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Evaluation of Transmit Diversity in MIMO-radar Direction Finding

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Evaluation of Transmit Diversity in

MIMO-radar Direction Finding
Nikolaus H. Lehmann, Student Member, IEEE, Eran Fishler, Member, IEEE,
Alexander M. Haimovich, Senior Member, IEEE, Rick S. Blum, Fellow, IEEE, Dmitry Chizhik,
Leonard J. Cimini, Jr., Fellow, IEEE, and Reinaldo Valenzuela, Fellow, IEEE


It has been recently shown that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems have the potential to
dramatically improve the performance of communication systems over single antenna systems. Unlike beamforming,
which presumes a high correlation between signals either transmitted or received by an array, the MIMO concept
exploits the independence between signals at the array elements. In conventional radar, the target’s radar cross section
(RCS) fluctuations are regarded as a nuisance parameter that degrades radar performance. The novelty of MIMO
radar is that it provides measures to overcome those degradations or even utilizes the RCS fluctuations for new
applications. This paper explores how transmit diversity can improve the direction finding performance of a radar
utilizing an antenna array at the receiver. To harness diversity, the transmit antennas have to be widely separated,
while for direction finding, the receive antennas have to be closely spaced. The analysis is carried out by evaluating
several Cramer Rao bounds for bearing estimation and the mean square error (MSE) of the maximum likelihood

Index Terms

MIMO-radar, Cramer Rao bound, direction finding, array processing


The work of A.M. Haimovich was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research agreement no. FA9550-06-1-0026. The work of
R.S. Blum is based on research supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory under agreement No. FA9550-06-1-0041.
Nikolaus H. Lehmann and Alexander M. Haimovich are with the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA (e-mail:
Eran Fishler is with Hite Capital Managment, New York, NY 10016, USA (e-mail:
Rick S. Blum is with the Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA (e-mail:
Len Cimini is with the University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA (e-mail:
Dmitry Chizhik and Reinaldo Valenzuela are with the Bell Laboratories - Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, NJ 07733, USA
(e-mail: chizhik,


Motivated by recent developments in communication theory, [1, 2], we explored the potentials of the multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) concept in radar in [3, 4]. MIMO communication systems overcome the effect of
fading in the wireless channel by transmitting redundant streams of data from several decorrelated transmitters
[5]. For independent fading paths, the receiver of a MIMO system enjoys the fact that the average (over all
information streams) signal to noise ratio (SNR) is more or less constant, as the number of paths increases, whereas
in conventional systems, which transmit all their energy over a single path, the received SNR varies considerably.
In radar, a target is characterized by its radar cross section (RCS) function [6]. A target’s RCS represents the
amount of energy reflected from the target toward the receiver as a function of the target aspect with respect to the
transmitter/receiver pair. It is well known that this function is rapidly changing as a function of the target aspect
[6]. Both experimental measurements and modeling results demonstrate that scintillations of 20 dB or more in the
reflected energy can occur by changing the target aspect by as little as one milliradian. These RCS scintillations
are responsible for signal fading, which can cause large degradations in the system’s detection and estimation
Our proposed MIMO radar enjoys similar benefits to those enjoyed by MIMO communication systems. Specif-
ically, the proposed approach overcomes target RCS fluctuations by transmitting different signals from several
transmitters that illuminate the target from ideally decorrelated aspects. The received signal is a superposition
of independently faded signals, and the average SNR of the received signal is more or less constant. This is in
remarkable contrast to the conventional radar that suffers under large variations in the received power of target
models according to Swerling case 1 and 3, respectively. Similar to communications, we may refer to this approach
as transmit diversity and to the related performance improvement as diversity gain.
In Figure 1, the fluctuations in the energy reflected towards the angle θ = 0 are plotted versus the illumination
angle. This figure is based on one realization of the statistical target model introduced later in this publication.
With MIMO radar the target is illuminated from a set of angles. Therefore, the performance impairment found in
conventional radar due to the drops in returned power at certain angles depictured in figure 1 are countervailed.
In [4], the improvements in detection performance with MIMO radar have been discussed. In [3], the impact
of transmit diversity on the error of direction finding techniques has been explored by theoretical considerations
based on the average Cramer Rao bound (CRB) and simulation results. The work presented here extends the latter
publication by introducing the outage CRB and addressing the case of correlated target aspects.
MIMO radar can be viewed a generalization of multistatic radar setups. Receive diversity is considered in [7] for
multistatic radar. The author discusses optimal processing of the received signals, but does not explore the diversity
gain as such. Transmit diversity for multistatic sonar is, for example, analyzed in [8]. But the diversity is discussed
with respect to different types of background noise and different propagation paths and not with respect to target
aspects. Using several separated transmitters in a multistatic radar is proposed in e.g. [9]. However, the motivation
to distribute the illumination sources is to hide them rather than achieve diversity.
Generally speaking, multistatic radar is considered an extension of bistatic radar or a network of several monostatic

