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Calista Roy Adaptation Model

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• A member of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of  Humans as adaptive systems

Carondler  Input=stimuli (focal, contextual, residual)
• October 14th 1939,in Los Angeles ,  Coping mechanisms=2 subsystems
California cognator (cognitive-emotive channels)
• Received a Bachelor of arts in nursing in regulator (neural, chemical, endocrine)
1963 from mount saint Mary’s college in los  Output=behavior (adaptive, maladaptive)
angels  4 modes of adaptation:
• Master of Science in nursing from the - physiologic - self concept
University of California at los angels in - role function -
1966 interdependence
• After earning her nursing degrees, Roy
began her education in sociology, Scientific and Philosophical Assumptions of the
• Receiving both an M.A, in sociology in RAM
1973 Scientific
• PhD in sociology in 1977 from the Systems Theory Adaptation-level
university of California. Theory
Holism Behavior as adaptive
Evolution of Theory Interdependence Adaptation as a function of
• While working on masters, was mentored by stimuli and adaptation level
Control processes Individual, dynamic
Dorothy Johnson
adaptation levels
• Challenged to develop a conceptual model Information feedback Positive and active
• Roy noticed the resiliency of children and processes of responding
• Intrigued by adaptation becoming the Philosophical
eventual framework Humanism Veritivity
• 1968: Operationalization Creativity Purposefulness of human
• 1970: Literature debut existence
Purposefulness Unity of purpose
• 1977: Model presentation
Holism Activity, creativity
Interpersonal process Value and meaning of life
Statement of Theory
Veritivity-”a principle of human nature that affirms
a common purposefulness of human existence”

In response to the 25th anniversary of the model’s

publication, Roy restated the assumptions that form
the basis of the model and redefined adaptation.
Adaptation is defined as” the process and outcome
whereby thinking and feeling persons, as
individuals or in groups, use conscious awareness
and choice to create human and environmental
• The goal of nursing is to promote adaptation
for individuals and groups in each of the
four adaptive modes, thus contributing to Scientific Assumptions
health quality of life, and dignity with dying.
 Systems of matter and energy progress to
higher levels of complex self- organization.
4 Main Concept of RAM  Consciousness and meaning are constitutive
• Person /grou/family as an adaptive system of person and environment integration
• Environment –internal and external stimuli  Awareness of self and environment is rooted
• Health – becoming whole and integrated in thinking and feeling
• Nursing – the art and science of promoting  Humans by their decisions are accountable
for the integration of creative processes.
Bryan Dimen
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 Thinking and feeling mediate human action individually and in groups and the
 System relationships include acceptance, adaptation potential of these groups.
protection, and fostering of interdependence
 Persons and the earth have common patterns
Strength of Roy Adaptation Model
and integral relationships
 Persons and environment transformations • Provide an opportunity for consideration of
are created in human consciousness multiple aspects of the human adaptive
 Integration of human and environment system and support gaining an
meanings results in adaptation understanding of the whole system
• The importance of the spiritual aspects of
Philosophical Assumptions the human adaptive system, often omitted
from nursing assessment, is included in a
 Persons have mutual relationships with the
world and God manner that allows for incorporation of
 Human meaning is rooted in the omega spiritually without imposition of the nurses
point convergence of the universe. beliefs.
 God is intimately revealed in the diversity of • Logically organized and draws on the
creation and is the common destiny of nurses observational and interviewing skills.
 Persons use human creative abilities of
Weakness of Roy Adaptation Model
awareness, enlightenment, and faith.
 Persons are accountable for the processes of • The need for consistent definitions of the
deriving, sustaining and transforming the concepts and terms within the RAM
universe • In practice area, it is increasingly
challenged with time constraints, the amount
of time required to fully implement the two
areas of RAM assessment may be viewed as

• The Roy adaptation model identifies the
essential concepts relevant to nursing as the
human adaptive system is viewed as
constantly interacting with internal and
external environmental stimuli.
• The human adaptive system is active and

reactive to these stimuli.
The Four Modes of Adaptation • Stimuli are defined as focal(regular stimuli),
1. Physiologic-Physical Mode contextual(stimuli existing in situation) and
- Physical and chemical processes residual (other phenomena arising from a
involved in the function and activities of person’s internal or external environment
living organisms; the underlying need is that may affect the local stimuli but the
physiologic integrity as seen in the effects are unknown).
degree of wholeness achieved through
• The internal coping processes of regulator
adaptation to change in needs.
2. Self-concept- Group Identity Mode and cognator for the individual and stabilizer
- Focuses on psychological and spiritual and innovation for collective human
integrity and sense of unity, meaning, adaptive systems are phenomena of concern
and purposefulness in the universe. to nursing.
3. Role Function Mode • Support of coping processes may be the
- Roles that individuals occupy in society,
focus of nursing intervention. The four
fulfilling the need for social integrity. It
is knowing who one is in relation to adaptive modes may be the first aspect of
others. the model that the student or nurse is able to
4. Interdependence Mode assimilate.
- The close relationships of people and
their purpose, structure and development

Bryan Dimen
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