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Holden Red Hunting Cap

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I took off my coat and my tie and unbuttoned my

shirt collar, and then I put on this hat that Id
bought in New York that morning. It was this red
hunting hat, with one of those very, very long
peaks. I saw it in the window of this sports store
when we got out of the subway, just after I noticed
I'd lost all the goddam foils. It only cost me a buck.
The way I wore it, I swung the old peak way
around to the back very corny, I'll admit, but I liked
it that way. I looked good in it that way. (17).

Holden buys a red hunting cap in New York after

he abandons all his fencing equipments in the
subway. Through this quote, Holden describes his
red hunting cap as the sense of individuality. He
likes the hat for being different from any other hats
with its unique appearance.

What I did was, I pulled the old peak of my

hunting hat around to the front, then pulled it way
down over my eyes. That way, I couldn't see a
goddam thing. "I think I'm going blind," I said in this
very hoarse voice.(21).

When Holden was horsing around with Ackely, he

feels bored so he conceals his eyes with his red
hunting cap. Although he did this action as a joke,
red hunting cap created a whole new identity of
Holden for making him blind and helps Holden to
get away from the unfavorable situation.

I pulled the peak around to the back again, and


Again, Holden uses his red hunting hat to escape

from irritating situation.

I still had my red hunting hat on, with the peak

around to the back and all. I really got a bang out
of that hat. (27).

The fact that Holden still wears his red hunting cap
in the bathroom shows the he really likes that hat.
The hat reveals how it helped alienate from other

I pulled the peak of my hunting hat around to the

front all of a sudden, for a change. I was getting
sort of nervous, all of a sudden. I'm quite a
nervous guy. (34).

Holden puts his peak of his hunting hat to the front

showing his nervousness and concerns towards
Jane. This shows that whenever Holden faces his
peak at the front to conceal his feeling of emotions
that relates to concerns and nervousness.

After he left, I put on my pajamas and bathrobe

and my old hunting hat, and started writing the
composition. (37).

Holden puts on his hat before writing the

composition of Allie. This shows that the red
hunting hat is some sort of encouragement to
connect Holden to his childhood. By having the
sense of individuality with his hat on, it helps
Holden to reflect back his memories of dead Allie.

couldn't find my goddam hunting hat anywhere.

Finally I found it. It was under the bed. I put it on,
and turned the old peak around to the back, the
way I liked it, and then I went over and took a look
at my stupid face in the mirror. You never saw
such gore in your life. (45).

After losing a fight with Stradlater, he goes and

find his red hunting hat. This shows that he needs
the hat to protect himself from the embarrassment
of losing and feeling protected through getting the
sense of individuality.

"I was sort of crying. I don't know why. I put my red

hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the
back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top
of my goddam voice, "Sleep tight, ya
morons!" (52).

Holden is wearing his red hunting cap backwards

and mocks people at the corridor by calling them
morons. He is fed up with people in Pencey Prep
and tries to feel individualized This reveals that
whenever Holden wears his hat at the back, he
becomes immature through bursting out his

Then I took my hunting hat out of my coat pocket

and gave it to her. She likes those kind of crazy
hats. She didn't want to take it, but I made her. I'll
bet she slept with it on. She really likes those kind
of hats. (180).

Holden gives his red hunting hat to Phoebe,

showing his desire to ensure her protection and
keep her around just as it protected Holden from
other phonies. He also wants Phoebe to stay as
innocent little girl and not grow up .The fact that he
is giving away his hat shows maturing is slowly
accepting the adult world.

" My hunting hat really gave me quite a lot of

protection (213).

Holden takes Phoebe to the zoo and when it starts

to rain, Phoebe hands the red hunting hat to
protect Holden from the rain. At last the red
hunting hat comes back to Holden and gives him
the ability to feel happy.

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