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Bayer A1CNow HCP Product Insert

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Professional Procedure Guide (90821B 04/2008)

This test is WAIVED under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of

1988 (CLIA). If a laboratory modifies the test instructions, the test will no longer be
considered waived.



x Run the test with all parts of the test kit at the same temperature within the specified
range (18°C/64°F – 28°C/82°F).
x If the kit has recently been at high temperatures (above 82°F) or in the refrigerator,
keep the kit at room temperature for at least one hour before use.
x Avoid running the test in direct sunlight, on hot or cold surfaces, or near sources of heat
or cold.
x Quality control materials should be used to confirm the test kit is working properly. Refer
to the product insert for information on when to run controls.
x Complete the test within 15 minutes
x Ensure that all lot numbers match on the Monitor (back), Sample Dilution Kit Pouch, Test
Cartridge Pouch and the packaging box


x Use your own lancet device to draw blood.
x Gently touch the tip of the blood collector to the blood drop to fill.
x Mix blood well before testing.
x Hold the blood collector at a 45º angle to collect blood from a slide.
x If too little – add more blood
x If too much – wipe away excess


x Fully insert Blood Collector into Sampler Body.
x Push firmly.
x Keep pushing until fully inserted.
x Twisting motion helps.

x Shake well 6-8 times. This will mix the blood with the solution.
x Stand Sampler on table while preparing the Test Cartridge.

x Open the Test Cartridge pouch.

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

x Use within two minutes of opening the pouch.
x Insert the Test Cartridge into the Monitor until the Cartridge is “CLICKED” into position.
x Monitor and Test Cartridge codes must match.
x If not, Call Technical Support at 1-877-212-4968 x1


x Wait for SMPL to display on the Monitor.
x When the Monitor displays SMPL it is ready for the Sampler.
x Remove the base of the Sampler exposing the plunger.
x Ensure that the Monitor is on a level surface.


x Place the tip of the plunger into the corresponding hole in the Test Cartridge.
x Push the sampler down completely to dispense diluted sample.
x Remove quickly after the sampler is dispensed.
x Do not handle Monitor again until test is complete.


x The Monitor display counts down from 5 minutes.
x After the countdown, the display will cycle: A1C result, QCOK, # of tests left.
x The result cycle will remain displayed for 60 minutes or until the next Test Cartridge is
x If “QCOK” is not displayed, please see list of error codes under the troubleshooting
x If you cannot resolve an error, please call Technical Support at 1-877-212-4968 x1.
x Remove the Test Cartridge after the test is completed and the result is recorded.

x Discard the Test cartridge and save the Monitor.
x The Monitor is reusable.
x To run another test, use a new Sampler and Test Cartridge from the same test kit
and return to Step 1, ‘PREPARATION’.
x Always match lot numbers.
x Use Monitor only with the materials included in the original kit. The Monitor will
expire after the programmed number of tests have been run. If another Test
Cartridge is inserted, the Monitor will display “00 TL”.

Intended Use
The A1CNow+® test provides quantitative measurement of the percent of glycated hemoglobin
(%A1C) levels in capillary (fingerstick) or venous whole blood samples. The test is for professional
use to monitor glycemic control in people with diabetes.

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

Summary and Explanation
High levels of blood glucose result in over-glycation of proteins throughout the body including
hemoglobin.1 Glycation of hemoglobin can occur at the amino termini of the alpha and beta
chains, as well as other sites with free amino groups.1 Hemoglobin A undergoes a slow glycation
with glucose that is dependent on the time-average concentration of glucose over the 120-day
life span of red blood cells.

The most prevalent and well-characterized species of glycated hemoglobin A is A1C, making up
approximately 3% to 6% of total hemoglobin in healthy individuals.1 The correlation of A1C and
blood glucose levels make it a useful method of monitoring long-term blood glucose levels in
people with diabetes.2 Previous studies, such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
(DCCT) and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), used glycated hemoglobin
as a way to measure overall glycemic control during the studies. These studies, and others, have
shown that tight glycemic control is associated with fewer diabetes-related complications (e.g.,
vision problems, cardiovascular problems, and kidney problems).3 The National
Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) was established to assure traceability of
hemoglobin A1C (A1C) results to the DCCT. Studies show a direct relationship from %A1C to
average blood glucose (MBG) levels. For every 1% change in A1C there is a change of about 30
mg/dl in MBG.4 The formula used to calculate the mean (average) blood glucose levels from the
A1C levels is MBG = (31.7 x HbA1C) - 66.1. To convert to mean plasma glucose (MPG) use5 MPG
= MBG x 1.11.

