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Sera Marine Guide

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The document discusses the diverse habitat and species of tropical seas as well as the health benefits of keeping marine aquariums. It also covers various topics related to setting up and maintaining a marine aquarium successfully.

Some of the main considerations discussed for setting up a marine aquarium include choosing the right equipment like filters, lighting and heaters; adding live rock and gravel; acclimating animals; and maintaining proper water parameters.

Some common biotopes discussed include a clownfish and anemone biotope, a reef pool biotope, and a goby and pistol shrimp biotope.

Marine aquariums


Setup according to nature

Successful maintenance


Tropic seas, an extremely

diverse habitat ................................. 4
Live rock .......................................... 5
Which animals are suitable? ............ 5
Marine water biotope suggestions ... 11
Biotope: Clownfish, anemone ......... 12
Biotope: Reef pool ........................... 15
Biotope: Gobies, pistol shrimps........ 18
Technical equipment and filtration ... 21
Compact aquariums for an easy
start into the marine world ................ 21
The optimal light .............................. 22
The correct water temperature ........ 23
Water purication ............................. 24
The correct location ......................... 30
Sea salt: The basis for life in a
marine aquarium .............................. 31
How to condition tap water ............. 31
How to prepare marine water .......... 32
How to measure salinity .................. 32
Setup ............................................... 33
Bottom gravel .................................. 33
Live rock .......................................... 34
Filling in marine water ...................... 35
Starting filtration and technical
equipment ....................................... 35
Topping up water ............................. 35
Watch your aquarium come to life ... 36
The first days
The activation phase..................... 36
How to introduce and acclimatize
the animals ...................................... 37
Regular maintenance ....................... 38
Feeding ............................................ 38
Water changes ................................. 41
Supplying trace elements,
calcium and macro elements .......... 42
Monitoring and adjusting
pH value, carbonate hardness
and carbon dioxide .......................... 46
Monitoring ammonium, nitrite
and nitrate ........................................ 49
Checking the water .......................... 52
Cleaning the filter media .................. 54
Removing excess algae ................... 54
Removing deposits .......................... 54
Testing the lighting ........................... 54
When you are on a vacation ............ 55
What to do in case
an animal gets ill .............................. 56

Better life quality with an aquarium

A marine aquarium allows you to leave everyday routine behind. Dive into exotic water
worlds, observe little adventures and dream
of fascinating coral reefs or great beaches in
the South Seas. This is like a holiday at
home. Aquariums also support our health
and joy of life. This has been proven by studies. You will simply feel better with an aquarium.

Marine aquariums look great and decorative.

The light displays by water reflections and
the organisms swaying in the currents are a
unique pleasure an optical highlight in every

Cushion star Culcita novaeguineae in a

seaweed meadow near New Guinea

Ring shaped fringing reef

in southeast Indonesia

1. Tropic seas,
an extremely diverse habitat
The seacoasts near the equator are not only
home to thousands of fish species but also
to invertebrates whose number is not yet
even known. The species diversity and the
networks the species form in a tropical coral
reef are as unbelievably complex as tropical
rainforests and their inhabitants, and they are
an inspiration for aquarists again and again.

Many of the species living in the shallow water of coral reefs, seaweed meadows or mangrove zones are excellently suitable for
aquariums and can be kept without much effort. Their unbelievable colors and behavior
make the animals, as well as the entire
aquarium, a real eye-catcher.

1.1 Live rock

Live rock means reef rock chunks which are transported
moist and at an appropriate temperature along with their
entire plant and animal organisms growing on them. Many
useful small organisms will get into your aquarium this way
and support a natural environment.


after having
attached corals

1.2 Which animals are suitable?

If corals, shrimps and other invertebrates are
to be kept in the same aquarium, the variety
of suitable fish is reduced. Many fish are
predators that eat smaller fish, shrimps or
coral tentacles.

be fed very often which may cause water

pollution. Also, they eat very slowly, resulting
in other fish eating their food. Furthermore,
they require calm water conditions and therefore cannot be kept in coral reef aquariums
with strong currents.

However, even peaceful fish may cause

problems: Seahorses, for example, have to


Corals and other invertebrates

Some corals have algae, so-called zooxanthellae, living in
their tissues. These corals need not be fed since they receive all required nutrients from the zooxanthellae. Other
coral species, that do not get their nutrients from zooxanthellae, need to be fed.
Good water care provided, the invertebrates listed in the
following are robust aquarium inhabitants:

e.g. Leather corals (Sarcophyton spp., Lobophyton spp.,

Sinularia spp.)

