Sol 1
Sol 1
Sol 1
Part A
Below what temperature does water shrink when heated?
if is less than zero, the change in volume will be negative when the change in temperature is positive.
Part B
If the temperature of water at 30 is raised by 1 , the water will expand. At approximately what initial temperature will
water expand by twice as much when raised by 1 ? Page 1 of 8
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The dependence of the change in volume of a substance ( ) on the initial volume ( ), the temperature change ( ),
and the coefficient of volume expansion ( ) is
Part C
The relative density of water is determined by the rate at which it expands (and contracts) with changes in temperature. At
approximately what other temperature does water have the same density as at 1 ?
As you move, in temperature, away from 4 , liquid water becomes progressively less dense, at a rate that is
proportional to the coefficient of volume expansion.
Most materials expand when their temperatures increase. Such thermal expansion, which is explained by the increase in the
average distance between the constituent molecules, plays an important role in engineering. In fact, as the temperature increases
or decreases, the changes in the dimensions of various parts of bridges, machines, etc., may be significant enough to cause
trouble if not taken into account. That is why power lines are always sagging and parts of metal bridges fit loosely together,
allowing for some movement.
It turns out that for relatively small changes in temperature, the linear dimensions change in direct proportion to the temperature.
For instance, if a rod has length at a certain temperature and length at a higher temperature , then the change in
length of the rod is proportional to the change in temperature and to the initial length of the rod: [ Print ]
Here, is a constant called the coefficient of linear expansion; its value depends on the material. A large value of means that
the material expands substantially as the temperature increases; smaller values of indicate that the material tends to retain its
dimensions. For instance, quartz does not expand much; aluminum expands a lot. The value of for aluminum is about 60 times
that of quartz!
In this problem, you will answer some basic questions related to the concept of thermal expansion.
Part A
A square is cut out of a copper sheet. The square is heated uniformly. As a result, it turns into Page 2 of 8
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Since all dimensions change by the same ratio, the square retains its shape. The area increases, and so does the thickness
of the sheet.
Part B
A square is cut out of a copper sheet. Two straight scratches on the surface of the square intersect forming an angle . The
square is heated uniformly. As a result, the angle between the scratches
ANSWER: increases
stays the same
The answer depends on whether is an acute or obtuse angle.
Since all dimensions change by the same ratio, every "detail" of the square retains its shape. The scratches will extend in
length, but they will still form the same angle.
Part C
A square is cut out of a copper sheet. A circular hole is drilled in the square. The square is heated uniformly. As a result, the
diameter of the hole
ANSWER: increases
stays the same
The answer depends on the size of the hole.
There is a popular misconception that the hole would get smaller because "the material around it expands." However,
both experiment and logic dictate otherwise. One way to think about it is to imagine what would happen to the "disk" cut
out of that hole. When heated, the disk would expand, of course, and so should "the empty space" left by the absence of
that disk. Another way to visualize the expansion is to think of the material surrounding the hole as a large number of thin
rings concentric with the hole itself. When heated, all of these rings would expand, including the innermost one, which
"traces" the edge of the hole.
The next few questions refer to the Golden Great Bridge, built on planet Tehar in a galaxy far, far away. The bridge-building
technology on Tehar is not very well developed: The bridge is just a long slab of pure gold with the opposite ends resting on
the shores of the river.
In the spring, when the air temperature is 100 , the length of the bridge is 160.0 . Answer the questions below knowing
that the value of for gold is .
Part D
Compared to its length in the spring, by what amount does the length of the bridge decrease during the Teharian
winter when the temperature hovers around -150 ?
Part E
Compared to its length in the spring, by what amount does the length of the bridge increase during the Teharian
summer when the temperature hovers around 700 ?
Part F
The Teharians want to build another bridge next to the Golden Great Bridge. In the spring, it would have the same length as
the Golden Great Bridge. However, in the summer, it should increase its length by 2.30 . What substance should be used to
build the new bridge? Use the following table of coefficients of linear expansion.
Material [ ]
Aluminum Page 3 of 8
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ANSWER: Aluminum
Part A
What is the ratio of the volume of the bubble as it reaches the surface ( ) to its volume at the bottom ( )?
where is the pressure, is the volume, is the number of moles of gas, is the ideal gas constant, and is the
temperature. Set up two copies of this equation for the two situations: at the surface, where the variables are , , and
, and at the bottom, where they are , , and . If you divide the first of these equations by the second, then you will
have the ratio of the volumes. We are assuming that will stay constant, because gas does not escape or enter the
bubble as it rises, and is always a constant, so both should cancel out of your expression.
Express your answer in terms of the temperature and pressure at the bottom of the lake and the temperature
and pressure at the surface.
