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Tpa 3 - Assessing Student Learning

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The key takeaways are that the unit covers identifying and counting coins and bills, their values, and using different strategies to solve word problems involving money. It also covers writing the names and values of coins and dollars in words.

The unit covers the Common Core standard of being able to solve word problems involving money using dollar and cent symbols appropriately. It also covers the mathematical practices of making sense of problems, reasoning abstractly, constructing arguments, modeling with math, using tools strategically, attending to precision, recognizing patterns, and expressing regularity in reasoning.

The learning goals are for students to be able to identify and count coins and bills by their features and values, write their names and values, use touch points and skip counting to count values, use strategies like acting out problems to solve word problems, make values using different coins and bills, and use dollar, cent and decimal symbols appropriately.

Form: "*Assessing Learning Task*"

Created with: Taskstream

Author: Andrew Lopez
Date submitted: 05/09/2016 12:23 pm (PDT)

Before beginning this task, read the complete

directions provided in the CalTPA Candidate
Step 1: Assessment Selection and Planning for
the Whole Class Directions
To plan classroom assessment, a teacher determines his or her current point within
the instructional sequence of a unit of study and identifies the student academic
learning goals to measure.
"Ideally, assessment and instruction are linked inextricably within any curriculum.
The key to using assessment effectively and efficiently in a program of instruction is
to recognize above all that different types of assessment tools must be used for
different purposes. " (Reading/Language Arts Framework for California Public
Schools, 1999, page 215)
Select one class, a content area, and a unit of study to work with as you complete
this performance task. Respond to the prompts below about the unit of study and its

A. Academic Content Selection

(REQUIRED) Grade Level

(REQUIRED) Content area


(REQUIRED) Subject matter


(REQUIRED) 1. List the state-adopted academic content standards or stateadopted framework you will cover in this unit.
The state-adopted academic content standard that will be covered for this unit is:
Common Core State Standards
Measurement and Data
Work with Time and Money
2. MD.C.8

Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies,
using $ and symbols appropriately.
During this unit students will also meet the following mathematical practices:
Mathematical Practices

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

(REQUIRED) 2. Describe the unit of study that addresses those standards.

The unit of study that addresses the above-mentioned standards includes five
lessons. The lessons will teach the students the value, shape, size, color, and name
of bills and coins. They will also teach students how to count the values of the coins
and bills through the use of touch points and skip counting. The lessons will teach
students to recognize coins and bills in groups of money and be able to determine
the value of the money. These five lessons will teach students different strategies
that can help them answer word problems. Finally, these lessons will teach students
to be able to make specific values by using different coins and bills.

(REQUIRED) 3. What is (are) the academic learning goal(s) for this unit of
By the end of this unit of study on Money, students will be able to identify and count
all coins and bills by identifying their size, shape, look, color, features, and values.
Students will be able to write the names and values of all coins and bills. Students
will be able to use touch points to count the values of coins. They will also be able to
skip count and count on to determine the value of groups of coins. Students will also
be able to use the "act it out" strategy to answer word problems. They will be able
to act out the word problems by using manipulatives to help them count the values
of money. They will also be able to draw the coins or bills when they don't have
access to bills. Students will be able to make values of money using different coins
and dollar bills. Students will understand how to use the dollar sign ($), cents sign
(), and decimal (.) appropriately when distinguishing amounts of money. Finally,
students will be able to write the names and values of coins and dollars in words.

(REQUIRED) 4. At what point in the sequence of the unit are you teaching?
Check one:

At the end of the unit of study

B. Assessment Planning
If you are at the beginning of your unit, you will give your students an entry-level
assessment. If you are moving through the unit of study, you will use progressmonitoring assessments. If you are at the end of the unit of study, you will use a
summative assessment. (For more information about these three kinds of

assessment, see Frameworks for California Public Schools, published by the California
Department of Education.)

(REQUIRED) 5. For what purpose will your assessment be used within this
unit of study? Chose one:


(REQUIRED) 6. Identify and describe the type of assessment. (verbal

response, multiple choice, short essay, oral presentation, performance
task, and the like)
I will be assessing students through three types of assessments. I will use a chapter
test, performance task assessment, and a Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium
(SBAC) aligned assessment to assess my students understanding and mastery of the
academic learning goals.

(REQUIRED) 7. What will your students need to know and/or be able to do

to complete the assessment?
In order to complete these assessments, students will have to be familiar with, and
understand the following vocabulary:

Half Dollar
Dollar coin
Dollar Bill
Dollar Sign $
Cents Sign
Touch Points

For those students who are English Learners they will need to make connection with
picture of the vocabulary words as well as understand the cognates for the
vocabulary words, such as:

Signo de Dolar
Signo de Centavos

Another strategy that students will need to be able to do, is use touch points and
know how many touch points each coin has. Every touch point is worth 5. This will
help students find the sum of a group of coin by reminding them to skip count. A
penny doesn't have any touch points, so we use a line underneath it to represent 1.

Penny = 0 touch points but a line under the coin

Nickel = 1 touch points

Dime = 2 touch points

Quarter = 5 touch points

Students will also need to review vocabulary. They will need to go over and
understand what equal groups, repeated addition, skip counting, and counting
on mean.
Students will need to understand and memorize the following content song to help
them count quarters:

1 quarter equals 25, 2 quarters equal 50, 3 quarters equal 75, 4 quarters
equal $1.00, which makes 100.

Students will need to recall our problem solving strategies and be able to circle the
question in a word problem and underline key facts to help them answer the
question. In order to be able to answer the free response questions, students need
to be able to explain their thinking in complete sentences and sight examples/facts
to prove their thinking. Students will need to answer free response questions by
using different strategies such as, using manipulatives to act it out or drawing a
picture to solve the problem. To complete these assessments, students will need to
be able to label the values of coins and bills.

(REQUIRED) 8. What evidence of student learning will you collect?

In order to collect an abundance of evidence of student learning, I will collect their
review assignments. For their review assignments, students will create a table chart
on an iPad on the application called Pages. On the chart students will write values
that I give them. Students will create those values with manipulatives. On the next
column, they will take a picture of the coin manipuatives with the ipad and insert it
into their table chart. Lastly, on the next column students will type the amount and
names of all the coins they used to create that value. I will use their table charts to
identify whether or not my students are able to create a value using coins, label the
coins they used, and write the names of the coins. My high achieving students will
have to add an extra column where they will come up with a question that uses the
values from the first column.
Another piece of evidence I will collect are their results from a review game. My
students will play a money review quiz on the website This game will
consist of questions that ask students to identify coins, their values, their touch
points (if any), and their names. It will also have questions that ask them to
determine the value of a group of coins. This interactive site is effective because it
offers instant feedback after every question. It let's you know how many students
answer the problem correct or incorrect. It allows you to see if most of your class
understands the concepts and to go over the question with the whole class if they
don't understand. At the end of the game, it gives you every students results
including the question, the answers they could choose from, and the answer they
chose. This will allow me to see what students need more support before the

I will also be collecting their responses to a 3-phase lesson. A 3-phase lesson is

a story problem where students use their skills and strategy of their choice to arrive
at the answer. We share their strategies with the whole so other students can see
different strategies can get the same results. Throughout the review activities, I will
also do informal observations during to collect oral evidence. I will listen to them
explain their thinking to their peers to see if they demonstrate understanding of the
The last pieces of evidence I will collect are the three assessments. I will collect their
chapter test, performance task, and SBAC aligned test. These three tests will show if
students have mastered and understand the learning goals.

(REQUIRED) 9. In what ways will the evidence document student

achievement of the academic learning goal(s)?
As mentioned previously, the learning goals are that students will be able to identify
and count all coins and bills by the their size, shape, look, color, feature, and values.
Students will be able to write the names and values of all coins and bills. Students
will be able to use touch points to count the values of coins. They will also be able to
skip count and count on to determine the value of groups of coins. Students will also
be able to use the "act it out" strategy to answer word problems. They will be able
to act out the word problems by using manipulatives to help them count the values
of money. They will also be able to draw the coins or bills when they don't have
access to bills. Students will be able to make values of money using different coins
and dollars. Students will understand how to use the dollar sign ($), cents sign (),
and decimal (.) appropriately when distinguishing amounts of money. Finally,
students will be able to write the names and values of coins and dollars in words.
Each of the following pieces of evidence listed go hand in hand with the learning
goals. The first piece of evidence I will use is a table chart activity on an ipad using
the Pages application. This table chart activity requires students to create a table
chart with four columns. The first column will be labeled "Values" because students
will write values of money. The second column will be labeled "Picture" because
students will add a picture of the value of money. The third column will be labeled
"Money Used" because students will list the names and amount of coins or bills they
used to make the value. My high achieving students will create a fourth column
labeled "Questions." In this column students will create word problems using the
value in the first column. This activity will show proof that the students are able to
write the values that I give them using the correct symbol. It will also show that
students are able to model those values using coin manipulatives. Lastly, it will show
that students are able to type the names and amount of coins they used to create
that value.
The interactive review game will give me instant feedback after every question. This
will allow me to see if I need to reteach the whole class the concept or if I need to
work with a small group that doesn't understand the concept. At the end of the
game, it gives you every students results including the question, the answers they
could choose from, and the answer they chose. This will allow me to see in more
detail what students need more support before the assessment. It will also allow me
to see what exactly they don't understand and what I need to reteach. This game will
show if students are able to identify coins, their values, their touch points (if

any), and their names. It will also show if students can determine the value of a
group of coins.
The 3-phase problem will also show evidence of students achievement of the
academic learning goals. The 3-phase problem will show me if students are able to
answer a question and explain their thinking using different math strategies.
Students will explain how they answered the problem and identify the math strategy
they used. After students complete this assignment we'll review their answers whole
class. This will allow the whole class to see different strategies that they can use to
solve the problem, as well as strategies that arent effective.
The last form of evidence that I will use to document student achievement of the
academic learning goals are the three assessments themselves. I will have the
students take three different types of assessments in order to get more data that I
can analyze to make sure they have mastered the concept. The three assessment
types are a chapter test, performance task assessment, and a Smarter Balance
Assessment Consortium (SBAC) aligned assessment. The chapter test will show me if
students are able to use the skills they learned correctly. It will show that students
are able to able to identify coins, their values, their touch points (if any), and their
names. It will also show if students can determine the value of a group of coins. It
will also show that students are able to write the names and values of all coins and
bills. In this test there is only one correct response for each question. The
performance task will show evidence that students are able use their skills to answer
the question but also explain how they got their answer. This test will show that
students are able to find the sum of a group of coins and/or dollar bills by using the
act it out or draw a picture strategy and explain their answer in words. It will also
show that students are able to make values of money using different coins and dollar
bills, understand how to use the dollar sign ($), cents sign (), and decimal (.)
appropriately, and write the names and values of coins and dollars in words. This test
has one write answer but students can come up with the answer in several
ways. Finally, the SBAC aligned test will also show evidence because students will
have to be able use their skills to answer the question but also be able explain their
answer in words or with examples. It will show that students are able to use touch
points to count the values of coins, skip count and count on to determine the value of
groups of coins, and use the "act it out" or draw a picture strategy to answer word
problems. This test is similar to the performance task and is effective because it
prepares students for the SBAC test. All three of these tests will give me data that I
can analyze and see if all students have mastered the learning goals. If students
haven't mastered the learning goals, I can provide them with intervention and
reteach a small group, or the whole class, depending on how many students hasnt
mastered the goals.

