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Notes On Heuristics in Problem Solving

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for O-A

Solving /
U → Am
O-A (Om)

\ Theory
(U ≡ F) → Am
/ Derivation

U → Am ← F

\ Ed Sickafus
Ntelleck, LLC
A Grosse Ile, MI USA
for Solving
Technical Problems

Theory, Derivation, Application

Ed Sickafus

Copyright © 2004 Ntelleck, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Text, layout, and art by Ed Sickafus

Ntelleck, LLC
Grosse Ile, MI

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Dedicated to those who enjoy the

intellectual challenge of problem solving.

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Heuristics for Solving Technical Problems
– Theory, Derivation, Application
Table of Contents
Abstract v
Derivation of Heuristics in Three Parts vii

Part I – Use of Heuristics in Problem Solving

Introduction 3
Heuristics in Mathematics 3
Definition of heuristics and intuition 4
Examples of heuristics used by technologists in problem solving, Table 1. 5
Heuristics seed the subconscious 5
The use of heuristics in problem solving 6
Unstructured brainstorming 7
Background 7
Structured, problem-solving methodologies 7
Origin of heuristics 8
A simple model of cognition 8
Perspectives and biases in problem solving 9
Abstraction of heuristics 11
Comments on the method 12
The Method for Abstract Deduction of Heuristics 13
Application of heuristics to a physical-world problem 13
Problem-definition phase 13
Problem-analysis phase 16
Problem-solution phase 21
Summary of heuristics used, Table 2. 25
Abstract heuristics – no physical-world references 26
Application of heuristics to an abstract problem 28
Problem-definition phase 28
Problem-analysis phase 29
Problem-solution phase 29
Summary of new graphic heuristics for an abstract problem, Table 3 35
Abstract heuristics for abstract problems 35
Graphic representation of heuristics 36
Comments on the adaptation of derived heuristics to other fields. 37
Object 39
Information as an object 39
Attribute 40
Function 40
Object abstraction 40

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Table of Contents

Note on Mathematical Heuristics 41

Comparison of twelve mathematical heuristics with known and derived
heuristics, Table 4 41
Conclusion of Part I 42

Part II – Derivation of Heuristics 53

Derivation of Heuristics 55
Definitions 55
Axioms 56
Known Heuristics 57
Abstraction 58
Problem state 59
Problem-state – to – Solution-state strategies 60
Problem State graphic model 61
Solution State graphic models 61
Characterization of attributes 62
Analysis of solution states 65
Solution by utilization 66
Solution by A-F-A linking 70
Solution by nullification 72
Solution by elimination 75
Graphic metaphors as solution heuristics 76
Spatial and temporal heuristics 78
Solution by transposition 80
Paired spatial | temporal attributes, Table 3 81
Summary of Heuristics for Problem Statement, Analysis, and Solution 83
Phraseology in words and graphics 86
Conclusion of Part II 87

Part III – Demonstration of Derived Heuristics 89

Introduction 91
Inventing a belt – a problem to be solved (using the newly derived heuristics) 92
Deduction of problem definition information 92
An unwanted effect as a strategy for invention 93
Graphic problem statement 94
Solution by utilization 96
Solution by utilization using A-F-A linking 98
Solution by nullification 100
Solution by elimination 101
Conclusion of Part III 102

Acknowledgements 103
Glossary 105
References 109

About the Author 111

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Heuristics used by engineers and scientists in solving design-type problems

are the non-algorithmic, empirical tricks, tools, and techniques learned
academically and from experience. They do not solve problems. Instead they
give pause to look at problems in different ways for new insights. An axiomatic
basis consisting of six assumptions, inferred from the physical world of
interacting objects, is used for a first-time derivation of heuristics. The
derivation leads to a surprising number of heuristics.

As the axioms are couched in generic terms, independent of a particular field’s

argot, the resulting heuristics are also generic. Hence, a particular derived
heuristic can be adapted to a specific field by wording it appropriately. This
allows personalization of derived heuristics. Conversely, it provides a unified
system for cataloging personal heuristics in a generic classification.

These derived heuristics and their underlying strategies constitute a new

problem-solving methodology. The resulting methodology presents problem
solvers an attribute-centered methodology in contrast to conventional object-
centered methodologies.

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Use of Heuristics in Problem Solving

Heuristics for Solving Technical Problems

in Three Parts

This discourse is in three parts. It is a somewhat theoretical discussion aimed

at problem solvers experienced in, or just interested in, the use of heuristics for
structured-type problem solving. This includes experience such as gained
using TRIZ, USIT, SIT, and/or ASIT. Please read Part I if you are unfamiliar
with this type of problem solving. The derivation of heuristics in Part II is
directed toward discovering new heuristics and using them to embody new
focus for structured, problem-solving methodology. They are designed to
provide new perspectives to problems and thus serve as tools for innovative
inspiration. Their application is demonstrated in Part III.

Part I: Use of Heuristics in Problem Solving

Part I covers a background of heuristics, describes examples, demonstrates

their use in solving technical problems, and explains how selected heuristics
are used in the second part to derive new heuristics. Those familiar with
heuristics in problem solving and with structured, problem-solving
methodologies may wish to skip Part I.

Part II: Derivation of Heuristics

Part II is devoted to the derivation of heuristics at an abstract level. An

attribute-centered approach to problem definition is described in a graphic
model. Three solution strategies are found and given graphic models. Their
application is demonstrated.

Part III: Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

Part III demonstrates the application of heuristics derived in Part II to a problem

of invention. While it uses USIT heuristics for problem definition and analysis, it
uses the newly derived heuristics for problem solution.

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Derivation of Heuristics


Use of Heuristics in Problem Solving

Part I – Use of Heuristics in Problem Solving
Introduction 3
Heuristics in Mathematics 3
Definition of heuristics and intuition 4
Examples of heuristics used by technologists in problem solving, Table 1. 5
Heuristics seed the subconscious 5
The use of heuristics in problem solving 6
Unstructured brainstorming 7
Background 7
Structured, problem-solving methodologies 7
Origin of heuristics 8
A simple model of cognition 8
Perspectives and biases in problem solving 9
Abstraction of heuristics 11
Comments on the method 12
The Method for Abstract Deduction of Heuristics 13
Application of heuristics to a physical-world problem 13
Problem-definition phase 13
Problem-analysis phase 16
Problem-solution phase 21
Summary of heuristics used, Table 2. 25
Abstract heuristics – no physical-world references 26
Application of heuristics to an abstract problem 28
Problem-definition phase 28
Problem-analysis phase 29
Problem-solution phase 29
Summary of new graphic heuristics for an abstract problem, Table 3 35
Abstract heuristics for abstract problems 35
Graphic representation of heuristics 36
Comments on the adaptation of derived heuristics to other fields. 37
Object 39
Information as an object 39
Attribute 40
Function 40
Object abstraction 40
Note on Mathematical Heuristics 41
Comparison of twelve mathematical heuristics with known and derived
heuristics, Table 4 41
Conclusion of Part I

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Derivation of Heuristics

Heuristics imbue all areas of problem solving, both technical and non-technical
problems. We will look first at what they are and give a few examples of some
rather common heuristics. We will see how they are used, who uses them, and
point out that they have been amassed empirically from the lore of problem
solving. This brings up the derivation of heuristics for solving technical
problems – the main topic of this writing. The method to be used for deriving
heuristics will be discussed and demonstrated before engaging in their
derivation. Uses of the derived heuristics will be demonstrated. It will be seen
that the derived heuristics are abstract. An interesting implication of this fact is
that they may be applicable to non-technical problems. However, this
implication is not proven here.

Heuristics in Mathematics
Twelve classical heuristics used in mathematics provide a familiar introduction to
heuristics (1):
1. Search for a pattern.
2. Draw a figure.
3. Formulate an equivalent problem.
4. Modify the problem.
5. Choose effective notation.
6. Exploit symmetry.
7. Divide into cases.
8. Work backwards.
9. Argue by contradiction.
10. Check for parity.
11. Consider extreme case.
12. Generalize.

These are not derived heuristics. They have been developed over years of trial-and-
error solving of mathematical problems along with insightful introspection. Evidence of
these heuristics will be seen in this writing. However, the heuristics derived here are
motivated by non-mathematical, engineering design-type problems.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Definition of heuristics and intuition

Heuristics are the non-algorithmic tools, techniques, and tricks that are used in
problem solving. However, unlike algorithms, they do not solve problems.
Instead they give pause to look at problems in different ways to find new
insights. Problem solvers use heuristics to “seed” their subconscious during the
search for new concepts. Many of the heuristics commonly used do not have
names and may not be recognized as heuristics. They are recalled as simple
rules; i.e., phrases indicating a possible thought process. Consequently,
problem solvers often are unaware how dependent they are on the use of

Probably the main reason for professional problem solvers’ lack of realization
that they use heuristics is their dominant reliance on intuition. It may also reflect
a lack of momentary introspection to analyze the actual mental process of
problem solving being used. Intuition uses heuristics so practiced and ingrained
in one’s subconscious that they come into action instantaneously without
conscious summons.

Examples of some heuristics and suggested generic names for them are
shown in Table (1). Those who know and use these heuristics probably
recognize them as being similar to the quoted phrases. Names, or even
references to being heuristics, are rare.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Table 1. Examples of heuristics used by technologists in

problem solving (some generic names are suggested).

Generic heuristic Common references

1 Simplification “divide a complex problem into small parts”
2 “reduce duplicate objects to a minimum set”
3 “take small steps”
4 “reduce assorted objects to a minimum set”
5 “eliminate an object”
6 “combine functions”
7 “eliminate extraneous information”

8 Ambiguity “generify object names”

9 “eliminate metrics of attributes (use no dimensions)”
10 “use generic metaphors”

11 Contrarian view “whatever change is suggested also try the opposite”

12 “whatever heuristic is applied also try its opposite
13 “think outside /inside the box”

14 Extremes “vary attributes to their extremes (+/- infinity and zero)”

15 “multiply and divide objects to extremes”

16 Focus “search root causes for solution concepts”

17 “search technological contradictions”
18 “examine areas of contact of objects”

Heuristics seed the subconscious

Technologists have learned to solve problems, a creative cognition process,
without an understanding of how the brain does it. An idea arises from the
subconscious while examining the details of a problem. It is clarified, defined,
and subjected to an appropriate algorithm for verification, and further improved
in generating a viable solution. Multiple algorithms may be used in the
engineering-scaling process to eventually validate the original concept. Thus,
technical problem solving is itself a two-part mental problem: finding an idea
and finding an algorithm. Finding an algorithm succeeds from years of training
in mathematics, and the conscious selection and application of its algorithms.
Finding an idea is less tractable because it relies on the subconscious to recall
past experience and offer ideas for conscious reasoning – a process lacking
understanding or algorithms for its logical manipulation.

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Derivation of Heuristics

How to induce the subconscious to offer ideas is one of the more interesting
problems technologists have solved without the use of algorithms. It is done
using heuristics. They seed the subconscious to spark ideas. We all use
heuristics, sometimes automatically, and often without recognizing the act.

The simple, reliable process of repeated seeding, by stepping through the

alphabet to recall a person’s name, is a well-known heuristic. A mnemonic for
remembering pi to a large number of digits is another kind of heuristic. “How I
need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum
mechanics. All of thy geometry, Herr Planck, is fairly hard.” (The number of
letters in each word yields pi to 24 significant figures: 3.14159 26535 89793
23846 264 (I)) That sound intensity decreases inversely as the square of the
distance from its source is an example of a rule-of-thumb heuristic. “Think
outside (or inside) of the box”, is one of the slogan-like heuristics suggested for
creative thinking. Koen discusses the importance and ubiquity of heuristics in
all manner of applications. (2) His thesis is that heuristics constitute the
engineering method.

In this discussion, I divide the technical problem-solving process into two parts:
concept generation and engineering-type scaling. I treat the two parts as
independent activities in structured, problem solving. Heuristics are used in
both activities. Our focus is on the derivation of heuristics for concept
g e n e ra t i o n .

The use of heuristics in problem solving

Heuristics (and intuition) play a dominant role in the creative thinking involved
in problem solving. (II) They are so widely used and relied upon that for decades
heuristics have been searched, collected, named, categorized, computerized,
and taught in problem solving classes. Yet, they are not nearly as generally
accepted, as are algorithms in the scaling phase of problem solving. This, I
think, is due in part to a misunderstanding leading to unrealistic expectations of
heuristics, or how it may be regarded that they are used.

Heuristics are often referred to as techniques for finding conceptual solutions,

and inventive ones at that. Hence, they may be incorrectly thought of as
algorithms for formulated production of ideas from the (intractable)
subconscious. This is a self-contradictory idea. Nonetheless, heuristics are
gaining recognition, as methodologies that explicitly use them are becoming
known. Structured, problem-solving methodologies make heavy use of

Source unknown.
The words “creative”, “inventive”, and “innovative” are used freely without definition. They are so
subjective that they may serve the reader best through personal interpretation.
Sickafus Part II Page 16
Derivation of Heuristics

heuristics. These methodologies are marketed both in the form of training

classes teaching a methodology and in the form of expertise of professionals
who apply their methodology to solve client’s problems. Some engineering
schools teach them in senior design classes. Informally, they are taught
throughout our academic experiences – an elementary school example
teaches how to multiply by 9’s on your fingers.

Unstructured brainstorming
Organization of problem-solving tools into a logical structure that guides a
thorough process toward solution concepts is not common lore of
technologists. Most technologists are so practiced at problem solving that they
have their own intuitive steps, which may vary with each problem situation.

Initial mental approach to a problem often is instantaneous reaction to offer an

intuitive solution. It is quick. This type of reaction is commonly referred to as
“brainstorming”. (3) We all do it. It works, to a degree, and we are good at it.

Knee-jerk-type brainstorming, such as this, is performed without organization,

analysis, or conscious use of heuristics. It is productive although an
unstructured and unguided, intuitive process. After this initial mental activity
subsides consideration may be given to a more organized process. Or, a
common occurrence, the problem solver may delay any organized effort and
decide to let the problem incubate a while (a heuristic) and have another
brainstorming session later. By then, a heuristic may have been remembered
to try. This unorganized process attests the reliance we have on the
capabilities of our intuitions. It also suggests an opportunity for a structured
methodology based on a self-consistent set of derived heuristics.


Structured problem-solving methodologies

The methodology called unified structured inventive thinking (USIT) (4,5) is
used in this discussion. It is an offshoot of systematic inventive thinking (SIT,
now known as advanced systematic inventive thinking [ASIT (6)]). SIT is an
offshoot of the theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ) originating in Russia
in 1947. (7) TRIZ followers have been active in the continued search of the
patent literature to glean new examples of inventive ideas and heuristics.
These methodologies all are devoted to the use of heuristics. Ball has

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Derivation of Heuristics

published an excellent collection of heuristics for use in TRIZ, although not

named as such. (8)

Origin of heuristics
Historically, heuristics have been discovered in personal experience, taught in
problem-solving classes, and gleaned from the literature. They may be viewed
as being anecdotal. They have not achieved the status or acceptance of
algorithms, which often are backed by generations of research. Heuristics have
not been derived in a logical procedure analogous to the derivation of
algorithms. And no algorithms exist for that purpose. Nonetheless heuristics
continue to be used by technologists. They are effective.

Cognitive psychologists have recognized that heuristics play a significant role

in creative cognition during problem solving. In the last decade or so, they have
begun serious study of creative cognition, an area neglected in the past
because of unscientific connotations and uncertainty regarding how to conduct
definitive experiments. (9) As these barriers have been overcome, research is
contributing to a better understanding of the creative processes in problem
solving. Their research emphasizes the “creative” part of creative cognition.
Here interest is more on the side of “cognition”. Heuristics will be used to obtain
as many solution concepts as possible whether or not they are creative. This is
an important issue for adoption of a structured problem-solving methodology in
industry – multiple concepts lead to alternative solutions.

A simple model of cognition

I use a simple, naive model of the creative cognition process employed in
problem solving. (III) It is intentionally superficial in order to grasp a few
essentials of the process without the detail. The simple model:

When in need of an idea, the mind can consciously seed the subconscious.
Subsequently, recall and association of past experience may occur resulting in
a trial concept for conscious testing.

Recall is a critical component of the model. Recall means to make a

subconscious association of past experience with a conscious concept. There

This naïve model is mentioned only to clarify references here to seeding and subconscious recall. It has
no direct impact on the outcome of the results to be described.
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Derivation of Heuristics

is no magic involved. Past experience must already exist otherwise recall is

meaningless. Our mental store of experience builds from every imaginable
conscious interaction with the physical world. Solving technical problems
depends heavily on training, practice, knowledge, and on-going curiosity to
build a functional base of experience.

It is assumed further that the lag time between a thought, involving observation,
recall, association, and modification, is very brief. Thus, it becomes instantly
available for recall in the next mental iteration of trial-and-error seeding. The
consequence of this assumption is that memory is refreshed dynamically
during problem solving – experience is constantly updated.

An interesting aspect of recall, for problem-solving concepts, is the age of the

information being recalled from memory – milliseconds to decades. Another
interesting aspect is the nature of what is needed in recall. It is not facts, or
data and specifications, but ambiguous associations with the simplest of
artifacts (man-made objects) to the most complex high-tech device, from the
simplest living organism to the most complex biological system, from subatomic
particle interactions to cosmological phenomena. And most interesting is the
trickery of recall using ambiguous stimuli from our senses.