Mushroom anemones (here: Discosoma spp.)

Anemones (e.g. symbiotic anemones for clownfish)

Corals and other invertebrates

Colonial anemones (here: Zoanthus spp.)

with some experience, also stony corals (here: Acropora

Seriatopora spp.)

Sea urchins (Echinometra spp.)

Brittle stars (Ophiorachna spp.)

Marine inhabitants that can be easily

kept at the beginning
Suitable fish, shrimps and crayfish that can also be kept
in an aquarium with invertebrates include:

Damselfish (Chromis spp.)

Dottybacks (Pseudochromis fridmani)

Gobies (Cryptocentrus cinctus)

Marine inhabitants that can be easily

kept at the beginning

Cardinal fish (Pterapogon sp., Sphaeramia)

Clownfish (Amphiprion spp.)

Wrasses (Macropharyngodon spp.)

Marine inhabitants that can be easily

kept at the beginning

Surgeonfish/Tangs (Zebrasoma spp.)

Cleaner shrimps (Lysmata spp.)

Pistol shrimps (Alpheus spp.)


2. Marine water biotope suggestions

sera gives you a couple of suggestions for
marine biotope aquariums where everything
is in balance. Along with the sera marin food
and care products it is easy to successfully
and easily maintain a marine aquarium even
without aquarium experience.
The sera biotope aquariums match the
ready-to-connect, completely equipped sera
marin Biotop Cube 130. You can of course
also set up other and larger aquariums with
the sera marine biotope suggestions.
Some animals cannot be kept in aquariums,
depending on their size, their nutritional
habits and their other requirements. Also,
you should not combine animals of different
origins. This may lead to unnatural reactions
and to stress among the species.
Stony corals are among the less suitable animals for compact size aquariums. They usually require strong and varying water currents
as well as high intensity lighting. This is hardly possible in small aquariums. We recommend soft corals, which are easier to keep.
Of course you should not put large fish into
a compact aquarium. Be sure to always ask
your specialized retailer about the final size
of a fish in question. Predatory fish are also
not really an ideal choice, but rather friendly
fish. From a design viewpoint, concentrating
on one or two small species and setting up
a part of a biotope looks best.


2.1 Biotope: Clownfish, anemone

Clownfish live together with different
anemones in a symbiosis. The fish find shelter between the tentacles of the stinging
anemone, they are immune against its venom. They also raise their offspring in the direct vicinity of the anemone. In return, the
anemone profits from food not eaten by the
fish and from their waste. Yellowtail damselfish, cleaner shrimps and sea urchins harmonize well with this main component.
Pile up large live rock chunks up to the half
aquarium height in the back. Later on, you
can plant bright green Caulerpa algae (1) on
the uppermost rock chunks. The rapidly
growing algae remove pollutants such as
ammonium and nitrate from the water. The
algae must be harvested regularly as to avoid
it overgrowing other organisms in the aquarium. Please remove at least a third of the
shoots each time.
Place flat live rock chunks, which are ideal
for growing colonial anemones (2) and small
soft corals (3) on them, in front of the large
live rock chunks. Add one carpet anemone
(4) in a central foreground position, surrounded by fine bright sand, as an eye-catcher.


Begin with adding the colonial anemones

when you have added the live rock chunks.
You should then add the carpet anemone in
the foreground one or two weeks later.
Please make sure the animal is not too large
when choosing the anemone. We recommend only smaller animals with a diameter
of max. 20 cm (8 in.). It is important that the
anemone did not suffer from an injury during
transport and that the oral disc of the animal
is intact. The anemone requires an even,
sandy place with a flat stone for settling in
center position. It is also possible that the
anemone attaches itself to the bottom glass
pane of the aquarium. The clownfish (5) are
added after the anemone has attached itself.
Fish of the species Amphiprion ocellaris usually readily accept anemones of the genus
Stichodactylus and retreat into the anemone.



Recommended animals for the clownfish and anemone biotope

Amphiprion ocellaris
1 ,1

Cleaner shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
2 specimens

Yellowtail damselfish
Chrysiptera spp.
1 ,1

Sea urchins
Echinometra spp. or Colobocentrotus spp.
2 small specimens sized approx. 2 cm (0.8 in.)

Rhizome forming algae

Caulerpa spp.
A few scions

Carpet anemone
Stichodactylus spp.
In the foreground


Colonial anemones
Zoanthus spp., Protopalythoa spp.,
Parazoanthus spp.
Several small colonies, each sized about 5 cm
(2 in.), for settling the flat live rock chunks

Heliopora spp.