(REQUIRED) 10. How will the student assessment evidence be measured or

As mentioned before, I will be using a variety of assessment evidence. The evidence
consists of a table chart activity, review game on Kahoot, a 3-phase problem, and
three assessments. The table chart activity will not be scored but I will use it to
monitor their progress. This activity will show proof that the students are able write
the values using the correct symbol, model values with coin manipulatives, and type

the names and amounts of coins or bills they use to create a value. The review
game on the website Kahoot will not be scored but the answers are recorded. I am
given a report of how many students answered correctly or incorrectly and what
answers they chose. The 3-phase problem will also not be scored. These activities
will used to review the concept and learn different strategies and allow me to
measure if students are prepared for the assessments.
The only evidence that will be scored are the three assessments. In order to score
the chapter test, I will use an answer key. Students will get a percentage score by
dividing the points they earned by the amount of points possible. This test has 11
questions and each questions is worth one point. I will use a rubric for the
performance task and SBAC aligned assessments. The performance task has two
parts. The maximum points a students can get in part A is 4. The rubric shows what
I am looking for them to do. Students can receive partial points depending on their
responses. The maximum points for part B are 2. I will add up the students total
points and divide it by the total of 6 point in order to get a percentage. I will score
the SBAC aligned assessment with a rubric. This test contains one multiple-choice
question, 2 four-part questions, and 5 word problems. There are 20 points possible
for this test. I will divide the points they earned by the total points possible to get a

11. Think about how you will sequence your implementation of the
assessment. Describe your plan for implementing the
assessment in the order in which it will occur.
Address each of the following and provide a rationale for each of your decisions:

Teaching strategies including communicating the purpose of the assessment,

the scoring criteria, and the procedures for completing the assessment
Student activities
Student grouping
Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional
aides, parents, or other adults in the room

(REQUIRED) Assessment Implementation Plan

Please note the sequence of your Assessment Plan, by indicating a letter (a., b., c,
and so on) before each part.
A. Teaching strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment
1. Learning goals for each subject area are posted on the white board in front of
the class. I will review the goals before each unit and before every lesson so
that students know their expectations.
2. During review activities, I go over the purpose of the review and asks
students to remind me of what their learning goals are. I explain that the
review activities are going to give me evidence of whether they are meeting
the goals or not and that.
3. Before we begin the exam, we will review the learning goals for the units that
are on the board. Then I will explain how the assessment will meet

our targeted goals. I will explain to the students that the assessment will
show me that they understand the concept and have the skills necessary to
meet the learning goals.
4. I will remind them of what they will need to be able to do to complete the
B. Scoring Criteria
The three assessment that I will be scoring are the Chapter Test, Performance Task,
and the SBAC aligned test. In order to score these test I will use an answer key and
a rubric.


Chapter Test- To score the chapter test I will use an answer key. The test has
eleven questions that only have one possible answer.
Performance Task- To score the performance task I will use a rubric. The test
has two parts that have multiple steps. To get full credit on the assessment
students have to answer all the of the steps. They will get points for every
step they answer correctly.
SBAC aligned- To score the SBAC aligned test I will use a rubric. The test has
one multiple-choice question; two fill in questions, and five word problems.

C. Procedures for completing this assessment

Day before assessment:
1. First, students will work on a 3-phase problem to prepare them for their
performance task.
2. Once the complete the 3 phase problem, students will complete a review
activity. Students will create a money table chart where they are given a
value and they use manipulatives to make that value and list the names and
amounts of all the money they used.
3. Lastly, students will take a review quiz on the website Kahoot. They will take a
multiple-choice quiz on all the concept of money and practice the skills
they've learned. This quiz reviews all of the learning goals.
(These review activities all help prepare students for the types of question they'll see
on the assessment)
1st Day of assessment:
1. I will hand out the first test (Chapter test) to every student.
2. Students and I will read the instructions out loud together.
3. We will discuss what they are expected to do and make a connection to how
this assessment meets the learning goals.
4. I will tell and show students where they will place their test when they finish.
5. I will inform students of what they can do once they are done with their
assessment and write those procedures on the front board. (1.finish any
incomplete work, 2.Money crossword puzzle, 3.Money word search)
6. I will have students set up their privacy folders so they can work
7. Once students are prepared, they may begin to take the assessment.

8. When students complete their assessment they will turn in their assessment.
9. Students will work on the assignments they were given to complete after the
10. When all students have turned in their tests, they will clean their areas and
prepare to take the second assessment (performance task).
11. I will give students a brain break and have them do some quick exercises.
12. After completing the exercises, I will have students go back to their areas.
13. I will pass out the performance task.
14. Again, students and I will read the instructions out loud together.
15. We will discuss what they are expected to do and make a connection to how
this assessment meets the learning goals.
16. I will tell and show students where they will place their test when they finish.
17. I will inform students of what they can do once they are done with their
assessment and write those procedures on the front board. ( 1.finish any
incomplete work, 2.Money crossword puzzle, 3.Money word search)
18. I will have students set up their privacy folders so they can work
19. Students will answer the question on their own.
20. When students complete their assessment they will turn in their assessment
to the designated area.
21. Students will work on the assignments they were given to complete after the
22. When all students have turned in their assessment, they will clean up their
areas and turn in their privacy folders.
23. I will then pass out both test back to the students and we will correct the test
2nd Day of assessment:
1. I will hand out the SBAC Aligned test to every student.
2. I will inform students of what they can do once they are done with their
assessment and write those procedures on the front board. (1.finish any
incomplete work, 2.Money crossword puzzle, 3.Money word search)
3. I will have students set up their privacy folders so they can work
4. We will discuss what they are expected to do and I will explain how this
assessment meets the learning goals.
5. I will read the instructions to them.
6. I will explain to students that I will be reading every question to them and
give them time to answer each question.
7. Once students are prepared, we will begin to take the assessment.
8. When we complete the assessment, I will give students time to go back and
check their work.
9. Once students complete the assessment they will work on the assignments
they were given to complete after the test.
10. Once all students are finished we will correct their assessments together.
D. Student Activities
Guided Practice- Money Table Chart (Pages iPad Application)

As a whole group I will show students how to create a table chart on

the Pages iPad Application. We will complete an example value
together. Once students are familiar with their expectations they will
complete the chart on their own.

Review- Before implementing the assessments, students will be participate in the

following review activities:

Multiple Choice Quiz (

3 Phase Problem
The 3-phase problem is very similar to the performance task. These
activities prepare students for the assessments by reviewing the skills
necessary to meet the learning goals.

E. Student Grouping
Review Activities Grouping:
o Students will work with a partner to complete the guided practice activity.
o Students will work independently during the Kahoot multiple-choice game.
o Students will work independently to answer the question of the 3-phase
problem. Once they answer the question, they will work as a whole class.
They will participate in a whole class discussion where they share their
strategies for solving the problem with one another.
Assessment Grouping:

Students will work independently.

F. Materials
Students will need the following materials for the review activities:

Manipulatives- Money (Coins and bills)

Visuals- Pictures of real money (coins and bills)
iPad Projector Adapter
Projector Screen

Students will need the following materials for the assessments:


Manipulatives (Only for a few students)
Visuals (Only for a few student)

G. Technology
Students will use iPads to review the money concept and show their understanding of
the learning goals. On the iPads they will need to have the application Pages. They
will also be using the website to participate in a review quiz game.

Ipad projector adapter
Page application
Projector screen

H. Resources
Some of the resources I will need are:

Instructional Aide- I need to make sure that my aide is on hand to provide my

students with extra support.
Worksheets- I will need to prepare money crossword puzzles and money word
searches for my students to complete once they finish their assessment.
Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium preview questions
McGraw Hill My Math Teacher Guide and Chapter Test

(REQUIRED) Rationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that
portion of the plan.

It's important that students are aware of their expectations. Having their learning
goals posted on the board in the front of the class, allows students to refer back to it
at anytime. If the students are aware of how they should behave, they will most
likely meet the expectations. When students are behaving positively, it gives the
students more time to work independently.

The chapter test uses an answer key. Answer keys save teachers time and help them
grade tests quickly. Teachers should always review their answer keys to check for
human error. This will prevent them from marking answers incorrect when they're
actually correct. Both the performance task and SBAC aligned test use a rubric. A
rubric is different from an answer key. The rubric assesses specific parts of a
response. It allows students to get points for different parts of their answer
depending on their answers. A rubric sets the criteria for a students work and
includes descriptions of different levels of performance. This is important because it
helps the teacher grade a students response but also because it gives the students
the criteria of what they need to accomplish.


Before assessing students I like to review the concepts that we have learned. This
allows me to see if students are ready for the assessment or if we need to go over a
certain concept. I like using several review strategies to get data to analyze what my
students know. Review activities allow students to use their skills and prepare them
for the assessments. The table chart activity gets students ready for the chapter test
and parts of the SBAC test. The Kahoot game also prepares students for the chapter
test and part of the SBAC test because it has multiple-choice questions. The 3-phase
problem prepares students for the performance task and the SBAC test because it
asks free response questions and it has students practice explaining their thinking in
words. Once I know that all of my students are ready for the assessments, I have my
students take the chapter test first because it's the easiest test. This test doesn't
require much reading. Therefore, they should be able to finish this test on their own
quickly. Since they won't take much time on this test, students will also take the
performance task on the same day. The performance task is a word problem where
they have to answer a question and explain their thinking in words and pictures.
During this test, I read the question to them in order to help the students who read a
low rate. The next day I have students take the SBAC aligned test. I have them take
this test the next day so that my students don't get tired of testing. It's important to
give students breaks throughout testing. You don't want to have students testing all
day because it can affect how well they perform on the test. This test has more
questions and requires students to do more critical thinking. For this reason, I have
my students take it the next day. Doing it the next day allows my students to take
their time when testing. For this test, I read every question and give students time to
answer the question before moving on. I do this in order to help my students who
are still reading at a low rate. For every assessment my students take, I have them
read the directions and then I read them to them. I do this so that students know
what is expected of them. Before we begin the test, I show them where to turn in
the test and what to do when they are done so that they don't disrupt their
classmates by asking questions. I write the procedures on the board so they have
somewhere to reference, just incase they forget what to do.

The activities my students do before the assessments help them practice the skills
they need to meet the learning goals. They also prepare my students for the
assessments. I think this is important because students need to be able to practice
the skills they are learning. Also, I relate the activities to what they will see on the
assessments so when they take the assessment they can make connections to what
they know. I also like to do these activities because they allow me to monitor my
students progress. The activities let me know what area they might be struggling in
or need more support in.

I use guided practice activities so that all my students review and practice the skills
they need to master. Once I have modeled what they will be doing, I have them work
independently so that I can see if the students understand the concept and mastered
the learning goals. I also have them work in groups so they can learn new strategies
from their peers. I like to use whole class grouping, in order to share effective
strategies that other students are using with all of the students. I like to use different

types of groupings because all students learn differently, have different abilities, and
are at different levels of proficiency. Having students work in different groups helps
keep the students engaged. Working with a partner is effective because it can lower
a students stress level. By working in different groupings, students get to socialize
with different students and learn information that they might not have been thinking.
This also exposes them to different thinking styles, personality traits, and

I will use money manipulatives to give students hands on experiences with coins and
bills. This will help them make connections to real money. I will use the manipulative
to monitor students understanding of each coin and bill. Since every student learns
differently, this will be an effective strategy for kinesthetic learners.
I will use visuals to help my visual and English Language learners. The visuals are
effective because they allow students make connections to real money. I Also believe
that show the students pictures of real money allows students to become more
familiar with coins and bills. It will help them recognize coins and bills.
I will use the ipads during the review stage of the assessment implementation. I
think its important that students are exposed to technology because they will be
using technology when they take test in the upper grades. I will use the ipad
projector adapter to display the image on my ipad to the students on the projector
screen. This will allow me to model to the students and show them how to make the
table charts. Once they learn the basics, I can allow them to finish the chart
independently. Using technology also helps keep students engaged and can be
another form of visuals and manipulatives. Students will use privacy folders during
assessments. The privacy folders provide students with their very own workspace
and can prevent distractions. They also can help students concentrate on their test
and prevent students from cheating on their exam by looking at others people
assessment or talking to others.

