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BS en 1559-2 - 2000

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STD-BSI BS EN LSS4-2-ENGL 2000 MM Lb2¥bb3 OBSOID) 64s ww BRITISH STANDARD Founding — Technical conditions of delivery — Part 2: Additional requirements for steel castings ‘The European Standard EN 1550-2:2000 has the status of a British Standard NO COPYING WITHOUT BSt PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BS EN 1559-2:2000 BS EN 1559:2000 ‘Thi Betish Seandard, having een prepared under the Airecuon ofthe Engineering Sector Committe, was publiched sander the authority of the ‘Standards Come and comes Into effect. on 15 May 2000 OnsTO5z00 National foreword ‘This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 15502:2000, ‘The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee TSE, Steel castings, which has the responsibility to — id engqirers to understand the text; — present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the Interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed: — monitor related intemational and European developments and promulgate them in the UK {A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references ‘The British Standards which implement intemational or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “Intemational Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find" facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. ‘A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract: Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. ‘Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages "This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, ‘pages 2 to 23 and a back cover. ‘The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document ‘was last issued. Amendments issued since publication ‘And. No. | Date ‘Comments EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 1559-2 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM February 2000 les 77,140.80 English version Founding — Technical concitions of delivery — Part 2: Additional requirements for stee! castings Fondo ~ Conitens techniques de four - Peni ‘Spbeffeatone complémontares pour las paces mouibes ‘enacer “This European Standard was approved by CEN on 3 January 20C0, (CEN members ars bound to comply wih the CEN/CENELEC Iniaral Regulations which stpulste the conctons ‘or giving this. European Standard tie status of a aatonal standard witout any akeraton. Up-o-dae Hsis and b#llographical references <3¢ at: — when the relevant wail thickness Is grea‘er than $8 mm, the dimensions of the test block may be taken as: t x 3tx 3¢ (where is the relevant wai! thickness), The postion of test pieces shall be 2 in Figure + a 2 eolevant thickness Key 1 frwotien preces 2 Serle Figure 1— Sampling condition of fast places in atx 84> S¢tast block o42 6 o63 844 a4 © 8.5 Tost mothods 8) ‘enslle fest at room temperature — test mathcd stall be according to EN 100024. The ital gauge length shall be 1, =8.88 5, hare Sef the ess senton of te est leo b) ** tense teat at elevated temperature: — the test shall bo according to EN 1002.5. The test temperature shall be one of hove specified in the product standard and egreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer; ena o6-2000 STD.BST BS EN 2559-2-ENGL 2000 M™ 3b24Kb9 CBSOqZ9 185 me Page 17 EN 1558-22000, ©) impact test — the shape and cimensions ofthe tes! piece (V-notch) and test method shall be according to EN 1045-1 — when this testis specified, the absorbed energy value, in joule, is determined using three Charpy test pieces with V-notch, atthe temperature given in the product standard. The average value of energy shall not be smaller tran the specied value Indicated in the product standard for the specified grade; one value may be smaller than specified, provided that It's not smaller than 70 % of thet alu; 0) **fertte content: — i not specified in the product standard the ferite content can be determined either: = by caleulation using the chemical composition on the material or = onthe product, by testing ata location agreed atthe time of enquiry and order: ©) ** harcness test ‘ — the Brinell hardness test shall be camried out In accordance with EN 10003-1. Before Conducting the hardness test, a sufficient metal layer shall be removed by any means that does not affect the etructure or properties of the matarsl. This is not necessary if prior machining makes it possible to satisfy this conden; ) ** nomogenety of tast units (hardnas test) — the homogeneity of the test units shall be verified on a percentage of castings and with a hardness range to be agreed. The hardnass shall be measured at the same location on each casting estos '9) * pressure or leak testing: — pressure of leak testing conditions (surface condition of the casting, test pressure, fluid, ‘temperature and time) together with the interpretation of the results shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order; — the castings subjected to the test shall not receive any coating or protective covering before the test; bh) ** intergranular corrosion test: —_ an intergranular corrosion test shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 3651-1 or EN 180 3651-2 as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer at the time of enquiry and order; tests for magnetic properties: — the specified characteristic ie normally magnetic induction. The measuring procedure to be Used to determine magnetic induction and the shapo of the test pioce chall be agroed at the time (of enquiry and order; }) other tests for any other properties shall be agreed. 