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Blodgett Lesson Plan CH 8 Photosynthesis

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Teacher Candidate's Name: Katie Blodgett

Cooperating Teachers Name: Sonya Verney

Lesson Plan Template: Backward Planning

Learning Outcomes Assessment of Learning Instructional Plan
Unit Title: Ch. 8: Cell Energy

Lesson Title: Photosynthesis

Subject Area: Biology

Grade/Level: 10

Date of Lesson: 2/1/16

Length of lesson: 50 min


CCSS for ELA/Math

(or MLR and/or Next Gen Science for other content areas)

MS-LS1- Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for the role of

photosynthesis in the cycling of matter and flow of energy into and out of

Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy among
living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

Essential Question(s)
Why is photosynthesis is essential for human existence?
How are the light dependent and light independent stages of photosynthesis interconnected?
Explain the roll photosynthesis plays in the transfer of energy through an ecosystem.

Objectives and Assessments


Objective(s) (Number each objective.)

Assessment(s) for Each Objective

(In parentheses, mark each I for
informal or F for formal.)

Students will be able to identify the reactants and

products of photosynthesis
Students will demonstrate how the two stages of
photosynthesis are connected.
Students will identify locations and process of 2 stages
of photosynthesis

Students will demonstrate understanding of alternative

pathways in photosynthesis

Students will understand why photosynthesis is vital to

human existence

Students will identify 2 alternative pathways in


Necessary Prior Knowledge/Skills (Describe where/when/how each has been learned.):

- ATP structure and function- Ch 8, previous lesson, discussion

- Chloroplast Structure and Function- Chapter 7, previous week, lecture and worksheets

Instructional Components
What Teacher Does

Teacher asks questions to review ATP

structure and function from previous
What is the structure of ATP? (draw on
What bond holds majority of the
What happens when you lose a
phosphate group?
What is the structure of ADP?
What happens when you add a
phosphate group?
lose a phosphate?
add a phosphate?
Repeat a few times to remind them
that it is a cycle.

1, 3

Using PPT, Teacher introduces concept

of photosynthesis converting light
energy to chemical energy. Introduce
chemical equation for photosynthesis.
Where is this occurring?

2, 3

Teacher uses sweet potato plant to

demonstrate energy stores in plants

Teacher will introduce model of whole

process, including light and dark

What Students Do
Respond to prompts to demonstrate
understanding of ATP structure and function
from previous lesson

During lecture, students will demonstrate a

knowledge of vocab terms, identify
photosynthetic structures of organelle, identify
reactants and products of photosynthesis

Students will identify which part of the plant

performs photosynthesis, which parts take in
the reactants of photosynthesis, which parts of
the plant represent the products of
Students will demonstrate knowledge of two
parts of photosynthesis by filing out a model of

Teacher will discuss how

photosynthesis is responsible for
creating and maintaining an
environment hospitable to humans.

Students will respond to leading questions and

identify why we need photosynthesis

Teacher will discuss alternative cycles

in photosynthesis

Students will identify that CAM plants have a

structural difference and C4 plants have a
temporal difference.

Mini lab 8.1 set up

Assist in lab set up. In next class, students will

obtain and analyze lab results.

Links to Technology:
PPT, Projector
Materials and Supplies:
Study guides from previous lesson
100ml BTM solution
Test Tubes
Aquatic Plant
Aluminum Foil
Test Tube Rack
Test Tube Stopper

Word Bank

Maine Common Core Teaching Standards (MCCTS) (Check those that are part of this lesson.):
Check only those that are part of the lesson plan, not those that are part of lesson implementation.
The Learner and Learning

Instructional Practices

S1 Learner Development

S6 Assessment

S2 Learning Differences

S7 Planning for Instruction

S3 Learning Environments

S8 Instructional Strategies


Professional Responsibility

S4 Content Knowledge

S9 Professional Learning and Ethical


S5 Application of Content

S10 Leadership and Collaboration


S11 ISTE Standards.T

Reflection about teaching of lesson: (What went well? What would you change and why? What evidence do you have that
students learned?)

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