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Practical List MCA 206 JAVA Programming & Website Design

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MCA 206 JAVA Programming & Website Design

1 Write a Simple Application to print any trigonometric / mathematical formula.

2 Find the greatest of numbers.
3 Write a program to display a table in the format nx i = m
4 Create a program using switch case statement to identify the day of the week.
5 Write a program to find greatest & smallest element of an array.
6 Write a program to sort the array using bubble sort.
7 Write a program to accept string as a command line argument and display the
string in reverse order.
8 Write a small program that accepts an argument from the user and cheeks it for
the palindrome.
9 Write a program to check the format of email address given by the user as
command line argument.
10 Create a class, which has a method to calculate the area of a triangle & use it.
11 Create a class with two methods for calculating area & parameter of triangle.
Create another class and initialize the instance of the former class and calculate
the area & perimeter.
12 Create a class with a method, which accept an object of the same class as a
parameter and calculates the addition of two matrices.
13 Create a class quadrilateral and create two methods each for calculating area &
perimeter of the quadrilateral with one & two parameters respectively.
14 Create a class with a constructor, which initializes all the class level variable and
display the values of the variables.
15 Create a base class called vehicle which contains properties called color, wheels.
Create a child class car and which has properties called model no & make. Use
the object of the child class which will define the different properties of a Car.
16 Create a method to calculate the area & perimeter of a circle. Extend the
semicircle class child of circle class and override the method to calculate the area
and perimeter of a semicircle (if possible use this & super keywords)
17 Create a class, which has two methods each of static & non-static nature. Try to
use them in any class of your choice and enlist the different interfaces &
18 Create an interface called arithmetic, which defines methods for sum,
multiplication, division, subtraction, percentage and implement of them.
19 Create a package, which holds the class and an interface defined in the previous
question and use them in your main method/class.
20 Create an abstract class and try to use if. Enlist the problems that comes.
21 Create an abstract class inherit it and implement the methods of the abstract class,
eg People – Student.
22 Create an inner class shape which has a method called pyramids to create a
pyramid scheme. Use this method in the outer class.
23 Try to use the above inner class in a class, which is not related to the above
24 Write a program to handle an exception using try & catch block (Zero division
25 Define an exception “Not Found” that is thrown when a string is not equal to
“India” write a program that uses this exception.
26 Write a program, which displays the use of finally. Explain how it is different or
similar to catch.
27 Write a program, which shows use of array out of band exception.
28 Write a program, which shows the importance of throws, e-g, and try I/O
29 Write a program, which analyses all the files and folder of the input directory and
displays their attribute permission
30 Write a Program, which uses the default open streams of Java, and display the
result (System. In).
31 Create a program, which accepts a number from the user and displays all the
prime numbers below it.
32 Write a Program to reads the source code of your program and displays on the
33 Write a program, which accepts the 2-file name as input and copy one on to the
34 Write a program, which shows the use of Random Access file.
35 Write a program, which contain a super class as virtual camp it contain a method
mode (). Create two classes BIT, ADIT, which inherits class VC. The sub-class
BIT contains a method “read ()”, which read a flat file contains the syllabus of
BIT, Do the same for ADIT syllabus. The Parents classes also had method
“Duration”, which is override lay sub-class BIT and ADIT. Show the output as
syllabus and duration of BIT and ADIT.
36 Write an applet to display the “Hello World “message.
37 Write a Applet whose background is Yellow.
38 Write an applet that changes the color on the basis of parameter passed to it.
39 Write an applet which reads the message from a html /xml page and displays in
the applet window.
40 Write applet to draw the follow shape
a. a. Cone.
b. b. Square inside a circle.
c. c. Rectangle.
d. d. Cube.

41 Create an applet to draw different shape with different color.

42 Write applet to draw human face.
43 Create an applet containing “ok” & “Cancel”, two labels are used of the buttons
namely button1 & button 2. The status bar indicates which buttons was clocked.
44 Create an applet to accept name, roll no., address course in text box & status bar.
45 Create an applet, select the name from the combo box and add in the text area
46 Create an applet to change different fonts, size, style & color.
47 Create an applet to sum of two numbers, where number is taken from input in a
text box.
48 W.A.P. that accept a string into a text field and display the string in another text
49 Create an applet to display a calculator.
50 Create a moving banner using picture.
51 Create a Marquee i.e., moving text.
52 Write HTML code to develop a web page having the background in red and title
“My First Page” in any other color.
53 Create a HTML document giving details of your name, age, telephone, address,
TLC code & enrollment no. aligned in proper order?
54 Write HTML code to design a page containing a text in a paragraph give suitable
heading style.
55 Create a page to show different attribute of Font tag.
56 Create a page to show different attribute italic, bold, underline.
57 Design a page having background color given text color red and using all the
attributes of font tab.
58 Write a HTML code to create a web page of blue color and display links in red
59 Write HTML code to create a WebPages that contains an Image at its center.
60 Create a web page with appropriate content and insert an image towards the left
hand side of the page when user clicks on the image. It should open another web

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