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Modern & Contemporary Asian Art - A Working Bibiliography

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A Working Bibliography
By John Clark, University of Sydney

(Cover Image: Exhibition view of Sun Yuan and Peng Yu installation at Gwangju Biennale 2004)

This a teaching and initial research bibliography which has been established over a number of years with Australian
students who have no access to vernacular language materials in mind. Obviously for deep research vernacular
language speaking and reading ability is necessary, but this bibliography may also be useful for initial research by those
without linguistic access to the art writings of the cultures concerned.
The bibliography is usually updated every other year, but such updating and the range of detail varies with particular
interests and available resources. Since this work originates as a personal teaching bibliography for different courses
which naturally include frequent reference to my own works, I include lists of these at three places. However, these can
be deleted if required since most of the relevant texts are also included under section headings.
The most recent version is available as a PDF file via the website of the Department of Art History and Theory at:
Please contact the author at or at with any notable
omissions or additions. It is desirable for speed and accuracy of updating if you can do so with a country-specific file of
additions only saved in the same categories and in .rtf format for PC, and only if the text mentioned is available via
reasonable international circulation. Thematic or artist titles should be preceded by the name in square brackets eg [Xu
Bing], [Noumea] to facilitate A-Z sorting. At the minimum it should be held in a national library which can be accessed
by international document request facilities. Some countries have valuable material in English but in obscure academic
journals and some have extensive writings on modern art which are nonetheless difficult to access abroad because of
small-volume and / or selective coterie circulation at home. But if they are both important and can be found by
international document search, they should be included.
Entry is by Country, Topic, and Artist. In some sections which give works on specific artists, authors follow the name
of the work or artist. Artists who cross cultural boundaries are generally given under contemporary art sections by their
culture of origination, although there are no hard-and-fast rules for such affiliation, and some categories of overseas
artists have been generated where there is sufficient material. There has been no attempt to restrict the bibliography to
books alone, but obviously it is not possible to include too many journal articles, book reviews, or notes on particular
exhibitions. Catalogues are usually included if little other material is available on a given artist or if they contain useful
general essays. Since some works not dealing specifically with modern art also refer to its important proto-history in
the 19th and early 20th centuries, they are also included here.
In general this bibliography seeks a balance between art historical quality, availability, and relevance. Thus texts of
inadequate analytical or art historical reference have also been brought in since for some art cultures there is little other
written work available in English. Many areas like modern history or writings on modern culture including literature
are included on an ad hoc basis where these are available and seem useful, especially in areas where I have worked.
Further suggestions for inclusion of minimum materials in political and cultural history adjacent to the field are
For Australia-only users of this bibliography:
Works given are mostly those available in Australia and chiefly at the Australian National University Library, National
Library of Australia, The Canberra School of Art Library, University of Sydney Fisher Research and Schaeffer Fine
Arts Libraries and private sources in Canberra and Sydney. In the Sydney area, after holdings of the University of
Sydney Fisher Research and Schaeffer Fine Arts Libraries, the best source for some of this material is probably the Art
Gallery of New South Wales library which may be used for reference during weekdays. In addition, the Fisher
Research Library East Asian Collection is the only southern hemisphere recipient of an important and continuing annual
donation of art catalogues via the Japan Art Catalogue Library. Details of these may be accessed off-campus by the
librarys English on-line catalogue, as well as by CJK terminals if one is available in your library for full details. The
catalogues are almost all in Japanese but frequently include plate titles and in some cases useful essays in English or
other European languages. There are also quite extensive holdings of books on Asian Art at the State Library of New
South Wales, and especially of pre-Second World War books on India, including important runs of early Indian art
In Sydney, please check the Schaeffer Fine Arts Library desk copy of this bibliography for some location classification
codes, but be aware these are so various as to make accurate and complete updating infeasible without extensive use of
scarce librarian resources.
For their assistance in updating this bibliography I am grateful to Edan Corkill, Kikuchi Yko, Lai Meilian, Phoebe
Scott, the works of Helena Spanjaard, Michael Fitzhenry in 1999, Helena Poropat in 2002, and particularly to Michael
Fitzhenry in 1999 and Thomas Berghuis in 2003 and 2004.
John Clark, March 2005.

Please note that pagination given below may slightly vary with printer settings
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL WORKS ON ASIA AS A REGION
Some overall exhibitions 8
Asian-Wide Surveys 11
Museums, Art Centres and other Art Institutions1990's 11
2000+ 11
Asia-Wide New Art Practices and New Media 13
Web Resources 14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RELEVANT SERIALS IN ENGLISH 14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NORTH-EAST ASIA
Bibliographical Note 14
General Problems of Modernity and Art 15
Texts and Some Terms in Chinese 16
Chinese Art before the 20th Century (selected texts) 16
Early Contacts with European Art 16
Chinacoast and Trade Paintings 17
Photography in China 17
Photography in China 1980s-1990s 19
Performance Art in China 1980s-1990s 18
Albums 19
Individual Artists 20
Neo-traditional Art [guohua] 27
Late Qing and Republican China before 1949 27
Culture Contact in NE China and Manchuria 28
Wartime Period and Yanan Base Areas 29
1949-1966 29
Selected Comparative Texts on Socialist Realism 29
1966-1976 30
1976-1989 30
1989-2000 32
2000+ 37
Recent Ink Painting 42
New Art Practices and New Media 42
Selected Exhibitions in China - 1990s Present 43
Selected Exhibitions outside China 45
Chinese Graphic Art since the Late 19th Century to 1949 47
Chinese Graphic Art after 1949 48
Selected Works on Modern Chinese Intellectual and Political History before 1949 48
Selected Works on Modern Chinese Intellectual and Political History after 1949 50
Women, Gender and Art 52
Web Resources 52
General 53
Hong Kong Ink Painting 54
Oil Painting, Photography, Prints and Mixed Media 55
Sculpture and Ceramics 55
Art in Hong Kong Art in 1990s 56
2000+ 57
Hong Kong Photography 58


Japanese Colonial Period 59
General Works 59
1960s-1970s 60
1970s-1980s 60
1990s 64
Individual Artists 1960s-1990s 61
2000+ 64
Taiwan Photography 65
Political and Intellectual History of Taiwan 65
Economy and Politics of Taiwan 65
General Works 66
Modern Chinese Art: Texts by John Clark 67
General Works 68
Europeans in Meiji Japan 69
Japonisme 71
Photography 72
Meiji Art and Interaction with the West 73
Nihonga: Painting in Traditional Japanese style since Meiji 74
Prints since Meiji 75
1910s to 1930s 76
War: 1930s-1940s 77
Art since 1945, In General 78
1945 to mid-1960s 78
Late 1960s-1980s 79
1990s 80
2000+ 84
New Media 86
Crafts and Modern Design 87
Popular Culture Including Advertising 89
Popular visual Culture Including Comics 90
Domestic Architecture 90
Japanese Cities [all periods] 91
General Texts on Modern Architecture 92
Meiji Architecture 92
1920s-1940s Architecture 92
Architecture since 1945 92
Architecture and Design 94
Architectural Bibliographies 95
Science, Technology and Their Representation 95
Selected Texts on Cultural and Intellectual History 95
Modern thought 97
Modern Japanese History 98
Society 99
Literary representations 100
Web Resources 100
Modern Japanese Art: Texts by John Clark 101
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KOREA-REPUBLIC OF KOREA
General works 102
Colonial Period 103
1980s-1990s 104
Individual Artists 106
2000+ 107

Video and New Media 108

Minjung Misul108
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTH-EAST ASIA
Southeast Asia Modern Art in General 108
Southeast Asian History 110
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MYANMAR / BURMA 110
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LAOS 110
Historical Context
1780s to 1910s [Rama I to Rama V] 111
1910s to 1940s [Rama VI to Rama VIII] 112
1950s to present [Rama IX] 112
Politics and Society 113
Pre-Modern Thai Art (selected) 113
Pre-Modern Thai Painting (selected) 114
Thonburi & Ratanakosin (Rama I Rama IV) 114
Ratanakosin (Rama V Rama VIII) 115
After 1947 (Rama IX) 116
General Works on Neo-traditional Art [plus group catalogues] 116
General Works on Modern Thai Art 116
Architecture and Environment 117
Craft 117
Reference 118
Art Collections and Galleries 118
Selected Major Exhibitions in Thailand (by year) 118
Individual Artists 122
Recent Thai Art overall 127
Photography in Thailand 127
1980s 127
1990s 128
2000+ 129
Works on Modern Thai Literature in English 131
Thai Music 131
Thai Mentalities Including Religion 131
Thai Society 133
Thai Economy 133
Film, T.V., and Modern Media 133
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAMBODIA 133
Art in General 134
Art in the Colonial Period 135
Art in the War Period 137
Cultural Policies 137
General History 138
Women in Vietnam 138
Vietnamese Literature 138
1990s and after 139
Individual Artists 140
General Works 142
Art from Late 19th Century to 1945 143
Art from 1945-1965 144
Art since 1965 144
Art in the 1990s 145

Individual Artists (including Bali) 147

2000+ 148
Bali 149
European Images of Southeast and Indonesia 150
Craft Practices 150
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EAST TIMOR 150
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BRUNEI 150
General Works 150
Individual Artists 151
1990s-2000+ 152
General Works 152
Individual Artists 154
1990s- 2000+ 156
Works on History and Culture in Malaysia and Singapore 158
Selected Exhibitions 158
General Works 160
Individual Artists 161
1990s 163
2000+ 164
Prints 165
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PACIFIC, OCEANIA, NEW ZEALAND 166
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAPUA NEW GUINEA 167
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTH ASIA
General Works 168
Art for the British 169
Urban Popular Graphic Art in the 19th and 20th Centuries 170
The British Art School System 171
Art for the Establishment 172
Fine Art Societies 172
Neo-traditional Painting 172
Nascent Counter-establishment 174
Identity 174
The New Establishments 176
The Folk and the Modern 176
Style, Criticism, and Identity 177
The 1990s 178
2000+ 181
Indian Photography 182
Indian Artists Abroad 182
Web resources 183
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEPAL 183
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HIMALAYAN BORDERLANDS: KASHMIR, BHUTAN, SIKKHIM 183
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAKISTAN 183
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BANGLADESH 184
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRI LANKA/CEYLON 184

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MONGOLIA 185
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CIS AND OTHER 185
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASIAN ARTIST TRANSNATIONAL ACTIVITY
Asian Artists in Transnational Activity: Australia 185
Individual Artists 186
Critical and Historical Studies 188
Exhibitions and Reviews (selected) 189
Modernity in Asian Art, Australia, South Asia, Southeast Asia: Texts by John Clark 190
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------North America 192
Britain 198
France 199
Elsewhere in Europe 200
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRE-HISTORIES OF EURAMERICAN MODERN ART 200
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EURAMERICAN THEORIES OF MODERNITY
Theories, Logics, Ideologies 200
Taxonomy and Evolutionary Speciation 201
Literary and Linguistic Theories 201
Cultural Hybridity and Cultural Comparison 202
Cultural Globalization 203
Theories of Art (selected) 204
Art Movements 205
Corporeal Theories (selected) 205
Economy and Art 206
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASIA, AFRICA, AND ISLAM IN PRE-MODERN EURAMERICAN ART 206
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NON-EURAMERICAN THEORIES AND POSITIONS ON MODERNITY IN ART
General 207
Africa 207
Australia 208
Islamic World 208
Meso- and South America 209
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POSTCOLONIALISM AND THIRD CRITIQUES AT THE CENTRE 210


Some overall exhibitions:
[APT I] Hogan, J., ed., The First Asia-Pacific Triennal of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Queensland
Art Gallery, 1993. [for reviews and articles seeArtlink, 13, 3 & 4, November-March 1993/95;
Art Monthly Australia 65, November 1993; Asian Art News, vol.3, no.6,
November-December 1993; Hoffie, P., 1993 Asia Pacific Triennial, Art & Asia Pacific,
supplement to Art & Australia, September 1993; Walace, Linda, The Asia-Pacific Triennial
of Contemporary Art, Review, Art & Text 47, January 1994; Ewington, J., Nguyen Quan,
Torres, E. in Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994; Ewington, J., Identity, Tradition &
Change: Photography at the Asia-Pacific Triennale, Photofile, 40, 1994; correspondence: Art
Monthly Australia, no.67, March 1994; no.68, April 1994, Roces, Marion Pastor, A certain
critical mass, Art Monthly Australia, , no. 63, Nov 1993; Williamson, Claire, Remapping
the Asia-Pacific, Art Monthly Australia, no.65, Nov 1993; Mendelssohn, Joanna, Review:
First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Queeensland Art Gallery, Artlink, Vol. 13,
No.3&4, November-March 1993/94; Britton, Stephanie, Review of the Conference Identity
Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of the Asia Pacific Region, Artlink, Vol. 13,
No.3&4, November-March 1993/94, Gallagher, Jane, , An analysis of critical categories
operant in the Asia-Pacific Triennale, B.A. Unpublished Honours Thesis, Power Department
of Fine Art, University of Sydney1994; Turner, C., ed., Tradition and Change, Contemporary
Art of Asia and the Pacific, Brisbane, University of Queensland Press, 1993.
[APT II] Turner, C., Devenport, R. eds., Present Encounters: papers from the conference of the
Second Asia-Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery &
Griffith University, 1996; Turner, C. & Devenport, Rhana, [Explanatory pull-out] in ART
AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997; Turner, C. & Devenport, Rhana, [catalog] The Second Asia-Pacific
Triennale of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, 1996 [reports: Clark &
Gutman, Flores, Mehta, Kent, in Eyeline: contemporary visual arts, no.32, summer 1996;
McDonald in Sydney Morning Herald, 5th October 1996; Mendelsohn, Hall & McCulloch,
Thomas, Turner, Howard, McCulloch, in Asian Art News, vol.7, no.1, Jan/Feb 1997; Gibson
in Flash Art, Jan- Feb 1997; Stein in Art in America, June 1997; Ewington, Lee, Ushiroshoji,
Losche in ART AsiaPacific, no.15, 1997 ].
[APT III] ; Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000, Special Issue, the long stare: seeing contemporary
asian art now; Turner C., Low, M. eds, Beyond the Future: papers from the conference of the
Third Asia-Pacific Triennale of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery &
Griffith University, 1999; ; Taylor, Roger, A dynamic of cultures, Asian Art News, vol.9,
no.6, 1999; Turner, Caroline; Hoffie, Pat; Carroll, Alison; and Raffel, Suhanya, on
understanding the Asia-Pacific Triennial, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000; Gibson, Jeff,
Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 5,
January 2000; Fink, Hannah, Fizzle, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000; Jackson, Beth, Improbable
Architectures, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000; Chiu, Melissa, Duplicitous Dialogue, Art
AsiaPacific, 27, 2000 ; Carroli, Linda, A virtual region, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000; Low,
Morris, Hybrid transplants at the Queensland Art Gallery, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000;
Miki, Akiko, Evaluating the Asia-Pacific Triennial, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000;
Ushiroshoji, Masahiro, The APT and Fukuoka: a comparison, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July
[APT IV] Gibson, Jeff, Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Artforum International,
Vol.41, Issue 1, September 2002 Seear, Lynne, Ed., Asia-Pacific Triennale of Contemporary
Art, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, 2002. Reviews: Sambrani, Chaitanya, Austerity
Excesss Invention: the Asia-Pacific Triennial 2002, Art Monthly Australia November 2002,
no.155; Eastburn, Melanie, A Decade Of Challenges, APT4 Review, Asian Art News, vol.
12, no. 6, November/December, 2002

[ARX 1992] Artists Regional Exchange, Perth, April 1992: Four Views: Binns, Vivienne,
Culture as Transformation ; Howard, Ian, Towards a Legitimate Interest; Kirker, Anne, A
Dialogue with Thailand; and Jones, Adrian, Managing ARX, Artlink, Vol. 12, No.3, Spring
[ARX 5] Lee Weng Choy, Misunderstanding art, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999; Lenzi, Iola, Process
and Politics, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999
[Basel 2003], Clark, John., Art 34 Basel, in Art AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.48-49.
[CCA lets talk about art #0002], in Akiko Miyake, ed., lets talk about art #0002,
Transexperiences, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 2002
[Critical Response], review, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
[Documenta XI] Lopez, Sebastian, 'Starting Points: 'Documenta'', IIAS Newsletter, No.25, July 2001
[Fukuoka Ia] Asian Artists Exhibition Part I: Contemporary Asian Art Show, Fukuoka, Fukuoka
Fine Arts Museum, 1980.
[Fukuoka Ib] Asian Artists Exhibition Part I: India, China & Japan, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Fine Arts
Museum, 1979.
[Fukuoka II] 2nd Asian Art Show, Fukuoka; Special Section: Art of Bali, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Fine
Arts Museum, 1985
[Fukuoka III] 3rd Asian Art Show, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Fine Arts Museum, 1989.
[Fukuoka IV] 4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka: Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art
Museum, 1994.
[Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, I] Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The First Fukuoka Asian Art
Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show], Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange
Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Ushiroshoji, Masahiro,
The APT and Fukuoka: a comparison, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
[Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, II] ; Fouser, Robert J., 2nd Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, ART
AsiaPacific, Issue 36 (2002) Kazuyo, Kondo; Tomomichi, Nakao; and Yuko, Yamaki, ed.,
Imagined Workshop: The 2nd Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 2002, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 2002; Turner, Caroline, 'Imagined Workshop', 2nd Fukuoka Asian Ar Triennial
Review, IIAS Newsletter, No. 29, November 2002; Nakao Tomomichi hoka hen, Dai 2 kai
Fukuoka ajia bijutsu toriennare 2002 : the 2nd Fukuoka Asian art triennale 2002,
Fukuoka-shi : Fukuoka Ajia Bijutsukan, 2002.
[Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale III], Dai 3 kai Fukuoka ajia bijutsu toriennare 2005 : the 3rd
Fukuoka Asian art triennale 2005, Fukuoka-shi : Fukuoka Ajia Bijutsukan, 2005
[Fukuoka] Fouser, Robert, Asia as a state of mind, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999; Murata, Makoto,
Asia as an Art Museum, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999; Fukuoka Asian Art Museum Art
Exchange Programs, Annual Report 99-00, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2000; Fukuka Asian
Art Museum, Asian Collection 50: Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2000; Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum Art Exchange Programs, Annual Report 00-01, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 2001; Jin, Matsuura, Notes on Artist in Residence Program, Winds of Artists in
Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2001; Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Art Exchange Programs, Annual Report 01-02, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2002
[Istanbul Biennial 2001] Atagk, Tomar; Plate, Susan, The Istanbul Biennial: the digestible other,
Third Text, 55, 2001, 103; Schwabsky, Barry, Istanbul Biennial, Artforum International,
Vol.40, Issue 1, September 2001; Hori, Motoaki, Between East and West: The 7th
International Istanbul Biennial, ART AsiaPacific, Issue 35 (2002); Shawa, Wendy, Art
among the myths of globalism: the Istanbul Biennial, Third text, 58, vol.16 1, 2002; [Istanbul
Biennale] review, Art in America, March 2002; Hori, Motoaki, Between East and West: The
7th International Istanbul Biennial, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.


[Istanbul Biennial 2003] Nahas, Dominique, Preview: The 8th International Istanbul Biennial in
Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp.25-26; Heartney, Eleanor, Mending the Breach in
Art in America (January 2003), pp. 74-79; Kent, Rachel, 2003 Istanbul Biennial: Poetic
Justice in Art & Australia, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Autumn 2004), pp. 278-279
[Kwangju Biennale 2002] Hou Hanru, Event city and pandoras box: curatorial notes on the 2002
Gwangju Biennale, Yishu, vol.1, no.2, 2002; Kee, Joan, 2002 Gwangju Biennale, ART
AsiaPacific, Issue 36 (2002); Napack, Jonathan, 'Alternative Visions', Gwangju Biennial
Review, Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 11, November 2002; Kim, Youngna, Lets Pause &
Talk, Lets Pause & Drink, IIAS Newsletter, No. 28, July 2002
[Lyon Biennial 2001], Budge, Andrew, Partage dexotismes; do magicians grow wise or just
old, Third Text 58, vol.16, 1, 2002
[Nokia Art Awards] Jay, Sian E., Emerging visions, Asian Art News, vol.11, no2, 2001
[Shanghai Biennale 2000] Hou Hanru, A naked city, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001; Wu Hung, The
2000 Shanghai Biennale, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[Shanghai Biennale 2002] Withers, Rachel, Shanghai Biennale, Artforum International, Vol.41,
Issue 1, September 2002; Genocchio, Benjamin, Letter from Shanghai, Art Monthly
Australia, Number 157, March 2003
[Sharjah Biennale 2003] Turner, Grady, Fast Forward in the Persian Gulf (Report From the
U.A.E. in Art in America (November 2003), pp. 86-91
[Stuttgart] Hynes, Victoria, Manifold Echoes, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Sydney Biennale 2002] Chen Hsiang-chun, Elsa, Identity Politics? Allegorical Existence? On the
way to the fantastic, Yishu, vol.1, no.2, 2002; Duncan, Michael, 'Self-created worlds', Sydney
Biennale Review, Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 10, October 2002
[The Japan Foundation 30th Anniversary] Report of the International Symposium 2002, Asia in
Transition: Representation and Identity, Japan, The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002;
Yasuko, Furuichi, Asia in Transition: Representation and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia
Center, 2002
[Toi Toi Toi, Kassel 1999] Garrett, Louise Toi Toi Toi, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999
[Venice Biennale 1993] Blackall, Judith, The Transit of Venice, Art & Text 46, September 1993;
Verzotti, Giorgio, Aperto 93: The better biennale, Artforum International, Vol.32, Issue 2,
October 1993; McEvilley, Thomas, 1993 Venice Biennale: Venice the Menace, Artforum
International, Vol.32, Issue 2, October 1993
[Venice Biennale 1995] Lasschuyt, Helga, The Venice Biennale Game, Asian Art News, vol.5,
no.5, Sep/Oct 1995.
[Venice Biennale 1997] Bryson, Norman and Gilbert Rolfe, XLVII Venice Biennale, Art & Text
59, Nov. 1997-Jan. 1998; Kent, Rachel, The Venice Biennale: Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998
[Venice Biennale 1999] Withers, Rachel, Allied Forces, Venice Biennial Review (CHECK),
Artforum International, Vol.37, Issue 9, May 1999; Schwabsky, Barry, 48th Venice
Biennale, Art & Text 67, Nov. 1999-Jan. 2000
[Venice Biennale 2001] Clark, John, Asian Artists at the 2001 Venice Biennale, IIAS Newsletter
November, no.26, 2001; Siegel, Katy, Human, all too human, Venice Biennial Review,
Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 1, September 2001; Birnbaum, Daniel, More is less,
Venice Biennial Review, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 1, September 2001; Pijnappel,
Johan, Asia at Venice, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002; Chua, Kevin, In Venetian
Waters: Singapore at the 49th Venice Bienale, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society), no.3, January 2002; Choy, Lee Weng, Biennale Time and the Specters of
Exhibition, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.3, January 2002
[Venice Biennale 2003] Vetrocq, Marica E., New curator for the Venice Biennale, Art in America,
Vol. 90, Issue 5, May 2002; Vetrocq, Marica E., 'Venice Biennale takes shape', Art in
America, Vol. 91, Issue 2, February 2003; Clark, John., Venice in Full Flow, in Asian Art
News, Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.46-50.; Lenzi, Iola., The Pioneering Sprit, in Asian


Art News, Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.51-53; Genocchio, Benjamin, The Big One Venice
Conflicting Agendas: No Buzz at Venice 2004 in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003),
pp.42-47; Vetrocq, Marcia E., Venice Biennale: Every Idea But One in Art in America
(September 2003), pp. 76-87
Asian-Wide Surveys
Clark, J., Inter-Asian Criteria of Institutional Modernity in Art, 28th International Congress of the
History of Art, Berlin, Kunstlerische Austausch/Artistic Exchange, Akademie Verlag, Berlin,
1993, 655-668.
Clark, J., ed., Modernity in Asian Art, Sydney, Wild Peony Press, 1993.
Clark, J., Ajia! Ajia!, Art Monthly Australia, April 1991.
Clark, J., Modern Asian Art, Sydney, Craftsman House & Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press,
Clarke, David, Contemporary Asian Art and Its Western Reception in Third Text, Vol. 16, Issue 3
(September 2002), pp. 237-242
Contemporary Arts of the Region: Australia and South East Asia, Special Issue, Artlink, Vol. 13,
No.3&4, November-March 1993/94; Jones, Adrian, Artists Regional Exchange: The Next
Wave, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Dysart, Dinah & Fink, Hannah, eds, Asian Women Artists, Sydney, Craftsman House, 1996.
Japan Cultural Forum, ed, Modern Art of Asia, Toto Shuppan, Tokyo, 1961
Kirker, Anne, Focus on Asian Women Artists, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
Lent, John A., Asian Comic Art. Art AsiaPacific issue 21 1999
Lent, John A., ed., Asian Popular Culture, Boulder, Westview, 1995
Museums, Art Centers and other Art Institutions
ART AsiaPacific, Issue 37 (2003), Special Issue Asian Art Now: 21 Curators and Critics Profile 63
Contemporary Asian Artists
A New Cure for Asian Art Curators, Asian Art News 9:4 1999
Asai, Toshihiro et al ed, Promenade in Asia: Cute, Tokyo: Shiseid/Mito: Art Tower Mito, 2001.
Asia and Modernity, Special Issue of Humanities Research, 2, 1999 with articles by Clark, Lilley,
Low, Labrador, Sang.
Asian Art: Prospects for the Future. International Symposium 1999 with articles by Elliott,
Davenport, Mashadi, Nakamura, Poshyananda, Rajah, Tatehata, Tokyo, Japan Foundation,
Asia Art Society,, Links to Online: Resources; Art Organisations;
Colonialism or Collaboration?: Intercultural Arts Practice and International Arts Organisations,
Forum Transcript, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July 2001
Barucha, Rustom, Beyond the Box: Problematising the New Asian Museum, Focas (Forum on
Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July 2001
Davis, A.R., ed., Search for identity: Modern Literature and the Creative Arts in Asia, Sydney,
Angus and Robertson, 1974.
Eley, Geoff, Politics, Culture and the Public Sphere, positions east asia cultures critique, Vol. 10,
Number 1, Spring 2002
Enwezor, Okwui. and Apinan Poshyananda, Looking Ahead: Dialogues in Asian Contemporary
Art, November 8-9, 2002 (Asia Society and Museum, New York), in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.112-121
Findlay, Ian, Looking For A New Vision, Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
Hong Kong Art Archive,
Hou Hanru; Obrist, Hans-Ulrich, Cities on the Move, Ostfildren-Ruit, Verlag Gerg Hatje, 1997.
Mami, Kataoka, Beyond a Progressive Asia: Under Construction Collective Exhibition, Mami,
Kataoka, Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation
Asia Center, 2002


Lacayo, Richard, The Rise and Rise of Asian Art, Time Magazine, March 31 2003
Manton, Neil, The Arts of Diplomacy, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000Art Asia Pacific, vol.3,
no.4, 1996.
McEvilley, Thomas, Arrivederci Venice, On the Third World Biennials, Artforum International,
Vol.32, Issue 3, November 1993
Poshyananda, Apinan et al, Traditions / Tensions: Contemporary Art In Asia, New York, Asia
Society Galleries & Sydney, The Fine Arts Press, 1996 [reports: Art Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4,
1996; Mehta in Eyeline: contemporary visual arts, no.32, summer 1996; Art in America,
Februrary 1997; Ewington, Yang, Munroe in ART AsiaPacific, no.15, 1997; Owen, Michael.
Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions/Tensions. Third Text no.41 Winter 1997-98
Poshyananda, Apinan, A new cure for Asian art curators, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
Seminar on Fine Arts of Southeast Asia, Bangkok; Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of
Higher Learning, 1964.
Shinkawa, Takashi, Promenade in Asia, A collaborative exhibition, Art Asia Pacific, No.34, 2002.
Turner, C., Getting the Message [Review of Adelaide Festival Sculpture Installations], Art &
Australia, vol.32, no.1, Spring 1994.
Akira, Tatehatata, A Trojan Horse?: Multiculturalism in International Art Exhibitions, Yasuko,
Furuichi, Asia in Transition: Representation and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia Center,
Atsuo, Yamamoto, From Dualism to Oneness, Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New
Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Bharucha, Rustom., The New Asian Museum Beyond the Box: Problematising the New Asian
Museum, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society, No. 2, July 2001, p.223-237.
Benett, Tony, The Rules of Culture: Exhibition and the Politics of Knowledge, Yasuko, Furuichi,
Asia in Transition: Representation and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Carroll, Alison, A floating world, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
Chang, Alexandra, The Control of Fear: Art and the Epidemic as Excess in Art Asia Pacific, No.
38 (Fall 2003), pp. 54-57
Clarke, David, Contemporary Asian Art and Its Western Reception, Huangfu, Binghui, ed.,
Site+Sight: Translating Cultures, Singapore, Lasalle-SIA, 2002.
Furuichi Yasuko, ed., Asia in Transition: representation and identity, Tokyo, The Japan Foundation
Asia Center, 2002.
Gao, Shiming., Symposium: Edges of the Earth, Hangzhou; The Syndrome of Asia: Experience
and Representation, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March
2004, p.83-88.
Gaweewong, Gridthiya, On Under Construction and Localization, Mami, Kataoka, Under
Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Hoskote, Ranjit, India Ink, Manila Evelope: Three Meditations on Art and the Global Media,
Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan
Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Hou Hanru; Obrist, Hans-Ulrich, Cities on the move, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
Hui, Wang, The Geneology of Asian Imaginaries, Yasuko, Furuichi, Asia in Transition:
Representation and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Kember, Pamela., A Report on the Asian Art Archive, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society, No. 5, January 2003, p.372-377.
McNeill, David, Planet Art: Aesthetics and Labour in the Era of Globalisation, Huangfu, Binghui,
ed., Site+Sight: Translating Cultures, Singapore, Lasalle-SIA, 2002.
Munroe, Alaxandra, Contemporary Art in Asia, Artforum International, Vol.35, Issue 8, April


Pi Li, Fantasia: an imagination towards the daily life Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New
Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Robinson, Joel D., The Construction Sites of Asian Art (The Exhibition of Under Construction:
New Dimensions of Asian Art, the Japan Foundation Forum and the Opera City Art Gallery,
Tokyo, 2003), in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1, January/February 2004, p.52-57.
Tavassoli, Babak A., A Fresh Figure of Paradise, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art,
Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.95-103.
Woo, Lee Yong, Globalism and the Vanity of Its System, Yasuko, Furuichi, Asia in Transition:
Representation and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Yasuko, Furuichi, ed., International Symposium 2002, Asia in Transition: Representation and
Identity, Report, Japan: Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Xu Jiang., Earth Link and Cosmic Time, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3,
No. 1, March 2004, p.89-94
Asia-Wide New Art Practices and New Media
[Global Conceptualism] Global Conceptualism: Points of origin, 1950s1980s, New York, Queens
Museum of Art, 1999; Meyer, James, Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin,
1950s-1980s, Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 1, September1999
[MAAP in Beijing 2002] Machan, Kim, MAAP in Beijing 2002, Beijing: Hebei Education
Publishing House
[NIPAF] 1998 Nipaf Asian Performance Art, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Polypolis] Chang Tsong-zung, Outer landscapes and inner dreams, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1,
2002; Seyfarth, Ludwig, Asia in color and in black and white, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1,
[Polypolis] Seyfarth, Ludwig, Asia in Color And in Black And White, Polypolis Exhibition
Review, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002; Chang, Tsong-zung, Outer
Landscapes And Inner Dreams, Polypolis Exhibition Review, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1,
January/February 2002
[Translated Acts] Berghuis, Thomas J., ''Translated Acts': Body, Self and Performance', IIAS
Newsletter, No.24, February 2001; Kerr, Merrily, Translated Acts: Asian Performance Art
Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002
[Under Construction] Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002; Purvis, Jennifer, Under Construction; New
Dimensions of Asian Art, Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No. 229, March-April 2003; Under
Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art Heartney, in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), p. 74
[Video] Kuraishi, Shino, Serendipity, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
Birnbaum, Daniel, How Latitudes Become Forms, Exhibition Review at Walker Art Center,
Featuring Various Asian Artists, Artforum International, Vol.41, Issue 5, January 2003
Flores, Patrick D., Renewing the Contemporary, Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New
Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Furuichi Yasuko, ed., Out of the Window: Spaces of Distraction, Tokyo, The Japan Foundation Asia
Center, 2004 [recent conceptualism in China, Japan, Korea]
Furuichi, Yasuko, Asia: The Possibility of a Collaborative Space Under Construction Project,
Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan
Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Giakoumi, Dionissia, Beyond Language, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
Kamiya Yukie, Communicative Approach, from Asia, Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New
Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Kim, Sunjung, In Search of an Oasis, Mami, Kataoka, Under Construction: New Dimensions of
Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002


Levin, Kim Gesture, performance, behaviour, attitude: asian influences on contemporary western
art, Art Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4, 1996.
Machan, Kim, Digital Luggage and Meaningful Relationships, Asian Art News, vol. 21, no. 3,
September 2001
Machan, Kim, Asian art on the internet, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
WEB RESOURCES has the best set of Contemporary Asian Art links to date.
[Journal articles on Asian art and artists have been listed in the relevant sections and updated until
March 2003]
Art Asia Pacific, since 1993.
Art & Culture, since 1996.
ArtForum International
Art in America, has Asia related matters in most issues.
Art Monthly Australia, some issues.
Artlink, some issues.
Art & Text, articles in some issues, especially after 1994.
Asian Art News, since 1991, some feature issues, cumulative index vol.4, no.6, 1994.
Contemporary Visual Art
Critical Inquiry
Flash Art, some issues.
positions: east asian cultures critique
Public Culture
Orientations, some features on modern art.
Res, material culture and anthropology journal.
South Atlantic Quarterly
Third Text, largely theory-oriented.
World Art, some contemporary artists [discontinued]
Visual Art & Culture [discontinued]
Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art

Bibliographical Note
There is good but selective bibliography up to 1999 by Britta Erickson Twentieth Century Chinese
Art Bibliography & Individual Artists Bibliographies available online at There is critical bibliography in Clark, John, Art and
Modernism in China, 1900-97: A review and documentation, Journal of the Oriental Society of
Australia, vol.29, 1997, 50-73, and Clark, John, Modernity in Chinese Art, 1850s-1990s: some
chronological materials, Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol.29, 1997, 74-169. Some
texts cited in the latter are included here.


General Problems of Modernity and Art

Andrews, Julia, and Shen Kuiyi, eds, A Century in Crisis: Modernity and Tradition in the Art of
Twentieth Century China, New York, Guggenheim Museum, 1998
[Asian Art market] Move over Van Gogh, Far Eastern Economic Review, 22 July 1993.
China Modernity and Art, and a discussion of Modern Art in Japan and Korea, Taibei, Council for
Cultural Planning and Development, 1990.
Clark, John, Modernity in Chinese Art, 1850s-1990s: Some chronological materials, Journal of
the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 29, 1997.
Clarke, David, Tradition and Innovation [British Museum exhibition], ART AsiaPacific, no.15,
Croizier, R., Art and Society in Modern China - A Review Article, The Journal of Asian Studies,
vol.49, no.3, August 1990.
Fong, Wen C., The Modern Chinese Art Debate, Artibus Asiae, vol.53, 1/2, 1993
Hearn, Maxwell K.; Smith Judith G.; eds, Chinese Art: Modern Expressions, New York,
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001
Gao Minglu, Inside Out: New Chinese Art, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1998.
Kao, Mayching, ed, Twentieth Century Chinese Painting, Hong Kong, Oxford University Press,
1988 [proceedings of a 1984 Hong Kong Conference, this covers most areas of modern
Chinese painting in a general manner]
Kuo, Jason, C., Reviews of recent books on Modern Chinese Painting, Ars Orientalis, vol.20,
Litzinger, Ralph A., 1959-, Theorizing Postsocialism: Reflections on the Politics of Marginality in
Contemporary China, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 101.1, Winter 2002
Laing, E.J., An Index to Reproductions by Twentieth Century Artists, Portland, Oregon, 1984
Sullivan, Michael, Chinese Art in the Twentieth Century, London, Faber & Faber, 1959.
Sullivan, Michael, The Meeting of Eastern and Western Art, Palo Alto, Stanford UP, 1969 [the
research and approach of this book are highly problematic], revised version, U. California
Press, 1991.
Sullivan, Michael, Orthodoxy and Individuality in Twentieth Century Chinese Art, in Murck, C.,
ed., Artists and Traditions, Princeton, Princeton UP, 1979.
Sullivan, Michael, Art and Artists of Twentieth Century China, Berkeley, California University
Press, 1996 [reviews: Dal Lago in ART AsiaPacific, no.15, 1997, Croizier in The Journal of
Asian Studies, 1997; Clark in Asian Studies Reviews, 1999].
Tsuruta, T., Kinhyakunenrai Chgoku Gajin Shiry, Bijutsu Kenky, nos 293-294, 303, 307;
Minkokuki ni okeru zenkoku kibo no bijutsu tenrankai: kinhyakunenrai chgoku kaigashi
kenky 1, Bijutsu Kenky, no.349; Kaihgo no zenkoku bijutsu tenrankai: Kinhyakunenrai
Chugoku Kaigashi Kenky 2, Bijutsu Kenky, no.350; 2, Fu 1, Bijutsu Kenky, no.351
[Catalogue of the 1954 Second National Fine Arts Exhibition]; 2, Fu 2, Bijutsu Kenky,
no.352 [Catalogue of the 1960 Third National Fine Arts Exhibition].
Tsuruta, T., Minkokuki bijutsugakk sotsugydgakuroku, Bijutsudantai kaiinroku shsei,
(Izumishi Kubos Kinenbijutsukan), Kubos Kinen bunka zaidan Ty Bijutsu Kenkyjo Kiy,
2,3,4, 1991.
Tsuruta, T., Kindai Chgoku no Gaka, Osaka, Osaka Shiritsu Bijutsukan, 1972.
Wan Qingli, Traditionalism, Reform, and Modernism in Twentieth Century Chinese Painting,
Orientations, 23, no.7, July 1992.
Texts and Some Terms in Chinese:
MS: Meishu, Art, the only national art monthly, published by the Artists Association. Generally the
issue number equals the month, thus 1979-3, means the issue puiblished for March 1979. But
for a brief period from 1960 until about 1964 it was published bi-monthly. Publication was
suspended during the Cultural Revolution and restarted in 1977.


MSJTX: Meishujia Tongxun, Information Bulletin of the Artists Association, this is not usually
available to non-members and foreigners and has only occasionally been available to this
author. MSJY: Meishu Yanjiu, Art Research, quarterly, published by CAFA.
MY: Meishuyanjiu, Art Research, published by the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing.
RMRB: Renmin Ribao, Peoples Daily, the official CCP newspaper.
Shijie Meishu, World Art.
Xinmeishu: New Art, irregular journal of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Art.
youhua: oil painting.
zhongguohua: Chinese painting, sometimes used as a full form for guohua.
ZMB: Zhongguo Meishubao, Fine Arts in China, published 1985-1989.
ZYC: Zhongguo Yishujia Cidian, 5 Volumes, Dictionary of Chinese Artists, Changsha, Hunan
Renmin Chubanshe, 1981-1985
Chinese Art before the Twentieth Century (selected texts)
Clunas, Craig, Superfluous Things: Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China,
Urbana & Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Clunas, Craig, Pictures and Visuality in Early Modern China, London, Reaktion Books, &
Princteon, Princeton University Press, 1997.
Clunas, Craig, Fruitful Sites: Garden Culture in Ming Dynasty China, London: Reaktion Books,
Hay, John, ed., Boundaries in China, London: Reaktion Books, 1994
Hay, Jonathan, Shitao: painting and modernity in early Qing China, Cambridge ; New York :
Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Shen and Marilyn Fu, Studies in Chinese Connoisseurship, Princeton, Princeton University Press,
Siren, O., Chinese Painting, Ronald Press, New York, 1958
Sullivan, M. The Birth of Landscape Painting in China, University of California Press, 1962.
Whitfield, R., Landscape Painting in the Late Ching Period in W. Watson, editor, Landscape
Style in Asia, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London, 1979.
Early Contacts with European Art
Barm, Geremie, The Garden of Perfect Brightness: A Manchu Vision of China, Paroissien, Leon,
ed., Visual Arts and Culture, Volume 1, Part 1 (1998)
Beurdeley, M. &. C, Giuseppe Castiglione, Rutland, Tuttle, 1971.
Cahill, James, Late Ming landscape albums and European printed books, in Rosenwald, L.J., The
Early Illustrated Book, 1982.
Cahill, James, The Compelling Image: Nature and Style in Seventeenth Century Chinese Painting,
Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1982
Delahaye, Hubert, Du peu deffet de la peinture occidentale en Chine in Jami, Catherine;
Delahaye, Hubert, eds., LEurope en Chine, interactions scientifiques, religieuses et
culturelles aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, Paris, Collge de France, 1993.
Franke, Wolfgang, China and the West, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1967
Hsiang Ta (Xiang Da), European influences on Chinese Art of the Later Ming and Early Ching
Period [original in Dongfang Zazhi , vol.27, no.1, January 10th, 1930, translated by Wang
Teh-chao], Renditions no.6, Spring 1976.
Ishida Mikinosuke, A Biographical Study of Giuseppe Castiglione (Lang Shih-ning), a Jesuit
Painter in the Court of Peking under the Ching Dynasty, Memoirs of the Ty Bunko, 1960,
Kno Minoru, ed., Chgoku Yf? Hygen no Dny? Meimatsu kara Shin jidai no kaiga, hanga,
sashie-hon, Machida, Machida Shirtisu Kokusai Hanga Bijutsukan, 1995.
Loehr, George, Missionary artists at the Manchu Court, Journal of the Oriental Ceramic Society,
34, 1962-63;


Loehr, George, The Sinicization of Missionary artists and their work at the Manchu court during
the Eighteeenth Century, Cahiers dHistoire Mondiale, vol. VII, no.3, p. 795-815, 1963;
Pelliot, Paul, La Peinture et la Gravure Europennes en Chine au temps de Mathieu Ricci, Toung
Pao, 1922, 1-18;
Pirazzoli-TSerstevens, M., Gravures des Conqutes de lEmpereur de Chine Kien-Long au Muse
Guimet, Paris, Mus?e Guimet, 1969;
Qing Imperial Court Painting, 25th Anniversary Special Issue of Orientations, vol.26, no.7,
July/August 1995
Sullivan, Michael, Some possible sources of European influence on late Ming and early Ching
painting, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chinese Painting, Taipei,
National Palace Museum, 1972,
Swiderski, Richard M., The dragon and the straightedge, part 1: a semiotics of the Chinese
response to European pictorial Space, Semiotica 81-1/2, (1990); part 2: The ideological
impetus of linear perspective in late Ming early Qing China, ibid, 82-1/2 (1990); part 3:
Porcelains, horses, and ink stones - the ends of acceptance, ibid, 82 -3/4, (1990).
Vinograd, Richard, Boundaries of the Self, Chinese Portraits, 1600-1900, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1992;
Chinacoast and Trade Paintings
Berry-Hill, H. and S., Chinnery and China Coast Paintings, Leigh-on-Sea, 1970.
Broadbent, J., China, Australia: Trade and Society 1788-1850, Sydney, Historic Houses of New
South Wales, 2003.
Christies, Fine Chinatrade Paintings, Hong Kong, Christies Swire, sale of 26-9-1989.
Conner, P., The China Trade 1600-1860, Brighton, Royal Pavilion, 1986
Conner, P., Leglouix, S., William Alexander, Brighton, Royal Pavilion,1981.
Crossman,C.L., The China Trade: Paintings, Furniture, Silver, and other Objects, Princeton, 1972
Gregory, M., In the Western Manner, Catalogue 53, London, Martyn Gregory Gallery, 1989.
Hutcheon, R., Chinnery, The Man and the Legend, Hong Kong, 1975
Lee, J.G., Philadelphians and the China Trade 1784-1844, Philadelphia Museum of Art/ University
of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
Leglouix, S., Image of China: William Alexander, London; Jupiter Books, 1980
Orange, J. The Chater Collection; Pictures relating to China, Hong Kong, Macao, London, 1924.
Tam, L.C.S.,et al, Hong Kong: The Changing Scene, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1980
Ting J.S.P., Hung V.W.Y., Gateways to China, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1987.
Ting J.S.P., George Chinnery: His Pupils and Influence, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1985.
Warner, J., Hong Kong Illustrated: Views and News, 1840-1890, Hong Kong, John Warner, 1981
Wu, L., A Newly discovered school of Chinese export painting, Orientations, vol.20, no.7, July
Photography in China
Cartier-Bresson, H., China in Transition, London, Thames and Hudson, 1956
Harris, David, Of battle and beauty : Felice Beatos photographs of China, Santa Barbara,: Santa
Barbara Museum of Art & London : University of California Press, 1999.
Jenner, W. J. F., China: a Photohistory, London, Thames & Hudson, 1988.
Ma Yunzeng, Zhongguo sheyingshi, 1840-1937, Beijing, Zhongguo sheying chubanshe, 1987.
Roberts, Claire, In her view: Hedda Morrisons photographs of Peking, 1933-46, East Asian
History, 4, December 1992.
Roberts, Claire, ed., In her view: the photographs of Hedda Morrison in China and Sarawak
1933-67, Haymarket, N.S.W : Powerhouse Publishing, 1993.
Roberts, Claire, Captured city: Hedda Morrisons Peking, TAASA Review, vol.11, no.3, 2002
Thiriez, Rgine, Photography and Portraiture in Nineteenth-Century China, East Asian History,
nos 17/18, June/December 1999.


Thiriez, Rgine, Barbarian lens: Western photographers of the Qianlong emperors European
palaces, New York, Gordon & Breach, 1998.
Thomson, J., China The Land and Its People, Hong Kong, John Warner, 1977
Worswick, C., Spence, J., Imperial China, Photographs 1850-1912, London, Scolar Press, 1978.
Zhang, Haier, Fotografien aus China, 1986-1989, Heidelberg : Edition Braus, 1990.
Zhongguo Sheying, 1860-1912, Taibei, Xiongshi Tushu, 1979
Photography in China 1980s-1990s
[Liu Zheng], Maggio, Meg, A contrary vision Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[Zhuang Hui] review Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999; Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian
Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Maggio, Meg and Li, Zhang, Ten
Years: Zhuang Hui's Photography, Hong Kong: Timezone 8 Ltd, 2003
Dewar, Susan, Contemporary Chinese Photography, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
Dewar, Susan, Photography in China, ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
Louie, Reagan, Toward a truer life : photographs of China 1980-1990, New York: Aperture
Foundation & San Francisco, Friends of Photography, 1991.
Smith, Karen, Contagious desire, the other in contemporary Chinese art, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
Yu Shing-tak and Yang Shaoming.Contemporary Chinese photographs, Beijing, China
Photographic Publishing House, 1985.
Zhang Zhaohui, A return to the real: new art and new spaces, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
Performance in China 1980s-1990s and after
Berghuis, Thomas J., Flesh Art: Body and Performance Art in Post-Mao China,online Chinese
Type Contemporary Art Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 5, November, 2001.
Berghuis, Thomas, Close Encounters Performance art practices in China during the 1990s and
the role of the mediated subject of the acting body in art, Peter Lewis and Hoor Al-Qasimi,
ed., Sharjah International Biennial 6 (Catalogue), United Arab Emirates: Sharjah
International Biennial, 2003, pp. 034-038.
Daozi, The Wisdom of the Body, Chinese Type Contemporary Art Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 5,
November, 2001, published Online at:
Ling, Gao, Art is Action, , Chinese Type Contemporary Art Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 5, November,
2001, published Online at:
Merewether, Charles, The spectre of being human, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art,
vol.2, no., June 2003
Song Dong, Guo Shirui, Yesheng, 1997 Nian Jing zheshi, Beijing, Xiandai YishuZhongxin, 1997
[includes a chronology for chiefly avant-garde and performance art since 1986]
Between the thunder and the rain: Chinese paintings from the Opium War to the Cultural
Revolution, 1840-1979, San Francisco, Asian Art Museum, 2000
Bobot, M.-T., Collection des Peintures et Calligraphies Chinoises Contemporaines, Paris, Muse
Cernuschi, 1985
Brown, Claudia; Chou Ju-hsi; Transcending turmoil: painting at the close of Chinas empire,
1796-1911, Phoenix, Phoenix Art Museum, 1992.
Elisef, V., Exposition de la Peinture Moderne Chinoise, Paris, Muse Cernuschi, 1946
Elisef, V., Quatre Artistes Chinoises Contemporaines, [Pan Yu-lin, Lam Oi, Ou Seu-tan, Shing
Wai], Paris, Muse Cernuschi, 1977
Elisef, V., Peintures Chinoises Traditionelles, 1975-80, Paris, Muse Cernuschi, 1981


Ellsworth, R.H. et al, Later Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 1800-1950, 3 volumes, New York,
Random House, 1987
Hajek, L., Hofmeister, A., Chinesische Malerei der Gegenwart,Prague, Artia, 1959
Hua Junwu,ed., Contemporary Chinese Painting, Beijing, New World Press, 1981
Moss.H., ed.,The Experience of Art, Hong Kong, Umbrella, 1983
Strassberg, R.E., Nielsen, W.A., Beyond the Open Door, Pasadena, Pacific Asia Museum, 1987.
Strassberg, R.E., Beyond the Open Door II, Pasadena, Pacific Asia Museum, 1991.
Sun Jie, ed., A Selection of Contemporary Chinese Painting, Beijing, Zhao Hua Publishing House,
Tam, L.S., ed., Twentieth Century Chinese Painting, Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1984
Tao Yongbai, ed., Oil Painting in China 1700-1985, Jiangsu Meishu Chubanshe, 1988
Whitfield, R., Chinese Traditional Painting, 1886-1966, London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1982
Individual Artists
For lists of albums see the bibliography in Kao, Mayching,ed, Twentieth Century Chinese Painting,
Hong Kong, Oxford University Press, 1988 for a list of artists albums, and for other lists of
reproductions see Laing, E.J., An Index to Reproductions by Twentieth Century Artists, Portland,
Oregon, 1984. The publishing industry in both the Peoples Republic and Taiwan has also
produced many single-artist multi-volume series in the 1990s.
A number of artists names become homonyms in English although written with different characters
in Chinese. To obviate lengthy explanation in these cases I have simply identified the artist the
medium or type of work e.g. Liu Wei, painter and Liu Wei, video installation, are two different
artists working in those media whose personal names are actually written with different characters
even though their surnames are identical. Sometimes the same artists also appears in later sections
by country under Asian Artists Transnational Activity.
Cai Guoqiang, painter and installation art, New York: Cai Guoqiang, Day Dreaming, Taipei,
Cherng Pin Gallery 1998; Zaya Octavio et al, Venices Rent Collection Courtyard, Hong
Kong & Vancouver, Annie Wong Art Foundation, 1999; Zhang Zhaohui, Cultural
Metamorphosis: The Art of Xu Bing and Cai Guoqiang, unpublished MA in Curatorial Studies
Thesis, Bard College, 1998; Zhang Qing, History challenges reality: the life and art of Cai
Guoqiang, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002; Zhang Zhaohui, Tiandi zhi ji: Cai Guoqiang yu Xu Bing
Suoshi biye zhanlan jihua shuomingshu, Jiangsu Huakan, 2, 1999; Naoshima no
commishon waaku: Cai Guoqiang Bunkadaikonyoku, Naoshima no tame no projekuto,
Naoshima Tsshin, vol.1, no.2, 1988; Hirano Akihiko & Takeuchi Hiroko eds., Cai Guoqiang
From the Pan-Pacific [translated by Dutz, Margaret E.], Iwaki, Iwaki City Art Museum,
1994; Cai Guoqiang in Ajia Shich no Potensharu, Hkokusho, Tky, Kokusai
Krykikin ASEAN Bunka Sentaa, 1994, p.84-89; Heartney, Elanor, Cai Guoqiang:
illuminating the new China, Art in America, May 2002; Cultural Meeting Bath: Projects for
the 20th century, New York, Queens Museum of Art, 1997 [review: Goodman, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.]; Huang Du. Cai Guoqiang: From mystery and philosophy to
reality. Art AsiaPacific issue 20 1998; Naylor, Stephen, A Gondola In Suburbia, Art
Monthly Australia August 1999: 122; Bartelik, Marek, Cai Guo-Qiang, Artforum
International, Vol.40, Issue 10, Summer 2002; Stringa, Nico (ed), Terrecotte Cinesi dalla 48a
Biennale di Venezia (Chinese Terracota at the 48th Venice Biennial), Cornuda: Antiga
Edizoni, 2003
Cai Jin, oil painter, Tianjin and New York: Yang En, ed. Cai Jin, Beijing, Renmin Meishu
Chubanshe, 1995
Cui Xianji, abstract oil painter: Dao Zi, Cui Xianji: zuowei jingshengwaihua de ziranchouxiang,
Yishujie, 11/12-1998.
Chen Haiyan, Roberts, Claire, Chen Haiyan: Dream work, ART AsiaPacific, Issue 36 (2002)


Chen Zhen, Sans, Jerome, Paris: Chen Zhen, Artforum International, Vol.34, Issue 5, January
1996; review, tribute by Hou Hanru, Art AsiaPacific, 33, 2002; Chen Zhen in Akiko Miyake,
ed., Lets Talk About Art #0002, Transexperiences, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary
Art, 2002; Nakamura, Nobuo and Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series, Chen Zhen
in conversation with Xian Zhu, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 1998; Heartney,
Eleanor, Chen Zhen's legacy, Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 2, February 2003; Uslip, Jeffrey
Zur, Rachael, eds, Chen Zhen [a tribute], Long Island City, NY : P.S.1 Contemporary Art
Center, 2003; Rosenberg, David; Xu Min; Daniel Buren, Chen Zhen : invocation of washing
fire, Prato: Ori, 2003.
Ding Yi, Shanghai, painter: Xiao Kayu, Shanghai, ShanghART, 1997.
Dong Xiwen, deceased, oil painter: Chen Yingde, Shiping Dong Xiwen youhua, Mingbao Yuekan,
1, 1986, no.241.
Fang Junbi: Fan Tchun-pi, A Retrospective Exhibition of the Works of Fan Tchun-pi, Hong Kong,
Arts Centre,1978; Fan Tchun-pi, Bobot,M-T., Fan Tchun-pi, Paris, Muse Cernuschi, 1984
Fang Lijun: Furuichi, Y., Nakamoto, K. eds. Fang Lijun: Human images in an uncertain age,
Tokyo: Japan Foundation Asia Center, 1996; Chou, Yuting, The Floating Body in the Art of
Fang Lijun: An Artist's Comment on the Human Condition in Post-Cultural Revolution
China, China Information, Vol. XII, No.s 1&2, Semmer/Autumn, 1997Li Luming, Fang
Lijun, Hunan: Hunan Fine Arts Publications, 2001
Fang Zhaolin, neo-traditionalist painter, Wong,Wucius,Fang Zhaolin, Orientations, November
Feng Zikai: Hung Changtu, The Wartime Political cartoons of Feng Zikai, Modern China, 16:1,
January 1990; Barm, G., Feng Zikai: A Biographical and Critical Study, 1898-1975, Ph.D.
thesis, Australian National University, 1989.
Gao Jianfu: Wong Shiu Hon, Kao Chien-fus Theory of Painting, Hong Kong, Centre of Asian
Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1972; Wang Jiaohan, Gao Jianfu hualun shuping,
Xianggang daxue, 1972.
Geng Jianyi, Hangzhou, various media: Karen Smith, Baifen zhi wushi, Shanghai, ShanghART,
Gu Wenda, calligraphy and installations, New York: Gu Wenda, Yishu Biji, Xinmeishu, no.20,
6.1985. Zhongguo Meishubao, no.129, 11.1.1988; Gu Wenda, Women shidai de
shenqu,[tr.Jia Chunxian], Xinmeishu, no.4, 1996; Jaivin, Linda, Gu Wenda, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994; Erickson, Britta, Gu Wendas silent selves and pseudo characters,
Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000; [Gu Wenda], Xu Gan, Why Hair?, in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.10-12.; Yang, Xianeng., New
and Old: Gu Wendas Art and Chinese Traditions, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.13-17.;Cateforis, David., Gu Wendas United
Nations: A Consideration of Two Monuments, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.18-24.; Bessire, Mark H. C., Beyond the Body, in
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.25-26. Gu
Wenda: From Middle Kingdom to Biological Millennium, Symposium Discussion, in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.27-32.
Gu Xiong, review, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002
Gu Zhengguo: Taylor, Roger; Lasschuyt, Helga, Fire Works, World Art, no.2 1995.
Guan Shanyue, deceased, neo-tradtionalist painter: Guan Shanyue+Li Xiongcai: Two Chinese
Modern Masters / AGNSW, May 1985
Guo Hairen, neo-traditionalist painter, New York & Beijing: Lin Xiaoping, Guo Hairens Painting:
In search of Old Beijing, Orientations, no.2, 1992.
Guo Wei, Guo Jin, Sichuan, painter and sculptor: Zhong Ming, Rang huihua anding jiushininadai,
Guo Wei, Guo Jin chuangzaozhong de qiji, Yishujie, 9/10-1998; Goodman, Jonathan, 'Guo
Brothers at Michael Goedhuis', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003,
Spring Issue


He Chengyao: Life the Cover from Your Head, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art,
Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.20-24.
He Duoling: Nakayama, K. He Duoling, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Kindai Bijutsukan, 1988.
He Huaishuo: Stanley-Baker, Joan, The Art of Ho Huai-shuo, Hong Kong, Hibiya Ltd., 1981.
Hu Youben, Baoding, neo-traditionalist painter: Liu Xiaojun, Hu Youben Huaji, Nanning, Guangxi
Meishu Chubanshe, 1997.
Huang Binhong, deceased, neotradtional painter: Lai,T.C., Huang Binhong, Hong Kong, Swindon
Book Company, 1980; Shen Fu, Huang Binhongs Shanghai Period landscape paintings and
his late floral works, Orientations, September 1987
Huang Rui: Huang Rui, saka, Gallery Kaze & Chinese Modern Art Center, April 13th to 25th,
1992; Huang Rui, Tky, Gallery Ueda, March 8th to 22nd, 1991; Huang Rui, Tky, Gallery
Ueda: Warehouse, December 5th to 20th, 1986; Huang Rui, Tky, Monte Gallery,
September, 1990; Huang Rui in Abeno Soho, Gallery O, saka, broadsheet, November 1995.
Huang Yongping: Sans, Jerome, Marseille: Huang Yongping, Artforum International, Vol.34,
Issue 9, May1996; Views on Contemporary Chinese Art, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002; review,
Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002; Zacharopoulos, Denys and Hou, Hanru, Huang Yongping and Jean
Pierre Bertrand, Catalogue for the French Pavilion, 4th Venice Biennale, AFAA, 1999;
Nakamura, Nobuo and Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series, Huang Yongping:
Travel Guide for 2000-2046, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 1999; Huang
Yongping in Akiko Miyake, ed., Lets Talk About Art #0002, Transexperiences, Kitakyushu:
Center For Contemporary Art, 2002; Wei, Lilly, Huang Yong Ping at Barbara Gladstone,
Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 5, May 2002; Kppel-Yang, Martina, 'A Bat's Life, or Big
Brother is Watching You', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring
Issue; Kppel-Yang, Martina., A Bats Life, or Big Brother Is Watching You: A Case Study,
in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol.2, No.1, March 2003, p.101-109.
Huang Yuanqing: Li Xu, Exquisite Graffiti, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 2003,
Huang Zhou, deceased,neo-traditionalist painter: Huang Zhous Paintings/ Hong Kong, Wen Wei
Po, 1986; Huang Zhou, Roma, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, 1988.
Huang Zhou: Huang Zhou, Roma, Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, 1988; Huang Zhous
Paintings, Hong Kong, Wen Wei Po, 1986.
Jin Wenyu, Shanghai, oil painter: Jin Wenyu, [interview, Lorenz Helbling], Shanghai, ShanghART,
Jiang Bolin, Hangzhou, neo-tradtionalist painter: Chen Ruilin, Yibian Qiusheng, Guohuajia, 3,
Jiang Jie, Beijing, mixed media:Wang Nanming, Dui cuiruo de zuzhou, Jiangjie de yishu biaoda,
Yishujie, 1/2-1998.
Jiang Zhaohe: deceased, illustrator and neo-traditionalist painter Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, bian,
Liumintu, Jiang Zhaohe, Beijin, Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1994.
Jin Weihong, Nanjing, neo-tradtionalist painter: Jin Weihong [text, Bridget Goodbody]Shanghai,
ShanghART, 1998.
Lai Ziren, Beijing, neo-traditionalist painter: Ku Li, Zai pingjing de beihou, ping Lai Ziren de hua,
Yishujie, 9-10-1998.
Lesley Sanderson, Sanderson, Lesley., Change and Fabrication: the Body as Site for the Feminine
and Inter-cultural, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September
2003, p.25-29
Li Huasheng: Silbergeld J., Gong Jisui, Contradictions: Artistic Life, the Socialist State, and the
Chinese Painter Li Huasheng, Seattle and London, University of Washington, 1993
Li Keran, deceased, oil and neo-traditionalist painter: Li Keran Huayu, Shanghai, Shanghai Renmin
Meishu Chubanshe, 1997.
Li Meishu, deceased, oil painter, Li Meishu Huayu, Shanghai, Shanghai Renmin Meishu Chubanshe,


Li Tiefu, deceased oil painter: Chi Ge, Woguo youhua yishu de xianqu - Li Tiefu, Meishu, no.3,
Li Wei: Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano: Marella Arte
Contemporanea, 2003
Li Xiaoxuan Tianjin, neo-traditionalist painter: Lang Shaojun, Cong Xieshi dao Huangdan,
Changsha, Hunan Meishu Chubanshe, 1997; Li Xiaoxuan, Zhongguo dangdai minghuajia
shougao: Li Xiaoxuan, Changsha, Hubei Meishu Chubanshe, 1998.
Li Xiongcai, deceased, neo-tradtionalist painter: Guan Shanyue+Li Xiongcai: Two Chinese Modern
Masters, Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, May 1985
Lin Fengmian, deceased, oil painter; Lin Fengmian huayu, Shanghai, Shanghai Renmin Meishu
Chubanshe, 1997.
Ling Bingchuan, Barcelona, mixed media; Ling Bingchuan, Chuangzuo Zhaji, Yishujie,
Liu Dahong: Liu Dahong Paintings 1886-1992, Hong Kong, Schoeni Art Gallery, 1993.
Liu Jianping Shanghai, sculptor: Tian Shaokai, Zai houxiandai hundunzhong suzao shenghun,
Yishujie, 11/12-1998.
Liu Jin: Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano: Marella
Arte Contemporanea, 2003
Liu Wei: Healy, Anthony, Looking for trouble: Liu Wei, World Art, no.4, 1995.
Liu Zheng: Wu Hong, Photographing deformity: Liu Zheng and his photo series My
Countrymen, Public Culture, 13.3, Fall 2001.
L Shengzhong, Beijing, installation artist and painter: Quwei sunzhi weiminjian zibai,
Meishu, 1-1990; Zhongguo meishubao, no.173, 14.11.1986.
Lu Yanshao, Hangzhou, neo-traditionalist painter: Chen Zhenlian, Lu Yanshao Yishulun,
Xinmeishu, no.3, 1989.
Lu Ye, Beijing, Acrylic and oil painter: Lin Xiaoping, Fanatasy, Dream, and Play in Liu Yes Art
in Lu Ye, Mingjidi Gallery, 1997
Ma Desheng, Paris, ink painterand computer art: The Paintings of Ma Desheng, London, goedhuis
contemporary, 1999.
Ma Liuming, Beijing, Performance artist: Ivanova, Maranatha, Ambiguity, Absurdity, and
Self-Creation in the Art of Ma Liuming, Positions, vol.7, no.1, 1999; Qian Zhijian,
Performing Bodies: Zhang Huan, Ma Liuming, and Performance Art in China, Art Journal,
vol.58, no.2, Summer 1999; Wang Val, 'Ma Liuming', Chinese Type Contemporary Art
Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 6, December 1999, published Online at:;
Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano: Marella Arte
Contemporanea, 2003
Mao Xuhui: Wu Wenguang, Mao Xuhui, Yishujia xuanchang: Mao Xuhui, Jinri Xianfeng, 6,
Mayling To, To, Mayling., The Stranger: An Artists Statement in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.30-31.
Mo Yi [Ye] Xiamen, oil painter: Zhou Shaobin, Shinxieshi youhua de gouyi yu tushi: Mou Yi
youhua piping, Yishujie, 9-10-1998.
Mu Xin, Sensabaugh, David E., Mu Xin: A Wanderer With Roots, Orientations, Volume 32,
Number 8, October 2001; Goodman, Jonathan, The Art of MuXin, ART AsiaPacific, Issue
36 (2002); Goodman, Jonathan, Mu Xin at Yale University Art Gallery, Art in America, Vol.
90, Issue 9, September 2002
Ni Haifeng, Amsterdam, photography, installations; Ni Haifeng, Amsterdam, The artist, 1996
Ni Yide, deceased, oil painter and art theorist: Song Zhongyuan, ed., Niyide Huaji, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Meishu Xueyuan Chubanshe, 1991; Lin Wenxia, ed., Ni Yide meishulunji,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Meishu Xueyuan Chubanshe,1993.
Pan Tianshou, 1897-1971, neo-traditionalist painter: Xu Hong, Pan Tianshou zhuan [d. 1971],
Hangzhou, Zhongguo Meishu Xueyuan Chubanshe, 1997; Roberts, Claire, The art of Pan


