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APWH Reading Notes (Bentley)

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Read Chapter 1 (pages 5 – 28) and highlight or take notes (write on a separate piece of paper) on the

following “Important Points.”

Chapter 1: Before History

• Why was walking upright important for survival?

• Define pre-history.

The Evolution of Homo Sapiens

• How did humans differ from other animal species in their relationship to the environment?
Homo Sapiens
• List the factors allowing Homo Sapiens to migrate to more areas of the globe.
• What were their improvements and their effect on the environment?

Paleolithic Society
• Principle characteristic of age.
Economy and Society of Hunting and Gathering Peoples
• Lack of social classes (why?).
• Gender relationships.
• Size of community.
Paleolithic Culture
• First signs of “reflective” thought.
• Improvements of Cro-Magnon peoples.
• Cave paintings (why?).

The Neolithic Era and the Transition to Agriculture

The Origins of Agriculture
• Define Neolithic era.
• Difficulties faced by hunter-gatherers.
• Who was responsible for early agriculture and domestication of animals?
• Places where agriculture developed independently.
• Slash-and-burn agriculture.
• How ideas of agriculture spread to other peoples.
Early Agricultural Society
• Population growth.
• Emergence of permanent settlements.
• Specialization of labor.
• Pottery.
• Metal working.
• Textile production.
• Social classes.
Neolithic Culture
• Need for calendar.
• Religion (how linked to needs of farmers?).
The origins of Urban Life
• How cities are different then villages.

Chapter 2: Early Societies in Southwest Asia and the Indo-European Migrations

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 2. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below. The “Important Points” represent information that was
not necessarily covered in the lecture.

The Quest for Order

The Course of Empire
• How did Sargon of Akkad supervise and pay for his empire?
• Describe Hammurabi’s improvements in administering and financing his empire.
• Explain Hammurabi’s Code.
The Later Mesopotamian Empires
• Reasons for Assyrian rise to power.
• Nebuchadnezzar’s building projects.

The Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions

Economic Specialization and Trade
• Metallurgy’s stages of development.
The Emergence of a Stratified Patriarchal Society
• Classes in Sumerian Society.
• Powers of the Father in the family.
• Power and limitation of women in society.

The Broader Influence of Mesopotamian Society

Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews
• Earliest Hebrews.
• What brought them to Mesopotamia?
• How Mesopotamia influenced Hebrew culture?
• What Moses is known for?
• Beliefs of Jewish monotheism and important religious texts.
• The Conquest of the Hebrews.
• Long term impact of Jewish monotheism.
• Location of homeland.
• Goal of Phoenician city-states.
• Reason for trade.
• How and where they traveled?
• Influence of Mesopotamia on the Phoenicians.
• Phoenicians improvements on Mesopotamian writing.
• Long term impact of Phoenicians.
Indo-European Origins
• Modern languages that trace origins back to Indo-European people.
• Where and how early Indo-Europeans lived?
• Blending of Mesopotamian and Indo-European cultures.
Indo-European Expansion and its Effects
• Reasons for Migration.
• Accomplishments of the Hittites.
Unit 1: Foundations
The Ancient World

Chapter 3 Reading Notes

Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 3. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below. The “Important Points” represent information that was
not necessarily covered in the lecture.

(What to focus on overall? – Migration of goods, ideas, and peoples across Africa: Comparison of Egypt to
Mesopotamia and Nubia)

Early Agricultural Society

Climatic Change and the Development of Agricultural Africa
• Climate of the Sahara around 10,000 B.C.E.
• Beginnings of agriculture in Sudan
• Culture of Agricultural Sudan
• Movement caused by climate change
• Reasons for the fertility of the Nile River valley
Egypt and Nubia: “Gifts of the Nile”
• Comparisons of each regions fertility
• Movements of people into Nile
• Effects of growing demographic pressures on the people of the Nile
The Unification of Egypt
• Status of the pharaoh
• Purpose of pyramids
• Relationship between Nubia and Egypt
Turmoil and Empire
• Reason for political instability in Egypt (specifically Old Kingdom)
• Reasons for the Hyksos military success over Egypt and Egyptian response
• Structure of government within the New Kingdom
• Expansion of Egyptian power in the New Kingdom

The Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions

• Impact of Egypt’s geographic location on its trade.
The Emergence of Cities and Stratified Societies
• Settlement patterns in Nile Valley
• Social Classes in the Nile (also focus on comparisons to Mesopotamia)
• Gender relations (also focus on comparisons to Mesopotamia)
Economic Specialization and Trade
• Introduction of bronze and Iron
• The Nile and transportation (Egypt and Nubia)
• Trade networks
Early Writing in the Nile Valley
• Hieroglyphics
• Scribes
• Nubian writing
The Development of Organized Religious Traditions
• Akhenaten and monotheism
• Mummification
• The cult of Osiris (links to the environment)
• Morality
• Nubian religion
Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa
The Dynamics of Bantu Expansion
• Origins of the Bantu
• Economic activities of the Bantu (products and trade)
• Reasons for expansion and their successful migration across sub-Saharan Africa
Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa
• Important effects of Bantu migration
• Cultural traditions of sub-Saharan peoples

(Read the Conclusion for a chapter review.)

Unit 1: Foundations
The Ancient World

Chapter 5 Reading Notes

Early Society in East Asia

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 5. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Political Organization in Early China

Early Agricultural Society and the Xia Dynasty
• What is Loess and how did it impact the people of China? (development of government?)
• Xia dynasty precedents and accomplishments
The Shang Dynasty
• What did contact with southwest Asia and the Indo-Europeans bring to China?
• Shang rulers control and use of bronze
• What supported the Shang rulers’ lifestyle and their armies?
• Shang political structure
• How were Shang walls made and what does this say about their power?
• Shang burial practices
The Zhou Dynasty
• Shang technique for administering justice
• Reasons for Shang decline and Zhou rise
• What is the Mandate of Heaven and why did the Zhou create it?
• Why did the Zhou have to use a decentralized government to rule?
• Describe how the Zhou’s decentralized government was organized (system of obligations)
• How did the Zhou system of government eventually lead to their decline?
• Iron and the decline of the Zhou dynasty
• Describe the Time of the Warring States

Society and Family in Ancient China

The Social Order
• Bronze as a status symbol of wealth
• Aristocrats source of wealth and their lifestyle
• Artisans and their status in society
• Trade networks and products
• Chinese boats and technology
• Peasant duties and lifestyle
• Gender roles
• Peasant technology
• Slaves
Family and Patriarchy
• Family and the veneration of ancestors
• Why were there few priests in Chinese society?
• Source of the fathers power in the family
• How did the development of large states increase the males’ status in society?

Early Chinese Writing and Cultural Development

• Extent of religion in Chinese society
Oracle Bones and Early Chinese Writing
• Oracle Bones
• How did pictographs relay meaning to the reader?
Thought and Literature in Ancient China
• Prominent works of literature in early China

Ancient China and the Larger World

Chinese Cultivators and Nomadic Peoples of Central Asia
• Limits to the spread of Chinese agriculture north and west
• Who did the Chinese encounter on their northern and western borders?
• Nomadic Society
• Trade between nomads and Chinese
• Conflict between nomads and Chinese
• Why did the nomads resist assimilating Chinese culture?
The Southern Expansion of Chinese Society
• Why was it easier for Chinese culture and agriculture to spread south?
• Fertility and crops of southern China
• Agriculture and the need for government
• Chinese culture in the south

Read the chapter conclusion for a good summary of Chinese trade

Unit 1: Foundations
The Ancient World

Chapter 8 Reading Notes

The Unification of China

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 8. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Unification of China

• Castration – who and why?

In Search of Political and Social Order

• Impact of Period of Warring States
Confucius and His School
• Confucius life
• Analects
• How did Confucius hope to create good government?
• What were the values that Confucius advocated?
• Mencius beliefs on ruler’s role in government
• Daoist’s critiques of Confucius activism
• Who was the founder of Daoism?
• What was his major text?
• What is the Dao?
• How should the Daoist live?
• Compare Legalism to Confucianism and Daoism
• What did the Legalists believe was the state’s strength?
• Legalists beliefs on laws and punishments
• What was the effect of Legalism on the Time of the Warring States?

The Unification of China

• What type of philosophy did the Qin impose on China?
The Qin Dynasty
• How did the Qin weaken the power of the nobles?
• How did Qin Shi Huangdi facilitate trade and defend his northern borders?
• Qin Shi Huangdi and Confucianism
• How did the Qin unify China economically and culturally?
• Why did the Qin Dynasty collapse so quickly?
The Early Han Dynasty
• Liu Bang’s attempt to use both Zhou and Qin ideas in administering his government (continuity
and chang)
• Why did Liu Bang give up his Zhou inspired policies?
• How did Han Wudi attempt to centralize the power of his government
• Why did Han Wudi need educated bureaucrats and how did he solve the problem?
• What was the basis of a bureaucrat’s education?
• Han Wudi’s expansion
• Xiongnu’s impact on the Han Dynasty
• How did the Han emperor’s respond to the Xiongnu’s threat

From Economic Prosperity to Social Disorder

Productivity and Prosperity during the Former Han
• Compare how the rich and poor families were organized
• Where did most of the people in China live and how did they live?
• How did the Han increase agricultural production?
• How did the increase in agricultural production impact the Han’s economy? (impact on
specialized labor and technology)
• The importance of silk in Chinese economy
• Paper
Economic and Social Differences
• Reasons for economic decline in the Han empire
• Reasons for social tensions
• How did land become concentrated in the hands of the wealthy
The Later Han Dynasty
• Factions at the royal court (political intrigue)

Read the summary for the main ideas of the chapter.

Unit 1: Foundations
The Classical World

Chapter 9 Reading Notes

State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 9. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below. The “Important Points” represent information that was
not necessarily covered in the lecture.

The Fortunes of Empire in Classical India

• Aryan political structure
• Mauryan and Gupta Empires success or failures
The Mauryan Dynasty and the Temporary Unification of India
• Impact of Persian and Greek invasions on India
• Reasons for the Magadha kingdom’s success in conquest
• Accomplishments of Chandragupta Maurya
• How Chandragupta administered his empire
• What was the symbol of Ashoka’s rule?
• Ashoka Maurya’s accomplishments and administration of his empire
• Why did the Mauryan Dynasty decline?
The Emergence of Regional Kingdoms and the Revival of Empire
• Kushan origins and the conquests
• The Kushans and commerce
• What is similar between the origins of the Guptas and the Mauryan dynasties?
• Gupta conquest and administration of their empire (compare / contrast to Muaryan)
• Reasons for Gupta decline
• Significance of the Gupta’s decline

Economic Development and Social Distinctions

Towns and Trade
• Function of the town in the Indian economy
• Trade routes within India
• Long-distance trading partners, routes, and products
• Sea trade routes
Family Life and the Caste System
• Family groups
• Women’s status
• Why did families arrange for girls to be married young?
• How did economic success alter the caste system?
• The functions of the guild in society
• How / Why did economic success threaten the stability of the caste system?

Religions of Salvation in Classical India

• Ancient status and privileges of the Brahmin class
• Why was there growing discontent with the Brahmins?
Jainism and the Challenge to the Established Cultural Order
• Life of Vardhamana Mahavira
• Beliefs of Jainism
• Who was Jainism appealing to and why?
• Why didn’t the majority of people in India follow Jainism?
Early Buddhism
• How did Siddhartha come to be concerned with human suffering?
• How did Buddha become enlightened?
• Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
• Buddhist path to salvation (nirvana)
• Buddhism’s similarities and differences with Jainism
• Reasons for the popularity of Buddhism
• Why and how did Ashoka support Buddhism?
Mahayana Buddhism
• Why didn’t Buddhism appeal to all people?
• How did the “new developments” in Buddhism make it more appealing to more people?
• Where did “the greater vehicle” spread Buddhism?
• Buddhism and education
The Emergence of Popular Hinduism
• Why did Hinduism change after the introduction of Buddhism?
• How did the Bhagavad Gita link the caste system to spiritual Hinduism?
• How did the Bhagavad Gita change a Hindu’s relationship with their god(s)?
• Bhagavad Gita and Hindu ethics
• Hinduism and the Gupta Empire

Unit 1: Foundations
Chapter 10 Reading Notes
Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 10. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase

• Describe the Iliad and the Odyssey
• How did the Greeks change the Mediterranean basin?

Early Development of Greek Society

Minoan and Mycenaean Societies
• Where did Minoan society arise?
• Functions of the central palace in Minoan society
• Linear A writing (how is it different then Egyptian or Chinese writing)
• What was the main economic activity of the Minoans?
• Where were the Mycenaean people from and how were they impacted by the Minoans?
• Mycenaean conflict with Troy
The World of the Polis
• In the absence of a centralized state in Greece, what provided political order?
• The growth of the polis
• Why did the Spartans have such a militaristic state?
• Spartan education
• Spartan treatment of women
• How did Athens choose to create order within their city? (compare to Sparta)
• Who was and who was not a citizen in Athens? (How much of a democracy was it?
• What caused the growing social / class tension within Athens?
• How and why did Solon increase democracy within Athens?
• Why was Pericles a popular leader among the people?

Greece and the Greater World

Greek Colonization
• Why did the Greeks begin to colonize the Mediterranean?
• How did the colonies increase the wealth and standard of living for the Greeks in their
• Comparison of Greeks to Persian, Indian, and Chinese imperial states
• How did Greek colonization impact the cultures of the Mediterranean?
• What brought the Greeks and the Persians into conflict?
• What were the results of the Persian invasions of Greece?
• What was the purpose of the Delian League and who dominated the alliance?
• Describe the Peloponnesian War and its impact on the future of the independent polis
The Macedonians and the Coming of Empire
• Describe the Macedonians and their relationship with the Greeks
• What allowed Philip II to conquer the Greek poleis
• Extent of Alexander The Great’s conquests (use the text and the map)
• Alexander’s short lived attempts to administer his empire
• How did Alexander’s death impact the structure of his empire?
• Define Hellenism and explain its impact on the areas conquered by Alexander
• How did the Greek Ptolemaic rulers interact with the Egyptians
• Alexandria (Egypt) as a center of trade and learning
• What were the roles of Greek cities in the Seleucid Empire?
• Cultural interaction in Bactria

The Fruits of Trade: Greek Economy and Society

• How did the environment of Greece impact its economic development?
Trade and the Integration of the Mediterranean Basin
• Why did the Greeks have to engage in trade?
• Even though they lived in separate poleis, what events and activities created a sense of cultural
unity among the Greeks?
Family and Society
• What powers id the father / husband have over their families in Greek society?
• Life, freedoms, and roles of women in Greek society
• Differences among women in the upper, middle (artisan) and lower classes
• How did one become a slave in Greek society and how were they treated?