Euphyllia spp.

Mushroom anemones
Discosoma spp.
Add 2 to 3 groups in different colors
between the soft corals
Live rock
10 to 14 large and 6 to 8 small chunks,
about 15 kg (33 lb.) in total


Soft corals, stony corals

Sinularia spp., Sarcophyton spp., Lobophyton
spp., Capnella spp., Xenia spp.
Place several small colonies, each sized about
5 cm (2 in.), in front of the colonial anemones

2.2 Biotope: Reef pool

During low tide, many animals including
brightly colored small fish and soft corals are
isolated in reef pools, some of which are very
small. This colorful living community consists
of small fish (damselfish, gobies), shrimps,
colonial anemones and soft corals.
First arrange the live rock setup as in the
clownfish, anemone biotope, creating
many small crevices and tiny caves. These
will later on allow fixing sessile invertebrates
and provide hideaways for small fish.
Start adding the corals. Soft corals (Kenya
tree corals) (1), colonial anemones (2) and
mushroom anemones (3) are placed in the
The added fish should be restricted to small
species such as yellowtail damselfish (4) and
gobies (5). Do not add more than 2 specimens of each species. If you have the possibility to distinguish the genders, always add
a male and a female of one species. If there
is no possibility to distinguish the genders,
always select an adult and a small specimen
of one species. The animals will then form a
hierarchy without fighting.
2 cleaner shrimps (6) should also not be
missing. As the species Lysmata amboinensis is hermaphroditic, they are always a pair.




Recommended animals for the reef pool biotope

Yellowtail damselfish
Chrysiptera spp.
1 ,1

Orchid dottyback
Pseudochromis fridmani
1 ,1

Lemon goby
Gobiodon citrinus
1 ,1

Cleaner shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
2 specimens

Sea urchins
Echinometra spp. or Colobocentrotus spp.
2 small specimens sized approx. 2 cm (0.8 in.)

Small brittle stars

approx. 5 specimens


Mushroom anemones
Discosoma spp.
Add 2 to 3 groups in different colors
between the soft corals

Live rock
10 to 14 large and 6 to 8 small chunks,
about 15 kg (33 lb.) in total

Soft corals
Capnella spp., Sinularia spp., Sarcophyton spp.,
Xenia spp.
Several small colonies, each sized about 5 cm (2 in.)


2.3 Biotope: Gobies, pistol shrimps

Gobies like those of the genera Cryptocentrus, Valencienna, Flabelligobius or Stonogobiops permanently live together with pistol
shrimps of the genus Alpheus. The shrimps
have poor eyesight and build caves within
the sediment that also serve as a living place
for the fish. The fish even guard and supply
the shrimps with food in return. These are
very dynamic communities in which two
completely different animals, fish and shrimp,
have developed a way to communicate. This
is an excellent example for co-evolution.
Set up the live rock chunks in a way that
leaves a sandy area for the animals in the
front part of the aquarium.
You will usually have only a few pistol shrimp
(1) species to choose from: Alpheus bellulus
and A. randalli. Alpheus bellulus is the much
more active species that lives together with
larger gobies (2) such as Cryptocentrus cinctus. Females have a much broader abdomen
than males. Gobies of the genus Stonogobiops usually live together with the red and
white Alpheus randalli shrimps.
A small live rock chunk placed in the center
of the sandy area forms a first hideaway for
the gobies and shrimps. Ideally, you can dig
a little hole underneath the rock chunk with
your finger. Add the animals one by one in a
glass. Slowly turn the opening of the glass
towards the bottom and place it upside down
precisely in front of the rock chunk, where the
hole is. The shrimp will immediately enter it
and start digging. Proceed in the same way
with the second shrimp. You can add the gobies to the shrimps about one hour later using the glass. By doing so, the gobies will find
the shrimps much faster than if you just put
them somewhere into the aquarium. The further setup can be done as soon as the center
part of the symbiosis is established. Please
read chapter 8 before adding the aquarium
inhabitants. You can put the shrimps and gobies into the glass with a fish net and then
proceed as described above.


Recommended animals for the goby and pistol shrimp biotope

Cryptocentrus cinctus or Stonogobiops spp.
1 ,1

Pistol shrimp
Alpheus spp.
1 ,1

Cleaner shrimp
Lysmata amboinensis
2 specimens

Sea urchins
Echinometra spp. or Colobocentrotus spp.
2 small specimens sized approx. 2 cm (0.8 in.)