Tianshou, in Cao Yiqiang, Fan Jingzhong, eds, Chinese Painting in the Twentieth Century:
Creativity in the Aftermath of Tradition, Zhejiang Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1997; Roberts,
Claire, Tradition and Modernity: the Life and Art of Pan Tianshou (1897-1971), East Asian
History, 15/16, June/December 1998.
Pang Maokun, Sichuan AFA, oil painter: Wang Lin, Huhan chensui zi hun, Pang Maokun de yishu
jingli, Yishujie, 11/12-1998
Qi Baishi, deceased, printer and neo-tradtionalist painter: Boney, A., Of Qi Baishi; Huang Miaozi,
From carpenter to painter:recalling Qi Baishi, both in Orientations, vol.20., no.4, April
1989; Jung Tsing Tsao, The Paintings of Xu Gu and Qi Baishi, 1993.
Qiu Shihua: Millichap, John, Seeing through the landscape, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.1, Jan/Feb
1996; Reust, Hans Rudolf, Qiu Shi Hua, Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 5, January
Ren Bonian, 1840-1896, precursor neo-traditionalist painter: Gong Chanxing, ed., Ren Bonian
Yanjiu, Tianjin, Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1982; Li Yu, Ren Bonian, Taibei, Xiongshi
Tushu, 1977; Shen Zhiyu, Guanyu Boniande xin shiliao in Gong Chanxing,bianzhu, Ren
Bonian Yanjiu, Tianjin: Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1982
Ru Shaofan, drawing: Hou Hanru, Wuyi zhuomo de kuaile jingjie, Jiangsu Huakan, 1-1999.
Shen Fan, Shanghai, abstract oils on paper: Wu Liang, The World of Shen Fan, Dieter Ronte,
Shen fan in a trilingual catalogue, Shanghai, 1996.
Shen Yuan, Paris, installation: Tawadros, Gilane et al, Shen Yuan, London & Bristol, Institute of
International Visual Arts, Arnolfini, Chisenhale Gallery, 2001; Carver, Antonia, Shen Yuan:
Just like a fish in water, ART AsiaPacific, Issue 35 (2002)
Shi Chong, Wu, Hung, Shi Chong in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 91
Shi Lei, Guangzhou, oil painter: Yang Guoqin, Shi Lei: cong ziran, shehui dao renti de tantao,
Yishujie, 11/12-1998.
Su Xinping: Scarff, Julian, Down to the sea, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999; Scarff, Julian,
Down to the Sea, Asian Art News, 9:1 1999; Shao Yiyang, Out of the Grasslands Art &
Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
Sun Liang, Wu, Lintian., Travels in the Mind, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6,
November/December 2003, p.72-77.
Song Dong: Huangfu Binghui, Interview with Song Dong, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002; Wu Hung,
Hou Hanru, Li Xianting, Leng Lin, Julia Walsh, et al., Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen, New
York: Chambers Fine Art, 2002; Goodman, Jonathan, 'Chopsticks: Song Dong and Yin
Xiuzhen at Chambers Fine Art', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003,
Spring Issue
Sui Jianguo, Beijing, CAFA, sculptor: Ma Qinzhong, Kaituo zhungguo dangdai diaosu de bunhua
yujing, guanyu Sui Jianguo zuopin de fenxibaogao, Yishujie, 7-1997; Sui Jianguo, Indu
dangdai yishu zhong de Xianshizhuyizhe , Dongfang, no.3, 1995; Sui Jianguo, Fuzhuang
de fuhao yu fuhao de fuzhuang, Meishubao [Hangzhou], 8-3-1999; Dewar, Susan, Sui
Jianguo and the sculptural dilemma, Asia-Pacific Sculpture News, vol.1, no.1, Winter, 1995.
Sun Jianping, Tianjin, oil painter: Sun Jianping Youhua Zuopinxuan, Tianjin, Tianjin Renmin
Meishu Chubanshe, 1995.
Tang Zhigang, Kunming / PLA, oil painter: Xie Junqin, Tang Zhigang: Yansu de youmo, Yishujie,
9-10-1998; Han, Stephenie, Tang Zhigang at Hanart TZ Gallery, Asian Art News, vol. 12,
no. 4, July/August, 2002
Tian Liming Beijing CAFA, neo-traditionalist painter: Tian Liming, Tian Liming Kegao, Wuhan,
Hubei Meishu Chubansha, 1998; Yin Jinan, preface, Tian Liming Huaji, Nanning, Guangxi
Meishu Chubanshe, 1991.
Wang Du, Paris, installation: Wang Du Magazine: je veux tre un mdia, no.1, t, 2001, Paris,
Design Metal;


Wang Guangyi, oil painter: Zhongguo Meishubao, no.39, of 28.9.1987, review Art AsiaPacific, 33,
2002; Merewether, Charles; Smith, Karen; and Yan Shanchen, ed. Wang Guangyi, Hong
Kong: Timezone 8, 2002
Wang Jiaxun, Jiangsu, painter, neo-tradtionalist painter: Chen Yanyi, Xianhua Wang Jiaxun de
gusi cihua, Yishujie, 9/10-1998.
Wang Jianwei: Views on Contemporary Chinese Art, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002
Wang Jiqian, New York, neo-traditionalist painter: Chang, A., The Landscape painting of Wang
Jiqian, Orientations, Janaury 1983.
Wang Jin: Wu Hong, A Chinese dream by wang Jin, Public Culture, 12.1, Winter 2000.
Wang Keping, Paris, sculptor: Wang Keping, London, de Tilly-Blaru, 2001; Les Voies de la
sculpture, Wang Keping, Paris, Jacques Barrre, 1999; Works by Wang Keping, Hong Kong,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Center for the Arts, 1997.
Wang Qinsong, Beijing, Photographer: Wang Qinsong, Wang Qinsong de sheying shijiao,
Yishujie, 9/10-1998; Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red,
Milano: Marella Arte Contemporanea, 2003
Wang Tianliang, Fuzhou, Head Arts and Crafts Academy: Huan Gen, Wang Tianliang, gulao
gongyi de shenmei zhuanhuan, Yishujie, 11/12-1998
Wang Wei, Tinari, Philip., If It Isnt Built, It Cant Be Torn Down: Notes on Wang Weis
Temporary Space, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September
2003, p.72-73.
Wang Xingwei: Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano:
Marella Arte Contemporanea, 2003
Wang Youshen: Chiu, Melissa, An Interview with Wang Youshen, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2;
Wu, Hung, Wang Youshen in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 93
Wen Lipeng, deceased, oil painter: Wen Lipeng, Wogu Zhixin: Xinzhongguo Youhua
Sanshiwunian duan xiang, Meishu, April, 1984.
Wu Guanzhong: Lim Lucy, ed., Wu Guanzhong, a contemporary Chinese artist., San Francisco:
Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, 1989; Farrer, Anne, Wu Guanzhong, A
twentieth century Chinese painter, London: British Museum, 1992; Wu Guanzhong, Ballingal,
Sonja., A Master of Emotions, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6, November/December
2003, p.56-63.
Wu Shanzhuan, Hamburg, installation artist: Zhongguo meishubao no.115, of 5.10.1987, Meishu
Wu Weihe, Weihe, Wu., Casting the Mold of Female Body and Identity: Reinterpreting Guang
Lien Zhuan (Biographies of Exemplary Women), Sasha S. Welland (tran.), in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.15-19.
Wu Zuoren, deceased,oil painter and neo-tradtionalist painter: Gigliesi, P., Wu Zuoren,
Orientations, vol.12, no.4, April 1981; Wu Zuoren, Wu Zuoren huaji, Renmin meishu
chubanshe, Peking, 1962.
Xu Beihong, deceased oil painter: Ai Zhongxin, Xu Beihong yangjiu, Shanghai Renmin Meishu
Chubanshe, 1981; Jiang Bihui, Huiyilu, Taibei, Huangkuan zazhishe, 1966, 1980; Liao
Jingwen, Xu Beihong, Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 1987 [and earlier Chinese editions];
Ma Fasi, Wode laoshi Xu Beihong, Meishu Yanjiu, 1980, no.4; Xie Lifa, Xu Beihong,
Taibei, Xiongshi Meishu, 1977; Wang, Eugene Yuejing, Xu Beihong and Chang Yu: sketch
conceptualism as modernist contigency, in Hearn, Maxwell; Smith, Judith G., eds, Chinese
Art, Modern expressions, New York, metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001; Yang, Shu-hwang,
Xu Bei-hong, Liu Hai-su, Lin Feng-mian, Thse de Doctorat, Universit de Paris IV, 1986
Xu Bing, New York, installations, prints, peformances: Feng Boyi, Dangdai xitong chule shenme
wenti, xishujia Xu Bing fangtanlu, Dongfang, no.5, 1996; Feng Boyi, Xu Bing, Dangdai
Yishu xitong de kunjing, Meishu Yanjiu, 1, 1997; Lee, Benjamin, Going public, Public
Culture, no.5, 1993; Smith, Karen, Xu Bing de xinzuo, Wenhua Dongwu , Xiongshi
Meishu no.285, 1994 [and interview]; Stone, Charles, Xu Bing and the printed Word, Public


Culture, vol.13, no.6, 1994; Yao Soucho, Books from Heaven: Literaryu Pleasure, Chinese
Cultural text and the Struggle Against Forgetting , Australian Journal of Anthropology,
vol.8, no.2, 1997; Zhang Zhaohui, Cultural Metamorphosis: The Art of Xu Bing and Cai
Guoqiang, unpublished MA in Curatorial Studies Thesis, Bard College, 1998; Zhang
Zhaohui, Tiandi zhi ji: Cai Guoqiang yu Xu Bing Suoshi biye zhanlan jihua shuomingshu,
Jiangsu Huakan, 2, 1999; Davidson, Christina., Words from Heaven, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.1, no.2, 1994; Xu Bing, Yangzhu wenda, Hongqi. no.1, 1994, p.87, text dated 1994.5;
Chen Yide, My opinion to the Book from Heaven , Meishu 12-1990; Zhongguo
meishubao, no.173, 14.11.1986; Xu Bing, Zhongguo Meishubao, no.201, of 29.5.1989; Xu
Bing, Gu Yuan de yiyi, Tianya, 1, 1997; Erickson, Britta, The art of Xu Bing : words without
meaning, meaning without words Washington, D.C. : Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian
Institution ; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001; Babel : contemporary art and the
journeys of communication, Birmingham: Ikon Gallery, 1999; Wu Hong, Transience :
Chinese experimental art at the end of the twentieth century, Chicago : The David and Alfred
Smart Museum of Art The University of Chicago, 1999; Yang, Alice, (edited by Jonathan
Hay and Mimi Young ) Why Asia? : contemporary Asian and Asian American art, New York
University Press, 1998; review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae,
Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of
Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Goodman, Jonathon,
Xu Bing: Cultural Translator, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002; Views on Contemporary
Chinese Art, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002; Borysevicz, Mathieu, Xu Bing at the Sackler, Art in
America, Vol. 90, Issue 9, September 2002
Xu Jiang: Views on Contemporary Chinese Art, Yishu, vol.1, no.1, 2002
Xu Shaoyan, Hebei, oil painter; Ma Qinzhong, Zhongmozhe tudide jinmai, Yishujie, 11/12-1998
Xue Song, Shanghai, painter & mixed media artist: Zhu Qi, Xue Song: yichie zhi shi yingxiang he
inshuapin, Yishujie, 9/10-1998.
Yan Peiming, Dijon, oil painter and sculptor: Besson, Christian, Yan Peiming, Paris, ditions
Hazan, 1999.
Yan Wenliao, deceased, oil painter: Fei Yifu, Yan Wenliang de youhua jifa, Xinmeishu, no.2,
1981: Jin Ye, Yanlao Fuzi, Xinmeishu, no.2, 1981
Yang Chunlin, Beijing, sculptor: Yin Ying, 98 Yang Chunlin:Shengcun yu Liebian, Beijing,
Zhongyang meishu Xuanyuan Hualang, 1998.
Yang Feiyun, Beijing, academic oil painter: Deng Pingxiang et al, Yang Feiyun, Macao, Century
Publishing, 1996
Yang Jiechang, Paris, painter, installation artist: Yang Jiechang, Another turn of the screw, Beijing,
Zhongyang Meishu Xueyuan Hualang, 1999; Yang Jiechang, Dong Cunrui, Taibei, Chengpin
Gallery, 1999; Yang Jiechang: double vue, Paris, Galerie Jeanne-Bucher, 2001
Yang Yong, Heartney, Eleanor, Yang Yong at Goedhuis Contemporaray at the Annex (Review) in
Art in America (June/July 2004), pp. 172
Yin Xin: Cheng, S., A life of his own, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.5, September/October 1994.
Young, John: Melbourne, oil painter: Chiu, Melissa, Meetings along the edge in John Young: The
Double Ground Paintings, Sydney, Australian Art Promotions, 1995, p.8.
Yu Hong, Przerwa, Xenia Tetmajer Von., Yu Hongs Witness to Growth: Historic Determination
and Individual Contingency in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3,
September 2003, p.34-42.
Yu Zhengyao: Majestic Mountains, Yu Chengyao at Ninety, Taibei, Hanart Gallery 1988; Yu
Chengyao, The Art of Yu Chengyao, Hong Kong, Hanart Gallery, 1987,
Yuan Yunsheng, Beijing, oil painter: Sun Jingbo, ed., Yuan Yunsheng sumiaoji, Nanning, Guangxi
Meishu Chunbanshe, 1998.
[Yuefenpai posters] Dal Largo, Francesca, Crossed legs in 1930s Shanghai: How Modern the
Modern Woman?, East Asian History, no.19, June 2000


Zeng Fangzhi: Chang Tzong-zung, The naked eye, Asian Art News, vol.5, no.2, March-April
Zeng Hao, Guangzhou, oil painter: Huang Zhan, Xiaofei shidai de jingshen xiaoxiang, Meishujie,
Zhang Dali: Wu Hong, Zhang Dalis dialogue: conversation with a city, Public Culture,
Borysevicz, Mathieu, Zhang Dali: Demolition and Dialogue, Beijing: The Courtyard Gallery,
Zhang Daqian, deceased, neotraditionalist painter: Shen Fu, Chang Da-chiens The Three Worthies
of Wu and his practice of forging ancient art, Orientations, vol.20, no.9., September 1989.
Fu, S., Challenging the Past: the paintings of Chang Dai-chien Washington, The Smithsonian
Insitution, Sackler Gallery, 1991; Liu Yang. A Long Journey to Nirvana: Chang Dai-Chiens
Life and Painting, TAASA Review, 7:3 1998
Zhang Hongbo: Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano:
Marella Arte Contemporanea, 2003
Zhang Hongtu / Hongtu Zhang: An Interview with Jonathan Hay, in Hay, John, ed., Boundaries in
China, London, Reaktion Books, 1994, p.298.
Zhang Hongtu, New York, assemblages, mixed media: Yung, Danny; Lee Hui-shu, Works by
Zhang Hongtu, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Center for the
Arts, 1998; Hay, Jonathan, Zhang Hongtu / Hongtu Zhang; an interview, in Hay, John, ed.,
Boundaries in China, London: Reaktion Books, 1994.
Zhang Huan, Yao, Souchou, Two Faces of Contemporary Art in China, in Artlink: The China
Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.16-19.; Ritson, Alicia., Zhang Huan- Performance, in
The Journal of the Asian Arts Society of Australia, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2004, p.12-13.
Zhang Peili, Hou Hanru, Zhang Peili in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 57
Zhang Xiaogang, Thomson, Jonathan, Historys Public Face in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 3
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Zhou Tiehai: Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano:
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Zhu Ming: Wang, Val, Zhu Ming, Chinese Type Contemporary Art Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 6,
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Roberts, Claire, New Art From China: Post-Mao Product, Sydney, Art Gallery of New South
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Strassberg, R.L., ed., I dont want to play cards with Czanne and other works, Pasadena, Pacific
Asia Museum, 1991.
Sullivan, Michael, Art and the Social Framework, Times Literary Supplement, 24-6-1983
Sullivan, Michael, Contemporary Chinese Painting from the Peoples Republic of China,
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Girard-Geslan, Maud, Chinese contemporary art: a new reflection, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July
Goodman, David S.G., Contending the popular: party-state and culture, positions: east asia
cultures critique, vol. 9, no.1 Spring 2001.


Grace, Helen., Xiandai Shufa, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.38-41.
Gustafson, Paula, Unveiled reality, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000.
Gu Zhenqing, and Li Yang, The Decade of the Rise, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23,
No. 4, 2003, p.63-67.
Gu, Zhenqing and Li Yang, Emerging from Behind the Screen of Female Art, in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.43-49.
Heartney, Eleanor, The body East, Art in America, April 2002.
Hou Hanru, Z.O.U.-Zone of Urgency, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.2, no.,
June 2003.
Hou Hanru, Canton Express, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1,
March 2004, p.14-16.
Hou Hanru, Barricades: The Big Tail Elephants, Hou Hanru and Andrey Powell (trans.), in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.47-55.
Jordan, Francesca and Marella, Primo, China Art Now: Out of the Red, Milano: Marella Arte
Contemporanea, 2003.
Jordan, Francesca, Aperto Beijing in Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No. 231 (July-September 2003), pp.
Kppel-Yang, Martina., From the Heart of Canton, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.7-13.
Kppel-Yang, Martina, The Ping-Pong Policy of Contemporary Chinese Art in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 60-66
Li Hsiao-ti Making a name and a culture for the masses in modern China, positions: east asia
cultures critique,vol. 9, no.1 Spring 2001.
Lu, Sheldon, Beautiful Violence: War, Peace, Globalization in positions: east asian cultures
critique, Vol. 12, No. 3 (winter 2004)
Lum, Ken, Interview with Hou Hanru, Lin Yilin Big Tail Elephant in the 1990s, Yishu: Journal
of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.2, no., June 2003.
Maggio Meg, From action to image, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
Merewether, Charles., The Spectre of Being Human, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.58-81.
Movius, Lisa, AShanghai Spring in Art in America (June/July 2004), pp. 146-149
Napack, Jonathan, Young Beijing in Art in America (June/July 2004), pp. 142-143
Ni Tsai-chin, Globalization and contemporary Chinese art, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, vol.2, no., June 2003.
Salmenkari, Taru, Impelementing and avoiding control: contemporary art and the Chinese state,
China: an international journal, vol. 2, no. 2, September 2004.
Scarlett, Ken., A Feast of Sculpture (The World Sculpture Park and the International Sculpture
Conference at Changchun), in World Sculpture News, Vol.9, No.4, Autumn 2003, p.36-40.
Scarlett, Ken, sculpture, and yet more sculpture, at Changchun, China in Art Monthly Australia,
No. 169 (May, 2004), pp. 34-37
Shen, Kuiyi., Landscape as Cultural Consciousness in Contemporary Chinese Art, in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.33-40.
Shu Yang, Purity A Dip Interview with 103, Hong Kong: Culture of China Publications Co., Ltd.
Silbergeld, Jerome, Waltzing with the Censor: Private Conventions of Protest in Contemporaery
Chinese Art, Seatle Art Museum, Fourth Annual Colloquium, April 2000
Smith, Karen., The Cost of Creativity, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003,
Smith, Karen, The Future: In Whose Hands in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June
2004, pp. 53-59
Tsao, Hsingyuan, Fun, Pleasure-Seeking, but Thoughtful: On Urban Popular Culture in China in
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 89-102


Ulrich Obrist,Hans, The Museum of the Future: Art, Architecture, Science, and Technology in
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 67-72
Vine, Richard, Report fromShanghai, Art in America, July 2001
Vine, Richard, 'Picturing China, old and new', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4, April 2003
Vine, Richard, The Academy Strikes Back in Pollock, Barbara, Mainland Dreams on Tape in Art
in America (June/July 2004), pp. 135-141
Wei, Lilly., On Chinese Artists and the Marketplace: Xu Bing and Zhang Huan in America, in Art
AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.28-30.
Welland, Sasha K., Travelling artists, travelling art, ethnographic luggage, Yishu, vol.1, no.2,
Wu Hung, ed., The First Guangzhou Triennial, Reinterpretation: A Decade of Experimental Chinese
Art, Guangdong: Guangdong Museum of Art, 2002
Yao, Souchou, Two Faces of Contemporary Art in China, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol.
23, No. 4, 2003, p.16-19.
Yap Chin Chin., New Art Spaces in Beijing, in Art AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.34-36.
Ye, Sang, Dragon seeds and flea circuses: moments in new Chinese art, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2,
July 2000
Yuan Feng. and Yang Xiaoyan, The Ostentatious Pearl River Delia, Michael Fei (tran.), in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.22-31.
Zhang Qing, Architectural junctions: where contemporary artists play up the imagination of
architectural space, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.2, no., June 2003.
Zhang Zhaohui, Globalisation, Urbanisation, and New Chinese Art, Huangfu, Binghui,
Site+Sight: Translating Cultures, Huangfu, Binghui, Site+Sight: Translating Cultures,
Singapore, LaSalle-SIA, 2002.
Recent Ink Painting
Erickson, Britta, The contemporary artistic deconstruction and reconstruction of brush and ink
painting, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.2, no., June 2003
New Art Practices and New Media
Huang Du, Outside the real: a new form of video art in China, Sydney, Gallery 4A, 1998 (review,
Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
Lu, Carol, Clothes and Capsules: New Installation Art From China in Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No.
231 (July-September 2003), pp.94-96
Ou Ning., Shadows of Time, Simon Young (tran.), in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.63-69.
Ou Ning, Revealing Keys to the Riddle of Reality: Moving Images of the Pearl River Delta From
1999 to 2003 in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 15-21
Palermo, Damon and Campbell, Paloma, An International Discourse on New Chinese Video and
Selected Exhibitions in China - 1990s-Present
Gilbert & George, Nieuwenhuizen van, Martijn, Les Infos du Paradis Gilbert & George in China
Parkett, No. 38, 1993
Shui Tianzhong, Shao Dazhen et al, Meishu pipingjia niandu timingzhan, (1994 Youhua),Chengdu,
Sichuan Meishuchubanshe, 1994.
Liao Wen, Zhongguo dangdai yishuzhong de nuxing fangshi / Womens approach toChinese
Contemporary Art, Beijing, Zhongguo Yishu Bowuguan, 1995, May.


Huang Zhan et al, Shouceng Dangdai Yishu Xueshu Yaoqingzhan, 1996/1997,Guangzhou,

Guangdong Lingnan Meishu chubanshe, 1996. [see reports in Hualangnos 5&6, 1996].
Qiu Zhijie, Wu Meichun, Xianxiang/Yingxiang luxiang yishuzhan: Yishu yu lishi yizhi& Lu Xiang
Yishu Wenxian, Hangzhou, The Authors, 1996.
Leng Lin, Feng Boyi, Qian Zhijian, Zhang Xu, Zhongguo zhi Meng, 97 ZhongguoDangdai Yishu,
Beijing, Sungari International Auctions, 1997.
Song Dong, Guo Shirui, Yesheng, 1997 Nian Jing zheshi, Beijing, Xiandai YishuZhongxin, 1997
[includes a chronology for chiefly avant-garde and performance artsince 1986]
Wu Meichun, 97 Zhongguo Luxiang Yishu Guanmo, Beijing, Zhongyang MeishuXueyuan
Hualang, 1997.
Zhu Qi, Xinyazhou, Xinchengshi, Xinyishu: 97 Zhonghan dangdai yishuzhan, Shanghai,Shanghai
Dangdai Meishuguan, 1997.
Feng Boyi, Cai Qing, Shengcun Hengji: 98 Zhongguo Dangdai Yishu NeibuGuanmozhan / Trace of
Existence: A Private Showing of China Contemporary Art 98,Beijing, Art Now Studio,
January 1998.
0431.1998 Luxiang, Diannao yishuzhan, Changchun, Jilinsheng Gongyeshiji Xuexiao, see Huang
Yan in Yishujie, 11/12-1998.
Huang Du, Kongjian yu Shijue/Space and Vision: The impression of transmuting dailylives in
Beijing, 1998, Beijing, Dangdai Meishuguan, July
Leng Lin, Shi Wo/Its Me [unrealized], Beijing, Xiandai Yishu Zhongxin, November.
Liao Wen, Liang Xing Pingdai Yishu zhan (Personal Touch) Tianjin, Taida DangdaiYishu
Bowuyuan, 1998.
Fan Dian et al, 98 [Fuzhou] Yataidiqu Dangdai Yishu Yaoqingzhan Zuopinji, Fuzhou, 1998.
98 Shanghai Meishu Shuang Nianzhan [review by Gu Zhengfeng, Tayue biangu deyichang
sheng, Jiangsu Huakan, no.1, 1999].
Jia Fangzhou, Lin Lin et al, Fanshi Zishen yu Huangjing zhan, Beijing, BeijingshiJianshe Daxue,
November 1998.
Pi Daojian et al, 90 Niandai Zhongguo Shiyan Suimo / Experimental Wash Painting ofChina in the
90s, Hong Kong, Shijie Huaren Meishu Chubanshe, 1998.
Schneider, Eckhard R., et al, Chuantong / Fansi: Zhonguo dangdai Yishuzhan; ImSpiegel der
Eigenen Tradition, Austellung Zeitgenssischer Chinesischer Kunst, Beijing, Botschaft der
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, November 1998. [report by FengHuanian in Jiangsu Huakan, 2,
Yin Shuangxi, Beijing Qingnian Diaosujia Zuopin Lianzhan, Beijing Qingnian Diaosujia
Chuangzuo Yanjiuzu, 1998.
Zhang Zhaohui, Shu Hewen, Pianzhi/The Corruptionists, Beijing, The Curators,November 1998.
Chang, Tsong-zung, Fast>>Forward: New Chinese Video Art, Macao, Centro de
ArteContempornea de Macau & Hong Kong, TZ Hanart, 1999.
Zhang Xiaogang, ed., Shanghe Meishuguan 99 Xueshu Yaoqing zhan, Chengdu,Shanghe
Meishuguan, [16th April to 15th May].
Zhang Zhaohui, Cong Zhongguochufa xin yishu zhan / Departure from China; A NewChinese Art
Exhibition, Beijing, Shiji Bowuguan, 1999 [unrealized, catalogue includesa chronology for
Li Xianting, Fenbenyixi / Poly Phenolrene, Beijing, Bow Gallery [May 8th].
Xu Zhen, Yang Zhenzhong, Alexander Brandt, curators, Chaoshi / Art for Sale, [held inShanghai],
Beijing, Xiandai Yishu Zhongxin.
Wu Meichun, Qiu Zhijie et al, Houganxing: Yixing yu Wangxiang / Post sensibility:Alien Bodies
and Delusion, Beijing, 1999.
Wu Shixiong, Kong Ying, A Tour of Chinese Arts at the End of the the 20th


Century, Beijing Xinshikong Club, Asian Games Village.

Ai Weiwei, Feng Boyi, Buhezuo Fangshi /Fuck Off, catalogue, 2000
Gu Zhenqing, Yichang yu Richang / Unusual & Usual, Shanghai, Yuangong Xiandai Meishu
Zhanlanguan, 2000
Shanghai Biennale
Weng Lin, Towards a New Image: Twenty Years of Contemporary Chinese Painting, [bilingual]
Beijing, Beijing Visual Art Development Co., Ltd., 2001 [Cai Jin, Ding Yi, Fang Lijun, Liu
Wei, Liu Xiaodong, Luo Zhongli, Mao Yan, Sun Liang, Wang Guangyi, Xu Jiang, Ye
Yoingqing, Yu Hong, Yue Minjun, Yan Peiming, Yang Jiecang, Zeng Fanzhi, Zeng Hao,
Zhang Xiaogang, Zheng Zaidong, Zhou Chunya].
Navarra, Enrico, et al, Made by Chinese, Paris, Galerie Enrico Navarra & Hong Kong, Hanart TX.
[Wang Jianwei], Pijnapppel, Johan, Wang Jianwei, Material for Thinking, Art Asia Pacific, No.34,
[Beijing Afloat], Feng Boyi curator, BTAP, Pijnappel, Johan, Beijing Afloat at Beijing Tokyo Art
Projects, Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
[Guangzhou Triennial] Wu Hung, ed., The First Guangzhou Triennial, Reinterpretation: A Decade
of Experimental Chinese Art, Guangdong: Guangdong Museum of Art, 2002; Wu Hung,
Contesting Global/Local: Chinese Experimental Art in the 1990s, Orientations, Volume 33,
Number 9, November 2002 [Guangzhou Triennial focus]; Spalding, David, The First
Guangzhou Triennial, Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No. 229, March-April 2003; Li, Zhe,
Stepping Out In Guangzhou, 2002 Guangzhou Triennial Review, Asian Art News, vol. 13,
no. 1, January/February 2003; Wong, Aida-Yuen, 'Vestiges of Time/ Elemental Spring:
Zhang Jian-Jun and Barbara Edelstein in Guangdong', Yishu: Journal of Chinese
Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring Issue; Kppel-Yang, Martina, 'A Bat's Life, or Big
Brother is Watching You', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring
[Shanghai Biennale] Xu Jiang and Li Xiangyang, ed., 2002 Shanghai Biennale, The Shanghai
Biennial, Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No. 229, March-April 2003Shanghai: Shanghai Art
Museum, 2002
Huang Zhuan and Pi Li, ed., Image is Power, Hunan: Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2002
Gao Minglu, ed., Chinese Maximalism, Beijing: Chongqing Publishing House
Lim, Michelle., History from Wood (The Exhibition of Half a Century of Chinese Woodblock
Prints: From the Communist Revolution to the Open Door Policy and Beyond, 1945-1998), in
Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1, January/February 2004, p.60-65.
Machan, Kim, MAAP in Beijing 2002, Beijing: Hebei Education Publishing House
Stringa, Nico, Terrecotte Cinesi dalla 48a Biennale di Venezia, Cornuda, Grafiche Antiga, 2003
[English essays by Dal Largo, Erickson, Stringa]
[1st Beijing Biennale] Smith, Karen, 1st Beijing Biennale (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39
(Winter 2004), p. 78
[Chinese Maximalism] Yap, Chin Chin, Chinese Maximalism in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), p. 37
[Left Wing (Cao Fei, Fang Lijun, Gu Dexin, Song Dong, Sui Jiangguo, Zhuang Hui, Du Zhenjun,
Huang Yongping, Shen Shaomin)], Zhang, Zhaohui., Left Wing at Left Bank Gallery, in
Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1, January/February 2004, p.76-77; Left Wing: An Exhibition
of Contemporary Chinese Art (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 80-81
[Twenty Year Anniversary of Hanart T.Z. Gallery] Thomson, Jonathan, Themes and Variations,
in History in Asian Art News , Vol. 14, Number 4 (July/August 2004), pp.46-53


Scarlett, Ken., Changchun, China: to Confront or Confirm in Artlink: The China Phenomenon,
Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.72.
Tetmajer, Xenia., The Power of the Public Realm at the 2500 Cultural Transmission Space
(review), in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2, March/April 2004, p.85.
Selected Exhibitions outside China
Jean-Hubert Martin Les Magiciens de la Terre, Centre Pompidou, 1989 [exhibited Huang
Yongping, Gu Dexin, Yang Jiechang]
Fei Dawei, ed, Art Chinois: Chine Demain pour Hier, [Cai Guoqiang, Yang Jiechang, Yan Peiming,
Gu Wenda, Huang Yongping, Chen Zhen], Aix en Provence, Les Domaines de lart &
Editions Carte Segrete, 1990
Chinese Mainland Artists Exhibition(?), at California Institute of Art, September [report by Wang
Shouzhi in Mingbao Yuekan, September 1993.
Andrews, Julia, F.; Gao Minglu, Fragmented Memory: The Chinese Avant Garde in Exile
Columbus, Ohio State University, Wexner Center for the Arts, 1993.
Ballegeer, Jan Pieter, Ink and Light: Collision Dialogue Blending, Gent, Lineart, 1995.
Wang Luyan, Chen Shaoping, Gu Dexin, Arbeit der Gruppe Neuer Mastab (4), Berlin, New
Gallery Association
Wang Luyan, Chen Shaoping, Gu Dexin, Grup Xin Kedu (Nova Mida), Obra V
Zhu Zhu, Zhongguo Banhua Jiezuo / Meisterwerke Chinesischer Grafik, Aachen, Ludwigforum fr
Internationale Kunst & Beijing, Zhongyang Meishuxeueyuan, n.d. [1996].
Another Long March: Chinese Conceptual and Installation Art in the Nineties, Breda, Fundament
Hou Hanru, Parisien(ne)s, London, Camden Arts Centre & INIVA, 1997.
Colman, Julia; Bois, Ludovic, Chinese Contemporary, 96-98, London, Chinese Contemporary
Limited, 1998.
Fibicher, Bernard, Groschwanzelefan / Big Tail Elephant, Bern, Kunsthalle, 1998
Gao Minglu, ed., Inside Out, San Francisco, Musem of Modern Art & New York, Asia Society.
Keusen, Elle; Schmidt, Inge; Weihs, Helge, Per Video, Kln, Museum Ludwig, 1998.
Solomon, Andrew, China: 5,000 Years, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 9, May1998
Werner, Chris; Qiu Ping; Pitzen, Marianne, Die Hlfte des Himmels, Bonn, Frauenmuseum, 1998.
Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka, 1999.
Biennale di Venezia, 1999.
Smith, Karen & Pi Li, Representing the People, Beijing, The Courtyard Gallery & Newcastle, Tyne
and Weir Museums, 1999.
Tang Xin & Urle U, 1999 Cologne-Beijing, Beijing-Cologne Exchange Exhibition, Kln, Gothaer
Kunstforum, 1999.
Wu Hong, Transience: Chinese Art at the End of the 20th Century, The Smart Museum of Art,
University of Chicago, 1999.
Logan Collection, San Francisco, Limn Gallery, 1999.
China 1999, San Francisco, Limn Gallery, 1999.


Wu Meichun, Zheng Shengtian, Truths from the Open Door: Chinese Conceptual Photography,
(Supported by the Annie Wong Foundation), Bangkok, Art Gallery of Chulalongkorn
University, 1999.
Fu Shen, Nouveau reflets de la terre natale six peintres de Taiwan, Paris, Centre Culturel et
dinformation de Tapei Paris, 1999.
Jouanno, Evelyine; Hou Hanru, Paris pour escale, [incl. Chen Zhen, Huang Yongping, Shen Yuan,
Wang Du, Yang Jiechang] Paris, ARC- Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2000
Nuridstany, Michel, Next Generation / Art Contemporain dAsie, Paris, [Galerie] Passage de Retz,
Storer, Russell, Shanghai Star, Art Asia Pacific, No.34, 2002.
[Paris-Pekin] Chang Tsong-zung and Decrop, Marc, ed., Paris-Pekin, Paris: Chinese Century,
2002; Ullens, Baronn Guy F and Binks, Hillary, The Collecting Instinct, Asian Art News,
vol. 12, no. 4, July/August, 2002; Cros, Marcel, An Interview with Guy Ullens
[Paris-Pekin exhibition focus], Orientations, Volume 33, Number 8, October 2002
[Alors la Chine?] Berghuis, Thomas J., Alors la Chine? Paris (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38
(Fall 2003), pp. 79-80
[Between Past and Future] Wu Hung, About Between Past and Future: New Photography and
Video from China in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 5-14; Vine,
Richard, Sixty Ways of Looking at China (Review) in Art in America (June/July 2004), pp.
[Chinese Maximalism] Yap, Chin Chin, Chinese Maximalism in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), p. 37
[Public Space and Personal Eyes A New Vision in China] Vnuk, Gordana, Public Space and
Personal Eyes A New Vision in China (Catalogue) Hamburg: Kampnagel, 2003
[Rong Rong], Goodman, Johathan., Rong Rongs East Village at Chambers Fine Art, in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.106-108.
[Wang Wei], Tinari, Philip., If It Isnt Built, It Cant Be Torn Down: Notes on Wang Weis
Temporary Space, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September
2003, p.72-73.
Chang, Tsongzung., A Strange Heaven: Contemporary Chinese Photography (A Strange Heaven:
Contemporary Chinese Photography), in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2
No. 4, December 2003, p.59-67.
Chiu, Melissa., China Reinvented: The Art of Overseas Chinese Artists in the United States, in
Clark, John., Alors, la Chine?, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.68-71
Geczy, Adam., Yang Jiechang (review), in Art AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.77-78.
Goodman, Jonathan, Chen Zhen At P.S.1 (review), in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September 2003, p.105-106.
Goodman, Jonahan., Chopsticks: Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen at Chambers Fine Art (review), in
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol.2, No.1, March 2003, p.93-94.
Goodman, Jonahan., Guo Brothers at Michael Goedhuis, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, Vol.2, No.1, March 2003, p.98-100.
Goodman, Jonathan., Tseng Kwong Chi at Chambers Fine Art, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.91-93.
Heartney, Eleanor, One to One: Visions Recent Photographs From China at Chambers (Review)
in Art in America (June/July 2004), pp. 172-173
Kppel-Yang, Martina, The Ping-Pong Policy of Contemporary Chinese Art in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp. 60-66
Lemonnier, A., ed. Alors, la Chine?, Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2003.


Lu, Carol, Chinese Pavilion Abolished in Flash Art, Vol. XXXVI, No. 231 (July-September 2003),
p. 51
Przerwa, Xenia Tetmajer Von., Too Much Flavor at Chambers Fine Art, New York (review), in
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.122-123.
Pollock, Barbara, Mainland Dreams on Tape in Art in America (June/July 2004), pp. 130-134
Ulrich Obrist, Hans, Madacity (Review) in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June
2004, pp. 103
Fei Dawei, The Monk and the Demon (Catalogue), Lyon: Muse dArt Contemporain de Lyon, 2004
Kppel-Yang, Martina, Odyssey (s) 2004, (Catalogue), Shanghai: Shanghai Gallery of Art, 2004
Chinese Graphic Art since the Late 19th Century to 1949
Buck, P.S., China in Black and White, New York, Asia Press/John Day, 1944
Clark, John, Progress in Prints Asian Art News, vol.7, no.1, Jan/Feb 1997
Dixon, C., Chinese Woodcuts of the Thirties and Forties, [checklist], Canberra, Australian National
Gallery, 1987
Epstein, I., I visit Yenan, Bombay, Peoples Publishing House, April 1945, [reproductions of
woodblocks and New York Times reports of 1944].
Holm, D., Art and Ideology in Revolutionary China, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991 [also see The
woodcut movement, 1930-1943, Chapter Four in his Oxford University Ph.D. thesis which
was not included in this published version].
Flath, James A., Printing Culture in Rural North China, PhD diss., University of British Columbia,
Kotzenberg,H., Der Revolutionre Holzschnitt Chinas, Kln, Museum frOstasiatische Kunst, 1987
Laing, Ellen Johnston, Art & Aesthetics in Chinese Popular Prints: Selections from teh Muban
Foudnation Collection, Ann Arbor, Center for Chinese Studies The University of Michigan,
Laing, Ellen Johnston,Reform, Revolutionary, Political and Resistance Themes in Chinese Popular
Prints, 1900-1940, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 12.2 Fall 2000.
Lust, John, Chinese Popular prints, Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1996.
Machida Shiritsu Kokusai Hanga Bijutsukan, Yamanshi Kenritsu Bijutsukan hen, 1930nendai,
Shanghai, Rojin, Machida, Machida Shiritsu Kokusai Hanga Bijutsukan, 1994
Tanya McIntyre, Chinese New Year Pictures: The Process of Modernization, 1842-1942, PhD
thesis, University of Melbourne, 1998.
Minick, S., Jiao, P., Chinese Graphic Design in the Twentieth Century, London, Thames & Hudson,
Pedersen, Bent L., Popular pantheons in od, China, Jounral of Oriental Studies, 26.1, 1988.
Sun, Shirley Hsiao-ling, Lu Xun and the Woodcut Movement:1929-1936, Ph.D. diss., Stanford
University, 1974
Uchiyama Kakitsu, Nara Kazuo, Rojin to Mokkoku, Tky, Kenbun Shuppan, 1981.
Uchiyama Shoten to Uchiyama Kanz, Uchiyama, vol.3, no.9, Autumn, 1985. [A special issue of
the house journal of Uchiyama Shoten with reminiscences and a chronology of Uchiyama
Van Briessen, F., Shanghai-Bildzeitung, 1884-1898, Zrich, Atlantis Verlag, 1977.
Woodcuts of Wartime China, Hong Kong, Tiandi Tushu, 1978
Chinese Graphic Art after 1949
[Ying Tianqi] Liu Xiaochun,Out of Xidi and regeneration, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
[Zhao Yannian] Zhang Zongren, In the eye of the storm, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6, 1999
Fraser, S.E., 100 Great Chinese Posters, London, Studio Vista, 1977.
Grace, Helen., Xiandai Shufa, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.38-41.


Jiang, Joshua J. H., The Extermination or the Prosperity of Artists?, in The Third Text, Vol. 18,
Issue 2, 2004, p.169-182.
Jiang Weipu, intr., Chinese Comics, Beijing, China Exhibition Agency, 1986.
Meissner,W., Holzschnitt im Neuen China, Berlin, Gesellschaft fr Verstndigung und Freundschaft
mit China, 1976
Minick, S., Jiao, P., Chinese Graphic Design in the Twentieth Century, London, Thames & Hudson,
Mui Chong-ki, Contemporary Chinese Woodcut Prints Exhibition, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ArtsCentre, 1986
Riley, R., Modern Chinese Prints from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Peking, Preston, Harris
Museum and Art Gallery, 1987
Sun, S., Modern Chinese Woodcuts, San Francisco, Chinese Culture Foundation, 1979
Wachs, Iris & Chang Tsong-zung, Half a Century of Chinese Woodblock Prints, Ein Harod, The
Museum of Art, 1999.
Selected works on Modern Chinese Intellectual and Political History before 1949
Barm, Geremie, The Garden of Perfect Brightness, a life in ruins East Asian History, 11, July
Barm, Geremie, The Garden of Perfect Brightness: A Manchu Vision of China, Visual Arts +
Culture, vol.1, no.1, 1998.
Cahill, J., Style as idea in Ming-Ching painting, in Meissner, M., Murphy R., eds, The Mozartian
Historian, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1976
Chen, Jerome, China and the West, London, Hutchinson, 1979.
Chen, Jerome, Mao and the Chinese Revolution, London, Oxford University Press, 1965.
Chow, Tse-tsung, The May Fourth Movement, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960.
Dai, Jinhua, Behind Global Spectacle and National Image Making in positions: east asia cultures
critique, volume 9, number 1 (spring 2001), pp. 161-186
Elvin, M., Mandarins and Millenarians: Reflections on the Boxer Uprising 1899-1900, in Baker,
H.D.R.; Feuchtwang, S., eds. An Old State in New Settings, Oxford, JASO Occasional Papers,
no.8, 1991.
Elvin, M., The Inner World of 1830, Daedalus, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts
and Sciences, 120, 2, Spring 1991
Elvin, M. How did the cracks open? The origins of the subversion of Chinas late-traditional
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Web Resources
There are a large number of web sites dealing with contemporary Chinese art. For updates links see
in particular the Asian Art Archives links page given under the Web Resources section.
Published by Artbeatus Gallery, Vancouver and Hong Kong.
Japan site, mostly in Chinese, titled Chinese Art Gallery.
Ethan Cohen Fine Art -Contemporary & Emerging Asian Artists gallery.
Leading continental European gallery focusing on Chinese contemporary art.
Asia Society online section on the groundbreaking Inside Out exhibition.
Chinese ContemporaryArt Association (Switzerland).
Chinese Contemporary Art Bulletin
Image archive of top name artists.
Japan since early 1997, New China Cybertown.
TZ Hanart Gallery (Hong Kong), contemporary art from the mainland.
Ohio State University works of Guggenheim exhibition, China: 5000 Years.
Red Gate Gallery, Beijing.

Shanghart Gallery in Shanghai.
Britta Erickson bibliography.
Chinese Arts Centre London.
Web site of Hong Kong Art Archive which includes bibliography:
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Abbas, M. A., Hong Kong: culture and the politics of disappearance, Minneapolis: University of
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Acret, Susan., An Archive of Visions, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.68-69.
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Benson and Hedges, Selection of Hong Kong Art, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1981.
Chang, Tsong-zung, A pact of separate peace, Art & Asia Pacific, no.1, supplement to Art &
Australia, March 1993.
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Chang, Tsong-zung, Visionaries and Icon Painters: One Aspect of Hong Kong Contemporary Art,
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Chang, Tsongzung., Economic Downturn in Hong Kong Breathes New Life into culture, in
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Chen, M., Ten Years of Hong Kong Painting, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1987
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Clarke, David, Aspects of Art and Public Space in Hong Kong during the Handover Period. TAASA
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Clarke, David, Art & Place: Essays on art from a Hong Kong perspective, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
University Press, 1996 [review: Clark, Art AsiaPacific, no.18, 1998.
Clarke, David, Hong Kong Art; Culture and Decolonization, London, Reaktion Books, 2001.
Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1989
Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1979, 1981, 1989
[Ha Bikchuen], Findlay, Ian., A Singular Life, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.1, January/February
2003, p.68-69.
Ho, H-K., Turn of a Decade: A new generation of artists in the 80s, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1989
Joliffee, H., Macau Marvels, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.6, Nov-Dec 1994.
Jnior, Antonio Conceico., Contemporary Art in Macao, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary
Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004, p.70-73.
Kee, Joan, Art, Hong Kong, and Hybridity: A Task of Reconsideration, in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.90-98.
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Lee, Quentin, Delineating Hong Kong Intellectuals: speculations on intellectual problematics and
Post / Coloniality, Third Text, 28/29, Autumn/Winter 1994.
Leung, Po Shan, In Anticipation of Mens Art: Re-reading Womens Art in Hong Kong, Sasha S.
Welland (tran.), in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 3, September
2003, p.8-14.
Ma, Eric Kit-Wai, Re-Advertising Hong Kong: Nostalgia Industry and Popular History in
positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 9, number 1 (spring 2001), pp. 131-159
Ma Lin et al, Contemporary Chinese Painting, Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Pai, Maggie, Perspectives on 20th century Chinese Painting, [Xubaizhui International
Symposium], Asian Art News, vol.6, no.1, Jan/Feb 1996.
Tam, L.S., Hong Kong Artists: The Early Generation, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1978
Tam, L.S., Urban Council Art Award Winners, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1978
Tan Zhicheng, Dangdai Xiangang Yishujia Shuangnianzhan Xiangang Shizhengju 1979
Tan Zhicheng, Xiangang Qianbei Yishujia, Xiangang Shizhengju, 1978
Turn of a Decade: A New Generation of artists of the Eighties, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1989.
Visual Art Society Annual Exhibition, Catalogue, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 1979.
Visual Arts Society, Annual Exhibition, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1979
Wong, A., Hong Kong Arts Centre Inaugural Exhibition, 1977
Hong Kong Ink Painting
Cheung, Lucia in Asian Art News, 2, no.5 Sept/Oct 1992.
Artists and Art - Contemporary Chinese Paintings, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1989
Calligraphy by Contemporary Chinese Masters, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1981
Chou, Irene, Boccaccios Decameron: Paintings on Silk by Irene Chou, Hong Kong, Faramir Ltd.,
1976; Kirker, Anne, catalogue entry in Turner, C. ed. The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of
Contemporary Art, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, 1993; Collectors Choice: The Cosmic
Vision of Zhou Lyun, Hong Kong, Cat Street Galleries, 1995; Kirker, Anne, Poised in
Equilibrium, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994; Irene Chou, [pamphlet], the artist,
Chui Tze-hung, Kan Tai-keung, Ng Yiu-chung, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1981
Ding Yanyong; Only a Lifework would a triumph score, Hong Kong Plum Blossoms Gallery , 1988;
Wang Runsheng, Ding Yanyong zuopin huiguzhan, Xiangang, Yishuzhongxin, 1979.
Fang Zhaoling, Hong Kong, Fang Zhaoling, 1981; Clarke, David, The insufficiency of tradition;
paintings by Fang Zhaolin and Chu hing-Wah, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995
Ink painting of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1987
Kan Taikeung, Kan Taiqiang huaji, Xinshiyushe, Xianggang, 1979
Koo Mei, Hong Kong, City Hall, 1980; Koo Mei, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1981
Lui Shou-kwan, Landscape Paintings by Lui Shou-kwan, Hong Kong, Fung Ping Shan Museum,
1985; Wucius Wong, Lui Shou-kwan, 1919-1975, Hong Kong, Lui Mui Sin-ping, 1979
Lin Fengmian / Clarke, David, Lin Fengmian and European Art The Art of Lin Fengmian, Hong
Kong, Arts Centre, 1992; Lin Fengmian/Clarke, David, Exile from Tradition: Chinese and
Western Traits in the art of Lin Fengmian, Oriental Art XXXIX, no.4, Winter 1993-4; Xi
Dejin, Lin Fengmian Huaji, Xiongshi Tushi, Taibei, 1979.
L Shoukun, Findlay, Ian., L Shoukun at the Hong Kong Museum of Art (review), in Asian Art
News, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 2003, p.71-72.
Mak Yuhin, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983
Nancy Chu Woo, Asian Art News, 2, no.3, May June 1992.
Ting Yen-yung [Ding Yanyong], Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1979
Tse Kui Ying, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1979
Wucius Wong, [Wang Wuxie] Janus of the Chinese Vision, Orientations, September 1976; The
Inscapes of Wucius Wong, Orientations, May 1980 ;Wucius Wong, Hong Kong, Museum of


Art, 1979; Wucius Wong, New York, Hanart, 1989, Binks, Hilary, A Voyage Between
Cultures, Asian Art News 9:3 1999; Chang, Arnold, Ring of Fire: The Art of Wucius Wong,
New York, Kaikodo, 1998.
Yeung Yick-Chung, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983
Oil Painting, Prints and Related Mixed Media
[Chen Fushan/Luis Chan], Chen Fushan de shijie, Taibei, Xiongshi Meishu, 1973/4 Chen Fushan /
Luis Chan, The World of Luis Chan, Singapore, National Museum, 1987; Chen Fushan/ Luis
Chan, Luis Chan: Fifty Years of Artistic Career, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1984
[Chen Yusheng], Gaylord Chan Hong Kong, Han Art 2, 1989
[Kwong Yeu ting ] Kwong Yeu Ting, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983
[Lau Pee-yee] Lau Pui-Yee, Asian Art News, 2, no.1, Jan/Feb 1992.
[Lau Tin-yum] Lau tin-yum, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983.
[Wong Alan] Alan L. Wong, Hong Kong, City Hall, April 1962; Alan L. Wong, Hong Kong, City
Hall, October 1963
[Wong, Yank] Victor Lai, Yank Wong, Asian Art News,vol.5, no2., March/April 1995.
[Wu Francis] Francis Wu, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1980
[Zhu Xinghua]Chu Hing-wah, Hong Kong, Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Culture, 1988
Syllabus for Art and Design, Hong Kong, Curriculum Development Committee, Forms I-III, 1975,
Forms IV-V, 1978,
Sculpture and Ceramics
[Chu Honsun] Chu Honsun, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983
[Ha Bik-chuen], Pong, Melanie, Sculptor at WorkAsia-Pacific Sculpture News, vol.1, no.1,
Winter, 1995; Findlay, Ian, Ha Bik-chuen at Grotto Fine Art, Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art
News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002; Findlay, Ian, A Singular Life, On Ha Bik-Chuen,
Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
[Lee, Aries] Aries Lee, Hong Kong, The artist, 1984
[Mak, Antonio, Hin-yeung], Asian Art News, 2, no.4, Jul/Aug 1992.
[Mak, Antonio] Clarke, David, An invitation to words; The sculpture of Antonio Mak, Art & Asia
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[Mark Yee Fun], Recent Pottery of Mark Yee Fun, Hong Kong, Arts Centre, 1983
[Sah, Cynthia], Asian Art News, 2, no.4, Jul/Aug 1992.
[Van Lau], Sculpture of Hong Kong Space Museum, 1978?
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Hong Kong Pottery Today, Hong Kong, Urban Council, 1984
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2:2 Spring 1996
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Art in Hong Kong in the 1990s
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[Choi Yan-chi] Choi Yan Chis Painting , 1976-1986, and works of art in dialogue with poetry and
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[Lai, Victor], Binks, Hilary, The pursuit of emotion, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000
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[Ren Rong], Binks, Hilary, Shifting the limits Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
[Shieh, Wilson], Findlay, Ian, The magic of fine line, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.6, 2001
[Shircore, Pat Elliott], Hacker, Arthur, [The past in process Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, 1997.
[Su, Angela Sai Kee] Kember, Pamela, From Science To Art, On Angela Sai Kee Su, Asian Art
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[Face to Face] Hsu Wen-rwei, Face to face, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Lee Ming-wei] Kee, Joan, Resting with Mingwei: subversive cosmopolitanism in the conceptual
project of Lee Mingwei, Yishu, vol 1, no 1, Spring 2002.
[Lin Pei-chwen] Chen, Elsa Hsiang-chun, Back to Nature by Lin Pei-chwen, Taoyuan Country
Cultural Centre, 2000
[Lin Yi-chun] Who Am I: Punctum by Lin Yi-chun (Catalogue), Taipei: Bsybee Press, 2000
[Michael Lin] Mahony, Bronwyn, Laughing Apparatus Provided: The Work of Michael Lin in Art
Asia Pacific, No. 41 (Summer 2004), pp. 48-53
[Su Wong-shen] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
[Taipei Biennale 2000], Devenport, Rhana, The sky is the limit, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001


[Taipei Biennale 2002], Wang, Jason Chia Chi, 'From Shadow Magic to the Spectacle', Yishu:
Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring Issue; Quintero, Craig, Art as
Theatre: Staging the Taiwanese Biennial', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art,
March 2003, Spring Issue; Kim, Yu Yeon, '2002 Taipei Biennial: Great Theatre of the World',
Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring Issue.
[Venice Biennale 2003], Lin, Shumin, Limbo Zone, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese
Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.4-9.
[Wu Mali] Chen, Elsa Hsiang-chun, Wu Mali: My Skin is My Country in Wu Mali (Catalogue),
Kaoshiung: Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 2003
[Wu Shanzhuan] review Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
[Yuan Goang-ming] Farver, Jane, Yuan Goang-ming in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 43
[Yang Maolin], review Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Yuan Jai/zhai] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
Chen, Elsa Hsiang-chun, Reading Feminist Dimensions of Contemporary Art in Taiwan in Text &
Subtext Contemporary Art and Asian Women Conference, LaSalle SIA College of the Arts,
Singapore, 2000
Chen, Elsa Hsiang-chun, Complexities of Cultural Identities Differencing the Subjectivities of
Contemporary Womens Art in Taiwan in Journey of the Spirit: Taiwanese Women and
Contemporary Representations (Catalogue), Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 2001
Cheng, Amy Huei-Hua, 'Invisible City', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003,
Spring Issue
Huang Hai-Ming, 'The Shaping of the Contemporary Taiwanese Art World: A Review of
Contemporary Taiwanese Art Events from the 1980s to the Present', Yishu: Journal of
Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring Issue.
Lin, Poshin., The Discursive Formation of Contemporary Art Curation in the Late 1990s with a
Discussion of the Continual Evolution of the Subject Position of Taiwan Art in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol.2, No.1, March 2003, p.27-46.
Lin Shu-min Limbo Zone, Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, vol.2, no., June 2003
McIntyre, Sophie, A different reality, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
Nickerson, Peter, A Poetics and Politics of Possession: Taiwanese Spirit-Medium Cults and
Autonomous Popular Cultural Space in positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 9,
number 1 (spring 2001), pp. 187-217
Pai, Maggie., A Fusion of Art and Science (art project at the Nankang Software Park, Taipei), in
World Sculpture News, Vol.9, No.3, Summer 2003, p.44-49.
Taipei National University of the Arts ed., Waves Striking: One Hundred Years of Taiwanese Arts,
Taipei: Yishujia, 2001.
Wang, Chia Chi Jason, From iconoclasm to neo-iconolatry: Taiwans contemporary art in the
post-martial law era, Yishu, vol.1, no.2, 2002
Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, Special Issue on Contemporary Taiwan Art, March
2003, Spring Issue
Taiwan Photography
Cheng, Amy Huei-Hua, 'On Lingchi: Echoes of a Historical Photograph', Yishu: Journal of Chinese
Contemporary Art, March 2003, Spring Issue
Hsu, B., Fifteen Decades of Photography, Free China Review, October, 1987
Harmon, Tim D., The land & the people-the Republic of China, Hillsboro, Beyond Words, 1992.
Kendzulak, Susan, Spellbound Asia: The New Vision of Chinese Photography Moca Tai[pei
(Review) in Flash Art, Vol. XXXVII, No. 236 (May-June 2004), p. 78
Taiwan Sheying, 1887-1945, Taibei, Xiongshi Tushu, 1979, 1981.
Political and Intellectual History of Taiwan


Harrell, S., Huang Chun-chieh, eds., Cultural Change in Postwar Taiwan, Taipei, SMC Publishing,
Mancall, M., ed., Formosa Today, New York, Praeger, 1964
Macfarquar, R.; Fairbank, J.K., eds., The Cambridge History of China, vol.15: The Peoples
Republic, Part 2, Revolutions within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 1991, see chapter by Clough.
Shaw, Yuming., ed., Chinese Modrnization, San Francisco, China Materials Center Publications,
Shih, P.K.T., ed., Taiwan in Modern Times, New York, St. Johns University Press, 1973.
Tu Wei-ming, Cultural China: The Periphery as Center, Daedalus, vol.120, no2., Spring 1991.
Economy and Politics of Taiwan
Clark, John., Painting in Taiwan after 1945: A Political and Economic Background, in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2, No.1, March 2003, p.62-76.
Clough, R.N., Island China, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1978
Ho, Samuel, P.S., Economic Development of Taiwan 1860-1970, New Haven, Yale University
Press, 1978.
Huang, Mab, Intellectual Ferment for Political Reforms in Taiwan, 1971-1973, Ann Arbor,
Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, no. 28, 1976
Kuo Shirley W.Y., The Taiwan Economy in Transition, Westview Press, 1983.
Kuznets, Modern Economic Growth, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966.
Mancall, M. Formosa Today, New York, Praeger, 1964
Mendel, D., The Politics of Formosan Nationalism, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1970
Shaw Yuming, Ed. Chinese Modernization, San Francisco, Chinese Materials Center Publications,
Shi Ming, Taiwanren Shibainian Shi (The 400 years History of the Taiwanese People), San Jose,
Paradise Culture Associates, 1980.
Shih, P.K.T. ed. Taiwan in Modern Times, New York, St Johns University Press, 1973
Taiwan Statistical Data Book 1985, Taibei, Council for Economic Planning and Development,
Republic of China, 1985.
Williams, J.F., ed., The Taiwan Issue, Michigan State University, Asian Studies Centre, 1976
Winckler, E.A., National, Regional, and Local Politics, in Ahern and Gates eds. , The
Anthropology of Taiwanese Society, Stanford, U.P., 1981.
Wu Yuanli, Yeh Kungjia, eds., Growth Distribution and Social Change: Essays on the Economy of
the Republic of China, Reprints Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, 1978.
General Works
China Dream Another Flow of Chinese Modern Art (Catalogue on Chinese Trade Painting)
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2004
Agahari, Rae, Beyond representation and difference: identity, migration, practice, A study of Eleven
Asian Artists in Australia, B.A.Honours Thesis, Power Department of Fine Arts, University of
Sydney, 1994.
Barm, G., Travelling Heavy: The Intellectual Baggage of the Chinese Diaspora, Problems of
Communism, Volume XL, January-April 1991.
Chang, Y.C. ed., China-Paris [1918-1960], Taibei, Taibei Fine Arts Museum, 1988
Chiang, Yenchou, Charting his Own Course,[Lee Kar-siu in Paris], Asian Art News, vol.4, no.1,
Jan-Feb 1994.
Chiba Shigeo in Chgoku: Ajia no Nami, Fan Zhongming, Cai Guoqiang, Wang Xinping, Tky,
Tky Gallery, 11-23 March 1991.


Chiba Shigeo in Seisei 15-Nen, Chgoku Gendai Bijutsu no Ayumi, Tky, Tky Gallery,29
November to 18 December, 1993. [Huang Rui, Ma Desheng, Wang Keping, Ai Weiwei, Yang
Yiping, Yan Li; exhibition text by Li Xianting}.
Chiu, Melissa., Asian Contemporary Art in New York: A Curators Perspective, in Yishu: Journal
of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.111.
Clark, John, Dilemmas of (Dis-) Attachment in the Chinese Diaspora, Visual Arts + Culture,
vol.1, no.1, 1998.
Clark, J., Chinese Painters drawn to the magnet of Paris, Far Eastern Economic Review,
Cohen, J.L., Chinas Artists Testing Wings in the West, Asian Wall Street Journal, 20/21-1-1984
Ducrest, Jean-Pierre, La peinture chinoise contemporaine et la France special issue of Bulletin
Association Franaise des amis de lOrient, no.44, Hiver 1999.
End Nozomi, The Asian Art Show: Problems involved in the planning of Exhibitions of
Contemporary Asian Art, Tky, in Dai 4-Kai Ajia Bijutsuten [translated by Anderson,
Stanley], Tky ,Setagaya Bijutsukan, 1995.
Findlay, I., In from Exile, [James Chan Leong], Asian Art News, vol.4, no.6, Nov-Dec 1994.
Findlay, Ian, Against the grain [Hoo Mojong], Asian Art News, vol.5, no.3, Jul/Aug 1995.
Fukunaga Osamu, Miyatake Hiroshi, Obigane Akio, Uchida Hideo eds., Creativity in Asian Art
Now: Part 3, Asian Installation Work [ translated by McClintock, Margaret], Hiroshima,
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art & Tky , Asahi Shimbun, 1984.
Garrett, Louise, Living in Time, Contemporary Artists from China (Germany), Art Asia Pacific,
No.34, 2002.
Hacker, Arthur, In search of tranquility, [Christopher Cheung], Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5,
September / October 1997.
Hay, J., Ambivalent Icons: works by five Chinese artists based in the United States, Orientations,
23, no.7, July 1992.
Hou Hanru, Uncertain Pleasure: Chinese Artists in the 1990s, Vancouver, Art Beatus, 1997
[Review: Tsang, Henry, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998]
Huangfu Binghui, In and Out: Contemporary Art from China and Australia, Singapore, LaSalle
-SIA College of the Arts, 1997 [Review: Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998].
Jana, R., Assimilation or Alienation?, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.6, Nov-Dec 1994.
Kayser, Christine, In search of ultimate things [Zao Wou-ki /Zhao Wuji], Asian Art News, vol.6,
no.4, July/August, 1996
Kember, Patricia, Hairlooms [Gu Wenda], Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, September / October 1997.
Levin, G., Changing Cultures: The recent immigration of Chinese artists to the U.S., Asian Art
News, vol.4, no.5, Sept-Oct 1994.
Liu, Manni & Park, Jung E., Bridging the old and new worlds, [Lampo Leung], Asian Art News,
vol.7, no.5, September / October 1997.
Magnan, K.F., Blending Myth and Reality [Tony Wong], Asian Art News, vol.4, no.6, Nov-Dec
Millichap, John, Moments of Time [Yang Diu in Paris], Asian Art News, vol.6, no.5, September /
October, 1996.
Pierquin-Tian, O., Peintres et Sculpteurs Chinois a Paris, 1947-1987, Paris, Centre Chine, Maison
des Sciences de lHomme, 1987
Su Ruiping,ed., Overseas Chinese Artists Exhibition / Haiwai Yishujia Zhuanji, Taibei, Taibei Fine
Arts Museum, 1984.
Thea, Carolee., On the Mid-ground: Hou Hanru: Selected Texts (book review), in Art AsiaPacific,
Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.88.
USA East Coast, supplement, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.1, Jan-Feb 1994.
USA West Coast, supplement, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.5, Sept-Oct 1994.
Yang, Alice, Why Asia? Contemporary Asian and Asian American Art, New York, New York
University Press, 1999.


Modern Chinese Art, Texts by John Clark:

Clark, John Post-modernism and recent expressionist tendencies in Chinese oil painting, Asian
Studies Review, vol.15, no.2, November 1991.
Clark, John, Problems of Modernity in Chinese Painting, Oriental Art, New Series, XXXII, no.3,
1986, 270-283, reprinted as Chapter Three here.
Clark, John, A Tale of Two Cities [Beijing and Taibei], Art Monthly [Australia], no.29, April
Clark, John, Academicism in Chinese oil painting and a nascent avant-garde in the 1980s, in
Duro, Paul, ed., Perspectives on Academic Art, Occasional Papers III, The Art Association of
Australia, 1991.
Clark, John, The Chinese Artists Association, Art Monthly [UK], May 1986
Clark, John, Art and Modernism in China, 1900-97: A review and documentation, Journal of the
Oriental Society of Australia, vol.29, 1997, 50-73.
Clark, John, Beyond Exile in Modern Chinese Art Foundation, Provincie Bestuur van
Oost-Vlaanderen, 1999;
Clark, John, Chinese Artists in Paris, Far Eastern Economic Review, 16.12.1986. [Chinese
translation: Meishu Shichao, Nanjing, no.4, 1987, 31-33].
Clark, John, Histories in the Modern, in Murray, Graeme; Syme, Meg; Knight, June; eds,
Reckoning with the past: Contemporary Chinese Painting, Edinburgh, Fruitmarket Gallery,
1996, 17-20
Clark, John, La Peinture moderne Taiwan [traduit par Pierre-tienne Will et Anne Cheng],
tudes Chinoises, vol.VII, no.1, Printemps, 1988, 29-63,
Clark, John, Liu Guosongs: The Road of Chinese Painting, Journal of the Oriental Society of
Australia, vols 27 & 28, 1995-96, 33-56.
Clark, John, Modernity in Chinese Art, 1850s-1990s: some chronological materials, Journal of the
Oriental Society of Australia, vol.29, 1997, 74-169, reprinted as Chapter Twenty Three here.
Clark, John, Official Reactions to Modern Art in China since the Beijing Massacre, Pacific
Affairs, September, 1992, 334-352.
Clark, John, Dilemmas of (Dis-) attachment in the Chinese Diaspora, Paroissien, Leon, ed., Visual
Arts and Culture, Volume 1, Part 1 (1998)
Clark, John, Playing with the Stars: Guan Weis styles, essay for Guan Wei Exhibition Catalogue,
Dr. Earl Lu Gallery, La Salle SIA, Singapore, 2000, 6-11.
Clark, John, Pop goes the Maosell, [Review of Mao Goes Pop, see Jose ed., below 1993], Art
Monthly Australia, no.61, July [see also letters by Nicholas Jose & Huangfu Binghui in no.62
and Clark in no.63];
Clark, John, Problems of Modern Painting beyond Byzantium, Papers in Far Eastern History,
Australian National University, Department of Far Eastern History, no.41, March 1990, pages
Clark, John, Realism in Revolutionary Chinese Painting, Journal of the Oriental Society of
Australia, July 1991.
Clark, John, Some sketches of Modern Chinese Painting I, Beijing; II, Hong Kong, 1981;
previously unpublished.
Clark, John, Swimming in the Transcultural Sea: John Young, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.3,
May/June, 66-69, 1994..
Clark, John, Taiwanese Painting and Europe, in Shaw, Yu-ming ed., China and Europe, Institute
of International Affairs, Taibei, 1986, 43-60.
Clark, John, Taiwanese Painting under the Japanese occupation, Journal of Oriental Studies,
XXV, no.1, 1987, 63-105.
Clark, John, The Exiles Return, Far Eastern Economic Review, June 28, 1984.
Clark, John, 1998 Dilemmas of [dis-]attachment in the Chinese diaspora, Visual Arts + Culture,
vol.1, no.1, 1998.


