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Aloe Barbadensis and Malaleuca Alternifolia As An Antibacterial Herbal Hand Sanitizer

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An Investigatory Project Presented

To The Faculty of the Basic Education Department

Siena College

Taytay, Rizal

Alfaro, Hannah Rydee Julia

Aquino, Anna Kattriz Z.

Flores, Maylor Allen L.

Leonardo, Francis Lloyd

Pigtain, Maria Celiene S.

Puno, Earl Martin

Tecson, Eddelle Shane U.

Teologo, James Karl A.

Siena College Taytay, Rizal

Basic Education Department


The Investigatory Project Entitled



Prepared and submitted by Hannah Rydee Julia Alfaro, Anna Kattriz Z.

Aquino, Maylor Allen L. Flores, Francis Lloyd Leonardo, Maria Celiene S.
Pigtain, Earl Martin Puno, Eddelle Shane U. Tecson and James Karl Teologo
have been approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
in Chemistry.



The study aimed to introduce the combination of Aloe Vera and Tea
Tree Oil in order to make a natural and environment friendly antibacterial
herbal sanitizer.

Nevertheless, this study wouldn’t be possible without the everlasting

love, care and assistance from all our family, who supported us in the
procurement of the much needed logistics and references, cultivated and
propagated the Aloe Vera and uplifted us emotionally when we are taken
aback with discouragement.

We would never forget to acknowledge Mrs. Mercado, who extended

her invaluable time, patience in explaining the whole course of the research
and gave words of encouragement.

Furthermore, we would like to thank our classmates for the shared

information during casual talk and discussions.

And most of all, to God our Father, who is the source of all our strength
and wisdom. Without His unfaltering love and guidance this study would
never be realized.

The Philippine health condition is very stable until now. In this manner,
we young boys and girls have to assist our government in any way in order
to improve our health condition through scientific discoveries and
innovations. Creativity and environmental awareness inspire our farmers and
households in maintaining a healthful living condition.

This research project was undertaken for the purpose of formulating an

antibacterial herbal hand sanitizer out of indigenous materials. This herbal
hand sanitizer was extracted from Aloe Vera gel and Tea Tree Oil. The
different plants were mixed and combined to form the formulation which was
tested among different respondents.

Hand sanitizers provide a quick, easy way to disinfect hands that are
not visibly dirty. It is used to prevent and avoid the spread of bacteria. The
different plants used in the study contained various natural chemical
substances. Some of these natural substances in plant such as the
antibacterial, anti fungal and antiseptic properties that make the tea tree oil
useful for treating fungi and bacteria and the aloe sap for cleansing the body
of a variety of toxins.

Results showed that such a herbal hand sanitizer was very effective in
preventing the spread of bacteria than the commercial ones. This could be
attributed to specific natural chemical components of herbal and such plants.
The importance of the study lays the fact that hand sanitizers can be
pronounced and produced from the cheap sources.



Hand sanitizer is one of the important needs of the people right now.
It's being used in preventing the spread of diseases and bacteria.

In these days, we are experiencing what they so called 'climate

change'. This climate change can cause sickness of young children, not only
young children but also the adults. And in this case, we are encouraged to
buy medicines for us to easily cure. But some people cannot afford to buy
medicines, right? So, our group decided to come up an Investigatory project
which is very beneficial to everyone, not only the beauty it reflect but also it
can help us to avoid getting sick. Making your homemade antibacterial
herbal hand sanitizer is our answer to our problem. Hand sanitizer making
uses Aloe Vera gel tea tree oil and rubbing alcohol as important ingredients.
The increasing cost of synthetic chemicals resulted in the increase cost of
commercial hand sanitizer in the market. Due to these facts, it is very
important to recognize the possibilities of utilizing herbal hand sanitizer
ingredients that are environment friendly and cost effective.

With news of AH1N1 outbreaks and dangerous HFMD infections on the

rise, we need to keep ourselves protected even when good old soap and
water aren't at arm’s reach. Buying costly little bottles of hand sanitizer adds
up. Here is a simple, homemade, easy, effective and natural approach to
hand sanitizer. Yes, soap and water are better, but it's good to have "just in
case" your children need a snack in the car and they haven't recently
washed their hands. Leave a bottle in your purse, and in your vehicle.