radars. Among the motivations for multistatic radars found in the literature are the rejection of false targets due to
reflections of a real target on some clutter, e.g. [10]. Normally this involves processing at each receiver and some
fusion of the processed data at a central processor [11]. In contrast, we use the notion of MIMO radar to describe
a system in which the target is illuminated by one or several sources seeking to exploit the angular diversity of the
target. The system evaluates the received signals at the multiple receivers jointly.
It should be mentioned that the acronym MIMO has been used in the radar context by other authors, too, e.g.
[12, 13]. But, the systems discussed generally consist of closely spaced elements, which therefore, do not capitalize
on the target angular diversity. Rather, spatial filtering is achieved similar to regular beamforming.
Our notion of MIMO radar is not limited to diversity to overcome target fades. Later in this article, we introduce
the channel matrix H. It can be argued that the rank of this matrix relates to the complexity of the target, meaning
the number of individual scatterers, and the target size. Further, the RCS fluctuations may be viewed as a signature
of a target or a unique pattern. By sampling this pattern with a MIMO radar system it might be possible to classify
targets. This may seed novel approaches for, e.g., spatial automatic target recognition. Topics like these lie within
the current research activities of our group.
This paper explores the diversity gain for one particular scenario. For simplicity, we ignore target range and
velocity and focus on the angle of arrival (AOA). The advantages of MIMO radar are demonstrated by comparing
the possible and achieved precision of direction finding approaches. For the purpose of our analysis, we consider
the problem of estimating the AOA of a single target illuminated by one or several sources. The latter may be
considered an extension of the classical active direction finding (DF) problem in radar or sonar, [14, 15]. For
direction finding, an array of closely spaced antennas is employed at the receive side to enable unambiguous angle
estimation, [16- 18]. As mentioned previously, the MIMO radar system under consideration illuminates the target
from several separated angles. The amount of energy reflected towards the receiver array is a function of the
illumination angle, as Figure 1 illustrates. Figure 1 is one realization of the target model used here. Depending
on the kind of target and the orientation of the target towards the transmitter/receiver pair the returned energy
fluctuates. Thus, if the target is illuminated from a specific angle the return might almost vanish. However, if
several sufficiently separated transmitters are employed and their signals are combined at the receive side, the total
returned signal power from the target becomes approximately independent from the individual illumination angles
and target realization. This improves the angle estimation, as the reflected signal power is more stable and fluctuates
less. The resulting performance improvement is called diversity gain.
Let us reiterate, that in this publication, we discuss spatial diversity. Similar diversity gain improvements can be
achieved with frequency or temporal diversity. The latter is for example embedded in Swerling case 2 or 4 models.
In conventional radar an array of closely spaced transmit antennas, as in Electronic Steered Array (ESA) systems
or in [12], is employed at the transmitter side. However, in our simplified scenario of a single target in a clutter free
environment such an array does not provide any advantages over a single transmit antenna. Hence in this analysis,
a comparison of MIMO to a single antenna system is sufficient.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section II we develop a signal and channel model for MIMO

radar and discuss the conditions and the effects of transmit diversity. In Section III we explore the possible diversity
gains by evaluating the Cramer Rao bounds for DF approaches. In Section IV, we demonstrate the theoretical. results
of Section III with simulation results. Finally, we draw conclusions in Section V.


In this section, we describe a general signal model for the MIMO radar. The model focuses on the effect of
the target spatial properties ignoring range and Doppler effects. The signal model separates the target effect from
the effects of the antenna layouts and of the propagation between transmitters and target and between target and
receivers. By doing so, it provides insight into the principles of MIMO radar. Especially, the model reflects how the
target properties, its size etc., contribute to the dependency of the RCS on the aspect. This enables us to derive a
condition for the separation among the MIMO antennas necessary to achieve independent fading across the different
target aspects.
Not surprisingly, the radar MIMO signal and channel models are related to MIMO channel models for commu-
nications, for example [19]. The signal model developed here is sufficiently general that it can be used to describe
both conventional radar systems and the proposed MIMO radar system. Assume a MIMO radar system with two
uniform linear arrays of M antennas at the transmitter and N antennas at the receiver. The transmitter and the
receiver arrays are not necessarily collocated (bistatic radar). Assume also a far field complex target that consists
of many, say Q, independent scatterers. The target is illuminated by narrowband signals, whose amplitudes do not
change appreciably across the target. This means roughly a bandwidth smaller than c/D, where c is the speed of
light and D is the target length. Each scatterer is assumed to have isotropic reflectivity modeled by zero-mean,
unit-variance per dimension, independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian complex random variables ζq .
The target is then modeled by the diagonal matrix
 
ζ0 0 ··· 0
 
 .. .. 
1  
0 ζ1 . . 
Σ= √ (1)
2Q 
 .. .. .. 

 . . . 0 
0 ··· 0 ζQ−1

where the normalization factor makes the target average RCS E[trace(ΣΣH )] = 1 independent of the number of
scatterers in the model1 . If the RCS fluctuations are fixed during an antenna scan, but vary independently from scan
to scan, our target model represents a classical Swerling case 1 (which represents a target in slow motion) [6].
For simplicity, we assume that the target scatterers are laid out as a linear array, and that this array and the arrays
at the transmitter and receiver are parallel. Figure 2 illustrates the model.
The signals radiated by the M transmit antennas impinge on the Q scatterers at angles φm,q , q = 0, . . . , Q − 1
and m = 0, . . . , M − 1 (measured with respect to the normal to the arrays). Assuming that the length of the target
array is small compared to the distance, the signal transmitted by the m-th transmit antenna arrives as a planewave