A1C can be measured by a variety of techniques, and over the past decade they have
expanded to include point-of-care assays. Point-of-care assays are well suited to environments
such as healthcare providers’ offices and clinics, because they are generally easy to perform,
require no laboratory equipment, and provide rapid turn-around-time from sampling to result.6
This immediate feedback of results enhances provider/patient interaction and management.7

Principle of the Assay

Bayer has developed an enabling technology that incorporates microelectronics, optics, and
dry-reagent chemistry strips within a reusable, self-contained integrated hand held monitor and
a single-use test cartridge. An unmeasured whole blood mixture (diluted) is directly applied to
the sample port, and results are displayed in numeric form on the Monitor’s liquid crystal display
after 5 minutes. Having no switches or buttons, the Monitor self-activates upon insertion of the
Test Cartridge.

The A1CNow+ Monitor utilizes both immunoassay and chemistry technology to measure A1C
and total hemoglobin, respectively. Upon the addition of a diluted blood sample, blue
microparticles conjugated to anti-A1C antibodies migrate along the reagent strips. The amount
of blue microparticles captured on the strips reflects the amount of A1C in the sample.

For the total hemoglobin (Hb) portion of the test, the sample diluent converts Hb to met-Hb. The
intensity of met-Hb color measured on the reagent strips is proportional to the concentration of
hemoglobin in the sample. Test results are expressed as %A1C (A1C ÷ total Hb x 100).

Calibration of the A1CNow+ is performed with a set of blood samples that have been value-
assigned by a National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP) certified laboratory
using an NGSP reference method. Total Hb calibration values for those samples are obtained
with a Total Hb analyzer (HemoCue Hemoglobin Test System, HemoCue, Inc., Lake Forest, CA).

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

The calibration of the A1CNow+ test is thus traceable to the NGSP and to an NGSP Certified
Network reference method.

Specimen Collection and Storage

Note: No fasting or special diet is necessary.

The A1CNow+ test requires 5 microliters ( L) of whole blood (1 large drop). Fingerstick blood is
obtained by standard techniques with any lancing system. If alcohol is used for cleansing, be
sure the finger is completely dry before lancing.

Venipuncture/Sample Collection for Venous Draw

Venous blood should be collected into heparin tubes (sodium or lithium, “green tops”). Blood
samples should be well-mixed and tested at room temperature. Venous blood samples are
stable for up to 8 hours at room temperature and up to 14 days in the refrigerator.

Warnings and Precautions

1. For in vitro diagnostic use only.
2. Carefully read and follow the Professional Procedure Guide to ensure proper test performance.
3. If refrigerated, bring sealed pouches and Monitor to room temperature for one hour.
4. The A1CNow+ Monitor and Test Cartridges should not be used if either are cracked or broken.
5. The Test Cartridges should not be used if the foil pouch is damaged.
6. Add sample to A1CNow+ Test Cartridge within 2 minutes after pouch is opened.
7. All components of the A1CNow+ system are potentially biohazardous. Dispose of as
biohazardous waste.
8. The Dilution Buffer in the Sampler contains ferricyanide in a buffered detergent solution. Do Not
Ingest. In case of contact with skin or eyes, flush the area with large amounts of water.
9. Do not reuse Test Cartridges or Sample Dilution Kits.

Do not mix Monitors with Cartridges & Sample Dilution Kits from different lots.

Kit Storage and Stability

x Pouched Test Cartridges, A1CNow+ Monitors, and Sample Dilution Kits may be stored
at room temperature (18-28°C) for up to four months prior to use. Monitors, Test
Cartridges, and Dilution Kits stored at room temperature must be thrown away if not
used within the four months.
x If the temperature label, placed on the outside of every kit, is exposed to a
temperature in excess of 122°F/50ºC, the dot on the label will turn red and the product
should not be used.

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

x The Monitors, Test Cartridges, and Sample Dilution Kits may be used until the
expiration date printed on the box and pouches when stored refrigerated (2-8°C).
Monitors, Test Cartridges, and Sample Dilution Kits stored in the refrigerator must be
thrown away if not used by the expiration date.
x Leave all components in their sealed pouches until use. If refrigerated, ensure
pouches are at room temperature before use.
x Do not mix pouches and Monitors from different lots.

