) B (without slip clutch)
50.0 B Cover assly.
51.0 B Terminal board assly. 153.2 3) B Slip clutch for RWG
51.1 E Screw - Control terminal 153.3 3) B Electronic board RWG
51.2 E Washer - Control terminal 153.5 3) B Wires for RWG
51.3 E Screw - Power terminal 155.0 3) B Reduction gearing
51.4 E Washer - Power terminal 156.0 B Mechanical position indicator
52.0 B Pin carrier (without pins) 160.1 3) E Protection tube (without cap)
52.3 E Circlip 160.2 E Cap for stem protection tube
56.0 B Pin for control S1 S Seal-kit, small
57.0 B Pin for motor S2 S Seal-kit, large
Type B = sub-assembly Type E = component Type S = set assly. = assly.

1) SAExC 16.1 with output speeds of 32 to 180 rpm or SARExC 16.1 with output speeds of 32 and 45 rpm without
plug/ socket connector; motor directly wired to pin carrier (No. 52.0).
2) only required for some output speeds
3) not included in basic equipment

SAExC 14.1 – SAExC 16.1
SARExC 14.1 – SARExC 16.1 S2


S2 S1 / S2
S2 S1 / S2
79.0-1 S2 50.021 153.2
SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 10.1 160.1 50.024
SARExC 07.1 – SARExC 10.1 54.0 50.023 50.016
70.0 27
54.2 153.3
S1 / S2 152.2
56.0 S1 / S2 151.0 153.0 155.0
S1 / S2
Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1

57.0 39 152.1
20.0 S2
5.0 153.5
25.0 19.0 5.12 S2
019 17.0
70.1 24.0 / 23.0 5.8 9.0
49.0 22.0
5.37 30.0
S2 5.32
053 S2
S1 / S2 105.0 1.0 6 012

156.0 107
60.0 100 80.0
106.0 80.3
S2 85.001
S2 80.001
Sample name plate 90.0
- Actuator type 85.001
- Commission number S2 90.001
- Works number B1 / C A D B3 / B4 / E
- Protection type
Torque range
23. Spare parts list multi-turn actuator SAExC 07.1 – SAExC 16.1 with terminal connection

Operation instructions

- Lubricant
Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

When placing orders for spare parts, it is essential to mention type of actuator and our commission number
(refer to actuator name plate)

No. Type Designation No. Type Designation

012 E Notched pin 56.0 B Pin for controls
019 E Cheese head screw 57.0 B Pin for motor
020 E Clamping washer Pin for motor and thermoswitch
59.0 1) B in motor plug
053 E Countersunk screw
1.0 B Housing assly. Control unit assly. (but without torque head,
60.0 B without switches)
2.0 B Flange, bottom assly.
3.0 B Hollow shaft assly. (without worm wheel)) 61.0 B Torque switching head
5.0 B Worm shaft assly. 70.0 B Motor
5.12 E Grub screw Motor pin carrier
70.1 1) B (without pins)
5.32 E Coupling pin
5.37 B Pull rod assly. 79.0-1 2) B Planetary gearing for motor drive assly.
5.7 E Motor coupling 79.0-2 2) B Planetary gearing for motor drive assly. (SA 16.1)
5.8 B Manual drive coupling assly. 79.0-3 2) B Ex-motor mounting flange
6 E Worm wheel Output drive form A assly.
80.0 3) B (without thread in stem nut)
9.0 B Planetary gear for manual drive assly.
10.0 B Retaining flange assly. 80.0013) E Thrust bearing set
14 E Change-over lever 80.3 3) E Stem nut Form A (without thread)
15.0 B Cover for switch compartment assly. 85.0 3) B Output drive B3
17.0 B Torque lever assly. 85.0013) E Snap ring
18 E Gear segment 90.0 3) B Output drive D
19.0 B Crown wheel assly. 90.0013) E Snap ring
20.0 B Swing lever assly. Switch for limit / torque switching
100 B (including pins at wires)
22.0 B Drive pinion II for torque switching assly.
23.0 B Drive wheel for limit switching assly. Blinker transmitter including pins at wires
105.0 3) B (without impulse disc and insulation plate)
24 E Drive wheel for limit switching
24.0 B Intermediate wheel for limit switching assly. 106.0 B Stud bolt for switches
25.0 E Locking plate 107 E Spacer
27 E Screw plug 151.0 B Space heater
30.0 B Handwheel with ball handle assly. 152.1 3) B Potentiometer (without slip clutch)
39 E Screw plug 152.2 3) B Slip clutch for potentiometer
49.0 1) B Motor plug, socket assly. 153.0 3) B RWG assly.
50.016 E End piece Potentiometer for RWG
153.1 3) B (without slip clutch)
50.020 E Terminal for controls
50.021 E Terminal for motor 153.2 3) B Slip clutch for RWG
50.023 E Terminal cover for controls 153.3 3) B Electronic board RWG
50.024 E Terminal cover for motor 153.5 3) B Wires for RWG
50.1 B Cover assly. 155.0 3) B Reduction gearing
Terminal carrier-frame assly. 156.0 3) B Mechanical position indicator
50.2 B
(without terminals) 160.1 3) E Protection tube (without cap)
51.16 B Frame extension assly. 160.2 3) E Cap for stem protection tube
52.0 B Pin carrier (without pins) S1 S Seal-kit, small
54.0-1 B Cable conduit assly. (cust. connection) S2 S Seal-kit, large
54.2 E Circlip
Type B = sub-assembly Type E = component Type S = set assly. = assly.

1) SAExC 16.1 with output speeds of 32 to 180 rpm or SARExC 16.1 with output speeds of 32 and 45 rpm without
plug/ socket connector; motor directly wired to pin carrier (No. 52.0).
2) only required for some output speeds
3) not included in basic equipment

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

24. PTB certificate

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
AUMA NORM Operation instructions

25. Declaration of Conformity and Declaration of Incorporation

Multi-turn actuators SA(R)ExC 07.1 – SA(R)ExC 16.1
Operation instructions AUMA NORM

Corrosion protection 7 Maintenance 4 Tandem switch 14
Manual operation 10 Technical data 5
Mechanical position indicator 24 Test run 19
Declaration of Conformity 34
Motor protection 13 Thermoswitches 13
Declaration of Incorporation 34
Mounting to valve/ gearbox 8 Torque setting 18
DUO limit switching 17
Transport 7
E Tripping torque 18
Name plate 28
Electrical connection 11
Electronic position transmitter O
RWG 21 Output drive types 8
2-wire system 22
3-/ 4-wire system 23
Parking frame 11
F Position indicator 24
Finish machining of stem nut 9 Position transmitter RWG 21
Potentiometer 20
Protection tube 9
Handwheel 10
PTB certificate 32
Heater 13
PTC thermistors 13
Indicator disc 24
Remote indication 20,21
Internet 35
Safety instructions 4
Limit switches 14
Service 26
Limit switching 16,17
Spare parts list 28
Lubrication 26
Actuator 28
Spare parts list SA(R)ExC with
terminal connection 31
Storage 7

Information also available Terminal plan, inspection records and further actuator information
on the Internet: can be downloaded directly from the internet by entering the order no.
or comm no. (refer to name plate).
Our homepage:

Europe CH-8965 Berikon PT-2710-297 Sintra
VE- Maracaibo Estado, Zulia
AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG Tel +41 566 400945 Tel +351 2 1910 95 00 Tel +58 261 7 555 667
Factory Müllheim Fax +41 566 400948 Fax +351 2 1910 95 99 Fax +58 261 7 532 259
DE-79373 Müllheim
Tel +49 7631 809 - 0 AUMA Servopohony spol. s.r.o. MEGA Endüstri Kontrol Sistemieri Tic. Ltd.
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Factory Ostfildern-Nellingen Fax +90 312 472 62 74 Tel +86 22 6625 1310
DE-73747 Ostfildern Fax +86 22 6625 1320
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Power plant sector Tel +593 2 292 0431 TW- Jhonghe City Taipei Hsien (235)
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AUMA Armaturenantriebe GmbH Tel 00511444-1200 / 0044 / 2321 Fax +61 294393413
SIGURD SØRUM A. S. Fax 00511444-3664
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AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG
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Fax +49 (0)7631/809 250 Fax +49 (0)711 / 34803 34 Certificate Registration No.
12 100/104 4269
For detailed information about AUMA products refer to the Internet: Y002.775/003/en/1.05
Series 3730
Electropneumatic Positioner
Type 3730-3
With HART communication

Fig. 1 · Type 3730-3

Mounting and
Operating Instructions

EB 8384-3 EN
Firmware version 1.4x
Edition March 2007

Contents Page
1 Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1 Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Additional equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories . . . 13
2.1 Direct attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.1 Type 3277-5 Actuator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.2 Type 3277 Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 Attachment to Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Attachment to rotary actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5.1 Pressure gauge attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6 Attaching an external position sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.6.1 Mounting the position sensor with direct attachment. . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.6.2 Mounting the position sensor with attachment according to IEC 60534-6 30
2.6.3 Mounting the position sensor to Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve . . . . . . 31
2.6.4 Mounting the position sensor to rotary actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.7 Attaching positioners with stainless steel housings. . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.8 Air purging function for single-acting actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3 Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1 Pneumatic connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.1 Signal pressure gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.1.2 Supply pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.2 Electrical connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.2.1 Switching amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.2.2 Establishing communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.1 Operator controls and display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2 Enabling and selecting parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 Operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3.1 Automatic and manual operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.3.2 SAFE – Fail-safe position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5 Start-up and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.1 Determining the fail-safe position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2 Setting the volume restriction Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3 Adapting the display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

2 EB 8384-3 EN

5.4 Limiting the signal pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.5 Checking the operating range of the positioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.6 Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.6.1 Initialization modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.7 Fault/failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.8 Zero calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.9 Reset to default values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.10 Start-up via local interface (SSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.11 Start-up over HART® communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
6 Status and diagnostic alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.1 Standard EXPERT diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.2 Extended EXPERT+ diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.3 Classification of the status alarms and the condensed status . . . . . . . 61
7 Adjusting the limit switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8 Quick start-up guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
8.1 Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
8.2 Start-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
8.3 Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
8.3.1 Simplest method (MAX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
8.3.2 Precise method (NOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
8.3.3 Manual method (MAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
9 Upgrading options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
9.1 Retrofitting an inductive limit switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
9.2 Activation of optional EXPERT+ diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
10 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
11 Servicing explosion-protected devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
12 Code list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
13 Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . 87
13.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
13.2 Starting TROVIS-VIEW and performing basic settings . . . . . . . . . . 88
13.3 Setting the parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
13.4 Parameter list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
14 Dimensions in mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

EB 8384-3 EN 3
Safety instructions

General safety instructions

4 The positioner may only be assembled, started up or operated by trained

and experienced personnel familiar with the product.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel is
referred to as individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned
to and recognize possible dangers due to their specialized training, their
knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant
4 Explosion-protected versions of this positioner may only be operated by
personnel who have undergone special training or instructions or who are
authorized to work on explosion-protected devices in hazardous areas.
Refer to section 11 on Servicing explosion-protected versions.
4 Any hazards that could be caused by the process medium, the operating
pressure, the signal pressure or by moving parts of the control valve are to
be prevented by means of the appropriate measures.
4 If inadmissible motions or forces are produced in the actuator as a result of
the supply pressure level, it must be restricted by means of a suitable supply
pressure reducing station.
Do not operate the positioner with the back of the positioner/exhaust air
opening facing upwards. The exhaust air opening must not be sealed when
the positioner is installed on site.

4 Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.

4 Note! The device with a CE marking fulfils the requirements of the Directives
94/9/EC (ATEX) and 89/336/EEC (EMC).
The declaration of conformity is available on request.

4 EB 8384-3 EN

Article code Type 3730-3 X X X X X 0 0 X 0 X 0 0 X 0 X X

Explosion protection
Without 0
II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6/II 2 D IP 65 T 80 °C 1
acc. to ATEX
CSA/FM intrinsically safe/non incendive 3
II 3 G EEx na II T6 / II 3 D IP 65 T 80 °C 8
acc. to ATEX

Additional equipment

Inductive Without 0
limit switch With Type SJ 2-SN 1 0

Solenoid valve Without 0

SIL 4 24 V DC 4

Analog Without 0
position transmitter With 1

External Without 0
Position sensor With 0 1

Diagnostics EXPERT 1
EXPERT+ (extended) 2

Housing material Aluminum 0

Stainless steel 1.4581 0 1

Positioner for Without 0

Free of substances that 1
impair painted surfaces
Exhaust air with ¼ NPT 2

Special versions Without 0 0 0

IECEx 1 0 1 2

EB 8384-3 EN 5
Firmware modification

Modifications of positioner firmware in comparison to previous versions

Previous New

1.00 1.10

The HART protocol as per HART specification Revision 5 is supported by de-

fault setting.
The setting can be changed to HART Revision 6 over TROVIS-VIEW. HART
tools as well as AMS or handheld communicators are currently not supported
by the Revision 6 version.

The following additional status indications were implemented:

Code 76 - No emergency mode
Code 77 - Program loading error
Displays number of zero calibrations performed since the last initialization.

For initialization of "AIR TO CLOSE" actuators, the direction of action (Code

7) is automatically set to increasing/decreasing.

Code 3, the activation period of the enabled configuration function was

extended to 120 s.

1.10 1.20

Electronics changed, no new functions added.

1.20 1.30

New EXPERT+ diagnostics functions (Code 48) added

Positioner in EXPERT+ version with extended diagnostics features.

A running initialization can be canceled by pressing the pushbutton.

The position transmitter (Code 37) and solenoid valve (Code 45) options are
automatically recognized.

1.30 1.40

All EXPERT+ functions can be used over HART® communication in this firm-
ware version and higher.

6 EB 8384-3 EN
Firmware modification

The fault alarm contact is triggered by the condensed status of the positioner.
It is always active with “Maintenance alarm” condensed status.
If Code 32 is set to Yes: Also active with “Function check” condensed status
If Code 33 is set to Yes: Also active with “Maintenance required/Mainte-
nance demanded” condensed status

The “Function check” condensed status is additionally set for Test A1, A2,
fault alarm output and position transmitter.

The min./max. values of the temperature monitoring can be reset.

1.40 1.41

Internal modifications

1.41 1.42

Internal modifications

EB 8384-3 EN 7
Design and principle of operation

1 Design and principle of controller compares this actual position to

operation the 4 to 20 mA DC control signal (reference
variable) after it has been converted by the
The electropneumatic positioner is mounted A/D converter (4).
to pneumatic control valves and is used to In case of a system deviation, the operation
assign the valve position (controlled of the i/p converter (6) is changed so that
variable x) to the control signal (reference the actuator (1) is filled or vented via the
variable w). The DC control signal received downstream air capacity booster (7). This
from a control unit is compared to the travel causes the closure member of the control
or rotational angle of the control valve and valve to move to the position determined by
issues a signal pressure (output variable y). the reference variable.
The pneumatic air capacity booster (7) and
The positioner is designed depending on the the pressure regulator (8) are provided with
corresponding accessories for direct supply air. An intermediate flow regulator
attachment to Type 3277 Actuators or for (9) with fixed settings is used to purge the
attachment to actuators according to positioner and also guarantees trouble-free
IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR). operation of the pneumatic booster. The out-
Additionally, a coupling wheel included in put signal pressure supplied by the booster
the accessories is required to transfer the ro- can be limited over the software.
tary motion for rotary actuators according to The volume restriction Q (10) is used to opti-
VDI/VDE 3845. mize the positioner by adapting it to the ac-
Springless rotary actuators require an ac- tuator size.
cessory reversing amplifier to permit the
Serial interface
powered operation in either direction.
The positioner is equipped with an interface
The positioner basically consists of a travel
to allow the SAMSON TROVIS-VIEW Con-
sensor system that functions proportional to
figuration and Operator Interface software
the resistance, an analog i/p module with
to transmit data and parameters over an
downstream booster as well as the electronic
adapter cable from the RS-232 interface of
unit with a microcontroller.
a computer to the positioner. Refer to sec-
The positioner is fitted with three binary con-
tion 13.
tacts as standard: A fault alarm output is
To detect any valve faults at an early stage,
used to indicate a fault to the control station
the positioner can optionally be equipped
and two configurable software limit switches
with EXPERT+ valve diagnostics. You can ac-
to indicate the valve’s end positions.
cess the functions provided by EXPERT+
The position of the valve is transmitted as
valve diagnostics over TROVIS-VIEW soft-
linear travel motion or angle of rotation via
ware and over the DTM file of the device.
pick-up lever and travel sensor (2) to an an-
Refer to Data Sheet T 8388 EN for more de-
alog PD controller (3). Simultaneously, an
tails on EXPERT+ valve diagnostics. Instruc-
A/D converter (4) transmits the position of
tions on how to operate the software can be
the valve to the microcontroller (5). The PD
found in Operating Instructions EB 8388 EN.

8 EB 8384-3 EN
Design and principle of operation

1.1 Communication 1.2 Additional equipment

The positioner is equipped with an interface As an option, the device can be additionally
for HART® protocol (Highway Addressable equipped with a solenoid valve for forced
Remote Transducer) for communication pur- venting, an analog position transmitter, an
poses. Data are transmitted in a superim- inductive limit switch or an external position
posed frequency (FSK = Frequency Shift sensor.
Keying) on the existing signal loop for the 4
to 20 mA reference variable. Version with solenoid valve
Either a HART capable handheld communi- If the operating voltage for the solenoid
cator or a PC with FSK modem can be used valve (12) fails, the supply pressure for the
to establish communication and operate the i/p module is vented to the atmosphere. The
positioner. positioner can no longer operate and the
control valve moves to the fail-safe position
determined by the actuator, independent of
the reference variable.

1 Control valve
Serial 2 Travel sensor
20 16
Interface 3 PD controller
21 FSK 4 A/D converter
% A3 5 Microcontroller
S 15 6 i/p converter
4 5 A2 7 Air capacity booster
w 19
14 8 Pressure regulator
A1 9 Flow regulator
14 10 Volume restriction
24V DC w 11* Inductive limit switch
PD 12* Solenoid valve
2 11
x 13* Analog position transmitter
17 18 3 14 Software limit switches
12 G G Alarm 1/2
15 Fault alarm output
6 Alarm 3
16 Display
17* Solenoid valve control
8 1 18* Galvanic isolation
19 D/A converter
Q 10 x
7 20 Communication interface
21 HART modulation
* Optional
Fig. 2 · Functional diagram

EB 8384-3 EN 9
Design and principle of operation

Positioner with position transmitter Version with inductive limit switch

The position transmitter (13) is a two-wire The rotary shaft of the positioner carries an
transmitter and issues the travel sensor sig- adjustable tag which actuates the installed
nal as a 4 to 20 mA signal processed by the proximity switch.
microcontroller. The optional inductive limit switch (11) leads
Since this signal is issued independent of the to A1 and the software limit switch, which
positioner’s input signal (min. current keeps its function, leads to A2.
3.8 mA), the actual travel/angle of rotation
is controlled in real-time. Additionally, the Version with external position sensor
position transmitter provides the possibility
of signaling a positioner fault over a signal In this version, only the sensor is mounted to
current of <2.4 mA or >21.6 mA. the control valve. The positioner is located
separately from the valve.
The connection of x and y signals to the
valve is established via cable and piping for
air (only without inductive limit switch).

1.3 Technical data

Direct attachment to Type 3277: 3.6 to 30 mm
Travel, adjustable
Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6: 3.6 to 200 mm or 24° to 100° with rotary actuators
Adjustable within the initialized travel/angle of rotation;
Travel range 1
travel can be restricted to 5 at the maximum
Signal range 4 to 20 mA, 2-wire unit, reverse polarity protection,
Reference variable w
min. span 4 mA, static destruction limit 100 mA
Minimum current 3.6 mA for display, 3.8 mA for operation
Load impedance ≤ 8.2 V (corresponding to 410 Ω at 20 mA)
Supply pressure from 1.4 to 7 bar (20 to 105 psi),
Air quality acc. to ISO 8573-1 (2001): Max. particle size and density: Class 4
Supply air
Oil content: Class 3, pressure dew point: Class 3 or at least 10 K beneath the lowest
ambient temperature to be expected
0 bar up to the capacity of supply pressure, limitable to 1.4/2.4/3.7 ±0.2 bar via
Signal pressure (output)
Linear/equal percentage/reverse equal percentage/butterfly valve linear/
butterfly valve eq. percentage/rotary plug valve linear/rotary plug valve eq. percent-
user-defined adjustable
age/segmented ball valve linear/segmented ball valve eq.percentage
over operating software
Deviation from terminal-based conformity ≤ 1 %
Hysteresis ≤ 0.3 %
Sensitivity ≤ 0.1 %

10 EB 8384-3 EN
Design and principle of operation

Transit time Separately adjustable up to 240 seconds for supply air and exhaust air
Direction of action Reversible
Air consumption, steady
Independent from supply pressure approx. 110 ln/h
Air output capacity
Actuator pressurized At Δp = 6 bar: 8.5 mn3/h, at Δp = 1.4 bar: 3.0 mn3/h KVmax (20 °C) = 0.09
Actuator vented at Δp = 6 bar: 14.0 mn3/h, at Δp = 1.4 bar: 4.5 mn3/h KVmax (20 °C) = 0.15
–20 to +80 °C, with metal cable gland –45 to +80 °C
Permissible ambient
The limits specified in the EC Type Examination Certificate additionally apply for
explosion-protected devices.
Temperature: ≤ 0.15 %/10 K Supply air: None
Vibration: ≤ 0.25 % up to 2000 Hz and 4 g acc. to IEC 770
Complying with EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 and NAMUR Recommendation NE 21
II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6 / II 2 D IP 65 T 80 °C or
II 3 G EEx nA II T6 / II 3 D IP 65 T 80 °C
Explosion protection IECEx ia IIC T6 / IP 54 and IP 65 T 80 °C
FM/CSA intrinsically safe Class I, II, III, Division 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, T6
FM/CSA non incendive Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D, T6
Degree of protection IP 66 / NEMA 4X
Communication (local) SAMSON SSP interface and serial interface adapter
Software requirements TROVIS-VIEW with database module 3730-3
HART® field communication protocol
Communication (HART) Impedance in the HART frequency range: receive 350 to 450 Ω,
send: approx. 155 Ω
For handheld communicator: device description for 3730-3,
Software requirements For PC: DTM file acc. to Specification 1.2, suitable for integrating the positioner in
(HART®) frame applications that supports the FDT/DTM concept (e.g. PACTware);
other integration options (e.g. AMS, PDM) available.
Binary contacts
2 software limit switches, reverse polarity protection, configurable switching characteristics,
default settings as per table
Signal status: Without explosion protection: Exp.-protected version:
No response: Non-conducting ≤ 1.2 mA
Response: Conductive (R = 348 Ω ) ≥ 2.1 mA
1 fault alarm contact
Signal status: Without explosion protection: Exp.-protected version:
No response/No alarm Conductive R = 348 Ω ≥ 2.1 mA
Response/Fault alarm Non-conducting ≤ 1.2 mA
Positioners with model no. ../9000 only for connection to
Only for connection to
signal converter acc. to EN 60947-5-6.
Operating voltage signal converter acc. to
All other versions also for connection to binary input of
EN 60957-5-6
the PLC acc. to EN 61131, Pmax = 400 mW

EB 8384-3 EN 11
Design and principle of operation

Solenoid valve SIL 4 approval acc. to IEC 61508

24 V DC reverse polarity protection, static destruction limit 40 V;
Input U − 5.6 V
Current consumption I = (corresponding to 4.5 mA at 24 V)
4020 Ω

Signal Signal "0" no pick-up ≤ 15 V Signal "1" safe pick-up > 19 V

Service life > 5 x 106 switching cycles
Probability of failure on demand of safety functions PFD < 2.8 x 10–7 for a confidence
Implementation in
level of 95 %.
safety-relevant systems in
The safe failure fraction (SFF) according to Table A1 in IEC 61508-2 is greater or
compliance with
equal to 0.99. The valves are therefore suitable for implementation in safety-related
IEC 61508
systems with a hardware fault tolerance of 1 or 2 up to and including SIL 4.
Analog position transmitter Two-wire transmitter
Supply voltage 12 to 30 V DC, reverse polarity protection, static destruction limit 40 V
Output signal 4 to 20 mA
Direction of action Reversible
Operating range 0 to 100 % of the travel range, optional also for fault indication over 2.4 or 21.6 mA
Characteristic Linear
Hysteresis and
Same as positioner
HF influence
Other influences Same as positioner
Fault indication Can be issued with current signal < 2.4 mA or > 21.6 mA
Inductive limit switch Type SJ 2SN Proximity Switch
For connection to switching amplifier acc. to EN 60947-5-6. Can be used in combination with a software limit switch.
External position sensor
Nominal travel Adjustable same as positioner
10 m with M12x1 connector, designed for continuous flexing, flame retardant acc. to
VDE 0472, reistant to oils, lubricants, coolants as well as other corrosive media
Permissible temperature: –60 to +105 °C, the limits specified in the EC Type Examina-
Ambient conditions tion Certificate additionally apply for explosion-protected devices.
Vibration immunity: up to 10 g in the range between 10 and 2000 Hz
Degree of protection IP 67
Housing: Die-cast aluminum EN AC-AlSi12(Fe) (EN AC 44300) acc. to
DIN EN 1706, chromated and powder paint coated
Materials Special version: Stainless steel 1.4581
External parts: Stainless steel 1.4571 and 1.4301
Cable gland M20x1.5, black polyamide
Weight Approx. 1.0 kg

12 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2 Attachment to the control Note!

valve – Mounting parts and If the standard mounted lever M (pin posi-
accessories tion 35) is replaced, the newly mounted le-
ver must be moved once all the way as far
The positioner can be attached either di- as it will go in both directions to adapt it to
rectly to a SAMSON Type 3277 Actuator or the internal measuring lever.
according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR) to con-
trol valves with cast yokes or rod-type yokes
as well as to rotary actuators according to
VDI/VDE 3845.
For attachment to the various actuators, cor-
responding mounting parts and accessories
are required. These are listed with their or-
der numbers in Tables 1 to 5.
On attaching the positioner, it is important
to observe the assignment between lever
and pin position according to the travels Fig. 3 · Lever M with pin position 35
listed in the travel tables.
The tables show the maximum adjustment
range at the positioner. The travel that can
be implemented at the valve is restricted by
the pin position used and additionally by the
actuator spring compression required.
The positioner is standard equipped with the
lever M (pin position 35).