The Cultural Life of Classical Greece

• How was the Greek’s culture enriched by their interaction with the Babylonians (Mesopotamia),
Egypt, and the Phoenicians?
• What was the most distinctive feature of classical Greek culture?
Rational Thought and Philosophy
• Summarize Socrates’ beliefs.
• Summarize Plato’s beliefs. How were they reflected in The Republic?
• How did Aristotle’s beliefs differ from those of Plato?
Popular Religion and Greek Drama
• Religion for the mass of uneducated Greeks
• Why did religious cults appeal to women?
• What was the focus of Greek tragedies?
• Who was the target of Greek comedies?
Hellenistic Philosophy and Religion
• How did the movement from community oriented poleis to that of impersonal empires affect the
philosophical and religious ideas of the Greeks?
• Summarize the beliefs and the Epicureans, Skeptics, and Stoics and state what was the
common goal of these different philosophical systems.
• What were the common characteristics of the salvation religions and how are they similar to the
Unit 1: Foundations
The Ancient World

Chapter 11 Reading Notes

Mediterranean Society: The Roman Phase

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 11. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

From Kingdom to Republic

• Describe the early political history of the city of Rome
The Etruscans and Rome
• Who dominated much of Italy between the 8th and 5th Centuries BCE
• How did the geography of Rome effect its development?
The Roman Republic and Its Constitution
• Describe how Rome’s government was set up under the Republic.
• What rights did the lower classes gain within the government of Rome? (Think of comparisons to
• Dictators in the Roman Republic
The Expansion of the Republic
• How did the Romans build and administer their empire?
• Summarize the causes and outcome of the Punic Wars.
• How did the Romans become a major power in the eastern Mediterranean?
• Why was Rome’s army so successful? (Look at the caption!)

From Republic to Empire

• How did successful expansion weaken the Roman Republic?
Imperial Expansion and Domestic Problems
• How did latifundias increase the wealth gap in Roman society?
• How did a growing wealth gap weaken the Roman Republic?
The Foundation of Empire
• Describe how Caesar rose to power.
• How did Caesar change the structure of Rome’s government?
• Why was Caesar killed?
• How did Augustus centralize the administration?
Continuing Expansion and Integration of the Empire
• Describe the extent of the Roman Empire at its height.
• How did Rome’s incursions into Western Europe altar the political structure of the native
• What impact did the Pax Romana have on the Mediterranean Basin?
• How did Rome integrate their empire and what other civilizations is this similar to?
• Describe the main aspects of Roman law. (Why can Rome be considered a classical western

Economy and Society in the Roman Mediterranean

Trade and Urbanization
• How did the interconnectedness of the Roman Empire altar agricultural practices?
• What part did the Mediterranean Sea play in the economy of Rome?
• What construction projects did Roman cities spend their money on?
Family and Society in Roman Times
• Describe the role and powers of the pater familias in Roman families.
• What were the rights and rules of women?
• What was the purpose of “bread and circuses”?
• Describe slavery in the Roman Empire. (Life, conditions, rebellions, rights…)

The Cosmopolitan Mediterranean

Greek Philosophy and Religions of Salvation

• Gods in Roman religion (major and minor deities)
• How did the Greeks influence Roman philosophy?
• Summarize Cicero’s beliefs.
• As in Greece, why did religions of salvation attract the masses?
• How is Mithraism and the cult of Isis examples of cultural diffusion?
Judaism and Early Christianity
• Why were Jews sometimes persecuted in the Roman Empire?
• Who was Jesus and what were his basic teachings?
• What did the early followers of Jesus believe?
• Who was Paul of Tarsus and why is he significant in the history of Christianity?
• Describe early Christian communities; church structure.
• Why were Christians persecuted in the early Roman Empire?
• Why did Christianity spread despite its being persecuted?

Unit 1: Foundations
The Classical World
Chapter 12 Reading Notes
Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 12. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads

• Why did Han Wudi send Zhang Qian west?
• What did Zhang Qian realize when he made it to Bactria?
• Why did Han Wudi attack the Xiongnu and what were the consequences?
• How did classical societies affect the regions under their control?
• How did classical societies impact peoples who were adjacent to their territory?
• How did long distance trade alter people’s economic systems?

Long-Distance Trade and the Silk Roads Network

• Before classical civilizations, why did relatively little long distance trade occur?
• How did classical civilizations encourage the growth of long distance trade?
Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era
• Describe how Alexander’s Empire increased long distance trade in the Hellenistic Era.
• Where did the Ptolemaic Empire’s trade routes lead to?
• Describe the impact of monsoon winds on the trade route in the Indian Ocean.
• How did Hellenistic rulers use trade winds to their benefit?
The Silk Roads
• How did the Han increase long distance trade?
• Describe the Silk Roads. (Focus on regions involved along the way.)
• Describe the sea lanes that linked China to the Mediterranean. (Focus on regions involved along
the way.)
• Generally speaking, what goods traveled from east to west?
• Why were spices so important in classical civilization?
• Generally speaking, who traveled on these trade routes and how far did they go?
• Who were the principle figures in the sea trade of South and East Asia?

Cultural and Biological Exchanges on the Silk Roads

Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism
• What emperor helped the spread of Buddhism in India?
• Who spread Buddhism along the trade routes from India to East Asia?
• Describe Buddhism in Central Asia.
• Who were the earliest Buddhists in China?
• During the post classical era, what happened to Buddhism in China?
• What two faiths made their way to Southeast Asia?
• Give examples of how Hinduism impacted the peoples of Southeast Asia.
Spread of Christianity
• Why were Christians persecuted in the Roman Empire?
• How did Christian missionaries spread their faith?
• Who were the two most famous Christian missionaries that helped spread Christianity?
• Describe Christianity in Southwest Asia.
• How was Christianity altered by Indian traditions?
• Describe the development of monasticism within Christianity.
• Describe the split in Christian between histories and the Mediterranean churches.
The Spread of Manichaeism
• Describe the basic beliefs of Manichaeism.
• Why did Manichaeism decline?
The Spread of Epidemic Diseases
• How did diseases spread in the classical world?
• What diseases reach the Han and Roman empires, and describe the impacts on these societies?

China after the Han Dynasty

Internal decay of the Han State
• Give the reasons for the internal decay of the Han Dynasty.
• Give the reason(s) for peasant rebellions.
• What happened to China after the fall of the Han Dynasty politically?
Cultural Change in Post-Han China
• How did nomadic peoples on China’s northern and western border change during this decline?
• How was the Confucian tradition changed during this decline?
• How was the Taoist tradition changed during this decline?
• How did Buddhism change as a result of the political chaos of the era?

The Fall of the Roman Empire

• What similarities are there between the fall of the Roman Empire and the fall of the Han Empire?
Internal Decay in the Roman Empire (Think of similarities to the Han throughout this section)
• Give the reasons for the internal decay of the Roman Empire.
• How did the size of the Roman Empire cause administrative problems?
• How did the emperor Diocletian attempt to solve Rome’s problems?
• How did the emperor Constantine attempt to solve Rome’s problems?
Germanic Invasions and the Fall of the Western Roman Empire
• Describe the history of the Visigoth people.
• How did the Hun’s invasion change the Visigoth’s relations with the Romans?
• How did Attila the Hun help cause the destruction of the Roman Empire? (The Visigoths are
involved in this)
• How is the fall of the Roman Empire different from the fall of the Han?
Cultural Change in the Late Roman Empire
• How the emperor Constantine and Theodosius impact the spread of Christianity?
• What did St. Augustine do for Christianity?
• How did Christians standardize and structure their faith during this time period?
• Describe the Councils at Nicaea.
• After the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, what purpose did Roman Christianity serve?

(Pay attention to the maps in the chapter, they are important! 

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 13 Reading Notes

The Commonwealth of Byzantium

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 13. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Commonwealth of Byzantium

• How did Chinese silk production reach the Byzantine Empire?
• How was the eastern Mediterranean unique at the end of the Classical Period?
• What regions of the world did the Byzantine Empire influence? Explain.

The Early Byzantine Empire

• In what ways could the location of the city of Byzantium be considered militarily and economically
• Why did the Roman emperor Constantine move the imperial capital to Byzantium?
The Later Roman Empire and Byzantium
• What was the Byzantine Empire a continuation of?
• Who posed the greatest threat to the Byzantine Empire in the east?
• Describe the various ways that the emperors of the Byzantine Empire created a highly centralized
Justinian and His Legacy
• Describe the backgrounds of Justinian and Theodora. What does this say about Byzantine society?
• Why did Justinian embark on an ambitious building program in Constantinople?
• Describe the structure and history of the Hagia Sophia.
• Describe Justinian’s Code and its importance.
• Describe the conquests of Justinian and Belisarius.
• Why didn’t Justinian’s conquests outlast his death?
Islamic Conquests and Byzantine Revival
• Who replaced the Sasanic empire as the major threat to the Byzantines in the south and east?
• How did the Byzantines repel the Muslim invaders?
• How did the Byzantine rulers respond to the growing Islamic military threat?
• Describe the theme system and explain how it created political and social order.
Byzantium and Western Europe
• Describe the differences between the Christian churches in the east and the west.

Byzantine Economy and Society

• What factors made the Byzantine economy so strong?
Rural Economy and Society
• Describe how the large class of landowning free peasants made the society and economy of the
Byzantines Empire successful.
• How did the decline of the free peasantry weaken the economy of the Byzantine Empire?
Industry and Trade
• What were the major goods manufactured by the Byzantine Empire?
• How did the Byzantine Empire make money off of trade?
• How did banks and merchant partnerships increase trade?
Urban Life
• How were wealthy women treated in Byzantine society?
• Describe the mass entertainment in Constantinople.
Classical Heritage and Orthodox Christianity
The Legacy of Classical Greece
• In what ways did the Greek culture influence the Byzantines?
• Why did the Byzantines have a state supported education system?
• How did this effect literacy?
Byzantine Church
• Describe the concept of caesaropapist and give examples of how the emperor interfered in church
• Describe the debate over icons.
Monasticism and Popular Piety
• Describe activities that monks engaged in.
• Describe how monks and nuns in Basilian monasteries lived.
• How were western monasteries different from eastern monasteries?
• Why did people revere monks?
Tensions between Eastern and Western Christianity
• Why did the religious leaders of Rome and Constantinople emerge as the dominant religious
• Describe the issues that led to the split or schism in the Christian Church.
The Influence of Byzantium in Eastern Europe
Domestic Problems and Foreign Pressures
• How did the theme system fail?
• How did the Christian states of western Europe weaken the Byzantine Empire?
• Why were the Muslim Turks able to conquer Anatolia?
• How did the loss of Anatolia weaken the Byzantine Empire?
• When did the Byzantine Empire come to an end?
Early Relations between Byzantium and Slavic Peoples
• How did the Byzantine Empire influence the culture of the Bulgarians?
• Describe the impact of the missionaries of Cyril and Methodius on the Slavic peoples.
Byzantium and Russia
• How did the city of Kiev gain in importance?
• Describe how Byzantine religion and culture spread into Russia.

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 14 Reading Notes

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 14. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Expansive Realm of Islam

• What is the hajj?
• How did Muslim rulers aid pilgrims?
• Define Islam and Muslim
• After conquest, what did Muslim conquerors do to the cultures they encountered?
• Define dar al-Islam.
A Prophet and his World
• Describe the climate and people of Arabia.
• How was Arabia linked to the rest of Eurasia?
Muhammad and His Message
• Describe Muhammad’s early life.
• What other religions did Muhammad encounter in Mecca?
• What were Muhammad’s early convictions?
• How did Muhammad’s teachings get recorded?
• Besides the Koran, what other sources give moral and religious guidance to the Islamic community?
Muhammad’s Migration to Medina
• Why did Muhammad’s teachings bring him into conflict with the rulers of Mecca?
• Why did Muslims emphasize geometric design and calligraphy?
• Describe the hijra.
• How did living in Medina effect the growth and development of Islam?
• Describe Muhammad’s view on Jews and Christians.
The Establishment of Islam in Arabia
• What did Muhammad do after he attacked and conquered Mecca?
• List the Five Pillars of Islam.
• Describe the various ways a Muslim can wage jihad.
• What is sharia and how did it impact Islamic society?
• What actions do Muslims take on the hajj once they reach Mecca?
• What is a hajj?

The Expansion of Islam

• What happened to Islam after Muhammad’s death?
The Early Caliphs and the Umayyad Dynasty
• Who was Abu Bakr?
• Describe the duties of caliph.
• Why did Islam spread so quickly?
• Describe the extent of Muslim conquest by the end of the eighth century.
• What led to the rise of factions within the Islamic community?
• Describe the Shia sect.
• Why were the Shia often leaders of rebellious movements?
• Who were the Umayyad and why did they move their capital to Damascas?
• How did the Umayyad administer their empire?
• How did the Umayyad treat conquered peoples?
• Why did the Umayyad lose support of devoted Muslims?
The Abbasid Dynasty
• Who was Abu al Abbas and why did Shia and non-Arab Muslims join his rebellion?
• How did the Abbasid dynasty differ from the Umayyad?
• What was the importance of the Battle of Talas River?
• What was the office of the Ulama and Qadis and what function did they serve in Islamic society.
• Describe the Abbasid decline.

Economy and Society of the Early Islamic World

• What did the Umayyad and the Abbasid’s create?
New Crops, Agricultural Experimentation, and Urban Growth
• Describe the process of how new crops spread throughout Eurasia.
• Why was cotton an important economic activity?
• How did increased food production and new crops impact Islamic cities?
• Where did Muslims get the technology for producing paper, and what impact did it have on their
The Formation of a Hemispheric Trading Zone
• Where did much of Islamic prosperity come from?
• Describe Islamic dominated land trade routes.
• Describe maritime trade and technology in the Islamic world.
• What financial improvements did the Muslims make to increase trade?
• Describe the areas that Muslims ventured into as they engaged in long distance trade.
• Describe the architecture of the mosque at Cordoba.
The Changing Status of Women
• What rights did women possess in Arabia prior to Muhammad?
• Describe how Islam enhanced the security and status of women.
• How did the Koran and sharia reinforce male dominance?
• How did interaction with Mesopotamia and Persia change the way women were treated?

Islamic Values and cultural Exchanges

The Formation of an Islamic Cultural Tradition
• What aspects of Islamic society helped to unify dar al Islam?
• Why did rulers support madrasas?
• Describe the beliefs and life of a Sufi (what is this similar to in Europe?).
• Why were Sufis popular with the people?
• How did Al-Ghazali feel about Aristotle’s philosophy?
• How did the hajj help to unify and spread Islamic beliefs?
Islam and the Cultural Traditions of Persia, India, and Greece
• How did interaction with the Persians alter the Islamic world?
• How did interaction with the Indians alter the Islamic world?
• How did interaction with the Greeks alter the Islamic world?

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 15 Reading Notes

The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 16. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia

• What were the main characteristics of the post-classical era in China?

