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Circuit Topologies For Single-Phase Voltage-Doubler Boost Rectifiers

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John C. Salmon
Department of Electrical Engineering, 238 Civil/Electrical Building,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA, T6G 2G7
Ph#: (403) 492 7037 Fax#:(403) 493 1811 E-mail:

Abstract means of generating a high voltage output. This circuit can claim
to have a high power conversion efficiency but with a non-optimal
A new family of single-phase voltage-doubler pwm boost pwm switching pattern: bipolar pwm.
rectifiers is presented in this paper. By examining the switching The voltage-doubler rectifiers shown in Figs. 2(a), 2(c), 2(d)
states of several "standard" single-phase boost rectifier circuits, and 2(e), are described in detail in this paper. For comparison
three characteristic pwm voltage switching patterns are identified: purposes, the voltage-doubler rectifiers are shown beside their
unipolar pwm; bipolar pwm and phase-adjusted unipolar pwm. equivalent "standard" boost rectifier.
From this analysis, an equivalent family of voltage-doubler -+ E
I T 1

rectifiers is derived. When high output voltages are required,

voltage-doubler rectifiers are shown to be able to generate ac-line
currents with the lowest current distortion. All circuits presented in
this paper are examined using circuit simulators and experimental
results. -E
l ( a ) I-switch 2(a) 1-switch
I Introduction +E

Single-phase pulse-width-modulated (pwm) rectifiers have

been the source of interest in the literature [1]-[lo]. Tougher
regulations on the harmonics generated by electronic equipment,
together with lower costs of control circuits and power 1 J
semiconductors, have made pwm boost rectifiers more attractive in
I(b) 4-switch with bipolar pwm 2(b) 2-switch haifbridge
recent years. This paper is concerned with voltage-doubler boost
rectifier circuit topologies. These rectifiers are used to generate I T
high per-unit output voltages whilst controlling the rectifier input
current waveshape to achieve unity power factor (up0 current at a
low distortion. Each circuit within the family of voltage-doubler
rectifiers has a specific performance feature, such as: high
efficiency; low cost and low current distortion levels. Analysis of E

circuit functionality shows that voltage-doubler rectifiers can l ( c ) 2-switch H-bridge 2(c) 2-switch
generate an output voltage twice as large as an equivalent +E
"standard' boost rectifier with the same ac-line current distortion.

II Circuit topologies
Several "standard" pwm boost rectifier topologies have been
described in the literature in recent years, see Fig. 1 and references I(d) asymmetrical half-bridge 2(d) 3-switch
[1]-[lo]. The single switch rectifier, shown in Fig. I(a), has one of
the simplest circuit structures. The 2-switch H-bridge, see Fig. l(c)
[4]& [7], performs the same switching action as the single-switch
rectifier but has the advantage of higher efficiencies. The 4-switch
H-bridge rectifier, see Figs. l(b) and I(e), can produce sinewave
currents of a higher quality than the single-switch rectifier: the
bridge can be operated with unipolar or bipolar pwm switching
I(e) 4-switch with unipolar pwm 2(e) 4-switch
patterns. The asymmetric-half-bridge is a 2-switch alternative to
the 4-switch H-bridge, see Fig. l(d) and [9-lo]. The 2-switch Fig. I "standard" boost pwm Fig. 2 voltage-doubler pwm
half-bridge voltage-doubler rectifier, see Fig. 2(b), is a low cost rectifiers boost rectijiers

0-7803-0485-3/92$3.00 0 1992 IEEE

The inductor voltage associated with each of these switching
I11 PWM switching patterns states can be used to classify the switching characteristics of each
of the boost rectifiers.
This section, with reference to the voltage waveform denoted F.4 = FJ- E: since the output voltage is normally larger than the ac-
v"., describes the switching states and pwm switching patterns of line voltage, this switching state is used to decrease the magnitude
the rectifiers shown in Fig. 1. The switching patterns are assumed of the ac-line current.
to be generated by a hysteresis current controller. The controller is F.4 m: This switching state increases the absolute magnitude of the
assumed to choose switching states that best re-produce the ideal ac-line current. However, if the current reference template is
"time-averaged'' waveforms, see [ 101. This is achieved by increasing rapidly, such as at the beginning of each half-cycle of
comparing the inductor current with a reference current template the mains ac voltage, this switching state can be used to reduce the
using a hysteresis comparator. The switching states of the proposed magnitude of the ac-line current relative to the reference template.
voltage-doubler circuits are examined and compared with the F.4 = E: This switching state tends to increase the magnitude of

