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Microwave Liao

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Microwave Devices

and Circuits

Third Edition


Professor of Electrical Engineering California State University, Fresno

III PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632


Chapter 0

Chapter 1

Chapter 2




0-1 Microwave Frequencies

0-2 Microwave Devices 2

0-3 Microwave Systems 3

0-4 Microwave Units of Measure 4



1-0 Introduction 6

1-1 Electron Motion in an Electric Field 6

1-2 Electron Motion in a Magnetic Field 10

1-3 Electron Motion in an Electromagnetic Field 12 Suggested Readings 15

Problems 15



2-0 Introduction 16

2-1 Electric and Magnetic Wave Equations 17



Chapter 3


2-2 Poynting Theorem 19

2-3 Uniform Plane Waves and Reflection 21 2-3-1 Uniform Plane Waves. 21

2-3-2 Boundary Conditions. 23

2-3-3 Uniform Plane-Wave Reflection. 24

2-4 Plane-Wave Propagation in Free Space and Lossless Dielectric 29

2-4-1 Plane-Wave Propagation in Free Space. 29

2-4-2 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossless Dielectric. 32

2-5 Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossy Media 32 2-5-1 Plane Wave in Good Conductor. 33

2-5-2 Plane Wave in Poor Conductor. 35

2-5-3 Plane Wave in Lossy Dielectric. 36

2-6 Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate 41

2-6-1 Surface Resistance of Metallic Films. 42

2-6-2 Optical Constants of Plastic Substrates and Metallic Films. 42 2-6-3 Microwave Radiation Attenuation of Metallic-Film Coating on

Plastic Substrate. 44

2-6-4 Light Transmittance of Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate. 46

2-6-5 Plane Wave in Gold-Film Coating on Plastic Glass. 47

2-6-6 Plane Wave in Silver-Film or Copper-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate. 52

References 57

Suggested Readings 57 Problems 58



3-0 Introduction 61

3-1 Transmission-Line Equations and Solutions 61 3 -1-1 Transmission-Line Equations. 61

3-1-2 Solutions of Transmission-Line Equations. 64

3-2 Reflection Coefficient and Transmission Coefficient 67 3-2-1 Reflection Coefficient. 67

3-2-2 Transmission Coefficient. 69

3-3 Standing Wave and Standing-Wave Ratio 71 3-3-1 Standing Wave. 71

3-3-2 Standing-Wave Ratio. 74

3-4 Line Impedance and Admittance 76 3-4-1 Line Impedance. 76

3-4-2 Line Admittance. 81


Chapter 4


3-5 Smith Chart 82

3-6 Impedance Matching 89 3-6-1 Single-Stub Matching. 90 3-6-2 Double-Stub Matching. 92

3- 7 Microwave Coaxial Connectors 96

References 98 Suggested Readings 98 Problems 98



4-0 Introduction 102

4-1 Rectangular Waveguides 103

4-1-1 Solutions of Wave Equations in Rectangular Coordinates. 104 4-1-2 TE Modes in Rectangular Waveguides. 106

4-1-3 TM Modes in Rectangular Waveguides. 111

4-1-4 Power Transmission in Rectangular Waveguides. 113 4-1-5 Power Losses in Rectangular Waveguides. 113

4-1 -6 Excitations of Modes in Rectangular Waveguides. 116

4- 1 -7 Characteristics of Standard Rectangular Waveguides. 117

4-2 Circular Waveguides 119

4-2-1 Solutions of Wave Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates. 119 4-2-2 TE Modes in Circular Waveguides. 122

4-2-3 TM Modes in Circular Waveguides. 127

4-2-4 TEM Modes in Circular Waveguides. 129

4-2-5 Power Transmission in Circular Waveguides or Coaxial

Lines. 131

4-2-6 Power Losses in Circular Waveguides or Coaxial Lines. 133 4-2-7 Excitations of Modes in Circular Waveguides. 133

4-2-8 Characteristics of Standard Circular Waveguides. 135

4-3 Microwave Cavities 135

4-3-1 Rectangular-Cavity Resonator. 135

4-3-2 Circular-Cavity Resonator and Semicircular-Cavity Resonator. 136

4-3-3 Q Factor of a Cavity Resonator. 139

4-4 Microwave Hybrid Circuits 141 4-4-1 Waveguide Tees. 144

4-4-2 Magic Tees (Hybrid Trees). 146

4-4-3 Hybrid Rings (Rat-Race Circuits). 147

4-4-4 Waveguide Corners. Bends. and Twists. 148

4-5 Directional Couplers 149

4-5-1 Two-Hole Directional Couplers. 151 4-5-2 S Matrix of a Directional Coupler. 151 4-5-3 Hybrid Couplers. 154


Chapter 5

Chapter 6


4-6 Circulators and Isolators 156 4-6-1 Microwave Circulators, 15R 4-6-2 Microwave Isolators, 160

References 161 Suggested Readings 161 Problems 161



5-0 Introduction 166

5-1 Microwave Bipolar Transistors 169 5-1-1 Physical Structures, 170

5-1-2 Bipolar Transistor Configurations, 173 5-1-3 Principles of Operation, 178

5-1-4 Amplification Phenomena, 187

5-1-5 Power-Frequency Limitations, 190

5-2 Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) 193 5-2-1 Physical Structures, 193

5-2-2 Operational Mechanism, 194

5-2-3 Electronic Applications, 197

5-3 Microwave Tunnel Diodes, 198 5-3-1 Principles of Operation, 198 5-3-2 Microwave Characteristics, 201

References 204

Suggested Readings 205 Problems 205



6-0 Introduction 208

6-1 Junction Field-Effect Transistors (JFETs) 209 6-1-1 Physical Structure, 209

6-1-2 Principles of Operation, 210

6-1-3 Current-Voltage (I-V) Characteristics, 211

6-2 Metal-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MESFETs) 216

6-2-1 Physical Structures, 217 6-2-2 Principles of Operation, 218

6-2-3 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit, 221 6-2-4 Drain Current h 223

6-2-5 Cutoff Frequency feo and Maximum Oscillation Frequency fmax, 228


Chapter 7


6-3 High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) 230 6-3-1 Physical Structure. 230

6-3-2 Operational Mechanism. 232

6-3-3 Performance Characteristics. 233

6-3-4 Electronic Applications. 236

6-4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) 237

6-4-1 Physical Structures. 237 6-4-2 Electronic Mechanism. 238 6-4-3 Modes of Operation. 238

6-4-4 Drain Current and Transconductance. 239 6-4-5 Maximum Operating Frequency. 243

6-4-6 Electronic Applications. 244

6-5 MOS Transistors and Memory Devices 245 6-5-1 NMOS Devices. 245

6-5-2 CMOS Devices. 248

6-5-3 Memory Devices. 252

6-6 Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) 254 6-6-1 Operational Mechanism. 255

6-6-2 Surface-Channel Charge-Coupled Devices (SCCDs). 258 6-6-3 Dynamic Characteristics. 259

References 261

Suggested Readings 262 Problems 263



7 -0 Introduction 269

7-1 Gunn-Effect Diodes-GaAs Diode, 270 7-1-1 Background. 270

7-1-2 Gunn Effect. 271

7-2 Ridley-Watkins--Hilsum (RWH) Theory 273 7-2-1 Differential Negative Resistance. 273

7-2-2 Two-Valley Model Theory. 274

7-2-3 High-Field Domain, 280

7-3 Modes of Operation 284

7-3-1 Criterion for Classifying the Modes of Operation, 285

7-3-2 Gunn Oscillation Modes (l012/cm2 :S (noL) < J014/cm2), 287 7-3-3 Limited-Space-Charge Accumulation (LSA) Mode

(fl > 2 x 107 cm/s), 289

7-3-4 Stable Amplification Mode (noL < JOI2/cm2), 290

7-4 LSA Diodes 291

7-5 InP Diodes 293


Chapter 8

Chapter 9



CdTe Diodes 296

7 - 7 Microwave Generation and Amplification 296 7-7-1 Microwave Generation, 296

7-7-2 Microwave Amplification, 298

References 300

Suggested Readings 301

Problems 302



8-0 Introduction 303

8-1 Read Diode 304

8-1-/ Physical Description, 304 8-1-2 Avalanche Multiplication, 305

8-1-3 Carrier Current lo(t) and External Current le(t), 306 8-1-4 Output Power and Quality Factor Q, 308

8-2 IMPATI Diodes 309

8-2-1 Physical Structures, 309 8-2-2 Negative Resistance, 309

8-2-3 Power Output and Efficiency, 311

8-3 TRAPATT Diodes 314

8-3-1 Physical Structures, 314

8-3-2 Principles of Operation, 314 8-3-3 Power Output and Efficiency, 316

8-4 BARITT Diodes 317

8-4-1 Physical Description, 317 8-4-2 Principles of Operation, 317 8-4-3 Microwave Performance, 319

8-5 Parametric Devices 320 8-5-1 Physical Structures, 320

8-5-2 Nonlinear Reactance and Manley-Rowe Power Relations, 321 8-5-3 Parametric Amplifiers, 326

8-5-4 Applications, 330

References 331

Suggested Readings 332

Problems 333



9-0 Introduction 335

9-1 Conventional Vacuum Triodes, Tetrodes, and Pentodes 338 9-1-1 Lead-Inductance and Interelectrode-Capacitance Effects, 338


Chapter 10


9-1-2 Transit-Angle Effects, 339

9-1-3 Gain-Bandwidth Product Limitation, 340

9-2 Klystrons 341

9-2-1 Reentrant Cavities, 342

9-2-2 Velocity-Modulation Process, 345 9-2-3 Bunching Process

9-2-4 Output Power and Beam Loading, 354 9-2-5 State of the Art, 360

9-3 Multicavity Klystron Amplifiers 362 9-3-1 Beam-Current Density, 363

9-3-2 Output Current and Output Power of Two-Cavity Klystron, 369

9-3-3 Output Power of Four-Cavity Klystron, 371

9-4 Reflex Klystrons 373

9-4-1 Velocity Modulation 374

9-4-2 Power Output and Efficiency, 376 9-4-3 Electronic Admittance, 379

9-5 Helix Traveling-Wave Tubes (TWTs) 382 9-5-1 Slow-Wave Structures, 384

9-5-2 Amplification Process, 388

9-5-3 Convection Current, 391

9-5-4 Axial Electric Field, 392

9-5-5 Wave Modes, 394

9-5-6 Gain Consideration, 396

9-6 Coupled-Cavity Traveling-Wave Tubes 398 9-6-/ Physical Description, 398

9-6-2 Principles of Operation, 400

9-6-3 Microwave Characteristics, 402

9-7 High-Power and Gridded-Control Traveling-Wave Tubes 404 9-7-1 High Efficiency and Collector Voltage Depression, 406

9-7-2 Normal Depression and Overdepression of Collector Voltage,


9-7-3 Two-Stage Collector Voltage Depression Technique, 410 9-7-4 Stabilization of Cathode and Collector Voltages, 412

References 417

Suggested Readings 418 Problems 419



10-0 Introduction 425

10-1 Magnetron Oscillators 427 10-/-1 Cylindrical Magnetron, 427 10-/-2 Linear Magnetron, 436

xii Contents

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

10-1-3 Coaxial Magnetron. 442

10-1-4 Voltage-Tunable Magnetron. 443 10-1-5 Inverted Coaxial Magnetron. 444

10-1-6 Frequency-Agile Coaxial Magnetron. 447

10-2 Forward-Wave Crossed-Field Amplifier (FWCFA OR CFA) 450

10-2-1 Principles of Operation. 450 10-2-2 Microwave Characteristics 455

10-3 Backward-Wave Crossed-Field Amplifier (Amplitron) 457

10-4 Backward-Wave Crossed-Field Oscillator (Carcinotron) 461

References 466

Problems 467



11-0 Introduction 472

11-1 Microstrip Lines 473

11-1-1 Characteristic Impedance of Microstrip Lines. 473 11-1-2 Losses in Microstrip Lines 477

11-1-3 Quality Factor Q of Microstrip Lines 484

11- 2 Parallel Strip Lines 485

11-2-1 Distributed Parameters 486 11-2-2 Characteristic Impedance 486 11-2-3 Attenuation Losses 487

11-3 Coplanar Strip Lines 488

11-4 Shielded Strip Lines 489 References 491

Problems 492



12-0 Introduction 495

12-1 Materials 497

12-1-1 Substrate Materials 498 12-1-2 Conductor Materials 498 12-1-3 Dielectric Materials 500 12-1-4 Resistive Materials 500

12-2 Monolithic Microwave Integrated-Circuit Growth 501 12-2-1 MMIC Fabrication Techniques. 502

12-2-2 Fabrication Example. 504





MOSFET Fabrication 504 12-3-1 MOSFET Formation, 505 12-3-2 NMOS Growth, 506

12-3-3 CMOS Development, 508 12-3-4 Memory Construction, 510

12-4 Thin-Film Formation 514

12-4-1 Planar Resistor Film 514 12-4-2 Planar Inductor Film 516 12-4-3 Planar Capacitor Film 518

12-5 Hybrid Integrated-Circuit Fabrication 519 References 521

Suggested Readings 522 Problems 522








This third revision has been designed, as have the first two editions, for use in a first course in microwave devices and circuits at the senior or beginning graduate level in electrical engineering. The objectives of this book are to present the basic principles, characteristics, and applications of commonly used microwave devices and to explain the techniques for designing microwave circuits. It is assumed that readers of this text have had previous courses in electromagnetics and solid-state electronics. Because this book is self-contained to a large extent, it also serves as a convenient reference for electronics engineers working in the microwave field.

The format of this edition remains the same, but there are additions and expansions as well as some corrections and deletions. The problems section has been enlarged and includes new and very practical problems. The book is reorganized into twelve chapters.

Chapter 1 discusses the interactions between electrons and fields. Chapter 2 deals with plane-wave propagation in different media. Chapter 3 treats transmission lines.

Chapter 4 analyzes microwave waveguides and components.

Chapter 5 describes microwave transistors and tunnel diodes, and includes heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs).

Chapter 6 treats microwave field-effect transistors such as JFETs, MESFETs, HEMTs, MOSFETs and the NMOS, CMOS, and the charged-coupled devices (CCDs).

Chapter 7 discusses transferred electron devices (TEDs), including the Gunn, LSA, InP, and CdTe diodes.

Chapter 8 describes avalanche transit-time devices such as the IMPATT, TRAPATT, and BARITT diodes and the parametric devices.




Chapter 9 deals with microwave linear-beam tubes including klystrons, reflex klystron, and traveling-wave tubes (TWTs).

Chapter 10 studies microwave crossed-field tubes such as magnetrons, forward-wave crossed-field amplifiers, and the backward-wave crossed-field amplifiers-Amplitron and Carcinotron.

Chapter II explains strip lines including microstrip, parallel, coplanar, and shielded strip lines.

Chapter 12 analyzes monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) including MMIC growth, MOSFET fabrication, thin-film formation, and hybrid integrated-circuit fabrication.

The arrangement of topics is flexible; an instructor may conveniently select or order the several topics to suit either a one-semester or a one-quarter course. Numerous problems for each chapter establish the reader's further understanding of the subjects discussed. Instructors who have adopted the book for their courses may obtain a solutions manual from the publisher.

The author is grateful to the several anonymous reviewers; their many valuable comments and constructive suggestions helped to improve this edition. The author would also like to acknowledge his appreciation to the many instructors and students who used the first two editions and who have offered comments and suggestions. All of this help was vital in improving this revision, and this continuing group effort is sincerely invited. Finally, I wish to express my deep appreciation to my wife, Lucia Hsiao Chuang Lee, and our children: Grace in bioengineering, Kathy in electrical engineering, Gary in electronics engineering, and Jeannie in teachers education, for their valuable collective contributions. Therefore, this revision is dedicated to them.

Samuel Y. Liao

Chapter 0



The central theme of this book concerns the basic principles and applications of microwave devices and circuits. Microwave techniques have been increasingly adopted in such diverse applications as radio astronomy, long-distance communications, space navigation, radar systems, medical equipment, and missile electronic systems. As a result of the accelerating rate of growth of microwave technology in research and industry, students who are preparing themselves for, and electronics engineers who are working in, the microwave area are faced with the need to understand the theoretical and experimental design and analysis of microwave devices and circuits.


The term microwave frequencies is generally used for those wavelengths measured in centimeters, roughly from 30 em to 1 mm (1 to 300 GHz). However, microwave really indicates the wavelengths in the micron ranges. This means microwave frequencies are up to infrared and visible-light regions. In this revision, microwave frequencies refer to those from 1 GHz up to 106 GHz. The microwave band designation that derived from World War II radar security considerations has never been officially sanctioned by any industrial, professional, or government organization. In August 1969 the United States Department of Defense, Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff, by message to all services, directed the use of a new frequency band breakdown as shown in Table 0-1. On May 24, 1970, the Department of Defense adopted another band designation for microwave frequencies as listed in Table 0-2. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) recommended new microwave band designations as shown in Table 0-3 for comparison.




