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The Jazz Guitar Chords Ebook

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The Jazz Guitar Chord Book

By Dirk Laukens (

This ebook shows you how to construct jazz guitar chords and how to play
them on guitar. If you’d like to go more advanced, I can wholeheartedly
recommend you the Jazz Theory Book.

The Theory
p.2 …………………………………………………. Jazz Guitar Chord Theory

The Basic Chords

p.18 …………………………………………………. Major Guitar Chord Chart
p.19 …………………………………………………. Minor Guitar Chord Chart
p.20 …………………………………………………. Dominant Guitar Chord Chart
p.22 …………………………………………………. Diminished & Other Chords

More Advanced Chords

p.23 …………………………………………………. Advanced Major Chords
p.25 …………………………………………………. Advanced Minor Chords
p.26 …………………………………………………. Advanced Dominant Chords

Other Jazz Guitar Resources

p.28 …………………………………………………. Some Useful Links
p.28 …………………………………………………. An Amazing Jazz Guitar Course

Page 1 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

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not be sold, edited, reprinted in electronic, print, web or other format
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Jazz Guitar Chord Theory

In this tutorial I’ll teach you how guitar chords are built and how this
translates to the guitar.

Let's get started with the C major scale:

C Major Scale C D E F G A B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

All chords are based on thirds and there are 2 kinds of thirds (or 3rds) :

minor third interval of 3 half notes symbol : b3

major third interval of 4 half notes symbol : 3

Let's start by stacking 2 thirds on the first note (1) of the C major scale:


1 3 5

The result is a C major triad or C. From C to E is a major third and from E

to G a minor third : every major chord has this structure. The thing to
remember here is what we call the chord formula:

Chord formula for major chords: 1 3 5

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Something other things to remember:

• Another name for the 1 of a chord is the root.

• A triad is a chord with 3 notes

• A seventh chord is a chord with 4 or more notes

Let's do the same for note 2 of the C major scale:


1 b3 5

The result is a D minor triad or Dm.

From D to F is a minor third and from F to A is a major third : every minor

chord has this structure.

Chord formula for minor chords: 1 b3 5

Let’s skip a few notes and stack thirds on the 7 of the C major scale:


1 b3 b5

The result is a B diminished triad or Bdim.

From B to D is a minor third and from D to F is also a minor third : every

diminished triad chord has this structure.

Chord formula for diminished chords: 1 b3 b5

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I'll summarize and complete the other notes of the C major scale:

Notes Formula Chord Name Symbol

1 C E G 1 3 5 C major C

2 D F A 1 b3 5 D minor Dm or D- or Dmin

3 E G B 1 b3 5 E minor Em or E- or Emin

4 F A C 1 3 5 F major F

5 G B D 1 3 5 G major G

6 A C E 1 b3 5 A minor Am or A- or Amin

7 B D F 1 b3 b5 B diminished Bdim or B°

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Now, there are 2 ways to construct chords:

1. The first way starts from the major scale.

1. Find the major scale of a given key. If you don’t know how to do
this, learn it here: How To Construct a Major Scale. If you need to
find the notes of a Gm chord then find the G major scale : G A B C
D E F#

2. Construct the major chord : 1 3 5. In our G major example that

would be : G B D

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3. Apply the chord formula to the major chord. The chord formula
for minor chords is 1 b3 5. This means the 3rd of the major chord
has to be lowered half a tone: G Bb D

2. The second way involves some memorization and will be explained after
we covered seventh chords and tensions.
Let’s have a look at seventh chords, chords that contain 4 or more different
notes and that are used a lot in jazz music.

We start again with the C major scale :

C Major Scale C D E F G A B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The construction of seventh chords follows the same principle as the

construction of triads : stacking 3rds on top of each other. Triads are
made by stacking 2 thirds on top of the root. Seventh chords are
constructed by stacking 3 thirds on top of the root.

Let's stack 3 thirds on the 1 of the C major scale :


1 3 5 7

The result is a C major 7 chord or Cmaj7.

From C to E is a major third, from E to G is a minor third and from G to B

is a major third : every major 7 chord has this structure.

Chord formula for major 7 chords: 1 3 5 7

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Let's do the same for the 2nd note of the C major scale:


1 b3 5 b7

The result is a D minor chord or Dmin7.

From D to F is a minor third, from F to A is a major third and from A to C

is a minor third: every minor 7 chord has this structure.

