L 35 MC
L 35 MC
L 35 MC
MAN Diesel
Introduction.................................................................................................. 5
Engine data............................................................................................. 7
Engine comparison.................................................................................. 8
ME-B fuel injection control system............................................................... 10
Injection performance............................................................................ 10
Engine control system............................................................................ 10
Engine Design S35/40/50ME-B................................................................... 11
Bedplate, framebox and cylinder frame.................................................. 12
Crankshaft............................................................................................. 13
Connecting rod...................................................................................... 14
Bearings................................................................................................ 14
Combustion chamber............................................................................ 15
Cylinder liner.......................................................................................... 15
Piston.................................................................................................... 15
Exhaust valve........................................................................................ 16
Fuel injection equipment........................................................................ 17
Thrust bearing....................................................................................... 18
Engine control system............................................................................ 18
Turbocharger and air cooler arrangement............................................... 19
Concluding Remarks................................................................................... 19
Introduction Since the delivery of the first L35MC in ways moving, and requirements for
The MAN B&W 35MC engine was 1982, a total of ~1,000 L35MC, ~500 more competitive engines, i.e. the low-
launched in 1982 as the L35MC with S35MC, ~200 L42MC and ~250 S42MC est possible propeller speed, lower fuel
500 kW/cylinder and a mean effective engines are on order or have been de- consumption, lower lube oil consump-
pressure of 14.8 bar at 200 rpm. Sev- livered. More than 1,000 S50MC-C has tion and more flexibility regarding emis-
eral design updates, often combined been delivered since 1997. sion and easy adjustment of the engine
with a power up, have been introduced parameters, call for a re-evaluation of
since then, and with today’s Mark 6 rat- The above-mentioned small bore two- the design parameters, engine control
ing, the power per cylinder is 650 kW/ stroke engines have been the world and layout.
cylinder with a mean pressure of 18.4 leaders in their market segment for
bar at 210 rpm. decades. However, the market is al-
6 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Both types will also be available in con-
ventional turbocharger versions with
+2g/kWh higher SFOC, respectively.
Engine data
The new 35, 40 and 50 ME-B9 engines
will have a stroke bore ratio of 4.4:1
(the same as that of our research en-
gine 4T50ME-X) to facilitate low propel-
ler speed; 167 rpm for the S35ME-B.
The S50 ME-B8 has a stroke bore ratio
of 4:1 (the same as the S50MC-C) 146
rpm for the S40ME-B, and 117 rpm for
the S50ME-B.
Engine Data
Table 3
8 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
6S35ME-B against 7S35MC
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Injection performance
The ME-B system will have the same
possibility of rate shaping as the present
ME engines. The injection is controlled
by a proportional valve enabling contin-
uous change of the injection pressure.
Typically, a gradual pressure increase
during the injection is desired.
10 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Engine control system On Bridge
Bridge Panel
Several factors serve to reduce the
necessary extent of the Engine Control In Engine Control Room
Auxiliary blower control
Pump control simplified
HCU (cyl1+2)
It should be noted that a 6-cylinder Fig. 9: Engine Control System for ME-B
signed with respect to rigidity and
strength to accommodate the higher
output for these engines. See Fig. 10.
The bedplate is of the welded design.
For the new engines, the normally cast
part for the main bearing girders is
made from rolled steel plates. This se-
cures homogeneity of the material used
for the main bearing area with no risk of
casting imperfections occurring during
The framebox is of the well-proven tri-
angular guide plane design with twin
staybolts giving excellent support for
the guide shoe forces. This framebox
is now standard on all our updated en-
gine types.
2580 700
For the cylinder frame, two possibilities It has been decided to use nodular cast
are available, see Fig. 12. iron due to its high strength and high E-
modulus for this material to counteract
Nodular cast iron the high ignition force. Compared with
C3Cu material, the weight of a 6S35ME-
Welded design with integrated scav- B cylinder frame can be reduced by 3
enge air receiver. ton, corresponding to a 12% cost down
Fig. 11: Existing and new main bearing designs for the cylinder frame.
12 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
OMD and PCO sensors mounted on the manouvering side
Triangular staybolt tube design
Max. = 8.632E+01
Min. = 0.000E+00
Connecting rod
The connecting rod is based on the
well-known design used for our entire
small bore engine programme initially
introduced for the L35MC.