single-gain boost rectifks. the ac-line current at a much faster rate than would be obtained by
using only the ac-line voltage V,. This switching state is useful at
( i ) per-unit system the beginning of each half-cycle of the mains voltage, where the
The base quantities for the per-unit system are defined as: current reference can be increasing rapidly.
vbpse=vs IB*E=Vs/[ O L ] ZbpSe=OL fbodc=fs (1)
The following table defies the circuit parameters used in this (iii) rectifEr switching states
paper together with their per-unit symbols (per-unit values are Table I lists the permissible switching states for each rectifier
idenflied with a "-" located above the symbol): using the inductor voltage classification shown in Fig. 3. The
source voltage. vS: V, rectifier inductance, E:
rectifier switching states are given for both half-cycles of the ac-
rms ac-line current, I.: T. rms demandcurrent, ID: b mains voltage.
current hysteresis band, A I d supply frequency, f.: f, The single-switch rectifier has the same switching states as the
output dc voltage, E: f? 2-switch H-bridge. This implies that the performance of these two
This per-unit system places the per-unit output dc voltage, E, rectifiers are identical in terms of current distortion. However, the
at 1.414 (42) when the output dc voltage, E, is equal in magnitude 2-switch rectifier has a higher power conversion efficiency due to
to the peak of the ac input voltage ( = 42 vS).The line current is the lower number of devices in series with the current.
scaled relative to the size of the rectifier inductor. The asymmetrical half-bridge has the same switching states as
The demand current, In. is an important parameter. The the 4-switch H-bridge. This implies that the performance of these
rectifier controller may demand a specific current magnitude, but two rectifiers are identical in terms of current distortion. However,
the actual rms line current drawn, Is, may differ due to current the asymmetrical half-bridge has a fewer number of switches, and
distortion. This is a useful base system since the ac-line current the H-bridge rectifier has a higher power conversion efficiency.
distortion is dependent upon the size of the inductance. The The 2-switch half-bridge voltage-doubler cannot generate a
demand current is assumed to be a sinusoidal waveshape in phase zero voltage loop for f ~ This
. can be a disadvantage in terms of
with the line voltage. A I is the peak magnitude of the current achieving low switching frequencies. However the small number of
hysteresis band. devices in series with the current makes this rectifier very efficient.

(ii) "standard"boost rectifier switching states

- - Sin& 2-switch 111 ~SYU
I.I 2-sWitch
switch H-bridge H-Mdge half- half-bridge
Any boost rectifier circuit uses an inductor in series with the -

bridge v. doubler
ac source, see Fig. 3. Since the rectifiers have an output capacitor
with a voltage E, three fundamental switching states exist for
resultant inductor voltage YI, see Fig. 3.



Fig. 3 General circuit for 1- p h e boost rectijiir circuits.

Table I "standard" boost rectifier switching states


(iv) Boost rectifwr pwm waveforms 4-switch: This is a high performance rectifier with low input
Using the voltage waveform ;", the pwm switching patterns of current distortion. A high power factor is possible at high per-unit