Perspectives and biases in problem solving

Although problems arise from misbehaving functions, their understanding
begins with the source objects. Engineering design refers to the formalized
conceptualization of artifacts. Conventional, engineering-type problem solving
can be characterized, in its analytical phase, as developing levels of
abstraction of objects. At the initial level, the problem solver may have “in hand”
a malfunctioning component – an object, either simple or complex. There may
also be available photographs, a working prototype having most of the current
features, a non-functional scale model, and blue prints; all serving as various
metaphors of the original object. Ensuing discussions will generate simple
pictorial sketches readily recognized as the subject. As the objects become
more familiar, in the problem solving process, sketches become less detailed,
even crude. Occasionally a simple labeled box will represent the original object.
Thus, object expression can gradually lose definition but the object is still in
one’s mind: real object ► photograph ► prototype ► model ► blueprints ►
sketches ► labeled box and, even as abstract as an unlabeled box (discussed
later). Similar abstraction occurs in verbal and written reports. The device
initially is referred to by its full name. This will quickly be simplified to one or
two words, then to an acronym, and then to a nickname, or even a comical
name. The point is that our technical training, used for description and analysis
in problem solving, is object oriented at all levels of abstraction.

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Derivation of Heuristics

The second most important feature in technical problem solving is a function.

When an object is understood, understanding of its function follows. Functions
are the purposes for the existence of objects. Considerable care is taken to
understand functions; this can lead to extensive mathematical abstraction.

Third in importance in features of technical problems are the attributes of the

objects. These are usually summarized in lists of materials and in design
specifications of the objects. They may be accepted as conditions of solutions
and, as such, serve as filters to cull solution concepts. Minimal abstraction, if
any, is involved for attributes.

The point of this somewhat simplified view is that objects are the center of
focus in conventional problem analysis and solution. Furthermore, the
abstractions of objects used in discussion and analysis often retain graphic
semblances to the original object. These create a biased perspective of the
problem. Such bias is a limited view that can dissuade a problem solver from
broader investigation.

It is the objective of structured problem-solving methodology to draw the

problem solver away from such a (subconsciously) biased perspective and
suggest ways of finding new perspectives. Of course, these will have their own
biases; but they have not yet been exploited for new insights. An obvious
opportunity for a new perspective is an attribute-centered system of analysis
and solution. The heuristics derived in Part II will be seen to take advantage of
this opportunity.

Object-oriented bias is desirable in the scaling phase of problem solving. In the

idea-generation phase one needs as much freedom of association with past
experience as can be evoked in the subconscious for unusual recall. An
excellent heuristic for this purpose is the use of “ambiguity”. One form of
ambiguity is known as “generification of object names” (Table 1, No. 8). That is,
referring to objects not by their commercial names but by generic names that
reflect their functions. For example, a mechanical screw might be named a
clamp, a fastener, a marker, an adjuster, a pivot, a support, a pump, a balance
weight, a point of reference, a hole filler, or a propeller, according to its main
use in a given problem.

Each generic object name becomes a seed to spark the subconscious. At this
juncture, minds diverge through individual-dependent backgrounds of
experience. The generification of an object’s commercial name according to its
application will produce rather similar results among different problem solvers,
but the subsequent sparks of imagination can vary in surprising ways. As an
example, consider one of the above generifications of a mechanical screw; say,
a “fastener”. In quick succession (without filtering), these ideas came to my
mind: a gate latch, a staple, a railway spike, a Cleco button, a safety pin, a
straight pin, a tack, a ratchet, Velcro, a belt buckle, a mechanical detent, a cog,

Sickafus Part II Page 20

Derivation of Heuristics

a knot, a welded joint, a bottle cap, a shoe string, a skewer, a shoe stuck in
mud, a rivet, a friction joint, a differential thermal-expansion joint, and … (I quit
when the rate of ideas slowed). Note that some of the “sparks” produced
sequences in which one idea gave rise to the next. Hence, a particular idea
may appear to be disconnected from the original one. The purpose of this
demonstration is to show that some resulting associations may seem logical to
the reader and others may not. All were logical to me for specific reasons. Such
variability among individuals should be borne in mind when judging whether a
proffered solution concept follows logically from a specific heuristic.

A major benefit of the use of ambiguity to invoke broad associations is to

suppress the rigor of engineering-type analysis. Presumably, when a problem
solver has reached the point of applying a structured problem-solving
methodology, rigorous engineering-type thinking has been already exploited
and useful ideas captured. The strategy now is to shift to an unconventional
approach that is not whimsical and retains phenomenological validity.

Abstraction of heuristics
The heuristic to “simplify” a problem, without identifying what to simplify,
sounds very abstract. But it is only applied when the problem solver has begun
to formulate verbal and graphic metaphors and complexity has been
recognized. Most often the complexity relates to the number of objects,
repeated patterns, or extraneous information. Once complexity is recognized,
simplification may come to mind intuitively or as a practiced discipline of
problem solving. At this point, when complexity has been recognized, the
problem solver has physical world images to deal with.

“Reverse the order of functions” and “reverse the order of objects” are less
abstract heuristics because they are worded to make their point of application
specific and mentally visible. “Reverse order”, would be a more abstract level of
thinking. In any case, the problem solver usually will mentally translate a
heuristic to the specific situation at hand, making object and function
associations relevant to the physical world. At this point the heuristic assumes
the bias associated with the physical world objects in its new wording and
images. This facilitates execution of a heuristic. At the same time, it may
reduce its potential scope. In the derivation of heuristics it will be seen that they
can be executed at an abstract level that widens their scope.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Comments on the method

Because no algorithms exist for deriving heuristics it will be necessary to call
on heuristics to assist the process. Heuristics selected for this task must be
reasonably well known and accepted, or at least tolerated while postponing
judgment in order to see the outcome. Procedural steps will include creation of
a well-defined problem, use of assumptions composing a set of axioms, and
logical deduction of heuristics (while applying known heuristics throughout the
p ro c e s s ).

Note that the eighteen heuristics listed in Table (1) are all abstract, meaning
that a specific physical-world object, attribute, or function is never mentioned.
Such abstraction poses no mental problem in applying the heuristics to
physical-world problems because the necessary associations are obvious. In
fact, their history usually involved reduction or generalization of similarities
seen among multiple real-world problems. However, their application to an
abstract problem might be troublesome on first encounter.

A well-defined problem will be established following the guidelines of USIT. (4, 5)

One requirement for a well-defined problem is a single unwanted effect. (4, 5)
Since the to-be-derived heuristics will be used to produce solutions to technical
problems, the unwanted effect will be the existence of a technical problem,
although an undefined one.

It is also required that an unwanted effect be defined in terms of objects,

attributes, and functions. Furthermore, it is recommended to introduce
ambiguity through generification of objects’ names. In this case – the derivation
of heuristics – the problem is abstract and ambiguous from the beginning
because no physical-world components are referenced whose names would be
generified. To complete the well-defined problem, verbal and graphic
statements of the problem are constructed.

Notice that a well-defined problem requires a single-unwanted effect. It might

occur to define the lack of derived heuristics as the unwanted effect, since the
target is to obtain derived heuristics. This would imply that the solution to the
abstract unwanted effect, lack of derived heuristics, is derived abstract-
heuristics, which smells of a trap in circular reasoning.

Mathematical algorithms are not derived from mathematical algorithms. Instead

a class of problems is characterized by a set of axioms designed to permit their
translation into a generic (abstract) equation, such as a quadratic polynomial,
for example. A general solution of the equation is deduced, which becomes an
algorithm for solving future quadratic equations. In other words, a generic
problem is solved of the class needing an algorithm. A general algorithm is
deduced from its solution.

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Derivation of Heuristics

An analogous procedure can be applied here. We define a generic problem of

the type needing heuristics and from its solution deduce the target heuristics.
Hence, we will create an unwanted effect as a generic problem composed of
objects, attributes, and functions, find its solutions and deduce “derived”
heuristics from the results.

The method for derivation of

abstract heuristics
We will first analyze a physical-world problem using known heuristics in order
to observe how the application of heuristics can work on a “real” problem. Next,
we will apply heuristics to the same problem cast in abstract form; i.e., divested
of its specific physical-world identities. This will enable comparison of the
application of heuristics to real and to abstract problems.

As the application of heuristics unfolds, note the phase of problem solving

where each heuristic is introduced: problem definition, analysis, and solution.
Note also the nature of each heuristic, the ideas it evokes, and how they differ
between two minds (yours and mine).

Application of heuristics to a physical-world

Problem-definition phase

The problem:
“Hand held binoculars produce blurring of images resulting
from motion of the binoculars caused by breathing.”

This problem statement has specific objects identified including, binoculars,

image, and hand. Other objects are implied including light, the components of
binoculars, lungs, the components connecting hand to retina, and retina (the
image-encoding object).

Several known heuristics were applied in constructing this problem statement:

1) include objects, attributes, and functions (the function to form an image is
2) include a single unwanted effect (blurring of image);
Sickafus Part II Page 23
Derivation of Heuristics

3) include root cause (motion of lens relative to eye caused by lung expansion
and contraction), and
4) identify object-object interactions (e.g., hand holding binoculars, light forming
an image on the retina, lung moving chest, shoulder moving arm, etc.). Another
h e u ri s t i c i s
5) include a simple sketch (an example is shown in Fig. 1).

light retina
hand neck

Figure 1. Simple sketch of hand-held binoculars showing light passing through a lens
and forming an image on the retina of an eye. Eye is treated as a single compound
object. The binoculars are shown connected to the source of motion, the lungs, through
lens frame, hand, arm, shoulder, and chest.

A heuristic that applies to both verbal and graphic statements is

6) to simplify.
In this case, we see in the sketch that all of the physiological components from
shoulder to hand, plus the lens frame, perform the same function, namely to
support. A simplification of the sketch would be to combine these into one
object (see Fig. 2). Another heuristic is to
7) name objects for their functions
rather than use their common or their manufactured names. In this case the
unified element in Fig. (2) is named support.

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Derivation of Heuristics

light retina



Figure 2. Simplification of Fig. (1) that combines components from shoulder to lens as
a single object, the support.

Further simplification comes to light on examining the simpler sketch in Fig. (2).
Since lung is the source of motion, and the motion moves lens relative to eye,
other objects can be eliminated, as illustrated in Fig. (3), without loss of the
problem – the unwanted effect. Note that eye includes its lens and its retina,
which together form an image. They are combined into one object, eye, since
neither is seen as root cause. This follows the heuristic to
8) eliminate unnecessary objects (and further simplification).

light eye

support support


Figure 3. Simplification of Fig. (2) by eliminating unnecessary objects without loss of

the unwanted effect.

Although not defined explicitly in the figure, this sketch has components that
are graphic metaphors for smaller components. The mind readily deals with
them once they have been defined. And it does not forget them.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Problem analysis phase

A problem is ready to be analyzed once it is reasonably simplified both verbally

and graphically. A first tool for this purpose is to construct an object-function
diagram to identify the beneficial functions of each object. A heuristic advises
o n e to
9) construct a hierarchical diagram of objects linked by their single most
important functions (IV).
The object-function diagram is illustrated in Fig. (4). (V)

As shown in Fig. (4), eye, light, and image have been combined as an image-
forming system that is inaccessible to the problem solver. (VI) Lens is beneficial
to this combined system in that it collects and focuses the incoming light.
Support is beneficial to lens, being designed to align lens and eye. This
construction reveals that lung, which is a vibrator, has no beneficial function to
a n y o f th e o b j e c ts .


to create

eye light vibrator

to focus

to align

Figure 4. Object-function diagram illustrating the beneficial relationship of object-object

interactions in a hierarchical relationship. Vibrator, the lung, has no beneficial function
to any of the objects and is set to the side in the diagram.

This tool is know as the closed-world diagram and is adopted from ASIT.
This and other USIT tools to be discussed all have rules for their construction. Each is a heuristic. They
are not all mentioned here but can be found in the textbook, “Unified Structured Inventive Thinking –
How to Invent”, that is cited in the Bibliography. (4)
Image is a form of information. It is defined as an object in ASIT and USIT. It could also have been
placed at the top of the diagram as a separate object.
Sickafus Part II Page 26
Derivation of Heuristics

The sketch should be examined for further simplification opportunities using

ideas learned from the first analysis before moving to the next analytical tool. It
is evident that the binocular lens focuses light for the purposes of forming an
image. However, we see now that focused light has nothing to do with blurring
of image. Both a focused and an unfocused image can be blurred by motion.
The critical factor is the alignment of the axes of the two optical elements, lens
and image forming system, “eye”. This axis is emphasized in Fig. (5).

light “eye”

support support


Figure 5. Simplified version of Fig. 3 in which the optical axes of lens and “eye” are
aligned. The two supports have been further qualified to distinguish them.

The next phase of problem analysis requires

10) examining interactions between pairs of objects, and
11) identifying one attribute from each object and a function they support.

Another heuristic for problem definition is to

12) identify plausible root causes of the unwanted effect.
This is done using a
13) plausible root causes diagram
shown in Fig. (6) as a proforma diagram. Each double-layer row has a cause
related to the effect in the row above it. Each cause is treated as an effect for
the double row below it. The hierarchical diagram terminates on active
attributes. The diagram is annotated for the blurring of image problem in Fig.
(7). Note in the figure that ‘coupling to support” refers to “degree” or “strength”
of c oupl i ng.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Unwanted Effect
object object

cause cause cause

effect effect effect

attribute attribute
attribute cause attribute
… effect …
attribute attribute
attribute Arrows associate
… causes with effects.

Figure 6. Proforma diagram for a plausible root causes analysis.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Unwanted effect: blurring of image

lens support (arm) lung support (neck) “eye”

lens motion distance from “eye”

vibration • inertia • length of

• degree of supports
coupling to

support motion

vibration • rigidity
• degree of
coupling to
• inertia
• internal

lung motion

• vibration
• vibration
• elasticity

Figure 7. Plausible root causes diagram for the blurring-of-image problem.

After active attributes of objects are identified the next step in analysis is to
14) determine attribute trends; i.e.,
15) determine whether increasing or decreasing their intensities causes an
increase or decrease in the unwanted effect.
16) Construct qualitative-change graphs (VII)
for this purpose, as illustrated in Fig. (8). The objects light and “eye” are not
included in Fig. (8) since their attributes can be considered fixed.

Vibration amplitude has three components: along-axis, off-axis, and tilt. Along-
axis vibration is immaterial, whereas both off-axis and tilt components are
detrimental in the same sense and have been combined in Fig. (8).

From ASIT and USIT
Sickafus Part II Page 29
Derivation of Heuristics

Probability of
Problem Problem
characteristic characteristic
(worsens with (worsens with

qualitative change qualitative change

lens support vibrator support lens support vibrator support

(arm) (neck) (arm) • (neck)
• vibration • vibration • inertia
amplitude • vibration amplitude • vibration • internal • • internal
• vibration amplitude • vibration amplitude friction friction
frequency • vibration frequency • vibration • inertia
• distance frequency • degree of frequency
from eye • flexibility coupling • flexibility
• degree of • length to • length
coupling to • degree of supports • degree of
support coupling (arm & coupling
(arm) to lung neck) to lung
• misalign-
ment with

Figure 8. Qualitative-change graphs for probability of blurring.

From the identified attributes, Fig. (7), and attribute trends, Fig. (8), it is evident
that the two supports behave identically. This suggests that they can be
combined in the sketch as one object and further simplify the sketch.



support vibrator

Figure 9. Simplification of Fig. (5) by combining supports into one object. Vibrator now
moves support relative to “eye”. (Vibrator and support could have been reversed.)

Sickafus Part II Page 30

Derivation of Heuristics

Problem-solution phase

We move now from problem analysis to the application of solution techniques,

which are also heuristics. The process actually begins with completion of the
QC-diagrams. Solution concepts may be found using these graphs by
17) considering a worsening trend as working against us and finding ways to
make it work for us.
Solution concepts may also be found from the graphs by
18) considering the implications of making a particular attribute trend have a
zero slope (VIII), i.e., …
19) eliminate an attribute.
Elimination of an attribute means to make an active attribute inactive by
discontinuing its use.

Solution techniques
Make an unwanted effect work for us (#17). [S1] Construct
the lens and support as a spring-and-damper assembly
mounted within an outer enclosure that is handheld. The
inner lens will then lag the motion of the outer enclosure and
dampen its motion.

Reduce an attribute’s characteristic slope to zero, Fig. (8)

and heuristic (#18).
The characteristic of vibration amplitude of vibrator could be reduced to zero by
[S2] holding one’s breath. This is a known solution that works for short periods.

The degree of coupling of vibrator to support can be given zero slope by [S3]
adding a new support between head and lens to bypass the vibrating support.
A particular embodiment of this concept could be binoculars mounted to a head
frame, which eliminates need of handholding.

Eliminate an attribute. (#19) Lens alignment with ‘eye’ can be eliminated by

[S4] combining lens and “eye”. This suggests a contact lens that would move
with the “eye” and whose curvature could be altered electronically – such as a
“fluid lens”. (10)

20) identify unique features of a system and examine them for solution
c o n c e p ts .

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Derivation of Heuristics

Note that the lens has rotational and three translational degrees of freedom
with respect to the path of light: translation includes horizontal and vertical plus
longitudinal motions. The latter, longitudinal, has little effect on blurring (but a
large effect on focusing). Both transverse motions affect blurring adversely but
d o n o t a ffe c t fo c u s .
[S5] This uniqueness suggests stabilizing the lens in at least two directions.
Stabilization can be accomplished using a built-in, battery-operated gyroscope
mounted to an optical element, such as, an internal lens, prism, or mirror. This
is a known solution that is available in commercial products.