Chap. 0



Frequency range in gigahertz

P band L band S band C band X band K band Q band V band W band

0.225- 0.390 0.390- 1.550 1.550- 3.900 3.900- 6.200 6.200- 10.900

10.900- 36.000 36.000- 46.000 46.000- 56.000 56.000-100.000



Frequency range in gigahertz


Frequency range in gigahertz

A band B band C band D band E band F band G band

0.100-0.250 0.250-0.500 0.500-1.000 1.000-2.000 2.000-3.000 3.000-4.000 4.000-6.000

H band I band J band K band L band M band

6.000- 8.000 8.000- 10.000 10.000- 20.000 20.000- 40.000 40.000- 60.000 60.000-100.000



Frequency range in gigahertz


L band

S band

C band

X band

Ku band

K band

Ka band Millimeter Submillimeter

0.003- 0.030 0.030- 0.300 0.300- 1.000 1.000- 2.000 2.000- 4.000 4.000- 8.000 8.000- 12.000

12.000- 18.000 18.000- 27.000 27.000- 40.000 40.000-300.000



In the late 1930s it became evident that as the wavelength approached the physical dimensions of the vacuum tubes, the electron transit angle, interelectrode capacitance, and lead inductance appeared to limit the operation of vacuum tubes in microwave frequencies. In 1935 A. A. Heil and O. Heil suggested that microwave voltages be generated by using transit-time effects together with lumped tuned cir-

Sec. 0.3

Microwave Systems


cuits. In 1939 W. C. Hahn and G.F. Metcalf proposed a theory of velocity modulation for microwave tubes. Four months later R. H. Varian and S. F. Varian described a two-cavity klystron amplifier and oscillator by using velocity modulation. In 1944 R. Kompfner invented the helix-type traveling-wave tube (TWT). Ever since then the concept of microwave tubes has deviated from that of conventional vacuum tubes as a result of the application of new principles in the amplification and generation of microwave energy.

Historically microwave generation and amplification were accomplished by means of velocity-modulation theory. In the past two decades, however, microwave solid-state devices-such as tunnel diodes, Gunn diodes, transferred electron devices (TEDs), and avalanche transit-time devices have been developed to perform these functions. The conception and subsequent development of TEDs and avalanche transit-time devices were among the outstanding technical achievements. B. K. Ridley and T. B. Watkins in 1961 and C. Hilsum in 1962 independently predicted that the transferred electron effect would occur in GaAs (gallium arsenide). In 1963 J. B. Gunn reported his "Gunn effect." The common characteristic of all microwave solidstate devices is the negative resistance that can be used for microwave oscillation and amplification. The progress of TEDs and avalanche transit-time devices has been so swift that today they are firmly established as one of the most important classes of microwave solid-state devices.


A microwave system normally consists of a transmitter subsystem, including a microwave oscillator, waveguides, and a transmitting antenna, and a receiver subsystem that includes a receiving antenna, transmission line or waveguide, a microwave amplifier, and a receiver. Figure 0-1 shows a typical microwave system.

In order to design a microwave system and conduct a proper test of it, an adequate knowledge of the components involved is essential. Besides microwave devices, the text therefore describes microwave components, such as resonators, cavities, microstrip lines, hybrids, and microwave integrated circuits.

Microwave source

Transmitting Receiving

horn antenna horn antenna

Figure 0-1 Microwave system.




Chap. 0

Microwave measures can be expressed in different units, such as the CGS (centimeter-gram-second) unit, MKS (meter-kilogram-second) unit, or another unit. The meter-kilogram-second units (the International System of Units) are used throughout unless otherwise indicated. Table 0-4 lists the most commonly used MKS units.

The prefixes tabulated in Table 0-5 are those recommended by the Interna-





Capacitance Charge Conductance Current Energy


Flux linkage Frequency Inductance Length Power Resistance Time Velocity Voltage

farad = coulomb per volt coulomb: A - s


ampere = coulomb per second joule

volt per meter

weber = volt· second cycle per second henry = (V - s)/ A meter

watt = joule per second ohm


meter per second volt

F Q u A J E t/I Hz H

m W n

v V

Note: I tesla = I weber/m? = 104 gausses = 3 x 10-6 ESU 1 A (angstrom) = 10-10 m

1 p-m (micron) = 10-6 m


Prefix Factor Symbol
exa lOIS E
peta 1015 P
tera 1012 T
giga 10" G
mega 106 M
kilo 103 k
hecto 102 h
deka 10 da
deci 10-1 d
centi 10-2 c
milli 10-3 m
micro 10-6 p-
nano 10-9 n
pico 10-12 p
femto 10-15 f
atto 10-1" a Sec. 0.4

Microwave Units of Measure


tional Committee on Weights and Measures. They have been adopted by the National Bureau of Standards and are used by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

The physical constants commonly used in the text are listed in Table 0-6.

The temperature scales commonly used in scientific work, engineering design, and everyday life are shown in Table 0-7. Many engineering computations use the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin, and therefore a temperature conversion is necessary to convert the temperatures from either centigrade or Fahrenheit to Kelvin scale.

Constant Symbol Value
Boltzmann constant k 1.381 x 1O~23 J/oK
Electronvolt eV 1.602 x 1O~19 J
Electron charge q 1.602 x 1O~19 C
Electron mass m 9.109 x 1O~31 kg
Ratio of charge to mass of an electron elm 1.759 x 1011 Clkg
Permeability of free space f.Lo 1.257 x 1O~6 Him or 47T x 1O~7 Him
Permittivity of free space 1:0 8.854 x 1O~12 F/m
Planck's constant h 6.626 x 1O~34J's
Velocity of light in vacuum c 2.998 x 108 mls TABLE 0·7 TEMPERATURE SCALES

Rankine oR

Fahrenheit of

Centigrade DC

Kelvin oK

Boiling point 671.40


Ice point 491.4°

Ambient point 540°


Absolute zero






Chapter 1

Interactions Between Electrons and Fields


In this chapter we are concerned with electron-field interactions. The motion of the electron beam is assumed to be in a uniform electric field, or a uniform magnetic field, or a uniform electromagnetic field because the inhomogeneous differential equations governing the motion of an electron beam in a field involve three dimensions and their solutions in a nonuniform field are, in most cases, extremely difficult to obtain and usually cannot be determined exactly. On the other hand, fortunately, all present microwave devices employ a uniform field for the electron-field interactions.

Our primary purpose here is to provide the reader with a background for understanding the electron-field interactions in microwave devices that will be discussed in later chapters.


In describing fields and electron-field interactions, certain experimental laws of electricity and magnetism are covered first. The fundamental force law of charges is Coulomb's law, which states that between two charges there exists either an attractive or a repulsive force, depending on whether the charges are of opposite or like sign. That is,




Sec. 1.1

Electron Motion in an Electric Field


where Q = charge in coulombs


Eo = 8.854 X 10-12 = 367T X 10-9 F/m is the permittivity of free space

R = range between the charges in meters

U = unit vector

It should be noted that since the MKS system is used throughout this text, a factor of 47T appears in the preceding equation.

The electric field intensity produced by the charges is defined as the force per unit charge-that is,


E == Q = 47TEoR2 UR

If there are n charges, the electric field becomes

n Qm

E = 2: 2 URm





In order to determine the path of an electron in an electric field, the force must be related to the mass and acceleration of the electron by Newton's second law of motion. So

dv F = -eE = rna = mdt


where m = 9.109 X 10-31 kg, mass of electron

a = acceleration in meters per second squared v = velocity of electron in meters per second

e = 1.602 X 10-19 C, charge of electron that is negative

It can be seen that the force is in the opposite direction of the field because the electron has a negative charge. Thus when an electron moves in an electric field E, it experiences a force = e E newtons. The differential equations of motion for an electron in an electric field in rectangular coordinates are given by

d2x e (1-1-5a)
= --Ex
dt? m
d2y e (l-l-5b)
dt? m y
d2z e (1-1-5c)
-= --E
dt? m Z where elm = 1.759 X 1011 C/kg is the ratio of charge to mass of electron and Ex, Ey, E, are the components of E in rectangular coordinates.

In many cases, the equations of motion for electrons in an electric field in cylindrical coordinates are useful. The cylindrical coordinates (r, cP, z) are defined as in Fig. 1-1-1.

It can be seen that


Interactions Between Electrons and Fields

Chap. 1




Figure 1-1-1 Cylindrical coordinates.

z = z

(l-1-6a) (l-1-6b) (l-1-6c)

x = r cos <I> y = r sin <I>

and, conversely,

r = (x2 + y2)1/2

A,. t - 1 (y) _ . -I Y _ -I X

'f' = an ~ - sin (x2 + y2)1/2 - cos (x2 + y2)1/2



z = z


A system of unit vectors, u., U</>, u., in the directions of increasing r, <1>, z, respectively, is also shown in the same diagram. While u, is constant, u, and U</> are functions of <1>; that is,

Ur = cos <I> u, + sin <I> u, u, = -sin <I> u, + cos <I> u, Differentiation of Eqs. (l-1-8) with respect to <I> yields

(l-1-8a) (l-1-8b)


- = U</>



da; d<l> = + u,

The position vector p can be expressed in cylindrical coordinates in the form


p = ru, + ZUz


Differentiation of Eq. (I-1-9c) with respect to t once for velocity and twice for acceleration yields

dp dr du, dz dr d<l> du; dz

v = - = -u + r- + -u = -u + r- . - + -u

dt dt r dt dt z dt r dt d<l> dt z

dr d<l> dz

= -Ur + r-u</> + -Uz

dt dt dt


Sec. 1.1

Electron Motion in an Electric Field


a = dv = [d2r _ r(dcf»2]U + (r d2cf> + 2 dr dcf»U.p + d2z Uz

dt dt? dt r dt? dt dt dt2

= [d2r _ r(dcf»2]Ur + .!!!_ (r2dcf»u.p + d2z UZ

dt? dt r dt dt dt?

Therefore the equations of motion for electrons in an electric field in cylindrical coordinates are given by





where En E.p, and E, are the components of E in cylindrical coordinates.

From Eq. (1-1-4) the work done by the field in carrying a unit positive charge from point A to point B is


- E· de =; v dv



However, by definition, the potential V of point B with respect to point A is the work done against the field in carrying a unit positive charge from A to B. That is,

V == - J8 E . de (1-1-14)


Substitution of Eq. (1-1-14) in Eq. (1-1-13) and integration of the resultant yield


eV = 2m(v~ - vl)

The left side of Eq. (1-1-15) is the potential energy, and the right side represents the change in kinetic energy. The unit of work or energy is called the electron volt (eV), which means that if an electron falls through a potential of one volt, its kinetic energy will increase 1 eV. That is,


1 eV = (1.60 X 10-19 C)(1V) = 1.60 X 10-19 J


If an electron starts from rest and is accelerated through a potential rise of V volts, its final velocity is

(2 eV)1/2

v = --;;;- = 0.593 X 106Vv



Since de is the increment of distance in the direction of an electric field E, the change in potential dV over the distance de can be expressed as

Idvi = Edi:



Interactions Between Electrons and Fields

Chap. 1

In vector notation it is

E = -VV


where the symbol V is the vector operator in three coordinate systems. The minus sign implies that the field is directed from regions of higher potential to those of lower potential. Equation (1-1-19) is valid in regions in which there is space charge as well as in regions that are free of charge.


A charged particle in motion in a magnetic field of flux density B is experimentally found to experience a force that is directly proportional to the charge Q, its velocity v, the flux density B, and the sine of the angle between the vectors v and B. The direction of the force is perpendicular to the plane of both v and B. Therefore the force exerted on the charged particle by the magnetic field can be expressed in vector form as

F = QV-x B


Since the electron has negative charge, then

F = -ev x B


The motion equations of an electron in a magnetic field in rectangular coordinates can be written






the equations of motion for electrons in magnetic field for cylindrical coordinates can be given by

d2r _ r(dcP)2 = -!_(BzrdcP _ B4> dZ)

di? dt m dt dt




Sec. 1.2

Electron Motion in a Magnetic Field


Figure 1-2-1 Circular motion of an electron in a transverse magnetic field.

Consider next an electron moving with a velocity of Vx to enter a constant uniform magnetic field that is perpendicular to Vx as shown in Fig. 1-2-1. The velocity of the electron is assumed to be

( 1-2-6)

where u, is a unit vector in the x direction.

Since the force exerted on the electron by the magnetic field is normal to the motion at every instant, no work is done on the electron and its velocity remains constant. The magnetic field is assumed to be


Then the magnetic force at the instant when the electron just enters the magnetic field is given by

F = -ev X B = evBuy

(1 -2-8)

This means that the force remains constant in magnitude but changes the direction of motion because the electron is pulled by the magnetic force in a circular path. This type of magnetic force is analogous to the problem of a mass tied to a rope and twirled around with constant velocity. The force in the rope remains constant in magnitude and is always directed toward the center of the circle and thus is perpendicular to the motion. At any point on the circle the outward centrifugal force is equal to the pulling force. That is,


-- = evB



where R is the radius of the circle.

From Eq. (1-2-8) the radius of the path is given by

R = mv eB


(1 -2-10)

The cyclotron angular frequency of the circular motion of the electron is

v eB

w =-=-

R m




Interactions Between Electrons and Fields

Chap. 1

The period for one complete revolution is expressed by 21T 21Tm T=-=--

w eB



It should be noted that the radius of the path is directly proportional to the velocity of the electron but that the angular frequency and the period are independent of velocity or radius. This means that faster-moving electrons or particles traverse larger circles in the same time that a slower-moving particle moves in a smaller circle. This very important result is the operating basis of such microwave devices as magnetic- focusing apparatus.


If both electric and magnetic fields exist simultaneously, the motion of the electrons depends on the orientation of the two fields. If the two fields are in the same or in opposite directions, the magnetic field exerts no force on the electron, and the electron motion depends only on the electric field, which has been described in Section I-I. Linear-beam tubes (0 -type devices) use a magnetic field whose axis coincides with that of the electron beam to hold the beam together as it travels the length of the tube. In these tubes the electrons receive the full potential energy of the electric field but are not influenced by the magnetic field.

When the electric field E and the magnetic flux density B are at right angle to each other, a magnetic force is exerted on the electron beam. This type of field is called a crossed field. In a crossed-field tube (M -type device), electrons emitted by the cathode are accelerated by the electric field and gain velocity; but the greater their velocity, the more their path is bent by the magnetic field. The Lorentz force acting on an electron because of the presence of both the electric field E and the magnetic flux B is given by

dv F = -e(E + v x B) = mdt


The equations of motion for electrons in a crossed field are expressed in rectangular coordinates and cylindrical coordinates, respectively, as

d2x = -.!_ (Ex + s, dy _ B dZ) (I-3-2a)

dt? m dt Y dt

e( dz dX)

-- E +B--B-

m Y .r dt z dt

e ( dx dY)

-- E + B - - B-

m z Y dt .r dt



d2r _ r(dcf»2 = -!!....(Er + Bzrdcf> _ Bq,dZ)

dt? dt m dt dt


Sec. 1.3

Electron Motion in an Electromagnetic Field





dc/J e

- = We =-B

dt m

is the cyclotron frequency

It is, of course, difficult to solve these equations for solutions in three dimensions. In microwave devices and circuits, however, only one dimension is involved in most cases. So the equations of motion become simple and can easily be solved. An example may show how to solve some of the preceding equations.

Example 1-3-1: Electron Motion in an Electromagnetic Field

The inner cylinder of radius a is the cathode and the outer shell with radius b is the anode. A de voltage Vo is applied between the anode and cathode, and a magnetic flux density B is into the page as shown in Fig. 1-3-1. The problem is to adjust the applied voltage Vo and the magnetic flux density B to such levels that the electrons emitted from the cathode will just graze the anode and travel in space between the cathode and the anode only.

Anode V= Vo

Figure 1-3-1 Electron motion in an electromagnetic field.


1. Write the equations of motion for electrons in cylindrical coordinates. d2r _r(dcf»2 = +!_Er-!_rdcf>Bz

dt? dt m m dt



~ ~ (r2dcf» = !_Bz dr r dt dt m dt

2. From (b)


Interactions Between Electrons and Fields

Chap. 1

3. Application of the boundary conditions: At r = a,

dcP = 0 dt

I 2 constant = -"2 ca.a


dcP I

r2di = "2wc(r2 - a2)

4. The magnetic field does no work on the electrons:


-mv2 = eV


2e (dr) 2 (dcP)2

v2 = - V = v2 + v2 = - + r-

m r 4> dt dt

5. For grazing the anode,


- = 0 dt

b2(dcP)2 = 2e Vo and b2 dcP = ~ W (b2 - a2)

dt m dt 2 c

b2Gwc(1 - ::)r = ~Vo

r = b

V = Vo

6. The cutoff voltage is


This means that if Vo < VOc for a given Ro, the electrons will not reach the anode. Conversely, the cutoff magnetic field can be expressed in terms of Vo:

(8Vomj e)I/2 ROc = b(l - a2/b2)


This implies that if Ro > ROc for a given Vo, the electrons will not reach the anode.


GEWAIUOWSKI, J. W., and H. A. WATSON, Principles of Electron Tubes. D. Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, N.J., 1965.



KRAUS, 1. D., and K. R. CARVER, Electromagnetics, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1984.

SKlTEK, G. G., and S. V. MARSHALL, Electromagnetic Concepts and Applications. PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1982.


1·1. At time t = to an electron is emitted from a planar diode with zero initial velocity and the anode voltage is + 15 V. At time t = tl the electron is midway between the plates and the anode voltage changes discontinuously to - 30 V.

a. Determine which electrode the electron will strike.

b. Compute the kinetic energy of the electron in electronvolts (eV) when it strikes the electrode.

1·2. A circular cavity is constructed of a center conductor and an outer conductor. The inner center conductor has a radius of I ern and is grounded. The outer conductor has a radius of 10 cm and is connected to a power supply of + 10 kV. The electrons are emitted from the cathode at the center conductor and move toward the anode at the outer conductor.

a. Determine the magnetic flux density B in webers per square meter in the axial direction so that the electrons just graze the anode and return to the cathode again.

b. If the magnetic flux density B is fixed at 4 mWb/m2, find the required supply voltage so that the electrons just graze the anode and return to the cathode again.

Chapter 2

Electromagnetic Plane Waves


Since Maxwell's fundamental concepts of electromagnetic wave theory have been established, the electric and magnetic wave equations can readily be derived from Faraday's electromotive force law, Ampere's circuital law , and Gauss's law for the electric and magnetic fields. In Chapter 1 interactions between electron and field were discussed. Here electromagnetic plane waves are described in detail. Many topics associated with electromagnetic waves, such as Poynting theory, reflection theory, attenuation concepts, and plane-wave propagation in metallic-film coating on plastic substrates, are also analyzed, for these basic principles are used frequently in later chapters.

