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Simulation and Modelling

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The key takeaways from the document are that system simulation considers human, external and area factors, and is used to study systems in a safe virtual environment. Simulation allows testing systems in varying conditions without risks.

The main factors considered for system simulation are human factors, external factors and area.

Simulation is required to study real time systems because adequate testing in a real time environment can be difficult without specialized tools and techniques. Simulation allows testing systems under varying loads in a safe virtual environment.



Submitted to:
Mr. Mandeep Singh

Submitted by:
Shah Imran

Roll no. : RE3703A21

Sec.: E3703
Q1. Delineate various factors which we will consider for system
environment. Justify by giving suitable examples.
Ans: Need to pay attention to human factors in the workplace and work
environment and brought greater indirect attention to ergonomics by including
a Work Environment clause that points out the importance of human factors
on the quality of work produced.
The main factor for system simulation is:
1. Human factor
2. External factor
3. Area

A truck simulator provides an opportunity to reproduce the characteristics of

real vehicles in a virtual environment. It replicates the external factors and
conditions with which a vehicle interacts enabling a driver to feel as if they are
sitting in the cab of their own vehicle. Scenarios and events are replicated
with sufficient reality to ensure that drivers become fully immersed in the
experience rather than simply viewing it as an educational programs me.

The simulator provides a constructive experience for the novice driver and
enables more complex exercises to be undertaken by the more mature driver.
For novice drivers, truck simulators provide an opportunity to begin their
career by applying best practice. For mature drivers, simulation provides the
ability to enhance good driving or to detect poor practice and to suggest the
necessary steps for remedial action. For companies, it provides an
opportunity to educate staff in the driving skills that achieve reduced
maintenance costs, improved productivity and, most importantly, to ensure the
safety of their actions in all possible situations.

Q2. Why simulation is required to study real time systems. Elaborate

with the help of example.
Ans: Adequate testing of computer programs in a real-time environment can
be difficult, if not impossible, without the assistance of specialized hardware
and software test tools and techniques. Unfortunately, software is presently
tested by inadequate manual methods. The major shortcoming of this method
is that the human tester cannot be very thorough or efficient when he must
test a vast number of functions in a sophisticated software system. The
Integrated Simulator described in this paper provides for computer-aided
testing in an interactive real-time environment. The method employs real-time,
digital computer software simulators to assist the tester by collecting data,
exercising the system being tested under varying loads, and supplying test
stimuli to evoke predictable system responses, thus reducing the time,
manpower, and cost of program testing.
MPEG coding dramatically reduces the data amount for video. On the other
hand, its bursts and cyclic nature creates a challenge for transmission in ATM
networks. Various methods have been proposed to transmit MPEG streams,
such as priority coding, dynamic bandwidth allocation and smoothing. This
paper suggests another scheme to the problem. The original MPEG streams
are split into n sub streams and the sub streams are skewed a fixed amount
of time from each other. The sub streams are transmitted with the forward
error correction code. It provides a deterministic bound on the delay and has
the implementation simplicity needed for the high-speed video applications.
We have tested the scheme on five real MPEG-coded video/movie stream
traces. It significantly reduces the peak cell losses at the price of longer delay.

Q3. Differentiate between:

a) Continuous and discrete systems

Ans: Continuous System Simulation describes systematically and
methodically how mathematical models of dynamic systems, usually
described by sets of either ordinary or partial differential equations possibly
coupled with algebraic equations, can be simulated on a digital computer.

Modern modeling and simulation environments relieve the occasional user

from having to understand how simulation really works. Once a mathematical
model of a process has been formulated, the modeling and simulation
environment compiles and simulates the model, and curves of result
trajectories appear magically on the user’s screen. Yet, magic has a tendency
to fail, and it is then that the user must understand what went wrong, and why
the model could not be simulated as expected.

Continuous System Simulation is a highly software-oriented text, based on

MATLAB. Homework problems, suggestions for term project, and open
research questions conclude every chapter to deepen the understanding of
the student and increase his or her motivation.