Travel table for direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator

Actuator size Rated travel Adjustment range at positioner Required Assigned
Type cm² mm Min. Travel Max. lever pin position
and 120 7.5 5.0 25.0 M 25
3277 120/240/350 15 7.0 35.4 M 35
700 30 10.0 50.0 M 50

EB 8384-3 EN 13
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Travel table for attachment according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR)

SAMSON valves Other valves/actuators Required Assigned
cm² Rated travel mm Min. Travel Max. lever pin position

60 and 120 with

7.5 3.6 17.7 S 17
Type 3510 Valve
120 7.5 5.0 25.0 M 25
Type 3271 120/240/350 15 7.0 35.4 M 35
700/1400/2800 15 and 30/30 10.0 50.0 M 50
1400/2800 60 14.0 70.7 L 70
1400/2800 60 20.0 100.0 L 100
1400/2800 120 40.0 200.0 XL 200
Rotary actuators Opening angle 24° to 100° M 90°

Table 1 Direct attachment to Type 3277-5 Actuator, see Fig. 4

Mounting parts For actuators with 120 cm² effective diaphragm area 1400-7452
Switchover plate (old) for Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx.00 (old) 1400-6819
Switchover plate new for Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx.01 (new) 1400-6822
Accessories Connecting plate for additional attachment of a solenoid valve G 1/8 1400-6820
for the Connecting plate (old) for Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx.00 (old) 1/8 NPT 1400-6821
Connecting plate new for Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx.01 (new) 1400-6823
Note: Only new switchover and connecting plates can be used with new actuators (Index 01).
Old and new plates are not interchangeable.
Connecting plate (6) G ¼: 1400-7461 ¼ NPT: 1400-7462
or pressure gauge bracket (7) G ¼: 1400-7458 ¼ NPT: 1400-7459
for the
positioner Pressure gauge mounting kit (8) up to
St. st./Bs: 1400-6950 St. st./St. st.: 1400-6951
max. 6 bar (output/supply)
Table 2 Direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator, see Fig. 5
Mounting parts for actuators with 240, 350 and 700 cm² 1400-7453
cm2 Steel Stainless steel
Required piping with screw fittings for "Actuator
240 1400-6444 1400-6445
stem retracts" or when the top diaphragm
350 1400-6446 1400-6447
Accessories chamber is filled with air
700 1400-6448 1400-6449
Connection block with seals and screw G ¼: 1400-8811 ¼ NPT: 1400-8812
Pressure gauge mounting kit up to max. 6 bar 1400-6950 1400-6951
(output and supply)

14 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Attachment to NAMUR ribs or control valves with rod-type yokes (20 to 35 mm rod diameter)
Table 3
according to IEC 60534-6, see Fig. 6
Travel in mm Lever For actuators Order no.
7.5 S Type 3271-5 with 60/120 cm² on Type 3510 Valve (Fig. 7) 1400-7457
Without (lever M on Actuators from other manufacturers and Type 3271 with
5 to 50 1400-7454
basic model) 120 to 700 cm²
Actuators f. other manufacturers and Type 3271, 1400-60
14 to 100 L 1400-7455
Actuators from other manufacturers and Type 3271, versions
40 to 200 XL 1400-7456
1400-120 and 2800 cm² with 120 mm travel
Type 3271, versions 1400-120 and 2800 cm² with
30 or 60 L 1400-7466
30/60 mm travel
Mounting brackets for Emerson and Masoneilan linear actuators
In addition, a mounting kit acc. to IEC 60534-6 is required depending on the travel. See row above.
Connecting plate G ¼: 1400-7461 ¼ NPT : 1400-7462
or pressure gauge bracket (7) G ¼: 1400-7458 ¼ NPT: 1400-7459
Pressure gauge mounting kit up to max. 6 bar 1400-6950 1400-6951

Table 4 Attachment to rotary actuators (VDI/VDE 3845 for all sizes of fixing level 2) see Figs. 8 and 9
With follower clamp VDI/VDE 3845 for all sizes of fixing level 2 1400-7448
and coupling wheel, for Type 3278 Actuator with 160/320 cm2 1400-7614
CrNiMo steel bracket for Camflex II 1400-9120
parts VDI/VDE 3845 for all sizes of fixing level 2, heavy-duty version 1400-9244
Mounting parts for rotary actuators VDI/VDE 3845 (level 1), heavy-duty version 1400-9526
SAMSON Type 3278 160 cm² / VETEC Type S160 and Type R 1400-9245
Connecting plate G ¼: 1400-7461 ¼ NPT: 1400-7462
or pressure gauge bracket (7) G ¼: 1400-7458 ¼ NPT: 1400-7459
Pressure gauge mounting kit up to max. 6 bar 1400-6950 1400-6951
Table 5 General accessories
Pneumatic reversing amplifier for double-acting G¼ 1079-1118
actuators ¼ NPT 1079-1119
Cable gland M20 x 1.5 Nickel-plated brass 1890-4875
Adapter M 20 x 1.5 to ½ NPT, aluminum 0310-2149

Accessories Retrofit kit for inductive limit switch 1x SJ 2-SN 1400-7460

German/English (standard) 1990-0761
Cover plate with list of parameters
English/Spanish 1990-3100
and operating instructions
English/French 1990-3142
EXPERT+ activation code
(specify the serial number of the positioner on ordering this option)

EB 8384-3 EN 15
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.1 Direct attachment left) pointing towards the signal pressure

connection. Make sure that the bonded
2.1.1 Type 3277-5 Actuator gasket (14) points towards the actuator
Refer to Table 1 on page 14 for the required 5. 15 mm travel: Keep the follower pin (2)
mounting parts as well as the accessories at lever M (1) on the back of the
with their order numbers.
positioner in the pin position 35 (deliv-
Note the travel table on page 13!
ered state).
Actuator with 120 cm² 7.5 mm travel: Remove the follower pin
Depending on the type of positioner attach- (2) from the pin position 35, reposition it
ment, the signal pressure is routed either left in the bore for pin position 25 and
or right of the yoke through a bore to the screw tight.
actuator diaphragm. Depending on the 6. Insert formed seal (15) in the groove of
fail-safe action of the actuator "Actuator the positioner casing.
stem extends" or "Actuator stem retracts" 7. Place positioner on the cover plate (10)
(valve closes or opens if the supply air fails), in such a manner that the follower pin
the switchover plate (9) must first be at-
(2) rests on the top of the follower clamp
tached to the actuator yoke. Align the
(3). Adjust the lever (1) correspondingly
switchover plate with the corresponding
symbol for left or right attachment according and open the positioner cover to hold
to the marking (view looking onto the the positioner shaft in position at the cap
switchover plate). or the switch (Fig. 19).
The lever (1) must rest on the follower
1. Mount connecting plate (6) or pressure
clamp with spring force.
gauge bracket (7) with pressure gauges
Mount the positioner on the cover plate
onto the positioner, making sure both
(10) using the two fixing screws. During
seal rings (6.1) are seated properly.
the installation make sure that the seal
2. Remove screw plug (4) on the back of
ring (10.1) is inserted in the bore of the
the positioner and close the signal pres-
intermediate plate.
sure output "Output 38" on the connect-
8. Mount cover (11) on the other side.
ing plate (6) or on the pressure gauge
Make sure that the vent plug points
bracket (7) with the stopper (5) included
downwards when the control valve is in-
in the accessories.
stalled to allow any condensed water
3. Place follower clamp (3) on the actuator
that collects to drain off.
stem, align and screw tight so that the
mounting screw is located in the groove
of the actuator stem.
4. Mount cover plate (10) with narrow side
of the cut-out opening (Fig. 4, on the

16 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

1 Lever
Symbols 1.1 Nut
Switchover plate (9)
1.2 Disk spring
Actuator stem 2 Follower pin
3 Follower clamp
4 Screw plug
Attachment left Attachment right
5 Stopper
6 Connecting plate
Actuator stem
6.1 Seal rings
7 Pressure gauge bracket
Signal pressure 8 Press. gauge mounting kit
input for left Signal pressure 9 Switchover plate
attachment Marking input for right for actuator
attachment 10 Cover plate
10.1Seal ring
15 11 Cover
14 Gasket
15 Formed seal
Lever M

Cut-out of cover

9 11
6.1 10
5 Note!
Always use the connecting plate (6)
Supply 9 Output 38 included in the accessories to connect
7 supply and output.
Never screw threaded parts directly
8 into the housing.

Fig. 4 · Direct attachment - Signal pressure connection for Type 3277-5 Actuator with 120 cm2

EB 8384-3 EN 17
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.1.2 Type 3277 Actuator rests on the top of the follower clamp
(3). Adjust the lever (1) correspondingly
Refer to Table 2 on page 14 or the required and open the positioner cover to hold
mounting parts as well as the accessories the positioner shaft in position at the cap
with their order numbers.
or the switch (Fig. 19). The lever (1) must
Note the travel table on page 13!
rest on the follower clamp with spring
Actuators with 240 to 700 cm² force. Mount the positioner on the cover
plate (10) using the two fixing screws.
The positioner can be mounted either on the 6. Make sure that the tip of the gasket (16)
left or on the right side of the yoke. The sig- projecting from the side of the connec-
nal pressure is routed to the actuator over tion block (12) is positioned above the
the connection block (12), for actuators with
actuator symbol that corresponds with
fail-safe action "Actuator stem extends" in-
the actuator with fail-safe action "Actua-
ternally through a bore in the valve yoke
and for "Actuator stem retracts" through ex- tor stem extends" or "Actuator stem re-
ternal piping. tracts." If necessary, remove the three
fixing screws and the cover. Then repo-
1. Place follower clamp (3) on the actuator sition the gasket (16) turned by 180°.
stem, align and screw tight so that the The previous version of the connection
mounting screw is located in the groove block (Fig. 5, bottom) requires the switch
of the actuator stem. plate (13) to be turned such that the cor-
2. Mount cover plate (10) with narrow side responding actuator symbol points to the
of the cut-out opening (Fig. 5, on the marking.
left) pointing towards the signal pressure 7. Place the connection block (12) with the
connection. Make sure that the bonded associated seal rings against the
gasket (14) points towards the actuator positioner and the actuator yoke. Screw
yoke. it tight using the fixing screw (12.1). For
3. For actuators with 700 cm², remove the actuators with fail-safe action "Actuator
follower pin (2) at lever M (1) on the stem retracts", additionally remove the
back of the positioner from pin position stopper (12.2) and fit on the external
35, reposition it in the bore for pin posi- signal pressure piping.
tion 50 and screw tight. 8. Mount cover (11) on the other side.
For actuators 240 and 350 cm² with Make sure that the vent plug points
15 mm travel, the follower pin (2) re- downwards when the control valve is in-
mains in pin position 35. stalled to allow any condensed water
4. Insert formed seal (15) in the groove of that collects to drain off.
the positioner casing.
5. Place positioner on the cover plate in
such a manner that the follower pin (2)

18 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

1 Lever 12.1 Screw

1.1 Nut 12.2 Stopper or connection for
1.2 Disk spring external piping
2 Follower pin 13 Switch plate
3 Follower clamp 14 Gasket 15 10 14
10 Cover plate 15 Formed seal
11 Cover 16 Gasket
1 2 3 11
12 Connection block

Lever M
Cut-out of
cover plate (10)


Actuator stem SUPPLY

retracts extends 16 12 12.1 12.2

Connection block (old)

13 with switch plate (13)
Stem retracts
Stem extends

12.1 12.2
Fig. 5 · Direct attachment – Signal pressure connection for Type 3277 Actuator with 240, 350 and 700 cm²

EB 8384-3 EN 19
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.2 Attachment according to (8) on the positioner, making sure both

IEC 60534-6 seal rings (6.1) are seated properly.
4. Select required lever size (1) M, L or XL
The positioner is attached to the control and pin position according to the actua-
valve with a NAMUR bracket (10). tor size and valve travels listed in the ta-
ble on page 14.
Refer to Table 3 on page 15 for the required Should you require a pin position other
mounting parts as well as the accessories than position 35 with the standard in-
with their order numbers. stalled lever M, or require a lever size L
Note the travel table on page 14! or XL, proceed as follows:
5. Screw the follower pin (2) in the as-
1. Screw the two bolts (14) to the bracket signed lever bore (pin position) as listed
(9.1) of the stem connector (9), place the in the table. Only use the longer follower
follower plate (3) on top and use the pin (2) included in the mounting kit.
screws (14.1) to tighten. 6. Place lever (1) on the positioner shaft
Actuator size 2800 cm² and 1400 cm² and screw tight using the disk spring
(120 mm travel) only: (1.2) and nut (1.1).
For a travel of 60 mm or smaller, screw the
longer follower plate (3.1) directly to the Note!
stem connector (9). For a travel exceeding If you have mounted a new lever (1), you
60 mm, mount the bracket (16) first and must move it once all the way as far as it
then the follower plate (3) to the bracket to- will go in both directions.
gether with the bolts (14) and screws (14.1).
2. Mount NAMUR bracket (10) to the con- 7. Place positioner on the NAMUR bracket
trol valve as follows: in such a manner that the follower pin
For attachment to the NAMUR rib, use (2) rests in the slot of the follower plate
an M8 screw (11) and toothed lock (3, 3.1). Adjust the lever (1) correspond-
washer directly in the yoke bore. ingly.
For attachment to valves with rod-type Screw the positioner to the NAMUR
yokes, use two U-bolts (15) around the bracket using both its fixing screws.
Align the NAMUR bracket (10) in such a
way that the slot of the follower plate (3)
is centrally aligned with the NAMUR
bracket at mid valve travel.
3. Mount connecting plate (6) or pressure
gauge bracket (7) with pressure gauges

20 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Attachment to rod-type yoke

Rods with 20 to 35 mm Ø


Attachment to


Additional bracket for
actuators with 2800 cm
Lever XL and L and travel ≥ 60 mm 14
1 Lever
1.1 Nut 1 3
1.2 Disk spring
1 14.1
2 Follower pin
3 Follower plate
3.1 Follower plate
6 Connecting plate
6.1 Seal rings 6.1 6 7 8
7 Pressure gauge bracket
8 Pressure gauge
mounting kit
9 Stem connector
9.1 Bracket
10 NAMUR bracket
11 Screw
14 Bolt
14.1 Screw
15 U-bolt Always use the connecting plate (6) included in the accessories to connect
16 Bracket supply and output. Never screw threaded parts directly into the housing.

Fig. 6 · Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR)

EB 8384-3 EN 21
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.3 Attachment to Type 3510

Micro-flow Valve
The positioner is attached to the valve yoke
using a bracket.

Refer to Table 3 on page 15 for the required

mounting parts as well as the accessories
with their order numbers.
Note the travel table on page 14!

1. Place clamp (3) on the valve stem con-

nector, align at a right angle and screw
2. Screw bracket (10) to the valve yoke us-
ing two screws (11).
3. Mount connecting plate (6) or pressure
gauge bracket (7) with pressure gauges
to the positioner, making sure both seal
rings (6.1) are seated properly.
4. Unscrew the standard installed lever M
(1) including follower pin (2) from the
positioner shaft.
5. Take lever S (1) and screw follower pin
(2) in the bore for pin position 17.
6. Place lever S on the positioner shaft and
screw tight using the disk spring (1.2)
and nut (1.1).
Move lever once all the way as far as it
will go in both directions.
7. Place positioner on the bracket (10) in
such a manner that the follower pin
slides into the groove of the clamp (3).
Adjust the lever (1) correspondingly.
Screw the positioner to the bracket (10)
using both its screws.

22 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

1 Lever
1.1 Nut
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
3 Clamp
6 Connecting plate
6.1 Seal rings
7 Pressure gauge bracket
8 Pressure gauge
mounting kit 3
10 Bracket
11 Screw

Always use the connecting plate (6)
included in the accessories to connect
supply and output.
Never screw threaded parts directly 11
into the housing.

1.2 1.1 2 1

6 6.1

Lever S

8 7
Fig. 7 · Attachment to Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve

EB 8384-3 EN 23
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.4 Attachment to rotary 5. Mount connecting plate (6) or pressure

actuators gauge bracket (7) with pressure gauges
to the positioner, making sure both
The positioner is mounted to the rotary actu- O-rings are seated properly.
ator using two pairs of double brackets. For double-acting, springless rotary ac-
tuators, a reversing amplifier is required
Refer to Table 4 on page 15 for the required to attach the positioner to the actuator,
mounting parts as well as the accessories see section 2.5.
with their order numbers. 6. Unscrew the standard follower pin (2)
from the positioner's lever M (1). Use the
Prior to the attachment of the positioner to metal follower pin (Ø5) included in the
the SAMSON Type 3278 Rotary Actuator, mounting kit and screw tight into the
you have to mount the associated adapter bore for pin position 90°.
(5) to the free end of the rotary actuator 7. Place positioner on the top pair of
shaft. brackets (10) and screw tight. Con-
sidering the actuator's direction of rota-
Note! tion, adjust lever (1) so that it engages in
During the installation of the positioner as the slot of the coupling wheel (4) with its
described below, it is imperative that the ac- follower pin (see Fig. 9). It must be guar-
tuator's direction of rotation be observed. anteed that the lever (1) is parallel to the
long side of the positioner when the ac-
tuator is at half its angle of rotation.
1. Place follower clamp (3) on the slotted
8. Stick scale plate (4.3) on the coupling
actuator shaft or the adapter (5).
wheel so that the arrow tip indicates the
2. Place coupling wheel (4) with flat side
closed position, and it can be easily
facing the actuator on the follower
read when the valve is installed.
clamp (3). Refer to Fig. 9 to align slot so
that it matches the direction of rotation
when the valve is in its closed position.
3. Screw coupling wheel and follower 1
clamp tightly onto the actuator shaft
using screw (4.1) and disk spring (4.2).
4. Screw the bottom pair of brackets (10.1) 2 4.2
with the bends pointing either to the in- 3 5
side or to the outside (depending on the
actuator size) to the actuator case. Posi-
Actuator flange
tion top pair of brackets (10) and screw
tight. Fig. 8 · Mounting the coupling wheel with Type 3278

24 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

(7, 8)
10 1
10.1 4.3
Always use the connecting
plate (6) included in the
accessories to connect
supply and output.
Never screw threaded Control valve opens counterclockwise
parts directly into the
housing. Slot

Legends Figs. 8 + 9
1 Lever
1.1 Nut
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
3 Follower clamp (Fig. 8)
4 Coupling wheel
4.1 Screw Control valve opens clockwise
4.2 Disk spring
4.3 Scale plate
4.3 Scale plate
5 Actuator shaft
Adapter for Type 3278
6.1 Seal rings
7 Pressure gauge bracket
8 Pressure gauge
mounting kit
10 Top pair of brackets
10.1 Bottom pair of brackets Slot

Fig. 9 · Attachment to rotary actuators

EB 8384-3 EN 25
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.5 Reversing amplifier for Note!

double-acting actuators The sealing plug (1.5) in the Type 3730
Positioner should not be unscrewed out of
For the use with double-acting actuators, the the reversing amplifier.
positioner must be fitted with a reversing The rubber seal (1.4) is not required and
amplifier. The reversing amplifier is listed as can be removed when the sealing plug is
an accessory in the Table 5 on page 15. used.
The output signal pressure of the positioner
is supplied at the output A1 of the reversing
amplifier. An opposing pressure, which Signal pressure connections
equals the required supply pressure when A1: Output A1 leading to the signal pressure
added to the pressure at A1, is applied at connection at the actuator which opens the
output A2. valve when the pressure increases
The rule A1 + A2 = Z applies.
A2: Output A2 leading to the signal pressure
Mounting connection at the actuator which closes the
valve when the pressure increases
1. Mount the connecting plate (6) from the
accessories in Table 5 to the positioner.
Make sure that both O-rings (6.1) are 4 Set slide switch on positioner to
seated correctly. AIR TO OPEN.
2. Thread the special nuts (1.3) from the
6. After the initialization is completed, set
accessories of the reversing amplifier
Code 16 (Pressure limit) to OFF.
into the boreholes of the connecting
3. Insert the gasket (1.2) into the recess of
2.5.1 Pressure gauge attachment
the reversing amplifier and push both The mounting sequence shown in Fig. 10 re-
the hollowed special screws (1.1) into mains unchanged. Screw a pressure gauge
the connecting boreholes A1 and Z. bracket onto the connections A1 and Z.
4. Place the reversing amplifier onto the
Pressure gauge G¼ 1400-7106
connecting plate (6) and screw tight us- bracket: ¼ NPT 1400-7107
ing both the special screws (1.1).
5. Use a screwdriver (8 mm wide) to screw Pressure gauges for supply air Z and output
A1 as listed in Tables 1 to 4.
the enclosed filters (1.6) into the con-
necting boreholes A1 and Z.

26 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

From the positioner

Output 38 Supply 9

A1 Z


Control signals to 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6

A1 the actuator A2
1 Reversing amplifer 6 Connecting plate
1.1 Special screws 6.1 O-rings
1.2 Gasket 6.2 Screws
1.3 Special nuts
6.1 6 6.2 1.4 Rubber seal
1.5 Sealing plug
1.6 Filter
Supply 9

Output 38


1.3 1.2 1.1 1 1.6

Fig. 10 · Mounting a reversing amplifier

EB 8384-3 EN 27
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.6 Attaching an external

position sensor

Refer to Table 6 on page 33 for a list of the

mounting parts as well as the accessories re-
quired for mounting the position sensor.
Accessories for the pneumatic connection to
the positioner housing can be found in Ta-
ble 7.