each of the rectifiers can be classified into three types: current magnitudes. This rectifier has a relatively switch
unipolar pwm: rW switches between +E and zero in the component count.
positive cycle of ac source, and between -,? and zero in the
negative cycle. Table I shows that both the single-switch and two- 1 -switch 2-switch 3 -switch 4 -switch
switch rectifiers generate this type of waveform. Distortion of the
ac-line current is inevitable at the start of each cycle since the pwm positive
waveform is not capable of generating the desired value for L, [ 101
bipolar pwm: ;.switches between +E and -E in both halves of cycle
the ac mains cycle. Table I shows that the 2-switch half-bridge
voltage doubler and the 4-switch H-bridge can generate this type of
waveform, see also [lo]. This waveform permits negative and
positive time-averaged values of cwin both half-cycles of the ac negative
voltage and the desired ideal time-averaged waveform can be
generated for upf operation [lo]. However, bipolar pwm is cycle
commonly associated with elevated switching frequencies and
significant high frequency current distortion.
phase-adjusted unipolar pwm: switches between +E and 0
or -,? and 0 in both half cycles of the ac voltage, depending upon
whether the ideal time-averaged value for is negative or positive, numbex of

see [lo]. Table I shows that both the 4-switch H-bridge and the devices in
asymmetrical half-bridge can generate this type of waveform. series with

However, unlike bipolar pwm, the unipolar nature of the voltage the current
not not 1 1
waveform tends to lower device switching frequencies or,
possible possible
alternatively, to lower the current distortion.

Table II. Switching states of the voltage-doubler boost rectifiers.

( v ) Voltage-doubler boost rectifwrs
The switching actions of existing "standard" pwm rectifiers
Voltage-doubler rectifiers permit the generation of a large
can be duplicated in voltage-doubler rectifier topologies. Figs. 1
output dc voltage with the advantage of having an input
and 2 are drawn beside each other to place equivalent rectifier
performance of the equivalent "standard' rectifier operating at half
circuits beside each other. Table II lists the switching states of the
the output voltage. Voltage-doublers have switching frequencies
remaining voltage-doubler circuits and can be compared with the
and current distortion levels that are lower than the equivalent
switching states in Table I.
"standard" rectifier producing the same output voltage and power
flow. Since voltagedoublers have the same number of switches as
I-switch: This is a low cost rectifier, see Fig. 2(a), suitable for
their "standard" rectifier counterparts, there are no significant
operation at low per-unit current magnitudes. A low switch count
economic reasons for choosing one rectifier over its equivalent
is obtained at the cost of a poor power conversion efficiency.
rectifier. However, devices in the voltage-doubler can, in some
2-switch halfbridge: This is a relatively low cost rectifier, see
cases, be exposed to half the voltage drop that the "standard"
Fig. 2(b), suitable for operation at high per-unit current
rectifier would be exposed to. This can mean an increased
magnitudes. A low switch count is obtained at a much higher
reliability or, alternatively, devices can be chosen with lower
power conversion efficiency than the single-switch rectifier.
voltage ratings.
However, the rectifier uses high switching frequencies for any
The following sections in this paper examine the switching
given current distortion level.
patterns of the voltage-doublers in greater detail. For this purpose,
2-switch: This is a relatively low cost rectifier, see Fig. 2(c),
reference is made to waveforms obtained from practical
suitable for operation at low per-unit current magnitudes. A low
experiments and from circuit simulators.
switch count is obtained at a higher power conversion efficiency
Reference is also made to waveforms obtained from the
than the single-switch rectifier.
"standard" boost rectifiers. Distortion analysis of the ac-line current
3-switch: This is a high performance rectifier with low input
is used to illustrate performances of different circuit operations.
current distortion. A high power factor is possible at high per-unit
current magnitudes. A poor rectifier efficiency is obtained. This
circuit has one more switch than the "standard" rectifier equivalent
IV(a) 1-switch voltage-doubler The waveform for V U illustrates that this rectifier produces
unipolar pwm waveforms: unipolar pwm waveforms result in
The results of a circuit simulator. shown in Fig. 4. illustrates current waveforms with a low distortion. However, the line
the functional operation of this rectifier. A low per-unit demand current, is, can be highly distorted at the beginning of each half-
current was chosen for these waveforms. cycle. This is caused by the !act that the rectifier cannot produced
the switching state: H = F A + E . Fig. 4 also shows the currents iD2
and i ~ 3 These
. waveforms illustrate that energy is passed to the
upper and lower capacitors every alternate half-cycle, see Fig.
2(a). This is very characteristic of voltage-doublerrectifiers.
Figs. 5 and 6 show experimental waveforms that compare the
operation of the "standard' 1-switch rectifier with the voltage-
doubler equivalent circuit. A large per-unit current was chosen, ID
= 0.75, and each rectifier was made to operate with the same input
and output voltages: E = 200 V and Vs = 50 V. The same per-unit
hysteresis band was also used in both tests. The figures show the
rectifiers generating the same output voltage and drawing the same
line current with an identical current ripple. However, the
"standard" rectifier has a higher switching frequency than the
voltage-doubler: examination of the waveforms show that the
switching frequency is approximately double.
One could also conclude that if the rectifiers were operated
with the same switching frequency with a small per-unit current
demand, then the voltage-doubler would produce ac-line currents
Oms 20 ms
with approximately half the current distortion of the "standard
Fig. 4 1-switch voltage-doubler simulated wavejom rectifier.



