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DSS in Banks

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Decision Support System

A study of strategic decision makings in banks

Paper within Bachelor Thesis in Informatics

Author: Yanwei Mao
Tutor: Jörgen Lindh
Jönköping June 2010
Bachelor’s Thesis in Informatics
Title: Decision Support System –
A study of strategic decision makings in banks
Author: Yanwei Mao
Tutor: Jörgen Lindh
Date: June 2010
Subject terms: Decision Support System; DSS; Strategic decision making;
Business Intelligence; Hermeneutic; Banking system

The main purpose of this research is to use Hermeneutic research approach to find out
how Decision Support System (DSS) is used in banks and financial services. The research
started from one stance, from which the further process could be extended to reach more
complete picture of Decision Support System’s usage in strategic decision makings in
banks. The research is also trying to find out the drawbacks and benefits of the DSS which
have been used nowadays in banks. Furthermore, the future improvements of using DSS to
make better decisions related with moral and different environments are also being dis-
cussed in the research findings.

During the primary data collection, resources from different channels have been used to
support the research. The primary data sources include lectures and discussion in three
banks’ visiting opportunities in Stockholm, Sweden, one interview with IT Vice president
from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York, two interviews with a professor and a di-
rector respectively from Lund University and Financial Services Innovation Centre in Uni-
versity College Cork, Ireland.

Experiences from both academic and practical have been shared to strength the research’s
validity and trustworthiness. Hermeneutic research approach addresses through the whole
research process which needs to be open-minded and flexible.

Unawareness of DSS for people who are working in banks is one of the issues today. Dif-
ferent embedded models regarding various functions are not so clear to bank staff; thus
there is a gap between human decisions and system decisions. There is a variation of re-
quirements between central banks, retail banks, commercial banks, investment banks.
Hence there should be a differentiation when implementing a system. Banking systems are
widespread systems which are influenced by environment factors, political, economic, so-
cio-cultural and technological variables.
The completion of this thesis would never happen with only the sole individual author.
Here I would like to sincerely show my appreciation to the individuals without whom
this thesis would be no means to be accomplished.
Special thanks to my tutor Jörgen Lindh, the inspirations, encouragement and the
lightening up of my confidence to carry on the research throughout the whole processes,
and the showing of the true meaning of the research is not only about finding the re-
sult but also confronting and solving the difficulties throughout the whole processes.
And to Ulf Larsson, my other tutor who gave me so much encouragement and thanks
to his patience and kindness to support me all the time.
Many thanks to Professor Sven Carlsson who provide such great information during
the time when the process got stuck. To JB McCarthy, development director from Fi-
nancial Services Innovation Centre from University College Cork, Ireland who provide
selfless help with the interview and their research papers.
To my previous working partner provide valuable information about Bank of America
Merrill Lynch, New York. Thanks to Jönköping International Business School Trad-
ing Room and SIFE Jönköping for providing me the bank trip.
Thanks to my seniors and friends Mágdala Leung and Mingming Jiang who gave me
great encouragement during my downtime. My colleagues and peers also deserve men-
tion for their constructive critique to make this thesis better. Last but not the least, I
would appreciate my parents and my family for their unconditional love and support
all the time.

Jönköping May 2010

Yanwei Mao
Table of Contents
1  Introduction ............................................................................ 1 
1.1  Background ................................................................................... 1 
1.2  Problem ......................................................................................... 2 
1.3  Purpose ......................................................................................... 3 
1.4  Research questions....................................................................... 3 
1.5  Limitations ..................................................................................... 3 
1.6  Interested parties........................................................................... 4 
1.7  Definition ....................................................................................... 4 
2  Method .................................................................................... 5 
2.1  Research philosophy ..................................................................... 5 
2.1.1  Epistemology ...................................................................... 5 
2.2  Research design ........................................................................... 5 
2.2.1  Interpretivist research designs ............................................ 5 
2.2.2  Research design steps ....................................................... 5 
2.2.3  Qualitative research ............................................................ 7 
2.3  Research approach ....................................................................... 7 
2.3.1  Hermeneutic ....................................................................... 7  Part and whole .................................................................................................. 8  Preunderstanding and understanding ............................................................. 8 
2.3.2  Hermeneutical interpretation ............................................... 8  Pattern of interpretation.................................................................................... 9  Text .................................................................................................................... 9  Dialogue ............................................................................................................. 9  Sub-interpretation ........................................................................................... 10 
2.3.3  Hermeneutic Summary ..................................................... 10 
2.4  Data collection ............................................................................. 10 
2.4.1  Qualitative Data ................................................................ 11  Possible primary data sources ........................................................................ 11  Secondary data ................................................................................................ 11 
2.5  Interview ...................................................................................... 12 
2.5.1  Interview with Swedish banks ........................................... 12 
2.5.2  Interview with Professor Sven Carlsson ........................... 13 
2.5.3  Interview with JB McCarthy .............................................. 13 
2.5.4  Interview with Bank of America Merrill Lynch ................... 13 
2.5.5  Summary .......................................................................... 13 
2.6  Credibility of research findings .................................................... 13 
2.6.1  Validity .............................................................................. 13 
2.6.2  Reliability .......................................................................... 14 
2.7  Analysis process ......................................................................... 14 
3  Frame of reference .............................................................. 15 
3.1  Introduction of DSS ..................................................................... 16 
3.1.1  Umbrella terms for DSS .................................................... 16 
3.1.2  Alter’s types of decision support ....................................... 16 
3.1.3  Possible sources of better decision support ..................... 16 
3.2  Decision support frameworks ...................................................... 17 
3.2.1  The steps of Decision Support .......................................... 18 
3.3  Decision making processes ......................................................... 18 
3.3.1  Decision making procedures by Robert Harries................ 19 

3.4  PEST analysis model .................................................................. 20 
3.5  Banking Structure in US .............................................................. 21 
3.6  An example of decision support system – Datscha ..................... 22 
4  Empirical results .................................................................. 23 
4.1  Interviews with Swedish banks .................................................... 23 
4.1.1  Lecture findings ................................................................ 23 
4.1.2  Discussions ...................................................................... 24 
4.2  Bank of America Merrill Lynch ..................................................... 24 
4.3  Financial Services Innovation Centre .......................................... 25 
4.3.1  DSS in financial sectors in general ................................... 25 
4.3.2  DSS’s usage in different sectors ....................................... 25 
4.3.3  Future perspective about DSS in financial sectors ........... 26 
4.4  DSS professor Sven Carlsson ..................................................... 26 
4.4.1  General perspectives about DSS...................................... 26 
4.4.2  Key factors of using DSS .................................................. 27 
4.4.3  DSS regarding financial sector ......................................... 27 
4.5  Summary of data findings ............................................................ 28 
5  Analysis ................................................................................ 29 
5.1  DSS in banks’ usage and purpose .............................................. 29 
5.2  How is DSS used in different levels in banks? ............................ 30 
5.3  Benefits and drawbacks of using DSS ........................................ 31 
5.4  More contributions to research purpose ...................................... 31 
5.4.1  Risk management and DSS ............................................. 31 
5.4.2  More factors to be considered during decision
making in banks .......................................................................... 32 
5.4.3  Future perspective and improvement regarding
DSS in banks .............................................................................. 33 
6  Conclusion ........................................................................... 34 
7  Reflections ........................................................................... 35 
8  Future research ................................................................... 36 

Figure 2-1  Qualitative research design ................................................................ 6 
Figure 2-2  The Hermeneutic circle: basic version ................................................. 7 
Figure 3-1  Main structure of frame of reference ................................................. 15 
Figure 3-2  Decision Support Frameworks ......................................................... 17 
Figure 3-3  The steps of Decision Support ......................................................... 18 
Figure 3-4  PEST Analysis Framework .............................................................. 21 
Figure 3-5  The process of Financial Intermediation ............................................ 22 

Appendix 1 – Interview questions................................................................. 40 
Appendix 2 – Biography of Sven Carlsson ................................................... 41 
Appendix 3 – Introduction of Financial Services Innovation Centre ............. 43 
Appendix 4 – Risk Assessment Glossary ..................................................... 44 

1 Introduction
Every day, in different sectors, around the world, a lot of decisions need to be taken. Small
decisions to individuals are whether they should eat rice or noodles. Big decisions to coun-
tries can be if, a person should be elected as president or not. Better decision will change
small things in an individual’s life; big ones may even have impact on a country’s future.
Davenport (2009), gives couple of examples of such: the decision to invade Iraq, not use
resources to solve global warming threats etc, all seem to be written in the shameful page
of the history book.
The history of the term decision making could be dated back to the middle of the past cen-
tury. Telephone executive Chester Barnard takes ‘decision making’ from public administra-
tion into the business world (Buchanan & Connell, 2006).
In the business world, decision making is a special art which includes three different levels
which are operational, tactical and strategic (Harris, 2009). These three levels of decision
makings are dealing with different pictures of the business, from everyday operational rou-
tine decisions to non-routine long term decisions.

1.1 Background
Decision making is based on information that the decision maker is gathering. Therefore,
in our planet the fastest growing activity is the amount of information that we are generat-
ing every day, every hour, every minute. Expanding rate of information is and has been
faster than anything else that could be measured over the scale of decades (Kelly, 2006).
There are some decision support systems which are computer-based Information Systems
(IS) that provide the best practical ways to approach the capture, management and exploi-
tation of information which would be essential for the business needs (Kuljis, Macredie &
Paul, 1999).
Decision Support System (DSS) has been developing for almost 40 years by different re-
searchers and technologists mainly within IS area. Explained by Power in 2007, in the his-
tory of development of DSS, five broad categories have been agreed on within this area,
they include communications-driven, data-driven, document driven, knowledge-driven and
model-driven decision support systems.
DSS’s benefits have been discovered by businesses and other organizations, for example,
speedy computations, improved communication and collaboration, increased productivity
of group members, improved the quality of decision making, improve the flexibility of time
and space of decision making etc (Turban, Aronson, Liang & Sharda, 2007).
In the rapidly changing world today, banking and the wider provision of financial service
are the two sectors that are facing more and more challenges. There have been significant
changes in banks, which traditionally, have been the warehouse for the safekeeping of
wealth. Nowadays, a wide range of financial products and services to both individual and
organizations are provided. Furthermore, banks also have their own ‘businesses’ which are
connected with different investments (Kuljis, 1999).
DSS had expanded the scope of its applications since the beginning of 1980’s by academic
organizations and universities, besides the scope, the expanding of the field of DSS also
enriched the later development of the system (Power, 2007). The benefits of decision sup-
port system were recognized that it could be designed to support decision-makers at any

level in an organization and could support operational decision making, financial manage-
ment and strategic decision-making (Power, 2007).
In banking and financial services, different Business Intelligence (BI) software has been
heavily invested into the organization to keep a competitive edge. The different technolo-
gies provide the opportunities to delivery rich, consumable and interactive information to
provide decision makers to make better decision. Solutions like dashboards, portable ana-
lytics and ad hoc reporting enables intergradations of Business Activity Monitoring (BAM),
Complex Event Processing (CEP) to view, monitor and report on business processes.
There is an example of a web based BI tools which are used in analyzing Swedish property
market. Swedish banks also use this tool to help make the right decisions to release loans to
debtors. The tool is called DATSCHA (more information could be found in the “Frame of
Reference 3.6”).
It is essential to the bank to make right decisions on investments or giving loans, especially
in the time when the economic is recovering from the last crisis.
In the rapid time of economic development, making the right decision at the right time is
crucial to the banking section today. Go together with the technology improvement, after
1995, World Wide Web, global Internet, and the later released HTML 2.0 specifications ac-
celerated the development speed of web-based DSS (Power, 2007).
Besides the rapid development in the business world including baking sector, different or-
ganizations have various ways to measure their success. Therefore, one factor that could
not be denied is that the revenue targets are becoming harder and harder to reach. By gain-
ing focus on making proper strategic and tactical decisions with necessary knowledge to
maximize revenue, minimize risk and remaining the competitive place in the market. BI
could be one of the best practical DSS to assist organizations to achieve the goal (Miller,
Brautigam and Gerlach, 2006).

