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Youngs Mod

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Hooke`s law and measurement young modulus of Copper

Section A)

Outline plan: I will determine the extensions of 3 pieces of copper wire of various
diameters when various loads are placed upon it at the end. Using the results I will thus
calculate Young`s modulus. I will keep loading on weights until the wire breaks and find
the breaking stress.


Young modulus (E) is a quantity that describes the resistance of a wire to stretching. The
quantity is a property of the specific material such as steel or copper. It gives the force
per unit cross section of the wire required to produce a fractional change in length.

The force per unit area applied to the wire is called the STRESS (or tensile stress), and
the fractional change in length is called the STRAIN (or tensile strain). Young's Modulus
is the ratio of the stress to the strain, that is:
Young's Modulus = stress/strain for the material

I predict that a graph of extension against load will be a straight line through the origin,
provided the elastic limit has not been reached, the gradient will give us the young’s

Labelled diagram

Consideration of safety:

1. Goggles must be worn at all times when a spring(s) are under tension in the room.
This is because if the wire snaps etc. it could potentially hit you, and if in the eyes
cause blindness, so its imperative that they are worn at all times.
2. The “Loads” that are being used to extend the wire must have a cushion
underneath their path on the floor to prevent damage to either the weight or the
floor. Each participant must be aware of the weights and not place their feet or
any other part of their body in the direct path of the mass
3. All bags and coats must be situated away from the working area so as to avoid
tripping people up, and giving the maximum possible working space area.

Apparatus list A2,4,6

Three steel wires of various diameters
slotted mass with hanger ( 50g * 12) [1]
wooden block [2]
G-clamp [1]
white label sticker [1]
clamp-on pulley [1]
micrometer screw gauge [1]
metre rule [2]
rubber tile [1]
[1 for each
protective goggle

Accuracy levels of equipment

Apparatus Accuracy/ + - mm
Micrometer 0.01
Scale 0.1
Meter rule 1
Apparatus Accuracy/ + - kg-3
Scales 1

Detailed plan

There are a number of measurements that you will need to take before the experiment is
- diameter (d) of the wire (use the digital micrometer), it is advisable to take this
measurement in three separate places along the wire and twice at every position (rotating
the wire 90 degrees to allow foe any oblongarities.
- distance of the wire from the top support to the ruler beginning.

A wire suspended from a support is stretched by the weights hanging on the hanger. The
unstretched length is measured. Weights are attached in multiples of either 100g for the
wire diameter 0.125mm or 150g for the 0.19 and 0.25mm diameter .

o The experiment must be followed in a methodical step by step pattern so

as to avoid easily made mistakes.

o Firstly observing all the safety guidelines, set up the working area and the
experiment apparatus as seen in the diagram.

o Before the experiment begins make sure that all the preliminary
measurements have been taken and that the constants that you have
identified will remain that way.

o Firstly starting with your drawn “rough” results table fill ion the “starting”
o These are done by using the meter rule to measure the length of the wire
in accordance with the constant position of the sticky label on the wire.

o Continue recording both the mass in grams and the final or new length on
the table as you raise the load on the wire in increments of 100 or 150g
until the wire breaks.

o After the experiment is completed, tidy away all the equipment and
remember not to take off the goggles until it is completely safe.

o Now that all the results are written down they must be put in the correct
units upon which they are needed in the formula ie. Changing of mass
(Kg) to weight (N) in this instant multiplying the mass by 9.81.

o I can now begin calculations and plot some force – extension graphs.

Variables and constants

• The variables in this experiment will be the loads placed upon the wires.

By rearranging the formula to;

e = L/(AxE)F

We can see that there are 3 main factors which will affect the outcome of the experiment.
The E symbolizes Young’s modulus, which we assume is a constant which we will

In order for the experiment to be a success, it has to be a fair test. Thus of course meaning
that factors that need to be kept constant must be identified and kept that way.

In this scenario I will be isolating Force as my variable. Force is directly related to the
load on the wire; only multiplied by the gravitational pull (approx. 9.81) as the load is
measured in Kg as it is a mass.

From the equation we can see that a the extension is proportional to the applied force. It
is imperative that the Cross sectional area of the wire is accurately measured, as well as
remaining constant through out the experiment, as a change in this value would indeed
effect the value for Tensile stress, and in turn slope of the graph, from which we calculate
young’s modulus.

Results, observations and description.