The Restoration of Centralized Imperial Rule in China

• List in order the three dynasties that ruled China in the post-classical era.
The Sui Dynasty
• Describe the building projects the Sui Dynasty engaged in.
• How did the Grand Canal impact China?
• What are the reasons for the Sui Dynasty’s decline?
The Tang Dynasty
• Describe the transportation system under the Tang and explain how it helped to centralize their
• Describe how the equal field system operated and what impact it had on China.
• Why did the equal field system eventually fail?
• Describe the system of bureaucracy under the Tang and explain how it helped to centralize their
• Where did the Tang armies spread Chinese influence?
• How did the tributary system operate and how did it spread Chinese culture?
• What were the reasons for the decline of the Tang Dynasty?

The Song Dynasty

• How did the Song Dynasty differ from the Tang Dynasty?
• Describe how the bureaucracy operated under the Song Dynasty.
• How did the bureaucracy weaken the Song Dynasty?

The Economic Development of Tang and Song China

• How did the remarkable agricultural, technological, and industrial developments of the Tang and
Song Dynasties impact the rest of the eastern hemisphere?
Agricultural Development
• List and describe the reasons for the increase in agricultural production.
• Why did the population grow during this time period?
• What did the impact of growth of population have on the cities?
• How did the development of commercialized agriculture change people’s economic activities?
• How did the structure of families change during the post-classical period?
• Describe the link between the rising wealth in China and the practice of foot binding.
Technological and Industrial Development
• List and describe the technological improvements that developed during the post-classical period.
The Emergence of a Market Economy
• As trade increased, what types of currencies did the Chinese develop and why?
• As trade increased, how did China become more cosmopolitan?

Cultural Change in Tang and Song China

The Establishment of Buddhism

• How did Buddhism reach China?
• Why were people dissatisfied with Confucianism in China?
• Why did people convert to Mahayana Buddhism?
• Describe the differences between Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism?
• What is Zen Buddhism and how is it an example of cultural diffusion?
• Why were Buddhists persecuted and criticized at the end of the Tang Dynasty?
• Describe neo-Confucianism.

Chinese Influence in East Asia

• Compare China to Byzantium and Islam in the post-classical period.
Korea and Vietnam
• How did China impact the culture of Korea?
• In what ways did Korea keep its own cultural traditions?
• How did China impact the culture of Vietnam?
• In what ways did Vietnam keep its own cultural traditions?
Early Japan
• How did China impact the culture of Japan?
• In what ways did Japan keep its own cultural traditions?
• What was the Tale of Genji?
Medieval Japan
• Describe the political system of Japan in the medieval period.
• Who were samurai and what was their relationship to local lords?
• Compare and contrast this to medieval Europe.

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 16 Reading Notes

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 16. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.
India and the Indian Ocean Basin
• Compare the impact China had on east Asia to the impact of India on southeast Asia.
• List the three social and cultural traditions that helped India to remain a coherent society without a
distinct centralized political structure.

Islamic and Hindu Kingdoms

• How was the experience of India at the end of the Classical Era similar to that of Europe and China?
The Quest for Centralized Imperial Rule
• Describe what happened to northern India after the fall of the Gupta Empire.
• How and where was King Harsha able to create a brief period of centralized rule?
• Describe how King Harsha administered his empire. (Who is this similar to in Europe during the
Post-classical Era?)
The Introduction of Islam to Northern India
• Describe the three ways Islam was introduced into northern India
• How did the Islamic conqueror, Mahmud of Ghanzi, impact Buddhism in northern India?
• Describe how the Islamic Sultanate of Delhi administered their empire in northern India
The Hindu Kingdoms of Southern India
• How was southern India’s experience during this time period different from northern India?
• How did the Chola Kingdom dominate control of east – west trade?
• Describe how the Chola Kingdom administrated their empire.
• What did the Sultanate of Delhi, the Kingdom of Chola, and Vijayanagar have in common?

Production and Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin

• What did the Mediterranean, Southwest Asia, India, and China have in common in the post-classical
Agriculture in the Monsoon World
• How did the monsoons impact Indian agriculture?
• Why was irrigation crucial in southern India/
• Why did India’s population grow steadily in the post-classical period and how did it effect Indian
Trade and Economic Development in Southern India
• Even though most Indian kingdoms were self-sufficient in food, why did they engage in trade?
• How did southern India benefit from the chaos in northern India?
• What were the social functions of temples in southern India? (What organization fulfilled these
same functions in post-classical Europe?)
Cross-cultural Trade in the Indian Ocean Basin
• Explain how trade in the post-classical period differed from trade in the classical period.
• What techniques and technology allowed Indian trade to increase in the post-classical period?
• Give some examples of how trade in the Indian Ocean Basin was conducted in stages.
• Why did India benefit the most from the trade in the Indian Ocean Basin?
• What led to economic specialization in the Indian Ocean Basin? (Be prepared to give some
examples of this specialization.)
• How did the growth of Axum change trade in East Africa?
• How did the growth of Islam in North Africa impact Christianity in Axum?
Caste and Society
• How did the caste system enable traditional Indian society to continue in the face of constant
outside invasions?
• How did the caste system improve economic development?

The Meeting of Hindu and Islamic Traditions

• What happened to Jainism and Buddhism in India during the Post-classical period?
The Development of Hinduism
• How did the arrival of Islam into India weaken Buddhism?
• Describe the devotional cults that evolved in India during this time period.
• Why did the devotional cults attract people away from Buddhism?
• Describe the intellectual debate between Shankara and Ramanuja.
Islam and Its Appeal
• Why didn’t Islam win many converts when it first reached India?
• Describe the various ways that Islam eventually won converts among the people of India.
• How was the Bhakti Movement an example of cultural diffusion?

The Influence of Indian Society in Southeast Asia

• In what ways did India influence the people of Southeast Asia?
The States of Southeast Asia
• How did trade with India affect the political structure of Southeast Asia?
• What aspects of Indian culture did and did not become part of Southeast Asian society?
• How did the Funan Kingdom gain its wealth and power?
• What aspects of Indian culture did the Funan rulers take into their own culture?
• How did the Srivijaya Kingdom gain its wealth and power?
• Describe the monuments of Angkor and explain how they represent the idea of cultural diffusion.
The Arrival of Islam
• Why did many people in Southeast Asia convert to Islam?

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 17 Reading Notes

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 17. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe

• Discuss how China, India, and Western Europe responded to the chaos of the Barbarian invasions at
the end of the Classical Period.
• What institution provided cultural unity for Western Europe in the Middle Ages?

The Quest for Political Order

• Briefly summarize the history of Western Europe after the fall of Rome.
Germanic Successor States
• Briefly describe the Germanic successor states in Western Europe.
The Franks and the Temporarily Revival of Empire
• Describe the accomplishments of Clovis.
• Describe the accomplishments of Charles Martel and the significance of the Battle of Tours.
• Describe the extent of Charlemagne’s empire.
• How did Charlemagne administer his empire?
• What happened in 800?
Decline and Disillusion of the Carolingian Empire
• What were the internal and external factors that led to the decline of Charlemagne’s Empire?
• What factors and technology encouraged Norse (Viking) expansion?
• Where did Vikings establish colonies?
• How did Viking boats aid in their conquest?
• What were the strategies the Vikings used in their raids?
The Establishment of Regional Authorities
• How did the Viking, Magyar, and Muslim raiders lead to the establishment of regional authorities?
• Describe how Germany, England, and France all responded to these raids.

Early Medieval Society

• Why don’t historians use the term feudalism to describe the social and political structure of the
Middle Ages?
Organizing a Decentralized Society
• Describe the responsibility of local nobles within Medieval society.
• Why were local nobles able to devote their time to fighting?
• What did retainers owe their lords in return for land?
• Describe the drawbacks of Western Europe’s decentralized political order.
Serfs and Manors
• Why did peasants place themselves under the power of the local lord?
• Describe the life and obligations of a serf.
• What were the responsibilities of a female serf?
• Describe a medieval manor.
The Economy of Early Medieval Europe
• Compare Western European economic activity with that of Chine, India, and Southwest Asia. Why
did this occur?
• Describe the ways in which European peasants were able to increase agricultural production.
• Where did the production of manufactured goods come from?
• Describe the role of towns in the economy.
• Describe how Norse merchants created long-distance north/south trade routes in Medieval Europe.
• What impact did political instability and agricultural innovation have on Western Europe?

The Formation of Christian Europe

• How did the conversion to Roman Catholicism impact medieval Europe?
The Politics of conversion
• How did converting to Catholicism help Clovis and the Franks?
• Why did writing increase under Charlemagne?
• Describe Charlemagne’s efforts to spread Christianity.
The Papacy
• How did Pope Gregory I centralize the pope’s power within the church?
• Describe the origins of Christian monasticism.
• Before St. Benedict what problems existed in the monastic community?
• Describe monastic life under the rules of St. Benedict.
• Why did monasteries accumulate large amounts of wealth?
• Describe the social services that monks provided to people in the Middle Ages.

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 18 Reading Notes

Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 18. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration

• Describe the nomadic groups that threatened civilization during classical times.
• List the two nomadic groups that would have the greatest impact on civilization during the post-
classical period.
• Summarize the accomplishments of the post-classical nomads.

Turkish Migration and Imperial Expansion

Nomadic Economy and Society
• Describe the climate of central Asia.
• Describe the lifestyle of the nomads.
• Why did the nomads need to trade with agricultural peoples?
• What were the two social classes in nomadic society and were they fluid or rigid?
• Describe the various religions of the nomads.
• How did the nomads organize their military?
Turkish Empires in Persia, Anatolia, and India
• Describe how the Seljuks took over control of the Abbasid Empire.
• Describe the interaction between the Turks and the Byzantines.
• How did the Turks treat their conquered Christians?
• Describe the Turks conquest of northern India.

The Mongol Empires

• In what way were the Mongols similar to the Turks?
• Summarize the accomplishments of Chinggis Khan.
Chinggis Khan and the Making of the Mongol Empire
• Describe Temujin’s early life and rise to power.
• How did Temujin organize the Mongol people?
• Describe the reasons for the Mongol’s military successes.
• Where did Chinggis conquer?
• In what was Chinggis similar to Alexander the Great?
The Mongol Empires after Chinggis Khan
• What happened to Chinggis’ empire after he died?
• Why weren’t the Mongols able to conquer Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, and Japan?
• Describe how the Mongols governed Russia and how they eventually lost control of the region.
• What happened to Mongol rule in Persia?
• Describe the Mongols administration of China and the cultural interaction between the people.
Mongols and Eurasian Integration
• How did the Mongols increase long distance trade across Eurasia?
• Which religion spread to central Asia?
• Why were the Mongols interested in artisans and how did their forced resettlement impact cultural
Decline of the Mongols in Persia and China
• Why did Mongol rule collapse in the Ilkhanate of Persia?
• Describe the factors that weakened Mongol rule in China.
After the Mongols
• What group and person began their conquests after the rule of the Mongols weakened?
Tamerlane the Whirlwind
• Describe the rise to power of Tamerlane.
• Where did Tamerlane conquer?
• How did Tamerlane administer his empire?
• Why did Tamerlane’s empire decline so quickly?
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire
• How did Mongols invasion of the Abbasid Empire affect the nomadic Turks of central Asia?
• Describe how the Ottoman Turks rose to power.
• What impact did the Ottoman Turks have on the Byzantine Empire?

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 19 Reading Notes

States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 19. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

States and Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

• Why was the trade and interaction between the peoples living in Sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of
the classical world limited?
• Once established on a large scale in the Post-Classical Era, how did increased trade affect the
people of Sub-Saharan Africa?

Effects of Early African Migrations

Agriculture and Population Growth
• What did practices the Bantu migrations bring to Sub-Saharan Africa? What did these practices
result in?
• How did bananas reach Africa and how did it alter their population?
African Political Organization
• What happened to the Bantu once they ran out of new land to migrate to?
• Describe how the stateless societies of Sub-Saharan Africa were organized.
• Describe the process that transformed the stateless societies of Sub-Saharan Africa into large
complex civilizations.
• How was the Kingdom of the Congo administered?

Islamic Kingdoms and Empires

• In what two ways did merchants introduce Islam into Sub-Saharan Africa?
Trans-Saharan Trade and Islamic States in West Africa
• How did the arrival of the camel into Africa alter trans-Saharan trade?
• Where was the African kingdom of Ghana located and what was its great wealth based on?
• Why did the kings of Ghana convert to Islam?
• After converting to Islam, in what ways did the people of Ghana continue to practice their
traditional beliefs?
• Why did the kingdom of Ghana decline?
• How did Sundiata establish the kingdom of Mali?
• Where was the African kingdom of Mali located and what was its great wealth based on?
• Describe Mansa Musa’s hajj to Mecca.
• How did Mansa Musa help spread Islam?
• Why did the kingdom of Mali decline?
The Indian Ocean Trade and Islamic States in East Africa
• Why was trade to East Africa limited during the Classical Period?
• Who were the founders of Swahili society?
• In what way is Swahili an example of cultural diffusion?
• Where the city-states of Swahili located and what was there great wealth based on?
• Where was the kingdom of Zimbabwe located and what was its great wealth based on?

African Society and Cultural Development

• Describe the cultural diversity to be found in Africa.
Social Classes
• Describe the social classes within the complex societies (kingdoms) of Africa.
• How was class determined in Africa’s stateless societies?
• How was property viewed in stateless societies and how was wealth distributed?
• Describe gender roles in stateless societies. (work, women’s rights)
• What were “age grades” and how did they function?
• Who was a slave in Africa and why was it so prevalent?
• Why did the slave trade increase in the Post-Classical Era?
• How did the slave trade impact the political relationship between large and small states within
• What does the Zanji Revolt illustrate about the Africa slave trade in the Post-Classical world?
African Religion
• Describe the religious beliefs of Sub-Saharan Africans before the arrival of Christianity and Islam.
(What other civilization is it similar to?)
• How and where did Christianity spread to in Sub-Saharan Africa?
• Why and how was Christianity in Eastern Africa different than Christianity in other lands?
• How was Islam in Africa different than Islam in other lands?
Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 20 Reading Notes

Western Europe During High Middle Ages

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 20. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Western Europe During High Middle Ages

• Describe Marco Polo’s travels and what they signified.

The Establishment of Regional States

• Describe the political structure of Europe during the High Middle Ages.
The Holy Roman Empire
• Why did the pope crown Otto “Holy Roman Emperor?”
• Explain why the Holy Roman Empire did not become a strong and dynamic state.
• Describe the investiture contest.
• How is the story of Barbarossa an example of papal interference in the political structure of
Regional Monarchies in France and England.
• How did the Capetian Dynasty build up its power in France?
• Who was William of Normandy?
• How did he establish a true feudal pyramid in England?
Regional States in Italy and Iberia
• Describe the political structure of the Italian peninsula.
• How was the kingdom of Naples founded?
• Describe how a Christian kingdom was created on the Iberian peninsula.

