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The Internet: Week 2

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The Internet

Week 2

 The largest computer network in the world

with more than 200,000 computer networks
 Also known as “The Net” when a computer
connected with other networks for getting an
 The word internet comes from combination
between “interconnection” and “Network”
 Generally nobody own internet.
Introduction: Brief History

 Internet began as a network when Advanced

Research Project Agency (ARPA) develop
ARPANET in 1969
 Purpose: to connect researchers from 4
universities in USA.( Stanford Research
Institute, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara and
University of Utah
 In 1980s the actual internet was born when
other networks connected with ARPANET.
Introduction: Brief History

 In 1982 the word internet started.

 1986: First “freenet” created in Case Western
Reserve University
 1991: US government allowed business
agencies to connect to internet.
Introduction: Brief History

 Now all peoples can connect to internet and

improve their life and work quality.
 The internet support various aspects in our
life such as:
1: Internet For Discovery

 Allowed user (people) to access information

in database in difference locations. e.g:
information from virtual library and
information centre such as tourist
development centre of Malaysia (TDC).
 The ability and facility of education,
government service, trading and business
world can be improved.
1: Internet For Discovery

 Discovery: By explore and navigate million

web pages in internet
 Surfing process by using web browser
(Internet explore, Netscape Navigator, opera,
2. Internet For Communication

 Communication is a process transmitting and

receiving symbol, data, image, text,
document, graphic etc by using various
computer devices. (hardware and software)
 Through communication people can share
and exchange information. Also influencing
and understanding each others.
2. Internet For Communication

 Communication including the process of

collecting, processing, distributing, sharing,
retrieving, transferring and storing the
 Internet now being a main communication
tool. Using video conferencing, internet
phone, ICQ, Messenger, email etc.
3:Internet For Collaboration

 Workers in business organization now can

collaborating each other in handling works,
meetings, discussion and information
 Collaboration is about sharing works
between 2 or more individuals or groups in
finding the solution or task performing.
3:Internet For Collaboration

 Collaboration include not only workers in

organization but including external parties
like customer, supplier, competitor,
stakeholder to increase productivity and
 Collaboration using computer application like
groupware, lotus notes, screen sharing and
others communication application.
Words In Internet World: WWW

 Refer to a hypermedia system. Can be

accessed by user with fast access and low
 Creator: Timm Berners-Lee
 Allow users to see texts and graphics. Also
audio, video and animation. (
 Classified as one of service in internet
Words In Internet World: Web

 Web publishing is a software to help user to

develop web page, edit and publish to
internet and intranet.
 E.g. Microsoft Frontpage, Netscape
Composer and Publisher
Words in Internet World: Home Page

 Home page is a main page or first page view

to internet users after they type the personal
or organization internet address.
 E.g. user type URL (Uniform Resources
Locator) address
 Users can explore other pages through home
Words in Internet World: Home Page
Words in Internet World: Web Browser

 Web scanner or web navigator allows

internet users to scan and retrieve
information from world wide web.
 E.g. Internet Explorer, Opera, Neo Planet
 First web browser was develop in 1991:
Mosaic develop by Marc Andreesen.
Words in Internet World: Web Browser

 E.g of Web Browser

Words In Internet World: Search

 Search engine is a searching facility uses to

find related information as user need in
 It help user to get information with fast and
 Example of popular search engine: Google,
Yahoo, Hotbot. Ecite and lycos.
Words In Internet World: Search

 Popular search engines

Words in Internet World: Protocol

 Protocol: Format that agreed to transfer data

between two devices.
Internet Protocol.
 Simple Nail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
 Networks News Fail Transfer Protocol
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP);
Normally use together with IP
 Post Office Protocol (POP)
Words in Internet World: Internet

 Each computer connected to internet will has

a unique address known as internet number
or Internet IP
 E.g.
 User do not need to remember the number
because IP number represented by Domain
Name System (DNS)
Words in Internet World: DNS

 Purpose: easy to remember web page address.

 Represent numbers of IP address. E.g:
 Domain com refer to commercial and my refer
to geographic zone. E.g My- Malaysia
 Question: Why web page registered in USA no
need country domain?? And why a part of
organizations in Malaysia have no organization
class domain such as ≠
Words In Internet Worlds: HTTP

 HTTP stand for HyperText Transfer Protocol.

 HTTP is a main protocol used in World wide
web for transfer information between
 E.g.
Words In Internet World: URL

 Stand for Uniform Resources Locator.

 Allow internet users access a web page.
 URL is a access code to identify locations of
hypermedia, document, database or other
sources in web page.
Words In Internet World: HTML

 Stand for Hypertext Markup Language.

 HTML is a language uses to develop
hypertext document in WWW or intranet.
 This language will determine connection
between web pages and view form of a web
Words In Internet World: HTML

E.g. Hypertext Markup Language Document

Words In Internet World: Internet
Service Provider (ISP)

 ISP refer to company who provide internet

 User need to open an account to access
 E.g. ISP in Malaysia: TMNet, Jaring,
Internet Services: Electronic Mail

 E-mail is a internet services for

 Allow users to send and receive mail in
electronic form
 Like ordinary mail, email have address,
subject of latter and body of latter. E.g. e-
mail address
Internet Services: Electronic Mail
Internet Services: Newsgroup

 News group is one of internet application

 USENET Newsgroups: First newsgroup
introduced by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis
 Through newsgroup discussions can be
made globally –world wide
 User can change information, experience
and opinion
 Various topics can be discussed like politic,
sport, education, science etc.
Internet Services: Newsgroup

 E.g. Newsgroup provided by UUM web-mail

Internet Services: Video Conferencing

 Allow more than two people meet face to

face virtually at different location without
reality attendance
 Benefit: to long distance communication
 Chance to wide communication between
business, academicians, students etc
Internet Services: Video Conferencing

 NetMeeting from Microsoft

Internet Services: File Transfer

 FTP is a facility to transfer files between

computers which connected to internet.
 There are many application software's for file
transfer such as WS-FTP
 Web browser also support FTP services.
Internet Services: File Transfer

 FTP directory using Netscape Navigator

Internet Services: Telnet

 A terminal emulation program for TCP/IP

 Allows real time connection between user
and remote computer.
 User who want login to remote computer
need a hos account. Need login name and
Internet Services: Telnet

 Telnet to access PSB UUM

Internet Services: Forum

 Category: Collaboration application

 LotusNotes, Lotus Instant Teamroom and
Callabra are example of this application
 Use for discussion between two and more
What You Need to Use Internet at

 Personal Computer
 Modem- Internal and external model/
 Fixed line telephone
 Internet Account with ISP
Benefits Using Internet

 Send and receive documents, texts, image,

graphic world wide with low cost, fast and
almost real time
 As platform to change idea, information and
opinion. Also download various documents
and software’s.
Benefits Using Internet

 Participate in electronic commerce

 Conduct research collaboration between
different nation.
 As information, document, graphic and photo

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