Package Components
x A1CNow+ Monitor (1)
x A1CNow+ Test Cartridges (10, or 20) Each Test Cartridge includes the following
chemistries: antibody to HbA1c, antigen conjugate that binds to the antibody, and
x Sample Dilution Kit (10, or 20), each containing:
- Sampler (1) containing 0.37 ml of buffered detergent solution with ferricyanide
- Blood Collector (1)
x Product insert (1)
x Patient result labels (10, or 20)

Materials Required but Not Supplied

x Fingerstick sample: lancet, or other blood fingerstick collection device or,
x Venous Sample: Heparin (sodium or lithium [“green top”]) preferred venous collection
x Gauze pad or cotton ball
x Bandage
x Liquid control solution. Contact Bayer Technical Support (877-212-4968) for a list of
liquid controls that may be used.

Result Interpretation
Percent A1C monitors glucose control over the last three months. About 50% of the A1C result is
from the past 30 days; about 25% is from the past 30-60 days and about 25% is from the past 60-
120 days.1 Depending on the test methodology used, laboratory methods show that the
reference range of the A1C test is approximately 4.0-6.5% A1C, and 6% to 9% in people with well
to moderately controlled diabetes.1 Levels can be as high as 20% in people with poorly
controlled diabetes.8 The American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) most recent Clinical Practice
Recommendation for diabetes specifies a treatment goal for patients in general of less than 7%
with a treatment goal for the individual patient of as close to normal (less than 6%) as possible
without significant hypoglycemia.9

See the table below for a description of A1CNow+ operating and error codes (OR =Out of Range;
QC = Quality Control, E= Monitor Error)


OR 1 The blood sample may have too little hemoglobin (less than 20% hematocrit),
not enough blood was collected, or the blood was not well mixed inside the
Sampler.* You may wish to check hematocrit by another method.

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

OR 2 The blood sample may have too much hemoglobin (greater than 60%
hematocrit), or excess blood was collected.* You may wish to check
hematocrit by another method.
OR 3 The blood sample may have too little A1C, or insufficient blood was collected.*
OR 4 The blood sample may have too much A1C, or excess blood was collected.*
OR 5 The Monitor temperature is below 180C (640F). Repeat the test at room
temperature (18-280C).
OR 6 The Monitor temperature is above 280C (820F). Repeat the test at room
temperature (18-280C).
<4.0 The %A1C is less than 4%.
>13.0 The %A1C is greater than 13%.
QC 2 Occurs when you insert a Test Cartridge that already has sample added to it.
Do not remove and reinsert Test Cartridge after adding sample.*
QC 6 Sample was added to Test Cartridge before “SMPL” display. This counts down
one test on the Monitor. Remove and discard Test Cartridge. To avoid this error,
do not add sample until the “WAIT” prompt clears and “SMPL” appears.
QC 7 The Test Cartridge remained in the Monitor without sample addition for 2
minutes after “SMPL” prompt. This counts down one test on the Monitor. Discard
the Test Cartridge and insert a fresh one when you are ready to dispense the
QC30-33 The Monitor was unable to obtain a valid initial reading. Be sure to remove the
Sampler within one second after dispensing it into the sample port, and do not
disturb the Monitor while the test is running. *
QC 50 to 51 Insufficient sample was delivered to the Test Cartridge. To avoid this error be
QC 55 to 56 sure to fully insert the Blood Collector into the Sampler and shake immediately.*
All other The quality control checks did not pass. Call Bayer Technical Support toll-free at
QC codes 877-212-4968 x 1. The test will have to be repeated with another Test Cartridge
and Sample Dilution Kit.
E1 to E99 The Monitor has a Fatal Error. Call Bayer Technical Support toll-free at 877-212-
4968 x 1.

*Carefully repeat the test using a new Test Cartridge and a new Sample Dilution Kit.

x This test is NOT for the screening or diagnosis of diabetes.

x If the patient has high levels of Hemoglobin F, Hemoglobin S, Hemoglobin C, or
other hemoglobin variants, the A1CNow system may report incorrect results.
x Any cause of shortened red cell survival (e.g., hemolytic anemia or other
hemolytic diseases, pregnancy, recent significant blood loss, etc.) will reduce exposure
of red cells to glucose. This results in a decrease in %A1C values. Percent A1C results
are not reliable in patients with chronic blood loss and consequent variable erythrocyte
life span.
x Rheumatoid Factor in high amounts will cause low results, or an error code. It is
recommended that A1C be re-checked by alternate methodology such as boronate
x This test is not a substitute for regular healthcare provider visits and blood glucose

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

x As with any laboratory procedure, a large discrepancy between clinical impression
and test results usually warrants investigation.