1 The superscript H, as in ΣH , denotes the Hermitian transposed.


at the target. Thus, the angle of arrival at the target is independent from the scatterer, φm,q = φm , ∀q. The signal
vector induced by the m-th transmit antenna is given by
h iT
gm = 1, e−j2π sin φm ∆2 /λ , . . . , e−j2π sin φm ∆Q /λ , (2)

where ∆q is the spacing between the first and (q + 1)-th scatterer, λ is the carrier wavelength, and the superscript
T denotes vector/matrix transposition. We further assume, that the target scatterers are uniformly spaced, i.e.,
∆q = q · ∆. Therefore, the vector gm describes the different phase-shifted versions of the signal transmitted by the
m-th transmitter arriving at the different scatterers.
The signals are reflected by the target scatterers towards the receiver array elements at angles θn,q , n = 0, . . . , N −
1 and q = 0, . . . , Q − 1. Assuming that both the sizes of the target and the receiver arrays are small compared
to the distance between them, we find that θn,q = θ. The signals reflected by the scatterers have in the far field,
relative phase shifts described by the vector k(θ),
h iT
k(θ) = 1, ej2π sin θ∆/λ , . . . , ej2π sin θ(Q−1)∆/λ . (3)

A planewave signal arriving at the array at the angle θ excites the elements of the array with phase shifts given by
the vector a(θ),
h iT
a(θ) = 1, e−j2π sin θdr /λ , . . . , e−j2π sin θ(N −1)dr /λ , (4)

where dr denotes the inter element spacing at the receiver. We assume in the following a spacing of dr = λ/2 to
enable unambiguous direction finding.
With the vectors and the target matrix defined above, we can express the received signals which originate from
the m-th transmitter and are reflected by the target:

r0m = a(θ)kT (θ)Σgm bm sm (5)

The terms bm are complex variables representing the phase shifts between the signals coming from different
transmitters due to the different propagation delays. Without loss of generality, these phase shifts can be embedded
in gm . The complex scalar sm represents the component of the sampled receive filter output due to the waveform
transmitted by the m-th transmitter. Organizing those scalars in the vector s = [s0 , . . . , sM ]T , we can describe the
received signal as:
X −1
r = a(θ)kT (θ)Σ g m sm + v

= KΣGs + v

= Hs + v (6)

The vector r = [r1 , . . . , rN −1 ]T contains the sampled output of the filters at the N receiver elements, v represents
the additive Gaussian noise terms at the receivers after the receive filters. We assume that the noise components
among the receivers are i.i.d. .

Further, the matrix K = a(θ)kT (θ) represents the propagation paths from the scatterers to the receivers, and the
matrix G = [g0 , . . . , gM −1 ] the ones from the transmitters to the individual target scatterers. The N × M matrix H
incorporates the paths from all transmitters to all receivers. The effect of the vector k(θ) is to combine the signals
coming from the individual scatterers in the far field. As we assume that Σ consists of complex-valued random
scatterers, the effect of k(θ) can be embedded in Σ and k(θ) can be replaced with 1Q = [1, . . . , 1]T , without loss
of generality.
To achieve spatial diversity, it is required that different transmit antennas see uncorrelated aspects of the target.
Let us consider again the received signal components due to the m-th transmitter:
r0 m = √ a(θ)αm sm (7)
√ √
Here, we summarize the target fading effect to the fading coefficient αm given by αm = 21TQ Σgm . The factor 2
is introduced here so that the |αm | random variables have a χ22 distribution, which will ease later considerations. The
previously mentioned uncorrelated target aspects result in uncorrelated fading coefficients. As the fading coefficients

are modeled as zero mean and independent, we find E{αm αm+1 } = 0, which leads to

© H H ª
E{αm αm+1 } = E gm Σ 1Q 1TQ Σgm+1
© ª
= gm E ΣH 1Q 1TQ Σ gm+1
1 H
= g IQ gm+1 = 0. (8)
2Q m
Thus, the fading constants for the different transmitters are uncorrelated if the columns of G are orthogonal:
gm gm+1 = ej2π[(sin φm+1 −sin φm )q∆/λ] = 0 (9)

For small angles φm and φm+1 expressed in radians, we approximate the difference of the sine terms in (9) with

sin φm+1 − sin φm ≈ dt /R, (10)

where dt is the inter-element spacing at the transmitter and R is the distance between the target and the transmitter.
Using this in (9), we obtain
ej2π(dt /R)q∆/λ = 0. (11)

Thus, orthogonality is achieved when the angles complete one turn in the complex plane:
dt ∆ 1
= (12)
λR Q
However, for large values of Q and for
dt ∆ 1
≥ (13)
λR Q
the orthogonality condition (11) is approximately met. A similar argument is made in [19]. This condition obtained
solely from geometric considerations has an appealing intuitive physical interpretation. The beamwidth of the energy
backscattered from the target towards the transmitter is approximately given by λ/D, where D = Q · ∆ is the

target size. The target presents different aspects to adjacent transmit antennas if the inter-element spacing at the
transmitter is greater than the target beamwidth coverage at distance R, namely
dt ≥ , (14)
which turns out to be the same as (13). We note, that the here presented target model is rather simple. However, its
main purpose is to derive a condition for independent fading coefficients over the target. In [4] we presented a more
sophisticated model with a continuous 2-dimensional scatterer distribution, which results in the same condition,
(14). In contrast to [4], we explore in this publication the effect of correlated fading coefficients and target aspects
in section IV-A, too.

A. Model Classification

MIMO radar signal models can be classified into three general groups:
• Conventional radar array modeled with an array at the receiver and a single antenna or an array at the transmitter.
The array elements are spaced at half-wavelengths to enable beamforming and DF.
• MIMO radar for DF. Transmit antenna elements are widely spaced to support spatial diversity with respect to
the aspects of the target. The receiver array performs DF.
• MIMO radar with widely separated antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver.