2881052000 Sas STD-BSI BS EN LS59-2-ENGL 2000 MM b24LL9 0850930 7TT a Page 18 EN 1559-22000 8.8 minvalidation of tests 8.7 Retests 8.7.4 mGeneral 8.7.2 Individual values (non-sequential tests) See 8.7.4 8.7.3 Sequential tests See 8.7.4, 8.7.4 Special conditions. 8.7.41 When the results of mechanical tests do not comply with the requirements of the product standard, the manufacturer can, unless otherwise agreed at the time of enquiry and order, adopt one of the following procedures: a) repeat the mechanical tests which failed on two additional test piaces. If either of the two new test pieces does not give satisfactory results, the manufacturer may then follow the procedure specified in os b)_ inthe case of impact tests, if the average velue oblained from three tests does not reach the specified ‘value, or if one of the incrvidual values does not reach the specfied minimum, the manufacturer may test three additional test pieces selected from the same test block or from another block from the same mett and heat treated test unit to represent the relevant castings. The manufacturer shall then add these resuts to those previcusly obtainad, and recalculate the average. If this new average conforms to the average value pected, then the material represented shall be considered to be in ‘conformity. When the new average value or any of these new individual values are not conforming with the specified requirements, the manufacturer may then folow the procedure specified in c); ©) submit the castings and test blocks to another heat treatment within the limits of the product standard, and then carry out all the mechanical tests required in the product standard on the test blocks. The ‘castings and ast blocks shall not be permitted under any circumstances to more than two additional heat treatment cycles (excluding tempering), without consulting the purchaser. When the hardness test, carried out to verify the homogeneity of a test unit fails, then the Tokowing apples: 2) test all the castings in the test unit in order to eliminate these which are non-conforming to the requirement. Then reheat treat al non-conforming castings before presenting them for acceptance; 'D) If ha agreed hardness is not obtained on all tested castings, then a further haat treatment of all the castings in the test unit is permissible. 8.8m Sorting and reprocessing 9 Marking 9.1 The castings shall be leginly marked to allow traceebilty through inspection documents, test pieces ‘and castings, 9.2 ** The identification marks shall be stamped or cast on each piese in such a location and in such a ‘manner a¢ agroed at the time of enquiry and order. © 881062000 STD.BST BS EN LSS5-2-ENGL 2000 WH LL24LL9 0850932 636 mm Page 19 EN 1559-2:2000 410 ™ Packaging and surface protection 41 = Complaints ‘© 85105-2000 Page 20 EN 4859-2:2000 Annex A (informative) Mandatory and/or optional information check list This annex gives a check Ist for quick information about diferent points that shalmayican he agracdl at the time of ordering. It relates to the relevant ciauses or subclauses of EN 1859-1:1807 and EN 1550- 2:2000. Table At -Chock list Tile speclied | specified ie informations to be supplied by the purchaser at ‘Mandatory information ‘Number of castings (@) 1 Cast matorial and product standard (b) | 1 1 0043.1 of EN 1560-1:1007 S004 3. and 48201 EN 1599 :1097 8) 1 Soo 73.3 of EN 1559-1:1997 and EN “550.2 Specifestions(c) Patterns (3) (Outer and inner corel Relevant wall thickness 2 az ‘Optional information [and 2_| Ses tent sot as [Brawings, patterns and other tools ‘Tepor,curfacoe to bo machinod, machining allowancs 4.3.1) 1 Patter furnished (4.32) 1 ‘Machining alowanco out of standard (43.3) 1 ae Tnformation on the mass 7 a Preliminary sample a6 Initial sample oo Wanufacturing proceas Type of heat vesimant (.1.2.1) Conditon ef he heat treatment (01.22) 2 ez [Welding operations reduction walding ( 1 Welding procedure (62.2.2) 1 Areas vhere welding s permite (e222) Exceptional stress @.2.2.3) Documentation of welled areas, 22.4 Heat treatment ater welding (62.2.8) Mapping (6.22.6) Criteria for excavation (6.2.7) Documents ( 7 Requireri 724 [Charical composition See ted feat 722 [Mechanical properties Tand2_ | Specified by product standard Hordnoes toct (7.2.2) 2 723 Other properties 4 tobe continued B51 06.2000 STP-BSI BS EN 2559-2-ENGL 2000 mM 2b24bb9 0850933 409 mm Table A.1 (continued) Page 21 EN 1559-22000 Clause, ‘subciause “Agreement” shallbe | may be ‘spoettied | epeciied . oo Romarks Casting CChernical composition (7.9.1) Mechanical properties (73.2) Non-destructive testing requirements method, extent, crteria (7.3.3) Non destrictve tesing selection: method, crtteria and operators qualification ( Minor sutace defects ( Finishing mathods (73.3.3) ‘Surface condtion ( CConadtion ofthe casting ( Dimensional tolerances ( Manufacture wih preliminary samples (73.41) Fetting and fishing (7.3.42) ‘Mass ofthe casting (7.3.5) Additional requirements (73.8) Yanez See text EN 1559-1 Soe text EN 1850-4 Soa jaxt EN 185341 end 2 [Sop also EN 1589-2 Sep also EN 1880-2 1d documents on material testing. 