ANSWER: Page 4 of 8
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Recall that the temperatures and are expressed in kelvins in the ideal gas equation, so you will need to convert
them from degrees Celsius before performing the calculations.
Part B
Would it be safe for Jacques to hold his breath while ascending from the bottom of the lake to the surface?
If Jacques were holding his breath, then air would be unable to enter or leave his lungs. As he ascends to the surface, the
air in his lungs would expand, like the air in the bubble, and his lungs would have to stretch outward to hold this
increased volume, which would be extremely unsafe.
In fact, even if he does not hold his breath, if he ascends too quickly after a particularly long or deep dive, the nitrogen
dissolved in his bloodstream could form into small bubbles, which can be equally dangerous to any diver. This condition
is known as decompression sickness, or more commonly as the bends.
Problem 17.2
Description: (a) How many atoms are there in a m copper penny?
Part A
How many atoms are there in a 3.5 copper penny?
= atoms
Volume of Copper
Description: Calculate the volume of a given number of moles of copper.
Part A
What is the volume of a sample of 3.30 of copper? The atomic mass of copper (Cu) is 63.5 , and the density of
copper is .
= Page 5 of 8
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Problem 17.8
Description: A concrete highway is built of slabs l long (20 degree(s) C). (a) How wide should the expansion cracks between
the slabs be (at 15 degree(s) C) to prevent buckling if the range of temperature is - 30 degree(s) C to T?
A concrete highway is built of slabs 13 long (20 ).
Part A
How wide should the expansion cracks between the slabs be (at 15 ) to prevent buckling if the range of temperature is - 30
to 37 ?
Problem 17.12
Description: At a given latitude, ocean water in the so-called "mixed layer" (from the surface to a depth of about 50 m) is at
approximately the same temperature due to the mixing action of waves. Assume that because of global warming, the
temperature of the mixed ...
At a given latitude, ocean water in the so-called "mixed layer" (from the surface to a depth of about 50 ) is at approximately
the same temperature due to the mixing action of waves. Assume that because of global warming, the temperature of the mixed
layer is everywhere increased by 0.8 , while the temperature of the deeper portions of the ocean remains unchanged.
Part A
Estimate the resulting rise in sea level. The ocean covers about 70 of the Earth's surface.
Problem 17.27
Description: A barrel of diameter db at T is to be enclosed by an iron band. The circular band has an inside diameter of d at
T. It is w wide and t thick. (a) To what temperature must the band be heated so that it will fit over the barrel? (b) What will be
A barrel of diameter 134.467 at 10 is to be enclosed by an iron band. The circular band has an inside diameter of
134.450 at 10 . It is 9.7 wide and 0.60 thick.
Part A
To what temperature must the band be heated so that it will fit over the barrel?
Express your answer using two significant figures.
Part B
What will be the tension in the band when it cools to 10 ?
Problem 17.72
Description: The tube of a mercury thermometer has an inside diameter of d. The bulb has a volume of V. (a) How far will the thread of
mercury move when the temperature changes from T_1 to T_2? Take into account expansion of the Pyrex glass. (b) Determine a...
The tube of a mercury thermometer has an inside diameter of 0.150 . The bulb has a volume of 0.280 . Page 6 of 8
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Part A
How far will the thread of mercury move when the temperature changes from 10.5 to 34.0 ? Take into account expansion of the Pyrex
Part B
Determine a formula for the change in length of the mercury column in terms of relevant variables. Ignore tube volume compared to bulb
Problem 17.15
Description: An aluminum sphere is d in diameter. (a) What will be its change in volume if it is heated from t_1 to t_2?
An aluminum sphere is 8.90 in diameter.
Part A
What will be its change in volume if it is heated from 20 to 200 ?
Hot Rods
Description: Two rods with different thermal properties are heated with the constraint that their combined length must not
change. Find the thermal stress that is produced in the rods.
Two circular rods, both of length and having the same diameter, are placed end to end between rigid supports with no initial
stress in the rods.
The coefficient of linear expansion and Young's modulus for rod A are and respectively; those for rod B are and
respectively. Both rods are "normal" materials with .
Part A
After the rods have been heated, which of the following statements is true?
Choose the best answer.
The length of the combined rod remains the same, but because the rods have different expansion coefficients, the lengths
of the individual rods change. In other words, even though and .
Part B
After the rods have been heated, which of the following statements is true?
Choose the best answer. Page 7 of 8
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Stress is a force per unit area. By Newton's 3rd law, the force on rod A due to rod B is the same as that on rod B due to
rod A. Since the rods have the same diameter, their cross-sectional area is the same. Therefore, the stress on each rod
must be the same.
Part C
What is the stress in the rods after heating?
The sum gives the net change in length for each rod.
Another way of thinking about this is that the combination of rods has a net thermal expansion coefficient Page 8 of 8