1.2 Problem
Kuljis (1999) argues that two main factors have the contribution to the change of the core
business of financial institutions. One is deregulation of the sector, and the other is the de-
velopments in Information Communications Technologies (ICTs).
The new Information Technology (IT) enables new possibilities/advantages, however, also
implies risks/disadvantages. For example, ICT helps the bank to reduce the paper work
and improve the efficiency/effectiveness of the process. Conversely, if the organizations
depend on the new technology too much, and the system has unexpected crisis, all the data
could disappear in a flash. So the problems are the following. To what extent can we trans-
fer manual routines to automatic operations? Is the employees’ knowledge enough to real-
ize the borders? To what extent, could the company expect the employees to be aware of
the disadvantages and the emerging risks, so that the systems could make best use for the
Most people might know about the economic landslide began around August, 2007, the
main reason might be that the financial market could not solve the subprime crisis of its
own, later on, the influences spread beyond the US’s borders (Singh, 2009).There might be
thousands of reasons that caused this economic crisis, since this is not the first time it hap-
pened in history. Put it in another way, why it happens again, is it possible to foresee these
possible outcomes by assistance from the technology systems?

Obviously, banking system was not prepared for such a ‘worst case scenario’ and could not
follow the speed to ‘Save’ the occurring shortcomings. Together with even worse decisions,
a final catastrophe occurred. In 2008, the U.S. government with National Economic Stabi-
lization Act created a corpus of $700 billion to purchase distress assets (Singh, 2009).
Until now, there might come up with the questions, what is the role of IT-system in fore-
seeing the problems to support banks to make the right decisions? Did the technologies re-
ally contribute what they supposed to? Some pre-conclusion that could be drawn from the
American case is that the problems of complexity do not seem to be resolved in nowadays

1.3 Purpose
The purpose of this research is to find out to what extent and how decision support sys-
tems are used in financial sectors today. The research is also trying to give the suggestions
to provide better alignment of using decision support system to make better strategic deci-
sions. On the other hand, the shortcomings, risks and misuse of the system shall also be
covered in this thesis.

1.4 Research questions

¾ What business sections are using DSS in banks, and for what purposes?
¾ How is DSS used in different levels in banks?
¾ What are the benefits and drawbacks of using DSS regarding strategic decision

1.5 Limitations
In this thesis, the problems will be discussed mainly focusing on banks. Hence, for sure,
some of the problems mentioned in the thesis are of that dignity, which is that only banks
with strong finances and big size could have the problems and solve the problems.
Some of the example will be referred to as international, but the empirical study will mainly
be done in Scandinavia (or Sweden). This is for more practical reasons, such as near access.
Nevertheless, the interviews will also be open to overseas banks or organizations if it is
Financial decision makings are related with various problems or opportunities, therefore,
how the systems are being used and how much do banks depend on DSS might be difficult
to find an answer to. In banks and financial organizations, smaller functionality of services
provided to private customer for example commercial banks help individuals make invest-
ment decisions; bigger obligate functionality to the whole country, for example national
banks need to make strategic decision of adjusting inflation rate.
The research will be interested in different perspectives, and open to find out DSS’s usages
in different sectors in different banks or financial organizations which depend on the
access to get the empirical data. At the same time, it is hard to decide which specific areas
need to be focused on, since the functions in banks are pretty much interrelated to each
other. The research journey will start from investment sector.

1.6 Interested parties
This research could interest a group which makes strategic decisions for the organizations.
It can include banks, financial organizations, both academic and practical. The group of
people will include CIO’s and CEO’s of headquarter of the bank as well as the manage-
ment level to make good use of system to execute the decisions.

1.7 Definition
Information Technology (IT): Is a term that encompasses all forms of technology used
to create, store, exchange, and use information in its various forms (business data, voice
conversations, still images, motion pictures, multimedia presentations, and other forms, in-
cluding those not yet conceived). It's a convenient term for including both telephony and
computer technology.
Information Communications Technology (ICT): Is an umbrella term that includes
any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones,
computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on.
Decision making: Is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about al-
ternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them (Harris, 2009).
Decision support system (DSS): A conceptual frame-work for a process of supporting
managerial decision-making, usually by modeling problems and employing quantitative
models for solution analysis (Turban, 2007).
Business Intelligence (BI): A conceptual framework for decision support, it combines
architecture, databases, analytical tools and applications (Turban, 2007, p.753).
Banking System: Underpin nearly every banking process (Heidmann, 2010).
Hermeneutical: Understanding should continually refer back to an earlier preunderstand-
ing, preunderstanding must be fertilized by the new understanding (Alvesson and
Sköldberg, 2000).
Risk Management: Process by which the Board and Management make decisions – ac-
cording to their risk tolerance preferences- on what processes are best suited to allow the
Bank meet its strategic objectives (see “Appendix 4 – Risk Assessment Glossary”).

2 Method
The method part will provide the reader the view of how the research will be conducted to
achieve the research purpose. The selection of research philosophies, research strategies,
and research approaches etc. will be presented here to make the clear view of the research
methodological processes.

2.1 Research philosophy

The research philosophy term relates to development and nature of the certain knowledge.
The adoption of research philosophy contains the assumptions about the way that authors
view the world. However, regarding this research, these assumptions would be the corner-
stone to develop the research strategy by considering practicality.

2.1.1 Epistemology
It is hard to identify which philosophy approach is better in a certain contest, yet, in general,
a mixture between positivism and interpretive would perhaps reflect the stance of realism
regarding business and management research (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2006). Posi-
tivism could help generate the research strategy to collect the data which could be used to
develop hypotheses with the help of existing theories (Saunders et al., 2006). By the ap-
proach of interpretive, some researchers argue that the perspective from an interpretivist is
highly appropriate in the business and management research (Saunders et al., 2006).
Strategic decisions, banking systems, investments are considered to be highly confidential
business information. It might be difficult to get all the information/data by interviewing
/observing only one organization. Therefore, this ever-changing and never-ending business
world would not be enough to be analyzed by the generalized theories, as researchers, the
challenge is also to enter and understand the world by adopting an empathetic stance
(Saunders et al., 2006).

2.2 Research design

The research design will help the author to make a general plan on how to achieve the re-
search goals. The plan will provide the steps on how the research purpose should be ful-
filled, how the research questions should be answered and how the data should be col-
Research designs are mostly based on inductive reasoning, researchers try to make sense of
the situation without imposing pre-existing expectations, base on which, data are allocated,
analyzed, following steps include developing concepts, insights and understanding from
patterns in the data (Williamson, 2002).

2.2.1 Interpretivist research designs

Comparing with positivist researchers, interpretivist researchers are much less linear when
planning their researches (Williamson, 2002).

2.2.2 Research design steps

Interpretivist researchers usually begin with undertaking literature search to gain an under-
standing of the topic, then following by developing theory and research questions and then
how they will collect data. More precisely, this design approach is to be totally open to the
setting and subjects of the studies (Gorman and Clayton, 1997).

In this research, after the topic has been decided to be author’s research interest. The pre-
literature search started by finding different information regarding decision making, deci-
sion making support system in banks or in financial services. The subject is very wide, and
the information which could be found to combine all those keys words together, is very li-
mited. In this situation, the linear research design would not be the best way to apply in my
research. Williamson (2002) suggested that by applying research in such situation, the de-
sign would be non-linear and iterative which means the various elements in the research is
interwoven, hence, with the development of one decisions to influence about others.
The following figure (2-1) is about ‘qualitative research design’ process which used in order
to show the research design more comprehensively. The iterative process indicates the in-
terconnection of the stages.

Topic of

Literature Theoretical Formulate

review Framework research

Defining sample
(places and persons)

Designing research plan (in-

cluding techniques)

Collecting data

Analyzing and
interpreting data

Report findings

Figure 2-1 Qualitative research design

2.2.3 Qualitative research
Qualitative research approach focuses on getting deeper understanding of people’s pers-
pective, and the reasons and consequences behind their behaviors (Easterby-Smith, 1991;
Amaratunga et al., 2002). One of the strengths of a qualitative research is helping people to
see the worldview of the researches which simulates people’s experience of the world (Yin,
Within this research, DSS’s usage might be various looking into different banks and organ-
izations. By understanding the essential part of the research purpose, qualitative research
approach focuses on how to dig out the interlinks between systems and decision makings.

2.3 Research approach

Alvesson and Sköldberg (2009) argue that ontology and epistemology could be the deter-
minations of good social science. These aspects could handle better in qualitative research
which allows the ambiguity as regards interpretive possibilities; therefore, the researcher’s
construction of what is explored becomes more visible.
In combination with qualitative research, the reflective research could be applied to contri-
bute to this research. According to Uggla (2002, 2004) and Vattimo (1997), hermeneutics has
been seen as collision and inspiration for the plurality of interpretations and understandings
of thinking.

2.3.1 Hermeneutic
This research report started with very wide perspective. Strategic decision making itself is a
complicated process which combing tangible and intangible factors. Furthermore, the stra-
tegic decision is usually related with the top level of the whole organization. Decision sup-
port system could be one perspective to assist/improve the strategic decision making
processes. By narrowing it down as one interesting question or detail to focus on, at the
same time, to be open minded, flexible, not restricted by the theories or the predictions will
help the research to be spinning in a higher and higher level with more and more findings
(Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009).

(Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009)

Figure 2-2 The Hermeneutic circle: basic version

As shown in figure 2-2, hermeneutic circle explained by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2009),
the hermeneutic spiral is showing an alternation between the pre-understanding and under-
standing, interpretation and dialogue, theory and practice which by getting more and more
knowledge and understanding of the research in a ‘growing’ process. Part and whole
The circle in the middle of figure 2-2 is the original version of hermeneutic circle, the part
can only be understood from the whole, and the whole can be understood from the parts
(Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009).
By starting at one point of the research area, and then delve further and further into the
area by alternating between part and whole, back and forth during this process, the deeper
understand of both part and whole would bring progress.
As mentioning before, the information regarding the usage of DSS combines with bank-
ing/financial sectors was very limited. Instead of being frustrated and pendulous, the au-
thor decided to start collecting information about decision support systems, to learn more
about its history and structure. By getting deeper and deeper understanding of DSS and BI,
the general picture of applying the system in banking/financial sectors came to my mind.
Later on, by doing more and more literature research, knowledge about decision making
support in different levels were built up to further the research. In data collection processes,
the starting point was with the help of this thesis tutor who suggested a professor who has
superior knowledge about DSS. Through the initial contacting with professor Sven
Carlsson from Lund University, he suggested that there was limited research paper related
with this research topic in Sweden could be accessed to. But, there is very useful informa-
tion provided by him that Dr. Martin Fahy from department of accountancy and finance in
National University of Ireland is doing research related within this area. Professor Carlsson
also provided useful information about Financial Service Innovation Centre (FSIC) in Uni-
versity College Cork, Ireland which was also doing both academic and practical projects re-
lated with IS and financial services which enabled and encouraged the on-going process of
this research. Preunderstanding and understanding
The hermeneutical circle indicates the relationship between preunderstanding and under-
standing is called the circle of alethic hermeneutics. Alethic hermeneutics dissolves the
stance between subject and object into more original situation of understanding by a dis-
closive structure.
From pre-literature review the information found scattered from different parts could help
form preunderstanding picture of how and what could be used in strategic decision making
processes in banks.

2.3.2 Hermeneutical interpretation

The interpretation process is a reconstruction of the hermeneutic process, some suggested
methodological principles by Madison in 1988 were formulated as less rigorous characteris-
tics but systematic hermeneutics method. By fitting the research purpose which is to find
out how the DSS has been used in financial sectors today, some principles could be chosen
to be applied in the research (Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009).

• Coherence – logical, consistent are the requirements during the interpretation

• Comprehensiveness – applied for the whole work

• Penetration – the underlying, central problematic should be obvious
• Thoroughness – all the questions in the research should be answered
• Agreement (1) – in interpretation should agree with the author without distor-
• Suggestiveness – the interpretation should be ‘fruitful’ and stimulate the imagi-
• Potential – the application of the interpretation can be further expanded Pattern of interpretation
Pattern of interpretation shows the coherent whole of partial interpretations, which should
make individual details of the text understandable, at the same time, growing from them.
The ‘facts’ from the interpreted materials should also be included in the pattern of interpre-
tation (Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009).
The collected data will follow this pattern to be interpreted together with the chosen theo-
ries to be analyzed in this research. Text
Refer to Ricoeur (1981) the text indicated here can be literal, consisting of written or spo-
ken words, it can also be figurative. By applying the interpretation process into text, facts
emerge. These texts might only be part of something, therefore, in some sense; these par-
ticular pieces are endowed with a deeper and richer meaning according to the overarching
pattern of interpretation. These texts also alternately influence the pattern of interpretation
which richness and modification are showing up during the hermeneutic process (Alvesson
and Sköldberg, 2009).
In this research, the chosen theories will help to interpret the text, therefore, during the
transformation of the frame of reference, new ‘facts’ will emerge and old ones might dis-
appear. This means, the chosen frame of reference will not lead the research to find the re-
sults but provide the necessary information for further empirical data findings to get the
‘fact’ (Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009). The choice of frame of reference is based on the dif-
ferent areas for example, DSS, strategic decision making, investment, BI, which are in-
cluded in the research topic, they might look scattered, therefore through the hermeneutic
process, the inter-relationship and strategies will be found later on in banks and financial
sectors. Dialogue
In relation to the text, hermeneuticians take neither monologic stance nor via a passive re-
ception of the text like grounded theory to continue the interpretation process, instead,
they use the procedure of asking questions which arise from preunderstandings, and then
to listen to it, within this dialogic form, the dynamic process of developing or transforming
is emanated (Alvesson and Sköldberg, 2009). During the dialogue, the attitudes of humble
for listening and active for answering are much recommended.
During the process of literature review and data collection, sometimes, gliding back and
forth between the ‘old’ aspect imposed in the preunderstanding and the new understanding.
Later on, as explained by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2009), questions which lead the whole
also interact with questions directed at the parts, these two types of questions enrich each
other, after all, research questions will transform and influence ‘facts’ as well as patterns of

interpretation. Decision support system is not just a system; it includes the process of ana-
lytical decision making processes. Furthermore, the complication of banking and financial
organizations makes even more difficult to find out how those could be combined to be
applied in a good way, therefore, the back and forth dialectic process is inevitable. Even be-
tween the approaching the data collection and literature review, the process is more like di-
alectic to make the knowledge and understanding grow. Sub-interpretation
During the hermeneutical interpretation process, sub-interpretation leads the research to go
deeper and find more valuable interpretation by narrow down the relevant stance. The
three criteria for assessing of plausibility in interpretation suggested by Hirsch (1967), helps
this research to go further.
1. A narrower class has more weight than a wider one because it is more precise to
find out the reasons behind one single certain phenomena.
2. By increase the number of numbers of classes, the plausibility of interpretation in-
3. The plausibility of the interpretation increase with the relative frequency of in-
stances which means, from the frequently happenings, interpretations could be kind
of summarized to find out ‘fact’.
This way of processing the research is well fit to gain more plausibility of the interpreta-
tions. Different ways of conducting data collection for example, by gaining to know more
about DSS, information is not only collected from literature, but also from academic pro-
fessor and person with real life experience. By one stance, expand from different area to
understand more and more, to increase the plausibility in the analysis.
During the whole process, new facts are created through the sub-interpretations, and old
ones disappear. This process is not solo process, it must be related to follow overarching
pattern of interpretation showed in (figure 2-2) the hermeneutic circle.

2.3.3 Hermeneutic Summary

The basic version of hermeneutic is chosen to guide the whole research approaches in this
research topic. The whole process is an on-going learning process that requires an open-
mind and flexibility. The entire process summarized by Alvesson and Sköldberg (2009), is
emerging patterns of interpretation, textual analysis, dialogue and sub-interpretations which
should be permeated by two or even more basic hermeneutic circles that between whole
and part, preunderstanding and understanding.
The essential reason by applying this hermeneutic research approach is because of its
openness to multiple possibilities of interpretations of text which encouraged the research
with more exciting ventures about DSS and banks.

2.4 Data collection

In order to be able to achieve the research purpose, data collection is the necessary part to
support the author on his way to find the answers for the research questions. In what way
data should be collected, qualitative or quantitative? Author should bear in mind that the
proper choice is based on the property (Saunders et al., 2006).

Finding data both primary and secondary for this research is very crucial. It can significant-
ly influence the results of the research. In order to achieve this research purpose, the data
collection cannot focus on limited group of resources, for example, only to focus on CIO’s
or CEO’s interview in banks. Information from different angles, technical and business, in-
ternal and external, practical and academic, should be considered when collecting data. This
approach is also reflected by the hermeneutic circle.

2.4.1 Qualitative Data

This research will be focused on qualitative data collection approach. Suggested primary
data and secondary data will be collected according to the following items. Possible primary data sources
Since the uncertainty of accessing the empirical data sources, inspired by hermeneutical
perspective, all the possible resources will be listed here to keep the door open to get as
much information as possible.
Interviews with bank staff (head banks)
¾ Swedish Riksbank
¾ Nordnet bank AB
¾ Carnegie investment bank AB
¾ Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York
Observations on banks
¾ Job recruitment advertisement
Interview with banks clients
¾ Private person
Interviews with experts (both academic and non-academic)
¾ Professor in Decision Support System from Lund University
¾ Development director of FSIC of University Cork College Cork, Ireland Secondary data
Secondary data “is used for a research project that were originally collected for some other purpose”
(Saunders et al., 2006, p.611). The possible secondary data is listed in the following for the
further research:
Scientific papers describing strategically decision on banks
Internal documents from banks
External documents from banks (annual reports etc)
Internet-Key words searching: Decision support system, business intelligence, strategic
decision making, investment decision, banking system

2.5 Interview
The in-depth interview will be applied to collect empirical data. The interviews will be con-
ducted by emails or by phones. This is done mainly because of the geographical location
and limited time reasons. According to King (2004) semi-structured interviews often refer
to qualitative research approach. In the semi-structured interviews, the themes and ques-
tions designed by research could be varied in orders or omitted/added depending on the
different interviewees (Saunders et al., 2006).
The interview questions and themes differ from different interviewees, therefore, the prin-
ciple of choosing the interview questions is required to achieve research objective and an-
swer the research questions.
The different questions are designed based on the pre-information acquired by initial con-
tacting with the following interviewees.

2.5.1 Interview with Swedish banks

The possibility to get access to interview with headquarters of banks in Sweden was thanks
to the trip arranged by Trading Room in Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)
and Students In Free Enterprise Jönköping (SIFE). I luckily got the opportunity to partici-
pate in this bank visit trip. The lectures were given by Nordnet bank AB, Sveriges Riksbank
and Carnegie investment bank AB in Stockholm, Sweden. Therefore, due to the short time
notice of the trip and not knowing what kind of topics of lectures before, the author did
not prepare the interview questions. Some of the questions were asked according to the
lecture topics and some of the questions were asked during the discussion time which re-
lated directly with this thesis. All the questions are more or less related with the research
questions. All the related research questions please refer to “Appendix 1 – Interview ques-
During the lectures and discussions, the topics were quite various, information from differ-
ent perspectives were shared by both banks staff and JIBS students.
¾ Nordnet bank AB
The lecture was about “The Art of Investing” which given by Mr. Artvro Arques who is
Head of Business Development in Nordnet Bank AB with previous working experience in
SEB, SHB and Richard Hägglöf Fondkommission.
Questions asked related with both lecture topic and this thesis are as following.
- How you use the results depending on the tools?
- How can you make sure everyone could use these tools in a right way?
¾ Sveriges Riksbank
The lecture in Sveriges Riksbank was given by Mr. Tomas Lundberg who works as Press
Officer in the bank. The introduction of the bank’s role and responsibility was shared to all
the students there. Moreover, the relationship between Riksbank and other banks was also
introduced during the lecture.
¾ Carnegie investment bank AB
In Carnegie, students who participated in the trip had chances to hear from human re-
source department, communication department, banking sections, research department and
sales department which gave us a good understanding of Carnegie. From the lecture and

discussions, Carnegie impressed us with its personnel open-mind and honesty. Therefore
the lecture content will not be allowed to be written officially in this thesis, instead, ques-
tions will be answered through its IT department regarding DSS and decision making.

