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Browser Extensible Secured Hash Password Authentication For Multiple Websites

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72 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,

Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2010

Browser Extensible Secured Hash Password

Authentication for Multiple Websites
T.S.Thangavel and 2Dr. A. Krishnan
AP/ Dept. of M.Sc(IT), K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode 637215,Tamilnadu,India.
Dean, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode 637215,Tamilnadu,India.

Abstract: The techniques such as secured socket layer (SSL) with A password generator can be part of a password
client-side certificates are well known in the security research manager. When a password policy enforces complex rules, it
community, most commercial web sites rely on a relatively weak can be easier to use a password generator based on that set
form of password authentication, the browser simply sends a of rules than to manually create passwords. In situations
user ’s plaintext password to a remote web server, often using SSL. where the attacker can obtain an encrypted version of the
Even when used over an encrypted connection, this form of
password, such testing can be performed rapidly enough so
password authentication is vulnerable to attack. In common
that a few million trial passwords can be checked in a matter
password attacks, hackers exploit the fact that web users often use
the same password at many different sites. This allows hackers to of seconds. The function rand presents another problem. All
break into a low security site that simply stores pseudo-random number generators have an internal memory
username/passwords in the clear and use the retrieved passwords or state. The size of that state determines the maximum
at a high security site. Recently, some collisions have been number of different values it can produce, an n-bit state can
exposed for a variety of cryptographic hash functions including produce at most 2n different values. On many systems rand
some of the most widely used today. Many other hash functions has a 31 or 32 bit state, which is already a significant
using similar constructions can however still be considered security limitation.
secure. Nevertheless, this has drawn attention on the need for new
hash function designs. This work developed an improved secure
hash function, whose security is directly related to the syndrome The main cryptographic hash function design in use today
decoding problem from the theory of error-correcting codes. The iterates a so called compression function according to
proposal design and develop a user interface, and implementation Merkle’s [12] and Damgard’s[13] constructions. Classical
of a browser extension, password hash, that strengthens web compression functions are very fast but, in general, cannot
password authentication. Providing customized passwords, can be proven secure. However, provable security may be
reduce the threat of password attacks with no server changes and achieved with compression functions designed following
little or no change to the user experience. The proposed techniques public key principles, at the cost of being less efficient. This
are designed to transparently provide novice users with the has been done for instance by Damgard,
benefits of password practices that are otherwise only feasible for
security experts. Experimentation are done with Internet Explorer where he designed a hash function based on the
and Fire fox implementations and report the result of initial user. Knapsack problem. Accordingly, this function has been
broken by Granboulan and Joux,[10] using lattice reduction
Keywords: password authentication, secured hash, multi- algorithms. The present paper contributes to the hash
website password, pseudo random, phishing, cryptographic function family by designing functions based on the
syndrome decoding problem, which is immune to lattice
reduction based attacks.
1. Introduction
Unlike most other public key cryptosystems, the
A random password generator is software program encryption function of the McEliece cryptosystem is nearly
or hardware device that takes input from a random or as fast as a symmetric cipher. Using this function with a
pseudo-random number generator and automatically random matrix instead of the usual parity check matrix of a
generates a password. Random passwords can be generated Goppa code, a provably secure one-way function has been
manually, using simple sources of randomness such as dice constructed since there is no trapdoor, its security can be
or coins, or they can be generated using a computer. While readily related to the difficulty of syndrome decoding.
there are many examples of "random" password generator
programs available on the Internet, generating randomness The purpose of this paper is to improve updated
can be tricky and many programs do not generate random parameters for the hash function. Our paper analyzes
characters in a way that ensures strong security. A common asymptotical behavior of their attack. We shall establish that
recommendation is to use open source security tools where this attack is exponential, such that the design for the hash
possible, since they allow independent checks on the quality function is sound.
of the methods used. Note that simply generating a
password at random does not ensure the password is a
strong password, because it is possible, although highly
unlikely, to generate an easily guessed or cracked password.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 73
Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2010