I like to use different forms of technology to keep my students engaged. For review,
I like to play quiz games on Kahoot. This interactive quiz keeps students engaged
while they answer review questions about the material they learned. I like using this
website because it is a fun way to review and students enjoy playing it. I also like
using ipads during review because students will be taking state tests on some form
of technology in the upper grades. I want to expose them to it and prepare them for

I will use my aide to provide students with extra support. For example, if I have
several students how I know struggle with reading, I can have my aide sit with them
and have her read them the questions. I can also use my aide to facilitate the test
while I provide extra support to any student who may need it. Another reason it's
important to have an instructional aide is to provide extra support during review
activities. For example, if students are having technically problems with their devices
or program my aide can help me assist them.

(REQUIRED) 12. In what ways will you use the assessment results?
I will use these assessments to determine whether or not my students have
mastered the learning goals. This will help me decide if any students need
intervention or if I need to reteach the whole class the concept. I will use the score
to determine my planning. If students have mastered the concept we can move on to
the next unit. If I notice that my students are struggling with the concepts, then I
will plan new lesson to try and teach them a new way so they can master the
learning goals. I will also use the results to self evaluate my teaching practices. I will
be able to see what practices were effective, what practices didn't work, and also
ways in which I can make the lesson better for the next time I teach it. It's important
that teachers self-reflect on their teaching practices. If students aren't mastering the
learning goals then they need to create better lessons.

(REQUIRED) 13. In what ways will you share the assessment results with
students, families, and other colleagues and support personnel, when
The way I plan to share the results with my students is by having them correct their
assessments after everyone completes the test. This way, students can get
immediate feedback on how they did. I will go over the test with them and show
them how they should have answered the questions. Next, I will correct all the test,
give them a score, put their scores in my grade book, and send them with my
students to take home and get signed by their parents. Student will return the test
to me the next day. Having students get their parents signature will allow me to
communicate with their parents. Parents will be able to see how their child is doing in
class. If students don't return the test, I will contact their parents to make sure they
received and review their child's test. This will allow parents to provide extra support
to their child at home on concepts that the child maybe struggling with. My next
step would be to share the assessment results with my grade level colleagues. We
can discuss whether or not our students mastered the learning goals. If they didn't,
we can help each other plan new lessons and offer each other ideas that worked for
us. This will help improve our lessons. If we notice that as a grade level we didn't do
very well on the concept. We can plan to spend more time on it and keep that in
mind for the future. I will also share the results with my support personnel. If I have
a student that receives speech or RSP services, I would share this with the service
providers in order for them to have more data to analyze to try and figure out how to
best help the student. I will also share the results with their ELD teacher, if they have
one, this will allow them to offer me strategies that they have used that have worked
for the student that I can use in order to reteach a student. I would also be able to
use these results during an SST or IEP meeting. This will allow me to show that a
student is struggling and may need extra support. Finally, I will store these results in
a portfolio to monitor the students progress throughout the year.

(REQUIRED) 14. Is your assessment one that you developed, you adopted,
or you adapted from another source such as a district, publisher, Internet,
or another teacher?

Adopted or adapted from another source. Identify the source:: Smarter

Balance Assessment Consortium and McGraw hill

15. Submit a copy of the assessment and, if available, submit the

assessment directions, answer key, rubric, scoring guide,
and the like.

Step 2: Learning about Students: Whole Class and

Two Focus Students
Class Information
An important step in planning assessment is to learn about your students. Provide
information about the whole class in the boxes below.

(REQUIRED) Age range of students


(REQUIRED) Number of male students


(REQUIRED) Number of female students


(REQUIRED) Total number of students


Select two students from the class you described above. Select one student who is
an English learner and one student who has an identified special need. Consider your
selected content area when describing what you learned about the two focus
students. In each of the boxed areas below, provide:

a description of what you learned for each of the students

an explanation of how the information will influence your academic
instructional planning, including assessment

Note: Single subject candidates for a credential in Languages Other Than English
who are delivering instruction entirely in the target language may choose another
student with a different instructional challenge rather than an English learner.

A. Student 1: An English Learner




(REQUIRED) 1. Why did you select this student?

I selected this student because he is an English Language Learner. He stood out to
me because he hasn't reclassified but is working at grade level. He has made
improvements in all content areas and has strong math skills. I want to learn how I
can help him reclassify.

(REQUIRED) 2. What did you learn about this student's linguistic

After conducting a parent survey, I learned that he is a first generation American
citizen and his first language was Spanish. His parents both speak Spanish only,
so he only hears Spanish at home. Both of his parent went to school in Mexico.
Their highest level of education in Mexico is equivalent to high school here in the
United States. After looking at his most recent CELDT scores, I learned that he
scored in the Intermediate (3) proficiency level. I also reviewed his CUM file and
learned that he struggles with reading and understanding vocabulary but is fluent in
math. I learned from his previous teacher that he is shy and works well in small
This information is very helpful because it tells me the level of support he will receive
at home with language. It also let me know that I will need to provide him with
translations in his native language and provide him with visuals of the vocabulary.
Fortunately, his native language is Spanish. Being a Spanish speaker myself, I can
easily translate the vocabulary to his native language and help him make connections
in order to help him understand the vocabulary better. If he spoke a different
language, I would be able to do research on that language and find cognates and
translations for him. Knowing that his parent completed high school in Mexico let me
know that they should be able to help him with his work as long as I translate it for
them. His CELDT score is important to know because it let me know that he has
made improvement in his reading, writing, and speaking abilities since he scored in
the intermediate (3) level. His previous teacher informed me that he works best in
small groups. I will make sure that he works in small groups so that he's more willing
to participate and share his thoughts. I want him to socialize with his peers to
continue to develop his speaking and listening abilities with the English language.

(REQUIRED) 3. What did you learn about this student's academic language
abilities in relation to this academic content area?

I learned that he struggles a little with vocabulary but is fluent in math. I will help
him by translating some of the vocabulary and offer him visuals and cognates that
will help him understand the vocabulary better. He scored in the intermediate
(3) proficiency level on the CELDT. This score shows that he can understand standard
speech most of the time, as long as you repeat or reword it. He can understand the
main idea and most details of a conversation. He can communicate orally but needs
a little time to process what he wants to say. This score also tells me that he can
comprehend the content of many texts, independently. He needs extra support with
academic vocabulary. He can read books and texts for pleasure. He can write
multiple paragraphs and present his thoughts in an organized manner with a few
writing errors. I also spoke with his 1st grade teacher and she said that he excels in
math and made great strides with his development in the English language last year.

(REQUIRED) 4. What did you learn about this student's content knowledge
and skills in this subject matter?
In order to learn about my student's content knowledge, I had them
work on a review activity, take a review quiz, and complete a 3-phase
lesson. During the 3-phase lesson, he expressed his knowledge of
coins in writing and only shared out when called upon. He doesn't tend
to volunteer to share in a class setting, but is more willing to
participate in a small group setting. During the three-phase lesson he
shared his knowledge in a small group. When I called on him he was
able to identify coins by their values and names. The 3-phase lesson
also showed evidence that he knows what money symbols to use when
he is answering problem solving questions. He also did very well on the
review quiz. The results allowed me to conclude that he has the
content knowledge and skills to be fluent in this subject area. In this
quiz he showed that he has the ability to group coins by their value,
shape, size, color, and name. He also showed his ability to get the sum
of a group of coins. The review activity showed me that he is able to
create values of money using manipulatives and can list the names of
all the coins they used in the process.
(REQUIRED) 5. What did you learn about this student's physical, social,
and emotional development relevant to this academic content area?
What I learned about this student's physical development relevant to this academic
content area is that he seems to be healthy. He has a healthy diet and seems to be
well rested when he comes to school. He is usually full of energy and eager to learn.
I'm yet to notice him being lethargic when completing his work in class. He is able to
transition around the class with ease. He fits in his chair and is able to sit still. He sits
in the front of the class in order to have a good view of visuals that can help him
better understand vocabulary.
What I learned about this student's social development relevant to this academic
content area, is that he is a shy individual in large settings. He is more outgoing in a

small group setting. His affective filter is lowered in a small setting and he is more
willing to share out. He gets along with all of his peers and is able to work well with
anyone in the class. He is willing to share with all of his peers. He likes to socialize
with all of his peers.
What I learned about this student's emotional development relevant to this academic
content area, is that he is able to work well with his peers. He is a respectful
individual and works best in small groups. He is a generous individual and has no
problem sharing and taking turn with his peers. He understands and follows
classroom rules and shows appropriate classroom behavior.

(REQUIRED) 6. What did you learn about this student's cultural

background, including family and home, relevant to this academic content
I was able to learn more about my student by conducting a parent
survey. His parents answered questions about whether or not he was
an American citizen, how many years he has been learning English for,
and their highest level of education. I learned that he comes from a
lower economic class family. He is the youngest in his family. He has
two older brothers who are gifted students. His mother and father's
highest level of education was at the high school level in Mexico. His
parents read, write, and speak Spanish fluently but struggle to speak,
read, and write in English. His mother and father both are good at
math and his brothers offer him support with homework. He has been
learning English for 5 years.

(REQUIRED) 7. What did you learn about this student's special

considerations, including health issues relevant to this academic content
After speaking to the school nurse and his parents, I learned that he
doesn't have any special considerations. He has good vision and
hearing. I also learned that he is able to participate in any physical
activity without limitations. Through personal conversations, I learned
that he doesn't have any speech impediments. The only special
accommodation I could come up with is that he needs extra time to
process content because he is trying to translate the language and
make connections to things that he already knows. He has perfect
attendance and is able to concentrate on his work when at school.

(REQUIRED) 8. What did you learn about this student's interests and
aspirations relevant to this academic content area?
I was able to learn a lot about his interests through an "All About Me"
project he completed at the beginning of the year. The cereal box he
decorated was filled was with pictures of sports. I learned that he loves
to play all sports. On the student survey that he completed at the
beginning of the year, he stated that he aspires to be a professional
soccer player when he grows up. His art project revealed his love for
drawing and coloring. In his drawing, he depicted playing soccer with
his family at a park. Through conversation, I learned that his favorite
subject is math. He has a good sense of humor in small settings. He
looks up to his brothers and wants to get good grades like them. After
looking at his grades, he is at grade level in all areas.
(REQUIRED) 9. Describe other information relevant to the academic content
area that you learned about the student (e.g., attendance, extracurricular
activities, and the like.).
Other important information that I learned about him, is that he has
perfect attendance and is on time to school everyday. His parents bring
him to school on time and pick him up on time. After speaking to his
parents, I became aware that he has great parental support and
support from his older brothers. At the beginning of the year he went
to intervention after school, which helped him develop his vocabulary.
He goes to Speech once a week with the schools RSP teacher. She told
me his speech is great they are just working on building his vocabulary.

B. Student 2: A Student with an Identified Special Need




(REQUIRED) 1. Why did you select this student?

I selected this student because he is gifted and offers me a different challenge than
the English Learner. His identified special need is that he is gifted. He is a very bright
student and challenges me to differentiate instruction. I have to create lessons that
are more difficult in order to challenge him. He finishes his work quickly and masters
concepts the first time they are taught. I want get better at challenging while I still
meet the needs of other students.