Continuous System Simulation is written by engineers for engineers,

introducing the partly symbolical and partly numerical algorithms that drive the
process of simulation in terms that are familiar to simulation practitioners with
an engineering background, and yet, the text is rigorous in its approach and
comprehensive in its coverage, providing the reader with a thorough and
detailed understanding of the mechanisms that govern the simulation of
dynamical systems.

A discrete system is a system with a countable number of states. Discrete

systems may be contrasted with continuous systems, which may also be
called analog systems. A discrete system is often modeled with a directed
graph (mathematics) and is analyzed for correctness and complexity
according to computational theory. Because discrete systems have a
countable number of states, they may be described in precise mathematical
models. A computer is a finite state machine that may be viewed as a
discrete system. Discrete data only take on particular values and no values
in between. Data like the number of siblings a person has or the number of
cars a person owns is discrete because you can either have 0 cars or 1 car or
2 cars and so on, but you can't own 1.5 cars.

Continuous data can take on any value on a range. Temperature and height
are continuous because you can be 69.32894... Inches tall. You can be any
fraction of an inch tall in that case.

b) Static Physical and Dynamic Physical Models

Ans: A physical model is a smaller or larger physical copy of an object. The
object being modeled may be small (for example, an atom) or large (for
example, the Solar System). Static simulation models can be used for
analyzing relations of different process input and output variables. We have
made the following static simulation models:

• Fiber line
• Brown stock screening
• Post screening
• Control of the TMP process
• The effect of filler on paper quality
• Quality control of LWC paper
• Calendar control

Dynamic simulation models can be used for analyzing and learning process
delays and dynamics in addition to all usages of static simulation models. We
have made the following dynamic simulation models:

• Pulp mill liquor and steam balance

• Continuous digester dynamics
• Pulp mill sulfur / sodium balance
• Grinding plant (PGW)
• Paper mill short circulation
• Paper machine dynamics and grade change
• Power plant boilers and steam network

In dynamic simulation models of social systems the desired data may be

unavailable, in an inappropriate form, or incorrect. There may be elements
that are not usually quantified, but that are critical to the system being
Criticism of dynamic simulation models aimed at boundary issues frequently
reflects different notions about the model's intended use or purpose.
Dynamic simulation models are often used to search for parameters that can
effect behavior changes. Dynamic simulation models are especially useful in
predicting how a system would behave if various policies of interest were

c) Static Mathematical Models and Dynamic Mathematical Models

Ans: mathematical model uses mathematical language to describe a

system. Mathematical models are used not only in the natural sciences and
engineering disciplines (such as physics, biology, earth science, meteorology,
and engineering) but also in the social sciences (such as economics,
psychology, sociology and political science); physicists, engineers, computer
scientists, and economists use mathematical models most extensively. The
process of developing a mathematical model is termed 'mathematical
modeling' (also modeling).
Mathematical model are two type and difference between them:
1. A static model does not account for the element of time, while a
dynamic model does.
2. Dynamic models typically are represented with difference equations or
differential equations.

Part B

Q4. Delineate the Monte Carlo method for simulation in detail. How this
method is useful in system simulation.
Ans: Monte Carlo simulation is a method for iteratively evaluating a
deterministic model using sets of random numbers as inputs. This method is
often used when the model is complex, nonlinear, or involves more than just a
couple uncertain parameters. A simulation can typically involve over 10,000
evaluations of the model, a task which in the past was only practical using
super computers.
The Monte Carlo method is just one of many methods for analyzing
uncertainty propagation, where the goal is to determine how random
variation, lack of knowledge, or error affects the sensitivity, performance, or
reliability of the system that is being modeled. Monte Carlo simulation is
categorized as a sampling method because the inputs are randomly
generated from probability distributions to simulate the process of sampling
from an actual population. So, we try to choose a distribution for the inputs
that most closely matches data we already have, or best represents our
current state of knowledge. The data generated from the simulation can be
represented as probability distributions (or histograms) or converted to error
bars, reliability predictions, tolerance zones, and confidence intervals.

Q.5. By taking an example, analyse and design a system for Simulation.

How will you use the concept of subsystems in it?