This study was conducted to answer the following problem:

1. Can it be used daily?

2. What is the use of Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil in our output?

3. What are the disadvantages and advantages of our product?


1. Yes. Because our product can be used as an alternative for alcohol or

soap to clean our hands immediately.

2. Aloe Vera is used in our experiment to help cleansing our hands of a

variety of toxins while the Tea Tree Oil is used to serve as an
antibacterial ingredient in our product.

3. The disadvantage of our investigatory project is finding some

ingredients like the Aloe Vera gel. The advantages of our product are
you can use it every time you want it and it can easily make your work
faster because instead of washing your hands using soap, you can just
put some sanitizer to make your hands clean.



Gather the
ingredients, along
INPUT: with some bottles. I
like to "recycle" the
old bottles of hand

Gather a bowl, put

Aloe Vera Gel six parts alcohol to
Rubbing alcohol four parts aloe vera
Tea Tree Oil gel for it to be
Essential Oil. effective.

[You can find the whole

process in Chapter 3:

We, the researchers thought and brainstormed about what we are

going to do for our Investigatory Project. One of us gave the idea to
concentrate on a particular topic, which is about soap making. Another
researcher gave the idea of having Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil as a herbal
hand sanitizer. So, after all the long thinking and brainstorming, we all
decided to come up with a herbal hand sanitizer as a product with the use of
Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil. Our product wants to help people prevent and
avoid getting sick because the increasingly high prices of medicines and
remedies nowadays are the one of the main problems of the people. One of
the most important things in preventing the spread of bacteria and virus is
the herbal hand sanitizer which is very important for the people who easily
get sick. It also promotes a better, greener and eco-saving community
because we’ll be using natural ingredients. Since we want to minimize our
everyday expenditure, we make use of the ingredients which are easily
found and in our kitchen. Our present study showed that essential and
effective herbal hand sanitizer could be produced using home ingredients
and important garden plants like herbs. This kind of herbal sanitizer is
considered environment friendly due to the absence of toxic and synthetic
chemicals. This kind of herbal sanitizer will surely benefit clean and healthy
hands. This research study is worth making and it can contribute a lot in our
country. It can give people a sanitizer that is very affordable and it can help
our country minimize our economic problems.


Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) is one of about 250 species of Aloes. The
Aloes are members of the Lily family and, therefore, are relatives of such
common plants as tulips, Easter lilies, and asparagus. Aloe vera is believed
to be native to the Mediterranean, but its exact native habitat is
unknown. In the Old World the aloes have had a long history of economic
use, and this species in particular has been carried around by people for so
long that its original habitat has been lost in history. In fact, some
taxonomists believe that Aloe vera is not even a naturally developed species,
but instead some ancient hybrid. This may, in part, account for the use of
two scientific names for the species.

Aloe vera is a leafy succulent that grows in a rosette fashion on hot,

well-drained soils. The leaves are spotted when young but take on a uniform
light green color with age. They can reach 2 feet in length and are edged
with soft spines. Older plants produce an 18-inch long stalk from the center
of the rosette that is topped with nodding cylindrical yellow flowers about 1-
inch long. Interest in the sap of this species extends back over 2000 years. It
is bitter, slimy, and can be collected as an exudate from cut leaves or
squeezed from the pulp of leaves. Leaves from all aloes have long been
credited with healing properties, but the especially succulent Aloe vera is
valued most.

In the past, leaves were sliced and laid on the skin to relieve itching
and to heal burns. Today it is claimed to work effectively on sunburns, minor
burns, wrinkles, insect bites, skin irritations, cuts and scratches. A “tea”
made from the dried sap of this species is said to make a good wash for
wounds and the eyes. Interest in Aloe vera’s healing properties has revived
in recent decades in respect to its use as a treatment for radioactive
burns. Today’s consumer may be familiar with Aloe vera because extracts of
its sap are found in many hand lotions and other skin care products.
The “aloe” of medicine is actually the compound aloin that is extracted
from the sap of Aloe vera. The major source of the raw sap today is the
Netherlands Antilles, the true aloe having been introduced there several
hundred years ago. Aloin is still used as a cathartic (strong laxative) in
various preparations. The cathartic properties of even the raw sap have
been documented for centuries. Historically, physicians commonly
prescribed aloe sap for “cleansing the body” of a variety of “toxins”. Applied
to an infant’s thumb, it was a sure way to stop thumb sucking.