Clark, John, Ed., Chinese Art at the end of the Millenium, Beijing & Hong Kong, New Art Media,
Clark, John, Modern Asian Art, Sydney, Craftsman House & Honolulu, University of Hawaii
Press, 1998
Clark, John, Stylistics section from Modernity in Chinese and Thai Art of the 1980s and 1990s:
Artists, Works, Institutions; A preliminary work-in-progress report on the Chinese Case
delivered in 1999 at the Annual Conference of the Art Association of Australia and New
Clark, John., Alors, la Chine?, in Artlink: The China Phenomenon, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2003, p.68-71.
Clark, John., Painting in Taiwan after 1945: A Political and Economic Background, in Yishu:
Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2, No.1, March 2003, p.62-76.

General Works
Clark, J., Modernity in Japanese Painting, Art History, vol.9, no.2, June 1986, pp.213-231.
Clark, J., Some Models in Japanese Art History, The Burlington Magazine, vol.CXXVIII,
no.1005, December 1986.
Kawakita, M., Modern Currents in Japanese Art, Tky, Weatherhill, 1974
Kimura, Rieko, et. Al., Dance in Japanese Modern Art (Catalogue), Tochigi Prefectural Museum of
Fine Arts, 2003
Lucken, Michael, L'art du Japon au vingtime sicle. Pense, formes, rsistances. Paris, Hermann,
Miyagawa, T., Modern Japanese Painting, Tky, Kdansha, 1967.
Mostow, Josua S.; Bryson, Norman; and Graybill, Maribeth, ed., Gender and Power in the Japanese
Visual Field, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003
Munsterberg, H., The Art of Modern Japan, 1868-1968, New York, Hacker, 1978
Genshoku Gendai Nihon no Bijutsu [Modern Japanese Art in Natural Colours, text in Japanese only
but large full colour plates have a clear English index.
Takumi, H. et al, Japanische Malerei im Westlichen Stil, Kln, Museum fr Orientalische Kunst,
Europeans in Meiji Japan
Adams, A., Travels of a Naturalist in Japan and Manchuria, 1872
Alcock, R., The Capital of the Tycoon, 1863
Anderson, W., A History of Japanese Art, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 7, 1879
Anderson, W., The Pictorial Arts of Japan, 1886
Antony, D.W., Healey, G.H., The Itinerary of the Iwakura Embassy to Britain, Sheffield University,
Centre of Japanese Studies, 1987
Arnold, E.A., Japonica, 1892
Baelz, Erwin, The Awakening of Japan, 1932
Barr, P., The Coming of the Barbarians, London, Readers Union, 1967
Berg, A. et al. Die Preussische Expedition Nach Ost-+Asien,Bd. I, mit XII Illustrationen und II
Karte, 1864;Bd. II, mit XII Illustrationen, 1866;Bd. III, mit I Karte, 1873;Bd. IV, mit XXIV
Illustrationen und I Karte, 1873;
Beretta, Lia, Chiossone, Indeto: Il Testamento Orgiganle e Il Primo Museo Chiossone, Tokyo:
Associazione Insatsu Choyokai, 2004
Black, J.R., Young Japan, 1880-81
Blakeney, W., On the Coasts of Cathay and Cipango Forty Years Ago, 1902, (Ill. by Frederick le
Breton Bedwell)
Blum, R.F., An Artist in Japan, Scribners Magazine, 4-1893


von Brandt, M., Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost-Asien, 3 Banden, Leipzig, 1901

Clark, E.W., Life and Adventure in Japan, American Tract Society, 1878
Conder, J., Flower Art of Japan and the Art of Floral Arrangement, 1891
Conder, J., Landscape Gardening in Japan, 1893
Conder, J., Paintings and Studies by Kawanabe Kyosai, 1911
Cortazzi, H., Mitfords Japan, 1985
Cortazzi, H., Victorians in Japan, London, Athlone Press, 1987
Cutler, T.W., A Grammar of Japanese Ornament, 1880
Dickson, W.G., Japan, being a sketch of the History, Government and Officers of the Empire, 1869
Dickson, W.G., Gleanings from Japan, 1889
Dixon, J.H., On Some Japanese Artists of Today, Transactions Japan Society of London, no.63
(address of 10-12-1902).
Dresser, C., Japan: Its Architecture and Art Manufactures, 1882
East, A., Landscape Painting in Oil Colour, 1906
East, A., Brush and Pencil Notes in Landscape, 1914
Fenollosa, E.F., Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art, 1912
de Fonblanque, E.B., Niphon and Pe-che-li, 1862
Fortune, R., Yedo and Peking, 1863
Fox, G., Britain and Japan 1858-1883, Oxford UP, 1969
Fraser, Mrs., A Diplomatists Wife in Japan, 1899
Griffis, W.E., A Maker of the New Orient: Samuel Robbins Brown, 1902
Guimet, E. (ill. Rgamey), Promenades Japonaises, 1878
Hawks, F.L., Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas, 3v., 1856,
Heine, P.B.W., Japan: Beitrge zur Kentniss des Landes und Seiner Bewhner, 1873, Dresden,
Hoare, J.E., The Japanese Treaty Ports 1868-1899: A Study of the Foreign Settlements, PhD Thesis,
University of London, 1971
Hoare, J.E., The "Bankoku Shimbun" Affair: Foreigners, the Japanese Press and Extraterritoriality
in Early Meiji Japan, Modern Asian Studies, 9, 3, 1975
Hoare, J.E., Extraterritoriality in Japan, 1858-1899, Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan,
XVII, 1983
Humbert, A., (ill. Roussin, Wirgman, Beato), Le Japon Illustr}, 1870
Hurd, D., The Arrow War, 1967
Jephson, R.M., Elmhirst, E.P., Our Life in Japan, 1869
Lafarge, J., Considerations on Painting, New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1895
Lafarge, J., An Artists Letter from Japan, 1897
Leach, B., Beyond East and West, 1978
Leach, Bernard, A Potter in Japan, London, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1960.
Leach, Bernard, A Potters Book, London, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1976 (1940).
Leach, Bernard, Hamada Potter, Tokyo, New York and San Francisco: Kodansha International Ltd.
1981 (1975).
Lindau, Rudolphe, Voyage autour du Japon, 1864
Lindau, Rudolphe, Erzhlungen und Novellen, 1878, [includes the story Robert G. Cooper, Jnr]
Lindau, Rudolphe, Aus China und Japan, 1896
Menpes, M., Japan, A Record in Colour, 1901
Menpes, M., Whistler as I knew Him, 1904
Mitford, A.B., Memories, 1915
Mitford, A.B., The Bamboo Garden, 1896, (ill. Parsons)
Norman, C.B., Battle Honours of the British Army, 1911
Oliphant, L., Narrative of the Earl of Elgins Mission to China and Japan in the Years 1857, 58,
59, 2 vols., 1859


Oliver, S.P., On and Off Duty, 1881

Osborn, S., A Cruise in Japanese Waters, 1859
Osborn, S., Japanese Fragments, 1861
Pantzer, P., Japan und Osterreich-Ungarn, Beitrge zur Japanologie, Bd.11, Wien 1973
Parsons, A., Notes in Japan, 1896
Piggott, F., (ill. East), The Garden of Japan, 1892
Poynts, W.H., Per mare per Terram, 1892
Pumpelly, R., Across America and Asia, 1870
Rgamey, F., Okoma, 1883
Rgamey, F., Le Japon Pratique, 1891
Rgamey, F., Le Cahier Rose de Madame Crysanthme, 1894
Rgamey, F., Le Dessin et son enseignement dans les coles de Tokio, 1902
Rgamey, F., Japon, 1903
Rgamey, F., Le Japon en Images, 1904
Satow, E., A Diplomat in Japan, 1921, reprint Oxford UP, 1968
Satow, E., Private Diaries, London, Public Record Office, PRO30/33
Satow, E., Letters, (chiefly to Aston and Dickins), PRO30/33
de Saumarez, R., Girard, P.J., Lord De Saumarez abroad and at Home, La Socit Guernsiase,
Savage Landor, A.M., Everywhere, 1924
Scidmore, E., Jinriksha Days in Japan, 1898, [Illustrations by or after Beato, Kurz, Florian and
Sieffert, R., Le Japon et La France, Publications Orientalistes de France, 1974
Silver, J.M.W., Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs, 1867
Simpson, W., Meeting the Sun, 1874
Simpson, W., Autobiography, 1903
Sladen, D.B.W., The Japs at Home, 1892
Sladen, D.B.W., Twenty Years of My Life, 1915
Sladen, D.B.W., My Long Life, 1939
S(medley), A.M., Nara Hodu, Paramatta and Sydney, 1884
Smith, G., Ten Weeks in Japan, 1861
Taylor, B., A Visit to India, China and Japan, 1859
Taylor, B., Japan in Our Day, 1881, rev. ed. 1892
De Waal, Edmund, Bernard Leach, London: Tate Gallery, 1998.
Watson, Oliver ; Kimura Rieko eds., Bernard Leach: Potter and Artist, Tokyo: Cogito/Committee
for Bernard Leach Exhibition, 1997.
Williams, H.S., Naito, H., The Kamakura Murders of 1864, private publication, 1973.
Wirgman, A.T., Storm and Sunshine in South Africa, 1922
Baty, T., The Literary Introduction of Japan to Europe, Monumenta Nipponica, VII, 24-39;VIII,
15-46; IX, 62-82; X, 65-80
Brandt, Kim, Objects of Desire: Japanese Collectors and Colonial Korea in positions: east asia
cultures critique, volume 8, number 3 (winter 2000), pp. 711-746
Brooks, Van Wyck, Fenollosa: the Far East and American Culture, Yale UP, 1962
Conant, E.P., The French Connection: mile Guimets Mission to Japan, A Cultural Context of
Japonisme, in Conroy, H. et al, Japan in Transition: Thought and Action in the Meiji Era,
Farleigh Dickson University Press, 1984
Evett, Elisa, Critical Reception of Japanese Art in late 19th century Europe, UMI Research Press,
Haln, Widar et al., Christopher Dresser and Japan, Christopher Dresser and Japan Catalogue
Committee/Kriyama City Museum of Art, 2002.


Huish, Marcus B., Englands appreciation of Japanese Art, Transactions of the Japan Society,
no.81, of Huish, Marcus B., Is Japanese Art Extinct?, The Nineteenth Century, 3-1888,
[Huish was director of The Fine Art Society around 1875-1906, and for a time Secretary of
the Japan Society of London]
Horioka, Yasuko, The Life of Kakuzo, Hokuseido Press, 1963
Impey, O., Chinoiserie, Oxford UP, 1977
Impey, O., Japanese Export Art of the Edo Period and its Influence on European Art, Modern
Asian Studies, 18, 4, 1984
Impey, O., Japanese Export Lacquer in the 17th Century, in Watson, ed. Lacquer Work in Asia
and Beyond, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1981
Ives, Colta, F., The Great Wave, Metropolitan Museum of Art NY, 1974
Japan und Europa 1543-1929, Berlin, Berliner Festspiel/ARGON, 1993.
Lach, D.F., Asia in the making of Europe, 3 vols., Chicago UP, 1970, 1994
Miner, E., The Japanese Tradition in British and American Literature, Princeton UP, 1959
Myer, P.R., Images and Influences of Oriental Art, Art Journal, XX, 4, 1961
Pantzer, P., Wieninger, J., Verborgene Impressionen/ Hidden Impressions, Wien, sterreiches
Museum fr Angewandte Kunst, 1990.
Sand, Jordan, Was Meiji Taste in Interiors Orientalist? in positions: east asia cultures critique,
volume 8, number 3 (winter 2000), pp. 637-673
Shionoya, K., Cyrano et les samourai: le thtre japonais en France et leffet de retour, Publications
Orientalistes de France, 1986
Takashina, S., Lacambre, G., Mabuchi, A., Mathieu, C., Le Japonisme, 1988, ditions de la
Runion des muses nationaux (large bibliography)
Watanabe, Toshio, The Western Image of Japanese Art in the Late Edo Period, Modern Asian
Studies, 18, no.4, 1984
Watanabe, Toshio, Eishi Prints in Whistlers Studio, The Burlington Magazine, December, 1986.
Watanabe, Toshio, High Victorian Japonisme, Bern, Swiss Asian Studies vol.10,1991.
Watanabe, Toshio, Sato, T., Japan and Britain: An Aesthetic Dialogue 1850-1930, London,
Barbixcan Art Gallery, 1991.
Weisberg, G., et al, Japonisme: Japanese Influences on French Art 1854-1882, Cleveland, 1975
Wevver, L., Japanese Woodblock Prints: The Reciprocal Influence between East and West, Utah,
Brigham Young UP, 1979
Whitford, F., Japanese Prints and Western Painters, Studio Vista, 1977
Wichmann, S., Japonisme, Thames & Hudson, 1981
Wichmann, S., ed., Weltkulturen und moderne Kunst, Verlag Bruckmann, Munchen, 1972
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Inaga, Shigemi, To Be a Japanese Artist in the So-Called Postmodern Era, Third Text, n33, Winter
1995-6, 17-24
Karia, Bhupendra, ed., Yayoi Kusama: A Retrospective, New York, Center for International
Contemporary Art, 1989.
Kobayashi, H., ed., The Eighties, Tokyo, Kobayashi Gallery, 1990.
Koplos, Janet, Contemporary Japanese Sculpture, London, The Abbeville Press, 1991.
Koplos, Janet, Through the looking glass, Art in America, July 1989
Love, Joseph, Exhibition in Tokyo - Lee Ufan, Art International, XIV, 5, June 1970.
Love, Joseph, Tokyo Letter, Art International, XIV, 10, 1970.
Love, Joseph, Tokyo Letter, Art International, XV, 5, May 1971.
Monoha, La Scuola della cose, Roma, Museo laboratorio di arte contemporanea, dell Universit
degli studi di Roma, 1988.
Monroe, Alexandra, with Hendricks, Jon, eds., Yes: Yoko Ono, New York, Japan Society & Harry
N. Abrams, 2000
Nakahara, Y. et al, Art In Japan Today II, Tky, The Japan Foundation, 1984.
Nakahara,Y. et al, Japan 89, Europalia 89, Gent, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, [Honda N.V.
and The Japan Foundation], 1989.
Nakamura, K., Private Visions, Japanese Video Art in the 1980s, Tky,The Japan Foundation,
Nanj, F., & Weiermair, Peter, Japanische Kunst der Achtziger Jahre, Frankfurt am Main, Edition
Stemmle, 1990
Nanj, F., Situation in Japan, Third Text, 6, Spring 1990.
Naumann, Klaus F., Yamane Yuzo (1919-2001), Orientations, Volume 32, Number 5, September
Okada, Takahiko & Namba, Hideo, Japanese Art Today, Tky, Sezon Museum of Art, 1990
Osaki, Shinichiro, Body and Place: Action and postwar Art in Japan, Ferguson, Russell, ed., Out
of Actions: between performance and the object, 1949-1979, New York, Thames & Hudson,
Seven Artists: Aspects of Japanese Contemporary Art, Santa Monica, Santa Monica Museum of
Art,. 1991.
Silva, Arturo, Mono-ha, Art Forum, vol.25, January 1987.
Sourgnes, Michel & Homma, Masayoshi, Japanese Ways, Western Means, Art of the 1980s in
Japan, Brisbane, Queensland Art Gallery, 1989.
Tatehata, A., Three aspects of Contemporary Japanese Art, Art & Asia Pacific , no.1, [supplement
to Art & Australia] March 1993.
The Space: Material, Tension, Vacancy in Japanese Contemporary Art, Saitama, Museum of
Modern Art, 1989
Tomii, Reiko, Tokyo, 1967-1973, in Blazwick, Iwona, ed., Century City: Art and Culture in the
Modern Metropolis, London, Tate Gallery Publishing, 2001.


Tomii, Reiko, Concerning the Institution of Art: Conceptualism in Japan, in Maraiani, Philomena,
ed., Global Conceptualism: Points of origin, 1950s-1980, New York, Queens Museum of Art,
Weisenfeld, Gennifer, Women and Words: Two Language Artists in Contemporary Japan in
Ching, Dora, C.Y., ed., Persistence/Transformation: Text as Image in the Art of Xu Bing,
Princeton Unversity Press, 2004 (Forthcoming)
Yamagishi, N., Japanese contemporary art in the 1980s, Art Monthly Australia, 40, 1991.
Zones of Love, a Special Supplement to Art & Text, no.40, September 1991.
[Araki, Nobuyoshi] Sawaragi Noi, Desire and Decay [Araki Nobuyoshi], World Art, no.2, 1995;
Silva, Arturo, Tokyo: Nobuyoshi Araki, Artforum International, Vol.30, Issue 5, January
1992; Decter, Joshua, Nobuyoshi Araki, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 6, February
[Dumb Type] Hagenberg, R., Heartbeat with a hiccup, Asian Art News, vol.5, no.2, March/April
1995; Tripp, Laura, Dumb Type, smart noise, World Art, no.2, 1996.
[Ciezo, Taro] Spring, Justin, New York: Taro Chiezo, Artforum International, Vol.34, Issue 10,
[Fuji Hiroshi, Nakamura Masato, Nishiyama Minako,] Kuroda Raiji, Something strange in the
cities - Three Japanese artists living in Japan in Fukuoka Art Museum, 4th Asian Art Show
Fukuoka: Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994; Grout, Catherine,
Masato Nakamura, What Goes on Between in Parachute, 115 (2004), pp. 72-83
[Fukami, Sueharu] Ebony, David, 'Sueharu Fukami at Garth Clark', Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue
12, December 2002
[Furuhashi, Teiji] Brown, Azby, Tokyo: Teiji Furuhashi, Artforum International, Vol.34, Issue 1,
September 1995
[Hirakawa Noritoshi, Kitagawa Yuji, Bulbous Plants], Shikata, Y., Breaking Tokyos Taboos
World Art, November 1993; Lumby, Catherine, Public Image, World Art, no.1, 1996;
Decter, Joshua, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Artforum International, Vol.37, Issue 6, February 1999
[Higashida, Zero] Borum, Jenifer P., Reviews: Zero Higashida, Artforum International, Vol.30,
Issue 6, February 1992
[Ikeda, Ryoji] Koplos, Janet, 'Shadows and symbols' [review Ryoji Ikeda and painter Kazumi
Nakamura], Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4, April 2003
[Kaneko, Jun] Yood, James, Chicago: Jun Kaneko, Artforum International, Vol.34, Issue 5,
January 1996
[Kitagawara, Atsushi] Brown. Azby, Tokyo: Atsushi Kitagawara, Artforum International, Vol.30,
Issue 4, December 1991
[Kubota Sjhigehiko] S(h)igeko Kubota: Video Sculptures, Berlin, Daadgalerie, 1981.
[Kuramata, Shiro] Pascucci, Ernest, San Francisco: Shiro Kuramata, Artforum International,
Vol.35, Issue 9, May 1997
[Kusama Yayoi] Friis-Hansen, Dana, Yayoi Kusamas Feminism, Art & Text 49, September 1994;
Love Forever, Yayoi Kusama, 1958-1968, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum, 1998
[rev: Chattopadhyay, Charlotte , Asian Art News, vol.8, no.3, May/June 1998]; Munroe,
Alexandra, Radical Will: Yayoi Kusama in New York, Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997;
Birnbaum, Daniel, Yayoi Kusama, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 4, December 2001;
Matsui, Midori, Beyond Oedipus: Desiring Production of Yayoi Kusama, Parkett, No. 59,
2000; Panhaus-Bhler, Ursula, Between Heaven and Earth: This Languid Weight of Life,
Parkett, no.59, 2000; Pollock, Griselda, Three Thoughts of Feminity, Creativity and Elapsed
Time, Parkett, no.59, 2000
[Lee Ufan] Yamawaki, Kazuo, Aspects of Contemporary Japanese art centred on Lee U-fan, in
Seven Artists: Aspects of Contemporary Japanese Art, Santa Monica, Santa Monica Museum
of Art, 1991.


[Mori Mariko] Fouser, Robert, Mariko Mori/ Avatar of a Feminine God, Art & Text 60, Feb.-Apr.
1998; review Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999; Reast, Hans Rudolf, Geneva: Mariko Mori,
Artforum International, Vol.32, Issue 2, October 1993; Panicelli, Ida, Mariko Mori,
Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 2, October1999; Rhee, Jieun, From Godess to Cyborg:
Lee Bul and Mariko Mori in N. Paradoxa, Vol. 14, 2004 (July, 2004)
[Morimura Yasumasa] Bryson, Norman, Morimura: 3 Readings, Art & Text 52, September 1995;
Tatehata, Akira, On Criticism and the Lover: An Interview with Yasumasa Morimura, Art &
Text 36, May 1990; Annear, J., Peepshow ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997; Annear, Judy,
Mirrors in the water: the work of Morimura Yasumasa, in McDonald, E. & Engberg, J. eds,
Binocular: Focusing, Time, Lapses, Sydney, Mot & Chandon, 1992; Bryson, Norman,
Yasumasa Morimura, Artforum 32, no.5, January 1992; Bryson, Norman, Yasumasa
Morimura: Mother (Judith II), Artforum International, Vol.32, Issue 5, January 1994;
Avgikos, Jan, Yasumasa Morimura, Artforum International, Vol.35, Issue 8, April 1997
[Murakami, Takashi] Rimanelli, David, Takeshi Murakami, Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue
3, November1999; Corkill, Edan, Takashi Murakami, Art Asia Pacific, No.34, 2002;
Richard, Frances, Takashi Murakami, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 1, September
2001; [Nagashima Yurie, Ninagawa Mika, Hiromix], Kaihotsu, Chie, Shooting from the
hip, ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997; Steinberg, Marc, Charecterizing a New Seriality:
Murakami Takashis Dob Project in Parachute, 110 (2003), pp. 90-109
[Nakamura, Kazumi] Koplos, Janet, 'Shadows and symbols' [review Ryoji Ikeda and painter
Kazumi Nakamura], Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4, April 2003
[On Kawara] Cameron, Don, The On Kawara Story, Arts Magazine, 61, no.2, October 1986;
Denizot, Ren, On Kawara, Frankfurt, Museum fr Moderne Kunst, 1991.
[Ritsuko, Taho] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Sato Tokihiro] Fouser, Robert J., In Praise of Mad Shadows: The Photography of Tokihiro Sato.
Art AsiaPacific issue 21 1999
[Sekiguchi Atsuhito], Shikata, Y.,Worlds on Film World Art, vol.1, no.2, 1994.
[Shigeaki, Iwai] Kuroda, Raiji, ed. The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999 Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Shimada Yoshiko] Preece, Robert. No More Im Sorry: Yoshiko Shimada. World Sculpture
News 3:1 Winter 1997; Brown, Azby, The Birth of the Past World Art vol.1, no.1, 1994.
[Suda, Yoshihori] Richard, Frances, Yoshihiro Suda Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 10,
Summer 2000
[Sugimoto Hiroshi] Rousmanire, Nicole C., ed., Hiroshi Sugimoto, Norwich, Sainsbury Centre for
Visual Arts, 1997; Nakamura, Nobuo and Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series,
Hiroshi Sugimoto: In Praise of Shadows, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 1999;
Bryson, Norman, Sugimotos Metabolic Photography, Parkett, No. 46, 1996; Denson,
Roger, Satori Amongst the Stills Stills; Rugoff, Ralph, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Parkett, No. 46,
1996; Pagel, David, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.31, Issue 8, April 1993;
Seward, Keith, Hioshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.33, Issue 8, April 1995;
Richard, Frances, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 1, September
1997; Schwabsky, Barry, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.37, Issue 5,
January 1999; Aletti, Vince, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 4,
December 2001; Hussey, Miciah, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Artforum International, Vol.41, Issue
5, January 2003
[Sugito, Hiroshi] Spring, Justin, Hiroshi Sugito, Artforum International, Vol.37, Issue 8, April
1999; Briggs, Patricia, Painting at the Edge of the World, Exhibition Review at Walker Art


Center, [Artists include Takashi Murakami and Hisroshi Sugito], Artforum International,
Vol.39, Issue 10, Summer 2001; Frankel, David, Hiroshi Sugito, Artforum International,
Vol.40, Issue 1, September 2001
[Sumikawa Kiichi] Findlay, Ian. Wood in Flight: Kiichi Sumikawa. World Sculpture News 3:4
Autumn 1997
[Tanaka, Kazumi] Ziolkowski, Thad, New York: Kazumi Tanaka, Artforum International, Vol.34,
Issue 2, October 1995
[Tomiyama Taeko] Hagiwara Hiroko, Silenced by History; Taeko Tomiyamas Harbin Station
Series, Third Text, no.33, Winter 1995-1996.
[Torimitsu, Momoya] Schmidt, Barbara U., Steirisher Herbst 97: Graz, Austria, Review [Momoya
Torimitsu], Art & Text 60, Feb.-Apr. 1998
[Toya Shigeo] Gargner, Colin, Los Angeles: Shigeo Toya, Artforum International, Vol.30, Issue
4, December 1991
[Tsuda Toshinori]Shikata, Y.,Faith no more, World Art, 1, 1995.
[Tsuyoshi, Ozawa] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Wakabayashi, Isamu] Avgikos, Jan, New York: Isamu Wakabayashi, Artforum International,
Vol.31, Issue 9, May 1993
[Watanabe, Eiji] McGee, John, 'Eiji Watanabe at Kenji Taki', Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 11,
November 2002
[Yamamoto, Masao] Heartney, Eleanor, Masao Yamamoto at Yancy Richardson, Art in America,
Vol. 90, Issue 5, May 2002
[Yamamoto, Tomiaki] Kuspit, Donald, New York: Tomiaki Yamamoto, Artforum International,
Vol.32, Issue 7, March 1994
[Yokohama Triennale] Robinson, Joel David, Toward a new synthesis, Asian Art News, vol.12,
no.1, 2002; Robinson, Joel David, Toward A New Synthesis Yokohama 2001 Review,
Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002
[Yoshizawa, Mika] Brown, Azby, Tokyo: Mika Yoshizawa, Artforum International, Vol.32, Issue
6, February 1994
Art into Function [Faret Tachikawa], Asia-Pacific Sculpture News, vol.1, no.1, Winter, 1995.
Nippon International Contemporary Art Festival, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
Supplement Japan, Asian Art News, July/August 1994. [includes pieces on Kusama Yayoi, Kanai
Yoshiko, Kimura Yutaka, Oscar Satio Oiwa, Fukuda Miran, Criticism, museum culture,
women artists, environmental and public art].
Annear, J., A forest of art in a Tokyo town [Faret Tachikawa], Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1,
Annear, J., Neither inside nor outside (interview with Hasegawa Yko), Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1,
no.1, 1993.
Clark, John, The 1995 Osaka Triennale, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Dyer, Richard. Yukinori Yanagi: Union Jack Ant Farm. Third Text no.27 Summer 1994.
Inaga Shigemi, To be a Japanese artist in the so-called Postmodern Era, Third Text, no.33, Winter
Jana, Reena A Blunt Reality. Asian Art News 9:5 Sept/Oct 1999 [Daido Moriyama].
Kaihotsu Chie De-Genderism, Art on the edge of representation, Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997.
Kellein, Thomas, Hiroshi Sugimoto: Time Exposed, Stuuttgart, Edition Hansjorg Mayer, 1995.
Kent, Rachel, Futurescape: The surreal vision of Miwa Yanagi, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
King, Natalie Fashion statements: Three Exhibitions in Japan, Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997.
Koplos, J., The two-fold path: contemporaary art in Japan,
Koplos, Janet, Goobye to Sagacho', Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 11, November 2002
Koplos, Janet, Japans jazz-age Avant-Garde, Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 11, November 2002
Mitsuda, Y., Flowers for wounds, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995.


Munroe, Alexandra, Japanese artists in the Amercian avant garde, in Japanese Art in America (I)
Arita, Nakagawa, Sugimoto, New York, Japan Society, 1987.
Muroi, Hishashi, Transit Zone: Modern Japanese Art, Art & Text 39, September 1991
Muroi, Hisashi, Mediating the body in contemporary Japanese art, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1,
Nagoya Satoru, Rental galleries in Tokyo, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Nakamura Hideki, Korean Art in Japan, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Nakamura, Hideki, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show],
Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
Namba, Sachiko, Facts of Life, Contemporary Japanese Art, Art Asia Pacific, No.34, 2002.
Pai, Maggie, Festival of Delights,[Tokyo International Art Festival] Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.1,
Jan/Feb 1998.
Sawaragi Noi, Desire and Decay [Araki Nobuyoshi], World Art, no.2, 1995.
Sei, Keiko, Japanese CMs: A Mirror for the 1990s, Art & Text 36, May 1990
Shalala, N., Censorship Silences Japanese Artists, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.5, Sept-Oct, 1994.
Shikata, Y., Tokyo through the looking glass, World Art, Inaugural Issue, Nov 1993.
Shikata, Yukiko, Atopic Site, On Camp/Off Base, TAZ (Tokyo Art Zone), Paroissien, Leon, ed.,
Visual Arts and Culture, Volume 1, Part 1 (1998)
Shimizu, Toshio Territory of the Mind: Japan and Asia in the 1990s. Art AsiaPacific no.19 1998.
Shioda Junichi; Fukunaga Osamu, Japanese contemporary art in the 1990s; a perspective,
Sydney: Japan Culture Centre;The Japan Foundation Papers, no.1, January 1997.
Takaishi, Yumi, Shiseido, Art Gallery and cultural activities, Art Asia Pacific, no.34, 2002.
Tomiyama Taeko, Shadows of a distant scene, Third Text, no.33, Winter 1995-96.
Watkins, Jonathan; Kataoka, Mami, Facts of life: contemporary Japanese art, London, Hayward
Gallery, 2001.
Yomota, Inuhiko Gorky, Transformation and Stagnation: Japanese Cinema in the 1990s, Art &
Text 39, September 1991
Zhang Zhaohui, From Tokyo to Shanghai, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[2003 Echigo-Tsumari Triennial] Couacaud, Sally, 2003 Echigo-Tsumari Triennial in Art &
Australia, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 535-539; Tomii, Reiko, Who Needs Globalism?
Exploring the Local in Contemporary Art in Japan: Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2003 in
Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004).
[Akasegawa Genpei] review Robinson, Joel, Genpei Akasegawa at SCAI The Bathhouse,
Exhibition Reviews, Thailand Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002
[Anim] Chong, Doryun, A supe-flat reality, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Aoshima, Chiho] Kandell, Susan, Chiho Aoshima: Oops, I Dropped My Dumplings, Art & Text
73, May-July 2001
[Arai Shin-ichi] Angramy, Brnice, Social Tensions : Arai Shin-ichi Creativity and Abject
Nationalism in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 70-73
[Dumb Type] Shikata Yukiko, White out, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Echigo-Tsumari Triennial 2000] Naumann, Peter, Art necklace, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Emerging artists] Galligan, Gregory, First steps, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Emi Kinuko], Emi Kinuko: Retrospective, Momiyama Masao (ed), Kamakura & Hayama: Museum
of Modern Art, Kanagawa, 2004.
[Fukuoka] Fouser, Robert J., Museum city Fukuoka, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[Higashionna Yuichi] review, Contemporary Visual Art, 29, 2000
[Hiroshi, Kitao], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[ICC Biennale, 1999] Katsura, Eishi, Possibilitites for Dialogue, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000


[Kaoru Arima] Vergne, Phillipe, Kaoru Arima in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 88
[Kaoru, Isima] Griffin, Tim, Billboard: Isima Kaoru, Traffic Accident, Art & Text 74, Aug.-Oct.
[Kenji Yanobe] Sumitomo, Fumhiko, Kenji Yanobe at the National Museum of Art (Review) in
Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), p. 85
[Kuniyasu, Takamasa] Koplos, Janet, 'Takamasa Kuniyasu at MACA', Art in America, Vol. 90,
Issue 11, November 2002
[Kusama Yayoi] King, Natalie, In full bloom, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000; Kuresawa Tkaemi, An
unwritten biography, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Mariko Mori] Johnson, Ken, Mariko Moris Wave UFO, IBM Atrium in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39
(Winter 2004), pp. 54-56
[Masato Tanaka], Lim, Shing Ee., Interview with Masato Tanaka, in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.8-11.
[Minako Kitayama] Vergne, Phillipe, Minako Kitayama in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 90
[Miwa Yanagi] Effedy, Rifky, Miwa Yanagi in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 42
[Momoko], review, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[Mori Art Museum] Leung, Laura Kateri, Mori Art Museum in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), pp. 14-15; Sirmans, Franklin, Happiness: A Survival Guide for Art & Life art Mori
Art Museum (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), p. 77; Pollock, Barbara,
Art Above the City in Art in America (May 2004), pp. 99-103
[Morimura Yasumasa] review, Art News, 100,8, 2001; review, Contemporary Visual Art, 26.
[MOT Annual, Gift of Hope] Hori, Motoaki, Gifts, hopes, encounters, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Murakami Takashi] Rubinstein, Raphael, In the realm of the super-flat, Art in America, June
[Nakamura Masato] Shikata Yukiko, Sign of the times, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Natesan, Shibu], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Naoshima] Itoi, Kay, The Art island, Art News, 101, 3, 2002; Reed, Arden, Living well on
Naoshima Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 9, September 2002
[Nagare, Masayuki] Koplos, Janet, Masayuki Nagare at Jason McCoy, Art in America, Vol. 90,
Issue 9, September 2002
[Nara Yoshitomo] review, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Meneguzzo, Marco, Yoshitomo Nara,
Artforum International, Vol.41, Issue 1, September 2002
[New media] Carroli, Linda, MAAP, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; Kusahara Machiko, Avatars of
virtual worlds, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Nguyen-Hatsushiba], Devenport, Rhana., In the Public Domain: Towards the Complex
(review), in The Journal of the Asian Arts Society of Australia, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2003,
[Orimoto, Tatsumi] Robinson, Joel, Tatsumi Orimoto at the Kawasaki City Museum, Asian Art
News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October, 2002
[Ozawa, Tsuyoshi], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Rika, Noguchi], Schwendener, Martha, Rika Noguchi, Artforum International, Vol.39, Issue 9,
May 2001; Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Sugiura Kunie] Kopls, Janet, Shadow play, Art in America, April 2002.
[Sumi Takamasa] review, Contemporary Visual Art, 29, 2000
[Tabaimo] review, Art News, 101, 3, 2002
[Takahashi, Ayae] Miller, Francine Koslow, Ayae Takahashi, Artforum International, Vol.40,
Issue 4, December 2001
[Takahashi Tomoko] Preece, Robert, Staging controlled chaos, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000; Buck,
Louisa, Tomoko Takahashi, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 10, Summer 1998


[Tsuyoshi Ozawa] Hou Hanru, Tsuyoshi Ozawa in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 56
[Tamura, Maki] Carboni, Massimo, Maki Tamura, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 1,
September 2001
[Taro, Shinoda], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Venice Biennale 1999] Shimizu, Toshio, Japan and Korea at the 48th Venice Biennale, Art
AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Under Construction], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002; Robinson, Joel D, The Construction Sites
of Asian Art, Asian Art News, Volume 13, Number 2, March/April 2003; Robinson, Joel D.,
The Construction Sites of Asian Art, World Sculpture News, Volume 9, Number 1, Winter
[Yamagata Hiro] review, Art News, 100, 8, 2001
[Yamaguchi, Takako] Duncan, Micael, Takako Yamaguchi at Jan Baum, Art in America, Vol. 90,
Issue 5, May 2002
[Yoko, Tadanori] Purvis, Jeniffer, Tadanori Yokoo at the Hara Museum, Art in America, Vol. 90,
Issue 5, May 2002
[Yanagi Yukinori] Chong, Doryun, Excavating History, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; ; Richard,
Frances, Yukinori Yanagi, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 5, January 1998
[Yokohama Triennale] Takshima Naoyuki] Yokohama triennale, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001;
Phillips, Christopjher, Crosse currents in Yokohama, Art in America, January 2002; Kent,
Rachel, 2001 Yokohama Triennale, Art Asia Pacific, No.34, 2002.
[Yokomizo Shizuka] review, Art News, 100, 7, 2001; Schwabsky, Barry, Shizuka Yokomizo,
Artforum International, Vol.39, Issue 8, April 2001
[Yoshihi, Futana], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002.
[Yoshitomo Nara] Hunt, David, Yoshitomo Nara: The Prince & The Pauper 2003 in Art Asia
Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), pp. 44-47
[Yoshihiro Suda] Acret, Susan, Yoshihiro Suda in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 29
[Yuki Kimura] Shikata, Yukiko, Yuki Kimura in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 84
Borggreen, Gunhild, Gender in Contemporary Japanese Art, in Mostow, Joshua S.; Bryson
Norman; Graybill, Marybeth, eds, Gender and Power in the Japanese Visual Field, Honolulu,
University of Hawaii Press, 2003.
Corkill, Edan, A New generation, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
Corkill, Edan, Turning to the everyday, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
Facts of Life: Contemporary Japanese Art, London: Hayward Gallery/The Japan Foundation, 2001.
Hjorth, Larissa, In-between discourses, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
Kataoka Mami et al, Roppongi Crossing, Tokyo, Mori Art Museum, 2004.
Koplos, Janet, Report from Tokyo, Art in America, February 2002.
Koplos, Janet, 'Korea and Japan mend fences', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4, April 2003
Kozloff, Max, Tokyo Togs, Art in America, March 2002.
Lee, Yvonne, Renga- The Japanese Art of Collective Creation: Chained Painting Project by Hitori
Nakayama (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.16-17.
Lloyd, Fran ; Roberts, Melanie eds., Sex & Consumerism: Contemporary Art in Japan, (curator:
Siumee Keelan), Brighton: The University of Brighton, 2001.
Mami, Kataoka, et al, Roppongi Crossing: New Visions in Contemporary Japanese Art 2004, Tokyo,
Mori Art Museum, 2004.
Nonomura, Fumihiro, The city, art and the garden, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
Kuroda, Raiji, Adventure of Communication in the Age of Stagnation: Japanese Art in the
mid-1990s, Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
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Meiji Architecture
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1920s-1940s Architecture
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Architecture since 1945
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Contemporary Art; New York, Rizzoli, 1991.
Suzuki, H., The "Blown Roof" in Modern Japanese Architecture, Japan Echo, XIV, 1, 1987
Suzuki Hiroshi, Japanese architecture 2 : recent developments, Tokyo : Process Architecture,
Sauzuki Hiroshi, Japanese architecture 1 : recent trends, Tokyo : Process Architecture, 1982,
Tanaka Kyokichi, Quest for Tokyo in the Future, The Japan Architect, vol.63, June 1988.
Tange Kenzo, A plan for Tokyo, The Japan Architect, vol.62, Nov/Dec 1987.
Tange Kenzo, Creating a contemporary system of aesthetics, The Japan Architect, vol.65, Jan
Tange Kenzo, Message of Acceptance, The Japan Architect, vol.59, Septe 1984.
Tange Kenzo, Recollections, The Japan Architect, various issues, 1985-1986.
Tange Kenzo, The New Tokyo City Hall Complex, Japan Architect, vol.26, June 1986 & no.5,
Winter 1992.
Tange Kenzo, & Kawazoe Noboru, Ise: Portotype of Japanese Architecture, Cambrdige, MIT,
Tempel, Eugen, Neue Japanische Architektur, Stuttgart, 1969.
The Japan Architect Special Issues:
Van Wynct, R., ed., International Dictionary of Architects and Architecture, Detroit, St. James
Press, 1993.
Vorreiter, Gabriele, Special Issue: Japan, The Architectural Review, 1089, Nov. 1987.
Yatsuka, H., Architecture in the Urban Desert: a critical introduction to Japanese Architecture after
Modernism, Opposition, 1976.


Architecture and Design

Chang, Ching-Yu, Japanese spatial conception: a critical analysis of its elements in the culture and
traditions of Japan and its post-war, Ann Arbor,: University Microfilms International,
University of Pennsylvania, Phd Thesis, 1982.
Kobayashi H.,Naito, T., Creative environment : Japanese landscape = Kankyo to S0z0, Tokyo,
Process Architecture, 1985.
Miwa Masahiro, Japanese designers at home and abroad, Tokyo : Process Architecture Pub., 1983.
Nitschke, Gunther, MA, The Japanese Sense of Place, Architectural Design, 3, 1966
Speidel, Manfred, Anthropological Notes on Architecture, Japanese Places of Pilgrimage,
Architecture + Urbanism, 12, 1975
Takamura Hideya, Japanese aesthetics in the commercial environment, Tokyo : Process
Architecture, 1984.
Yagi, Koji, Japan : climate, space, and concept, Tokyo : Process Architecture Publishing Co., 1981.
Architectural Bibliographies
Sweeney, Robert L., Frank Lloyd Wright; an annotated bibliography, Losa Angeles, Hennesy &
Ingalls, 1978.
Vance Bibliographies, PO Box 229, Monticello, Illinois 61856:
(Architects listed with surname second)
A103 Oct. 1979, Arata Isozaki, A336 Sep. 1980 Masato Otaka,
A302 Aug. 1980 Kiyoshi Seike, A124 Nov. 1979 Kunio Maekawa,
A125 Nov. 1979 Togo Murano, A104 Oct 1979 Shizutaro Abe,
A340 Oct. 1980 Takeo Satow (Sato), A335 Sep. 1980 Isoya Yoshida,
A835 Oct. 1982 Minoru Takeyama, A474 Apr. 1981 The Gardens of Japan,
A1070 Oct. 1983 Japanese Exposition Architecture, A703 Apr. 1982 Kazuo Shinohara, A1188 Jun.
1988 Contemporary Japanese Domestic Architecture,
A1085 Nov. 1983 An Architectural Guide to Tokyo, A753 Jun. 1982 Shinichi Okada, A1447 Jan.
1978 Architectural Planning and Landscape Architecture in Japan, A65 Aug. 1979 Kisho
Noriaki Kurokawa, A1122 Jan. 1984 Fumihiko Maki.
Science, Technology, & Their Representation
Lummis, C.D., Introduction, Japanese critiques of technological Society", Journal of Social and
Political Theory, 8, 3, Fall 1984.
Matthew, Robert, Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society , London ; New York :
Routledge ; [Oxford, England] : Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford,
McCormack, G., Manchukuo: Constructing the past, East Asian History, 2, December 1991.
Morris-Suzuki, T., Concepts of nature and technology in Pre-Industrial Japan, East Asian History,
1, June 1991.
Schodt, F.L., Inside the Robot kingdom: Japan, mechatronics, and the coming robotopia, Tokyo,
Kodansha International, 1988.
Technology in Modern Japan, Special Issue, Japanese Studies, 13, 2, September 1993, includes
Low, M., The birth of Godzilla: Nuclear fear and the ideology of Japan as victim.
Selected Texts on Modern Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History
Arai, Andrea G, The "Wild Child" of 1990s Japan, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Bellah, R., Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditional World, Harper and Row, 1970
Blacker, C., The Japanese Enlightenment: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi,
Cambridge UP, 1964
Bowring, R.J., Mori Ogai and the Modernization of Japanese Culture, Cambridge UP, 1979
Braisted, W.R., tr. Meiroku Zasshi: Journal of the Japanese Enlightenment, Harvard UP, 1976


Cazdyn, Eric M., Representation, Reality Culture, and Global Capitalism in Japan, The South
Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Ching, Leo T. S., 1962-, "Give Me Japan and Nothing Else!": Postcoloniality, Identity, and the
Traces of Colonialism, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Dale, P.N., The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness, Croom Helm, 1986, (rev.: Mulhern, C.L., Japan
Quarterly, XXXIV, 3, 1987), rev. ed. Routledge, 1995.
Doi, T., The Anatomy of Dependence, Tokyo, Kdansha, 1973
Doi, T., The Psychological World of Natsume Soseki, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1981
Figal, Gerald, Civilization and monsters, spirits of modernity in Meiji Japan, Durham, Duke
University Press, 2000
Fukuzawa, Yukichi, tr. Kiyooka, E., The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukuchi, Columbia UP, 1966
Gluck, C., Japans Modern Myths: Ideology in the Late Meiji Period, Princeton UP, 1985 (rev.:
Brown, S.D., Monumenta Nipponica, 41, 1, 1986)
Hamaguchi, E., A Contextual Model of the Japanese..., Journal of Japanese Studies, 11, 2, 1 1985
Hamaguchi, E., Towards a theoretical dialogue between Asia and the West, Japan Foundation
Newsletter, XIV, 4, 1987.
Harootunian, H., Overcome by Modernity, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000.
Harootunian, Harry D., 1929-, Japan's Long Postwar: The Trick of Memory and the Ruse of
History, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Hsu, F.L.K., Iemoto: The Heart of Japan, New York, Halsted Press, 1975
The Japanese: Portrait of Change, Special Issue, Japan Echo, XV, 1988
Irokawa, D., tr. Jansen, M.B., The Culture of the Meiji Period, Princeton UP, 1985 (rev.:Marshall,
B.K., Monumenta Nipponica, 41, 1, 1986. Waswo, A., Journal of Japanese Studies, 13, 1,
Ivy, Marilyn, Formation of Mass Culture, in Gordon, Andew, ed., Postwar Japan as History
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1993.
Ivy, Marilyn, Revenge and Recapitation in Recessionary Japan, The South Atlantic Quarterly,
99.4, Fall 2000
Kamishima, J., Modernization of Japan and the Problem of "IE" Conciousness, Acta Asiatica, 13,
Kasza, Gergory J., The State and Mass Meida in Japan, 1918-1945, Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1988.
Koschmann, V., Revolution and Subjectivity in Post-War Japan, 1996.
Kuwabara Takeo, Japan and Western Civilization, Tky, Uinversity of Tky Press, 1983.
Minami, H., The Psychology of the Japanese People, U Toronto P, 1971
Mitchell, R.H., Thought Control in Pre-War Japan, Cornell UP, 1976
Mitchell, R.H., Censorship in Imperial Japan, Princeton UP, 1983
Miyoshi, Masao ed., Postmodernism and Japan, Durham, Duke University Press, 1989 [except for
two additions by Isozaki Arata and Oe Kenzabur, the content is largely the same as the
Special Issue of The South Atlantic Quarterly, vol.87, no.3, Summer 1988].
Miyoshi, Masao & Harootunian, H.D., eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press,
Miyoshi, Masao, The University and the "Global" Economy: The Cases of the United States and
Japan, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Najita,T., Harootunian,H.D., Japanese revolt against the West: political and cultural criticism in
the twentieth century, in The Cambridge History of Japan, vol.6, The Twentieth Century,
Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Pyle, K.B., The New Generation in Meiji Japan: problems of cultural identity 1885-1895, Stanford
UP, 1969
Rimer, J. Thomas, ed., Culture and Identity: Japanese Intellectuals during the Interwar years,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990.


Roden, D., Schooldays in Imperial Japan: a study in the culture of a student elite, Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1980
Rubin, J., Injurious to Public Morals: Writers and the Meiji State, U Washington P, 1984
Rubin, J., From Wholesomeness to Decadence: The Censorship of Literature under the Allied
Occupation, Journal of Japanese Studies, 11, 1, Winter 1985.
Shillony, Ben-Ami, Politics and Culture in Wartime Japan, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1981.
Shively, Donald, ed., Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1971.
Silverberg, M, Modern Girl as Militant, in Berstein, Gail Lee, ed. Recreating Japanese Women,
1600-1945, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1991.
Silverberg, M, Constructing a new cultural history of pre-war Japan, in Miyoshi Masao &
Harootunian, H.D. eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993
Sugimoto, Y., Arnanson, J.P., Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity, London: KPI, 1995.
Tamanoi, Mariko, A Road to "A Redeemed Mankind": The Politics of Memory among the Former
Japanese Peasant Settlers in Manchuria, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.1, Winter 2000
Tanaka, T., The Acceptance of Western Civilization in Japan (Meiji Period), East Asian Cultural
Studies, VI, March 1967
Tanizaki Junichir, In Praise of Shadows, [tr. Harper, T.J.. & Seidensticker, Edward G.], New
Haven, Leetes Island Books, 1977.
Toyama, S., Reformers of the Meiji Restoration and the Birth of Modern Intellectuals, Acta
Asiatica, 13, 1967
Tsurumi, S., An Intellectual History of Wartime Japan, Kegan Paul International, 1986.
Tsurumi, S., A Cultural History of Post-War Japan, 1945-1980, Kegan Paul International, 1987.
Yanagita, K., tr Morse, R.S., The Legends of Tono, Japan Foundation, 1975
Yanagita, K., About our Ancestors: The Japanese Family System, UNESCO, Japanese Ministry of
Education, 1970.
Yoda, Tomiko, A Roadmap to Millennial Japan, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Yoda, Tomiko, The Rise and Fall of Maternal Society: Gender, Labor, and Capital in
Contemporary Japan, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Yoshimoto, Mitsuhiro, 1961-, The University, Disciplines, National Identity: Why is There No
Film Studies in Japan?, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Modern Japanese Thought
General Texts on Aesthetics:
Marra, Michele, Modern Japanese Aresthetics: A Reader, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press,
Marra, Michael F., A History of modern Japanese Aesthetics, Honolulu, University of Hawaii
Press, 2001.
Marra, Michael F., Japanese Hermeneutics: Current Debates on Aesthetics and Interpretation,
Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2002.
Odin, Steve, Artistic Detachment in Japan and the West: Psychic Distance in Comparative
Aesthetics, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2001.
Okakura Kakuz [Tenshin]
See under Nihonga
Kuki Shz:
Kuki Shz, Le problme de la contingence, [tr. Omodaka Hisayuki], Tky, University of Tokyo
Press, 1963.
Kuki Shz [tr. Maeno Toshiyuki], Structure de lIki, Tky, Maison Franco-Japonaise, 1984.
Kuki Shz, Observations on Japanese Taste: The Structure of Iki [tr. Clark, J.; ed. Matsui Sakuko
& Clark, J.], Sydney, Power Publications, 1996.


Kuki Shz, The structure of detachment : the aesthetic vision of Kuki Shz, (translated by Hiroshi
Nara Hiroshi; with essays by J. Thomas Rimer and Jon Mark Mikkelsen), Honolulu,
University of Hawaii Press, 2004.
Kuki and His Times:
Clark, J., The Structure of Iki by Kuki Shz, Asian Culture Quarterly, vol. XII, no.1, Spring
Clark, J., Sovereign Domains: The Structure of Iki, Japan Forum, vol.10, no.2, 1998.
Dale, Peter N., The Myth of Japanese Uniqueness, London, Croom Helm, 1986 & London,
Routledge, 1990.
Heidegger, Martin, A Dialogue on Language in his On the Way to Language, [translated by Peter
D. Hertz], New York, Harper and Row, 1971.
Hosoi Atsuko & Pigeot, Jacqueline, La structure diki, Critique, 29, no.308, January, 1973.
Kuno Akira, Lesthtique de Shz Kuki in Tamba Akira, ed., LEsthtique contemporaine du
Japon, Paris, CNRS Editons, 1997.
Light, Stephen, Shz Kuki and Jean-Paul Sartre: Influence and Counter-Influence in the Early
History of Existential Phenomenology, Carbondale, South Illinois University Press, 1987.
Nakano Hajimu, Kuki Shz and The Structure of Iki in Rimer, J. Thomas, ed., Culture and
Identity: Japanese Intellectuals during the Interwar Years, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1990.
Nomura Masaichi, Sulla struttura dell iki di Kuki Shz e il sistema del gusto estetico
giapponese in Gururajamanjarika: Studi in Onore di Giuseppe Tucci, Napoli, 1974.
Pincus, Leslie, In a Labyrinth of Western Desire: Kuki Shuzo and the discovery of Japanese
being, in Miyoshi Masao & Harootunian, H.D. eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke
University Press, 1993.
Pincus, Leslie, Authenticating Culture in Imperial Japan: Kuki Shz and the Rise of National
Aesthetics, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1996 [review by Clark, J. Australian
Journal of Art, 1997].
Piovesana, G., Recent Japanese Phliosophical Thought, rev. ed., Tky, Enderle, 1973.
Nishida Kitar:
Adams, Robert, The feasibility of the philosophical in early Taish Japan, PhD dissertation,
University of Chicago, 1991.
Feenberg, A., Arisaka Yoko, Experiential ontology: The originsof the Nishida philosophy in the
doctrine of pure experience, International Philosophical Quarterly, vol.30, no.2, (June 1990),
173- 204.
Nishida Kitar, An Inquiry into the good, [tr. Abe Masao, Ives, C.], New Haven, Yale University
Press, 1990.
Nishida Kitar, ber das Gute, [tr. Prtner, Peter] Hamburg, Gesellschaft fr Natur und
Vlkerkunde Ostasiens, 1990.
Watsuji Tetsur:
Befu Harumi, Watsuji Tetsurs Ecological Approach : its philosophical foundation, in Kalland,
A. & Asquith, Pamela J., Japanese Images of nature: Cultural Perspectives, London, Curzon
Press, 1997.
Bellah, Robert N., Japans cultural identity: some reflections on the work of Watsuji Tetsur,
Journal of Asian Studies, vol.24, no.4, (August 1965), 573-94.
La Fleur, William A., A turning in Taish: Asia and Europe in the early writings of Watsuji
Tetsur, in Rimer, J. Thomas, ed., Culture and Identity: Japanese Intellectuals during the
Interwar Years, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990.
Sakai Naoki, Return to the West / Return to the West: Watsuji Tetsurs anthropology and
discussions of authenticity, in Miyoshi Masao & Harootunian, H.D. eds., Japan in the
World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993
Watsuji Tetsur, A Climate, [tr.Bownas, G.], Tky, Japanese Government Printing Bureau, about


Watsuji Tetsur, The significance of ethics as the study of man, [tr. Dilworth David, A.],
Monumenta Nipponica, vol. 24, no.4, (1971) 395-413.
Modern Japanese History
Austin, L., Japan: The Paradox of Progress, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1976
Barshay, Andrew, State and Intellectual in Imperial Japan: The public man in crisis, Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1988.
Berger, Gordon Mark, Parties Out of Power in Japan, 1931-1941, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1977.
Burks, A.W., ed. The Modernizers, Boulder, Westview, 1985
Crowley, James B., ed., Dilemmas of growth in pre-war Japan, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1971
Duus, Peter, Party Rivalry and Political Change in Taish Japan, Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 1968.
Duus, Peter, Scheiner, Irwin, Socialism, Liberalism, and Marxism, 1901-1931, in Duus, Peter, ed.,
The Cambridge History of Japan, vol.6, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Duus, Peter, The Rise of Modern Japan, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1976.
Garon, S., Molding Japanese Minds: The State of Everyday Life, Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1997.
Gordon, Andrew, Labor and Imperial Democracy in Prewar Japan, Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1991.
Halliday, Jon, A Political History of Japanese Capitalism, New York, Pantheon, 1975.
Hane, M., Peasants, Rebels and Outcasts: The Underside of Modern Japan, Pantheon, 1982.
Hoston, G., Marxism and the crisis of development in prewar Japan, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1986.
Jones, H.J., Live Machines, Vancouver, University of British Columbia / Croydon, Paul Norbury,
Koschmann, J.V. ed. Authority and the Individual in Japan, Tky, University of Tky Press,
Mackie, Vera, Liberation and light: the language of opposition in Imperial Japan, East Asian
History, no.9, June 1995.
Mitchell, R.H., Thought Control in Prewar Japan, Itahca, Cornell University Press, 1976.
Myers, R.H. & Peattie, M.R., The Japanese Colonial Empire, 1895-1945, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1984.
Najita Tetsuo, Hara Kei in the Politics of Compromise, 1905-1915, Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 1967.
Najita Tetsuo, Japans Industrial Revolution in Historical Perspective, in Miyoshi Masao &
Harootunian, H.D. eds., Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993.
Nolte, Sharon H., Liberalism in Modern Japan: Ishibashi Tanzan and His Teachers, 1905-1960,
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1987.
Notehelfer, F.G., Kotoku Shusui: Portrait of a Japanese Radical, Cambridge UP, 1971.
Silberman, Bernard S. & Harootunian, Harry D., eds, Japan in Crisis: Essays in Taish Democracy,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1974.
Smethurst, Richard J., A Social Basis of Japanese Militarism: The Army and the Rural Community,
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974.
Tanaka, Stefan, Japans Orient: Rendering Pasts into History, Berkeley, University of California
Press, 1993.
Umetani, N., The Role of Foreign Employees in the Meiji Era in Japan, Tokyo, Institute for the
Developing Economies, 1971.
Yoshioka Hiroshi, Samurai and self-colonization in Japan, in Pieterse, J.N. & Parekh, B. Eds., The
decolonization of the imagination, London: Zed Books, 1995.


DeVos, G.A., Socialization for Achievement, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1973
Fuse, A., Japanese Family in Transition, Japan Foundation Newsletter, XIII, 3, 4, 1984.
Hendry, J., Webber, J., eds., Interpreting Japanese Society, Anthropological Approaches, Journal
of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, Occasional Papers, no.5, 1986 (especially Part III.
The Significance of Leisure)
Ishida, T., Japanese Society, University Press of America, 1972
Kumakura, I., The Iemoto System in Japanese Society, Japan Foundation Newsletter, IX, 4, 1981
Morse, R., Sugimoto, S., Images of Japanese Society, Kegan Paul International, 1986 (rev.:
Silverberg, M., Monumenta Nipponica, 42, 3, Summer 1987).
Nakane, C., Japanese Society, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1970
Powers, R.G. The Study of Japanese Society: Figments of whose imagination?, Japan
Foundation Newsletter, X, 5, 1983
Smith, R., Japanese Society: Tradition, Self and the Social Order, Cambridge UP, 1985
Symposium on "IE" Society, Journal of Japanese Studies, 11, 1, Winter 1985.
Waswo, A., Japanese Society, 1868-1994, New York, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Yoshino, Kosaku, Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary Japan: a sociological enquiry, London,
New York: Routledge, 1992
Literary Representations
Two overall surveys are:
Keene Donald, Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature in the Modern Era, I Fiction, II Poetry and
Drama, New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1984.
Lewell John, Modern Japanese Novelists: A Biographical Dictionary,Tky, Kdansha
International, 1993.
Doak, K.M., Dreams of Difference: The Japanese Romantic School and the crisis of Modernity,
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994.
Dodd, Stephen, Fantasies, Fairies, and Electric Dreams: Sat Haruos critique of Taish,
Monumenta Nipponica, vol.49, no.3, 1994.
Fowler, E., The Rhetroic of Confession: Shishsetsu in Early Twentieth century Japanese Fiction,
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988.
Ivy, Marilyn, The Discourse of Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japan, Chicago, University of
Chicago Press, 1995.
Jameson, Frederic, Sseki and Western Modernism, in Miyoshi Masao & Harootunian, H.D. eds.,
Japan in the World, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993.
Karatani Kjin, Origins of Modern Japanese Literature, Durham, Duke University Press, 1993
Karatani, Kjin, Architecture as Metaphor, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1995.
Lippet, Noriko Misuta, Reality and Fiction in Modern Japanese Literature, New York, M.E.Sharpe,
Minear, Richard H., Review Symposium: Orientalism and the Study of Japan, Journal of Asian
Studies, XXXIX, no.3, May 1980
Miyoshi Masao, Accomplices of Silence, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974.
Monnet, Lisa, Gender and Performance of Culture: Reading Contempoirary Japanese Fiction,
Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1997.
Monnet, Lisa, Violence, gender, and sexuality, Japan Forum, vol.8., no.1, 1996.
Monnet, Lisa, Montage, cinematic subjectivity and feminism in Ozaki Midoris Drifting in the
World of the Seventh Sense, Japan Forum 11:1 1999
Murphey, Joseph Economies of culture: the Taish bundan dallies with the Movies. Japan Forum
11:1 1999
Murayama Masao, Thought and Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics, London, Oxford
University Press, 1963


Napier, Susan, The Logic of Inversion: Twentieth Century Japanese Utopias, Oxford, Nissan
Occasional Papers, no.15, 1991.
Napier, Susan, The fantastic in modern Japanese literature : the subversion of modernity, London :
Routledge, 1996.
Suzuki Tomi, Narrating the Self: Fictions of Japanese Modernity, Palo Alto, Stanford University
Press, 1996
Web Resources
General sites:
Specific sites: mostly about contemporary art, has Japanese and English interface
and sections on "art words"
/index.htm people lists Musashino Bijutsu list of contributors National Museum of Modern Art collection database new media, need to register (for free) Association for Corporate Support of the Arts (Mecenat)
list of newspaper articles about art but no links directly to the articles. The Asia Societys introduction to Japanese art page. gallery& museum information.
Modern Japanese Art: Texts by John Clark
Modernity in Japanese Painting, Art History, vol.9, no.2, June 1986, 213-231
Yga in Japan: Model or Exception? Modernity in Japanese art, 1850s-1940s: an international
comparison, Art History, vol.18, no.2, June 1995, 253-285.
Modernism and Traditional Japanese-style Painting, Semiotica, 1, 1989, 1-18;
Charles Wirgman (1832-1891), recent discoveries and re-evaluations, Proceedings of the 1988
Japan Studies Colloqium, London, The British Library, 1990, 261-276.
Charles Wirgman, in Daniels, G., editor, Britain and Japan: Themes and Personalities,
1859-1991, [Japan Society of London Centennial Volume], London, Routledge and Kegan
Paul, The Japan Society, 1991, 54-63
Japanese Exchanges in Art [with other contributions by Luke Gartlan, Colin Osman, and John
Fraser], Sydney, Power Publications, 2001.
Indices of Modernity: Changes in Popular Reprographic representation, in Elise K. Tipton and
John Clark eds., Being Modern in Japan: Culture and Society from the 1910s to the 1930s,
Sydney, Australian Humanities Research Foundation & Honolulu, University of Hawaii
Press, 2000, 25-49.
Artist and the State: The Image of China in Japanese Painting, 1890s - 1940s, in Elise Tipton, ed.,
Society and the State in Interwar Japan, London, Routledge, 1997.
[translation, unpublished] Kumasaka Atsuko, Sanshir and British Painting, 1985, [Japanese
original in Nihon Joshidagaku Kiy, no.34, March 1985].
Surrealism in Japan, in Surrealism: Revolution by Night, Lloyd, M., Gott, T., Chapman, C.,
Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 204-215.
Dilemmas of Selfhood: Public and Private discourses of Japanese Surrealism in the 1930s,
published as Artistic Subjectivity in the Taisho and early Showa avantgarde 1945, chapter
for Monroe, Alexandra, ed., Scream against the sky: Japanese Art after 1945, New York,
Abrams & The Guggenheim Museum, 1995, 40-53.