2.5.2 Interview with Professor Sven Carlsson

Professor Sven Carlsson is now working at Lund University School of Economics and
Management (LUSEM). He also had teaching and researching experience in informatics
department in JIBS and Copenhagen Business School (CBS). He has rich knowledge and
experience of user-developed Decision Support Systems. More information about Profes-
sor Carlsson could refer to “Appendix 2 – Biography of Sven Carlsson”. The interview was
conducted with face-to-face interview during the visit when he was in Jönköping.

2.5.3 Interview with JB McCarthy

The Skype interview opportunity with Mr. McCarthy is thanks to Professor Carlsson who
provided this information. Mr. McCarthy is development director of FSIC, University Col-
lege Cork, Ireland. FSIC plays key role in stimulating innovation in financial services sector,
based on Business Information System group’s successful experience of working closely
with financial services companies. More information about FSIC, please refer to the link in
“Reference List”.
The interview meeting was in Skype, interview questions were sent to Mr. McCarthy two
days before the meeting.

2.5.4 Interview with Bank of America Merrill Lynch

This chance of telephone interview with Bank of America is based on my previous working
relationship with a software vendor. The person who I interviewed with has been working
in Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York for almost five years as VP in IT. Required
by interviewee, the name will be anonymous due to the sensitivity of the information re-
garding banks. Johan Svensson will be used as interviewee’s temporary name in this thesis.
Interview questions are designed related with his working experience not only limited in his
working section, so that more information has been covered through interview.

2.5.5 Summary
Interview questions are all discussed and agreed by this thesis tutor to relate with the re-
search questions. Therefore, the questions do not limit the information which might
emerge from indirect relationship with research questions. All the main questions are in-
cluded in the “Appendix 1 – Interview questions”.

2.6 Credibility of research findings

A good research design is very important to prevent getting the wrong answer (Saunders, 2007). In qualitative research, according to Glazier (1992), validity and reliability are
left as primary ways to make sure integrity since the satisfactory means of evaluating qualit-
ative research methods has not been found.

2.6.1 Validity
The concern of validity is about whether the findings are really about they appear to be
(Saunders, 2007). In this research, the main interview questions are evaluated together

with tutor according the research questions. The interview summary is sent to the intervie-
wees to double check to avoid misinterpretation of the findings.

2.6.2 Reliability
Reliability is about whether the data collection techniques or analysis processes will yield
consistent findings (Saunders, 2007). Will the measures repeatable on other occasions?
Will similar observations be reached by other observers (Saunders, 2007)?
Therefore, the research approach for this thesis is hermeneutic approach; it is not very easy to
apply reliability to repeat measures. The stances in hermeneutic research, is from point to
whole, from preunderstanding to understanding, the whole processes need to keep open to
achieve the certain level. With such continuous processes, higher level of the understanding
of the relatively complete picture will be achieved. On hand, hermeneutic is an exciting re-
search approach, on the other hand, it might be the limitation to apply in a normal way of
measuring reliability.

2.7 Analysis process

The analysis of the research will base on the empirical data findings which are summarized
from the interviews. The main focus will be on the information which could direct to the
answer of the research questions; therefore, it is also open to answer the questions with the
information which might also influence the answers to the research questions. The theories
which are selected will help to interpret data and gain new understandings.

3 Frame of reference
While doing the pre-literature review, very limited information could be found from the
current database in Jönköping University library regarding DSS and banking sectors. Nev-
ertheless, previous studies related with financial, banking and DSS could be the guidelines
to help the author to gain pre-understanding to understanding, from part to whole.
The following is the structure on how the theories will provide the guideline of empirical
data findings and the analysis to achieve the research purpose.
Decision support system is mainly used internally to support the strategic decision making
within the bank. Therefore, the information which input to DSS systems might also be in-
fluenced by the external customers.
As mentioned in the previous problem part, new technologies will help banks in some way;
the misuse of the system might also result in make huge disasters. By the stance of both in-
ternal and external, DSS would have some side effects towards misusing by decision mak-
This information is the pre-understanding of DSS used in banks, so the selected theories
are based on the pre-interpretation from literature review. The following picture, figure 3-1
provides the theories which are going to be used in this thesis. US banking structure pro-
vide the relationship between central bank and the intermediaries; Datscha is a real life ex-
ample of DSS which used in Sweden for making real estate business decision. The theories
listed in the middle of the picture are the theoretical support to analyze the empirical data

Figure 3-1 Main structure of frame of reference

The frame of reference provides the main theories which are going to be used to analyze
the data finding, nevertheless, during the data findings, other more unexpected results
might occur; adjusted theories might be included later on.

3.1 Introduction of DSS
Alter (1980) who publishes his Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) doctoral dis-
sertation results in an influential book, expanded the framework for thinking about busi-
ness and management DSS. Later on, through his research, conclusion had been drawn
that DSS could be categorized in terms of generic operations (Power, 2007).

3.1.1 Umbrella terms for DSS

The term DSS may have different terms regarding different area. Explained by Professor
Alter, DSS has been widely and continually developing in tools and methods related to On-
line Analytical Procession (OLAP), data warehousing, data mining, model building, expert
systems, neural networks, intelligent agents, group support systems, and communication
capabilities for virtual teams. Nowadays, new terms have emerged such as BI and decision
support applications.

3.1.2 Alter’s types of decision support

Seven types of DSS which categorized from Alter’s field study of 56 DSS include:

• File drawer systems: provide access to data items

• Data analysis systems: support the manipulation of data by computerized tools
tailored to a specific task and sitting or by more general tools and operators
• Analysis information systems: provide access to a series of decision-oriented da-
tabases and small models
• Accounting and financial models: calculate the consequences of possible actions
• Representational models: estimate the consequences of actions on the basis of
simulation models
• Optimization models: provide guidelines for action by generating an optimal so-
lution consistent with a series of constraints
• Suggestion models: perform the logical processing leading to a specific suggested
decision for a fairly structured or well-understood task

3.1.3 Possible sources of better decision support

The systems need to analyze certain sources to provide output to support decision making.
There are variations or modifications in any of these nine work system elements in order to
provide better support for sense making/decision making (Alter, 2004).

• Business process: Variations in the process rationale, sequence of steps, or in the

methods used for performing particular steps.
• Participants: Better training, better skills, higher levels of commitment, and better
real time or delayed feedback.
• Information: Better information quality, information availability, and information
• Technology: Better data storage and retrieval, models, algorithms, statistical or
graphical capabilities; better computer interaction.
• Product and services: Better ways to evaluate potential decisions
• Customers: Better ways to involve the customers in the decision process and to
obtain greater clarity about their needs

• Infrastructure: More effective use of shared infrastructure might lead to im-
• Environment: Better methods for incorporating concerns from the surrounding
• Strategy: A fundamentally different operational strategy for the work system

3.2 Decision support frameworks

This decision support framework combines both Gorry and Scott-Morton’s (1971) 3-by-3
matrix and Simon’s (1977) decision-making processes (Turban, 2007).
Decision Support Frameworks (figure3-2) describes the type of control in different levels,
daily based operational level, tactic managerial level and strategic planning level. Different
levels require different degree of decision support. From the figure, strategic planning con-
trol is more related with financial sectors.
Fall along continuum from highly structured to highly unstructured decisions, structured
decision making processes are routine and therefore, standard solution methods exist to
solve the repetitive problems; unstructured processes are complicated, no-repetitive, hence,
there are no prepared solutions to solve the problems (Turban, 2007).

Type of Control

Type of Decisions Operational Control Managerial Control Strategic Planning

Structured 1. Accounts receiva- 2. Budget analysis, 3. Financial manage-

ble, accounts payable, short-term forecasting, ment (investment),
order entry personnel reports, warehouse, location,
make-or-buy distribution systems

Semistructured 4. Production schedul- 5. Credit evaluation, 6. Building new plant,

ing, inventory control budget preparations, mergers and acquisi-
plant layout, project tions, new product
scheduling, reward planning, compensa-
system design, inven- tion planning, quality
tory categorization assurance planning,
HR policies, inventory

Unstructured 7. Selecting a cover 8. Negotiating, recruit- 9. R & D planning,

for a magazine, buying ing an executive, buy- new technology de-
software, approving ing hardware, lobbying velopment, social re-
loans, help desk sponsibility planning

Figure 3-2 Decision Support Frameworks

3.2.1 The steps of Decision Support
Described by Simon, the decision making process with four defined phases and the steps
of Decision Support (figure 3-3) show the relationship among these four phases.
1. Intelligence which involves searching for conditions that needs decisions.
2. Design which involves invention, development, and analysis possible alternative
courses of solutions.
3. Choice which involves selecting a course of action from available alternatives.
4. Implementation which involves adapting the selected course of action to the deci-
sion situation like problem solving or exploiting opportunities.


Problem or op- Environment, scan-

portunity ning reports, que-
ries, and compari-


Put solution in-
to action
Creativity: find al-
Choice ternatives and so-

Compare and se-


Figure 3-3 The steps of Decision Support

3.3 Decision making processes

Harries (2009) defines “Decision making is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt
about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them”.
Form this definition; decision making addresses the information-gathering function as one
of the important steps during the decision making processes.
Some following factors should be paid attention to during the decision making processes.
• Uncertainty is reduced rather than eliminated.

• Complete knowledge about all the alternatives is rarely possible, therefore, very few
decisions could be made with obsolete certainty.
• Certain risks are involved in decision making.

3.3.1 Decision making procedures by Robert Harries

1. Identify the decision to be made together with the goals it should achieve
• Determine the scope and limitations of the decision.
• Make sure to clarify the goals when thinking about the decision.
2. Get the facts
• You cannot get all the facts by yourself; therefore, try to get facts as much as
possible within the limits of time and your capacity to process them.
• Do not be frustrated with not getting all the information; proverb says “any de-
cision is better than no decision”.
• Personal feelings and intuition could be part of the facts collection; most of de-
cisions are influenced by intuitions and experiences.
• Input from others who will be affected by the decision or implement the deci-
sion should also be part of the fats collection.
3. Develop alternatives
• Make a list of all the possible choices (include the choice of doing nothing).
• Create alternatives which do not exist yet.
4. Rate each alternative
• Evaluate of the value of each alternative from both negative and positive pers-
• Don’t forget to include indirect factors in the rating.
5. Rate the risk of each alternative
• In decision makings, there is always uncertainty in any choice.
• Rate risks in a comparable form like percentage, grads, rankings for each alter-
6. Make the decision
• Follow a path which you choose to include one or more than one preferences
or choose none.
• Implement the decision and evaluate the implementation
• It is very important to explain all the benefits and risks to the peoples who will
execute the decisions
• Decision could always be changed if it do not working or being harmful and
don’t easily cancel a decision which might need time to work out.