Fig. 11 · Positioner unit with sensor mounted on a

In the positioner version with an external
micro-flow valve
position sensor, the sensor placed in a sepa-
rate housing is attached over a plate or
bracket to the control valve. The travel
2.6.1 Mounting the position sensor
pick-off corresponds to that of a standard
device. with direct attachment
The positioner unit can be mounted as re-
Type 3277-5 Actuator with 120 cm²
quired to a wall or a pipe.
The signal pressure from the positioner is
For the pneumatic connection either a con-
routed over the signal pressure connection
necting plate (6) or a pressure gauge
of the connecting plate (9, Fig. 12 left) to the
bracket (7) must be fixed to the housing, de-
actuator diaphragm chamber. To proceed,
pending on the accessory chosen. Make
first screw the connecting plate (9) included
sure the seal rings (6.1) are correctly in-
in the accessories onto the actuator yoke.
serted (see Fig. 6, bottom right).
For the electrical connection a 10 m con-
4 Turn the connecting plate (9) so that the
correct symbol for the fail-safe position
necting lead with M12x1 connectors plug is
"Actuator stem extends" or "Actuator
stem retracts" is aligned with the mark-
Note! In addition, the instructions in section ing (Fig. 12, below).
3.1 and 3.2 apply for the pneumatic and 4 Make sure that the gasket for the con-
electrical connection. necting plate (9) is correctly inserted.
Operation and setting are described in sec- 4 The connecting plate has boreholes with
tions 4 and 5. NPT and G threads.
Seal the threaded connection that is not
used with the rubber seal and square

28 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Type 3277 Actuator with 240 to 700 cm²: 2. Screw the position sensor (20) onto the
The signal pressure is routed to the connec- mounting plate (21).
tion at the side of the actuator yoke for the 3. Depending on the actuator size and
version "Actuator stem extends". rated travel of the valve, determine the
For the fail-safe position "Actuator stem re- required lever and position of the fol-
tracts" the connection on the top diaphragm lower pin (2) from the travel table on
case is used. The connection at the side of page 14.
the yoke must be fitted with a venting plug The positioner is delivered with lever M
(accessories). in pin position 35 on the sensor. If nec-
Mounting the position sensor essary, remove the follower pin (2) from
its pin position and move it to the bore-
1. Place the lever (1) on the sensor in
hole for the recommended pin position
mid-position and hold it in place.
and screw tight.
Unthread the nut (1.1) and remove the
4. Place the lever (1) and disk spring (1.2)
lever together with the disk spring (1.2)
on the sensor shaft.
from the sensor shaft.


9 Signal pressure
Vent plug
1 Lever
Signal pressure 1.1 Nut
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
Actuator stem 3 Follower clamp
extends retracts
9 Connecting plate
11 Cover
Marking 20 Position sensor
21 Mounting plate
Fig. 12 · Mounting for Type 3277-5 Actuator (left) and Type 3277 Actuator (right)

EB 8384-3 EN 29
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Place the lever (1) in mid-position and 2.6.2 Mounting the position sensor
hold it in place. Screw on the nut (1.1). with attachment according to
5. Place the follower clamp (3) on the actu- IEC 60534-6
ator stem, align and fasten it, making
sure that the fastening screw rests in the For the required mounting parts as well as
groove of the actuator stem. the accessories, refer to the order numbers
6. Place the mounting plate (21) together listed in Tables 6 and 7 on page 33.
with the sensor onto the actuator yoke so 1. Place the lever (1) on the sensor in
that the follower pin (2) rests on the top mid-position and hold it in place.
of the follower clamp (3). It must rest on Unthread the nut (1.1) and remove the
it with spring force. lever together with the disk spring (1.2)
Screw tight the mounting plate (21) onto from the sensor shaft.
the actuator yoke using both fixing 2. Screw the position sensor (20) onto the
screws. bracket (21).
7. Mount cover (11) on the other side. The standard attached lever M with the fol-
Make sure that the vent plug points lower pin (2) at position 35 is designed for
downwards when the control valve is in- 120, 240 and 350 cm² actuators with
stalled to allow any condensed water 15 mm rated travel.
that collects to drain off.

20 21 1.1, 1.2 14.1 3 14 9.1 9

1 Lever
1.1 Nut
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
3 Follower plate
9 Stem connector
9.1 Bracket
14 Bolt
14.1 Screws
20 Position sensor
21 Bracket

Fig. 13 · Mounting according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR)

30 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

For other actuator sizes or travels, select the Place the lever (1) in mid-position and
lever and pin position from the travel table hold it in place. Screw on the nut (1.1).
on page 14. Lever L and XL are included in 4. Place the follower clamp (3) on the stem
the mounting kit. connector, align it at a right angle and
3. Place the lever (1) and disk spring (1.2) screw tight.
on the sensor shaft. 5. Position the bracket (21) with the posi-
Place the lever (1) in mid-position and tion sensor on the valve yoke and screw
hold it in place. Screw on the nut (1.1). tight, making sure the follower pin (2)
4. Screw both bolts (14) to the bracket slides into the groove of the follower
(9.1) of the stem connector (9). Attach clamp (3).
the follower plate (3) and fix with the
screws (14.1).
5. Place the bracket with the sensor at the
NAMUR rib in such a manner that the
follower pin (2) rests in the slot of the fol-
lower plate (3), then screw the bracket 1 Lever
1.1 Nut
using its fixing screws onto the valve.
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
2.6.3 Mounting the position sensor 3 Follower clamp
to Type 3510 Micro-flow 20 Position sensor
Valve 1.1 21 Bracket
20 21 1.2
For the required mounting parts as well as
the accessories, refer to the order numbers
listed in Tables 6 and 7 on page 33.
1. Place the lever (1) in mid-position and
hold it in place. Unscrew the nut (1.1)
and remove the standard attached lever
M (1) together with the disk spring (1.2)
from the sensor shaft. 3
2. Screw the position sensor (20) onto the
bracket (21).
3. Select the lever S (1) from the accesso-
ries and screw the follower pin (2) into
the hole for pin position 17.
Place the lever (1) and disk spring (1.2)
on the sensor shaft. Fig. 14 · Mounting a micro-flow valve

EB 8384-3 EN 31
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.6.4 Mounting the position sensor 4. Place the lever (1) and disk spring (1.2)
to rotary actuators on the sensor shaft.
Place the lever (1) in mid-position and
For the required mounting parts as well as hold it in place. Screw on the nut (1.1).
the accessories, refer to the order numbers
listed in Tables 6 and 7 on page 33.
Follow the instructions describing attachment
1. Place the lever (1) in mid-position and to the standard positioner in section 2.4
hold it in place. Unscrew the nut (1.1) Instead of the positioner, attach the position
and remove the standard attached lever sensor (20) with its mounting plate (21).
M (1) together with the disk spring (1.2)
from the sensor shaft.
2. Screw the position sensor (20) onto the
mounting plate (21).
3. Replace the follower pin (2) normally at-
tached to the lever (1) with the metal fol-
lower pin (Ø 5) from the accessories
and screw it into the hole for pin posi-
tion 90°.


1 Lever
1.1 Nut
1.2 Disk spring
2 Follower pin
20 Position sensor
2 1 1.1, 1.2 21 Mounting plate

Fig. 15 · Positioner unit with sensor mounted on rotary actuators

32 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Table 6 Mounting parts for position sensor Order no.

Direct attachment Mounting parts for actuators with 120 cm² see Fig. 12 left 1400-7472

Connecting plate (9, old) for Actuator G 1/8 1400-6820

Type 3277-5xxxxxx.00 1/8 NPT 1400-6821
Accessories for
Connecting plate (new) for Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx.01 (new) 1400-6823
actuator 120 cm²
Note: Only new switchover and connecting plates can be used with new actuators
(Index 01). Old and new plates are not interchangeable.
Direct attachment Mounting parts for actuators with 240, 350 and 700 cm², see Fig. 12 right 1400-7471
NAMUR attachment Mounting parts for attachment to NAMUR rib w. lever L and XL, see Fig. 13 1400-7468
Attachment to
Mounting parts for Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve, see Fig. 14 1400-7469
micro-flow valves
VDI/VDE 3845 for all sizes of fixing level 2
Mounting parts with follower clamp and coupling wheel 1400-7473
CrNiMo steel bracket, see Fig. 15
Attachment to rotary
actuators VDI/VDE 3845 for all sizes of fixing level 2, heavy-duty version 1400-9384
SAMSON Type 3278 160 cm2 / VETEC Type S160 and Type R,
heavy-duty version
Table 7 Postioner accessories Order no.
G¼ 1400-7461
Connecting plate (6)
¼ NPT 1400-7462
G¼ 1400-7458
or pressure gauge bracket (7)
¼ NPT 1400-7459
Accessories St. steel/Brass 1400-6950
Pressure gauge mounting kit (8) up to max. 6 bar
(output and supply) steel 1400-6951
Bracket to mount the positioner on a wall 0309-0111
Note! The other fastening parts are to be provided at the site of
installation as wall foundations vary from site to site.

EB 8384-3 EN 33
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

2.7 Attaching positioners with 2.8 Air purging function for

stainless steel housings single-acting actuators
Positioners with stainless steel housings re- The exhaust air from the positioner is di-
quire mounting parts that are completely verted to the actuator spring chamber to
made of stainless steel or free of aluminum. provide corrosion protection inside the actu-
ator. The following must be observed:
The pneumatic connecting plate and pres- Direct attachment to Type 3277-5 (stem ex-
sure gauge bracket are available made of tends FA/stem retracts FE)
stainless steel (order numbers listed below). The air purging function is automatically
A stainless steel version of the pneumatic re- provided.
versing amplifier is not available.
Direct attachment to Type 3277, 240 to
700 cm²
Connecting plate G¼ 1400-7476 FA: Remove the stopper 12.2 (Fig. 5 on
(stainless steel): ¼ NPT 1400-7477 page 19) at the connection block and
make a pneumatic connection to the
Pressure gauge Only in spring chamber on the vented side.
bracket (st. steel): ¼ NPT 1400-7108
FE: The air purging function is automati-
cally provided.
The Tables 1 to 5 (pages 14 and 15) apply
for attaching positioners with stainless steel
Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR
housings with the following restrictions:
rib or attachment to rod-type yokes) and to
Direct attachment rotary actuators
All mounting kits from Tables 1 and 2 can The positioner requires an additional port
be used. The connection block is not re- for the exhaust air that can be connected
quired. The stainless steel version of the over piping. An adapter available as an ac-
pneumatic connecting plate routes the air in- cessory is used for this purpose:
ternally to the actuator.
Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 Threaded bushing G ¼ 0310-2619
(NAMUR rib or attachment to rod-type yo- (M20 x 1.5): ¼ NPT 0310-2550
All mounting kits from Table 3 can be used.
Connecting plate in stainless steel. Note!
The adapter uses one of the M20 x 1.5 con-
Attachment to rotary actuators
nections in the housing which means just
All mounting kits from Table 4 can be used
one cable gland can be installed.
except for the heavy-duty version. Con-
necting plate in stainless steel.

34 EB 8384-3 EN
Attachment to the control valve – Mounting parts and accessories

Should other valve accessories be used

which vent the actuator (e.g. solenoid valve,
volume booster, quick exhaust valve), this
exhaust air must also be included in the pur-
ging function. The connection over the
adapter at the positioner must be protected
with a check valve mounted in the piping.
Otherwise the pressure in the positioner
housing would rise above the ambient pres-
sure and damage the positioner when the
exhausting components respond suddenly.

EB 8384-3 EN 35

3 Connections 3.1.1 Signal pressure gauges

3.1 Pneumatic connections To monitor the supply air (Supply) and sig-
nal pressure (Output), we recommend that
pressure gauges be attached (see accesso-
Caution! ries in Tables 1 to 5).
The threads in the positioner housing are not
designed for direct air connection!
3.1.2 Supply pressure
The required supply air pressure depends
The screw glands must be screwed into the
on the bench range and the actuator's oper-
connecting plate, the pressure gauge mount-
ating direction (fail-safe action).
ing block or the connection block from the
The bench range is registered on the name-
accessories. The air connections are option-
plate either as spring range or signal pres-
ally designed as a bore with ¼ NPT or G ¼
sure range depending on the actuator. die
The direction of action is marked FA or FE,
The customary fittings for metal and copper
or by a symbol.
pipes or plastic hoses can be used.
Actuator stem extends FA (Air to open
Note! ATO)
The supply air must be dry and free from oil
and dust. The maintenance instructions for Fail-safe position "Valve Closed"
upstream pressure reducing stations must be (for globe and angle valves):
observed. Required supply pressure = Upper bench
Blow through all air tubes and hoses thor- range value + 0.2 bar, minimum 1.4 bar.
oughly prior to connecting them.
Actuator stem retracts FE (Air to close ATC)
If the positioner is attached directly to the Fail-safe position "Valve Open"
Type 3277 Actuator, the connection of the (for globe and angle valves):
positioner's output pressure to the actuator For tight-closing valves, the maximum signal
is fixed. For attachment according to pressure pstmax is roughly estimated as fol-
IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR), the signal pressure lows:
can be routed to either the top or bottom di-
aphragm chamber of the actuator, depend-
d2 ⋅ π ⋅ Δp
ing on the actuator's fail-safe action "Actua- pstmax = F + [bar]
tor stem extends" or "Actuator stem re- 4⋅A
For rotary actuators, the manufacturer's
specifications for connection apply.

36 EB 8384-3 EN

d = Seat diameter [cm]

Δp = Differential pressure across the valve
A = Actuator diaphragm area [cm²]
F = Upper bench range of the actuator

If there are no specifications, calculate as


Required supply pressure =

Upper bench range value + 1 bar

The signal pressure at the output (Out-
put 38) of the positioner can be limited to
1.4, 2.4 or 3.7 bar over Code 16 or the
pressure limit can be deactivated (MAX).

EB 8384-3 EN 37

3.2 Electrical connections For the interconnection of equipment to en-

ergy-limited circuits with type of protection
EEx nL IIC, the permissible maximum values
For electrical installation, you are re-
specified in the statement of conformity or
quired to observe the relevant
the addenda to the statement of conformity
electrotechnical regulations and the
accident prevention regulations that
apply in the country of use. In Ger-
The terminal assignment specified in the cer-
many, these are the VDE regulations
tificate must be adhered to. Reversing the
and the accident prevention regula-
assignment of the electrical terminals may
tions of the employers' liability insur-
cause the explosion protection to become in-
ance association.
Do not tamper with enameled screws inside
The following standards apply for assembly or on the housing.
and installation in hazardous areas:
EN 60079-14: 2003 (VDE 0165 Part 1/ Note on the selection of cables and wires:
8.98) "Electrical apparatus for explosive gas To install intrinsically safe circuits, observe
atmospheres" and EN 50281-1-2: 1999 section 12 of the standard EN 60079-14:
(VDE 0165 Part 2/11.99) "Electrical appa- 2003 (VDE 0165 Part 1). To run multi-core
ratus for use in the presence of combustible cables or lines with more than one intrinsi-
dust". cally safe circuit, section of this
For the interconnection of intrinsically safe standard applies.
electrical equipment, the permissible maxi- An additional cable gland can be installed
mum values specified in the EC type exami- when connecting the device over two sepa-
nation certificate apply (Ui or Uo; Ii or Io; Pi rate cables. Cable entries left unused must
or Po; Ci or Co, and Li or Lo). be sealed with blanking plugs. Devices used
at ambient temperatures down to –20 °C
The following applies for equipment with must have metal cable entries.
type of protection EEx nA (non-sparking ap-
paratus) according to the standard EN
50021 (1999): Connecting, interrupting, or Cable entries
switching circuits while energized is only al-
The cable entry with M20 x 1.5 cable
lowed during installation, maintenance or
gland, 6 to 12 mm clamping range.
repair work.
There is a second M20 x 1.5 threaded bore
The following applies for equipment con-
in the housing that can be used for addi-
nected to energy-limited circuits with type of
tional connection, when required.
protection EEx nL (energy-limited apparatus)
The screw terminals are designed for wire
according to the standard EN 50021
cross-sections of 0.2 to 2.5 mm². Tighten by
(1999): This type of equipment may be
at least 0.5 Nm.
switched under normal operating conditions.

38 EB 8384-3 EN

The wires for the reference variable must be The position transmitter is operated on a
connected to the terminals 11 and 12 lo- two-wire circuit. The usual supply voltage is
cated in the housing. Only use a current 24 V DC. Considering the resistance of the
source! supply leads, the voltage at the position
If the reference variable exceeds 22 mA, transmitter terminals can be between 12 V
OVERLOAD appears on the LC display to and 30 V DC.
warn the user. Refer to Fig. 16 or the label on the terminal
strip for terminal assignment.
Caution! The erroneous connection of a volt- Note! The minimum permissible reference
age source of just around 7 V (or around variable should not fall below 3.8 mA for
2 V when connected to the wrong pole) can operating the positioner.
damage the positioner. Accessories:
Plastic cable gland M20 x 1.5:
Black Order no. 8808-1011
In general, it is not necessary to connect the Blue Order no. 8808-1012
positioner to a bonding conductor. Should Nickel-plated brass Order no. 1890-4875
this be required, however, this conductor Adapter M20 x 1.5 to ½ NPT
can be connected inside the device. Aluminum, powder-coated
Depending on the version, the positioner is Order no. 0310-2149
equipped with inductive limit switches
and/or a solenoid valve.

Optional Optional
A3 A2 A1 G

+81 -82 +11 -12 +83 -84 +51 -52 +41 -42 +31 -32

Switching amplifier
acc. to EN 60947-5-6

24 V DC mA A3 Limit switches 2-wire transmitter

solenoid Control signal Fault A2 A1 supply unit for optional
valve indication Software Software position transmitter only
or inductive
Fig. 16 · Electric connections

EB 8384-3 EN 39

3.2.1 Switching amplifiers 3.2.2 Establishing communication

For operation of the limit switches, switching Communication between PC and positioner
amplifiers must be connected in the output (via FSK modem or handheld communica-
circuit. To ensure the operating reliability of tor, if necessary, using an isolation ampli-
the positioner, the amplifiers should comply fier) is based on the HART protocol.
with the limit values of the output circuits
Type Viator FSK modem
conforming to EN 60947-5-6.
If the positioner is to be installed in hazard- RS 232 EExia Order no. 8812-0129
ous areas, the relevant regulations must be RS 232 not ex Order no. 8812-0130
observed. PCMCIA not ex Order no. 8812-0131
USB not ex Order no. 8812-0132

If the supply voltage of the controller or con-

trol station becomes too low because it has
been reduced by the load in the circuit, an
isolation amplifier is to be connected be-
tween controller and positioner (interfacing

Handheld communicator
Connection in non-hazardous area
or second FSK modem

4 to 20 mA 3730-30

Controller/control station

Hazardous area
Connection in hazardous area
Safe area


Controller/control station Ex isolating amplifier

Handheld communicator
or second FSK modem (explosion-protected)

Fig. 17 · Connection with a FSK modem

40 EB 8384-3 EN

as for positioner connected in hazardous ar-

eas, see Fig. 17). 250 Ω

If the positioner is used in hazardous areas, 22 μF

an explosion-protected isolation amplifier is
to be used.
By means of the HART protocol, all control Controller/control station
room and field devices connected in the
loop are individually accessible through
their address via point-to-point or standard Fig. 18 · Adapting the output signal
bus (Multidrop).
The bus address/polling address must al-
ways be set to zero (0).
Standard bus (Multidrop):
In the standard bus (Multidrop) mode, the
positioner follows the analog current signal
(reference variable) as for point-to-point
communication. This operating mode is, for
example, suitable for split-range operation
of positioners (series connection). The bus
address/polling address has to be within a
range of 1 to 15.
Communication errors may occur when the
process controller/control station output is
not HART-compatible.
For adaptation, the Z box (order no.
1170-2374) can be installed between out-
put and communication interface.
At the Z box a voltage of 330 mV is re-
leased (16.5 Ω at 20 mA).
Alternatively, a 250-Ω resistor can be con-
nected in series and a 22-μF capacitor can
be connected in parallel to the analog out-
put. Note that in this case, the controller out-
put load will increase.

EB 8384-3 EN 41

4 Operation The switch position is prompted prior to an

initialization. After an initialization has been
completed, changing the switch position
does not have any effect on the operation of
A summary about operating and start up
the positioner.
can be found in section 8 on page 66. A
leaflet including the same summary is also Volume restriction Q
enclosed with the positioner. The volume restriction is used to adapt the
air delivery to the actuator size. Two fixed
settings are possible depending on how the
4.1 Operator controls and air is routed at the actuator (section 5.2 in
display page 47).
Rotary pushbutton
The positioner is mainly operated with the Displays
rotary pushbutton. A self test is performed automatically
Turn the button to select and set codes, (tEStinG runs across the display) when the
parameter and values. Press it to confirm positioner starts up for the first time after the
them. electrical auxiliary power has been con-
Slide switch AIR TO OPEN or AIR TO
CLOSE Symbols appear on the LC display that are
assigned to parameters, codes, and func-
4 AIR TO OPEN applies when the increas- tions.
ing signal pressure opens the valve
The bar graph in the operating modes Man-
4 AIR TO CLOSE applies when the increas- ual and Automatic indicates the sys-
ing signal pressure closes the valve
tem deviation that depends on the sign (+/–)
The signal pressure is the air pressure at the and the value. One bar graph element ap-
output of the positioner which is transferred pears per 1 % system deviation.
to the actuator.
If the device has not yet been initialized (see
For positioners with an attached reversing section 4.3.1), the lever position in degrees
amplifier for double-acting rotary actuators in relation to the longitudinal axis is indi-
(section 2.5): switch position AIR TO OPEN. cated instead of the system deviation. One
bar graph element corresponds to approxi-
For checking purposes:
mately a 5° angle of rotation.
After successfully completing initialization,
the positioner display should read 0 % when If the fifth element blinks (value displayed
the valve is closed and 100 % when the > 30°), the permissible angle of rotation has
valve is open. If this is not the case, change been exceeded. Lever and pin position must
the slide switch position and re-initialize the be checked.

42 EB 8384-3 EN

Displays and their meaning

AUO Automatic mode MAX Maximum range SUb Substitute calibration

CL Clockwise NO Not available tEStinG Test function active
CCL Counterclockwise NOM Nominal travel TunE Initialization in progress
Err Error ON ON YES Available
ESC Escape OVERLOAD w > 22 mA ZP Zero calibration
HI ix greater than 21.6 mA OFF OFF ää Increasing/increasing
LO ix smaller than 2.4 mA RES Reset äæ Increasing/decreasing
LOW w too low RUN Start
MAN Manual mode SAFE Fail-safe position Blinking Controlled operation
Blinking Not initialized
Failure/fault Manual operation Control operation Code

Bar graph for

system deviation
or lever position
mm mm
Limit switch
Alarm 1
% Limit switch
S Alarm 2

Configuration Maintenance required/ Fail-safe position

enabled Maintenance demanded active

Initialization key Cap or rotary switch Metal tag of proximity switch

SSP interface

Switch for


fail-safe action

of the actuator


mm mm
Volume restriction

Rotary pushbutton

Fig. 19 · Display and controls

EB 8384-3 EN 43

4.2 Enabling and selecting Note!

parameters To cancel a value that you have just entered
under a code, turn the button until ESC
The codes which are marked with an aster- appears on the display and press to con-
isk (*) in section 12 on page 71 onwards firm.
must be enabled with Code 3 before the as-
sociated parameters can be configured as
described below.

Canceling the setting

Code 3
not enabled

Note! If no settings are entered within 120

seconds, the enabled configuration function
becomes invalid and the display resets to
Code 0.

4 From the current display, turn the rotary The code list on page 71 onwards in section
pushbutton until Code 3 and OFF ap- 12 shows all parameters that can be ad-
pear on the display. justed, including their description and their
Confirm Code 3 by pressing the but- default settings.
ton, the code number blinks.

4 Turn button until ON appears.

After attaching the positioner to the valve as
Confirm setting by pressing the but-
well as setting the fail-safe position and the
volume restriction, it is sufficient for standard
operation to press the initialization key in
Configuration is enabled and is indicated by
order to ensure optimum positioner opera-
symbol appearing on the display.
tion (section 5.6 on page 49).
Now you can adjust the codes, parameters
For this purpose, the positioner must be op-
and values for the control valve in any de-
erated with its default values. If necessary, a
sired order by turning the button. Con-
reset must be carried out (section 5.9 on
firm settings by pressing the button.
page 59).

44 EB 8384-3 EN

4.3 Operating modes Switching to manual operating mode

Over Code 0, press the button, AUtO
4.3.1 Automatic and manual appears in the display, Code 0 blinks.
operating modes Turn button until MAN appears.
Prior to initialization:
If the positioner has not been initialized yet,
the automatic operating AUtO cannot be se-
The valve can only be positioned manually
with the positioner. Press button to switchover to the manual
To proceed, turn button clockwise until operating mode .
Code 1 appears, then confirm Code 1 by The switchover is smooth since the manual
pressing the button. operating mode starts up with the set point
last used during automatic operating mode.
The current position is displayed in %.
Adjusting the manual set point

If both the code number and the hand sym-

bol are blinking, the valve can be manually % %
positioned by turning the button.
Turn button until Code 1 appears.
After initialization:
Press button to confirm, Code 1 blinks.
After successful initialization in the MAX, While Code 1 is blinking, you can move the
NOM or MAN mode (section 5.6.1), the valve to the position required by turning the
positioner is in the automatic control button. To proceed, turn the button until
operation mode . enough the positioner has built up enough
pressure and the control valve starts to react.
The positioner automatically returns to man-
ual mode with Code 0 if the button is not
% activated within two minutes.
Switching from manual to automatic oper-
ating mode works in the same manner.
First, you must reset the positioner to Code 0
and set it to automatic mode AUtO and con-

EB 8384-3 EN 45
Start-up and settings

4.3.2 SAFE – Fail-safe position 5 Start-up and settings

If you want to move the valve to fail-safe po-
sition, proceed as follows:
A summary about start-up and operation
can be found in section 8 on page 66. A
Select Code 0, press the button, AUtO or leaflet including the same summary is also
MAN appears on the display, Code 0 enclosed with the positioner.
Turn the button until SAFE appears. 4 Connect pneumatic supply air
(Supply 9), making sure the pressure is
correct as described in section 3.1.
4 Apply an electrical reference variable of
4 to 20 mA (terminals 11 and 12).
S 4 The voltage supply >19 V DC for version
with a solenoid valve must be connected
Press the button to confirm this setting. at terminals 81 (+) und 82 (–).
Operating mode SAFE has been selected,
symbol S for the fail-safe position appears. Warning!
The signal pressure supplied may
cause the actuator stem to move.
Risk of injury!
The valve moves to the fail-safe position.