- J..-- I ! T 1 1 I I I

5(a) Line current and rectrir input voltage: is & vu 6(a) Line current and rectifir input voltage: is & vu

2ms 9 lOnV 1OnV 2" SA lOmV 5nV 2" St

5(b) io1 5(C) I T l . Vn 6(b) im io3 6(C) I T l , Vn

Scales: voltage: 1 &<=100V. current: 1 h v =1A. t t m ~l&v = 2nd ~coles:volts@?. 1 &v=SOV. current. 1 &v = I A , MU: l&v.= 2mS
Fig.5 I-switch st&d rectijiir waveform . vF sov. E= 200 v Fig. 6 1-switch voltage-doubler w a v e f o r m r : v , = SOV,E= 200

IV( b) 2-switch half- bridge voltage-doubler switch is a phase-adjusted unipolar pwm waveform whilst the 2-
switch half-bridge voltage-doubler uses a bipolar pwm waveform.
This circuit, see Fig. 2(b), has been described in the literature The current distortion of the ac-line currents were obtained
and the discussion presented here concentrates upon assessing and taking harmonics up to 190 (= 11.4 kHz) . The current distortion of
comparing the performance of the circuit with rectifiers that the 2-switch voltage-doubler was measured at 1.94 % and the 4-
produced phase-adjusted unipolar pwm; such as the 4-switch switch H-bridge was measured at 2.1 %. However, the switching
"standard" H-bridge and the 4-switch voltage-doubler, see Figs. frequency of the 2-switch doubler is much higher than the 4-switch
l(e) and 2(e) respectively. H-bridge. The converse is also true, with the same switching
Figs. 7 and 8 show the results of spice circuit simulations. frequency, the 2-switch voltagedoubler produces a higher current
The per-unit output voltage was chosen to be 2.2 and the per-unit distortion. These observations are caused by the differences
demand current was chosen to be 1.0 with a per-unit peak current between the performance of unipolar pwm voltage waveforms and
hysteresis band of 0.025. The waveforms shown are the per-unit bipolar voltage waveforms.
line current,is, and per-unit rectifier voltage,cu, for the "standard" The main advantage of the 2-switch voltage-doubler is its low
4-switch H-bridge and the 2 switch half-bridge voltage-doubler component count and the small number of devices in series with
rectifiers respectively. The voltage waveform of the "standard*4- the current (one).

* I
0 10 10 0 (0 Io

7(a) Line current :1, B(a) Line current :13

--- ......... --

2 2


0 0

z 2

............ .i . .
1 1

0 10 m 0 10 10

7(b)rectifier voltage: 8(b)rectijier voltage: cu

Scales: voltage & current are in p e r - u t . time: plot wdth= 20mS Scales: voltage & currenf are in per-unit: time: plot width= 2 0 d
Fig. 7 Phase-adjusted unipolarpwm: E =2.2 P.u., b = 1 p.u. Fig. 8 Bipolarpwm: E = 2.2 P.u., ID = 1 p . u .

IV(c) 2-switch voltage-doubler switch circuit is the lower number of devices in series with the
current, see table II. This can allow the circuit to have a higher
The results of a circuit simulator, shown in Fig. 9, illustrate power conversion efficiency. An additional advantage of the 2-
the functional operation of this rectifier. A low per-unit demand switch circuit could be the smaller overall number of
current was chosen for these waveforms. semiconductor devices. This could make the circuit smaller with a
smaller heatsink. This could result in a smaller size and weight,
and possibly a lower cost.