MC Design
ME-B Slim Design
Fig. 16: Connecting rod, new crosshead bearing Fig. 16: New crosshead design
14 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Bearing Pressure design limit 100% Bearings
The bearings used for the new engines
are of the same design as the one used
with very good results on our other
small bore engines for now more than
80 15 years. The bearing is of the thin-shell
70 design, and the bearing metal on all the
Main bearing
60 large bearings is of Sn40Al. The rela-
% Crankpin bearing
50 tive loads on the large bearings are in
Crosshead bearing
40 all cases well below our design targets,
30 Fig. 17.
Crosshead bearing
10 Combustion chamber
Crankpin bearing
0 With the increased power of the new
Main bearing
S35MC ME-B engines, the combustion cham-
S35ME-B, ber has been carefully investigated
S40ME-B to compensate for the higher igni-
tion pressure and higher thermal load
Fig. 17: Bearing load – but also to increase the reliability of
the components and further increase
the TBOs. The combustion chamber is
Slide Fuel valves shown in Fig. 18.
Alpha ACC
High Piston Topland Cylinder liner
Slim cylinder liner A slim cylinder liner which is also used
PC ring on our other small bore MC-C/ME en-
Piston rings with gines is possible for both engine types,
Alu-coat but the material for the cylinder liner
Piston skirt with has been upgraded to Tarkalloy A to
bronze band counteract the higher ignition pressure.
Known to give excel- The PC ring has been introduced to
lent cylinder condition prevent bore polish.
and long TBO
320°C 230°C
370°C 170°C
16 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Exhaust valve To have common spare parts for all Fuel injection equipment
The exhaust valve is activated by a light four engines, the exhaust valve used As mentioned earlier, the fuel injection
camshaft (smaller shaft diameter and for the S35 and S45ME-B is the same is electronically controlled via a pres-
smaller size exhaust cam), driven by a as the one used for the S35MC and sure booster like the one used for the
chain drive placed in the aft end of the S42MC, respectively. The exhaust large ME-C engines. There is one Hy-
engine. The size of the chain is reduced valve is of the DuraSpindle type with a draulic Cylinder Unit (HCU) per two cyl-
compared to the MC type. W-seat bottom piece, Fig. 24. inders. The HCU is equipped with two
pressure boosters, two ELFI valves and
two Alpha Lubricators and one accu-
mulator. Thereby, one HCU is operating
two cylinders. Fig. 25.
Pressure booster
Alpha Lubricator
ELFI valve
Distributor block
Flex edge
18 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Engine control system Turbocharger and air cooler ar- Fig. 29. The latest type of water mist
For a 6-cylinder engine, the engine rangement catcher and water drain arrangement
control system consists of four to five Three turbocharger makes are available will be introduced in the new design.
MPCs (Multi Purpose Controller) com- for the new ME-B engines, i.e. MAN,
pared to 13 MPCs necessary for the ABB and Mitsubishi. As an option, we can supply TCA T/C’s
standard ME systems, Fig. 28. with variable nozzle. Hereby better
The position of the turbocharger is, as partload SFOC can be offered due to
for the existing engine, aft mounted, the possibility to control the ratio be-
but will for the new ME-B also be of- tween pmax, pcomp and MEP.
fered as exhaust side mounted. See
The auxiliary blower design will be of
the new integrated type recently intro-
Bridge duced on the S50MC-C version. Main-
tenance is also reduced as the belt
drive is omitted for the integrated blow-
Main Main Engine control room ers, see Fig. 30.
operating Control room panel EICU operating
panel panel
Fig. 29: Exhaust side mounted TC Fig. 30: Integrated blower design
MAN B&W Diesel
MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control 19
Concluding Remarks
The introduction of the ME-B engine
range marks a future step towards
strengthening our small bore two-stroke
engine position in the market, enabling
the owner to select modern, future-
oriented, electronically controlled, two-
stroke engines as direct coupled prime
movers, also in this segment.
20 MAN B&W Low Speed Small Bore Engines - Now with Electronic Control
Copyright © MAN Diesel · Subject to modification in the interest of technical progress. · 5510-0025-02ppr Aug09 Printed in Denmark
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Copenhagen, Denmark
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