Once the positioner is initialized, the current
The positioner performs a test in the start-up
valve position is indicated on the digital dis-
phase while following its automation task at
play in %.
the same time. During the start-up phase,
operation on site is unrestricted, yet write
access is restricted.
If you want to return the valve from the
fail-safe position to the operating mode
AUtO or MAN, the button must be
pressed while Code 0 is active.
When the code number blinks, turn the
button to switch to the desired operating
Press the button to confirm.

46 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

5.1 Determining the fail-safe The “SIDE”restriction position always applies

position for actuators from other manufacturers.
Overview · Position of the volume restriction Q*
To adapt the positioner to the operating di-
Signal Transit <1s ≥1 s
rection of the actuator, set slide switch to pressure time
Connection at the side MIN SIDE MAX SIDE
AIR TO OPEN = Signal pressure opens the
Connection at the back MIN BACK MAX BACK
valve, for fail-safe position: actuator stem
extends/valve closed * Intermediate positions are not permitted.
AIR TO CLOSE = Signal pressure closes the Note! The positioner needs to be initialized
valve, for fail-safe position: actuator stem again after the position of the restriction has
retracts/valve open. been changed.
The switch position is prompted prior to an
initialization. After an initialization has been 5.3 Adapting the display
completed, changing the switch position
does not have any effect on the operation of The data representation on the positioner
the positioner. display can be turned by 180°.
If the displayed data appear upside down,
proceed as follows:
5.2 Setting the volume restriction Q
The volume restriction Q is used to adapt the Reading direction for right
air delivery to the size of the actuator: attachment of pneumatic

4 Actuators with a transit time < 1 s, e.g. connections

linear actuators with an effective area

smaller than 240 cm², require a re-
stricted air flow rate (MIN). Reading direction for left
4 Actuators with a transit time ≥ 1 s do not attachment of pneumatic
require the air flow rate to be restricted
The position of volume restriction Q also de- 4 Turn the button until Code 2 appears,
pends on how the signal pressure is routed and press the button to confirm Code
at the actuator in SAMSON actuators: 2, Code 2 blinks.
4 The “SIDE“ position applies for actuators 4 Turn button until the display is ad-
justed to the desired direction, then con-
with a loading pressure connection at the
side, e.g. Type 3271-5. firm reading direction by pressing the
4 The “BACK“ position applies for actua- button.
tors with a loading pressure connection
at the back, e.g. in Type 3277-5.

EB 8384-3 EN 47
Start-up and settings

5.4 Limiting the signal pressure 3. Turn the button until Code 1 appears,
confirm Code 1 by pressing button.
If the maximum actuator force may cause The hand symbol and Code 1 blink.
damage to the valve, the signal pressure 4. Position control valve by turning the
must be limited. Select Code 3 to enable
button several times until pressure builds
configuration and then access Code 16 to
up, and the control valve moves to its fi-
set the pressure limit to 1.4, 2.4 or 3.7 bar.
nal positions so that the travel/angle of
The required signal pressure limit is only au- rotation can be checked.
tomatically recognized on initialization The permissible range has been ex-
when the fail-safe position AIR TO OPEN is
ceeded when the displayed angle is
higher than 30°, and the outer right or
left bar graph element blinks.
5.5 Checking the operating
If this is the case, it is absolutely neces-
range of the positioner sary to check lever and pin position as
To check the mechanical attachment and the described in section 2.
proper functioning, the valve should be
moved through the operating range of the Note!
positioner in the manual operating mode If the selected pin position is smaller than in-
with the manual reference variable. tended for the respective travel range, the
positioner switches to the SAFE mode, the
Code 0 valve moves to the fail-safe position (see
Select section 4.3.2 on page 44).
manual operation
Default MAN
5. Initialize positioner as described in sec-
Code 1 tion 5.6.
Position valve using the
rotary pushbutton, the
current angle of rotation is

1. Turn the button until Code 0 appears,

then confirm Code 0 by pressing the
2. Turn the button until MAN appears in
the display, i.e. manual operating mode,
confirm selected operating mode by
pressing the button.

48 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

Simplified start-up!
For most applications, the positioner with its default settings is ready for operation,
provided it has been properly attached.
After the fail-safe position and the volume restriction have been set, the positioner only
needs to be initialized by pressing the INIT key.

Prior to starting the initialization procedure, check the maximum permissible supply
pressure of the control valve to prevent the valve from being damaged. On initialization,
the positioner supplies the maximum available supply pressure. If necessary, restrict the
signal pressure by using a pressure reducing valve upstream of the control valve.
Initialization is run in default mode MAX (section 5.6.1). During this process, the
positioner adapts itself optimally to the maximum travel/angle of rotation range.
The only parameter that must be checked is the direction of action, i.e. whether the default
setting (Code 7 to ää = increasing/increasing) matches the application or whether it
must be changed.
The initialization modes described in following serve to individually adapt and optimize
the positioner to the way it is attached to the valve.

5.6 Initialization On initializing the positioner for the first

time, the hand symbol appears on the
During initialization the positioner adapts it-
self optimally to the friction conditions and
the signal pressure demand of the control
valve. Note!
The type and extent of self-adaptation de- Every time you re-initialize the positioner, it
pends on the set initialization mode (see should be reset to its basic setting including
section 5.6.1). the default values. Refer to section 5.9 on
MAX is the default setting for initialization page 59.
based on the maximum nominal range.
If configuration is enabled via Code 3, 4 Start the initialization process by press-
Code 6 can be used to change to other ini- ing the INIT key with a suitable tool.
tialization modes.
If the positioner has been initialized once al- The time required for an initialization pro-
ready, it will automatically go to the operat- cess depends on the transit time of the actu-
ing mode used last after the electrical refer- ator and take several minutes.
ence variable is applied, Code 0 appears Positioners with EXPERT+ diagnostic func-
on the display. tions start plotting the reference graphs after

EB 8384-3 EN 49
Start-up and settings

the initialization process has been com- The control position in % predetermined by
pleted. See note at the end of this section. the reference variable appears on the dis-
Warning! A malfunctioning leads to the process being
During the initialization, the control interrupted. The initialization error appears
valve moves through its entire on the display according to how it has been
travel/angle of rotation range. classified by the condensed status. See sec-
Therefore, do not start initialization tion 5.7 on page 57.
while a process is running, but only
If the slide switch is set to AIR TO CLOSE,
during start-up, when all shut-off
the positioner automatically switches to the
valves are closed.
direction of action increasing/decreasing
(äæ) on successful completion of initializa-
The initialization procedure can be
tion. This results in the following assignment
interrupted while running by press-
between reference variable and valve posi-
ing . StOP appears three seconds
long and the positioner then moves
to the fail-safe position. Fail-safe Direction of Valve
position action Closed at Open at

Actuator stem
extends FA ää 4 mA 20 mA
Alternating displays AIR TO OPEN
Initialization running Actuator stem
retracts FE äæ 20 mA 4 mA

The tight-closing function is activated.

Bar graph display
indicating the progress of Set Code 15 (final position w>) to 99 % for
the initialization three-way valves.
Further settings relevant for the valve can be
entered subsequently.

Initialization successful, Note!

positioner in automatic Positioner with integrated EXPERT+ diagnos-
% operating mode tics automatically start to plot the reference
graphs (drive signal y d1 and hysteresis d2)
after initialization has been completed. TEST
After a successful initialization, the d1 and d2 appear on the display in an al-
positioner runs in control operation indi- ternating sequence.
cated by the control symbol. An unsuccessful plotting of the reference
graphs is indicated on the display by Code
81 (see error code list).

50 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

After the initialization has been successfully After enabling:

completed, the positioner still works prop-
erly, even though the reference graph plot-
ting has not been completed successfully.
Default MAX
The reference graphs are required for the
extended diagnostic functions of EXPERT+.

5.6.1 Initialization modes Turn → Code 6, press ,

turn → MAX, press .
After enabling configuration with Code 3
and accessing Code 6, you can choose one 4 Press INIT key to start initialization!
of the initialization modes MAX, NOM,
MAN or SUb to start initialization. The initialization procedure may
ZP, the zero calibration is described in sec- take several minutes, depending on
tion 5.8 on page 58. the actuator size, as the valve moves
MAX – Initialization based on maximum through its entire travel/angle of ro-
range tation range.
Initialization mode for simplified start-up for
valves with two clearly defined mechanical Positioners with EXPERT+ diagnostic func-
travel stops, e.g. three-way valves. tions automatically start plotting the refer-
The positioner determines travel/angle of ence graphs after the initialization process
rotation of the closing member from the has been completed. See the note on page
CLOSED position to the opposite side and 50.
adopts this travel/angle of rotation as the
operating range from 0 to 100 %. Note!
Enable configuration: For MAX initialization, the positioner cannot
indicate nominal travel/angle of rotation in
mm/°, Code 5 remains disabled.

Default OFF
In addition, the lower (Code 8) and the up-
per (Code 9) x-range value can only be dis-
played and modified in %.
Turn → Code 3, press , During MAX initialization, an increased sys-
tem deviation (undefined final position of the
turn → ON, press . actuator) in the upper control range may oc-
cur with some control valves due to the
pneumatic actuator design.

EB 8384-3 EN 51
Start-up and settings

If you want the display to indicate mm/°,

proceed as follows after configuration has
The maximum possible travel must always
been enabled:
be greater than the nominal travel entered.
Turn → Code 4, press , If this is not the case, the initialization is
turn → Select pin position entered during interrupted (error indication Code 52) be-
installation, press . cause the nominal travel is not achieved.

If you now switch to Code 5, the nominal

range appears in mm/°. Enable configuration:
The lower and upper x-range values for
Code 8 and 9 are displayed in mm/° and
can be adapted accordingly.
Default OFF
NOM – Initialization based on nominal
Initialization mode for globe valves, espe- Turn → Code 3, press ,
cially for valves with maximum ranges that
turn → ON, press .
are clearly greater than the required nomi-
nal range. After enabling:
For this initialization mode, the following
parameters must be entered: pin position
(Code 4), nominal travel/angle (Code 5)
Default OFF
and, if required, the direction of action mm

(Code 7).
The calibrated sensor enables the effective
valve travel to be preset very accurately. Turn → Code 4, press ,
During the initialization procedure, the turn → Select pin position entered during
positioner checks whether the control valve installation, press .
can move through the indicated nominal
range (travel or angle) without collision.
In case of a positive result, the indicated
nominal range is adopted with the limits of
Default 15
lower x-range and upper x-range values as mm

the operating range.

Turn → Code 5, press ,

turn → Enter nominal valve travel,
press .

52 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

it as the operating range with the lower

x-range value and upper x-range value be-
Default MAX ing the limits.
Enable configuration:

Turn → Code 6, press ,

turn → NOM, press . Default OFF

4 Press INIT key to start initialization!

Turn → Code 3, press ,
turn → ON, press .
The initialization procedure may
After enabling:
take several minutes, depending on
the actuator size, as the valve moves Turn → Code 4, press ,
through its entire travel/angle of ro-
turn → Select pin position entered during
tation range.
installation, press .
Turn → Code 6 , press ,
Positioners with EXPERT+ diagnostic func-
tions automatically start plotting the refer- turn → MAN, press .
ence graphs after the initialization process
has been completed. See note on page 50.
MAN – Initialization based on a manually Default MAX

selected range
(with default upper x-range value by means
of manual adjustment). Turn → Code 0, press ,
Initialization mode just as NOM, however, turn → MAN, press .
for starting up valves with unknown nominal
In this mode, the positioner expects the con-
trol valve to be moved manually to the de- Default MAN
sired OPEN position prior to enabling the
initialization procedure.
The upper range travel/angle of rotation Turn → Code 1, press ,
value is adjusted using the rotary Code 1 blinks.
pushbutton. The positioner uses this OPEN
position and the CLOSED position to calcu-
late the differential travel/angle and accepts

EB 8384-3 EN 53
Start-up and settings

sure signal which is routed to the actuator

externally. The blocking position ensures
that the plant continues to operate with this
valve position.
The spare positioner should not be initial-
ized. If necessary, reset the spare positioner
using Code 36.
Turn until the valve reaches its OPEN po-
sition, press . After the old positioner has been replaced
with a new one, the following parameters
4 Press INIT key to start initialization! must be entered: pin position (Code 4),
nominal range (Code 5), direction of action
The initialization procedure may (Code 7) and closing direction (Code 34).
take several minutes, depending on The default travel limit of 100 % (Code 11)
the actuator size, as the valve moves must be disabled with OFF.
through its entire travel/angle of ro- In addition, the blocking position (Code 35)
tation range. must be adjusted with the button so that
it matches the position of the previously
blocked valve.
Positioners with EXPERT+ diagnostic func-
tions automatically start plotting the refer- The parameters KP (Code 17), TV (Code 18)
ence graphs after the initialization process and the pressure limit (Code 16) should re-
has been completed. See note on page 50. main set to their default values. If the config-
uration data of the new positioner are
known, it is recommended to accept its KP
SUb and TV values.
(substitute configuration, without initializa- After setting the AIR TO OPEN/CLOSE
tion) switch for the fail-safe position, setting the
volume restriction and pressing the INIT key,
This initialization mode is an emergency
the positioner calculates its configuration
mode. The positioner parameters are esti-
data on the basis of the blocking position
mated and not determined by an initializa-
and the closing direction as well as the other
tion procedure, so that a high stationary ac-
entered data.
curacy cannot be expected.
The positioner switches to manual operation,
You should always select a different initial-
subsequently the blocking position should be
ization mode if the plant allows it.
canceled as described on page 56.
The initialization mode SUb is used to re-
place a positioner while the process is in op-
eration. For this purpose, the control valve is
usually fixed mechanically in a certain posi-
tion, or pneumatically by means of a pres-

54 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

Enable configuration:

Default ää

Default OFF

Turn → Code 7, press ,

Turn → Code 3, press , turn → Retain direction of action ää or
select äæ.
turn → ON, press .
Press .
After enabling:

Default 100.0
Default OFF

Turn → Code 11, press ,

Turn → Code 4, press ,
turn → Deactivate travel limit,
press → Select pin position entered dur-
ing installation, press .
press .

Default OFF

Default 15

Turn → Code 16,

Turn → Code 5, press , Retain default value for pressure limit,
turn → Enter nominal travel/angle, change value only if necessary.
press .

Default 7

Default MAX

Turn → Code 17
Turn → Code 6, press , Retain default. Proceed as follows only if
turn → SUb, press .
Press ,

EB 8384-3 EN 55
Start-up and settings

turn → Select KP, 4 Set switch for fail-safe position AIR TO

OPEN or AIR TO CLOSE as described in
press .
section 5.1 on page 44.

4 Set volume restriction as described in

Default 2 section 5.2 on page 45.

Turn → Code 18,

4 Press INIT key!
Retain default TV, change only if known. The positioner switches to manual operat-
ing mode!

Default CCL

The adjusted blocking

mm position is indicated
Turn → Code 34, press ,
turn → Select closing direction.
As initialization has not been carried out
CCL = counterclockwise and CL = clockwise. completely, the error code 76 (no emer-
Direction of rotation which causes the valve gency mode) and possibly also error code
to move to the CLOSED position (view onto 57 may appear on the display.
the rotary switch movement while positioner These alarms do not influence the
cover is open). positioner’s readiness for operation.

Press . Canceling the blocking position

For the positioner to follow its reference
variable again, the blocking position must
Default 0.0
be canceled and the positioner must be set
to automatic operation AUtO as follows:
Press → Code 1, press ,
Turn → Code 35, press , turn in order to move the valve slightly
past the blocking position, then cancel me-
turn → Enter blocking position, e.g.
chanical blocking.
5 mm (read off at travel indicator scale of
the blocked valve or measure with a ruler). Press .
Press . Turn → Code 0, press ,
Code 0 blinks.

56 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

Turn until AUtO appears on the display. 5.7 Fault/failure

Press to confirm the operating mode.
All status and fault alarms are assigned a
The positioner switches to automatic oper- classified status in the positioner.
ating mode!
To provide a better overview, the classified
The current valve position is indicated in %. alarms are summarized in a condensed sta-
tus for the positioner (see section 6).
Note! The condensed status appears on the dis-
If the positioner shows a tendency to oscil- play with the following symbols:
late in automatic operating mode, the pa-
rameters KP and TV must be slightly cor- Condensed status Display
rected. Proceed as follows: Maintenance alarm
Set TV to 4 (Code 18).
If the positioner still oscillates, the gain KP Maintenance
(Code 17) must be decreased until the requested/Mainte-
positioner shows a stable behavior. nance demanded
Function check Text
No alarm

Zero point correction

If the positioner has not been initialized, the
Finally, if process operations allow it, the fault symbol appears on the display as
zero point must be adjusted according to the positioner cannot follows its reference
section 5.8 on page 58. variable.
Additionally, a signal is issued over the fault
Caution! alarm contact when certain faults occur (see
The positioner automatically moves to zero error code list).
point. To access the error codes, turn the button
past the Code 50.
Err appears on the display with the respec-
tive error code.
For the cause of the fault and its remedy, re-
fer to the codes listed in section 12 on
page 71 onwards.

EB 8384-3 EN 57
Start-up and settings

5.8 Zero calibration

Display indicating an
error code
In case of discrepancies with the closing po-
sition of the valve, e.g. with soft-sealed
S plugs, it may become necessary to
recalibrate the zero point.
After an error code has occurred, you
should first try to confirm it as follows: Enable configuration:
Enable configuration:
Turn → Code 3 , press ,
Default OFF
turn → ON, press .
Turn until the error code number ap-
pears, then press to confirm it. Turn → Code 3, press ,
Should the error occur again, read the rem- turn → ON, press .
edy instructions in the error code list.
After enabling:
Occurrences such as when the total valve
travel is exceeded or when the temperature
leaves the permissible temperature range af-
Default MAX
fect the condensed state and cause a fault
alarm to be displayed depending on its clas-
The optional EXPERT+ diagnostics generates Turn → Code 6, press ,
additional diagnostic alarms which are in- turn → ZP, press .
cluded in the condensed status with their
corresponding status classification. 4 Press INIT key!
When a diagnostic alarm is issued by
EXPERT+, this is displayed by Code 79 (see Zero calibration is started, the positioner
error code list). moves the control valve to the CLOSED posi-
tion and readjusts the internal electrical zero

The valve briefly moves from the cur-

rent travel/angle of rotation position
to the closed position.

58 EB 8384-3 EN
Start-up and settings

5.9 Reset to default values 5.10 Start-up via local interface

This function resets all parameters to the fac-
tory default values (see code list in sec- The positioner must be supplied with at least
tion 12). 4 mA.
Enable configuration: The positioner can be connected directly to
the PC via the local serial interface and the
serial interface adapter.

Default OFF Use the TROVIS-VIEW software with 3730-3

device module installed. Refer to section 13
for more details.
For start-up and settings, proceed as de-
Turn → Code 3, press ,
scribed in section 5, 5.1 to 5.4 and then
turn → ON, press . proceed as described in section 13.
After enabling:
Depending on the firmware installed in the
positioner, a certain minimum version of the
Default OFF
TROVIS-VIEW device module is required for
If you have already installed the software,
Turn → Code 36, press , you can download updates at (Support & Downloads -
turn → RUN, press .

All parameters are reset and can be recon- ®

5.11 Start-up over HART
The positioner must be supplied with at least
4 mA current. The FSK modem must be con-
nected in parallel to the current loop.
A DTM file (Device Type Manager) conform-
ing to the Specification 1.2 is available for
communication. This allows the device, for
example, to be run with the PACTware op-
erator interface. All the positioner's parame-
ters are then accessible over the DTM and
the operator interface.

EB 8384-3 EN 59
Status and diagnostic alarms

For start-up and settings, proceed as de- 6 Status and diagnostic alarms
scribed in section 5, 5.1 to 5.4. Refer to the
code list in section 12 as well as section The Type 3730-3 Positioner contains an in-
13.4 for the parameters necessary for the tegrated diagnostic approach to generate
operator interface. classified status and diagnostic alarms.
There are two different on-board diagnostics
Note! available: the standard integrated diagnos-
The write access for HART® communication tics (EXPERT) and the optional extended
can be disabled over Code 47. You can EXPERT+ diagnostics.
only disable or enable this function locally at
the positioner. 6.1 Standard EXPERT diagnostics
The write access is enabled by default. The
on-site operation including the INIT key can The standard EXPERT diagnostics provides
be locked over HART®communication. The information about positioner states such as
word "HART" then blinks on the display operating hours counter, process monitor-
when Code 3 is selected. This locking func- ing, number of zero calibrations and
tion can only be disabled over HART® com- initializations, total valve travel, tempera-
munication. On-site operation is enabled by ture, initialization diagnostics, zero/control
default. loop errors, logging of the last 30 alarms,

Note! In addition, the standard EXPERT diagnostics

In the case, complex functions are started in generates diagnostic and status alarms
the positioner, which require a long calcula- which allow faults to be pinpointed quickly
tion time or lead to a large quantity of data when a fault occurs.
being stored in the volatile memory of the Alarms are classified in the following main
positioner, the alert “busy” is issued by the groups:
DTM file.
This alert is not a fault alarm and can sim-
4 Status
ply be confirmed. 4 Operation
4 Hardware
4 Initialization
4 Data memory
4 Temperature

60 EB 8384-3 EN
Status and diagnostic alarms

+ the positioner. Additionally, it is possible to

6.2 Extended EXPERT
diagnostics activate EXPERT+ at a later point in time in
an existing positioner.
In addition to the standard EXPERT diagnos- For this purpose, an activation code can be
tic features, the optional EXPERT+ extended ordered, specifying the serial number of the
diagnostics provides the following online positioner.
and offline test functions which enable sig-
nificant statements on the condition of the 6.3 Classification of the status
entire control valve. alarms and the condensed
Online test functions (monitoring functions)

4 Data logger The alarms are assigned a classification sta-

tus in the positioner. The following states are
4 Histogram differentiated between:
4 Cycle counter Maintenance alarm
4 Valve end position trend The positioner cannot perform its control
4 Y = f (X) diagram (drive signal) task due to a functional fault in the device or
in one of its peripherals or an initialization
4 Hysteresis test has not yet been successfully completed.

Offline test functions (manual functions) Maintenance required

The positioner still performs its control task
4 Y = f (X) diagram over the entire valve (with restrictions). A maintenance demand
travel range or above average wear has been deter-
4 Hysteresis test over the entire valve travel mined. The wear tolerance will soon be ex-
hausted or is reducing at a faster rate than
expected. Maintenance is necessary in the
4 Static characteristic medium term.
4 Step response test Maintenance demanded
The diagnostic tests are completely inte- The positioner still performs its control task
grated in the positioner. Further status (with restrictions). A maintenance demand
alarms are generated from the extensive in- or above average wear has been deter-
formation gained in the diagnostic tests of mined. The wear tolerance will soon be ex-
EXPERT+ which provide the user with infor- hausted or is reducing at a faster rate than
mation covering the whole control valve. expected. Maintenance is necessary in the
The required reference curves are automati- short term.
cally plotted after initialization and saved in
the positioner if EXPERT+ is activated.
The optional diagnostic functions provided
by EXPERT+ can be selected when ordering

EB 8384-3 EN 61
Status and diagnostic alarms

Function check Condensed status

Test or calibration procedures are being
performed. The positioner is temporarily un- To provide a better overview, the state of the
able to perform its control task until this pro- positioner is summarized in a condensed
cedure is completed. status which is made up from a summary of
all classified positioner alarms.
Classification process in the positioner
An alarm is assigned to one of following If an event is classified as “No alarm”, this
classified states in the table: event does not have any affect on the con-
densed status of the positioner.
Status alarm Engineering tool The condensed status is displayed in the en-
Alarm inactive gineering tool as well as on the positioner
display as in the following table:
Alarm active Status alarm Enginee- Positioner
Classified as “No alarm” ring tool display
Alarm active “Maintenance alarm”
Classified as “Maintenance
”Maintenance demanded” “Maintenance required”
Alarm active demanded”
Classified as “Function
check” “Function check”
Alarm active
Classified as “Maintenance “No alarm”

62 EB 8384-3 EN
Status and diagnostic alarms

Status modification
The classification of the status alarms can be
changed as required.
They can be modified using TROVIS-VIEW
software over the local SSP interface.
In addition, the classification can be modi-
fied over the parameters in DD or easily en-
tered over the DTM.