Multiplication of objects

21) Multiplication of objects allows one to introduce copies of existing objects

and employ them differently.

[S6] Multiplication of supports brings to mind two, hinged supports containing a

vibration dampener between them. An example is illustrated in Fig. (10).
Vibrations are transmitted through the arm to the lower leg of the hinged
support. The damper connecting the two legs attenuates vibration transmitted
to the upper leg of the support. A second damper could be used to attenuate
vibration in an orthogonal direction. Hinges provide mechanical connectivity.
This function could be incorporated in the dampers. (IX)




Figure 10. A hinged support containing a damper on one leg and the lens attached to
the other leg is held by hand to align the lens and “eye”.

Division of objects

22) Division of objects allows use of the parts differently.

[S7] Division of lens into quadrants, with each quadrant being coated with a
transparent, light-sensitive material, or coated on its rim (or bezel), would
enable detection of lens motion in two transverse directions by differential

Idea courtesy C. H. Stephan
Sickafus Part II Page 32
Derivation of Heuristics

measurement of light intensities on opposing pairs of quadrants. This

information could be fed back to transducers coupled to an internal optical
element (lens, prism, or mirror) to be moved in direction and amplitude so as to
cancel motion that would cause blurring.

Distribution of functions
23) Distribution of functions suggests moving functions to different objects.

[S8] Could, for example, “support’s function to align” be moved to “eye” (Fig.
4)? For “eye” and light to perform alignment suggests recording sequences of
digital images, then comparing and correcting successive pairs of images, and
playing back the motion-corrected image on a viewing screen on the
b i n o c u l a rs .


Transduction suggests
24) considering the addition of attribute-function-attribute links to construct a
solution concept.
To visualize the process first
25) construct a block-type diagram of interacting objects, a pair of their
attributes, and the unwanted effect they support, with its affected attribute (as
shown in Fig. 11).

to move “lens” deflection
Figure 11. Amplitued of vibration of vibrator and stiffness of support interact to support
the unwanted effect of “lens” motion affecting “lens” position.

An attribute-function-attribute link suggests

26) using the affected attribute (deflection) as an input attribute to another
function that would affect some other attribute of an object in a useful way.
27) Multiple A-F-A links are allowed.

An example is illustrated in Fig. (12).

[S9] An A-F-A link of [internal friction of support] –to– [dampen motion] –to–
[deflection of support] has been added to the system of Fig. (11).

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Derivation of Heuristics

vibrator “lens”
to move “lens” deflection
dampen motion deflection
support internal friction

Figure 12. Addition of an A-F-A link (internal friction – to dampen motion – deflection)
to Fig. (11) to produce dampening of the deflection of the support.

This completes the demonstration of heuristics used in problem solving

following the USIT methodology. Heuristics used in this demonstration problem
are summarized in Table (2). Although nine solution concepts were found (S1 –
S9) this was not a thorough execution of the methodology. More
phenomenology could have been discussed, more heuristics applied, and more
solution concepts found. However, it is sufficient to illustrate a variety of
heuristics and to show where they play a role and how they work. In all cases
they work as seeds to spark ideas.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Table 2
Summary of heuristics used in the blurring of
image problem.
# Heuristics used in problem solving – USIT style O D A S
1 Include objects, attributes, and functions. O D
2 Include a single unwanted effect. D
3 Include root cause. D
4 Identify object-object interactions. O D A
5 Include a simple sketch. O D
6 Simplify. O D
7 Name objects for their functions. O D
8 Eliminate unnecessary objects. O D A
9 Construct a hierarchical diagram of objects linked by their most important O A
10 Examining interactions between pairs of objects. O D A
11 Identifying one attribute from each object and a function they support. O D A
12 Identify plausible root causes of the unwanted effect. D A
13 Plausible root causes diagram. O D A
14 Determine attribute trends. O A
15 Determine whether increasing or decreasing their intensities causes an increase O A
or decrease in the unwanted effect.
16 Construct qualitative-change graphs. O A
17 Conside a worsening trend as working against you and find a way to make it S
work for you.
18 Consider the implications (for solution concepts) of making a particular attribute O S
trend have a zero slope.
19 Eliminate an attribute (discontinue use of an active attribute). O S
20 Identify unique features of a system and examine them for solution concepts. O S
21 Multiplication of objects allows to introduce copies of existing objects and O S
employ them differently.
22 Division of objects allows to use the parts differently. O S
23 Distribution of functions suggests to move functions to different objects. O S
24 Consider adding attribute-function-attribute links to construct a solution concept. S
25 Construct a block-type diagram of interacting objects, a pair of their attributes, S
and the unwanted effect they support, with its affected attribute.
26 A-F-A link: Use the affected attribute as an input attribute to another function that S
would affect some other attribute of an object in a useful way.
27 Multiple A-F-A links are allowed. S
Keys to columns:
O designates direct object focus required to execute the heuristic. O
D designates heuristics used in problem definition. D
A designates heuristics used in problem analysis. A
S designates heuristics used in problem solution. S
Shaded cells indicate graphic-type analysis and solution heuristics.
# Shaded number cells (#) indicate heuristics that can be applied to an abstract problem

The twenty-seven heuristics in Table (2) make up a part of the structure of


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Derivation of Heuristics

Abstract heuristics – no physical-world

You probably noted apparent redundancies in some heuristics being named as
well as listed again in an explanatory form or even repeated in different words.
Such is the method of using heuristics. Since they are seeds to spark mental
action, they have no unique proforma of expression that is guaranteed to work
for all problem solvers. Or even to work for the same problem solver on
different occasions. For this reason, heuristics tend to take on personalized
wording to the liking of an individual. They also take on the argot of particular
fields of use.

Of particular interest is that none of the heuristics in Table (1) cites a specific,
physical-world object, attribute, or function; consequently all of the heuristics
are abstract. When heuristics are applied to a specific problem, the problem
solver gives objects, attributes, and functions identities belonging to the
problem. This observation implies that heuristics should be transportable to
various fields. In fact, they should be transportable to any field in which
problems can be couched in terms of objects, attributes, and functions. That
begs the question of appropriate definitions for objects, attributes, and
functions in non-technical areas.

Specific physical-world objects became immediately obvious as heuristics were

introduced in the process of defining, analyzing, and solving the demonstration
problem. Then came identification of functions (object-object interactions), and
finally, perhaps with more effort, came the identification of object attributes
(heuristics were used to identify these). In fact, without these direct
associations between the abstract words, object, attribute, and function, and
physical-world examples of the problem, some readers would find the
heuristics too abstract to understand. On the other hand, once it is understood
how abstract heuristics work, i.e., how they spark the thought process, it is
proposed that they can be used to solve abstract problems. This is the process
used in the derivation of heuristics in Part II. To see how this might work, I will
cast the demonstration problem in abstract form, determine which heuristics
can be applied, and apply them to solve the abstract problem.

There is a working level of logic that ties together object, attribute, and function
allowing their definitions and realistic associations in the physical world. It is
that functions affect attributes by changing or maintaining their degree of
intensity. Objects are the carriers of attributes and are characterized by their
active attributes. Pairs of active attributes interact to support functions. This
circle of logic, while stated in the abstract, is readily satisfied in the physical

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Derivation of Heuristics

Application of heuristics to an abstract problem

Problem definition phase

The original physical-world problem statement:

“Hand held binoculars produce blurring of images resulting

from motion of the binoculars caused by breathing.”

This problem statement is to be elevated to an abstract form. When cast into

abstract form, by stripping the statement of specific, physical- world references,
the problem can be written as follows.

“An object interacts with another object causing an unwanted effect

in a third attribute as a result of a causal attribute of an object.”

This statement incorporates heuristics (1 – 4) in Table (2). A simple sketch is

an additional need for a well-defined problem. This is done readily for real-
world objects, but how is it to be done for abstract objects? Solution heuristic,
25) “Construct a block-type diagram of interacting objects, a pair of their
attributes, and the unwanted effect they support, with its affected attribute.”
in Table (2), is useful for this purpose and is substituted for #5, as shown in Fig.
(13). Although the components are all abstract, their general relationships to
one another are clearly illustrated.

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Derivation of Heuristics

#3 #1 #2
root cause obj, attr, (fcn) unwanted effect

“An object interacts with another object-1

object causing an unwanted effect as attribute-1 affected
a result of a causal attribute of an effect attribute
object that interacts with the first two.” attribute-2
object-2 object-3
#5 #4
simple sketch obj-obj interaction

Figure 13. Problem statement and simple sketch (block diagram) for an abstract
problem using heuristics (#1 - #5, #27) of Table (2) as indicated. Wavy lines indicate
the zone of interaction of input attributes A1 and A2.

The abstract verbal statement and abstract block diagram constitute an

abstract problem definition not associated with a particular field, or even a
particular problem. The diagram in Fig. (13) is a graphic heuristic, H1. (H(x)
identifies new heuristics by subscript number.)

Problem analysis phase

The only analytical heuristic in Table (2) that can be used without specific
information about objects and attributes is heuristic (#5), “a simple sketch”,
which has been cast in the abstract in Fig. (13) using heuristic (#27). Thus we
move on to the solution phase.

Problem solution phase

Solution-phase heuristics (#17, 18, 20, and 23) in Table (2) require specific
details about objects and attributes. Hence, they cannot be used for the
abstract problem. Heuristics (#19, 21 – 22, and 24 – 27) can be used. These
are illustrated in the following figures.

Heuristic #19: eliminate an attribute.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Three attributes are available to select for elimination (A1, A2, and Am, the
affected attribute). These constitute three new heuristics (H2 – H4 for removing
A1 – Am respectively.) (X)
H2) Eliminate active attribute A1 of object O1 by moving, removing, or reshaping
H3) Eliminate active attribute A2 of object O2 by moving, removing, or reshaping
H4) Eliminate the affected attribute Am of object O3 by moving, removing, or
reshaping O3.
The consequences of eliminating an attribute are to render its associated
object useless, for supporting the unwanted effect, thus eliminating the
unwanted effect (if the object has only one attribute supporting the unwanted
effect). One choice of eliminating an attribute is shown in Fig. (14).

an attribute
attribute-1 affected
effect attribute
object-2 object-3

Figure 14. An unwanted effect can be eliminated by eliminating an input attribute.

Figure (14) illustrates one of three new graphic heuristics for solving an
abstract problem, H2. They have been derived from a known heuristic; (#19)
“eliminate an attribute”. The three graphics represent solutions of the original
abstract problem (Fig. 13). Thus, the abstract problem has been solved.

To apply these three solution heuristics to a physical-world problem, first

construct the block diagram inserting the specific objects, attributes, and
unwanted effect of the problem. If its components have the same relative
relationships as shown in the abstract problem of Fig. (13) then Fig. (14)
represents a solution. The problem solver, at this stage, studies the physical-
world block diagram just created and considers the consequences of
eliminating object-1. If the heuristic has the desired effect the problem solver
will discover solution concepts involving removal of attribute-1. The process is
repeated for removal of the other two attributes, one at a time.

The identification of pairs of interacting attributes is a tool of USIT designed to

simplify problem analysis. There can be multiple pairs of attributes supporting

Heuristics labeled (# numeral) are Table (2) heuristics and those labeled (H numeral) are Table (3)
Sickafus Part II Page 40
Derivation of Heuristics

the same function. There may also be multiple functions at the same point of
object-object contact. The closed-world diagram heuristic is used to identify the
most important function. Others can be ignored (and should be) during analysis
of the most important one.

Heuristic #21: Multiplication of objects

With three potential objects to choose from (O1, O2, and O3), multiplication of
objects brings three more graphic heuristics (H5 – H7). Multiplication of an
object refers to using a copy of it in a different way (XI) by activating a new
attribute to support a useful function when joined with an existing attribute (see
F i g . 1 5 ).

attribute-4 affected
function attribute, Am’
object multiplication
attribute-1 affected
effect attribute, Am
object-2 object-3
Figure 15. Object multiplication introduces a copy of an existing object (O1 – O3)
having a new active attribute, A4, which combined with an existing attribute (A1, A2, or
Am) supports a function that is useful as a solution to the problem through its affected

Figure (15) is a graphic heuristic (H5); it illustrates the starting point –

multiplication of an object, O1. The next step in this example of multiplication is
to consider which attributes the new attribute (A4) will interact with (A1, A2, or
Am). The interaction of A4 with A1 is illustrated in Fig. (16) where the function,
the interaction supports, modifies the original attribute, Am, so as to counteract
its unwanted effect. In this manner twelve graphic multiplication heuristics are
created; see Table (3) (heuristics H5 – H16).

Logging in deep forests provides an example of multiplying objects and using the copies in different
ways. Felled trees, stripped of limbs, are drug or slid to lower collection points. Previously felled trees
can be used as rollers and slides.
Sickafus Part II Page 41
Derivation of Heuristics

function affected
#21 attribute, Am
object multiplication attribute-1
effect attribute, Am
H8 attribute-2
object-2 object-3

Figure 16. Attribute A4 of multiplication object O1 is allowed to interact with attribute A1

to support a function that affects the original unwanted-effect attribute, Am, in a manner
to nullify or make useful the unwanted effect.

Heuristics, H5 – H7, can be subsequently combined with any one of the three
attributes to form a total of nine new graphic heuristics (H8 – H16). (XII)

#21 object-1 object-3

object multiplication
attribute-1 affected
effect attribute, Am
object-2 attribute-2
attribute, Am

Figure 17. Attribute A4 of multiplication object O1 is allowed to interact with attribute A2
to support a function that affects the original unwanted effect attribute, Am, in a manner
to nullify or make useful the unwanted effect.

The rapid pluralization of heuristics, where three might seemingly be combined into one generic
heuristic, is an issue of heuristic naming, which is discussed in a later section.
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Derivation of Heuristics

#21 object-1 object-3

object multiplication affected
attribute-1 affected attribute, Am
effect attribute, Am
object-2 attribute-4
H10 object-1

Figure 18. Attribute A4 of multiplication object O1 is allowed to interact with attribute Am

to support a function that affects the original unwanted effect attribute, Am, in a manner
to nullify or make useful the unwanted effect.

Figures (17) and (18) illustrate multiplication of object O1 followed by interaction

of attribute A1 with A2 (Fig. 17) and Am (Fig. 18).

Heuristic #22: Division of objects

Division of an object allows using its parts differently by activating new
attributes in the parts. This is particularly useful for compound objects where
finding different functions for components may be useful. Division of O1 is
i l l u s t ra t e d i n F i g . (1 9 ).

attribute-4 affected
function attribute, Am’
object division
attribute-1 affected
effect attribute, Am
H17 object-2 object-3

Figure 19. Object division introduces a part of an existing object (O1 – O3) having a
new active attribute, A4, which combined with an existing attribute (A1, A2, or Am)
supports a function useful as a solution to the problem through its affected attribute.

Again, three new heuristics arise, one for each object to be divided (H17 – H19).
The second step, selecting which of the original attributes to interact with,
produces nine more heuristics (H20 – H28). One is illustrated in Fig. 20.

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Derivation of Heuristics

function affected
#22 attribute, Am
object division attribute-1
effect attribute, Am
object-2 object-3

Figure 20. Attribute A4 of division object O1 is allowed to interact with attribute A1 to

support a function that affects the original unwanted-effect attribute, Am, in a manner to
nullify or make useful the unwanted effect.

Heuristic #29: Add attribute – function – attribute links

Attribute-function-attribute (A-F-A) links connect the affected attribute in an
unwanted effect to support a useful function. This is illustrated in Fig. (21).
Adding an A-F-A link allows introduction of a new object and an active attribute
from the new object (H29). Multiple links can be used (#26 of Table 2).

A-F-A links object-4

object-1 attribute-4
attribute-1 affected
effect attribute
object-2 object-3

Figure 21. An A-F-A link has been introduced to the problem diagram through a new
object, O4, and its active attribute, A4, to support a new function through interaction of
A4 with Am.

The newly found graphic heuristics for solving an abstract problem are
summarized in Table (3).

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Derivation of Heuristics

Table 3. Summary of new graphic heuristics for

an abstract problem.
Graphic Heuristic Object Attribute
H1 Problem statement
H2 Attribute elimination (Ax) A1
H3 “ A2
H4 “ A3
H5 Object multiplication (Ox) O1
H6 “ O2
H7 “ O3
H8 Multiplication → attribute-attribute interaction O1→ H5 A1
H9 “ O1→ H5 A2
H10 “ O1→ H5 A3
H11 “ O2→ H6 A1
H12 “ O2→ H6 A2
H13 “ O2→ H6 A3
H14 “ O3→ H7 A1
H15 “ O3→ H7 A2
H16 “ O3→ H7 A3
H17 Object division (Ox) O1
H18 “ O2
H19 “ O3
H20 Division → attribute-attribute interaction O1→ H17 A1
H21 “ O1→ H17 A2
H22 “ O1→ H17 A3
H23 “ O2→ H18 A1
H24 “ O2→ H18 A2
H25 “ O2→ H18 A3
H26 “ O3→ H19 A1
H27 “ O3→ H19 A2
H28 “ O3→ H19 A3
H29 A-F-A links

Abstract heuristics for abstract problems

The solutions of the image-blurring problem, a physical-world problem, were
accomplished using twenty-seven known heuristics. All of the solution
heuristics used are abstract in that they have no specific objects or attributes
mentioned in their wordings. The image-blurring problem was then stripped of
specific object, attribute, and function references to convert it to and equivalent
abstract form. Thirteen of the original heuristics were used to formulate abstract
solutions. In the process, twenty-nine new graphic-type solution heuristics were

Sickafus Part II Page 45

Derivation of Heuristics

discovered. This exercise demonstrates how new heuristics can be derived

from abstract problems.