This paper discusses the first two signal models, whereas the third one is discussed in [4].
1) Conventional Radar Array: Conventional radar arrays are systems in which the elements of the transmitting
and receiving arrays are closely spaced. At the transmitter, that means that the inter-element spacing does not meet
(13) or, equivalently, that multiple elements are contained within one target beamwidth. At the receiver, the spacing
is dr ≤ λ/2 to enable unambiguous estimation of the angle of arrival.
Let the target bearings with respect to the transmit and receive arrays be φ and θ, respectively. The term bm
in (5) is given by bm = e−2π sin φ mdt /R . As mentioned before, we can neglect those phase shifts in the MIMO
scenario. However for conventional radar we include them in the related expression to accommodate the eventual
use of ESAs at the transmitter site. The phase shifts are collected in the vector b(φ). The transmit matrix is given by
G = 1Q bT (φ). The receive matrix is given by K = a(θ)1TQ . We note, that actually G and K should both contain
the vectors g(φ) and k(θ), respectively. However, as those vectors are constant for all receiver and transmitter
elements and because of the randomness of the Σ matrix, we replace them with 1Q without losing any insight. It
follows that the channel matrix is given by

H = a(θ)1TQ Σ1Q bT (φ)

= √ αa(θ)bT (φ), (15)

where the fading coefficient is α = 2 · 1TQ Σ1Q . By assumption, the elements of Σ, ζq (see (1) ), are zero-mean,
unit-variance per dimension, i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. Hence, α is a zero-mean, complex Gaussian random

variable, too. Subsequently, the target’s RCS |α| , follows a χ22 chi-square distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.
Note that with this model, there is no diversity ’gain’ in the target RCS.
The beamforming of a conventional radar array on the transmit side is represented by the vector b∗ (φ0 ). As the
transmitter elements radiate the same waveform with different phases, the received signal can be expressed as
r = √ a(θ)bT (φ)b∗ (φ0 )αs + v, (16)
where s is a scalar representing the filter outputs due to the single transmitted waveform. Now, if the receiver uses
a beamformer to steer towards direction θ0 , then the output of the beamformer processing is

y = aH (θ0 )r + v0
= √ aH (θ0 )a(θ)bT (φ)b∗ (φ0 )αs + v0 . (17)
This model represents a bistatic radar where bT (φ)b∗ (φ0 ) plays the role of the transmit antenna pattern, whereas
aH (θ0 )a(θ) is the receive antenna pattern. The angle of arrival is estimated as the θ0 which maximizes |y|2 . The
target component, which maximizes |y|2 at the estimated angle of arrival, is subject to fading due to the |α|2
multiplier. In the scenario considered here, which equals the Swerling I case, this fading gain has a χ22 distribution
(chi-square with 2 degrees of freedom).
2) MIMO Radar - Direction Finding: In MIMO radar for direction finding (DF), the transmit antennas are
sufficiently separated to meet the orthogonality condition (13) for targets of interest. Equivalently, the columns of
the transmit matrix G meet the orthogonality condition in (9). In contrast, elements of the receive array are closely
separated to enable DF measurements. Assume that the target is at angle θ with respect to the receive array normal.
The receive matrix is given by K = a(θ)1TQ . From (6), it follows that the channel matrix is given by
H = √ a(θ)αT , (18)
where the components αm of the M × 1 vector α, are the previously introduced target fading coefficients for each
√ √
target illuminating path, αm = 2 · 1TQ Σgm . Thus, the vector α is given as α = 2 · (1TQ ΣG)T . Due to the
orthogonality among the transmit vectors gm , the variates αm are uncorrelated. Moreover, the random variables
αm are zero-mean, unit-variance (per dimension), independent, identical distributed (i.i.d.) complex normal.
The signal model is given by
1 ¡ ¢
r = √ a(θ)αT s+v
X −1
= √ a(θ) αi si + v. (19)
2 i=0

Assuming that the total transmission power is independent of the number of transmitters, e.g.
PM −1 2
i=0 E{|si | } = 1, the signal model, with all normalization factors specified so far, ensures that the average
n ¯¡ √ ¢ P ¯2 o
¯ M −1 ¯
received power E ¯ 1/ 2 i=0 αi si ¯ = 1. Conditioned on the fading constants vector α and the signal
° °2
vector s, the received vector r is complex, multivariate normal with correlation matrix 12 °αT s° a(θ)aH (θ)+2σ 2 IN .