(REQUIRED) 2. How is the instructional challenge that he or she presents

different from that of the other student?
The instructional challenge that he presents is different from that of the other
student because he doesnt have any difficulty with language. He on the other hand,
is able to understand academic language. He is a gifted student, the challenges I
face with him are that he finishes work quickly and needs to be challenged. This
student also differs from the other student because he was an English Learner but he
reclassified. Also, he also comes from a home where the mother speaks Cambodian
and the father speaks Spanish. He understands both Spanish and Cambodian but is
most fluent in English.

(REQUIRED) 3. What did you learn about this student's linguistic

He learned Spanish and Cambodian at home as his first languages but
is fluent in English. Spanish, Cambodian, and English are spoken at
home. He has been learning English throughout his schooling for the
past 4 years. I also learned that he speaks, writes, and reads fluently in
English. I also learned that his parents' highest level of education was
at a high school level in their native countries.
After having conversations with this student, I learned that he has an
extensive vocabulary. He can articulate his thoughts quickly and often
engages in higher-level thinking. After taking the CELDT test last year,
he was reclassified. His previous teacher stated that he scored high in
all subjects.
(REQUIRED) 4. What did you learn about this student's academic language
abilities in relation to this academic content area?
I learned that his academic language abilities in relation to this
academic content area, are that he reads, writes, and speaks above
grade level. He has no trouble reading grade level material. He writes
in complete sentences and can formulate complete paragraphs. His
Smarter Balance scores are in the proficient level.
After reviewing his CUME folder and looking at his report cards from
last year, I learned that he understands academic language. His
previous teacher informed me that he engages in higher-level thinking
and has no problem answering questions that include academic
language. His previous teacher also told me and I have noticed, that he
is always on task and focused.
(REQUIRED) 5. What did you learn about this student's content knowledge
and skills in this subject matter?

In order to learn about my student's content knowledge and skills in

this subject matter, I had students do a review activity, take a review
quiz, and complete a 3 phase lesson. During the 3-phase lesson, he
expressed his knowledge of coins in writing and by sharing his
thoughts with his peers. He is able to share his thought in a class
setting or small group setting. He is able to articulate his thoughts and
offer higher level thinking when answering questions. During the 3
phase lesson, he shared his knowledge with the class and a small
group. He was able to explain what strategy he used to solve the
question and why he used that strategy. When I called on him he was
able to identify coins by their value and names. The 3 phase lesson
also showed evidence that he knows what money symbols to use when
he is answering problem solving questions. He also did very well on the
review quiz. The results allowed me to see that he has the content
knowledge and skills to be fluent in this subject area. In this quiz, he
showed that he has the ability to group coins by their value, shape,
size, color, and name. He also showed his ability to find the sum of a
group of coins. He has been able to grasp all the content taught thus
far. He generally scores high on benchmark assessments. His grades
show that he is above grade level in all subject areas.
(REQUIRED) 6. What did you learn about this student's physical, social,
and emotional development relevant to this academic content area?
What I learned about this student's physical development relevant to this academic
content area, is that he seems to be healthy. He has a healthy diet and seems to be
well rested when he comes to school. He is usually full of energy and eager to learn.
I'm yet to notice him being lethargic when completing his work in class. He is able to
transition around the class with ease. He fits in his chair and is able to sit still and
stay focused throughout lessons.
What I learned about this student's social development relevant to this academic
content area is that he is shy at times. Although he can be shy, he loves to
participate in class discussions and is usually willing to share his answers with the
class. He enjoys working in small groups and offers great support to his peers who
are struggling to understand a concept. He gets along with all of his peers and is able
to work well with anyone in the class. He is willing to share with all of his peers. He
likes to socialize with all of his peers.
What I learned about this student's emotional development relevant to this academic
content area, is that he is able to work well with his peers. He is a respectful
individual and works well in any group setting. He is a generous individual and has
no problem sharing and taking turns with his peers. He understands and follows
classroom rules and shows appropriate classroom behavior. He is always focused and
on task and participates in class.

(REQUIRED) 7. What did you learn about this student's cultural

background, including family and home, relevant to this academic content
After conducting a parent survey, I learned that his mother is Cambodian and his
father is Mexican. His parents speak to him in both languages and in English as well.
He comes from a low socioeconomic background. His parents highest level of
education is high school in their native countries. He is the youngest in his family. He
has an older brother who is in college. His mother is very resourceful and tries to get
him some extra support when necessary. Both of his parents are fluent in their native
language and are able to communicate in English. Both of his parents are very
involved in his education and challenge him at home.

(REQUIRED) 8. What did you learn about this student's special

considerations, including health issues relevant to this academic content
After speaking to the school nurse and his parents, I learned that he is
allergic to peanuts but doesnt have any other special consideration.
He has great vision and hearing. I also learned that he is able to
participate in any physical activity without limitations. Through
informal observations, I learned that he has great fine motor skills. He
writes very neatly. Through personal conversations, I learned that he
doesn't have any speech impediments. He has perfect attendance and
is able to concentrate on his work when at school.
(REQUIRED) 9. What did you learn about this student's interests and
aspirations relevant to this academic content area?
I was able to learn a lot about his interests through an "All About Me"
project he completed at the beginning of the year. The cereal box he
decorated was filled was with pictures of books and drawings. I learned
that he loves to read and draw. On the student survey that he
completed, he stated that he aspires to go to college like his brother.
His art project revealed his love for drawing, coloring, and reading. For
his drawing, he depicted his family and his favorite book. Through
conversation, I learned that his favorite thing to do at home is read
books and play video games. He looks up to his brother and wants to
get good grades like him. After looking at his grades, he is above grade
level in all areas.
(REQUIRED) 10. Describe other information relevant to the academic
content area that you learned about the student (e.g., attendance,
extracurricular activities, and the like).
Other important information that I learned about him is that he has
perfect attendance and is on time to school everyday. His parents bring

him to school on time and pick him up on time. After speaking to his
parents, I became aware that he has great parental support.
Occasionally, his parents allow him to stay afterschool to play with
friends. His parents said that he reads a lot. He spends a lot of his free
time reading for pleasure. He also get support with school from his
brother who is in college.

Step 3: Assessment Adaptations for Two Focus

Consider your plan for assessment in Step 1 and what you learned about the two
focus students, and the implications for instruction and assessment that you
identified in Step 2. Respond to the questions below about the two students.

(REQUIRED) 1. What will Student 1 need to know and be able to do to

complete this assessment?
Student #1 is my English Learner. This student will need to know cognates for the
words: coins, bills, penny, dime, nickel, quarter, dollar, and cents. For example, I will
explain to this student that coins are called "monedas" in Spanish. He will also need
to be able to use visuals to help them make connections to the vocabulary. He might
need to have the instruction read to him in order to know what he is expected to do.
He will need to know the names, values, color, and shape of each coin and dollar bill.
He will need to know the amount of touch points of each coin. He will also need to
know how to find the sum of a group of coins. He will need to be able to skip count
by 5's, 10s, 25's, and count on from a number. Lastly, he will need to be able to read
and answer problem-solving questions in complete sentences.

(REQUIRED) 2. What will Student 2 need to know and be able to do to

complete this assessment?
Student #2 is my gifted student. He will need to know the names, values, color, and
shapes of each coin and dollar bill in order to identify money. He will need to know
the amount of touch points of each coin. He will also need to know how to find the
sum of a group of coins. He will need to be able skip count by 5's, 10's, 25's, and
count on from a number. Lastly, He will need to be able to read and answer problemsolving questions in complete sentences.

For the two students, determine what adaptations you will make to
this assessment that you have planned for the whole class.
Describe those adaptations for each of the two focus students. If you determine that
no adaptations are needed for a part of the plan for assessment, explain that
decision. Respond to the prompts below. For each include:

Your decisions about assessment adaptations

A rationale for those decisions

A. Adaptations for Student 1: An English Learner

1. Evidence of student learning you will collect
(REQUIRED) Decision
As I mentioned before, the evidence of student learning I will be collecting are his
Pages review chart assignment, results of the Kahoot review quiz, responses to the
3-phase lesson, and 3 assessments.
The review assignment is a table chart on the iPad application Pages. He will write
the values that I post the board on his chart. On the next column, he will take a
picture of coin manipuatives to create the values and insert it to his table chart. On
the last column, he will type the names and amount of coins he used to create that
value. My aide will help him if he is struggling to complete the chart. The Kahoot is a
review quiz game. He will play a money review game on This game will
consist of questions that ask students to identify coins, their values, their touch
points (if any), and their names. It will also have questions that ask them to
determine the value of a group of coins. The 3-phase lesson is a story problem
where he will use his skills and a strategy of his choice to arrive at the answer. He
will share his strategy with the whole class and other students will also share their
strategies. The three assessment I will collect are the Chapter Test, Performance
Task, and SBAC aligned assessment.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
As I mentioned before, collecting this evidence allows me to check his progress. This
evidence will let me know if he understands the concept or needs to be retaught.
Collecting a variety of evidence allows me to see what he is specifically struggling
with. It will allow me to go back and teach a specific area that he might
not understand. In this evidence, students have to explain their thinking. This allows
me to understand his thinking and know exactly what he misunderstanding, if
anything. It's important that a teacher gets as much evidence as possible to analyze
and figure out how to help their students. This evidence will also show me what
strategies are effective in teaching him.
I will his table chart to identify whether or not he is able to create a value using
coins, label the coins he used, and write the names of the coins. It will show me if
using manipulative is helpful to him. The Kahoot review game allows me to see if he
understands the concepts and to go over the questions he gets wrong with the whole
class. At the end of the game, it gives me every students results including the
question, the answers they could choose from, and the answer they chose. This will
allow me to see what students need more support before the assessment. This
interactive site is effective because it offers instant feedback after every question. It
lets you know how many students got the answer correct or incorrect. The 3 phase
problem allows him to practice answering a problem solving word problem. It will
give him the opportunity to hear other students strategies to solve the problem. This
will offer him the knowledge to know how to answer the problem using different
strategies. Lastly, the assessment will show evidence if he mastered the skills for the
concept. The assessment will allow me to determine whether or not I need to reteach
or he can move on to the next concept.