Although the abstract formulation of the image-blurring problem came from a

physical-world problem, it has no specific relationship to the physical-world
problem except through similarity of its abstract graphic representation to its
physical-world graphic representation. Similarity refers to the graphic
arrangement of generic objects, attributes, and unwanted effects. Many other
yet to be found problems may have the same abstract representation.
Consequently, when such a physical-world problem is found, regardless of its
field, the newly found solution heuristics can all be used to spark solution
c o n c e p ts .

This demonstration gives an overview of the procedure to be used in the more

thorough derivation of heuristics in Part II.

Graphic representation of heuristics

Heuristics exist under various names with modifications fitting personal taste
and the argot of a particular field. This occurs for lack of comprehensive
cataloging and standardized nomenclature. Heuristics are rarely labeled as
such. Consequently, it is difficult to know whether a “new” heuristic is really

It is evident from the foregoing demonstration that a graphic representation of a

heuristic may provide a standardized method of cataloging heuristics for future
reference. Such graphics would be independent of argot and special

A problem consisting of an unwanted effect, UE, evidenced in an affected

attribute, Am, in an object, Om, supported by two interacting attributes, A1 and
A2, contained in two objects, O1 and O2, could be represented graphically as
shown in Fig. (22).

O1 – A1
UE – Am
/ |
O2 – A2 Om

Figure 22. Graphic representation of a problem consisting of an unwanted effect UE,

three attributes, A1, A2, and Am, along with their associated objects, O1, O2, and Om

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Derivation of Heuristics

A graphic representation of the solution of a problem using the attribute-

elimination heuristic is illustrated in Fig. (23). Parentheses around Om in the
figure remind that m can designate one of three possible objects.

O1 –
UE – Am
/ |
O2 – A2 (Om)

Figure 23. Graphic representation of a problem solution, using attribute elimination is

illustrated where the attribute A1 has been eliminated.

These ideas will be further elaborated in Part II.

We turn now to the abstract derivation of heuristics for abstract problems.

Comments on the Adaptation of Derived

Heuristics to Other Fields

Since the heuristics derived here are abstract, and were derived in solving an
abstract problem, there are no a priori reasons to limit their application to
physical-world problems. Hence, it is proposed, but not proven here, that they
can be applied to non-technical problems as well as technical problems in
diverse fields. A few comments follow on how this might be done.

Several steps are recommended for investigating the adaptability of the derived
heuristics to non-technical problems:
Assemble an assortment of solved problems representative of the non-
technical area of interest.
Examine the solved problems for analogies with objects, attributes, and
functions used to define physical-world problems.
Test modifications of the definitions of objects, attributes, and functions
that may be needed to create analogies between well-defined problems in
the new field and those in the physical world.
Determine whether these analogies are sufficient to compose a statement
of an unwanted effect.
Convert solved problems into well-defined problems using the newly found
analogies to objects, attributes, and functions.
Generate graphic models of the problems in terms of interacting objects,
pairs of attributes, and an unwanted effect as shown herein.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Model the solutions in a similar fashion. This is a crucial step. The goal is
to find similarities in solution strategies among diverse problems. Without
such similarities every problem will appear to be unique and inert to
application of heuristics.

Examination of the collection of solved problems will provide a basis for

discovering what constitutes the simplest statement of an unwanted effect.
Some caution will be needed, as has been learned in analyzing physical-world
problems. Too often what seems to pass as an adequate problem statement is
anything but a well-defined problem. The most important features of a well-
defined problem in the physical-world are a single unwanted effect described in
terms of interacting objects. Identifying a single unwanted effect is often difficult
until practiced. A good approach is to start with any obvious unwanted effect in
the problem situation and see how many unwanted effects it can may contain.
Rank these, pick the most important, and repeat the exercise until successive
reductions and rankings identify a single unwanted effect for focus. Object
minimization is an excellent test of convoluted unwanted effects.

Another caution is to observe how large problems can become in their

description. Eliminating extraneous information and reducing a problem to its
essentials is the key to unraveling complex problem statements. Simplification
is the mantra for this work.

In search of analogies, it will be helpful to reduce the definitions of objects,

attributes, and functions to their essentials. A useful starting point is the graphic
axiomatic model for interacting objects shown in Fig. (24).

O1 - A1
F → Am – (Om)
O2 - A2

Figure 24. An axiomatic model of two interacting objects, O1 and O2, having attributes,
A1 and A2, supporting a function, F, that affects another attribute, Am, existing in a
parent, O1, O2, or another object, (Om).

This axiomatic model is an example of extreme simplicity having only three,

and possibly just two, objects. The use of only two interacting attributes is
another degree of simplification. It is a powerful metaphor for points of action.
The definitions of object, attribute, and function used in physical-world
problems may need modification for non-physical world applications. Their
physical-world definitions are as follows:

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Derivation of Heuristics

An object exists of itself, occupies its own space (defined by the space its mass
occupies), and can make “contact” with another object to enable pairs of their
attributes to interact. The ability to bring attributes into interaction range is the
most important feature of objects.

Information as an object
A very useful ploy for analyzing physical-world problems is to define
information as an object. This is especially effective, for example, when dealing
with transducers in control systems where their basic physical properties are
not of interest. A strain gauge may be sold as a shaped wire in an insulating
package that can be fastened to a flexible object. When the flexible object
bends it stretches (strains) the strain gauge. Electrical current passing through
the strain gauge will change in intensity in proportion to the amount of strain.
Those are the physical details. However, a particular problem may be better
analyzed in terms of the meaning of the variation of electrical properties rather
than physical details of the variation. Thus, viewing a strain gauge as an object
that creates a new object called information becomes a simplification of
analysis offering unusual perspectives. This object, information, has defining
attributes, it can interact with another information object to create a function or
produce an unwanted effect (such are the vagaries of feedback control

Information is the input to transducers and the output from sensors. It also can
be the input and output of both.

Using information as an object raises the question of whether information

occupies space, as required of the physical-world definition. Information as
imprinted in the attributes of physical objects occupies the space of the objects.
Information imprinted in the human mind can be seen as specific neural maps
occupying the space of the activated neurons.

Note that information, in the physical world, covers all forms of recorded or
stored knowledge. These include neural nets in the brain; character and
graphic patterns printed, shaped, embossed, and carved in matter; magnetic,
electric, chemical activity, and chemical composition patterns encoded in
matter; arrangements of individual pieces of matter; dynamic density patterns
in matter; and patterned electromagnetic waves, as examples. They all occupy
space. One information object can interact with another information object to
alter or sustain an attribute of information. Hence, information is a viable object
in problem analysis.

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Derivation of Heuristics

In practice, the use of information as an object in physical-world problems is

relatively easy to adopt without undue quarrel over rigor of definition – these
a re t o o l s f o r i n s p i r a t i o n .

A “for thought” example: The following sentence illustrates information as a

possible object. “A law can interact with a jury’s vote to affect a suspect’s
future.” In this example “law” is offered as an information object characterized
by rules. Suspect is a second object characterized by past action. When
considered in juxtaposition by a problem solver (judge or jury), they are brought
into interaction in the problem solver’s mind. The resulting decision can activate
one of two latent attributes, guilty or not guilty, and thereby affect the suspect’s
f u t u re .

law – rule
\ guilty
to determine guilt → (or not – suspect
/ guilty)
suspect – past action

Figure 25. Two objects, law and suspect, have interacting attributes, rule and past-
action, which interact in a judge’s or jury’s mind to activate the attribute guilty or not
guilty, which affects the future of suspect.

Attributes characterize objects so as to distinguish one object from an
otherwise similar one. The attributes of interest are those represented in the
axiomatic model; they support a function. Attributes that support a function are
referred to as being “active”. All other attributes can be ignored except when
being “turned on” (activated; or “off” for deactivation) to support a new function.
An attribute’s use for pairing with another to support a function is the most
important characteristic of attributes in problem solving.

Functions either alter or sustain an attribute of one of the interacting objects or
of a third object.

Object abstraction
We often think of higher mathematics as abstraction. Yet concepts in
mathematics are symbolized by language characters and even by invented
graphics. As such, they are written, printed, etched, and visualized mentally.
These forms are information objects. They can be combined to create other
information objects. They are characterized by attributes and support functions.

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Derivation of Heuristics

As an example of attributes, consider the use of subscripts and superscripts in

tensor analysis. These attributes may remain the same or be modified in tensor
o p e ra t i o n s .

Note on Mathematical Heuristics

In closing it is interesting to review the twelve mathematical heuristics mentioned in the
introduction. They have direct and intuitive relevance to the use of known and derived
heuristics. Comparisons are illustrated in Table (4).

Table 4. Comparison of twelve mathematical

heuristics with known and derived heuristics
Mathematical heuristic Heuristics used herein
1 Search for a pattern. • Characterize a problem as a verbal O-A-F template.
• See the A-F-A solution technique in Part II.
2 Draw a figure. Make a simple sketch of interacting objects.
3 Formulate an equivalent problem. Symbolize an unwanted effect as an O-A-F graphic
4 Modify the problem. • Reduce problem to a single unwanted effect.
• Minimize the number of objects.
5 Choose effective notation. Use objects, attributes, and functions in a problem
definition, analysis, and solution.
6 Exploit symmetry. See
• spatial and temporal heuristics,
• solution by transposition,
• paired spatial | temporal attributes in Part II.
7 Divide into cases. See solution techniques utilization, A-F-A linking,
nullification, and elimination in Part II.
8 Work backwards. Apply a contrarian view:
• to every concept proposed;
• to every restriction;
• to every deduction;
• to every change.
9 Argue by contradiction. Annihilate an unwanted effect with a function.
10 Check for parity. See spatial and temporal dependencies of effects in Part II.
11 Consider extreme cases. Multiply and divide to extremes.
12 Generalize. Use ambiguity:
• Generify object, attribute, and function names.
• Eliminate metrics for attributes.
• Use generic metaphors.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Conclusion of Part I
Heuristics have been demonstrated as common tools used for problem solving. The
roles of objects, attributes, and functions in problem definition, analysis, and solution
also have been demonstrated. The latter are themselves sophisticated heuristics.
Heuristics have been demonstrated in their abstract form, being striped of specific real-
world references. This discussion is in preparation for the derivation of heuristics in the
next part.

It has been proposed that heuristics used in solving physical-world problems may be
adaptable to non-physical world problems by using them in their abstract form. This
conjecture has not been proven.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Derivation of Heuristics

Part II – Derivation of Heuristics

Derivation of Heuristics 55
Definitions 55
Axioms 56
Known Heuristics 57
Abstraction 58
Problem state 59
Problem-state – to – Solution-state strategies 60
Problem State graphic model 61
Solution State graphic models 61
Characterization of attributes 62
Analysis of solution states 65
Solution by utilization 66
Solution by A-F-A linking 70
Solution by nullification 72
Solution by elimination 75
Graphic metaphors as solution heuristics 76
Spatial and temporal heuristics 78
Solution by transposition 80
Paired spatial | temporal attributes, Table 3 81
Summary of Heuristics for Problem Statement, Analysis, and Solution 83
Phraseology in words and graphics 86
Conclusion of Part II 87

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Derivation of Heuristics

(U ≡ “F”) → Am
/ |
O-A (Om)

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Derivation of Heuristics

Derivation of Heuristics
In the conceptual phase of problem solving, prior to engineering-type scale-up, many
ideas come quickly to mind and are culled according to specifications of the problem
and other criteria. Some are mentally recycled for improvement. As new ideas wane
one resorts to heuristics to prod one’s thinking toward fresh insights.

A generic problem-solving strategy for deriving heuristics is demonstrated that is based

on a set of definitions and assumptions. These constitute the axiomatic basis for a
generalized, self-consistent derivation. The axioms are generalizations, which allow
deductions of useful methodology. Derivation is done by constructing and analyzing
graphic metaphors of interacting objects without identifying specific objects.

Following a few definitions to set up the axioms, known heuristics to be used will be
discussed and the search for new heuristics begun. As they arise they will be printed in
italics and distinguished as previously known heuristics (KH), new heuristics presented
here (NH), or heuristics found in the derivation process (DH).[XIII] Note that definitions
are heuristics, which often we refer to for clarification of thinking.

Physical-world problems are visualized as being composed of interacting objects. For
example, a specimen resting on a glass slide experiences a reactive force that
stabilizes its vertical position. Conceptually, we see that these objects interact. Weight
of specimen and elasticity of slide interact to stabilize vertical position of specimen
affecting specimen’s attribute of location. [XIV]

Interaction of objects is defined to mean that one object modifies or preserves an

attribute of the other. More generally, interaction includes two parent objects in which
one attribute of each affects an attribute of one, or of a third object. Implied
directionality of interaction is intentional. [XV] Abutting, overlapping, and fused (or
mingled) attributes characterize the state of interaction of objects. Desirable

While being new to the author, they may be known already to others.
This is a proforma sentence structure used to identify three essential components of a well-
defined problem: objects, attributes and functions; it is a heuristic. (Attribute) of (object) and
(attribute) of (object) interact to (function) affecting (attribute) of (object) (KH) – a heuristic
device taken from USIT. It is used to facilitate learning how to discover active pairs of attributes.
Directionality is intended as a simplification focusing on one half of an otherwise two-part action-
reaction phenomenon.
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Derivation of Heuristics

interactions are defined to be functions. Interaction of objects involves their functional

contact – i.e., effects that modify or sustain attributes of acted-upon objects – with or
without their physical contact. Attributes, such as fields, can extend beyond the mass
boundaries of parent objects.

A well-defined problem also contains objects, attributes, an unwanted effect, and root
causes. Root causes are defined as causal attributes that can be linked to an
unwanted effect. An example of a well-defined problem: “The lead of a mechanical
pencil, pressed against paper while writing, tends to break as a result of length of
unsupported lead and elasticity of the paper.” It is well defined in the sense that it
contains the necessary elements required of the methodology selected for its solution.
This problem statement can be further improved for idea generation by adding
ambiguity: A rod in a mechanical holder, when pressed against a solid, tends to break
as a result of length of unsupported rod and stiffness of the solid.

The strategy for deriving heuristics has the following basis. Six assumptions (Ax1 – Ax6)
that arise from self-evident truths, experience, and intuition, are selected to support
simplification of analysis. They constitute the axiomatic basis for this discussion and
are referred to individually as axiomatic heuristics –

Ax1. Problems can be analyzed in terms of interacting objects.

Ax2. Interacting objects can be simplified to pairs of objects.
Ax3. Interaction of objects can be reduced to one attribute from each object
supporting an effect that is acting on a third attribute (of an initial object or of a
third object).
Ax4. Attributes require no metrics in a conceptual analysis. (Dimensions and
numerical values are filters used later in culling and scaling concepts.)
Ax5. Effective simplification for problem analysis and solution can be achieved with a
minimum set of objects.
Ax6. Problem situations must be reduced to unwanted effects of which one is to be
solved at a time (the mind cannot solve two problems simultaneously).
An axiomatic model of interaction, constructed of these axioms, is shown in Fig. (1)
with an example in Fig. (2). [XVI]

All illustrations in this writing are graphic heuristics. The axioms are axiomatic heuristics, labeled Ax1
– Ax6.
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Derivation of Heuristics

O1 - A1
F → Am – (Om)
O2 - A2

Figure 1. An axiomatic model of two interacting objects, O1 and O2, having

attributes, A1 and A2, supporting a function, F, that affects another attribute,
Am, existing in a parent, O1, O2, or another object, (Om).

object-1 attribute-1

specimen weight
function attribute-m (object-m)

(interact) location specimen

object-2 attribute-2
to maintain

slide elasticity

Figure 2. An axiomatic model having the acted upon object as one of the
interacting objects.

Five specific objects have been cited above: specimen, slide, holder, solid, and rod.
They likely are recognized and accepted as objects without second thought. Yet,
“object” has not been defined. For most recognizable physical things this does not
present a problem. However, these axioms are not limited to the physical world.
Objects may be conceptual “entities” having attributes that can interact in the sense of
modifying or sustaining an entity’s attributes. (From Part I: “A rule of a law can interact
with a suspect’s past actions to effect a suspect’s guilt or lack of guilt.”) Thus, the
following analysis allows derivation of heuristics at an abstract level (as represented in
Fig. 1), from which they must then be translated to the practical level for application in
a specific field (Fig. 2), with possible rewording in appropriate argot (“translate
heuristics using appropriate argot”). (NH)

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Derivation of Heuristics

Known Heuristics
Heuristics are ubiquitous in problem solving, and since this derivation is a problem-
solving exercise, heuristics will be used, both consciously and subconsciously. They
play a significant role and the obvious ones are italicized for identification.