To illustrate how the considered system utilizes diversity, we assume here M = 2. First we analyze the properties
of one signal and its power at a single receiver element ignoring the phase shifts along the array:
r = √ (α0 s0 + α1 s1 ) + v
|r| = |α0 s0 + α1 s1 + v|2 (20)
The diversity cannot be utilized in this manner, as the signal components si might destructively interfere with each
other, since the fading coefficients αi are unknown a priori. To prevent this effect, orthogonal waveforms can be
employed. However, in this publication, we assume that the transmitted waveforms result in random and mutually
independent components, si , of the sampled receive filter outputs. Evaluating the expectation of the received signal
power, we find:
© 1 ª
E{|r|2 } = E | √ (α0 s0 + α1 s1 ) + v|2
= (|α0 |2 + |α1 |2 ) + 2σ 2 , (21)
where we assumed E{|si |2 } = 21 . In the considered scenario, the angle of arrival estimate is based on a sufficiently
large number of snapshots during which the fading coefficients are assumed to be constant. The waveforms of each
transmitter result in a different random output component for each snapshot. Thus, when the number of snapshots
is sufficiently large, we may approximate the sum over the received power as
X L−1
X 1
|ri |2 = | √ (α0 s0,l + α1 s1,l ) + vl |2
i=0 l=0
≈ (|α0 |2 + |α1 |2 )Lŝ2 + 2Lσ̂ 2 , (22)
where ŝ2 and σ̂ indicate, that these values are estimates of the (single) signal and noise power, which are random
variables. In the remainder of this publication, we assume that a sufficiently large number of snapshots is processed,
and that therefore the power of the target component is determined by the (scaled) sum of the squared absolute
values of the fading coefficients. Including the array on the receive side, we may write for the vector of the received
samples along the array:
r = a(θ) √ (α0 s0 + α1 s1 ) + v (23)
To estimate the angle of arrival over several snapshots, the following expression is evaluated:
X L−1
0 0 2 1
ξ(θ ) = |a(θ )rl | = |aH (θ0 )a(θ) √ (α0 s0,l + α1 s1,l ) + aH (θ0 )vl |2
l=0 l=0
≈ |aH (θ0 )a(θ)|2 (|α0 |2 + |α1 |2 ) Lŝ2 + LN σ̂ 2 (24)
The angle of arrival is estimated as the θ0 which maximizes ξ(θ0 ). For the correct estimate θ0 = θ the term
|aH (θ0 )a(θ)|2 equals N 2 . Again, the target component in this estimation is subject to fading. However, the fading
is due to the sum of |α0 |2 and |α1 |2 . As the random variables |αi | , i = 0, 1, have a χ22 distribution, and they

are i.i.d. (due to the orthogonality between g0 and g1 ), their sum in (24) has a χ24 (chi-square with 4 degrees of
freedom) distribution. This is a consequence of the different, uncorrelated RCS’s presented by the target to the
different elements of the transmitting array. Due to the scaling in (24) and (17) the average signal power reflected
by the target is in both cases 1. The reflected power is in the conventional radar case, (17), a scaled χ22 random
variable; whereas it is a scaled χ24 random variable in the MIMO scenario, (24). The latter has a smaller variance
than the first. Thus, the diversity results in a more advantageous distribution of the target component in the received
signal. The resulting performance improvement is called diversity gain and is explored by different means in the
following sections.
Assuming that the different transmit signals result in i.i.d. Gaussian random variables after the receive filters
facilitates the mathematical analysis carried out in the next section. Moreover, this assumption keeps the derived
results general without limiting the discussion to particular transmit waveforms or signals. One of our current
research topics is to find more evolved waveforms suitable for MIMO radar. However, apart from the resulting
analytical tractability and generality, the assumption applies to passive radar systems using sources of opportunity,
e.g. [20, 21], to estimate the bearing of targets without knowledge of the specific transmitted signals and waveforms.


In this section, we examine the performance of a MIMO radar when used as a DF system. For simplicity and
mathematical tractability, we make the following assumptions:
1) Several, independent snapshots of the target are available for processing.
2) The transmitted waveforms result in components of the receive filter output summarized in the vector s for
each snapshot. The vector is modeled as Gaussian random with independent components. Thus, the effective
illumination process is spatially white and its correlation matrix is (1/M ) IM .
3) The antenna elements of both the transmitting and the receiving arrays are omnidirectional.
4) Since we are interested in a DF application, without loss of generality we assume that the signals from the
different transmitters arrive synchronized at the receiver.
A common figure of merit for comparing the performance of different systems is the estimators’ mean square
error (MSE). A system’s MSE depends on the exact estimation method, e.g., ML, MUSIC, beamforming, used. In
order to have a fair comparison between different systems we evaluate the Cramer Rao bound, which serves as a
lower bound on the performance of all unbiased estimators.

A. Cramer Rao Bound

In what follows, we analyze the performance of a MIMO radar used as an active direction finder with M ≥ 1
transmitting elements. The received signal is given by the model (19). In our model there are three unknown
parameters, the direction parameter θ, the target’s fading parameters contained in α = [α0 , . . . , αM −1 ]T , and
the noise power σ 2 . The vector containing all the unknown parameters is ψ = [θ, σ 2 , α]. We let f (r|ψ) denote
the family of probability density functions (pdf) of the received signal parameterized by the vector of unknown

parameters in ψ and C(ψ) the correlation matrix of the error in estimating ψ of any unbiased estimator. The
Cramer-Rao lower bound for estimating ψ is given by
µ ½ 2 ¾¶−1
−1 ∂ lnf (r|ψ)
C(ψ) ≥ CRB(ψ) = J (ψ) = −E . (25)
∂ψ∂ψ T
The ≥ indicates in this context, that the result of C(ψ) − CRB(ψ) is a positive definite matrix. This particularly
implies C1,1 (ψ) ≥ CRB1,1 (ψ). We are interested only in the direction θ and therefore the [1, 1] elements of C(ψ)
and CRB(ψ), respectively. The other parameters are nuisance parameters. Particularly, we note that the problem
decouples, which means that the estimation error of the AOA is independent of the estimation error of the signal and
noise power. We let CRB(θ|α) denote the [1, 1] element of the Cramer Rao bound matrix. This notation indicates
the conditioning of the bound on the unknown parameters in α. Given that the signals from the M transmitters
are unknown complex Gaussian random variables with the correlation matrix (1/M )IN and conditioned on α, r is
a complex normal random vector with correlation matrix Cr = (2M )−1 ||α||2 a(θ)aH (θ) + 2σ 2 IN . We note here
again, that ||α||2 is χ22M distributed.
The CRB conditioned on the fading coefficients can be computed either by using expressions given in [22] or
µ 2 ¶
6 2σ 2M (2σ 2 )2 4M 2
CRB(θ|α) = + (26)
Lπ 2 cos2 θ(N 2 − 1) N ||α||2 N 2 ||α||4
where L is the number of snapshots used by the array for estimating θ. This expression is based on assuming an
Uniform Linear Array (ULA) at the receiver with an inter element spacing of λ/2. Therefore, the elements of the
vector a(θ) are given by [a(θ)]k = ejπ sin θk .