Ans: Let's consider an industrial manufacturing example where we will build a

model which has numerical, not graphical, output. Terms such as ``computer-
integrated manufacturing" (CIM) and ``flexible manufacturing" guide the
development of more productive plant configurations for building products
from raw material. We introduce the following categories and definitions:

1. Material. Plants are built to process material---often called raw material

stock---and shape the material into a product. As raw material goes
through its changes, it turns into a part to be processed.
2. Machines. Plants are composed of machines of all kinds which process
material and parts. Some examples are ovens, lubricators, flame
cutters, lathes, and robots.
3. Transportation. Material flows through a network of machines. The
method of transport is affected by devices such as conveyors and
automated guide vehicles (AGVs). During this transit, it encounters
storage areas and accumulators which buffer parts until the machines
can operate upon them.
Figure 3 shows a sample manufacturing system containing nine parts. This
type of drawing is essentially a schematic defining the overall structure of the
system but lacking details on dynamics and geometry. The raw stock arrives
from the left via a central conveyor. At this point, the material stock is a
cylinder shape. The cylinder parts are loaded into a spiral accumulator (A)
which holds parts for the pick-and-place robot (R) until both it and the lathe (L)
are ready. Once both are ready to work with the part, the cylinder is turned
into a barbell shape by the lathe and sent on toward a second spiral
accumulator using a conveyor belt. A second robot also performs a pick-and-
place operation and hands the barbell part to a drill machine (D) which
punches a longitudinal hole through the part. That is the final product part,
which proceeds to a small storage bin taken by the AGV which runs around a
closed track while dropping the bin contents into longer-term storage. This
type of application involves discrete parts flowing through a network of
resources. The resource constraints and network flow suggests the use of a
Petri net to model the system as in Fig. 4.

Figure 3: Manufacturing line with two robots and two machines..

Figure 4: Petri net model for manufacturing line.

Figure 4 is the mathematical model for the system and is categorized as a
declarative model (i.e., the Petri net sub-states and events are visible and
emphasized in the model structure). In a nutshell, a Petri net operates by
having tokens (the black circles) flow through the network while encountering
resources (lathe, drill press, robot arm, AGV). Each resource operates or
``processes" a token as it passes by. This is the specification that we need to
encode in the form of a program and then execute on a computer. There are
many Petri net simulators to be found. One such simulator is a tool within
SimPack (See section SIMPACK SIMULATION TOOLKIT), which is a toolkit
for exploring mathematical modeling and simulation. Once simulated, this
Petri net can yield data which is subject to analysis (the third sub-field of
computer simulation). The types of analysis methods for simulations are
plentiful. For our manufacturing example, we may simply want to analyze the
throughput of the system as a whole to determine how many parts can be
processed in one hour. Actually, we pre-determined our use of a Petri net
model because we knew ahead of time that we wanted throughput
information. If we had wanted, say, information on the stability of the robot
arm controller then a Petri net would not have served our purpose. Moreover,
if our Petri net model has a stochastic element (i.e., it uses random variants)
then it is vital to make many simulation runs of the same model but with
different samples; otherwise, we will not know the accuracy (measured by a
confidence interval) associated with the simulation output.

Q.6. Elaborate the advantages of system simulation by taking Suitable

1. A simulation can give you results that are not experimentally
measurable with our current level of technology. A simulation can give
these results when problems such as it's too small to measure, the
probe is too big and is skewing the results, and any instrument would
turn to a gas at those temperatures come into the conversation. You
can set the simulation to run for as many time steps you desire and at
any level of detail you desire the only restrictions are your imagination,
your programming skills, and your CPU.
2. Most of the time the simulation testing is cheaper and faster than
performing the multiple tests of the design each time.
For example In the case of electric thrusters the test must be run inside
of a vacuum tank. Vacuum tanks are very expensive to buy, run, and
maintain. One of the main tests of electric thrusters is the lifetime test,
which means that the thrusters is running pretty much constantly inside
of the vacuum tank for 10,000+ hours. This is pouring money down a
drain compared to the price of the simulation.
3. Permit system designers to study a problem at several different levels
of abstraction.
4. Allows the designer to determine the correctness and efficiency of a
design before the system is actually constructed.
5. Simulators dynamically show the behavior and relationship of all the
simulated system's components, thereby providing the user with a
meaningful understanding of the system's nature.

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