One known heuristic is to name physical objects for their generic functions (KH) rather
than use their marketing name. This induces alternative mental associations for
objects. Similarly, attributes can be named ambiguously. Name an attribute for its most
generic property (NH). [XVII] Effective attributes use no metrics (such as dimensions
and numbers) and thus are more conducive to ambiguity for creative thinking (KH). [11]
A very common heuristic, of unknown origin, is to “think contrarily” (KH). That is,
whatever solution concept comes to mind, or step in the process, consider its opposite.
Another heuristic is to “use known solutions as templates” (KH) for new concepts –
“analyze known solutions for underlying phenomenology and improve them (KH)”. [5]

These heuristics, and the others previously mentioned, operate at the abstract level
using the metaphors of “object”, “attribute”, and “function”. A problem solver makes ad
hoc physical-world associations when applying a heuristic. This observation offers an
important clue regarding how and what to look for during derivation of heuristics. A
problem-state graphic (see below) is composed of metaphors and their relationships to
each other. A solution-state graphic will bring new relationships to light at the same
abstract level. Derivation then becomes an exercise in deduction of guidelines for
manipulating the metaphors to create the solution state (still in the abstract). An
expected advantage of working at the abstract level is that one is free of the bias of
experience. That is, the process is allowed to discover new ideas rather than the
analyst forcing desired solutions, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Definition of an unwanted effect, in the abstract, is done using unspecified objects,
attributes, and functions to define metaphorically its “space”, to enable description of
object-object interaction producing the “effect”, and to characterize its “time” of
existence, which formulate its mental image. This abstraction is intentionally
independent of a particular discipline. [XVIII] Resolution of an unwanted effect uses

Some names given to attributes in this text may seem to be minor rewording of another one, or
essentially obviously identified with another. The reason for this is discussed in the section on
While such independence may be intentional, the engineering mind, due to years of physical-world
thinking, may subconsciously make physical-world associations for all components. In fact, this discourse
is sprinkled with physical-world examples to assist easier understanding of new concepts. Thus, this will
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Derivation of Heuristics

these definitions and other heuristics to formulate a well-defined problem, analyze its
root causes, and discover solution concepts. [XIX]

Problem state
An unwanted effect, like a function, maintains or modifies an attribute. Two objects in
contact enable at least two of their attributes (usually more but selected in pairs, Ax3) to
interact producing an effect that modifies or maintains an attribute in one of the
interacting objects or in another object (Fig. 3). While objects have many attributes, it
behooves the analyst to identify pairs of “active” attributes; meaning attributes in active
support of the effect. This is a useful simplifying heuristic expressed in Ax3. [4] A
specific example of Fig. (3) is illustrated in Fig. (4).

O1 – A1

U Am – (Om)

O2 – A2

Figure 3. Schematic of an unwanted effect, U, with input and output

attributes, A1, A2, and Am, and their host objects, O1, O2, (and possibly Om) .
The unwanted effect is central to a ring of three attributes that is inner to a
ring of objects.

object-1 attribute-1
rod length
function attribute-m (object-m)

(interact) (reducing) rod

to break size
object-2 attribute-2

solid stiffness

Figure 4. Schematic of an unwanted effect following the proforma graphic of Fig.


be an initial mental block to translation of the results found here to other fields. Heuristics may be needed
to facilitate such translation.
Details of a USIT-style well-defined problem may be found in references (3) and (4).
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Derivation of Heuristics

The order of constructing an unwanted effect schematic begins with the unwanted
effect, adds output- and then input-attributes, and ends with the host objects, as shown
(working from center outward) in Figs. (3) and (4). Such order shifts emphasis from
objects to attributes in order to create an alternative perspective. This proforma
procedure is a heuristic, “work from effect-to-attribute-to-object” (NH), for constructing a
well-defined problem. As a well-defined problem it requires causal attributes.

If causal attributes of the unwanted effect cannot be found, this suggests that the
unwanted effect may not be a unique effect. “When causal attributes are not found look
for multiple, entwined effects” (KH, from USIT). Since unwanted effects entail two or
three objects, the more objects used in a problem definition the more unwanted effects
may be lurking in a convoluted problem statement. (NH) Minimization of objects may
help to untangle and discover multiple effects. “Eliminate objects lacking involved
attributes” (NH) – object minimization heuristic.

Problem-state – to – solution-state strategies

A problem state is that of an unwanted effect. The first zone of attack on a problem
state, as seen in its graphic heuristic, contains the effect itself, U. The second zone
contains the attributes (Fig. 3).

The process of solving a problem has three self-evident tactical routes: utilize the
unwanted effect, nullify it, or eliminate it. (NH) Utilization converts an unwanted effect
to a beneficial one, a function. Nullification introduces a counter effect. Elimination
annihilates an unwanted effect. Utilization and elimination operate directly on the
unwanted effect. Nullification attacks the unwanted effect through the attribute it
affects. Obviously, any ideas to modify the affected attribute necessitate modification of
its object. However, ideas can originate without conscious concern for objects; hence,
a non-object-oriented perspective.

O1 - A1
U Am – (Om)
O2 - A2

Figure 5. Utilization and elimination operate directly on the unwanted effect.

Nullification attacks the unwanted effect through the attribute it affects.

A problem-state and the three solution states are illustrated in Fig. (6). A state
comprises an arrangement of objects in space interacting in time to support an effect –
Sickafus Part II Page 60
Derivation of Heuristics

utilizing three compositional concepts: space, time, and effect. Verbal and graphic
heuristics play different mental roles in finding new perspectives of a problem.

Problem state graphic model

U → Am
/ |
O-A (Om)

Solution state graphic models

\ \ \
(U → “F”) → Am U → Am ← F (_)
/ | / | /
O-A (Om) O-A (Om) O-A

Utilization Nullification Elimination

Figure 6. Graphic-heuristics representing a problem state and three

solution states: utilization, nullification, and elimination.

In the following discussion examples of applying the solution state concepts are given
using physical-world problems. Sketches represent various solution states. Keep in
mind that solution state sketches (Fig. 6) also contain the original problem state
consisting of objects, input attributes, unwanted effect, and acted upon attribute. This
may be a little confusing when studying the examples. When examining a sketch think
of it as being constructed in two stages: look first for the unwanted effect and its
supporting attributes. Once they have been identified, consider how the indicated
solution-state components were added to resolve the problem. See Fig. (7).

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Derivation of Heuristics


\ \ \
(U ≡ “F”) → Am U → Am ← F (_)
/ | / | /
O-A (Om) O-A (Om) O-A

Utilization Nullification Elimination

Figure 7. State sketches containing the original problem (italics) and the
solution (bold font).

Characterization of attributes
Before analyzing these solution states it will be useful to examine attributes as
adjustable parameters for constructing solution concepts from the solution states.
Attributes characterize specific objects, distinguishing them from other objects. Since
objects are not specified at the abstract level, we need to consider how to characterize
attributes abstractly in order to understand better their roles in the various solution

An ambiguous view is to consider the kind of characteristics attributes have that can be
subjected to alteration. Three are – intensity, location, and time – which, on reflection,
have further subdivisions. In fact, a hierarchy of characteristics of a single attribute can
be constructed, as illustrated in the physical-world example of Fig. (8).

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Derivation of Heuristics

Modifiable attribute characteristics

intensity location time

intensive macro distribution • duration

extensive static
• internal rate
• bulk rate-of-rate
• surface
• extended • one-event
• fractured • cyclic
• periodic
micro distribution • random

• concentrated
• diffuse

• contiguous
• granular

• homogeneous
• inhomogeneous

Figure 8. Hierarchy of modifiable attribute characteristics with physical-world


Attributes characterize or classify objects generically. Metrics give specific intensity or

extent to attributes to define specific objects in the same classification. Attributes can
be classified as being extensive or intensive. Metrics of extensive attributes define the
spatial or size characteristics an object in space; i.e., its volume, weight, shape, etc.
Metrics of intensive attributes define an object independently of its spatial extent.
Physical properties such as density, specific heat, conductivity, and many more, are
examples of intensive attributes. Metrics introduce a finer classification of objects
having the same attributes.

A sketch of an object outlining its shape indicates where its mass exists and where it
does not exist – its macro distribution. Within its macro distribution of shape its mass
may vary in density – its micro distribution, possibly including holes of zero density. An
internal attribute lies within the object’s shape boundaries. A surface attribute lies on
(or contains) the boundaries, while an extended attribute extends to the possible limit

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Derivation of Heuristics

of infinity. A fractured, macro-location attribute could characterize a divided object or a

compound object. Examples of spatial types of attributes are listed in Fig. (9) for
physical-world objects. Thousands of combinations follow from the list in Fig. (8).

Attributes of Physical Objects

• An interior-localized attribute of a car seat could be its stiffness (intensive);
a surface-localized attribute, its texture (intensive – the same for every element of
a bulk attribute, its elasticity (intensive); and
an extended attribute, its odor (extensive).

• An interior-localized attribute of a golf club could be the mass of an inserted counter-

weight (extensive for the counterweight, intensive for the club head);
a surface-localized attribute, its polished finish (intensive);
a bulk attribute, its stiffness (intensive); and
an extended attribute, the sound it makes on high speed contact with a ball
(extensive – varying within its occupied space).

• An interior-localized attribute of a lion could be its rate of heartbeat (intensive,

depending on factors other than size of the lion);
a surface-localized attribute, the fineness of its mane (intensive, the same for each
elemental area of mane);
a bulk attribute, its weight (extensive); and
an extended attribute, its roar (extensive).

Figure 9. Examples of spatial ranges of attributes in physical objects.

Examples of attribute-attribute interactions of two physical objects are given in Fig. 10.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Attribute-Attribute Interactions of Physical Objects

• Interaction of two abutting objects through their bulk attributes:

Stiffness of a pipe and hydrostatic pressure of a liquid interact to contain the

liquid affecting location of the liquid.

• Interaction of two abutting objects through a bulk attribute of one and a surface-
localized attribute of the other:

Weight of a block and coefficient of friction of a ramp interact to determine the

tendency for sliding of block affecting stability of block.

• Interaction of two objects through the localized attribute of one and the extended
attribute of the other:

Magnetic permeability of a bar magnet and the magnetic field of a solenoid

interact to move the bar magnetic affecting position of bar magnet.

Figure 10. Examples of attribute-attribute interactions of two physical-world


Within the shape boundaries of an object an attribute may have a concentrated

location or be diffused. Either may be contiguous or granular. And the latter may be
homogeneous or inhomogeneous. If inhomogeneous and contiguous or granular,
component(s) may be located with symmetry, with structured asymmetry, randomly, or
ordered. (Labels used in Fig. (8) are representative of physical world applications.)

Attributes have a time duration in which their intensity may be static or change as
derivatives of time. During their duration they may occur as a single event, multiple
cyclic events, periodic, or random ones.

The mathematical combinations of modifiable attribute characteristics, as suggested in

Fig. (8), constitute a large number. However, little gain for this discussion is seen in
attempting to organize these possibilities in more detail than the overview in Fig. (8).

Analysis of solution states

In the following analysis of solution states, attributes will provide a major opportunity for
new insights. The challenge will be to understand their characterization details and
then search opportunities for their modification.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Solution by Utilization
Since, as indicated in the utilization
solution state, Fig. (11), content of the interacting objects
innermost circle remains the same effect,
the first line of action for finding solution active
concepts is to address the active O1 - A1 attributes
attributes. These too remain the same
attributes but they provide opportunity to U F Am – (Om)
scale their intensities using their space-
time dependencies. O2 - A2

Figure 11. Interaction zones of

objects, attributes, and functions in
the utilization scheme of solution
concepts. The innermost zone is the
effects zone (beneficial and unwanted). Utilization converts the unwanted effect, U,
to a useful function, F. Objects are grayed in order to give preferential emphasis to

The “unwanted” aspect of an effect has spatial, temporal, and input-/output-attribute

implications. Alteration of any one of them may lead to solution concepts (“alter
attributes in intensity, space, and time (NH).”). Contrarily, don’t alter anything (“status
quo” heuristic (NH).); use the modified attribute (or unwanted effect) in a different way
or use it for a different purpose (“effect utilization” heuristic (NH)).

A space-time graph of the unwanted-effect – to – function transition illustrates the

desired outcome.

δx, δt
δx, δt
x1, t1 x2, t2

space (x) – time (t)

Figure 12. Available modifications of space or time dependence of intensity, I, of an

unwanted effect, U, to produce a useful function, F, are illustrated with similar

Modifications of the unwanted effect, suggested in Fig. (12), to produce a useful

function, could involve changes …
in initial location (xi), and/or in initial time (ti),

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in width (δx) and/or duration (δt),

in strength (I0),
in spatial dependence of intensity, I0·f(x), where f is a function of x, and
in time dependence of intensity, I0·g(t), where g is a function of t,
of the space-time rectangle. These are summarized graphically in Table (2). Each
active attribute, shown in Fig. (11), offers a point of application for this attribute-
modification strategy.

Table 2. Space-time attribute modifications for solution by utilization

Space-time attribute modifications

generic contrarian graphic space-time representation
attribute modification of a modification (column 3)

1 location shift fix U F

2 width lengthen shorten U F

3 strength intensify weaken U F

4 structure sustain U F

5 continuity pulsate U F

Generic attributes listed in column (2) can be altered by the modifications suggested in
column (3), and contrarian modifications in column (4), to find solution concepts by
utilization. Their graphic representations are illustrated in column (5).

An attribute’s activity can be shifted (or fixed) in space or time. Width in space or time
can be lengthened or shortened. Strength of an attribute can be intensified or
weakened. Structure of an attribute can be modulated in space or time. And continuity
of an attribute in space or time can be broken with variable gapes between breaks. A
heuristic: sketch space and time dependences of effects with a common rectangle
drawn on common axes (NH). Test modifications of a space/time rectangle from
starting point, width, intensity, structure, and continuity (NH). Contrarian modifications
must also be considered as well as combinations of these modifications. Recognizing
space-time similarities simplifies their memorization and recall.

The possible modifications of attributes constitute an abstract view of solution by

utilization. Final embodiments of the possible attribute modifications will lie in specific
objects having the modified attributes. This transition brings us to their realizations in
the physical world. Here we address engineering scaling concepts to achieve the
abstract modifications.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Utilization transition, U ≡ “F”, implies that the modified attribute is used beneficially (it is
“defined” to be a function) or is ignored. It can be ignored when solution of a larger
problem mitigates it.

There are three evident tactics for using an unwanted effect beneficially:
(1) “use an unwanted effect as-is”, that is, “use an unwanted effect in a different
location, at a different time, or for a different purpose (NH)”;
(2)“scale an unwanted effect” to greater or lesser intensity (magnitude,
distribution, etc.); or
(3) “link an unwanted effect” as a causal attribute of another function. Scaling
can benefit from a similar heuristic used in mathematics when analyzing the
behavior of functions: “scale to extremes (KH)” heuristic (+/- infinity, and 0).

Examples of Solution by Utilization

Combustion of air and gasoline vapor in an internal combustion U→F
engine allows oxygen to react with both the fuel and nitrogen U→F
producing NOx pollutants – an unwanted effect. U→FF…

N2 – temperature
to combust – – exhaust gas
oxygen - temperature

Figure 13. Example of NOx in internal combustion engine exhaust as an unwanted

effect and its solution by utilization of the exhaust gas.

An approach to reducing NOx in output exhaust gas of an internal combustion

dngine is to reduce combustion temperature to favor fuel combustion. Addition
of an inert gas having useful heat capacity would reduce combustion
temperature. A useful attribute of exhaust gas is the heat capacity of its non-
combusted nitrogen. Thus, exhaust-gas recirculation can reduce NOx emission
(as illustrated in Fig. 13).

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Examples of Solution by the Utilization U≡F

continued U→F
• Use it as-is in a different manner: U≡F A–U–A–F–A

Printing waste salvaged: Misprinted postage stamps command

higher than face value as a result of their rarity.
Manufacturing scrap: Parts out of specification may be used for less critical
Post-it notes (® 3M Company) salvaged poorly adhering glue.

• Scale it: U →F
Fishing line: The refractive index of monofilament line makes it visible in water –
good for fish, bad for fisherman. Matching the filament’s refractive index to that
of water makes it nearly invisible in water but visible in air – bad for fish but
good for fisherman.
Immunization: The oral polio vaccine consists of live vaccines (although
attenuated in strength) so that it stimulates antibody production without causing

• Divide it (simultaneous use): U→F

Bed of nails: Dividing the load and distributing it among many points of contact
can lessen the pain of a single sharp point.
Parts of a compound object can be used for new functions.

• Multiply it (sequential use): U→FF…

Driving a nail through a glass object may shatter it on the first blow. Multiplying
nail-to-glass contact duration into many sequential events of lower intensity
enables drilling without shattering.

• Link it: A – U – Am – F – A …
Feedback control: Inattention to accelerator pedal pressure allows vehicle
speed to drift from a desired value. The differential speed (actual minus
desired) can be fed back to the throttle plate to produce a constant speed using
automatic speed control.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Solution by A-F-A Linking

Linking derives from noting a common feature in the |
problem-state and solution-state graphic heuristics: namely (O) – A’ – F’ – A’’ …
that they involve internal A-F-A – type connections with | |
functions or unwanted effects. This suggests solution states (O) – N (O)
based on chains of A-F-A links terminating in a useful A-F-A Linking
solution state (“form A-F-A links (KH)” heuristic [XX]); see Fig.
(14). Inserting a new link introduces a new attribute (N3) and its optional host object
(O3); that is, the attribute can exist in any of the four objects ( “attribute’s optional object
(NH)” heuristic).

O1 – A1 (O3) – N3 (O3) – N3
\ \ \
U → Am → F → Am’ … … F → Am’ …
/ | | |
O2 – A2 (Om) (Om) (Om)

Figure 14. Illustration of A-F-A Links: Initial links A1–U–Am and A2–U–Am,
solution link Am–F– Am’, and the link it introduces, N3–F–Am’. Note that each
added link allows one new function, F, an attribute, N3, with its optional
object, (O3), and an affected attribute, Am, with its optional object.

Each A-F-A link allows addition of a function, an attribute, its optional object, and an
affected attribute (NH). This heuristic enables one to think first of stepping from
attributes to functions to attributes repetitiously until an attribute is reached that is
recognized as being available. Then the intermediate attributes are addressed to
determine if they are available in the existing objects, with possible modification, or
whether to introduce optional objects (fewer is preferred).