B. Average CRB

We can lower bound the average MSE of any unbiased estimator by averaging the CRB with respect to α. We
denote this bound by ACRB(θ) = Eα {CRB(θ|α)}. Using (26), the ACRB(θ) is given by

ACRB(θ) = Eα {CRB(θ|α)}
µ 2 ½ ¾ ½ ¾¶
6 2σ 2M 1 (2σ 2 )2 4M 2 1
= Eα + Eα . (27)
Lπ 2 cos2 θ(N 2 − 1) N ||α||2 N2 ||α||4
½ ¾ Z ∞
1 xM −2 e−x/2 1
Eχ22M = M
dx = ∀M > 1
X 0 Γ (M ) 2 2(M − 1)
½ ¾ Z ∞
1 xM −2 e−x/2 1
Eχ22M = dx = 2 , ∀M > 2
X2 0 Γ (M ) 2M 2 (M − 1)(M − 2)
we find, that the ACRB is given by
µ ¶
6 2σ 2 M (2σ 2 )2 M 2
ACRB(θ) = + ∀M > 2. (28)
Lπ 2 cos2 θ(N 2 − 1) N (M − 1) N 2 (M − 1)(M − 2)

Before investigating the dependency of the ACRB on the number of transmit antennas M , we explore some
special cases of the parameters θ and N .
θ → π/2: Here ACRB(θ) → ∞ confirms that the direction cannot be estimated at endfire, since the array has a
zero effective aperture (zero resolution).
θ = 0: This is the best case for estimating the direction parameter. Indeed, at broadside the array has the largest
effective aperture (best resolution). We assume in the following θ = 0 unless stated otherwise.
N = 1: The bound is infinite. Indeed, a single omnidirectional antenna cannot measure the angle of arrival.
It is easy to verify that if the target’s RCS is independent of the aspect, that is if ||α||2 = 2M deterministically,
the CRB is independent of M . Having this in mind, it is only natural to define the system’s Fading Loss (FL) as
the additional SNR necessary to achieve the same average MSE as a system, which is not subject to fading.
By taking the ratio of the ACRB given (28) and the unfaded CRB given by (26) with ||α||2 = 2M , it is easy to
verify that the fading loss (in dB) as a function of the number of elements in the transmitting array is lower and
upper bounded as
10 log10 ≤ FL(M ) ≤ 10 log10 p . (29)
M −1 (M − 1) (M − 2)
For M ≤ 2 no finite expression for the ACRB can be found, as the unlimited error of the instantaneous CRB
increases faster towards infinity than the probability weight function decreases towards zero for a decreasing ||α||2 .
This means, that the integral related to evaluating EX { X } does not converge when X is χ22 distributed and the
one related to EX { X12 } does not converge when X is χ22 or χ24 . Therefore, the expressions in (28) and (29) are
only valid for M ≥ 3. As the integral does not converge to a finite value, the ACRB is infinite.
If we hypothetically consider M = 1 and 2 in the expressions (28) and (29) we find that the ACRB as defined
by (28) is infinite, too. Furthermore, we find that the lower and upper bound for the fading loss in (29) are infinite
for M = 1 and that for M = 2 the upper bound for the fading loss is infinite. Thus, the expressions for the ACRB
also reflect the behavior of the actual ACRB for M = 1 and M = 2.
In contrast to the ACRB and its expressions, the average MSE of an unbiased estimator might be finite even
for M = 1 and 2, when the unknown angle parameter θ is estimated with, for example, the maximum likelihood
approach. This discrepancy deserves additional consideration. The CRB bound is a small error bound. This means,
it predicts the MSE based on the behavior of the log-likelihood function in the vicinity of the true parameter vector.
As a small error bound, it ignores the full structure of the parameter space [23], which may result in nonsensical
values. For example, in the problem at hand, if ||α||2 is small, the instantaneous CRB in (26), might be much larger
than π 2 . However, the MSE of any estimator is upper bounded by π 2 for all values of ||α||2 . Thus, the average
MSE of any estimator must be smaller than or equal to π 2 . Hence in those cases, the ACRB is not related to the
performance of any true estimator.
In the next section we introduce another way to evaluate the statistics of the instantenous CRB which is capable
of handling small values of M .
Now, consider the asymptotic case M → ∞. Here, the fading loss approaches zero, that is, the target’s RCS