Modern Boy, Modern Girl: Modernity in Japanese Art, 1910-1935 Sydney, Art Gallery of New
South Wales, 1998. [originator of exhibition concept, writer of catalogue texts, translator of
catalogue texts].
Surrealism in Japan, [a consolidation of the two earlier papers with extensive, previously
unpublished materials] Occasional paper no 28, of Japan Studies Centre, Monash Asia
Institute, 1997, 80 pages.
The Art of Modern Japan Three Wars, Bulletin of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia,
vol.11, no.2, August 1991, 38-42.
Surface and Subterranean monuments in Modern Japanese Art for The Nature of the Masterpiece
in Europe and Japan, Sainsbury Centre of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, September
1997 [to date only published in Japanese translation].
[Translation] Akasegawa Genpeis The art that destroyed itself in Reconstructions, Oxford,
Museum of Modern Art, 1985;
[Translation] Iida Yoshikuni, Sense of liberation in a black-market age, [unpublished paper for
Reconstructions Exhibition Symposium, as above].
Obscenity Deleted, 1979, [unpublished lecture to Institute of Contemporary Art on Japanese
pornographic comics].
The Conditions for Post-Modernity in Japanese Art of the 1980s, shortened version without tables
in Sugimoto, Y., & Arnanson, ed., The Postmodernity Debate and the Japanese Experience,
London, Kegan Paul International, 1994, 154-175;; French translation of a shortened form as
Modernisme et postmodernisme au Japon (Quelques notes propos des annes 1980) in
Tamba Akira ed., LEsthtique contemporaine du Japon, Paris, CNRS Editions, 1997,
Review of the saka Triennale, Art & Asia Pacific, 1996, vol.3, no.1.
Modernities, Histories: the Japanese Case, 1995 [unpublished original of following shortened
version]; Modernits, Histoires; le cas japonais, [traduit par Lacoste, J.) in Harry Belleter,
ed., Face lHistoire , Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1996,.
Asian Modernisms [reprinted from Humanities Research, no.2, 1999] in Marg, Spring, vol. 53,
no.2, 2002, pp. 102-111.
Art History and Alterity: Othering as Process in Modern Asian Art Discourses in Flores, Patrick
D. ed., Commemorative Anthology on the retirement of Professor Alice G. Guillermo, Manila,
University of the Philippines, scheduled 2003.
Modern aesthetics:
The Structure of "Iki" by Kuki Shz, Asian Culture Quarterly, 1984, XII, 1, 45-51.
Review of Leslie Pincus, Authenticating Culture in Imperial Japan, Berkeley, University of
California Press, 1996, in The Australian Journal of Art, vol.XVI, 1997.
Translator and annotator, Kuki Shz, An Essay on Japanese Taste - The Structure of Iki, [with a
foreword by Nakano Hajimu, Co-edited with notes by John Clark and by Sakuko Matsui], 168
pages, Sydney, Power Publications, 1997.
Sovereign Domains: The Structure of Iki, Japan Forum, vol.10, no.2, 1998, 197-209
Okakura Kakuz [Tenshin] and Aesthetic Nationalism, forthcoming 2003-06-01
Japanese Architecture:
Japanese Architecture, Nuttgens, P., Worlds Great Architecture, Paul Hamlyn, London, 1980,
Review of Chris Fawcett, The New Japanese House, London, Granada Publishing, 1980, Architects
Association Quarterly, vol.14, no.2, 1982, 83-84.
Japanese Houses, Architects Association Quarterly, vol.10, no.4, 1978, 46-47;
Guide Notes:
Art Sites in Japan: I Around Ueno, TAASA Review, vol.3, no.3, September 1994, 5-6. (507-508))
Art sites around Japan II, TAASA Review, 1995. (509-511)


General Works
[Kim, Youngna] Kim, Youngna, Modern Korean Painting and Sculpture in Clark, John, ed.
Modernity in Asian Art, Sydney: Wild Peony Press, 1993, pp. 155-168; Kim, Youngna, The
Nude in Modern Korean Painting in Hitono Katachi, Hitono Karada (Human Figure in the
Visual Arts in Asia), Tokyo: Heibonsham 1994, pp. 305-319 (in Japanese); Kim, Youngna,
Modern, after 1910 in Korea: Sculpture, The Dictionary of Art, vol. 18, London: Macmillam,
1996, 300-310; Kim, Youngna,Modern Development in Korea: Painting, The Dictionary of
Art, vol. 18, London: Macmillam, 1996, pp. 325-327; Kim, Youngna, Korean Art Today:
Contemporary Art and Social Change in Visual Arts and Culture, 1998; Kim, Youngna,
Recent Contemporary Art and Social Change in Korea in Lee, Sang-oak and Park, Duk-soo,
ed., Perspectives on Korea, Sydney: Wild Peony Press, 1998, pp. 137-143; Kim, Youngna,
Yi In-songs Local Colors: Nationalism or Colonialism in Oriental Arts, Vol. XLVI, no. 4,
2000, pp. 20-30; Kim, Youngna, Korean Art and Culture at the End of the Century in Oh,
Kyong-dan, ed., Korean Briefing 1997-1999, The Asia Society, New York: M.E. Sharp, 2000;
Kim, Youngna, Artistic Trends in Korean Painting During the 1930s in Mayo, Marlene and
Rimer, Thomas, ed., Japan and East Asia: War, Occupation, and Creativity, Hawaii:
University of Hawaii Press, 2001, 121-146; Kim, Youngna, Millets Peasant Image: The
Receptive Phenomenon in Asia in Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, Vol. 14, 2001, pp.
233-262; Kim, Youngna, Korean Students in Tokyo in the 1930s: Their Activities with
Avant Garde Art (Japanese Language) in Gendai Geijutsu Genkyu, Tsukuba University, Vol.
4, 2001, pp. 3-22; Kim, Youngna, Lets Pause and Talk, Lets Pause and Drik in IIAS
Newsletter, Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies, August 2000, p. 40; Kim,
Youngna, Tradition, Modernity and Identity: Mod/Modern and Contemporary Korean Art,
Seoul: Hollym Publisher with Korea Foundation, 2004 (Forthcoming); Kim, Youngna,
Postwar Abstract Art and Koreas Informel in Woo, Hyesoo, Postwar Abstract Art in Korea
and the West: Passion and Expression, Seoul: Samsung Museum of Modern Art, 2000
Ahn, En_Young, Translatability and 20th century Korean art (1930s to 1990s), Unpublished PhD
thesis, Australian National University, 2003
Introduction to the Modern Oriental Painting of Korea, Han'guk Kundae Tongyanghwa, Seoul,
Hwarang Namkyong, 1976
Modern Korea Art Exhibition for the Past 60 years, Seoul, Ministry of Information, 1973 [bilingual
National Museum of Contemporary Art, ed., 100 Masterpieces of Modern Korean paintings
(1900-1960), Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002.
National Museum of Contemporary Art, ed., A glimpse into Korean Modern Painting,[1920s-1960s]
Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art, 1998
Pak, Syeung-Gil, ed., Modern Korean Painting, Seoul, Korean National Commission for UNESCO,
Roe, Jae-Ryung, The representation of national identity in Korean Art Exhibitions, 1951-1994, Ph D
thesis, New York University, 1995.
Roe, Jae-ryung, Contemporary Korean Art, Sydney, Australian Humanities Research Foundation,
Selected Works of 100 Modern Korean Sculptors and Painters, Seoul, 1965, [series of one volume
per artist in Korean with some details in English]
Selz, P.ed., Contemporary Korean Painting, Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, 1979.
So Chong-Ae, Public Funding for the Arts in the Republic of Korea, unpublished MA Thesis,
Teachers College, Columbia University, 2000
Woo, Hyesoo, Postwar Abstract Art in Korea and the West: Passion and Expression, Seoul:
Samsung Museum of Modern Art, 2000


Yi Kyong-song, Sixty years of Modern Korean Art, and accompanying chronology by Yi Ku-yol,
English texts in the Korean catalogue Han'guk Kundae Misul, Seoul, National Museum of
Modern Art, 1973.
Yi Kyong-song, Modern Korean Painting, Seoul, Korean National Commission for UNESCO,
Yoon, Jin-sup, A study on Korean modernism: with emphasis on avant-garde movement since 1956,
Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Western Sydney, 2000
Colonial Period
Park, Hyun Ok, Korean Manchuria: The Racial Politics of Territorial Osmosis, The South Atlantic
Quarterly, 99.1, Winter 2000
Kim Youngna, Artistic trends in Korean painting during the 1930s, in Mayo, Marlene J., Rimer J.
Thomas, Kerkham, H. Eleanor, eds, War, Occupation and Creativity: Japan and East Asia,
1920-1960, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2001, p.121-146.
National Museum of Contemporary Art, ed., An aspect of Korean Contemporary Art in the 1950s
to 1960s, Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2000
Oh Kwang-su & Kim Bok-young, Korean Contemporary Art from the mid-1970s to mid-1980s: Age
of Philosophy and Aesthetics, Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002
1980s and 1990s
[Korean photography] Roe Jae-ryung Novel exposure, Art AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
[Kwangju Biennale, 1995] Kwangju Biennale 1995: Beyond the Borders (Catalogue), Kwangju
Biennale Press, 1995; Heartney, Eleanor B., More on the Kwangju Biennale, Art &
Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996; Bonami, Francesco, Kwangju (Korea): By the Borders, our
Borders, Flash Art, XXVIII, no.185, Nov/Dec, 1995; Lee, James B., The inaugural
Kwangju Biennale, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996; Bonami, Francesco, Kwanju
(Korea): By the Borders, our Borders, Flash Art, XXVIII, no.185, Nov/Dec, 1995;
Hasegawa Yuko & Carlos, Isabel, Last words on the Biennial, Flash Art, XXVIII, no.185,
Nov/Dec, 1995; Heartney, Eleanor B., More on the Kangju Biennale, Art & Asia-Pacific,
vol.3, no.1, 1996
[Kwangju Biennale 1997] 97 Kwangju Biennale: Unmapping the Earth (Catalogue), Kwangju:
Kwangju Biennale Press, 1997; Fouser, Robert J., The Kwangju Biennale, Art AsiaPacific,
no.18, 1998; Roe, Jae-Ryung, 97 Kwangju Biennale, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue
8, April 1998
[Kwangju Biennale 2000] Kwangju Biennale 2000 : The Special Exhibition, The Kwangju Biennale
Foundation, Kwangju, 2000 ; Kwangju Biennale 2000: Man + Space, Kwangju: Kwangju
Biennale Press, 2000; Art News, 99, 6, 2000; Fouser, Robert J., Picnic in an art garden, Art
AsiaPacific 29, 2001
[Kwangju Biennale 2002] Kwangju Biennale 2002 Project 1: Pause, Realization (Catalogue)
Kwangju Biennale 2002, Korean Biennnale Foundation, 2002; Kwangju Biennale 2002
Project 1: Pause, Conception (Catalogue) Kwangju Biennale 2002, Korean Biennnale
Foundation, 2002; Project 2 There: Sites of Korean Diaspora (Catalogue), Korean
Biennnale Foundation, 2002; Kwangju Biennale 2002 Project 3: Stay of Execution
(Catalogue) Kwangju Biennale 2002, Korean Biennnale Foundation, 2002; Kwangju Biennale
2002 Project 4: Connection (Catalogue) Kwangju Biennale 2002, Korean Biennnale
Foundation, 2002; Photo: Gwangju Biennial 2002, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.6, 2002, p.16-19


[Gwangju Biennale 2004] Moon, Iris, Rethinking Art Along the East-West Axis: The 2004
Gwangju Biennale in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), p. 27; Clark, John, Three
Biennales, Art and Australia, March 2005.
[Venice Biennale, 1995] Rhee Jong Soong, Clay Idols: The new Korean pavilion at the Venice
Biennale, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996; Rhee Jong Soong, Clay Idols: The new
Korean pavilion at the Venice Biennale, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996
[Venice 1999] Shimizu, Toshio, Japan and Korea at the 48th Venice Biennale, Art AsiaPacific, 25,
Supplement: Korea, Asian Art News, vol. 5, no.1, Jan-Feb 1995.
Ahn, En-Young, Slowness of Speed, Art Monthly Australia, April 1999: 118
Ahn, En-Young, Translatability, Modernism, and Postmodernism, Master of Visual Arts Thesis,
Sydney College of the Arts, 1994.
Ahn, Soyeon, Korean art in the 1990s, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
Chattopadhyay, Collette. A Korean WRAPsody. Art AsiaPacific no. 21 1999.
Chiba Shigeo, Ichikawa Masanori, Nakabayashi Kazuo, curators; texts by Chiba Shigeo, no
Ikuhiko, An aspect of Korean art in the 1990s, Tokyo, National Museum of Modern Art, 1996
Choi, Eunju, Contemporary Korean Art in Pluralism and the Issue of Communication, Kuroda,
Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Choi, Tae-man, Min Joong Art and its Testing Ground, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Choi, Tae-man, Min Joong art in Korea: Realism as a communication, in Fukuoka Art Museum,
4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka: Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994.
Choy, Linda, Confucian Feminists, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
Circulating Currents: Japanese and Korean Contemporary Art, Nagoya, Nagoya Shiritsu
Bijutsukan, 1995
Focus on Korea, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996
Fouser, Robert J, The Wow Projects: Putting art into circulation, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
Fouser, Robert J., Canned ambiguity: an exhibition of Korean art in Tokyo, Art AsiaPacific,
no.16, 1997.
Hasegawa Yuko & Carols, Isabel, Last words on the Biennial , Flash Art, XXVIII, no.185,
Nov/Dec, 1995.
Jung Hun Yee, The Ssack exhibition at the Sonje Museum, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996
Jung Hun Yee, The Ssack exhibition at the Sonje Museum, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996
Kee, Joan, Confronting multiple colonization in contemporary Korean art, in Milford-Lutzker,
Mary-Ann, ed., Postmodernism and the Postcolonial Debate in Contemporary Asian Art,
Oakland, Mills, College, 1998.
Kent, Rachel, Slowness of speed, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
Kim Hyun-do, Videomatic, beauty kitsch and politics in contemporary Korean art, Art
AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.
Kim Soun-gui, The Emptiness of Emptiness, Dream of the Butterfly, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1,
no.4, 1994.
Kim Youngna, Korean Art Today: Contemporary Art and Social Change, Visual Arts + Culture,
vol.1, no.1, 1998.
Kim Youngna, Recent Contemporary Art and Social Change in Korea, in Lee Sang-Oak, Park
Duk-soo, eds., Perspectives on Korea, Sydney, Wild Peony, 1998.
Kim, Youngna, Korean Art Today: Contemporary Art and Social Change, Paroissien, Leon, ed.,
Visual Arts and Culture, Volume 1, Part 1 (1998)
Kim Youngna, Korean arts and culture at the end of the twentieth century in Oh Kongdan, ed.,
Korea briefing, 1997-1999, challenges and change at the turn of the twentieth century,
Armonk, Eastgate, 2000
Lee Hwaik, Painting Nothing [monochome painting], Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996
Lee Yongwoo, Information and Reality: Contemporary Art, Edinburgh, Fruitmarket Gallery, 1995.


Lee, James B., The year of art, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995.
Lee, James B., Performance Art takes a stand Asian Art News, vol.4, no.6, Nov-Dec, 1994.
Lee, James B., You are not here [Korean art at Edinburgh], Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.
Nahas, Dominique, The eye of the tiger: a survey of contemporary Korean art, Art AsiaPacific,
no.18, 1998.
Roe Jae-ryung, From Chosun Dynasty to Segehwa, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.
Roe Jae-ryung, Contemporary Korean Art, Sydney, Craftsman House, 2001 [Ahn, En-Young,
review of Art AsiaPacific, 35, 2002]
Roe, Jae-ryung, Korean Art at Home and Abroad: Staging a Culture, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1,
no.4, 1994.
Roe Jae-ryung, Novel exposure [Korean photography], ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
Seo Seongrok, Sensibility of a New Generation. Asian Art: Prospects for the Future.
International Symposium 1999.
Supplement: Korea, Asian Art News, vol. 5, no.1, Jan-Feb 1995.
Young Y. Chung. The Traditional Korean Wedding Robe. TASSA Review, 7:3 1998.
Individual Artists
[Blupers (Rhie Joongjae)] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Cho Duck-hyun], Fouser, Robert J., Duck-Hyun Cho and the art of Memories, Third Text,
no.33, Winter 1995- 1996.
[Cho Duck-hyun], Fouser, Robert J., Therapy and Psyche, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr
[Choi Hyunsoo] Seo Sounjpu, Choi Hyunsoo, a Korean artist in Paris, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3,
[Choi Jeong-hwa] Lee, James B., Flim-flam and fabrication: an interview with Korean artist Choi
Jeong-hwa, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996 Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4, 1996.
[Choi Jian] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999
[Do-Ho Shu], Kee, Joan, The Singular Pluralities of Do-Ho Shu, Art AsiaPacific, no.34, 2002.
[Gimhongsok], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Ha Bik-chuen] Thomson, Jonathan, Ha Bik-chuen at City Hall Exhibition Gallery (Review) in
World Sculpture News, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Spring 2004), pp. 49-50
[Ham Jin] Nanjo, Fumio, Ham Jin in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 7
[Ham Sup] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001
[Ham Sup], Binks, Hilary, Paper reborn in art, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[Hoon Kwak] Hoon Kwak, Asian Art News, 2, no.3, May June 1992
[ium] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale
1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Jung Jong-Mee], Findlay, Ian, Of memory and culture, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Jung Ye Ondoo] Yukie, Kamiya, Dreamweaver: Jung Ye Ondoo in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39
(Winter 2004), pp. 70-75
[Kang Ik-Joong] Kee, Joan. Living on the Edge. Borders and Cultures in the work of Ik-Joong
Kang. Art AsiaPacific no.19 1998.
[Kang Jin-mo] Findlay, Ian. The Soul of Rock: Kang Jinmo. Asia-Pacific Sculpture News 2:1
Winter 1996.
[Kang Sun-Mee] Moon, Iris, Kang Sun-Mee at Gallery Biim (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39
(Winter 2004), p. 85


[Kim Beom], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Kim Ho-suk] Kim Hyun-do, Disrupture: Politics and history in the art of Kim Ho-suk, Art
AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
[Kim Soo-ja, Cho Kyung-sook, Yi Bul, Yun Suk-nam], Kim Sun-jung Bauble, Bangles and beads,
Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996; Fouser, Robert J., Wrapping Everyday Life: Kim Soo-Ja.
Asia-Pacific Sculpture News 2:2 Spring 1996; Schwabsky, Barry, Kim Soo-ja, Art & Text
65, 1999; Nakamura, Nobuo and Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series, Kim Soo Ja:
A Needle Woman, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 2000; Wei, Lilly, Kim Sooja at
Peter Blum, Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 9, September 2002; Goodman, Jonathan, Kim
Sooja in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 51
[Kim Sora], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Kim Whanki] Schwabsky, Barry, Kim Whanki [Seoul] Review, Art & Text 67, Nov. 1999- Jan.
[Kim Yeong gil] Goodman, Jonathan, Small marks, small spaces, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Kim Youngae] Fusco, Cassandra, An archaeology of experience, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3,
[Kwak Hoon], Hoon Kwak, Asian Art News, 2, no.3, May June 1992.
[Lee Bul, Park Hae-sang], Lee, James B., Desire under siege, World Art, no.3, 1995; Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, Contemporary Asian Artists-I 9Korea), Lee Bul: Monsters+Cyborg,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 200; Hoffmann, Frank, Cyborgs and Karaoke Art in
America, May 2002; Kurzmeye, Roman, Lee Bul: in media res., Seoul, Ssamzie Art Project,
1999; Lee Bul, Beauty and Trauma, Art Journal, vol.59, 3, Fall 2000; Obrist Hans-Ulrich
with Lee Bul, Cyborgs and Silicone in Lee Bul, Seoul, Artsonje Center, 1998; Fouser Robert
J., The question of body ownership, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001; Hoffman, Frank, Lee Bul:
cyborgs and karaoke, Art in America, May 2002; Kantor, Jordan, Lee Bul, Artforum
International, Vol.41, Issue 2, October 2002; Hoffman, Frank, Lee Bul: Cyborgs and
karaoke, Art in America, Vol. 90, Issue 5, May 2002. Lee Bul, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum,
Tokyo, Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2003; Rhee, Jieun, From Godess to Cyborg: Lee Bul
and Mariko Mori in N. Paradoxa, Vol. 14, 2004 (July, 2004)
[Lee, Kyung-Lim] Cohen, Ronny, New York: Kyung-Lim Lee, Artforum International, Vol.33,
Issue 1, September 1994
[Lee Mikyung], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Li Chunmok] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Paik Nam-jun /Nam June Paik] Tomkins, C., Video Visionary, in The Scene: Reports on
Post-Modern Art, New York, Viking Press, 1976; Becker, Williams, ed., Pink Video,
Barrytown, Station Hill Imprints, 1998; Fouser, Robert J., Looking for Chaemi : Nam June
Paik and Korean Modernist Aesthetics, in Lee Sang-Oak, Park, Duk-soo, eds., Perspectives
on Korea, Sydney, Wild Peony, 1998; Hanhardt, John G., The worlds of Nam June Paik, New
York, Guggenheim Museum, 2000; Inamori Foundation Newsletter, no.3, August 1998 [prize
citation]; Pacer, Alessandra, Nam June Paik Vinci, San Gimignano, Arte Continua, 2002;
Rhee Jong-soong, Portapaik, Nam June Paik interviewed, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996;
Stooss, Toni; Kellein, Thomas, eds., Nam June Paik: Video Time, Video Space, New York,
Harry N. Abrams, 1993. Butt, Zoe, The Moon is the oldest television, TAASA Review,
vol.12, no.2, 2003; Rhee, Jieun, Reconstructing the Korean Body: Nam June Paik as
Specular Border in Oriental Art, Vol. XLVIII, No. 4 (2002), pp. 47-50
[Shin] Shikata Yukiko, Identity Complex: Shin Myeong-eun deconstructs the dog,
Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.


[Sung Neung-Kyung] Green, Charles, Sung Neung-Kyung, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue
8, April 2002
[Yi Bul] Lee, James B., Yi Bul: the aesthetics of cultural complicity and subversion, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995
[Yi Bul, Park Hae-sang ] Lee, James B., Desire under siege, World Art, no.3, 1995.
[Busan Biennale 2004] Sirmans, Franklin, Busan Biennale 2004 Chasm: Between Reality and
Ideal, One on One With Manu D. Park in in Art Asia Pacific, No. 41 (Summer 2004), pp.
[Ham Jin] Kee, Joan, Ham Jin: Pretty Little Things in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp.
[Hyungkoo Lee] Moon, Iris, The Man Behind the Helmets: Hyungkoo Lee in Art Asia Pacific,
No. 41 (Summer 2004), 28-29
[Kim Bongtae], Findlay, Ian., A World of Color and Space, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2,
March/April 2004, p.52-57.
[Paik Namjun] Goodman, Jonathan, TV Buddha, Video Fish, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Landi,
Ann, Screen Idyll, Art News, 99, 6, 2000
[Yi Bul] ; Lee, James B., Yi Bul: the aesthetics of cultural complicity and subversion, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995
Contemporary Korean Photography review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002
Ahn En-Young, Reclaiming colours in Korean Art, Art Monthly Australia, no.153, September
Heartney, Elanor, Korean Crossing in Art in America, September 2004), pp. 60-65
Kang Seungwan & Kelley, Jeff, leaning forward, looking back, eight contemporary artists from
korea, Seoul, National Museum of Contemporary Art, & San Francisco, Asian Art Museum,
Koplos, Janet, 'Korea and Japan mend fences', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4, April 2003
Kee, Joan, Trouble in New Utopia in positions: east asian cultures critique, Vol. 12, No. 3
(winter 2004)
Moon, Iris, Kim Chang-il: Redefining the Korean Collector Building up an Art Collection in a
Crumbling Market in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 30-31
Video and new Media
Hong Sung-Min, Korean video of art now, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
Kim Hyun-do, Videomatic, beauty kitsch and politics in contemporary Korean art, Art
AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.
Minjung Misul
Choi, Tae-man, Min Joong Art and its Testing Ground, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Choi, Tae-man, Min Joong art in Korea: Realism as a communication, in Fukuoka Art Museum,
4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka: Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994.


Joren, G., Artists at Work, Asian Art News, 2, no.3, May-June 1992.
Korean Paintings of Today, Pyongyang, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1980.
The Korean Art Gallery, Pyongyang, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1985.
Suh Sung-rok, The Battlefield is just in front of us, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.


Southeast Asian Modern Art in General
[ARX5], Farnay, Rachel, Minds of their own Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[ASEAN, 1989] First ASEAN Symposium on Aesthetics, Kuala Lumpur, Balai Seni Lukis Negara,
[ASEAN, 1997 ] ASEAN art awards 1996, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.1, Jan/Feb 1997.
[ASEAN, 1998 ] Farnay, Rachel, An ASEAN success story, Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.1,
January/February 1998; Galligan, Gregory, The ASEAN Art Awards, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
[ASEAN, 1999] Jay, Sian E., The Face of the new, [Philip Morris ASEAN Art Awards], Asian Art
News, vol.9, no.1, 1999; Sian E, Jay, The Face of the New, [ASEAN Art Awards] Asian Art
News, 9:1 1999.
[ASEAN, 2001] Jay, Sian E., An ASEAN looking-glass, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001;
Lenzi, Iola, Twelve ASEAN artists, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[ASEAN, 2002] An engaging vision[8th Philip Morris ASEAN Art Awards], Asian Art News,
vol.12, no.4, 2002; Jay, Sian E., Sixth Sense [Philip Morris ASEAN Art Awards], Asian Art
News, vol.10, no.1, 2002
Clark, J, Modern Art in S.E.Asia, Special Null Issue of Art & Asia Pacific, 1993.
Contemporary Arts of the Region: South East Asia and Australia, ARTLINK, vol.13, nos 3 & 4,
Nov/Mar, 1993/1994. [Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore,
Asian Modernism: Diverse Development in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, Tokyo, Asia
Center, 1995, [reviews by Clark John, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.1, Jan/Feb 1996; Shimizu
Toshio, Asian Modernism, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996].
Cooke, Anna Zeitlin, The weavings of war: textiles from Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, Art
AsiaPacific, no.18, 1998.
Eagle, M., Shadows cast by others [Adelaide Festival Installations], Art Monthly Australia, no.68,
April 1994.
Ewington, Julie, Between the cracks: Art and method in SE Asia, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.4,
Findlay, Ian., Understanding Contemporary Southeast Asian Art by Marjorie Chu (book review),
in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2, March/April 2004, p.99-100.
Furuichi, Y., Ushiroshoji, M., Sakonaka, Y., New Art from South-East Asia 1992, [bilingual],
Tokyo, The Japan Foundation, 1992.
Gaweewong, Jeab Gridthiya., Towards a New Paradigm: Contemporary Art from Thailand and
Nan Yang, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2004,
Jay, Sean E., In search of the future, other [Nokia awards], Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000
Jay, Sian E, Other Voices, Other Views, Asian Art News, 9:1 1999.
Jay, Sian E, A Winning Way, Asian Art News, 9:1 1999.
Jones, Jason, Could Installation Art be the New Mdium for Southeast Asia in Explorations in
Southeast Asian Studies (A Journal of the Southeast Asian Studies Student Association), Vol.
4 (Fall 2000)
Lschmann, Jrg, curaor, Identities versus Globalization?, Chiang Mai, Heinrich Bll Foundation,
Paras-Perez, Rod, South-East Asian Sense and Sensibility: The well-filled space, the well-cut
silence, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Poshyananda, Apinan, Con Art seen from the edge: the meaning of conceptual art in South and
Southeast Asia, in Global Conceptualism: Points of origin, 1950s 1980s, New York, Queens
Museum of Art, 1999


Sabapathy, T.K., et al, Modernity and Beyond: Themes in South East Asian Art, Singapore,
Singapore Art Museum, 1995.
Sabapathy, T.K., ed., Past, Present, Beyond: Re-nascence of an Art Collection, Singapore: South
and Souteast Asian Asian Gallery/ NUS Museums, 2002
Seminar on Fine Arts of Southeast Asia, Bangkok; Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of
Higher Learning, 1964.
Tatehata Akira, Crossroads of Culture: A survey of recent Southeast Asian art in Tokyo, Art
AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.
Torres, Emmanuel, The Coupling of Word and Image, Asian Art News, 9:1 1999.
Turner, Caroline, Asian Modernisms: The Birth of the modern in Southeast Asia, Art AsiaPacific,
no.17, 1998.
Ushiroshji Masahiro et al, The Birth of Modern Art in Southeast Asia: Artists and Movements,
Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1997.
Southeast Asian History: selected
Anderson, Benedict, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World,
London, Verso, 1998.
Hall, G.G.E., A History of South-East Asia, London, Macmillan, 1955, 1994
Heine-Geldern, R., Concepts of State and Kingship in Southeast Asia, Ithaca, Data Paper no.18,
South East Asia Program, Cornell University, 1956.
Trankell, Ing-Britt and Summers, ed., Laura, Facets of Power and Its Limitations: Political Culture
in Southeast Asia, Uppsala Press, 1998
Yao, Souchou, House of Glass: Culture, Modernity, and the State in Southeast Asia, Singapore: The
Insitute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2001
[Aye Ko] Ma, Thenegi,Breaking Free, On Aye Ko, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 5,
September/October, 2002
[Aung Myint], Ma Thanegi, A bridge to the future, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[Muang Di] review, Ma, Thanegi, Muang Di at New Treasure Gallery, Exhibition Reviews, Asian
Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[M.P.P. Yei Myint] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Nay Nyo Say] Ma, Thanegi, On Nay Nyo Say, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October,
[Nyein Chan Su] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Po Po] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale
1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Soe Moe], Ma Thanegi, A narrative of light, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[U Lun Gwye] Jay, Sian E., In the footsteps of the masters, Asian Art News, vo.11, no.4, 2001
Findlay, Ian, Notes From Yangon, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
Jay, Sian E., Changing times, Asian Art News, vo.11, no.4, 2001
Jill Sheng Mei In a World of Their Own, Asian Art News, July/Aug 1998 [Aung Myint, M.P.P.
Yei Myint, Myanmar]
Koh, Jay, Art Activism and Cross-cultural Projects in Thailand and Myanmar: The Need to Open
up Structures for Engagement, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July


Lee, Terry & Win, Min Chan, Contemporary Art Scene of Myanmar, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Min Naing U, U Ba Nyan i bawa, Rangoon [?], 1974.
[Douangdy Khanthavilay] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Kham Tanh Saliankham], Kham Tanh Saliankham: Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2001
[Phouvanh Thammavong] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Campbell, Bronwyn, Dreams and Reality in Laos, TAASA Review, vol.11, no.3, 2002
Hyles, C., Revolutionary street pictures of Laos, The Journal of the Asian Arts Society of
Australia, 2, 3, August 1993.
Phoummachanh, Nousay Modern art in Laos, Fukuoka Art Museum, 4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka:
Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994.
Sanday, John. Preserving The Past: Preah Khan conservation project. Asia-Pacific Sculpture News
1:3 Summer 1995.
Sikounnavong, Kanha, Loa Art: A Continuation from Tradition to Modern Life, Kuroda, Raiji,
ed., The
First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Tanabe, Shigeharu and Keyes, Charles F., ed., Cultural Crisis and Social Memory: Modernity and
Identity in Thailand and Laos, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press, 2002
All personal names are given as habitually romanized by the artist or writer in question in Thai with
the sequence of first or personal name first. Romanization is frequently, but not always, a
transcription into roman letters of Thai orthography whose pronunciation rules in Thai are
unfamiliar in English. For example, Kamol is actually pronounced Gamon in Thai,
Poshyananda is pronounced as Posyanorn et cetera. That is, final l in transcription is usually
pronounced n, and final consonants are often unpronounced, only semi-voiced, or otherwise
varied. Thai romanizations thus vary considerably and usually transliterate Thai orthography
without directly transposing Thai sounds. For convenience, romanization here largely follows
Haas, Mary, Thai-English Students Dictionary, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1964.
Historical Context
1780s to 1910s [Rama I to Rama V]
Leonowens, Anna, The English Governess at the Siamese Court (1870) Singapore, Oxford
University Press, 1989.
Smithies, M. ed., Early Accounts of Petchburi, Bangkok, The Siam Society, 1987.
Smithies, M., Descriptions of Old Siam, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Bowring, J., The Kingdom and People of Siam [1857], reprint with foreword by Wyatt, D., Kuala
Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1969.
Chomchai, Prachoom, Chulalongkorn the Great, Tokyo, Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies,
Landon, K.P., Siam In Transition, London, Oxford University Press, 1939.


Low Moffat, A., Mongkut, King of Siam, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1961.
Lysa, Hong, Thailand in the Nineteenth Century, Singapore, Institute South East Asian Studies,
Pallegoix, Abb, Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam, 1854, reprint, Farnborough, Gregg
Interntional Publishers, 1969.
Quaritch Wales, H.G., Ancient Siamese Government and Administration, New York, Paragon
Reprint, 1965.
Rabibhadana, Akin, The Organization of Thai Society in the early Bangkok Period, 1782-1873,
Ithaca, Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, Data Paper, no.74, 1969.
Rabibhadana, Akin, Citizenship and Class Structure in the Early Bangkok Period, in Skinner,
G.W., Kirsch, A.T., eds., Change and Persistence in Thai Society, Ithaca, Cornell University
Press, 1975.
Reynolds, A challenge to royal historical writing in late nineteenth century Thailand: the case of
K.S.R. Kulab, Journal of the Siam Society vol.61, part 2, July 1973.
Reynolds, C., Sedition in Thai History: A nineteenth century poem and its critics, in Manas
Chitakasem, Turton, A., eds., Thai Constructions of Knowledge, London. School of African
and Oriental Studies, 1991.
Vella, W.F., Siam Under Rama III, Locust Valley, J.J.Augustin Ltd, 1957.
Wilson., C.M., State and Society in the Reign of Mongkut, 1851-1968: Thailand on the Eve of
Modernization, Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 1971.
1910s to 1940s [Rama VI to Rama VIII]
Chaiyan Rajchagool, The Rise and Fall of the Absolutist Monarchy: Foundations of the Modern
Thai State from Feudalism to peripheral Capitalism, Bangkok, White Lotus, 1994.
Mokarapong, Thawatt, History of the Thai Revolution, Bangkok, Chalermnit, 1972.
Vella, W.F., Chaiyo!: King Vajravudh and the development of Thai Nationalism, Honolulu,
University of Hawaii Press, 1978.
1950s to Present [Rama IX] (See also Thai Mentalities including Religion later)
Anderson, B., Withdrawal Symptoms: Social and Cultural Aspects of the October 6 Coup,
Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 9, 3, July-September 1977.
Anderson, B., Studies of the Thai State: The State of Thai studies, in Ayal, Eliezer B., ed. The
Study of Thailand: Analyses of Knowledge, Approaches, and Prospects in Anthropology, Art
History,Economics, History and Political Science, Athens, Ohio, Center for International
Studies, 1978.
Anderson, B., Imagined Communities, [rev. ed.], London, Verso, 1991.
Anderson, B., The Spectre of Comparisons, Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World, London,
Verso, 1998.
Chula Chakrabongse, Prince, Lords of Life: The Paternal Monarchy of Bangkok 1782-1932,
London, Alvin Redman, 1960.
Dhiravat na Pombejra, Court, Company, and Campong, Essays on the VOC presence in Ayutthaya.
Ayutthaya Historical Study Centre Occasional Paper 1, Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya,
Ayutthaya Historical Study Centre, 1992.
Felicitation Volumes of Southeast-Asian Studies presented to His Highness Prince Dhaninivat
Kromamum Bidyalabh Bridhyakorn, 2 vols., Bangkok, The Siam Society, 1965.
Lysa, Hong, Warasan Setthasat Kanmuuang Critical scholarship in post-1976 Thailand, in Manas
Chitakasem, Turton, A., eds., Thai Constructions of Knowledge, London. School of African
and Oriental Studies, 1991.
McCargo, D., Chamlong Srimuang and the new Thai Politics, London, Hurst, 1997.
Phongpaichit, Pasuk, The Thai Middle Class and the Military: Social Perspectives in the Aftermath
of May 1992, Thailand Update, RIAP,1992


Phumisak, Jit, tr. Reynolds, C., Thai radical discourse: the real face of Thai feudalism, Ithaca,
Cornell University Press, 1987.
Phya Anuman Rajadhon, The Nature and Development of the Thai Language, Bangkok, the
Promotion and Public Relations Sub-division, the Fine Arts Department, 2532 (1989).
Prizzia, R., Thailand in Transition, The Role of Oppositional Forces, Honolulu, University of
Hawaii Press, 1985.
Reynolds, C., Lysa, Hong, Marxism in Thai historical studies, Journal of Asian Studies, vol.53,
no.1, Nov 1983.
Reynolds, C. ed. National Identity and its Defenders: Thailand 1939-89, Melbourne, Monash
University Centre for SE Asian Studies, 1991; new editions with essay, Thai identity in the
age of Globalization, Chiangmai, Silkworm Books, 2002
Riggs, F., Thailand: The Modernization of a bureaucratic polity, Honolulu, East-West Centre Press,
Sivaraksa, S., Siam in Crisis, Bangkok, Thai Inter-Religious Commissionfor Development, 1990.
Special Issue: Seven Hundred Years of the development of the Thai Language, Crossroads, vol.3,
no.1, 1986.
Streckfuss, D., ed., Modern Thai Monarchy and Cultural Politics; the acquittal of Sulak Sivaraksa
on the charge of ls majest in Siam 1995, and its consequences, Bangkok, Santi Prahca
Dhamma Institute, 1996.
Sulak Sivaraksa, Siam in Crisis, Bangkok, Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 1980, 1990
Terwiel, B.J., A History of Modern Thailand, 1767-1942, St. Lucia, University of Queensland Press,
Wedel, Yuangrat, with Wedel, Paul, Radical Thought, Thai Mind, The development of revolutionary
ideas in Thailand, Bangkok, Assumption Business Administration College, 1987.
Wood, W.A.R., A History of Siam from the earliest times to the year A.D. 1781, with a supplement
dealing with more recent events, Bangkok, 1924 & London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1926
Wyatt, David K., Studies in Thai History, Chiangmai, Silkworm Books, 1994.
Wyatt, David K., Thailand, A Short History, New Haven, Yale University Press & Chiangmai,
Trasvin, 1984.
Politics and Society
Basham, R., Political Authority in Thailand, University of Sydney, RIAP Occasional Paper no.20,
Brummelhuis, H. ten, Kemp, J.K., eds., Strategies and Structures in Thai Society, Amsterdam,
Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, 1984
Brummelhuis, H. ten, Abundance and avoidance: an interpretation of Thai individualism in above.
Embree, J.F., Thailand - a loosely structured social system, American Anthropologist, vol.52,
Hanks, L.M., Merit and power in the Thai social order, American Anthropologist, vol.64, 1962.
Hanks, L.M.,, The Thai Social Order as Entourage and Circle Skinner, G.W., Kirsch, A.T., eds.,
Change and Persistence in Thai Society, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1975.
Hewison, K. ed., Political change in Thailand, democracy and participation, London, Routledge,
Ishii, Y., Church and State in Thailand, Asian Survey, vol. VII, no.10, October 1968.
Moore, Frank, J., Thailand, New Haven, HRAF Press, 1974.
Mulder, N., Inside Thai Society: an interpretation of everyday life,Bangkok, Duang Kamol, 1979,
reprint 1990.
Mulder, N., Inside Southeat Asia: Thai, Javanese and Filipino interpretations of everyday life,
Bangkok, Duang Kamol, 1992.
Phillips, H., The Culture of Siamese Intellectuals, in Skinner & Kirsch, below.
Reynolds, Craig J.,ed., National Identity and Its Defenders: Thailand Today, Thailand: Silkworm
Books, 2000 (1991,1993)


Skinner, G.W., Kirsch, A.T., eds., Change and Persistence in Thai Society, Ithaca, Cornell
University Press, 1975.
Terwiel, B.J., Formal structures and informal rules: an historical perspective on hierarchy, bondage
and the patron-client relationship in Brummelhuis, 1984
Vaddhanaputi, C., Cultural Dependency in Thai Society: Problems and Prospectives, New Asian
Views, vol.3, no.2, United Nations University.
Pre-Modern Thai Art [selected]
Boisselier, Jean, The Heritage of Thai Sculpture, New York, Weatherhill, 1975.
Bowie, T., ed. [essays by Griswold, Lyons, Subhadradis Diskul], The Arts of Thailand: A Handbook
of the Architecture, Sculpture and Painting of Thailand (Siam), Bloomington, Indiana
University Press, 1960.
Brown, Robert L., ed., Art from Thailand, Mumbai, India, Marg Publications, 1999.
Cummings, Mary, The Lives of the Buddha in the Art and Literature of Asia, Michigan Papers on
South and Southeast Asia No. 20, Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, The
University of Michigan, 1982.
Elizabeth Lyons, Thai Traditional Painting, Thai Culture, New Series No.20, Bangkok, the Fine
Arts Department, 1990.
Fickle, D.H., Images of the Buddha in Thailand, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1989.
Rita Ringis, Thai Temples and Temple Murals, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Subhadradis Diskul, M.C., Art in Thailand, A Brief History, Bangkok, Amarin Press, 1986.
Woodward, H.W.Jnr., History of Art: Accomplishments and Opportunities, Hopes and Fears,
Ayal, Eliezer B., ed. The Study of Thailand: Analyses of Knowledge, Approaches, and
Prospects in Anthropology, Art History,Economics, History and Political Science, Athens,
Ohio, Center for International Studies, 1978.
Pre-Modern Thai Painting [selected]
Boisselier, J., Thai Painting, Tky, Kdansha International, 1976.
Ginsburg, H., Thai Manuscript Painting, London, The British Library, 1989.
Lyons, E., The Tosacht in Thai Painting, Bangkok, Fine Arts Department, 2nd.ed., 1990.
Lyons, E., Thai Traditional Painting, Bangkok, Fine Arts Department, 2nd ed., 1990.
Rajadhon, Phya Anuman, Thet Mah Cht, Bangkok, Fine Arts Department, 1990.
Ringis, R., Thai Temples and Temple Murals, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Wenk, K., Thailndische Miniaturmalereien, Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1965.
Thonburi & Ratanakosin (Rama I-IV)
Brudiyakara, Prince Bidyalabh, Accounts of the Gilt Lacquer Screen in the Audience Hall of Dusit
displayed in the Museum of the Emerald Buddha Temple, Bangkok, Museum of Emerald
Buddha Temple, n.d.
Committee for the Rattanakosin Bicentennial Celebration, Rattanakosin Painting, Bangkok, 1982.
Ishizawa Yoshiaki, Tai no Jiinhekiga to sekiz kenchiku, Tokyo, Mekon, 1989.
Meechai Thongthiep, comp., Ramakien: The Thai Raamayana, Bangkok, Naga Books, 1993.
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Dusidaram, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, June 2526 (1983).
No Na Pak Nam, Cidtrakam Law Ryang, Somded Phracaw Taksin Mahaaraad Phra Phuu Kuu
Caad, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing, 2536 (1993).
No Na Pak Nam, Khru Khongpae & Khru Thongyu, Khrong Kaarn Nangsyy Cidtrakam Faphanang
Series 3, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House, March 2530 (1987).
No Na Pak Nam, Phra Acharn Nak, The Foremost Muralist of the Reign of King Rama I, Khrong
Kaarn Nangsyy Cidtrakam Faphanang Series3.2, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House,
July 2530 (1987).


No Na Pak Nam, Buddhaisawan Chapel,[R1, after 1795] Mural Paintings of Thailand Series,
Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House, February 2526 (1983).
No Na Pak Nam, Farang Naj Sinlapa Thai, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House 2529 (1986).
No Na Pak Nam, Sinlapa Ciin Lae Khon Ciin Naj Thai, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House
2530 (1987).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Bangkae Yai, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, June 2534 (1991).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat chong Nonsi, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, January 2525 (1982).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Maithepnimit,, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, July 2526 (1983).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Matchimawat, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, October 2526 (1983).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Pathumwanaram, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series Bangkok, Muang
Boran Publishing House, February 2539 (1996).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Phra Sing, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, March 2526 (1983).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Phrachetuphon, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, March 2537 (1994).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Phumin and Wat Nong Bua, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series No. 2,
Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House, October 2529 (1986).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Pradu Song Tham, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series No. 2, Bangkok,
Muang Boran Publishing House, July 2528 (1985).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Ratchasittharam,Mural Paintings of Thailand Series No. 2, Bangkok, Muang
Boran Publishing House, June 2525 (1982).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Somanat Wihan, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, July 2538 (1996).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Suthat Dhepwararam, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series Bangkok, Muang
Boran Publishing House, March 2539 (1996).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Suwannaram, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, 2nd eds., Bangkok, Muang
Boran Publishing House, February 2540 (1997).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Thong Thammachat, [R3] Paintings of Thailand Series No. 2, Bangkok,
Muang Boran Publishing House, May 2525 (1982).
No Na Pak Nam, Wat Yai Intharam, Mural Paintings of Thailand Series, Bangkok, Muang Boran
Publishing House, October 2525 (1982).
No Na Pak Nam, Wiwadthanaakaan Laj Thaj, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House, February
2534 (1991).
Paritta Chalermpow Koanantakool, Dance and Painting in 19th century Siam, Bangkok, Faculty of
Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University, Country Report Part 2, Traditional
Performing Art in Southeast Asia, USM, Penang, Malaysia, 10-13 August, 1999.
Phya Anuman Rajadhon, Thet Maha Chat, Thai Culture, New series No.21, Bangkok, The
promotion and Public Relations Sub-Division, the Fine Arts Department, 2533 (1990).
Poshyananda, A., Western-Style Painting and Sculpture in the Royal Thai Court, 2 vols., Bangkok,
Amarin Printing Group, 1993 [review by Clark, J., Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994].
Subhadradis Diskul, M.C., History of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok, the Bureau of
the Royal Household, n.d.
Subhadradis Diskul, M.C., Rice, C.S., The Ramakian [Ramayana] Mural Paintings alongthe
Galleries of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Bangkok, Government Lottery Office,
Wiyada Thongmitr, Khrua In Khongs Westernized School of Thai Painting, Thai Painting Series
No.1, Bangkok, Muang Boran Publishing House, 2522 (1979)


Wyatt, Donald K., Temple Murals as an Historical Source, The case of Wat Phumin, Nan, Bangkok,
Chulalongkorn University, 1993.
Ratanakosin (Rama V-VIII)
Chulathat Phayakharanon, Patterns and Evolution of Mural Paintings in Rattanakosin Period, from
Technical Seminar on the Evolution of Arts and Culture of Rattanakosin Bicentennial,
Bangkok, Thailand Information Center, Academic Resource Center, Chulalongkorn
University, 17 August 2525 (1982).
Italians at the Court of Siam, The 50th Anniversary Celebration of His Majestys Accession to the
Throne, Bangkok, Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Compary Limited
Kana Kammakaan Cadngaan Somphod Krung Radtanakoosin 200 Pii, Sculptures of Rattanakosin,
Bangkok, A Publication of the Committee for the Rattanakosin Bicantennial Celebration to
Commemorate the Rattanakosin Bicentennial, 2525 (1983).
National Committee for Organizing the Celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of His Majestys
Accession to the Throne, Rattanakosin Art, the Reign of King Rama I-VIII, 2nd eds. Published
in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of His Majestys Accession to the Thorne,
Bangkok, Amarin Printing and Publishing Public Company Limited, 1998.
Pairote Samosorn, E-Sarn Mural Paintings,Bangkok, E-Sarn Cultural Center, 2532 (1989).
Peleggi, Maurizio, Lords of Things, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2002.
Peleggi, Maurizio, Royal antiquarianism, European Orientalism and the production of
archaeological knowledge in Modern Siam, in Goh Ben Lan; Ravi, Srilata; Rutten, Mario,
eds., Europe in Asia, Asia in Europe, Leiden: KITVL & Singapore: ISEAS, 2005
After 1947 (Rama IX)
The Mural Painting of Wat Buddhapadipa, Bangkok, Amarin Printing Group, 1987.
Art in the Reign of King Rama IX, Volume 1, Bangkok, Golden Jubilee Art Celebration Committee
and Rama IX Art Museum Foundation, Published On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of
HM King Bhumibol Adulyadejs Accession to the Throne, 1996.
Art in the Reign of King Rama IX, Volume 2, Bangkok, Golden Jubilee Art Celebration Committee
and Rama IX Art Museum Foundation, Published On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of
HM King Bhumibol Adulyadejs Accession to the Throne, 1996.
Art in the Reign of King Rama IX, Volume 3, Bangkok, Golden Jubilee Art Celebration Committee
and Rama IX Art Museum Foundation, Published On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of
HM King Bhumibol Adulyadejs Accession to the Throne, 1996.
Peleggi, Maurizio, The Politics of Ruins and the Business of Nostalgia, Bangkok, White Lotus,
General Works on Neo-traditional Art [including Group Catalogues]
Art and Environment, Bangkok, Silpakorn University & Goethe Institut, 1991.
Art Exhibition by the members of the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Bangkok,
Silpakorn University [6th], 1989, [7th] 1990, [8th] 1991.
Change and Modernism in Thai Art, Canberra, Contemporary Art Space, 1991.
Eight Visions in Thai Contemporary Drawing, Bangkok, Dialogue Gallery, 1991.
Hoskin, J., Ten Contemporary Thai Artists, Bangkok, Graphis, 1984
Leesuwan, V., An Exhibition of Thai Art in the Peoples Republic of China Beijing, Centre of Fine
Arts, 1985 [some modern works illustrated]
Pawlin, A., Dhamma Vision, Bangkok, Visual Dhamma Gallery, 1984.
Thai-Australian Cultural Space, Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1994.
The New Path, Bangkok, Con-tempus 1992.
Third Thai Art 80, Bangkok, Bhirarsi Institute of Modern Art, 1980.
White Group 4th Contemporary Water Colour Exhibition/ Bangkok, National Gallery, March 1985.


General Works on Modern Thai Art

Apinan Poshyananda, Thai MODERNism to (post?) modernISM, 1970s and 1980s (Seeing
"Yellow" from a Thai perspective), in Clark, J., ed., Modernity in Asian Art, Sydney, Wild
Peony, 1993.
Apinan Poshyananda, Modern Art in Thailand, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1992.
Bhirasri, S. [Thai name of Ferroci, Corrado], Contemporary Art in Thailand, Bangkok, Fine Arts
Department, B.E. 2532 [1989].
Cate, Sandra, Making Merit, Making Art: A Thai Temple in Wimbledon, Honolulu, University of
Hawaii Press, 2003
Michaelsen, H., State Building and Thai Painting and Sculpture in the 1930s and 1940s, in
Modernity in Asian Art, 1993.
Michaelsen, H., Thailand in the 1980s, Art Monthly Australia, no.41, June 1991.
Michaelsen, H., Die Entwicklung und die Konsequenzen der westlichen Einflsse auf die
zeitgenssische thailndische Malerie, Magisterarbeit, Ruhr Universitt-Bochum, 1987.
Pawlin, A., Reaching beyond Tradition, Asian Art News, 1, no.3, Nov/Dec 1991.
Pettifor, Steven, Flavours: Thai Contemporary Art, Bangkok, Thavibu Gallery, 2003
Phillips, H., The Integrative Art of Modern Thailand, Berkeley, Lowie Museum of Anthropology
and California University Press, 1992. [Review by Murray, S.E., Asian Art News, 2, no.2 Mar/
Apr 1992].
Piriya Krairiksh & Thongchua, P., Art in Thailand since 1932, Bangkok, Thamasat University, Thai
Khadi Research Institute, 1982.
Piriya Krairiksh, Thai Reflections on American Experiences, Bangkok, Bhirasri Institute of Modern
Art, 1986
Rodboon, Somporn, Contemporary Art Scene in Thailand, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Smithies, M., The Bangkok Art Scene in the Early 1960s: A personal souvenir, Journal of the
Siam Society, vol.66, July 1978.
Wong-Uparaj, Damrong, Professor Silpa Bhirasri, 1978.
Architecture and Environment
Kana Kammakaan Cadngaan Somphod Krung Radtanakoosin 200 Pii, Architectures of
Rattanakosin, Bangkok, A Publication of the Committee for the Rattanakosin Bicantennial
Celebration to Commemorate the Rattanakosin Bicentennial, 2525 (1983).
Aasen, Clarence, Architecture of Siam, A Cultural History Interpretation, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford
University Press, 1996.
Askew, Marc, Interpreting Bangkok, The Urban Question in Thai Studies, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn
University Printing House, 1994.
Askew, Marc, Bangkok: Place, Practice and Representation, London, Routledge, 2002.
Dumaray, Jacques, The House in South-East Asia, (Tr.& Ed. Smithies, M.), Singapore, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
Dumaray, Jacques, The Palaces of Southeast Asia, Architecture and Customs [tr., ed. Michael
Smythies], Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1991.
Fox, James J., ed. Inside Austronesian Houses, Canberra, Australian National University, 1993.
Sumet Jumsai, Naga, Cultural, Origins in Siam and the West Pacific, Singapore, Oxford University
Press, 1989.
Moore, Elizabeth,, Ancient Capitals of Thailand, Bangkok, Asia Books Co.,Ltd., 1996.
Smithies, Michael, Old Bangkok, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1993.
Waterson, Roxana, The Architecture of South-East Asia through Travellers Eyes, Kuala Lumpur,
Oxford University Press, 1998.
Roxana Waterson, The Living House, An Anthropology of Architecture in South-East Asia,
Singapore, Thames and Hudson, 1997.


Bhirasri, Silpa, Thai Lacquer Works, Bangkok, The Promotion and Public Relations Sub-Division,
the Fine Arts Department, 2532 (1989).
Cohen, E., The Commercialized Crafts of Thailand: Hill tribes and lowland villages, Richmond,
Curzon & Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2000.
Connors, Mary F., Lao Textiles and Traditions, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Conway, Susan, Thai Textiles, London, British Museum Press, 1992.
Fraser-Lu, Sylvia, Handwoven Textiles of South-East Asia,2nd Impression, Singapore, Oxford
University Press, 1990.
Songsak Prangwatthanakun & Patricia Naenna, Lan Na Textiles, Yuan Lue Lao, Chiang Mai, the
Center for the Promotion of Arts and Culture, Chiang Mai University, 2533 (1990).
Subhadradis Diskul, M.C. ,The Lacquer Pavilion at Suan Pakkad Palace, Bangkok Princess
Chumbhot of Nagara Svarga.
Thai Textiles, Threads of a Cultural Heritages, Chiang Mai, Center for the Promotion of Arts and
Culture, Chiang Mai University, 1996.
Wiboon Liisuwan, Directory of ThaiFolk Handicrafts, Bangkok ,The Industrial Finance
Corporation of Thailand, 2532 (1989).
Joti Kalyanamitra, Six Hundred Years of Work by Thai Artists & Architecture, Bangkok, The Fine
Arts Commission of the Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage, 1977.
Art Collection & Galleries
The Thai Farmers Bank Art Collection, Award from Contemporary Art Competition in the Year
1979-1995 and Realistic Paintings in the Year 1994
Moonlanithi Thanaakaan Krongtheb, Bua Luang Paintings, A Collection of Prize Winning Paintings
from the 1st to 19th Bua Luang Painting Competitions To Mark the 50th Anniversary (Golden
Jubilee) Celebrations of His Majesty the Kings Accession to the Throne, Bangkok, Amarin
Printing and Publishing Co., ltd. (plc), 2539 (1996).
TISCO 25 Anniversary,TISCO Contemporary Art Collection, Bangkok, Thai Investment and
Securities Public Company Limited.
Sombat Permpoon Gallery, Amazingly fine, Amazingly Thai, Bangkok, Sombat Permpoon Gallery.
Subhadradis Diskul M.C. et al.,The Suan Pakkad Palace Collection, 2nd printing, Bangkok,
Princess Chombhot of Nagara Svarga, 1991.
Thavibu Gallery, Numthong Gallery, Bangkok, Art AsiaPacific, no.34, 2002.
Selected Major Exhibitions in Thailand (by Year) (material in some Australian public
National Exhibition of Art, Bangkok, Silpakorn University, 10 November - 10 December.
National Exhibition of Art, Bangkok, Hor Sin Trong Khaam Anudsaawarii Thahaanaasaa, 15
March - 15 April.
Kaan Sadaeng Sinlapakam Haeng Chaad Khrang Thii 1, Bangkok, 15-30 November. Circulated
Vane Group, 3rd Exhibition of Paintings by Vane Group, Bangkok, the Bhirasri Institute of Modern
Art, 12-31 January.
20 Artists, Paperwork,Bangkok, the Silpakorn University Art Gallery, 25 February - 12 March.
Dhamma Vision, Bangkok, Visual Dhamma Gallery.


Thai Farmers Bank, Thai Farmers Bank Painting Competition in the Celebrations for the Auspicious
Occasion of His Majesty the Kings Sixtieth Birthday Anniversary, Bangkok, Thai Cultural
Center, no date.
5 Young Artists of the Year88, Bangkok, the Art Gallery Silpakorn University, 2-14 June.
5 Young Artists of the Year89, Bangkok, the Art Gallery Silpakorn University, 1-19 June.
Asian International Art Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, National Art Gallery, 17 December,1990-6
January 1991.
Bangkok Bank Ltd. Biographies of Thai Artists, Printed for IBRD/IMF Meeting, Bangkok,
Thailand, 1991.
Parallel Views, An Exhibition of Contemporary Thai Art, Victoria, Australia, Luba Bilu Gallery,
4-28 September.
Somporn Rodboon, Thai Contemporary, Works on Paper, no date.
Change and Modernism in Thai Art, Canberra, Australia, Galleries 1 and 2, Gorman House, 14
March - 6 April.
The 8th Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists, On the Occasion of Silpa Bhirasri Day,
Bangkok, the Silpakorn University Art Gallery, 15 September - 8 October.
8th Art Exhibition by the Members of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts Silpakorn
University, The Centennial Celebration of Professor Silpa Bhirasri, Bangkok, Faculty of
Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts Silpakorn University, 15 September - 5 October.
3th Toshiba Brings Good Things to Life Art Competition 1991, no date
Thai Farmers Bank Painting Competition in the Celebrations for the Auspicious Occasion of the
Thirty Sixth Birthday Anniversary of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in
the Year 1991, Bangkok, Thai Cultural Center, sponsored by Thai Farmers Bank, no date.
Art and Environment, Bangkok, the Gallery of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic arts,
Silpakorn University, 6-28 February.
8 Actual Visions in Thai Contemporary Drawing, Bangkok, Dialogue Gallery, 10-24 November.
Kaan Prakuad Sinlapakam Por Tor Thor Khrang Thii 6, Bangkok, the Art Gallery Silpakorn
University, 2-19 December.
Krom Sinlapakorn, 73 Sinlapin Thaj Sid Silp Bhirasri, Bangkok, Phiphidtaphansathaan Haeng Caad,
August - September.
White Group, A Decade of White Group , Individual Project 1992.Bangkok, Silom Art Space
Gallery 15 October - 15 November, National Art Gallery 4 - 29 November
Charity Auction for Special Olympics of Thailand, Bangkok, Dialogue 1991, 14-16 November
Isan Group, The Sky Without Birds, The Earth Without Animals Bangkok, River City Department
Store, 13-23 November.
The New Path, Bangkok, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, 5-31 January.
Creative Feminity, Bagnkok, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, 3 May - 3 June.
Modern Thai Prints & Works on Paper, An Exhibition to Mark Thailand Update 1992, Sydney,
Australia, University of Sydney Staff Club, 8-15 October.
Bangkok artists, Bangkok Matters, Bangkok, Silom Art Space, 28 March - 23 May.
The 9th Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists, In Commemoration of The Centennial
Celebration of Professor Silpa Bhirasri, Bangkok, the Silpakorn University Art Gallery, 21
August - 8 September.
4th Toshiba Brings Good Things to Life Art Competition 1994, no date.


9th Art Exhibition by the Members of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts Silpakorn
University, The Centennial Celebration of Professor Silpa Bhirasri, Bangkok, Faculty of
Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts Silpakorn University, 15 September - 5 October.
Melancholic Trance, Bangkok, Visual Dhamma Gallery, 23 May - 30 June.
Painting and Sculptures Exhibitions on the Occasion of the Bank of Thailands 50th Anniversary,
Bangkok, Bangkhunprom Palace 2-4 December 1992, Thailand Cultural Center 15-31
January 1993. (book)
Painting and Sculptures Exhibitions on the Occasion of the Bank of Thailands 50th Anniversary,
Bangkok, Bangkhunprom Palace 2-4 December 1992, Thailand Cultural Center 15-31
January 1993. (pamphlet)
Cries from theHills, Childrens Art Exhibition from 6 tribes(Karen, Hmong, Mien, Lisu, Lahu,
Akha), 17-24 October 2535 (1992) Circulated Exhibition in Thailand.
The Decade of Printmaking, Bangkok, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, 21 July - 10
Thai Farmers Bank, Thai Farmers Bank Painting Competition in the Celebrations for the Auspicious
Occasion of Her Majesty the Queens Sixtieth Birthday Anniversary, Bangkok, Thai Cultural
Center, no date.
Multiple Drawing, Bangkok, the Gallery of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts
Silpakorn University, 24 August - 9 September.
Thai Farmers Bank, Contemporary Art Exhibition 1992,Bangkok, the National Gallery, 8 June - 8
Exhibition of Art Instructors 1992 Faculty of Fine Arts Chiangmai University,Bangkok, the National
Gallery, 18 September - 10 October.
Bangkok-Nagoya, Bangkok, the Art Gallery Silpakorn University, 7-28 October.
Sai-Nam-Tai Contemporary Art Exhibition, Bangkok, Tridhos Gallery, 11 November - 31
Four Painters, Bangkok, the National Gallery, 9-28 December.
White Group, People, Bangkok, the Silapkorn University Art Gallery, 1-25 December.
The 38th National Exhibition of Art, the Centennial Celebration of Professor Silpa Bhirasri,
Bangkok, the Silpakorn University art Gallery, 15 September - 5 October.
The 10th Exhibition of Contemporary Art by Young Artists, Commemorating Silpakorn Universitys
50th Anniversary, Bangkok, the Silpakorn University Art Gallery, 25 August - 10 September.
Contemporary Thai/Japanese Art Exhibition, Beyond the Border, Tokyo, P3 art and environment,
9-23 December; Bangkok, Silpakorn University Art Gallery, 14-27 February.
Thailand -- Land of Thousands Ideas, Bangkok, the National Gallery, 9-30 January.
Cobalt Blue Group, The 2nd Contemporary Art Exhibition by Cobalt Blue Group, Bangkok, the
Imperial Queens Park Hotel, 6-23 January.
6th Toshiba Brings Good Things to Life Art Competition 1994, no date.
1st Art Exhibition by the Members of the College of Fine Arts, Bangkok, the National Gallery, 10-31
Tadsawat Group, 1st Art Exhibition, Bangkok, Place of Art, 30 October - 20 November.
Water Group, Art Exhibition by Water Group, Bangkok, Art Forum Gallery, 4-25 February.
2537 Art Exhibition, Bangkok, the Changing Exhibition Hall, Thailand Cultural Center, 21
November - 18 December, sponsored by Bangkok University. cit
Saang Saan Tamnaan Sin, 20 Pii Naew Ruam Sinlapin Haeng Prathed Thai 2517-2537, Bangkok,
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, October.
Thai Farmers Bank, Contemporary Art Exhibition 1995, Bangkok, the National Gallery, 9-30 June.
Thai Tensions, Bangkok, the Art Center, Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University,
1-30 September.


The Members of the Department of Graphic Arts, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts,
Graphic Arts Exhibition, Bangkok, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, 5-31 July.
Nithadsakaan Cidtrakam Thai, 10 Pii Klum Thaan Kuud, Bangkok, Place of Art, 19 March - 9
April. 2 books
Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Toshiba Bring Good Things to Life, Bangkok, no date, no place
of exhibition
Into the Next Decade, Tadu Contemporary Art, November 28, 1996.
Into the Next Decade, Tadu Contemporary Art, 29 November 1996 - 25 January 1997.
Cobalt Blue Group, The 3rd Art Exhibition by Cobalt Blue Group, Bangkok, the National Gallery,
8-30 March.
Symbolist, 1996 Art Exhibition, Bangkok, Place of Art, 5-24 January 1997.
Liveart, Thailand First Performance Art Event, Bangkok, Concrete House, 6 July.
W O M A N?, Bangkok, the Art Center, Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University,
8-31 August.
Third Art and Cultural Festival, Temples, Cemeteries, Private-Residences, Public Buildings, Streets,
Bridges, Walls, rivers and Canals, Open Spaces, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiangmai Social
Installation, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University, 19 November - 19 February.
Absolute Abstract, Bangkok, Tadu Contemporary Art, 28 March - 25 May.
Painters Pursuit, Bangkok, Tadu Contemporary Art, 7 June - 31 July.
14th Art Exhibition by the Members of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, In
Commemoration of 55th Aniiversary of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts,
Silpakorn University, Bangkok, the Gallery of the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic
Arts, 15 September - 15 October.
Hanoi Fine Arts Institute, Silpakorn University, Hue College of Arts, and Chiang Mai University,
Contemporary Fine Arts Exhibition, no date.
Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition, 50 Years of Thai Art on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of HM
King Bhumibol Adulyadejs Accession to the Throne,Bangkok, Queen Sirikit National
Convention Center. December 1996 - January 1997
Hers Group, Woman Opportunity, Bangkok, Tadu Contemporary Art, 18 December-18 January. 2
the pink, the bad & the ugly, the Art Center, Centers of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn
University, 13-30 October 1998.
Bangkok Art Project 1998, January Events 2542 (1999) cit
73 Thai artists & 7 Asian artists, Bangkok Art Project 1998, Bangkok, Public Art in Community
Lives Across the Ratanakosin Island, 8 December 1998 - 31 January 1999. 2 books
Master Thai Artists in Japan, Bangkok, the Art Gallery, the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and
Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University, 27 June - 15 July.
5 Decades of the National Exhibition of Art 1949-1998, Bangkok, the Art Gallery Silpakorn
University, 1-30 June.
Plastic (&other) Waste, Bangkok, the Art Center, Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn
University, 7 April - 1 May.
New Essence, Bangkok, Tadu Contemporary Art, 13 May - 13 June.
Womanifesto-II, Second International Womens Art Exchange, Bangkok, Saranrom Park, 13 March
- 4 April.
Vasha Nair, Womanifesto II-- jogging ahead, n.paradoxa, Vol. 4., 1999.
No Guarantee, Sydney, Australia, SCA Gallery, 30 September - 6 November.