2. How the student assessment evidence will be measured or

(REQUIRED) Decision
As mentioned before, I will be using a variety of his work as evidence. The evidence
consists of a table chart activity, review game on Kahoot, 3-phase problem, and
three assessments. His table chart activity will not be scored but I will use it to
monitor his progress and see if I need to adapt the assessments for him. The review
game on the website Kahoot will not be scored but his answers are recorded and I
am given a report of how many questions he answered correctly or incorrectly and
what answers he chose. His 3-phase problem will not be scored either. This is activity
requires him to answer a problem, explain his thinking, and identify what strategy he
used to answer the problem. This will show me if he is ready to take the assessment
and if he is able to explain his thinking in writing.
The only evidence that will be scored are the three assessments. In order to score
the chapter test, I will use an answer key. He will get a percentage score by dividing
the points he earned by the amount of points possible. This test has 11 questions
and each questions is worth one point. I will use a rubric for the performance task
and SBAC aligned assessments. The performance task has two parts. The maximum
points he can get in part A is 4. The rubric shows what I am looking for him to do. He
can receive partial points depending on his responses. The maximum points for part
B are 2. I will add up the his total points and divide it by the total of 6 point in order
to get a percentage. I will score the SBAC aligned assessment with a rubric. This test
contains one multiple-choice question, 2 four-part questions, and 5 word problems.
There are 20 points possible for this test. I will divide the points he earns by the total
points possible to get a percentage.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
As I mentioned previously, I will use these assessments to determine whether or not
he has mastered the learning goals. This will help me decide if he needs intervention
or if I need to reteach him the concept. I will use the scores to determine my
planning. If he has mastered the concept he can move on to the next unit. If I notice
that he is struggling with the concepts, I will plan new lesson to try and teach him a
new way to help him understand the learning goals. I will also use the results to
evaluate my teaching practices. I will be able to see what practices were effective,
what practices didn't work, and also ways in which I can make other lessons better
for him. It's important that teachers self-reflect on their teaching practices. If
students aren't mastering the learning goals then they need to create better lessons.
Using a rubric will allow me to grade his written responses. Using an answer key will
allow me to correct multiple tests quickly.
The review activities prepare him for the assessment. His table chart activity will not
be scored but I will use it to monitor his progress and see if I need to adapt the
assessments for him. If I see he has a hard time making the table chart, I know the
assessment might be too difficult for him. I will adapt the assessment by allowing
him to use the table chart, if necessary. This activity will show proof that he is able to
write the values that I give him using the correct symbol. It will also show that he is
able to model those values using coin manipulatives. If I notice the manipulatives are

helpful to him, I can also adapt the assessment by letting him use the manipulatives.
Lastly, it will show if he is able to write the names and amount of coins he used to
create that value. If I notice he struggles with the names and values, I will allow him
to use the chart during the assessment as a reference. This activity is in preparation
for the performance task. The multiple choice review game will have him answers
multiple choice questions in preparation for the chapter test. This quiz will allow me
to see if he can identify the names and values of coins. The 3-phase lesson activity is
intended for him to review the concept and learn different strategies from his peers.
This activity will show me if he is ready to take the assessment and if he is able to
explain his thinking in writing. If I notice he has a hard time explaining his thinking
in writing, I will have him create sentence starters he can use during the
assessment. This activity prepares him for questions on the SBAC aligned test and
the performance task. It will show me if he can explain his answer using the act it
out or draw a picture strategy to get his answer. It will also show me if he knows the
amount of touch points each coin has.

3. The implementation of the assessment, including:


Teaching strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment, the

scoring criteria, and the procedures for completing the assessment
Student activities
Student grouping
Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional
aides, parents, or other adults in the room

(REQUIRED) Decision
Teaching strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment
Before beginning the assessment, I will review the learning goals so that he knows
the expectations. Then, I will orally explain how the assessment will meet his
targeted goals. I will explain to him that the assessment will show me that he
understands the concept and has the skills necessary to meet the learning goals. We
will then discuss the instructions of the test.
Procedures for completing this assessment
The day before assessment, he will work on a 3 phase problem, a money table chart
technology review activity, and take a review quiz on the website Kahoot.
These review activities all help prepare him for the types of questions he'll see on the
assessment. The actual assessment process will take him two days. The first day he
will take the Chapter test and the Performance Task. The next day he will take the
SBAC aligned assessment.
Student Activities
On the review day, he will create a money table chart on the Pages iPad Application.
As a whole group I will show students how to create a table chart on the Pages iPad
Application. We will complete an example value together. Once students are familiar
with their expectations they will complete the chart on their own. He will be allowed
to use this chart on his assessments. He will then participate in a multiple-choice

quiz on Finally, he will answer a 3-phase problem. As a class, they

will share their answers and we will discuss whether or not they work.
On the assessment days, as a class we will go over instructions. I will inform
students of what they need to do once they complete the assessment. He will review
the instructions and then complete the assessment with the whole class. After he has
read the instructions and questions, he is allowed to ask what any word he doesn't
understand means unless we have learned it before. He will be allowed to re-take the
assessment after taking its graded if necessary.
Student Grouping
He will be working with an English Learner who scored in the advanced (4)
proficiency level on the CELDT during the review money activity. He will work on his
own during the review quiz game but we will discuss the answers as a whole class
when I notice several students answer the question incorrectly. He will also work
independently during the 3-phase problem. He will try to answer the question on his
own. Once all students are done answering the question, we will share several of the
answers with the whole class.
During the assessments, students will work independently.
During the assessment the student will be allowed to use the manipulatives and
visuals that were used during the review activities. He will be allowed to used the
ipad to use the table chart he created.
Students will use iPads to review the money concept and show their understanding of
the learning goals. On the iPads they will need to have the application Pages. They
will also e using the website to participate in a review quiz game.
He will be allowed to use the ipad during the actual assessment on to go on pages
and use his table chart.
I will have my instructional aide read the question or instruction to him, if can't read
it. I will have the aide to provide him extra support during the review time as well.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
Teaching Strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment
It's important that he is aware of the expectations. He needs to know what he is
going to be tested on and why it's important. Going over the instructions can lower
his stress and allow him to confidently take the test and know exactly what to do.
Having the learning goals posted on the board in the front of the class, will allow him

to refer back to it at anytime. If the knows exactly what he is supposed to be doing, he will be

focused and on task.

Procedures for completing this assessment
Before assessing, it's important that he gets exposed to the types of questions he
will see on the assessment. That is why I like to review the concepts that he has
learned. This allows me to see he if he is ready for the assessment or if he needs
any adaptations in. I like using several review strategies to get more data on his
progress. This helps me analyze what he knows and can do. I think it's also
important because it allows him to use his newly acquired skills and prepare him for
the types of assessments he is going to take. The table chart activity gets him ready
for the chapter test and parts of the SBAC test. The Kahoot game also prepares him
for the chapter test and part of the SBAC test because it has multiple choice
questions which only have one answer. The 3 phase problem prepares him for the
performance task and the SBAC test because it asks questions that can be answered
in multiple ways and it has him practice explaining his thinking in writing.
Once I know that he is ready for the assessments, I have him take the chapter test
first. He will take this test first because it's a quick multiple choice assessment. This
test doesn't require much reading. Therefore, he should be able to finish this test on
his own quickly. Since he won't take much time on this test, he will take the
performance task on the same day. The performance task is one word problem
where he has to answer a question and explain his thinking. During this test, I read
the question to him in order to help understand the problem. He then answers the
question on his own.
The next day he will take the SBAC aligned test. I have them take this test the next
day so that he doesn't tired of testing and perform poorly. I read this test to
everyone so they can hear the questions. He has to answer the question on his own.
I think it's important that I use different types of assessment in order to see what he
truly understands. As an English Learner, he needs to learn how to explain his
thinking in writing and orally.
Student activities
The activities he does before the assessments help him practice the skills he needs to
meet the learning goals. I think this is important because students need to be able to
put the skills they are learning into practice. They also allow him to practice using
the manipulatives and table chart that I will allow him to use during the
assessment. Also, I relate the activities to what he will see on the assessments so he
can practice the skills he needs to to take the test. I also like to do these activities
because they allow me to monitor his progress and decide what adaptation he might
need. The activities let me know what area he might be struggling in or need more
support in.
Student grouping
During student activities, I have him work with a partner that scored in
the advanced proficiency level on the CELDT. I want him to work with someone who
can model the proper skills to him and help him continue to develop his use of the
English language. I also have him participate in whole class discussions, so that he

can learn effective strategies from his peers. Lastly, I have him work independently
because he will need to be able to work on his own during the assessments.
I use money manipulatives so that he can get hands on experience with coins and
bills. This will help him make connections to real money. I use the manipulatives to
monitor his understanding of each coin and bill. I will also allow him to use them
during the assessment. I use visuals to help him make visual connections to real
world money. He will use the ipad to see the table chart that he made on pages, to
help him during the assessments. This will help him with his written response. I have
him use a privacy folder during the assessments. The privacy folder helps him
concentrate own his own test and not get distracted by others. It also doesn't allow
other students to look at his table chart or manipulatives.
He will use different forms of technology to keep him engaged. For review, he will
play a quiz games on Kahoot. This interactive quiz keeps him engaged while he
reviews questions about the material he learned. He also uses ipads during review
because he will be taking state tests on some form of technology in the upper
grades. I want to expose him to it and prepare him for it. I will allow him to use the
table chart on the ipad if he is struggling remember how to write the names or
Having my aide assist him is effective because she can sit with him as I facilitate the
test. It will allow me to monitor my students and help anyone else that has a

4. Ways you will use the assessment results.

(REQUIRED) Decision
As mentioned previously, I will use these assessments to determine whether or not
he has mastered the learning goals. This will help me decide if he needs intervention
or if I need to reteach him the concept. I will use the scores to determine my
planning. If I notice that he is struggling with the concept, then I will plan a new
lesson or intervention to try and teach him a new way, so he can master the learning
goals. I will also use the results to evaluate my teaching practices. I will be able to
see what practices are effective with him, what practices don't work with him, and
also ways in which I can make future lessons better for him. I will use the result to
communicate with his parents and come up with a plan to him understand the

(REQUIRED) Rationale
It's important that I use the results of the assessment to decide if the student
grasped the concept. I need to analyze all the data and decide how I can assist him.
I can use the data to see if he needs to retake the assessment with more

adaptations or if I need to remove adaptations from future tests. Its important that
teachers and parents are on the same page so students continue to make growth at

5. Ways you will share the assessment results with students,

families, and other colleagues and support personnel, when
(REQUIRED) Decision
The way I plan to share the results with him is by immediately correcting each
assessment together after the whole class turns it in. This way he can get immediate
feedback on how he did. After I record the score, I will send the test home with him
so he can show his parents the results. This will allow his parents to see how he is
doing. Since we take different types of assessments, I will have great evidence to
show his ELD teacher, RSP Teacher, or any support personnel. This will allow them to
see if he is making improvement in his speech and language development. I will
share the result of the test with my grade level teachers and discuss what strategies
worked for us, and if we need to spend more time on the concept.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
It's important that parents know exactly how their child is doing. Sending his tests
home to get signed will allow his parents to see how he did and offer him support at
home. They can see what he is struggling with and try to help him understand the
concept. I would share the assessment results with my grade level colleagues. We
can discuss whether or not our students mastered the learning goals. If they didn't
we can help each other plan new lesson and offer each ideas that worked for us. This
will help improve our lessons. If we notice that as a grade level we didn't do very
well on the concept. We can plan to spend more time on it. It's important that I
share the result with the support personnel so that they are also on the same page.
This will allow us to plan how to help him. They can also offer adaptations that I can
use on his assessments.

B. Adaptations for Student 2: A Student with an Identified Special

1. Evidence of student learning you will collect.
(REQUIRED) Decision
As I mentioned before, the evidence of student learning I will be collecting are his
review chart assignment, results of the Kahoot review quiz, responses to the 3-phase
lesson, and his 3 assessments.

