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The Egiptian Attributes Book

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lll. Rev. Dr. Malachi Zodek York 33° Deputy Grand Master Of The State Of Georgia Affiliated With The Most Worshipful Pride Of Georgia Grand Lodge AF & AM, S.G.H. “Supreme Grand Hierophant’ Of The Ancient Egiptian Order And A Noble Of The Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine Mecca Temple No. 1 ne Pa fa Tama-reye Renaat «The Egiptian Names” The Official Symbol ‘Of The Ancient Egiptian Order Hosea 12:9 “And I That Am The Lord Thy God From The Land Of Egypt Will Yet Make Thee To Dwell In Tabernacles, ‘As In The Days Of The Solemn Feast.” Conferred By: Supreme Grand Hierophant S.G.H. m0" Degree Pa Tama-reye Renaat The Egiptian Names TABLE OF CONTENTS essere Page 5 Ques: How Did The Tama-Reyeaat '‘Egiptians' Go About Page 19 Ques: Exactly How Did Aset Obtain That Secret Name?.. Ques: How Should Names Be Chosen? ............ averse age 29 Ques: How Did The Tama-Reyeaat “Egiptian” Go About Having Their Naming Ceremony?.... Ques: Is There Anything I Should Avoid When Choosing A Proper Egiptian Name? ....ccssessssssssessecssees seeiseesasies Page 39 Ques: What Is The Importance Of Us Having Our Own BRERINIOS Pe meerscerscwseencrnventsttscnetste Ques: You Were Known By Many Different Names, Why Did You Change Your Name So Many Times?........ Page 40 Ques: What Is The Difference Between Neter, Netert, Neteru And Neteraat? -Page 43 tesnod oyo1-smsT 8 zsminVl notiqigdl oT 910Vi eon A noitosrmuesA oT oT tonsl 2idT oT tieiV YM botoved ovsH I onO liva oT ts wond I bid rove! .bsed yilsinoM odT 10 tito slqooT szoiT dtiW dol iso) A dove ono bsH baA Hee otsH modT ovsH oT 2A vilsoieyd bad yiistasM oT o994 asH sonsibaiH baA smmoliC teolssrD YM bail oY oT beinsM woY tegnomA mod lived osld 10 aseuoH boise omse oT ol gniys1d oY diiW gnisilsiooe odT dtiW cos Isutitiga A esH yltetos2 tu .uoY 2A qideioW vllsioT oT modT 101 sldieeoqml 1s9Vf il eoxlsM doidW lived odT mord neeod) weil odT 104 Ju .uquewuN oT tobnone oT deiW isdT egaiod seodT baid oT fti2 I .bolls) yasM omorque oT 102 JIA nl omorque oT dtiW onO omoosd mA I eA Asiqidtes idunnomA stnedqoiiH basi 10 noitsmsonl oT .2loorlod IsoitayM odT tuodguowlT awonl 2A awonA .sauT tsor) oT tO tnobut2 “diodT” itudoT oT sonsiongl mor mottosresA tO iniod teil odT 9 A-mutA idgil sdT baoA mobeiW idgil sgbolwond idgidl enoigilsA oT tO dosd diiW ol bobnelf ovsH I .gnibasierovO modT 10 210 2A bevil I .slqood YM oT gnitesisinI 120M odT IsovoAl oT 19bi0 al .miedT 10 onO 2A booitos1d bad bn bougsld ovsH IsdT eonitiood seedT 10 enoitqoonoo2iM 10 edstA oT tegnomA .olqood YM 10 ebniM oT boessei( nwond esW | .meibememedul{ 10 so1goC oAT ol meslel 1A mesmi yiqmié 10 ibdsM IA ibssH IA reel biyys2 2A 2A oT 2A [oW 2A .2toolsid yasM odT al troulT griod nel bioW 104 bioW botslensiT I ,ogsugnst oids1A Isoizesl’) ofT .moigiloxAl simeslel odT ebiswoT eeonesi’ juorlliW isor) ofT disons@ ts@ I deilgnd oinl (as10A) arge‘iuO buomdsM esW doilW 10 onO jtnobuté A 2A dolwuyude, emesis istesM tsorD odT boA buomdsM bemmaduM wO eitué tO 19b10 syyitewlsdal odT 10 quoesH LA daliad? -IssamA 10 syvibdaM A 2A arbue 1O tesnoA oyot-emeT ef zon) snitgigal svt Eb oged. 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In Ancient Egipt, The Ren "Name" Of An A’aferti “Pharaoh” Did Not Merely Label A Person Or Thing, It Formed A Profound Element Of Identity Itself. Renaat “Names” Of Uraat “Rulers” Carried Particular Force, Because The Ruler Of Egipt Acted As An Early Earthly Counterpart To The Sun Supreme Being Re Or Ra. The Name Ra Is What The Greeks Call Him, Which They Took From The Original Egiptian Ren “Name” Re As The Egiptian Call Him. At His Ascension To The Throne, The A'aferti "Pharaoh" Took Many Titles To Express His Divine Gadur “Power”. These Titles And Their Birth Names Were Inscribed Inside Of What ly Commonly Known As A Cartouche. Many People Today, Especially Tama-Reyeaat “Egiptians”, Take On New Names. Their Reasons May Be Religious, Political Or The Rediscovery Of One's Heritage Or Cultural Background. In Some Cases, The Parents Will Not Change Their Own Names But Will Give Their Children Creative African, Aramic, Syriac, Egiptian And Nuwaupic Names. The Masses Who Are Ignorant Of The Greater Spiritual Reality, Develop Pride Because They Come From A Certain Religion, Family Or Country And This Pride Is Carried Into Their Renaat 'Names'. Every Time Pa Renaat "The Names" Are Mentioned, It Is A Reinforcement Of That Pride And Egoism. "How Wonderful Am I To Be A Part Of The Muhammadan Clan", And So On. Little Do They Realize That While They Are Frolicking In The World Of Their Own Creation, They Are With Earth's Many Lights Called Religion, Blinding Them To The Greater Reality That Is About Them. They Are In Fact Accepting Something That Is Fleeting And Illusory That Leads To Endless Frustrations, Worries And Stress Over The Higher Reality, Which Is Transcendental, Eternal, And Truly i \ Fulfilling, A Ren "Name" That Relates You To The World O i \ Egoism, Materialism And Ignorance Is Indeed A Misfortui ] This Is The Degradation Of The Ba “Soul” That Is Caused Spiritual Ignorance. The Supreme Beings Also Pelt That Ui You Receive Your Name, You Are Dead, ‘There Figure I His Hird Holding The Shen Over The Deceased ty A Cartouche And It’s Significance In

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