Chord formula for minor 7 chords: 1 b3 5 b7

Let's skip some notes and stack 3 thirds on top of the 5th note of the C
major scale:


1 3 5 b7

The result is a G dominant 7 chord or G7.

From G to B is a major third, from B to D is a minor third and from D to F

is a minor third : every dominant 7 chord has this structure.

Chord formula for dominant 7 chords: 1 3 5 b7

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We'll skip some more notes and stack 3 thirds on top of the 7th note of the
C major scale:


1 b3 b5 b7

The result is a B half diminished chord or Bm7b5.

From B to D is a minor third, from D to F is a minor third and from F to A

is a major third : every half diminished 7 chord has this structure.

Chord formula for half diminished 7 chords: 1 b3 b5 b7

I'll summarize and complete the other notes of the C major scale :

Notes Formula Chord Name Symbol

1 C E G B 1 3 5 7 C major 7 Cmaj7

Dm7 or D-7 or
2 D F A C 1 b3 5 b7 D minor 7

Em7 or E-7 or
3 E G B D 1 b3 5 b7 E minor 7

4 F A C E 1 3 5 7 F major 7 Fmaj7

5 G B D F 1 3 5 b7 G dominant G7

Am7 or A-7 or
6 A C E G 1 b3 5 b7 A minor 7

B half Bm7b5 or
7 B D F A 1 b3 b5 b7
diminished Bmin7b5

Page 7 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

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Let’s have a look at a phenomenon called tensions.

Tensions are notes that are part of a chord, but are not chord tones (1
3 5 7).

Let's have a look again at the C major scale :

C Major Scale C D E F G A B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

If we construct a chord on C, we get a Cmaj7 :


1 3 5 7

There are 3 notes left in the major scale that are not chord tones : 2, 4
and 6. If we add these tones to the chord, they become tensions. Most of
the time we play tensions an octave higher then the chord tones because
else they might get in the way of the chord tones (the chord would sound
‘muddy’ most of the time). That's also the way they are notated: 2
becomes 9 (2+7(one octave)=9), 4 becomes 11 and 6 becomes 13.

So if we add the 2 to Cmaj7 we get Cmaj9


1 3 5 7 9

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The two other notes that are left, the 4 and 6, are special cases in
combination with a major chord. They are avoid notes: notes that are a
half tone above a chord tone. Avoid notes sound disharmonic so they are
almost never used.

If we have a look at the 4 of the C major scale we notice that it is a half note
above the e, what is the 3rd of Cmaj7. So the 4 (f) is an avoid note for

A solution for this is to raise the 4 half a tone : f becomes f# and is no

longer an avoid note and the basic scale is no longer C major, but C Lydian
(see jazz guitar modes). This chord would be called Cmaj7(#11).

The 6 is also a special case in combination with major chords. Most of the
times when we add a 6 to a major chord, the 7 is omitted and there is no
octave added to the 6. This is because the 6 and 7 might get in each other's

So if we add the 6 to C major we get a C6 :


1 3 5 6

The same goes for 6 in combination with a minor chord : the 7 is

omitted. If we add the 6 to Dm7 we get Dm6 (Look out : the 6 is no longer
A because the root of the chord changed to D. The six is now B (D E F# G
A B C#):


1 b3 5 6

The 4 is not an avoid note in combination with minor chords because

it is two half tones above the b3 and not one half. We can safely add the 4
to Dm7 and we get Dm11:


1 b3 5 b7 11

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The 4 is also a special case in combination with dominant chords.
When a 4 is added to a dominant chord, the 3 is omitted. Chords like these
are called sus4 chords and often function as a delay for a dominant

Sus4 chords often come with a 9 on the guitar :


1 4 5 b7 9

There's also a thing called altered tensions (b9, #9, b5, b13). This topic is
covered later in another lesson.

The different chord types and their tensions :

Chord Type Added Note Symbol

2 Cmaj9

4 / avoid note.
Major #4 Cmaj7#11 #11 comes out
of lydian scale

6 C6 omitted 7

2 Cm9

Minor 4 Cm11

6 Cm6 omitted 7

2 C9
b2 and #2 come
b2 C7(b9)
out of altered scale
#2 C7#9
4 C7sus4

6 C13 b6 comes out

b6 C7(b13) of altered scale

Page 10 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

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Here's a summary of the chord formulas we covered until now + some

additional chord types :

