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Data Analysis Project

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Student Work Analysis Protocol

Subject Area: English

Level: 10th


Teacher Evaluator: Genevieve Adams

A. Reaching Consensus about Proficiency
Read the assessment task, performance, and/or rubric, and:
1. Describe what the students were expected to do?
Students were instructed to look at provided political cartoons that were
centered on civil liberties being taken away. Students then answered a series
of questions that connected the cartoon to a short story that we read in a
previous session. These tasks were to be done in groups of 4 students.
2. Which standards (CCSS or content standards) or curriculum expectations are
being assessed? These should already be listed on your CEP Lesson Plan
Standard: 4. Research and Reasoning
a. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self
generated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional
related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
(CCSS: W.8.7)
3. Describe what you would consider to be a proficient response on this
assessment? Exactly what would students need to say, write, or perform for
you to consider their work proficient? Students were graded on their
completion of this task. They needed to answer in complete sentences.
Although I wanted students to take into consideration all of the questions,
they were more to get them thinking about the upcoming unit. The question I
took into consideration for evaluation was question 7.) Does this political
cartoon still have value today or is outdates? Why and how? For this question,
I wanted all students to say that it still had value. I wanted them to state that
the limitation of the civil liberty (one cartoon was centered on students not
being able to choose which school they went too, and the other was a trial
with a jury that was not impartial) happens all the time. I wanted them to
think of a current even where the same limitation was happening.

B. Diagnosing Student Strengths and Needs

Next, read student work and without scoring, do a quick sort of students work by
the general degree of the objectives met, partially met, not met. You may need a
not sure pile. After sorting, any papers in the not sure pile should be matched
with the typical papers in one of the other existing piles. Student names should be
recorded in the columns in order to monitor progress over time

(Objectives met)

(Objectives partially

(Objectives not met)

37.5% OF CLASS


12.5% OF CLASS

C. Identifying Instructional Next Steps

Discuss the learning needs for the students in each level considering the following
1. What patterns or trends are noted?

(Objectives met)
Students that reached
this objective took the
longest to complete
the task. They also
asked me questions
while they completed
the task. Students
had an example from
school to show the
continuation of the
limitation of the civil
liberty. Also, students
had a personal
connection to the civil
liberty, and they
made this apparent in
discussion. They
frequently looked like
anger or frustration.

(Objectives partially
Students in this
bracket finished their
tasks at varying
time. Students did
not complete each
question in fully
sentences, but they
did make their
thinking clear. This
might look like
simple sentences,
sentence fragments,
or bullet points. They
frequently gave
examples from the
news instead of their
own lives.
Sometimes these
were not directly

(Objectives not met)
Students in this bracket
did not complete the
task. They did not find
the limitation of the
liberty to be relevant to
today. Students were
unwilling to ask for help.

2. Based on the teams diagnosis of student responses at the high, expected,

and low levels, what instructional strategies will students at each level
benefit from? List those instructional strategies in the table below:

(Objectives met)

(Objectives partially

(Objectives not met)

I believe that students

would benefit from
further investigation
of civil liberties. Now
that they have the
tools to apply their
learning to their own
lives, they could also
apply further learning.
I would give them
another task that
asked them to
research another civil
liberty. They could
then create a cartoon
depicting how that
liberty is being limited
in current times.


Students would
benefit from further
instruction. I believe
that if I gave
instruction in a catch
and release method
they would have
remembered what
was expected of
them. I would have
also liked to have
more time to close
the lesson. A
conversation style
closure would have
helped this group of
-Independent research students understand
the importance of
discussing civil
liberties. This would
have happened
because they would
have been exposed
to new viewpoints
from their peers.

Students would have

benefitted from one-onone instruction. They
also would have
benefitted from a
conversation style
closure. Students in this
bracket did not see the
importance of examining
civil liberties, they also
did not consider them to
be a applicable to their
own lives.

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