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Sura Tul Kafiroon - Surah No. 109 - English

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Sirah al Kafirtin (THE INFIDELS) Revealed at Makkah, it has six Ayat and only One Section. In the Name of Allah Kis ia, zy The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. 1 Say you: Infidels! OoBa CES 2. T worship not what you worship. OS25 acta 3 Nor are you the worshippers Se eS 4 S255 what I worship. Oxiteiss) 4 And I shall not be a worshipper of One aks what you have worshipped. 3: Nor will be the worshipper of| DP tere pF da sha eesti OAACLAS ZV; 6. Your requital shall be yours, and 1728 2 my requital shall be mine, ODF seeee Secrets of Revelation The Holy Prophet” must proclaim that he is Allah’s Messenger and a Unitarian, who cannot possibly worship the idols. The polythesis of Makkah had offered him compromise on the condition that he will not negate their idols. It was revealed to him that not negating falschood amounts to accepting it. A believer cannot accept disbelief and, under all circumstances, calls wrong a wrong. And so long as they stick to infidelity and their ungodly beliefs and practices, they cannot worship what the Holy Prophet" does. Islam is not a religion of compromise, whereby any concept of infidelity is inducted into it. Rather it is implemented after wiping out infidelity So O” infidels! Do not expect any compromise from the Holy Prophet” as his Din guarantees complete success. And those who continue to stick to their religions despite Allah’s final Message, will soon sec their fate.

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