3.4 PEST analysis model
PEST Analysis (stands for Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological Envi-
ronment) is a very useful tool to help business leaders around world to build up their ver-
sion of the future by understanding the ‘big picture’ of the environment contains political,
economic, socio-culture and technological environment.
Financial decision makings are influenced by lots of factors as well. The each key factor in-
cludes different perspectives which listed in the following figure 3-4.
• Government type and stability.
• Freedom of press, rule of law and levels of bureaucracy and corruption.
• Regulation and de-regulation trends.
• Social and employment legislation.
• Tax policy, and trade and tariff controls.
• Environmental and consumer-protection legislation.
• Likely changes in the political environment.

• Stage of business cycle.
• Current and project economic growth, inflation and interest rates.
• Unemployment and labor supply.
• Labor costs.
• Levels of disposable income and income distribution.
• Impact of globalization.
• Likely impact of technological or other change on the economy.
• Likely changes in the economic environment.

• Population growth rate and age profile.
• Population health, education and social mobility, and attitudes to these.
• Population employment patterns, job market freedom and attitudes to work.
• Press attitudes, public opinion, social attitudes and social taboos.
• Lifestyle choices and attitudes to these.
• Socio-cultural changes.

Technological Environment:
• Impact of emerging technologies.
• Impact of Internet, reduction in communications costs and increased remote work-
• Research and development activity.
• Impact of technology transfer.

Figure 3-4 PEST Analysis Framework

3.5 Banking Structure in US

Banking structure in US from Miller’s lecture ‘Introducing Economic Today’, US banking
structures could be a good representative example to know about structure in banking sys-
tems. The relationship between central bank and financial intermediaries indicates the con-
sequences of financial system in US.
Central Bank
Central banks is a banker’s bank, an official institution serves as the bank to a country’s
treasury which normally regulates commercial banks
The Fed
The Fed is the Federal Reserve System which is the central bank of the United States.
Financial intermediaries
Financial intermediaries are the sources and uses of funds which provide the platform for
institutions that transfer funds between ultimate lenders and ultimate borrowers.
Financial intermediation
Financial intermediation is the process that financial institutions accept savings from busi-
nesses, households, and government and lend the savings to other businesses, households
and governments.

Figure 3-5 The process of Financial Intermediation
Liabilities are the amount owned which the legal claims against a business or household by

3.6 An example of decision support system – Datscha

Datscha is a web-based service for analyses of the Swedish property market. This is an ex-
ample of using web-based DSS to provide information of making decisions by banks or the
real estate business companies or customers.
Provide information about property in Sweden
Detailed information of 350 000 commercial properties in Sweden could be found through
Datscha. The information about the owner’s facts, property’s size, taxation information
and address could be provided by Datscha.
Systems’ data
Datscha’s data sources are supplied by the well-respected property consultant companies
in Sweden like Newsec, DTZ and Forum Fastighetsekomomi.
Datscha’s core value
Whether user just need a guideline or want to conduct a full-scale assessment, Datscha’s
Property Analysis is a powerful tool to help user conduct a full-scale assessment by provid-
ing the data into the cash flow mode.

Benefits of Datscha
• Better analysis
• Faster analysis
• Simple
• No download or installation

4 Empirical results
4.1 Interviews with Swedish banks
Comprehensive information from both lectures and discussions about Sveriges Riksbank
(Central bank of Sweden) and two investment banks will be presented here. The data re-
sults will be categorized with lecture findings and discussion findings.

4.1.1 Lecture findings

Nordnet Bank AB is the leading broker in the Nordic region with about 310,000 accounts
in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Luxembourg. Nordnet offers private
investors services to simplify their savings, investments and loans. The aim of Nordnet
Bank AB is to become the leading bank for savings in the Nordic countries.
Lecture about “The Art of Investing” provides an overview of investment services of
The investment process is designed to provide simple user interface with better communi-
cation to implement satisfactory services. Behind the simple, friendly interface which
showed to customers, an internal investment evaluation processes are addressed by Nord-
net. The processes include Needs analysis, Strategic allocation, Tactical allocation, Selection
of instrument, Timing and Trade.
Nordnet has its scientific research group which is leaded by professional people to develop
unique tools to allocate more precise requirement analysis. Behavior analysis tool is one of
Nordnet’s core competences, which is used to filter and analysis the requirements data
provided by customers to reduce the risks caused by exaggerated information.
Financial industry’s main goal is to make money not only for customers but also for its
own. Analysis processes are paid more attention by Nordnet to predict risks in the inde-
pendent and objective way.
Sveriges RiksBank is the national bank in Sweden, its main responsibility is to control the
price of money, to take care of the inflation and take care of the financial stability. In gen-
eral, Riksbank is responsible for monetary policy.
Riksbank makes interest rate decisions by the Riksbank’s Executive Board. Before, the de-
cisions were made by the Governing Board which is appointed by the General Council.
The changes are made according to the requirement of the EU treaties; therefore, the
changes also increased importance on stable process and the independence of Riksbank.
National bank could borrow money to other banks; it cannot control the other banks but
could monitor the whole economic situation. After economic crisis, in general, banks do
not trust each, so they would rather borrow money from Riksbank to backup the cash
Carnegie Investment Bank AB is an investment bank which provides qualified advisory
services in company mergers and acquisitions, in equity capital market transactions and
structured financial products.

4.1.2 Discussions
During the discussion sections, questions were asked about Decision makings and DSS
within banks.
Nordnet Bank AB uses BI tool during the investment decision making processes. There
is a BI tool is used to generate formula to predict future risks volatility, from which, the
risk adjusted return could be allocated.
Making good decisions is not enough by using the tools, understanding the business model,
investment philosophy and strategy are also very important.
According to Mr. Artvro Arques, it is not easy to make sure end-users could use these BI
tools in a right way. Therefore, certain requirement about different knowledge background
could help to use the tools in a better way. Knowledge like portfolio theory, economics,
mathematics, statistics, finance, and experience from meeting with customers are recom-
Sveriges Riksbank’s decision making is most related with National level, the final deci-
sion regarding monetary policy is made by voting in Riksbank’s Executive Board.
Carnegie Investment Bank AB
There is no single system that could handle all types of issues. It depends on the specific
situation. There are some examples of systems which are frequently used in Carnegie such
as Bloomberg, internal systems like risk management systems, business intelligence reports
and external consultants.

Large investments decision is following a certain decision making process in Carnegie.

1. Investment proposal to be worked out by local Management:

- Detailed review of financial implications: income and cost projections
- Analysis of market implications – competitive situation
- Risk assessment
- Legal implications
- Regulatory aspects

2. Proposal to be presented to Group Management:

- Discussion about the overall impact for the Group
- Prioritization of the proposal in respect to other investments
- Risk assessment
- Adjustments of the original proposal

3. Discussion and decision in Board

4.2 Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual con-
sumers, small and middle market businesses and large corporations with a full range of
banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk-management products
and services (Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc, 2010).

Decision Support System in the bank
In the bank, Johan Svensson mentioned two DSS tools which are intensively used in mak-
ing and executing decisions. One is Programming Trading which is an automatic trading
system; the other is Market Maker which used to find opportunities in the market to make
money by using bank’s money. The BI tools in these two examples are used quite much,
respectively about 70% and 90% during the decision making process.
From his perspective, DSS’s benefit is to make decision faster; its drawbacks are less con-
trol and more chances of errors.
Decision makers and DSS
Decision makers have full capacity to use the system, to say the least, strategic decision
making group have people with different skills, the system could even be manipulated if
they want.
Economic crisis in US and expectations
The economic crisis has nothing to do with system, the most important reason is that
people ignored the facts of the risks and regulators failed to regulate the markets. Even if
the monitoring system was there, the people would still only pay attention to their own
Now the situation of economic crisis in US is recovering, getting better and better. More
rules to regulate the banking systems are being created. Probably, the new rules might be
introduced that commercial banks cannot have their own trading.

4.3 Financial Services Innovation Centre

4.3.1 DSS in financial sectors in general
According to Mr. McCarthy, DSS cannot be directly seen or independent used in banks or
financial sectors. No doubt that the financial services companies are the biggest expanding
market places in IT. Today, since there is no settled solution, these organizations are paying
more attention to the risks. There are calculations of risk and there is a framework to pull it
out together and to have management make efficient decisions. Having that as a part of the
solution, the framework is important, the DSS is important if the risks are calculated effec-
tively, by moving this forward, DSS will be more and more appreciated by decision makers
in financial services sector.

4.3.2 DSS’s usage in different sectors

Most often used area of DSS
According to Mr. McCarthy, insurance companies are the most frequent ones to use DSS,
in this actual area, good mathematical models are implemented into the system to help
management to figure out the price for a product or how they should address risks in one
way or another.
DSS in investment and trading
DSS is also used in investment, especially in big investment banks, like Lehman Brothers.
In such banks, different DSS systems are needed to be built in to make the real time trad-

ing to sell or buy as efficient as possible without looking at other demands. These DSSs are
without proper user-interface, lots of logics are build into a black box in the trading model.
DSS in retail banks
In most retail banks, even in the stock trading, DSS is not implemented to do the real time
trading. It is used to attract customer in order to enlarge bank’s money savings. Retailer
banks need to provide the stable environment for these individual customers to manage
their own savings.
In retailer banks, one of the biggest costs is staff. In one project, introduced by Mr. McCar-
thy in a 2nd largest retail in Ireland, managing the customer queues in an effective way to
reduce the staff cost. This kind of DSS is also one way to be used in retail banks.
DSS in transaction and payments
Nowadays, lots of transaction and payment services are gradually separated from banks.
Companies like payroll, western unions are dealing with professional transactions. Payment
is most likely done with visa card or other type credit cards. DSS is used to alert customers
and risks during these sections. For example, large transactions will be sent by text message
or email to the card holder, so that card holder could be aware of the risks. This new de-
parture is to include the consumer to the decision making process regarding transaction
and payments.
Furthermore, systems are intelligent enough to discover the abnormal transactions to alert
the company to maintain the risks.

4.3.3 Future perspective about DSS in financial sectors

Younger generations might be better at using DSS. There is a certain gap now between
DSS and business, even the terminology is not that well known among financial sectors.
The knowledge about structured and semi-structured decisions, the risks, and investment
support systems will be more allocated by younger generation.
Therefore, better rules, and multipoint data collection are needed to improve customer’s
satisfaction. Regulators should also take a look into the DSS itself to monitor the risk dur-
ing the development, to make sure accurate interpretation build into the system.
The future perspective about DSS is in the financial sectors, improvement of the prediction
and analysis are also needed to build up DSS.

4.4 DSS professor Sven Carlsson

4.4.1 General perspectives about DSS
From academic perspective and practical perspective, DSS’s development has been up and
down due to the technology development. DSS also has been renamed to BI. DSS/BI has
been one of the top three investments in different firms which improved the core compe-
tence for the business to make good use of data to make better decisions. DSS is a quite
hot topic right now.
In general, DSS is coined by academic people, while BI is coined by practitioner.