All additional alarms generated by EXPERT+
have the status “No alarm” by default.

Logging and displaying diagnostic

The last 30 alarms are logged in the
positioner. However, it is important to note
that the same alarm is only logged once
when it first occurs.
The alarms and the condensed states ap-
pear on the display as described in the code
list (section 12).
In addition, the diagnostic parameters are
issued over the communication interface of
the positioner.
The diagnostic functions can easily be dis-
played and configured using the
TROVIS-VIEW software connected over the
local interface (SSP) or over the DTM.

EB 8384-3 EN 63
Adjusting the limit switch

7 Adjusting the limit switch The desired switching function, i.e. whether
the output relay shall be picked up or re-
The positioner version with inductive limit leased when the tag has entered the field,
switch has one adjustable tag (1) mounted has to be determined, if necessary, at the
on the shaft which operates the proximity switching amplifier.
switch (3).
For operation of the inductive limit switch, Note!
the corresponding switching amplifier (see The inductive limit switch replaces the soft-
section 3.2.1) must be connected to the out- ware limit switch A1 with terminal assign-
put. ment +41/–42.
Each switching position can optionally be
If the tag (1) is inside the field of the switch,
set to indicate when the tag has entered the
the switch assumes a high resistance. If the
field, or when it has left the field.
tag is outside of the field, the switch assumes
The second software limit switch remains ef-
a low resistance.
fective, the function of the software limit
Normally, the limit switch is adjusted such switch A1 is disabled.
that it will provide a signal in both end posi-
tions of the valve. The switch, however, can
also be adjusted to indicate intermediate
valve positions.

Adjustment screw (2) Tag (1) Proximity switch (3)

Fig. 20 · Adjustment of the limit switch

64 EB 8384-3 EN
Adjusting the limit switch

Software adaptation For OPEN position:

Code 38 (inductive alarm is set to YES). 1. Initialize positioner.
The inductive limit switch is connected to the 2. Use the MAN function to move the
terminals +41/–42. positioner to 95 % (see LC display).
The device is set up accordingly when deliv- 3. Adjust the tag (1) using the yellow ad-
ered ex works SAMSON.
justment screw (2) until the tag enters or
Setting the switching point: leaves the field of the proximity switch
Note! You can measure the switching voltage
During adjustment or testing, the switching as an indicator.
point must always be approached from
mid-position (50 %).
Contact function:

To ensure safe switching under any ambient Tag leaving the field > Contact is made.
conditions, the switching point should be Tag entering the field > Contact is opened.
adjusted to a value of approx. 5 % before
the mechanical stop (OPEN – CLOSED).
For CLOSED position:
1. Initialize positioner.
2. Use the MAN function to move the
positioner to 5 % (see LC display).
3. Adjust the tag using the yellow adjust-
ment screw (2) until the tag enters or
leaves the field and the switching ampli-
fier responds. You can measure the
switching voltage as an indicator.

Contact function:
Tag leaving the field > contact is made.
Tag entering the field > contact is opened.

EB 8384-3 EN 65
Quick start-up guide

8 Quick start-up guide 4 Secure the positioner to the NAMUR

bracket, making sure that the follower
8.1 Mounting pin is in the slot of the follower plate.
Make sure the lever can still move.
Direct attachment
Attachment to rotary actuators
to SAMSON Type 3277 Actuator
4 Lever M pin position 90°
Travel mm Actuator cm² Pin position
4 Put the valve into the closed position, de-
7.5 120 25 termine the opening direction.
15 120/240/350 35 4 Place the follower plate on the slotted ac-
tuator shaft and fasten it to the coupling
15/30 700 50 wheel. Attach the top pair of brackets
and the bottom pair of brackets to the
Standard delivery includes lever M ready 4 Place the positioner on the brackets and
screw tight, making sure that the lever
assembled with the follower pin on 35 mm
with its follower pin engages the slot of
pin position for 15 mm travel!
the coupling wheel, while taking into ac-
count the opening direction.
To mount the positioner, lift the lever so that It is important to make sure that the le-
the follower pin rests on the follower clamp ver's mid position corresponds to the mid
of the actuator stem. travel of the valve (lever's mid position =
the lever is parallel to the long side of the
NAMUR attachment positioner casing).

4 Determine the maximum travel range of Pneumatic connections

the control valve from the closed position
to as far it will go in the other direction. 4 Screw the threaded connections only into
4 Select the lever to match the maximum the attached connection block, connect-
travel range as well the next largest pin ing plate or pressure gauge block from
position and screw onto the shaft of the the accessories.
4 Lever option/pin distance:
see pin position table (Code 4) or cover
plate on the positioner.
4 Screw the NAMUR bracket onto the
valve yoke so that it is aligned centrally
to the slot of the follower plate when the
travel position is at 50 %.

66 EB 8384-3 EN
Quick start-up guide

8.2 Start-up Operation

Selecting the parameters or values
Connect pneumatic supply air (1.4 to
6 bar). Each parameter has a code number which
is shown in the display. Use the button to
Apply an electrical reference variable (4 to
20 mA).
Turn the button to select parameters or
values and then push to confirm.
Set the fail-safe position Select and confirm ESC to prevent an en-
tered value from being accepted.
Position the slide switch according to
fail-safe position of the control valve:
Enabling parameters
Adapt the volume restriction Q to the
Parameters that have a code marked with
actuator size
an asterisk (*) can only be changed when
Only set the restriction for actuators they are enabled beforehand using Code 3.
< 240 cm² to:
The configuration mode is shown in the dis-
MIN SIDE for connection at the side or
play with the symbol.
MIN BACK for connection at the back.
See the code list on page 71 onwards or
cover plate of the positioner for a descrip-
tion of the menu codes.
After each change of the volume restriction
setting, the positioner must be re-initialized.

Changing the reading direction of the

(if necessary)
Turn → Code 2, press ,
turn → Display ok, press .

EB 8384-3 EN 67
Quick start-up guide

8.3 Initialization turn → Code 4, ↵

Select pin position, ↵
Note! turn → Code 5, ↵
Perform a reset (Code 36) prior to each ini- Enter nominal travel/range, ↵
turn → Code 6, ↵
select NOM, ↵
Turn → Code 3, ↵
Press INIT key!
turn → ON, ↵
turn → Code 36, ↵ 8.3.3 Manual method (MAN)
select RUN, ↵
Initialization mode same as NOM, but for
start-up of control valves with unknown
Caution! nominal ranges. The final position of
During initialization, the valve runs through travel/angle of rotation (valve open) is en-
its whole range of travel/angle of rotation. tered manually.
Mount and start up the positioner, then pro-
8.3.1 Simplest method (MAX) ceed as follows:
Turn → Code 0, ↵ ,
Mount and start up the positioner and
press the INIT key! turn → select MAN, ↵
READY! turn → Code 1, ↵ ,
The positioner adapts itself automatically to
turn → valve open position, ↵
the maximum travel/angle of rotation
range of the control valve. turn → Code 3, ↵ ,
turn → ON, ↵
8.3.2 Precise method (NOM) turn → Code 6, ↵ , select MAN, ↵

Positioner adapts itself precisely to the nomi- Press INIT key!

nal travel/rotational angle of the control
valve! Note!
Mount and start up the positioner, then pro- After imposing the electrical reference vari-
ceed as follows: able, the positioner is in the last used oper-
ating mode. Code 0 appears in the display.
Turn → Code 3, ↵ If the positioner has not yet been initialized,
turn → ON, ↵ the fault symbol appears on the display
and the symbol blinks.

68 EB 8384-3 EN
Upgrading options

9 Upgrading options
9.1 Retrofitting an inductive limit 2
switch 4

Required retrofit kit:

Limit switch Order no. 1400-7460 3

Note! For explosion-protected devices, the

requirements in section 11 need to be kept.
1. Take off the rotary pushbutton (3) and
cap (1), unthread the five fixing screws 8
(2) and lift off the plastic cover (9).
2. Use a knife to cut an opening at the
marked location (4). 6
3. Push the connector (11) with cable
through the opening and secure the
9 7
proximity switch (7) on the cover with a
dot of glue.
4. Remove the jumper at the socket ST1 of
the top board and insert the cable con-
nector (11).
5. Guide the cable in such a manner that
the plastic cover can be placed back onto
the positioner. Insert the fixing screws (2)
and screw tight. Attach the clamping
plate (8) onto the proximity switch.
6. Attach the rotary switch (5). Make sure
the flattened side of the positioner shaft Socket ST1(11)
is turned so that the rotary switch (5) can
be attached with the metal tag next to 1 Cap 6 Metal tag
2 Screws 7 Proximity switch
the proximity switch.
3 Rotary pushbutton 8 Clamping plate
7. Note!
4 Marking 9 Plastic cover
On start-up of the positioner, set the op- 5 Rotary switch 11 Connector
tion "inductive alarm" under Code 38
from NO to YES. Fig. 21 · Retrofitting an inductive limit switch

EB 8384-3 EN 69

9.2 Activation of optional 11 Servicing explosion-protected

EXPERT diagnostics devices
The optional extended EXPERT+ diagnostics If a part of the positioner on which the ex-
can be activated subsequently. plosion protection is based needs to be ser-
viced, the positioner must not be put back
The required activation code is order num-
into operation until an expert has inspected
ber 1400-9318.
the device according to explosion protection
On ordering this option, specify the serial
requirements, has issued a certificate stating
number of the positioner (see nameplate or
this or given the device a mark of confor-
in the software).
Enter the activation code in Code 48 → d8
Inspection by an expert is not required if the
EXPERT+ activation.
manufacturer performs a routine test on the
Plot reference curve with Code 48 → d7
device prior to putting it back into opera-
Start reference run (see also Code 48 in
tion. The passing of the routine test must be
code list).
documented by attaching a mark of confor-
mity to the device.
10 Maintenance
Explosion-protected components may only
The positioner does not require any mainte- be replaced by original, checked compo-
nance. nents from the manufacturer.
There are filters with a 100 μm mesh size in Devices that have already been used outside
the pneumatic connections for supply and of hazardous areas and are intended for
output which can be removed and cleaned, use in hazardous areas in future must com-
if required. ply with the safety demands placed on re-
paired devices. Prior to operation, they must
The maintenance instructions of any up-
be tested according to the specifications sti-
stream supply air pressure reducing stations
pulated for "Repairing explosion-protected
must be observed.

70 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

12 Code list
Code Parameter – Display, values
no. [default setting]
Note! Codes with marked with an asterisk (*) must be enabled with Code 3 prior to configuration.

0 Operating mode AUtO = Automatic mode MAN = Manual mode

[MAN] SAFE = Fail-safe position ESC = Escape
AUtO Switchover from automatic to manual mode is smooth.
SAFE In fail-safe mode, the symbol S appears on the display.
ESC In MAN and AUtO mode, the system deviation is represented by
the bar graph elements.
When the positioner is initialized, the numerical display indicates
the valve position or the angle of rotation in %, otherwise the po-
sition of the sensor in relation to the central axis is displayed in
degrees °.

1 Manual w Adjust the manual set point with the rotary pushbutton, the
0 to 100 [0] % current travel/angle is displayed in % when the positioner is ini-
of the nominal range tialized, otherwise the sensor position in relation to the central
axis is indicated in degrees °.

2 Reading direction The reading direction of the display is turned by 180°.

Normal or upside down

3 Enable configuration Enables the option to modify data

[OFF] ON ESC (automatically deactivated when the rotary pushbutton has not been
operated for 120 s.)
HART blinks on the display when the on-site operation is locked.
Codes marked with an asterisk (*) can only be read and not
Likewise, codes can only read over the SSP interface.

EB 8384-3 EN 71
Code list

4* Pin position For initialization using NOM or SUb, the follower pin must be in-
[OFF] serted into the correct pin position according to the valve
17, 25, 35, 50 mm travel/angle of rotation.
70, 100, 200 mm, Pin position Standard Adjustment range
90° with rotary actuators Code 4 Code 5 Code 5
ESC 17 7.5 3.6 to 17.7
25 7.5 5.0 to 25.0
35 15.0 7.0 to 35.4
50 30.0 10.0 to 50.0
If you select a pin position in
70 40.0 14.0 to 70.7
Code 4 that is too small, the
100 60.0 20.0 to 100.0
positioner switches to SAFE
200 120.0 40.0 to 200.0
mode for reasons of safety
90° 90.0 24.0 to 110.0

5* Nominal range For initialization using NOM or SUb, the nominal travel/angle of
[15.0] mm or angle ° rotation of the valve must be entered.
The permissible adjustment range depends on the pin position
according to the table.
After initialization has been successfully completed, the maximum
nominal travel/angle reached on initialization is displayed.

6* Init mode Select the initialization mode

[MAX] MAX: Maximum range of the control valve, the travel/angle of
NOM the closure member from the CLOSED position to the
MAN opposite stop in the actuator.
Sub NOM: Nominal range of the control valve, the travel/angle of
ZP the closure member measured from the CLOSED position
ESC to the indicated OPEN position.
MAN: Manual adjustment: upper x-range value
SUb: No self-adjustment (emergency mode)
ZP: Zero calibration

7* w/x Direction of action of the reference variable w in relation to the

[ää] travel/angle of rotation x (increasing/increasing or in-
äæ creasing/decreasing)
ESC Automatic adaptation:
On completing initialization, the direction of action remains in-
creasing/increasing (ää), a globe valve opens as the mA signal
On completing initialization, the direction of action changes to
increasing/decreasing (äæ ), a globe valve closes as the mA
signal increases.

72 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

8* Lower x-range value Lower range value for the travel/angle of rotation in the nominal
0.0 to 80.0 [0.0] % of the or operating range.
nominal range, The operating range is the actual travel/angle of the control
Specified in mm or angle ° provided valve and is limited by the lower x-range value (Code 8) and the
Code 4 is set upper x-range value (Code 9).
ESC Usually, the operating range and the nominal range are iden-
tical. The nominal range can be limited to the operating range by
the lower and upper x-range values.
Value is displayed or must be entered.
The characteristic is adapted. See also the example in Code 9!

9* Upper x-range value Upper range value for the travel/angle of rotation in the nominal
20.0 to 100.0 [100.0] % or operating range. Value is displayed or must be entered.
nominal range, The characteristic is adapted.
Example: The operating range is modified, for example, to limit
Specified in mm or angle ° provided
the range of a control valve which has been sized too large. For
Code 4 is set
this function, the entire resolution range of the reference variable
ESC is converted to the new limits. 0 % on the display corresponds to
the set lower limit and 100 % to the set upper limit.

10* Lower x-limit Limitation of the travel/angle of rotation downwards to the en-
[OFF] tered value, the characteristic is not adapted.
0.0 to 49.9 % of the
operating range The characteristic is not adapted to the reduced range. See also
ESC example in Code 11.

11* Upper x-limit Limitation of the travel/angle of rotation upwards to the entered
[100 %] value, the characteristic is not adapted.
50.0 to 120.0 [100] % of Example: In some applications, it makes sense to limit the valve
the operating range travel, e.g. if a certain minimum medium flow is required or a
or OFF maximum flow must not be reached.
ESC The lower limit must be adjusted with Code 10, and the upper
limit with Code 11. If a tight-closing function has been set up, it
has priority over the travel limitation!
When set to OFF, the valve can be opened past the nominal
travel with a reference variable outside of the 4 to 20 mA range.

EB 8384-3 EN 73
Code list

12* w-start Lower range value of the applicable reference variable range
0.0 to 75.0 [0.0] % of the must be smaller than the final value w-end, 0 % = 4 mA
reference variable range The reference variable range is the difference between w-end
and w-start, and must be Δw ≥ 25 % = 4 mA.
For an adjusted reference variable range of 0 to 100 % = 4 to
20 mA, the control valve must move through its entire operating
range from 0 to 100 % travel/angle of rotation.
In split-range operation, the valves operate with smaller refer-
ence variables. The control signal of the control unit to control
two valves is divided such, for instance, that the valves move
through their full travel/angle of rotation at only half the input
signal (first valve set to 0 to 50 % = 4 to 12 mA and second valve
set to 50 to 100 % =12 to 20 mA reference variable).

13* w-end Upper range value of the applicable reference variable range,
25.0 to 100.0 [100.0] % of must be greater than w-start.
the reference variable range 100 % = 20 mA

14* Final position w < If w approaches the percentage adjusted towards the final value
0.0 to [1.0] % that causes the valve to close, the actuator is immediately com-
of the span adjusted via pletely vented (with AIR TO OPEN) or filled with air (with AIR TO
Code 12/13 CLOSE).
OFF This action always lead to maximum tight-closing of the valve.
Codes 14/15 have priority over Codes 8/9/10/11.

15* Final position w > If w approaches the percentage adjusted towards the final value
[OFF] that causes the valve to open, the actuator is immediately com-
50.0 to 100.0 % pletely filled with air (with AIR TO OPEN) or vented (with AIR TO
of the span adjusted via CLOSE).
Code 12/13 This action always lead to the valve being completely opened.
Codes 14/15 have priority over Codes 8/9/10/11.
Example: Set the final position w > to 99 % for three-way valves.

16* Pressure limit The signal pressure can adopt the value of the applied supply
[OFF] pressure at the maximum [OFF] or it can be limited in stages of
1.4, 2.4 or 3.7 bar. This pressure limitation is already effective
1.4 2.4 3.7 bar
during the initialization.
ESC Note: After changing a pressure limit already set, the actuator
must be vented once (e.g. by selecting the fail-safe position over
Code 0).
The pressure limit of double-acting actuators must always be set
to OFF after initialization is completed.

74 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

17* KP step Displaying or changing KP

0 to 17 [7] Note on changing the KP and TV steps:
ESC During the initialization of the positioner, the KP and TV values are
Should the positioner show a tendency for impermissibly high
post-pulse oscillation due to additional interference, the KP and
TV steps can be adapted after the initialization.
For this, either the TV step can be increased in increments until
the desired response behavior is reached or, when the maximum
value of 4 is reached, the KP step can be decreased in incre-

CAUTION! Changing the KP step influences the system deviation.

This effect decreases as the KP step increases.

18* TV step Displaying or changing TV,

[2] See note under KP step
1 2 3 4 OFF A change of the TV step has no effect on the system deviation.

19* Tolerance band Used for error monitoring

0.1 to 10.0 [5] % of the Determination of the tolerance band in relation to the operating
operating range range.
ESC Associated lag time [30] s is a reset criterion.
If, during initialization, a transit time is determined which is
6 times > 30 s, the 6fold transit time is accepted as lag time.

20* Characteristic Select the characteristic:

0 to 9 [0] 0: Linear 5: Rotary plug valve linear
ESC 1: Equal percentage 6: Rotary plug valve eq. perc.
2: Reverse equal percentage 7: Segmented ball valve linear
3: Butterfly valve linear 8: Segmented ball valve eq. p.
4: Butterfly valve eq. percentage 9: User-defined *
* Definition over SAMSON TROVIS-VIEW software or HART® communication

21* w-ramp Open The time required to pass through the operating range when the
0 to 240 s [0] valve opens.
Limitation of the transit time (Code 21 and 22):
For some applications it is recommendable to limit the transit time
of the actuator to prevent it from engaging too fast in the running

EB 8384-3 EN 75
Code list

22* w-ramp Closed The time required to pass through the operating range when the
0 to 240 s [0] valve closes.

23* Total valve travel Totaled double valve travel.

0 to 99 · 10 [0] Can be reset to 0 by Code 36 RUN.
Exponential reading from 9999 travel
cycles onwards


24* LV total valve travel Limit value of total valve travel. If the limit value is exceeded, the
7 fault symbol and the wrench symbol appear.
1000 to 99 · 10
[1 000 000]
Exponential reading from 9999 travel
cycles onwards


25* Alarm mode Switching mode of software limit switches alarm A1 and A2 in
0 to 3 [2] responding state (when positioner has been initialized).
1) Explosion-protected version according to EN 60947-5-6
0: A1 ≥ 2.1 mA A2 ≤ 1.2 mA
1: A1 ≤ 1.2 mA A2 ≤ 1.2 mA
2: A1 ≥ 2.1 mA A2 ≥ 2.1 mA
3: A1 ≤ 1.2 mA A2 ≥ 2.1 mA

2) Version without explosion protection

0: A1 R = 348 Ω A2 Non-conducting
1: A1 Non-conducting A2 Non-conducting
2: A1 R = 348 Ω A2 R = 348 Ω
3: A1 Non-conducting A2 R = 348 Ω
When a positioner has not been initialized, the software limit
switches always register the signal as in the state of no response.
If there is no mA signal at the terminals 11/12, the software limit
switches both switch to ≤ 1.2 mA signal (Ex) or non-conducting
(without explosion protection).
Note! The fault alarm output always switches to ≤ 1.2 mA/
non-conducting in case of fault arises; it has ≥ 1.2 mA/R = 348 Ω
when there is no fault.

76 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

26* Limit value A1 Alarm A1 goes into the state of response when the value exceeds
OFF the limit.
0.0 to 100.0 [2.0] % of the Displaying or changing the software limit value A1 in relation to
operating range the operating range.
Setting has no effect when an inductive limit switch has been in-

27* Limit value A2 Alarm A2 goes into the state of response when the value falls
OFF below the limit.
0.0 to 100.0 [98.0] % of the Displaying or changing the software limit value A2 in relation to
operating range the operating range.

28* Alarm test Testing the software limit switches alarm A1 and A2 in addition
Reading direction: to the fault alarm contact A3.
If the test is activated, the respective limit switches five times.
Standard Turned
[OFF] [OFF] RUN1/1 RUN: Software limit switch A1 to ≥ 2.1 mA
RUN 1 1 RUN RUN2/2 RUN: Software limit switch A2 to ≥ 2.1 mA
RUN 2 2 RUN RUN3/3 RUN: Fault alarm contact A3 to ≤ 1.2 mA

29* Position transmitter x/ix Operating direction of the position transmitter; indicates how the
[ää] travel/angle position is assigned to the output signal i, based on
äæ the closed position.
ESC The operating range (see Code 8) of the valve is represented by
the 4 to 20 mA signal. Values exceeding or falling below the
limits 2.4 to 21.6 mA can be represented.
When a positioner has not been initialized (reference variable
less than 3.6 mA), the power consumption of the feedback signal
is effective (current approx. 1.8 mA).
When YES is set in Code 32 , the position transmitter issues the
value as per Code 30 during initialization or zero calibration.
When NO is set in Code 32, 4 mA is issued during a running
30* Fault alarm ix Used to select whether faults causing the fault alarm contact to
[OFF] HI LO switch should also be signaled by the position transmitter output
and how they should be signaled
HI ix > 21.6 mA or LO ix < 2.4 mA

EB 8384-3 EN 77
Code list

31* Position transmitter test Testing the position transmitter. Values can be entered in relation
–10.0 to 110.0 [default to the operating range.
value is last indicated value The current actual value is used in initialized positioners locally
of the position transmitter] as the start value (bumpless changeover to the test mode). On
% of the operating range testing over software, the entered simulation value is issued as
the position feedback signal for 30 seconds.

Analog position transmitter: Code 29/30/31 can only be selected if the position transmitter (optional) is installed.

32* Fault alarm with “Function Determines whether a fault alarm is to be issued when “Function
check” condensed status check” condensed status occurs.

33* Fault alarm with “Mainte- NO: Fault alarm only with “Maintenance alarm” condensed
nance alarm” or “Mainte- status
nance required” condensed YES: Fault alarm only with “Maintenance alarm” condensed
status status and with “Maintenance required” condensed status

34* Closing direction CL: Clockwise, CCL: Counterclockwise

CL [CCL] Turning direction in which the valve is moved to the CLOSED po-
sition (view onto the rotary switch motion when the positioner
cover is open).
Needs only be entered in initialization mode SUb (Code 6).