The principles of electromagnetic plane waves are based on the relationships between electricity and magnetism. A changing magnetic field will induce an electric field, and a changing electric field will induce a magnetic field. Also, the induced fields are not confined but ordinarily extend outward into space. The sinusoidal form of the wave causes energy to be interchanged between the magnetic and electric fields in the direction of the wave propagation.

A plane wave has a plane front, a cylindrical wave has a cylindrical front, and a spherical wave has a spherical front. The front of a wave is sometimes referred to as an equiphase surface. In the far field of free space, electric and magnetic waves are always perpendicular to each other, and both are normal to the direction of propagation of the wave. This type of wave is known as the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave. If only the transverse electric wave exists, the wave is called TE-mode wave. That means there is no component of the electric wave in the direction of propagation. In TM modes only the transverse magnetic wave exists.


Sec. 2.1

Electric and Magnetic Wave Equations



The electric and magnetic wave equations can be basically derived from Maxwell's equations, which in time domain are expressed as


aB at


aD VxH=J+at


V·D = pv V' B = 0

(2-1-3) (2-1-4)

where the vector operator V is expressed by

a a a

V = -u + -u +-u

ax x ay Y az Z



a a a

V = - Ur + -- u'" + - Uz

ar rae/> az

a a I a

V=-u +-U8+---U",

ar r r ao rsin 0 ae/>

It should be noted that boldface roman letters indicate vector quantities or complex quantities. The units of these field variables are





E = electric field intensity in volts per meter

H = magnetic field intensity in amperes per meter

D = electric flux density in coulombs per square meter

B = magnetic flux density in webers per square meter or in tesla (1 tesla = 1 weber/m/ = 104 gausses = 3 X 10-6 ESU)

J = electric current density in amperes per square meter

pv = electric charge density in coulombs per cubic meter

The electric current density includes two components-that is,

J = J, + Je


where Jc = (T E is called the conduction current density

Jo = the impressed current density, which is independent of the field

The current density source Jo may really be a current prescribed by an external agency, but more often it is simply one which we know from measurements before we start to find the fields. Alternatively, Jo is often the current on a surface or in a region [1]. In most cases, however, the current density source Jo may not exist.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

In addition to Maxwell's four equations, the characteristics of the medium in which the fields exist are needed to specify the flux in terms of the fields in a specific medium. These constitutive relationships are

(2-1-6) (2-1-7) (2-1-8) (2-1-9)

D = EE B = /LH Jc = O"E

/L = /Lr/LO (2-1-10)

where E = dielectric permittivity or capacitivity of the medium in farads per meter Er = relative dielectric constant (dimensionless)

Eo = 8.854 X 10-12 = 1/(367r) X 10-9 F/m is the dielectric permittivity of

vacuum or free space

/L = magnetic permeability or inductivity of the medium in henrys per meter u, = the relative permeability or relative inductivity (dimensionless)

/Lo = 47T X 10-7 Him is the permeability of vacuum or free space

0" = conductivity of the medium in mhos per meter

If a sinusoidal time function in the form of ejwt is assumed, a/at can be replaced by jw. Then Maxwell's equations in frequency domain are given by

V x E = - jW/LH (2-1-10

V x H = (0" + jWE)E (2-1-12)

V . D = pv (2-1-13)

V . B = 0 (2-1-14)

Taking the curl of Eq. (2-1-10 on both sides yields

V x V x E = -jW/LV x H (2-1-15)

Substitution of Eq. (2-1-12) for the right-hand side of Eq. (2-1-15) gives

V x V x E = - jW/L(O" + jWE)E (2-1-16)

The vector identity for the curl of the curl of a vector quantity E is expressed as

V x V x E = - V2E + V(V· E)


In free space the space-charge density is zero, and in a perfect conductor timevarying or static fields do not exist. So

V·D = pv = 0 V·E = 0

(2-1-18) (2-1-19)

Substitution of Eq. (2-1-17) for the left-hand side of Eq. (2-1-16) and replacement of Eq. (2-1-19) yield the electric wave equation as

V2E = y2E (2-1-20)

Sec. 2.2

Poynting Theorem


where v = Vjwp., (0" + jW€) = a + j{3 is called the intrinsic propagation constant of a medium

a = attenuation constant in nepers per meter {3 = phase constant in radians per meter

Similarly, the magnetic wave equation is given by V2H = '}'2H


It should be noted that the "double del" or "del squared" is a scalar operator-that is,

V·V = V2


which is a second-order operator in three different coordinate systems. In rectangular (cartesian) coordinates,


In cylindrical (circular) coordinates,

V2 = ! !_(r!_)

r ar ar


In spherical coordinates,

V2 = _!_ !_(r2~)

r2 ar ar


Also, the solutions of Eqs. (2-1-1) and (2-1-2) solved simultaneously yield the electric and magnetic wave equations in the time domain as

aE a2E

V2E = p.,O"ai +p.,€ at2

eu a2H

V2H = p.,0"- + p.,€-

at at2




At what rate will electromagnetic energy be transmitted through free space or any medium, be stored in the electric and magnetic fields, and be dissipated as heat? From the standpoint of complex power in terms of the complex field vectors, the time average of any two complex vectors is equal to the real part of the product of one complex vector multiplied by the complex conjugate of the other vector. Hence the time average of the instantaneous Poynting vector in steady state is given by

(P) = (E x H) = ~Re(E x H*)


where the notation ( ) stands for the average and the factor of 1/2 appears in the


Electromagnetic Plane Waves Chap. 2

equation for complex power when peak values are used for the complex quantities E and H. Re represents the real part of the complex power, and the asterisk indicates the complex conjugate.

It is necessary to define a complex Poynting vector as

P = HE X H*) (2-2-2)

Maxwell's equations in frequency domain for the electric and magnetic fields are

v X E = - jWJLH V X H = J + jw€E

(2-2-3) (2-2-4)

Dot multiplication of Eq. (2-2-3) by H* and of the conjugate of Eq. (2-2-4) by E yields

(V X E) . H* = - jWJL H . H*

(V X H*) . E = (J* - jW€ E*) . E Then subtraction of Eq. (2-2-5) from Eq. (2-2-6) results in

E· (V X H*) - H*· (V X E) = E· J* - jw(€IEI2 - JLI H 12)

(2-2-5) (2-2-6)


where E . E* is replaced by 1 E 12 and H . H* by 1 H 12.

The left-hand side of Eq. (2-2- 7) is equal to - V . (E X H*) by the vector identity. So

V· (E X H*) = -E· J* + jw(€IEI2 - JLIHI2) Substituting Eqs. (2-1-5) and (2-2-2) into Eq. (2-2-8), we have

- 1E . H = 10"E . E* + jW(1JLH . H* - 1€E . E*) + V . P



Integration of Eq. (2-2-9) over a volume and application of Gauss's theorem to the last term on the right-hand side give

1 1(E· H)dv = i 10"IEI2dv + j2w i (wm - we)dv + ~ p. ds (2-2-10) where ! 0"1 E 12 = 0" <I E 12) is the time-average dissipated power

i JLH . H* = ! JL <I H 1)2 = Wm is the time-average magnetic stored energy i €E . E* = ! e <I E 12) = We is the time-average electric stored energy

- ! E . J ~ = the complex power impressed by the source Je into the field

Equation (2-2-10) is well known as the complex Poynting theorem or the Poynting theorem in frequency domain.

Furthermore, let

Pin = - J ! (E . J ~)dv be the total complex power sup lied by a source

c within a region

<Pd) = J ! 0"1 E 12 dv be the time-average power dissipated as heat inside

o the region

Sec. 2.3

Uniform Plane Waves and Reflection


<Wm - We) = f (wm - we)dv



The complex Poynting theorem shown in Eq. (2-2-10) can be simplified to

be the difference between time-average magnetic and electric energies stored within the region

be the complex power transmitted from the region


This theorem states that the total complex power fed into a volume is equal to the algebraic sum of the active power dissipated as heat, plus the reactive power proportional to the difference between time-average magnetic and electric energies stored in the volume, plus the complex power transmitted across the surface enclosed by the volume.


2·3·1 Uniform Plane Waves

A plane wave is a wave whose phase is constant over a set of planes. A uniform plane wave is a wave whose magnitude and phase are both constant. A spherical wave in free space is a uniform plane wave as observed at a far distance. Its equiphase surfaces are concentric spheres, expanding as the wave travels outward from the source, and its magnitude is constant.

Electromagnetic waves in free space are typical uniform plane waves. The electric and magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation of the waves. The phases of the two fields are always in time phase and their magnitudes are always constant. The stored energies are equally divided between the two fields, and the energy flow is transmitted by the two fields in the direction of propagation. Thus a uniform plane wave is a transverse electromagnetic wave or a TEM wave.

A nonuniform plane wave is a wave whose amplitude (not phase) may vary within a plane normal to the direction of propagation. Consequently, the electric and magnetic fields are no longer in time phase.

Since a uniform plane wave of electric or magnetic field has no variation of intensity in a plane normal to the direction of propagation of the wave, then

aE = aE = 0 or aH = aH = 0

ax ay ax ay

if the direction of propagation is assumed in the positive z direction.

With the preceding assumptions and lossless dielectric-that is, (J' = O-the wave equations (2-1-25) and (2-1-26) in time domain for the electric and magnetic intensities in free space for rectangular coordinates reduce to



Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2


in which the electric intensity is arbitrarily chosen in the x direction and the magnetic intensity in the y direction. With no loss in generality, it can be assumed that the electric intensity is given by

Ex = Eoei(wt-{3Z) = Eoeiw{t-({3/w)Z}


The magnetic intensity can be obtained by inserting Eq. (2-3-3) into the curl equation

v x E = - jWjLoH


For the assumed conditions, the curl equation reduces to

aEx . H Tz = - JWjLo y


Differentiation of Eq. (2-3-3) with respect to z and substitution of the result in Eq. (2-3-5) yield

n, = ~ Ex


where f}_ = ~ = _!_ is accounted for in the derivation

W vp

vp = ~ )__ = 3 X 108 m/s is phase velocity v jLoEo

= c, the velocity of light in vacuum a = 0

f3 = W ~ is phase constant

The ratio of electric to magnetic intensities is given by

Ex Ji:o

- = 1'/0 = - = 377 n

Hy Eo



It is called the intrinsic impedance of free space.

Figure 2-3-1 shows uniform electric and magnetic plane waves in rectangular coordinates. In general, for a uniform plane wave propagating in a lossless dielectric medium (a = 0), the characteristics of wave propagation would become


f3 = wV;:;;



1 c

v =--=--

p v;:;; v;,

(2-3-8a) (2-3-8b)



Sec. 2.3

Uniform Plane Waves and Reflection




Figure 2·3·1 Uniform plane waves traveling in the z direction.

2·3·2 Boundary Conditions

Since Maxwell's equations are in the form of differential rather than algebraic equations, boundary conditions must be applied to a given problem if a specific solution is required.

There are four basic rules for boundary conditions at the surface between two different materials:

1. The tangential components of electric field intensity are continuous across the boundary.

2. The normal components of electric flux density are discontinuous at the boundary by an amount equal to the surface-charge density on the boundary.

3. The tangential components of magnetic field intensity are discontinuous at the boundary by an amount equal to the surface-current density on the boundary.

4. The normal components of magnetic flux density are continuous across the boundary.

The four statements can be proved by applying Faraday's law, Gauss's law, Ampere's law, and V . B = 0 to the boundaries of Fig. 2-3-2(a) and (b).

It can be seen from the diagrams that

f E . di = Ell se - Et2 se = 0


f D . ds = o; as - Dn2 as = p. as


f H . di = HII se - Ht2 se = J. se


f B . ds = s; as - Bn2 as = 0


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

Medium 1 Medium 2



Figure 2-3-2 Boundary conditions. (a) Electric intensity. (b) Magnetic intensity.

So the boundary equations are

(2-3-9a) (2-3-9b) (2-3-9c) (2-3-9d)

E'l = Et2

Dnl = Dn2 + p, H; = Ht2 + is

If medium 2 is a perfect conductor (0' = 00, Er = 1, u, = 1) and medium 1 is a perfect dielectric (vacuum or free space, 0' = 0, Eo, /Lo), then


Etl = - = 0 Eo


H., = 0 Bnl = 0

if is = 0

(2-3-lOb) (2-3-lOc) (2-3-lOd)

Dnl = EoEnl = ps

2·3·3 Uniform Plane· Wave Reflection

Normal-incidence reflection. The simplest reflection problem is that of a uniform plane wave normally incident on a plane boundary between two dielectric media with no surface-charge density and surface-current density. This situation is shown in Fig. 2-3-3.

In medium 1 the fields are the sum of an incident wave plus a reflected wave, respectively.

Eill = Eo(e-j{31Z + fej{31Z) H~ll = Eo (e-j{31Z _ fej{31Z) T/l



where f31 = w~

r::: T/o ... . d f di 1

T/l = V ~ = ~ r- = mtnnsic wave Impe ance 0 me ium

El v Ed

I' = reflection coefficient

Sec. 2.3

Uniform Plane Waves and Reflection



Medium 1

Medium 2

Incident wave

Transmitted wave

Reflected wave

x X

Figure 2-3-3 Uniform plane-wave reflection.


In medium 2 there are transmitted waves:

E~2) = Eo Te-j{32z H~2) = Eo Te-j{32z Tl2



where f32 = W V;;;;

Tl2 = r; = ~ ~ = intrinsic wave impedance of medium 2 "V~ V Er2

T = transmission coefficient

For continuity of wave impedance at the boundary, the wave impedance is

E~I) I 1 + rEf-) I

Z, = H(J) = TIl 1 _ r = H(2) = 712

y a=O y z=O


Hence the reflection coefficient is given by

r = 712 - 711 Tl2 + TIl

From the boundary condition the tangential components of electric field intensity are continuous across the interface. Then


E~J) /z=o = Eo(I + f) = E~2) /z=o = Eo T Hence the transmission coefficient is expressed as

T = I + r = 2712 Tl2 + TIl

If medium 1 is loss less dielectric (that is, (T = 0), the standing-wave ratio is defined




I E~!x I 1 + r

SWR = p = I E~ln I = 1 - r



Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

The power density transmitted across the boundary is

1 I E5

p« = -2(E X H*) . u, =-(1

z=O 2T/1

- [2)



p« = Pine( 1 - [2)


where pine is the incident power density.

The incident power density minus the transmitted power density would yield the reflected power density as


Oblique-incidence reflection.

E Is in the Plane of Incidence. The plane of incidence is defined by the direction of propagation and the line normal to the boundary. The linearly polarized uniform plane waves with E lying in and H normal to the plane of incidence are impinging obliquely on a boundary between two lossless dielectric materials as shown in Fig. 2-3-4.

Whenever a wave is incident obliquely on the boundary surface between two media, the polarization of the wave is vertical or horizontal if the electric field is normal to or parallel to the boundary surface. The terms horizontal and vertical polarization refer to the phenomenon of waves from horizontal and vertical antennas, respectively, producing the corresponding orientations of wave polarization when


Incident wave

ilx = ili sin 0i --~

O· I ilz = ili cos () i 'I

Reflected wave ilx =ilr sin ()r


ilz = ilr cos () r I () r il,


€2 Boundary




Transmitted wave

Figure 2-3-4 Reflection and transmission of oblique incidence.

Sec. 2.3

Uniform Plane Waves and Reflection


the waves strike the surface of the earth. For guided waves in waveguides, the terms transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) are used to designate the fact that either the electric or the magnetic field is normal to the direction of propagation. The polarization of a wave is an extremely useful concept for computing electromagnetic power flow. For example, a Poynting vector indicates that the powerflow density is the cross product of an electric and a magnetic field with the specific direction determined by the polarizations of the two fields.

As Fig. 2-3-4 shows, for a lossless dielectric medium, the phase constants (or propagation constants) of the two media in the x direction on the interface are equal as required by the continuity of tangential E and H on the boundary. Thus

{3; sin (); = {3r sin ()r {3; sin (); = {3/ sin ()/

(2-3-23a) (2-3-23b)

From Eq. (2-3-23a), since {3; = {3r = {31, the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This is


From Eq. (2-3-23b)

sin ()/ = {3; = V2 = r;::;: sin e. (3/ VI -v ~

where V represents the phase velocity. This is well known as Snell's law. In general, all low-loss dielectrics have equal permeability-that is, J.LI = J.L2 = J.Lo. If medium 2 is free space and medium 1 is a nonmagnetic dielectric, the right-hand side of Eq. (2-3-25) becomes V;;:, which is called the index of refraction of the dielectric.

The components of electric intensity E are


E, = -Eo sin ()je-ji31(xsin8;+zcos8;)

(2-3-26) (2-3-27) (2-3-28)

The components of magnetic intensity Hare H, = 0


H, = Eo e-ji31(xsin8;+zcos8;) TJI

Hz = 0



The wave impedance in the z direction is given by Ex

Z =-=TJcos() z H,


It should be noted that the subscripts of TJ and () have dropped because the wave impedances of the two regions in the z direction are the same.

The wave impedance can be expressed in terms of the reflection coefficient of


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

the normal components at the boundary z = O. In medium 1


H~l) = Eo [e-iI31zCOS8; _ feil31zcOS8r] '111

E~I) I 1 + r

Z, = H~I) z=o = '111 cos (); 1 - f

The impedance must be equal to the z -directed wave impedance in region 2 at the boundary. Substitution of Z, = '112 cos (), in Eq. (2-3-35) yields



f = '112 cos (), - '111 cos (); '112 cos (), + '111 cos ();

Then the transmission coefficient is given by

2112 cos (),

T = - _ __:.=.. _ ___:__-

'112 cos (), + '111 cos (),

The preceding two equations are known as Fresnel's formulas for E in the plane of incidence.