2. Literature Review information, but instead, will look like a cloud formation.
Moreover, chaotic systems may be biased by outside sources
Computer applications may require random which may be predictable. As an example, a radio signal can
numbers in many contexts. Random numbers can be used to be affected by a strong external signal, or the behavior of a
simulate natural or artificial phenomena in computer noisy diode can be changed by the surrounding temperature.
simulations, many algorithms that require randomness have All of the above problems arise because the behavior of a
been developed that outperform deterministic algorithms for chaotic system may not be completely random. More
the same problem, and random numbers can be used to specifically, an adversary observing or wishing to affect the
generate or verify passwords for cryptography-based random number source can take advantage of certain
computer security systems. The present invention relates to localities that may be inherent in chaotic systems. These
the use of random numbers in such security systems, called localities can occur either in space or time.
as cryptographic applications. Specifically, the present Finally, a number of existing applications including
invention pertains to generating a random number in a Mozilla Firefox provide convenient password management
secure manner for such cryptographic applications. In the by storing the user’s web passwords on disk, encrypted
context of cryptographic applications[1], there may be an under some master password. When the user tries to log in
hostile trespasser or agent, who desires to infiltrate the to a site, the application asks for the master password and
security of cryptographic security system in order to gain then releases the user’s password for that site. Thus, the user
access to sensitive, confidential, or valuable information need only remember the master password. The main
contained therein. For example, banks often encrypt their drawback compared to PwdHash is that the user can only
transactions and accounts. use the web on the machine that stores his passwords. On
the plus side, password management systems do provide
In order to ensure the utmost security, it is essential stronger protection against dictionary attacks when the user
that the security system implements a method for generating chooses a unique, high entropy password for each site.
a random number that appears completely random. In this However, many users may fail to do this.
manner, a completely random password or cryptographic
key presents no opening or prior knowledge that can be 3. Methodology
exploited by an hostile agent.[2]
Random password generators normally output a
Many prior art methods exist for generating string of symbols of specified length. These can be
random numbers. These prior art methods typically involve individual characters from some character set, syllables
the use of some type of chaotic system. A chaotic system is designed to form pronounceable passwords, or words from
one with a state that changes over time in a largely some word list to form a passphrase. The program can be
unpredictable manner. To use the chaotic system[4] to customized to ensure the resulting password complies with
generate a random number, there is some means of the local password policy, say by always producing a mix of
converting the state of the system into a sequence of bits letters, numbers and special characters. The strength of a
(i.e., a binary number). In the past, chaotic systems were random password can be calculated by computing the
based on various sources, such as the sound of radio static, information entropy of the random process that produced it.
the output of a noisy diode, output of a Geiger counter, or If each symbol in the password is produced independently,
even the motion of clouds. These chaotic systems can be the entropy is just given by the formula
converted to produce binary numbers by using standard

For instance, a pseudo-random binary string can be where N is the number of possible symbols and L is the
generated from the digital recording of static noise via a number of symbols in the password. The function log2 is the
digital microphone. Alternatively, a noisy diode can be base-2 logarithm. H is measured in bits. An eight character
sampled at a suitable frequency and converted into a digital password of single case letters and digits would have 41 bits
signal, or a picture of an area of the sky can be taken and of entropy (8 x 5.17). Thus a password generated using a
subsequently scanned and digitized. These resulting binary 32-bit generator has a maximum entropy of 32 bits,
strings that are generated over time are generally random in regardless of the number of characters the password
nature. However, there are several problems associated with contains.
simply using a chaotic system as a source of random
numbers.[3] First, chaotic systems can be completely or 3.1 Secure Hashing
partially predicted over small amounts of time. For example, The proposed methodology of the secure hash
the position of clouds in some area of the sky at some time password system contains one-way hash functions that can
can be used to achieve reasonably accurate predictions of the process a message to produce a condensed representation
position of clouds in the same area a short time into the called a message digest. This algorithm enables the
future. determination of a message’s integrity, any change to the
message will, with a very high probability, results in a
Furthermore, the behavior of chaotic systems [6] can be far different message digest. This property is useful in the
from completely random. For instance, a digitized picture of generation and verification of digital signatures and
a cloud formation will not look like a picture of random
74 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2010

