Corporate Public Relations
Corporate Public Relations
Corporate Public Relations
Done by:
Ranjeet. R. Iyer
P.R activities focused on enhancing or
protecting the overall µcorporate image¶ of an
Corporate Image
Importance of Logo
Corporate Communications
Need of Corporate P.R
Seeks to project image and identity of the
Regular feedback.
CSR and Brands
µLead India¶ campaign by Ä I for bringing
change in society.
Ä I gained public sympathy and
enhanced image.
NIKE CSR, 2003-learning from consumer,
NG attacks.
Infosys contributes 1% of PAÄ for various
community development.
CSR and Brands Contd«
E-Choupal by IÄC for assisting farmers
through internet for selling their output.
Ähank you