35* Blocking position Entering the blocking position.

[0] mm/° /% Distance up to the CLOSED position.
Only necessary in initialization mode SUb.

36* Reset Resets all start-up parameters to default (factory setting).

[OFF] RUN Note: After setting RUN, the positioner must be re-initialized.

37 Position transmitter Display only,

Yes No indicates whether the position transmitter option is installed.

38* Inductive alarm Indicates whether the inductive limit switch option is installed or
[NO] YES not.

39 System deviation e info Display only,

–99.9 to 999.9 % , indicates the deviation from the set point position (e = w–x).

78 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

40 Transit time Open info Display only,

0 to 240 s [0] minimum opening time is determined during initialization

41 Transit time Closed info Display only,

0 to 240 s [0] minimum closing time is determined during initialization

42 Auto-w info Display only,

0.0 to 100.0 % of the span indicates the supplied automatic reference variable corre-
4 to 20 mA sponding 4 to 20 mA.

43 Firmware info Display only,

Xxxx indicates the device type and the current firmware version of the
positioner in alternating sequence.

44 y info Display only.

[0] OP The control signal y is displayed in % in relation to the travel
range determined on initialization.
0 to 100 %
MAX: The positioner builds up its maximum output pressure
MAX (refer to description for Codes 14 and 15).
0 P: The positioner vents the actuator completely
(refer to description for Codes 14 and 15).
– – –: The positioner has not been initialized.

45 Solenoid valve info Display only,

Yes indicates whether a solenoid valve is installed.
If a voltage supply is connected at the terminals of the installed
solenoid valve, YES and HIGH appear on the display in alter-
nating sequence. If a voltage supply is not connected (actuator
vented, fail-safe position indicated on the display by the S
symbol), YES and LOW appear on the display in alternating se-

46* Polling address Select bus address

0 to 63 [0]
47* Write protection HART When the write protection function is activated, device data can
YES [NO] only be read, but not overwritten over HART® communication.

EB 8384-3 EN 79
Code list

48 Diagnostics

d Diagnostic parameters
d0 Current temperature Operating temperature [°C] inside the positioner
–55 to 125
d1 Minimum temperature The lowest temperature below 20 °C that has ever occurred.
d2 Maximum temperature The highest temperature above 20 °C that has ever occurred.
d3 Number of zero The number of zero calibrations since the last initialization.
d4 Number of initializations The number of initializations that have been performed.
d5 Zero point limit Limit for the zero point monitoring.
[5 %]
0.0 to 100.0 %
d6 Condensed status Condensed status, made up from the individual states.
OK: Okay, C: Maintenance required, CR: Maintenance de-
manded, B: Maintenance alarm, I: Function check.
d7 Start reference run Triggering of a reference run for the functions: Drive signal y
[OFF] steady-state and drive signal y hysteresis.
ON The reference run can only be activated in manual operation as
ESC 1 the valve moves through its entire travel range.
If EXPERT+ is activated at later point in time, the reference graphs
must be plotted in order to activate the diagnostic functions.
+ +
d8 EXPERT activation Enter the activation code for EXPERT .
After the activation procedure has been successfully completed,
YES appears under d8.

80 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

Error codes – Remedy Condensed status alarm active, when prompted, Err appears.
Initialization error
(indicated on the display by the condensed status with the corresponding classification)

50 x < range The value supplied by the measuring signal is either too high or
too low, the measuring sensor is close to its mechanical limit.
• Pin positioned incorrectly.
• Bracket slipped in case of NAMUR attachment or positioner is
not central.
• Follower plate incorrectly attached.
Remedy Check attachment and pin position, set operating mode from
SAFE to MAN and re-initialize the positioner.

51 Δx > range The measuring span of the sensor is too low.

• Pin positioned incorrectly.
• Wrong lever.
A rotational angle smaller than 11° at the positioner shaft creates
just an alarm. An angle below 6° leads to the initialization being
Remedy Check attachment and re-initialize the positioner.

52 Attachment • Positioner attachment incorrect.

• Nominal travel/angle (Code 5) could not be achieved on
initialization under NOM or SUB (no tolerance downwards
• Mechanical or pneumatic error, e.g. wrong lever selected or
supply pressure too low to move to the required position or
pneumatic fault
Remedy Check attachment and supply pressure. Re-initialize the
Under certain circumstances, it may be possible to check the
maximum travel/angle by entering the actual pin position and
then performing an initialization under MAX.
After initialization has been completed, the Code 5 indicates the
maximum achieved travel or angle.

53 Init time > The initialization routine lasts too long. The positioner returns to
its previous operating mode.
• No pressure on the supply line or there is a leak.
• Supply air failure during initialization.
Remedy Check attachment and supply pressure.
Re-initialize the positioner.

EB 8384-3 EN 81
Code list

54 Init – Solenoid valve 1) A solenoid valve is installed (Code 45 = YES) and was
not or not properly connected so that an actuator pressure
could not be built up. The message appears when you
attempt to initialize the positioner.
2) If you attempt to initialize the device from the fail-safe
position (SAFE).
Remedy Re. 1) Check connection and supply voltage of the solenoid
valve. Code 45 High/Low
Re. 2) Set the MAN operating mode over Code 0. Then initialize
the positioner.

55 Transit time < The actuator transit times determined during the initialization are
so short that the positioner cannot adapt itself optimally.
Remedy Check the volume restriction setting as described in section 5.2,
re-initialize the positioner.

56 Pin pos. Initialization was canceled because you are required to enter the
pin position for the selected initialization modes NOM and SUb.
Remedy Enter pin position over Code 4 and nominal travel/angle over
Code 5. Re-initialize the positioner.
Operational error
(indicated on the display by the condensed status with the corresponding classification)

57 Control loop Control loop error, the control valve does not react within the tol-
erable times of the controlled variable (tolerance band alarm
Additional alarm at the fault Code 19).
alarm contact!
• Actuator mechanically blocked.
• Attachment of the positioner subsequently postponed.
• Supply pressure not sufficient.
Remedy Check attachment.

58 Zero point Zero point incorrect. Error may arise when the mounting posi-
tion/linkage of the positioner moves or when the valve seat trim
is worn, especially with soft-sealed plugs.
Remedy Check valve and mounting of the positioner. If OK, perform a
zero calibration over Code 6 (see section 5.8 on page 58).

59 Autocorrection Should an error occur in the data range of the positioner, the
self-monitoring function recognizes it and automatically corrects
Remedy Automatic

82 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

60 Fatal error An error was detected in the data relevant for safety,
autocorrection is not possible. This may be due to EMC distur-
Additional alarm at the fault bances.
alarm contact! The control valve moves to its fail-safe position.
Remedy Reset over Code 36.
Re-initialize the positioner.
Hardware error (indicated on the display by the condensed status with the corresponding classification)

62 x signal Determination of the measured value for the actuator has failed.
Conductive plastic element is defective.
Additional alarm at the fault The positioner continues to run in emergency mode, but should
alarm contact! be replaced as soon as possible.
The emergency mode on the display is indicated by a blinking
control symbol and 4 dashes instead of the position indication.

Note on the control:

If the measuring system has failed, the positioner is still in a reli-
able state. The positioner switches to emergency mode where the
position cannot be accurately controlled anymore. However, the
positioner continues operation according to its reference variable
signal so that the process remains in a safe state.
Remedy Return the positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.

63 w too small The reference variable is much smaller than 4 mA (0 %); occurs if
the power source that drives the positioner does not comply with
the standard.
This state is indicated on the positioner display by a blinking
Remedy Check reference variable.
If necessary, limit the current source downwards so that no values
below 4 mA can be issued.

64 i/p converter (y) The circuit of the i/p converter has been interrupted.
Remedy Cannot be remedied.
Return the positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.

EB 8384-3 EN 83
Code list

Error appendix

65 Hardware A hardware error has occurred, the positioner moves to the

fail-safe position SAFE.
Additional alarm at the fault
alarm contact!

Remedy Confirm error and return to the automatic operating mode, or

perform a reset and re-initialize the device. If this is not suc-
cessful, return device to SAMSON AG for repair.

66 Data memory The writing of data to the data memory does not work anymore,
Additional alarm at the fault e.g. when the written data deviate from the read data.
alarm contact! Valve moves to the fail-safe position.
Remedy Return the positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.

67 Test calculation The hardware positioner is monitored by means of a test calcula-

Additional alarm at the fault tion.
alarm contact!

Remedy Confirm error. If this is not possible, return the positioner to

SAMSON AG for repair.
Data error

68 Control parameter Control parameter error.

Additional alarm at the fault
alarm contact!

Remedy Confirm error, perform reset and re-initialize the positioner.

69 Poti parameter Parameter error of the digital potentiometer.

Additional alarm at the fault
alarm contact!

Remedy Confirm error, perform reset and re-initialize the positioner.

70 Calibration Error in the production calibration data. Subsequently, the device

Additional alarm at the fault runs on default values
alarm contact!

Remedy Return the positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.

71 General parameters Parameter errors that are not critical for the control.
Remedy Confirm error.
Check and, if necessary, reset required parameters.

84 EB 8384-3 EN
Code list

72 Start-up parameters Start-up parameter errors

Remedy Confirm error, perform reset and re-initialize the positioner.

73 Internal device error 1 Internal device error

Remedy Return the positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.
74 HART parameters Error in the HART parameters that are not critical for the control
Remedy Confirm error.
Check and, if necessary, reset required parameters.

75 Info parameters Error in the info parameters that are not critical for the control
Remedy Confirm error.
Check and, if necessary, reset required parameters.

76 No emergency mode The travel measuring system of the positioner has a self-moni-
toring function (see Code 62).
A controlled emergency mode is not available on certain actua-
tors, such as double-acting actuators. For this reason, the
positioner moves to the fail-safe position when a measuring error
occurs. During the initialization, the positioner checks whether
the actuator has such a function or not.
Remedy Merely information, confirm, if necessary.
No further action necessary.

77 Program loading error When the device starts operation for the first time after the input
Additional alarm at the fault signal has been applied, it carries out a self-test (tEStinG runs
alarm contact! across the display).
If the device loads a program that does not correspond to that of
the positioner, the valve moves to the fail-safe position. It is not
possible to make the valve leave this fail-safe position again by
operating the positioner.
Remedy Interrupt current and restart positioner. Otherwise, return the
positioner to SAMSON AG for repair.

78 Options parameter Errors in options parameters.

79 Diagnostic alarms Alarms are generated in the EXPERT extended diagnostics if
EXPERT+ has been successfully activated in Code 48.

EB 8384-3 EN 85
Code list

80 Diagnostic parameters Error which is not critical for control.

Remedy Confirm error.
Check and, if necessary, start new reference run.

81 Reference graphs Error on plotting the reference graphs of drive signal y

steady-state or drive signal y hysteresis.
• Reference run was interrupted
• Reference line y steady-state or y hysteresis was not adopted.

86 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

13 Setting with TROVIS-VIEW tivation server where a unique activation

software – Parameter list code will then be generated and displayed.
Enter this activation code into
TROVIS-VIEW’s Activation dialog box. The
13.1 General software is now ready for use without any
A CD-ROM containing the program for in- restrictions in the purchased scope.
stalling the TROVIS-VIEW Configuration To enable communication with the PC, con-
and Operator Interface is provided by nect the serial interface to the serial interface
SAMSON. (5-pole female socket) of the positioner us-
Insert the installation CD-ROM to start the ing a SAMSON connecting cable with serial
installation program. Once inserted, the interface adapter (order no. 1400-7700).
CD-ROM usually starts the installation pro- The positioner settings configured in
gram automatically depending on the con- TROVIS-VIEW can be directly transferred
figuration of the operating system. over the SAMSON connecting cable to the
If the program does not start automatically, positioner on site. This online connection en-
double-click setup.exe in the root directory ables you to read any entered settings as
of the CD-ROM in order to install well as providing a diagnostic function.
Follow the on-screen prompts and instruc-
tions of the installation program.
The system requirements are specified in the
readme.txt file in the root directory of the
The TROVIS-VIEW Operator Interface can
be used for different SAMSON devices.
Note that the installation program also of-
fers you the option of installing a demo
module. To use the software without restric-
tions, the software needs to be activated as
described below:
After installation, a dialog box will appear,
prompting you to enter the CD key, which
you will find on the cover of the original
CD-ROM. Once you have entered the cor-
rect CD key and initiated the activation pro-
cess, a request code will be automatically
generated. The Activation dialog box will
come up displaying the generated request
code and an Internet link to SAMSON’s ac-

EB 8384-3 EN 87
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

13.2 Starting TROVIS-VIEW and You can also activate the listed functions in
performing basic settings the Device menu.

Settings may be entered into the

TROVIS-VIEW operator interface when ei-
ther the positioner is connected or not con-
nected. When the positioner is connected,
the data uploaded from the positioner can
be overwritten.
When the positioner is not connected, the
default settings appear on the operator in-
terface display or, alternatively, a stored
TROVIS-VIEW file (*.tro) can be loaded and
written over in the File menu by selecting
Connection to the positioner is established
by clicking the symbols on top right on the
button bar:

Upload data from the positioner and

displayed in the operator interface

Download the complete set of data

from the operator interface onto the
To download individual parameters
onto the positioner, open the
corresponding drop-down menu.
Select Write to just download the
selected parameter (see section 13.3)

The positioner is in online mode,

indicated by the TROVIS-VIEW 3
logo on the top right in the blue bar

The positioner is in offline mode.

88 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list


Make required settings in View menu by activating or deactivating functions.

When the Trend Viewer is activated, all operating data are uploaded cyclically from the
positioner in online mode and shown in the form of graphs.
Right-click on the graph to edit the graph format or to copy the logged data to a file.

2. Select required language in Options menu.

The selected language can be changed at any time except in online mode.

EB 8384-3 EN 89
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

3. Select Communication from

the Options menu and choose.
communication settings.

4. Click on Port settings and select port as well as

server setting.

5. Select Convert in the File menu to select

the firmware version of the positioner.
It must match the version specified in the
bar at the top.

6. Enter more details about the plant,

if necessary, in Customer Data in the
Edit menu.

7. Select Load Factory Defaults in Edit menu to upload default settings to the operator inter-

90 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

13.3 Setting the parameters

Click on one of the folders listed in the left column to open a window listing the settings of the
corresponding parameters. Place the mouse arrow on the parameter name to open a tool tip
providing information about that particular parameter.

Double-click on a parameter to open a window to enable the parameter to be modified.

Right-click on the parameter to open a drop-down menu

providing further editing options.

The parameters in all the folders are listed in the following parameter list.

EB 8384-3 EN 91
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

13.4 Parameter list

Parameter Values Default Description

setting Refer to section 12 for the description of the
Identification – Operation unit
TAG Max. 32 charac- Tag identification of operation unit
Long TAG
Bus address 0 Code 46
Description Freely available text fields
Text field 1 to 5
Positioner serial Serial number of the positioner
Positioner product 3730-3 xxx Manufacturer model number of the positioner
Firmware version x.xx Current firmware version of device, Code 43
Diagnosis level EXPERT
Final assembly 0...16777215 0 Any number assignable to clearly identify the
number entire field device
Date (day) 1...31 1
Date (month) January Date that can be entered. Stored in the
Date (year) 1900...2155 2003
Certification Indicates whether the positioner can be used in
hazardous area
Number of pream- 5 Number of required synchronization bytes
Required number of 5...20 5
HART revision 5 Designates the version of the HART specifica-
tion which is supported by the positioner

92 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Identification – Positioner
Device type 3730-3 Indicates exact model designation
Identification – Positioner – Actuator
Type identification Manufacturer ID number of the actuator that the
actuator positioner is mounted upon
Actuator type Single-acting Single-acting Actuator with or without spring return mecha-
Double-acting nism
Attachment Integral/ Integral Defines the attachment of the positioner on the
NAMUR control valve
Booster Not present/ Not present Pneumatic volume booster
Actuator size 60...5600 240 cm² Effective diaphragm or piston area of the actu-
Signal pressure 0.0...6 0.2 bar Initial value of the actuator bench range
lower value
Signal pressure 0.0...6 1.0 bar Final value of the actuator bench range
upper value
Supply pressure 0.0...6 6.0 bar Supply pressure of compressed air network
Identification – Positioner – Valve
Type identification Manufacturer ID number of the valve that the
valve positioner is mounted upon
Direction of flow Flow-to-open Flow-to-open Indicates in which direction the process medium
(FTO)/ (FTO) flows to the valve plug.
Packing Adjustable/ Self- Sealing of the plug stem to the atmosphere
Self-adjusting/ adjusting
Bellows seal
Seating surface Metal sealing/ Metal sealing Type of sealing between seat and plug
(leakage class) Lapped-in metal/
Soft sealing/
Nickel sealing
Pressure balancing Without/ Without Plug with pressure balancing to compensate for
With (PTFE)/ forces
With (graphite)

EB 8384-3 EN 93
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Flow characteristic Linear 30:1/ Linear 50:1 Valve characteristic: Flow to valve travel
Eq. perc. 30:1/
Linear 50:1/
Eq. perc. 50:1/
Valve dimensions DIN/ANSI DIN Valve dimensions according to DIN or ANSI
Nominal size DN 8...2100 50 Nominal size in mm (DIN) or inch (ANSI)
Kvs coefficient 0.0001... 1.0000 Kv Valve flow coefficient
Kvs unit Kv/cv Kv Flow coefficient, metric unit (Kvs) or US Amer-
ican units (cv)
Seat diameter of the 2.0...500.0 6.0 mm Diameter of valve seat bore
Identification – Positioner – Additional components
Solenoid valve Code 45
Position transmitter Not Code 37
Inductive limit Installed/ Code 38
switch Not installed
Operation unit
HART write protec- Not write Code 47
tion protected
Start with default Code 36
Positioner – Operating mode
Current operating Indicated the current operating mode used by
mode the device
Target operating Automatic/ Automatic Code 0
mode Manual/Fail-safe
Positioner – Process data
Reference variable w Code 42
Controlled variable x Current position
System deviation e Deviation from target position (e = w–x)
Displays current
Manipulated process variables Indicates the control signal y in % in relation to
variable y the travel range found on initialization after the
device has been initialized.

94 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Condensed state Summarized state of the positioner.
The condensed status is made up from the var-
ious states.
The condensed status can take on the following

No alarm

Maintenance required

Maintenance demanded

Maintenance alarm

Function check

The condensed states “Maintenance required”

and “Maintenance demanded” are also indi-
cated on the positioner display by .
The condensed status “Maintenance alarm”
causes the fault alarm symbol to appear on
the display.
Fault exists Status of the fault alarm contact
(fault alarm contact)
Status of limit switch Status of the switching output for limit switch A1
x falls below A1 Display and alarm Indicates whether the controlled variable x has
fallen below the limit for A1
Status of limit switch Status of the switching output for limit switch A2
x exceeds A2 Indicates whether the controlled variable x has
exceeded the limit for A2
Operational status Indicates the current operational status of the
internal control
Temperature Current temperature in the positioner

EB 8384-3 EN 95
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Positioner – Reference variable

Direction of action Increasing/ Increasing/ Code 7
increasing >> increasing >>
Incr./decr. <>
Lower reference 0.0...75.0 % 0.0 % Code 12
range value
Upper reference 25.0...100.0 % 100.0 % Code 13
range value
Enable final posi- On/Off On Code 14
tion smaller than w
Final position when 0.0...49.9 % 1.0 % Code 14
w is smaller
Enable final posi- On/Off Off Code 15
tion greater than w
Final position when 50.0...100.0 % 100.0 % Code 15
w is greater
Required transit 0...240 s 0s Code 21
time OPEN
Required transit 0...240 s 0s Code 22
Positioner – Working range
Initial value of 0.0...12.0 mm 0.0 % Code 8
travel range/angle
of rotation range
Final value of travel 3.0...15.0 mm 100.0 % Code 9
range/angle of
rotation range
Enable travel/angle On/Off Off Code 10
of rotation lower
Travel/angle of 0.0...49.9 % 0.0 % Code 10
rotation lower limit
Enable travel/angle On/Off On Code 11
of rotation upper
Travel/angle of 50.0...120.0 % 100.0 % Code 11
rotation upper limit

96 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Positioner – Characteristic
Characteristic Linear Linear Code 20
selection Equal percentage
Eq. perc. reverse

butterfly valves
eq. perc.

VETEC rotary
plug valves
eq. perc.

Segmented ball
eq. perc. Graphs of the user-defined characteristics,
loading and saving characteristics.
User defined See example on the next page.
Characteristic type Free text for describing the user-defined char-

EB 8384-3 EN 97
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Example for user-defined characteristic

• Select User defined characteristic in Characteristic selection parameter.

• Double-click on Edit, open or save characteristic to open a window where the characteristic can be
Click on Characteristic button on the bottom right to open and save a characteristic.

98 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Parameter Values Default Description

Positioner – Performance characteristics
Required propor- 0...17 7 Code 17
tional-action coeffi-
cient KP (step)
Proportional-action Code 17
coefficient KP (step)
Required deriva- Off/1/2/3/4 2 Code 18
tive-action time TV
Derivative-action Code 18
time TV (step)
Positioner – Fail-safe action
Fail-safe position Closing Fail-safe action of the actuator upon air/auxil-
iary power failure or device start-up.
Determined during initialization by the position
of the slide switch (see section 5.1).
In double-acting actuators, the fail-safe position
relates only to the failure of the auxiliary power
supply. There is no defined position when the
supply air fails.
Positioner – Error control
Tolerance band 0.1...10.0 % 5.0 % Code 19
Delay time 0...9999 s 30 s Reset criterion for running control loop moni-
A control loop error is issued when the delay
time is exceeded and the system deviation is not
within the tolerance band.
Total valve travel 1 Code 23
Limit of the total 1000... 1 000 000 Code 24
valve travel 990 000 000
Alarm mode A1 Conducting/high A1 Code 25
A2 Non-conduc./low Conducting/
A1 Non-conduc./low high
A2 Non-conduc./low A2
A1 Conducting/high Conducting/
A2 Conduc./high high
A1 Non-conduc./low
A2 Conducting/high

EB 8384-3 EN 99
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Enable limit value On/Off On Code 26

Limit value A1 0.0...100.0 % 2.0 % Code 26
Enable limit value On/Off On Code 27
Limit value A2 0.0...100.0 % 98.0 % Code 27
Fault alarm with Yes/No No Code 32
“Function check”
condensed status
Fault alarm with Maintenance Maintenance Code 33
“Maintenance alarm only and alarm
alarm” or Maintenance
“Maintenance re- required only
quired” condensed
Zero point limit 0.0...100.0 % 5.0 % Limit for zero point monitoring
Positioner – Error control – Classification report
Condensed status error alarms
Each fault alarm has a status assigned to it.
The possible states are placed in order starting with the lowest priority:

Maintenance required Lowest

Maintenance demanded

Maintenance alarm

Function check Highest priority

No alarm Alarm is not added to the condensed status

The fault alarm present in the device with the highest priority determines which condensed status is dis-
The condensed states “Maintenance required” and “Maintenance demanded” are also indicated on the
positioner display by .
The condensed status “Maintenance alarm” causes the fault alarm symbol to appear on the dis-

100 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

x > range Code 50

Delta x < range Code 51
Attachment Code 52
Initialization time Code 53
exceeded Determines the individual status
for each alarm
Initialization/ Code 54
solenoid valve
Transit time not with symbol Code 55
Pin position an alarm is not added to Code 56
Control loop the condensed status Code 57
Zero point Code 58
Autocorrection Code 59
x signal Code 62
w too small Code 63
Control parameter Code 68
Poti parameter Code 69
for maintenance required
Calibration param- Code 70
maintenance demanded
General parameters Code 71
Internal Symbol Code 73
device error 1
HART parameter Code 74
Parameter info for maintenance alarm Code 75
No emergency Code 76
Options parameter Code 78
or symbol
Total valve travel Determines the condensed status when a fault
exceeded occurs
Temperature for function check Temperature fell below –40 °C during
< –40 °C operation
Temperature Temperature exceeded +80 °C during
> 80 °C operation

EB 8384-3 EN 101
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Positioner – Start-up
Reading direction Pneumatic Pneumatic Code 2
connection connection
right/left right
Pin position Off Off Code 4
70/100/200 mm
Initialization mode Nominal range Maximum Code 6
Maximum range range
Manual adjust-
Pressure limit Off /2.4/3.7/ Off Code 16
1.4 bar
Determined nom- Code 5
inal range
Minimum transit Code 40
time OPEN
Minimum transit Code 41
Fail-safe action Fail-safe action of the actuator upon air/auxil-
iary power failure or device start-up.
Determined during initialization by the position
of the slide switch (see section 5.1).
In double-acting actuators, the fail-safe position
relates only to the failure of the auxiliary power
supply. There is no defined position when the
supply air fails.
Positioner – Start-up – Initialization
Initialization mode Nominal range Maximum Code 6
Maximum range range
Manual adjust-
Device initialized Status of device initialization
Initialization Starting of initialization procedure.
The initialization mode parameter must be first
set to the required initialization procedure.