The A-F-A link heuristic has been recognized previously in USIT [4, 5], but without some of the
nuances found here.
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Example of Solution Using A-F-A Links

O1 A1
pedal – throttle angle(t)
\ U Am(t)
to accelerate(t) – affecting speed
/ \ F’ Am’
driver – concentration to differentiate (subtract) – affecting error
O2 A2 /
speed reference
/ N3
O3 control unit

Figure 15. Example of solution by utilization for a vehicle speed control problem.

A driver depresses accelerator pedal, O1, to attain desired vehicle speed, Am. Pedal
position is linked mechanically to throttle angle, which determines amount of air
allowed to enter combustion chambers. Lack of driver attention allows speed to drift
in time, Am(t) – an unwanted effect. The attribute time-dependent speed, Am(t), can
be subtracted from a reference speed, N3, to produce an error signal for speed
control, Am’. This involves two links: Am(t) – F’ – Am’ and N3 – F’ – Am’.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Solution by Nullification
Nullification suggests countering an unwanted effect using O-A
another effect, a function. The graphic of this heuristic is \
illustrated in Fig. (16) with the affected attribute sandwiched U → Am ← F
between opposing action arrows: one causal, one nullifying. The / |
O-A (Om)
new function requires supporting attributes (N3, N4) that may be
accompanied with optional objects (O3, O4). Nullification

O1 – A1 N3 – (O3)
\ /
U ► Am ◄ F
/ | \
O2 – A2 (Om) N4 – (O4)

Figure 16. Schematic showing possible locations of

causal attributes, A, nullifying attributes, N, and
optional objects, (O), for a nullifying effect (function, F).

Two new attributes (N3, N4) can exist in any of five objects, the two or three initial
objects and two optional ones (O3, O4), but not in the same object (see Ax3); “try new,
attribute pairs in different objects (NH)”. These conditions allow 20 configurations of the
two new attributes ( “test multiple locations of nullification attributes (NH)” heuristic).
Simplification cautions to favor fewer objects.

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Examples of Solution by Nullification

Two-object solution state: Polymer processing leaves stretched chains

resulting in polarizing films – an unwanted effect for optically isotropic products
(U = to polarize = F, in Fig. 17). Nullification can be produced with distributed
local changes in optical activity having opposite birefringence – a one-object
concept. A proof of concept uses a distribution of small strontium carbonate
crystals selected for proper birefringence – a two-object embodiment. In this
polymer – birefringence birefringence – strontium carbonate
\ /
U → polarization ← F
/ \
location location

Figure 17. Polymer and strontium carbonate provide a two-object solution state for
nullifying birefringence.

example, A1 = N3 = birefringence and A2 = N4 = locale; similar attributes that are

scaled differently in their final embodiments. Note that A1 and A2 belong to the
first object, the polymer, while N3 and N4 belong to the second object,
distributed strontium carbonate. Reference: SCIENCE, Vol. 301, p729, 8
August 2003.

belt – rate rate – belt

\ /
to drop → location ← to hold
/ | \
swabs – orientation swabs location – swabs

Figure 18. Two-object solution state for swabs.

Two-object solution state: Automated production of single-ended cotton

swabs ends with hand packaging. Picking up randomly orientated swabs from a
moving conveyor belt, while managing a hand full of swabs, leads to dropped
swabs that can’t be reused. Gradually slowing the conveyor-belt rate as hand
fills with swabs eliminates dropped swabs (Fig. 18). (Ref. Design News,

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front wheel – angle angle – front wheel

\ /
U → turn radius ← F
/ | \
rear wheel – separation vehicle angle – rear wheel

Figure 19 Three-object solution state for turn radius.

Three-object solution state: Turn radius of a vehicle is limited by the angle of

a front wheel and the separation of the front and rear wheels, an unwanted
limitation (U = to turn = F, in Fig. 19). Turn radius can be shortened by rotating
about a point between front and rear wheels when the attribute of angle is
activated in the rear wheel.

cell – accessibility accessibility – cell

\ /
U → exposure ← F
/ | \
blood - location cell hole –- silicon

Figure 20. Three-object solution state for pancreas cells.

Three-object solution state: Foreign pancreas cells placed into a new host’s
blood system are exposed to attack by the host’s immune system (U = to
expose = F, in Fig. 20). However, pancreas cells secured into tiny holes in
silicon cannot be reached by the immune system. Hence, the unexposed cells
can produce insulin, which the blood can access. Reference: Popular Science,
p86, September 2003.

Larger than three-object embodiments are obviously possible, allowed, and useful,
but they are less interesting from an innovation perspective and are not illustrated

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Solution by Elimination
Elimination of an unwanted effect suggests annihilating it: U → ( ). One O-A
or more objects can be moved to eliminate interaction of their attributes \
thus eliminating the effect. ( “move object to annihilate unwanted effect (_)
(NH)”). “Reshaping an object, permanently or temporarily, may uncouple /
a localized surface or internal attribute (NH).” Relocation of an object can
be temporary or permanent depending on the time character of the Elimination
unwanted effect ( “temporary object relocation (NH)”, and “object
elimination” heuristics).

Rearranging or modifying attributes can change attribute coupling and accomplish

elimination. Rearranging suggests relative displacement or rotation. Modification can
include change in intensity (high/low) or distribution of an individual attribute as
summarized in Fig. (21). Modification includes temporal characteristics. In general,
“alter an attribute’s intensity, location, and time, to effect elimination (NH)”. (See Fig. 21
in next section.)

Example of Solution by Elimination

Car radios can be seen through the windows of locked cars producing a
potential enticement to thieves (an unwanted effect). Removal of the array of
tuning buttons on a car radio reveals a non-functioning radio, eliminating the
enticement. The driver can hide or carry away a removable button array. This
reduces perceived profit of theft, eliminating the unwanted effect.

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Derivation of Heuristics

Graphic metaphors as solution heuristics

So far, graphic heuristics have made use of alphabetic characters as metaphors
for objects, attributes, and functions (O, A, and F, as seen in Fig. 1 and others).
It is also common to use labeled boxes as graphic metaphors in making simple
sketches during problem analysis. Another useful metaphor, one step more
abstract, is to use unlabeled boxes. These can represent attributes as well as objects
or functions. They are convenient to work with when thinking of as many ways as
possible to arrange and modify attribute interactions. Without labels they are more
ambiguous and less restrictive to intuitive negation while creating different

Consider two attributes of contacting objects supporting an unwanted effect. Suppose

we opt to use elimination to solve this problem. We will try to decouple, weaken, or
modify the interaction of the two supporting attributes. And, contrarily, we will consider
strengthening the coupling. This can be tested graphically, to see what ideas come to
mind, by finding new representations of two squares. Some possible arrangements and
modifications are illustrated in Fig. (21).

a b c d e f g h

Figure 21. A small sample of some graphic ways to arrange or modify two attributes
represented initially as contacting squares in (a).

The exercise illustrated in Fig. (21) began with arrangement (21a) making the obvious
movement of one square with respect to the other (21b). Next, (21c) by weakening the
intensity of one square the strength of its coupling was reduced. Then the interaction
was weakened by minimizing area of contact (21d). In the remaining graphics (21e –
21h) a different approach was taken.

It was noted that an idea of the meaning of decoupling preceded each sketch: (21b)
separate, (21c) weaken intensity, and (21d) minimize contact area. Reflecting on this
process led to the idea that it was not very creative. The sketches merely served as
notations of existing thoughts. Why not create the sketches randomly and see what
ideas they produce? [XXI] So metaphorical pre-intent of the squares was ignored and
the exercise became one of simply creating new arrangements and modifications of
two squares for no reason other than difference from previous arrangements; thus,
producing sketches (21e – 21h).

This exercise led to the hierarchy of attribute characteristics shown in Fig. (8).
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The exercise turned to examining the random arrangements and deducing plausible
associations with attributes. Non-homogeneous weakening of an attribute came from
(21e). Overlapping, or saturation, came from (21f). Engulfing, or entraining, came from
(21g). And fracturing into parts came from (21h). This exercise has been performed a
number of times, always producing surprising and useful results. Clearly, the possible
modifications and arrangements of two squares is a larger number than shown in the
sample in Fig. (21) and was discussed under characterization of attributes. The
representation of attributes as squares was intended to subdue focus on shape, which
is an attribute itself. “Make arbitrary arrangements of squares to stimulate new
concepts for interacting attributes (NH)”.

Examples of attribute characteristics applied to

physical-world objects. (See Fig. 8)
o Homogeneous refers to a uniformly distributed attribute such as uniform
density. Inhomogeneous might be a density gradient.
o Inhomogeneous symmetrical could be a bi-symmetrical chemical
concentration gradient.
o Micro-distribution that is diffuse and granular might recall a patterned
impurity implanted in an annealed polycrystalline semiconductor.
o And extreme – macro-distribution – fractured – with micro-distribution –
concentrated – contiguous – and ordered could recall pulverized,
radioactive crystalline solids.

This is an exercise in personal recall that validates and installs these metaphors in
one’s memory.

In the case of two attributes, the forgoing attribute characteristics apply to each plus
contact area and overlap volume. Zero contact area (or overlap volume) implies
complete separation of attributes. Contact area has several non-zero extents: a
minimal point, partial area, and full overlap.

As discussed earlier, the hierarchy of attribute characteristics allows many possible

strings of characteristics, over 2000 for each attribute. Each is an abstract heuristic,
and each can have associated verbal and graphic metaphors.

An example of a two-attribute configuration: a “macro-bulk, micro-diffuse, granular

inhomogeneous characteristic” could describe a colloid having a dispersed phase in a
continuous phase.

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The last sketch in Fig. (21) brings up an issue of spatial complexity. This figure has
introduced two-dimensionality as a fragmented array of small squares. In the name of
simplification it would be judicious to work only in one dimension and, when needed,
infer higher dimensionality characteristics from one-dimensional ones.

Spatial and temporal heuristics

Functions and effects have both spatial and temporal characterizations. A simple
heuristic for examining temporal characteristics is to represent the time dependence of
active attributes as “on/off” rectangles on a time plot (NH). An example for two periodic
functions is shown in Fig. (22).

off B B B B

Figure 22. Two attributes having periodic on-states of two different durations
are illustrated: A, shown in patterned shade, has the longer on-time; B,
shown in transparent shade has the shorter on-time. Arrows indicate the
start of each on-state. The amount of time for attribute interaction varies as
the amount of overlap of the attributes during their on-states.

The sketch in Fig. (22) serves as a graphic metaphor from which certain kinds of
information can be inferred. From the analytical perspective, we see that two
attributes, having periodic but asynchronous on-states, can exist individually for a
greater amount of time than they can interact. Interaction, supporting an effect, occurs
only during their temporal overlap or abutment. Sometimes they neither overlap nor
abut, in Fig. (22). The figure also reveals that the sequential periods of overlap have
variable durations. This could be relevant in portraying a real-problem situation in
which an unwanted effect has to last longer than some threshold value before
becoming unwanted. It could also be fitting where the effect is only unwanted when B
interacts with the leading edge of A, of the mid-section, or the trailing edge of A.

If Fig. (22) represented a real unwanted effect, we would dwell on the figure and
mentally test variations of the placements of the rectangles to spark solution concepts.
We would also divide the rectangles to allow sequential activity of each attribute
individually in areas that would otherwise have overlapping configurations. We might
change periodicity of one such that overlaps occurred only near the leading edge of the
other (or mid section, or trailing edge, or never). What we are doing mentally is
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Derivation of Heuristics

rearranging simple rectangles as graphic metaphors to spark ideas of other graphic


Interestingly, this abstraction has its counter part in spatial arrangements of

metaphorical rectangles. Some of these are illustrated in Fig. (21). This observation
suggests introducing further ambiguity by treating temporal and spatial displays of
rectangles in analogous fashions to discover potential solution concepts in space and
in time (NH).

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Derivation of Heuristics

Solution by Transposition
At the abstract graphic level, space and time dependencies seem to have analogous
depictions that offer heuristic value. This can be captured as a heuristic of ambiguity
by, in effect, equating time and space representations of rectangles. In other words
give each graphic arrangement of attribute-rectangles both spatial and temporal
interpretations (NH).

Problem state:
two objects in contact (or two sequential effects)

Solution states:

E a
erase multiply
f c
f t add overlap
e i
c v elongate multiplex
t i
shorten disorder
y order separate
space or time

Figure 23. Activity rectangles represent where or when effects are active in
space or time (on or off). Operations are labeled.

Effects have spatial and temporal character according to where or when certain
attributes are active. Simple one-dimensional plots of spatial and temporal
arrangements of effects shown as rectangles bring out some graphic similarities;
effects show when their supporting pairs of attributes are active. These are evident
when one considers how to make a transition from a problem state to a solution state
in such graphs. “Consider alternative arrangements of rectangles in space and time,
representing attributes and functions that produce solution states, as being similar
(NH).” This brings out a heuristic to “think of solution states as all possible operations
on rectangles in space or time to see what ideas come to mind” (“space | time similarity
(NH)” heuristic for object | function arrangements). Some examples are shown in Fig.
(23). The possible heuristics are numerous.

Generalization of this space-time transposition heuristic can “expand space | time

similarities to any pair of conjugate spatial | temporal attributes (NH)”. Special
opportunities will be recognized in different fields. Some of many possible physical
pairs are suggested in Table (3).

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Table 3. Paired spatial | temporal attributes.

random | raucous repeat period | repeat period
superposed | simultaneous size | duration
curvature | chirp (frequency slur) slope | rate
phase | phase hole | lull
alternate | multiplex order | scale (music)
sequence | sequence color | sound

Such analogies in conjugate attributes suggest to “transpose space/time conjugate

attributes (NH)”. This action is, in effect, a mapping of one attribute onto anotherXXII –
“map a spatial attribute onto its temporal conjugate and vice versa (KH)” – to see if that
perspective sparks new concepts: a transposition or mapping heuristic. Useful
sensibility can be maintained by working with pairs of attributes of interacting objects,
rather than attributes from unrelated object pairs.

Consider other types of mapping and what ideas might follow:

• angle of a slice of cake onto sugar content of the slice of cake different levels of
sweetness in different sections of a cake (to share with a diebetic person);
• gasoline antiknock onto color of men’s trousers category coding for an
automotive contest;
• fracture strength of glass and viscosity of ink in a writing pen (?).

These three examples go from realistic, to plausible (but a bit of a stretch), to

questionable. Useful sensibility can be maintained by working with pairs of attributes
of interacting objects, rather than unrelated object pairs, as in the last two examples.

Some interaction-related conjugatesXXIII:

• The slope of a road is conjugate with speed (coasting) – slope, a spatial derivative
and speed, a time derivative.
• The irregularity of a solid surface produces chirp when machined in the lathe –
spatial irregularity conjugate to temporal pressure waves.
• The spatial pattern of two interfering sound waves is conjugate to their temporal
phase shift.
• Talking on a public telephone requires protection against the external noise (lull in
time) by means of an enclosure (holes in space).

Mapping is used here as a metaphor associating conjugate attributes. Of course this is more poetic,
and hence more provocative, than rigid functional mapping of mathematics.
The five examples are courtesy of Juan Carlos Nishiyama and Carlos Eduardo Requena of UTN
FRGP, General Pacheco, Argentina.
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Derivation of Heuristics

• → enolic
A molecular example of spatial-temporal conjugate attributes is in ketone ←
tautomerism, an equilibrium state involving two isomers. In this example, a
hydrogen atom has conjugate space-time sequences of association with a carbon
atom and a heteroatomic oxygen atom.
| |
H─ C ─ H H─C
| ║
| |

ketone form enol form

Figure 24. Tautomeric relationship of ketone and enol showing the spatial-
temporal sequencing of a hydorgen atom’s position.

Attribute mappings, as a heuristic, are recommended to “first use space | time

conjugate pairs and then to try pairings of other interaction-related attributes (NH)”.

While time can be treated as inviolate from field to field of application, space may take
on other analogies. Time is not an attribute – it is not tied to an object – but it adds
dimension to attributes through their time-dependent intensity (past > present > future),
location, rate of change (speed), and derivative of rate-of-change (acceleration). Time
characterizes effects (“time-dependent attributes help to characterize effects (NH)”).
For example: Concurrence of length (size) of exposed rod and duration of deflection
risks breaking rod (example from Definitions section, Part II).

An opportunity to apply transposition occurs in problem analysis when characterizing

“synchronous” versus “asynchronous” features (quote marks emphasize both temporal
and spatial connotations) of multiple effects (e.g., U and F in nullification). Time | space
uniqueness of effects can be illustrated on two one-dimensional graphs of simple
rectangles representing where and when different effects, U, are active (Fig. 23).
These graphs make evident such space | time characteristics as order | periodicity,
superposition | simultaneity, size | duration, and other attribute pairs (some are shown
in Table 3). Arranging one graph above the other exhibits relative space | time graphic-
characteristics. Rearranging the rectangles in either graph can create solution states.
Rearrangement heuristics are the same for either graph – hence, space | time graphic

A one dimensional space- or time-plot of effects can depict a problem state and enable
visualization of a solution state – yielding solutions by erasing, adding, elongating,
shortening, moving, dividing, multiplying, overlapping, multiplexing, separating,
ordering, disordering, and reordering rectangles (Fig. 23) – a host of heuristics (NHs).