I. I

OmS 20 ms
l q a ) Line current and rectifmr input voltage: is & vu
Fig. 9 2-swirch voltage-doubler simulated wavefwm

The waveform for V U illustrates that this rectifier produces

unipolar pwm waveforms: unipolar pwm waveforms result in
current waveforms with a low distortion. However, the line
current, is. is distorted at the beginning of each halfcycle. This is
caused by the>ct that the rectifier cannot produce the switching
state: HsFd+E . Fig. 9 also shows the currents io2 and i ~ 3 These
waveforms illustrate that energy is passed to the upper and lower
capacitors every alternate half-cycle, see Fig. 2(c). This is very
characteristic of voltage-doubler rectifiers.
Fig. 10 shows ezperimental waveforms where a large per-unit
current was chosen, ID =i 0.75. with input and output voltages: E =
200 V and Vs = 50 V. These settings are identical to the ones used
for the 1-switch voltage-doubler waveforms shown in Fig. 6. 1O(b) io4 , io3 I q c ) iTPiD1. Wl
Comparisons of the waveforms shown in Fig. 6 and those in Fig. Scabs: voltage: I div=SW, current: 1 div.=IA. dnu: I div.= 2 d
10 reveal that the ac-lie current and rectifier voltage v y are almost Fig. 10 2-switch voltage-doubler: Vs= SOV, 2*E = 200 V
identical. As a result, the operation of these two rectifiers can be
assumed to be very similar.
The magnitude of the voltage waveform ~1 in Fig. 10 can be
compared with the switch voltage waveform of the standard 1-
switch rectifier in Fig. 5. The 2-switch voltage doubler, and also
the 1-switch voltage doubler, exposes the switches to a lower
voltage drop than the equivalent "standard" rectifier. This fact can
be used to increase the reliability of the circuit or to use switches
with lower voltage ratings.
The single switch voltage-doubler has only one switch as
compare to the 2-switch voltage-doubler. This could give the
former circuit a cost advantage. The main advantage of the two
IV(d) 4-switch voltage-doubler
The waveform for V , illustrates that this rectifier can produce
The results of a circuit simulator, shown in Fig. 11, illustrate phase-adjusted unipolar pwm waveforms. The line current, is.
the functional operation of this rectifier. A large per-unit demand never deviates from the hysteresis current bounds and has a low
current was chosen for these waveforms. current distortion. The io2 and io3 current waveforms are typical of
voltagedoubler rectifiers.
Figs. 12 and 13 show experimental waveforms that compare
the operation of the rectifier using bipolar switching and unipolar
switching at the beg@ning of each half-cycle. A large per-unit
current was chosen, ID = 0.75, and each rectifier was made to
operate with the same input and output voltages: E = 200 V and V,
= 50 V. The same per-unit hysteresis band was also used in both
tests. Thus, the figures show the rectifiers generating the same
output voltage and drawing the same line current with an identical
current ripple magnitude.
Applying bipolar switching at the beginning of each cycle, is
the simpler and more reliable switching strategy. Adopting
unipolar pwm in this region requires turning on either T3 or T4 to
increase the current, and turning on either Ti or TZto generate the
zero voltage and so decrease the current relative to the current
demand. This action requires siflicant overlaps when turning on
and off the devices.
Otd 20 td Unipolar switching in the first portion of each cycle, tends to
Fig. 11 &witch voltage-doubler simulated waveform produce a lower switching frequency or a lower current ripple.

ov ov



1 I _ L L U . L i
12(a) Line current and rectifier input voltage: is & vu 13(a) Line current and rectifier input voltage: is & vu