The members of Thai Art Department, Faculty of Painting Sculpture & Graphic Arts, Silpakorn
University, Thai Art Exhibition, Bangkok the Art Gallery Silpakorn University, 24 May -11
The members of Thai Art Department, Faculty of Painting Sculpture & Graphic Arts, Silpakorn
University, Thai Art Exhibition, Bangkok the Art Gallery Silpakorn University, 24 May -11
June, price list.
Lschmann, Jrg, ed. Identities, versus Globalisation (Catalogue), Chiangmai, Heinrich Bll
Foundation, 2004
Individual Artists
Anurak Chatanan: Anurak Chatanan & Toi Ungkavatanapong, Fact VS Fiction, Tadu
Contemporary Art, Bangkok, March 25 - April 19, 1998.
Apichatpong, Weerasethakul: Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian
Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002; Gaweewong, Gridthiya, Apichatpong
Weerasethakul in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 47
Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook: Apinan Poshyananda, Arya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.2, no.3, 1995; Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Solo Exhibition, the
National Gallery, Bangkok, December 7-30, 1995; Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya
Rasdjarmrearnsook, Solo Exhibition, the National Gallery, Bangkok, 6-30.12.1994;
Poshyananda, Apinan, Araya Rasdjarmreansook in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 77
Boonkwang Noncharoen: Boonkwang Noncharoen & Bhusit Poodsongkram, Impressionist Painting
Exhibition, Voyage to London, June, 1991 - April, 1992.
Bhusit Poodsongkram: Bhusit Poodsongkram & Boonkwang Noncharoen, Impressionist Painting
Exhibition, Voyage to London, June,1991 - April,1992.
Cang Saee Tang [Tang Zhang]: Cang Saee Tang, Thadsanasin Kawiiniphon Cang Saee Tang,
Published in Cang Sae Tangs funeral at Meeru Wadsuthaaraam, December 2, 2533 (1990);
Cang Saee Tang, Visual Art-Poems by Tang Chang, 2nd ed. Bangkok, Samnakphim Sawaeng
Haa, 2533 (1990); Cang Saee Tang, Chiiwid Khwaamkhid Lae Khwaam Ngaam, Art World,
Vol.4 No.2, February - April, 2533 (1990); Cang Saee Tang, Jaam Chaw, Baang Bod Khong
Bodkawii Phoor Kab Maee Phor Sor 2503-2514, Poets in Tang Changs Institute of Modern
Art, Bangkok, Saaj Song Syk Sid Borrisad Khled Thai Camkad, .2528 (1985); review, Asian
Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001.
Chakraphan Posyakrit: Tira Intravutr, Chakrabhand Posayakrit:Thailands Renaissance Man,
Bangkok, Nuang-Nuang Books, 1985.
Chalood Nimsamer: Silpakorn University, Khyy Kab Aachaan Chalood, Sinlapin Haeng Chaad
Saa Khaa Thudsanasin Pracampii 2541 Wang Tha Phra Art Forum, n.d.; Krom Sinlapaakorn
ed. Rabiandphab, Ngaan Sinlapa Khong Chalood Nimsamer, Sinlapaakorn, Vol 29 No.4,
pp.1-27 September 2528 (1985); Krom Sinlapaakorn ed. Kiaw Kab Ngaan Sinlapa Khong
Chalood Nimsamer, Sinlapaakorn, Vol 29 No.4, pp.28-42, September 2528 (1985).
Chatchai Puipia: Chatchai Puipia, Siamese Smile, The Lotus Hasnt Bloomed Yet, the Japan Cultural
Center, Bangkok, December, 2-23, 1995; Chatchai Puipia, Paradise Perhaps, A Painting
Exhibition, Bangkok University Art Gallery, Bangkok, December 8-20, 1997; Chatchai
Puipia, Sa-Loke Fai, Silom Art Space, Bangkok, August 21 - September 26, 1993; Chatchai
Puipia & Pinaree Sanpitak, Recent Works, the National Gallery, Bangkok, Maech 3-20, 1991.
Chavalit Soemprunsuk: Chavalit Soemprunsuk, Exhibition with Rity Jansen Heijtmajer, Bangkkok,
Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art, 1986
Chalermchai Khosidphipat: Anaakhod Cidtrakam Thai Naj Mum Morng, Chalermchai
Khosidphipat, Phu Cadkaan Raj Wan, no date.
Chavalit Soemprungsuk: Karnjariya Sukrung, Chavalits exhibitions display freedom and fear,
Bangkok Post, January 16, 1994.


Damrong Wong-Uparaj; Damrong Wong-Uparaj, Damrong Wong-Uparaj, 30 Years of

Printmaking, British Council, Bangkok, October 8-31, 1991; Damrong Wong Uparaj,
exhibition of paintings of the Japan period, Bangkok, German Cultural Institute, December
Den Warnjing: Den Warnjing, Chiiwid Thai Chonnabod Naj Cidthrakam Thai, Marsi Gallery,
Bangkok, April 30 - May 31, 1999.
Fua Haribhitak: Fua Haribhitak, Exhibition of Art by Dr.Fua Haribhitak, the National Gallery,
Bangkok, March 2-31, 1981.
Hem Vejakorn: Cakkaphan Posayakrid, Nithadsakaan Phabwaadwicid, Khru Hem Vejakorn,the Art
Center, Chulalongkorn University, March 21 - April 26, 1996
His Majesty the King Rama IX: Paintings fit for Royalty, The Nation, January 30, 1995.
Ithipol Thangchalok: Ithipol Thangchalok, Recent Paintings, the National Gallery, Bangkok,
December 12, 1991- January 5, 1992.
Kamin Lertchaiprasert: Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Bangkok, Visual Dhamma Gallery & Dialogue
Gallery, 1991; Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Normal & Nature, Tadu Contemporary Art, Bangkok,
August 9 - September 31, 1997; Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Problem Wisdom,Queensland Art Gallery 1993 1995\; Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Nirad Thailand in
Drawing (to spirit), the Art Gallery of Faculty of Painting, Sculpture & Graphic Arts,
Silpakorn University, November, 2-21, 1992; Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Gaw Ery Gaw Gai,
Visual Dhamma Gallery, Bangkok August 14, - September 11, 1991; Pettifor, Steven, The
Process of Being, On Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Thailand Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no.
1, January/February 2002
Kamol Phaosavasdi: Kamol Phaosavasdi & Montien Boonma, Content Sense,the National Gallery,
Bangkok, January 14 - February 3, 1995; Khetsirin Knithichan, A Sensible Approach to
Nature, The Nation, November 23, 1995; Kamol Phaosavasdi & Vichoke Mukdamanee,
Kamol & Vichoke Contemporary Art Exhibition, the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and
Printmaking, Silpakorn University Bangkok, November 25- December 12, 1992; Pettifor,
Steven, Kamol Phaosavasdi at Bangkok University, Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1,
January/February 2003
Kamol Tassananchalee: Manid Sriiwanidchapuum, Kamol Tassananchalee, dhek di heng
wonkkaan silbhakaam Thay, Syaam Rath, Sabhdaawicaan, June 3-20, 2532 (1999); Kamol
Tassananchalee & others, Kamol and His Artist Friends (An Art Exhibition, Kamol
Tassananchalee and the Thai Art Council Participated Artists), the National Gallery,
Bangkok, February 2-25, 2538 (1995).
Khien Yimsiri: Fine Arts Department, A Retrospective Art Exhibition of Khien Yimsiri, the National
Gallery, Bangkok September 7 - November 7, 2522 (1979); Somporn Rodboon, The Life and
Works of Khien Yimsiri, Bangkok, SITCA Investment & Securities Public Company Limited,
Kosit Juntaratip: Kosit Juntaratip & Navin Rawanchaikul, Substanceaboutnonsubstance, Goethe
Institut, Bangkok, January 11 - February 9, 1995.
Manit Poo-Aree: Manit Poo-Aree, Contemporary Art Exhibition by Manit Poo-Aree,The Gallery of
Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Printmaking, Silpakorn University, Bangkok, April 8-30,
Manit Sriwanichpoom: Manit Sriwanichpoom, paradise@the.mall, July - August, 1998 no place of
exhibition; Manit Sriwanichpoom, This Bloodless War, Greed, Globalization, and the End of
Independence, the Roadside Photo Exhibition, November, 1997. Cit no place of exhibition;
Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Pettifor, Steven, Looking Glass Reality, On Manit Sriwanichpoon, Asian
Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
Mareeya Dumrongphol: Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002


Michael Shaowanasai: Chua, Ferreolus., Interview with Michael Shaowanasai, in Vehicle:

Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.18-21.
Montien Boonma: Montien Boonma, Anusorn Naj Ngaan Phraradchathaan Phlerng Sob Naj
Montien Boonma, Published in Montien Boonmas funeral at Meru Wad Chonlaprathaan
Rangsarid, Nonthaburi, August 24, 2543 (2000); Montien Boonma, Works, 1990-1993, the
National Gallery, Bangkok, February 25, - March 22, 1993. 2 books; Montien Boonma, Arte
Amazonas, Goethe Institut, Bangkok, June 4 - 27, 1992; Montien Boonma & Kamol
Phaosavasdi, Content Sense,the National Gallery, Bangkok, January 14 - February 3, 1995;
Montien Boonma, ThaiiahT, the National Gallery, Bangkok, September 7 - October 3, 1990;
Richard, Frances, Montien Boonma, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 6, February 1998;
Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Montien Boonma, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th
Asian Art Show], Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999; Poshyananda, Apinan, Montien Boonma: Temple of the mind, New York
& Asia Society & London, Artis, 2003; Desai, Vishakha N., Montien Boonma in Art Asia
Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 34; Heartney, Eleanor, Parallel Lives (Montien Boonma at Asia
Society and Chen Zhen at P.S. 1) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp. 50-52; Koplos,
Janet, Mindfull Living in Art in America (May 2004), pp. 90-95; Poshyananda, Apinan,
Montien Boonma: Temple of the mind, New York & Asia Society & London, Artis, 2003.
Montri Toesombat: Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999Narin Ruttanachun: Narin Ruttanachun, Serenity 1987-1990, Goethe
Institute, Bangkok, December 20 - March 15, 1991; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The
1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange
Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under
Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center,
2002; Pettifor, Steven., Dressing Up Nature, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 1,
January/February 2003, p.48-51.
Navin Production Co., Ltd. / Navin Rawanchaikul: Navin Rawanchaikul & Kosit Juntaratip,
Substanceaboutnonsubstance, Goethe Institut, Bangkok, January 11 - February 9, 1995;
Khetsirin Knithichan, Substance is intended to shock The Nation, January 16, 1995 ;
Navin Production Co.,Ltd., Another day in Sydney, Published for the 11th Biennale of Sydney,
Navin Production Co.,Ltd., 1998.
Niti Wattaya: Niti Wattaya, Return of the Goldern Era, Dialogue 1991, Bangkok, May 21 - June 11,
1992; Pettifor, Steven., Tracing Changes, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1,
January/February 2004, p.44-47.
Panya Vijinthanasarn: Panya Vijinthanasarn, Subversion of Truth, Tadu Contemporary Art, January
30 - March 8, 1998.
Paretas Hutangura: Paretas Hutangura, Facing the Alien, Solo Exhibition, January 3-22, 2538
(1995); Manid Sriiwanidchapuum, Mahadsacan Wan Samniak, Syaam Rath Sabhdaawicaan,
p.58, April 11-17, 2542 (1999). (2articles); Paretas Hutangura, The Miracle Days of
Awakening, Tadu Contemporary Art, Bangkok, February 12 - March 14, 1999.
Paitun Muangsomboon: Fine Arts Department, Paitun Muangsomboon National Artist
Retrospective,the National Gallery, Dec. 25, 1989 Feb. 15, 1990.
Phaiboon Suwannakuud: Anusorn Ngaanphraraadchathaan Phlerngsob Phajboon Suwannakuud,
March 21, 2526 (1983): Praajta, Samphad Siriwanna Suwannakuud, Raw Maj Daj Tung Caj
Ca Con, Ploy Kaem Phed, no date; Phajboon Suwannakuud, Som Porj Dork Lyang, Laeng
Khen Ruam Ryang San, 2nd Bangkok, Samnakphim Duangkamon, 2518 (1975).
Phaptawan Suwannakudt [daughter of Phaiboon] Carter, Michael & Gezcy, Framing Art, Sydney,
University of New South Wales Press, 2005; Pettifor, Steven, Between Tradition and
Modernity: Phaptawan Suwannakudt, Asian Art News, September/October, 2004; Ewington,
Julie, Thai Vision, Australian Painter, in Recent Painting, Numthong Gallery, Bangkok,
2004; Power, Kevin; Flores, Patrick, in El Poder de Narrar / The Power of Narration, Espai


dArt Contemporani de Castello, Valenciana, Spain, 2000; Datuin, Flaudette May, The
Queen, the Goddess, and the mural painter, Art Asiapacific, no.14, April 1997; Gampell,
Jennifer, Profile, Far Eastern Economic Review, December 21, 1995.
Pinaree Sanpitak: Pinaree Sanpitak, Mother & Child, A Dialogue, Silom Art Space, Bangkok
October 2-31, 1993; Pinaree Sanpitak & Chatchai Puipia, Recent Works, the National Gallery,
Bangkok, March 3-20, 1991: Pinaree Sanpitak, The Cross, the Egg, the Cow& the Squash, An
Exhibition of Eclectic Works,Silom Art Space, Bangkok, November 9 - December 7, 2534
(1991): Pinaree Sanpitak, Womanly Abstract, About Studio/ About Caf / A Reading Room,
Bangkok, February 13, - April 17, 1999. Body and Soul: Pinaree Sanpitak and the art of life,
Art AsiaPacific, no.21, 1999; review Art AsiaPacific, 33, 2002.
Prajad Phongdam: Silpakorn University, Chiiwid Lae Phonngaan Sinlapin Haeng Chaad Saa Khaa
Thudsanasin Pracampii 2541 Wang Tha Phra Art Forum, n.d.
Prasong Luemuang:Prasong Luemuang, Diary of a Village, Bangkok, British Council, 1991;
Prasong Luemuang, Naam Thip - Pla Thong, Bangkok, Silom Art Space, 1991; Prasong
Luemuang, Likhid Cak Muubaan, British Council Bangkok, December 9, 1991 - January 9,
1992: Prasong Luemuang, Water Moon,, Goethe Institut, Bangkok, November 23 - December
15, 1990.
Prasong Padmanuja: Prasong Padmanuja, PRASONG PADMANUJA Retrospective, the National
Gallery, Bangkok, July 14 - August 7, 1986.
Pratuang Emchareon: Phatarawadee Phataranwik, Pratuang & Bunying, The Nation, February 14,
Rawid Terdwong: Pinanong Paanchyyn, Duaj Huachaj Khong Cidtrakorn, Krungthep Wanaathid,
May 30, 2542 (1999).
Rirkrit Tiravanija: Rirkrit Tiravanija, Museum Studies 4, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Philadephia Museum of
Art, April 1 - May 31, 1998; Yang, Alice, The artist as chef - Rirkit Tiravanija, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996; Rirkrit Tiravanija, Hyde-Antwi, Frank, Supermarket, Zrich,
migros museum fr gegenwartskunst, 1998; Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Sansern Milindasuta: Sansern Milindasuta, The Gardener, Bangkok, National Gallery 1993.
Santi Thongsook: Yvan Cohen, Artistic Witness to a Helter Skelter Urban Nightmare, The Nation,
January 5, 1995.
Sermsuk Thiensoonthorn: Sermsuk Thiensoonthorn, Outbound Conversation Between 1993-1998,
Bangkok, the National Gallery, 6-28 February.
Silpa Phirasri [Corrado Feroci]: Silpa Bhirasri, Articles from the Catalogues of the Annual
National Art Exhibition. Published in Silpa Bhirasris funeral at Meero Naa Phlabphla
Idsariyaaporn, Wat Thebsirintharaawaad, January 17, 2506 (1963): Silpa Bhirasri, Comments
and Articles on Art, Bangkok, The National Association of Plastic Arts of Thailand, 1963;
Silpa Bhirasri, Contemporary Art in Thailand, Bangkok, the Promotion and Public Relations
Sub-division, the Fine Arts Department, 2532 (1989); Chabap phiset 100 bi sastracaan silpa
phirasri, Warasaan Mahawithayalaay Slipakorn, no.12, 2535 (1992); Damrong Wonguparad,
Nithadsakaan Cidthrakam Phabthaj Lae Khormuun Kiawkab Chiiwid Lae Phonngaan Khong
Professor Silpa Bhirasri, Suun Thadsanasin Damrong Wonguparad, May 14 - June 30, 2541
Siriput Pullarp: Siriput Pullarp, The Elements of Humankind, Ceramic Art Exhibition,Queen Sirikit
Naitonal Convention Center, Bangkok, November 25 - December 15, 1992
Sittichai Pratchayaratikun: Sittichai Pratchayaraticun, Art Exhibition by Sittichai Pratchayaraticun,
Design Line Gallery, Bangkok, January 6 - February 6, 1992.
Sriwan Janehuttakarnkit: Sriwan Janehuttakarnkit, Sriwan Janehuttakarnkit 1993, Dialogue 1991,
Bangkok, n.d.
Somboon Hormthienthong: Khetsirin Knithichan, When is a stone not just a stone, The Nation,
January 30, 1995: Somboon Hormthienthong Work 1968-1989, Bangkok, National Gallery,


1989; Somboon Hormthienthong, Paper Work 1990-1992, Bangkok, Contempus Gallery

Somchai Hattakitakosol: Somchai Hattakitakosol, Paintings, Bangkok, Monthien Hotel, 1993
Sompop Budtarad: Sompop Budtarad, The Art Exhibition by Sompop Budtarad, Phonngaan
2535-2539, October, 4-31, 1996; Sompop Budtarad, Contemporary Art 2528-2535,
December 21, 1992- January 30, 1993.
Supoj Sirirajanikorn Supoj Sirirajanikorn, The Lost Soul, Studio Xang, February 24 - March 31,
Surasi Kusolwon, Gaweewong, Gridthiya, Surasi Kusolwong in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003),
p. 48Surasit Saowakong: John Hoskin, Surasit Saouakong, Recapturing the old Chiang Saen
style of Buddhist art, Sawsdee, n.d.; Rooseum, Malm, Surasi Kosolwon (Review) in
Frieze, Issue 83 (May 2004), pp. 91-92
Sutee Kunavichayanont: Sutee Kunavichayanont, Works 1995 - 1998, Tadu Contemporary Art,
Bangkok, 1995 1998; Sutee Kunavichayanont, Flowing Tide, Silom Art Space, Bangkok,
May 7 - June 18, 1994. 2 books; Sutee Kunavichayanont, Flowing Tide, Allen Street Gallery,
Sydney, Australia, no date; Sutee Kunavichayanont, Time and Mind, Drawing Installation by
Sutee Kunavichayanont, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 1993; Sutee Kunavichayanont,
Flowing Tide, unpublished MVA Research Paper, Sydney College of the Arts, 1993; Somrak
Bunlung, Phawa Un Naaryynrom Pherm Chiiwid Chiiwaa Phaan Hun Silikhon, **** no
data; Pettifor, Steven, For All Times, On Sutee Kunavichayanont, Thailand Feature, Asian
Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002; Rodriguez, Hilda Maria, Sutee
Kunavichayanont in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 81
Teerawat Kanama: Findlay, Ian, Teerawat Kanama at Surapon Gallery, Asiaweek, Exhibition
Reviews, Thailand Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002
Thawii Nanthakhwuang: Thawii Nanthakhwuang, Retrsopective 1949-1990, Bangkok, National
Gallery, 1990.
Thaiwijit Puangkasemsomboon: Thaiwijit Puangkasemsomboon, Recent Paintings, Bangkok,
Visual Dhamma Gallery, 1991.
Thammasak Boomcherd: Thammasak Boomcherd, Three Dimension Work, the National Gallery,
Bangkok, January 8 - 31, 1999.
Thavorn Ko-Udomvit: Phatarawadee Phataranawik, In search of new horizons, The Nation,
January 9, 1995; Thavorn Ko-Udomvit, Art Exhibition by Thavorn Ko-Udomvit1989-1990,
Seven Seas Gallery. The National Gallery, Fukuda Gallery, 1990; Thavorn Ko-Udomvit,
Prints 1990-1992, Gallery APA, Japan; Silom Art Space, Bangkok, 1992; Thavorn
Ko-Udomvit, Thavorn Ko-Udomvit1990-1991, Bangkok, NOB Gallery, n.d.
Thawan Duchanee: Thawan Duchanee, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1990; The Buddhist Art of
Thawan Ducahnee/ Wenk, K/ Zurich 1981 [ NLA ef741.9593 T368W]; Thawan Duchanee,
Thailand -- In Quest of the Ultimate Sacredness, Fukuoka Art Museum, the Japan Foundation
ASEAN Culture Center Gallery, Japan, 1990; Ciraaporn Carernded & Pinanong Paanchyyn,
Man of GM, Thawan Duchanee, GM Magazine, Pak Lung, October 2535 (1992) unknown
word; Joubert, Lindy, Thawan Duchanee, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Titapol Suwankusolsong: Phatarawadee Phataranawik, A Structural Approach to Space, The
Nation, February 20, 1995.
Toi Ungkavatanapong: Toi Ungkavatanapong & Anurak Chatanan, Fact VS Fiction, Tadu
Contemporary Art, Bangkok, March 25 - April 19, 1998.
Udomsak Krisanamis: Udomsak Krisanamis, An Exhibition of Work by Udomsak Krisanamis,
Goethe-Institut, Bangkok, January 9-31, 1990.
Vane Group: Namtaa Rungaruun, Rorj Jab Tii Khorbfaa Lae Bangsuan Caak Bantyk Khong
Kanghan, no date and publications name
Vasan Sitthiket: Wasan Sitthiket, Farmers Are Farmers, Tadu Contemporary Art, Bangkok,
October 22 - November 29, 1998; Wasan Sitthiket, No Future, Sunday Gallery, December -


January, 1996; Khetsirin Knithichan, Vasan falls foul of the censors, The Nation, pp.c7-c8,
February 13, 1995; I Love Thai Culture, the National Gallery, February 7 - March 3, 2538
(1995). The Nation January 14, 1995 ; Wasan Sitthiket, Inferno, the National Gallery, June
5-7, 2534 (1991); Lenzi, Iola, Activist, Anarchist, Artist: Vasan Sitthiket, ART AsiaPacific,
Issue 36 (2002)
Viboon Leesuwan: Viboon Leesuwan, Poetic Colours on Sa-Paper, the Art Forum Gallery,
Bangkok, March 4-25, 1992; Viboon Leesuwan, Poetic Colours on Sa-Paper, Pacific Asia
Museum & Department of Art, CA, USA, March - April , 1990;
Vichoke Mukdamanee: Vichoke Mukdamanee, The Worldview of Vichoke Mukdamanee, the
National Gallery, Bangkok, October 5-31, 1998; Thomas Brecelic, An Expanding Universe
of Earthly Junk, Bangkok Post, May 25, 1996; Vichoke Mukdamanee, Modern Existence
1992, Solo Art Exhibition by Vichoke Mukdamanee, the National Gallery, Bangkok, February
6-28, 1992: Vichoke Mukdamanee & Kamol Phaosavasdi, Kamol & Vichoke Contemporary
Art Exhibition, the Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Printmaking, Silpakorn University
Bangkok, November 25- December 12, 1992.
Wannaa Juukhong: Pinanong Paanchyyn, Duaj Huachaj Khong Cidtrakorn, Krungthep
Wanaathid, May 30, 2542 (1999).
Wipawee Boriboon: Wipawee Boriboon, Solo Exhibition of Art by Wipavee Boriboon, Dialogue
Gallery, Bangkok, December 7-26, 1991.
Wiroon Thangjaroen: Wiroon Thangjaroen, A New Essence, Bangkok, Tadu Contemporary Art,
Yuree Kensaku Pettifor, Steven, Polished Darkness in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 3
(May/June, 2004), pp. 50-53
Recent Thai Art Overall
Apinan Poshyananda, Modern Art in Thailand, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1992.
Apisuk, Chumpon, Art of Dissent, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
First International Conference on Modern Art in Thailand Modern Art in Thailand 1932-1992,
Changing Perspectives, organised by the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn
University, 31 July - 2 August, 1992
National Committee for Organizing the Celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of His Majestys
Accession to the Throne, Rattanakosin Art, the Reign of King Rama IX 2nd eds. Published in
Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of His Majestys Accession to the Thorne,
Bangkok, Amarin, 1997
Phillips, Herbert P.The Integrative Art of Modern Thailand, Berkeley, University of California at
Berkeley, 1992.
Piriya Krairiksh & Pishnu Supanimit, Art since 1932, Research Document No. 17 Bangkok, Thai
Khadi Research Institute, Thammasart University (1982).
Poshyananda, Apinan, Introduction to Thai Modernism, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Photography in Thailand
Cary, Caverlee, In the image of the King: two photographs from nineteenth century Thailand, in
Taylor Nora E. ed, Studies in Southeast Asian Art: Essays in honor of Stanley J.OConnor,
Ithaca, SEAP Cotrnell University, 2000.
[Manit Sriwanichpoom], Knithichan, Khetsirin, City of Hell ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
[Manit Sriwanichpoom] Pettifor, Steven, Looking glass reality, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
Anek Naawikkamuun, Photography in Thailand, Bangkok, Sangdad Publishing Co.,Ltd., 2530
Sakda Siripant, King and Camera, Evolution of Photography in Thailand 1845-1992, Bangkok,
Prof. Sakda Siriopant, 2535 (1992).


Sandra Cate, Long-Distance Merit-Making, Art at a Thai Buddhist Temple in Wimbledon,
unpublished PhD Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1998.
Virginia Henderson, The Social Production of Art in Thailand, Patronage and Commoditisation,
1980-1998, unpublished MA in Thai Studies Thesis, Chulalongkorn University, 1998.
Sodchuen Chaiprasathna, Surrealistic Trends in Painting and Literature in Thailand 1964-1984,
Bangkok, The Siam Society, 1996.
[Arya Rasjarmrearnsook] Apinan Poshyananda, Arya Rasdjarmrearnsook, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.2, no.3, 1995
[Chalermchai Khositpipat] Hoskin, John, A Question of attitude, Chalermchai Kositpipat, Panya
Vijinthanasarn, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995.
[Chatchai Puipia ] Preece, Robert and Gaweewong, Gridthiya. An Interview with Chatchai Puipia.
Art AsiaPacific issue 22 1999; Gampell, Jennifer, Desperately seeking Chatchai, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995; Pettifor, Steven Arts soldier, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6, 1999;
Preece, Robert; Gaweewong, Gridthiya, Cracking beneath the surface, Art AsiaPacific, 22,
[Chumporn Apisuk], Apisuk, Chumpon, At Concrete House.., Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3,
[Jakapan Vilasineekul], Mountain and Sea, Bangkok, Chulaongkorn University Art Centre, 1997
Review: Pettifor, Art AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
[Jakkai Sributr] Pettifor, Steven, In the realm of textiles, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6, 1999
[Kamon Tassanchalee], Brecelic, Thomas, The Master of Connections, Asian Art News, vol.9,
no.3, 1999
[Kanya Chareonsupkul], Brown, Glen, R., Practical Spirutalism Asian Art News, vol.5, no.6,
Nov/Dec 1995.
[Mitree Parahom] Pettifor, Steven Defender of Tradition. Asian Art News 9:5 September/October
[Montien Boonma, obituary], Pettifor, Steven, An uncommon spirit, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1,
2001; Wongchirachai, Albert Paravi, Montien Boonma, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3,
1995; Poshyananda, Apinan, a tribute, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001; Koh, Jay, Art Activism and
Cross-cultural Projects in Thailand and Myanmar: The Need to Open up Structures for
Engagement, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July 2001
[Natee Utarit], review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999; Pettifor, Steven, Out Of His Own, On
Natee Utarit, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 6, November/December, 2002
[Panya Vijinthanasarn] review: Clark, Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.2, March/April 1998
[Pinaree Sanpitak] Giakoumi, Dionissia. Body and Soul: Pinaree Sanpitaks art of life. Art
AsiaPacific issue 21 1999; Pettifor, Steve, Making offerings, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6,
[Plastic (& other) waste] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Saravudth Duangjumpa], West, Andrew. Saravudth Duangjumpa: A Contemporary Thai Artist.
TAASA Review, 7:3 1998
[Somporn Rodboon], interview, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
[Sutee Kunavichaiyanont] review Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Thai women artists] Preece, Robert, Doin it for themselves Asian Art News, vol.7, no.6,
November- December 1997.
[Vasan Sitthiket] Rooney, Sarah, The agony and the ego, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995.
Apinan Poshyananda, Behind Thai Smiles: Three Contemporary Thai Artists, Art & Asia Pacific,
no.1, supplement to Art & Australia, March 1993.
Apinan Poshyananda, Smile-a-while campaigns for cultural correctness, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2,
no.3, 1995.


Chanjaraen, Chanyaporn, Chiang Mai Art Festival, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Chanjaroen, Chanyaporn, Testing the Audience, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Clark, John, Fifty years of National Art Exhibitions, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6, 1999
Clark, John, Decoration and distance: The work of Damrong Wong-Upparaj, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.2, no.3, 1995.
Datuin, Flaudette May V., The Goddess and the Mural Painter: Phaptawan Suwannakudts
murals, ART AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997
Fink, Hannah. Rythmic Air: The Fine Art of Savanhdary Vongpoothorn. Art Asia Pacific 24:1999
Gampell, Jennifer, Sale Time, Spaceless Art in Bangkok, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Grounds, John, Learning About Difference, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Hoskin, John, Looking Ahead, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Johnson, David. Chiang Mai Changes: Thailands celebrated installation Festival. Asia-Pacific
Sculpture News 2:2 Spring 1996
Kirker, Anne, Daring to Confront, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Kirker, Anne. The Performance of Printmaking: Three Thai Artists. Art Asia Pacific 24:1999
Lucas, Noelene, Metaphor for a Delicate Balance, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Pettifor, Steven, In search of fresh direction, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6, 1999
Pongrapeeporn, Pipat, The Role of a Gallery Owner in Bangkok, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Poshyananda, Apinan, A Guide to the Art Scene in Thailand, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya, Problems of Women Artists, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Rasjarmrearnsook, Araya, The end of the Chiang Mai Social Installation, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2,
July 2000
Rodboon, Somporn, Thai Contemporary Installation, Art Monthly Australia, no.72, August 1994.
Wongchirachai, Albert, Art as Pseudo Religion, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
[Chatchai Puipia] review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002; review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
[Jakkai Siributr], review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001
[Jakapan Vilasineekul], Pettifor, Steven., Jakapan Vilasineekul at Numthong Gallery (review), in
Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1, January/February 2004, p.82.
[Jiradaj Meemalai, Pornpilai Jongsoontornturakij] As big as its small, Bangkok, Tadu, 2002
[Kamin Lertchprasert], Pettifor, Steven, A process of being Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002
[Kamol Phaosavasdi] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001; Pettifor, Steven., Kamol
Phaosavasdi at Bangkok University, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.1, January/February
2003, p.88-89.
[Kritsana Chaikitiwattana], Pettifor, Steven., Grim Reality, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3,
May/June 2003, p.44-46.
[Michael Shaowanasai], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Natee Utarit] review, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Nawin Rawanchaikul] Pettifor, Steven, An art world in a taxi, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.6, 2001
[Nim Kruasaeng review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001; Pettifor, Steven, In search harmony,
Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000
[Nittaya Ueareeworakul] review, Pettifor, Steven, Nittaya Ueareeworakul at Si-am Art Space,
Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002; Pettifor, Steven, A
mantra of unity, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6, 2000


[Pichit Tangcharoen, Sumet Pongchinrit, Kongsak Gulgalngdon] Different Angles, Bangkok, Tadu,
[Piwat Nophiran] Jay, Sian, E., All in a smile, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.1, 2000
[Prawat Laucharoen] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
[Sakarin Khrue-on], review, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6, 2000
[Somboon Hormienthong] review, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3, 2002; review, Asian Art News,
vol.11, no.6, 2001.
[Surojana Sethabutr] Pettfior, Steven, Cracking potted traditions, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1,
[Suthee Kunavichayanont] in Kee, Joan, Transience and Time, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001; Pettifor,
Steven, For all times Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002; [Suthee Knavichaiyanont, Manit
Sriwanichpoom, Ing Kaanchanawich] History & Memory, Bangkok, Tadu, 2002
[Taweesak Srithongdee] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.6, 2001; Lena., Inflated Nostalgia:
Solo Exhibition by Sutee Kunavichayonont, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2,
2001, p.6-8.
[Thanom Chakpadee, critic], Pettifor, Steven, Studios exposed, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002
[Thasnai, Sethaseree], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Time and Being Group] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Vasan Sitthiket] Pettifor, Steven, Visual insurrection, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001; review,
Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3, 2002; review, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.5, 2000; Lenzi, Iola.,
Vasan Sitthiket at Atelier Frank & Lee (Singapore, review), in Asian Art News, Vol.13,
No.1, January/February 2003, p.86-87.
[Vichoke Mukdamanee] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Womanifesto] Nair, Varsha, Womanifesto, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000; Pettifor, Steven, A
communion of understanding, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002
Gaweewong, Gridthiya., Project 304: A Secret Code of Cultural Operation from Bangkok Art
World, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.48-51.
Ng, Josef., History & Memory: The Hook, the Line and the Sinker of Thai History 101, Group
Exhibition by Sutee Kunavichayanont, Ing K, Manit Sriwanichpoom(Art Center,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001,
Pettifor, Steven, Northern Thailands artistic home, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
Pettifor, Steven, Struggling for a change on a global stage, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002
Pettifor, Steven, Studios Exposed, Thailand Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1,
January/February 2002
Pettifor, Steven, A Communion of Understanding, Thailand Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no.
1, January/February 2002
Pettifor, Steven., Dansoung Sungvornveshapan at Chulalongkorn University, in Asian Art News,
Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.83-84.
Pettifor, Steven., In Search of Global Identities, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2, March/April
2004, p.48-51.
Pettifor, Steven., Manit Sriwanichpoom and Weng Fen at Tang Gallery (review), in Asian Art
News, Vol. 13, No. 6, November/December 2003, p.91-92.
Pettifor, Steven., Niti Wattuya at Numthong Gallery (review), in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6,
November/December 2003, p.92.
Pettifor, Steven., Present Perfect at Bhirasri Institute of Modern Art, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14,
No. 1, January/February 2004, p.83-84.
Tutton, Sarah, Parking Lots, Shopping Malls and Contemporary Art in Bangkok, ART AsiaPacific,
Issue 36 (2002)


Works on Modern Thai Literature in English

Anderson, B., Mendiones, Ruchira, In the mirror: Literature and Politics in Siam in the American
Era, Duang Kamol, Bangkok, 1985, (the long foreword contains an accessible review of the
problems of Americanization in culture and politics in the 1960s and 1970s).
Barm, S., Kulap in Oz: A Thai View of Australian Life and Scoiety in the late 1940s [includes
translation of Siburaphas Until we meet again, Clayon, Monash Asia Insitute, 1995.
Botan, Letters from Thailand, tr. Fulop, Bangkok, Duang Kamol, 1991.
Kriengkraipetch, Suvann, Smith, L.E., Value Conflicts in Thai Society: Agonies of change seen in
short stories, Bangkok, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 1992.
Manas Chitakasem, Poetic Conventions and Modern Thai poetry, in Manas Chitakasem, & Turton
A., Thai Constructions of Knowledge, London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1991.
Mulder, N., Individual and society in modern Thai literature, in Brummelhuis & Kemp,
Phillips, H., ed. and tr., Modern Thai Literature - with an ethnographic interpretation, Honolulu,
University of Hawaii Press, 1987.
Reynolds, C.J., Tycoons and warlords: Modern Thai social formations and Chinese Historical
Romance, draft of paper for Cushman Memorial Volume 1992.
Rutnin, Mattani Mojdara, Modern Thai Literature, Bangkok, Thammasat University Press, 1976,
Rutnin, Mattani, Modern Thai Literature: the process of modernization and the transformation of
values, East Asian Cultural Studies, 17: 1-4, 1978.
Senanan, Wibha, The Genesis of the Novel in Thailand, Bangkok, Thai Watana Panich, 1975.
Siburapha, Behind the painting and other stories, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Smyth, D., Siburapha, in Manas Chitakasem, & Turton A., Thai Constructions of Knowledge,
London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1991.
Thai Music
Morton, David, The Traditional Music of Thailand,Berkeley, University of California Press, 1976
Myers-Moro, Pamela, Thai Music and Musicians in Contemporary Bangkok, Centers for South and
Southeast Asia Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 1993.
Thai Mentalities Including Religions
Amara Ponsapich. Ed., Traditional and changing Thai world view, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn
University Press, 2541 (1998)
Anderson, Benedict R.OG; Ruchira Mendiones, In The Mirror: Literature and Politcs in Siam in
the American Era, Bangkok, Duang Kamol, 1985.
Barm, Scot, Luang Wichit Wathakan and the creation of a Thai identity, Singapore, Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 1993.
Barm, Scot, tr. & ed., Kulap in Oz, A Thai view of Australian life and society in the late 1940s,
Clayton, Monash Asia Institute, 1995.
Barm, Scot, Woman, Man, Bangkok: Love, Sex & Popular Culture in Thailand, Lanham, Rowman
& Littlefield, 2002.
Chaiworaporn, Anchalee, Nostalgia in Post-Crisis Thai Cinema, Focas (Forum on Contemporary
Art & Society), no.3, January 2002
Dhani Nivat, Prince, The Old Siamese Conception of the Monarchy, Journal of the Siam Society,
vol. XXXVI, pt.2.
Diller, Anthony, What Makes Central Thai a National Language, Reynolds, Craig J.,ed., National
Identity and Its Defenders: Thailand Today, Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2000
Hirsch, Philip, What is the Thai Village?, Reynolds, Craig J.,ed., National Identity and Its
Defenders: Thailand Today, Thailand: Silkworm Books, 2000 (1991,1993)
Gerson, Ruth Traditional Festivals in Thailand, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Griswold, A.B., Na Nagara, Prasert, Epigraphic and Historical Studies, Bangkok, The Historical
Society, 1992.


Jackson, P., Buddhist Legitimacy and Conflict, Singapore, Institute forS.E.Asian Studies,
Le May, R., An Asian Arcady, Cambridge, Heffer, 1926 [see Chapters VI & VII].
Ling, T., Buddhism and the Mythology of Evil, Oxford, Oneworld, 1997
Manas Chitakasem, & Turton A., Thai Constructions of Knowledge, London, School of Oriental
and African Studies, 1991.
Mulder, N., Inside Thai Society, an interpretation of everyday life, Bangkok, Duang Kamol, 1979,
Mulder, N., Thai Images: The culture of the public world, Chiangmai, Silkworm Books, 1997.
Nimmanahaeminda, Kraisri, An inscribed silver-plate grant of the Lawa of Boh Luang, in
Felicitation Volumes, 1965, see 16.a.5.
Quaritch Wales, H.G., Siamese State Ceremonies, Their History and Function, London, Bernard
Quaritch, 1931.
Rajadhon, Phya Anuman, Essays on Thai Folklore, Bangkok, The Social Science Association of
Thailand, 1968.
Rajadhon, Phya Anuman, Life and Ritual in Old Siam [1948, 1949], tr. and ed. Gedney, W.J., New
Haven, HRAF Press, 1961.
Rajadhon, Phya Anuman, Popular Buddhism in Siam and other Essays on Thai Studies, Bangkok,
Thai Inter-Religious Commission for Development & Sathirakoses Nagapradipa Foundation,
Reynolds, C. J., ed., National Identity and its Defenders, Thailand, 1939-1989,Clayton, Monash
University Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, 1991.
Reynolds, C. J., Thai Radical discourse, the real face of Thai feudalism today, Ithaca, South East
Asia Program Cornell University, 1987.
Reynolds, C.J., The Buddhist Monkhood in Nineteenth Century Thailand, Ph.D. thesis., Cornell
University, 1972.
Reynolds, F.E. & M.B., The Three Worlds according to King Ruang: A Thai Buddhist Cosmology,
Berkeley, Berkeley Buddhist Series, no.4, 1982.
Schopen, G., On monks, nuns and vulgar practices: the introduction of the image cult into Indian
Buddhism, Artibus Asiae, 1989.
Suvanna Kirengkraipetch, Smith, Larry E., Value Conflicts in Thai Society: Agonies of change seen
in short stories, Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute, 1992
Swearer, Donald K., The Buddhist World of Southeast Asia, Albany, State University of New York
Press, 1995
Tambiah, S.J., Buddhist cosmography in Thai History, with special reference to nineteenth century
culture change, Journal of Asian Studies, vol.35, no.2, February 1976.
Tambiah, S.J., Buddhism and the Spirit Cults in North-east Thailand, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1970.
Tambiah, S.J., Monks and Magic, Bangkok, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Monograph
no.24, 1975.
Tambiah, S.J.,, The Buddhist saints of the forest and the cult of amulets, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 1984.
Tambiah, S.J.,, World Conqueror and World Renouncer: A study of Buddhism in and Polity in
Thailand against a historical background, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1976.
Terwiel, B. J., Monks and Magic: an analysis of religious ceremonies in central Thailand, Bangkok,
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London and New York, 1997, 207-231
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Art in War Period
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the lines: images from the war, British Museum Press, 2002.
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Cultural Policies
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General History
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Lockhart, B M, Monarchy in Siam and Vietnam, 19251-1946, Ph.D Dissertation, Cornell University,
Marr, David, Vietnam 1945: The Quest for Power, Berkeley University of California Press, 1995.
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Nguyen Van Ky, La Socit Vietnamienne fae la modernit, Paris, LHarmattan, 1995.
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Rambo, A. Terry, Black Flight Suits and White Ao Dais: Borrowing and Adaptations of Symbols
of Vietnamese Cultural Identity, in Truong Buu Lam ed., Borrowings and Adaptations in
Vietnamese Culture, Southeast Asian Paper no. 25, Centre for Asian and Pacific Studies,
University of Hawaii, Hanoa, 1982, 115-23
Smith, R, Viet-Nam and the West, London, Macmillan , 1968.
Turley, W.; Selden, M. eds, Re-inventing Vietnamese Socialism: Doi Moi in Comparative
Perspective, Boulder, Westview Press, 1993.
Truong Buu Lam, Japan and the Disruption of the Vietnamese Nationalist Movement, in Aspects
of Vietnamese History, Walter F. Vella, ed., The University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu,
Women in Vietnam
Anh, Tran Thi Van, Hung, Le Ngoc, Women and Doi Moi in Vietnam, Hsnoi, Womens Publishing
House, 1997.
Eisen, Arlene, Women and revolution in Vietnam, London, Zed Books, 1984.
Hao, Phan Thanh, Turner Karen G., Even the Women must fight: memories of war from North
Vietnam, New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
Lowe, Viviane, Women in Arms: Gender and Nation in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam,
1965-1975, unpublished MA thesis, Australian National University, 1996.
Roberts, Mary Contested Terrains: Women Orientalists and the Colonial Harem, in Orientalisms
Interlocutors, eds. Jill Beaulieu and Mary Roberts, Duke University Press, Durham and
London, 2002, 179-203
Vietnamese Literature
Dinh, Nguyen Thi, No other road to take, Ithaca, Cornell University SEAP, 1976.
Durand, M M, Nguyen T H, An Introduction to Vietnamese Literature, New York, Columbia
University Press, 1991.
Huong, Dong Thu, Novel without a name, New York, William Morrow, 1995.
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Nov 1983.


1990s and after

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(2003), p. 45
Beyond ideology and label, Asian Art News, 2, no.4, Jul/Aug 1992.
Supplement Vietnam, Asian Art News, no.3, May-June 1994.
Vietnam Feature including Findlay, I. & Hagemans, H., Changing times; Duong Trong, A
tradition of the new; Howard Ian, Discovery and Innovation; Edwards Bradford, A Stir in
the Ranks; Findlay, Ian, Of Memories and Music [Nguyen Cam]; Hagemans, Helen,
Freedom and Hardship [Nguyen Trung]; Howard, Ian,The road ahead is behind you [Vu
Dan Tan]; Findlay, Ian, Of pagodas and spirits [Nguyen Xuan Tiep]; Robinson, Abby,
Vietnamese photography comes into focus [Van Bao, Ho Ngoc Son, Bui Xuan Huy, Thi
Tho, Dao Hoa Nu, Long Thanh, Duy Anh]; Kupfer, Peter, Strong Coffee and Sublime Art
[Cafe Lam]; Asian Art News, vol. 7, no.2, March/April 1997.
An Ocean Apart: Contemporary Vietnamese Art from the United States and Vietnam, Washington,
SITES, 1995.
Contemporary Art from Vietnam, Hong Kong, Gallery La Vong, 1994.
Cultural Representations in Transition, Bangkok, The Siam Society, 1997 [review: Gampell,
Jennifer, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998].
Bang, Thuc Ban, Women Achieving Against Great Odds, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Becker, Carol, Pilgrimage to My Lai: Social Memory and the Making of Art in Art Journal
(Winter 2003), pp. 51-65
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Curry, Shannon K., A World in Portraits, , Asian Art News, vol.8, no.3, May/June 1998.
Duong, Thuong, Trailblazers Recognised at Last, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Findlay, Ian, Changing times, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
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Fyfe, Joe, Making it New (Report From Hanoi) in Art in America (January 2003), pp. 77-81
Hantover, J., Nguyen Quan, Uncorked Soul: Contemporary Art from Vietnam, Hong Kong, Plum
Blossoms gallery, 1991.
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Hantover, J., Contemporary Vietnamese Art, Asian Art News, 1, no.2, 1991.
Hantover, Jeffrey, Uncorked Soul: Contemporary Art from Vietnam, Hong Kong, Plum Blossoms,
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Yen, Luu, Sketches on Vietnam Modern Fine Arts, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian
Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Individual Artists
[Bui Huu Hung] Findlay, Ian, A Narrative of Mirrors, Asian Art News 9:3 1999; Findlay, Ian, A
narrative of mirrors, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.3, 1999
[Buu Chi], Buchanan, Sherry, Rebel with a cause Asian Art News, vol. 6, no.3, May / June 1996.
[Cafe Lam], Kupfer, Peter, Strong Coffee and Sublime Art; Asian Art News, vol. 7, no.2,
March/April 1997.
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[Dao Hai Phong], Findlay, Ian, A way with landscape, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
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no.3, 2000.
[Dinh Quan], Findlay, Ian., The Energy of Sadness, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2,
March/April 2004, p.74-77.
[Doan Hoang Lam], Findlay, Ian., A Geometry of Silence, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.5,
Sep/Oct, 2003, p.60-63.
[Do Minh Tam, Dao Hai Phong, Bui Manh Hung, Bui Hoai Mai]Findlay, Ian, Changing Times.
Asian Art News 9:5 1999; Findlay, Ian, Out on a limb, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
[Do Quang Em], Findlay, Ian, Tales from a solitary life, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.1, Jan/Feb
1996; Hantower, Jeffrey, Out from the shadows Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
[Do Son] Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Duong Ngoc Hung] Findlay, Ian, The pastoral idyll, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[Ha Tri Hieu] Duong Tuong, Uncouth Poetry, Asian Art News 9:2 1999; Duong Truong,
Uncouth Poetry, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Hoang Anh] Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Hoang Duc Loc] Quan, Nguyen, Mai Anh, Hoang Duc Loc, Le Vuong, and Tran Thanh at Ngan
Pho Gallery, Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[Hong Viet Dung], Binks, Hilary, In a world of Grace, Asian Art News, vol.8, no.3, May/June
[Le Cong Thanh] Findlay, Ian, Dreaming in Three Dimensions: Le Cong Thanh. World Sculpture
News 4:2 Spring 1998; Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Le Hong Thai], Edwards, Bradford., A Muscular Art, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.1,
January/February 2003, p.61-63.


[Le Quang He, Nguyen Thanh Chuong, Pham Quang Vinh, Pham Minh Tuan]Phan Cam Thuong,
A view from Hanoi, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.4, July/Aug 1997; Kuroda, Raiji, The First
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999.
[Le Thiet Cuong], Millichap, John The Inner Eye, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.6, Nov/Dec 1997.
[Le Thanh Duc], Le Thanh Duc: Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 2001
[Le Vuong] Quan, Nguyen, Mai Anh, Hoang Duc Loc, Le Vuong, and Tran Thanh at Ngan Pho
Gallery, Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[Lubis, Gusbarlian], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Mai Anh], Findlay, Ian, The anxiety of silence, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002; Quan,
Nguyen, Mai Anh, Hoang Duc Loc, Le Vuong, and Tran Thanh at Ngan Pho Gallery,
Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[Nghiem Xuan Binh], Kraevskaia, Natalia, Tales from the simple life, Asian Art News, vol.10,
no.6, 2000
[Nguyen Cam], Findlay, Ian, Of Memories and Music, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no.2, Mar/April
[Nguyen Manh Hung], Edwards, Bradford., Less Is More, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 2,
March/April 2003, p.44-47.
[Nguyen Minh Thanh] Kraevskaia, Natalia Windows on Life: The Art of Nguyen Minh Thanh.
Art Asia Pacific 24:1999; Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999.
[Nguyen Nhu Huy] Edwards, Bradford, Sue Hadju and Nguyen Nhu Huy at Moco Gallery,
Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[Nguyen Phan Chanh],Thai Ba Van, The silk paintings of Nguyen Phan Chanh, Artlink, Sept
[Nguyen Quan] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001
[Nguyen Quan g Huy] Lenzi, Iola, Hanoi Paris Hanoi, Art AsiaPacific, 35, 2002.
[Nguyen Quang Minh] Duong Tuong, Beyond the Visible, Asian Art News 9:4 1999; Duong
Tuong, Beyond the visible, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
[Nguyen Thai Tuan] Edwards, Bradford, In his own image, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
[Nguyen Thanh Binh] review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Nguyen Thi Chau Giang] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Nguyen Trung] Quynh Pham, Abstract of the real, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000;
Hagemans, Helen, Freedom and Hardship, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.2, 1997.
[Nguyen Xuan Tiep] Findlay, Ian, Of pagodas and spirits, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.2, 1997.
[Ninh Thi Den] Findlay, Ian, Worlds in Paper, Asian Art News, 9:2 1999; Findlay, Ian, Worlds in
paper, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Pham An Hai], interview, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Pham Luan] Findlay, Ian, Painting the Town Asian Art News, vol.8, no.1, Jan/Feb 1998; Findlay,
Ian, In praise of a city, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
[Phan Cam Thuong], Findlay, Ian, The heart of the country, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.3,
May/June 1997
[Quach Dong Phuong], Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Than Chuong] Findlay, Ian, Pursuing a national voice, Asian Art News, vol.8, no.3, May/June
[Tran Hong Duc] Findlay, Ian, Of Time And Place, On Tran Hong Duc, Asian Art News, vol. 12,
no. 6, November/December, 2002
[Tran Nhat Thang], Findlay, Ian, Coming into his own, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999


[Tran Quang Huan], Findlay, Ian., A Haiphong Narrative, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1,
January/February 2004, p.?
[Tran Thanh] Quan, Nguyen, Mai Anh, Hoang Duc Loc, Le Vuong, and Tran Thanh at Ngan Pho
Gallery, Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 2, March/April 2002
[Tran Tong Vu] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001; Taylor, Nora A., Raindrops on red
flags: Tran Trong Vu and the roots of Vietnamese painting abroad, in Winston, J., Ollier, L.
eds, Vietnam Inside Out: Dialogues, New York, Macmillan, 2001.
[Tran Trung Tin] review, Buchanan, Sherry, The Triumph of Art, On Tran Trung Tin, Asian Art
News, vol. 12, no. 4, July/August, 2002; Buchanan, Sherry, The triumph of art, Asian Art
News, vol.12, no.4, 2002; Lasschuyt, Helga, The Secretary of Life, Asian Art News, vol.5,
no.6, Nov/Dec 1995.
[Tran Van Thao] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001
[Truong Tan] Chiu M. & Genocchio B., Vietnamese Artist Truong Tans Dissidence, Art
AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997; Genocchio, Benjamin and Melissa Chiu, Silencing Sexuality: The
Art of Truong Tan, Third Text, n37, Winter 1996-7, 85-90; Hantover, J., Truong Tan,
Asian Art News, vol.4, no.5, Sept/Oct 1994; Carruthers, Ashley. What Bugs The State About
Truong Tan? TASSA Review 7:3 Sept 1998; Chiu M., and Genocchio, B., Silencing
Sexuality: The Art of Truong Tan. Third Text no.37 Winter 1996-97; Hantover, J., A
Singular Voice Asian Art News, vol.4, no.5, Sept-Oct 1994; Lenzi, Iola, Hanoi Paris Hanoi,
Art AsiaPacific, 35, 2002.
[Van Bao, Ho Ngoc Son, Bui Xuan Huy, Thi Tho, Dao Hoa Nu, Long Thanh, Duy Anh],
Robinson, Abby, Vietnamese photography comes into focus, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 2,
[Vu Dan Tan], Howard, Ian,The road ahead is behind you, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.2, 1997;
Hussfeld, Birgit, Monsters, Devils, Insects and Angels: The bowerbird art of Vu Dan Tan,
Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997; Were, I. Vu Dan Tans Front Window. Object, no.2 1997.
General Works
Aidit, D.M., Dengan sastra dan seni jang berkepribadian nasional, Djakarta, Pembaruan 1964.
Bennet, James, Textiles of Timor, Art AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
Bollansee, Esmeralda & Marc, Masterpieces of Contemporary Indonesian Painters, Singapore,
Times Editions, 1997.
Contemporary Indonesian Art, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 1995
Fischer, J.ed., Modern Indonesian Art, Jakarta and New York, Panita Pameran KIAS [1990-91],
Gate Foundation, ed. Indonesian Modern Art: Indonesian Painting since 1945, Amsterdam: The
Gate Foundation, 1993
Goodfellow, Rob. History Imitating Art, Imitating Life: The Art of Bramantyo. Art AsiaPacific,
no.22, 1999.
Hadiwardoyo, Sanento Yuliman, The Modern Art of Indonesia, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1. no.3,
Kusuma-Atmadja, M., et al, Perjalanan Seni Rupa Indonesia: Dari Zaman Prasejarah Hingga
Masa Kini, [Streams of Indonesian art from pre-historic to contemporary, Bilingual], Jakarta,
Committee of the Festival of Indonesia 1990-1991, 1991.
Loos-Haaxman, J. de, Verlaat Rapport Indi, Den Haag, 1968
Mulder, N., Inside Indonesian Society, an Interpretation of cultural Change in Java, Bankok, 1994
Pameran Se-Abad Seni Rupa Indonesia 1876-1976, Jakarta, Pemda DKI, 1976.


Poeze, H., In het land van de overheerser, I, Indonesirs in Nederland in Nederland 1600-1950,
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-Land- en Volkenkunde, 100, Leiden,
Scalliet, M., Antoine Payen, peintre des Indes Orientales, Leiden, CNWS Publications, 1995
Schefold, R., The domestication of Culture, Nation Building, and ethnic diversity in Indonesia,
Bijdrage tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde, 154-2, Leiden, 1998
Soebadio, H. (ed.), and du Marchie Servaes, C. (eds.), Dynamaics of Indonesian History,
Amsterdam, 1978
Soedarso, S.P. (ed), Seni Patung Indonesia, Yogyakarta, 1992
Soemantri, Hilda (ed)., Indonesian Heritage: Visual Art, Jakarta: Archipelago Press, 1998.
Spanjaard, Helena, Vrije kunst, academische schilders in Indonesi, in Kunst uit een andere
wereld, Museum voor Volkenkunde, Rotterdam, 1988, pp. 103-132
Spanjaard, Helena, Patung Lampu Minyak in Double Dutch, Tilburg, 1991, pp. 60-67
Spanjaard, Helena, De gado-gado van culturele transmissie, van cubisme tot installaties in
Nederland-Indonesi, een culturele vervlechting, Den Haag, 1995, pp. 138-151
Spanjaard, Helena, Van palmboom tot installatie, vijftig jaar Indonesische schilderkunst
(1945-1995) in Kunstlicht, Volume 16, no. 2, 1995, pp. 8-14
Spanjaard, Helena, Moderne Indonesische schilderkunst, engagement en romatiek in Aziatische
kunst, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Volume 31-3 (2000), pp. 12-21
Spanjaard. Helena, Modern Indonesian Painting, London: Sotheby, 2004
Spanjaard, Helena, Exploring Modern Indonesian Art: The Collection of Dr. Oei Hong Djien
(Fortcoming Publication, 2004)
Spanjaard, Helena, Indische en Indonesische kunst: op zoek naar de blinde vlek in Tussen twee
werelddelen in wacht het verlangen van een oceaan, Bergen op Zoom, 2003, pp. 182-193
Spanjaard, Helena, Reformasi Indonesia! Protest Art, 1995-2000, Delft: Museum Nusantara, 2000
Sudarmadji, Pulukis dan Pematung Indonesia, Jakarta, 1981
Supangkat, Jim, Indonesian Modern Art and Beyond, Jakarta, 1997
Supangkat, Jim, Discoursing in Regional Contemporary Art in Asia. [Indonesia]Asian Art:
Prospects for the Future. International Symposium 1999.
Suryadinata, Leo, Chinese Indonesian: State, Policy, Monoculture and Multiculture, International
Specialized Book Services, 2004
Women of Indonesia: A Coutry Profile, United Nations Publication, 1998
Art from Late 19th Century to 1945
Amir Siddharta, curator Dari Mooi Indi Hingga Persagi, Jakarta, Museum Universitas Pelita
Harapan, 1998.
Bustaman, Soekondo, Raden Salleh: Pangeran di anatra para pelukis romantik, Bandung, Abardin,
Catalogus Tentoonstelling Regnault, Bruikleenmuseum Batavische Kunstkring, Batavia, 1935
Catalogus Tentoonstelling Tweede Collectie Regnault, Bruikleenmuseum Batavische Kunstkring,
Batavia, 1936
Catalogus Tentoonstelling Derde Collectie Regnault, Bruikleenmuseum Batavische Kunstkring,
Batavia, 1937
Catalogus Tentoonstelling Vierde Collectie Regnault, Bruikleenmuseum Batavische Kunstkring,
Batavia, 1938
Catalogus Tentoonstelling Vijfde Collectie Regnault, Bruikleenmuseum Batavische Kunstkring,
Batavia, 1939-1940
Di bawah pendudukan Jepang: Kenangan Empat Puluh Dua orang yang mengalaminya, [Under the
Japanese occupation: recollections of forty-two people], Jakarta, Arsip Nasional, 1989.
Fan, Flora, Controversy and change: 19th and early 20th century landscape paintings in Indonesia
and Malaysia, in Mashadi, Ahmad, Vision & Enchantment: Southeast Asian paintings,
Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, 2000.


Kraus, Werner, On the Reception of Raden Salehs Painting The Arrest of Dipanagara? A
Dilemma of Indonesian Art History, from
Haks, L. and Maris, G., Lexicon of foreign Artists who visualized Indonesia (1600-1950), Utrecht,
Roodenburg-Schadd, C., De collectie Regnault in het Stedelijk (Catalog), Amsterdam: Stedelijk
Museum, 1995
Sanento Yuliman, Gense de la peinture Indonesienne contemporaine, le rle de S. Sudjojono,
Thse de Doctorat, Paris 1981.
Soekondo Bustaman, Raden Salleh: Pangeran para pelukis romantik, Bandung, Abardin, 1990.
Sudjono, S., Seni Loekis, Kesenian dan Seniman, Penerbit Indonesia Sekarang, Yogyakarta, 1946
Spruit, Ruud, Indonesische Impressies Oosterse themas in de Westerse Schilderkunst / Indonesian
Impressions: Oriental themes in Western painting, [Bilingual], Wijk en Aalburg, Picture
Publishers, 1992.
Yuliman, S., Gense de la peinture Indonssiene contemporaine: Le le de S. Sudjojono, Paris, 1981
(unpublished Dissertation, Ecole des hautes tudes en sciences sociales, Paris)
Yuliman, S., Seni Lukis Indonesia Bura, Sebuah Pengatar, Jakarta, 1976
Art from 1945-1965
Foulcher, K., Social Commitment in Literature and the Arts, The Indonesian Institute of People's
Culture, 1950-1965, Melbourne, Centre of SE Asian Studies, Monash University, 1986.
Holt, C., Art and Indonesia, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1967.
Holt, C., Culture and Politics in Indonesia, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1972.
Kusnadi, Sejarah Seni Rupa Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Universitas Gajah Mada, 1956.
Lee, Men-fong, Lukisan2 dan Patung2 koleksi Presiden Sukarno dari Republik Indonesia, 5 vols,
Various Publishers, Beijing & Jakarta, 1964.
Liem Tjoe Ing, Lukisan-lukisan Koleksi Adam Malik, Jakarta, Intermasa, 1977.
McIntyre, A. Soekarno as an Artist-Politician, in Mcintyre, A. ed., Indonesian Political
Biography, Clayton, Centre for SouthEast Asian Studies, Monash University, 1993.
Moderdowo, Reflections on Indonesia Arts and Culture, Surabaya, Permata, 1963.
Spanjaard, H., The controversy between the Academies of Bandung and Yogyakarta, in Clark, J.,
ed., Modernity in Asian Art, Sydney, Wild Peony, 1993.
Spanjaard, Het Ideaal van een Moderne Indonesische Schilderkunst, 1900-19995: de creatie van een
nationale culturele identiteit, Doctoral Thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, 1998.
Sudjojono, S., Seni Lukis, Kesenian dan SenimanYogyakarta, Indonesia Sekarang, 1946.
Wright Astri, Agus Dermawan T., Hendra Gunawan: P A Great Modern Indonesian Painter,
Jakarta, The Ciputra Foundation & Singapore, Editions Didier Millet, 2001.
Art since 1965
[Schoon, Theo] Skinner, Damian, Theo Schoon, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999
Buchari, M., and Yuliman, S., A.D., Pirous, Bandung, 1985
Ewington, Julie, Cultural Hothouse, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
Hadiwardoyo, Sanento Yuliman, Modern art of Indonesia, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Hooker, V.M., Culture and Society in new order Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University
Press, 1993.
Kartomi,M.J., ed., Five Essays on the Indonesian Arts, Melbourne, Monash University, 1981.
Lima ribu alamat artis Indonesia cat 1. Jakarta, Pitaloka Enterprise, 1975.
Marianto, M., Dwi, Surrealist Painting in Yogyakarta, Doctor in Creative Arts Thesis, University of
Woollongong, 1995.
Miklouho-Maklai, B., Exposing societys wounds, some aspects of contemporary art since 1966,
Adelaide, Flinders University Asian Studies Monograph no.5, 1991.
Mustika, Percakapan Dari Hati ke Hati Pelukis Indonesia, Jakarta, Sanggar Krida Jakarta, 1983.


Permadi, B., Purnomo,Ibu I, Percakapan Dari Hati Ke Hati Pelukis Indonesia Jakarta, Mustika,
Purnomo, Setianingsih, The Voice of Muted People in Modern Indonesian Art, MA Thesis,
University of Western Sydney, Nepean, 1995.
Spanjaard,H., Free art: academic painters in Indonesia, in Faber,P. et al eds, Kunst uit een andere
wreld/ Art From Another World, Rotterdam, Museum voor Volkenkunde, 1988.
Sudarmaji, Dari Saleh Sampai Aming, Seni Lukis Indonesia Baru Dalam Sejarah dan Apresiasi,
[From Saleh to Aming, Indonesian painting in history and its appreciation], Thesis,
Yogyakarta, STSRI, ASTRI, 1974.
Sumaamidjaja, K., Indonesian painting in search of recognition, Kartomi, M.J., ed., Five Essays
on the Indonesian Arts, Melbourne, Monash University, 1981.
Supangkat, J., Indonesias New Art Movement, Praxis M, 24, September, 1989.
Supangkat, J., Two decades of contemporary Indonesian art, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Supangkat, J., Gerakan Seni Rupa Baru Indonesia, Jakarta, Penerbit PT Gramedia, 1979.
Supangkat, J., Sanento Yuliman Hadiwardoyo, Seni Lukis Indonesia Baru, Jakarta, Dewan
Kesenian, 1976.
Wright, A., Artist roles and meaning in Modern Indonesian Painting, in Clark, J., ed., Modernity
in Asian Art, Sydney, Wild Peony 1993.
Wright, A., Indonesia in the 1980s, Art Monthly Australia, 41, June 1991.
Wright, A., Undermining the Order of the Javanese Universe; the self-portraits of Kartika
Affandi-Kberl, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Wright, A., Soul, Spirit and Mountain: Preoccupations of contemporary Indonesian Painters, Kuala
Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1994. [Review: Spanjaard,H., Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2,
no.2, 1995].
Art in the 1990s
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[RuangRupa] Effedy, Rifky, RuangRupa in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 41
Performances in Indonesia, RIMA, vol. 29, double issue, 1995.
Supplement Indonesia, Asian Art News vol.4, no.2, March-April 1994.
Burhan, M. Agnus, Pencil, Pen, Ink in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 3 (May/June, 2004),
Dermawan, Agus, Role of Galleries in Contemporary Art, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Ewington, J., Indonesia at a glance: four cities, five galleries, Art Monthly Australia, 65, November
Findlay, Ian, From Strength To Strength in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 3 (May/June, 2004),
pp. 72-73
Harsono, FX, Art of Social Concern, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Hasan, Asikin, Notes on Contemporary Indonesian Sculpture in in World Sculpture News, Vol. 10,
No. 2 (Spring 2004), pp. 32-37
Henschkel, Marina Perceptions of popular culture in contemporary Indonesia: five articles from
Tempo, RIMA, vol.28, no.2.
Hoffie, Pat, The Politics of Misinterpretation,[On Australia Indonesia Today], Art Monthly
Australia, no.74, Oct 1994.
Howards, Michael C., Maro paintings of Irian Jaya, Art AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
Larner, Melissa, Yogyakarta within the Contemporary Indonesian Art Scene , Yogyakarta: Cemeti
Art House, 2001
Lingham, Susan., Art and Political Activism in Indonesia, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1,
January/February 2004, p.62-67.