The review assignment is a table chart on the iPad application Pages. He will write
the values that I post the board on his chart. On the next column, he will take a
picture of coin manipuatives to create the values and insert it to his table chart. On
the next column, he will type the names and amount of coins he used to create that
value. Since he is a gifted student, he will have an extra column where he creates a
question using the given value.
The Kahoot is a review quiz game. He will play a money review game on
This game will consist of questions that ask students to identify coins, their values,
their touch points (if any), and their names. It will also have questions that ask them
to determine the value of a group of coins.
The 3-phase problem is a story problem where he will use his skills and a strategy of
his choice to arrive at the answer. He will share his strategy with the whole class and
other students will also share their strategies. I expect him to have detailed
explanations with minimal writing errors. The three assessments I will collect are the
Chapter Test, Performance Task, and SBAC aligned assessment.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
As I mentioned before, collecting this evidence allows me to check this students
progress. This evidence will let me know if he understands the concept and how I
can challenge him further. Collecting a variety of evidence allows me to see if he is
struggling with anything. It will allow me to go back and teach a specific area that he
didn't understand, if necessary. It's important that I get as much evidence as
possible to analyze and figure out how to help him or challenge him.
I will use their table charts to identify whether or not my he is able to create a value
using coins, label the coins he used, write the names of the coins, and create a
question using the values. The Kahoot review game allows me to see he understands
the concepts and go over any question he got wrong with the whole class. At the end
of the game, it gives me his results including the question, the answers he could
choose from, and the answer he chose. This will allow me to see what if he needs
any support before the assessment. This interactive site is effective because it offers
instant feedback after every question. It lets you know how many students got the
answer correct or incorrect. The 3-phase problem allows him to practice answering
problem solving word problems. It will give him the opportunity to hear other
students strategies to solve the problem. This will offer him the knowledge to answer
the problem using different strategies. All of the review activities will allow me to
determine the best way to challenge him.
The assessment will show me if he mastered the skills for the concept and if he
understand the learning goals.

2. How the student assessment evidence will be measured or

(REQUIRED) Decision
As mentioned before, I will be using a variety of student work as evidence. The
evidence consists of a table chart activity, review game on Kahoot, 3-phase problem,

and three assessments. His table chart activity will not be scored but I will use it to
monitor his progress and see how I need to adapt the assessments for him.
The review game on the website Kahoot will not be scored but answers are recorded
and I am given a report of how many questions he answered correctly or incorrectly
and what answers he chose. The 3-phase problem will not be scored either. This is
activity requires him to answer a problem, explain his thinking, and identify what
strategy he used to answer the problem. This will show me if he is ready to take the
assessments and if he is able to explain his thinking in writing.
The only evidence that will be scored is the three assessments. In order to score the
chapter test, I will use an answer key. He will get a percentage by dividing the points
he earned by the amount of points possible. This test has 11 questions and each
questions is worth one point. I will use a rubric for the performance task and SBAC
aligned assessments. The performance task has two parts. The maximum points a
students can get in part A is 4. The rubric shows what I am looking for him have in
his answers. Students can receive partial points depending on their responses. The
maximum points for part B are 2. I will add up the students total points and divide it
by the total points possible in order to get a percentage. I will score the SBAC
aligned assessment with a rubric. This test contains one multiple-choice question, 2
four part questions, and 5 word problems. There are 20 points possible for this test.
I will divide the point they earned by the total points possible to a percentage.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
As I mentioned previously, I will use these assessments to determine whether or not
he has mastered the learning goals. This will help me decide if he needs intervention
or if I need to reteach him the concept. I will use the score to determine my
planning. If he has mastered the concept he will be able move on to the next unit. If
I notice that he is struggling with the concepts or the concepts are to easy for him,
then I will plan new lessons to try and teach them a new way so he can master the
learning goals and to challenge him. I will also use the results to evaluate my
teaching practices. I will be able to see what practices were effective, what practices
didn't work, and also ways in which I can make the lesson better and more
challenging for him. It's important that teachers self-reflect on their teaching
practices. If students aren't mastering the learning goals or being challenged in the
process, then they need to create better lessons.
The review activities prepare him for the assessment and challenge him to do critical
thinking. His table chart activity will not be scored but I will use it to monitor his
progress and see if I need to adapt the assessments for him. This activity allow me
to see if having him create an extra column where he creates a question using the
values is a way I can challenge him on the assessment. This activity will show proof
that he is able to write the values that I give him using the correct symbol. It will
also show that he is able to model those values using coin manipulatives. Lastly, it
will show me if he is able to write the names and amount of coins they used to
create that value. This activity is in preparation for the performance task. The
multiple choice review game where he answers quiz questions is in preparation for
the chapter test. The 3-phase lesson activity is intended for students to review the
concept and learn different strategies. This activity prepares him for questions on the
SBAC aligned test and the performance task. I use these types of assessments in
order to challenge and make him explain his thinking with detailed written

3. The implementation of the assessment including:


Teaching strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment, the

scoring criteria, and the procedures for completing the assessment
Student activities
Student grouping
Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional
aides, parents, or other adults in the room

(REQUIRED) Decisions
Teaching strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment
Before beginning the assessment, I will review the learning goals so that he knows
his expectations. Then, I will orally explain how the assessment will meet his
targeted goals. I will explain to him that the assessment will show me if he
understands the concept and has the skills necessary to meet the learning goals.
then, we will discuss the instructions of the test.
Procedures for completing this assessment
The day before assessment, he will work on a 3 phase problem, a money table chart
technology review activity, and take a review quiz on the website Kahoot.
These review activities all help prepare students for the types of question they'll see
on the assessment. The actual assessment process will take him two days. The first
day he will take the Chapter test and the Performance Task. The next day he will
take the SBAC aligned assessment.
Student Activities
On the review day, he will create a money table chart on the Pages iPad Application.
As a whole group, I will show students how to create a table chart on the Pages iPad
Application. We will complete an example value together. Once students are familiar
with their expectations, they will complete the chart on their own. He will then
participate in a multiple-choice quiz on Finally, he will answer a 3phase problem. As a class, they will share their answers and student will learn other
strategies they can use to answer a problem.
On the assessment days, we will go over instructions as a class. I will inform
students of what they need to do once they complete the assessment. After he has
read the instructions and questions, he may complete the assessment on his own.
Student Grouping
He will be working with a student that he will peer tutor and help complete the
review money activity. He will work on his own during the review quiz game but we
will discuss the answers as a whole class when I notice several students answer a
question incorrectly. He will also work independently during the 3-phase problem. He
will answer the question on his own in a detailed written response. Once all students

are done answering the question, we will share several of the answers with the whole
class. I will have him share his strategy with the class.
During the assessments, he will work independently.
During the assessment the student will not be allowed to use any of the materials
used during the review activities. He will only be using a pencil and a privacy folder.
He will use an iPad to review the money concept and show his understanding of the
learning goals. On the iPad he will need to have the application Pages. he will also be
using the website to participate in a review quiz game. He will not be
allowed to use any form of technology during the assessments.
I will have worksheets with challenge question for him to complete when he finishes
his test. My aide will only help him if he asks for help.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
Teaching Strategies for communicating the purpose of the assessment
It's important that he is aware of his expectations. He needs to know what he is
going to be tested on and why it's important. Going over the instructions can lower
his stress and allow him to confidently take the test and know exactly what to do.
Having the learning goals posted on the board in the front of the class, will allow this
student to refer back to it at anytime. If the knows exactly what he is supposed to be doing, he

will be focused and on task.

Procedures for completing this assessment
Before assessing, it's important that he gets exposed to the types of questions he
will see on the assessment. That is why I like to review the concepts that he has
learned. This allows me to see how I can challenge him. I will be able to adapt the
assessment by adding some challenge questions. I like using several review
strategies so that I can get more data on his progress. This helps me analyze what
he knows and can do. I think it's also important because it allows him to use his
newly acquired skills and prepare him for the types of questions he is going to see on
the assessments. The table chart activity gets him ready for the chapter test and
parts of the SBAC test. The Kahoot game also prepares him for the chapter test and
part of the SBAC test because it has multiple choice questions which only have one
answer. The 3 phase problem prepares him for the performance task and the SBAC
test because it asks questions that can have multiple answers and it has him practice
explaining his thinking in writing.

Once I know that all of my students are ready for the assessments, I have my
students take the chapter test first. He will take this test first because it's a quick
multiple-choice assessment. This test doesn't require much reading. Therefore, he
should be able to finish this test on his own quickly. Since he won't take much time
on this test, he will also take the performance task. The performance task is a word
problem where he has to answer a question and explain his thinking. During this
test, I will allow him to take the test independently.
The next day he will take the SBAC aligned test. I have them take this test the next
day so he doesn't get tired of testing and perform poorly. I read this test to everyone
so they can hear the question. He has to answer the question on his own. I think it's
important that I use different types of assessments in order to see what he truly
Student activities
The activities he does before the assessments help him practice the skills he needs to
meet the learning goals. They also challenge to do some higher level thinking. I think
this is important because students need to be able to put the skills they are learning
into practice. Also, I relate the activities to what he will see on the assessments so
he can practice the skills he needs to take the test. I also like to do these activities
because they allow me to monitor his progress and decide what adaptation he might
need. These activities allow me to challenge my students.
Student grouping
During student activities, I have him work with partner that he can peer tutor. I want
him to work with someone who he can model the proper skills to. I also have him
participate in whole class discussions, so that he can offer effective strategies to his
peers. Lastly, I have him work independently because he will need to be able to work
on his own during the assessments and so that I can challenge him by giving him
questions that are more difficult.
I use money manipulatives so that he can get hands on experience with coins and
bills. This will help him make connections to real money. I use the manipulatives to
monitor his understanding of each coin and bill. I use visuals to help him make visual
connections to real world money. I have him use a privacy folders during the
assessments. The privacy folder helps him concentrate own his own test and not get
distracted by others.
He will use different forms of technology to keep him engaged. For review, he will
play a quiz games on Kahoot. This interactive quiz keeps him engaged while he
reviews questions about the material he learned. He also uses ipads during review
because he will be taking state tests on some form of technology in the upper
grades. I want to expose him to it and prepare him for it.
He will not use any form of technology for the assessments.

Having worksheet for him to work on after taking the test, allows him to have
something to do once he is done testing. Since he usually finishes quickly, I want to
be able to work on something that challenges him and continues to develop his skills.

4. Ways you will use the assessment results.

(REQUIRED) Decisions
As mentioned previously, I will use these assessments to determine whether or not
he has mastered the learning goals. This will help me decide if he needs more
difficult questions. I will use the score to determine my planning. If I notice the
lessons are to easy for him, then I will plan a new lesson that will challenge him. I
will adapt his test so that it is more difficult. I will also use the results to evaluate my
teaching practices. I will be able to see what practices are effective with him, what
practices don't work with him, and also ways in which I can make the future lessons
better and more challenging for him.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
It's important that I use the results of the assessment to decide if the student
grasped the concept. I need to analyze all the data and decide how I can challenge
him and make him do some higher-level thinking. I can use the data to see if he
needs to retake the assessment. It's important that I use the data to improve my
teaching. The results will allow me to see what strategies work for this and what

5. Ways you will share the assessment results with students,

families, and other colleagues and support personnel, when
(REQUIRED) Decisions
The way I plan to share the results with him is by immediately having him correct his
own test once everyone has completed it. This way he can get immediate feedback
on how he did. After I record the score, I will send the test home with him so he can
show his parents the results. This will allow his parents to see how he is doing. Since
we take different types of assessments, I will have great evidence to show
administration in order to keep him in the gifted program. As a grade level, I will
share the result of the test and discuss what strategies worked for us, and if we need
to spend more time on the concept.

(REQUIRED) Rationale
It's important that parents know exactly how their child is doing. Sending his tests
home to get signed will allow his parents to see how he did and offer him support at

home, if necessary. They can see what he is struggling with and try to help him
understand the concept. It can also show that he understand the concept, and help
them create work that will challenge him at home. I would share the assessment
results with my grade level colleagues. We can discuss whether or not our students
mastered the learning goals. If they didn't we can help each other plan new lesson
and offer each ideas that worked for us. This will help improve our lessons. If we
notice that as a grade level we didn't do very well on the concept. We can plan to
spend more time on it. They can also offer strategies to help me challenge him to do
higher level thinking.