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Derivation of Heuristics

Summary of Heuristics for

Problem Statement, Analysis, and Solution
1. Translate heuristics using appropriate argot
2. Create an alternative perspective.
3. Analyze points of interaction of objects (Ax1).
4. Analyze object interactions in terms of object pairs (Ax2).
5. Identify pairs of attributes, one from each object, to support an effect (Ax3).
6. Use no metrics for attributes (Ax4).
7. Minimize the number of objects (Ax5).
8. Unravel a problem statement to contain a single unwanted effect (Ax6).
9. Use ambiguity for creative thinking (known).
10. Name objects for their generic functions (known).
11. Name an attribute for its most generic property.
12. Think contrarily (known).
13. Use known solutions as templates (USIT).
14. Analyze the underlying phenomenology of templates and improve on them
15. Construct a well-defined problem graphic working from effect-to-attributes-to-
16. When causal attributes are not found look for multiple, entwined effects (USIT).
17. The more objects used in a problem definition the more unwanted effects may
be lurking in a convoluted problem statement.
18. Eliminate objects lacking involved attributes.
19. Use attributes first in resolving an unwanted effect.
20. To resolve an unwanted effect:
a. utilize it as a beneficial function,
b. nullify it with a countering function, or
c. eliminate it by annihilation.
21. Graphic heuristic for a problem state:
U → Am
/ |
O-A (Om)

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Derivation of Heuristics

23. Graphic heuristics for solution states


\ \ \
(U → “F”) → Am U → Am ← F (_)
/ | / | /
O-A (Om) O-A (Om) O-A

Utilization Nullification Elimination

24. Examine attributes as adjustable parameters for constructing solution concepts.

25. Intensity, location, and time are three abstract variables of attributes.
26. A hierarchy of characteristics of a single attribute: begin with intensity, location,
and time. See table of Modifiable Attribute Characteristics for details.
27. Recognize attributes as being intensive or extensive.
28. Alter attributes in intensity, space, and/or time.
29. Status quo: for every change considered consider also not changing it.
30. Use an unwanted effect in a different way or for a different purpose.
31. Sketch space and time dependences of effects with a common rectangle drawn
on common axes
32. Test modifications of a space/time rectangle from starting point, width, intensity,
structure, and continuity.
33. Ignore an unwanted effect when solution of a larger problem mitigates it.
34. Use an unwanted effect as-is: at a different location, time, or a different
35. Scale an unwanted effect” to greater or lesser intensity (magnitude, distribution,
36. Link an unwanted effect” as a causal attribute of another function.
37. Scale to extremes (+/- infinity).
38. Form A-F-A links.
39. Attribute’s optional object. (A-F-A links offer optional objects for new attributes.)
40. Each A-F-A link allows addition of a function, an attribute, its optional object, an
affected attribute, and its optional object.
41. For A-F-A linking, step from attributes to functions to attributes repetitiously until
an attribute is reached that is recognized as being available.
42. For nullification, try new, attribute pairs in different objects.
43. Examine multiple locations for nullification attributes.
44. Move object to annihilate an unwanted effect.

Sickafus Part II Page 84

Derivation of Heuristics

45. Reshaping an object, permanently or temporarily, may uncouple a localized

surface or internal attribute.”
46. Eliminate an unwanted effect by temporary object relocation.
47. Eliminate an unwanted effect by object elimination.
48. Alter an attribute’s intensity, location, and time, to eliminate an unwanted effect.
49. Represent the time dependence of active attributes as “on/off” rectangles on a
time plot.
50. Give each graphic arrangement of attribute-rectangles both spatial and
temporal interpretations.
51. Consider alternative arrangements of rectangles in space and time,
representing functions and attributes that produce solution states, as being
52. Think of solution states as all possible operations on rectangles in space or
time to see what ideas come to mind.
53. Expand space | time similarities to any pair of conjugate spatial | temporal
54. Transpose attributes.
55. Map a spatial attribute onto its temporal conjugate and vice versa.
56. First use space | time conjugate pairs and then to try pairings of other
interaction-related attributes.
57. Time-dependent attributes help to characterize effects.
58. Cast heuristic phraseology in appropriate argot to make it as relevant as
possible for its rapid recognition and ease of application.
59. Interpretation of heuristics from graphic models averts the tedium of their rote

Sickafus Part II Page 85

Derivation of Heuristics

Phraseology in words and graphics

Close examination will show that some of the derived heuristics are related and with
only a little imagination could be combined under more generic names. On the other
hand, they could just as well be expanded and divided into multiple heuristics. For
example, the “optional object” heuristic could be worded to address each option as an
individual heuristic.

The practical application of heuristics in problem solving methodologies seems to take

the latter direction. There are efforts to discover, characterize, and tabulate as many
empirical heuristics and examples for them, gleaned from the literature and experience,
as can be found. It is also noted that a heuristic in one field may have an analog in
another field, but in different wording. This points to an evident need in practice to “cast
heuristic phraseology in appropriate argot to make it as relevant as possible for its
rapid recognition and ease of application (NH)”.

The axiomatic models are graphic heuristic tools. They can be used as proforma
structures to simplify layout of problems. Thus, they provide condensed, logical
heuristics for the formation, analysis, and solution of a well-defined problem.
Furthermore, “interpreting heuristics from graphic models averts the tedium of their rote
learning (NH)”.

Phraseology poses a problem. Should heuristics be subdivided into multiple, slightly

variable expressions with different wordings for each field of application? Or should
they be generalized by eliminating small variations of expression and assembled into a
minimal collection of generic expressions independent of field? If current practice
prevails they will continue to multiply into variant wordings specialized for particular
fields. Problem solving methodologies usually grow from this basis. However,
individuals seeking simplification for the memorization and application of heuristics may
prefer smaller collections composed of generic wordings and generic sketches from
which specific examples can be deduced. The highest level of generification offers the
broadest base for seeding recall. (NH)

Sickafus Part II Page 86

Derivation of Heuristics

Conclusion of Part II
For the first time a logically related collection of heuristics for solving problems has
been derived from a common axiomatic basis. A self-consistent process for discovering
heuristics, based on six axioms, has been demonstrated. The process is generic
consisting of abstract components, axiomatic models, and logic that produced a
surprisingly rich supply of heuristics. Ideas underlying the axioms came from
experience in solving physical-world problems. The process and results demonstrate
an abstract justification for heuristics not limited to a specific field.

The shift of focus from objects to their attributes has been discussed as a ploy to bring
an unusual perspective to problem solving. Three strategies were found for resolving
unwanted effects using attributes; their utilization, nullification, and elimination. Simple
graphic models were developed to serve as proforma templates for applying each

It has been demonstrated that by representing attributes as undefined boxes (simple

graphic metaphors for attributes), and then arranging the boxes in arbitrary ways, the
new arrangements can be interpreted as heuristics for resolving unwanted effects.
[XXIV] The facility of using graphic metaphors for attributes led to both spatial and
temporal interpretations for the same linear arrays of graphic elements (unlabeled
boxes) – space/time transposition. This led to the pairings of space/time conjugate
pairs of attributes as another problem-solving tool.

Dozens of heuristics were identified and thousands implied. For theoretical study of
heuristics, it will be useful to reduce these to a small number of generic models; such
as, the graphic models for solution states plus rules for working with graphic metaphors
exhibited here. For field-specific adaptations it is expected that heuristics will be
expanded into larger numbers as specific applications call for their wordings in relevant

If this sentence sounds a little like reading tea leaves, please reread the section titled, “Graphic
metaphors as solution heuristics”.
Sickafus Part II Page 87
Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

Part III
Demonstration of
Derived Heuristics

Table of Contents

Inventing a belt – a problem to be solved (using the newly derived heuristics)
Deduction of problem definition information
An unwanted effect as a strategy for invention
Graphic problem statement
Solution by utilization
Solution by utilization using A-F-A linking
Solution by nullification
Solution by elimination
Conclusion of Part III


Sickafus Part III Page 89

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

U → Am ← F
/ |
O-A (Om)

Sickafus Part III Page 90

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics


Applications of the heuristics derived in Part II are demonstrated in this section.

Derivation of heuristics and application of heuristics in problem solving have different

goals requiring different mental processes and expectations. The difference suggests
left-brain and right-brain functions. In the process of deriving problem-solving
heuristics our attitude is that of critical judgment of logic in the process and plausibility
of the resulting heuristics. Application of heuristics, on the other hand, is a process
designed to spark recall and stir creative thinking. Critical judgment and creative
thinking are akin to different brain-hemisphere activities

Heuristics are effective when recall and creative thinking result. However, while logic is
readily evident in the first process it sometimes is illusive in the second. That one idea
sparks an apparently unrelated idea is common experience but difficult to justify
logically. This may be seen in the following as I apply heuristics and discover concepts,
which lead sometimes to seemingly non-related new concepts. Meanwhile, you will
have thought of even different concepts during the same demonstration. I see this
phenomenon as the “surprise and delight” of structured problem solving (to borrow an
automotive industry design strategy).

Two types of problems may be used to demonstrate a problem-solving methodology.

One is, what I call, the “fix-it” type. In this situation, an incremental solution may suffice.
The second is a problem situation in need of an invention.

I have selected a problem of the invention-type for a demonstration of using the newly
derived heuristics in solving a real-world problem. Although this is not the usual type of
problem most engineers and scientists deal with on a daily basis, it is usually the type
of general interest in the classroom. By far the more common problems to be solved
are not of the inventive type but of the type requiring only incremental change in design
or of the type, “it’s broken, fix it!” Most of the example problems I have published are of
the fix-it type. On the other hand, innovative ideas for solution concepts are always
welcome and expected when solving problems of either type.

As we go through this demonstration bare in mind that an engineered product is not

our goal. Rather, we desire to discover concepts that can be engineered – a pre-
engineering goal.

Sickafus Part III Page 91

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

Inventing a belt – a problem to be solved

Suppose we are consulting for a manufacturer of men’s clothing and are asked to
invent a new type of belt for men’s trousers. (XXV) We first define the problem and
then turn to the heuristic methodology and use heuristics derived earlier to develop
solution concepts. In order to define the problem, let us begin by understanding the
intended functions of a belt for trousers.

Deduction of problem definition information

Trousers are usually designed with waist circumferences smaller than hip
circumferences so that they do not fall off when buttoned or zipped. Properly
sized trousers for appropriately shaped torsos do not fall off. Hence, in these
cases, belts may be more functional as information creators than as trouser
supporters. The information they create is an expression of style. Since we are
being consulted as technologists and not as stylists, this function will be

This strikes me as a questionable decision; i.e., to ignore styling problems. And it is.
However, I have more experience in analyzing and solving technical problems than
styling problems. And I suspect the readership of this discourse also is somewhat shy
of such experience. Nonetheless, there appears to be no a priori reason not to attack
styling problems using the same derived heuristics. Here the decision is a judicious
choice of the more promising benefit to this readership.

Torsos having larger (or equal) waist circumference than hip circumference
offer no natural support for trousers. Belts provide one type of solution to
this problem. Suspenders provide another. Belts snugged to the
body produce an indentation in the body contour that serves to
“lock” in place the otherwise insecure trousers. This concept relies
on the elasticity of the torso. If neither shape nor elasticity is
available, such as in a shapeless manikin, a belt may need to be cinched
tightly to create a large area of friction for opposing the force of gravity on the

Cinching a belt sufficiently tight to indent one’s torso requires working against the
elastic response of the torso. Thus, a belt is put into a state of internal stress, which it
must maintain during the period required to keep trousers suspended. Maintenance of

A belt for men’s trousers is so ordinary an object as to seem past its prime for new invention. Why
pick this problem? The reason is to simulate a problem-solving situation where brainstorming has waned
of ideas. This may demonstrate better claims made for USIT.
Sickafus Part III Page 92
Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

the state of stress in a belt is accomplished by securing it with a buckle. It also requires
insignificant creep of the belt material; i.e., no relaxation.

Belts for men’s trousers are known in at least three forms: cords threaded through belt
loops and their ends tied in knots (one-object solution – cord), flat belts threaded
through belt loops and connected at their ends with various types of buckles (two-
object solution – belt and buckle), and elastic bands sewn into trousers plus hooks to
create a buckle also sewn into the trousers (three-object solution – band, hook, and

[B0] An idea comes to mind of a belt having no buckle. This could be an elastic band to
be expanded enough to be slipped into place and then relaxed to a less expanded
state where it provides sufficient force to indent the torso. (In case you wonder about
belt loops, that’s another problem that can be addressed separately.) (XXVI)

An obvious function of a belt is implied in its name, “belt”. That is, to be able to be
wrapped around and to be conformable to the shape of something.

An unwanted effect as a strategy for

The problem of invention can be treated in a manner similar to fix-it problems by
identifying an unwanted effect to focus on. In the case at hand, that means to examine
the needed functions of a belt, select one, and convert it into an unwanted effect. This
strategy enables application of the same USIT methods as used in other problems.

We’ve found five functions for a belt: to be wrapped, to be conformable, to be cinched

tightly, to be locked in place (sustaining the cinched state of elastic energy) and to
create information. Is there an opportunity for invention here?

One aspect of invention is being unconventional. Being able to be wrapped and being
conformable are conventional traits of many kinds of ribbons, bands, cords, strings,
etc. Sustaining a cinched state for a stretched band is a matter of having sufficient yield
strength and low enough creep rate. These are simple specifications of two
engineering-type attributes.

The conventional solution of a belt being locked in place is a locking device, a buckle,
which introduces another object. Perhaps belts without buckles could be invented. This
presents the situation of being able to draw tight a belt, hand-held at both ends, but
then being unable to release the ends and retain the desired stressed state since no

Belt solution concepts are numbered in the form, [Bxx].
Sickafus Part III Page 93
Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

buckle is available for this purpose. Obviously, a solution concept is to incorporate the
function of a buckle into a belt – a buckle-less belt.

If we choose to invent a “buckle-less belt” what are the interacting objects? Having no
buckle, there remains only the belt and trousers. Actually this situation can be analyzed
at least at three points of contact between object pairs: belt-to-buckle, belt-end-to-belt-
end, and belt-to-trousers. The first retains the buckle and the belt as interacting
objects. The second treats the two ends of the belt as different objects, since they are
placed in contact and together modify or sustain an attribute of belt (internal stress of
belt and belt-end are the same). I’ll elect the first in order to force myself to discover the
desirable functions of a buckle and a belt before trying to eliminate the buckle.

An unwanted effect could be stated in various ways as. Here’s a first draft:

Belts without buckles do not retain cinched-state of stress.

Graphic problem statement

The generic graphic of a problem is shown in Fig. (1).

O1 - A1
U → Am – (Om)
O2 - A2

Figure (1). Two objects in contact, O1 and O2, have two interacting attributes, A1 and
A2, which are causal of an unwanted effect, U, that acts on an attribute, Am, of an
object, (Om).

This graphic is a model for formulating the unwanted effect to be analyzed and solved.
The two objects are belt and buckle. The unwanted effect is tendency to loose a
cinched state, which affects the attribute internal stress in belt.

Sickafus Part III Page 94

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

belt – A1
tendency to lose cinched state internal stress – belt
buckle – A2

Figure (2). Graphic model of the belt problem without identified causal attributes.
Objects are grayed and attributes bolded to show their relative importance in applying
derived heuristics.

A plausible root causes diagram helps to identify causal attributes. This is illustrated in
Fig. (3). The unwanted effect is tendency to loose a cinched state.

tendency to loose a cinched state unwanted effect

belt buckle objects

stretching relaxing cause

relaxation of position
stress (creep) change effect

microscopic excess tension for cause

structural change engaging lock
• rotation of • shape (non-
elemental collinear
components (e.g., alignment of attributes
strands) buckle and belt
• alignment of required to
elemental engage lock)
components • complexity of
• “flow” of locking
components mechanism
• sensitivity to
• temperature

Fig. (3). Plausible root causes diagram for a belt and buckle having a tendency to
loose a cinched state of elastic energy.

Stretching of belt, after cinching and releasing, can be the cause for a tendency to
loose its cinched state – a time-dependent phenomenon. The effect of stretching can

Sickafus Part III Page 95

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

be caused by relaxation of internal structure of belt material – known as creep.

Attributes of belt materials that may lead to creep through structural rearrangement are
those related to size changes, such as, sensitivity to stress, to humidity (sorbing and
desorbing of moisture), and to temperature. Stress sensitive attributes include
phenomena such as rotation of elemental components (e.g., molecules, cross-linked
groups, and nano-strands), alignment, and “flow” of these components, and others.

Relaxation after locking and releasing a buckle can be the cause for a tendency to
loose a cinched state. Such relaxation could occur through out-of-alignment
positioning, of buckle relative to belt, required to engage the locking mechanism. This
may due to a shape attribute involving complexity of the locking mechanism.
Positioning and engaging a buckle may necessitate an initial excess of stress in the
belt. The excess stress would relax when the buckle is locked and the belt released.

Solution by utilization
In solution by utilization, both the unwanted effect and causal attributes remain the
same (see graphic model in Fig. (4)). However, scaling of attributes is permitted to
produce solution concepts.

A1 Causal attributes

• rotation of elemental components (e.g., strands)

belt • alignment of elemental components
• motion of components
• sensitivity to humidity
• sensitivity to temperature

tendency to loose post-cinched state cinched state – belt
A2 Causal attributes

buckle • shape (non-collinear alignment of buckle and

belt required to engage lock)
• complexity of locking mechanism (including
shape and multiplicity of parts)

Fig. (4). Graphic model of the belt problem with the unwanted effect and its causal
attributes is shown explicitly. Attributes are to be selected in pairs; one from each box.