Chord Type Chord Formula

Major Triad 1 3 5

Minor Triad 1 b3 5

Diminished Triad 1 b3 b5

Augmented Triad 1 3 #5

Major 7 1 3 5 7

Minor 7 1 b3 5 b7

Dominant 7 1 3 5 b7

Half Diminished 7 1 b3 b5 b7

Diminished 7 1 b3 b5 bb7

Augmented 7 1 3 #5 b7

Suspended 4 1 4 5 b7

minor/major 7 1 b3 5 7

Page 11 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Let’s look at a shortcut for constructing chords:

The first step is memorizing the chords and chord tones of the C major
scale and the chord formula's:

Cmaj7 C E G B

Dm7 D F A C

Em7 E G B D

Fmaj7 F A C E

G7 G B D F

Am7 A C E G

Bm7b5 B D F A

1. You must be able to picture the chord types and chord tones of C
major without thinking.

2. Now that you know the chords of C major, it's easy to find chords of
other keys.

For example: to find the chord tones of Cm7:

1. You know the chord tones of Cmaj7: C E G B

2. You know the chord formula of Cmaj7: 1 3 5 7
3. You know the chord formula of minor 7: 1 b3 5 b7
4. Adapt the chord tones of Cmaj7 to the formula of minor 7:
bring the 3 and the 7 a half tone down
5. Conclusion: the chord tones of Cm7 are: C Eb G Bb

Example 2: the chord tones of Ddim7:

6. You know the chord tones of Dm7: D F A C

7. You know the formula of Dm7: 1 b3 5 b7
8. You know the formula of diminished 7: 1 b3 b5 bb7
9. Adapt the chord tones of Dm7 to the formula of diminished 7:
bring the 5 and the 7 a half tone down
10. Conclusion: the chord tones of Ddim7 are: D F Ab B

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Example 3: the chord tones of F#7:

11. You know the chord tones of Fmaj7: F A C E

12. To find the chord tones of F#maj7 you just have to raise each
chord tone half a tone: F# A# C# E#
13. You know the formula of major 7: 1 3 5 7
14. You know the formula of dominant 7: 1 3 5 b7
15. Adapt the chord tones of F#maj7 to the formula of dominant 7
: bring the 7 a half tone down
16. Conclusion: the chord tones of F#7 are: F# A# C# E

Now you know how to find the notes of a chord, but how do you translate
this to the guitar?

One thing you need to know is that not every chord tone is equally
important :

• 3 and 7 are the important notes of a chord because they decide

what kind of chord we are dealing with.
• The 1 is the least important note, because it is played by the bass
player most of the time.
• The 5 is not so important either and can be disturbing sometimes.
• Tensions add color and interest to a chord, so it's preferable to
use tensions instead of 1 and 5

Another thing you need to know is that 1 half tone equals one fret on the

Let’s have a look at some examples:

We'll start with a C triad: C E G (1 3 5)

X15135 : C

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from left to right (from low E string to high E string) we have:

o X: the low E-string is not played

o 1: the 1 or root of the chord is played on the A-string
o 5: the 5th of the chord is played on the D-string
o 1: again the root, but now on the G-string
o 3: the third is played on the B-string
o 5: the 5th is played again, but this time on the high E-string

You see that it is ok to duplicate chord tones, like the 1 and the 5 in our
example, but this may sound a bit sluggish.

This chord doesn't sound very jazzy though, let's spice it up a bit:

X15735 : Cmaj7

Instead of duplicating the root on the G-string, we exchanged it for the 7 of

the chord.

Now let's add some color :

X1379X : Cmaj9

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We exchanged the 5th on the D-string for the 3rd and we changed the 3rd
on the B-string to a 9.

This would be a nice chord if you're playing bossa nova, solo guitar or in
duo setting, but if you play with a bass player and you don't want to get in
his way, it's better to omit the root and to play on the higher strings only:

XX3795 : Cmaj9/E

Instead of playing the root of the chord, we now play the 5th on the high E-

A chord like this is called a chord inversion: a chord that has a note
other than the root in the bass.

There are three types of chord inversions:

• First inversion: 3rd in the bass

• Second inversion: 5th in the bass

• Third inversion: 7th in the bass

In our example we have got a Cmaj9 chord with the 3rd (E) in the bass.

Now what needs to happen if we want to make this chord dominant?

Simple: the 7 has to go a half tone down (major is 1 3 5 7, dominant is 1 3 5

Page 15 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Have a look at the chord diagram:

XX3b795 : C9/E

And if we want to make this chord minor?