Economic Growth and Social Development

• What factors enabled European states to once again emerge as powerful forces?
Growth of the Agricultural Economy
• Describe the various political and agricultural developments that increased food production.
• What caused the rapid population growth of the High Middle Ages?
The Revival of Towns and Trade
• How did the abundance of food impact towns?
• Where were the centers of textile production in Europe?
• Describe how Italian merchants reconnected Europe with Eurasia.
• What was the Hanseatic League?
• How did improved business techniques lead to more trade?
Social Change
• Describe the three estates.
• What was the code of chivalry?
• Why did aristocratic women support troubadours?
• Describe the relationship between Eleanor of Aquitaine and the code of chivalry.
• How did the growth of independent cities alter the feudal pyramid?
• How did guilds effect the production of goods?
• What social services did guilds provide?
• Describe the differences between rural women and urban women.

European Christianity during the High Middle Ages

Schools, Universities, and Scholastic Theology
• Why were more schools founded during the High Middle Ages?
• What was the curriculum of “cathedral schools”?
• Describe the process of how cathedral schools changed into universities.
• How did Aristotle’s ideas reach Western Europe?
• How did Aristotle influence western thinking (intellectual Christianity)?
Popular Religion
• What are sacraments?
• What function did they serve in people’s lives?
• Why were people devoted to saints?
• How did the veneration of the Virgin Mary epitomize the idea of a woman?
• What was a relic and how did it impact migration within Europe?
Reform Movements and Popular Heresies
• Why were many people critical of the Church during the High Middle Ages?
• Describe how Dominican and Franciscan monks lived.
• Why was the Waldensian movement a threat to the power of the church?
• Describe the beliefs of the Cathars.
• How did the Roman Church deal with the Cathers?
The Medieval Expansion of Europe
• How did the creation of powerful states, economic expansion, and demographic growth change the
way Europe interacted with Eurasia?
Atlantic and Baltic Colonization
• Where did the Vikings create colonies?
• How did Christianity spread to Scandinavia?
• How did Christianity spread to the Baltic region?
The Reconquest of Sicily and Spain
• How did Sicily become Christian again?
• What was the impact of the Christian’s interaction with Muslims in Sicily?
• Describe the reconquista.
The Crusades
• Why did Pope Urban II call for the Crusades?
• How successful was the first Crusade?
• How successful were the later Crusades?
• What were the consequences of the Crusades?

Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 21 Reading Notes

Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 21. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania

• How was the experience of people living in the Americas different then those of people living in the
Eastern Hemisphere prior to the modern era?
• How was the experience of people living in the Americas similar to those of people living in the
Eastern Hemisphere prior to the modern era?
• How much contact did people living in “Oceania” have with other areas of the globe?

States and Empires in Mesoamerica and North America

The Toltecs and the Mexica
• Where did the Toltecs live?
• What crops did they grow?
• Describe the trade network the Toltecs engaged in.
• What factors lead to the downfall of the Toltec civilization?
• Where did the Mexica (Aztecs) come from and when did they arrive in central Mexico?
• Describe Tenochtitlan and discuss the advantages of its location.
• What were chinampas, and how did they support the rapid growth of Aztec civilization?
• Describe the extent of the Aztec Empire and how they were able to accomplish their conquests.
• Describe the trade system of the Aztecs.
• How was the government of the Aztecs administered?
• What kept most of the Aztec’s subject peoples from rebelling?
Mexica Society
• Describe Mexica society.
• What rights and duties did women in Mexica possess?
• What were the functions of the priest class?
• How were peasants organized and what was their relationship to the state?
• Describe slavery within the Aztec Empire.
• How were artisans and merchants treated within Aztec society?
Mexica Religion
• Describe the major gods of the Aztecs.
• Where did the Aztec’s focus on blood sacrifice come from, and what was its function in society?
• Where did the thousands of victims for the human sacrifices come from?
Peoples and Societies of the North
• What was the major economic activity for most of the people in North America prior to European
• Describe the agricultural large-scale civilization of North America.
• What did the trading networks of North America follow?

States and Empires in South America

The Coming of the Incas
• What crops and animals did the people of South America depend on?
• Describe the extent of the Inca’s empire.
• In what ways did the Incas keep their conquered peoples under control?
• How did the Incas administer their empire without a written language?
• Describe the road system of the Incas and explain how it was used to keep the empire together.
Inca Society and Religion
• How did the government of the Incas control the economy?
• Why wasn’t there a large artisan or merchant class within the Inca’s society?
• How was the Incan ruler viewed in this life and the next?
• Who made up the priestly class and how did the priests live?
• How were the peasants organized and what was their relationship to the state?
• Describe Incan religion

The Societies of Oceania

• How were the people of Oceania different than their counterparts in Eurasia?
The Nomadic Foragers of Australia
• What was the major economic activity for most of the people in Australia prior to European contact?
• How did the geography of Australia affect its internal trade?
• Describe how trade items moved throughout Australia.
• Who did people on the north coast of Australia trade with, and what items were exchanged?
• Describe native Australian religion
The Development of Pacific Island Societies
• Why was trade networks more developed among island chains in the western and central Pacific
then in the eastern Pacific?
• How did the South American crop of sweet potatoes reach the island of the pacific and how did it
impact these people’s societies?
• How did the peoples of the Pacific islands acquire their food supplies?
• As populations increased on Pacific islands, what was the impact on the environment and their
• Describe the typical political structure of Pacific Island peoples.
• Describe Polynesian religion.
Unit 2: The Post Classical World

Chapter 22 Reading Notes

Reaching Out: Cross-Cultural Interactions

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 22. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Reaching Out: Cross-Cultural Interactions

• Describe the eastern hemisphere between 1000 and 1500 C.E.
• How did increased trade negatively impact the people of the eastern hemisphere?
• How was Europe affected by its effect to renew cross-cultural contacts?

Long –Distance Trade and Travel

• Why did people embark on long distance journeys?
Patterns of Long-Distance trade
• Describe the two trade networks that existed in the post-classical era between east Asia and the
• What factors increased trade during this time span?
• Describe Marco Polo’s journey.
• What was the impact Marco Polo’s tales had on European merchants?
Political and Diplomatic travel
• In what way did diplomatic missions increase cross-cultural travel?
• Why did Mongols and Christians engage in numerous diplomatic missions?
• Why were Islamic legal scholars in demand during the post-classical era?
• Describe the travels of Ibn Battuta.
• What do the stories of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta illustrate about the time period?
Missionary Campaigns
• Summarize Sufi beliefs and explain how this helped spread Islam.
• Explain why Christianity did not create mass conversion in the Eastern Mediterranean.
• What did John of Montecorvino try to do and why was he unsuccessful?
Long Distance Travel and Cross-Cultural Exchanges
• Give several examples of cross-cultural exchanges.

Crises and Recovery

Bubonic Plague
• What impact did the Little Ice Age have on Europe?
• Describe the spread of the bubonic plague.
• What happened to people when they got the plague?
• What areas of eastern hemisphere were not severely infected by the plague and why?
• How did the plague impact the society and economy of Europe?
Recovery in China: The Ming Dynasty
• Why did the Yuan Dynasty fail?
• Describe the rise of the Ming Dynasty.
• How did the Ming rulers try to centralize control over China?
• Why did the Ming use so many eunuchs?
• How did the Ming revive the economy of China?
• Give examples of how the Ming promoted traditional Chinese culture.
Recovery in Western Europe: State Building
• Describe Europe in the later Middle Ages.
• By the late 15th century, how did rulers in Europe create centralized states?
• Where did the process of state building begin in Europe and why?
• How did the 100 Years War create state building in England and France?
• What factors led to creation of a state in Spain?
• How did conflict and competition between the numerous European states enhance Europe’s ability
to engage in long-distance trade and exploration?
Recovery in Western Europe: The Renaissance
• What was the Renaissance and what did it reflect?
• How did the Renaissance impact art and architecture in Europe?
• Define humanist and describe its relationship to Christianity.
• Where did humanists find classical Greek and Roman works?
• How did humanism differ from views in the Middle Ages?
• In what way is humanism a reflection of Europe during the Renaissance?

Exploration and Colonization

The Chinese Reconnaissance of the Indian Ocean
• Describe the Ming rulers’ relationship to merchants (both Chinese and foreigners).
• Why did the Ming government sponsor a series of naval expeditions?
• Describe the treasure fleet of the Ming and their admiral.
• List the places where the treasure fleet sailed.
• Why did the Chinese interest in long-distance sea trade decline?
European Exploration in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
• Contrast the motives of Chinese and European governments for sea exploration.
• Why did Portugal lead the way in European sea exploration and describe what they discovered?
• Why did Portugal increase the African slave trade?
• Why was the Portuguese intent on sailing around Africa?
• What did the Portuguese try to do to international trade in the Indian Ocean?
• Why did Christopher Columbus sail west across the Atlantic?
• How did Columbus’ voyage alter the Europeans’ view of the world?

Unit 3: The Pre-Modern World

Chapter 23 Reading Notes

Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 23. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections

• How had Europe changed in the 1500s compared to the previous era?
• How had China changed in the 1500s compared to the previous era?
• Describe Islamic-Ottoman trade after 1500.
• Why was European trade more extensive than Chinese or Islamic trade in this new era?
• What impact did extended European trade have on their role in the world?
• What impact did trans-hemispheric trade have on the world?

The European Reconnaissance of the World’s Oceans

• Who paid for Europe’s voyages around the world?
• Why were they willing to spend vast sums of money to support these voyages?
Motives for Exploration
• Why was the tiny country of Portugal interested in exploration?
• Describe the role of sugar in exploration.
• How did the collapse of the Mongol empire effect European exploration?
• Why didn’t European monarchs like trading with Muslims for Asian goods?
• Why did Europeans want to trade with Sub-Saharan Africa?
• What role did Christianity play in European exploration?
The Technology of Exploration
• Where did the Europeans get much of their naval technology?
• List specific pieces of naval technology and explain how they made long-distance maritime
exploration possible.
• Describe wind wheels and explain how Europeans used them to travel long distances.
Voyages of Exploration: From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic
• Describe where each of the following explorers went and explain the significance of their journeys.
o Dias
o Vasco da Gama
o Cristoforo Colombo
o Vasco Nunez
o de Balboa
o Ferdinand Magellan
o Sir Francis Drake
o Vitus Bering
o Captain James Cook
Trade and Conflict in the Early Modern Era
• Why did early European countries build a series of trading posts around the world rather than
engaging in large-scale territorial conquest?
• How was Russian exploration different than European exploration?
Trading-Posts Empires
• Describe the Portuguese strategy for gaining wealth off of trade?
• In what way were Portuguese ships a powerful military force?
• Were the Portuguese able to control the Indian Ocean Basin? Why or why not?
• Why weren’t the Portuguese able to continue their dominance in the Indian Ocean?
• What financial advantage did the English and Dutch have over the Portuguese?
• What were the names of the English and Dutch trading companies?
European Conquest in Southeast Asia
• Why wasn’t Europe able to conquer India and China at this time?
• What factors helped European countries to conquer the Philippines and Indonesia?
• Describe the Spanish conquest of the Philippines.
• Describe Spanish / Chinese relations in the Philippines.
• In what way was the Dutch interest in Java different then the Spanish interest in the Philippines?
• Describe how the Dutch conquered and then administered Java.
• What impact did the Dutch conquest of Java have on the balance of power in Europe?
Foundations of the Russian Empire in Asia
• In what way is Russia’s eastward expansion similar to Western Europe’s maritime exploration?
• Why was Russia interested in Siberia?
• How did the Russians treat the native population of Siberia?
• Describe the Russian immigrants who moved to Siberia.
Commercial Rivalries and the Seven Years War
• What caused conflict among the Europeans in the 17th and 18th century?
• Describe the Seven Years War.
• What were the results of the Seven Years War?

Global Exchanges
The Columbian Exchange
• Define the Columbian Exchange.
• What part of the Columbian Exchange had the most drastic impact on Native Americans?
• Over the long run, how did the Columbian Exchange increase the world’s population?
• Describe the role of Africans within the Columbian Exchange.
The Origins of Global Trade
• Describe the trade network where the Manila Galleons operated.
• How did the new global trade impact environments around the world?
Unit 3: The Pre-Modern World

Chapter 24 Reading Notes

The Transformation of Europe

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 24. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Transformation of Europe

• What is an indulgence and why did the Church sell them?
• Why was Martin Luther critical of indulgences?
• What happened to Luther for criticizing the Church?
• Who were Protestants?
• Besides the Reformation, list the movements that transformed Europe in the early modern era.

The Fragmentation of Western Christendom

• Describe what happened to Western Christendom as one moves from the post-classical age to the
early modern age.
The Protestant Reformation
• What two factors helped Luther’s message reach a wide audience in Europe?
• Describe what Luther criticized the Catholic Church for.
• Why did some secular rulers embrace Luther’s message?
• Besides Germany, where did Luther’s message spread?
• Describe the process which led to England’s adoption of Protestantism.
• Who was John Calvin and what type of a society did he set up in Geneva?
The Catholic Reformation
• List and describe the various ways in which the Catholic Church responded to the Protestant
• In what way was King Philip’s attempted invasion of England in 1588 an example of religious
conflicts Europe faced during this time period?
• Describe the causes and the conflict between the Netherlands and Spain.
• What were the causes of the Thirty Years’ War?
The Consolidation of Sovereign States
• During these religious wars, what happened to the power of monarchs in Europe?
The Attempted Revival of Empire
• In what way was Europe different than China, India, and the Middle East during this time frame?
• Who were the Hapsburgs and describe the empire of Charles V?
• Describe the numerous reasons why Charles V was unable to unify Europe into a long lasting
centralized state.
The New Monarchs
• How did the absence of an effective political power impact the political development of Europe?
• Describe the various ways which monarchs used to increase their power and decrease the nobles’
• How did monarchs use the Protestant Reformation to their advantage?
• How did the Spanish monarchy use the Inquisition to help them accumulate power?
Constitutional States
• While some European states developed absolute monarchies, others developed constitutional
systems. Which two countries were the best examples of these?
• Summarize the English Civil War.
• In what way can the English Civil War be seen as an example of religious strife of the time period?
• What was the end result of the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution upon the political
structure of England?
• Describe how representative government evolved in the Netherlands.
• Why did both the English and the Dutch conflicts described above magnify state power?
• Describe the relationship between merchants and the state in these constitutional governments.
Absolute Monarchies
• Describe the idea of Divine Right and explain how it helped monarchs accumulate power.
• How did Cardinal Richelieu help the French monarchs accumulate power?
• How did Louis XIV accumulate AND demonstrate his central authority?
• What happened to the boundaries of Russia during the early modern era?
• How did Peter the Great attempt to turn Russia into a modern state?
• Why did Catherine the Great cease her efforts to try to improve the life of peasants?
The European States System
• What kind of Europe did the Peace of Westphalia create?
• Describe the Seven Years War.
• Describe how the “balance of power” approach to diplomacy functioned in Europe.
• What effect did the constant competition for power among European states have on their society
and technology?
• What advantage did Europe’s multiple state system have over India, China, and the Islamic world?
Early Capitalist Society
Population Growth and Urbanization
• List and describe the various reasons for population growth in Europe during the early modern era.
• List and describe the various reasons for the development of urbanization in Europe during the
early modern era.
Early Capitalism and Protoindustrialization
• Define capitalism.
• Within capitalism, what sets the prices for goods and services? (Not the government)
• How did improvements in transportation increase Europe’s ability to make money?
• Describe the financial improvements that were made during this time that made capitalism
• List the rights enforced by the governments of capitalistic states.
• Why was imperialism necessary for the development of capitalism?
• Describe why the guild system is not capitalistic.
• Why was the putting-out system done in the countryside? Describe how it functioned.
Social Change in Early Modern Europe
• How did the putting-out system change the life of rural peasants in Western Europe?
• Why didn’t serfdom end in Eastern Europe?
• Describe the economic arrangement that developed between Eastern and Western Europe.
• Why did many Europeans dislike capitalism?
• What arguments did Adam Smith use to defend capitalism?
• How did the development of capitalism affect the family?