EB 8384-3 EN 102
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Initialization status Status of the running initialization procedure

Initialization can- Running initialization procedure has been can-
celed celed. The control valve moves to its fail-safe
Target operating Automatic Automatic Code 0
mode Manual
Current operating Indicates current operating mode of positioner
Initialization error
x > range Code 50
Delta x < range Code 51
Attachment Code 52
Initialization time Code 53
Initialization/sole- Alarm Code 54
noid valve
Transit time too short Code 55
Pin position Code 56
No emergency Code 76
Positioner – Start-up – Substitution
Initialized in Sub Indicates whether the substitute configuration
mode (sub mode) has been performed
Closing direction Counter- Code 34
Blocking position 0.0 % Code 35
Positioner – Maintenance
Start zero calibration
Zero calibration Starts zero calibration
Initialization status Status of running initialization procedure
Initialization can- Running initialization procedure has been can-
celed celed. The valve moves to fail-safe position.
Target operating Automatic Automatic Code 0
mode Manual
Current operating Indicates current operating mode of positioner

EB 8384-3 EN 103
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Positioner – Simulation
Alarm test A1 Code 28
Alarm test A2 Code 28
Alarm test A3 Code 28
(alarm fault output)
Diagnosis level Expert
Current operating Automatic Indicates current operating mode of positioner
Diagnosis – Status alarms
Condensed status Alarm symbol Summarized condensed status.
Made up from various states.
Operating hours Time elapsed since first initialization
Device in closed Time elapsed in closed loop since first initializa-
loop tion
Device switched on Time elapsed since last initialization
since last
Device in closed Time elapsed in closed loop since last initializa-
loop since last tion
Error occurred Status of fault alarm output
(fault alarm output)
Solenoid valve Display or status Status of optional solenoid valve
Fail-safe position Fail-safe action of actuator upon air
supply/auxiliary power failure or device
Determined during initialization.
Device initialized Status of device initialization
Start performed Indicates whether a start has been performed
with default settings with default settings.
Local operation Local operation is active
Configuration Status of device status bit configuration
changed changed.

104 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Number of zero Number of zero calibrations performed since

calibrations last initialization
Number of Number of initializations performed
Zero point limit Limit for zero point monitoring
Control loop Code 57
Zero point Code 58
Autocorrection Code 59
Fatal error Code 60
w too small Alarm Code 63
Total valve travel Status of total valve travel limit
Temperature Status alarm resulting from diagnosis analysis
x-signal Code 62
i/p converter Code 64
Hardware Code 65
Data memory Code 66
Control calculation Code 67
Program load error Code 77
x range Code 50
Delta x < range Code 51
Attachment Code 52
Initialization time Code 53
Initialization/ Code 54
solenoid valve Alarm
Transit time too Code 55
Pin position Code 56
No emergency Code 76

EB 8384-3 EN 105
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Data memory
Control parameter Code 68
Poti parameter Code 69
Calibration Code 70
General parameters Code 71
Internal device Code 73
error 1
HART parameter Code 74
Info parameter Code 75
Option parameter Code 78
Diagnostic Code 80
Min. temperature Lowest temperature recorded in the positioner
Max. temperature Highest temperature recorded in the positioner
Min. temperature Operating hours counter logging when the
(time) lowest temperature was recorded in the
Max. temperature Operating hours counter logging when the
(time) highest temperature was recorded in the
Diagnosis – Status messages – Data logger
Alarms Recorded alarms issued by the positioner
(1) to (30)
Operating hours Alarm Operating hours counter logging of each alarm
since first initializa-
Diagnosis – Status alarms – Reset
Reset absolute total Reset counter for absolute total valve travel
travel back to 0
Reset Set back default values flag to 0
default values flag
Resetting corresponding
Reset device setting alarms Reset device status bit
changed device setting changed.

106 EB 8384-3 EN
Setting with TROVIS-VIEW software – Parameter list

Reset initialization error

Reset Code 50
x > range
Reset Code 51
Delta x < range
Reset attachment Code 52
Reset Code 53
exceeded Resetting corresponding
Reset Code 54
solenoid valve
Reset Code 55
transit time too
Reset pin position Code 56
Reset operational error
Reset zero point Resetting corresponding Code 58
Reset autocorrection alarms Code 59
Reset hardware error
Reset hardware Code 65
Resetting corresponding
Reset control Code 67
Reset data error
Reset control Code 68
Reset poti param- Code 69
Resetting corresponding
Reset Code 71
general parameters
HART parameter Code 74
Reset options pa- Code 78
Reset diagnostic Code 80
Reset statistical information
Reset data logger Measured data in the data logger buffer
memory are deleted

EB 8384-3 EN 107
108 EB 8384-3 EN
Dimensions in mm

14 Dimensions in mm
Pressure gauge or connecting plate Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6
Lever mm External position sensor
S = 17
M = 50 Schild

L = 100
XL = 200


46 58

Direct attachment

M20 x 1.5


40 28
164 Output (38) Supply (9)

Attachment to rotary actuators


VDI/VDE 3845
for all sizes of fixing level 2

Output A1
50 Supply (9)

A1 Z

G ¼ or

¼ NPT 58

Reversing amplifier Output A2

50 80 (option)

EB 8384-3 EN 109
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S/Z 2007-05


Weismüllerstraße 3 · 60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: EB 8384-3 EN
Inductive Limit Switch
Type 3768

Fig. 1 ⋅ Type 3768

Mounting and
Operating Instructions

EB 8356 EN
Edition April 2004

Contents Page
1 Design and principle of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Attachment to control valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1 Direct attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Attachment according to IEC 60534-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Mounting sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2 Presetting the travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Attachment to rotary actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.1 Mounting the follower roll lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.2 Mounting the intermediate piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.3 Adjusting the cam disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.4 Reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Electrical connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1 Pneumatic connections for versions with solenoid valve . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Operation – Adjusting the limit contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5 Servicing explosion-protected versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6 Dimensions in mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Test certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2 EB 8356 EN
Safety instructions

 Assembly, start-up and operation of the device may only be performed by

trained and experienced personnel familiar with this product.
According to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel
is referred to individuals who are able to judge the work they are assigned
to and recognize possible hazards due to their specialized training, their
knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of the applicable
 Explosion-protected versions of this device may only be operated by person-
nel who have undergone special training or instructions or who are
authorized to work on explosion-protected devices in hazardous areas
(for more details, refer to section 5).
 Any hazards which could be caused by the process medium, the signal
pressure and moving parts of the control valve are to be prevented by
means of appropriate measures.
If inadmissible motions or forces are produced in the pneumatic actuator as
a result of the level of the supply air pressure, this must be restricted by
means of a suitable pressure reducing station.
 Proper shipping and appropriate storage are assumed.
Note! The device with a CE marking fulfils the requirements of the
Directives 94/9/EC (ATEX) and 89/336/EEC.
The declaration of conformity can be viewed and downloaded on the
Internet at

EB 8356 EN 3
Design and principle of operation

1 Design and principle of operation the rotary motion to two adjustable tags (4)
which, in return, operate the associated
The Type 3768 Limit Switch is designed for proximity switches (5).
attachment to pneumatic control valves. It is The operation of the inductive limit switches
equipped with inductive switching elements requires that switching amplifiers be con-
that issue a limit signal whenever the valve nected in the output circuit (see section 3).
travel exceeds or falls below a certain
preset limit, especially when the valve has Version with solenoid valve
reached one of its end positions. The limit The solenoid valve is used to move the con-
signal is transmitted to an alarm or indicat- trol valve to its fail-safe position regardless
ing unit. of the output signal issued by the control
The limit switch is also available with a sole- unit. When a control signal which corre-
noid valve which is used to move the control sponds to the binary signal 0 (OFF) is ap-
valve to fail-safe position. plied to the input, the signal pressure pst is
The limit switch is designed for either direct shut off and the actuator vented. As a result,
attachment to SAMSON Type 3277 Actua- the springs installed in the actuator force the
tors or for attachment to control valves com- valve to move to its fail-safe position.
plying with IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR) by Whereas a control signal corresponding to
means of an adapter housing. the binary signal 1 (ON) causes the signal
The valve travel and, hence, the valve posi- pressure pst to be transmitted to the actua-
tion is transmitted via the pin (1.1) to the tor, resulting in activation of the control
lever (1), thus converting the linear travel valve.
into a rotary motion. The shaft (2) transmits


3 1.1 supply
2 1

1 Lever 4 Tag
1.1 Pin 5 Proximity switch
2 Shaft 6 Adjustment screw
6 4 5
3 Spring 7 Pressure regulator

Fig. 2 ⋅ Functional diagram

4 EB 8356 EN
Technical data

1.1 Versions
Model 3768- 2 0 0
Explosion protection Without 0
Ex II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6 acc. ATEX 1
Ex ia FM/CSA 3
Ex II 3 G EEx nA II T6 acc. ATEX 8
Solenoid valve Without 0
6 V DC 2
12 V DC 3
24 V DC 4
Pneumatic connections Without 0
1/4-NPT 1
ISO 288/1-G 1/4 2
Electrical connections M20 x 1.5 blue 1
M20 x 1.5 black 2
Plug connector HAN 7D (not with CSA/FM) 4

1.2 Technical data

Direct attachment: 7.5 to 30 mm; Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6: 5.5 to 120 mm;
Travel range
angle of rotation: 0-90°
2 proximity switches Type SJ 2-SN; Control circuit: values must match the downstream switching amplifiers
Differential gap ≤1% at rated travel
Degree of protection IP 65 w/o solenoid valve, IP 54 with solenoid valve (special version IP 65 w. filter check valve)
Perm. ambient temp. –20 to +80 °C
EMC Requirements as per EN 50081/50082 are met
Solenoid valve Input Binary DC signal
Air supply Supply air 1.4 to 6 bar (20 to 90 psi)
Nominal signal 6 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC
Signal 0 (no pick-up) , DC signal at –25 °C ≤1.2 V ≤2.4 V ≤4.7 V
Signal 1 (safe pick-up), DC signal at +80 °C ≥5.4 V ≥9.6 V ≥18 V
Maximum permissible signal 28 V 25 V 32 V
Coil resistance Ri at 20 °C 2909 Ω 5832 Ω 11714 Ω
Air consumption in steady state, Kvs= 0.14 m3/h "Off" ≤60 ln/h; "On" ≤10 ln/h
Closing time for Type 3277 Actuator cm2 120 240 350 700
0.2 to 1 bar ≤1 s ≤1.5 s ≤4 s
For rated travel and
signal pressure range 0.4 to 2 bar ≤0.5 s ≤2 s ≤2.5 s ≤8 s
0.6 to 3 bar ≤1 s ≤1.5 s ≤5 s

EB 8356 EN 5
Attachment to control valve

2 Attachment to control valve Attachment of versions with solenoid valve

To establish the signal pressure connection
The limit switch can be attached either directly
to the actuator, use an adapter block or a
to a SAMSON Type 3277 Actuator or to con-
switchover plate. Both are listed in Table 2
trol valves with cast yokes or rod-type yokes
and 3 (page 16).
according to IEC 60534-6 (NAMUR).
Combined with an intermediate piece, the 240 to 700 cm2 actuators
limit switch can also be mounted on rotary 1. Make sure that the tip of the gasket (16)
actuators. projecting from the side of the adapter
The standard limit switch is delivered with- block (Fig. 3, middle) is positioned to
out accessories. The additionally required match the actuator symbol for the actua-
mounting parts are listed together with their tor’s fail-safe action "Actuator stem ex-
order numbers in the tables on pages 16 tends" or "Actuator stem retracts".
and 17. If this is not the case, remove the three
The limit switch may be mounted on the left- fixing screws and the cover. Reposition
hand or right-hand side of the control valve. the gasket (16) turned by 180°.
Any subsequent changes of the mounting The old connection block version re-
position change the switching function of quires the switch plate (13) to be turned
the limit switch. Please also note the instruc- such that the corresponding actuator
tions in section 4. symbol points to the marking.
2. Place the adapter block with its O-rings
2.1 Direct attachment between the limit switch and the actua-
tor yoke and secure using the fastening
1. Screw the clamp (1.2) to the actuator screw.
stem. Make sure the fastening screw For versions "Actuator stem retracts",
rests in the groove of the actuator stem. the ready-to-use signal pressure line
2. Screw the associated lever D1 or D2 to must be additionally mounted.
the lever of the limit switch. 120 cm2 actuators
3. Secure the distance plate (15) together The signal pressure is transmitted to the dia-
with the gasket facing towards the actu- phragm chamber via the switchover plate.
ator yoke. 1. Remove the M3 screw plug at the back
4. Position the limit switch such that the of the limit switch and insert the plug in-
lever D1 or D2 slides in line over the cluded in the accessories in the lateral
pin (1.1) of the clamp (1.2). signal pressure output ("output 38").
5. Mount cover (18). 2. Mount the limit switch so that the bore
in the distance plate (15) covers the
seal in the bore of the actuator yoke.
3. Align the switchover plate with the
corresponding actuator symbol and
screw tight.

6 EB 8356 EN
Attachment to control valve

Type 3277

Adapter block
18 only for version with
1.2 solenoid valve

View onto the signal pressure connection

< Attachment left Attachment right>
Actuator stem
< extends retracts >

Side view of Signal pressure connection

adapter block < internal over pipe connection >
with gasket (new)
With switch plate (old)

Symbol for
actuator stem Actuator stem
extends retracts

retracts extends
Cover plate
Tip of gasket Switch plate (13)

Type 3277-5 with 120 cm2

Signal pressure input
for right attachment

Clamp Signal pressure Symbol for

input for left actuator stem
attachment retracts


Switchover plate
only for version with solenoid valve

Fig. 3 ⋅ Direct attachment – Mounting of bracket, signal pressure connection

EB 8356 EN 7
Attachment to control valve

2.2 Attachment according to Control valve with rod-type yoke:

IEC 60534-6 1. Screw the plate (20) to the carrier of the
plug stem.
For limit switch attachment according to
2. Screw the studs (29) into the adapter
NAMUR, you require an adapter housing.
The valve travel is transmitted via the lever
(18) and shaft (25) to the bracket (28) of 3. Place the housing with the mounting
the adapter housing and then passed on to plate (30) on either the right or left side
the pin (27a) located on the limit switch of the valve stem and screw tight using
lever. nuts (31). Make sure that the lever (18)
For the limit switch attachment you require to be mounted subsequently is in hori-
the mounting parts listed in Table 4. The zontal position when the valve is at mid-
rated travel of the control valve determines travel.
which lever must be used. 4. Screw the pin (19) into the center row
You can attach the limit switch either to the of holes on the plate (20) and lock it in
left or to the right of the control valve. a position above the correct lever mark-
ing (1 to 2), as indicated in Table 5.
2.2.1 Mounting sequence 5. Clamp the clip (21) onto the lever (18).
Only when connecting versions with
Choose the required mounting parts from solenoid valve and air connection point-
Tables 4 and 5 on pages 16 and 17. ing to the front, must the clip be
Control valve with cast yoke: clamped onto the lever with the open
side pointing downwards.
1. Screw the plate (20) to the stem connec- 6. Attach the lever (18) including clamp-
tor of the actuator and plug stem using ing plate (22) to the shaft (25). The clip
the countersunk screws. must clasp the pin (19).
For 2100 and 2800 cm2 actuator ver-
sions, use an additional mounting 2.2.2 Presetting the travel
bracket (32).
2. Remove the rubber plug from inside the 1. Move the valve to 50 % travel.
adapter housing and fasten the housing 2. Adjust the shaft (25) in the adapter
to the left or right side of the Namur rib housing so that the black pointer (24)
using a hexagon screw. meets the cast mark on the adapter
3. Screw the clamping plate (22) tight in
this position using the screw (23).
4. Screw in the pin (27a) at the limit
switch lever on the side of the press nut
and lock with a hex nut (27b) on the
other side. Observe the mounting posi-

8 EB 8356 EN
Attachment to control valve

Mounting position

Attachment to
26 27a 28 NAMUR rib

1,5 2

24 25 22 23 19 21 20 18


18 Lever N1, N2 Attachment to rods

19 Pin
20 Plate
21 Clip
22 Clamping plate 31
23 Screw 29
24 Pointer 30
25 Shaft
26 Lever positioner
27a Pin
27b Lock nut
28 Bracket
29 Studs
30 Plate
31 Nuts
32 Mounting bracket 20 19

Fig. 4 ⋅ Attachment according to NAMUR (shown for attachment to the left side)

EB 8356 EN 9
Attachment to control valve

tion A or B according to Table 5 and 2.3.2 Mounting the intermediate

Fig. 4. piece
5. Place the limit switch on the adapter
housing, observing the operating direc- SAMSON Type 3278 Actuator
tion. Make sure that the pin (27a) rests
1. Screw the adapter (36) to the free end
against the bracket (28).
of the rotary actuator’s shaft.
2. Screw intermediate piece (34) with two
screws to the actuator case.
The pin must not slip out of the bracket once
For versions with solenoid valve, make
sure that you place the intermediate
piece in such a manner that the air con-
nections of the limit switch point to-
wards the side of the diaphragm case.
3. Align the cam disk and scale as de-
2.3 Attachment to rotary actuators scribed in section 2.3.3, and fasten
with screws.
You have the possibility of attaching the
limit switch to rotary actuators according to Actuators according to VDI/VDE 3845
VDI/VDE 3845. For this purpose, you re-
1. Place the entire intermediate piece (34,
quire the accessories and mounting parts
42, 44 and 45) onto the mounting
listed in Table 6 on page 17. The rotary mo-
bracket included in the scope of actua-
tion of these actuators is transferred to the
tor delivery (fixing level 1 acc. to
metal tags via the cam disk installed on the
VDI/VDE 3845) and screw tight.
actuator shaft and a follower roll on the
limit switch lever. 2. Align the cam disk (40) and scale as de-
scribed in section 2.3.3 and fasten with
2.3.1 Mounting the follower roll screws.
1. Place the follower roll lever (35) on the
side where the transmission lever (37) is
located (opposite of the press nuts). Se-
cure with the supplied screws (38) and

10 EB 8356 EN
Attachment to control valve


Attachment to
SAMSON Type 3278

37 35 38

Attachment acc. to
VDI/VDE 3845
Vent plug or
filter check valve



33 Limit switch
34 Intermediate piece 42
35 Lever with follower roll
36 Adapter 43
37 Transmission lever
38 Screws
39 Scale
40 Cam disk
41 Actuator shaft
42 Disk
43 Mounting bracket
44 Coupling
45 Seal
Fig. 5 ⋅ Attachment to rotary actuators

EB 8356 EN 11
Attachment to control valve

2.3.3 Adjusting the cam disk Securing the aligned cam disk
To additionally prevent the cam disk from
The adjustment of the cam disk depends on
being turned, drill a hole into the adapter
the valve’s direction of rotation, i.e. whether
(36) or the coupling (44) and install a 2 mm
it opens clockwise or counterclockwise.
dowel pin.
Four bore holes are available on the cam
disk, and they are located centrically
Starting position is the closed valve.
around the center bore hole. Select the suit-
The starting point (bore) of the cam must be
able bore to secure.
positioned so that the fulcrum of the cam
disk and the 0°-position on the scale as well
as the arrow on the inspection glass form a
horizontal line.
When aligning the cam disk, the double-
sided scale disk must be clipped on the cam
disk in such a way that the value on the sca-
le matches the control valve’s direction of ro-
tation. Secure the cam disk using the faste-
ning screw.

12 EB 8356 EN
Attachment to control valve

Follower roll
Starting point Starting point



30 ˚
˚ 0˚ 30

Insert clip and press

the tongues outwards

Control valve opens counterclockwise Control valve opens clockwise

Fig. 6 ⋅ Adjusting the cam disk

EB 8356 EN 13
Reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators

2.3.4 Reversing amplifier for Signal pressure connections

double-acting actuators A1: Connect output A1 to the signal press-
ure connection on the actuator that opens
Limit switches fitted with solenoid valves the valve when the pressure increases.
which are intended for use with double-ac-
A2 : Connect output A2 to the signal press-
ting actuators must be equipped with a re-
ure connection on the actuator that closes
versing amplifier.
the valve when the pressure increases.
The reversing amplifier is listed as an acces-
sory in Table 7 on page 21.
The output signal pressure of the solenoid
valve is supplied at output A1 of the revers-
ing amplifier. An opposing pressure, which
equals the required supply pressure when
added to the pressure at A1, is supplied at
output A2. A1 + A2 = Z applies.


Remove the sealing plug (1.5) before instal-
ling the reversing amplifier. The rubber
seal (1.4) must remain installed.

1. Screw the special nuts (1.3) included in

the accessories of the reversing ampli-
fier into the threaded connections of the
limit switch.
2. Insert the gasket (1.2) into the recess of
the reversing amplifier and push the
two hollowed special screws (1.1) into
the connecting bore holes A1 and Z.
3. Place the reversing amplifier onto the
limit switch and screw tight using the
two special screws (1.1).

14 EB 8356 EN
Reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators

From the limit switch

Output 38 Supply 9

A1 Z


To the actuator 1.3 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 Vent plug or

filter check valve
A1 A2
1 Reversing amplifier
1.1 Special screws
1.2 Gasket
1.3 Special nuts
1.4 Rubber seal
1.5 Sealing plug
Supply 9

Output 38


1.3 1.2 1.1 1

Fig. 7 ⋅ Mounting a reversing amplifier

EB 8356 EN 15
Mounting parts table

Table 1 Direct attachment (Fig. 3) Actuator size Attachment kit

Required lever with associated clamp and distance plate cm2 Order no.
D1 with sealing plug for output (38) G 1/4 1400-6790
for version with solenoid valve 1/4 NPT 1400-6791
D1 (33 mm long with 17-mm high bracket) 240 and 350 1400-6370
D2 (44 mm long with 13-mm high bracket) 700 1400-6371
Table 2 (only for versions with solenoid valve) Order no.
Switchover plate for 120 cm2 actuators Actuator Type 3277-5xxxxxx. 00 (old) 1400-6819
Switchover plate new Actuator with index . 01or higher (new) 1400-6822
Connection plate for additional attachment 3277-5xxxxxxxx. 00 G 1/8 1400-6820
of, e.g. a solenoid valve (old) 1/8 NPT 1400-6821
Connection plate new Actuator with index .01or higher (new) 1400-6823
Note! Only new switchover and connecting plates can be used for new actuators (index 01). Old and new plates are not
Required connection block for 240, 350 and 700 cm2 actuator G 1/4 1400-8811
(including seals and mounting screws)
1/4 NPT 1400-8812
Table 3 (only for version with solenoid valve) Actuator size in cm Material Order no.
Required tube connection 240 Steel 1400-6444
including screw joint
240 Stainless steel 1400-6445
For actuator: 350 Steel 1400-6446
Actuator stem retracts
350 Stainless steel 1400-6447
when filling the top diaphragm chamber 700 Steel 1400-6448
with air
700 Stainless steel 1400-6449
Accessories Stainless steel/Br 1400-6950
Pressure gauge mounting kit for supply air and signal pressure SS/SS 1400-6951
Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and raises the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408

16 EB 8356 EN
Mounting parts table

Table 4 Control valve Travel in mm With lever Order no.