Spatial and temporal plots of function activity help to characterize the activity of causal
attributes. These are illustrated in Fig. (5).

Sickafus Part III Page 96

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

belt buckle

locking of buckle

pre-stressing of belt and buckle

post-stressing of belt and buckle

Fig. (5). Spatial and temporal plots of belt buckling process. The unwanted effect
occurs during the post-stressing of belt and buckle. Height differences between pre-
stressing function and post-stressing function are intended to indicate a decrease in
excess stress after locking of buckle.

The purpose of the above analyses is to create a definitive, phenomenological view of

the problem. This view is then approached with the derived heuristics to inspire
creative ideas for a belt design having no buckle while utilizing the unwanted effect of
the tendency to loose cinched state of the belt. Obviously, this entails incorporating the
functions of a buckle into a belt. Thus, two functions must be accomplished: locking the
ends of a belt together and managing the amount of post-stress elastic energy that
might be lost during the period of a belt’s application. Ideas for these two independent
functions may be found separately and later combined to produce a belt having no

Solution by utilization suggests heuristics such as: alter attributes in intensity, space,
and time; don’t alter anything (contrarian view); and use an unwanted effect for a
different purpose.

[B1] A simple engineering solution to a tendency to loose cinched state is to scale the
intensities of the time-dependent attributes so that the amount of loss of stress during
the period of belt application is acceptable.

[B2] Locking can be accomplished with a Velcro®-like interface in a region of overlap of

the belt ends.

[B3] This brings to mind to slice one belt end laterally, but not quite edge-to-edge, to
form a slot into which the other end (cut to be narrower) can be inserted for locking.

[B4] The inserted end could be serrated for engaging matching notches inside the slot.

A gradually changing cinched state might be used for …

Sickafus Part III Page 97

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

[B5] information creation in the sense of a novelty of style, or

[B6] as an indication of the current state of stress. These could be constructed in the
form of a stress-induced color change in the coating on a belt, or

[B7], a stress-induced change in polarization of reflected light.

[B8] This brings to mind a money belt with a built-in alarm. When the stress is suddenly
relaxed the released energy could be used to trigger an alarm. This is also an example
of linking an effect to a new function.

Ignoring the unwanted effect and taking advantage of it suggests

[B9] a belt for a clown’s trousers having a calibrated creep rate to allow the pants to fall
from the torso at a predictable instant.

Solution by utilization using A-F-A linking

The strategy of A-F-A linking is to connect effects through attributes that enable
conversion of an unwanted effect into a useful one, a function.

The graphic model for A-F-A linking is shown in Fig. (6).

A1 N3 N3
\ \ \
U → Am → F → Am’ … … F → Am’ …

Fig. (6). Graphic model of A-F-A linking to connect an effect beneficially to a new
function supported by the final attribute in the link. Objects have been omitted.

This model can be applied to the case of the new belt design as illustrated in Fig. (7).
In the figure the unwanted effect has been abbreviated to “relaxation” and the affected
attribute to “stress state”. The attribute, stress state in a physical object, can be
expressed as internal stress, strain, or strain energy (the integral of stress-strain).

Sickafus Part III Page 98

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

relaxation → stress state → F → Am’ …

Fig. (7). Graphic model of A-F-A linking applied to the belt design problem. Stress and
creep are represented as causal attributes.

[B10] Internal stress can be coupled to a proportionate electromotive force (e.m.f.)

through the phenomenon of piezoelectricity. The associated e.m.f. created by piezo-
electrification could be coupled to a threshold voltage of an alarm system, as shown in
Fig. (8). This leads to ideas for an electronic belt. Various novelty products may unfold
from this electronic-based technology.

stress strain impedance

\ \ \
relaxation → stress state → piezo- → e.m.f. → alarm → threshold voltage
/ electrification

Fig. (8). Graphic model of A-F-A linking applied to the belt design problem. Stress
state is mapped on to threshold voltage through A-F-A links.

A-F-A linkage of internal stress energy to an e.m.f. opens the way for electronic-based
technology. There other internal stress-energy linkages become possible. An obvious
one is elasticity, the coupling of stress and strain. For example, stress can be coupled
to strain in a diffraction grating that shifts the peak order in the diffracted beams. A
variety of stress-induced effects can be found in the technical literature including
stress-induced polarization, temperature change, resistivity change (e.g., strain
gauges), voiding (in Al and Al-alloy films), phase change, and many more. Identification
and characterization of stress-induced phenomena is an active area of materials

A-F-A links used as a problem-solving tool work to advantage when they cause one to
recall a variety of phenomena. One can easily filter chains of links for fear of undue
engineering complexity. However, this defeats the purpose of cued recall. If, for
example, stress-induced polarization, although potentially useful for novelty products,
should be filtered for complexity the value of linking cues is lost. Once the idea of
stress-induced polarization is discovered, its adaptation in a product might not involve
stress or polarization, but lead instead to incorporation of decorative or functional
optical components in a specialty belt, for example.

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Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

Solution by nullification
Nullification suggests countering an unwanted effect using another effect, a function.
The graphic of this heuristic is illustrated in Fig. (9) without objects. The new function
requires supporting attributes (N3, N4) that may be accompanied with optional objects.

A1 N3
\ /
U → Am ← F
/ \
A2 N4

Figure (9). Schematic showing causal attributes, A1 and A2, and nullifying attributes, N3
and N4, for a nullifying effect (function, F).

Nullification allows support of a new function using new attributes. Their sources can
be decided after nullifying functions and their attributes have been identified. In this
case, state of stress can be nullified by a reacting stress, as shown in Fig. (10).

causal attributes N3
\ /
U → state of stress ← reacting stress
/ \
causal attributes N4

Figure (10). Schematic showing a reacting stress as a function used to nullify a state-
of-stress attribute.

Reacting stress brought to mind an over-riding stress, one that is stronger than that of
the belt. This could eliminate creep.

[B11] Introduce a spring having greater strength (N3) and lower creep rate (N4) than
the belt.

[B12] This brought to mind a buckle designed to produce and maintain stress with only
in-plane action. The buckle could be a flat reel and ratchet that winds and locks a cord
or thin ribbon attached to the loose end of the belt. The excess stress needed to lock a
conventional belt buckle would be eliminated. (No, this is not a “buckle-less belt”

The expression, “reacting stress”, suggests the dynamics of the state of stress. State of
stress should change with different activities of the person wearing a belt. We’ve seen
above that A-F-A linking brought up the idea of added electronics.

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Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

[B13] Thus, a “smart belt” could be designed with electronics to monitor the state of
stress and a feed-controlled reel used to adjust reacting stress as needed. This could
make trousers more comfortable after eating a large meal.

Solution by elimination
Elimination of an unwanted effect suggests annihilating it: U ( ). Elimination of
causal attribute interaction is a recommended procedure. Figure (4) is repeated below
(as Fig. 11 ) to recall the causal-attribute resources for this strategy.

A1 Causal attributes

• rotation of elemental components (e.g., strands)

belt • alignment of elemental components
• motion of components
• sensitivity to humidity
• sensitivity to temperature

tendency to loose post-cinched state cinched state – belt
A2 Causal attributes

buckle • shape (non-collinear alignment of buckle and

belt required to engage lock)
• complexity of locking mechanism (including
shape and multiplicity of parts)

Fig. (11). Graphic model of the belt problem with the unwanted effect and its causal
attributes shown explicitly.

Eliminating or rearranging attributes can eliminate attribute interaction. This may entail
reshaping or moving objects.

In our case, having two ends of the same belt being treated as individual objects, the
elimination of one seems to lead to a continuous belt loop, such as the elastic band of
concept [B0]. What if both ends are eliminated? (Contrary thinking.)

Elimination of both ends seems to imply elimination of belt leaving only buckle. But
we’re trying to eliminate buckle by placing its function into belt. Now contrary thinking
brings to mind to eliminate belt and place its function into buckle. Basic differences
between buckle and belt come to mind as rigidity of the former and flexibility of the
latter. Of course, flexibility of rigid objects can be designed from small linked or hinged
components. These can be multiplied to a useful number.

Sickafus Part III Page 101

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

Elimination of creep of belt material can be accomplished with linked “buckle”


[B14] Construct belt of interlinked rigid segments.

[B15] Separation of internal stress and creep suggests a layered structure. An internal
layer can be designed to have miniscule creep under expected loads while in other
layers creep is of no consequence. A flat “I”-beam cross section comes to mind, having
a thin central member of non-creeping metal covered by decorative inner and
outer layers.

Conclusion of Part III

The problem-solving heuristics derived in Part II have been demonstrated for
application in invention. It is shown that invention can be couched in terms of an
unwanted effect. Consequently the problem definition and analysis heuristics of USIT
are applicable without modification.

The three major strategies for problem solving used in Part II, utilization, nullification,
and elimination, constitute a thorough approach to problem solving. Each strategy
contains other heuristics; such as, A-F-A links used in utilization.

It is expected that individual problem solvers applying these three major strategies will
bring into the process his or her favorite heuristics as sub sets of the three. The three
strategies provide a simple and convenient overview of the problem-solving phase.

In the process of solving the belt problem, without allowing filtering, some seemingly (at
first sight) illogical results came to mind. This reflects the power of the metaphor of
generic names – ambiguity.

Sickafus Part III Page 102

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

The author is indebted to Dr. Craig Stephan, Senior Technical Specialist of the
Physical and Environmental Sciences Department, Research Laboratory, Ford Motor
Company for years of joint teaching structured problem solving in Ford, for in-depth
discussions, critical comments, and creative suggestions regarding ideas presented
here and for his critical review of the manuscript.

Gratitude is also expressed to Juan Carlos Nishiyama, Consultant in Organization and

industrial engineering in the Centro Tecnológico UTN FRGP, and Carlos Eduardo
Requena, Professor in General and Applied Chemistry in UTN FRGP, General
Pacheco, Argentina. Together, these colleagues translated the manuscript draft into
Spanish, found errors, tested ideas, and made recommendations which, they then
translated into English for my benefit.

Sickafus Part III Page 103



Sickafus Glossary Page 104

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

a t t ri b u t e : An attribute characterizes an object distinguishing it from an
otherwise similar object. Attributes are characteristics such as weight, size,
shape, color, conductivity, etc. (from SIT and ASIT).

active …: An active attribute is an attribute that supports an active function

(or effect) or is acted upon by a function.

removal of (deactivation, annihilation) …:

In USIT an active attribute is rendered inactive (removed, deactivated,
or annihilated) when its use is discontinued in a problem situation.

algorithm: An algorithm is a series of steps, a set of rules, or a recipe for

systematically producing a solution for a well-defined problem. (See problem-
solving methodology.)

argot: The special vocabulary and idioms of a particular profession or social

g ro u p .

axiom: An axiom is a self-evident truth requiring no proof.

brainstorming: Brainstorming is used here as an intuitive, instantaneous

process of recall in producing solution concepts.

c o g n i ti o n : Cognition is the act or process of knowing.

concept, solution concept:

Solution concepts are the first, somewhat nebulous ideas that come to mind as
potential solutions to problems. A concept requires engineering scaling for
verification as a viable solution.

creativity: Creativity (innovation and invention) is a subjective term left

undefined for personal adaptation of the reader.

effect: Effect, like a function, maintains or modifies an attribute.

fu n c ti o n : A function modifies or maintains an attribute of an acted-upon

object. Functions are desirable effects.

distribution of …: Distribution of functions is a USIT solution technique in

which functions are moved to other objects in the problem set to see if solution
concepts occur.

Sickafus Part III Page 105


generification: Generification of an object’s name replaces its commercial

name with a function-type name determined by its specific use in a problem
s i tu a ti o n .

h e u ri s t i c : Heuristics, as used here, are the non-algorithmic tools,

techniques, and tricks that are used in problem solving.

innovation: Innovation (invention and creativity) is a subjective term left

undefined for personal adaptation of the reader.

i n tu i ti o n : Intuition is the use of heuristics so practiced and ingrained in

one’s subconscious that they come into action instantaneously without any
need of conscious seeding.

object: A physical-world object, as used in USIT, occupies space, exists of

itself, and can interact with another object through its attributes (from ASIT, and
USIT). An object is defined by its active attributes – without active attributes it
has no function and therefore doesn’t exist. This condition allows its removal
for new insights.

division of …:
Division of an object is a solution technique wherein physical-world objects are
divided and their parts used differently.

multiplication of …:
Multiplication of an object is a solution technique wherein physical-world
objects are multiplied and the copies used differently.

problem: A convenient definition of a problem is any unanswered

q u e s ti o n .

well-defined …:
A well-defined problem is defined to be a problem constructed appropriately for
the methodology to be used to solve it.

problem-solving methodology:
A problem-solving methodology is a guide to solving problems made up of
heuristics for defining, analyzing, and searching

Sickafus Glossary Page 106

Demonstration of Derived Heuristics

solution concepts. It is less systematic than an algorithm. (See algorithm.)

qualitative change: A qualitative change refers to the graphic representation

of a problem characteristic in which the slope of the characteristic is reduced to
zero (from SIT and ASIT).

ro o t c a u s e : Root causes are defined as causal attributes that can be tied

directly to an effect.

scaling, scale-up, engineering scale-up:

Scaling includes the clarification, modification, modeling, algorithmic analysis,
and testing needed to validate an otherwise tentative solution concept.

state: A state comprises an arrangement of objects in space interacting in

time to support an effect – utilizing three compositional concepts: space, time,
a n d e ffe c t.

transduction: Transduction is a USIT problem-solving technique in which

attribute-function-attribute elements are inserted in a graphic representation of
a problem so see what solution concepts come to mind.

Sickafus Part III Page 107


1, and
“Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning”, G. Polya, Vol. 1 and 2, Princeton University
Press, 1954.

2 “Discussion of the Method – Conducting the Engineer’s Approach to Problem

Solving”, Billy Vaughn Koen, Oxford University Press, New York, 2003. (This
work would include algorithms as heuristics.)

3 This is close to, but not quite what Osborne had in mind as brainstorming:
“Applied Imagination”, A. Osborne, Charles Schribner’s Sons, New York, 1953.

4 “Unified Structured Inventive Thinking – How to Invent”, Ed Sickafus,

Ntelleck, LLC, Grosse Ile, MI, USA, 1997.

5 “Unified Structured Inventive Thinking – an Overview”, Ed Sickafus, Ntelleck,

LLC, Grosse Ile, MI, USA, 2003 (free ebook available at


7 “Creativity As An Exact Science – the Theory of the Solution of Inventive

Problems”, Studies in Cybernetics Series, Genrich Altshuller (translated by
Anthony Williams) Gordon and Breach, New York, 1988.

8 “Breakthrough Thinking – a Linear Sequencing of TRIZ Tools”, Larry Ball,

2002 (available at

9 “Creative Cognition – Theory, Research, and Applications”, Ronald A. Finke,

Thomas B. Ward, and Steven M. Smith, The MIT Press, Cambridge
Massachusetts, 1996.

10 “The Lens as Aquatic Gymnast”, Ian Austen, The New York Times, E7,
Circuits section, Thursday, March 18, 2004; also
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1128 (2004).

11 “Creative Cognition – Theory, Research, and Applications”, Ronald A.

Finke, Thomas B. Ward, and Steven M. Smith, The MIT Press, Cambridge
Massachusetts, 1996.

Sickafus Bibliography Page 109

About the Author
Ed. Sickafus is an inventor, industrial scientist, teacher, author and a puzzle enthusiast.

Academic background: His academic experience ranges from graduation with a

Ph.D. in physics from the University of Virginia, Visiting Lecturer in Physics, Sweet
Briar College, Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Denver, to instructor
in sign language at Madonna University. He studied transmission electron microscopy
at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, Cambridge England. He also
aided development of surface science research, and gave seminars at universities in
Spain and Brazil.

Industrial background: Ed’s industrial background ranges from assembly line

manufacturing experience as an automotive welder, an ordnance inspector, and an
aircraft riveter, to laboratory studies of air bearings and molecular pumps, and to
design and modeling of miniature sensors and actuators.

Industrial positions: His industrial positions include senior staff scientist, manager,
corporate technical specialist, and president of Ntelleck, LLC. He served on the
Industrial Board of the Sensors and Actuators Center of the University of California –

Basic research: His basic research studies include internal friction of metals, growth
morphologies of layered structure crystals, microcalorimetry, mechanical and electron
scattering from surfaces of atomically clean metals, and secondary-electron

Publications: Ed has published over 70 scientific papers and articles on a wide range
of topics, three books on USIT, and maintains a website ( where he
publishes free lectures on USIT. He has lectured in Spain, Brazil, China and South
Korea. He holds twelve patents.

Management: His management experience includes Acting Head of the Physics

Division of the Denver Research Institute, Manager of the Miniature Sensors and
Actuators Department and the Physics Department of the Ford Motor Company
Research Laboratory.

Professional Societies: Ed was former President of the American Vacuum Society,

member of the Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics, and served on
various society committees.

Civic service: He was an interpreter for the deaf while living in Denver.

Hobbies: Ed spends spare time traveling around the world photographing anything of
interest. He prints and sells his photographs locally. He enjoys cycling and hiking.

USIT: He introduced SIT into the Ford Motor Company through monthly, three-day
courses and weekly user-group meetings. This led to his development of USIT, which
he now teaches in on-site classes for industrial corporations. Classes in USIT have
been given in North America, Europe, South Korea, and Australia.

Unified Structured Inventive Thinking
–How to Invent

The textbook, “Unified Structured Inventive Thinking – How to Invent”, by Ed Sickafus

can be ordered by mail.

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