Science and the Enlightenment

• Describe the change that occurred within the scientific and mathematical world of Europe from the
Post-classical age to the Early Modern Age.
The Re-conception of the Universe
• Briefly describe Ptolemy’s view of the universe.
• How did Copernicus change the way people viewed the universe?
• Why did the Church object to Copernicus’ views?
The Scientific Revolution
• After Copernicus, what did scientists base their theories on?
• List and describe the accomplishments of Galileo.
• List and describe the accomplishments of Newton.
• What other areas of science were impacted by the new scientific way of thinking?
The Enlightenment
• Define what the Enlightenment was and how it was linked to the Scientific Revolution.
• Discuss the ideas of John Locke.
• Discuss the ideas of Adam Smith.
• Discuss the ideas of Montesquieu.
• Discuss the ideas of Voltaire.
• Describe Deism and explain how it is an example of Enlightenment thinking.
• Why were philosophes optimistic about the future?
• How did the Enlightenment alter the intellectual culture of Europe?
• What role did wealthy women play in the Enlightenment?

Unit 3: The Early Modern Era

Chapter 25 Reading Notes

New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 25. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

New Worlds: the Americas and Oceania

• In what ways does the life of Dona Maria illustrate the dramatic changes that the Americas would
go through after first contact with the Europeans?
• Why were the Europeans able to conquer the native peoples of the Americas?
• List the major European countries involved in the exploration of the “New World.”

Colliding Worlds
The Spanish Caribbean
• Where did the contact between Native Americans and the Spanish first begin?
• Describe the Tainos before and after their contact with the Spanish.
• Explain how the encomienda system functioned over time. (Look also to pages 679 – 680)
• How were workers treated on encomiendas?
• Describe the economic activities in the Caribbean after the mid-16th century.
The Conquest of Mexico and Peru
• What factors enabled Cortes’ conquest of the Aztecs?
• What factors enabled Pizarro’s conquest of the Inca?
• Initially, who was responsible for the conquest of the Americas within Spanish society?
• As time when on the Spanish monarchy extended its control over its American colonies. Describe in
detail how the Spanish colonies were administered.
• How did the Treaty of Tordesillas divide the conquest of the New World?
• In detail, describe how the Portuguese governed their New World colonies.
• Compare life in colonial cities to their rural counterparts.
• How did the Spanish and Portuguese view the Western Hemisphere?
Settler Colonies in North America
• Which European states established colonies alone the East Coast of the United States?
• Why was life very difficult in these early settlements?
• How were the French and English colonies different than the Iberian colonies in their methods of
• How were the native of the French and English colonies different from those who lived in the Iberian
• How did the English justify the occupation of lands previously held by natives?
• Compare the conflict between Europeans and natives in North America and Latin America.

Colonial Society in the Americas

The Formation of Multicultural Societies
• Why did mestizo numbers grow so quickly within Spanish and Portuguese colonies?
• Compare European martial arrangements in colonial cities and rural areas.
• Describe the various multi-racial groups that emerged in Portuguese Brazil.
• Illustrate and describe the social hierarchy of Iberian colonial society.
• Why were there fewer mestizos (metis) in English and French colonies?
• Describe English colonial attitudes towards non-Europeans.
• How were the English settlers altered as a result of interaction with natives?
Mining and Agriculture in the Spanish Empire
• What resource attracted Spanish colonists the most?
• Where were the largest silver mining operations in the Latin World?
• Describe in detail the labor system employed by the Spanish to mine silver.
• Describe the working conditions of these silver mines.
• How did the vast amounts of silver taken from the New World impact the Spanish government and
the world economy? (Also explain its paths around the world)
• Describe the purpose of a hacienda and how it functioned?
• Describe native resistance to Spanish rule.
Sugar and Slavery in Portuguese Brazil
• Describe how the engenbo agricultural system functioned in Brazil.
• Who was at the top of Portuguese society?
• Explain why the Portuguese turned to African labor sources.
• Why was their very little natural reproduction amongst Africans in Brazil?
Fur Traders and Settlers in North America
• Describe the fur trade and the interaction between natives and Europeans.
• Why did the fur trade lead to conflicts amongst the native inhabitants of North America?
• How did European cultivation-based settlements in North America impact the native inhabitants?
• Describe the development of labor systems employed in the production of cash crops. (Why did
plantations predispose colonists to use indentured labor?)
• Why was the use of indentured labor eclipsed by the use of African slaves?
• Where was slave labor prominent? Why did it not occur in other areas in North America?
• Despite the small numbers of slaves in the northern colonies, how did they benefit from slavery?
Christianity and Native Religions in the Americas
• Explain how Christianity began to take root in the Iberian colonies.
• How did they alter Christianity?
• Why did many natives abandon their indigenous religion for Christianity?
• Why were the Spanish successful in their missionary undertakings as opposed to the French or

Europeans in the Pacific

• Compare the impact of new contacts between Oceania and the Europeans with that of the Americas
and the Europeans.
Australia and the Larger World
• Why were Europeans not particularly interested in Australia when it was first discovered?
• Describe the aboriginal inhabitants of Australia and their interaction with Europeans.
• Describe how Captain Cook (not Hook) changed European settlement patterns in Australia.
The Pacific Islands and the Larger World
• Describe the overall European interaction with the Pacific world from 1450 to 1750.
• Describe the manila galleon trade.
• Why were many Polynesian Islands undiscovered or considered unimportant?
• Why were the Spanish interested in Guam?
• What happened to the native inhabitants of Guam?

Unit 3: The Early Modern Era

Chapter 26 Reading Notes

Africa and the Atlantic World

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 26. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Africa and the Atlantic World

African Politics and Society in Early Modern Times
The States of West Africa and East Africa
• Describe the rise of the Songhay Empire.
• How was the Songhay Empire administered?
• How did the Songhay Empire acquire its wealth?
• Describe the role Islam played in the culture of the Songhay.
• How did the Songhay Empire fall?
• Why did the Swahili city states fall?
The Kingdoms of Central Africa and South Africa
• Describe the relationship between the Portuguese and the kings of the Kongo?
• Why did Roman Catholicism appeal to West African peoples?
• How did the slave trade weaken the Kingdom of Kongo?
• Why were the Portuguese able to conquer the people of Ndongo?
• Describe how the Dutch interacted with the Hottentots of South Africa.
Islam and Christianity in Early Modern Africa
• Describe traditional African religion before the arrival of Islam or Christianity.
• Where was Islam most popular?
• How did Islam change after it was adopted by many African peoples?
• Who were Fulani and what did they try to achieve?
• How did Christianity change after it was adopted by many African peoples?
• Who was Dona Beatriz and what were her beliefs?
• Why was Dona Beatriz murdered by the Portuguese and what is her story an example of?
Social Change in Early Modern Africa
• How did the introduction of new food crops affect African society?

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Foundations of the Slave Trade
• Describe slavery in the post-classical period.
• How did the Songhay Empire make use of slaves?
• How was African slavery in the post-classical period different from slavery found elsewhere in the
• Describe the Islamic slave trade.
• How did the Europeans alter the preexisting slave trade that existed in Africa?

Human Cargoes
• Who were the first Europeans to engage in the slave trade on a large scale and why were they not
slave catchers?
• Where did Portuguese first use slave labor in the Atlantic world?
• What distinction does Brazil occupy in the slave trade?
• Why did the Spanish gradually move away from using indigenous people for labor and then turn to
African slavery in the New World?
• Describe in detail the Triangular Trade.
• What were the conditions like for Africans on the Middle Passage?
The Impact of the Slave Trade in Africa
• How did the slave trade benefit some African societies?
• From where in Africa were most of the slaves taken and why?
• How and why did the slave trade change gender roles within African society?

The African Diaspora

Plantation Societies
• Why were Africans transported to the New World?
• List the cash crops that were grown on New World plantations.
• Describe the common characteristics of plantations.
• Compare plantations of the Caribbean and South America to the plantations of North America. How
and why were they different?
• Describe the various ways slaves resisted.
The Making of African-American Cultural Traditions
• Why didn’t African culture stay the same when it was transported to the New World?
• Give numerous examples as to how African culture blended with American and European culture.
(Language, religion, food)
The End of the Slave Trade and the Abolition of Slavery
• How did the French and American revolutions impact the abolition movement?
• Who was Olaudah Equiano and what impact did he have on the abolition movement in Britain?
• List and describe the economic arguments against slavery.
• What role did England have in trying to end the slave trade?
• When did slavery end world wide?

Unit 3: The Early Modern Era

Chapter 27 Reading Notes

Tradition and Change in East Asia

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 2. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Tradition and Change in East Asia

• How did East Asia fair after European contact when compared to sub Saharan Africa and the
• Why was China the leading economic powerhouse during the early modern era?
• Overall, what changes did Japan go through during this era?

The Quest for Political Stability

• After defeating the Yuan dynasty what were the actions and goals of the Ming Dynasty?
Ming Dynasty
• What two groups did the Ming use to help administer their empire?
• What steps did the Ming take to halt further nomadic invasions from the north?
• How and why did the Ming suppress Mongol traits within the Chinese culture?
• Why did the Ming Dynasty decline?
• What part did the people of Manchuria play in the destruction of the Ming Dynasty?
Qing Dynasty
• Describe the accomplishments of the Manchurian chieftain known as Nurhaci?
• Why did numerous groups transfer their support from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing dynasty during
the transfer of power?
• How did the Manchu interact with the Chinese population once they took control? What other group
of invaders is this similar to?
• Describe the accomplishments of the Manchu ruler known as Kangxi.
• Over time, why did the leaders of the Qing Dynasty become less effective?
The Son of Heaven and the Scholar-bureaucrats
• Describe the concept of “Son of Heaven.”
• Describe the civil service examinations and how people prepared for these tests.
• What were the opportunities open to people after they passed various levels of exams? (i.e.
economic opportunity and social mobility)

Economic and Social Changes

• How did contact with Europeans alter China?
The Patriarchal Family
• Describe the structure of the Chinese extended family.
• Why were boys more valued than girls in Chinese society?
• In what ways did the status of women decrease under Neo-Confucian influences?
Population Growth and Economic Development
• Why did the Chinese have to use intensive agriculture?
• How were the Chinese during this time period able to increase food production?
• What happened to the population of China during this time period?
• What stimulated the Chinese economy in this period?
• What were the major products in China and describe how they were produced.
• At the beginning of the Ming period, why and how did the Chinese seek to expand their influence in
the Indian Ocean?
• Why did the Chinese stop government supported trade in the Indian Ocean?
• Compare the relationship between government and business in China with that found in England
and the Netherlands (Dutch).
• Even though Chinese merchants were not officially supported by the state, where did they engage
with large-scale trade with the Europeans?
• Why did China begin to fall behind Europe in technology during this time period?
Gentry, Commoners, Soldiers, Mean People
• Describe in detail the various classes within China (focus on the changing status of merchants
during this era).

The Confucian Tradition and New Cultural Influences

• What did neo-Confucianism emphasize?
• What venues did the Chinese government use to promote Confucian values?
• How did the rising merchant class impact popular culture?
The Return of Christianity to China
• Why did Nestorian and Roman Catholicism disappear from China during the post-classical period?
• How did the Jesuits plan to create converts in China? (several answers)
• List and describe the various reasons why Christianity did not create a lasting impact on Chinese

The Unification of Japan

The Tokugawa Shogunate
• Describe the political structure of Japan prior to the rise of the Tokugawa.
• How did the Tokugawa alter Japan politically?
• In what ways did the Tokugawa family attempt to maintain their rule and order in Japan?
• Where did the Tokugawa allow trade with Europeans?
Economic and Social Change
• Why did the economy increase under Tokugawa rule?
• Why did the population increase in Japan?
• Why and how did the Japanese begin to control their population growth?
• Describe the Japanese social structure and explain how it was different from that found in China.
• Why and how was the status of merchants changing in Japan? (compare with China)
Neo-Confucianism and Floating Worlds
• Why did the Tokugawa shoguns promote neo-Confucianism?
• Describe the idea of “native learning” in Japan?
• What were “floating worlds” and how can their rise in popularity be tied to the growth of the
merchant class?
• Besides floating worlds, what other forms of entertainment did middle class merchants and the
nobles seek out?
Christianity and Dutch Learning
• At first, why did Catholicism experience great success in Japan?
• Describe the various reasons why Christianity declined in Japan.
• How did the Dutch impact Japanese culture?

Read the short summary and list the major themes that China and Japan experienced in the early modern

Unit 3: The Pre-Modern World

Chapter 28 Reading Notes

The Islamic Empires

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 28. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Islamic Empires

• List and describe what the three Islamic empires had in common.

Formation of Islamic Empires

The Ottoman Empire
• Discuss the origins of the Ottoman Turks.
• What motivated the Ottomans in their conquest?
• Describe the Ottoman military.
• How did the capture of Constantinople change the nature of the Ottoman Empire?
• Describe the accomplishments of Suleyman.
The Safavid Empire
• Describe twelver shi’ism.
• Who were the “red hats” and what did they believe about the Safavid rulers?
• What was the importance of the Battle of Chaldiran?
The Mughal Empire
• How were the founders of the Mughal Empire different from the Ottoman and Safavid?
• How was Babur able to conquer the Sultanate of Delhi?
• What was the greatest problem Akbar faced as ruler of India?
• List and describe the ways he sought to overcome his difficulty.

Imperial Islamic Society

The Dynastic State
• Describe how the Islamic emperors ruled.
• Why was the succession to Islamic thrones difficult and divisive?
• What were the limitations and powers of Islamic women?
Agriculture and Trade
• How did the Columbian Exchange affect the Islamic Empires?
• What role did the crops of tobacco and coffee have on Islamic society?
• Why did the population of Islamic Empires grow in the early modern era?
Religious Affairs in the Islamic Empires
• Compare the religious diversity in each Islamic Empire.
• How successful was Christianity in the Mughal Empire?
• How did Akbar try to unite the various faiths of India?
• How did the Islamic states treat Christians and Jews?
• How did Muslim conservatives react to Akbar’s attempts at religious unity?
Cultural Patronage of the Islamic Emperors
• What was the purpose of emperors efforts at building large public works projects?
• Give examples of impressive public works projects within each empire and describe.