4.4.2 Key factors of using DSS
1. Knowing the purpose of Development of DSS
2. Data type and analysis
3. How the system should be used and educations to users
4. Before implementing, the descriptions of the using process, measure the
impact (few firms are doing this)
5. Data quality is related to the quality of DSS
The data quality cannot be monitored, but could be evaluated.
One suggestion is to choose the most important area to evaluate certain da-
ta to guarantee the decision support quality.

4.4.3 DSS regarding financial sector

DSS is very crucial for the financial sectors, since the financial sectors are quite heavy IT
users. Some DSS is used heavily in banks, like trading, therefore, the risks could be very
huge, and people should know when to stop the trading before it’s out of the control. New
rules in US are to monitor the trading, not by banks, but by the government.
Perspective to align DSS in financial sector
The use of DSS will be increased more and more, because the system could help financial
sector to manage data to proactive and prevent the risks.
Possibility for the private person or public to do much more based on computer.
The problems might be occurring, but the quality will also be improved.
Therefore, the systems are the black box to people, because not so many people know how
the systems are really working. Systems are very complex; people do not really understand
the models behind.
Drawbacks and Benefits
If DSS is properly used in financial sectors, both effectiveness and efficiency will be im-
proved in the short time.
User do not understand the model implemented in the system, which means that the draw-
backs will be that it will not be easy to pinpoint when to change the old system to adjust to
the new situation.
Decision support system is in a high priority today in the organizations, which also means
the functionality of DSS is not fully scoped. There are still spaces to be improved.
Further improvement information
Ethic issues are neglected by people when deciding on the models and also how to use the
systems. Business students are not very interested in ethic courses during university.
The discussion for further direction for business educations should include Knowing
(theories) and Doing (practical), Being (ethic issues).

4.5 Summary of data findings
Throughout these series of interviews, information from both academic and practical pro-
fessionals, domestic and international banks emerged different pictures in front of me re-
garding DSS and decision makings in banks and financial services sector. These pictures
have their common images as well as their unique color. By summarizing these findings,
the foundation of getting the whole picture of using DSS in banks to support decision
makings is built to continue the next move.

5 Analysis
The analysis will start with answering the research questions. After that, more new ‘facts’
which have emerged from text and dialogue will be also shared to complement the herme-
neutic approach of analysis.

5.1 DSS in banks’ usage and purpose

The first research question is to answer “What business sections are using DSS in banks,
for what purposes?”
The terminology – Decision support system is not directly known by all people in banks or
financial services. Therefore, both found from theories and empirical data, DSS do exist in
banks, furthermore, it has been widely used in financial sections. According to McCarthy,
interview with FSIC, DSS is used quite often in trading and investment which embedded as
different BI models to make trading and investment decisions. The interviews with invest-
ment banks such as Nordnet showed that, BI tools’ usage is essential in the decision mak-
ing processes. Big bank as America Merrill Lynch shared that, BI tools in Programming
Trading and, Market Maker are heavily used in making decisions to do automatic trading
and finding market opportunities.
DSS is also used in different retail banks to serve the operational problems, example given
by FSIC is that, a system that manages a client queue in banks is used to reduce the staff
cost and provide better service to improve customer satisfaction. According to Alter
(2004), change or improvement of one of the nine work system elements could provide a
better decision making. In the project introduced by FSIC, one fact could be noticed that
their way of collecting data involves the process of observing customer’s needs and their
In transaction and payment sections, functionalities such as tracing the payment amount,
payment location, alerting abnormal transactions to card holders and banks are also pro-
vided by DSS nowadays.
The decision support frame work proposed by Gorry and Scott-Morton (1971) explains
that, financial management (investment) in the strategic control level needs decision sup-
port. Strategic planning relates with organization’s long term development, therefore, the
benefits of DSS are not well recognized by banks and financial sectors. There is still poten-
tial area to be development to make good use of DSS there. From this support of theory,
DSS has been heavily used to support the strategic planning level regarding financial man-
agement. Therefore, DSS’ usage in the accounts receivable and accounts payable which are
ascribe to operational control to provide better support for altering customers and banks.
In the transaction and payment business, DSS is used to ‘watch’ the transaction, the pay-
ment amount, and the location to send real time notice to account holder and bank in or-
der to give some kind of warning.
In summary, DSS are used in different levels by banks to achieve certain purpose. For trad-
ing and investment, the purpose is to make fast, real time decision to get maximum bene-
fits; in retail banks the purpose is used in the operational and managerial level to improve
customer satisfaction and also to reduce the operational cost for banks.

5.2 How is DSS used in different levels in banks?
From both academic perspective and practical perspective, DSS plays diverse roles in dif-
ferent levels in banks.
In the investment bank, BI tools have been used to aid decision makings; the Programming
Trading and Market Maker tools mentioned by Svensson, Vice president from America
Merrill Lynch are the examples. According to Mr. McCarthy from FSIC, lots of complex
logics combining with mathematics models; economic models are embedded in the system
to support the trading in a higher level. Even the users may not be aware of these decision
support functionalities. Also mentioned by Mr. McCarthy, insurance section also use DSS
quite a lot, since DSS could help insurance companies to proactive the risks and set reason-
able price for the products. According to Professor Carlsson, trading is also one section
which uses DSS quite much. Mr. McCarthy and Carlsson both thought that DSS is not that
well known by all the people in banks who are using them, the system is like a black box.
The investment bank Nordnet, BI tools are recommended by the company to help inves-
tors to make investment decisions. Within the investment process, in needs analysis, a cus-
tomer behaviour analysis system is used to help analysis the actual needs from the data
provided by customers. In the selection of funds, a specific BI tool is used to allocate risks
combining qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to make the good choices. In the
higher level, BI is also used by Nordnet to predict future risks to evaluate the return on in-
vestment so that the proper investment decision could be made.
In the lower level, for example transaction and payment, mentioned by Mr. McCarthy, DSS
is also used to monitor the process, during this process, consumer is being included as part
of the decision making process to make the decision by getting the notice information sent
by systems.
According to Professor Carlsson, that DSS has been the top three investment items in dif-
ferent organizations in past years. People are more aware of the importance of using DSS
to support the decision making.
The steps of decision support introduced by Simon (1977) could be used to summarize
how DSS is used in banks, in different decision support levels.
The most important is to discover problems or opportunities in banks to understand where
Decision Support is needed. The following are the needs from different sectors in banks
and financial services.
1. Investment: choose right items to invest, to make profit to meet both investors’
and banks’ needs, to predict risks and return on investment
2. Insurance: Set right price and manage the risks
3. Trading: make trading fast and profitable
4. Prevent abnormal Transaction/Payment, prevent losing of stolen payment card
By answering this research questions more comprehensively, the situation of DSS’s usage
should also be summarized here.
Too much dependency on system or totally ignore the system’s alert. For example, men-
tioned by Svensson about America economic crisis, people ignored risks informed by sys-
tems to go after the benefits, even though the risks were in front of them, pursuing current
benefits was more attractive than thinking about long term damage to the organization.

The knowledge of DSS is uneven, most of the decisions are experience based, therefore,
objective and independent risks might lost the contributions chances to support decision

5.3 Benefits and drawbacks of using DSS

From the interviews, almost all interviewees have positive attitude towards DSS even to the
future development. The benefits and drawbacks of using DSS from different angles pro-
vide broader view to complement a better way of using DSS.

• Investments banks: allocate customer’s needs in a more accurate way, could

improve customers satisfaction. DSS could help to analyse the prediction of the

• In big banks, DSS could help to make faster decisions.

• In general, both effectiveness and efficient could be improved throughout fi-

nancial sectors with the help of DSS.

• In the banks which are quite dependent on DSS, less control of making deci-
sions and more chances of errors will happen during the decision making proc-

• In general towards using DSS in financial sectors, the sense of change or mod-
ify the system models will not be that obvious since the complexity of the sys-
tem is not known so well by lots of people. Therefore, some mistakes could not
be highlighted so fast to be improved. This drawback is also related with the
fact which was pointed out by Professor Carlsson that few firms describe the
system’s working process of DSS before implementing; therefore, the impact
could be measured correctly after implementing.

5.4 More contributions to research purpose

By answering the research questions, we could get an initial picture of DSS’s usage within
different sections and in different banks. To achieve the research purpose, it is not enough
to just answer these questions, from these different parts, other perspectives related to
banks and DSS should also be interpreted to achieve the relatively whole of the picture.

5.4.1 Risk management and DSS

Harries (2009) pointed that during the decision making processes, certain risks are inevita-
bly involved. The results from empirical data findings also show that DSS is actually being
used to address risks.
Mr. McCarthy mentioned quite a lot about risks framework in financial sections, of which,
DSS has been used to calculate risks, to effectively calculate risks. In financial sections, DSS
is tightly bounded with the matter of risk management and risk framework. The risk
frameworks which summarized by David McNamee (n.d), Mc2 Management Consulting to
develop common language across the bank in connection with risk management activities
could give a better understanding of the alignment of DSS and risk management. Risk

framework “A Model of risks in the organization, risk frameworks typically enumerate the various
classes of risk and the degree of Risk Management expected” (see Appendix 4 – Risk Assessment Glos-
sary). By applying risk framework, the risk is defined and categorized into different level and
different priorities. In this sense, DSS could be used more precisely to make better deci-
The findings from Carnegie, is bit different regarding the DSS’s usage. Carnegie follows
certain processes when making big investment decisions. Therefore, DSS is just small part
during the decision making, most of the decision makings are decided by personal expe-
rience and group work. As the situation happened through last two years with financial cri-
sis, Carnegie had hard time to get recovered. Simple conclusion cannot just be made that
the letting down of the financial situation confronted by Carnegie is because they did not
use more than expected of DSS system to manage the risks. Nevertheless, if they are aware
of the benefits of DSS and they use it in the proper way, at least they might have more in-
formation to help making better decision. Harris (2009) summarized in the ‘decision mak-
ing process’ which provide a clear view of each step during the decision making process.
Harris (2009) argued that during the step of collecting facts, input from other perspectives
was very important to help to make decision. Then the later step of ‘rate the risk of each al-
ternative’ requires the risk raking, ratios, or grades which could be compared. What could
be suggested here, DSS could be used to obtain more complete data, and provide alterna-
tives with different risk ranking for decision makers.