12(b) i ~ 3in
. & iM- i ~ 4 I2(c) iTI- io1 I3(b) io3. in im- i ~ 4 1 3 ( ~ i)n - io1
Scales: voltage: 1 div=loOV, current: 1 div.=lA. time: ldiv.= 2nd Scales: voltage: 1 div=SOv, current: 1 div.=lA. time: ldiv.= 2nd
Fig. 12 4-switch rectifEr with bipolar pwm at the beginning of Fig. 13 4-switch voltage-doubler with unipolar pwm at the
each half-cycle: V, = SOV, E = 200 V beginning of each half-cycle: V, = SOV, 2*E = 200

IV(e) 3-switch voltage-doubler Acknowledgements

The results from a circuit simulator, shown in Fig. 14, The author wishes to thank NSERC, Canada and the
illustrate the functional operation of this rectifier using a high per- University of Alberta for providing funding and facilities used in
unit demand current. The waveforms show that this circuit can this work. Particular recognition is given to Albert Huizinga for his
generate phase-adjusted pwm waveforms for producing ac-line patience and help in obtaining the experimental results used in this
currents with low distortion. The action of this rectifier is very Paper.
similar to the 4-switch rectifier. The main disadvantage of this
circuit is its lower efficiency due the larger number of devices in References
series with the current. The circuit’s advantage, relative to the 4-
switch circuit is its use of one less switch. [l] M. F. Schlecht & B. A. Miwa:”Active power factor
correction for switching power supplies”, IEEE Trans on
P.E., vol. 2,NO. 4, Oct. 1987,pp. 273-281.
[2] M.Kazerani, P. D.Ziogas & G. Joos:”A novel active current
waveshaping technique for solid-state input power factor
conditioners”, IEEE Trans on I.E., vol. 38,No. 1, Feb 1991,
pp. 72-78.

[3] A. R. Prasad, P. D. Ziogas & S. Manias:”A novel passive

waveshaping method for single-phase diode rectifiers”, IEEE
Trans on I.E., vol. 37,No. 6,Dec 1990,pp. 521-530.
[4] R. Itoh & K. 1shizaka:”Single-phase sinusoidal convertor
using’MOSFETS”. IEE Roc., vol. 136,Part B, No. 5, Sept.
1989,p ~ 237-242.
[SI P. T.Krein, J. Batsman, R. M. Bass & B. L. Lesieutre:”On
the use of averaging for the analysis of power electronic
systems”, IEEE Trans on P.E., vol. 5, No. 2, April 1990. pp.
[6] A. W.Green & J. T. Boys:”Hysteresis current-forced three-
I phase voltage-sourced reversible rectifier”, IEE Proc. , vol.
0 ms 20 mls 136,Part B, No. 3, May 1989,pp. 113-120.
Fig. 14 3-switch voltage-doubler simulated waveform [7] A. W. Green & J. T. Boys:’%urrent forced single-phase
reversible rectifier”. IEE Proc., vol. 136,Part B, No. 5, Sept.
1989. pp. 205-212.
V Conclusions [8] Borle, L. and Salmon, J.C.:”A single-phase unity power
factor soft switching resonant tank boost rectifier”, IEEE, IAS
The results from circuit simulators were used to confii the Annual Meeting. Oct. 1991.
circuit functionality of several new voltage-doubler rectifier circuit [9] Salmon, J. C.:”Performance of a single-phase pwm boost
topologies. The family of rectifiers described, represent a dual to rectifier using hysteresis current control“, European Power
the family of “standard” pwm boost rectifiers. The paper Electronics Conf., Sept. 1991.
investigates the performance of the “standard” rectifiers and the [lo]Salmon, J. C.:’Techniques for minimizing the input current
voltagedoubler rectifiers with reference to the circuit operation and distortion of the current-controlled single-phase boost
the ac-supply current distortion. The new family of circuits is rectifk”, IEEE. APEC 92,Cod.Proceedings, 1992.
shown to be able of producing unipolar, bipolar and phase-adjusted
unipolar voltage pwm patterns identical to the “standard” boost
rectifier circuit topologies. The circuit family represents circuit
alternatives based upon the number of switches used in the
rectifier. A small number of switches can be used for low cost, but
poor quality ac currents are generated if high per-unit current
magnitudes are used. Alternatively, 4 switches can be used to
generate high quality waveforms.


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