H Is in the Plane of Incidence. If H is in the plane of incidence, the components of Hare

(2-3-38) (2-3-39) (2-3-40)

The components of electric intensity E normal to the plane of incidence are

(2-3-41) (2-3-42) (2-3-43)

Ex = 0

The wave impedance in the z direction is given by

t: '11

Zz = - - = -- = '11 sec () H, cos ()

It should be noted that the subscripts of '11 and () have been dropped for the same reason stated previously.

Fresnel's formulas for H in the plane of incidence are


f = '112 sec (), - '111 sec (); '112 sec (), + '111 sec ();

T = 2'112 sec (),

'112 sec (), + '111 sec ();



Sec. 2.4

Plane-Wave Propagation in Free Space and Lossless Dielectric



2·4·1 Plane·Wave Propagation In Free Space

The electromagnetic wave being propagated in free space near the surface of the earth is divided into two parts: the ground wave and the sky wave or ionosphere wave. The ground wave is further divided into a direct wave, an earth-reflected wave, and a surface wave. Figure 2-4-1 shows the wave components of electromagnetic wave from a nondirectional antenna to a receiving station.

Transmitting "'~_'_--+----+::::::=If Receiving

antenna antenna


Figure 2-4-1 Wave components near the surface of the earth.

The ionosphere is that region of the earth's atmosphere in which the constituent gases are ionized by solar radiation. This region extends from about 50 km above the earth to several earth radii and has different layers designated as C, 0, E, and F layers in order of height. The electron-density distribution of each layer varies with the time of day, season, year, and the geographical location. During the day the electron density N is approximately 1012 electrons per cubic meter at an altitude between 90 and 1000 km. The E and F layers have a permanent existence, but the 0 layer is present only during the day. The electron density determines the reflection and refraction of microwaves. For vertical incidence, the critical frequency is given by




This means that a microwave of frequency Fer will be reflected back to the earth if the electron density is equal to or higher than the required maximum electron density Nmax (electrons per cubic meter).

The sky wave reaches the receiving station after reflection from the ionosphere. Although important in many communication systems, the sky wave need not be considered in most microwave applications because a wavelength shorter than about 4 m will not return to the earth from the ionosphere. The reflected wave is reflected from the earth in such a way as to reach the receiver. Energy radiated from the nondirectional antenna of Fig. 2-4-1 strikes the earth at all points between the base of the antenna and the horizon, but only that wave which leaves the antenna in the direction shown reaches the receiver. The surface wave is a wave diffracted


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

around the surface of the earth or guided by the ground-air interface. This component is important at broadcast frequencies; at microwave frequencies, however, the surface wave is rapidly attenuated, and at a distance of 2 km from the antenna it has an amplitude of only a fraction of I % of the direct wave. This component must be considered in blind-landing systems in which ranges of less than 2 km are important. The direct wave travels a nearly straight path from the transmitting antenna to the receiving station. It is the only wave considered in this book. The term free space will be used to denote vacuum or any other medium having essentially the same characteristics as vacuum, such as open air, anechoic chamber, and shielded enclosure. When power radiates from the transmitting antenna, the power density carried by the spherical wave will decrease with distance as the energy in the wave spreads out over an ever-increasing surface area as the wave progresses.

The power density is given by


where PI = transmitting power in watts

gl = transmitting antenna gain (numerical)

R = distance between antenna and field point in meters

The power received by the receiving antenna is given as

pr = PdAe = (:;~2)(~gr)

,\2 s:s:. .

where Ae = - gr = ettectrve antenna aperture m square meters


,\2 .. .

- = Aa = isotropic antenna aperture In square meters 47T



gr = receiving antenna gain (numerical)

Figure 2-4-2 shows the relationships of electromagnetic energy transmission in free space between two antennas.

Receiving antenna


Transmitting -R-+antenna '\7



Figure 2-4-2 Electromagnetic energy transmission between two antennas.

If the received power is expressed in terms of decibels, Eq. (2-4-3) becomes


P, = PI + GI + G, - 20 log A



where PI is in dBW, GI and G, are in decibels (dB). The term 20 log (47TR/'\) is well known as the free-space attenuation in decibels. It can easily be found from the stan-

Sec. 2.4

Plane-Wave Propagation in Free Space and Lossless Dielectric


dard nomograph shown in Fig. 2-4-3. For example, if the wavelength of a signal is 0.03 m and the range is 20 m, the free-space attenuation is about 79 dB.

It should be noted that the free-space attenuation is entirely different from the dissipative attenuation of a medium such as atmosphere that absorbs energy from the wave. The factor (47TR2) in Eq. (2-4-3) simply accounts for the fact that the power density is inversely proportionally decreasing with the squared distance when the energy spreads out over free space. The factor (A 2/ 47T) is the isotropic aperture of a receiving antenna. It does not imply that a higher-frequency wave decreases in magnitude more rapidly than a lower-frequency wave. It is simply a consequence of the fact that, for a given antenna gain, the aperture of a higher-frequency antenna is smaller than that of a lower-frequency antenna so that it intercepts a smaller amount of power from the wave.

f 300



SO 40




3 70
;;; 60
,..... E
N ::2-
S .:;, c:
;., -5 .g so
o "" '"
c: c: ::>
'" '" c:
::> -.; 2
0- >
'" 0.5 '" <
... ~ 40
0.3 Figure 2-4-3 Nomograph of free-space attentuation.


5000 4000




30 ,.....
20 ""
10 32

Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

2·4·2 Plane· Wave Propagation in Lossless Dielectric

The lossless dielectric, which is often called the good or perfect dielectric, is characterized by (J" = O. Hence the intrinsic impedance for a lossless dielectric can be expressed in terms of air. This is

11 = fi:. = r;: = 377 ohms (2-4-5)

,,~ ,,~ ~

The attenuation constant a is zero, and the phase constant f3 is given by

f3 = wV;;;


The phase velocity is expressed by


vp = V;;;



The lossy media are characterized by (J" * O. There are three types of lossy media: good conductor, poor conductor, and lossy dielectric, which are discussed in this section. The presence of a loss in the medium introduces wave dispersion by conductivity. Dispersion makes a general solution in the time domain impossible except by Fourier expansion methods. Thus only solutions for the frequency domain (or steady state) will be given.

The electric and magnetic wave equations in the frequency domain as shown in Eqs. (2-1-20) and (2-1-21) are repeated here:

V2E =jWjL«(J" + jw€)E V2H = jWjL«(J" + jw€)H

For one dimension in the positive z direction, they become a2E

---f =jwjL«(J" + jw€)Ex az

(2-5-1) (2-5-2)


a2Hv . ( ·)H az2 = JWjL (J" + JW€ y

The complex-frequency solutions would be given by

Ex = Ese>" cos (wt - f3z) Eo

Hv = _e-az cos (wt - f3z)


where y = VjWjL«(J" + jW€) = a + jf3

11 = ~ (J" + JW€




Sec. 2.5

Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossy Media


2·5·1 Plane Wave in Good Conductor

A good conductor is defined as one having a very high conductivity; consequently, the conduction current is much larger than the displacement current. The energy transmitted by the wave traveling through the medium will decrease continuously as the wave propagates because ohmic losses are present. Expressed mathematically, a good conductor requires the criterion


The propagation constant y is expressed as

y = Yjw/-L(cr + jWE) = jWV;;:; ~1 _ j cr



for - ~ 1 WE

.c r==, r=: .,,;--( 1 . 1 )

= ] V ouur V - ] = ] V tatur - - J-

V2 V2

= (1 + j)~





The exponential factor e ?" of the traveling wave becomes e-1 = 0.368 when




This distance is called the skin depth and is denoted by


5= 1 1

~ a {3


Interestingly, at microwave frequencies the skin depth is extremely short and a piece of glass with an evaporated silver coating 5.40-/-Lm thick is an excellent conductor at these frequencies. Table 2-5-1 lists the conductivities of materials.

The intrinsic impedance of a good conductor is given as

TJ = ~ cr + JWE = ~ for a ~ WE

~ /450 = (1 + j) r;:;;_ (2-5-11)

V~ V~

= (1 + j) ~s = (1 + j)Rs

in which R, = Y w/-L/(2cr) is known as the skin effect and the magnitude of the con-


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2



Conductivity (T
Type (mhos 1m)
insulator 10-17 approx.
insulator 10-17 approx.
insulator 10-15 approx.
insulator 10-15 approx.
insulator 10-15 approx.
insulator 10-15 approx.
insulator 10-12 approx.
insulator 10-9 approx.
insulator 10-4 approx.
conductor 4 approx.
conductor 5 x 102 approx.
conductor 3 x 104 approx.
conductor 105 approx.
conductor 106 approx.
conductor 106
conductor 106
conductor 2 x 106
conductor 2 x 106
conductor 3 x 106
conductor 5 X 106
conductor 9 x 106
conductor 107
conductor 1.1 x 107
conductor 1.7 x 107
conductor 1.8 x 107
conductor 3 x 107
conductor 3.5 x 107
conductor 4.1 x 107
conductor 5.8 x 107
conductor 6.1 x 107 Quartz, fused Ceresin, wax Sulfur


Paraffin Rubber, hard Glass

Bakelite Distilled water Seawater Tellurium Carbon Graphite

Cast iron Mercury Nichrome Constantan Silicon steel German silver Lead


Phosphor bronze Brass


Tungsten Duralumin

Aluminum, hard-drawn Gold



ductor surface resistance. The average power density for a good conductor is given by

p = ~IHI2Rs

and the phase velocity within a good conductor is v = wi)



The reflectivity and transmittance of a good conductor in vertical and horizontal polarizations are usually measured in terms of the grazing angle. The grazing angle «/I is defined as the angle between the incident ray and the media boundary.

Vertical polarization. From Fig. 2-3-4 it can be seen that «/I = 90° - Oi; then sin «/I = cos Oi, sin Oi = cos «/I, sin? 0, + cos? 0, = 1, and VI sin 0, = V2 sin OJ. The vertical reflectivity of a good conductor for the tangential components of electric intensity as shown in Eq. (2-3-36) is simplified to

Sec. 2.5

Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossy Media


I', = 1]2[1 - (Vz/VI COS 1/1)2]1/2 - 1]1 sin 1/1

1]2[1 - (Vz/VI cos 1/1)2]1/2 + 1]1 sin 1/1

For vertical polarization, the normal components of the electric fields are generally used to determine the reflection coefficient. From Fig. 2-3-4 it can be seen that the vertical components of the incident and reflected electric fields are in opposite directions. Therefore the reflectivity of a good conductor in vertical polarization is


I' v = 1]1 sin 1/1 - 1]2[ 1 - (V2/ VI cos 1/1)2]1/2 1]1 sin 1/1 + 1]2[1 - (V2/VI cos 1/1)2]1/2

Similarly, the vertical transmittance of a good conductor for electric fields as shown in Eq. (2-3-37) is given by



Horizontal polarization. The reflectivity of a good conductor for electric fields in horizontal polarization as shown in Eq. (2-3-4S) is simplified in terms of 1/1 as

fh = 1]2 sin 1/1[1 - (V2/VI cos 1/1)2]-1/2 - 1]1 1]2 sin 1/1 [1 - (vz/ VI cos 1/1 y]-1/2 + 1]1

Similarly, the transmittance of a good conductor for electric fields in horizontal polarization as shown in Eq. (2-3-46) can be expressed as

T; = 21]2[1 - (Vz/VI cos 1/1)2]-1/2 (2-S-13f)

1]2 sin 1/1[1 - (Vz/VI cos I/Iyrl/2 + 1]1


In Fig. 2-3-4 it is assumed that medium 1 is free space or air and that medium 2 is copper; then

1]2 = (1 + j) r;:; \jt;

V2 = w5 = {2;;;


The conductivity (T of copper is S.8 x 107 mhos/m and its relative permeability is unity. The magnitudes of reflectivity of copper for vertical and horizontal polarizations are computed by Eqs. (2-S-13c) and (2-S-13e) against the grazing angle 1/1 of 0 to 90° at a frequency range of 0.1 to 40 GHz. This result indicates that copper is a perfect reflector for electromagnetic waves.

1]1 = 377 n

VI = 3 X 108 m/s

2·5·2 Plane Wave in Poor Conductor

Some conducting materials with low conductivity normally cannot be considered either good conductors or good dielectrics. Seawater is a good example. It has a conductivity of 4 mhos/m and a dielectric constant of 20. At some low frequencies the


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

conduction current is greater than the displacement current, whereas at some high frequencies the reverse is true.

In general, the propagation constant and intrinsic impedance for a poor conductor are given by



2·5·3 Plane Wave in Lossy Dielectric

All dielectric materials have some conductivity, but the conductivity is very small (0' ~ WE). When the conductivity cannot be neglected, the electric and magnetic fields in the dielectric are no longer in time phase. This fact can be seen from the intrinsic impedance of the dielectric as

_ ~'WIL _ f;( .0')-1/2

rt - . - - I - ]-

0' + ]WE E WE


The term 0' /(WE) is referred to as the loss tangent and is defined by

0' tan () = - WE


This relationship is the result of displacement current density leading conduction current density by 90°, just as the current flowing through a capacitor leads the current through a resistor in parallel with it by 90° in an ordinary electric circuit. This phase relationship is shown in Fig. 2-5-1.

------------- I J = (a + jw€)E

() = tan-i (~) I

W€ I



Figure 2-5-1 dielectric.

Loss tangent for lossy

If the loss tangent is very small-that is, O'/(WE) ~ I-the propagation constant and intrinsic impedance can be calculated approximately by a binomial expansion. Since

'Y = jw ~ ~ I _ j 0'




'Y = jw ~ [1 _ j .s: + 1. (!!_) 2 + . . .]

2WE 8 WE



Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

E where Er = - Eo

a 18a


WEo !GHz

'" = 90° - (); is called the pseudo-Brewster angle

Equation (2-5-25) is applicable only for the tangential components of incident and reflected fields that are in the same directions as shown in Fig. 2-3-4. For total reflection (L 1) we set (), = 90° in Eq. (2-3-25), and the incident angle is given by


The angle specified by Eq. (2-5-24c) is called the critical incident angle for total reflection. A wave incident on the boundary at an angle equal to or greater than the critical angle will be totally reflected. There is a real critical angle only if /J-IEI > /J-2E2, or, in the nonmagnetic material, if EI > E2. Hence the total reflection occurs only if the wave propagates from a dense medium into a less dense medium. This is because the value of sin ()c must be equal to or less than unity.

For vertical polarization, the normal components of electric fields are usually used to determine the reflection coefficient. Therefore the reflectivity of a lossy dielectric in vertical polarization is given by

r.. = (Er - jx) sin", - Y(Er - jx) - cos2 '" (e, - jx) sin", + Y(Er - jx) - cos' '"


Similarly, the vertical transmittance of a lossy dielectric for electric fields as shown in Eq. (2-3-37) is


Horizontal polarization. The reflectivity of a lossy dielectric for electric fields in horizontal polarization as shown in Eq. (2-3-45) becomes

r - sin'" - Y(Er - jx) - cos2 '" h - sin", + Y(Er - jx) - cos' '"


Similarly, the transmittance of a lossy dielectric for electric fields in horizontal polarization as shown in Eq. (2-3-46) is expressed as

2 sin '"

~ = -------,=============

sin", + Y(Er - jx) - cos? '"

The reflections of electromagnetic waves by such lossy dielectric materials as seawater, dry sand, and concrete cement are often of concern to many electronics engi-


Sec. 2.5

Plane-Wave Propagation in Lossy Media


neers. The conductivities a and relative dielectric constants e; of seawater, dry sand, and concrete cement are tabulated in Table 2-5-2.

Figures 2-5-2 to 2-5-5 show, respectively, the magnitudes of reflectivity of seawater, dry sand, and concrete cement for vertical and horizontal polarizations against the grazing angle e of 0 to 90° at a frequency range of 0.1 to 40 GHz [2].



Dry sand

Concrete cement


4 20

2 X 10-' 4

2 X 10-5 3

~ 06
L.- 0.5
§ 0.4
0.3 Grazing angle l/J in degrees

Figure 2-5-2 Magnitude of the reflectivity in vertical polarization versus grazing angle for seawater.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves


'" u


'" p.,



0.9 0.3
0.8 0.6





40 GHz


] 0.7





Grazing angle 1/1 in degrees

Figure 2-5-3 Magnitude of the reflectivity in horizontal polarization versus grazing angle for seawater.

'" 0.8
0.2 Grazing angle 1/1 in degrees

Figure 2-5-4 Magnitude of the reflectivity in vertical and horizontal polarizations versus grazing angle for dry sand.

Chap. 2


Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate

., 0.8
c, 0.6
0.2 Grazing angle 1/1 in degrees

Figure 2-5-5 Magnitude of the reflectivity in vertical and horizontal polarizations versus grazing angle for concrete cement.




In certain engineering applications, it is often desirable to use a metallic-film-coated glass to attenuate optimum electromagnetic radiation at microwave frequencies and also to transmit as much light intensity as possible at visible-light frequencies. Generally the coated metallic film should have a high melting point, a high electrical conductivity, high adhesion to glass, high resistance to oxidation, and insensitivity to light and water, as well as the capability of dissipating some power for deicing, defogging, or maintaining certain temperature levels. The metallic-film coatings on a plastic substrate are used in such applications as windshields on airplanes or automobiles, medical equipment in hospitals, and on dome windows of space vehicles, missiles, and other military devices.