Attachment IEC 60534-6 (Fig. 4)
Valve with cast yoke 7.5 to 60 N1 (125mm) 1400-6787
NAMUR attachment kit
22.5 to 120 N2 (212 mm) 1400-6789
Parts, see Fig. 4 20 to 25 N1 1400-6436
Valve with rod-
type yoke 20 to 25 N2 1400-6437
with 25 to 30 N1 1400-6438
rod 25 to 30 N2 1400-6439
mm 30 to 35 N1 1400-6440
30 to 35 N2 1400-6441
Attachment to Fisher and Masoneilan linear actuators 1400-6771and 1400-6787
(one each of both attachment kits are required per actuator)
Accessories (w. sol. valve) Press. gauge mount. block G 1/4: 1400-7098 1/4 NPT: 1400-7099
Press. gauge mount. kit for supply and signal pressure St. steel/brass: 1400-6950 St. st./st. st.: 1400-6951
Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and raises the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408
Table 5 Attachment acc. to IEC 60534-6
Travel in mm *) 7.5 15 15 30 30 60 30 60 60 120
Pin on lever marking *) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Distance between pin/lever fulcrum 42 84 42 84 42 84 84 168 84 168
With lever N1 (125 mm long) N2 (212 mm long)
Transmission pin (27a) in position A A B A B
Interpolate intermediate values
Table 6 Rotary actuator for mounting parts (Fig. 5)
SAMSON Type 3278 Actuator 160 cm2 320 cm2 VDI/VDE 3845
Order no. 1400-7103 1400-7104 1400-7105
Camflex I Camflex I Camflex II
Attachment Masoneilan
DN 25...100 DN 125...250
Order no. 1400-7118 1400-7119 1400-7120
Cam disk with accessories
cam disk, linear characteristics (0050-0072) angle of rotation 0 to 90° 1400-6664
Reversing amplifier (Fig. 7) for double-acting springless actuators
G threaded connection 1079-1118
NPT threaded connection 1079-1119
Accessories (only for versions with solenoid valves) Stainless steel/brass 1400-6950
Press. gauge mount. kit for supply air and signal pressure Stainless steel/st. steel 1400-6951
Filter check valve, replaces the vent plug and raises the degree of protection to IP 65 1790-7408

EB 8356 EN 17
Electrical connections

3 Electrical connections Switching amplifier

To operate the inductive limit switches,
As far as the electrical installation of switching amplifiers complying with
the device is concerned, the relevant EN 60947-5-6 must be connected in the
national regulations governing the output circuit.
installation of electrical equipment When the limit switch is installed in hazard-
and the national accident prevention ous areas, you are required to observe the
regulations of the country of destina- relevant regulations.
tion must be adhered to.
In Germany, these are the VDE regu- Note on the selection of cables and wires!
lations and accident prevention regu- To run several intrinsically-safe circuits in a
lations of the employer’s liability in- multi-core cable, observe paragraph 12 of
surance. EN 60079-14; VDE 0165/8.98 standards.
For installation in hazardous areas, Note especially that for commonly used insu-
the following standards apply: EN lating materials, such as polyethylene, the
60079-14: 1997; VDE 0165 Part radial thickness of the conductor insulation
1/8.98 "Electrical apparatus for ex- must be minimum 0.2 mm. The diameter of
plosive gas areas" and EN 50281-1- a single wire of a flexible conductor must
2: VDE 0165 Part 2/11.99 "Electri- not be smaller than 0.1 mm.
cal apparatus for use in the presen- The conductor ends must be protected
ce of combustible dust". against unlaying, e.g. by using wire end fer-
For intrinsically safe electrical appa- rules. Any unused openings on the limit
ratus that are certified according to switch must be closed with plugs.
the Directive 79/196/EEC, the data Devices used in ambient temperatures down
specified in the certificate of con- to −40 °C must be fitted with metal cable
formity apply for connection of in- glands.
trinsically safe circuits.
For intrinsically safe electrical appa-
ratus that are certified according to
the Directive 94/9/EC, the data spe- For the terminal assignment, refer to Fig. 8
cified in the EC type examination or to the label on the terminal strip.
certificate apply for connection of in-
trinsically safe circuits.
Note: It is absolutely necessary to
keep to the terminal plan specified
in the certificate. Reversal of the elec-
trical connections may cause the ex-
plosion protection to be ineffective!
Do not tamper with any painted
screws inside or on the case.

18 EB 8356 EN
Pneumatic connections for versions with solenoid valve

Accessories: 3.1 Pneumatic connections for ver-

Model code 3768-x...x. 03 and lower sions with solenoid valve
Cable gland PG 13.5:
Black Order no. 1400-6781 The air connections are either 1/4 NPT or
Blue Order no. 1400-6782 G 1/4 tapped holes. The customary screw
Adapter PG 13.5 on 1/2" NPT: joints for metal and copper tubes or plastic
Metallic Order no. 1400-7109 hoses can be used.
Blue finish Order no. 1400-7110
Model code 3768-x...x. 04 and higher Important! Make sure that the supply air is
dehumidified and free of oil and dust. You
Cable gland M20 x 1.5:
are required to observe the maintenance in-
Black Order no. 1400-6985
structions for upstream pressure reducing
Blue Order no. 1400-6986
Nickel-plated brass
Thoroughly flush the pneumatic lines prior
Order no. 1400-4875
to installation.
Adapter M20 x 1.5 on 1/2" NPT:
Aluminum powder-coated
Order no. 0310-2149 When attaching the Type 3277 Actuator di-
rectly, the signal pressure connection is
fixed. When using NAMUR attachment, the
signal pressure line is connected to either
the upper or lower diaphragm chamber of
the actuator, depending on the actuator’s
fail-safe action, i.e. "Actuator stem retracts"
or "Actuator stem extends".
Exhaust air:
Models with the index 3768-x...x. 03 and
higher are equipped with a hinged cover
Rear connections
without a venting hole. The exhaust air con-
nections for these models are included in
(B) (A) the mounting accessories. For direct attach-
A B ment, the vent plug is located on the plastic
cover of the actuator, whereas for NAMUR
+41 –42 +51 –52 +81 –82 attachment, it is located on the adapter
housing and for attachment to rotary actua-
+ – tors on the intermediate piece.
Switching amplifier 6 to 24 V DC
acc. to EN 60947-5-6 solenoid valve
(optional) Note! If you intend to replace older models
with model indices 3768-x...x. 02 or lower,
Fig. 8 ⋅ Electrical connections
the mounting parts need replacing, too.

EB 8356 EN 19
Operation – Adjusting the limit contacts

4 Operation – Adjusting the limit of the limit switch and the limit position of
contacts the valve (either valve Open or Closed).
The switches A and B are optionally as-
On the rotary axis, there are two adjustable signed to the terminal pairs 41/42 and
tags (51) which operate the associated 51/52 by turning the associated name
proximity switches (50). plate on the terminal block (see also Fig. 8).
To operate the inductive limit switches,
corresponding switching amplifiers must be Important!
connected in the output circuit (see section Since the tags of the limit switches cannot
3). be turned by 360°, correct assignment of
When the tag (4) is in the inductive field of the switches A and B to the valve positions
the switch, the switch assumes a high resist- Open and Closed must be observed, especi-
ance. When it is no longer in the field, the ally when the limit switches are to be con-
switch assumes a low resistance. nected in fail-safe circuits.
The limit contacts are usually adjusted to
issue a signal for both limit positions. The
switches, however, can also be adjusted to The desired switching function, i.e. whether
signalize intermediate positions. the output relay must be picked up or re-
The assignment of the switches A and B leased when the tag has entered the field,
must be determined according to Tables 7 must be determined by means of jumpers
and 8. It depends on the mounting position for either working current or closed circuit
current at the switching amplifier.

Fig. 9 ⋅ Limit contacts

20 EB 8356 EN
Operation – Adjusting the limit contacts

Setting the switching point

Move the valve to the switching position
and adjust the tag by turning the adjustment
screw (53) so that the switching point is
reached and indicated by the LED on the
switching amplifier.
To ensure safe switching under any condi-
tion, the switching point should be adjusted
to stop approx. 2 % before the mechanical
stop (Open – Closed) is reached.

Table 7 Direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator (Fig. 3)

Attachment left Attachment right
Valve position Tag OUT Tag IN Tag OUT Tag IN
Closed B A A B
Open A B B A

Table 8 NAMUR attachment (Fig. 4) Mounting position of adapter housing when looking onto the lever (18)
Attachment left Attachment right
Cable gland Switch Cable gland Switch
points Valve Tag points Valve Tag
towards position towards position
Front Closed B A Front Closed A B
Open A B Open B A
Back Closed A B Back Closed B A
Open B A Open A B

EB 8356 EN 21
Servicing explosion-protected versions

5 Servicing explosion-protected
In the event that a part of the limit switch on
which the explosion protection is based
must be serviced, the limit switch must not
be operated again, unless an expert has in-
spected the device according to the explo-
sion protection requirements, issued a certifi-
cate stating this, or equipped the device
with his mark of conformity.
The inspection by an expert does not have
to be carried out, if the manufacturer per-
forms a routine check test on the device
prior to taking it into operation again, and
the success of the routine check test is do-
cumented by attaching a mark of conform-
ity to the device.
Parts used in explosion-protected versions
should only be exchanged for original de-
tail inspected parts from the manufacturer.

22 EB 8356 EN
Dimensions in mm

6 Dimensions in mm


M20 x 1.5

164 29 14 Output (38)

150 Supply (9)
Reversing amplifier




56 58

Pneumatic connection
50 82 Fulcrum of the reversing amplifier
actuator shaft Output 1 (A1)




164 Output 2 (A2)

Supply (Z)

EB 8356 EN 23
24 EB 8356 EN
EB 8356 EN 25
26 EB 8356 EN
EB 8356 EN 27
28 EB 8356 EN
EB 8356 EN 29
30 EB 8356 EN
EB 8356 EN 31
S/Z 2004-05


Weismüllerstraße 3 ⋅ 60314 Frankfurt ⋅ Germany
Phone: +49 69 4009-0 ⋅ Fax: +49 69 4009-1507
Internet: EB 8356 EN
Installation & Maintenance
Filter/Regulator Instructions
B73G - ★★★ - ★★★ - ★★★

Port Thread Form Adjustment Drain Bowl Element Diaphragm Spring (Outlet Pressure Range) * Gauge
2 ....1/4" A....PTF K....Knob A....Automatic D....Metal with liquid level indicator 1 ....5 µm N....Non-relieving F ....0,3 to 4 bar (5 to 60 psig) G....With
3 ....3/8" B....ISO Rc taper T ....T-bar Q....Manual, 1/4 turn P....Transparent with guard 2 ....25 µm R....Relieving M...0,3 to 10 bar (5 to 150 psig) N....Without
4 ....1/2" G....ISO G parallel T ....Transparent 3 ....40 µm S....0,7 to 17 bar (10 to 250 psig)
* Outlet pressure can be adjusted to pressures in excess of, and less than, those specified. Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the specified ranges.


Fluid: Compressed air 1. Before applying inlet pressure to filter/regulator, turn
Maximum pressure: adjustment (1 or 7) counterclockwise to remove all force
Transparent bowl: 10 bar (150 psig) on regulating spring (12).
Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) 2. Apply inlet pressure, then turn adjustment (1 or 7)
Operating temperature*: clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease 3 13
Transparent bowl: -20° to +50°C (0° to +125°F) pressure setting. 2
Metal bowl: -20° to +80°C (0° to +175°F) 3. Always approach the desired pressure from a lower 16
* Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at pressure. When reducing from a higher to a lower
temperatures below +2°C (+35°F). setting, first reduce to some pressure less than that
Particle removal: 5 µm, 25 µm, or 40 µm filter element desired, then bring up to the desired pressure. 15
Air quality: Within ISO 8573-1, Class 3 and Class 5 NOTE 4
(particulates) With non-relieving filter/regulators, make pressure
Typical flow with 10 bar (150 psig) inlet pressure, 6,3 bar reductions with some air flow in the system. If
(90 psig) set pressure and 1 bar (15 psig) droop from made under no flow (dead-end) conditions, the
set: 50 dm3/s (106 scfm) filter/regulator will trap the over-pressure in the
Nominal bowl size: 0,1 litre (3.5 fluid ounce) downstream line.
Manual drain connection: 1/8" 4. KNOB ADJUSTMENT. Push knob down to lock pressure 14
Automatic drain connection: 1/8" setting. Pull knob up to release. Install tamper resistant 53
Automatic drain operating conditions (float operated): cover (see Replacement Items) to make setting tamper
Bowl pressure required to close drain: Greater than 0,3 resistant. 6 54
bar (5 psig) 5. T-BAR ADJUSTMENT. Tighten lock nut (8) to lock
Bowl pressure required to open drain: Less than 0,2 bar 52
pressure setting. 7
(3 psig) 8
Minimum air flow required to close drain: 0,1 dm3/s (0.2 SERVICING
10 51
scfm) 1. Open manual drain to expel accumulated liquids. Keep
liquids below baffle (49). 9
Manual operation: Depress pin inside drain outlet to
drain bowl 2. Clean or replace filter element when dirty.
Gauge ports: DISASSEMBLY
1⁄4 PTF with PTF main ports 50
1. Filter/regulator can be disassembled without removal
Rc1/4 with ISO Rc main ports from air line. 11
Rc1/8 with ISO G main ports 2. Shut off inlet pressure. Reduce pressure in inlet and
Materials: outlet lines to zero. 49
Body: Aluminum 3. Turn adjustment (1 or 7) fully counterclockwise.
Bonnet: Aluminum 4. Remove bowl - push into body and turn
Valve: Brass counterclockwise.
Bowl: 26
5. Disassemble in general accordance with the item
Transparent: Polycarbonate numbers on exploded view. Do not remove the drains 18
Transparent with guard: Polycarbonate, steel guard 21
unless replacement is necessary. Remove and replace 25
Metal: Aluminum drains only if they malfunction.
Metal bowl liquid level indicator lens: Transparent nylon
Element: Sintered polypropylene CLEANING
23 24
Elastomers: Neoprene and nitrile 1. Clean plastic bowl (25, 35) with warm water only. Clean 17
other parts with warm water and soap.
REPLACEMENT ITEMS 2. Rinse and dry parts. Blow out internal passages in body 20
Service Kit (includes items circled on exploded view): (16) with clean, dry compressed air. Blow air through 19
Relieving.............................................................4383-600 filter element (50) from inside to outside to remove
Nonrelieving .......................................................4383-601 surface contaminants. 22
Liquid level lens kit (43, 45, 46, 47) ......................4380-020 3. Inspect parts. Replace those found to be damaged.
Filter element, 5µm (50) ..........................................4438-01 Replace plastic bowl with a metal bowl if plastic bowl
Filter element, 25µm (50) ........................................4438-02 shows signs of cracking or cloudiness.
Filter element, 40µm (50) ........................................4438-03 34
Manual drain (18, 19, 20) ..........................................619-50 31
Automatic drain (21, 22, 23) .................................4000-51R 1. Lubricate the following items with o-ring grease.
Tamper resistant cover (knob adjustment only).......4455-51 4 (Thrust washer) - outer circumference and both sides.
27 35
5, 7 (Adjusting screw) - threads and tip.
PANEL MOUNTING DIMENSIONS 18, 28, 37 (Manual drain body) - the portion of the 33
Panel mounting hole diameter: 48 mm (1.89") body that contacts the bowl, and the hole that 30
Panel thickness: 2 to 6 mm (0.06" to 0.24") accommodates the stem of drain valve (19, 29, 38). 29
INSTALLATION 53 (Valve) - stem.
1. Shut off air pressure. Install filter/regulator in air line - 26, 34, 47, 54 (O-rings) 32
● vertically (bowl down),
2. Assemble the unit as shown on the exploded view. Push
● with air flow in direction of arrow on body,
bowl, or bowl with guard, into body and turn fully 47
● upstream of lubricators and cycling valves,
clockwise. 37 40 48
● as close as possible to the device being serviced.
3. Torque Table
Item Torque in Nm (Inch-Pounds) 46
2. Connect piping to proper ports using pipe thread sealant 36 45
on male threads only. Do not allow sealant to enter 2, 9 (Screw) 2,3 to 3,4 (20 to 30)
interior of unit. 22, 32, 41 (Nut) 2,3 to 2,8 (20 to 25)
3. Push bowl, or bowl with guard, into body and turn fully 43 (Screw) 1,7 to 3,4 (15 to 30)
clockwise before pressurizing. 49 (Baffle), 51 (Louver) 1,1 to 2,2 (10 to 20)
4. Install a pressure gauge or plug the gauge ports. Gauge
ports can also be used as additional outlets for regulated air. 44
© Norgren 1998
IM-180.300.01 (4/98)
a subsidiary of IMI plc Supersedes 12/97
Installation & Maintenance
Water vapor will pass through these units and could
condense into liquid form downstream as air temperature
drops. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have
a detrimental effect on the application.
These products are intended for use in industrial
compressed air systems only. Do not use these products
where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed
under Technical Data.
Polycarbonate plastic bowls can be damaged and
possibly burst if exposed to such substances as certain
solvents, strong alkalies, compressor oils containing ester-
based additives or synthetic oils. Fumes of these
substances in contact with the polycarbonate bowl,
externally or internally, can also result in damage. Clean
with warm water only.
Use metal bowl in applications where a plastic bowl
might be exposed to substances that are incompatible with
If outlet pressure in excess of the filter/regulator
pressure setting could cause downstream equipment to
rupture or malfunction, install a pressure relief device
downstream of the filter/regulator. The relief pressure and
flow capacity of the relief device must satisfy system
The accuracy of the indication of pressure gauges can
change, both during shipment (despite care in packaging)
and during the service life. If a pressure gauge is to be
used with these products and if inaccurate indications may
be hazardous to personnel or property, the gauge should be
calibrated before initial installation and at regular intervals
during use.
Before using these products with fluids other than air,
for non industrial applications, or for life-support systems
consult Norgren.

© Norgren 1998
IM-180.300.02 (4/98)
a subsidiary of IMI plc Supersedes 12/97





フォーマット No:FSM027-1

Instructions for your safety 1~2

1. Outline 3

2. Specification 3

3. Structure and the Operation Principle 3~4

4. Transportation and Storage 5

5. Precautions in Using 6

6. Maintenance 7~8

7. Countermeasures for Failure 9

8. Spare Parts List 10

Drawings 11~12

Instructions for your safety
Please read thoroughly this operation manual before using the product.
Please keep this manual so that you will be able to refer to it anytime, and ensure to give it to end
These instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation and / or equipment damage. These
instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by label of “Caution” “Warning”, or “Danger”. To
ensure safety, be sure to observe ISO 4414 (Note 1), JIS B 8370 (Note 2) and other safety practices.

! Caution : Operator error could result in injury or equipment damage.

! Warning : Operator error could result in serious injury or loss of life.

! Danger : In extreme conditions, there is a possibility of serious injury or loss of


(Note 1) ISO 4414 Pneumatic fluid power-Recommendations for the application of equipment to
transmission and control system.

(Note 2) JIS B 8370 Pneumatic system axiom

! Warning
1. The compatibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of the person who designs the
pneumatic system or decides its specifications.
Since the products specified here are used in various operating conditions, their
compatibility for the specific pneumatic system must be based on specifications or after
analyses and/or tests to meet your specific requirements.

2. Only trained personal should operate pneumatically operated machinery and equipment.
Compressed air can be dangerous if an operator is unfamiliar with it. Assembly, handling or
repair of pneumatic systems should be performed by trained and experienced operator.

3. Do not service machinery / equipment or attempt to remove component until safety is

1. Inspection and maintenance of machinery / equipment should only be performed after
confirmation of safe locked-out control positions.

2. When equipment is removed, confirm the safety process as mentioned above.

Cut the supply pressure for this equipment and exhaust all residual compressed air in
the system.

3. Before machinery / equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent shooting out of

cylinder piston rod etc.

4. Contact SMC if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions .

1. Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if product is used

2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation,

vehicles, medical equipment, food and beverage, recreation equipment, emergency stop
circuits, press applications, or safety equipment.

3. An application which has the possibility of having negative effects on people, property,
or animals requiring special safety analysis.

1. Outline

Increase the operating speed of controlling part when the piping between the instruments and the
controlling part is very long, or the controlling part capacity is large.

2. Specification

Supply pressure MAX.1.0MPa

Input・Output pressure MAX.0.7MPa

Output flow Max. 1MPa (Note 1)

Air consumption 0.14~0.7MPa (Note 1)

Linearity Within ±1%

Hysteresis Within 1%

Effective orifice (Cv factor) 1.1

Ambient temperature and
operating fluid temperature
Port size PT 1/4・3/8

Mass 560g

3. Structure and the operation principle

Input force from the instrument enters to the input chamber and act to diaphragm A. This works
against the force generated by diaphragm B. When the force generated by the input is strong, the
internal valve is pressed down and the supply air flows to the output side. When not strong, the
internal valve is closed and the exhaust port opens for exhaust. This is how the force generated by
diaphragm A and B is balanced. Opening of the needle valve connect the air path of the input and
the output. The adjustment of the throttle valve, the stability of the closed loop including the booster
relay is improved.

4. Transportation and Storage

! Warning
(1) Handle the product with care.

(2) Do not expose to rain.

(3) The product is packed in a vinyl bag for shipment to prevent from dust. Avoid taking out
of the bag just before piping even after unpacking.

(4) If the product is kept unpacking for a certain period, select a place where there is no
moisture nor corrosive gas.
While the product shipped has been applied specified paint and surface treatment, take
care that inappropriate storing environment may cause generating rust.

5. Precautions in using

Warning Operation
(1) Do not operate the booster relay out of the specifications, because it causes

(2) If booster relay failure affecting the system is expected, provide a safety circuit for the
system to avoid danger.

! Warning Handling
(1) Excess vibration and impact on the booster relay cause failure, may cause failure, so
that take care in handling during transportation and operation.

(2) Mount the filter to the pressure supply line. Use the mist separator when the oil mist
and carbon are contained.

(3) Flush the air piping before connecting the booster relay.

(4) Mind the arrow direction of the air flow when piping.

(5) The needle valve is opened for 3/4 turn and locked. No adjustment is necessary except
when the control system is unstable.

(6) Opening the needle valve delays the response, closing quickens the response.

! Warning Air supply

(1) Please use the filter to the supply line. Where contained oil mist and carbon, please use
the mist separator.

(2) Avoid using compressed air compressed air containing chemicals, synthetic fluid
including organic solvent, salinity, and corrosive gas as it may cause malfunction.

! Warning Environment
(1) Do not use in environment where the product is exposed to corrosive gas, chemicals,
salt water, water or steam.

(2) Do not operate the product in a location where it is subject to strong vibration and/or
shock. For vibration, it should be within IG 60Hz.

6. Maintenance

! Warning

(1) To handle compressed air, person that has experienced and has knowledge about
instrumentation machine is suitable. That kind of person should operate unit
replacement and maintenance with keeping product specification.

(2) To remove booster relay or to replace unit with product set, please exhaust residual
pressure within piping with supply air stopped.

(3) After mounting, maintenance and disassemble, please test leakage and function with
compressed air supplied. When louder breed sound than initial, or when machine do not
operate properly, please confirm correct mounting.

(1) Periodical check (recommended : once / year)
Please check once per year on this product. To check, disassemble product following
disassemble drawing, and check following item. When disassemble, pay attention in
order not to damage diaphragm, in the case of diaphragm stick to body.

Part description Check items Confirmation Countermeasure

No crack or flaw on
Diaphragm (2,10) Visual inspection
the surface
No crack or flaw on Part replacement if
“O”ring (11,12) Visual inspection
the surface abnormality is found.
Valve stem spring
No crack due to hold Visual inspection
Without lock nut
Main valve (3) Hand or tool If loosen, retighten.
*( ) shows booster relay disassemble drawing part no.

To re-assemble, ensure no foreign matter inside product and pay attention for air path
position of each part.

(2) Product replacement (recommended : once / 3 years)

This product rubber part is recommended to replace once per 3 years. Part replacement
adjustment (valve seat centering, main valve length adjustment etc.) make effects on
property. Product replacement is recommended by whole product per 3 years if it is used on
extremely important point.

! Warning
(Adjustment on Part replacement)

Diaphragm replacement and product disassemble & re-assemble may change in/output
characteristics. For that circumstances, adjust main valve length. Main valve, as shown
below, is adjusted the length by screw and fixed with lock nut. To adjust length, loose lock
nut. For the main valve length adjustment, make longer when output is low to input
signal. Make shorter when output is high to input signal. Main valve total length is
basically 25±1mm.

7. Countermeasures for failure

! Warning

Avoid use when failure is not solved.

Phenomenon Cause Countermeasures

Disassemble and clean.
Dust attach supply port or
Too much flow from exaust port (If flawed, replace the
exaust port part.)
Broken diaphragm Replace diaphragm
Pressure leak due to
Tighten screw
loosen screw
No signal even if input Decrease open degrees of
Restrictor open too much
signal is applied restrictor, and lock.
Broken diaphragm Replace diaphragm
Valve stem length is
Readjust into optimum
changed due to loosen lock
valve, and lock.
Bad characteristic
Plugged restrictor Disassemble and clean

Deformed diaphragm Replace diaphragm


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