The Empires in Transition

The Deterioration of Imperial Leadership
• How did the Ottomans try to decrease palace intrigues over succession? Was it successful? Why or
why not?
• How did religiously conservative movements (such as the Wahsabi) impact the Ottoman’s ability to
keep pace with European technological improvements?
• How did religious tensions weaken the Mughal Empire?
Economic and Military Decline
• What factors led to a loss of revenue for the Islamic Empires (internal and external)?
• Why did the Islamic Empire’s military decline?
Cultural Conservatism
• Describe the Muslim’s attitude toward Europe and comment on how this impacted the Islamic
world’s ability to keep pace with Europe.
• Why did Muslim’s reject the printing press?
• In what ways were the Islamic states similar to China and Japan?

Unit 4: Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire

Chapter 29 Reading Notes

Revolutions and National States: The Atlantic World

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 29. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Revolutions and National States: The Atlantic World

• Summarize the life of Olympe de Gouges.
• What does her life tell us about the limits of the Enlightenment Revolutions?
• List in chronological order, the various revolutions that occurred in this time period.
• Describe the two results the Enlightenment had on Europe

Popular Sovereignty and Political Upheaval

• What type of government did revolutionary enlightenment thinkers want to create?
Enlightenment and Revolutionary Ideas
• Before the Enlightenment, what was the most common type of government for agricultural
• Before the Enlightenment, how did these rulers justify their power? (Compare Europe and China)
• Summarize the ideas of John Locke.
• Summarize the ideas of Voltaire.
• Summarize the ideas of Rousseau.
• What does the text imply might be the self-serving motives of Enlightenment thinkers?
• Who did the Enlightenment thinkers not include in their ideas of equality?
• Over time, what would happen to this narrowly defined view of liberty and equality?
The American Revolution
• What were the reasons for the American Revolution?
• Summarize the Enlightenment ideas found in the Declaration of Independence.
• What factors helped the Americans win their independence?
• Describe how the Constitution of the United States is an Enlightenment document.
The French Revolution
• Compare the French and American Revolutions.
• What were the causes of the French Revolution?
• Describe the Estates General.
• Why did Louis call the Estates General into session?
• Why did the Third Estate form the National Assembly, and what were their goals?
• Why did the Paris mobs storm the Bastille, and why is this event significant?

• Describe the ideas put forward in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
• How did the National Assembly change the social structure of France?
• How did the nobility react to the reforms of the National Assembly?
• What was the Convention and list the actions it took as a governing body.
• Who were the Jacobins and what list their social reform actions?
• Who controlled the Directory and how successful was it at governing France?
The Reign of Napoleon
• Describe the policies of Napoleon in France.
• How did Napoleon’s invasion of Russia help lead to his downfall.

The Influence of Revolution

The Haitian Revolution
• Why is the Haitian Revolution unique in world history?
• Describe the social structure of Haiti prior to the Revolution.
• What were the causes of the Haitian Revolution?
• How were the slaves able to win their independence?
• Why weren’t the French able to reconquer Haiti?
• How was the Haitian revolution different than the American Revolution?
Wars of Independence in Latin America
• Describe the social tensions that led to the numerous revolutions in Latin America.
• Why didn’t the Mexican Revolution evolve into a social revolution?
• What part did Simon Bolivar play in Latin independence movements?
• Describe Simon Bolivar’s dream for Latin America and explain why it didn’t succeed.
• Summarize the events that led to Brazil’s independence.
• How much social change occurred as a result of Brazil gaining its independence?
The Emergence of Ideologies: Conservatism and Liberalism
• Define conservative and liberal views of the 19th century.
Testing the Limits
• What was William Wilberforce known for?
• Why did people wish to abolish slavery?
• To what extent did abolition change the lives of slaves?
Testing the Limits of Revolutionary Ideas: Women’s Rights
• How was the abolition movement linked to the women’ movement?
• Summarize Mary Wollstonecraft’s views.
• How did women participate in the Enlightenment revolutions?
• Which rights were and were not granted women as a result of the Enlightenment revolutions?

The Consolidation of National States in Europe

Nations and Nationalism
• Define “nation.”
• Give examples of how nationalism effected German society and literature.
• How did nationalism impact Jews across Europe?
The Emergence of National Communities
• What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna? (Two reasons)
• How did nationalism effect the Ottoman Empire?
• What happened to the liberal, nationalist movements of 1848?
The Unification of Italy and Germany
• Summarize the unification of Italy.
• Summarize the unification of Germany.
• How did nation-states encourage the growth of nationalism within their countries?

Unit 4: Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire

Chapter 30 Reading Notes

The Making of Industrial Society

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 30. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Making of Industrial Society

Patterns of Industrialization
• Define industrialization.
Foundations of Industrialization
• List the factors that Great Britain, China, and Japan had which predisposed them to being
industrialized countries.
• How did the location of coal impact industrialization in Great Britain and China?
• Describe how Britain’s colonies aided in its movement toward industrialization.
• Why was cotton one of the first industries to be touched by the process of industrialization?
• How did textile production increase?
• What impact did the steam engine have on mining and textiles?
• Why was coke an essential ingredient in the industrial revolution?
• List the benefits of steel over iron, and explain how its production was impacted by Henry
• How did improvements in transportation increase industrialization?
The Factory System
• Describe how and where the putting out system operated during the early modern era.
• Why were factories necessary?
• How did factories change labor?
• How did the factory system impact the social classes, artisans, and work patterns?
• Who were the Luddites and what were their concerns?
The Early Spread of Industrialization
• How did the British government try to maintain its monopoly over industrialization?
• In what ways did the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars create situations necessary for
industrialization to spread to Western Europe?
• Why and how did Germany begin to industrialize after 1871?
• How did Europe aid in industrialization in America?
• Describe how the United States’ size and government aided industrial development.
Industrial Capitalism
• In what way did Eli Whitney increase industrialization?
• In what way did Henry Ford increase industrialization?
• List and explain the various reasons for the rise of “big business.”
Industrial Society
The Fruits of Industry
• In what ways did industrialization raise people’s standard of living?
• Why did the population rise during the industrial revolution and describe the demographic
Urbanization and Migration
• Within countries, describe migration patterns.
• Describe industrial cities at the time and the problems they faced.
• Why did large numbers of people migrate to the Americas?
Industry and Society
• Why did industrialization discourage the use of slavery?
• Describe the social classes that developed from industrialization.
• How did industrialization change families and gender roles?
• Why did leisure activities grow?
• How did the industrial revolution impact lower and middle class women?
• Describe how attitudes towards children changed over time during the period.
The Socialist Challenge
• List the grievances socialists had with industrial societies.
• What were the goals of utopian socialists?
• How did Marx and Engels describe industrial society?
• Why did Marx and Engels condemn music, art, and literature?
• What did Marx and Engels predict would happen to communist society in the Communist Manifesto?
• How did representative government respond to socialists and liberals?
• What were the goals of trade unions?

Global Effects of Industrialization

• How were non-industrialized countries impacted by the industrial revolution?
The Continuing Spread of Industrialization
• Describe how Russia industrialized.
• Describe how Japan industrialized. (Wow! Sounds like a great compare/contrast essay!)
The International Division of Labor
• Why didn’t industrialization occur in India?

Unit 4: Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire

Chapter 31 Reading Notes

The Americas in the Age of Independence

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 29. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Americas in the Age of Independence

The Building of American States
The United States: Westward Expansion and Civil War
• Who had gained the right to vote in the 19th century United States?
• List and describe the steps involved in US expansion west.
• How did the United States treat indigenous peoples? Give specific examples.
• How did the United States gain its southwest states?
• What issues split America into sections and led to the Civil War?
• How did the Civil War change the United States?
The Canadian Dominion: Independence without War
• In what way was Canadian independence different from that of America?
• Describe the relationship between French and British Canadians.
• What political and economic factors helped to unite Canada under one government?
Latin America: Fragmentation and Political Experimentation
• After independence, what group of people led Latin American countries?
• Why did Latin American countries have a difficult time establishing strong, stable, democratic
• Who were caudillos and how did they illustrate the political situation in Latin America?
• What were the goals of Benito Juarez’s La Reforma?
• What led to European intervention into Mexico in the 1860’s?
• What was the goal of the French government in Mexico during this time?
• How and when were the French defeated by Mexican forces?
• Describe who rebelled in the Mexican Revolution (1911 – 1920) and what was unique about their
• Describe the actions of the revolutionary leaders of Zapata and Villa.
• Why were Zapata and Villa unable to accomplish their revolutionary goals?
• To what extent did the Mexican Revolution alter the political and social structure of Mexico?

American Economic Development

• What two factors dramatically influenced the economic development of the Americas?
• How did the United States, Canada, and Latin America respond differently to these factors?
Migration to the Americas
• Where did immigrants to America come from and what drew them to the United States?
• Where did immigrants to Latin America come from, what did they do, and what drew them there
after 1888?
Economic Expansion in the United States
• Why did the British invest in the United States industries?
• What role did the railroad play in developing the US economy?
• How did railroads change the landscape of America?
• List some of the technological inventions that occurred in the last part of the 19th century in
• Describe the clashes between big business and labor unions in the US and explain what role the
federal government played in this conflict.
Canadian Prosperity
• In what ways was economic development in Canada similar to those found in the United States?
Latin American Dependence
• Why didn’t industrialization occur in Latin America?

American Cultural and Social Diversity

Multicultural Society in the United States
• What ethnic group controlled the United States?
• How did the destruction of the buffalo impact native tribes of the United States?
• How did the Dawes-Severalty Act impact Native Americans?
• In what ways did Reconstruction amount to a social revolution in the southern United States?
• Did the social gains of African- Americans last after the end of Reconstruction? Explain.
• Describe women’s reform movements in the United States in the 19th century.
• How did migrants alter US society and how did the established white Anglo-Saxon Protestant
population respond?
Canadian Cultural Contrasts
• How did many African-Americans come to Canada?
• How did many Chinese come to Canada?
• Why did French and British-Canadians often come into conflict?
Ethnicity, Identity, and Gender in Latin America
• Describe the social groups to be found in Latin America.
• Describe the lifestyle of the gauchos and explain how it conflicted with the dominant Latin culture.
• Describe the plight of women in Latin American countries.
Unit 4: Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire

Chapter 32 Reading Notes

Societies at Crossroads

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 32. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Societies at Crossroads (answer the questions in this first section after you have read the chapter –
they are the “Big Picture” questions)
• What characteristics did China, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and Tokugawa Japan have
in common during this era?
• Why did these societies undertake reform movements during this era?
• Compare the relative success of reform in each of these areas.

The Ottoman Empire in Decline

Nature of Decline
• Discuss the reasons for the military decline of the empire.
• What threat did the Ottoman Empire face in the north and on the Balkan Peninsula?
• How did Muhammad Ali take power in Egypt and what reforms did he launch?
• What were the reasons for the economic decline of the Ottoman Empire?
• What were capitulations and how did they weaken the government of the Ottoman Empire?
• Why was there corruption in the Ottoman Empire and how did this lead to a decline in agricultural
Reform and Reorganization
• Why did the Ottomans launch a series of reforms in the 19th century?
• Explain how the sultans reform each aspects of society below and explain why.
o Military
o Education
o Taxation
• Who did the reformers of the Tanzimat draw inspiration from and what was their goal?
• How did the Tazimat reformers alter the legal and educational system of the Ottoman Empire, what
aspects of society did it not change?
• Why were the following groups opposed to the reforms of the Ottoman sultans?
o Religious leaders
o Young Ottomans
o Bureaucrats
• How did religious leaders react to Ottoman reforms?
• What were the goals of the Young Ottomans?
The Young Turk Era
• How did Abdul Hamid II gain power? Describe his actions as ruler.
• Why were many bureaucrats and army officers expelled from the Ottoman Empire during Abdul
Hamid’s rule?
• Who founded the Young Turk party and what were their social and political goals?
• How did the Young Turks gain power?
• Contrast the Young Turks reforms at home with their policy of ruling distant regions within the

The Russian Empire under Pressure

• How was the Russian Empire’s experience different from the Ottoman’s during this time period?
• What was the key to Russian reform and what were its limits?
Military Defeat and Social Reform
• Describe the Russian Empire and explain how it was ruled at the start of the century.
• What caused the Crimean War and why did it widen to involve most of Europe?
• Why did Russian military losses in the Crimean War cause a desire for reform along Western lines?
• Why did Russian rulers begin to think serfdom was in need of reform?
• How did the end of serfdom benefit the noble class and bring economic and political angst to the
• What was the function of zemstvos and what were the limits of their power?
• How was the judicial system improved at this time?
• In part, what was Tsar Alexander II reasons for reform during this time?
• How was industrialization different from that in industrialized Europe?
• Discuss the various ways that Count Sergei Witte attempted to stimulate the Russian economy.
• Why were the peasants and industrial workers upset with Witte’s reforms?
• What avenues of protest were open to the peasants and working class and how was this different
form the west? (You may need to use the lecture to answer part of this)
• How were Russian businessmen different from their Western counterparts?
Repression and Revolution
• Who led the protest movements in Russia and who were they influenced by?
• Who were anarchists and discuss the methods they used to pressure the government for reform?
• How did the tsars respond to the anarchists calls for reform?
• How did the tsars deal with the various ethnic groups who were expressing nationalistic goals in
Russia? (don’t forget to talk about the Jews)
• Why did reform in Russia end in 1789?
• What was Tsar Nicholas II’s domestic policy towards reform and why did he invade Manchuria?
• Describe how the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War is related to Bloody Sunday.
• What changes occurred in Russia as a result of Bloody Sunday?

The Chinese Empire under Siege

• How is China’s experience similar to the Ottoman’s and Russian’s?
The Opium War and the Unequal Treaties
• Discuss China’s relationship with Europe at the start of this period.
• Why did the British begin importing opium into China?
• What impact did the opium trade have on the economic an social climate of China?
• What caused the Opium War and why did the British win?
• How did the loss of the Opium War negatively impact China’s economic relationship with the West?
• After the Opium War how did the Qing Dynasty lose revenue sources?
o Tariffs
o Tributary states
Taiping Rebellion
• What were the causes of the Taiping Rebellion?
• List and discuss the economic and social reforms that were the goals of the Taiping revolutionaries.
• Why did the nobles join the Qing government to hop defeat the Taiping revolution?
Reform Frustrated
• In what way is the Taiping rebellion linked to the reforms of the Qing government?
• Describe the Self-Strengthening Movement.
o Farmers
o Industry
• Why did the movement fail?
• Define the concept of spheres of influence.
• Describe the goals of Liang Qichao’s Hundred Days reforms.
• Why did the Hundred Days reforms fail?
• What was the goal of the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists?
• How was the Boxer Rebellion repressed and what effect did its failure have on the Qing dynasty?