*Copyright © 1975 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. Light Transmittance and Microwave Attenuation of a Gold-Film Coating on a Plastic Substrate by S. Y. Liao [3]; reprinted from IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques. MTT-23, No. 10,846-849, October 1975.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

2·6·1 Surface Resistances of Metallic Films

Very thin metallic films have a much higher resistivity than a bulk metal because of electron scattering from the film surface. If the film thickness is very large compared to the electron mean-free-path, the resistivity is expected to be nearly the same as that of a bulk metal. When the film thickness is on the order of the electron meanfree-path, then the role of electron scattering becomes dominant. Fuchs [4] and Sondheimer [5] considered the general form of the solution of the Boltzmann equation for the case of a conducting film and found the film conductivity (J'f in terms of the bulk conductivity (J', the film thickness t, and the electron mean-free-path p:

(J'f = ~; [cn( ~) + 0.4228] for t ~ P (2-6-1)

The surface resistance of conducting films is generally quoted in units of ohms per square because in the equation for resistance

specific resistivity x length

R = thickness x width

pC tw


when units of length C and width ware chosen to have equal magnitude (that is, resulting in a square), the resistance R in ohms per square is independent of the dimensions of the square and equals

n, = Pf =_1 t to,



According to the Fuchs-Sondheimer theory, the surface resistance of a metallic film is decreased as the thickness of the film is increased.

2·6·2 Optical Constants of Plastic Substrates and Metallic Films

The optical properties of materials are usually characterized by two constants, the refractive index n and the extinction index k. The refractive index is defined as the


Substrate material

Refractive index n

Corning Vycor Crystal quartz Fused silica Plexiglass

Polycyc1ohexyl methacrylate Polyester glass

Polymethyl methacrylate Zinc crown glass

1.458 1.540 1.458 1.490 1.504 1.500 1.491 1.508

Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate 43

ratio of the phase velocities of light in vacuum and in a medium. The extinction index is related to the exponential decay of the wave as it passes through a medium. Most optical plastics are suitable as substrate materials for a dome window and for metallic-film applications. Table 2-6-1 lists the values of the refractive index n of several nonabsorbing plastic substrate materials in common use [6].

The measured values of the refractive index n and the extinction index k of thin metallic-film coatings deposited in a vacuum [6] are tabulated in Table 2-6-2.

Copper film Gold film Silver film
(A) n k n k n k
2000 1.427 1.215 1.13 1.23
2200 1.32 1.29
2300 1.38 1.31
2400 1.37 1.33
2500 1.39 1.34
2600 1.45 1.35
2700 1.51 1.33
2800 1.57 1.27
2900 1.60 1.17
3000 1.67 0.96
3100 1.54 0.54
3200 1.07 0.32
3300 0.30 0.55
3400 0.16 1.14
3500 0.12 1.35
3600 0.09 1.52
3700 0.06 1.70
4500 0.870 2.200 1.400 1.880
5000 0.880 2.420 0.840 1.840
5500 0.756 2.462 0.331 2.324
6000 0.186 2.980 0.200 2.897
6500 0.142 3.570 0.142 3.374
7000 0.150 4.049 0.131 3.842
7500 0.157 4.463 0.140 4.266
8000 0.170 4.840 0.149 4.654
8500 0.182 5.222 0.157 4.993
9000 0.190 5.569 0.166 5.335
9500 0.197 5.900 0.174 5.691
10,000 0.197 6.272 0.179 6.044
Source: Adapted from the American Institute of Physics Handbook by the American Institute of
Physics. Copyright © 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. (Used with permission of McGraw-Hill Book
Company.) 44

Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

2·6·3 Microwave "adiation Attenuation of Metallic·Film Coating on PIa. tic Sub.trate

A conductor of high conductivity and low permeability has low intrinsic impedance. When a radio wave propagates from a medium of high intrinsic impedance into a medium of low intrinsic impedance, the reflection coefficient is high. From electromagnetic plane wave theory in the far field, high attenuation occurs in a medium made of material having high conductivity and low permeability. Good conductors, such as gold, silver, and copper, have high conductivity and are often used as the material for attenuating electromagnetic energy. Microwave radiation attenuation by a metallic-film coating on substrate consists of three parts [7]:

Attenuation = A + R + C



where A = absorption or attenuation loss in decibels inside the metallic-film coating while the substrate is assumed to be nonabsorbing plastic glass R = reflection loss in decibels from the multiple boundaries of a metallic-film coating on substrate

C = correction term in decibels required to account for multiple internal reflections when the absorption loss A is much less than 10 dB for electrically thin film

Figure 2-6-1 shows the absorption and reflection of a metallic-film coating on a plastic substrate.

Metallic film

Figure 2-6-1 Absorption and reflection of film coating on plastic substrate.

R <C:: ==::::::::J




RF energy


c:::======t=~ T

Absorption loss A. As described in Section 2-5-1, the propagation constant 'Y for a uniform plane wave in a good conducting material is given in Eq. (2-5-7) as

'Y = a + Jf3 = (1 + J)~

for CTf ~ we


If the plastic substrate is assumed to be a nonabsorbing material, the absorption loss A of the metallic-film coating on a substrate is related only to the thickness t of the coated film and the attenuation a as shown:

A = 20 10gIO eat = 20(at) 10gIO e = 20(0.4343)(at)

= 8.686t~ dB

where t = thickness of the film coating in meters


Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate 45

f-t = permeability of the film in henrys per meter f = frequency in hertz

CFt = conductivity of the coated film in mhos per meter

Since the thickness of the coated film is very thin-for example, 100 angstroms at most (A = 10-10 m)-the absorption loss A is very small and can be ignored.

Reflection loss R. The reflection loss R due to the multiple boundaries of the substrate glass coated with a metallic film can be analyzed by means of the energy-transmission theory (see Eq. 2-3-18 in Section 2-3-3), and it is expressed as

R = -20 log 211Jr1 - 20 log 21718 I - 20 log 2171a I

l71a + 1Jr1 11Jr + 71g I l11g + 71a I

= 20 log l71a + 1Jrll 1Jr + 71g II 71g + 71a I dB (2-6-7)

811Jrll 71g II 71a I

where 1Jr = intrinsic impedance of the coated metallic film 71g = intrinsic impedance of the glass substrate

11a = intrinsic impedance of air or free space = 377 n

The intrinsic impedance of a metallic film is given by Eq. (2-5-11) as

11Jr1 = 10 + j)~ 1 = ~ (2-6-8)

and the intrinsic impedance of a glass substrate is expressed in Eq. (2-5-16) as

71 = ~ = 377 = 194 n

g v;: v3.7s

for CFg ~ toe;


where CFg = about 10-12 mho/m is the conductivity of the glass substrate €og = 4.77 X 10-11 F/m is the permittivity of the glass substrate €or = 3.78 is the relative permittivity of the glass substrate

Substituting the values of the intrinsic impedances 1Jr, 71g, and 71a in Eq. (2-6-7) yields the reflection loss as [12]

R = 20 log [28.33~1 = 88 + 10 log (7) dB (2-6-10)

Correction term C. For very electrically thin film, the value of the absorption loss A is much less than 10 dB and the correction term is given by [8]

C = 20 log 11 - P lO-A/IO(cos () - j sin () I (2-6-11)

where p = (1Jr - 71a)2 = 1 1Jr + 71a

() = 3.54t~

Over the frequency range of 100 MHz to 40 GHz, the angle () is much smaller than 10 so that cos () = 1 and sin () = (). Thus the correction term of Eq. (2-6-11)

for 71a ~ 1Jr


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

can be simplified to

C = 20 log [3.54t~] = -48 + 20 log [t-v%;]



Finally, the total microwave radiation attenuation by a metallic-film coating on a glass substrate, defined in Eq. (2-6-4) in the far field, becomes

Attenuation = 40 - 20 log (Rs) dB (2-6-13)

It is interesting to note that the microwave radiation attenuation due to the coated metallic film on a glass substrate in the far field is independent of frequency and is related only to the surface resistance of the coated metallic film [12].

2·6·4 Light Transmittance of Metallic·Film Coating on Plastic Substrate

The complex refractive index of an optical material is given by [6] as N = n - jk


It is assumed that light in air is normally incident on a thin absorbing film NI of thickness tl and that it is transmitted through an absorbing substrate of complex refractive index N2 and then emerges into air. The incidence and the emergence media are dielectrics of refractive index no. The reflection loss between the substrate and the air is small and, for convenience, is taken as zero. Figure 2-6-2 shows light transmittance, reflection, and absorption through a thin absorbing metallic film and a plastic substrate.





Figure 2-6-2 Light transmittance. reflection. and absorption through a thin metallic film coated on plastic substrate.

Using the multireflection and transmission theory, the reflection loss is expressed by

R = alea + a2e-a + a3 cos v + a4 sin II b, e" + s.«: + b, cos II + be sin II


where al = [(no - nl)2 + kf][(nl + n2)2 + ik, + k2)2] a2 = [(no + nl)2 + kf][(nl - n2)2 + ik, - k2)2]

a3 = 2{[n6 - (ni + kD][(ni + kI) - (n~ + km + 4nokl(nlk2 - n2kl)} a4 = 4{[n6 - (ni + kD]Cnlk2 - n2kl) - nokl[(ni + kI) - (n~ + k~)]}

Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Meta"ic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate 47




'\0 = 7 is the wavelength in a vacuum

c = 3 X 108 m/s is the velocity of light in a vacuum; f is the frequency in hertz




b, = [(no + nJ)2 + kU[(nJ + n2)2 + (k, + k2)2] b2 = [(no - nJ)2 + kU[(nJ - n2)2 + (kJ - k2)2]

b, = 2{[n5 - (nr + kD][(nr + kD - (n~ + kD] - 4nokJ(nJk2 - n2kJ)} b4 = 4{[n5 - (nr + kD](nJk2 - n2k1) + nokJ[(nr + kD - (n~ + k~)]}

Transmittance T is given by [6] as

T = 16non2(nr + kD

b-e" + b2e-" + b-; cos V + b« sin v


Absorption loss A is given by



and the total attenuation loss L is



When the concave surface of a plastic dome is uniformly coated with an electromagnetic interference shield of metallic film, however, the light is normally incident on the plastic substrate N2, transmits through the thin metallic film NJ , and then emerges into the air no. From the electromagnetic theory of luminous transmission in transparent media, the light transmittance is the same regardless of whether light is normally incident on the substrate medium N2 or on the absorbing film NJ• Thus the total attenuation loss is the same in both cases.

2·6·5 Plane Wave in Gold·Film Coating on Plastic Glass

Metallic-film coatings on plastic glasses have many engineering applications [9]. A gold film, for example, is coated on the concave surface of a plastic-glass dome so that an optimum amount of microwave radiation is attenuated by the gold film while, at the same time, a sufficient light intensity is transmitted through the gold film.

Surface resistance. At room temperature the properties of bulk gold are



Electron mean-free-path:

(T = 4.10 X 107 mhos/m p = 2.44 X 10-8 O-m

p = 570 A

It is assumed that the thickness t of the gold film varies from 10 to 100 A. Its surface


: o

!: :Ii



:: ... 40 oa: (:let


~~30 ----




Chap. 2

Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Thickness t Conductivity a, Resistivity Pf Surface resistance R,
(A) (rnho/rn x 107) (!1-m x 10-7) (!1/square)
100 1.17 0.86 8.60
90 1. II 0.90 10.00
80 1.03 0.97 12.13
70 0.96 1.04 14.86
60 0.85 1.17 19.50
50 0.77 1.30 26.00
40 0.68 1.48 37.00
30 0.54 1.86 62.00
20 0.42 2.41 120.00
10 0.22 4.48 448.00 resistances are computed by using Eqs. (2-6-1) and (2-6-3) and are tabulated in Table 2-6-3.

Figure 2-6-3 shows surface resistances of gold film in ohms per square against the thicknesses of gold film from 10 to 100 A. According to the Fuchs-Sondheimer theory, gold films have a typical surface resistance at about 10 to 30 O./square for a thickness of about 90 to 45 A. The surface resistance is decreased as the thickness of the gold film is increased.


::= z: =- = ~ = = = = = = = = =_::{-==-:C:"'_D




Figure 2-6-3 Surface resistance of gold film versus thickness of gold film.

Microwave radiation attenuation. Substituting the values of the surface resistances for gold films in Eq. (2-6-13) yields the microwave radiation attenuation in decibels by the gold-film coating on a plastic glass. Figure 2-6-4 shows graphically the microwave radiation attenuation versus the surface resistance of the goldfilm coating. For a coated gold film having a surface resistance of 12 O/square, the

Sec. 2.6

.S! 15
<I) 10
jj 5
5 Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate


0--- - Hawthorne's data

0---- Liao's data





Surface resistance R, in ohms per square

Figure 2-6-4 Microwave radiation attenuation versus surface resistance of gold film.

microwave radiation attenuation is about 19 dB. The data agree with Hawthorne's conclusion [10,12].

Light transmittance. For the visible-light region, the values of the refractive index n and the extinction index k of a gold-film coating on a plastic glass deposited in a vacuum are taken from Table 2-6-2. The refractive index no of air or vacuum is unity. The refractive index n2 of the nonabsorbing plastic glass is taken as 1.50. Light transmittance T and light reflection loss R of a gold-film coating on a plastic glass are computed by using Eqs. (2-6-16) and (2-6-15), respectively. Then from the values of T and R absorption loss A and total attenuation L are calculated. The results are presented graphically in Fig. 2-6-5. It can be seen that for a light transmittance of 80% the thickness of the gold-film coating is about 80 A. When the absorption loss in the substrate material is considered, however, the light transmittance may be a little less than 80%.

Optimum condition. The surface resistance of a metallic film decreases as the thickness of the film coating increases. However, the luminous transmittance is decreased as the surface resistance of the metallic film is decreased. This relationship for the visible-light region is shown in Fig. 2-6-6.

Figure 2-6-7 illustrates the relationship of light transmittance versus wavelength for a given surface resistance of gold film. If a power dissipation of 5 W/square is allowed for deicing and defogging or keeping warm by the gold-film coating on a plastic substrate and if the effective area of the coated film is 13 square inches in a missile, the surface resistance of the coated film must be 12 !1/square.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2




lIGHT~~ ,fIS"

__ ---_ ", /~<80

-- ----_ ,,'\ I ' /70

30 - - - _ '\ \\\ , "" .

--- __ --_ '~\\' ///" /'60

--_ - .... - ..... , ~~"_""""" /,,' 50

20 _ - - _ _ ........, \" ... - " "" ,

- ,~\,~-- "~,, "40 FILM

--- ,~~=:: <, .> /'30 THICKNESS

10 ------ ' ...... -_-' ,"",-

LIGHT ATTENuAiio-N-'......:-:..~-:...::.::._20 IN J\.

IN PER CENT -------10-

O~------~----L -L L_~~~

2000 3000 4000 5000 7000 10000


Figure 2·6·5 Light transmittance T and light attenuation loss L versus wavelength A with film thickness t as parameter for gold film.

IZ w U

~ 90



w U Z ct l-

t: 80 :!; en Z ct a: l-


~70~----L-~---~----~--------~~------~ _, 0



• FOR 80 PER CENT OF LIGHT TRANSMITTANCE, Figure 2·6·6 Light transmittance

SURFACE RESISTANCE IS ABOUT 12 OHMS PER SQUARE versus surface resistance of gold film.

The power dissipation can be expressed as

V2 (28)2

p = - = = 5 W/square

R 12 x 13

in which the voltage applied to the film-coating terminations is 28 V. The optimum condition occurs at 19 dB of microwave radiation attenuation and 80% of light transmittance.

Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate


a.. Rs
.... 37
z 26
s 20
ct 15
I- 60
I- 12
~ 8.6
3000 4000 6000 10000 WAVELENGTH x IN A



Figure 2-6-7 Light transmittance versus wavelength with surface resistance R, as parameter for gold film.

Example 2-6-5: Calculation of a Gold-Film Coating

A gold film of 80 A is coated on a plastic substrate with a refractive index of 1.50. Determine:

a. The gold-film surface resistance in ohms per square

b. The microwave attenuation in decibels

c. The light transmittance T for red light of 0.69 JLm

d. The light reflection loss R at A = 0.69 JLm


a. From Eq. (2-6-1) the gold-film conductivity is

CTf = ~;[ln (7) + 0.4228J

3 x 80 X 10-10 x 4.1 x 107 [In (58700) + 0.4228J 4 x 570 X 10-10

1.03 X 107 mhos/m

From Eq. (2-6- 3) the gold-film surface resistance is


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

1 1

R = - = ---.....,------

s to, 80 X 10-10 x 1.03 X 107

= 12.12 O/squares

b. From Eq. (2-6-13) the microwave attenuation is Attenuation = 40 - 20 log (Rs)

= 40 - 20 log (12.12) = 18 dB

c. From Fig. 2-6-5 the light transmittance T is estimated to be 75%.

d. From the same figure the light reflection loss R is about 25%.

2·6·6 Plane Wave in Silver·Film or Copper·Film Coating on Plastic Substrate*

Silver-film or copper-film coating on a plastic substrate has many uses in engineering [11]. The surface resistance, microwave radiation attenuation, light transmittance, and optimum condition of both silver-film coating and copper-film coating can be described in the same way as for fold-film coating.

Surface resistance. At room temperature the properties of bulk silver and bulk copper are

Silver Conductivity:


Electron mean-free-path:

Copper Conductivity:

Resisti vi ty:

Electron mean-free-path:

(T = 6.170 X 107 mhos/m p = 1.620 X 10-8 o'-m p = 570 A

(T = 5.800 X 107 mhos/m p = 1.724 X 1O-80'-m

p = 420 A

It is assumed that the thickness t of the silver and copper films varies from 10 to 100 A. The surface resistances of silver and copper films are computed by using Eqs. (2-6-1) and (2-6-3) and are tabulated in Tables 2-6-4 and 2-6-5, respectively.

Figure 2-6-8 plots the surface resistances of silver and copper films, respectively, in ohms per square versus the thickness of the silver and copper films from 10 to 100 A.

*Copyright © 1976 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. RF Shielding Effectiveness and Light Transmittance of Copper or Silver Coating on Plastic Substrate by S. Y. Liao [11]; reprinted from IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-18, No.4, 148-153, November 1976.