’hardens’ and is not subject to fluctuations Without target fluctuations, a case referred to as Swerling case 5, the
received signal is r = a(θ)s + v. The signal component at each receive element is then a Gaussian random variable
¡ √ ¢ PM
with power |s|2 = 1. With fluctuations, the received signal is r = 1/ 2 a(θ) m=1 αm sm + v. The signal power
PM −1
at each receive element is then given by m=0 |αm |2 21 σs2m , where the σs2m = M 1
is the transmit power of each
PM −1
illuminating antenna. As m=0 |αm |2 is a χ22M random variable, the mean of the receive power is constantly 1
and the variance is M. Thus, as M tends towards infinity the variance of the instantaneous received signal power
tends to 0 and the signal power becomes therefore deterministic.
Figure 3 illustrates the ACRB versus the SNR for M = 4, 16, ∞. The SNR refers to a single snapshot, thus it
is the ratio Eα {(2M )−1 ||α||2 }/2σ 2 in dB. Other parameters are set to N = 6 receive antennas, θ = 0 angle of
arrival, and L = 80 snapshots.
We can see, that using 4 transmit antennas instead of 16 results in a fading loss of 1.3dB as predicted by (29).
The transmit diversity alters the distribution of the received signal power. Even though the mean of the received
signal power is the same for any number of transmit antennas, the smallest achievable average MSE of any estimator
decreases with an increasing number of antennas. However, as the average is considered, the related diversity gains
are not so tremendous as the ones in the next section.

C. Outage CRB

In the previous section we found that the ACRB is not converging for M ≤ 2. We introduce theoutage CRB to
enable the analysis for M = 1, 2 transmit antennas. Moreover, similar to the outage analysis in communications,
the outage CRB serves as a tool for analyzing slow fading target cases.
Definition: Outage CRB
If the CRB for the parameter to estimate θ depends on the realization of a random variable ψ, we define the
outage CRB for a given probability p as CRBout=p (θ):
n o
P r CRB(θ|ψ) ≥ CRBout=p (θ) = p

In other words, with probability 1 − p the random variable ψ has such a realization, that the lower bound of the
MSE of any estimator is smaller than CRBout=p . Therefore, it is not possible to find any estimator, which has an
MSE of less than CRBout=p with a probability p0 > 1 − p.
As the CRB in (26) depends on the realization of kαk2 , we find CRBout=p for a given p as:
n o
P r CRB(θ| kαk2 ) ≥ CRBout=p (θ) = p (30)

As the CRB is strictly monotonic decreasing with k|αk|2 , (30) indicates that we can find an kαout=p k2 so that
© ª
P r kαk2 ≤ kαk2out=p = p (31)

and therefore

CRBout=p (θ) = CRB(θ| kαk2out=p ). (32)


For a given p and M the quantile kαk2out=p can be found by evaluating the inverse of the χ22M probability
distribution function numerically or by using tables in, e.g., [24]. The results presented in Figure 4 are based on
the chi2inv function of Matlab.
Figure 4 shows CRBp=0.01 and CRBp=0.1 for different SNRs. We can see that the SNR gains depend on the
probability p. In other words, when we want to compare M = 1, 4 and 16 for CRBp=0.01 meaning that in 99
percent of the scenarios an estimator can achieve an MSE better than CRBp=0.01 , we find that for achieving those
MSE’s the case M = 1 requires 13dB more SNR than M = 4 and 17dB more than M = 16. Further, we see that
in this case, the difference between M = 4 and M = 16 is 3dB compared to the 1.4dB in the previous ACRB
The transmit diversity has a stronger impact on the outage CRB for small outages than on the ACRB, as the
1 1
outage CRB is related to the tails of the distributions of ||α||2 and ||α||4 whereas the ACRB is related to their
means. As stated earlier, the diversity reduces the variance of the of the received signal power, which makes the
chance small, that the signal component almost vanishes due to the target fading.


In this section, we explore the MSE and the estimation error distribution of the ML- estimator. We assume
a simplified scenario, in which the signals originating from the different transmitters arrive synchronized at the
receiver, but are not known by the receiver. The received vector is then given by (6). We assume L = 80 snapshots,
θ = 0 and N = 6. The angle θ is estimated at the receiver by maximizing the term l=1 |aH (θ0 )rl |2 , where rl is
the received signal of the l-th snapshot. Thus, the estimated angle of arrival θ̂ is:
H 2
θ̂ : |a (θ̂)rl | = max
|aH (θ0 )rl |2 (33)
l=1 l=1

Figure 5 shows the (average) MSE for different SNR values and M = 1, 2, 4 and 16. We see that the curves for
M = 4 and M = 16 are in excellent agreement with the curves in Figure 3. Thus, we can conclude, that in these
scenarios the ML-estimator achieves the ACRB. Furthermore, for M = 1 and 2, the MLE provides a useful estimate
of the angle of arrival, even though the expression of the ACRB (28) does not converge. This has been explained
in Section III-B. For high SNR values, we can approximate the ACRB given in equation (28) by neglecting the
second summand containing (2σ 2 )2 in the enumerator. This approximated average Cramer Rao bound converges
also for M = 2 and is in excellent agreement with the values of the MSE of the ML-DF simulations for M = 2
for high SNR values shown on the right hand side of Figure 5.
In summary, we see that the (average) MSE for M = 1 is much larger than the one for M = 4 or M = 16. The
transmit diversity provides a gain of more than 20dB in this respect.
In Figure 6 the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of the instantenous squared error is shown for M = 1, 4
and 16 and a per snapshot SNR of 10dB. The Figure is included to illustrate the match between the outage CRB
shown in Figure 4 and the instantenous squared errors of the ML-DF. For example, we find that the 90 per cent

percentile for M = 1 and 4 of the ML-DF in Figure 6 are in perfect agreement with the values of the outage CRB.
For M = 16 we find some small deviation, which is due to the limited simulation length.
Moreover, the CDF of the error of the ML-DF illustrates the idea behind using the outage CRB from another
perspective. Figure 6 demonstrates that for M = 1 there is a non negligible chance of having a squared error of
10−1 or even 1. Assuming a stationary target, this implies that the RCS fluctuations might lead to a situation in
which the target cannot be located effectively. For M = 4 and 16 the probability of such a large error is negligible.
Thus, we may infer, that particularly for stationary or very slow moving targets, a comparison of different radar
systems based solely on the average CRB or the average MSE is not sufficient. A complete evaluation of different
systems has to take the slope of the squared error CDF into account. Since the outage CRB, CRBout=p , is a lower
bound of the 1 − p percentile of any estimator, it is a valid approach to compare systems in this respect.