5.4.2 More factors to be considered during decision making in banks

PEST analysis model is widely used by business leaders to build their vision of the future.
Using PEST here to analyze other findings could provide more complete picture towards
the usage of DSS in banks. DSS is not just a system; it is implemented with technology, cul-
ture, economic principles, and also political systems and rules. In banks, lots of factors
might influence decision makings towards nations, organizations and individuals. One of
PEST’s elements would be highlighted here to provide relatively complete perspectives
when making financial decisions.
When mentioning about central banks and big investment banks, political factors have big-
ger influences on them. In “Frame of Reference”, Banking Structure in US is just an exam-
ple to show how different banking systems are related with each other. In Sweden, Riks-
bank, is very independent, and centralized structure to focus on sustaining the economic
stability in Sweden.
Smaller banks as retail banks, commercial banks, investment banks would concern about
economic factors which are the stage of business cycle, labor costs, and likely changes in
the economic environment.
Socio-cultural impacts will be more concerned Press attitudes, public opinion, social atti-
tudes and social taboos. Carnegie investment bank AB has 200 years, its culture is also in-
fluenced by socio-cultural factors for example press attitudes, public opinion, social atti-
tudes. As socio-culture changes, its company culture is also need to be adjusted to fit the
Decision support system is also very much related with technological environment. Heid-
mann (2010) pointed that the emergency of updating Core Banking System (CBS) to im-
prove the business performance. The outdated 1970’s IT system cannot meet the banks’
business requirement anymore. New technologies emerge with each passing day, banks’ IT
systems also need to keep pace with the technology development.

5.4.3 Future perspective and improvement regarding DSS in banks
Some expectations from interviewees, not only from technical perspective, but also from
educational perspective are also valuable to be shared to accelerate the DSS’s better usage
in banks.
According to both Mr. McCarthy and Professor Carlsson, data collection and data quality
are two crucial areas which could improve DSS’s quality. Data collected from different
points could allocate more accurate and complete sources for decision making. Improving
the data quality by correcting mistakes frequently in most important decision making areas
is also crucial to guarantee the decision making’s quality.
Moreover from academic perspective, Carlsson also mentioned about the ethic issues, in
business school today, ethic education is ignored by both school and students. Using such
BI-system related to banks, certain moral standards and responsibility should be the qualifi-
cation for the users or the decision makers. As discussed with Svensson regarding America
economic crisis, ignorance of the risks and pursuing for personal maximum benefits were
the main reasons to cause this crisis.
During the discussions with Mr. McCarthy, the knowledge gap between users and system is
also the problem need to be improved in the future. On one hand, as Carlsson mentioned,
few organizations today describe clearly using process of DSS, therefore, the end users
sometimes have to guess and try, at the same time, certain mistakes occur. On the other
hand, business students from university should also be educated, not only by theories but
also by doing practices.

6 Conclusion
As shown in the analysis part, by answering and applying theories to analyze the findings,
both expected and unexpected results have emerged, by which, deeper and wider view to
conduct further understanding processes is provided. There are some emphases the author
would like to share in a more comprehensive summaries.
Banks and financial service sectors are being aware of DSS’s benefits nowadays. The
growth needs of implementing DSS system are obvious in a general view according to this
Unawareness of DSS for people who are working in banks is one of the issues today. Dif-
ferent embedded models regarding different functions are not so clear to bank staff; there-
fore, there is a gap between human decision and system decision.
Risk analysis needs to be developed further to solve the risk management in different levels
in banks and financial services.
Various requirements between central banks, retail banks, commercial banks, investment
banks should be differentiated when implementing the system.
Banking systems are widespread systems which are influenced by environment factors, po-
litical, economic, socio-cultural and technological variables.

7 Reflections
The research now may temporality come to an end when looking back to the beginning,
and remembering the frustration of not knowing where to start, how to start and later
when the more and more possibilities to collect data from both academic and practical
world, and more and more secondary data was found this all helped to aid the research to
achieve the purpose of this thesis.
The most experience gained from this thesis is not only the results which have been dis-
covered, but also the attitude towards the whole research. The main line of the research
was to be open-minded and flexible in order to gain more knowledge. From the partial
knowledge about decision support system, decision making to discover how these are used
in banks. Even having limited resources in the beginning which were about BI and the re-
search method, and later on finding more and more primary and secondary data emerged
in front of me, I could say, my horizon is expended through this thesis.
Decision support system is also like this hermeneutic research process, it has been used up
and down during the decades, with the technological development; more and more banks
are using and are going to implement DSS to make better decisions. Therefore, different
perspectives including the system itself, banking system, and also environmental factors as
social culture, economics, political need to be merged and harmonized.

8 Future research
A latest report from McKinsey Quarterly, 2010 “Overhauling bank’s IT systems” says that
most of banks are struggling with outdated technologies in core banking systems dating
from1970’s (Heidmann, 2010). According to the report, the IT systems’ change is becom-
ing less costly and risky; Decision Support System is one of the Core Banking Systems. The
further research could be deepened into more concrete level to find out how Decision
Support System could assist and contribute Decision making process in different banks.
Furthermore, risk frameworks should be addressed to make the DSS more consistent to
the other systems within banks.

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Appendix 1 – Interview questions

Questions to banks (Riksbank, Nordnet bank AB, Carnegie investment bank AB)

1. Do you use any webbased/software system to help you to make decisions?

2. How do you make strategic decision?
3. If you do not use any system, how do you make strategic decisions?
4. How can you make sure if everyone use the BI tools in a right way?
5. If you use system, during the decision making process, when do you use DSS?
Questions to interview with Professor Sven Carlsson

1. What is your general opinion regarding Decision support system?

2. What do you think are the key factors of using DSS in a proper way in business?
3. In general, what do you think of the importance of DSS regarding financial sec-
tor?(for making financial decisions for example investment)
4. What is your perspective or future expectations to align/deploy DSS in decision
making regarding financial sector?
5. What do you think are the drawbacks and benefits of using DSS when making stra-
tegic financial decisions?
6. According to your experience, do you think DSS have been used in the right
way/given full scope to support business/financial sectors?

Questions to interview with Johan Vice president in Bank of America Merrill Lynch

1. Can you tell me about your work in Bank of America Merrill Lynch New York?
2. Does your section use decision making support system to make decisions when
doing trading?
3. In your bank, do you know which sections are using the decision support system to
make decisions?
4. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of using DSS?
5. The economic crisis in US was well know, do you think misusing the DSS could be
one of the reason?
6. How the situation is now in US after economic crisis in bank, is there any changes
comparing with before (crisis)?

Questions to interview with JB McCarthy, Development Director of Financial Ser-

vices Innovation Centre, University College Cork, Ireland

1. In general, what do you think of the importance of DSS regarding financial sec-
tor?(for making financial decisions for example investment?)
2. Could you explain more about the work you have been doing regarding DSS
/simulation around customer queues and staffing schedules for retail banks?
3. You mentioned about Risk management, what do you think is the relationship will
be regarding DSS and decision making in Trading, Mortgage etc.?
4. What is your perspective or future expectations to align/deploy DSS in decision
making regarding financial sector?
5. What do you think are the drawbacks and benefits of using DSS when making stra-
tegic financial decisions?


Appendix 2 – Biography of Sven Carlsson

Name: Sven Carlsson
Title Professor

Function Studierektor forskarutbildning

Phone 046-2228026


Fax 046-2224528

Room EC2-225

Welcome! I am a Professor (Chair) of Informatics at Lund University School of Economics

and Management (LUSEM). I moved to LUSEM from Jönköping International Business
School (JIBS) where I was a Professor (Chair) of Informatics. I have also been affiliated
with the Informatics department at Copenhagen Business School (CBS).

My Ph.D. in Informatics is from Lund University and is a longitudinal study of user-

developed Decision Support Systems. My current research interests include: the use of
ICT/IS to support management processes, knowledge management, enterprise systems,
technochange, IT management and governance, ICT enhanced and enabled innovation
processes, design and redesign of e-business processes in electronic value chains and net-
works in turbulent and high-velocity environments. I also have a keen interest in the use of
critical realism in IS research and IS design science research. My research has been sup-
ported by national as well as international research grants.

I have been a visiting scholar/professor at University of Arizona, Tucson, National Uni-

versity of Singapore, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC),
Monash University, Melbourne, and Università della Calabria, Rende. I have lectured at
universities in Europe, the US, Latin America, Asia and Australia.

I am Regional Editor for Knowledge Management Research & Practice and I am also on
the editorial boards of Journal of Decision Systems, Electronic Journal of Business Re-
search Methods, and Information and Communication Technologies for the Advanced En-

I have written over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and conference pa-
pers and my work has appeared in journals like Journal of Management Information Systems, De-
cision Sciences, Information & Management, Journal of Decision Systems, International Journal of Tech-
nology Management, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Information Systems and e-Business
Management, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, and Electronic Journal of Information Sys-
tems Evaluation, as well as in well-recognized handbooks like Handbook on Knowledge
Management and Handbook on Decision Support Systems.


I have been on a number of conference boards, for example, the organizing committee of
ECIS ´97 (European Conference of Information Systems) and I was the chairman for
ECKM 2002 (European Conference on Knowledge Management). I was on the organizing
committees for the IFIP W.G. 8.3 conferences in 2000, 2004, and 2006. I am vice-
chairman of IFIP W.G. 8.3 on Decision Support Systems and I am a member of
INFORMS and AIS. I regularly review papers for international journals and conferences, as
well as act as an “expert examiner” of research projects.

My research has an international focus and currently I co-operate with researchers at Uni-
versity College Cork (Ireland), Marshall School of Business, USC, Los Angeles, School of
Business Systems, Monash University, Melbourne, Copenhagen Business School, and Un-
iversità della Calabria.

I supervise Ph.D. students at Informatics, LUSEM. In 2000 the Swedish National Research
School "Management and IT" was established. I teach in the school and I am a member of
the school’s board. The school has more than 60 PhD students. Benkt Wangler (College of
Skövde) and I manage the research network “Knowledge in Organzations, KiO.” I am a
recipient of Lund University’s most prestigious teaching award: “Teaching Award for Out-
standing Contributions to Undergraduate Education.“



Appendix 3 – Introduction of Financial Services

Innovation Centre
Based on the Business Information Systems group's successful track record of working
closely with financial services companies and its record of new product development and
research expertise, FSIC plays a pivotal role in stimulating innovation in the financial ser-
vices sector.

The Centre provides a resource for global financial services companies to participate in cut-
ting-edge innovation and development that will have global impact. The Centre also allows
participants to share information and expertise, while also keeping abreast of the latest de-
velopment in the financial services software market. Innovation is unpredictable and revo-
lutionary, the Centre aims to reduce this uncertainty and exploit the power of innovation
through the development of cutting edge software solutions.

The Centre provides a collaborative environment to develop innovative solutions with a

rich partnership between university staff and the financial services sector. Sustainability of
the Centre is ensured through highly focused innovation and development - seeking solu-
tions for the real IT problems faced by Financial Services institutions.



Appendix 4 – Risk Assessment Glossary

DEV’s Working Group on Risk Management compiled the following glossary of terms
with the sole purpose of contributing to developing a common language across the Bank in
connection with risk management activities. Developing a common language becomes the
first step in the process of establishing an integrated risk framework for the Bank. The
Working Group is focused on preparing several pieces that would be central to the estab-
lishment of an integrated risk framework. We expect to enhance the contents of this glos-
sary accordingly as various pieces are prepared over time.