message authentication codes, and in the generation of Password hashing is implemented naively inside a
random numbers. browser with rudimentary knowledge of HTML form
components. Forms begin with a tag <form action=URL>
The algorithm is described in two stages, that tells the browser where the form is to be submitted, and
preprocessing and hash computation. Preprocessing involves HTML password fields are tagged using <input
padding a message, parsing the padded message into m-bit type=“password”>. The naive browser extension listens for
blocks, and setting initialization values to be used in the blur events, which fire when focus leaves a field. When the
hash computation. The hash computation generates a blur event occurs, the extension replaces the contents of the
message schedule from the padded message and uses that field with the hashed value, using the form action attribute.
schedule, along with functions, constants, and word Thus, after the user enters a password into a form, the clear
operations to iteratively generate a series of hash values. text password is replaced by a hashed version.
The final hash value generated by the hash computation is
used to determine the message digest. The goal, however, is to defend against web
The design principle of hash functions is iterating a scripting attacks with minimal change to the user
compression function (here denoted F), which takes as input experience. For this leverage the browser extension as a
s bits and returns r bits (with s > r). The resulting function protective but largely transparent intermediary between the
is then chained to operate on strings of arbitrary length(Fig user and the web application. All input can be first
1). The validity of such a design has been established and its monitored and secured by the browser extension before the
security is proven not worse than the security of the web application is aware that the user is interacting with it.
compression function. This requires a mechanism by which users can notify
password hash browser extension that they are about to enter
a password. Password hash can then take steps to protect the
password as it is being entered. A distributed hash table is
introduced to handle the browser utility replicas of the
multiple users across hash authentication mode.

4.1 Distribute Hash Table

The distributed hash table provides incremental

scalability of throughput and data capacity as more nodes
Fig 1: Iterative hash function structure
are added to the cluster. To achieve this, we horizontally
3.2 Compression Hash Function Algorithm partition tables to spread operations and data across bricks.
Each brick thus stores some number of partitions of each
table in the system, and when new nodes are added to the
cluster, this partitioning is altered so that data is spread onto
the new node. Because of our workload assumptions, this
horizontal partitioning evenly spreads both load and data
across the cluster.

The core of the compression function is a random Given that the data in the hash table is spread
binary matrix H of size r × n. The parameters for the hash across multiple nodes, if any of those nodes fail, then a
function are n the number of columns of H, r the number of portion of the hash table will become unavailable. For this
rows of H and the size in bits of the function output, and w reason, each partition in the hash table is replicated on more
the number of columns of H added at each round. than one cluster node. The set of replicas for a partition
form a replica group; all replicas in the group are kept
4. System Model strictly coherent with each other. Any replica can be used to
service a get(), but all replicas must be updated during a
The system model concerned with attacks on the put() or remove(). If a node fails, the data from its
extension that originate on malicious phishing sites. partitions is available on the surviving members of the
Password hashing is computed using a Pseudo Random partitions' replica groups. Replica group membership is thus
Function (PRF) as follows: dynamic; when a node fails, all of its replicas are removed
from their replica groups. When a node joins the cluster, it
hash(pwd,dom) = PRFpwd(dom) may be added to the replica groups of some partitions.

where the user’s password pwd is used as the PRF key and The illustration below describe the steps taken to
the remote site’s domain name dom or some variant is used discover the set of replica groups which serve as the backing
as the input to the PRF. The hash value is then encoded as a store for a specific hash table key. The key is used to
string that satisfies the site’s password encoding rules, under traverse the DP map tries and retrieve the name of the key's
control of a configuration file used by the browser extension. replica group. The replica group name is then used looked
up in the RG map to find the group's current membership.
(IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security, 75
Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2010