Step 4: Giving the Assessment to the Whole

Class, Including Two Focus Students
Give the assessment to your class. Collect and score all the evidence of student
learning from the assessment. Consider all the assessment responses and select
three responses of students other than your two focus students that represent the
range of achievement within the class. Label these responses as Student 3, Student
4, and Student 5. Label the two focus students assessment responses as Student 1
and Student 2.
Submit all five-assessment responses. Review carefully the evidence of student
learning you are submitting.
Briefly, explain why you selected each of the following responses to represent the
range of responses in the class:
Note: If the assessment is oral or represents a student performance, provide your
description of the students responses and your written assessment of those
responses, including the class as a whole, the three responses that represent the
range of achievement in the class, and the two focus student responses.

(REQUIRED) Student 1 (EL focus student)

I chose this male student because he is one of my five English Language Learners. I
chose him because he has been making great improvement in his language
development and I want to learn what strategies that I'm using are helping him
develop. I want to know what strategies are working, so I can use them with the
other EL students in the class. I also learn how I can help him reclassify.

(REQUIRED) Student 2 (SN focus student)

I chose this male student because he is a English Language Learner that was
reclassified. His grades show that he is above grade level and is considered gifted. I
chose him because I want to learn how I can challenge him to do higher level
thinking. I want to learn how to teach to all of my students level and make sure that
they are being challenged in their own way.

(REQUIRED) Student 3
I chose this female student because she is a high achieving student. Her grades are
above grade level and she grasps concepts quickly. She is always on task and loves
to participate in class discussion. Her only flaw is that she tends to over explain
answers and sometimes confuses herself and her peers. Although she is an over
explainer, she is one of the top academic achievers in the class. I want to learn how I
can make her explains things more clearly.

(REQUIRED) Student 4
I chose this male student because he is an average academic achiever. This male is
usually comprehends the academic content, but he usually only does well enough to
get a passing score on his assessments. He usually does the bare minimum of what
is expected of him on his assessments. This might also be because he gets distracted
during lessons and is very talkative.

(REQUIRED) Student 5
I chose this student because she is a low achieving student. She struggles to grasp
most concepts. Her grades are far below grade level. She struggles to write complete
sentences and has a hard time processing what she wants to say. She might have an
intellectual disability but her parents don't want her to have an IEP. She tries her
best on assignments but struggles to comprehend the concepts.

Step 5: Analyzing Evidence of Student Academic

Learning and the Assessment
Consider your responses in Steps 1 through 4. Think about the evidence of student
academic learning from the assessment. Answer the questions below for the whole
class and for the two focus students. Remember to cite specific evidence from the
five responses that you have submitted. (This includes responses from the two focus
students and from the three students you selected to represent the range of
achievement with the class).

A. For the Class as a Whole

(REQUIRED) 1. What did you learn overall about the students' progress
toward achievement of the academic learning goal(s) for this part of the
Overall, these assessments taught me that my students do well on assessments
when they review before hand. I feel that the students were better prepared for the
assessments because they practiced their skills in activities that were similar to the
assessments they were going to take. I also noticed that giving them three different
types of assessments is helpful because they are able to explain their thinking. If
they don't do well on one, they are able to show their skills on a different type of
test. Lastly, I learned that reading the instructions and questions helped the students

understand what they had to do and answer the questions. I did notice that a few
students didn't do so well on assessment that require them to explain their thinking
in writing. I learned that my students need to continue to learn how explain their
thinking in words.

(REQUIRED) 2. Describe the extent to which the assessment that you

planned allowed students to demonstrate achievement of the academic
learning goal(s) for this part of the unit.
These assessments allowed students to demonstrate their academic learning because
students had to explain their thinking and show their skills in writing when answering
problem-solving questions. In the performance task, students had to show their
ability to find the sum of a group of coins. They also had to show their ability to
identify coins and explain what coins they would use to make a certain amount.
These assessments also allowed students to demonstrate their knowledge of money
by asking them multiple-choice questions. Reviewing the day before also allowed
students to demonstrate their achievement of the academic learning goals because
they worked on activities that required them to show their skills and knowledge. For
example, the review money table chart activity had students show their
understanding of coin and bill values and names.

(REQUIRED) 3. Would you make any changes to the directions or to the

format of the assessment? Why?
I wouldn't make any changes to the directions on theses assessments. In my
opinion, the directions I gave were very clear. These assessments provided clear
evidence of the learning goals and the goals were clear to the students. I also
wouldn't change the directions because I did review activities with the students that
were similar to the types of assessments they took. I also read the instructions to
the students and the even the questions on the performance task and SBAC aligned
test. For these reasons, I don't think it's necessary to change the directions.
If I were to change anything, it would probably be the format of the assessment.
Since I am having students complete three types of assessments, I might allow my
students to be exempt from the SBAC aligned test if they are able to show mastery
of the learning goals on the chapter test and performance task. This might work as
an incentive and motivate students to be more detailed on the performance task.

(REQUIRED) 4. Would you collect different or more evidence if you were to

do this assessment again? Why?
In my opinion, I collected a sufficient amount of evidence. I collect evidence from
three review activities. I collected my students table charts, I observed their scores
on the Kahoot quiz, and I collected their 3 phase problems. Not only did I collect
their work from review activities, I also collected all three assessments. Two of the
assessments have written responses, which show me what students, know. I think
with this amount of data, I can analyze it and determine which students have
mastered the learning goals and which students need intervention and to retaught. If
I were to collect more evidence, I could collect students oral responses during the
review activities.

(REQUIRED) 5. Was the implementation and timing of this assessment

appropriate for this class? Why?
The implementation of these assessments was appropriate for this class because I
clarified the directions. I reviewed step by step what the students had to do and also
let them what to do once they finished the assessment. I also clarified how the
learning goals were going to be met through these assessments. I took into
consideration that these students are in second grade and some of them aren't good
readers. For that reason, I read the instructions to them and even read the questions
to them.
The timing of these assessments was appropriate for this class because I made sure
that students would have enough time to complete the assignments. I also made
sure that I didnt try to cram to many tests into one day and had students take a
break in between tests in order to keep them from getting tired of testing. I had
students take the SBAC aligned test on a different day because they had already
taken two tests.

(REQUIRED) 6. In what ways would a different type of assessment (e.g.,

verbal response, multiple choice, short essay, oral presentation,
performance task) than what you used allow students to demonstrate their
achievement of the academic learning goal(s) for this unit?
As mentioned in question #3, I would change the format of the assessment. Since I
am having students complete three types of assessments, I might allow my students
to be exempt from the SBAC aligned test if they are able to show mastery of the
learning goals on the chapter test and performance task. This might work as an
incentive and motivate students to be more detailed on the performance task. Also, I
believe that a verbal response would be an effective assessment that allows students
to demonstrate their achievement of the academic learning goals. I think this type of
assessment would be effective for some of my students who have a hard time
answering questions in a written response.

B. For Student 1: An English Learner

(REQUIRED) 1. To what extent were the assessment directions and format
clear and easy to follow for the student? How do you know?
In my opinion, the directions I gave were very clear. These assessments provide
clear evidence of the learning goals and the goals are clear to the students. I think
the directions were clear because I constantly review the learning goals throughout
the unit and the learning goals were posted on the front board throughout the whole
unit. I also think the directions were clear to this student because I wrote down the
directions on the board as I went over them. He knew what he had to do during and
after the test. I read the direction to the whole class out loud and I had him restate
the directions.
I know he understood the directions because I asked him to restate the directions
and he was able to tell the class what they had to do. I also read the instructions on
the test with the class and the questions on the Performance Task and the SBAC

aligned test. I think it also helped that I did a few review activities with the students
that were almost identical to the types of assessments he took. He was able to
complete the activities, which is why I think he also understood the directions to the

(REQUIRED) 2. To what extent did the student achieve the academic

learning goals for this part of the unit?
The extent that student 1 achieved the academic learning goals for this part of the
unit which are,
1) Students will be able to identify and count all coins and bills by the their size,
shape, look, color, feature, and values.
2) Students will be able to write the names and values of all coins and bills.
3) Students will be able to use touch points to count the values of coins.
4) Students will be able to skip count and count on to determine the value of groups
of coins.
5) Students will also be able to use the "act it out" strategy to answer word
6) Students will be able to act out the word problems by using manipulatives to help
them count the values of money.
7) Students will be able to draw the coins or bills when they don't have access to
8) Students will be able to make values of money using different coins and dollars.
9) Students will understand how to use the dollar sign ($), cents sign (), and
decimal (.) appropriately when distinguishing amounts of money.
10) Students will be able to write the names and values of coins and dollars in
are shown through numerous ways. Student 1 demonstrated these academic goals in
his oral responses throughout the unit. He was able to identify the names and values
of coins while working on the review money table chart. He also demonstrated the
most of the learning goals during the Kahoot game because he answered most of the
question correctly.
He also demonstrated the learning goals in his assessments. Although he didn't
perform well on the Chapter Test, the easiest assessments of the three, he earned a
70% on the SBAC aligned test by getting 14 out of the 20 points possible. He
performed well on the performance task, he earned 100% by getting 6 out of 6
points possible. He was able to answer the questions in written form.

(REQUIRED) 3. How well did the student's assessment response

correspond to the work the student does on a daily basis?
(Was the response that you expected from the student?)
The students responses to the assessment corresponded with his work on a daily
basis. For example, when we completed the table chart as review, he participated
the whole time and was on task. He completed the chart and was able to
demonstrate his understanding of the learning goals. He was able to identify the
values and names of coins and he was able to find the sum of a group of coins. He
was engaged in the 3-phase lesson. I think this lesson really helped prepare him for
the performance task. Considering how well he did during the review activities, his
responses were what I expected from him.

(REQUIRED) 4. What different or additional type of evidence might you

need to collect for the student?
After analyzing the three assessments, I was surprised that he did so well on the
performance task and the SBAC aligned test, but did so poorly on the chapter test.
The chapter test was the easiest of the three. The only additional evidence I would
want to collect would a redo of the chapter test that has pictures in color. I believe
that he performed poorly because the assessment is in black and white but the
manipulative and the pictures that we used to learn the coins, have color. I would
have him redo the test so that I can make sure that he truly understands the

(REQUIRED) 5. What does the student's response tell you about his or her
academic strengths and/or needs?
Student 1's responses to these assessments show me that he is making progress in
his English language development. The performance task and the SBAC aligned test
show that his writing is improving and he is able to explain his thinking in writing. His
academic strength is in mathematics. Although he has made great strides with his
writing, He needs to continue to make improvements with his writing. I also notice
that he still struggles to answer questions orally. I have to give him time to process
what he wants to say. In order to help him continue to improve I need to offer him
more opportunities to speak as well as write responses to questions. After observing
him during review activities, I learned that another strength of his is working with his
peers. He seems to work well with his peers; I believe that working in groups lowers
his affective filters and his stress making it easier for him to process what he wants
to say. I believe that having him take several types of assessment allows him to truly
demonstrate his abilities. In this case, the assessment that worked best for him were
the tests that were read to the whole class.

(REQUIRED) 6. Based on the student's response, describe next steps you

would take with the student to further his or her academic achievement in
the content area?
Based on his responses, the next step I would take to further his academic
achievement in this content area would be to implement more activities and

assessment that require him to write and speak. I need to make sure that he
continues to develop his writing and speaking abilities. He is very good at math, his
weakness is writing his answer and orally explaining them. I will continue to review
the day before the test and have him do 3 phase lessons. The 3-phase lesson has
him answer a word problem in writing. He then shares his answer with his peers
orally. Once I hear several good answers, I have those students share their
responses with the class. I do this so that the rest of the students see that there are
different strategies they can use to answer questions. This activity has him work on
his writing, speaking, and listening abilities, which are all content areas that English
Learners are tested on when they take the CELDT.