Each A1CNow+ Monitor performs over 50 internal chemical and electronic quality control
checks, including potential hardware and software errors (e.g. cartridge alignment,
programming), and potential reagent strip errors (e.g. insufficient sample volume, invalid
calculations). The Monitor has been programmed to report an error code if these quality checks
are not passed.

Quality control testing should be performed at the following times:

1. With each new shipment.
2. With each new lot.
3. With each new operator.
4. Whenever problems (storage, operator, instrument, or other) are identified.
5. To ensure that storage conditions have not affected the product, run a control sample before
running a patient sample if the test kit has been stored for more than a month and it has been at
least a month since the last control testing.

The measured value should be within the acceptable limits stated for the control material. If the
results obtained are outside the acceptable limit, please review the procedure and re-test the
control material. If the measured value continues to fall outside the acceptable limit, please
refrain from analyzing additional patient samples and contact Bayer Technical Support (877-212-

Good laboratory practices include a complete quality control program. This entails proper
sample collection and handling practices, ongoing training of testing personnel, ongoing
evaluation of control results, proper storage of test kits, etc. A permanent record of control results
should be retained.


Expected Values (non-diabetic population)

The expected normal range for %A1C using the A1CNow system was determined by testing
blood samples from 118 presumptively non-diabetic individuals (fasting glucose levels <127
mg/dL) across three US sites. The population included 33 males and 85 females, and an age
range from 19 to 76 with a mean age of 43. The mean %A1C result was 5.2% ±0.71% (1 SD). The
95% confidence limits were 3.9% to 6.5%. These values are similar to those reported in the
literature. Each laboratory should determine its own reference range to conform to the
population being tested.

Studies were performed to evaluate the linearity of the A1CNow system across its dynamic
range. Clinical samples representing low and high %A1C levels were identified, and were mixed
in various proportions into nine preparations. These samples were tested in replicates of at least

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

five (n = 5). The observed results were compared to the expected results and analyzed in terms
of percent recovery. The test is linear for %A1C levels between 4% and 13%, and produces
reliable results with hematocrits between 20% and 60% packed cell volume (PCV).

Interference Testing/Specificity
Studies were performed to assess the effect of common test interferents, various common over-
the counter therapeutic agents, and oral antihyperglycemic agents commonly used to treat
Type II diabetes. Two levels of %A1C (low and high, approximately 4% and 10%, respectively)
were tested. See table below.


Bilirubin 20 mg/dL
Triglyceride 3000 mg/dL
Hemoglobin 500 mg/dL
Acetaminophen 80 g/mL
Ascorbic acid 5 mg/dL
Ibuprofen 120 g/mL
Acetylsalicylic acid 1 mg/dL
Glyburide (Glibenclamide) 240 ng/mL
Metformin (1,1 –dimethylbiguanide HCl) 25 g/mL

The studies showed no effect from any of these potential interferents at concentrations up to
approximately 5-times their normal levels or therapeutic doses.

Studies showed no interference from modified hemoglobins, including labile glycated

hemoglobin when tested at two levels of %A1C (low and high, approximately 5% and 11%
respectively). The modified hemoglobins, and the levels evaluated, were: labile hemoglobin with
1400 mg/dL glucose, carbamylated hemoglobin at a final concentration of 5 mM potassium
cyanate, and acetylated hemoglobin at a final concentration of 14 mM acetylsalicylic acid.

There were mixed results from the testing of high levels of Hemoglobin F, Hemoglobin S, and
Hemoglobin C. Unreliable results may be obtained from patients with elevated levels of variant

Precision testing was done under a specialized protocol. Following this protocol, two whole blood
samples, one of approximately 6 %A1C (low), and one of approximately 9 %A1C (high), were
tested over 20 days and four runs per day, for a total of 80 assays per level. The overall
imprecision (including within-day and between-day) was 3.00% CV at the low level and 4.02%
CV at the high level. This performance meets the requirements of NGSP certification.

Accuracy studies were conducted with 189 diabetic and non-diabetic subjects across three US
sites. Fingerstick sampling was performed on each subject for testing with A1CNow+ and venous
blood was collected from each subject for comparative testing using an NGSP-certified method.
A1CNow+ results were compared to the NGSP reference results. The A1C results ranged from 5.0
%A1C to 12.8 %A1C, with a mean of 7.3 %A1C (reference results). Data analysis consisted of
least squares linear regression (x = reference results), bias calculation, and Bland Altman limits.
The data are provided below.