Sec. 2.6

Plane-Wave Propagation in Metallic-Film Coating on Plastic Substrate


Thickness t Conductivity uf Resistivity Pf Surface resistance R,
(A) (mho/m x 107) (11-m x 107) (!1isquare)
100 1.78 0.571 5.71
90 1.66 0.602 6.69
80 1.55 0.645 8.06
70 1.44 0.695 9.93
60 1.31 0.763 12.72
50 1.16 0.862 17.24
40 0.99 1.010 25.25
30 0.81 1.230 41.00
20 0.61 1.640 82.00
10 0.36 2.760 276.00 TABLE 2·6·5 SURFACE RESISTANCE e, OF COPPER FILM
Thickness t Conductivity o, Resistivity Pr Surface resistance R,
(A) (mho/m x 107) (11-m x 10-7) (11/square)
100 1.93 0.52 5.20
90 1.85 0.54 6.00
80 1.73 0.58 7.25
70 1.62 0.62 8.86
60 1.47 0.68 11.33
50 1.33 0.75 15.00
40 1.17 0.86 21.50
30 0.95 1.05 35.00
20 0.73 1.37 68.50
10 0.43 2.31 231.00 60
;:l 50
'" 40
Q::;~ 30
~ 20
~ 10
CIl OL_ __ _L L_ __ _L L_~_L ~ __ ~ ~ __ ~











Film thickness t in A

Figure 2-6-8 Surface resistance of silver and copper film versus thickness of film.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

RF radiation attenuation. Substitution of the values of the surface resistances of silver or copper films in Eq. (2-6-13) yields the microwave radiation attenuation in decibels by the silver-film or copper-film coating on a plastic substrate. Figure 2-6-9 shows the microwave radiation attenuation versus the surface resistance of silver-film or copper-film coating, respectively.



0--- Copper film

0- - - Silver film

Surface resistance R, of film coatings in ohms per square

Figure 2-6-9 Microwave radiation attenuation versus surface resistance of silver and copper film.




Light transmittance. Light transmittance T and light reflection loss R of silver-film and copper-film coatings are computed by using Eqs. (2-6-16) and 2-6-15), respectively. The values of the refractive index n and the extinction index k of the silver-film and copper-film coatings deposited in a vacuum for the lightfrequency range are taken from Table 2-6-2. The refractive index no of air or vacuum is unity. The refractive index nz of the nonabsorbing plastic glass is taken as 1.5. From the values of light transmittance T and light reflection loss R, absorption loss A and total attenuation L are calculated. The results are illustrated in Figs. 2-6-10 and 2-6-11 for silver-film and copper-film coatings, respectively.

Optimum Condition. The light transmittance is increased as the surface resistance is increased. The relationship is illustrated in Fig. 2-6-12 for silver film and copper film, respectively. The optimum condition occurs at 18 dB of microwave radiation attenuation and 94% of light transmittance with a surface resistance of about 12 O/square.

C> C>

lN3:J1:I3d NI , NOll'dnNU1'd lH!lJl ON'd 1 3:JN'dHIWSN'dl:lllH!l1l

0000000000 -NM"<tV"l'-C!t"--ooet-.0

0000000000 oet-.OOt"--'-C!V"l"<tMN-


\ \\,,11111 ,....,

"""1111« 0 \,,"111 :::: s: ..... " liM 1~"1I1 .,

,11111111 I ~

",~~"/lI, , I .g

... ",,,"'" ,/-;: -- - -:.::~..,,,, , E ,', __ -::"'" +_,,,~ / I _

"" --:::. '" /' ._

'" "';,',,_; ;:, "' / I u..

/ /'" '" .... '" / / / .. ' ,

"" "'///, , '

, " ," , , , I I I I

"",1 I'I '" I '/ ' I' I

II, I I I I I' ,

II", I , I

" , I I I I I

" I I I I , ,

" , , " ,

, ,

, , , I

" , I I

, 'I






~ I I

I ,I

I " g


g et-.

... .,




o M

o o V"l N



Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Silver film


'" o



.§ 80

'" c





Copper film



10 12




Surface resistance R, in ohms per square

Figure 2-6-12 Light transmittance versus surface resistance of silver and copper films.

Chap. 2

Example 2-6-6: Computation of a Copper-Film Coating

A copper film of 60 A is coated on a plastic substrate with a refractive index of 1.50. Compute:

a. The copper-film surface resistance in ohms per square

b. The microwave attenuation in decibels

c. The light transmittance T for red light of 0.69 J.Lm

d. The light reflection loss R at A = 0.69 J.Lm


a. From Eq. (2-6-1) the copper-film conductivity is

fTf = ~;[In (~) + 0.4228j

3 x 60 X 10-10 x 5.8 x 4 x 420 X 10-10

107 [ (420) J

In 60 + 0.4228

1.47 X 107 mhos/m

From Eq. (2-6-3) the copper-film surface resistance is

1 1

R = - = ---------

S to, 60 X 10-10 x 1.47 X 107

= 11.34 fl/square

b. From Eq. (2-6-13) the microwave attenuation is Attenuation = 40 - 20 log (Rs)

Suggested Readings


= 40 - 20 log (11.34) = 19 dB

c. The light transmittance T is estimated from Fig. 2-6-11 to be 82%

d. From the same figure the light reflection loss R is about 18%.


[1] ADLER, R. B., et aI., Electromagnetic Energy Transmission and Radiation. P. 8. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1969.

[2] LIAO, S. Y., Reflectivities of electromagnetic waves by seawater, dry sand, concrete cement, and dry ground. A report for the Naval Weapons Center, Department of the Navy, China Lake, Calif., August 1976.

[3] LIAO, S. Y., Light transmittance and microwave attenuation of a gold-film coating on a plastic substrate. IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-23, No. 10, October 1975.

[4] FUCHS, K., The conductivity of thin metallic films according to the electron theory of metals. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 30, 100 (1938).

[5] SONDHEIMER, E. H., The mean-free-path of electrons in metals. Advances in Physics, 1, 1 (1952).

[6j American Institute of Physics Handbook, Sec. 6-12, 6-119 to 6-121, and 6-138.

McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1972.

[7] SCHULZ, R. B., et aI., Shielding theory and practice. Proc. 9th Tri-Service Conf. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, October 1963.

[8] VASAKA, c. S., Problems in shielding electrical and electronic equipment. U.S. Naval Air Development Center. Johnsville, Pa., Rep. No. NACD-EL-N5507, June 1955.

[9] LIAO, S. Y., Design of a gold film on a glass substrate for maximum light transmittance and RF shielding effectiveness. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Symposium Records, San Antonio, Texas, October 1975.

[10] HAWTHORNE, E.!., Electromagnetic shielding with transparent coated glass. Proc. IRE., 42,548-553, March 1954.

[II] LIAO, S. Y., Light transmittance and RF shielding effectiveness of a gold film on a glass substrate. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-17, No.4, November 1975.

[12] LIAO, S. Y., RF shielding effectiveness and light transmittance of copper or silver coating on plastic substrate. IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-18, No.4, November 1976.


COLLIN, R. E., Foundations for Microwave Engineering, Chapter 2. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1966.

HAYT, W. H., Engineering Electromagnetics, 4th ed., Chapters 10 and II. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1981.


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

JORDAN, E. and K. G. BALMAIN, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems. 2nd ed., Chapters 4,5, and 6. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1968.

SEELY, S., and A. D. POULARIKAS, Electromagnetics, Classical and Modern Theory and Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1979.


2·1. In a certain homogeneous medium the group velocity as measured by the propagation time of a pulse is found to be proportional to the square root of the frequency (vg = vAw where A is a constant) over a particular frequency range. It is assumed the medium is a nonmagnetic insulator.

a. Determine the relationship between the phase and group velocities.

b. Derive an expression for the relative dielectric constant of this medium.

2·2. Show that a/az = f3g and a/at = jw for a sinusoidal wave propagating in the z direction.

2·3. The electric field of a plane wave propagating in free space is given in complex notation by

Where U, and U, are unit vectors in the x and y directions of a right-hand coordinate system.

a. In which direction is the wave propagating?

b. Find the frequency of the propagating signal.

c. Determine the type of wave polarization (linear, circular, or elliptical).

d. Express the magnetic field intensity H of the propagating wave.

e. Calculate the average power flow per square meter in the direction of the propagation.

2·4. Determine the permittivity of a slab of dielectric material that will reflect 20% of the energy in a plane wave. The wave is striking normally to and propagating- through the slab. Neglect the reflections from the back face of the slab.

2·5. The reflection and refraction of microwave propagating in the ionosphere are determined by the electron density in the ionosphere. If the electron density is assumed to be 1014 electrons per cubic meter, detemine the critical frequency for vertical incidence so that the signal wave will be reflected back to the earth.

2·6. The conductivity (J" of copper is 5.8 x 107 mhos/m and its relative permeability is unity. Calculate the magnitudes of reflectivity of copper for vertical and horizontal polarizations against the grazing angle e of 0 to 90° at a frequency range of 1 to 40 GHz. The increment of the angle e is 10° each step and the increment of the frequency is 10 GHz each step.

2·7. At the Brewster angle there is no reflected wave when the incident wave is vertically polarized. If the incident wave is not entirely vertically polarized there will be some reflection but the reflected wave will be entirely of horizontal polarization. Verify Eq. (2-5-24B) for the Brewster angle in terms of the relative dielectrics.

2·8. Determine the pseudo-Brewster angle", in terms of VI , V2, 711, and 712 for a good conductor. [Hint: Start from Eq. (2-5-13b).]



2·9. Calculate the pseudo-Brewster angles for seawater, dry sand, concrete cement, and dry ground.

2·10. Determine the pseudo-Brewster angle e in terms of E, and x for a lossy dielectric. [Hint: Start from Eq. (2-5-26).]

2·11. Bulk gold has a conductivity of 4.1 x 107 mhos/m, a resistivity of 2.44 x IW8 !1-m, and an electron mean-free-path of 570 A. Calculate the surface conductivity, surface resistivity, and surface resistance of gold film for thicknesses of 10 to 100 A with an increment of 10 A for each step.

2·12. Silver has a conductivity of 0.617 x 108 mhos/m, a resistivity of 1.620 x 10-8 !1-m, and an electron mean-free-path of 570 A. Repeat Problem 2-11 for silver film.

2·13. Seawater has a conductivity of 4 mhos/m and a relative dielectric constant of 20 at a frequency of 4 GHz. Compute:

a. The intrinsic impedance

b. The propagation constant

c. The phase velocity

2·14. Repeat Problem 2-13 for dry sand (u = 2 X 10-4 mho/m and E, = 4) and copper (rr = 5.8 X 107 mhos/m).

2·15. A uniform plane wave is incident normally from air onto the surface of seawater. The electric intensity of the incident wave is 100 x 10-3 Vim at a frequency of 5 GHz in the vertical polarization. Calculate:

a. The electric intensity of the reflected wave

b. The electric intensity of the transmitted wave

2·16. Repeat Problem 2-15 for an angle of incidence of 30°.

2·17. Dry ground has a conductivity of 5 x 10-4 mhos/m and a relative dielectric constant of 10 at a frequency of 500 MHz. Compute:

a. The intrinsic impedance

b. The propagation constant

c. The phase velocity

2·18. Copper has a conductivity of 5.8 x 107 mhos/m and is considered an ideal material for shielding. A shield is made of copper with a thickness of 1 mm. If a uniform plane wave is normally incident upon the copper shield, compute the absorption loss in decibels by the copper atf = MHz.

2·19. A radar transmitter has an output power of 100 kW average. Calculate the power density in dBW/m2 at a range of 3000 m and the free-space attenuation in decibels at f= 10 GHz.

2·20. Write a complete FORTRAN program to compute the magnitudes of reflectivity in vertical polarization against a grazing angle of seawater. The frequency varies from 0.1 to 40 GHz with an increment of 0.1 GHz between 0.1 to I GHz, I GHz between 1 to 10 GHz, and 5 GHz between 10 to 40 GHz. Use FIO.5 format for numerical outputs and Hollerith format for character outputs. Print the outputs in three columns such as frequency (GHz), grazing angle (degrees), and gamma (vertical reflectivity).

2·21. Write a complete FORTRAN program to compute the magnitudes of reflectivity in horizontal polarization against a grazing angle for seawater. (Refer to Problem 2-20 for specifications. )

2·22. Write a complete FORTRAN program to compute the light transmittance and light reflection of a gold-film coating on a non absorbing plastic glass for thicknesses of 10 to 100 A with an increment of 10 A each step. The wavelength varies from 2000 to


Electromagnetic Plane Waves

Chap. 2

10,000 A with an increment of 500 A each step. The values of the refractive index n and the extinction index k of a gold-film coating on a nonabsorbing plastic glass deposited in a vacuum are listed in Table 2-6-2. The refractive index n of the nonabsorbing plastic glass is I. 5. Use FlO. 5 format for numerical outputs, Hollerith format for character outputs, and Data statements to read in the input values.

2·23. Write a complete FOIITRAN program to compute the light transmittance and light reflection for an aluminum-film coating on a non absorbing plastic substrate for thicknesses of 10 to 100 A and print out the results in percentages. Use F 10.5 format for numerical outputs, Hollerith format for character outputs, and Data statements to read in the input values. Print the outputs in column form with proper head-letters and units. The refractive index n of the nonabsorbing plastic glass is 1.50. The refractive index n and extinction index k for aluminum film are tabulated in Table P2-23. (Refer to Problem 2- 22 for specifications.)

2·24. Repeat Problem 2-22 for a silver-film coating on a non absorbing plastic glass for the wavelengths from 2000 to 3700 A with an increment of 100 A each step. (Refer to Table 2-6-2 for the values of nand k.)

Wavelength Refractive Extinction Wavelength Refractive Extinction
(A) index n index k (A) index n index k
0000 0.00 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00
2000 0.11 2.20 4500 0.51 5.00
2200 0.13 2.40 5000 0.64 5.50
2400 0.16 2.54 5500 0.82 5.99
2600 0.19 2.85 6000 1.00 6.50
2800 0.22 3.13 6500 1.30 7.11
3000 0.25 3.33 7000 1.55 7.00
3200 0.28 3.56 7500 1.80 7.12
3400 0.31 3.80 8000 1.99 7.05
3600 0.34 4.01 8500 2.08 7.15
3800 0.37 4.25 9000 1.96 7.70
4000 0.40 4.45 9500 1.75 8.50 2·25. Repeat Problem 2-22 for a copper-film coating on a nonabsorbing plastic glass for the

wavelengths from 4500 to 10,000 A with an increment of 500 A each step.

2·26. Repeat Problems 2-20 and 2-21 for dry sand.

2·27. Repeat Problems 2-20 and 2-21 for concrete cement. 2·28. Repeat Problems 2-20 and 2-21 for dry ground.

2·29. Start from Eqs. (2-3-25) and (2-3-36) and verify Eq. (2-5-24a).

2·30. Derive Eq. (2-5-25) from Eq. (2-5-24a) by assuming the loss tangent to be much less than unity.

Chapter 3

Microwave Transmission Lines


Conventional two-conductor transmission lines are commonly used for transmitting microwave energy. If a line is properly matched to its characteristic impedance at each terminal, its efficiency can reach a maximum.

In ordinary circuit theory it is assumed that all impedance elements are lumped constants. This is not true for a long transmission line over a wide range of frequencies. Frequencies of operation are so high that inductances of short lengths of conductors and capacitances between short conductors and their surroundings cannot be neglected. These inductances and capacitances are distributed along the length of a conductor, and their effects combine at each point of the conductor. Since the wavelength is short in comparison to the physical length of the line, distributed parameters cannot be represented accurately by means of a lumped-parameter equivalent circuit. Thus microwave transmission lines can be analyzed in terms of voltage, current, and impedance only by the distributed-circuit theory. If the spacing between the lines is smaller than the wavelength of the transmitted signal, the transmission line must be analyzed as a waveguide.


3-1-1 Transmission-Line Equations

A transmission line can be analyzed either by the solution of Maxwell's field equations or by the methods of distributed-circuit theory. The solution of Maxwell's equations involves three space variables in addition to the time variable. The distributed-circuit method, however, involves only one space variable in addition to



Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

the time variable. In this section the latter method is used to analyze a transmission line in terms of the voltage, current, impedance, and power along the line.

Based on uniformly distributed-circuit theory, the schematic circuit of a conventional two-conductor transmission line with constant parameters R, L, G, and C is shown in Fig. 3-1-1. The parameters are expressed in their respective names per unit length, and the wave propagation is assumed in the positive z direction.

R ~z L ~z A R ~z L ~z B
.: iG• t
i(z + ~z, t)
V(z, t) G ~z C ~z
Generator ~ V(z + M, t)
__ z ~ I
~z Figure 3-1-1 Elementary section of a transmission line.

By Kirchhoff's voltage law, the summation of the voltage drops around the central loop is given by

ai(z, t) av(z, t)

v(z, t) = i(z, t)R Az + LAz-- + v(z, t) + d Az

at z

Rearranging this equation, dividing it by Az, and then omitting the argument (z, r), which is understood, we obtain


av ai


az at


Using Kirchhoff's current law, the summation of the currents at point B in Fig. 3-1-1 can be expressed as

av(z + Az, t)

iiz, r) = v(z + Az, t)G Az + C Az + i(z + Az, t)


[ av(z, t) ]

= u(z, t) + az Az G Az

C A a [( ) av (z, t) A ] • ( ) ai (z, t) A

+ u.Z - V z, t + u.Z + I Z, t + u.Z

at az az


By rearranging the preceding equation, dividing it by Az, omitting (z, t), and assuming Az equal to zero, we have

ai av

-- = Gv + C-

az at

Then by differentiating Eq. (3-1-2) with respect to z and Eq. (3-1-4) with respect to t and combining the results, the final transmission-line equation in voltage form is


Sec. 3.1

Transmission-Line Equations and Solutions


found to be


Also, by differentiating Eq. (3-1-2) with respect to t and Eq. (3-1-4) with respect to z and combining the results, the final transmission-line equation in current form is

a2i ai a2i az2 = RGi + (RC + LG) at + LC at2


All these transmission-line equations are applicable to the general transient solution. The voltage and current on the line are the functions of both position z and time t. The instantaneous line voltage and current can be expressed as

v(z, t) = Re V (z)ejwf i(z, t) = Re 1 (z)ejwf

(3-1-7) (3-1-8)

where Re stands for "real part of." The factors V(z) aand fez) are complex quantities of the sinusoidal functions of position z on the line and are known as phasors. The phasors give the magnitudes and phases of the sinusoidal function at each position of z, and they can be expressed as

V(z) = V+e-YZ + V_eYz fez) = I+e-YZ + LeYZ

y = ex + jf3

(propagation constant)

(3-1-9) (3-1-10) (3-1-11)

where V+ and 1+ indicate complex amplitudes in the positive z direction, V- and L signify complex amplitudes in the negative z direction, ex is the attenuation constant in nepers per unit length, and f3 is the phase constant in radians per unit length.