Aloe vera makes a sturdy, long-lived houseplant as long as it is given

plenty of sunlight and is not over-watered. Many home gardeners grow it on
a windowsill so the sap is readily available.

Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree Oil) is a herb that has antibacterial,

anti fungal and antiseptic properties that make it useful for treating fungi
and bacteria.

It has been shown to be effective in treating over 30 types of Candida

albicans. It is also a useful treatment for ringworm, insect bites,
dandruff, athlete's foot and yeast infections. Tea tree oil has powerful
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties. It is a useful first aid remedy
and against skin ailments, infections, cuts & scrapes, burns, and insect bites.
Tea tree oil is also effective against nail fungus, ringworm, athlete's foot,
dandruff, and acne.

An essential oil is a liquid that is generally distilled (most frequently by

steam or water) from the leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other
elements of a plant. Essential oils, contrary to the use of the word "oil" are
not really oily-feeling at all. Most essential oils are clear, but some oils such
as patchouli, orange and lemongrass are amber or yellow in color. Essential
oils contain the true essence of the plant it was derived from. Essential oils
are highly concentrated and a little goes a long way.



To be able to make the homemade antibacterial herbal hand sanitizer, we

make use of different materials and followed certain procedures.

 Ingredients

• Aloe Vera

• Tea Tree Oil

• Rubbing alcohol

• Essential Oil

 Materials

• Recycled bottles

• Bowl

• Measuring cup

And for us to be able to do this herbal hand sanitizer, we need to follow this
certain procedures:

• Process

• Gather the ingredients, along with some bottles. We just recycled

the old bottles of hand sanitizer.

• Gather a bowl, put six parts alcohol to four parts Aloe Vera gel
for it to be effective.

• Optional- Tea tree oil, or more if making large amount. This is

quoted to be "mother nature's antiseptic" to the mixture. It's
recommended to put five drops into every half-cup of homemade hand
sanitizer that you make.

• Add essential oil to cut the medicine/hospital like scent. This

again, is entirely optional. This can also be purchased at the health
food stores.

• Mix everything well, and begin dispensing into your little or large
size bottles for use. Now you can get fancy and make little labels and
give in a Christmas gift basket too. Just remember to keep it with you
for those times when a sink and soap are nowhere to be found.



This chapter presents the outcome of the experimentations conducting in

making this Herbal Hand Sanitizer.

• Comparison of this Herbal sanitizer and commercially available in the




FRAGRANCE //// ///

This table showed the application of the Herbal Hand Sanitizer. Seven
different people tested the Herbal Hand Sanitizer in each trial. From the
results showed above, the product was able to portray or describe the
difference of our product.




We, the researchers established different facts that Antibacterial

Herbal Hand Sanitizer can be an alternative for water and soap when
these are nowhere to be found because the sap of Aloe Vera can clean
our hands from a variety of toxins and Tea Tree Oil is very effective in
terms of being an antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal remedy.

We concluded that Aloe Vera and Tea Tree oil can be used as the
main ingredient in making an antibacterial herbal sanitizer, different
essential oils to add fragrance in our output and with the help of
rubbing alcohol, we confident says that our investigatory project
became successful.


In analyzing and in the findings that we have known, we, the

researchers, respectfully recommend you some instructions for you to
come up with a better result.

1. Put an essential oil which has a good smell. It is for the sake of
your nose not to be irritated with the smell of the original

2. You should put more Aloe Vera gel than rubbing alcohol to make
your sanitizer condense and jelly. And,

3. Make sure that the recycled bottles have been thoroughly

cleaned in hot soapy water and all traces of the other store
bought stuff are gone. This just looks better to have no mixture
with the old and new ones.


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