We do have a checkpoint mechanism in our When the password-key or password-prefix is

distributed hash table that allows us to force the on-disk detected, the browser extension determines whether the
image of all partitions to be consistent, the disk images can active element is a password field. If it is not a password
then be backed up for disaster recovery. This checkpoint field, the user is warned that it is not safe to enter his
mechanism is extremely heavy weight, however; during the password. If it is a password field, the extension intercepts
check pointing of a hash table, no state-changing operations all keystrokes of printable characters until the focus leaves
are allowed. We currently rely on system administrators to the field. The keystrokes are canceled and replaced with
decide when to initiate checkpoints. simulated keystrokes corresponding to the “mask”
characters. The system implementation of secured hash
password authentication is accomplished through following
process. The client utility is in a web browser, generating
hash password as shown in Fig. 2.

5.2 Result and Discussion

The proposed hash based multi-site pseudo random

password mechanism shows proposal considers N number of
times that the user U might authenticate before re-
registration is required. This suggests that high values of N
are desirable. The host H has to store R hash function values
at the server. This implies that to reduce the storage
requirements, it is desirable to have a low value of R.
However, N/2R is the average number of hash function
computations that U has to do for every authentication
session. Thus, it is desirable to have a high value of R. The
parameter R therefore represents a tradeoff between
computational requirements of the user U and the storage
requirements of the host H. This implies that the value of N
and R are best selected by the system administrator keeping
in mind the system requirements. We believe that given the
5. Experimental Result and Discussion current state of storage technologies, the storage
requirement is significantly less important than the
5.1 Experimental Implementation computational requirement. Major improvement over the
previous cryptographic method is the significant reduction
In the proposed hash based password in computational requirements per authentication session
authentication, a user can change her password at a given and increase in the number of logins before re-initialization.
site without changing her password at other sites. In fact,
the recommended method for using password hash is to
choose a small number of strong, distinct passwords, one for
every security level (e.g. one password for all financial sites,
one password for all news sites, etc). The password hash
extension ensures that a break-in at one financial site will
not expose the user’s password at all other banks.
The system implemented the prototype as a browser
helper object for Internet Explorer. The extension registers
three new objects i.e., an entry in the Tools menu (to access
extension options), an optional new toolbar, and the
password protection service itself. Internet Explorer support
COM event sinks that enable Browser Helper Objects to
react to website events. Use these sinks to detect focus
entering and leaving password fields, drag and drop events,
paste events and double click events. The DHTML event
model used by Internet Explorer allows page elements to
react to these events before they “bubble” up to the extension
at the top level. Since extension must handle keystroke Fig 2: Client side hash password generation
events before scripts on the page, we intercept keystrokes
using a low-level Windows keyboard hook.
76 (IJCNS) International Journal of Computer and Network Security,
Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2010

Table 1: Effectiveness of Proposed Hash Based Pseudorandom Password Authentication Over Existing Cryptographic
Resistance to Web browser Web browser Computational Storage Communication
eaves compatibility compatibility no. efficiency capacity effectiveness
dropping of rounds for
Existing Feasible False Low Low High False
Proposed hash Highly True High High Low true
based feasible

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Authors Profile

T.S.Thangavel received the Bsc degree in

Computer Science (Bharathiyar University)
in 1991 and the Msc degree in computer
science (Bharathidasan University) in 1993
and the Mphil degree in Computer Science
(Bharathidasan University) in 2003. He is
pursuing the PhD degree in department of
science and humanities (Anna University).
He is working as an assistant professor in MCA department
at K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode

Dr. A. Krishnan received his Ph.D

degree in Electrical Engineering from
IIT, Kanpur. He is now working as an
Academic Dean at K. S. Rangasamy
College of Technology, Tiruchengode
and research guide at Anna University
Chennai. His research interest includes Control system,
Digital Filters, Power Electronics, Digital Signal processing,
Communication Networks. He has been published more
than 176 technical papers at various National/ International
Conference and Journals.

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