Starting from the dominant chord we have to lower the 3rd with half a
tone, as you can see here:

XXb3b795 : Cm9/E

Here’s an exercise for you: I give you some chords and you need to find the
chord notes (the solutions are on the next page) :

For example : Fm7 : F Ab C Eb

Now it's your turn :

Gm7 :
Abmaj7 :
C#maj7 :
A9sus4 :
B7 :
Edim7 :
Gdim7 :
D7b9 :
D#m7b5 :
Dmaj7 :

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The solutions to the chord exercises:

Gm7 : G Bb D F
Abmaj7 : Ab C Eb G
C#maj7 : C# E# G# B#
A9sus4 : A D E G B
B7 : B D# F# A
Edim7 : E G Bb Db
Gdim7 : G Bb Db E
D7b9 : D F# A C Eb
D#m7b5 : D# F# A C#
Dmaj7 : D F# A C#

Did you pass the test? If not I suggest you reread the entire tutorial once
again very slowly and make sure you understand all the parts.

That was it for the theoretical part. If you’d like to know more about jazz
music theory, there’s a book I can strongly recommend you (it’s the jazz
theory bible): The Jazz Theory book by Mark Levine

The next part is all about jazz chords on the guitar: the basic jazz guitar
chord charts. These charts are essential knowledge and a good starting
point for beginning jazz guitarists.

The part after that is about more advanced chords.

The best way to memorize chords is by actually using them. Here’s a list of
the most popular jazz chord progressions. By playing chord progressions
you see the chords in relation to each other, what makes it easier to
memorize them.

The next step is playing jazz standards.For the most popular and most
played jazz standards you’ll have to buy yourself a Real book, the bible of
every jazz musician.

I suggest you flip the page and get your fingers going.


Page 17 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Major Chord Chart

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Minor Chord Chart

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Dominant Chord Chart

Page 20 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Page 21 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (
Diminished, Half Diminished & m/maj7

Page 22 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Advanced Major Chords

Page 23 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Page 24 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (
Advanced Minor Chords

Page 25 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Advanced Dominant Chords

Page 26 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

And here are two funk chords to finish:

Page 27 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

Useful Resources

Other Jazz Guitar Chord Tutorials at :

The Jazz Guitar Chord in Fourths: about the construction of quartal voicings
Basic Chord Inversions: basic chord voicings & inversions
Blues Chord Progressions & Variations: variations on the 12 bar blues
Jazz Chord Progressions: the most popular chord progressions in jazz
Tritone Chord Substitution: theory, diagrams & examples
Blues Chord Progressions: variations on the 12 bar blues progression
Rhythm Changes: a guide to rhythm changes on the guitar
Walking Bass: learn to walk on your guitar
Steely Dan Chords: the mu major chord

Recommended eBook:

Play What You Hear by Chris Standring

A lot of guitarists will tell you they 'play by ear', but the
question is, do they? No! My experience is that a lot of
guitarists who claim to play by ear actually play by
following their fingers. By playing the same things over
and over again they developed a routine that got stuck in
their fingers.

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The Right Way To Learn How To Improvise

'Play What You Hear' is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to play what
you hear inside your head. The ebook is divided into 4 comprehensive sections:

• Part one of the course concentrates on melody

o guitar scales and their use

Page 28 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

o diatonic sounds and their relative chords
o visualizing harmony
o melodic patterns
o much more...

• Part two is about harmony

o embellishing chords
o voice leading
o chordal accompaniment
o much more...

• Part three talks about playing chord changes

o the bebop approach

o the diminished scale
o various types of resolutions (b9 resolution, #5#9 resolution, ...)
o turnarounds
o the melodic minor scale
o the blues scale
o much more...

• Part four is about phrasing

o how to develop melodic phrases over moving harmonies
o motifs
o themes and variations
o sequential resolutions
o tritone substitution
o real life examples where you can put to use the what you have just
o much more...

All concepts in the book are clearly explained and illustrated:

• interactive diagrams
• guitar tabs
• standard notation
• audio examples
• play-along audio tracks

'Play What You Hear' comes in 2 versions:

• download version
• cd-rom version

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Listen what other guitarists say about 'Play What You Hear':

"Chris - Your course is simply the best!!!!!!!!! I appreciate the time you spent on
attention to detail, making it fun, making it real and most of all it holds your

Page 29 Copyright © 2010, Dirk Laukens (

attention. A great boon for those serious but struggling like me. I, like many,
have stacks of guitar course books that I briefly managed to get into but then
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'Play What You Hear' has the ability to take your guitar playing to the next
level. Highly recommended!

More information about 'Play What Your Hear'...

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