7 ‘Levels of quality ingpection (8.1.2) ‘Quattcaton/certication of inspectors (8.1.2) Inapection and testing Types (8.2.1) NNor-spectic inspection (8.2.2) Spocitc inspection (8.23) ‘Continuous inspection (8.2.4) Place of speciic nspection (8.2.5) ‘Subrrisbion for specie inepecton (8.26) Fights and duties of te inspections representative 2 7) Seo toxt EN 18594 Soo tot EN 1559-4 unit sampling ‘ormation of test units (83.1) ‘Sze of test units (8.3.2) Inspeston frequency (8.2.3) 1and2 4 and 2 84 | Samples ‘Types 6.4.1) Test block ( Postion (8.4.2) Number and size (8.4.3) Identification (8.4.5) See text EN 156-1 ‘Seeten EN 1559-1 See tert EN 1550.4 og Test methods Tensile test at elevates temperarue (b) Ferrie contert () Hardness ese) Fomogeneity of est uit Proceure er leak toting (9) Intergranviarsoroson tes (t) Tests for magnetic properties () “esis for anyother properties () © BSI 05-2000 engi ei ertmetan wS et to be continued] STD.BST BS EN 25S9-2-ENGL 2000 WM 2bENbET 0850934 345 Mw Page 22 EN 1559-2:2000 Table Ast (conotuded) ‘Agreement shall be | may be Remarks specified | specified . . invalidation of teats Seetewt EN 1550-1 Retests. See text EN 1569-1 and? [Sorting or reprocessing ‘See text EN 1559-1 See text EN 1589-1 Traceability, alloy designation, other marking 1__|Seetert EN 1560-2 92 [Condition of identification marks Zz 0 Packaging and surface protection Seeten EN TEST 1 Complaints ‘Seetent EN 1559-1 “T° means: according to EN 1559-1 “2° means: according to EN 1559-2. I not apoicabe, the purchaser Nao o an psn! to Ke a HB Inform the manutaeturer that no non-destucive testing is required © B5105-2000 STD.BSI BS EN 2559-2-ENGL 2000 MM 1L24b65 0850935 28) mm Page 23 EN 1859-22000 Bibliography CR 10261, ECISS Information Circular 11 — Iron and steel - Review of available methods of chemical anayysis. 180 8062, Castings - System of dimensional telerances end machining allowances. ©nsies2000 BSEN 1559-2:2000 STD-BSI BS EN 1SS4-2-ENGL 2000 MM 3E24EL9 O8SO93L 118 me BSI — British Standards Institution [BGT is the independent national body responsible for proparing British Standards It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and atthe international level. tis Incorporated by Royal Charter. Revisions British Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Usors of British Standards should make sure dat hey possess the latest amendments or editions. It is the constant sim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services. We | would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using his British Standard would inform the Secretary of the technical commitiee responsible, ‘the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Te: 020 8996 9000. ax: 020 8006 7400. BSI offers members an individual updating service called PLUS which ensures that. subscribers automatically receive the latest editions of standards. Buying standards ‘Orders for all BSI, international and foreign standards publications should be addressed to Customer Services, Tel: (20 8996 9001. Fax: (20 8995 7001. In response to orders for intemational standards, its BSI policy to supply the BSI ‘implementation ofthe that have been publabed se Bath Standard, meat “otherwise requested. Information on standards BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and invernational standards through its Library and its Technical Help to Exporters Service. Varions BSI electronic information services are also available which give details on all its products and services. Contact the Infermation Centr. Te: (20 5996 7111 Fa 020 8996 7048. Subscribing members of BSI are kept up to date with standards developments and receive substantial discounts on the purchase price of standards, For details of these and other benefits contact Membership Administration. Tel: (20 8996 7002, Fax 020 8996 7001 Copyright ‘Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of ‘the publications of the intemational standardzation bodies. Ewcept as permitted "under the Capyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 no extract may be reprostnced, ‘stored in a retrieval system or tansinited in any form or by any means ~ electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise ~ without prior written permission from BSL ‘This docs not preclude the free us, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade designations. If these eis are tobe used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior “aitten permission of BST must be obtained. [permission is granted, the terms may include royalty payments or a licensing ‘agreement. Details and advice can be obtained from the Copsright Manager ‘Tet: 020 8996 7070. ‘980 Chiswick High Road WAAL

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