Should you have any comments or suggestions to enhance this glossary, please send them
directly via e-mail to Ana María Sáiz (

• Appetite for Risk: A measure of the propensity for Risk Taking or Risk Aversion.

• Avoiding Risk: A Risk Management technique of redesigning the task to deal with
a different set of risks (usually lower). Not to be confused with Risk Reduction,
which refers to reducing the level of a given risk or set of risks, or with Eliminating

• Control Environment: The tone at the top of an organization, including how risk
and opportunities are viewed, overall attitude towards adherence to sound business
practices and ethics, internal controls, value assigned to human capital, incentives,
and how authority is delegated and accountability is enforced.

• Control Self-Assessment (CSA): A technique used to assess risk and control

strengths and weaknesses in a given process. The "self" assessment refers to the in-
volvement of management and staff in the assessment process, often facilitated by
experienced professionals. CSA techniques can include workshop/seminars, Focus
Groups, Structured Interviews, and survey questionnaires.

This glossary of terms contains definitions from:

1. The Risk Assessment Glossary compiled by David McNamee, Mc2 Management Consulting.
2. The COSO System – a system of internal controls or Control Framework defined by the Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission -USA.


• Control Risk: The tendency of the Internal Control system to lose effectiveness
over time and to expose, or fail to prevent material risk exposure.
• Corporate Governance: The organization's strategic response to risk. Usually en-
compasses a number of activities and functions, such as Leadership, Assurance,
Stewardship, Structure, etc. Governance is usually exercised by the Governance
Team made of senior managers and the Board.

• Cost/Benefit Analysis: A Risk Management tool used to make decisions giving

full consideration to the relationship opportunity/risk by Accepting Risk or using
some other risk management technique.

• Criteria: A set of standards against which enterprise risk management can be

measured in determining effectiveness. The eight enterprise risk management com-
ponents, taken in the context of inherent limitations of enterprise risk management,
represent criteria for enterprise risk management effectiveness for each of the four
objectives categories.

• Deficiency: A condition within enterprise risk management worthy of attention

that may represent a perceived, potential, or real shortcoming, or an opportunity to
strengthen enterprise risk management to provide a greater likelihood that the
Bank’s objectives will be achieved.

• Development Effectiveness Risk: The risk of Bank interventions not contribut-

ing to a sustainable improvement of the conditions that provided a justification to
carry them out.

• Entity: An organization of any size established for a particular purpose. An entity,

for example, may be a business enterprise, not-for-profit organization, government
body, or academic institution. Terms used as synonyms include organization and
enterprise. For purposes of this glossary, the expression entity and Bank as used as

• Environment: The external forces, conditions and circumstances that are the
source of risk. The environment includes competitors, borrower wants, technologi-
cal innovation, sensitivity, stakeholder expectations, capital availability, sove-
reign/political, legal, regulatory, financial markets, catastrophic risks, etc.

• Exposure: The susceptibility to loss, perception of Risk, or a Threat to an asset or

asset-producing process, usually quantified in dollars. An exposure is the total dol-
lars at risk without regard to the probability of a negative event.

• Fiduciary Risk: The risk that project funds might be used for purposes other than
those stated in the loan contract, or the use of funds without the consideration to
the principles of economy and efficiency. The risk that the Bank might use its ad-


ministrative budget for purposes that are not consistent with its development effec-
tiveness mandate.
• Hard Assets: Physical assets (land, buildings, equipment) and financial assets (cash,
credit, financial instruments). Hard assets are usually on the records of account in
an organization and subjected to inventory and/or custodial safeguards. See also
Soft Assets.

• Hazard: Risk associated to the consequences of natural disasters (i.e. all atmos-
pheric, hydrologic, geologic, and wildfire phenomena that, because of their loca-
tion, severity, and frequency, have the potential to negatively affect humans, their
structures, or their activities).

• Impact: Result or effect of an event that materializes the risk. There may be a
range of possible impacts associated with an event. The impact of an event can be
positive or negative relative to the Bank’s related objectives.

• Inherent Limitations: Those limitations of enterprise risk management. The limi-

tations relate to the limits of human judgment; resource constraints, and the need
to consider the cost of controls in relation to expected benefits; the reality that
breakdowns can occur; and the possibility of management override and collusion.

• Inherent risk: The risk to the Bank in the absence of any actions management
might take to alter either the risk’s likelihood or impact.

• Integrated Risk Management: The consideration of Risk at all levels of the or-
ganization, from the Strategic to the day-to-day job of the customer-facing em-
ployee. Integrating risk management into internal auditing means adopting Risk-
Based Auditing and using risk management tools to plan internal audits.

• Internal Control: A process, effected by the Bank’s Board of Directors, manage-

ment and staff, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achieve-
ment of objectives in the following categories:

o Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

o Reliability of operational and financial reporting
o Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

• Internal Control System: A synonym for internal control applied in an entity.

• Likelihood (or Probability): The possibility that a given event will occur. The li-
kelihood is often measured in qualitative terms such as high, medium, and low, or
other judgmental scales, or “probability” indicating a quantitative measure as a per-
centage, frequency of occurrence, or other numerical metric.


• Managing Risk: Entails selecting the right strategy for each risk based on the risk
appetite defined for each operation. Risk management strategies encompass:
“avoidance”, “reduction”, “sharing”, acceptance.”

• Management Intervention: Management’s actions to overrule prescribed policies

or procedures for legitimate purposes; management intervention is usually neces-
sary to deal with non-recurring and non-standard transactions or events that other-
wise might be handled inappropriately by the system (contrast this term with Man-
agement Override).

• Management Override: Management’s overruling of prescribed policies or pro-

cedures for illegitimate purposes with the intent of personal gain or an improperly
enhanced presentation of the Bank’s financial condition or compliance status (con-
trast this term with Management Intervention).

• Opportunity: The possibility that an event will occur and positively affect the
achievement of objectives.

• Pervasive Risk: The type of risk found throughout the environment. The focus is
on the environment of the business activity instead of the activity itself. Think of it
as the "Corporate Culture."

• Procedure: An action that implements a policy.

• Process Risk: The risk that business processes are not clearly defined, are poorly
aligned with business objectives and strategies, do not satisfy stakeholders' needs,
or expose assets to misappropriation or misuse.

• Reasonable Assurance: The concept that enterprise risk management, no matter

how well designed and operated, cannot provide a guarantee regarding achievement
of the Bank’s objectives. This is because of Inherent Limitations in enterprise risk

• Reputation Risk: The risk of loss of brand image, or Stakeholders’ support such
that the Bank will be unable to operate at its full capacity. Is directly related to Im-
age and Branding risk, and to Stakeholder Relations risk. (Image and Branding
risk: is the risk of losing borrowers, key staff members or the ability to compete,
due to perceptions that the Bank does not deal fairly with borrowers, stakeholders,
bidders/suppliers, or knows how to manage its business; Stakeholder Relations
risk: is the risk of a decline in stakeholders' confidence that may impair the Bank's
ability to have political support in the international community and to efficiently
raise capital).


• Residual Risk: The remaining risk after management response to the risk.

• Risk: Risk is the likelihood that due to action or inaction, the occurrence of an
event affects the Bank’s ability to fully meet its strategic objectives.

• Risk Acceptance: An informed decision to suffer the Consequences of likely


• Risk Analysis: The assessment, management and communication of risk.

• Risk Appetite (or Risk Tolerance): The broad-based amount of risk the Bank is
willing to accept in pursuit of its mission (or vision).

• Risk Assessment: The identification of risk, the measurement of risk, and the
process of prioritizing risks.

• Risk Classification: The categorization of risk, typically into High, Medium, Low
and intermediate values.

• Risk Event: The manifestation of risk into consequences that may relate to inter-
nal or external sources, which affects achievement of objectives. Otherwise, Risk is
only a potential.

• Risk Factors: Measurable or observable manifestations or characteristics of a

process that either indicates the presence of Risk or tends to increase Exposure.

• Risk Framework (or Control Framework): A Model of risks in the organization.

Risk frameworks typically enumerate the various classes of risk and the degree of
Risk Management expected.

• Risk Identification: The method of identifying and classifying risk. See Risk

• Risk Management (or Enterprise Risk Management -ERM): process by

which the Board and Management make decisions –according to their risk toler-
ance preferences- on what processes are best suited to allow the Bank meet its stra-
tegic objectives.


Risk management is the process by which organizations continuously ensure that

their business processes are aligned with their strategic objectives so that they can
confidently exploit opportunities while making timely and educated decisions as to-
how best manage their relevant risk exposures and provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of Bank objectives. This process, when properly
enabled, empowers management and staff ensuring the organization would conti-
nuously add value and remain relevant in a dynamically changing environment.

Risk management encompasses the processes of risk identification, sourcing and

measurement; selection of strategies aimed at effectively managing relevant risks,
control and evaluation of the effectiveness of the risk management process.

• Risk Matrix: A form of Risk Measurement and Risk Prioritization in one step that
uses risks on the horizontal axis and system components or audit steps on the left
axis. Both axes are sorted to the left corner (High), creating a matrix with qua-
drants of High, Medium and Low groups of elements and risks.

• Risk Measurement: The evaluation of the magnitude of risk.

• Risk Model: A mathematical, graphical or verbal description of risk for a particular

environment and set of activities within that environment. Useful in Risk Assess-
ment for consistency, training and documentation of the assessment.

• Risk Ranking (or Risk Prioritization): The ordinal or cardinal rank prioritization
of the risks in various alternatives, projects or units. Also, Risk Scenarios: A me-
thod of identifying and classifying risks through creative application of Probabilistic
events and their Consequences. Typically a Brainstorming or other creative tech-
nique is used to stimulate "what might happen."

• Risk Reduction: Application of Risk Management principles to reduce the Like-

lihood or Consequences of an Event, or both.

• Risk Response: set of actions to align risks with the Bank’s risk tolerance and risk

• Sharing Risk: Risk Management technique for distributing the possible Conse-
quences of risk among several parties. Insurance and other contracts are methods
used to share or Transfer Risk.

• Soft Assets: Human resources (people, skills and knowledge) and intangible assets
(information, brands, and reputation). Soft assets are hard to value and are not
usually reflected in the books of account, nor are they typically subjected to period-
ic inventory. See also Hard Assets.


• Strategic: Used with “objectives”: having to do with high-level goals that are
aligned with and support the Bank’s mission (vision or mandate).

• Threat: Risk associated to the consequences of crime, robbery, fraud and corrup-

• Uncertainty: Inability to know in advance the exact likelihood or impact of future


• Value-At-Risk: Often abbreviated as VAR, these are a class of Models used by fi-
nancial institutions to measure the risk in complex derivative portfolio positions.
VAR estimates the total aggregate value in the portfolio exposed to the risk of loss.


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