Jakarta Feature: Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, Sept/Oct 1997. Altering Course [Jakarta Art Market];
Supangkat, Jim A critics view; Soliamna, Joseph, Maintaining Quality [Galerie Santi];
Marianto, Dwi Fishing with a fine art net, [Yogyakarta 1997 Biennale], Art Monthly Australia,
no.97, March 1997.
Marianto, M., Dwi Surabaya art festival, ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
Marianto, Dwi, Bored with polite language: dissidents and reformasi, Artlink, Vol. 19, No. 3
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Marianto, M.Dwi, [tr. Day, Tony] Slot in the box: Opinions and perspectives on the subject of
PEMILU through Art, RIMA, vol.31, no.1, 1997.
Marianto, M.Dwi, Art from the Netherlands and Indonesia, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Marianto, M.Dwi, The Yoyakartan painting Biennial III, 1992 and its pun the Binal Exhibition,
RIMA, vol.26, no.1, 1992.
Marianto, Diwi, The Power of Yogyakartan Surrealism, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Mariano, M. Dwi, Shifts & traditions in Indonesian art and society, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July
Miklouhou-Maklai, Brita, New Books Streams of Indonesian Art and Perceptions of Paradise,
Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Mohamad, Goenawan, Indonesias Asia, Yasuko, Furuichi, Asia in Transition: Representation
and Identity, Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
Moon, Damon and Effendy, Rifky, Fashion for Civil Disturbance Bandung Style, Artlink, Vol. 19,
No. 3 September1999
ONeill, Hugh; Lindsey, Tim, eds. Awas! Recent Art from Indonesia, Melbourne, Indonesian Arts
Society, 1999.
Rai, Dipika, Yogyakarta: The Heart of Javanese Tradition, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.
Richardson, Vanessa, An analysis of culture, gender and power in the films Niji Ronggeng and
Roro Mendut, RIMA, vol. 28, no.2.
Sabana, Setiawan, Exploring the Potential of Printmaking, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Spanjaard, Helena, Reformasi Indonesia!: Protest art, 1995-2000, IIAS Newsletter, No.23,
October 2000
Supangkat, Jim, Introduction to Indonesian Modern Art, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Supangkat, J., When Photorealism goes Asian [Yogyakarta painters], Asian Art News, vol.8, no.2,
Mar/April 1998.
Supangkat, J., A Different Modern Art, Art & Asia Pacific, supplement Art & Australia, Sept
Supangkat, J., Contemporary Art in Indonesia: Development beyond the 1970s, in Ishida Tetsuro,
Shioda Junichi, Kumagai Isao, ed. Art in Southeast Asia, 1997: Glimpses into the Future,
Tokyo, Museum of Contemporary Art; Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art;
Tokyo, The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 1997.
Supangkat, J., Seni Rupa: The 1992 Jakarta Art and Design Expo, Art & Asia Pacific, no.2, 1993.
Supangkat, J., The emergence of Indonesian Modern Art and its background, in Furuichi, Y. ed.,
Asian Modernism: Diverse development in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand, Tokyo,
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 1995.
Supangkat, J., curator, Contemporary Indonesian Art, Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki, 1995.
Supangkat, Jim & Zaelani, Rizki A., The Mutation: Painstaking realism in Indonesian
Contemporary Painting, Tky, The Japan Foundation Forum for The Indonesia-Japan
Friendship Festival, 1997.
Supangkat, Jim, In Search of a Politically Correct Work of Art, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999


Supangkat, Jim, Seeing the Collaboration via Works of Indonesian Artists, Kazuyo, Kondo;
Tomomichi, Nakao; and Yuko, Yamaki, ed., Imagined Workshop: The 2nd Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 2002, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2002
Supplement Indonesia, Asian Art News vol.4, no.2, March-April 1994.
Wright, Astri, Red and whte refigures, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
Wright, Astri, Resistance in the visual field: activist art in Indonesia in the 1990s, in Trankell,
Ing-Britt; Summers Laura, eds., Facets of Power and Its Limitations: Political Culture in
Southeast Asia, Uppsala, 1999.
Individual Artists [including Bali]
[A.D.Pirous], George, Kenneth, Some things that have happened to The Sun after September 1965;
politics and the interpretation of an Indonesian painting Comparative Studies in Society and
History, vol 39, no.4, 1997.
[Affandi] Rosidi al, Affandi 70 Tahun, Jakarta, Dewan Kesenian, 1978; Sumaetmadja,N.,
Affandi, Penerbit Yayasan Kanisins, 1975; Affandi, reluctant expressionist, Orientations,
June 1971 ; Iskandar, P., Affandi, Jakarta,Akademi, 1977; Wright, A., Undermining the
Order of the Javanese Universe; the self-portraits of Kartika Affandi-Kberl, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994; Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Modern Artists-I: AffandiFukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999.
[Ahmad Sadali], Narayan, Parvathi Nayar, Steeped in Belief Asian Art News, vol.7, no.6, Nov/Dec
[Anuspati], Clark, C., The Natural City Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
[Arahmaiani] Datuin, Flaudette May V., Pssing through fire, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Arifien], Narayan, Parvathi Nayar, Up from the street [Arifien], Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5,
Sept/Oct 1997.
[Astari Rasjid], Inside Tradition Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, Sept/Oct 1997;
[Basuki Abdullah] Agus Dermawan,T., R.Basoeki Abdullah RA, Jakarta, Penerbit PT Gramedia,
[Chusin Setiadikara] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Supangkat, Jim., In the Name of the Realist, in Asian Art News,
Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.70-77.
[Dadang Christanto], Wright, Astri, Dadang Christianto on Systematic Violence, Art &
Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
[Dewa Putu Mokoh], Rai, Dipika, A singular vision, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6, 2000
[Diyanto], Diyanto: Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
[Doyo Prasin], Doyo Prasim/ Santoso Jasin, 1981.
[Entang Wiharso], Findlay, Ian, a voyage through chaos, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Erica Hesta Wahyuni], Tuli, Priya, The colors of Joy, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 2, March/April
[G.Sidharta Soegiyo ], Hasan, Asikin G.Sidharta Soegiyo, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no3., 1994.
[Hendra Gunawan], Hendra Gunawan: A Great Modern Indonesian Painter, Dianne Buerger and
Noor Azlina Yunus (eds), Jakarta: Ir Ciputra Foundation, 2001; Sugangkat, Jim and
Yuliman, S., G. Sidharta in the Indonesian art, Jakarta, 1982
[I Made Palguna] Jay, Sian, E., Changing spirit, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[I Made Sumadiyasa], Kam, Garrett, A spiritual source Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr
[Krisna Murti] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale
1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999


[Lucia Hartini], Marianto, M.Dwi, Lucia Hartini, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994; Wright
Astri, Lucia Hartini, Javanese painter: against the grain, towards herself, in Taylor Nora E.
ed, Studies in Southeast Asian Art: Essays in honor of Stanley J.OConnor, Ithaca, SEAP
Cotrnell University, 2000
[Moelyono], Ewington,.J., The exhibition that never opened, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
[Mohamed Hadi] Political Motives, the Batiks of Mohamed Hadi of Solo, by Maxwell, Robyn &
John, in Gittinger, M., ed., To Speak with Cloth; Studies in Indonesian Textiles, Los Angeles,
University of California Museum of Cultural History, 1993.
[Nyoman Gunarsa] Dhaimeler, D., 9ed.) Nyoman Gunarsa, Jakarta, 1994; Kusnadi, Scethches of
Widayat and Nyoman Gunarsa, Ubud, 1987
[Political Art] Asmudjo Jono Irianto, An Unsettled season, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Salim] Yazir Marzubi, Salim, Jakarta, Penerbit Djambatan, 1978
[Sudjana Kerton], Zaelani, Rizki Akhmad, ed., Nastonalisme dan perubahannya, refleksi karya
Sudjana Kerton / Nationalism and its Transformations: reflections on the work of Sudjana
Kerton, Jakarta, Gedung Pameran Seni Rupa, 1996
[Tenguh Ostenrik], In the dominion of anxiety, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, September/October
[Wianta] Couteau, J. Wianta, Denpasar, 1990
[Widayat] Kusnadi, Scethches of Widayat and Nyoman Gunarsa, Ubud, 1987
[7th Yogyakarta Biennial] Effendy, Rifky, 7th Yogyakarta Biennial (Review) in Art Asia Pacific,
No. 40 (Spring 2004), p. 80
[Angus Suwage], Dartanto, Sudjud., Beautify: Solo Exhibition by Angus Suwage (Cemeti Art
House), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.24-25.
[Arahmaiani] Huangfu, Binghui, Arahmaiani in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 60
[Art House] Effendy, Ricky, Grid (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp. 75-76
[Asmat Art] Barlin, Todd, A continuing tradition, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[CP Open Biennale 2003], Bianpoen, Carla., An Auspicious Start, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No.
6, November/December 2003, p.44-47.
[Dadang Christanto] Kengerian tak Terucapkan / The Unspeakable Horror, Jakarta, Bentara
Budaya, 2002
[Dolorosa Sinaga] Have you see a sculpture from the body? A Retrospective of the sculptures of
Dolorosa Sinaga, Jakarta, National Gallery, 2001.
[Heri Dono] Marianto, M.Dwi, The experimental artist Heri Dono, Art Monthly Australia 64, Oct
1993; review, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000; Supangkat, Jim, Breaking through twisted logic,
Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; Poshyananda, A. curator, Heri Dono: Dancing Demons and
Drunken Deities, Tokyo, Japan Foundation Asia Centre, 2000; review, Asian Art News,
vol.9, no.1, 1999; Ching Isabel., Dystopic Visions: Fortress of the Heart: Solo Exhibition
by Heri Dono (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.20-23.
Heri Memprovokasi Heri / Heri provokes Heri, Jakarta, Nadi Gallery 2002.
[I Wayan Sudarna Putra] review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002
[Nindityo Adipurnomo], Lenzi, Iola., Nindityo Adipurnomo at Plastique Kinetic Worms
(Singapore, review), in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.1, January/February 2003, p.87;
Rodriguez, Hilda Maria, Nindityo Adipurnomo in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 80
[Putu Sutawwijaya], Findlay, Ian, In search of a simple life, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3, 2002
[Redy Rahadian] Findlay, Ian, A Unity Through Sculpture in World Sculpture News, Vol. 10, No.
2 (Spring 2004), pp. 38-39
[Sofwan], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002


[S. Teddy D.], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002; Effedy, Rifky, S. Deddy D. in Art Asia Pacific, Issue
37 (2003), p. 40
Bianpoen, Carla., Exploring Vacuum I at Cemeti Gallery, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.5,
Sep/Oct, 2003, p.81-82.
Under the Hammer, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6, November/December 2003, p.78-81.
Wardani, Farah, A Crucial Coming of Age: Exploring Vacuum Marks 15 Years of Cemeti Art
House in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 22-23
[Festival catalogue] Pesta Kesenian Bali, 1979.
Covarrubias, M, Island of Bali, [1937]London,KPI, 1986.
Crossing Boundaries. Bali: A Window to Twentieth Century Indonesian Art, Melbourne, Asia
Society of AustralAsia, 2002
Curnow, Heather, Women Artists in Bali, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Djelantik, A.A. M., Balinese Painting, Singapore, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Djelantik, A.A.M., essay in Contemporary Balinese Art, Jakarta, National Museum, 1995.
Edleson,M.J. et al, Neka Museum; Guide to the Painting Collection, Ubud, Museum Neka, 1986.
Eiseman, Fred B. Jr., Bali:Sekala & Niskala, vol. I, Essays on Religion, Ritual, and Art, Singapore,
Periplus Editions, 1990.
Farney, Rachel. New Sprits in Bali. [Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women] Asian Art News 8:6
Nov/Dec 1998.
Forge, A., and others, Donald Friends Bali, Sydney, Art Gallery New South Wales, 1990.
Forge, A., Balinese Traditional Painting, Sydney, Australian Museum, 1978.
Geertz, Hildred, Images of Power: Balinese Paintings made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret
Mead, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1994.
Kam, G., Perceptions of Paradise, Images of Bali in the arts, Bali, Yayasan Dharma Seni Museum
Neka, 1993.
Mateer, John, Crossing Boundaries: Bali: A window to twentieth century Indonesian art, Art
Monthly Australia, Number 158, March 2003
Moerdowo, R.M., Reflections on the Balinese tradtional and modern arts, Jakarta, Balai Pustaka,
Murti, Krisna, From tourism to globalism, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Pearce, B., Donald Friend and bali Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Rhodius, H., Darling, J., Walter Spies and Balinese Art, Amsterdam, Tropical Museum, 1980.
Rhodius, H., Darling, J., Walter Spies, Den Haag, L.J.C. Boucher, 1964.
Sudarta, G, M, Seni Lukis Bali Dalam Tiga Generasi, Gramedia, Jakarta, 1975.
Vickers, A., Kitsch and Craft on Bali, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Vickers, A., The King of Bali, in Terra Australis, The Furthest Shore, Sydney, Art Gallery New
South Wales, 1988.
Vickers, A., Bali: A Paradise created, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1989.
Vickers, Adrian, Bali High Art, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
Wright, A., Bali: Showcase of Indonesian Art, Asian Art News, 1, no.3, Nov/Dec 1991.
Wright, A., The Senewati Gallery of Womens Art, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995.
European Images of S.E. Asia and Indonesia
Bastin, J., Brommer, B., Nineteenth Century Prints and Illustrated Books of Indonesia,
Utrecht/Antwerpen, Het Spectrum, 1979.
Bastin, J., Rohatgi, P., Prints of Southeast Asia in the India Office Library, London, Her Majestys
Stationary Office, 1979.
Loos-Haxman,, Verlaat Rapport Indi, Den Haag, Mouton & Co., 1968.
Loos-Haxman,, Dagwerk in Indi, Uitgeverij, T.Wever Framekern, 1972.


India Office Library, The Raffles Drawings in the India Office library, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford
University Press, 1978.
Nieuwenhuys, Rob, Met vreemde ogen, Baren en oudgasten Komen en blijven, Fotografische
documenten uit het oude Indi 1870-1920, Amsterdam Querido, 1988, 1998.
Scalliet, Marie-Odette et al, Pictures from the Tropics: Paintings by Western Artists during the
Dutch Colonial Period in Indonesia, Amsterdam, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 1999.
Craft Practices
Dhamija, J., The cosmology of textiles, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995.
Soemantri, Hilda, Modern Indonesian Ceramics, in Taylor Nora E. ed, Studies in Southeast Asian
Art: Essays in honor of Stanley J.OConnor, Ithaca, SEAP Cornell University, 2000
Bennet, James, East Timor Museum, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
Holder, Jo. An East Timorese Exhibition in Australia, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
[bin Omar, Zakaria], Zakaria bin Omar in Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 2001
Mahaddi B. Hj. Matzain] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Pg. Zainin B. Pg. Mansor] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
General Works
Asia-Pacific Sculpture News 2:3 Summer 1996 Malaysia Feature with articles by Laura Fan and Ian
The Arts in Malaysia, Supplement, Arts & The Islamic World, vol.5, no.1, Spring-Summer, 1988.
Asian Watercolours 88, Petaling Jaya, Malaysian Water Colour Society, 1988.
Chong, Weng-ho, Submission and recalcitrance: looking for art and the other thing in Kuala
Lumpur, Art Monthly Australia, no.68, April 1994.
Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture, Graphic and Handicraft from Private Collection, Kuala Lumpur,
Muzium Seni Negara Malaysia, 1982.
Jamal, S.A., ed., Malaysian Art 1965-1978, London, The Commonwealth Institute, 1978.
Jamal, S.A., Seni Lukis Malaysia 57-87 , Kuala Lumpur, Balai Seni Lukis Nagara, 1987. [bilingual]
Langenbach, R., The Third Salon Malaysia, Asian Art News, 2, 6, Nov/Dec 1992.
Pameran Terbuka 1987, Kuala Lumpur, Balai Seni Lukis Nagara, Feb/March, 1987.
Pameran Terbuka 1988, Kuala Lumpur, Balai Seni Lukis Nagara, Jan/Feb, 1988.
Pameran Terbuka, 1990, Kuala Lumpur, Balai Seni Lukis Negara, 9-28 Januari, 1990.
Piyadasa,R., Pengolahan lanskap tempatan dalam Seni Moden Malaysia, 1930-1981, (The
Treatment of the Local Landscape in Modern Malaysian Art, 1930-1981) Kuala Lumpur,
Muzium Seni Negara, 1981.
Rajah, Niranjan Sacred Pictures, Secular Frames, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.
Rajah, Niranjan, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show], Seminar:
Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Raslan, K., Looking for a New Direction, Asian Art News, vol.4, no. 1, Jan-Feb 1994.


Sabapathy, T.K., Piyadasa,R., Modern Artists of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa dan
Pustaka, 1983.
Sabapathy, T.K., ed. Vision and Idea: Relooking Modern Malaysian Art, Kuala Lumpur, National
Gallery, 1994.
Seni Lukis Malaysia- 25 tahun, penyusunan dan teks Kuala Lumpur, 1982.
Supplment Singapore & Malaysia, Asian Art News, vol.2, no.6, Nov-Dec 1992.
Individual Artists
[Bamadhaj, Nadia] review Art AsiaPacific, 33, 2002
[Charles Cham], Munroe, B., Behind the mask [Charles Cham], Asian Art News, vol.7, no.6,
November-December 1997.
[Chang Fee Ming] Pettifor, Steven, A Rivers Story, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 4
(July/August 2004), pp. 62-63
[Chong Kam Kow] Asian Art News, 2, no.5, Sep/Oct 1992; Chong Kam Kow, Frederikshavn,
Frederikshavn Art Museum, 1988.
[Faizal Mohd Zulkifli] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Gill, Simryn] Pastor-Roces, Marian, Simryn Gill: Slow Release, Art & Text 56, Feb.-Apr. 1997;
Nakamura, Nobuo and Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series, Simryn Gill: A Small
Town at the Turn of the Century, Kitakyushu: Center For Contemporary Art, 1998; Simryn
Gill in Akiko Miyake, ed., Lets Talk About Art #0002, Transexperiences, Kitakyushu:
Center For Contemporary Art, 2002; Eastburn, Melanie, Simryn Gill at the Art Gallery of
New South Wales, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 6, November/December, 2002; Bush, Kate,
Portfolio: Simryn Gill, Artforum International, Vol.41, Issue 6, February 2003: review,
Kitakyushu, Contemporary Visual Art, 29, 2000; Selected Work, Sydney, Art Gallery of New
South Wales, 2002; A small town at the end of the century, Kitakyushu, CCA, 2000; Lee
Weng Choy, Local Cocunuts: Simryn Gill and the politics of identity, Art AsiaPacific,
no.16, 1997; Carruthers, Asley, Simryn Gill, Dalam, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society), no.3, January 2002
[Latiff Mohidin], Sabapathy, T.K., ed., Pago - Pago to Gelombang: 40 Years of Latiff Mohidin,
Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, 1994; Raslan, K., The Line from Point to Point, Art &
Asia Pacific, supplement to Art & Australia, Sept 1993.
[Mahati] Fan, Laura, Telling Tales: the latest exhibition by the Malaysian group Mahati, Art &
Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
[Noor Azinan Rahman Paiman] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange
Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Nur Hanim bte Mohamed Khairuuddin] Hanim, Nur bte Khairuuddin, Mohamed, A Working Paper
on For Whom the Bell Tolls, at the Visiting Exhibition Gallery NUS Museums, Singapore:
NUS Museums, National University of Singapore, 2002
[Soh Chee Hui], Farnay, Rachel, Across time and cultures [Soh Chee Hui], Asian Art News, vol.7,
no.5, Sept/Oct 1997.
[Syed Ahmad Jamal], Fan, Laura, Banking on Art [Syed Ahmad Jamal], Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2,
no.3, 1995.
[Tang Hon Yin] Tang Hon Yin Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, 1986.
[Wong Hoy Cheong] Raslan, K. in Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994; Fan, Laura, A
controversy of silence: Wong Hoy Cheong in Exhibition, Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997;
Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Ooi, Adeline, The Artists As Ethnographer, On Wong Hoy Cheong, Asian
Art News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October, 2002


[Yeoh Jinleng] Sabapthy, T. K., Yeoh Jin Leng: Art and Thoughts, 1952-1995, Kuala Lumpur,
National Gallery, 1995; Clark, J., Into the forest, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994.
[Anwar, Ahmad Zakii], Findlay, Ian, Waiting in the shadows, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.6, 2001
[Chang Fee Ming] Kam, Garrett, Surp[rises of an ephemeral life, Asian Art News, vo.11, no.4,
[Jamal, Syed Ahmad] review, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Nahappan, Kumar] Jay, Sian E., Sensations of ritual, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Rahman, Mastura Abdul] Tan, Sim, Looking to Origins: Mastura Abdul Rahman, Artlink, Vol.
13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
[Video Art] Rajah, Niranjan; Saidon, Hasnul Jamal, The evolution of electronic art in Malaysia,
Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Wong Hoy Cheong] Mandal, Sumit, Valuing Asia, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
Cheong, Wong Hoy and Jit, Krishin, The Shaping of Contemporary Art in Malaysia, Artlink, Vol.
13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Fan, Laura, Rupa Malaysia, A decade of Malaysian art in London, Art AsiaPacific, No.21, 1999.
Findlay, Ian, Pictures from Penang, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, September / October 1997
Geh, Lida, Support for Art in Malaysia, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Geh, Lida, Women Breaking Taboos, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Langerbach, Ray, Culture of Silence: a reading of three artists, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Lee Weng Choy, Artis pro active, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
Mateer, John, Confess & Conceal Asia/Australia exhibition at AGWA, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
OFerrall, Michael, Fauzan Omar - Layers of Meaning, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Rajah, Niranjan, The End of Globalisation?: Malaysian Art at the Close of the 20th Century,
Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999
Whitley, Keri, Castles Journeys into Asia, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
General works
Brecelic, Thomas, ARTSingapore 2001, Art AsiaPacific, No.34, 2002.
Chua, Kevin, In Venetian Waters: Singapore at the 49th Venice Bienale, Focas (Forum on
Contemporary Art & Society), no.3, January 2002
Dolven, Ben, Artistic dilemma: Singapore hopes to establish itself as an international art center,
but local artists still find the going tough, Far Eastern Economic Review, April 22, 1999.
Jeyaretnam, Philip, Sex, Art, and Singapore, Commentary, vol.11, no.1, 1993.
Chai Yik Chin, Singapore Artists, Singapore Cultural Foundation, 1982
Chia, J., Trouble at Hand, Art & AsiaPacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995
Fifth Asian Youth Painting 1987, Singapore, Ministry of Community Development and National
Museum, June 1987
Chow Kwok Kian, Channels a & Confluences: A History of Singapore Art, Singapore, Singapore
Art Museum, 1995.
Findlay, Ian, Building Bridges, On ARTSingapore 2002, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 5,
September/October, 2002
Findlay, Ian., An Odyssey in Art in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.64-67.
[Feature Issue], Asian Art News, vol. 6, no.3, May / June 1996.
[Fukuoka Asian Art Museum], Modern Artists-II, Nanyang 1950-65: Passage to Singaporean Art,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2002


Kitsch & The Singapore Modern, Forum Transcript , Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society), no.3, January 2002
Langenbach, Ray, Annotated Singapore Diary", Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Lee Weng Choy, All Washed up, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Lee Weng Choy, Department Store Art, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
Lee Weng Choy, Distinctions, Paintings by Vincent Leow and Ian Woo, Art Asia Pacific, No.34,
Lee, Weng Choy., Art, Writing and Politics, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society,
No. 4, June 2002, p.102-112.
Legaspi-Ramirez, Eileen C., Traversing Centre and Fringe: Problems of Engagement in Unstable
Democratic Spaces, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society, No. 4, June 2002,
Lingham, Lucy., Art Interpreting Heritage (Of Effacements, Pilgrimages, Exhumantions &
Effigies), in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society, No. 1, January 2001,
Lingham, Susie., Navel: The Mark of a Vampire, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society, No. 2, July 2001, p.49-83.
Lim, Kok Boon., On Art Writing, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.26-27.
Loh, Susan, The Fine Art of Gardening: A Decade of Nurturing the Arts, Focas (Forum on
Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July 2001
Rae, Paul, Rates of Exchange: The Flying Circus Project in the Context of Globalisation, Focas
(Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.2, July 2001
Sabapathy, K., Trimurti: Contemporary Art In Singapore, Art & Asia Pacific, no.2, June 1993.
Scarlett, K., The Shock of the Unexpected: Innovation in Singapore, Art Monthly Australia, 55,
Nov 1992.
Schoppert, Peter, Kitch and Singapore Public Art, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society),
no.3, January 2002
Singapore Artists Directory, Singapore, Prime Prints Pte.Ltd., 1987.
Singapore Museum, Supplement to Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
Wee, C. J. Wan-Ling., Bland Modernity, Kitsch and Reflections on Aesthetic Production in
Singapore, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society, No. 3, January 2002,
Yuan, Chu Chu, and Jay Koh, Encounters in Engagement: Investigating Public Engaged Art in
Singapore, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art & Society, No. 4, June 2002, p.38-52.
Individual Artists
[Baet Yoke Kuan], Yap, Serene., An Amorphous Disguise: An Interview with Baet Yoke Kuan, in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.40-42.
[Chandrasekaran, S.], Binghui Huangfu, akasa: An exhibition of drawings by Chandrasekaran, S,
Catalogue, Earl Lu Gallery, Singapore; Findlay, Ian, Chandrasekaran S. at Earl Lu Gallery,
Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
[Chen Georgette] Georgette Chen/Sheares,C.ed, Singapore, National Museum and Art Gallery,
1985; Georgette Chen, Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, 1997 [review: Tan Meng Kiat,
Janis, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998].
[Chen, Peter], Yang Choky weng, Shooting the city, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.4, July/August
[Chia Wai Hon], Sabapathy, T.K., ed. Cia Wai Hon, Bits and Pieces: Writings on Art, Singapore:
Contemporary Asian Arts Center, 2002
[Francis Ng], Ye, Shufang., To Locate the Transitory Nature of Public Art: An Interview with
Francis Ng, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.44-47.
[Heng, Amanda] King, Natalie, Singaporean artist Amanda Heng, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2,
1996; Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale


1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999.
[Huang Paofang] Huang Pao-fang Singapore, National Museum and Art Gallery, February, 1987.
[Huang Yao], Lim, Cheng Tju., Huang Yao Retrospective (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.32-35.
[Jay Koh] Kester, Grant, The art of listening (and of being heard): Jay Kohs discursive networks,
Third Text, no.47 Summer 1999.
[Khiew Huey Chian], Spot Light: Khiew Huey Chian, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.10, 2003, p.12-13.
[Kok Boon], Spot Light: Lim Kok Boon, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.16.
[Leo Ong Hong Chuan], Spot Light: Leo Ong Hong Chua, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.8, 2002, p.18-19.
[Lim Shing Ee], Spot Light: Lim Shing Ee, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002,
[Liu Kang], Chua, Ferreolus., Ma Vie en Rose Paris, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.7, 2002, p.28-35.
[Oh Chai Hoo], Farnay, Rachel. Moments of Clarity. Asian Art News 8:6 Nov/Dec 1998.
[Ong, Jimmy], Findlay, Ian An Intimate World Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, Sep/Oct 1997.
[Prvacki, Delia], Monroe, Ben. Starting Over: Delia Prvacki. Asia-Pacific Sulpture News 2:3
Summer 1996.
[Simryn Gill], Carruthers, Ashley., Simryn Gill, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society, No. 4, June 2002, p.242-255.
[Tan Kwank Liang], Asian Art News, 2, no.5, Sep/Oct 1992.
[Tan Margaret], Spot Light: Margaret Tan, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003,
[Tan Teng Kee], Tan Teng Kee: An Overview, 1958-2000, Singapore: Sculpture Square Limited,
2000.; Wee, C. J. W. L., Tan Teng Kee: Beyond Parisian-Inflected Modernism to
Contemporary Art?, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.48-49.
[Tan, Victor] Farnay, Rachel. Beyond Sight: Victor Tan. World Sculpture News 3:1 Winter 1997.
[Tang, Dawu] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Victor, Suzanne] Chiu, Melissa, Disembodied Aesthetic: Suzanne Victors corporeal spaces, Art
AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998; Huangfu, Binghui, Suzann Victor in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37
(2003), p. 58
[Wong Keen], Findlay, Ian, A personal landscape, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.4, July/August 1997.
[Yvonne Lam], Spot Light: Yvonne Lam, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002,
[Zhuang Shengtao], Findlay, Ian, Songs from nature Asian Art News, vol.5, no.6, Nov/Dec 1995.
[ASEAN Art Awards 2002], Teo, Joyce., ASEAN Art Awards 2002: Awards Presentation, in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002, p.22-31. [Chew Kim Liong], Jay, Sian. E.,
Balancing act, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000
[Benjamin Buah], Loke, Serena., Encounters with Rats in a Lab: Travelling Project by Benjamin
Puah (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.14-15.
[Chandrasekaran], Tang, Cleo., Sex and Sensibility: Akasa, Drawing Exhibition by
Chandrasekaran (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.6-7.
[Christine Monceau], Ho, Tzu Nyen., Recent Work: Installation by Christine Monceau (review),
in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.32-37; Ching, Isabel., Street Scenes
Revisited: Solo Exhibition by Chua Ek Kay (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.3, 2001, p.24-26.


[Chuay Ek Kay] Findlay Ian, Confident transformations, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3, 2002
[Erzan Adam], Noordin, Shirlene., Vivid!: Solo Exhibition by Erzan Adam (review), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002, p.54-55.
[Foo Yong Song], Findlay, Ian, East-West fusion, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
[History through prints] review, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Hong Zhuan], Sian, Jay E., Drawing from simplicity in tradition, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6,
[Ian Woo], Goh, Tamares., The Error Hope Drawings: Solo Exhibition by Ian Woo (review), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.16-19.; Lim, Kok Boon., Recent Paintings
by Ian Woo (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.12-13.
[Iskandar Jalil], Ching, Isabel., The Potters Way: Potters Life, Potters Thoughts by Iskandar
Jalil, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.36-39.
[Kheng-Li Wee], Ching Isabel., Landscape of Loss: New Finds- AGA Galleries Festival 2002,
View of a City, Solo Exhibition Kheng-Li Wee, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7,
2002, p.18-23.
[Lim Tzay Chuen] Lee Weng Choy, Lim Tzay Chuen in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 64
[Lim Shing Ee], Lim, Shing Ee and Titus Long., Room 61: Solo Exhibition by Lim Shing Ee
(review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.20-25.
[Lingham, Susie], Suzann Victor and Susie Lingham, an equation of vulnerability: a certain
thereness, being. Exhibition Catalogue, Singapore: Contemporary Asian Arts Centre, 2002
[MAAP 2004] MAAP in Singapore 2004 Gravity (Catalogue), Brisbane: MAAP, 2004; Machan,
Kim, Gravity Leap Into the Void (Review) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (SeptemberNovember 2004), pp. 14-16
[Marie-France Dumoli], Ching, Isabel., A Gardens Dream: the Elementary Garden, An
Installation by Marie-France Dumoli, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001,
[Matthew Ngui], Long, Titus., This One Is a Pipe Indeed: An Exhibition by Matthew Ngui
(review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.30-33.
[Milenko Prvacki], Ho, Tzo Nyen., Construction Site: Recent Works by Milenko Prvacki (review),
in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.50-51.
[Nokia Singapore 1999] Lee Weng choy, Art and Nation, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Nokia Singapore 2001] Davis, Lucy, Got Cyber: Nokia Singapore Art 2001, ART AsiaPacific,
Issue 36 (2002)
[Pang, December;Wee Kheng-li; Nei, Meley Law Mei; Wong, Steven; Chua Koon Beng] Findlay,
Ian New Finds, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.3, 2002
[Patrick Beaulieu], La Patrie- Singapore, Installation by Patrick Beaulieu, in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.52-53.
[Quek Kiat Sing] Quek Kiat Sing, et al., Moonscape Drawings: First Solo Exhibition by Quek Kiat
Sing, Catalogue (ISBN 981-04-5863-0); Tang, Ling Nah., Moodscape Drawing: First Solo
by Quek Kiat Sing (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.6-9.
[Re-emplace] review, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Saraswati Gramich], Loke, Serena., Shift, Flex, Listen, Feel: Solo Exhibition by Saraswati
Gramich (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.28-29.
[Seni, Sinapore 2004] Singapore 2004 Seni, Art & The Contemporary (Catalog), Singapore, 2004
[Suki Chan], Long, Titus., GRIPEVine: A Midsummers Daydream Artist in Residence- Suki
Chan (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.26.
[Tan Teo Kwang] Findlay, Ian, Accidental executions, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
[Tang Dawu] Davis, Lucy, Of commodities and kings, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Victor, Suzann], Suzann Victor and Susie Lingham, an equation of vulnerability: a certain
thereness, being. Exhibition Catalogue, Singapore: Contemporary Asian Arts Centre, 2002


[Wilkie Tan], Chen, Long Long and Ferreolus Chua, Wil-kies Believe It or Not Visitation, Solo
Exhibition by Wil-Kie Tan (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002,
[Yang Manki], Chua, Ferreolus., Misty Air: An Interview with Yang Man-Ki, in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.22-25.
[Womens art] Datuin, Flaudette May V., text and Subtext, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
[Wong, Susie],In search of self Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
Spirit of Change [2nd Arts Singapore fair] Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
Binghui, Huangfu. (ed), Site + Sight: Translating Cultures, in Translating Cultures: SiteSight,
Essays on Globalisation and Contemporary Visual Art, Singapore: Earl Lu Gallery &
LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, 2003, p.10-17.
Britton, Stephanie, New Models for Survival, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Cheo, Chai-Hiang, Current Issues in Singapore Art, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Ching, Isabel., A Diary of Worms Festival 3: Featuring Artists from Both Local and the Region
(review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.38-47.
Chou, Kwok Kian., Spaces and Places: Art in Transit- North East Line MRT- Singapore, in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.20-25.
Choy, Lee Weng, Art, Writing and Politics, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.3,
January 2002
Chua, Ferreolus., Utterly Collectable: Meet Art Collector, Pwee Keng Hock, in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.14-17.
Chua, Ferreolus., Fable of the Pelican: Exhibition by Sia Joo Hiang and Willy Tay (review), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.48-51.
Chua, Ferreolus., Travelogue: the Winston Oh Travel Award Drawing Exhibition (review), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.12-15.
Chua, Kevin., In Venetian Water: Singapore at the 49th Venice Biennale, in FOCAS: Forum on
Contemporary Art & Society, No. 3, January 2002, p.273-287.
Clo L and Ferreolus Chua, ARTSingapore: The Contemporary Asian Art Fair, in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.56-57.
Davis, Lucy., State of Censorship: Singapore Post-CRC 3, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary
Art & Society, No. 5, January 2003, p.295-309.
Fan, Laura, Bidding for change, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.1, Jan/Feb 1997.
Farnay, Rachel. In Search of New Messages. World Sculpture News 4:4 Autumn 1998.
Fenner, Felicity, Finding a place for art, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
Findlay, Ian, Accidental Executions. Asian Art News, 9:5 September/October 1999 [Tan Teo
Findlay, Ian, Coming into its own [Singapore art fair], Asian Art News, vol.10, no.5, 2000
Findlay, Ian, New Voices, Singapore Art Gallery Associations Exhibitions Review, Asian Art
News, vol. 12, no. 3, May/June, 2002
Gumpert, Lynn, Report from Singapore: a Global City for the Arts?, Art In America, Dec 1997.
Hantower, Jeffrey, Towards a Center[new museum], Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr 1996.
He, Ziyan., I/Eye Is Another: A Review of the Nokia Arts Awards Through an Interview with Ho
Tzu Nyen; An Investigation into Abstraction, Language and Simulation, in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.50-57.
Hwee, Michael Lee Hong., Grouses Overheard: or the Wish for a Sculpture Garden in Singapore,
in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.22-24.
Jay Sian E., In Search of Self., Asian Art News, 9:5 Sept/Oct 1999 [Sisie Wong].
Jay, Sian E, Fit for a feast [food and art], Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
Jay, Sian E., A dynamic vision takes place, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6, 2000


Jay, Sian E., A print institute for Southeast Asia [Tyler Studio], Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6,
Jay, Sian E., Schooling artists, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
Jay, Sian E., Sharing visions [computer art at LaSalle-SIA], Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
Jay, Sian E., Taking center stage, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
Kim Dy-Liacco., Love Me Upside Down: Jeremy Ramsey Gets Tongue-in-Check for His
Upcoming Exhibition Uncut Edges (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3,
2001, p.54-55.
Koh, Jay and Yuan, Chu Chu, Encounters in Engagement: Investigating Public Engaged Art in
Singapore, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.3, January 2002
Langenbach, Ray., Theatre of Peril, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.53-55.
[Lee Weng Choy] Lee Weng Choy, Alternative spaces, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Lee Weng
Choy, Contemporary Art Criticism in Singapore. TASSA Review, 7:3 1998.; Lee Weng
Choy, Misunderstanding art, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999, (also see rejoinder in Art
AsiaPacific, 25, 2000); Lee Weng Choy, Monumental statements, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001;
Lee Weng Choy, Representation as detour, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000; Lee, Weng Choy,
Just what is it that makes the term global-local so widely cited yet so annoying?, Artlink,
Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000; Lee, Weng Choy, Modernism Without Modernity: New Public Art
in Singapore in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), pp. 26-27; Lee, Weng Choy,
Authenticity, Reflexity & Spectacle: or the Rise of New Asia is not the End of the World in
positions: east asian cultures critique, Vol. 12, No. 3 (winter 2004); Lee, Weng Choy, Three
Entries (On New Media) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp.
Leng, Daniel Kok Yik., A Mix-Bag of Dance Idea: Asia-Europe Dance Forum (review), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.10-15.
Lenzi, Lola., Site + Sight: Translating Cultures, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002,
Lenzi, Lola., Suzann Victor and Susie Linghams an Equation of Vulnerability, a Certain
Thereness, Being, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.42-45.
Lim, Kok Boon., Drawing Matters: Group Exhibition by Members of Plastique Kinetic Worms, in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.44-45.
Lim, Kok Boon., Simply Sculpture: Biennial Sculpture Symposium 2003 in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.50-53.
Lim, Shing Ee, Weikie Tan, Raymond Lee and Steve Black, Worms Festival IV:
Multi-disciplinary Event Featuring Local and Regional Artists, in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.34-41.
Lingham, Susie Art Interpreting Heritage (Of effacements, pilgrimages, exhumations & effigies),
Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.1, January 2001
Low, John., 10:10 Cultural Exchange and the Voices of Silence: Group Exhibition by Buffer Kit
and Loose Tooth, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.36-39.
Mashadi, Ahmad, Art Abroad: InterNational Communication, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Mashadi, Ahmad, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show],
Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
Reaney, Colin, and Karee Dahl., Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer: La
Biennale di Venezia 50th International Art Exhibition: An Insight to Colin Reaneys and
Karee Dahls Visit to the 50th Venice Biennale, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10,
2003, p.38-41.
Rita, Herbert, Feast or Famine? Report on the Central St Martins College of Art and Design
Graduation Show, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.6-7.


Schoppert, Peter., Kitsch and Singapore Public Art, in FOCAS: Forum on Contemporary Art &
Society, No. 3, January 2002, p.90-117.
Schoppert, Peter, Imagining & Instructing the Public in Singapore Public Art, from
Sian, e Jay., Gallery Round Up, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.55-59.
Storer, Russel, Artists-run Initiatives and Alternative Spaces in Sydney and Singapore, unpublished
Master of Arts long essay, University of Sydney, 2004.
Tan, Margaret., No Apologies: 10th RMIT University Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) Graduation
Show, in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.6-7.
Transmedia Cockroach: The Arts & the Singapore Press, Forum Transcription, Focas (Forum on
Contemporary Art & Society), no.1, January 2001
Wee, Jason., Three on Sexuality (Michael Lee, Joel Seah and Dinesh Naidu), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.10, 2003, p.34-37.
Wee, Jason., Trikho: Exhibition by Margaret Tan and Lynn Lu (review), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.6-11.
Yao, Souchou, Oral Sex, Natural Sex and Other Pleasures of the State in Broadsheet, Vol. 33,
No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp. 32-39
Yap, Serene., Nanyang Academy of Fine Art, 61st Diploma Show (review), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.46-47.
Ye, Shufang, Blindspot: Infringe the Obvious (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts,
No.8, 2002, p.52-55.
Works on History and Culture in Malaysia and Singapore
Abdullah, Firdau Haji, Radical Malay Politics: Its origins and Early Development, Petaling Jaya,
Pelanduk Publications, 1985.
Andaya, B.W. & L.Y., A History of Malaysia, London, Macmillan, 1982.
Beng, Tan Sooi, Bangsawan: A Social and Stylistic History of Popular Malay Opera, Kuala
Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1993.
Lim, Kit Siang, Malaysia: Crisis of Identity, Petaling Jaya, Democratic Action Party, 1986.
Milne, R.S. & Mauzy, D.K., Malaysia: Tradition, Modernity, and Islam.
Yao, Souchou, House of Glass: Culture, Modernity, and the State in Southeast Asia, Singapore: The
Insitute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2001
Selected Exhibitions
Binghui, Huangfu. (ed), Translating Cultures: SiteSight, Exhibition Catalogue, Singapore: Earl
Lu Gallery & LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, 2003.
Binghui, Huangfu. (ed), In Out: Contemporary Chinese Art from China and Australia, Singapore:
Earl Lu Gallery & LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, 1997.
Chlo, L., Worms Festival: 3, Featuring Artists from Both Local and the Region (Plastique
Kinetic Worms), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.48-50.
Chua, Ferreolus., Stir: BA 9th Graduation Show (Earl Lu Gallery), in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.5, 2002, p.12-15.
Chua, Ferreolus., The Presidents Young Talents Exhibition 2003 (Singapore Art Museum), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.40-49.
Chua, Ferreolus., Safari: Group Exhibition by Yong Taisi and Wong Huiling (Utterly Art Gallery),
in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.54-55.
Fenner, Felicity, Science Fictions, Singapore Arts Festival (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39
(Winter 2004), p. 79
Goh, Sylvia., H (Harmony) (review of Yen Chua and Wang Qing), in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.23.


Gunalan, Nadarajan., 180 KG: A Travelling Exhibition by Singapore Artists (Cemeti Art House,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.44-49.
He, Ziyan., Oi! Oi! 1,2,3Everybody Lets Say En-Tro-Py!: The Young Artists Exhibition 2002
(Plastique Kinetic Worms), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002, p.48-53.
Ho, Tzu Nyen., Plura Plura Sakura: Young Artists Exhibition 2001 (Plastique Kinetic Worms), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.6-11.
Leow, Vincent., and Lim Kok Boon, Deriving Spaces: Nokia Singapore Art 2001 (curators note,
Plastique Kinetic Worms), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.56-59.
Lim, Kok Boon., Less Than Picture Perfect: Naked Perfection (Singapore Art Museum), in
Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.8-9.
Noordin, Shirlene., Forty: An Exhibition by Angkatan Pelukis Aneka Daya (ARTrium MITA
Building), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.8, 2002, p.28-29.
Nyen, Ho Tzu, Lee Wen: Strange Fruit (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), p.
Reaney, Colin., Spending Time with Raffles: Getting to Know You, Raffles (Exhibition by
students from Central St. Martins, Chelsea School of Art, Goldsmiths College and Royal
College of Art), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.20-22.
See, Irwin., Spending Time with Raffles: Getting to Know You, Raffles (Exhibition by students
from Central St. Martins, Chelsea School of Art, Goldsmiths College and Royal College of
Art), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.18-19.
Stone, Julian., Space Invaders: Futuristic Incursions, Print Exhibition by 10 Regional Artists
(Utterly Art Gallery), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002, p.40-43.
Tan, Wilkie., CyberArts: Intersections of Art and Technology (Nokia Art Singapore 2001, Curated
by Gunalan Nadarajan, Singapore Art Museum), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.5,
2002, p.18-25.
The, Patricia., A Decade for Change (Singapore Modern: Art in the 1970s, Singapore Art
Museum), in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 2003, p.62-69.
Wong, Chee Meng., Art on a Platter, Anyone? Performance, Installation and Group Exhibition by
Aleksandar Obradovic, Benjamin Puah, Colin Reaney, Jeremy Hiah, Josef Ng, Juliana Yasin,
Karee Dahl, Lam Hoi Lit, Lina Adam and Tang Da Wu (review), in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.2, 2001, p.34-35.
Yeo, Ash Y. S., Art Connects: Art Elective Programme Exhibition (Lower & Upper Galleries,
Singapore Art Museum), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.14-16.
Yeo, Ash Y. S., aseanARToday 2001 Singapore (Earl Lu Gallery), in Vehicle: Contemporary
Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.28-31.
Yip, May., Alpha 3.0: GPS Piece- A Web, Walkabout by, A New Media Exhibition
Held at the Earl Lu Gallery Organised and Funded by the National Arts Council (Earl Lu
Gallery), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.3, 2001, p.18-19.
General Works
Special issue on the Philippines including several articles on culture, and nationalism, RIMA,
vol.28, no.1, 1994.
Anderson, Nola, Writing About Craft, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Baradas, David B., Woven Textiles the Enduring Tradition, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Bose, Santiago, Struggle in Baguio: The Arts Guild Makes a Difference, Artlink, Vol. 13,
No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Castaneda,D., Art in the Philippines, Quezon City, University of the Philippines, Dillman, 1964
[Spanish to Modern Periods]


Coseteng,A.M.L.,ed., Philippine Modern Art and Its Critics, Manila, UNESCO National
Commission of the Philippines,1972 [Anthology of Critical Reviews]
Datuin, Flaudette, At the fringes in the Philippines, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000.
Datuin, Flaudette M.V., Home, Body, Memory, Filipina artists in the visual arts, 19th century to
present, Quezon City, University of the Philippines Press, 2002.
De Alaya,F.Z., Philippine Religious Imagery, Ateneo de Manila, 1983[Spanish Period,includes 19th
Duldulao,M.D., A Century of realism in Philippine art, Manila, Fine ArtsCorp. 1982
Duldulao,M.D., Contemporary Philippine Art from the 50s to the 70s, Quezon City, Vera-Reyes,
Duldulao,M.D., The Philippine Art Scene, Hong Kong, Toppan Printing Co., 1987.
Flores, Patrick D., A Piece of History: Juan Lunas Parisian Life and the Production of
Property, from
Flores, Patrick D., ed., Perspectives on the Varga Museum Collection: from Revolution to Republic:
the art of Luna, Amorsolo, Edades, Quezon City, Department of Art Studies, University of the
Philippines, 1999.
Flores. Patrick D., Painting History: revisions in Philippines Colonial Art, Manila, National
Commission for Culture and the Arts, 1998.
Flores, Patrick D., Painting as Colonal Reconversion in Power, Kevin, ed., 98 Cien Aos
Despues, Communitat Valenciana & Manila, Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1998.
[Fukuoka Asian Art Museum], ASEAN-Japan Exchange Year 2003, Arts of the People III: Santo
Holy Sculptures from the Philippines, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2003
Gatbonton, J.T., Javelosa, J.E., Roa, L.R.R., Art Philippines A History: 1521 to Present, Manila,
The Crucible Workshop, 1992. [reviewed by Ewington, J., in Art Monthly Australia, 60, June
Guillermo, A.G. A decade of fruition and renewal, Art Monthly Australia, 41, June 1991.
Guilllermo,A.G., The Eye is the Silent Witenss: Politcal art in the post Marcos Era, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.1, no.1, 1993.
Guillermo, Alice G., Protest Revolutionary Art in the Philippines, 1970-1990, Quezon City,
University of the Philippines Press, 2001.
Kalaw-Ledesma,P. The Struggle for Philippine Art, Manila, Purita Kalawa-Ledesma, 1974.
Kintanar, Thelma B., Ventura, Sylvia M., Self-Portraits: twelve Filipina Artists Speak, Manila,
Ateneo de Mainal University Press, 1999.
Ledesma, Purita Kalaw, The struggle for Philippine art, Manila, Ledesma, 1974.
Roces, M.P., Exchange Manila-Berlin, Berlin, RAAB Galerie, 1988
Sta Maria,Felice,ed., Reales Ordenes para establecimiento de las Escuela de Pintura y Academia de
Bellas Artes en las Islas Filipinas, Madrid/Manila, 1848 [mimeo, ANU].
Smith,W.S.,ed., The Art of the Philippines,1521-1957, Manila, Associated Publishers, 1958.
Torres, E., 100 Years of Philippine Painting, Pasadena, Pacific Asia Museum, 1984.
Torres, E., Internationality: Towards a New Internationalism, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1,
Torres, E., Philippine abstract painting, Manila, Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1994.
Torres, E., Kayamanan, 77 paintings from the Central Bank collection Manila, Central Bank of the
Philippines, 1981.
Willie Valentine, Faith + The City: a survey of contemporary Filipino art, Kuala Lumpur, Valentine
Willie Fine Art, 2000.
Individual Artists
[Abad, Pacita] Findlay, Ian, Assailing the sense, Asian Art News, March/April 1994.
[Agnes Arellano] Rodriguez, Hilda Maria, Agnes Arellano in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p.
[Amorsolo] Roces, A.R., Amorsolo/ , Manila, Filipinas Foundation, 1975


[Ang Kiukok] various authors, Ang Kiukok/, Taibei, Banhuajia Hualang, 1981
[Antipas Delotavo] Guillermo, Alice G., On the Crest of History in Asian Art News, Vol. 14,
Number 4 (July/August 2004), pp. 41-43
[Aquilizan, Juan Alfredo and Maria Isabel Gaudinez-Aquilizan], Guillermo, Alice G., An Odyssey
of Objects, in World Sculpture News, Vol. 9, No.3, Summer 2003, p.30-35.
[Aquinaldo, Leonardo] Guillermo, Alice G., Symbols Of Ethnicity, On Leonardo Aquinaldo,
Asian Art News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
[Austria, Tam P.] Duldano, M. D, Tam.P.Austria, Manila, The Artist, 1976.
[Barredo, Gabriel], Guillermo, Alice, G., The Archangel of Assemblage: Gabriel Barredo. World
Sculpture News 5:3 Summer 1999
[Benesa, Leonidas], Kalaw-Ledesma, P.,Ugat suri Leonidas Benesa Manila; ASEAN Institute of
Art for Intergallery Group, 1984.
[Blanco] Guillermo,Alice,G., Blanco, Manila, Vera-Reyes,Inc., 1979.
[Bose, Santiago] Batten, John, Cultural conflicts Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
[Brenda Fajardo] Guillermo, Alice, G., High Priestess of Tarot. Asian Art News 9:5
September/October 1999
[Cabrera, Ben] Cabrera:Modernist of the Philippine Past, Orientations, November, 1972
[Co, Charlie], Guillermo, Alice G., Visions of the millenium, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.3, 1999
[Cruz, Maria] Ewington, J., Splash Art, (Interview with Maria Cruz), Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1,
no.1, 1993.
[Cuizon, Noel] Findlay, Ian, On identitys trail, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
[Edades] Ledesma-Kalwa,P.; Guerrero, A.M., Edades; National Artist, Manila, Filipinas
Foundation, 1979.
[Escora, Koko], statement, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000
[Espinoza, Clifford] Defoe, Ruben D.F. Coloring Humanity: Clifford Espinosa. Asia-Pacific
Sculpture News 1:3 Summer 1995
[Esquillo, Alfredo D. Jr] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Alfredo D. Esquillo Jr.: Winds of Artist in Residence
2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2001; Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under
Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Fajardo, Brenda] Guillermo, Alice, High priestess of tarot, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
[Feleo, Roberto] Guillermo, Alice G., Connecting myth and history, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6,
[Franciisco, Carlos V]. Navarro,V.T., Zafaralla,P., Carlos V.Francisco; The Man and Genius of
Philippine Art/ Manila, Ayala Museum,1985
[Garibay, Emmanuel], review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
[Habulan, Renato] review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
[Hidalgo, Felix Resurreccion], Pilar, Santiago Alabano, First National Juan Luna and Felix
Resurreccion Hidalgo Commemorative Exhibition, Manila, Metropolitan Museum of Manlia,
[Imply Pilapil] Guillermo, Alice G., Reaching Skyward, in World Sculpture News, Vol. 10, No. 2
(Spring 2004), pp. 22-27
[Jose Tence Ruiz] Guillermo, Alice G., On the Crest of History in Asian Art News, Vol. 14,
Number 4 (July/August 2004), pp. 41-43
[Justiniani, Mark] Flores, Patrick D., Hidden and Haunting Transcripts, On Mark Justiniani, Asian
Art News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October, 2002
[Lebajo, Raul], Findlay, Ian, The promise of self Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
[Lino Severino] Guillermo, Alice G., Passing Through in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 5
(September/October 2004), pp. 53-57
[Lluch, Julie], Guillermo, Alice, G., In Art and Faith: Julie Lluch. World Sculpture News 4:2
Spring 1998


[Luna, Juan] Pilar, Santiago Albano. Juan Luna, the Filipino as painter, Manila, Lopez Foundation,
1980.Pilar, Santiago Alabano, First National Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo
Commemorative Exhibition, Manila, Metropolitan Museum of Manlia, 1988.
[Maestro, Mark], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Magsaysay-Ho, Anita] Anita Magsaysay-Ho, Orientations, July 1972; Anita Magsaysay-Ho,
Metropolitan Museum of Manila, 1989; Ledesma-Kalawa,P., and Guillermo,A.G., Anita
Magsaysay-Ho; a retrospective, Manila, Anita Magsaysay Inc., 1988.
[Malang] Reyes,C., Malang, Manila, Raya Books, 1981
[Manansala] Perez, R.P., Manansala, Manila, PLC Publishing, 1980.
[Manuel Ocampo] Flores, Patrick, Catholic Capital: Consuming Manuel Ocampo in positions:
east asian cultures critique, Vol. 12, No. 3 (winter 2004)
[Mario de Rivera], Guillermo, Alice G., A Rich Confluence of Cultures, in Asian Art News,
Vol.13, No.5, Sep/Oct, 2003, p.54-59.
[Medalla, David] Terra, Jun, David Medalla in London, Third Text, 30, Spring 1995; Labrador,
Ann, Locating David Medalla, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
[Muoz, Mike and Poloy Cagayat Woodcarving Workshop], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under
Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Navarro, J. Elizalde], Reyes, Cid, A voice of passion Asian Art News, vol. 6, no.3, May / June
[Ocampo, H.R.] De Jesus,A.M., H.R.Ocampo:The Artist as Filipino/, Manila, Heritage Publishing,
[Ocampo, Manuel], Master of the macabre [Manuel Ocampo], Asian Art News, vol.5, no2.,
March-April 1995.
[Orlina, Ramon], Smith, Eva Laird. Into the Heart of Glass: Ramon Orlina. World Sculpture News
3:1 Winter 1997
[Pacita Abad] Findlay, Ian, Poetry of the Moment in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 5
(September/October 2004), pp. 48-52
[Ramon Diaz] Guillermo, Alice, An Art of Optical Wizardry in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number
3 (May/June, 2004), pp. 60-62
[Robles, Roberto] Guillermo, Alice, G., Landscape into Sculpture: Roberto Robles. World
Sculpture News 4:4 Autumn 1998
[Ruz, Jos Tence] Guillermo, Alice G., Processes of change, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999.
[Sanso] Perez, R.P. , Sanso: Art Quest Between Two Worlds, Manila, Eugenio Lopez Foundation
Inc., 1988.
[Villa, Carlo], Jaana, Reena, Expanding multicultural Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June
[Wilwayco, Edwin], Reyes, Cid., A Divine Illumination, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.5,
Sep/Oct, 2003, p.42-45.
[Zobel] Zobels Photographs, Manila, Kiodo printing, 1983.
Philippines Feature, including Coming into a new phase; Orlina, Ramon Facing up to Change;
Diaz, Silvana, Art to the People; Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
Supplement: The Philippines, Asian Art News, vol.3, no.5, Sept-Oct 1993.
Chattopadhyay, Colette, At home and abroad, contemporary Filipina views, Art AsiaPacific, 22,
Cajipe-Endaya, Imelda, Images of Women by Women, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Defoe, Ruben, D.F., Heroism wears new hats, Asian Art News, vol. 6, no.3, May / June 1996.
Ewington, J., Archipelago Art, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1, 1993.
Ewington, J., Cross-Currents- Salubungang Agos, Art & Asia Pacific vol.1, no.3, 1994.


Flores, Patrick & Bromfield, David, The perils of performance: Mike Parr in the Philippines, Art
& Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Flores, Patrick, Sorties into the City: The Art of Elmer Borlongan and Emmanuel Garibay,
Artlink, Vol. 19, No. 3 September1999
Guillermo, Alice G., Witnesses to unfolding history, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
Guillermo, Alice, Visions of the Millennium, Asian Art News 9:3 1999
Guillermo, Alice, The essence of form,[Philppines Sculpture], Asia-Pacific Sculpture News,
vol.1, no.2, Spring 1995.
Guillermo, Alice G., An Iconography of Political Art, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, Number 4
(July/August 2004), pp. 58-61
Hildawa, Sid Gomez, An Overview of the Philippine Contemporary Art Scene (1994-1998),
Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999
Hoffie, P., Accounting for Fun, [Baguio Art Festival 1993] Art Monthly Australia, no.67, March
Hoofman, Ingrid, Enjoin to the Philippines, Artlink, Vol. 18, No. 4 December 1996
Javelosa, Jeannie E., Introduction to Philippines Art & Culture, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4,
November-March 1993/94
Javelosa, Jeannie E., Indigenous Statements Now, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March
Labarador, Anna, Weaving impressions: the Bontoc people of the Philippines, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
Labrador, A.P., A most unfashionable frill: Restringing multicultural beads into one national
strand, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1, 1993.
Labrador, A.P., Beyond The fringe: making it as a Filipina contermporary artist, Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995.
Labrador, Ana, P., The projects of nationalism: celebrating the centenary in Philippines
contemporary art. Humanities Research 2: 1999
Looby, Keith, Does the Avant-Garde begin or end in Asia?, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.
Mayo, Rachel, Replanting Culture: The indigenous Art Movement, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1,
Mayo, Rachel, Pillow Talk [Dan Raralio], Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
Mayo, Rachel, Salingpusa: Manila on Canvas, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.3, 1995
Radok, Stephanie and Roberts, Neil, An Australian Creates Space in Manila, Artlink, Vol. 13,
No.3&4, November-March 1993/94
Roces, M.P, Ethos Bathos Pathos: Contemporary Art Practice in the Philippines, Art & Asia
Pacific, no.1, supplement to Art & Australia, March 1993.
Torres, E., Internationality: Towards a New Internationalism, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1,
Torres, Emmanuel, Drawing takes its place, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000
Torres, Emmanuel, Upbeat and kicking into the new millenium, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3,
Zaballero, Phyllis; Vermont Works, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 3, May/June 1997.
[Abad, Pacita] Findlay, Ian, In the spirit of color, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
[Alavarado, Nunelucio] Guillermo, Alice G., Sugar is bitter, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000
[Alcarazen, Juan; Pacquing, Bernardo] review, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001; review, Asian Art News,
vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Ang Kiukok], Guillermo, Alice G., The art of human concerns, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3,


[Aquilizan, Alfredo Juan], Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Alfredo Juan & Maria Aquilizan, Mami,
Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan
Foundation Asia Center, 2002; Flores, Patrick D., Afredeo Juan Aquilizan at Galleria
Duemila, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October, 2002
[Borlongan, Elmer], Flores Patrick, D., A rite of passage, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001;
statement, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000; [with Esquillo, Coquilla, Sabado] Guillermo,
Alice G., The thunder of new voices, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000
[Bose, Santiago], Guillermo, Alice, Renewing historical memory, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.1,
[Cajipe-Endaya, Imelda], Guillermo, Alice G., An enlightened perspective, Asian Art News,
vol.10, no.1, 2000; review, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[Caete, Reuben Ramas] Sotto, Jack, Into the new century, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[Charlie Co], Flores, Patrick., Charlie Co at Galleria Duemila, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3,
May/June 2003, p.74-75.
[Ciani, Lina], review, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[David Cortez Medalla], Benitez-Johnannot, P., Focus on David Cortes Medalla: Hedonist in a
State of Grace, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.79-89.
[Enriquez, Francesca], Flores, Patrick D., The condition of home, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6,
[Garcia, Nona M.] Jay, Sian E., Beyond the surface, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Gelvezon-Tequi, Ofelia] Guillermo, Alice G., Games and allegories, Asian Art News, vol.11,
no.2, 2001
[Legaspi, Jos], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo:
The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Leonardo Aguinaldo], Guillermo, Alice G., Symbols of Ethnicity, in Asian Art News, Vol.13,
No.1, January/February 2003, p.75-79.
[Llaguna-Ciani, Lina] Guillermo Alice G., A luminous vision, Asian Art News, vo.11, no.4, 2001
[Reamillo, Alvin], Guillermo, Alice G., A sense of mobility, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
[Santos, Pad Abad], Guillermo, Alice, Art from Fiber, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
[Sibayan, Judy Freda] review, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Tuazon, Wire Rommel], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Ventura, Roberto] Guillermo, Alice G., Discovering Male Nudes, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 4,
July/August, 2002
Baluyut, Pearlie S., A Judges Observation, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002,
Canta, Marilyn R., Installation Art in the Philippines: Sourcing Traditional and Contemporary
Aesthetics, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.49-55.
Caete, Reuben Ramas., Bridges Across Rivers: Art as Systemic Practice Among Bulakenyos, in
Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.27-31.
Capistrano-Baker, Florina H., Mapping the New Millennium: Ethnicity, Alterity, Identity
[Imag(in)ing Self and the Other in a Postmodern World, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of
Visual Arts, 2002, p.8-10.
Chua, Ferreolus., Mula sa Puso: Filipino Art Sweeps into Town (review), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.7, 2002, p.52-56.
Conde-Prieto, Ma Teodora., From Punla to Sibol: The Growth of Regional Art, in Pananaw 4:
Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.32-33.
Datuin, Flaudette May V., Land, Locality, and Communion: The International Baguio Arts
Festival, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.34-40.


Florentino, Eric., Four Postmortems and an Ominous Carnival(or, The Freak Show Manifesto), in
Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.71-73.
Flores, Patrick D., At the crossroads, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.3, 2000
Flores, Patrick D., Loss and leaving, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
Flores Patrick D., Crafting Economies, Tokyo, The Japan Foundation, 2001.
Flores, Patrick D., Central Station, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002,
Garcia, Nona., Luck, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.74.
Guillermo, Alice G., Bamboo in the Sea Wind (The First Bagabas International Eco-Arts), in
World Sculpture News, Vol.9, No.3, Summer 2003, p.50-52.
Guillermo, Alice G., Yankee Doodles, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6, November/December
2003, p.52-55.
Guillermo, Alice G., From the Familiar to the Abstract, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2,
March/April 2004, p.58-63.
Labrador, Ana P., Eating their words, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
Labrador, Ana P., Out of order, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
Legaspi-Ramirez, Eileen C., Traversing Centre and Fringe: Problems of Engagement in Unstable
Democratic Spaces, Focas (Forum on Contemporary Art & Society), no.3, January 2002
Pastor Roces, Marian, Letter to an Artist concerning her Death, in Huangfu, Binghui, Site+Sight:
Translating Cultures, Singapore, La Salle-SIA, 2002.
Pereira, Sharmini, To talk with a degree of serendipity, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
Ruiz, Jose Tence., Atras /Avant: Lessons from a Continuing Reinvention of the Thirteen Artists
Award, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.56-65.
Samson, Ditas R., The Beauty and the Bounty: Angono Recalled and Reinterpreted, in Pananaw 4:
Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.17-26.
Surry of Exhibitions 2000-2002, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.90-100.
Tan, Pearl., The Philippine Art Awards: An Observers Evaluation, in Pananaw 4: Philippine
Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.66-70.
Torres, Emmanuel., One Face of Filipino Art, in Asian Art News, Vol.13, No.1, January/February
2003, p.56-60.
Tuazon, Wire Rommel G., Artist-Run-Spaces: Art Initiatives in the Case of Surrounded by Water,
in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.6, 2002, p.44-47.
Valeriano, Lourdes Lee., Identity and Invisibility: Contemporary Filipino-American Art in New
York, in Pananaw 4: Philippine Journal of Visual Arts, 2002, p.41-48.
Pilar, S.A..; Cajipe-Endaya,I., Limbag Kamay: 400 Years of Philippine Printmaking, Manila,
Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1993.