(REQUIRED) 7. Describe the ways in which specific adaptations you made

to your assessment plan did or did not work.
One of the adaptations that I made for this student was to allow him to use the
manipulatives and visuals that he used during the review activities. I believe this
adaptation was effective because he able to use the manipulatives to answer the
questions on the assessments. Another adaptation that I used was reading the
instructions and questions. I think this adaptation also worked. Since I read the
questions he knew exactly what was being asked and what he had to do. I believe
this helped him because he answered the questions correctly and didn't ask me to
clarify any of the questions.

(REQUIRED) 8. In what ways did the assessment support this student's

language abilities?
These assessments supported his ELD level and gave him opportunities to improve
his writing skills. Most of the assessments required him to explain his thinking in
writing. Allowing him to use the table charts and manipulatives supported his
language abilities. Since he has trouble with vocabulary, the table chart allowed him
to know how to write certain words or values. It helped him create him written

(REQUIRED) 9. If you were to give the assessment to the student again,

what changes, if any, would you make? Why?
If I was to give these assessment to this student again, I would make sure that the
chapter test has pictures in color. I believe that he performed poorly because the
assessment is in black and white but the manipulative and the pictures that we used
to learn the coins, have color. I would also make sure to explain to him that on the
SBAC aligned assessment, to get the answer to some questions he has to use the
answer from the question before. I notice that he struggled on the questions that he
had to refer back to a previous question. I think telling him that he might need to
use the previous answer might make him more aware of what they are asking him to

(REQUIRED) 10. What would be your next steps in planning to facilitate this
student's English Language Development?
This students needs to continue to develop his writing and speaking skills. I will
continue to have him participate in class discussions so that he can hear other people

using the English language and also practice using it himself. I will also continue to
have him do writing activities where he explains his thinking in writing. I will make
sure that I offer him sentence frames, transitions, and cognates for new vocabulary.
I will continue to use visuals and manipulatives to help him make connection to

C. Student 2: A Student with an Identified Special Need

(REQUIRED) 1. To what extent were the assessment directions and format
clear and easy to follow for the student? How do you know?
As I stated before, I believe that the directions I gave were very clear. These
assessments provided clear evidence of the learning goals and the goals were clear
to the students. I think the directions were clear because I constantly reviewed the
learning goals throughout the unit and the learning goals were posted on the front
board throughout the whole unit. I also think the directions were clear to this student
because I wrote down the directions on the board as I went over them. He knew
what he had to do during and after the test. I also read the directions to the whole
class out loud and all the students were able to restate their expectations.
I know he understood the directions because he was able to complete his
assessment without asking any questions and had great scores on the assessments.
I also know that the formats of the assessments were clear because we had
practiced them during the review activities and he was able to complete them with a

(REQUIRED) 2. To what extent did the student achieve the academic

learning goals for this part of the unit?
The extent that student 2 achieved the academic learning goals for this part of the
unit which are,
1) Students will be able to identify and count all coins and bills by the their size,
shape, look, color, feature, and values.
2) Students will be able to write the names and values of all coins and bills.
3) Students will be able to use touch points to count the values of coins.
4) Students will be able to skip count and count on to determine the value of groups
of coins.
5) Students will also be able to use the "act it out" strategy to answer word
6) Students will be able to act out the word problems by using manipulatives to help
them count the values of money.
7) Students will be able to draw the coins or bills when they don't have access to

8) Students will be able to make values of money using different coins and dollars.
9) Students will understand how to use the dollar sign ($), cents sign (), and
decimal (.) appropriately when distinguishing amounts of money.
10) Students will be able to write the names and values of coins and dollars in
are shown through numerous ways. Student 2 also demonstrated these academic
goals in his oral responses throughout the unit. He offered clear evidence of his
knowledge on the content during review activities. He was also able to identify the
names and values of coins while working on the review money table chart. He was
also able to create questions using the values that he was given. He also
demonstrated all of the learning goals during the Kahoot game because he answered
all of the review questions about money correctly.
He also demonstrated the learning goals in his assessments. He performed extremely
well on the Chapter Test and earn a 92% and only answered one question wrong. He
earned 100% on the SBAC aligned test by getting 20 out of the 20 points possible.
He also performed well on the performance task, he earned 100% by getting 6 out of
6 points possible. He explained how he got his answer and was able to label the
coins and bills he used and their values. He also answered all the questions correctly
on the performance task.

(REQUIRED) 3. How well did the student's assessment response

correspond to the work the student does on a daily basis?
(Was the response that you expected from the student?)
The students responses to the assessment corresponded with his work on a daily
basis. He is one of my highest achieving students and is always participating in class
discussion. This student is always focused, on task, and doing higher-level thinking.
During the review activities, he demonstrated his understanding of the learning
goals. He was able to identify the values and names of coins and he was able to find
the sum of a group of coins. He was engaged in the 3-phase lesson and share an
effective strategy with his peers.

(REQUIRED) 4. What different or additional type of evidence might you

need to collect for the student?
After analyzing the three assessments, I wasn't surprised that he did so well on all of
the assessments. I was actually surprised that he got a question wrong on the
chapter test. Just like student 1, I believe that he got the question wrong because all
of the manipulatives and visuals we looked at to learn the values and names of
different money were in color and all the pictures on the test were in black and
white. I would have him take the test again with better pictures and see if he
answers the question correctly. If he gets the question correct, I will add the new
assessment to the evidence.

(REQUIRED) 5. What does the student's response tell you about his or her
academic strengths and/or needs?
Student 2's responses to these assessments show me that he is working above grade
level. His scores on the performance task and the SBAC aligned test show me he
understands all of the learning goals. His responses also show me that the review
activities were effective because his response improved and he used a strategy he
learned from one of his peers to answer the question on the performance task. His
academic strengths are his ability to answer critical thinking questions. He is very
good at math and that might be because he can read, write, and speak above grade

(REQUIRED) 6. Based on the student's response, describe next steps you

would take with the student to further his or her academic achievement in
the content area?
Based on his responses, the next step I would take to further his academic
achievement in this content area would be to provide him with more challenging
assessments because he has a good understanding of this content. I used a
performance task and a SBAC aligned test to challenge him because they require
students to answer questions with a free response. To further his academic
achievement, I will require students to take assessments to give me more detail
responses to solve complex questions.

(REQUIRED) 7. Describe the ways in which specific adaptations you made

to your assessment plan did or did not work.
Unlike student 1, this student didn't have many adaptations to his assessment. He
wasn't allowed to use the manipulatives or visuals from the review activities. The
adaptation I used for him was to challenge him on the assessment. I thought the
performance task and the SBAC aligned test would be a good enough challenge.
After analyzing his responses, I would have to say that the adaptation didn't work
because it wasn't much of a challenge to him. He was able to complete the
assessments fairly quickly and answered all the questions correctly. Im not saying
that is bad, but it leads me to believe that the assessments might be to easy for him.

(REQUIRED) 8. In what ways did the assessment support this student's

language abilities?
These assessments supported his language abilities because they required him to
answer word problems with short written responses. He was able to demonstrate his
language abilities in the performance task because he had to write sentences
explaining his thinking. It also supported his language abilities because he was able
to understand the questions by reading them on his own.

(REQUIRED) 9. If you were to give the assessment to the student again,

what changes, if any, would you make? Why?
If I was to give these assessments to this student again, I would make the change to
the chapter test as I would for student 1 and make sure the pictures are in color. I
believe that he got one question wrong on the assessment because the assessment
is in black and white but the manipulative and the pictures that we used to learn the
coins have color. I would also add a complex question to his assessment that
requires him to use more detail to answer the question.

Step 6: Reflection on Assessment Implementation

and Student Learning
Read your response for Steps 1 to 5. Consider what you have learned through the
Assessing Learning task about your students, what you wanted them to learn, their
responses to the assessment, and your analysis of the evidence of student learning.
Respond to the prompts below.

(REQUIRED) 1. If you were given an opportunity to use the assessment

again, what part(s) would you keep and what part(s) might you change?
I will definitely use these assessments again. I will make sure to implement it the
same way. I will have students review the day before through activities that prepare
them for the questions they will see on the assessments. I will have students do the
table chart activity on the ipad. I think this activity helped student identify the values
of money and the names of the different types of money. I will have the students
play the review game on Kahoot again. I think this game was effective because it
kept the students engaged and they all enjoyed the game. It also prepared them for
the multiple-choice questions they saw on the test. I would also make sure that my
students do the 3-phase problem activity. This activity help my students prepare for
the free response questions and offered them with other strategies that they might
not have thought of otherwise.
I will have the students take all three types of assessments again. I like that the
students had to demonstrate their knowledge of the learning goals through multiplechoice questions as well as through free response questions.
I will also score the assessment the same way. I will use a rubric for both the
performance task and SBAC aligned test because they both require written
responses. I will use an answer key for the chapter test because all of the questions
only have one answer.
Overall, I think these assessments were very effective. My students performed very
well on all of the assessments. The only part that I will change is to make sure that
the chapter test pictures are in color.

(REQUIRED) 2. If you were given an opportunity to implement the

assessment again, what would you do the same and what would you do
differently? Why?
As I stated on the question above, I will definitely implement these assessments
again. I will make sure to implement it the same way. I will have students review the
day before through activities that prepare them for the questions they will see on the
assessments. I will have students do the table chart activity on the ipad. I think this
activity helped student identify the values of money and the names of the different
types of money. I will have the students play the review game on Kahoot again. I
think this game was effective because it kept the students engaged and they all
enjoyed the game. It also prepared them for the multiple-choice questions they saw
on the test. I would also make sure that my students do the 3-phase problem
activity. This activity help my students prepare for the free response questions and
offered them with other strategies that they might not have thought of otherwise. I
think the way I implemented the assessments was effective as well. I will have the
students take the chapter test and the performance task on one day and then take
the SBAC aligned test the next day. I think this break kept the students from getting
tired of testing and performing poorly. Overall, I think these assessment were very
effective. My students performed very well on all of the assessments. The only part
that I will change is to make sure that the chapter test pictures are in color.

(REQUIRED) 3. What additional information about your students did you

learn as a result of this assessment experience?
As a result of this assessment, I learned that my students perform better when they
review with activities that have similar styles to the assessment they are going to
take. I also realized that thoroughly going over the instructions and directions help
keep them on task and focused. I also felt that the students enjoyed these
assessments better because they were well prepared and it wasn't like they were
being asked to do something they have never done before.

(REQUIRED) 4. How will you use what you have learned from this
assessment experience when you plan instruction and assessment in the
I will use what I learned from this assessment experience when I plan assessment in
the future. I will make sure that I give the students ample time to review what they
learned in the unit. i will make sure that we review the day before the test so that
the skills are still fresh in their heads. I also learned that I will make sure to use
review activities that are fun and engaging but that make students use the same
skills they will need to be able to use on the assessment. I also learned that many
students are technologically savvy and can and should use technology to help them
review. In the future I will make sure that I allow students to use manipulatives to
help them on the test, if necessary.

(REQUIRED) 5. What are your goals for increasing your knowledge and skill
in assessment? How will achieving these goals help you become a more
effective teacher?

My ultimate goal for increasing my knowledge in assessment is to learn how to

challenge my gifted and high achieving students. I feel that I am pretty good at
making adaptations for low achieving students and students who have intellectual
disabilities. I want to create assessments that challenge all my students. I think this
will make me more effective as a teacher because I will be preparing for the next
grade level and allowing them to continue to grow intellectually by not holding them

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