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

A1CNow+ Fingerstick Comparative Testing
(NGSP-certified method is the Tosoh A1C 2.2 Plus)

n 189 Bias at 6% A1C (%difference) 5.89 (- 1.83%)

Slope 1.02 Bias at 7% A1C (%difference) 6.91 (- 1.29%)
y-intercept - 0.23 Bias at 9% A1C (%difference) 8.95 (- 0.56%)
“r” 0.95 Avg % diff. - 1.23%

The results showed that the accuracy of A1CNow+, with fingerstick samples was, on average,
99%. This means that, on average, a true 7 %A1C could read approximately 6.9 %A1C. An
individual A1CNow+ result may differ by as much as -1.0 %A1C to +0.8%A1C from the true result.
This represents the 95% confidence limits of a Bland-Altman plot.

A1CNow+ Venous Comparative Testing

(NGSP-Certified method is the Tosoh A1C 2.2 Plus)

Venous blood was collected from 110 diabetic subjects, and each sample was tested on one of
three different lots. Aliquots of the venous samples were also tested by the NGSP-certified
method, providing comparative results. Data analysis again consisted of least squares linear
regression (x = reference results), bias calculation and Bland-Altman limits. The data are
provided below.

n 110 Bias at 6% A1C (%difference) 5.95 (- 0.8%)

Slope 1.03 Bias at 7% A1C (%difference) 6.98 (- 0.3%)
y-intercept - 0.237 Bias at 8% A1C (%difference) 8.01 (+ 0.1%)
“r” 0.97 Avg % diff. - 0.3%

The results showed that the accuracy with venous sampling was, on average, 99.7%. An
individual result may differ by -0.8 %A1C to +0.7 %A1C from the true result. This represents the
95% confidence limits of the Bland-Altman plot. A1CNow+ may be used with either fingerstick
(capillary) or venous (heparin-anticoagulated) whole blood samples.
Expected Performance in Waived Laboratories
Clinical studies were performed at three US sites with over 180 untrained people (most with
diabetes). These study subjects read the instructions and then performed one A1CNow+ test on
themselves. A venous blood sample was collected from each subject, and this sample was
tested by an NGSP-certified laboratory method for %A1C. The two results were then compared.

Untrained User A1CNow+ and an NGSP-certified method

(Tosoh A1C 2.2 Plus)

n 188 Bias at 6% A1C (%difference) 6.02 (+ 0.33%)

Slope 0.99 Bias at 7% A1C (%difference) 7.01 (+ 0.14%)
y-intercept 0.08 Bias at 9% A1C (%difference) 8.99 (- 0.11%)
“r” 0.93 Avg % diff. + 0.12%

The results showed that untrained users could perform A1CNow+ testing on themselves with the
same accuracy as trained individuals.


Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

1. Buris, C.A., Ashwood, E.R. Tietz Textbook of Clinica Chemistry, 3rd Edition, W.B. Saunders Co., 1999.

2. Nathan, D.M., et al. The clinical information value of the glycosylated hemoglobin assay. N Engl J
Med 1984; 310;341-346.

3. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group. The effect of intensive treatment of
diabetes on the development and progression of longterm complication in insulin-dependent
diabetes melllitus. N Engl J Med 1993; 329; 977-986.

4. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Care.1999; 22 (suppl 1): S32–S41.

5. Fogh-Anderson, N., D’Orazio, P. Proposal for standardizing direct-reading biosensors for blood
glucose. Clin Chem 1998; 44(3); 655-659.

6. MLO Supplement. Point-of-Care Testing, 1992.

7. Cagliero, E., Levina, E.V., Nathan, D.M. Immediate feedback of A1C levels improves glycemic
control in type 1 and insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1999; 22(11): 1785-1789.

8. Goldstein, D.E., Little, R.R., Wiedmeyer, H.M., et al. Glycated hemoglobin: Methodologies and
clinical applications. Clin Chem 1986; 32: B64-B70.

9. American Diabetes Association: Clinical Practice Recommendations 2006. Diabetes Care, 2006; 29
(Suppl. 1).







Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+

Bayer HealthCare, LLC
510 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-4022
Tel 1 877 212 4968 x1
Fax 408 524 6595

Bayer HealthCare, Diabetes Care – A1CNow+


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