Wire 1 Diameter: 0.125mm

Length (m) Extension (m) Width Mass (grams) Weight (Newtons) Stress(N/m^2) S
3.35 0 0.125 0 0 0
3.37 0.02 0.125 100 0.981 79979617.83 0
3.38 0.03 0.12 200 1.962 173566879
3.4 0.05 0.11 300 2.943 309838395.5 0
3.41 0.06 0.11 400 3.924 413117860.7 0
3.41 0.06 0.1 500 4.905 624840764.3 0
3.43 0.08 0.09 600 5.886 925690021.2 0
3.61 0.26 0.09 700 6.867 1079971691 0
3.7 0.35 0.08 800 7.848 1562101911 0

Wire 2 Diameter: 0.19 mm

Length (m) Extension (m) Width Mass (grams) Weight (Newtons) Stress(N/m^2) Strain
3.35 0 0.19 0 0 0
3.36 0.01 0.19 150 1.4715 51925825.29
3.38 0.03 0.18 300 2.943 115711252.7
3.39 0.04 0.18 450 4.4145 173566879
3.39 0.04 0.18 600 5.886 231422505.3
3.39 0.04 0.18 750 7.3575 289278131.6
3.4 0.05 0.175 900 8.829 367253347.2 0
3.41 0.06 0.17 1050 10.3005 454036541.6 0
3.51 0.16 0.15 1200 11.772 666496815.3 0
3.6 0.25 0.14 1350 13.2435 860750032.5 0

Wire 3 Diameter: 0.25 mm

Length (m) Extension (m) Width Mass (grams) Weight (Newtons) Stress(N/m^2) Strain
3.5 0 0.25 0 0 0
3.52 0.02 0.25 150 1.4715 29992356.69 0
3.54 0.04 0.24 300 2.943 65087579.62 0
3.54 0.04 0.24 450 4.4145 97631369.43 0
3.54 0.04 0.23 600 5.886 141740816.1 0
3.55 0.05 0.23 750 7.3575 177176020.1 0
3.56 0.06 0.22 900 8.829 232378796.7 0
3.56 0.06 0.22 1050 10.3005 271108596.1 0
3.57 0.07 0.22 1200 11.772 309838395.5 0
3.58 0.08 0.22 1350 13.2435 348568195 0
3.7 0.2 0.21 1500 14.715 425061744.4 0
Unfortunately errors can easily occur in this experiment. We must minimize each type of

When measuring the extension there are 3 main sources of uncertainty.

• Meter rule

• Parallax error

• Zero error

I plan to minimize these by;

• Careful choice of meter rule, as many are bent and warped

• Fixing a head and eye position against something so that the parallax error is
minimized as I will be looking at the ruler from exactly the same angle.

• Record results from 0.0 M

• If there is a zero error, take it away from the results.

When measuring the weight of the mass the following sources could affect the results;

• Zero error on the scales

• Not allowing for the weight of the cradle

• Simply using the weight that is imprinted on the mass instead of weighting it.

I will minimize these sources by selecting my masses carefully and weighing each one
separately to find its exact weight, as well as double checking a pair of scales against
each other by putting the same weight on both scales to see if there is a zero error.

The final measurement source of error is the measurement of the diameter of the wire.
This is typically a source of inaccuracy because the wire does vary in cross sectional area,
because of the way it was made. This can be accommodated for by measuring the wire
extremely accurately with the micrometer, and measuring the wire in three different areas
of the length and taking two readings at each of the three points along the wire, twisting it
90 degrees at each point to allow for ovals etc. The average can then be taken and used in
the calculations to give a better representation of the wire being used
Diagram of ideal and misshapen wire.

Observations for experiment

• At approximately 2.00pm the equipment was set up and the working area was in
suitable condition to go ahead with the experiment as planned.

• I had two main concerns whilst conducting the experiments, these were of
measuring natures, the first of these being that, when measuring the wire with the
micrometer it proved initially extremely hard to turn the wire 90 degrees, I
quickly remedied this by sticking a label on the wire so that it was clear what
angle the wire had to be turned.

• The second was that of concerning minimization of the parallax error, this proved
to be quite challenging, so we decided to look at the ruler twice each a couple of
seconds apart and in what I thought was the same position to see if it was a fair
test. This way through up different results so we deemed it necessary to have
someone stand over the wire and not move until the experiment was finished to
minimize this risk.

• Another observation I made was that I didn’t think we were measuring the
extension accurately enough I felt that measuring it to 1mm was far to inaccurate
as the extension as will be seen by the graphs was minimal, I will mention this
point heavily in the Evaluating.

• The equipment was packed away and the experiment was completed within the

• I observed a changing in mass or load on the wire and no change in any of the
identified non variables.

C Analyzing Evidence and Drawing Conclusions.

In drawing the graph I assumed the length was correct to the nearest 1% and extension
were accurate to the nearest 1%, this being a typical value over the whole experiment,
from a 1mm in 2cm error for the smallest to 0.1mm in 30cm for largest extension. I
assumed the diameter was accurate to the nearest 0.00254mm. Using these numbers I
could draw error bars on the graphs. Many data points lay outside the error bars
indicating that Hooke’s law was only approximately obeyed.

To estimate Young’s modulus I found the trend line and the slope before the elastic limit
was reached.

E= stress/strain.

This gives for 0.125mm wire


For the 0.19mm wire


For the 0.25 mm wire


The accepted value for the Young’s modulus of copper is 110-128x 10^9Pa, so our
values are a long way out. Note the variation of more than 10% in the accepted value of
the Young’s modulus. We have no idea of the history of the wires, their age, previous
use, their work cycle history. An experiment to determine Young’s modulus would be
done with newly drawn wires made under controlled conditions

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