[There is a flourishing art press in New Zealand which is too large to index here]
[2nd Auckland Triennial] Naylor, Stephen, Public/Private Tumatanui/Tumataiti: The 2nd Auckland
Triennial, Art Monthly Australia, No. 170 (June, 2004), pp. 16-18
[Baerhart, Laurence] Batten, John, Laurence Aberhart: Macau and China [Photography], Art
AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
[Cotton, Shane] Tillers, Imants, Locating Shane Cotton, Art AsiaPacific no.21 1999.
[Devotion: the religious, the domestic, the pacific] review, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Fiji] Teaiwa, Tersia K., Our Pacific: Contemporary Art in Fiji, Art AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.
[Fong, Luise] Vaigro, W., Luise Fong: cosmographies; a pathologistss diary, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.2, no.2, 1995.
[Hammond, Bill] Smith, Allan, Bill Hammond Paints New Zealand, Art AsiaPacific, no 23, 1999
Focus on New Zealand.
[Jahnke, Robert] Thomas, Nicolas, Shadow and Substance: the recent work of Robert Jahnke, Art
& Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1, 1993.
[Kahukiwa, Robyn] Diamond, Jo, Robyn Kahukiwa: Nurturing Maori Identity, Art AsiaPacific,
no.33, 2002.
[Kuage, Mathias] review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Laita, Lily; ONeill, Anne] Stevenson, Karen, Negotiating tradition: the art of Lily Laita and
Anne ONeill, Art AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
[New colours from old worlds], review, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[New Zealand] Focus on New Zealand, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999 [many articles & reviews];
Dale, Richard, Going East: post-orientalism in contemporary New Zealand Art, Art
AsiaPacific, 23, 1999; Davis, Leigh, Maori Bay Quarry: Maori prophets in the work of Colin
McCahon, Art Asia Pacific, no 23, 1999 Focus on New Zealand. Art AsiaPacific, no 23,
1999 Focus on New Zealand; Fraser, Viriginia, Te Papa Tongarewa, Art Monthly Australia,
no.110, June 1998; Leonard, R. & Vercoe, C., Sisters are doing it: fashion, dance, art: New
Zealands Pacific Sisters, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997; McAloon, William, Casino Art in
New Zealand, Art Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4, 1996.
[Noumea] Lewis-Harris, Jacky, Our identity lies ahead, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001; Giakoumi,
Dionissia, A New Meeting Place in the Pacific: Centre Culturel Tjiboau, Noumea, Art
AsiaPacific, no.21, 1999; Kasarherou, Emmanuel, Portraits Kanak, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3,
no.3, 1996; Sandra, Maillot Win-Nemou, An exhibition of Torres Strait Islander Art in
Noumea, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997; Stevenson, Karen, Creating Together: The inaugural
exhibition at Centre Culturel Tjibaou, Noumea, Art AsiaPacific, no.21, 1999; Ewington,
Julie, Noumea-Tokyo, Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999
[Pacific arts, 8th Festival of] Cochrane, Susan, Undercurrents, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[Parekowhai, Michael] Barr, Jima and Mary, The Indefinite Article: Michael Parekowhais riff on
representation, Art Asia Pacific, no 23, 1999 Focus on New Zealand.
[Pule, John] Thomas, Nicolas, Lost Gods: The paintings of John Pule, Art & Asia Pacific,, 1994; Thomas, Nicolas, Oceans Apart, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.3, May/June
[Reihana, Lisa] Page, Maude, Interdigitatimg Reihanamations: Lisa Reihanas Video Weavings.
Art AsiaPacific no.21, 1999.
[Samoa] Mallon, Sean, Samoan art hsitories, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; Stevenson, Karen,
Picturing Paradise, Art AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997; Stevenson, Karen, The 7th Pacific
Festival of Art in Samoa, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997; Vanya Taulealo, Ua sii matalalaga:
Creating New Patterns in Pacific Art, Art Monthly Australia,
[Tatutai sculpture symposium] Vercoe, Caroline, Navigating pacific Art, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Torres Straits] Thomas, Nicholas, Islands of History, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2000


[Vanuatu] Bolton, Lissant, The New Vanuatu Cultural Centre, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996;
Thomas, Nicolas, Dance party, The Vanuatu Cultural Centre Mini National Arts Festival,
Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996.
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific, Special Issue, Artlink, vol.16, no.4, Summer 1996
Pacific Arts Symposium, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.1, 1993.
Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tmaki, Art Asia Pacific supplement no.23, 1999
Cochrane, Susan, We are the artists of today: recent sculpture from the Solomon Islands and
Vanuatu, Art AsiaPacific, no.18, 1998.
Cochrane, Susan, Brtara: Contemporary Pacific Art, Sydney, Halstead Press, 2001.
Craw, R., Anthropology or the other, Art & Asia Pacific, supplement to Art & Australia,
September 1993.
Elias, Ann, Kowtowing to Commerce, Art & AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Hayes, Michael, Burning Bridges, The contentious California conference Rewriting the Pacific,
Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996
Jose, Nicholas, Asia & Oceania Influence - Sydney, Artlink, Vol. 16, No. 4 Summer 1996
Kaino, Lorna, The Necessity of Craft: Development and Womens Craft Practices in the Asia-Pacific
Region, Perth, University of Western Australia Press, 1995. [Review, Labrador, Ana P., in Art
AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.]
Kidd, Courtney. Oceans and Others: Navigating Pacific Territory. Art Monthly Australia,
December 1998 to February 1999 no.116.
Lewis-Harris, J., Printed, beaten, and coiled, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2,no.2, 1995.
Morse, Marcia, Not Venice, Hawaii: The Contemporary Museum Biennial of Hawaii artists, Art &
Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Mosby, Tom Byra Mixie, Playthings: Dance machines from the Torres Strait Islands, Art
AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
Page, Maude, Contemporary Art at the Pacific Festival of Arts, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
Pirating the Pacific, Sydney, Powerhouse Museum, 1993, [review by Martin Terry in Art Monthly
Australia, no.66, December-February 1993-94].
Rees, Simon, 1st Auckland Triennial, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
Searle, R., Melanesia, Art Monthly Australia, no.66, December-February 1993-94.
Thomas, Nicholas & Losche, Diane, Double Vision: Art Histories and Colonial Histories in the
Pacific, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Thomas, Nicolas, Marked men, Art AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
Thomas, Nicolas, Pacific Presences, Art Monthly Australia, no.86, Dec 1995-Feb 1996.
Thomas, Nicolas, What shall we tell them ? Pacific Art, politics and culture, Art & Asia Pacific,, 1994.
Vercoe, Corline, Postcards as a signature of place, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Von Reiche, Steven, Pacific festival of Arts Workshop report, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.


Mel, Michael, Tradition and bilas in New Guinea, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
Simons, Susan; Stevenson, Hugh, Luk Luk Gen! Look Again: Contemporary Art from Papua New
Guinea, Townsville, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, 1990.
Smalley, S.F., Contemporary Art of Papua New Guinea, New York, Bridgewater State College,
Waiko, John, Through our own eyes: Contemporary Art in Papua New Guinea", Art & Asia
Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994.


General Works
Appasamy, J., 25 years of Indian Art, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.15.
Appasamy, J., An Introduction to Modern Indian Sculpture, New Delhi, Indian Council for Cultural
Relations & Vikas Publications 1970.
Appasamy, J., The Critical Vision: Selected Writings, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1985.
Archer, W.G., India and Modern Art, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1959.
Award Winners: National Exhibition of Art, 1955-1990, New Delhi: Lalit Kala Akademi, n.d.
(probably 1990 or soon after, given the publication is an exhibition catalogue).
Chaudhuri N.C., The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, [London, Macmillan, 1951] Berkeley,
University of California Press, 1968.
Chaudhuri N.C., Thy Hand Great Anarch!, India 1921-1952, London, [Chatto & Windus 1987], The
Hogarth Press, 1990.
Clark, J., Modern Indian Art: Some Literature and Problematics, Occasional Paper, no.21,
Research Institute for Asia and the Pacific, 81-page Review, ISBN 0 86758 916 7, 1994.
Dalmia, Yashodhara, The Making of Modern Indian Art: The Progressives, New Delhi: Oxford,
Dalmia, Yashodhara,, Contemporary Indian Art: Other Realities, Bombay: Marg, 2002.
Dhamija, R., ed., Sixty Years of Writing on Arts & Crafts in India [from Roopa-lekha 1928-1988],
New Delhi, Sterling Publishers, 1988.
Elliott, D., Musgrave, V., Alkazi, E., India: myth and reality, Aspects of Contemporary Art, Oxford,
Museum of Modern Art, 1982.
Ghose, D.C., Bibiliography of Modern Indian Art, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1980.
Goetz, H., The great crisis from traditional to modern art, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.1.
Inden, R., Imagining India, Oxford, Blackwell, 1990.
Indian Aesthetics and Art Activity, Simla, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1968.
Indische malerei der Gegenwart, [Bonn, Hannover, Hamburg, Bayreuth]Catalogue, 1982.
Kapur Geeta, When was Modernism: Essays on contemporary cultural practice in India, New Delhi,
Tulika, 2000.
Kapur, Geeta Representational Dilemnas of the Nineteenth-Century Painter: Raja Ravi Varma, in
When was Modernism: Essays on Contemporary Cultural Practice in India, Tuliki, New
Delhi, 2000, 145-78
Kapur, G., Bartholomew, R., Padamsee, A., Contemporary Indian Art, London, Royal Academy of
Art, 1982.
Kapur, Geeta, Contemporary Indian Art, London, Royal Academy of Arts & Festival of India,
Kapur, Geeta, A Stake in Modernity: Brief History of Contemporary Indian Art in Caroline
Turner, ed., Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of Asia and the Pacific, Brisbane:
University of Queensland Press, 1993.
Kapur, Riddles of the Sphinx, exhibition catalogue exhibition catalogue on Gulammohammed
Sheikh, Pathvipath/ Journeys, CMC Gallery, New Delhi, 1991.
Kapur, Geeta and Sambrani, Chaitanya, crossing generations: diverge Forty Years of Gallery
Chemould (Exhibition at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai), Mumbai: Gallery
Chemould, 2003
Kaul, M., Trends in Indian Painting, New Delhi, Dhoomimal Ramchand, 1961.
Lynn, V., Singh, M.G., Bawa, M., Shah, H., India Songs: Multiple streams in Contemporary Indian
Art, Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1993.
Mair, Victor, H., Picture-storytelling in recent and modern India, chapter 4 of Painting and
performance: Chinese picture recitation and its Indian genesis Honolulu, University of
Hawaii Press,1988.


Milford-Lutzker, Mary-Ann, Shakti: The Power of Womens Art in India, Orientations, Volume
33, Number 6, June 2002 [including: B. Prabha, Anjolie Ela Menon, Madhvi Parekh, Nalini
Malani, Vasundhara Tewari, Arpita Singh and Arpana Caur]
Mitter, Partha, Indian Art, New Delhi: Oxford:University Press, 2001.
Parimoo, R., Modern Movement in Indian Sculpture, Special QuarterlyIssue of Kalavritt no.19,
January-March 1990.
Patel, G., Sokolowski, T., Herwitz, D.A., Contemporary Indian Art, New York, New York
University Press, 1985.
Pereira, Jos; Pal, Pratapaditya, eds., India and Portugal: Cultural Interactions, Mumbai, Marg
Publications, 2001 [Marg, vol.53, no.2]
Purohit, V, Arts of Transitional India, 2 vols, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1988.
Rohatgi, Pauline; Godrej, Pheroza; Mehrotra, Rahul; eds. Bombay to Mumbai: changing
perspectives, Mumbai, Marg Publications, 1997.
Rush, Dana, The Idea of India West African Vodun Art and Thought, Art Asia Pacific, No.34,
Sadwelkar, Baburao, Bombay Art Society: Story of a Hundred Years in Story of a Hundred
Years: Bombay Art Society 1888-1988, Bombay: Bombay Art Society, 1989.
Dalmia, Yashodhara and Sambrani, Chaitanya, et. al, Indian Contemporary Art Post-Independence,
New Delhi: Vadehra Art Gallery, 1997.
Sarkar, Kamal, Bharater Bhaskar o Chitra-shilpi, Calcutta, 1984 [unseen by me, apparently the only
artists biographical dictionary].
Singh, B.P., India's culture: the state, the arts, and beyond, Delhi; New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999.
Six Indian Painters, London, The Tate Gallery, 1982.
Ajay J., Sinha, Contemporary Indian Art: A Question of Method Art Journal Fall 1999
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Art for the British
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Appasamy, J., Indian Paintings on Glass, New Delhi, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, 1980
[brief article by Appasamy & Singh also in Art Heritage, no. 5, 1985-86].
Archer, M., Banaras and the British, in Krishna, A., ed, Chhavi, Banaras, Bharat Kala Bhavan,
Archer, M., and W.G., Indian Painting for the British, 1770-1880, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Archer, Mildred, Company Paintings: Indian Paintings of the British Period, London, Victoria &
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Art of Bengal Past and Present 1850-2000 Calcutta: CIMA, 2001.
Carey, W.,H., The Good Old Days of Honorable John Company, reprint, Calcutta, R. Cambray &
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Bengal, New Delhi, Books & Books, 1990.
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Mahajan, J., Oriental Scenery: The Daniells in Northern & Eastern India, Orientations, vol 13,
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Mahajan, J., Oriental Scenery:The Daniells in Western India, ibid, August 1982.


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Mahajan, J., The Ganges from a Budgerow, Orientations, vol.12, no.6, June 1981.
Mitter, P., Much Maligned Monsters, Oxford, 1977.
Pal, P., Indian Artists and British Patrons in Calcutta, Marg, XLI, no.4, 1991.
Pal, P., Dehejia, V., From Merchants to Emperors: British Artists and India, 1757-1930, Ithaca,
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Randhawa, R.S., Two Panjabi Artists of the Nineteenth Century,in Krishna, A., ed, Chhavi,
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Rohatgi, Pauline; Godrej, Pheroza, eds., India, a pageant of prints, Bombay: Marg Publications,
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Roy, S., Calcutta, Society and Change 1690-1990, Calcutta, Rupa, 1991.
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The American Federation of Arts, 1978.
Urban Popular Graphic Art in the 19th and 20th Centuries
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Neumayer, Erwin & Schelberger, Christine, Popular Indian Art: Raja Ravi Varma and the printed
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The British Art School System
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Boner, G. & Fischer, E., Alice Boner, Artist and Scholar, Varanasi, Bharat Kala Bhavan, 1982
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Art for the Establishment

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Group 1890 exhibition catalogue, Rabindra Bhavan, New Delhi, 1963. Manifesto by J
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Parimoo, Ratan, The legacy of Raja Ravi Varnma, The Painter, Baroda: Maharaja Fatehsingh
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Sundaram, The Moment of Group 1890 (1963), The India Magazine, W. E. Gladstone Solomon
The Bombay Revival of Indian Art. Bombay: Sir J. J. School of Art, 1924.
Venniyoor, E.M.J., Raja Ravi Varma, Trivuvananthapuram: Government of Kerala, 1981
Fine Art Societies
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Sarkar, K., Fifty years of the Academy of Fine Arts, in Moitra, D., ed., The Academy of Fine Arts
Golden Jubilee: A Commemoration, 1933- 1983, Calcutta, The Academy of Fine Arts, n.d.
Sadwelkar, B., Story of a Hundred Years: The Bombay Art Society, 1888-1988, Bombay, The
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Sanyal, B.C., Contemporary Indian Art: A Survey[1980], in Dhamija, 1988.
Neo-traditional Painting
[Bose, Nandalal] Nalandal [Bose] Number, The Visvabharati Quareterly, nos. 1,2,3,4 combined,
May 1968-April 1969; Bartholomew R., ed., Nalandal Bose: A Collection of Essays,
Centenary Volume, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1983; Subramanyam, K.G., The
Drawings of Nalandal Bose, Art Heritage, no.2, 1979.
[Brahma, Dhirendranath] Ganguli, K.K., Drawings and Paintings of Dhirendranath Brahma,
Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, 1990.
[Coomaraswamy] Lipsey, R., Coomaraswamy: 3: His Life and Work, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1977; Coomaraswamy, A.K., Fundamentals of Indian Art, Jaipur: The
Historical Research Documentation Programme, 1985.
[Gupta, Mahindra Bhusan] Roy, A., Paintings of Mahindra Bhusan Gupta, Calcutta, Birla Academy
of Art and Culture, 1987.
[Haldar, Asit Kumar] Kamboj, B.P., Asit Kumar Haldar, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1990;
Mukhophadhyay, A., Asit Kumar Haldar, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1991.
[Havell, E.B.] Banerji, Debashish, The Orientalism of E.B. Havell, Third Text, 58, vol. 16, no1,
2002; Havell, E.B., Indian Sculpture and Painting, London, John Murray, 1908,[reprints as
Chapter IV his The Future of Indian Art]
[Tagore, Abanindranath] Appasamy, J, Abandindranath Tagore and the Art of His Times, New
Delhi,Lalit Kala Akademi, 1968; Mukherjee, B., A Chronology of Abanindranaths
Paintings, Visva-Bharati Quarterly, May-October, 1942; Mukherjee, B., Abanindranath and
his Tradition, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.1; Nandi, S.K., The Aesthetics of
Abanindranath Tagore in Simla.., 1968.


[Tagore, Gaganendranath] Parimoo, R., The Chronology of the Paintings of Gaganendranath

Tagore,in Krishna, A., ed, Chhavi, Banaras, Bharat Kala Bhavan, 1971.
[Tagore, Rabindranath] Tagore, Rabindranath, Nationalism London Macmillan, 1917; Tagore
centenary Number, The Visvabharati Quarterly, vol.26, nos 3 & 4, May 1962; Lago, M. ed.,
Imperfect Encounter: Letters of William Rothenstein and Rabindranath Tagore, Harvard,
1972.; Aronson, A., Rabindranath through Western Eyes, Allahabad, 1943.; Chandhury,P.J.,
Tagore on Literature and Aesthetics, Calcutta, 1965; Hay, S.N., Asian Ideas of East and West:
Tagore and his critics in Japan, China, and India, Harvard UP, 1970; Kripalani,K.,
Rabindranath Tagore: A Biography, Oxford, 1962; Mukherji, P. K., Life of Tagore, Indian
Book Co., 1975; Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1961, A Centenary Volume, New Delhi, Sahitya
Akademi, 1961, reprint 1986, [includes essays and recollections on all aspects of his life, the
most detailed chronology and bibliography]; Thompson, E. J., Rabindranath Tagore: Poet
and Dramatist, Oxford, 2nd ed., 1948; Monk, R., Robinson, A., Rabindranath Tagore: A
Celebration of His life and Work, Oxford, Museum of Modern Art & Rabindranath Tagore
Festival, 1986; Neogy, P., Drawings and Paintings of Rabindranath Tagore, New Delhi, Lalit
Kala Akademi, 1961; Neogy, P., ed., Rabindranath Tagore on Art and Aesthetics, New Delhi,
[Tagore] Parimoo, R., The Paintings of the Three Tagores: Abanindranath, Gaganendranath,
Rabanindranath, Baroda, M.S. University of Baroda, 1973.
Aurobindo, Sri, The Significance of Indian Art, [with Western and Eastern Misunderstandings,
1918-21], Pondicherry, Sri Aurobindo Press, 1947.
Borden, Carla, ed., Contemporary Indian Tradition, New York: Smithsonian, 1989.
Chattopadhyay, R., Nationalism and form in Indian Painting: A Study of the Bengal School,
Journal of Arts & Ideas, 14/15, Jul-Dec 1987.
Chopra, S. The Folk in Modern Art, India International Centre Quarterly, vol.17, no.2, Monsoon
Dey, Bishnu, The pioneers of art in modern India, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.1.
Elmhirst,L.K., Poet and Plowman, Calcutta [?], Visva-Bharati, 1975.
Griffith,John, The Paintings in the Buddhist Cave-Temples of Ajanta [1896], reprint, Delhi, Caxton
Publications, 1983.
Guha-Thakurta, T., The making of a new Indian art: Artists, aesthetics and nationalism in Bengal,
c.1850-1920, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Herringham, C.J., et al, Ajanta Frescoes, London, The India Society, 1915.
Jamal, Osman, E.B. Havell: The Art and Politics of Indianness, Third Text, n39, Summer 1997,
Jamal, Osman, Rashid Amin at Gallery Twenty-one, Exhibition Reviews, Asian Art News, vol. 12,
no. 2, March/April 2002
Kawakita Michiaki, et al, Ajia Kindaikaiga no Yoaketen, Tky, Mainichi Shinbun, 1985.
Mitra,A., Four Painters [includes, The forces behind the modern movement], Calcutta/New Delhi,
New Age, 1965.
Mittal, J., Graphic art of the Bengal School, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.1.
Mookerjee,A., Modern Art In India, Calcutta, Oxford Book and Stationery Co., 1956.
Parimoo, R., Revival of Indigenous Values and their Influences on Modern Indian Art, Journal of
the M.S.University of Baroda vol.XXXIII-XXXIV, no.1, 1984-5.
Parimoo, R., Studies in Modern Indian art, New Delhi, Kanak, 1975.
Parimoo, R., Revivalism and After, in Simla, 1968
Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, Tendencies of Modern Indian Art, Rupam, 1926.
Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, Social Philosophy in Aesthetics, Rupam, 15-16, July-December 1923.
Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, The Aesthetics of Young India, Rupam, 9, January 1922, [same issue has,
Agastya, A Rejoinder; [see also Kramrisch, S., "The Aesthetics of Young India", A
Rejoinder, Rupam, 10, April 1922.]


Nascent Counter-establishment
[Baij, Ramkinker] Appasamy, J., Ramkinker, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1961; Prasad, D.,
Ram Kinkar: A tribute, Art Heritage, 9, 1989-90; Subramanyam, K.G., Remembering Ram
Kinkar, Art Heritage, 9, 1989-90; Subramanyam, K.G., text for Ramkinker, Calcutta, Birla
Academy of Art and Culture, 1972, in his Moving Focus, 1978.
[Mukherjee, Benode Bihari] Mukherjee, B.B., My Experiments with Murals, Lalit Kala
Contemporary, no.14; Sheikh, G.M., Benode Bihari Mukherjee, Lalit Kala Contemporary,
no.23; Subramanyam, K.G., Benode Bihari Mukherjee, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.10;
Neogy, Prithwith, Benode Bihari Mukherjee, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1965.
[Roy, Jamini] Sen, P., Kejariwal, P., Jamini Roy - The Grand Patua, New Delhi, CMC Gallery,
1991; The Art of Jamini Roy, Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art and Culture & Jamini Roy Birth
Centenary Celebration Committee, 1987.
[Roychowdhury, D.P.] Biswas, Kali, Devi Prasad Roychowdhury, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1973; The
Art of D.P.Roy Chowdhury, Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, 1989.
[Sher-Gil, Amrita] Anand, M.R., Amrita Sher-gil, New Delhi, National Gallery of Modern Art,
1989; Fabri, C., Notes towards a Biography of Amrita Sher-Gil, Lalit Kala Contemporary,
no.2; Subramanyam, K.G., Amrita Sher-Gil and the East-West Dilemma,in Marg special
publication for Amrita Sher-Gil retrospective no.2 1972 [ as well as papers by Gulam
Mohammwed Sheikh & Geeta Kapur], and in Moving Focus, 1978; Chawla, Rupika, Talent
tragedy and the myth of Amrita Sher-Gil, in Sinha, Gayatri, ed., Indian Art: an overview,
New Delhi, Rupa, 2003..
[Tagore, Rabindranath] Bhowmik, S.N., Art of Rabindranath Tagore, Calcutta, Rabindra Bharati
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42-44, April-October, 1930; Neogy, Prithwith, Drawings and Paintings of Rabindranath
Tagore, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1961; Tagore, R., Foreword (to European
exhibitions, of 28.4.1930), Rupam, nos 42/44, April-October, 1930; Parimoo, R.,
Rabindranath Tagore, Collection of Essays, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1989.
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Kumar, R. Siva, Santiniketan: the making of a contextual modernism, New Delhi, National Gallery
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Ramachandra Rao, P.R., Modern Indian Painting, Madras, Rachana, 1953.
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[Gaitonde, V.S.] Karunakar, P., V.S.Gaitonde, Lalit Kala Contemporary, 19 & 20.
[Hebbar, K.K.] Krishnan, S.A., Hebbar, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.10.
[Husain, MF] Appasamy, J., Husain, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.10; Bartholomew, R., Kapur,
Shiv S., Husain, 2nd ed., New York, Abrams, 1979.
[Keyt, George] Goonetileke, H.A.I., George Keyt Drawings, Colombo, The George Keyt
Foundation, 1990; Russel, M., George Keyt, Bombay, Marg, 1950; George Keyt Exhibition,
Colombo, Lionel Wendt Gallery, 1983.


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Diary and Sketchbook), Journal of Arts & Ideas, 22, April 1992.
[Kumar, Ram] Bartholomew, R., Ram Kumar: The Early Years(1955) (and other pieces re-printed
from 1960, 1961, 1980), Art Heritage, 4, 1984-85; Bartholomew, R., The abstract principle
in the paintings of Ram Kumar, Lalit Kala Contemporary, 19 & 20; Hoskote, Ranjit,
Reflections On The Art of Ram Kumar, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October,
[Madras] James, J., The Madras School, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.6.
[Menon, Anjolie] Murti, I., The Independent Romantic of Indian Art, Asian Art News, 2, no.2
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Akbar Padamsee: The Spirit of Order, Art Heritage, 8, 1988-9; Hoskote, R., Akbar
Padamsee: Between the Hieratic and the Human, Art Heritage, 11, 1991-92; Karunakar, P.,
Akbar Padamsee, Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.23.
[Raza] Gaudibert, P., Sen, G., Raza Anthology 1980-90, Bombay, Gallery Chemould, 1991; Raza,
Bombay, Gallery Chemould, 1985.
[Reddy, Krishna] Krishna Reddy: A Retrospective, Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art & Culture, 1984.
[Sheikh, Gulammohammed] Sheikh, G.M., Among Several Cultures and Times, in Borden, C.M.,
ed., Contemporary Indian Traditions, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989;
Sheikh, G.M., Mobile Vision: Some Synoptic Comments, Journal of Arts & Ideas,
October-December 1983; Sheikh, G.M., Viewers View: Looking at Pictures, Journal of
Arts & Ideas April-June 1983; Gulammohammed Sheikh: Mappings (Catalogue), Mumbai:
The Guild Art Gallery, 2004; Kapur, Geeta, Riddles of the Sphinx, exhibition catalogue
exhibition catalogue, Gulammohammed Sheikh, Pathvipath/ Journeys, CMC Gallery, New
Delhi, 1991.
[Souza, Francis Newton] Kapur, Geeta, Francis Newton Souza:Devil in the Flesh Third Text,
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[Subarmanyan, K.G.] K.G. Subramanyan: Retrospective, Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art &
Culture, 1983; K.G. Subramanyan, Sketches, Scribbles, Drawings, Calcutta: Seagull Books,
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The Creative Circuit, Kolkata: Seagull, 1992.
[Subramanyan, K.G.] Hebbar, A., From Image to Icon: A study of the development of K.G.
Subramanyan, Art Heritage, 4, 1984-85; Kapur, Geeta, K.G.Subramanyan, New Delhi, Lalit
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1977), Journal of Arts & Ideas, July-September, 1983.
Tapati Guha-Thakurta, Marking Independence: the Ritual of a National Art Exhibition Journal of
Arts and Ideas, Nos. 30-31 (New Delhi, December 1997).
Tarun Mitra, Art and Artists in Twentieth Century Calcutta in Sukanta Chaudhuri, ed., Calcutta:
The Living City, Vol II: The Present and Future, Calcutta: Oxford University Press, 1990, p.
The New Establishments
Dhamija, R., Award Winners, National Exhibition of Art, 1955-1990, New Delhi, Lalit Kala
Akademi, 1990.
Hebbar, K.K., Voyage in Images, Bombay, Jehangir Gallery, 1990.
Pathy, D., convenor, Veteran Artists of India, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1990.
Raman, A.S. et al, Nature and Environment, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1989.
Sarkar, S., essay for 25th Anniversary Exhibition of Calcutta Painters, Calcutta, Birla Academy of
Art & Culture, 1990.
The Folk and the Modern
[Sonabai], artists, Jain, Kajri, Sonabai at the APT; difference, indifference, formality, Artlink, Vol.
20, No. 2, July 2000
Art India, Vol. ix, issue ii (Quarter ii, 2004), Special Issue on Negotiating the Popular
Art India, Vol. 8,Issue 3 (Quarter 3, 2003), Special Issue on Exploring the Decorative
Art India, Vol. 7, Issue 4 (Quarter 4, 2002), Special Issue on Vocing the Material [Includes lead
essays on Decoration, Alternative Spaces, and Use of Matreials in Art]
Appasamy, Jaya, The Folk inspiration in Modern Indian Painting, Lalit Kala Contemporary 34,
(New Delhi) 1987.
Appasamy, Jaya, The painters of the Transition, Lalit Kala Contemporary 34, 1987.
Archana, The Language of Symbols, New Delhi, Crafts Council of India
Aminul Islam: Drawing and Art Writing 1950-2000 edited by Osman Jamal (book review), in
Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2, March/April 2004, p.100-101.
Chandra, M., et al, Folk Paintings of India, New Delhi, India International Cultural Centre, 1959.
Dalmia, Y., The Painted World of the Warlis, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1988.
The Folk Inspiration in Modern Indian Painting", [editorial], Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.5.
Jain, J., Painted Myths of Creation, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1984.
Jain, J., Ganga Devi, Third Text, no.6, Spring 1990.
Kramrisch, S., Unknown India: Ritual Art in Tribe and Village, Philadelphia, 1968.


Maske, J.S. & B., The Warlis: Tribal Paintings & Legends, Bombay, Chermould Publications and
Arts, n.d.
Maury, C., Folk Origins of Indian Art, Calcutta, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, 1967.
Mohan, Jag, The Bombay Art Scene in the Late Forties, Lalit Kala Contemporary 28, 1979.
Pathy, D., Traditional Paintings of Orissa, Bhubaneswar, Working Artists Association of Orissa,
Postel, Michael and Cooper, Zarine, Bastar Folk Art: Shrines, Figurines and Memorials,
Mumbai:Project for Indian Cultural Studies, 1999.
Saksena, J., Mandana; A Folk Art of Rajasthan, New Delhi, National Crafts Museum, 1985.
Shah, H., Fischer, E., Rural Craftsmen and Their Work, Ahmedabad, National Institute of Design,
Shah, H., Fischer, B.& E., Gopal: Ein Indischer Balladen Snger zeichnet sein Leben, Wuppertal,
Peter Hamm Verlag, 1985.
Shah, H., Form and Many Forms of Mother Clay, New Delhi, National Crafts Museum, 1985.
Shah, H., Votive Terracottas of Gujarat, New York, Mapin International,1985.
Swaminathan, J., Jain, J., The Art of Adivasi; Tribal Art, Tokyo, Yomiuri Shinbun, 1988.
Swaminathan, J., The Perceiving Fingers, Bhopal, Bharat Bhavan, 1987.
[Syed Jahangir], Jamal, Osman., A Social Conscience, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3,
May/June 2003, p.54-57.
Vazirani, Minal., Worlds on Papers, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 3, May/June 2003, p.47-49.
Williams, J., From the fifth to the twentieth century and back, Art Journal, 49, 4, Winter 1990.
Style, Criticism, and Identity
Note: the Lalit Kala Akademi has from time to time has published small monographs on important
individual artists, some of which are in the National Library in Canberra. In Sydney,
Schaeffer Library also has volumes 1-22 of Lalit Kala Contemporary]
Art India, Vol. 8, Issue 4 (Quarter 4, 2003), Special Issue on The Art of Humour
Art India, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (Quarter 2, 2001), Special Issue on The Art of Writing on Art [Includes
Profiles on Akbar Padamsee, Rekha Rodwittiya & Kiran Subbaiah; Focus on Public Art]
Clark, J., Individual creation and the Indian imaginary: conversations with Swaminathan and
Arpita Singh, Art & Asia-Pacific, no.2, June 1993.
Dalmia, Yashodhara, et al, Indian Contemporary Art Post Independence, New Delhi, Vadehra Art
Gallery, 1997.
Dube, A., catalogue essay for Seven Young Sculptors, New Delhi, KasauliArt Centre, 1985.
Dube, Anita, Questions and Dialogue, exhibition catalogue Faculty of Fine Arts, March 1987.
Ganguli, K.K., Drawings and Paintings of Dhirendranath Brahma, Calcutta, Birla Academy of Art
and Culture, 1990.
Hoskote, Ranjit, Bhupen Khakhar: 1934-2003 In Memoriam in Art Asia Pacific, No. 41 (Summer
2004), pp. 68-70
James, J., essay for Sculpture: The Madras metaphor, New Delhi, Art Heritage, 1991.
Kapur, Geeta, Pictorial Space: A Point of View on Contemporary Indian Art, New Delhi, Lalit Kala
Akademi, 1977.
Kapur, Geeta, Place for People, [text for exhibition], Bombay, JehangirArt Gallery; New Delhi,
Rabindra Bhavan, 1981.
Kapur, Geeta, Modern Indian Painting: A Synoptic View, Journal of Arts and Ideas,
October-December, 1982
Kapur, Geeta,, K.G.Subramanyan, New Delhi, Lalit Kala Akademi, 1987.
Kapur, Geeta,, Contemporary Cultural Practice: Some Polemical categories, Third Text, no.11,
Summer 1990.
Kapur, Geeta, The Centre-Periphery Model or How are we Placed?, Art Monthly Australia, 1990/
Third Text nos 16/17, Autumn Winter 1991.


Kapur, Geeta, When was modernism in Indian/ Third World art/, South Atlantic Quarterly,
vol.92, no.3, Summer 1993.
Lynn, Victoria, [on the organization of the Indian Triennale] Art & Australia, vol.24, no1.
Okada, Amina Kesu Das: The Impact of Western Art on Mughal Painting. Marg 49:4 June 1998
Patel, G., Contemporary Indian painting, Daedalus, vol. 118, no.4, Fall, 1989.
Sheikh, Gulammohammed, ed., Contemporary Art in Baroda, New Delhi, Tulika,1997.
The 1990s
[Altaf, Navjot] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999; Navjot Altaf, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th
Asian Art Show], Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Arakkal, Yusuf] Doctor, Geeta, An Artist of his time, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.4, July / August,
[Ayisha Abraham, Rummana Hussain, Anita Dube, Sheela Gowda and Pushpamala N], Andrews,
Jorella, Telling Tales: Five Contemporary Women Artists from India, Third Text, n43,
Summer 1998, 81-9.
[Bimbay/Mumbai]Kapoor, Kamala, Bombay Report, Art Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4, 1996.
[Biswa, Sutapa] Tawadros, Gilane. Sutapa Biswas: Rememberance of Things Past and Present.
Third Text no.22 Spring 1993
[Bombay/Mumbai] Kapur, Geeta; Rajadhyaksha, Ashish, Bombay/Mumbai, 1992-2001 in
Blazwick, Iwona, ed., Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Metropolis, London, Tate
Gallery Publishing, 2001; Mehta, Anupa, Art in Mumbai, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6,
2000; Srinivasan, Sumitra, The Road Ahead, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6, 1996.
[Burman, Sakti] Kumar, Kavi, A Third Continent, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6, Nov/Dec 1996.
[Chandra, Avinash] Avinash Chandra 1931-1991. Third Text no.16/17 Autumn/Winter 1991
[Chhachhi, Sheba] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Dehejia, Harsha V. Despair and modernity : reflections from modern Indian painting, New Delhi,:
Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, 2000.
[Devi, Ganga] Jain, Jyotindra, Ganga Devi: Tradition and Expression in Madhubani Painting.
Third Text no.6 Spring 1989; Jain, Jyotindra, Ganga Devi: Tradition and expression in
Mithila painting, Ahmedabad, Mapin Publishing [review: Dalmia, Art AsiaPacific, no.18,
[Dodiya, Atul], review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000; Hoskote, Ranjit, Atul Dodiya: The possibilities
of political art, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002;
[Dube, Anita] Kapoor Kamala, Sieve-o-physis, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Geier, Helen], review Art AsiaPacific 29, 200; Nagy, Peter and Sinha, Gayatri, Atul Dodiya:
Broken Branches, New York: Bose Pacia, 2003.
[Gobhai, Mehlli], Hoskote, Ranjit, Transforming traditions Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6,
November/December 1996.
[Gowda, Sheila] Lynn, Victoria, Dung heap: sensuality and violence in the art of Sheela Gowda,
Art Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.4, 1996
[Gupta, Shilpa] Pijnappel, Johan, Shilpa Gupta: Please dispose after use, Art AsiaPacific, no.35,
[Gupta, Subodh] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale
1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of
Asian Art, Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Husain M.F.] Herwitz, Daniel, Indian Histories: the recent work of M.F.Husain;, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998; Chopra, Suneet, A popular contemproary, Asian Art News, vol.6,


no.2, Mar/Apr 1996; Tagore, Sundaram, A Story of a Jagged Line: The Art Of M.F.
Husain. Art AsiaPacific issue 19 1998
[Hussain, Rumana] Kapoor, Kamala, Home Nation, ART AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
[Kallat, Jitish; Gupta, Shilpa], Mehta, Anupa, Ideas of the self and the other, Asian Art News,
vol.10, no.6, 2000; Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Wong, Nicole, Jitish Kallat at Bose Pacia Modern, Asian Art
News, vol. 13, no. 1, January/February 2003
[Kapur, Madhoor ] Khandekar, Reunka, In search of secrets, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr
[Khakhar, Bhupen] Kapur, Geeta, Lightness of being: Bhupen Khakhars recent watercolours,
ART AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997; Khopkar Arun, Saint Bhupen, ART AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997;
Bartelik, Marek, Bhupen Khakhar, Artforum International, Vol.41, Issue 5, January 2003
[Malani, Nalini] review, Art AsiaPacific, 21, 1999; Rosenbaum, Robert, Bhupen Khakhar,
Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 9, May 2002; Sambrani, Chaitanya and Devenport,
Rhana, Nalini Malani, exhibition catalogue New York: Bose Pacia, 2004.
[Mukherjee, Mrinalini] Ananth, Deepak, Mrinalini Mukherjees hemp sculpture, Art Asia Pacific,
vol.3, no.4, 1996; Guha, Tania, Mirnalini Mukherjee: labyrinths of the mind, Third Text,
28/29, Autumn/Winter 1994.
[Nair, Surendran] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Nandagopal, S.] James, Josef. Sculpted Solutions: S. Nandagopal. World Sculpture News
Summer 1997
[Parthan, Baiju], Mehta, Anupa, An artist for hybrid narratives, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6,
2000; Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Ramachandran, A.] Murti, Isna Redfining tradition, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6,
November/December 1996.
[Reddy, Ravinder] Kapoor, Kamala, Conjuring The World: Ravinder Reddys sculptural
emblems. Art AsiaPacific no. 21 1999
[Rimzon, N.N.] Lynn, Victoria, The art of N.N. Rimzon, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
[Rodwittiya, Rekha] Kapoor, Kamala, Daily Rituals: Rekha Rodwittiyas rebellion, Art
AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.
[Samant, Sharmila], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art,
Tokyo: The Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Sheikh, Gulammohammed], Kapur, Geeta, The persistence of romance in the paintings of
Gulammohammed Sheikh, in Jain, Jyotindra, ed., Picture Showmen: Insights into the
Narrative Tradition in India Art, Mumbai, Marg Publications 1998 [Marg, vol.49, no.3]; The
Art of Gulammohammed Sheikh, New Delhi: Roli Books, 2002
[Sheikh, Nilima] Kapoor, Kamala, The art of Nilima Sheikh, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
[Sorani, Angeli] Findlay, Ian, From figure to abstraction, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.6, 2000
[Souza Francis N.] Souza, Francis N., Nirvana of a Maggot [1955], Third Text, n19, Summer
1992, 40-48; Kapur, Geeta, Francis Newton Souza: Devil in the Flesh. Third Text no.8/9
Autumn / Winter 1989; Souza, Francis N. Nirvana of a Maggot. [reprint of 1955] Third
Text, no.19, Summer 1992
[Sowani, Angeli] review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Shetty, Sudarshan], Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Contemporary Asian Artist-II (India): Sudarshan
Shetty, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2001
[Sundaram,Vivan], Roberts, John, Indian Art, Identity and the Avant-Garde: The Sculpture of
Vivan Sundaram, Third Text, n27, Summer 1994, 31-36: Dewan, Deepali, Vivan Sundaram
in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 39; The Art of Vivan Sundaram, New Delhi: Roli
Books, 2002


[Women artists] Andrews, Joerlla. Telling Tales: Five Contemporary Women Artists from India.
[Ayisha Abraham, Rummana Hussain, Anita Dube, Sheela Gowda, Pushpamala N] Third
Text no. 43, Summer 1998
Supplement: India, Asian Art News, vol.5, no. 2, March-April 1995
Bean, Susan S., Timeless Visions: Contemporary Art of India, Peabody Essex Museum, 1999.
Bharucha, Rustom, The Rushdie Affair: Secular Bigotry and the Ambivalence of Faith, Third
Text, n11, Summer 1990, 61-69
Cohen, Andrew L., Sirhandi, Marcella C., guest editors, Contemporary Indian Art [six papers],
Art Journal, vol. 58, no.3, Fall 1999.
Dalmia, Yashodhara, ed., Contemporary Indian Art: Other Realities, Mumbai, Marg Publications,
Deshpande, Satish, Imagined Economies: Styles of Nation-Building in Twentieth Century India,
Journal of Arts and Ideas, nos. 25 -26, December 1993
Fink, Hannah, Bizarre Bazaar, Art & Australia, [review of Indian Triennale] vol.32, no.1, Spring
Ghose, Arun, Galleries in Calcutta today, Voices from Calcutta,Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2,
Mar/Apr 1996.
Hoskote, Ranjit, Back to the World: Anxiety and Exhilaration in Contemporary Indian
Furuichi, Y., ed., Asian Art: Prospects for the Future, Tokyo, Japan Foundation Asia Center,
Hoskote, Ranjit, The Moderns: The National Gallery of Art Mumbai, Art AsiaPacific, no.16,
Hoskote, Ranjit, Atul Dodiya: Bombay Labyrinth/ Laboratory, Tokyo: Japan foundation Asia
Center, 2001
Indira, Chandrasekhar and Peter C. Seel, eds., siting contemporary culture in India,
Berlin and New Delhi: House of World Cultures and Tulika Books, 2003.
Jain, Madhu, Not a Pretty Picture, India Today, August 15, 1994.
Kapur, Geeta, When was modernism in Indian/Third World Art, South Atlantic Quarterly, vol.92,
no.3, Summer 1993.
Karode, Roobina, Fresh Signs of Digression and Direction in Contemporary Indian Art, Kuroda,
Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
Karode, Roobina, Report at the The First Fukuoka Asian Art Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show],
Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
Kidd, Courtney, Fire and Life: kindling Australian-Indian cultural exchange, Art
AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998.
Loxley, Anne, Khovar dreamings: contemporary tribal art in South Bihar, India, Art AsiaPacific,
no.18, 1998.
Lynn, Victoria et al, India Songs: Multiple Streams in Contemporary Indian Art, Sydney, Art
Gallery of New South Wales, 1993.
Malani, Nalini] Pijnappel, Johan, A doomsday oracle, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
Mathur, Saloni. Revisualising the Missionary Subject: History, Modernity and Indian Women.
Third Text no.37 Winter 1996-97.
Matt, Gerald, et. al., Kapital and Karma: recent positions in Indian art, Vienna: Kunsthalle Wien,
McEvilley, Thomas, Fifty Years of Indian Art, A conference in Mumbai, Art AsiaPacific, no.16,
Muroi, Hisashi, Cultural Mythologies, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
Murti, Isna Coming into Their Own: contemporary sculpture in India. Asia-Pacific Sculpture
News 2:1 Winter 1996
Murti, Isna Crisis in the House of Art, Asian Art News, July/Aug 1994.


Niranjana, T., Sudhir, P., Dhareshwar, V., Interrogating Modernity: Culture and Colonialism in
India, Seagull Books, Calcutta, 1993.
Panikkar, Shivaji, ed., Twentieth-Century Indian Sculpture: the Last Two Decades, Bombay: Marg,
Prakash, Siddhartha, Art in the capital, Art for the Environment, An art form ignored,
[photography] Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr 1996.
Rahman, Ram Sahmat: a political postcard from India, Art AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997
Ramaswamy, S. ed., Beyond Appearances? : Visual Practices and Ideologies in Modern India, New
Delhi: Sage Publications, 2003.
Sen, Geeti, A new iconography: Indian woman artists in exhibition, Art AsiaPacific,no.18, 1998
Sheikh, G.M.ed., Contemporary Art in Baroda, New Delhi: Tulika, 1997.
Sinha, G., India Songs Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.2, 1995.
Sinha, Gayatri, ed., Expressions & Evocations: Contemporary Women Artists of India, Mumbai,
Marg Publications, 1996
Sinha, Modhurima, Call of the Real: Contemporary India Artists from Bengal, Ahmedabad: Mapin,
Swanimathan, J., The Perceiving Fingers, Bhopal: Bharat Bhavan, 1987
Swanimathan, J., The Cygan: An Auto-bio note, exhibition catalogue, Vadehra Art Gallery, New
Delhi, 1993. Tagore, Sundaram, A struggle for modernism, II, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.1,
Jan/Feb 1996.
Tagore, Sundaram, Towards Identity, I, Asian Art News, vol.5, no.6, Nov/Dec 1995.
Tuli, Neville, The Flamed Mosaic: Indian Contemporary Painting, 1997
[Abdus Shakoor Shah], Jamal, Osman., Imagining Ballads, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 2,
March/April 2004, p.71-73.
[Anita Dube] Akira Tatehata, Anita Dube in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 86
[Atul Dodiya] Nanjo, Fumio, Atul Dodiya in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 71
[Dodiya, Atul], review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Gojin Fujita] Pagel, David, Grafing Territory 2003 in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004),
pp. 48-52
[Kallat, Jitish], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002: Hoskote, Ranjit, Jitish Kallat in Art Asia Pacific, Issue
37 (2003), p. 54
[Kher, Bharti], Mami, Kataoka, ed., Under Construction: New Dimensions of Asian Art, Tokyo: The
Japan Foundation Asia Center, 2002
[Menon, Anjolie Ela] review, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.4, 2002
[Mokhlesur Rahman], Jamal, Osman., Of the Land, in Asain Art News, Vol. 13, No. 4,
July/August 2003, p.68-70
[Ranjini Shettar] Malhotra, Priya, Ranjini Shettar at Talwar Gallery (Review) in World Sculpture
News, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Spring 2004), pp. 53
[Raqs Media Collective] Hoskote, Ranjit, Rasq Media Collective in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37
(2003), p. 52
[Shantanu Lodh] Hoskote, Ranjit, Shantanu Lodh in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 53
[Sarai] Shikata, Yukiko, Sarai in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 83
Art India, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (Quarter 1, 2002), Special Issue on Net Culture
Art India, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (Quarter 1, 2003), Special Issue on State of the Art Market
Findlay, Ian, Indian voices, universal spirit, Asian Art News, vol.11. no.2, 2001
Pande, Alka, The Margi & the Desi: between tradition and modernity, exhibition catalogue, New
Delhi: Gallery Espace, 2004
Sambrani, Chaitanya, Home and away: Contemporary Indian art in the international arena, Art
Monthly Australia, no.153, 2002.


Sambrani, Chaitanya, Here, out, there ( and somewhere in between): contemporary art in India,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, vol.3, no.2, 2002
Sambrani, Chaitanya, Printing across borders: the Aar-Paar Project, in Art Monthly Australia, No.
171 (July, 2004), pp. 12-15
Sambrani, Chaitanya et. al., Edge of Desire: recent art in India, London: Philip Wilson Publishers,
Sengupta, Ratnottama., A City of Remarkable Narratives, in Asian Art News, Vol. 14, No. 1,
January/February 2004, p.68-73.
Indian Photography
[Rahman, Ram] review, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
Dehejia, Vidaya (with contributions by Charles Allen) India through the lens: photography
1840-1911, Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Ahmedabad, Mapin, 2000.
Dewan, Jane, Sun pictures from the city of gold; early photography in Bombay in Rohtagi,
Pauline; Godrej, Pheroza; Mehrotra, Rahul; eds. Bombay to Mumbai: changing perspectives,
Mumbai, Marg Publications, 1997.
Falconer, John, India: pioneering photographers, 1850-1900, London: The British Library and The
Howard and Jane Ricketts Collection, 2001.
Falconer, John, India: Pioneering Photographers 1850-1900, Orientations, Volume 32, Number 9,
November 2001
Gupta, Sunil, ed., An Economy of signs: contemporary Indian photographs, Boston: Rivers Oram
Press, 1990.
Gutman, Judith Mara, Through Indian eyes, New York : Oxford University Press : International
Center of Photography, 1982.
Henisch, Heinz K., The painted photograph, 1839-1914 : origins, techniques, aspirations,
University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996
Jaana, Reena, Contemporary tales from India, [photography], Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5,
Sept/Oct 1997.
Museum of Sydney, Encountering India : colonial photography 1850-1911, Sydney : Historic
Houses Trust of N.S.W., 1997.
Pinney, Christopher, Camera Indica, London, Reaktion Books, 1998.
Reilly, James M., Care and Identification of 19th century Photographic prints, Rochester, Kodak
Books, 1986l, 2001
Sharma, Satish; Gray, Michael, A Shifting Focus: Photography in India 1850-1900, London: The
British Library, 1995.
Sharma, Satish, Rotigraphy: Indian street photography, Art AsiaPacific, no.13, 1997.
Srivatsan, R, Conditions of visibility : writings on photography in contemporary India; Mumbai,
Popular Prakashan, 2000.
Worswick, Clark; Embree, Ainslee, The last empire: photography in British India, 1855-1911,
London : Gordon Fraser Gallery, 1976.
Indian Artists Abroad
[Prema Murthy] Reckitt, Helena, From Bindi Girls To Space Invaders: Prema Murthy in Art Asia
Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), pp. 34-35
Carver, Antonia, Century City: Art & Culture in the Modern Metropolis, Art AsiaPacific, no.33,
Mohanti, P., East-West Encounter, Art Monthly [UK], no.132, December-January 1989-90
Web resources: Website of the leading English Language Journal on Art in India. The Art India
Journal offers a good resource for people working in the field and this bibliography lists the
themes of special issues from 2002-2003 under their most appropriate subdivisions.


[Dongol, Sarita], Sarita Dongol in Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 2001
[Sashi Shah], Asian Art News, 2, no.5, Sep/Oct 1992.
[Shobha Wagley] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Uma Shankar Shah] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Jolliffe, H., A Community at the Crossroads, Asian Art News, vol.4, no. 5, September/October
Nepalese Contemporary Art reaches out to the World, Asian Art News, 2, no.4, Jul/Aug 1992.
Nepali, Uttam, Modern Contemporary Art: A View from Nepal, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
ORiordan, Maurice, A political stand, [Ragini Upadhayay-Grela], Asian Art News, vol.5, no.3,
Jul/Aug 995.
The Art of Nepal, Special Issue, Orientations, Volume 32, Number 5, September 2001
[Karma, Leki Dorji] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999
Tulku, Mynak, R., Arts of Bhutan, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Penjor, Tashi], Tashi Penjor in Winds of Artists in Residence 2001-, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 2001
[Chugtai, Abdul Rahman] Chugtai, Abdul Rahman, Orientations, June 1973
[Dadi, Iftikhar] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999
[Imran Virginia, Imran Qureshi, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
[Kazi, Durriya] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art
Museum, 1999; Durriya Kazi and David Alesworth, Report at The First Fukuoka Asian Art
Trienale [The 5th Asian Art Show], Seminar: Asian Art Towards the 21st Century,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st
Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange
Programme, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Shahzia Sikander] Desai, Vishakha N., Shahzia Sikander in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p.
[Shakar, Ali] Shakar Ali, Orientations, April 1973.
[Sikander, Shahzia] Jaana, Reena, Cultural Weaving, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 2, March/April
1997; Goodman, Joanna, Small Pleasures, World Art, #15, December 1997; Schwabsky,
Barry, Shazia Sikander/Out of India, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 8, April 1998
Carroll, Alison, Postcard from Pakistan, Art AsiaPacific, no.21, 1999.
Chen, Kuan-Hsing ed., Trajectories: Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Routledge, 1998.
Galligan, Gregory, Painting Over the Lines: Contemporary art from Pakistan, ART AsiaPacific,
Issue 36 (2002)


Hashmi, Salima, Women artists in the Muslim World: a fresh perspective from Pakistan, in
Fukuoka Art Museum, 4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka: Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka,
Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994
Hashmi, Salima, Looking Back, Looking Forward: Pakistani Art in the 90s, Kuroda, Raiji, The
First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Hashmi, Salimi, Radicalising tradition: painting in Pakistan, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2000
MacKenzie, John M., Orientalism: History, Theory and the Arts, Manchester, New York:
Manchester University Press, 1995.
Mirza, Quddus, A particular language, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
Sambrani, Chaitanya, Printing across borders: the Aar-Paar Project, in Art Monthly Australia, No.
171 (July, 2004), pp. 12-15
Sharma, Prageeta, Playing with a Loaded Gun: Contemporary Art in Pakistan at Apex Art
(Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), p. 83
Whiles, Virginia, In and Out of Pakistan, Third Text, n52 Autumn 2000, 103-111
[Ahmed, Kamal] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Amin, Rashid] review, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
[Ilsma, Aminul] Jamal, Osman, The making of a Bangladeshi artist, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.6,
[Karmaker, Ashoke] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Shahabuddin] Jamal, Osman, The spirit of violence, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
Anuar, Zanita, Impressions of the 8th Asian Art Biennale in Bangladesh, Artlink, Vol. 20, No. 2,
July 2000
Choudhury, Subir, Art of Bangladesh: Contemporary trends among the artists of the 90s, Kuroda,
Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum,
Jamal, Osman To bear witness[four women artists], Asian Art News, vol.10, no.5, 2000
Supplement on Rickshaw Painting to Fukuoka Art Museum ed., 4th Asian Art Show Fukuoka:
Realism as an Attitude, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Art Museum, 1994.
[Bari Kumar] Jana, Reena. Other Ways of Seeing. Asian Art News 8:6 November/December 1998
[Coomaraswamy, Ananda] Bandaranaike, S., Ananda Coomaraswamy and approaches to the study
of traditional Sri Lankan art and Society, in P.E.P. Deraniyagala Commemoration Volume,
Columbo, Sri Lanka, 1980.
[Daraniyagala, Justin] Justin Daraniyagala, Catalogue with essay by Ellen Dissanayake, Colombo,
Deutsche Bank, 1992.
[de Alwis, Tissa] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian
Art Museum, 1999
[Keyt, George, see India ]
[Muhammaed Cader, Anoli Peera, Rahju, Senaka Senanayake, Jagath weerasinghe, Laki
Senanayake] Preece, Robert, & Giddens, Sarah, Artists Voices, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.3,
May/June 1997
[Peries, Ivan] Bandaranayake, Senake, Ivan Peries: (Paintings 1939-1969) - The predicament of the
bourgeois artist in the societies of the Third World, Third Text n2, Winter 187/88, 76-92


[Thenuwara, Chandraguptha] Kuroda, Raiji, The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka
Asian Art Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme,
Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Bandaranaike, S., The Kataluva Murals, Orientations, vol.13, no.1, January, 1982.
Gunaratna, D.M., A Living Legacy: The Contemporary Art Scene of Sri Lanka, Kuroda, Raiji,
The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Perera, Anoli, A new order Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
Preece, Robert, In time of War, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.3, May/June 1997
See entries in 1994 Fukuoka Asian Triennale Catalogue
[Sarantsatsralt, Ser-Od] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
[Usehbayar, Zagdin] Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka
Asian Art Museum, 1999; Jin, Matsuura and Masae, Kamachi, The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale 1999 [The 5th Asian Art Show]: Document of Art Exchange Programme, Fukuoka:
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Sosor, Ochir, Fine Art in Mongolia Today, Kuroda, Raiji, ed., The First Fukuoka Asian Art
Triennale, Fukuoka: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 1999
Uranchimeg, Tsultem, Art of Mogolian Nomads, Ushiroshoji, Masahiro,, Modern Paintings
of Mongolia: Its Origin up to Today, Japan: Sankei Shimbun, 2002
Ushiroshoji, Masahiro,, Modern Paintings of Mongolia: Its Origin up to Today, Japan: Sankei
Shimbun, 2002
Yamaki, Yuko, The Development of Modern Mongolian Art, Ushiroshoji, Masahiro,,
Modern Paintings of Mongolia: Its Origin up to Today, Japan: Sankei Shimbun, 2002
Asia Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow. The World of Polar Forces March 20 - 25 1998 [Kazakstan Erbosyn Meldibekov, Zhazira Dzhanabaeva, Kanat Ibragimov/ Indonesia - Aramaiani,
Semsar Siahaan, Hanura Hosea]
Ibraeva, Valeria., Kazakhstan Contemporary Art Moves Ahead, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 4,
July/August 2003, p.46-53.


Transnational activity includes artists of Asian ancestry working in the given zones and also artists
who have moved from an Asian country of birth
Asian Artist Transnational Activity: Australia
(There is a flourishing art press in Australia which is too large to fully index here)
Individual Artists
[Ah Xian] Roberts, Claire, Fishes and dragons, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000; Feinstein, Roni, A
journey to China, Art in America, February 2002; Jaivin, Linda, Ah Xian, recent works in
porcelain, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002; Chiu, Melissa, Ah Xian in Art Asia Pacific, Issue
37 (2003), p. 31
[Ahn Pil Yun] Cho Lisa Mira, The Swallowed Moon, Art Monthly Australia , no.96, December
[Asia Pacific Artists Initiative] Kin, Natalie, USEby, ArtAsiaPacific, 30, 2001


[AWAS!] review, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001

[Benyon, Kate] Koop, Stuart, Warrior Girl, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Helen McDonald, Global
City Dreaming in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), pp.57-64
[Boag, Yvonne] Kidd, Courtney, Yvonne Boag in South Korea, Art Monthly Australia, no.88,
April 1996
[Cai Guoqiang] ; Franch, Blair, Outside the Real, Gallery 4A, Sydney [Huang Du, Zhang Peili,
Cai Guoqiang], Art & Text 64, Feb.-Apr. 1999;
[Camel Byrne], Bravaic, Milica., Signal from There: Solo Exhibition by Carmel Byrne
(Plastique Kinetic Worms, Singapore), in Vehicle: Contemporary Visual Arts, No.2, 2001,
[Chou, Irene (Zhou Luyun)] Binks, Hilary. The Universe Within. Asian Art News 8:6,1998
[Cruz, Maria] Sullivan, Eve, Maria Cruz, Songlines, Art Asia Pacific, no.34, 2002.
[Dadang Christanto] review, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Dang, Dacchi] review, Art AsiaPacific, 35, 2002.
[Fairweather, Ian] Abbott-Smith, N., Ian Fairweather: Profile of a painter, Brisbane, University of
Queensland Press, 1978; Bail, M., Ian Fairweather, Sydney, Bay Books, 1981; Bail, Murray
et al, Fairweather, Sydney, Craftsman House, 1994.
[Friend, D.] Friend, D., Donald Friend in Bali, Sydney, Collins, 1972.
[Gill, Simryn] see Malaysia
[Goh Emil] Sullivan, Eve, Parallel Visions: Emil Goh in Art & Australia, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Autumn
2004), pp. 426-432; Dyson, Francis, Interlace (Review) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3
(September- November 2004), pp. 22-23
[Gu Wenda] Eastburn, Melanie, Wenda Gu, 2 Exhibitions in Australia, Art Asia Pacific, No.34,
2002; Easturn, Melanie, A Drama Of Nations, On Gu Wenda, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no.
5, September/October, 2002
[Guan Wei] Green, Charles, Guan Wei Review, Art & Text 67, Nov. 1999-Jan. 2000; Pai, Maggie,
Complex Cycles Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.2, March/April 1998; review, Asian Art News,
vol.11, no.1, 2001; Roberts, Claire, What goes around comes around: The Art of Guan Wei.
Art AsiaPacific no. 21, 1999; Annear, Judy, Juggler of SystemsAsian Art News, vol.5, no.5,
1995. review, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Guess whos coming to dinner] review, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Guo Jian] review, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001; review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.3, 2001
[Hu Ming] The Oil Painting of Hu Ming (Catalogue), Sydney: Peony Press, 2004
[Hanh Ngo] Cree, Laura Murray, Cross-cultural translations, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Lee Hyun Mi] OToole, Phil. Paper Tigers: The Artwork of Hyun Mi Lee. TAASA Review, 7:3
[Lindy Lee] Hutchings, Peter, Once More With Feeling: Art and Disappearance, On Lindy Lee,
Art & Text 36, May 1990; Baume, Nicholas, Profile, Lindy Lee: Black is not as black as all
that, Art & Text 47, January 1994; Elias, A. Through a glass darkly, Art & Asia Pacific,
vol.1, no.2, 1994; Michael, Linda, A Relationship of Moments, Asian Art News, Vol. 13,
Number 2, March/April 2003; Ceczy, Adam, The Installations of Lindy Lee, ART
AsiaPacific, Issue 36 (2002)
[Lee, Lindy; Johnson, Tim; Tyndall, Peter] review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002
[Leong, Greg Kwok-keung] review, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Lo, Andrew] review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002
[Makigawa Akio] Hynes, Victoria. Matter and Spirit: Akio Makigawa and Toshiaki Izumi. World
Sculpture News 5:2 Spring 1999; Bromfield, David, Point of Heaven Asia-Pacific Sculpture
News, vol.1, no.2, Spring 1995.
[Morrison, Hedda] Ennis, H., Hedda Morrison, Art Monthly Australia, 50, June 1992; Morrison,
H., A Photographer in Old Peking, Singapore, Oxford University Press 1985; Morrison, H.,
Travels of a Photographer in China, 1987.


[Nine Lives: Vietnam/Australia] Carruthers, Ashley, In search of dissidence, Art AsiaPacific 28,
[Phaptawan Suwannakudt] Pettifor, Steven, Between Tradition and Modernity in Asian Art News,
Vol. 14, Number 5 (September/October 2004), pp. 81-83
[Parr, Mike] Juers, Evelyn, Mike Parr at Roselyn Oxley9 Gallery, Art & Text 41, January 1992;
Parr, Mike, Daybreak, Manila Performance, Art Monthly Australia, no.81 July, 1995; Geczy,
Adam, Focusing the mind through the body: an interview with Mike Parr, Artlink, Vol. 23,
No.1; Scheer, Edward A., The Veil of the Liminal. Mike Parrs Brides, Parkett, no.62, 2001
[Pike, Jimmy & Zhou Xiaoping], Kapetopoulos, Fotis, New Lines of Communication, On Zhou
Xiaoping and Jimmy Pike, Artlink, Vol. 16, No. 4 Summer 1996; Lowe, Pat, Jimmy Pike in
China Art Monthly Australia, no.100, June 1997; McCullough, Susan Parallel Perspectives,
Asian Art News, vol.7, no.4, July/August 1997.
[Preston, Margaret] North, I., ed., The Art of Margaret Preston, Adelaide, The Art Gallery Board of
South Australia, 1980.
[Sansom, Gareth] Gareth Sansom, [catalogue for 7th Indian Triennale], Melbourne, Australian
Exhibitions Touring Agency, 1991; Sansom, G. [interview] Responding to India, Art
Monthly Australia, no.41, June, 1991.
[Savandhary Vongpoothorn] Fink, Hannah, Rythmic Air, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Shen Jiawei] Zai Jian Revolution, Catalogue, 4A Gallery, 2002; Eastburn, Melanie, Shen Jiawei at
Gallery 4A, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 6, November/December, 2002; Hill, Peter, Red
Eye, Sydney Morning Herald, 11 October 2002; James, Bruce, Artist with awesome promise
must escape the mosh pit, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 October 2002; McDonald, John, The
Third World by Shen Jiawei in East West Arts, Number 1 (September-November 2004), p. 6
[Shen Shaomin] McDonald, John, Shen Shaomin: Bones of Contention in East West Arts, Number
1 (September-November 2004), pp. 68-75
[Simryn Gill] Lee Weng Choy, Simryn Gill in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 65
[Sydney Biennale 1998] Fink, Hannah, Speechless Art AsiaPacific, 23, 1999
[Tan Laurens] Genocchio, Benjamin, Glocalism, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Thomas, Rover] White, Sheona, Roads Cross, Rover Thomas, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4,
[To, Hiram] McAlera, D., Hiram To: Performing Attitudes, World Art, 1, 1995.
[Wang Zhiyuan] Roberts, Claire, The Art of Wang Zhiyuan: A state of flux, Art AsiaPacific,
no.33, 2002.
[Yang, William] Yang, W., I ask myself, am I Chinese?, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.2, 1994.
[Young, John] Jackson, Mark, John Young Review, Art & Text 41, January 1992; Chiu, Melissa;
Clark, John; Hutchings, Peter; Lindsay, Frances, john young; the double ground paintings,
Sydney, Australian Art Promotions, 1995; Coulter-Smith, Graham; Davidson, Christina;
Forsyth, Graham, John Young: Silhouettes and Polychromes, 1979-1992, Melbourne,
Schwartz City, 1993; review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Young, John: Silhouettes and
Polychromes, 1979-1992, Melbourne, Schwartz City, 1993
[Zhang Peili] ; Franch, Blair, Outside the Real, Gallery 4A, Sydney [Huang Du, Zhang Peili,
Cai Guoqiang], Art & Text 64, Feb.-Apr. 1999;
Critical and Historical Studies
Travellers, Journeys, Tourists, issue of Australian Cultural History, no.10, 1991, edited by Horne,
J. & Walker, D.
Ang, Ien; Stratton, John, The Asian Turn, Art & Text, no.50, January, 1995.
Australian Perceptions of Asia, issue of Australian Cultural History, no.9, 1990, edited by Walker,
Baume, Nicholas, Guest in Venice: Australias Biennale Pavilion, Art & Text 31, Dec.-Feb. 1989
Broinowski, Alison, The Yellow Lady; Australian impressions of Asia, Melbourne, Oxford
University Press, 1992.