If we substitute jw for a/at in Eqs. (3-1-2), (3-1-4), (3-1-5), and (3-1-6) and divide each equation by ejwf, the transmission-line equations in phasor form of the frequency domain become

dV dz



dl = -YV dz

d2V _ 2V dz2 - Y

d21 _ 21 dz2 - y

in which the following substitutions have been made:




Z = R + jwL Y = G + jwC

y = vZr = ex + jf3

(ohms per unit length) (mhos per unit length) (propagation constant)

(3-1-16) (3-1-17) (3-1-18)


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

For a lossless line, R = G = 0, and the transmission-line equations are expressed as

dV -jwLI (3-1-19)
dI -jwCV
dz (3-1-20)
d2V -w2LCV (3-1-21)
d2 I -w2LCI (3-1-22)
dz2 It is interesting to note that Eqs. (3-1-14) and (3-1-15) for a transmission line are similar to equations of the electric and magnetic waves, respectively. The only difference is that the transmission-line equations are one-dimensional.

3·1·2 Solutions of Transmission·Line Equations

The one possible solution for Eq. (3-1-14) is


The factors V + and V-represents complex quantities. The term involving e-j{3z shows a wave traveling in the positive z direction, and the term with the factor ej{3z is a wave going in the negative z direction. The quantity (3z is called the electrical length of the line and is measured in radians.

Similarly, the one possible solution for Eq. (3-1-15) is

I = Yo(V +e-Yz - V_eYz) = Yo(V+e-UZe-}{3z - V_euzej{3z) In Eq. (3-1-24) the characteristic impedance of the line is defined as

1 rz ~R + jwL .

Zo = Yo == V Y = G + jWC = Ro ± ]Xo

The magnitude of both voltage and current waves on the line is shown in Fig. 3-1-2.

(a) Voltage wave



Figure 3-1-2 Magnitude of voltage and current traveling waves.

(b) Current wave

Sec. 3.1

Transmission-Line Equations and Solutions


At microwave frequencies it can be seen that

R ~ wL and G ~ wC


By using the binomial expansion, the propagation constant can be expressed as 'Y = VCR + jwL)(G + jwC)

= V (jw)2 LC ~r-(-1 -+-j-:L-)-(-I-+-}-.~-c-)

= jw VLC[ (1 + ! ~) (1 + !~) ]

2}wL 2}wC

= jWVLC[1 + !(~ + ~)J

2 }wL }wC

= ~(R~ + G~) + jWVLC

Therefore the attenuation and phase constants are, respectively, given by

a = ~(R~ + G~) (3-1-28)


{3 = wVLC (3-1-29)

Similarly, the characteristic impedance is found to be

VR + jwL

Zo = .

G + jwC

fL (1 + _!!_)1/2(1 + __Q_)-1/2

Vc jwL jWC

= ~(1 + ~j:L)(1 - ~j~C) (3-1-30)

= ~ [1 + ~ C:L - j~C) ]


From Eq. (3-1-29) the phase velocity is

w 1

Vp = ~ = VLC


The product of LC is independent of the size and separation of the conductors and depends only on the permeability IL and permittivity of E of the insulating medium. If a lossless transmission line used for microwave frequencies has an air dielectric and contains no ferromagnetic materials, free-space parameters can be assumed.


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

Thus the numerical value of l/vLC for air-insulated conductors is approximately equal to the velocity of light in vacuum. That is,

1 1

v = -- = --- = c = 3 X 108 mls

p vLC ~


When the dielectric of a lossy microwave transmission line is not air, the phase velocity is smaller than the velocity of light in vacuum and is given by

1 c

v.=~= ~


In general, the relative phase velocity factory can be defined as

y, 1 . e. _ actual phase velocity

e OCIty ractor - 1· f 1· h .

ve OCIty 0 ig t In vacuum


v =-=---

r C ~


A low-loss transmission line filled only with dielectric medium, such as a coaxial line with solid dielectric between conductors, has a velocity factor on the order of about 0.65.

Example 3-1-1: Line Characteristic Impedance and Propagation Constant A transmission line has the following parameters:

R = 2 Wm L = 8 nH/m

G = 0.5 mmholm

f = 1 GHz

C = 0.23 pF

Calculate: (a) the characteristic impedance; (b) the propagation constant. Solution

a. From Eq. (3-1-25) the line characteristic impedance is

!R+i:::i I 2 + j27T X 109 X 8 X 10-9

Zo = VG+};;;c = \j 0.5 X 10-3 + j27T X 109 x 0.23 X 10-12

_ I 50.31~ _If/. ,lOO _ .

- \j 15.29 x 10-4/70.91° - 181.39~ - 179.44 + )26.50

b. From Eq. (3-1-18) the propagation constant is

'Y = Y(R + jwL)(G + jwC) = Y(50.31/87.72°)(l5.29 x 10-4/70.91°) = Y769.24 x 10-4/158.63°

= 0.2774/79.31° = 0.051 + jO.273

Sec. 3.2

Reflection Coefficient and Transmission Coefficient



3·2·1 Reflection Coefficient

In the analysis of the solutions of transmission-line equations in Section 3-1, the traveling wave along the line contains two components: one traveling in the positive z direction and the other traveling the negative z direction. If the load impedance is equal to the line characteristic impedance, however, the reflected traveling wave does not exist.

Figure 3-2-1 shows a transmission line terminated in an impedance Ze. It is usually more convenient to start solving the transmission-line problem from the receiving rather than the sending end, since the voltage-to-current relationship at the load point is fixed by the load impedance. The incident voltage and current waves traveling along the transmission line are given by

v = V+e-Yz + V_e+Yz I = I+e-Yz + Le+Yz

(3-2-1) (3-2-2)

in which the current wave can be expressed in terms of the voltage by

V V-

I = _:!:_e-YZ - -eYZ

r; z;

If the line has a length of e, the voltage and current at the receiving end become




L = -(V+e-ye - V_eye)


The ratio of the voltage to the current at the receiving end is the load impedance. That is,






v+ Zo v_ - Z2

0 • z d • 0
Figure 3-2-1 Transmission line terminated in a load impedance. 68

Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

The reflection coefficient, which is designated by r (gamma), is defined as

flecti ffi . reflected voltage or current

Re ection coe cient == -.-.---.-..::'------

incident voltage or current


If Eq. (3-2-6) is solved for the ratio of the reflected voltage at the receiving end, which is V_eYc, to the incident voltage at the receiving end, which is V+eYc, the result is the reflection coefficient at the receiving end:

V_eYC Zc - Zo

I', = V+e-Yc = Zc + Zo

If the load impedance and/or the characteristic impedance are complex quantities, as is usually the case, the reflection coefficient is generally a complex quantity that can be expressed as


r, = I r, le/oe


where I r e I is the magnitude and never greater than unity-that is, Ire I :::::; 1. Note that (Jc is the phase angle between the incident and reflected voltages at the receiving end. It is usually called the phase angle of the reflection coefficient.

The general solution of the reflection coefficient at any point on the line, then, corresponds to the incident and reflected waves at that point, each attenuated in the direction of its own progress along the line. The generalized reflection coefficient is defined as


From Fig. 3-2-1 let z = C - d. Then the reflection coefficient at some point located a distance d from the receiving end is

V_ey(C-d) V_eYc

r = = e-2yd = r e-2yd

d V+e-y(C-d) V+e-ye C


Next, the reflection coefficient at that point can be expressed In terms of the reflection coefficient at the receiving end as


This is a very useful equation for determining the reflection coefficient at any point along the line. For a lossy line, both the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient are changing in an inward-spiral way as shown in Fig. 3-2-2. For a lossless line, a = 0, the magnitude of the reflection coefficient remains constant, and only the phase of r is changing circularly toward the generator with an angle of -2f3d as shown in Fig. 3-2-3.

It is evident that re will be zero and there will be no reflection from the receiving end when the terminating impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance

Sec. 3.2

Reflection Coefficient and Transmission Coefficient


Figure 3-2-2 Reflection coefficient for lossy line.


\ \ \ \

\ -,


"<, <,


Figure 3-2-3 Reflection coefficient for loss less line.

I rl= 1

of the line. Thus a terminating impedance that differs from the characteristic impedance will create a reflected wave traveling toward the source from the termination. The reflection, upon reaching the sending end, will itself be reflected if the source impedance is different from the line characteristic impedance at the sending end.

3·2·2 Transmission CoeHicient

A transmission line terminated in its characteristic impedance Zo is called a properly terminated line. Otherwise it is called an improperly terminated line. As described earlier, there is a reflection coefficient r at any point along an improperly terminated line. According to the principle of conservation of energy, the incident power minus the reflected power must be equal to the power transmitted to the load. This can be expressed as

1 - r~ = Zo T2 Ze

Equation (3-2-13) will be verified later. The letter T represents the transmission coefficient, which is defined as



Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

T == transmitted voltage or current = Vtr = ~

incident voltage or current Vine line

Figure 3-2-4 shows the transmission of power along a transmission line where Pine is the incident power, Pref the reflected power, and P« the transmitted power.






Figure 3-2-4 Power transmission on a line.


Let the traveling waves at the receiving end be

V+e-Yc + V_eYc = Vtre-Yc

V+ e-Yc _ V- eye = Vtr e-Yc

Zo Zo Zc

Multiplication of Eq. (3-2-16) by Ze and substitution of the result in Eq. (3-2-15) yield



V_eYC Zc - Zo

I', = V+e-Yc = Zc + Zo

which, in turn, on substitution back into Eq. (3-2-15), results in

T = Vtr = 2Zc

V+ Zc + Zo

The power carried by the two waves in the side of the incident and reflected waves is




The power carried to the load by the transmitted waves is


P« = 2Zc

By setting Pinr = P; and using Eqs. (3-2-17) and (3-2-18), we have

T2 = Zc (1 - rn Zo

This relation verifies the previous statement that the transmitted power is equal to the difference of the incident power and reflected power.



Sec. 3.3

Standing Wave and Standing-Wave Ratio


Example 3-2-1: Reflection Coefficient and Transmission Coefficient

A certain transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 75 + jO.Ol 0 and is terminated in a load impedance of 70 + j50 O. Compute (a) the reflection coefficient; (b) the transmission coefficient. Verify: (c) the relationship shown in Eq. (3-2-21); (d) the transmission coefficient equals the algebraic sum of 1 plus the reflection coefficient as shown in Eq. (2-3-18).


a. From Eq. (3-2-17) the reflection coefficient is

r = Ze - Zo = 70 + j50 - (75 + jO.OI)

Ze + Zo 70 + j50 + (75 + jO.01)

_ 50.24m.E _ f7r:. r:.1l0 _ •

- 153.38/19.03° - 0.33~ - 0.08 + }0.32

b. From Eq. (3-2-18) the transmission coefficient is

T = 2Ze Zc + Zo

2(70 + j50)

70 + j50 + (75 + jO.Ol)

172.05~ _ ftr:. <;to _ •

153.38/19.03° - 1.l2illl.!_ - 1.08 + }0.32


T2 = (1.12/16.51°)2 = 1.25/33.02°

Ze (I _ P) = 70 + /50 [I - (0.33)/76.68°)2]

z; 75 + }0.01

= 86~ x I 10/-26° = I 25/33°

75&_ . . .

Thus Eq. (3-2-21) is verified.

d. From Eq. (2-3-18) we obtain

T = 1.08 + jO.32 = 1 + 0.08 + jO.32 = 1 + r


3·3·1 Standing Wave

The general solutions of the transmission-line equation consist of two waves traveling in opposite directions with unequal amplitude as shown in Eqs. (3-1-23) and (3-1-24). Equation (3-1-23) can be written

= V+e-az[cos ({3z) - j sin ({3z)] + V_eaz[cos ({3z) + j sin ({3z)] = (V+e-az + V_eaz) cos ({3z) - j(V+e-az - V_eaz) sin ({3z)



Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

With no loss in generality it can be assumed that V+e-az and V_em are real. Then the voltage-wave equation can be expressed as


This is called the equation of the voltage standing wave, where

Vo = [(V+e-az + V_eaz)2 cos' (f3z) + (V+e-az - V_e-a? sirr' (f3Z)]I/2


which is called the standing-wave pattern of the voltage wave or the amplitude of the standing wave, and

(v+e-az - V_eaz )

cjJ = arctan V - V tan (f3z)

+e az + _eaz


which is called the phase pattern of the standing wave. The maximum and minimum values of Eq. (3-3-3) can be found as usual by differentiating the equation with respect to f3z and equating the result to zero. By doing so and substituting the proper values of f3z in the equation, we find that

1. The maximum amplitude is

Vmax = V .e= + V_eaz = V+e-az(l + \ r \) and this occurs at f3z = mt , where n = 0, ±l, ±2, ....

2. The minimum amplitude is

Vmin = V+e-az - V_eaz = V+e-az(l - \r\)



and this occurs at f3z = (2n - 1}1T /2, where n = 0, ± 1, ±2, ...

3. The distance between any two successive maxima or minima is one-half wavelength, since

f3z = mt

mr n7r A

z = - = -- = n-

13 2'1T / A 2

(n = 0, ±l, ±2, ... )



ZI =-



It is evident that there are no zeros in the minimum. Similarly, Imax = I+e-az + Leaz = I+e-az(l + \ r \) t.; = I+e-az - Leaz = I+e-az(l - \ r \)

(3-3-8) (3-3-9)

The standing-wave patterns of two oppositely traveling waves with unequal amplitude in lossy or lossless line are shown in Figs. 3-3-1 and 3-3-2.

A further study of Eq. (3-3-3) reveals that

1. When V + *" ° and V - = 0, the standing-wave pattern becomes


Sec. 3.3

Standing Wave and Standing-Wave Ratio



Max <,

.. -e

,€ Min Q.



Figure 3-3-1

Standing-wave pattern in a lossy line.



Figure 3-3-2 Voltage standing-wave pattern in a lossless line.

2. When V+ = ° and V- * 0, the standing-wave pattern becomes

Vo = V _e'lZ


3. When the positive wave and the negative wave have equal amplitudes (that is, 1 V + e -az 1 = 1 V - e oa I) or the magnitude of the reflection coefficient is unity, the standing-wave pattern with a zero phase is given by

Vs = 2V+e-az cos ({3z) which is called a pure standing wave.


Similarly, the equation of a pure standing wave for the current is Is = - j2Yo V+e-az sin ({3z)


Equations (3-3-12) and (3-3-13) show that the voltage and current standing waves are 90° out of phase along the line. The points of zero current are called the current nodes. The voltage nodes and current nodes are interlaced a quarter wavelength apart.

The voltage and current may be expressed as real functions of time and space:

Vs = (z, t) = Re[Vs(z)ejW'] = 2V+e-az cos ({3z) cos (wt) is = (z, t) = Re[ls(z)ejW'] = 2Yo V+e-az sin ({3z) sin (coz)

(3-3-14) (3-3-15)

The amplitudes of Eqs. (3-3-14) and (3-3-15) vary sinusoidally with time; the


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

voltage is a maximum at the instant when the current is zero and vice versa. Figure 3-3-3 shows the pure-standing-wave patterns of the phasor of Eqs. (3-3-12) and (3-3-13) for an open-terminal line.

Figure 3-3-3 Pure standing waves of

z voltage and current.

3·3·2 Standing. Wave Ratio

Standing waves result from the simultaneous presence of waves traveling in opposite directions on a transmission line. The ratio of the maximum of the standing-wave pattern to the minimum is defined as the standing-wave ratio, designated by p. That IS,

S di . maximum voltage or current tan mg-wave ratio == -.-. -----'''-----rmrumum voltage or current


The standing-wave ratio results from the fact that the two traveling-wave components of Eq. (3-3-1) add in phase at some points and subtract at other points. The distance between two successive maxima or minima is A/2. The standing-wave ratio of a pure traveling wave is unity and that of a pure standing wave is infinite. It should be noted that since the standing-wave ratios of voltage and current are identical, no distinctions are made between VSWR and ISWR.

When the standing-wave ratio is unity, there is no reflected wave and the line is called a fiat line. The standing-wave ratio cannot be defined on a lossy line because the standing-wave pattern changes markedly from one position to another. On a lowloss line the ratio remains fairly constant, and it may be defined for some region. For a lossless line, the ratio stays the same throughout the line.

Since the reflected wave is defined as the product of an incident wave and its reflection coefficient, the standing-wave ratio p is related to the reflection coefficient r by

1 + Irl


1 - Irl


Sec. 3.3

Standing Wave and Standing-Wave Ratio

and vice versa



This relation is very useful for determining the reflection coefficient from the standing-wave ratio, which is usually found from the Smith chart. The curve in Fig. 3-3-4 shows the relationship between reflection coefficient I r I and standing-wave

ratio p.
t: 0.6
!.:: 0.5
o 0.4
s 0.3
!;:: 0.2
~ 0.1
I 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 VSWRp

Figure 3-3-4 SWR versus reflection coefficient.