The Transformation of Japan

• In what ways was the history of Japan similar to and different then the experiences of the Ottoman,
Russian, and Qing empires during this time period?
From Tokugawa to Meiji
• Why were peasants upset with the ruling Tokugawa shogunate?
• How did the Tokugawa respond to rising discontent?
• Describe how Japan was forcibly opened up to Western trade.
• Why were the powerful daimyo upset with Tokugawa rule?
• Describe how the Meiji Restoration occurred.
Meiji Reforms
• What were the military and economic goals of the new Meiji government and how did they reach
these goals?
• How did the Meiji government take power away from the nobles and achieve a centralized state?
• What impact did the Meiji reforms have on the social status of the samurai warrior class?
• How did the new Meiji tax code limit the power of large landowners and increase agricultural
• Describe the political reforms of the Meiji and explain who was given most of the power in the new
• How democratic were the Meiji political reforms? Explain.
• In detail, describe the economic reforms of the Meiji.
• How was industrialization under the Meiji different then that found in the West?
• How did the Meiji reforms affect the peasants of Japan?
• How did the Meiji government deal with protest and unions? Compare this to Russia and the West.

Now go back and answer the first questions of the chapter in detail.

Unit 4: Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire

Chapter 33 Reading Notes

The Building of Global Empires

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 33. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Foundations of Empire
Motives of Imperialism
• Define imperialism.
• How is modern imperialism different than earlier imperialism?
• Describe the various reasons why Europeans engaged in imperialism.
o National survival:
o Merchant argument
o Raw materials
o Consumers
o Strategic
o Internal social - political tensions
o Spiritual
o “White Man’s Burden”
Tools of Empire
• Why did European countries develop more advanced technological weapons than any one else in
the world?
• How did industrialization aid imperialism?
• Describe how each of the following technologies helped Europe establish and maintain empires.
o Steamships
o Canals
o Railways
o Firearms
o Telegraph

European Imperialism
• What caused European imperialism to occur at a frantic rate from the 1880s on?

The British in India

• Describe the evolution of British imperialism in India. (Describe what happens and be sure to link
each bullet in a cause/effect format)
o English East India Company (start of period)
o Death of Emperor Aurangzeb
o Company’s authority inland
o Sepoy Rebellion
o British government’s direct rule
• How did the British government rule India?
• In what ways did British rule of India change South Asia?
o Environmentally
o Economically
o Socially
Imperialism in Central Asia and Southeast Asia
• What was the goal of Russian expansion in India?
• Why was Russia able to expand into Central Asia in the 19th century?
• What was the “Great Game”?
• Why didn’t Russia and Britain go to war over India?
• Why were the English interested in establishing a pretense in Southwest Asia?
• What two colonies did the British gain in Southeast Asia and what did these colonies provide for the
• Describe French imperialism in Indochina.
• How did they change Indonesia socially?
• How was their rule different than the British?
• Why did Siam remain under native control?
The Scramble for Africa
• What goods were European nations interested in after the abolition of the slave trade in Africa?
• Who were the first Europeans to travel into the interior of Africa and why did they go there?
• Why was King Leopold II of Belgium interested in the Congo and what was the impact of his rule?
• Describe how the British created an imperial presence in Egypt.
• Describe the European settlement of South Africa.
o Dutch East India Company
o Boer settlement
o Afrikaner beliefs
o Native conflict
o British takeover
o Abolishment of slavery
o The Great Trek
o War with the Zulu
o Boer War
• What led to the Berlin Conference?
• What were the rules of colonization agreed upon at the Berlin Conference and how did this lead to
the “Scramble for Africa”?
• What were the only native controlled sections of Africa by the end of the 19th century?
• Describe each of the various ways Europeans used to rule their colonies and be sure to include the
drawbacks of each system.
o Concessionary companies
o Direct rule (French)
o Indirect rule (British)
European Imperialism in the Pacific
• Who were the first European settlers in Australia and what dramatically increased migration to the
• Describe what happened to the natives of Australia.
• Describe what happened to the natives of New Zealand.
• Who were the principal groups of Europeans who arrived in the Pacific islands in the 19th century?
• Why did European interest in establishing colonies in the Pacific increase in the last two decades of
the 19th century?
• How did Europe benefit economically from their colonies in the Pacific?

The Emergence of New Imperial Powers

• Who were the two new imperial powers at the end of the 19th century?
US Imperialism in Latin America and the Pacific
• Describe the Monroe Doctrine.
• How did the United States acquire Hawaii?
• What caused the Spanish-American War?
• What territories did the United States gain as a result of the Spanish-American War?
• Why did the United States intervene in several Caribbean and Central American countries in the last
part of the 19th century?
• Why did the Filipinos rebel against the United States?
• Why was the United States interested in the Isthmus of Panama?
• Describe the Roosevelt corollary.
Imperial Japan
• What caused the Sino-Japanese War?
• Why did the Japanese win the Sino-Japanese War and what did they win as a result?
• What caused the Russo-Japanese War?
• Why did the Japanese win the Russo-Japanese War and what did they win as a result?

Legacies of Imperialism
• In what ways did imperialism both bring people together and tear them apart?
Empire and Economy
• How did British imperialistic policy affect the economy of India?
• How did the production of tea alter India?
Labor Migrations
• Why did mass migration around the world occur at this time in history?
• Where did European migrants leave from and where did they travel to?
• What did European migrants do in the countries they arrived in?
• Where did non-European migrants travel to, what type of work did they engage in, and how was
their experience different then the European immigrants? (answer all three parts)
Empire and Society
• As colonial rule became harsher, how did the subject peoples express their discontent with
European domination?
• In what ways did immigrant peoples from various areas interact with one another in their new
• Explain the basic tenants of scientific racism.
• How did the Europeans use the idea of Social Darwinism to justify their rule of other people?
Nationalism and Anti-colonial Movements
• How did imperialism lead to nationalism for Europeans as well as among the “subject peoples” of
the world?
• Summarize the movement in India among native people for self rule.
• In what ways was the Indian independence movement a model for other colonial region.

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 34 Reading Notes

The Great War: The War in Upheaval
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 34. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Great War: The War in Upheaval

• In what ways was “The Great War” different from all previous wars?
• In what ways did “The Great War” change the political and economic structure of the world?

The Drift Toward War

Nationalist Aspirations
• Explain how nationalism and self-determination are linked.
• What impact did nationalism have on the Ottoman, Hapsburg, and Russian dynasties?
• Describe how nationalistic ideas and political rivalries in the Balkans led to political tensions prior to
World War I?
National Rivalries
• Why were Germany and England rivals in the early 20th century?
• How was public opinion (democracy) a cause of WWI?
Understandings and Alliances
• Define entangling alliances.
• Who were the Central Powers and why were they aligned?
• Who were the Allies and why were they aligned?
• How did prearranged war plans cause the war?
• Describe the Schlieffen Plan.

Global War
• In what ways did WWI change the world?
The Guns of August
• What was the goal of the Black Hand?
• Summarize how each of the following topics were linked to the start and spread of WWI?
o Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
o Secret alliances
o Military timetables
Mutual Butchery
• Why did trench warfare developed on the western front?
• Describe trench warfare.
• List the new technological developments that were used on the battlefields of WWI.
• How and why was the eastern front different then the western front?
• Why were civilians now legitimate targets in war and how were they targeted in WWI?
Total War: The Home Front
• What does the term “total war” refer to?
• How and why did governments assume greater control of their societies during WWI?
• How did WWI affect women?
• What was the purpose of government propaganda during the war?
Conflict in East Asia and the Pacific
• List and describe the three ways WWI can be seen as a world war.
Battles in Africa and Southwest Asia
• Why did the British invade southwest Asia at Gallipoli and how successful was it?
• What was the long-term impact of the Gallipoli campaign on the British Empire?
• Describe the various fronts of fighting between the British (and their allies) against the Ottoman
Empire in Southwest Asia.

The End of the War

Revolution in Russia
• Why was tsar Nicholas II forced to abdicate his throne?
• Describe the two groups that gained power in Russia and their goals after the abdication of the tsar.
• How did Lenin (a Bolshevik) disagree with Marx (and the Mensheviks)?
• Why was Lenin able to overthrow the Provisional Government and what did he promise the people
of Russia?
• How was Lenin able to get Russia out of WWI and what did it cost his country?
U.S. Intervention and Collapse of the Central Powers
• Why did the U.S. become involved in WWI (discuss all the reasons)?
• What part did U.S. entry into the war play in the defeat of the Central Powers?
The Paris Peace Conference
• Who were the major personalities at the Paris Peace Conference and, notably, who was not there?
How did this imperfect attendance ultimately hurt the world’s chance for a lasting peace?
• Summarize Wilson’s 14 Points. What was their overall goal?
• What were the goals of England and France at the Conference?
• How did WWI change the political landscape of central and Eastern Europe?
• How did WWI change the Ottoman Empire? (your answer should include a discussion of Mustafa
Kemal and his reforms)
• What was the League of Nations and why did it ultimately fail?
• Describe the mandate system and how it was related to the development of nationalistic
movements around the world.
Challenges to European Preeminence
• How did WWI begin to alter the balance of power in the world? (big question – reason for period

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 35 Reading Notes

An Age of Anxiety
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 35. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

An Age of Anxiety

Probing Cultural Frontiers

• Describe the overall ethos of western intellectuals after WWI.
Postwar Pessimism
• Who was the “Lost Generation”?
• Describe how each of the following groups expressed their disillusionment with the West after WWI.
o Authors
o Theologians
• Describe why each of the following topics was criticized after WWI.
o Technology
o Democracy
Revolutions in Physics and Psychology
• Describe Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and explain why it challenged the established western view
of the world.
• Describe Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis and explain why it challenged the established western
view of the world.
Experimentation in Art and Architecture
• Why did artists disdain traditional realism?
• List the artistic groups that emerged in the 1920s and 30s and explain what they all have in
• Where did our artists go for inspiration and why?
• Describe the changes in architecture after WWI.

Global Depression
The Great Depression
• Describe the overall economic situation in the west in the 1920s.
• Why did farmers struggle economically in the 1920s?
• Describe the American economy in the 1920s prior to the crash of 1929.
• What caused the stock market crash in America?
• How did the crash in America lead to a worldwide economic panic?
• How did the depression affect people in Latin America, Africa, and Asia?
• Why was Germany particularly affected by the depression?
• Describe economic nationalism and explain how it made the depression worse.
Despair and Government Action
• Why did several western governments discourage or bar women from the workforce?
• List and describe how the depression affected people’s lives.

Economic Experimentation
• Early on, why didn’t capitalist governments do anything to halt the depression?
• When the depression continued, what deflationary measures did governments pursue, and what
impact did this have on the depression?
• What was John Maynard Keynes’ plan for ending the depression?
• Describe Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal.
• What was the fundamental premise of FDR’s New Deal?
• Ultimately, what brought the US out of the depression?

Challenges to the Liberal Order

Communism in Russia
• Why did peasants support the Red forces in the Civil War?
• Describe Lenin’s response to the civil war in Russia.
• Describe Lenin’s New Economic Plan. Why did peasants like it?
• Describe Stalin’s First Five Year Plan.
• Who did not benefit from Stalin’s plan?
• To what extent was the First Five Year Plan successful?
• Why did Stalin launch the Great Purge? Describe its impact on the USSR.
The Fascist Alternative
• Why did fascism develop in Europe?
• Who was fascism appealing to, and why?
• List the common characteristics of fascist states.
• Why were fascists hostile to the United States?
Italian Fascism
• Describe the political climate of Italy after WWI.
• How did the Black Shirts help Mussolini gain power?
• In what way did Mussolini gain power “legitimately”?
• List and describe the numerous ways Mussolini consolidated his control of Italy once in power.
• To what extent was anti-Semitism a part of Italian fascism?
German National Socialism
• Describe Hitler’s attempted takeover of the government in 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch) and what did he
learn from his failure?
• Why was Hitler’s message appealing to many Germans after WWI?
• What groups were especially attracted to Hitler’s party?
• How did Hitler gain power “legitimately”?
• List and describe the numerous ways Hitler consolidated his control of Germany once in power.
• How were women viewed in Hitler’s Germany?
• Describe the role that race played in Nazi ideology.
• List and describe the Nazi party’s systematic attempts to suppress and expel Jews from Germany.

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 36 Reading Notes

Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 36. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

Nationalism and Political Identities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

Asian Paths to Autonomy
India’s Quest f or Home Rule
• How did Britain’s development of infrastructure aid nationalism in India?
• Why did a small group of Indian elite emerge?
• What was the goal of the Indian National Congress in the 19th century? How did this change after
• List and describe the various reasons people in India became disenchanted with British rule.
• List and describe the central ideas that Gandhi held for the future of India.
• How did the British government first react to Indian nationalist movements?
• What type of a government did the Indian Act set up?
• Why did the Indian Act fail to set up a stable, centralized government in South Asia?
China’s Search for Order
• What was China like after the Qing dynasty fell?
• Why were Chinese nationalists disillusioned with Europe after WWI and what movement resulted
from this?
• Why did communism appeal to many Chinese (including women)?
• What were the similarities and differences between the communists and Sun Yatsen’s nationalist
• How did Lenin’s ideology impact the future of China’s political structure?
• How did Jiang Jieshi change the nationalist movement?
• Why didn’t the Great Depression effect China as severely as it did around the globe?
• Describe what happened to the CCP under Jiang Jieshi.
Imperial and Imperialist Japan
• How did World War I aid Japan’s economic development?
• How did the Great Depression impact Japan?
• Describe the two viewpoints on improving Japan’s economy and the Great Depression.
o International trade supporters
o Militarists
• Why did the militarists in Japan plan the Mukden Incident?
• How did Japan react to the League of Nations censure of Japanese aggression?

Africa under Colonial Domination

• Describe the conflicting interests between African expectations of WWI and the resulting colonial
policy of Europeans in the Inter-war period. How did Europe treat its colonies after the war?
Africa and the Great War
• How did Africans participate in WWI?
• How did WWI change African perspective of their European rulers?
The Colonial Economy
• What were the two objectives of colonial policy in post-war Africa?
• In what ways did taxation make Africa dependent economically on Europe?
• How did Europe’s taxation policies impact families and labor?
African Nationalism
• Who were Africa’s new elite and why did they lead Africa’s nationalistic movements?

Latin American Struggles with Neocolonialism

The Impact of the Great War and the Great Depression
• What Western philosophies helped spark nationalistic movements in Latin America? Why?
• Who led the nationalistic movements in Latin America? Why?
• In what way was the art of Diego Rivera symbolic of Latin American nationalism?
The Evolution of Economic Imperialism
• How did the economy of Latin America change from the 19th century to the 20th century?
• Describe Dollar Diplomacy (Yankee Imperialism).
• How were Latin American countries impacted by the Great Depression?
Conflicts with a “Good Neighbor”
• What was the “Good Neighbor Policy” and why did the United States adopt it?