Carroll, A, Parallels: Nationalism in Filipino, Indonesian, and Australian Art, Art & AsiaPacific,
no.1, supplement to Art & Australia, March 1993.
Carroll, A, To a friendly nation, far away, Art Monthly Australia, no.88, April 1996.
Chang, Virginia Yen-ju. Impressions of Asian Art in Australians Eyes: The Development of Asian
Art Exhibitions in Art Gallery of New South Wales. Research paper, Master of Arts, Museum
Studies, University of Sydney, 1999.
Chiu, Melissa, The blank in the page, Eyeline, no.31, Spring 1996.
Clark, J., Fragments of origin; Asian women artists group at the Blaxland Gallery, Asian Art
News, July/August 1994.
Clark, J., Australian Art and Asia -Then and Now Occasional Paper No.19, Research Institute for
Asia and the Pacific, University of Sydney, July 1992.
Clark, John, Art and its others - recent Australian-Asian visual exchanges, Dever, Maryanne,
ed., Australia and Asia: cultural transactions, Surrey, Curzon Press, 1996
Collins, D, Asian Art in Australia, Art & Australia, vol.30, no.3, Autumn 1993.
Collins, D., Asian Art and Australia: 1830s-1930s, M.A. Thesis, Canberra, Australian National
University, 1992.
Eagle, M., The Mikado Syndrome: was there an Orient in Asia for the Australian "Impressionist"
Painters?, Australian Journal of Art, Vol.VI, 1987.
Galbally, A., Australian Artists Abroad: 1880-1914, in Galbally & Plant, 1978, above.
Gallbally, A. & Plant, M., co-editors, Studies in Australian Art, Melbourne, Department of Fine
Arts, University of Melbourne, 1978.
Gallbally, A., Aestheticism in Australia, in Bradley, A. and Smith, T., eds., Australian Art and
Architecture: Essays presented to Bernard Smith, Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1980.
Geczy, Adam, Buddha: Radiant Awakening, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
Genocchio, Benjamin, Between Mirrors: an interview with Lindy Lee, Eyeline, 31, Spring 1996.
Gerstle, D., Milner, A., eds. Europe and the Orient, Canberra, The Humanities Research Centre of
Australian National University, 1994.
Gerstle, D., Milner, A., Recovering the Orient: Artists Scholars, Appropriations, Chur, Harwood
Academic Publishers, 1994.
Green, Charles, Unofficial World: Postcolonial and the Metropolis, On the Position of Australian
Art, Art & Text 43, September 1992
Hage,Ghassan, White Nation: Fantasies of White supremacy in a multi-cultural society, Sydney,
Pluto Press, 1998.
Hage, Ghassan, Against Paranoid Nationalism: searching for hope in a shrinking society, Sydney,
Pluto Press,2003.
Hamilton, A, Fear and Desire: Aborigines, Asians and the National Imaginary, in Australian
Perceptions of Asia above.
Hamilton, A, Trading Image; Art at the Asia Junction, Art & Australia, vol.30, no.3, Autumn
Hamilton, A., Dreaming the Lotus: Aesthetic dialogue with Asia?,in Caroll, 1990.
Hjorth, Larissa, Neo-Tokyo: Japanese Art Now, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
Hoffie, P., The reluctant tourist; a mythical narrative on nationalism, Art Monthly Australia, 59,
May 1993.
Howard, I., Dialogues of differences [Australia/Vietnam], Asian Art News, vol.5, no.2, Mar/April
Lane, T., A burlesque of a burlesque: Aestheticism and the aesthetic interior of Victoria, Historic
Environment, vol.3, no.3, 1984.
McClean, Ian, White aborigines: colonial imperatives of Australian Colonialism, Third Text,
no.22, Spring 1993.
McQueen, H., The Black Swan of Trespass, Sydney, Alternative Publishing Cooperative Ltd., 1979.
Ross, Helen, Arx 4 Torque-the last session of the first day, Art Monthly Australia, no.79, May,


Scarff, Julian, Australian New Media artists in Beijing, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
Storer, Russel, Artists-run Initiatives and Alternative Spaces in Sydney and Singapore (Master of
Arts Dissertation, University of Sydney, 2004)
Walker, D., and Ingleson, J., The Impact of Asia, in Meaney, N., ed., Under New Heavens:
Cultural Transmission and the Making of Australia, Melbourne, Heinemann Educational
Australia, 1989.
Walker, D., Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia, 1850-1939 St.Lucia,University of
Queensland Press, 1999.
White, R., Sun, sand, and syphilis: Australian soldiers and the Orient, Egypt 1914, in Australian
Perceptions of Asia, 1990.
White, R., Inventing Australia: Images and Identity 1688-1980, Sydney, 1981.
Exhibitions and Reviews [selected]
Adelaide Biennial 1994, Broket, David, East West Passage, [featuring works of North and South
East Asian artists at the 1994 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art], Art & Text 48, May 1994
Argonauts of the Timor Sea (2004), Bralow, Geraldine, Argonauts of the Timor Sea (Review) in
Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp. 54-57
Art from Australia, curated Carroll, A, [catalogue of touring exhibition to Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila,
Kuala Lumpur, Singapore], Melbourne, Australian Exhibitions Touring Agency, 1990 [artists
exhibited: Micky Allan, John Davis, Richard Dunn, Anne Ferran, Fiona Hall, Imants Tillers,
Caroline Williams, John Young].
Asia Traffic 2004, Sambrani, Chaitanya, Home and Away: Higways and Bylanes in Asian Art in
Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp.24-31
Biennale of Sydney 2002, Chen, Elsa Hsiang-chun, Identity Politics? Allegorical Existence? On the
Way to the Fantastic in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 1, No. 2
(July/August 2002)East and West: The Meeting of Asian and European Art, curated Carroll,
A, [Exhibition and catalogue], Adelaide, Art Gallery of South Australia, 1985.
Biennale of Sydney 2004 Felicia Fenner, On Reason and Emotion (Interview with Isabel Carlos),
in in Art & Australia, Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 557-559; No Big Picture [2004
Biennale of Sydney] (Commentaries by Alex Gawronski, Jacqueline Millner and Adam
Geczy) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp. 48-53
Edge to Edge: Australian Contemporary Art to Japan, Tokyo, Japanese Museums and the
Australian Bicentennial Authority, 1998 [ artists exhibited: Julie Brown-Rrap, Richard Dunn,
Bill Henson, Lindy Lee, John Nixon, Mike Parr, Jacky Redgate, Imants Tillers, Peter Tyndall,
Ken Unsworth, Jenny Watson].
I Thought I Knew But I Was Wrong (Travelling Video Art Exhibition), Glass, Alexie and Tutton,
Sarah, I Thought I Knew But I Was Wrong (Review) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3
(September- November 2004), pp.18-19; Palmer, Daniel, Medium Without Memory:
Australian Video Art in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (September- November 2004), pp. 20-21
Localities of Desire: Contemporary Art in an International World, curated by Ewington, Julie &
Murphy, Bernice, Sydney, Museum of Contemporary Art, 1995.
MAAP 2004, MAAP in Singapore 2004 Gravity (Catalogue), Brisbane: MAAP, 2004; Machan,
Kim, Gravity Leap Into the Void (Review) in Broadsheet, Vol. 33, No. 3 (SeptemberNovember 2004), pp. 14-16
Out of Asia, curated Carroll, A., [Exhibition and Catalogue] Melbourne, Heide Gallery, 1990.
[artists exhibited: Micky Allan, Tony Clark, Matthys Gerber, Pat Hoffie, Tim Johnson, Geoff
Lowe, Fiona MacDonald, Susan Norrie, Robert Owen, Gareth Sansom]
Systems End: Contemporary Art in Australia, Sydney, Wright, Wiliam; Spark, Jo, eds. Sherman
Galleries, 1996 [to Osaka, Hakone, Seoul, Gaoxiong; reports: The Weekend Australian, 20-21
April, 1996; Shimizu Toshio, Systems End, ART AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.]
Thai-Australian Cultural Space [Joan Grounds, Noelene Lucas, Montien Boonma, Vichoke
Mukdamanee, Kamol Phaosavasdi], Sydney, Art Gallery New South Wales, 1994; Menzies,


Jackie, A Thai-Australian Art Exhibition, Artlink, Vol. 13, No.3&4, November-March

The Asian Interface, Australian Artists and the Far East, curated, Menzies, J., Exhibition and
check-list, Sydney, Art Gallery of New South Wales, 1983.
Tky Connection, Australian Artists Studio in Tky, Melbourne, Australian Exhibitions Touring
Agency, 1990 [artists in residence in Tky 1987-1990: Liz Coates, 1987; Diane Mantzaris,
1987; Noelene Lucas, 1987; Janet Laurence, 1988; Geof Kleem, 1988; Mark Hindraker, 1988;
Geoffrey Weary, 1988; Jennifer McCamley, 1989; Clinton Garofano, 1989; Andrew
Petrusevics, 1989; Paul Thirkell, 1989; Bette Mifsud, 1990].
Transcultural Painting [Tony Clark, Lindy Lee, Linda Marrinon, John Young] Melbourne, Asialink
1994. [to Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Taiwan]; Wang, Chia Chi Jason, A Veil in Between [on
Transcultural painting Exhibition in Taiwan], Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.4, 1994
Corsini, Marco., Memory and Subjectivity, Small World: Group Exhibition by Shaun Wilson and
Adam Cuthbert (CAST- Contemporary Artist Service Tasmania, Hobart), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.26-29.
Dysart, Dinah and Michael, Asian Galleries Art Gallery of New South Wales in Art & Australia,
Vol. 41, No. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 541-543
Friis-Hansen, D., Locating the Australian Imaginary [Review of Inner-Land exhibition in
Tokyo], Art & Asia Pacific, vol.1, no.3, 1994.
Heartney, Eleanor., Parallel Lives: Montien Boonma at Asia Society and Chen Zhen at P.S.1, in
Art AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.50-52.
Parossien, Leon, The Biennale of Sydney A Partisan Viewof Three Decades of Three Decades
in Art & Australia, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Autumn 2004), pp. 60-69
Raffel, Suhanya., Two Sites, One Vision in Queensland, in The Journal of the Asian Arts Society
of Australia, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2004, p.22.
Sager, Janine Fenton., Connecting Audience with Art, Review of Australian Exhibition: Anita and
Beyond (Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest, Western Sydney), in Vehicle:
Contemporary Visual Arts, No.9, 2003, p.30-35.
Seeto, Aaron, Flacit Momentums and Tactical Interventions (On Asian-Australian Artists) in East
West Arts, Number 1 (September-November 2004), pp.108-109
Modernity in Asian Art, Australia, South Asia, Southeast Asia: Texts by John Clark
Modernity in Asian Art
Modern Asian Art, Sydney, Fine Arts Press, Sydney & University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 1998
Editor, Modernity in Asian Art, Wild Peony Press, Sydney [US distribution University of Hawaii
Press] 1993, including paper Open and Closed Discourses of Modernity in Asian Art1992
Kindai Ajia no bijutsu gensetsu ni okeru taka (tr. Morino Yutaka, Fujiwara Sadao) in
Shimamoto Kan, Kasuya Makoto, hen, Bijutsushi to Tasha, Kyto, Ky Shuppan, 2000;
English original to be published as Art History and Alterity: Othering as Process in Modern
Asian Art Discourses in Flores, Patrick D. ed., Commemorative Anthology on the retirement
of Professor Alice G. Guillermo, Manila, University of the Philippines, [in editing, scheduled
Asian Modernisms [reprinted from Humanities Research, no.2, 1999] in Marg, Spring, vol. 53,
no.2, 2002.
Inter-Asian Criteria of Institutional Modernity in Art, in Kunstlerische Austausch/Artistic
Exchange, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1993.
What in the context of contemporary art, is your vision of a future art?, on the refereed web
journal, in February, to be published later in an anthology from
Jochen Gerz, Braunschweig College of Art, 2003.


On Two Books by Edward W. Said, Bicitra Seni, Jilid 2, [from Pusat Seni, Universiti Sains
Malaysia,], 1996.
Art Goes Non-Aligned [Four Exhibitions in Jakarta including the Art of the Non-Aligned
Movement, April 1995], Art & Asia Pacific, vol.2, no.4, 1995.
Ajia ! Ajia!, Art Monthly Australia, no.39, April, 1991
Asian Artists at the 2001 Venice Biennale, IIAS Newsletter, November, no.26, 2001
"Contemporary Arts: Asia", review of Asia Society New York Roundtable, Journal of the Asian
Arts Society of Australia, vol.2, no.1, January, 1993.
Once Again the East, [The new Asian Gallery, Art Gallery of New South Wales], Art Monthly
Australia, no.30, May, 1990.
Australian Art and Asia -Then and Now, Occasional Paper No.19, Research Institute for Asia and
the Pacific, University of Sydney, 1992
Playing with the Stars: Guan Weis styles, essay for Guan Wei Exhibition Catalogue, Dr. Earl Lu
Gallery, La Salle SIA, Singapore 2000.
Crossings, essay for the catalogue curated by William Wright, The Rose Crossing: Contemporary
Art in Australia, Sydney, Sherman Galleries, 1999.
Art and its others - recent Australian-Asian visual exchanges, in Dever, Maryanne, ed.,
Australia and Asia: cultural transactions, Surrey, Curzon Press, 1997.
Systems End, catalog essay in Tseng Fang-ling, Huang Pei-yi, editors, Systems End,
Contemporary Art in Australia, Gaoxiong, Gaoxiong Shili Meishuguan, 1996.
The position of the transcultural: an end to hyphenation?, [essay on the work of John Young] in
Lumby, Kathy & Robinson, Julia eds, Antipodean Currents, Ten Contemporary Artists from
Australia, Washington, John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, 1994.
Swimming in the Transcultural Sea: John Young, Asian Art News, vol.4, no.3, May/June, 1994.
Sons: an essay for a catalogue of works by Yvonne Boag, Mirabel Fitzgerald, and Patsy Payne
exhibited at Silpakorn University Bangkok, 1998
William Robinson, Asian Art News, vol.4 no.6, December, 1994.
Review: Fragments of origin: Asian Women Artists Group at Blaxland Gallery; Fresh Art: 20
Young Artists at the S.H. Ervin Gallery: Moet & Chandon Touring Exhibition at the Art
Gallery of New South Wales, [Three Reviews of Sydney Exhibitions], Asian Art News, vol.
4, no.4, July/August 1994.
South Asia
Modern Indian Art: Some Literature and Problematics, Occasional Paper, no.21, Research Institute
for Asia and the Pacific, 1994.
Two Modern Indian Painters: Arpita Singh and Swaminathan, Art & Asia Pacific, supplement to
Art and Australia, 1993
Review of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, tr. Marian Madden and S.N.Mukherjee, The Poison Tree:
Three Novellas, New Delhi, Penguin Books India, 1996, The Journal of the Oriental Society of
Australia, vol.31, 1999.
Review of Jyotindra Jain, Kalighat Painting: Images from a Changing World, Ahmedabad, Mapin
Publishing, 1999; Yashodhara Dalmia, The making of Modern Indian Art: The Progressives,
New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2001; Gulamohammed Sheikh, editor, Contemporary
Art in Baroda, New Delhi, Tulika, 1997; forthcoming in Art AsiaPacific, 2003
Review of Geeta Kapur, When was Modernism: Essays on Contemporary Cultural Practice in India,
New Delhi, Tulika, 2000, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, no.2, 2002
Southeast Asia
The Transfer: Art in Colonial Southeast Asia, in Mashadi, Ahmad, ed., Visions and Enchantment:
Southeast Asian paintings, Singapore, Singapore Art Museum, 2000.


Mooi Indie and Persagi from the perspective of a Modern Asian Art in Sidharta, Amir &
Purnomo, Ninsih, eds, Dari Mooi Indie Hingga Persagi, Tangerang, Museum Universitas
Pelita Harapan, 1997
Into the Forest: Interview with Yeoh Jin-leng, Art & Asia Pacific, vol. 1, no.2, 1994.
Review:Panya Vijinthanasarn at Tadu Contemporary Art Asian Art News, vol.8, no.2, 1998.
Asian Modernism: Diverse Developments in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand, Asian Art
News, vol.6, no.1, January/February, 1996.
Review: Apinan Poshyananda, Western-Style Painting and Sculpture in the Royal Thai Court, 2
vols, Amarin Printing Group, Bangkok,1993; in Art & Asia Pacific,, July 1994.
Review of Apinan Poshyananda, Modern Art in Thailand, Singapore, Oxford University Press,
1992, Art Monthly Australia, April, 1993.
Review of Anne Richter, Arts and Crafts of Indonesia, London, Thames & Hudson, Australian
Book Review, December, 1993.

Asian Artists Transnational Activity North America

[2004 Whitney Biennial] Sirmans, Franklin, The 2004 Whitney Biennial: One on One with Shamin
Momin in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 16-18
[Asian descent artists in Canada] Wallace, Keith, The beauty of rupture, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Bai Bien-U] review, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Bose Santiago; Villa, Carlos] review, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Cai Guoqiang] Heartney, Elanor, Cai Guoqiang: illuminating the new China, Art in America,
May 2002; Schwabsky, Barry, Tao and physics: The art of Cai Guo Qiang, Artforum
International, Vol.35, Issue 10, Summer 1997; Cultural Meeting Bath: Projects for the 20th
century, New York, Queens Museum of Art, 1997 [review: Goodman, Art AsiaPacific,no.18,
1998; Heartney, Elanor, Cai Guo-Qiang: Illuminating the new China, Art in America, Vol.
90, Issue 5, May 2002; Goodman, Jonathan, Cai Guo-Qiang an Explosion Event: Light Cycle
over Central Park at the Asia Society (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), p.
84; Poshyananda, Apinan, Cai Guo-Qiang in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 76; Lin,
Xiaoping, Globalism or Nationalism? Cai Guoqiang, Zhang Huan, and Xu Bing in New
York in Third Text, Vol. 18, Issue 4 (July 2004), pp. 279-296
[Centre A] Gustafson, Paula, Twisting the box, [Mattress factory] Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Cheang, Shu Lea] Chua, Lawrence, An odd circuit, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Chen Longbin] Karetzky, Patricia. Between Two Cultures: Chen Longbin. World Sculpture News
4:3 Summer 1998.
[Cheng Emily], Goodman, Jonathan., Ornament as Knowledge, Ornament as Desire: the Art of
Emily Cheng, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003,
[Cheung, Emily], Wei, Lilly, Time reading, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr 1996.
[Chin, Mel] Kent, Rachel, New York Scene, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Chong, Teresa] review, Art AsiaPacific, 34, 2002
[Chu Hung] Findlay, Ian, Kuang Jian at Palette Collections Gallery, Exhibition Reviews, Thailand
Feature, Asian Art News, vol. 12, no. 1, January/February 2002
[Chu, Josie], review, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.5, 2000
[Chun Seong] Kee, Joan, suspended in ambivalence, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
[Cody Choi] Park, Kyung Mee, Cody Choi in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 7
[Dakoji, Pratibha], Cohen, Joan Lebold,The traveler Rests Asian Art News, vol.5, no.5, Sep/Oct
[Dave, Vinod] review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Diao, David] Anderson, Paul A, David Diao: Critical painting and the Racial Sublime, Third
Text, no.33, Winter 1995-6, 41-50.


[Do-Ho Suh] Momin, Shamin, Do-Ho Suh in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 69; Chung,
Shinyoung, Do-Ho Suh in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), p. 75
[Emily Cheng] Malhotra, Priya, Wholeness in a Fragmented World in Asian Art News , Vol. 14,
Number 4 (July/August 2004), pp. 36-40
[Fang Lijun] review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Filipina artists], Jana, Reena, Unfolding identities, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Gang Zhao] review, Art AsiaPacific, 27, 2000
[Glen Kaino] Joo, Eumgie, Revolutions per Minute in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp.
[Gu Wenda] Erickson, Britta, Gu Wendas silent selves and pseudo characters, Art AsiaPacific,
26, 2000
[Hak Kyung Cha] deSouza, Allan. The Spoken Word: Theresa Hak Kyung Chas Dictee. Third
Text no.24 Autumn 1993; Richard, Frances, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Artforum
International, Vol.40, Issue 1, September 2001; Chiu, Melissa, The Crisis of Calligraphy and
the New Way of Tea: An Interview with Wenda Gu, , Orientations, Volume 33, Number 3,
March 2002
[Hawaii] Jaana, Reena, Building Bridges, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6, November/December 1996.
[Higuchi Ikuyo], Cohen, Joan Lebold, Notes from a studio Asia-Pacific Sculpture News, vol.1,
no.2, Spring 1995.
[Hu Yongkai], Binks, Hilary, Looking Homeward Asian Art News, vol.7, no.3, May/June 1997.
[Huang Chi-yang (Zhiyang)] review, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[Hung Liu] Brown, Glen Ambiguous Narratives, Asian Art News 9:5 September/October 1999.
[Internee art, Japanese American], Magnan, Kathleen Finlay, A View from within Asian Art News,
vol.6, no.1, Jan/Feb 1996.
[Jim Soo Kim] Heartney, Eleanor, An Art of Tender Recuperation in Art in America (July 2003),
pp. 80-85
[Jinchi, Pouran], review, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Kai Hoang, That Bui, Vi Ly] Jana, Reena, The intuitive eye, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
[Kaur, Permindar] Chambers, Eddie. Cold Comfort: Permindar Kaur. Third Text no.36 Autumn
[Ken Lum] Between the sky and the earth [Ken Lum, Frank Tam, Yan Peiming, Yang Jiechang,
Zhou Tiehai], Hong Kong, University Art Gallery, 1998; Monshouwer, Saskia, 'Ken Lum,
Photo-mirrors: Presenting new reflections', IIAS Newsletter, No.22, June 2000; Ken Lum, In
Search of Wabi Sabi, Kitakyushu: CCA, 2001
[Kim Soonj Oh]Chattophadhyay, C., Of parts and process, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6,
November/December 1996; review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Kim Young] Jana, Reena, The Displaced Self, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.1, 2000
[Komagata Katsuya] review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000
[Korean American] Chong, Doryun, Korean American Views, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001;
Chattophadhyay, C., Korean-American Artists in California, Asian Art News, vol. 6, no.3,
May / June 1996.
[Kosuge, Michihiro] Taylor, Sue, 'Michihiro Kosuge at Laura Russo', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue
2, February 2003
[Kunishima Seiji] Chattophadhyay, C., Poetry in Stone: Seiji Kunishima. World Sculpture News
2:4 Autumn 1996.
[Kusama Yayoi], Lumpkin, Libby, Yayoi Kusama, Artforum International, Vol.37, Issue 1,
September 1998; review, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Kuwahara Masahiko] review, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Kwon Sowon] review, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001
[Lampo Leung] Leung, Lampo, Recoding the Roots: Genetic Reformation and Culture Synthesis in
the Era of Globalization in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, June 2004, pp.


[Lee Mingwei] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Tsai, Eugenie, Talk: Lee Mingwei The
Tourist in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 44-47
[Lee Sang Nam] review, Art AsiaPacific, 21, 1999; Goodman, Jonathon, Concerning the Spiritual
in Art: The Resolute Path of Sangnam Lee, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
[Limn Gallery], Jana, Reena, Fashioning Trends, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.4, 1999
[Lin Lin] Croizer, Ralph, "Going to the World": the life and death of Billy Harlem (Lin Lin),
Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia, vol. 29, 1997.
[Lin Maya] review, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Liu Hong] Brown, Glenn R., Ambiguous narratives, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.5, 1999
[Los Angeles] Chattophadhyay, C., The pacific and beyond], Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2,
Mar/Apr 1996; Chattopadhyay, Colette, From Zen to Pop Culture, Chattopadhyay, Colette,
Shifting Peceptions, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Chattophadhyay, Collette, Public
Offerings, Art AsiaPacific, 33, 2002; Chattophadyay, Flight pattersn: landscapes of te
pacific Rim, Art AsiaPacific, 31, 2001; Greenstein, M.A., Virtual Daydreams: Three
exhibitions of Asian Art in Los Angeles, Art AsiaPacific, no.21, 1999.; Chattophadhyay, C.,
An Emerging Dialogue Asian Art News, vol.7, no.5, September / October 1997.
[Mattress factory] Kee, Joan, Transience and Time, Art AsiaPacific 28, 2001
[Michael Joo] Park, Kyung Mee, Michael Joo in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 75
[Mori Mariko] review, Art AsiaPacific, 24, 1999
[Murakami Takashi] Kent, Rachel, New York Scene, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; Briggs, Patricia,
Painting at the Edge of the World, Exhibition Review at Walker Art Center, [Artists include
Takashi Murakami and Hisroshi Sugito], Artforum International, Vol.39, Issue 10, Summer
[Nasreen Mohamedi], Malhotra, Priya., Nasreen Mohamedi at Talwar Gallery (review), in Asian
Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6, November/December 2003, p.92-93.
[New York] Goodman, Jonathan, Form inside the body, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001; Rosenblum,
Robert, Takashi Murakami, Artforum International, Vol.40, Issue 9, May 2002
[Nikki S. Lee] Momin, Shamin, Nikki S. Lee in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 68
[Nguyen Minh] review, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Nguyen Quang Huy] Lenzi, Iola, Hanoi Paris Hanoi: The evolving art of Truong Tan and Nguyen
Quang Huy, ART AsiaPacific, Issue 35 (2002)
[Noguchi Isamu] Chattophadhyay, C., A Noguchi Legacy: Isamu Noguchis site-specific
sculpture. Asia-Pacific Sculpture News 1:4 Autumn 1995.
[Ono Yoko] Goodman, Jonathan, The answer is yes, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Pien, Ed] review, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001
[Ping Chong] Kee, Joan. Balancing Act: Tention and tenacity in Asian American art Art
AsiaPacific no. 20 1998
[Ping Chong], Yang, Alice, Chinoiserie Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3, no.2, 1996.
[Prema Murthy] Reckitt, Helena, From Bindi Girls To Space Invaders: Prema Murthy in Art Asia
Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004), pp. 34-35
[Qin Feng], Malhotra, Priya., Power from Turmoil, in Asian Art News, Vol. 13, No. 6,
November/December 2003, p.64-67.
[Qiu Zhijie] review, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Revri, Anil] interview, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.2, 2001
[Rina Banerjee] Momin, Shamin, Rina Banerjee in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 67
[Rirkit Tiravanija] Yang, Alice, The artist as chef - Rirkit Tiravanija, Art & Asia Pacific, vol.3,
no.2, 1996; Gaweewong, Gridthiya, Rikrit Tiravanija in Art AsiaPacific, Issue 37 (2003), p.
[San Francisco, 1999 Art China], Jana, Reena, Fresh Visions, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Sangnam Lee] Park, Kyung Mee, Sangnam Lee in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 73
[Sarah Sze] Chiu, Melissa, Sarah Sze in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 32
[Shang Xuhong] Grown, Glen R., Minimal Magic, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.2, 2000


[Shelly Bahl] Dewan, Deepali, Shelly Bahl in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 37
[Shimomura, Roger] Brown, Glenn R., Identity and experience Asian Art News, vol.12, no.2, 2002
[Sikander, Shahzia] review Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Friis-Hansen, Dana, Full Blown: the
expansive vision of miniaturist Shazia Sikander, Art AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997; review, Asian
Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Soong, Path]Gordon, Jeff, Chaos Defined, , Asian Art News, vol.5, no.5, Sep/Oct 1995.
[Sowon Kwon] Akira Tatehata, Sowon Kwon in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 85
[Superflat] Nakamura, Eric, Report: The Year Otaku Broke [Superflat] Review, Art & Text 73,
May-July 2001; Berghuis, Thomas J . and Pell, Karl, 'Domain Asia @ Art Dot Com: Asian art
in technological times', IIAS Newsletter, No.25, July 2001
[Szeto Keung], Millichap, John, Wanderer between cultures, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.2, Mar/Apr
[Tachibana Seiko] Brown, Glenn R., Seeking the universal, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.1, 2001
[Tam, Frank] Findlay, Ian, An explorer of cultures, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.6,
November/December 1996; Gustafson, Paula, The meeting of spirituality and materialism,
Asian Art News, vol.10, no.5, 2000
[Taneike, Chiyomi] Brown, Glenn R., Metaphorical journeys, Asian Art News, vol.12, no.1, 2002
[Teching Hsieh] Lee Weng Choy, Teching Hsieh in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 66
[Teraoka Masami] Hess Lydia, Masami Teraoka, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1, 1996.
[Theresa Chong] Goodman, Jonathan, Theresa Chong in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 49
[Ting, Walasse], Millichap, John, Against the tide, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999
[Tran T. Kim-Trang] Small, Irene V., Blind Spot, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Truong Tan] Bradford Edwards], Hussfeld, Barbara, Cultural Collisions Asian Art News, vol.5,
no.5, Sep/Oct 1995; Lenzi, Iola, Hanoi Paris Hanoi: The evolving art of Truong Tan and
Nguyen Quang Huy, ART AsiaPacific, Issue 35 (2002)
[Tseng Kwong Chi & Lee, Nikki S.] Samm, Irene V., Spectacles of invisibility, Art AsiaPacific
28, 2001
[Tseng Yuho/ Zeng Yuhe] review , Art News, 99, 6, 2000
[Vietnamese artists, Above & Beyond] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Vietnamese-American Artists], Jaana, Reena, The intuitive Eye, Asian Art News 9:4 1999.
[Wang Du] Kent, Rachel, New York Scene, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Way, John], Johnson, Robert Flynn, The art of John Way, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.5, 2001
[West Coast Asian American Artists], Jaana, Reena,The freshest of visions, Asian Art News, vol.5,
no.6, Nov/Dec 1995.
[Wong [Dian Shui-lu]Chattophadhyay, C. Dancing with the Tao, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.4,
July/August, 1996.
[Xie Dejing/ Hsieh Tehching] Johnston Jill, Tehching Hsieh: Arts willing captive, Art in
America, September 2001
[Xin Fei], Millichap, John, Life Lines, Asian Art News, vol.5, no.5, Sep/Oct 1995.
[Xu Bing] Xu Bing & Cai Guoqiang at Bard review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Goodman,
Jonathon, Xu Bing: Cultural Translator, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002; Doran, Valerie C.,
Xu Bing: A Logos for the Genuine Experience, Orientations, Volume 32, Number 8,
October 2001; Nanjo, Fumio, Xu Bing in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 70;
Chattopadhyay, Collette, Beyond Iconography: The Power of Graffiti Xu Bing and Public
Art in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp. 32-35; Wei, Lily, On Chinese Artists and
the Market Place (Xu Bing and Zhang Huan) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp.
28-30; Xu Bing, Tobacco Project: Shanghai (Catalogue), Shanghai Gallery of Art, 2004; Lin,
Xiaoping, Globalism or Nationalism? Cai Guoqiang, Zhang Huan, and Xu Bing in New
York in Third Text, Vol. 18, Issue 4 (July 2004), pp. 279-296
[Yamamoto, Lynne] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; review, Contemporary Visual Art, 23
[Yamashita, Kumi] Koplos, Janet, 'Kumi Yamashita at Kent', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 1,
January 2003


[Yang Ying Feng, Gary Lichtenstein], Jaana, Reena,Crossing Divides, Asian Art News, vol.5,
no.5, Sep/Oct 1995.
[Yoko Ono] Dimitrakaki, Angela. Yoko Ono: Have You Seen The Horizon Lately? Third Text
no.42 Spring 1998; Monroe, Alexandra, with Hendricks, Jon, eds., Yes: Yoko Ono, New York,
Japan Society & Harry N. Abrams, 2000; Schwendener, Martha, Yoko Ono, Artforum
International, Vol.39, Issue 5, January 2001; Lopez, Sebastian, 'YES YOKO ONO', IIAS
Newsletter, No.24, February 2001
[Yoong Soon Min] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999; Poshyananda, Apinan, Yong Soon Min in
Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 7
[Zhang Huan] Wei, Lily, On Chinese Artists and the Market Place (Xu Bing and Zhang Huan) in
Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp. 28-30; Lin, Xiaoping, Globalism or Nationalism?
Cai Guoqiang, Zhang Huan, and Xu Bing in New York in Third Text, Vol. 18, Issue 4 (July
2004), pp. 279-296
[Zhang Jian-jun] Wong, Aida-Yuen, 'Vestiges of Time/ Elemental Spring: Zhang Jian-Jun and
Barbara Edelstein in Guangdong', Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art, March 2003,
Spring Issue
[Zhang Peili] Cohen, Joan Lebold,A Studio Visit with Zhang Peili.. Asia-Pacific Sculpture News
1:4 Autumn 1995; review, Art AsiaPacific, 25, 2000; Isreal, Nico, New York: Zhang Peili,
Exhibition Review, Artforum International, Vol.38, Issue 3, November1999
Art Directory, Art AsiaPacific, no.34, 2002.
Asian Traditions/Modern Expressions: Asian-American Artists and Abstraction, 1945-1970,
Rutgers, Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, 1997. [Review: Roe Jae-ryung, Art
AsiaPacific, no.17, 1998.]
Becker, Carol, The Romance of Nomadism: A Series of Reflections. Art Journal Summer 1999.
Berghuis, Thomas J., ''Translated Acts': Body, Self and Performance', IIAS Newsletter, No.24,
February 2001
Borum, Jenifer P, New York:Asia/America, Artforum International, Vol.33, Issue 1, September
Brett, Guy, Earth and Museum -- Local or Global? Third Text no.6 Spring 1989.
Chang, Alexandra, Taeko Baba: Reinventing the Self in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004),
pp. 30-32
Chang, Alexandra, Urban Improv: On the Road with the Brainstormers in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40
(Spring 2004), pp. 36-39
Chang, Alexandra, Locating Asian American Art: Redefinitions in Art Asia Pacific, No. 41
(Summer 2004), pp. 40-41
Chattophadhyay, C., Out of Hong Kong, Asian Art News, vol.6, no.5, September / October, 1996.
Doran, Valerie C., Interview with Vishakha N. Desai, Senior Vice President, Asia Society and
Director, Asia Society Museum, Orientations, Volume 32, Number 8, October 2001
Erickson, Britta, San Francisco Asian Art Museum opening in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), p. 17
Evans, Tim, Asian Roots (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), p. 18
Fu-Chia-Wen Lien The Body as Metaphor for Feminist Expression, Asian Art News, 8:4, August
Gaur, Umesh, American Collectors of Contemporary Indian Art in the Northeast, Orientations,
Volume 33, Number 6, June 2002
Goodman, Joanthan, The first steps, Art AsiaPacific, 25,
Goodman, Jonathan., Conditions of Anonymity: the Performance Art of Kim Sooja, in Art
AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.58-59.
Goodman, Jonathan., Miguel Trelles at Taller Boricua (review), in Yishu: Journal of
Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 2, June 2003, p.124-125.
Gustafson, Paula, Faces from the Past: First Nations Masks of Canada, Art AsiaPacific, no.21,


Jaana, Reena, Dialogue Face to Face, Asian Art News 9:1 1999.
Jaana, Reena, Fashioning Trends, Asian Art News 9:4 1999.
Kenney, Aaron., My Painted Dreams by Mahvash Mossaed (book review), in Asian Art News, Vol.
14, No. 2, March/April 2004, p.101.
Kerr, Merrily, Translated Acts: Asian Performance Art Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
Kim Yu-yeon, In the eye of the tiger, Korean artists in America, Art AsiaPacific, vol.3, no.3, 1996
Kim, Kunmja Paik, New Acquisitions of Korean Painting, Orientations, Volume 34, Number 1,
January 2003 [including Yi Eung-nok, 1860s]
Kosasa, Karen K. Crossings 2003: Korea/Hawaii (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter
2004), p. 81
Lin, Xiaoping, Globalism or Nationalism? Cai Guoqiang, Zhang Huan, and Xu Bing in New
York in Third Text, Vol. 18, Issue 4 (July 2004), pp. 279-296
Machida, Margo, Asia/America: Identities in Contemporary Asian American Art, New York, The
Asia Society, 1993.
Machida, Margo, Shifting Identities of Asian Women in America, Henry Street Settlement Abrons
Arts Center, June 24-July 28, 1995.
Laster, Paul, Down the Rapid Hole With Terence Koh in Art Asia Pacific, No. 39 (Winter 2004),
pp. 66-69
Leung, Laura Kateri, Dream So Much (Review) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), p. 18
Millichap, John, An Infinite Variety: Chui Faising. World Sculpture News 3:2 Summer 1997.
Phillips, Kristy, 'Asia and the White Cube: A Project for Revitalizing Asian Art in Museums', IIAS
Newsletter, No. 29, November 2002
Spalding, David., Weaving History: An Interview with Dinh Q. L, in Art AsiaPacific, Issue 38,
Fall 2003, p.68-70.
Wang, Dan.S., Medium(s) Asian-American Artists, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
Wang, Shipu., Swinging on Hyphenation: An Inquiry into the Construct of an Asian American Art,
in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol. 2 No. 4, December 2003, p.41-51.
Wei, Lilly, Conversations: Nilima Sheikh & Shahzia Sikander, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002.
Wei, Lilly., On Chinese Artists and the Marketplace: Xu Bing and Zhang Huan in America, in Art
AsiaPacific, Issue 38, Fall 2003, p.28-30
Winther-Tamaki, Bert, Art in the encounter of Nations: Japanese and American artists in the early
postwar years, Honolulu, University of HWoodson, Yoko, Acquisitions of Japanese Art:
1988-2002, Orientations, Volume 34, Number 1, January 2003
Yang, Alice, Shifting identities of Asian Women in America, Art & Asia-Pacific, vol.3, no.1,
Asian Artists Transnational Activity Britain
[Alvi, Tariq] Preece, Robert, The aesthetic obsessions of Tariq Alvi, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Anglo South Asian artists] Braddock, Kevin, A sense of self, Art AsiaPacific, 26, 2000
[Arnish Kapoor] Jana, Reena, Arnish Kapoor: Between Poetry and Prose in Art Asia Pacific, No.
40 (Spring 2004), pp. 24-25; Bryson, Norman, Kapoors Vertigo in Parkett, No. 69 (2003),
pp.104-115; Forster, Kurt W., A Word in the Giants Ear in Parkett, No. 69 (2003), pp.
116-125; Warner, Marina, The Perforate Self or Nought is Naught in Parkett, No. 69 (2003),
pp. 126-141
[Biswas, Sutapa; Lubaina Himid; Boyce, Sonia] Tawadros, Gilane, Beyond the Boundary: The
Work of Three Black Women Artists in Britain, Third Text, n8/9, Autumn/Winter 1989,
[El Sahali, Ibrahim] Beier, Ulli, The Right to Claim the World: Conversation with Ibrahim El
Salahi, Third Text n23, Summer 1993, 23-30: Sudanese artist working in Quatar, England
and Germany
[Fu, Julie, Yin Xuizhan] Preece, Robert. Chinese Art, Manchester Style. Asian Art News


[Hatoum, Mona] Guha, Tania, Andrea Fisher/Mona Hatoum. Third Text no.28/9 Autumn/Winter
[Indian Drawing], Abbott, Guy Mannes, Drawing space, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Li Yuan-chia] Brett, Guy, Li Yuan-chia 1929-1994, Third Text, 28/9, Autumn/Winter 1994, 3-4:
obituary; Overy, Paul, After a long silence: the works of Li Yuan-chia, Third Text, 55,
2001, 51-62; Hill, Katie, Li Yuan jia, Art AsiaPacific, 32, 2001
[Lubaina Himid; Boyce, Sonia; Hatoum, Mona] Tawadros, Gilane, Black Women in Britain: A
Personal and Intellectual Journey, Third Text, n15, Summer 1991, 71-76.
[Medalla, David] Brett, Guy, David Medalla: From Biokineticism to Synpotic Realism, Third Text
, n8/9, Autumn/Winter 1989, 79-106; Brett, Guy, David Medalla: From Biokineticism to
Synoptic Realism. Third Text no.8/9, Autumn/Winter, 1989; Terra, Jun, David Medalla in
London, Third Text, n30, Spring 1995.
[Ocampo, Manuel] review, Art AsiaPacific, 22, 1999
[Qu Leilei], Bright, Susan, A Journey into Memory Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.1, January/February
[Runa Islam] Farver, Jane, Runa Islam in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 44
[Shen Yuan] Carver, Antonia, Shen Yuan: Just like a fish in water, Art AsiaPacific, no.35, 2002;
Tawadros, Gilane et al, Shen Yuan, London & Bristol, Institute of International Visual Arts
and Arnolfini Centre & Chisenhale Gallery, 2001
[Singh, Amrit & Rabindra] review, Asian Art News, vol.11, no.4, 2001; Nakamura, Nobuo and
Miyake, Akiko, ed., CCA Artists Book Series, Shen Yuan: The Tongue, Kitakyushu: Center
For Contemporary Art, 1999
[Vong Phaophanit] Hylton, Richard. Phaiphanit and Piper. Third Text no31 Summer 1995; Dyer,
Richard, Vong Phaophanit: Ash and Silk Wall, Third Text, n26, Spring 1994, 91-93;
Obussier, Claire, Vong Phaophanit, Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Desai, Vishakha N., Vong
Phaophanit in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 35
[Yanagi Yukinori] Dyer, Richard, Yukinori Yanagi: Union Jack Ant Farm, Third Text, n27,
Summer 1994, 91-93
[Zarina Bhimji] Dewan, Deepali, Zarina Bhimji in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 38
Guha, Tania, Transition of Riches, Third Text, n25, Winter 1993-94, 81-86
Asian Artists Transnational Activity France
[Chang Yu/Sang Yu] Pai, Maggie, Escaping from the exile of memory, Asian Art News, vol.11,
no.1, 2001; Wang, Eugene Y., Sanyu Catalogue Raisonne: Oil Paintings, Review on Chang
Yu, Orientations, Volume 33, Number 2, February 2002
[Chen Jianzhong] Liang,K.C., Chan Kin-chung, Guangzhou, Lingnan Publishing House, 1981;
Jouffroy, A., Chan Kin-chung, Paris, Galerie Art Yomiuri, 1981; Asian Art News, 2, no.1,
Jan/Feb 1992.
[Chen Zhen] Corrin, Lisa, G., et al, Chen Zhen, London, Serpentine Gallery, 2001; Chiu, Melissa,
Chen Zhen in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 33; Heartney, Eleanor, Parallel Lives
(Montien Boonma at Asia Society and Chen Zhen at P.S. 1) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall
2003), pp. 50-52
[Du Zhenjun] Du Zhenjun: tre humain trop lourd (Catalogue), Paris : (art
involvement), 2003
[Huang Yongping] Hou Hanru, Huang Yongping, [La Biennale de Venise 48e Exposition
Internationale dArt, Pavillon Franais], Paris, Association Franaise dAction
Artistique-Ministre des Affaires Etrangres, 1999 ; La Collection: Fondation Cartier pour
lart contemporain, Paris, Fondation Cartier pour lart contemporain, 1998; Hou Hanru,
Huang Yong Ping in Art Asia Pacific, Issue 37 (2003), p. 55
[Ju Ming] Nuridsany, Michel. Shadow Boxing at the Place Vendome: Ju Ming. World Sculpture
News 4:1 Winter 1998.


[Kawamata Tadashi] Rosen, Miriam, Tadashi Kawamata, Artforum International, Vol.36, Issue 8,
April 1998; review Art AsiaPacific 29, 2001; Gould, Claudia, Balkon- Kwamatas Miracle
Parkett, No. 35, 1993; Pontegnie, Anne, Tadashi Kawamata, Artforum International,
Vol.39, Issue 6, February 2001
[Shen Yuan] Tawadros, Gilane et al, Shen Yuan, London & Bristol, Institute of International Visual
Arts and Arnolfini Centre & Chisenhale Gallery, 2001; Tawadros, Gilane., The Leftovers of
Translation: The Works of Shen Yuan, in Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol.
2 No. 4, December 2003, p.78-87.
[Szeto Lap], Binks, Hilary, Of light and silence, Asian Art News, vol.10, no.4, 2000
[Wang Du] Wang Du Magazine: je veux tre un mdia, no.1, t, 2001, Paris, Design Mental
[Yan Peiming] Besson, Christian, Yan Peiming, Paris, ditions Hazan, 1999; Marcad, Bernard,
Yan Pei-Ming, les assuats de la peinture, Artpress, Juillet/ Aot, 1989.
[Yang Jiechang] Domino, Christophe, Enlightened writings, Asian Art News, vo.11, no.4, 2001;
review, Asian Art News, vol.9, no.1, 1999; Geczy, Adam, Yang Jiechang (Review Gallery
4A, Sydney) in Art Asia Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), pp. 77-78
[Zhao Wuji / Zao Wou-ki] Cheng, F., Zao Wou-ki, Paris, Grand-Palais, 1981; Zhao Wuji, Hong
Kong Arts Centre, 1982; Leymarie, J., Zao Wou-ki, Paris, Editions Cercle dArt, 1986;
[Zhu Dechun / Chu Te-chun]: Juin, H.L., Chu Teh-Chun, Paris, Muse de Poche, Gamma, 1979;
Chu Teh-chun, Hong Kong, Institute for the Promotion of Chinese Culture, 1986; Binks,
Hilary, Passion for Life, Asian Art News, vol.7, no.6, 1997.
Clark, John, Chinese Artists in Paris, Far Eastern Economic Review, 16.12.1986. [Chinese
translation: Meishu Shichao, Nanjing, no.4, 1987, 31-33].
Clark J., Chinese Artists in France, in Fisher, Jean & Mosquera, Gerardo, eds., Over Here,
Cambridge, MIT Press, 2004
Fei Dawei, ed., Art Chinois: Chine Demain pour Hier, [Cai Guoqiang, Yang Jiechang, Yan
Peiming, Gu Wenda, Huang Yongping, Chen Zhen], Aix en Provence, Les Domaines de lart
& Editions Carte Segrete, 1990
Hou Hanru, Parisien(ne)s, London, Camden Arts Centre & INiVA, 1997
Jouanno, Evelyne; Hou Hanru, Paris pour escale, [escale= port of call]; Paris, ARC- Muse dArt
Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 2000 (Foreword by Suzanne Pag, Preface by Laurence Boss,
other texts by Gilane Tawadros, Michel Wieviorka, 27 artists, 6 Chinese: Chen Zhen, Huang
Yongping, Shen Yuan, Wang Du, Yang Jiechang).
Kppel-Yang, Martina, Odyssey (s) 2004, (Catalogue), Shanghai: Shanghai Gallery of Art, 2004
Teil, D. Indian Painters in Paris", Lalit Kala Contemporary, no.4.
Asian Artists Transnational Activity Elsewhere in Europe
[Arif, Saleem] Hubbard, Sue. The Art of Saleem Arif. Third Text no.27 Summer 1994.
[Berlin, East-West], Garrett, Louise, East-West in Berlin, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Cai Guoqiang], Stringa, Nico, Terrecotte Cinesi dalla 48a Biennale di Venezia (Chinese Terracota
at the 48th Venice Biennial), Cornuda: Antiga Edizoni, 2003
[Chu, Julia Nee] Asian Art News, 2, no.4, Jul/Aug 1992.
[Dai Pedro]: Tseng Yung-lu, Pedro Dai, Free China Review,Aug-Sep,1986
[Gupta, Snil] Carver, Antonia, Getting them between the eyes: an interview with Sunil Gupta, Art
AsiaPacific, no.16, 1997.
[Hanayo] review, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Kabir, Shahid] Karim, Ziaul, Process and memory, Asian Art News, vol. 8, no.2, 1998.
[Lopez, Sebastian] Preece, Robert, On gatekeeping, Art AsiaPacific, 30, 2001
[Ming Fay] Magnan, Kathleen, F., The Alchemist of Spirits, Asian Art News, July/August 1994.
[Ngan Wayne]: Asian Art News, 2, no.2, Mar/Apr 1992.
[Sah, Cynthia] Millichap, John. A Feeling for Stone: Cynthia Sah. Asia-Pacific Sculpture News


[Shiota, Chiharu] Koplos, Janet, 'Chiharu Shiota at Kenji Taki', Art in America, Vol. 91, Issue 4,
April 2003
[Wilfredo Lam] Tancock, John, Wilfredo Lam in Art Asia Pacific, No. 40 (Spring 2004), pp.
[Xiao Qin / Hsiao Chin], Asian Art News, 2, no.1 Jan/Feb 1992.
Acret, Susan, 49th Venice Biennale: Northern Hemisphere Blues, Art AsiaPacific, no.33, 2002.
Kapoor, Kamala Art across oceans: The Containers 96 exhibition in Copenhagen, Art
AsiaPacific, no.14, 1997.
Komissar, Mariann, Crosscurrents: Indian, Norwegian & British Artists in Oslo, Art AsiaPacific,
no.21, 1999.
Malik, Dr. Sarita, DNA Asia: Mapping the Future of South Asian Arts in the UK in Art Asia
Pacific, No. 38 (Fall 2003), p. 20
Vos, Ken, Sharing Collections and Presenting Cultural Heritage in Asian-European Exchange:
AEMUS conference Marketplace of Museums, IIAS Newsletter, No. 28, July 2002
Wear, Eric Otto, Uncertainties at the Sao Paolo Bienal, Asian Art News, vol. 7, no. 2, 1997.


Crow, T. E., Painters and Public Life in 18th century Paris, New Haven, Yale University Press,
Duro, Paul, ed., Perspectives on Academic Art, Occasional Papers III, The Art Association of
Australia, 1991.
Duro, Paul, The academy and the limits of painting in seventeenth-century France, New York,
Cambridge University Press, 1997.


Theories, Logics & Ideologies
Baudrillard, Jean, Modernity (1985), Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Vol. XI,
no.3, 1987.
Baudrillard, Jean, Simulacra and Simulation, [tr. Glaser, S. F.], Ann Arbor, University of Michigan
Press, 1994.
Bauman, Zygmunt, Postmodern Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell, 1993.
Bernstein, Richard J., ed., Habermas and Modernity, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1985.
Deuleuze, G., Guattari, F. A Thousand Plateaus [tr Massumi, Brian], Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press, 1987.
Habermas, Jrgen The Theory of Communicative Action, vol: 1, Reason and the Rationalization of
Society, vol.2 Lifeworld and System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason, [tr. Thomas
McCarthy], London, Heinemann, 1984.
Habermas, Jrgen, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1987.
Hookway, Christopher, Pragmatism: commonsense and the limits of science, in Stone M.W.F. and
Wolff, Jonathan, eds., The Proper Ambition of Science, London, Routledge, 2000.
Marlais, Michael Maurice Denis Conservative Modernism, in Conservative Echoes in Fin de
Sicle Parisian Art Criticism, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Penn.,
1992, 185-217
Pollock, Griselda, Avant-Garde Gambits 1883-1893: Gender and the Colour of Art History, Walter
Neurath Memorial Lecture 1992, Thames and Hudson, London, 1992


Taxonomy and Evolutionary Speciation

Crombie, A.C., Styles of Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition: The history of argument and
explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts, 3 volumes,
London, Duckworth, 1994.
Darwin, Charles, The Illustrated Origin of Species, [abridged and introduced by Richard Leakey
from sixth edition of 1872], London, Faber & Faber, 1979 [updates Darwins theories or his
Fletcher, Roland, Organized Dissonance: multiple code structures in the replication of human
culture, in Maschner, Herbert D.G., Darwinian Archaeologies, New York, Plenum Press,
Gee, Henry, Deep Time: Cladistics, The Revolution in Evolution, London, Fourth Estate, 2001
Gould, Stephen Jay, Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, London, Penguin
Books, 1989.
Hull, David, Science as a Process, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988
Mayden et al, Species: the units of evolution, 1997
Mayr, Ernst, Principles of Systematic Zoology New York, McGraw-Hill, 1969
Mayr, Ernst, Darwins influence on modern thought, Scientific American, vol 283, no.1, July
Monod, Jacques, Chance and Necessity, [tr. Wainhouse, A.], New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971 &
London Collins/Fontana, 1974.
Sterelny, Kim & Griffiths Paul E., Sex and Death: an introduction to the Philosophy of Biology,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Literary and Linguistic Theories
Bakhtin, M. M., The Dialogic Imagination, [tr. by Emerson, C. & Holquist, M.], Austin, University
of Texas Press, 1981.
Benveniste, Emile Problems in General Linguistics, [1966] (tr Meek Mary E.), Coral Gables,
University of Miami Press, 1971
Fletcher, Angus, Allegory: The Theory of a Symbolic Mode, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1964,
Todorov, Tzvetan, Theories of the Symbol [1977] (tr. Porter, C.), Ithaca, Cornell University Press,
Watt, Ian, Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996; Canto Edition, 1997.
Cultural Hybridity and Cultural Comparison
Amselle, Jean-Loup, Mestizo Logics: Anthropology of Identity in Africa and Elsewhere, (tr. Royal,
Claudia), Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1998.
Appiah, K. Anthony, Identity, authenticity, survival in Gutmann, Amy, ed., Multiculturalism,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992, 1994.
Bennet, Tony, The exhibitionary complex, New Formations, no. 4.
Bhabha, Homi K., The Location of Culture London, Routledge, 1994.
Brah, Avtar, Coombes, Annie E., Hybridity and its discontents: Politics, Science, Culture, London,
Routledge, 2000
Canclini,Nstor Garca, Too much determinism or too much hybridization?, Travsia: Journal of
Latin American Cultural Studies, 1, 2, 1992.
Coombes, Annie E., The recalcitrant object: culture contact and the question of hybridity, in
Barker, F., Hulme,P., Iversen M., Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory, Manchester,
Manchester University Press, 1994.
Coombes, Annie E., Inventing the Post-Colonial: hybridity and constituency in contemporary
curating, New Formations, 18, Winter 1992.


Derrida, Jacques, Monolingualism OR The Prosthesis of Origin [1996] (tr.Mensah, Patrick),

Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1998.
Canclini, Nstor Garca, Hybrid Cultures: Strategies for Entering and Leaving Modernity, (tr.
Chiappari Christopher L. & Lpez, Silvia L.) Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press,
Gilroy, P., Cruciality and the Frogs Perspective, Art+Text, 32,Autumn 1989.
Gilroy, P., It aint where youre from, its where youre at the dialectics of diasporic
identification, Third Text, 13, Winter 1991.
Gilroy, Paul, The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness, Cambridge MA, Harvard
University Press, 1994.
Glissant, Edouard, Poetics of relation (1990), Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1997.
Gaudibert, Pierre, Mtissages artistiques in Mtissage: Nouvelle Revue dethnopsychiatrie, no.17,
La Pense Sauvage, 1991.
Hall, Stuart, Cultural Identity and Diaspora, in Rutherford, Jonathan, ed., Identity, Community,
Culture, London, 1990.
Hardt, Michael; Negri, Antonio, Empire, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2000.
Joppke, Christian; Lukes, Steven, eds., Multicultural Questions, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
Maharaj, Sarat, Perfidious Fidelity, the untranslatability of the other Fisher, Jean ed., Global
Visions: Towards a new internationalism in the visual arts, London 1994.
Mankekar, Purnima, Brides Who Travel: Gender, Transnationalism, and Nationalism in Hindi
Film in positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 7, number 3 (winter 1999), pp. 731-761
Papastergeriadis, Nikos, Restless Hybrids, Third Text, XXXII, Autumn 1995.
Park, Kyeyoung, I am Floating in the Air: Creation of a Korean Transnational Space among
Korean-Latino American Remigrants in positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 7,
number 3 (winter 1999), pp. 667-695
Pinney, Christopher; Thomas, Nicholas, eds., Beyond Aesthetics: Art and the technologies of
Enchantment, Oxford, Berg, 2001.
Purdom, Judy, Mapping Difference, Third Text, XXXII, Autumn 1995.
Taylor, Charles, The Politics of Recognition, in Gutmann, Amy, ed., Multiculturalism, Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 1992, 1994.
Verwoert, Jan, World in Motion: Jan Verwoert on New Modernism in Frieze, Issue 84
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Werbner, P., Modood, T., eds, Debating Cultural Hybridity, London Zed Books, 1997.
Yao Soucho, ed., House of Glass: Culture, Modernity, and the State in Southeast Asia, Singapore,
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2001.
Cultural Globalization
Appadurai, Arjun, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization; Minneapolis,
University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Appadurai, A. Globalization, Durham, Duke University Press,
Balfe, Judith Huggins, Art works as symbols in international politics; The International Journal of
Politics, Culture, and Society, 1, 2 Winter 1987.
Bydler, Charlotte, The Global Art World Inc.; on the globalization of contemporary art, Uppsala,
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2004
Dirlik, Arif, The Postcolonial aura: Third World criticism in the age of global capitalism, Boulder,
Westview, 1997.
Fisher, Jean, ed., Global Visions: Towards a New Internationalism in the Visual Arts, London, Kala
Press in association with in IVA, 1994.
Gikandi, Simon, Globalization and the Claims of Postcoloniality, The South Atlantic Quarterly,
100.3, Summer 2001


Grewal, Inderpal, Travelling Barbie: Indian Transnationality and New Consumer Subjects in
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Griffin, Tim, Global Tendencies Globalism and the Large Scale Exhibition in Artforum
(November 2003), pp. 154-162
Hirst, P.; Thompson, G., Globalization in Question, Cambridge, Polity, 1996.
Holton, Robert J., Globalization and the Nation-state, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1998.
Hopkins, A.G., ed., Globalization in World History, London, Pimlico, 2002.
Jameson, Fredric; Miyoshi Masao, eds. The Cultures of Globalization, Durham N.C., Duke
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King, Anthony D., 1991, ed., Culture, Globalization and the World-System, Basingstoke,
Macmillan, 1991.
Kristeva, Julia, Nations without Nationalism, New York, Columbia University Press, 1993.
Lee, Pamela M., Boundary Issues: The Art World Under the Sign of Globalism in Artforum
(November 2003), pp. 164-167
Liu, Lydia H., Beijing Sojourners in New York: Postsocialism and the Question of Ideology in
Global Media Culture in positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 7, number 3 (winter
1999), pp. 763-797
Meyer, James, The Global Exhibition in Artforum (November 2003), pp. 154-162
Nagahara, Yutaka, 1952-, Monsieur le Capital and Madame la Terre Do Their Ghost-Dance:
Globalization and the Nation-State, The South Atlantic Quarterly, 99.4, Fall 2000
Ong Aihwa, Flexible Citzizenship: the cultural logics of transnationality, Durham, Duke University
Press, 1999.
Papastergiadis, Nikos & Araeen, Rasheed, a monument against monuments in Best, Susan &
Green, Charles, eds. in the every day, critical and theoretical speculations on the 11th biennale
of sydney, Sydney, Artspace, 1998.
Robertson, R., Globalization: Social Theory and global culture, London, Sage, 1992.
Sakai, Naoki, 1946- "You Asians:" On the Historical Role of the West and Asia Binary, South
Atlantic Quartely, 99.4, Fall 2000
Schein, Louisa, Diaspora Politics, Homeland Erotics, and the Materializing of Memory in
positions: east asia cultures critique, volume 7, number 3 (winter 1999), pp. 698-729
Tomlinson, John, The Globalization of Culture, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1999.
Theories of Art [selected]
Ben-Amos, Dan, The seven strands of tradition, Journal of Folklore Research, no.21, 1984.
Bourdieu, Pierre, The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field, [1992, tr. Emanuel,
S.], Cambridge, Polity Press, 1996.
Gell, Alfred, Art and Agency: an Anthropological Theory, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998.
Adorno, T., Aesthetic Theory, [1970] London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984,
Adorno, T., Horkheimer, M., The Dialectic of Enlightenment [1944, 1969], London, Verso, 1979
Adorno,T., Minima Moralia [1951], London, Verso, 1978
Anderson, P., Modernity and revolution, New Left Review, no.152, July/August 1985
Baumann, Z., Legislators and Interpreters, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1987
Berman, Marshall, All that is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity, Simon and Shuster,
New York, 1982
Brger, P., Theory of the Avant-garde, [1974], Minneapolis,University of Minnesota Press, 1984
Crary J., Suspensions of perception: attention, spectacle and modern culture, Cambridge Mass.,
MIT Press, 2001.
Eagleton, T., Capitalism, Modernism, and Postmodernism, New Left Review, no.152, July/August
Eliot, T.S, Tradition and the Individual Talent, 1919, various editions.


Foster, H., ed., Postmodern Culture [originally The Anti-Aesthetic], Port Townsend, The Bay Press,
1983, and London, Pluto Press,1987;
Foster, H., Recodings, Seattle, Bay Press,1985
Graburn, Nelson, Ethnic and Tourist Arts, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1976.
Greenberg, C., Modernist Painting, 1965, reprinted in Frascina, ed., Modern Art and Modernism,
Harper and Row, New York, 1982.
Guilbaut, Serge, How New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Harvey, D., The Condition of Postmodernity, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1989.
Haskell, F., Past and Present in Art and Taste, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1987 [review by
Duro, P., Art History, vol.11, no.4, December 1988].
Hess, W., Dokumente zum Verstndnis der modernen Malerei, Hamburg, Rowolts Taschenbuch
Verlag, 1956;
Hofmann, W., Grundlagen der Modernen Kunst, Stuttgart, Alfred Krner Verlag, 1978;
Huyssen, A., Mapping the Postmodern, New German Critique, 33, Fall 1984, 5-52;
Huyssen, A., The Search for Tradition: Avant-Garde and Postmodernism in the 1970s, New
German Critique, 22, Winter 1981, 23-40;
Iversen, M., The Positions of Postmodernism, Oxford Art Journal, 12:1, 1989, pages 31-34;
Jameson, F., Marxism and Postmodernism, New Left Review, 176, November / December 1989,
Jameson, F., Postmodernism: the cultural logic of late capitalism New Left Review, 146,
July/August 1984, 53-92;
Jameson, F., The Politics of Theory: Ideological Positions in the Post modernism debate, New
German Critique, 33, Fall 1984;
Jameson, F., Postmodernism, Durham, Duke University Press, 1992.
Jencks, C., What is Post-Modernism?, New York, Academy Editions, 1986.
Lyotard, J-F,, The Postmodern Condition, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1984;
Matisse, H., crits et propos sur lart, Paris, Hermann, 1972;
Mercer, Kobena, Black Hair/Style Politics, New Formations, no.3, Winter 1987.
Nietzsche, Notes (1873). In W. Kaufmann, editor and translator, The Portable Nietzsche, Viking
Press, 1954
Nochlin, L., Realism, Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971.
Pollock, G., Artists mythologies and media genius, madness and art history, Screen, 21, no.3,
Pollock, G., and Orton, F., Vincent Van Gogh, Artist of his time, Oxford, Phaidon, 1978.
Ray, W., The Logic of Culture: authority and identity in the modern era, Oxford, Blackwell
Publishers, 2001.
Rubin, William, ed.. & curator, Primitivism in Twentieth Century Art, New York, The Museum of
Modern Art, 1984.
Schmidt, B., Postmoderne - Strategie des Vergessens, Darmstadt und Neuwied, Hermann
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Sontag, Susan, On Style &Notes on Camp, in Against Interpretation, New York, Farrar,
Straus, Giroux, 1961, 1966.
Spooner, Brian, Weavers and dealers: The Authenticity of an Oriental Carpet, in Appadurai,
Arjun, ed., The Social Life of Things, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Walker, J.A., Art in the age of mass media, London, Pluto Press, 1983
Wollheim, R., On Art and the Mind, Cambridge, Harvard University Press,, 1974
Zaya, Octavio; Michelson, Anders, Interzones: A work in progress, Tabapress, 1996.


Art Movements
Ackerman, J., The Demise of the Avant-Garde, Comparative Studies in Society and History 11,
no. 4, October, 1969
Brger, Peter, Theory of the Avant-Garde,[1974,1980] (tr. Shaw, M.; foreword by Schulte-Sasse,
Jochen), Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
Calinescu, M., Five Faces of Modernity, Durham : Duke University Press, 1987.
Calinescu, M., Avant-Garde: Some Terminological Considerations, Yearbook of Comparative
and General Literature, 23/4, 1974, at pg. 69.
Danto, Artur C., After the end of art: contemporary art and the pale of history, Princeton, Princeton
University Press, 1997.
Lehman, David, Politics, Protest and the Avant-Garde, Dissent, Fall 1998.
Hess, T.B. & Ashberry, J., Avant-Garde Art, London, Collier-Macmillan, 1967, 1968.
Jones, Caroline, Machine in the Studio, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Krauss, Rosalind .E., The 0riginality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths, Cambridge,
The MIT Press, 1986, 1993.
Poggioli, Renato, The Theory of the Avant-Garde, [1962, tr. Fitzgerald, G.], Cambridge, The
Belknap Press, 1968.
Szabolsci, M., Avant-Garde, Neo-Avant-Garde, Modernism: Questions and Suggestions, New
Literary History: Modernism and Postmodernism, III/1, Autumn, 1971.
Wood, P., ed., The Challenge of the Avant-Garde, New Haven, CT : Yale University Press ; London
: Open University, 1999.
Corporeal Theories (selected)
Ames, Roger T. and Kasulis Thomas P., with Dissanayake, Wimal, Self as body in Asian theory and
practice, Albany : State University of New York Press, c1993.
Butler, Judith, Bodies that matter: on the limits of discursive sex, New York, Routledge, 1993.
Elkins, James, Pictures of the body : pain and metamorphosis, Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University
Press, 1999
Haraway, Donna, Simians, Cyborgs and Women: the reinvention of Nature, New York, Routledge,
Kemp, Martin and Wallace, Marina, Spectacular Bodies: The Art and Science of the Human Body
from Leonardo to Now, Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000
Kristeva, Julia [tr. Roudiez, Leon S.], Powers of Horror: An essay on abjection, New York,
Columbia University Press, 1982.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Phenommenology of Perception, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962
Leder, Drew, The Absent Body, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990
Zito, Angela and Barlow, Tani E., Body, subject & power in China, Chicago : University of Chicago
Press, 1994.
Economy and Art
Linde, Rohr-Bongrad, et al, Kunst=Kapital, Der Capital Kunstkompass von 1970 bis heute, Kln,
Salon Verlag, 2001
Moulin, Raymonde, Lartiste, linstitution, et le march, Paris, Flammarion, 1992, 1997.
Moulin, Raymonde, Le March de lart: mondialisation et nouvelles technologies, Paris,
Flammarion, 2000
Quemin, Alain, Lart contemporain: entre les institutions et le march (Le rapport disparu), Paris,
ditions Jacqueline Chambon/Artprice, 2002
Throsby, David, Economics and Culture, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001.



Bugner, L. ed., The Image of the Black in Western Art, in progress 1989, Menil Foundation
distributed by Harvard University Press.
1. Vercoutter, J., From the Pharoahs to the Fall of the Roman Empire
2. From the Early Christian Era to the Age of Discovery
2.1. Devisse, J., Courtes, J.M., From the demonic threat to the incarnation of Sainthood
2.2. Devisse, J., Mollat, M., Africans in the Christian ordinance of the world, 14th to 16th centuries
3. Africa and Europe 16th to 18th centuries [in progress]
4 From the American Revolution to World War I, Dalton, Karen C.C., associate editor
4.1. Honour, H., Slaves and Liberators
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decade of the twentieth century, Art History, Vol.8, No.4 ,December 1985
Coombs, A.E.S., Edwards, S., Site Unseen: Photography in the Colonial Encounter. Images of
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