A. Correlated target aspects

We conclude the section presenting simulation results by extending our model to include correlated target aspects.
From Figure 1 we infer, that for an insufficient angular separation between the illuminating antennas, the fading
coefficients, which determine the returned signal powers from the different transmitters, are not independent.
Referring to the signal model discussed in section II, we explore in this section the scenario of non-orthogonal
columns gm of the matrix G. We approximate this scenario with a first order AR process. For this purpose, the
fading vector α in the signal description in (19) is replaced with α0 which contains M consecutive samples of an
AR process u(k), where u(k) − ρ · u(k − 1) = v(k) and v(k) is a white process with variance σ 2 = 1 − ρ2 . Given
that ρ is real, we find that the correlation matrix Cα0 has the form
 
1 ρ ρ2 · · · ρM −1
 
 ρ 1 ρ 
 
 
 .. 
Cα0 =  ρ2 ρ 1 . . (34)
 
 . .. 
 .. . 
 
ρM −1 ··· 1

Using the Cholesky factorization, we find A so that AH A = Cα0 . Thus, we may compute α0 using the
uncorrelated elements of α by α0 = AH α, as Cα0 = E{α0 α0H } = AH E{ααH }A = AH IM A.
Figures 7 and 8 show simulation results for correlated target fading among the transmitter aspects for M = 4 and
M = 16, respectively. As expected, for ρ = 1 the performance of the multiple transmitter scenarios degenerates to
the one of a single transmitter as all transmitters illuminate actually the same aspect of the target2 . This is evident
when comparing Figures 7 and 8 with Figure 5. Further, the curves for ρ = 0 agree with the curves shown in
Figure 5 for M = 4 and M = 16.

2 Note, as for ρ = 1 the Cholesky factorization of Cα0 is not possible, the simulations have actually been conducted with ρ = 1 − 10−8
instead of 1.

We see that for ρ = 0.9 and ρ = 0.8 and M = 4 the progression of the curves in Figure 7 is similar to the one
for M = 2 in Figure 5. This is expected, as the correlation between the different aspects prevents the full diversity
gain. In contrast, the curve for ρ = 0.9 and M = 16 is very close to the curve for ρ = 0. This is because the two

outer transmitters illuminate two aspects which are almost uncorrelated, E{α1 α16 } < 0.2. So in other words, full
diversity is roughly achieved.
In summary, we can infer from the plots in Figures 7 and 8 that significant gains are possible by employing
transmit diversity even when adjacent target aspects result in fading coefficients with correlation coefficients as
large as 0.9. Moreover, the difference between the performances for small correlation coefficients, like ρ = 0.2,
and actual orthogonal target aspects is negligible. Therefore, this section underlines again that MIMO radar with
transmit diversity is a promising new approach for real world radar systems.


In this publication we studied MIMO radar as an approach to overcome performance degradations due to the RCS
fluctuations. We introduced a signal model, which provides insights into the cause of RCS fluctuations and how to
overcome them. We also introduced two theoretical measures to compare the performance of classical and MIMO
radar for direction finding, namely the ACRB and the outage CRB. Simulation results further illustrated these
measures. The results showed significant gains for MIMO radar. Furthermore, the simulation results for correlated
target aspects illustrated that even when full diversity cannot be achieved, MIMO radar still offers significant gains.
We acknowledge that the analysis is carried out for a simplified scenario. However, we showed that MIMO radar
is a promising new field of research, and we hope that the analysis introduced in this publication will help explore
this field.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their corrections and helpful suggestions improving
the quality of this publication. Further, we express our gratitude to Dr. Daniel Fuhrmann for handling the review


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back scattered power in dB

20 0 −20 −20 0 20

Fig. 1. Reflected power in dB at θ = 0 when illuminating from different angles.

Σ − Matrix
∆ Q

φm θ

G − Transmit Matrix K − Receive Matrix

φm θ

Elements dt Elements

Transmitter array Receiver array

Fig. 2. Bistatic radar scenario. The target consists of multiple scatterers organized in the form of a linear array.




0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 3. Average CRB versus SNR.


M=1 p=0.01
M=4 p=0.01
−2 M=16 p=0.01
M=1 p=0.1
M=4 p=0.1
−3 M=16 p=0.1



0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 4. Outage CRB versus SNR.

−2 M=4
Average MSE




0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 5. Average MSE of the ML estimator versus SNR


0.95 M=4








−6 −4 −2 0
10 10 10 10

Fig. 6. CDF of the instantenous error for M = 1, 4, 16 at SN R = 10dB.

10 ρ=0.2
−3 ρ=0.9
10 ρ=1.0
Average MSE




0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 7. Average MSE for correlated target aspects and M = 4.


10 ρ=0.2
−3 ρ=0.9
10 ρ=1.0
Average MSE




0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 8. Average MSE for correlated target aspects and M=16.

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