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 37 Reading Notes

New Conflagrations: World War II
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 37. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

New Conflagrations: World War II

Origins of World War II
• List the two major alliances that formed in the 1930s and 40s.
Japan’s War in China
• During the 1930s who was increasingly in charge of the Japanese government?
• Why did the Japanese invade China in 1937?
• How did the Rape of Nanjing illustrate that WWII was a “total war”?
• What effect did the Japanese invasion of China have on the ongoing Chinese civil war?
• Why did the people of China begin to side with Mao during WWII?
• Why didn’t Europe or the Soviet Union stop Japan’s aggression in China?
Italian and German aggression
• Why were Italians upset with their government after WWI?
• Why did Mussolini promise the Italians a new empire and where did he conquer?
• Why were the people of Germany upset with the Treaty of Versailles and the post-WWI German
• Who did Hitler blame for Germany’s problems?
• Describe the steps Hitler took to rebuild German’s power (violating the Treaty of Versailles).
o German army
o Rhineland
o Anschluss
o Sudetenland
o Czechoslovakia
• Why did England and France engage in a policy of appeasement at Munich?
• Why did Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression treaty and describe the two aspects
of the treaty?

Total War: The World under Fire

Blitzkrieg: Germany Conquers Europe
• Describe German Blitzkrieg techniques.
• Describe “The Battle of the Atlantic” and explain why it was so important for Britain to win this
• Describe the Battle of Britain.
The German Invasion of the Soviet Union
• Why did the German invasion of the Soviet Union fail?
Battles in Asia and the Atlantic
• How did the United States help Britain economically before the US was officially in the war?
• Why did the United States place an oil embargo on Japan?
• Why did the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor?
• Why did the Japanese slogan “Asia for Asians” at first appeal to the people of Asia, and then why
did the Asian people turn against this idea?
Defeat of the Axis Powers
• Why was the entry of the United States and the Soviet Union into World War II decisive?
• Why did the Germans lose the war?
• Describe the US strategy of “island hopping” in the Pacific.
• Why was the US conquest of Iwo Jima and Okinawa crucial to the US victory over Japan?
• Why did the Japanese eventually decide to surrender?

Life During Wartime

• Why did WWII have such an impact on civilians?
Occupation, Collaboration and Resistance
• Describe how the empire of Japan administered its conquered territories.
• Describe how Germany administered its conquered territories and how was it based on Nazi
• How did the German exploit the people they conquered?
• Why did people sometimes collaborate with their invaders?
• Describe the various ways people resisted foreign rule.
• Describe the Germans and Japanese war atrocities.
The Holocaust
• List the groups Hitler targeted in the Holocaust.
• Initially, before the Holocaust, what did the Nazi’s encourage the Jews to do and why wasn’t this
• What was the purpose and tactics of einsatz gruppen?
• Describe what a person’s experience would have been like traveling to and being in a concentration
• Describe the Jewish uprising in Warsaw.
Women and the War
• How were women affected by the war in Great Britain and the United States?
• How were women in East Asia affected by the war?

Neither Peace Nor War

• Who were the two superpowers who emerged from WWI and what were their goals for the postwar
Postwar Settlements and Cold War
• Describe the conditions under which people lived in the immediate postwar period.
• List and describe the reasons for the beginning of the Cold War. (Most of p. 1057)
• How was Germany affected by the end of WWII politically?
• Define the Truman Doctrine.
Global Reconstruction and the United Nations
• What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan and why did the Soviets resist it?
• What was the purpose of NATO and the Warsaw Pact?
• What was the purpose of the United Nations?

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 38 Reading Notes

The Bipolar World
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 38. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The Bipolar World

The Formation of a Bipolar World
The Cold War in Europe
• Describe the political division of Europe in the Cold War.
• Describe the political division of Germany during the Cold War.
• Describe the causes, the events, and the results of the Berlin Airlift.
• Why did the Soviets erect the Berlin Wall?
• What was the purpose of the two military alliances in Europe during the Cold War?
Confrontations in Korea and Cuba
• What happened to Korea at the end of World War II?
• What started the Korean War and why did the US and China intervene?
• What was the result of the Korean War?
• Define the Domino Theory.
• How did Fidel Castro change Cuba politically?
• Describe the responses of the United States to the communist takeover of Cuba.
o Embargo
o Bay of Pigs
o Cuban Missile Crisis
Cold War Societies
• How did the Cold War affect women in America?
• How did the Cold War impact American’s political freedoms at home?
• What happened to US domestic support of the Cold War in the 1960s and 70s?
• What was Black Nationalism and who were its leaders?
• In what way was the US Civil Rights movement and Cold War linked?
• How did consumerism illustrate the divisions of the Cold War?
• Describe Soviet successes in the Space Race.
• Describe US successes in the Space Race.
• In what way was the space race linked to the arms race?
• Describe the USSR’s treatment of its Eastern bloc countries under Stalin.
• After Stalin’s death, why did the Soviets emphasis “peaceful coexistence.”
• In what ways were the US and USSR similar during the Cold War?

Challenges to Superpower Hegemony

Defiance, Dissent, and Intervention in Europe
• Why did Charles de Gaulle split with the United States?
• Why was Tito able to flout Soviet domination?
• How did destalinization affect the people of Eastern Europe?
• What were the goals of the people in the Hungarian Uprising and how did the Soviets respond?
• Describe the goals of the Prague Spring Movement and how successful was it?
• Define the Brezhnev Doctrine.
The People’s Republic of China
• Describe how the Chinese civil war ended.
• Once victorious, describe how Mao changed China:
o Politically
o Economically
o Socially
• What were the reasons for the Chinese-Soviet partnership of the 1950s?
• What were the reasons for the Sino-Soviet split?
Détente and the Decline of Superpower Influence
• Define détente and give examples.
• Describe US involvement in Vietnam.
o Reasons for US entry
o Direct US involvement
o US loss
• How did President Nixon withdraw the US from the Vietnam War?
• Why did the Soviets invade Afghanistan and why did they lose?
• How did the losses in Afghanistan and Vietnam impact superpower hegemony?
• Why were US and European students protesting Cold War policies in the 1960s and 70s?

The End of the Cold War

Revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe
• What impact did the Hungarian and Czechoslovakian invasions have on the support for and
legitimacy of communism in Eastern Europe?
• How did Mikhail Gorbachev alter Soviet foreign policy and what impact did this have on Eastern
• Describe the fall of communism in:
o Poland
o Czechoslovakia
o East Germany
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
• Describe the economic failures of communism in the USSR and explain what these failures led
Gorbachev to do.
• Describe perestroika and glasnost.
• How successful was perestroika?
• What did glasnost do to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic?
• How did Yeltsin gain power?
Toward an Uncertain Future
• What was positive about the Cold War?
• What did the end of the Cold War mean to the future of communism?

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 39 Reading Notes

The End of Empire
Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 39. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

The End of Empire

• What other world event was going on during the time of nation building in the late 20th century?
• What difficulties did new nations face as they tried to create new nations?

Independence in Asia
India’s Partitioned Independence
• What interrupted India’s move toward independence after the signing fo the India Act of 1935?
• Why did Britain peacefully let India become independent?
• Describe communalism.
• Why was India partitioned? Describe how it was partitioned.
• Why has there been fighting between India and Pakistan over Kashmir?
• Describe India’s non-alignment strategy in the cold war and explain its benefits.
• What problems did the non-aligned movement suffer from?
Nationalist Struggles in Vietnam
• In what way was Vietnam’s nationalist movement different from India’s?
• Describe what happened in Vietnam after WWII (1945-1954).
• Describe what happened to Vietnam due to the Geneva Agreements of 1954.
• Why did the US ignore the Geneva Agreements?
• Describe US involvement in South Vietnam.
Arab National States and the Problem of Palestine
• Compare Arab nationalist movements to Vietnam.
• What was the Balfour Declaration?
• Explain why the British were caught between Jewish and Arab interests.
• What happened to Zionism after WWII?
• Why did the British give up their mandate of Palestine to the UN in 1947?
• Describe the UN partition of Palestine in 1947.
• What happened to the new state of Israel immediately after it became independent?
• What was Abdel Nasser’s dream for Egypt?
• Describe the strategies and actions Nasser took to try to make his dream for Egypt come true.
• Describe the events surrounding the Suez Crisis.
o Causes
o What happened
o Impact on Nasser’s dream for Egypt

Decolonization in Africa
• Why did decolonization come slower in Africa than to other regions of the world?
Forcing the French out of North Africa
• In which colony in Africa did the French resist decolonization the most? Why?
• Describe the tactics the FLN used to achieve independence.
• What impact did Algerian independence have on the rest of Africa?
Black African Nationalism and Independence
• How did African nationalism impact people’s culture?
• Who led the African nationalist movement?
• What were the various reasons for the relatively slow development of African independence?
Freedom and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
• What was significant about Ghana’s independence?
• Describe the war for decolonization in Kenya. (What other African nation was this like? Why?)

After Independence: Long-Term Struggles in the Post Colonial Era

• Why did unstable governments develop among many of the newly created states in Africa and
Communism and Democracy in Asia
• Except for Japan and India, what type of a government did South, Southeast and East Asian
countries adopt? Why?
• Describe the Great Leap Forward.
o Goals
o Actions
o Failure
• Describe the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
o Goals
o Actions
o Failure
• Under Deng Xiaoping, what changes did China go through?
• Describe the Tiananmen Square incident.
o Causes
o Protest
o Government Response
• How was India’s post colonial experience different than that of most other Asian nations?
• Describe the difficulties that India faced as a newly independent country.
o Feeding its people
o Overpopulation
o Religious conflict
o Assassinations
Islamic Resurgence in Southwest Asia and North Africa
• Why didn’t Abdel Nasser’s dream of pan-Arab unity materialize?
• Why did many Arab-Islamic states ally themselves with the Soviet Union and not the US?
• How did Anwar Sadat change the political alignment of the Middle East?
• What is the PLO?
• What were the causes of the development of Islamic fundamentalism and how did it impact Arab-
US relations?
• Why did Iranian fundamentalists dislike the US?
• Describe the Iranian revolution.
• How did the Iranian revolution destabilize the Middle East in 1980?
• Describe Saddam Hussein’s efforts to assert his control over the Middle East. (Include US
involvement in the region)
Politics and Economics in Latin America
• What were Presidente Lazaro Cardenas’ political reforms and how successful were they in the long
• In what ways was Argentina economically and politically different than most of Latin America?
• Even though Juan Peron was a military leader, why were he and his wife so popular with the
• What happened to Argentina’s government after Juan Peron’s ouster from office?
• What were the reasons for the US’ heavy involvement in Latin America?
• Why did the US intervene in Guatemala in 1953?
• Describe US involvement in Guatemala.
• Why did the US intervene in Nicaragua?
• Describe US involvement in Nicaragua.
• Why did the unlikely alliance of Marxism and Catholicism come together in Latin America?
• Why did Latin American countries continue to struggle economically after WWII?
War and Peace in Sub-Saharan Africa
• Why were their so many ethnic conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa after decolonization?
• What was the goal of the Organization of African Unity?
• In what way was the country of South Africa similar to Algeria and Kenya?
• Describe the economy of South Africa and how this impacted black society.
• What was the goal of the Afrikaner National Party?
• Describe South Africa under Apartheid.
• Describe the African National Congress.
o Goals
o Leaders
o Treatment by government
• Why did South Africa eventually decide to end Apartheid?
• Describe the transition from Apartheid to democracy.
• Describe US involvement in Zaire.
• Describe the rule of Mobutu Sese Seko.
• Describe the economic reality and potential for African countries today.

Unit 5: The Contemporary World

Chapter 40 Reading Notes

A World without Borders

Directions: Read and highlight (or take notes on if you do not own your book) all of Chapter 40. Pay
particular attention to the “Important Points” below.

A World without Borders

• Describe what the world is like as a result of globalization.

The Global Economy

• When did a modern global economy really begin to develop?
Economic Globalization
• Describe how each of the following have contributed to the rise in global trade:
• Describe the differences between a multinational corporation and a global corporation.
Economic Growth in Asia
• How did the US occupation of Japan after WWII aid Japanese economic development?
• Why did Japan seem ill equipped for economic growth at the end of WWII?
• What type of production did Japan engage in?
• What impact did Japanese economic success have on Asia?
• What are the four little tigers?
• How were the four tigers similar to Japan?
• Why did Chinese leaders decide to open their country up to world trade?
• What economic factors have helped China’s economy to grow?
• Describe the boom bust cycle of the four tigers.
Trading Blocs
• Why did groups of countries form trading blocs?
• How did various trading blocs around the world seek to increase trade?
• Describe each of the trading blocs listed below and their unique characteristics:
o European union
• Describe the perceived positives and negatives of globalization.

Cross-Cultural Exchanges and global Communications

Global Barbie
• What does the example of Barbie tell us about globalization?
Consumption and Cultural Interaction
• What has consumption begun to symbolize?
• Define “Americanization” or “McDonaldization” in a global context.
• In what way is globalization a two-way phenomenon?
The Age of Access
• How have the developments in technology increased globalization?
• How have the developments in technology acted as a barrier to globalization?
• How has mass media spread the English language and American culture around the world?
• How have dictatorial states been able to use globalization to their advantage?

Global Problems
Population Pressures and Environmental Degradation
• Why has the population increased exponentially in the last 50 years and where have we seen the
greatest growth?
• Why do some optimists believe the population explosion will not be a problem?
• Summarize what the book will believes will happen to the environment as the population continues
to grow and become more industrialized.
• How have some nations tried to solve overpopulation?
• Describe how the international community has tried to solve problems of overpopulation.
Economic Inequalities and Labor Servitude
• List the effects of poverty.
• How has globalization affected poverty?
• List and describe two labor concerns that have developed in the world since the spread of
industrialization and globalization.
Global Diseases
• What successes has the international community had in stopping or slowing down global diseases?
• What is AIDS and where has it impacted the world the most?
• Describe how AIDS has torn apart societies economically and culturally?
Global Terrorism
• Even though terrorism has been around for centuries, why has it become more prominent in the
global world?
• What causes terrorism?
• Define terrorism.
• Describe the events surrounding September 11, 2001 in the United States.
• In what way is September 11 related to the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?
• What is the Bush Doctrine and what does this mean for future US/world relations?
Coping with Global Problems: International Organizations
• With all of the problems listed above, why have nation-states become less effective in creating
solutions to these problems; who has stepped in to try to create solutions?
• Define a NGO and give examples.
• How successful have international government organizations been in solving global problems? Give
• How has the idea of human rights become a global issue?

Crossing Boundaries
Women’s Traditions and Feminist Challenges
• Summarize how successful women in industrialized countries been at attaining equality.
• Summarize how successful women in communist countries been at attaining equality.
• Summarize how successful women in non-industrialized countries been at attaining equality.
• Describe the process of internal migration in industrialized societies.
• What problems have resulted from urbanization?
• Describe the process of external migration.
• How have immigrants to new countries adapted to their new culture?
Cross-Cultural Travelers
• Account for the rise in mass tourism.
• How has mass tourism impacted industrialized and non-industrialized countries?

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