As a result of Eq. (3 - 3-17), since I r I ::; 1, the standing-wave ratio is a positive real number and never less than unity, p ~ l. From Eq. (3-3-18) the magnitude of the reflection coefficient is never greater than unity.

Example 3-3-1: Standing-Wave Ratio

A transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 50 + jO.Ol f! and is terminated in a load impedance of 73 - j42.5 f!. Calculate: (a) the reflection coefficient; (b) the standing-wave ratio.


a. From Eq. (3-2-8) the reflection coefficient is

r = Z( - Zo = 73 - j42.5 - (50 + jO.Ol) = 0377/-427°

Z( + Zo 73 - j42.5 + (50 + jO.Ol)· .

b. From Eq. (3-3-17) the standing-wave ratio is

1 + I r I 1 + 0.377

p = 1 - I r I = 1 - 0.377 = 2.21


Microwave Transmission Lines


3·4·1 Line Impedance

Chap. 3

The line impedance of a transmission line is the complex ratio of the voltage phasor at any point to the current phasor at that point. It is defined as

Z == V(z) I(z)

Figure 3-4-1 shows a diagram for a transmission line.

Sending end

Ig Is




Receiving end


- ---



z, r V Z

0--- .. Z

d ~~-----<O

Figure 3-4-1 Diagram of a transmission line showing notations.


In general, the voltage or current along a line is the sum of the respective incident wave and reflected wave-that is,

At the sending end z = 0; then Eqs. (3-4-2) and (3-4-3) become IsZs = V+ + V-

IsZo = V+ - V-

By solving these two equations for V+ and V-, we obtain

Is (

V+ ="2 z. + Zo)


V- = "2 z; - Zo)

Substitution of V + and V-in Eqs. (3-4-2) and (3-4-3) yields V = ~[(Zs + Zo)e-Yz + (Zs - Zo)eYz]

I = 2~ [(Zs + Zo)e-Yz - (Zs - Zo)eYZ]

(3-4-2) (3-4-3)

(3-4-4) (3-4-5)





Sec. 3.4

Line Impedance and Admittance


Then the line impedance at any point z from the sending end in terms of Zs and Zo is expressed as

Z = Z (Zs + Zo)e-Yz + (Zs - Zo)eYz o (Zs + Zo)e-Yz - (Zs - Zo)eYz


At z = e the line impedance at the receiving end in terms of Zs and Zo is given by

Z = Z (Zs + Zo)e-Yc + (Zs - Zo)eYc (3-4-11)

r 0 (Zs + Zo)e-Yc - (Zs - Zo)eYc

Alternatively, the line impedance can be expressed in terms of Zc and Zoo At z = e, Vr = IcZe; then

leZc = V +e-ye + V_eYc leZo = V +e-ye - V_eYc

(3-4-12) (3-4-13)

Solving these two equations for V + and V -, we have

r, ( ) e

V + = "2 Zc + Zo e Y


Ie ( Z) - e

V- = - Ze - 0 e Y



Then substituting these results in Eqs. (3-4-2) and (3-4-3) and letting z = e - d, we obtain

V = i[(Ze + Zo)eyd + (Ze - Zo)e-Y'i] Ie

I = 2Zo [(Ze + Zo)eyd - (Zc - Zo)e-yd]



Next, the line impedance at any point from the receiving end in terms of Ze and Zo is expressed as

Z = Z (Zc + ZO)eyd + (Ze - Zo)e-yd o (Ze + ZO)eyd - (Ze - Zo)e-yd


The line impedance at the sending end can also be found from Eq. (3-4-18) by letting d = e:

Z = Z (Ze + Zo)eyf + (Ze - Zo)e-yf

s 0 (Ze + Zo)eyf - (Ze - Zo)e-yf


It is a tedious task to solve Eqs. (3-4-10), (3-4-11), (3-4-18), or (3-4-19) for the line impedance. These equations can be simplified by replacing the exponential factors with either hyperbolic functions or circular functions. The hyperbolic functions are obtained from

e±YZ = cosh (yz) ± sinh (vz)


Substitution of the hyperbolic functions in Eq. (3-4-10) yields the line impedance at


Microwave Transmission Lines Chap. 3

any point from the sending end in terms of the hyperbolic functions:

Z _- ZoZs cosh (yz] - Zo sinh (I'z) __ ZoZs - Zo tanh (I'z)

(3-4-21 )

Zo cosh (vz) - Zs sinh (yz) Zo - Zs tanh (I'z)

Similarly, substitution of the hyperbolic functions in Eq. (3-4-18) yields the line impedance from the receiving end in terms of the hyperbolic function:

Z = Zo Ze cosh (I'd) + Zo sinh (I'd) = Zo Ze + Zo tanh (I'd) (3-4-22)

Zo cosh (I'd) + Ze sinh (I'd) Zo + Ze tanh (I'd)

For a lossless line, l' = j{3; and by using the following relationships between hyperbolic and circular functions

sinh (j{3z) = j sin ({3z) cosh (j{3z) = cos ({3z)

(3-4-23) (3-4-24)

the impedance of a loss less transmission line (Zo = Ro) can be expressed in terms of the circular functions:

Z = R Zs cos ({3z) - jRo sin ({3z) = R Zs - jRo tan ({3z) (3-4-25)

oRo cos ({3z) - j Zs sin ({3z) 0 Ro - j Zs tan ({3z)


Z = R Ze cos ({3d) + jRo sin ({3d) = R Ze + jRo tan ({3d) (3-4-26)

oRo cos ({3d) + j z; sin ({3d) 0 Ro + j z; tan ((3d)

Impedance in terms of reflection coefficient or standing-wave ratio.

Rearrangement of Eq. (3-4-18) gives the line impedance-looking at it from the receiving end-as

1 + r e-2yd

Z = Z e

01 - ree-2yd


in which the following substitution is made by

r - Ze - Zo e -

Ze + Zo


From Eq. (3-2-12) the reflection coefficient at a distance d from the receiving end is given by


Then the simple equation for the line impedance at a distance d from the load is expressed by


The reflected coefficient is usually a complex quantity and can be written r = Irlej</)


Sec. 3.4

Line Impedance and Admittance


where I r I = I r, le-2ad cf> = ()f - 2f3d

The impedance variation along a lossless line can be found as follows:

Z(d) = Zo 1 + I r leJei> = Ro 1 + I r I(cos cf> + j sin cf» I -lrleJei> I -Irl(cos cf> + j sin cf»

= R (d) + jX (d) = I Z(d) lejOd

1 + 21 r I cos cf> + I r 12

where I Z(d) I = Ro 1 - 21 r I cos <!> + I r l2

1 - Irl2




R (d) = s, 1 _ 21 r I cos cf> + I rj2 21 r I sin cf>


x (d) = s, 1 _ 21 r I cos cf> + I r 12

()d = arctan (~) = arctan (2~ r~ Ii; I~)

Since cf> = ()e - 2f3d, then cf> = ()f - 27T if f3d = 7T. However, COS(()f - 27T) = cos ()f and sin(()f - 27T) = sin ()e; then



It is concluded that the impedance along a lossless line will be repeated for every interval at a half-wavelength distance.

Furthermore, the magnitude of a reflection coefficient I r I is related to the standing-wave ratio p by

p-1 l+lrl

Irl = -- and p = _-+--+

p+1 1-lrl


The line impedance at any location from the receiving end can be written ("p_+_1..:..._) _+_(:.!._p_-_1..:..._)e__,.jei>

Z = Ro-

(p + 1) - (p - 1)ejei>


This is a very useful equation for determining the line impedance in terms of standing-wave ratio p ; since p can easily be measured by a detector or a standing-wave meter.

Determination of characteristic impedance. A common procedure for determining the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a given transmission line is to take two measurements:

1. Measure the sending-end impedance with the receiving end short-circuited and record the result:

Zsc = Zo tanh (yC)



Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

2. Measure the sending-end impedance with the receiving end open-circuited and record the result:

Zoe = Zo coth ('Y t')

(3-4-41 )

Then the characteristic impedance of the measured transmission line is given by

z; = ~ (3-4-42)

and the propagation constant of the line can be computed from

. 1 rz::

'Y = a + jf3 = e arc tanh -v Zoc


Normalized impedance. The normalized impedance of a transmission line is defined as

Z 1 + r

z == - = -- = r ± jx

Zo 1 - I'

It should be noted that the lowercase letters are commonly designated for normalized quantities in describing the distributed transmission-line circuits.

An examination of Eqs. (3-4-39), (3-4-40), and (3-4-44) shows that the normalized impedance for a loss less line has the following significant features:


1. The maximum normalized impedance is

Zmax I Vmax I

Zmax = Ro = Rol t-; I


Here Zmax is a positive real value and it is equal to the standing-wave ratio p at the location of any maximum voltage on the line.

2. The minimum normalized impedance is

z., I Vmin I 1 - I r I 1

z·=-= = =-

nun e; Rol f max I 1 + I rip


Here Zmin is a positive real number also but equals the reciprocal of the standing-wave ratio at the location of any minimum voltage on the line.

3. For every interval of a half-wavelength distance along the line, Zmax or Zmin is repeated:

Zmax(Z) = Zmax(Z ± ~) Zmin(Z) = zmin(z ± ~)



4. Since Vmax and Vmin are separated by a quarter-wavelength, Zmax is equal to the reciprocal of Zmin for every A/4 separation:

Zmax(Z ± ~)


Sec. 3.4

Line Impedance and Admittance


3·4·2 Line Admittance

When a transmission line is branched, it is better to solve the line equations for the line voltage, current, and transmitted power in terms of admittance rather than impedance. The characteristic admittance and the generalized admittance are defined as

Yo = _!_ = Go ± jBo Zo


Y = 1. = G ± jB Z


Then the normalized admittance can be written

Y z; 1

y == - = - = - = g ± jb Yo Z z


Example 3-4-1: Line Impedance

A lossless line has a characteristic impedance of 50 11 and is terminated in a load resistance of 75 11. The line is energized by a generator which has an output impedance of 5011 and an open-circuit output voltage of 30 V (rms). The line is assumed to be 2.25 wavelengths long. Determine:

a. The input impedance

b. The magnitude of the instantaneous load voltage

c. The instantaneous power delivered to the load


a. From Eq. (3-4-26) the line that is 2.25 wavelengths long looks like a quarterwave line. Then

21T A 1T

f3d = -. - =-

A 4 2

From Eq. (3-4-26) the input impedance is

Z = Rli = (50)5 = 33.33 11

10 R, 75

b. The reflection coefficient is

f = Re - Ro = 75 - 50 = 0 20

e Re + Ro 75 + 50 .

Then the instantaneous voltage at the load is

Ve = V+e-j{3e(1 + f() = 30(1 + 0.20) = 36V

c. The instantaneous power delivered to the load is

Pe = (36)2 = 17.28 W 75


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3


Many of the computations required to solve transmission-line problems involve the use of rather complicated equations. The solution of such problems is tedious and difficult because the accurate manipulation of numerous equations is necessary. To simplify their solution, we need a graphic method of arriving at a quick answer.

A number of impedance charts have been designed to facilitate the graphic solution of transmission-line problems. Basically all the charts are derived from the fundamental relationships expressed in the transmission equations. The most popular chart is that developed by Phillip H. Smith [1]. The purpose of this section is to present the graphic solutions of transmission-line problems by using the Smith chart.

The Smith chart consists of a plot of the normalized impedance or admittance with the angle and magnitude of a generalized complex reflection coefficient in a unity circle. The chart is applicable to the analysis of a loss less line as well as a lossy line. By simple rotation of the chart, the effect of the position on the line can be determined. To see how a Smith chart works, consider the equation of reflection coefficient at the load for a transmission line as shown in Eq. (3-2-8):

Zc - Zo I I· .

I' = = I' e'" = T + J I'

e Zc + Zo C "y I


Since I fc I $ 1, the value of fc must lie on or within the unity circle with a radius of 1. The reflection coefficient at any other location along a line as shown in Eq. (3-2-12) is


which is also on or within the unity circle. Figure 3-5-1 shows circles for a constant reflection coefficient I' and constant electrical-length radials {3d.

From Eqs. (3-4-29) and (3-4-44) the normalized impedance along a line is given by

Z 1 + fce~2"yd

z =-=

Zo 1 - fce~2"yd

With no loss in generality, it is assumed that d = 0; then



1 - fc

1 + fc

Zc Zo

Rc + jXc .

Zo = r + JX



z - 1

fc = -- = f + JT

z + 1 r I


Substitution of Eq. (3-5-5) into Eq. (3-5-4) yields

1 - f~ - n r = (I - C)2 + n


Sec. 3.5

Smith Chart


1 r 1= I


Figure 3-5-1 Constant r circles and electrical-length radials f3d.


x = (1 - f,)2 + n Equations (3-5-6) and (3-5-7) can be rearranged as

(r __ r )2 + f2 = (_1 )2

r l+r I l+r


(3-5- 7)



u. - 1 Y + (f; - ~ Y = GY

Equation (3-5-8) represents a family of circles in which each circle has a constant resistance r. The radius of any circle is 1/(1 + r), and the center of any circle is r/(1 + r) along the real axis in the unity circle, where r varies from zero to infinity. All constant resistance circles are plotted in Fig. 3-5-2 according to Eq. (3-5-8) .

Equation (3-5-9) also describes a family of circles, but each of these circles specifies a constant reactance x. The radius of any circle is (l/x), and the center of any circle is at


1 f;=-


(where - 00 ::; x ::; 00)

All constant reactance circles are plotted in Fig. 3-5-3 according to Eq. (3-5-9).


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

Figure 3-5-2 Constant resistance r circles .

<;)? x Figure 3-5-3 Constant reactance x circles.

Sec. 3.5

Smith Chart


There are relative distance scales in wavelength along the circumference of the Smith chart. Also, there is a phase scale specifying the angle of the reflection coefficient. When a normalized impedance z is located on the chart, the normalized impedance of any other location along the line can be found by use of Eq. (3-5-3):

1 + fee-2yd z=

1 - fee-2yd




The Smith chart may also be used for normalized admittance. This is evident


1 .

Yo = Zo = Go + JBo

Then the normalized admi ttance is


Y = _!_ = G + jB Z


Y Zo 1 .

y = - = - = - = g + jb

Yo Z z

Figure 3-5-4 shows a Smith chart which superimposes Figs. 3-5-2 and 3-5-3 into one chart. The characteristics of the Smith chart are summarized as follows:


1. The constant r and constant x loci form two families of orthogonal circles in the chart.

2. The constant r and constant x circles all pass through the point (L = 1,

I', = 0).

3. The upper half of the diagram represents + jx.

4. The lower half of the diagram represents - jx.

5. For admittance the constant r circles become constant g circles, and the con-

stant x circles become constant susceptance b circles.

6. The distance around the Smith chart once is one-half wavelength (A/2).

7. At a point of Zmin = 1 I p, there is a Vmin on the line. S. At a point of Zmax = p, there is a Vmax on the line.

9. The horizontal radius to the right of the chart center corresponds to Vmax, [min, Zmax, and p (SWR).

10. The horizontal radius to the left of the chart center corresponds to Vmin, [max, Zmin, and lip.

11. Since the normalized admittance y is a reciprocal of the normalized impedance z, the corresponding quantities in the admittance chart are 1800 out of phase with those in the impedance chart.

12. The normalized impedance or admittance is repeated for every half wavelength of distance.

13. The distances are given in wavelengths toward the generator and also toward the load.


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3


Figure 3-5-4 Smith chart.

The magnitude of the reflection coefficient is related to the standing-wave ratio by the following expression:

p - 1 p + 1

A Smith chart or slotted line can be used to measure a standing-wave pattern directly and then the magnitudes of the reflection coefficient, reflected power, transmitted power, and the load impedance can be calculated from it. The use of the Smith chart is illustrated in the following examples.


Example 3-5-1: Location Determination of Voltage Maximum and Minimum from Load

Given the normalized load impedance Ze = 1 + j 1 and the operating wavelength

Sec. 3.5

Smith Chart


Figure 3-5-5 Diagram for Example 3-5-1.

,\ = 5 em, determine the first Vrnax, first Vrnin from the load, and the VSWR p as shown in Fig. 3-5-5.


1. Enter Ze = 1 + j 1 on the chart as shown in Fig. 3-5-6.

2. Read 0.162,\ on the distance scale by drawing a dashed-straight line from the center of the chart through the load point and intersecting the distance scale.

3. Move a distance from the point at 0.162,\ toward the generator and first stop at the voltage maximum on the right-hand real axis at 0.25'\. Then

d, (Vrnax) = (0.25 - 0.162),\ = (0.088)(5) = 0.44 em

4. Similarly, move a distance from the point of 0.162,\ toward the generator and first stop at the voltage minimum on the left-hand real axis at 0.5'\. Then

d2(Vmin) = (0.5 - 0.162),\ = (0.338)(5) = 1.69 em

Figure 3-5-6 Graphic solution for Example 3-5-1.


Microwave Transmission Lines

Chap. 3

S. Make a standing-wave circle with the center at (1, 0) and pass the circle through the point of 1 + j 1. The location intersected by the circle at the right portion of the real axis indicates the SWR. This is p = 2.6.

Example 3·5·2: Impedance Determination with Short-Circuit Minima Shift

The location of a minimum instead of a maximum is usually specified because it can be determined more accurately. Suppose that the characteristic impedance of the line Ro is 50 n, and the SWR p = 2 when the line is loaded. When the load is shorted, the minima shift 0.15'\ toward the load. Determine the load impedance. Figure 3-5-7 shows the diagram for the example.

\/"\0 Shorted

-I 0.15}" r- Loaded

Ro = 50 n


Figure 3·5·7 Diagram for Example 3-5-2.


1. When the line is shorted, the first voltage minimum occurs at the place of the load as shown in Fig. 3-5-8.


SWR circle

Figure 3·5·8 Graphic solution for Example 3-5-2.

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