Rhizome forming algae

Caulerpa spp.
A few scions

Rhizome forming algae

Caulerpa racemosa spp.
A few scions


Mushroom anemones
Discosoma spp.
Add 2 to 3 groups in different colors
between the soft corals

Live rock
10 to 14 large and 6 to 8 small chunks,
about 15 kg (33 lb.) in total

Soft corals
Capnella spp., Sinularia spp., Sarcophyton spp.,
Lobophyton spp.
Several small colonies, each sized about 5 cm (2 in.)


3. Technical equipment and filtration

3.1 Compact aquariums for an easy start into the marine world
With its complete plug-in equipment, the sera
marin Biotop Cube 130 is immediately ready
for use and biologically active. It contains all
technical equipment that you require.



Aquarium cover with

2.1 2 uorescent tubes for aquari-





Aquarium with bow front

Polished glass
Volume approx. 130 liters
(34 US gal.)
Dimensions: W x H x D
51 x 66.5 x 57 cm
(20 x 26 x 22.5 in.)







ums T5 PL-24 W
actinic blue light
neutral daylight
2 LED lamps for moonlight
2 fans for cooling electronic
built-in food ap
openings for connecting a
cooling system or accessories

4 chamber internal lter with

3.1 sera marin Protein Skimmer
PS 130
3.2 2 lter sponges for mechanical



3.3 sera heater 100 W

3.4 sera siporax 2,000 ml (580 g /

1.2 lb.) for biological ltration,

with 540 m (5,800 sq.ft.) lter
3.5 sera ow pump STP 1000
3.6 sera UV-C clarier 5 W
100 ml (3.38 .oz.) sera aquatan water conditioner
100 ml (3.38 .oz.) sera marin
bio reefclear biocultures for
immediate biological pollutant


The sera marin Biotop Cube 130 includes

differently colored T5 PL lamps (2.1) that are
optimal for a mixed stock of soft corals and
The bioactive filter system immediately begins breaking down pollutants. This will save
you a several week activation phase. Fish
and other organisms can be added after a
short time.

The sera marin Biotop Cube 130 is completely equipped as a 130 liter (34 US gal.)
marine aquarium, optionally with a matching
The following advice is for setting up larger
marine aquariums:

3.2 The optimal light

Fluorescent tubes, metal halide lamps (HQI)
or their successors HCI or CDM, or a combination of both, are being used for lighting
marine aquariums.
Water depth should not exceed 50 cm (20 in.)
when using fluorescent tubes. Using the sera
Combi-Reflectors increases light intensity
by up to 100%.
In case you use light tubes, you should combine different light spectrums as to provide
optimal light conditions. We recommend the
sera deep sea as a foreground lamp. It provides actinic blue marine light and, with its
specific light spectrum from 380 450 nm,
ensures light conditions as in a tropic reef.
Growth and coloration of invertebrates are
strongly enhanced by the blue light spectrum. We recommend the sera blue sky for
supplying the marine tank with tropical daylight.


The sera aquarium lamps are available as T8

and T5 tubes. The more intense T5 PL lamps
are already included in the sera marin
Biotop Cube.

3.3 The correct water temperature

Most aquarium fish are accustomed to water
temperatures about 25C (77F). The aquarium water must therefore be heated accordingly. The aquarium heater must be attached
in the aquarium in a way that the water always flows round it, in order to heat the water
evenly. The required wattage is very easy to
determine: Calculate approx. 1.5 Watts per
liter (1 US quart) of water in rooms that are
only slightly heated. If the aquarium is placed
in a warm room, 1 Watt per liter (1 US quart)
of water is sufficient. The heater may without
hesitation be chosen in a stronger version;
the power consumption for producing a certain amount of warmth is identical.

The stick-shaped sera aquarium heaters

are entirely water-proof and marine water resistant. Temperature adjustment is
particularly easy due to the adjustment
wheel with temperature scale. sera
aquarium heaters are available in many
appropriately selected wattages from
25 Watts to 300 Watts and are fitted
with a protective grid.

How to choose the right heater:


























100W 150W 200W 250W 300W



100W 150W 200W 300W 200W
250W 300W

US gal.


A stronger heater has a higher power reserve, e.g., if the heating in your home
should ever break down.

aquarium size

100W 150W 200W 250W

The correct sera aquarium heater for every aquarium size


3.4 Water purification

3.4.1 Removal of protein
and other organic substances
The physical and chemical properties of marine water require additional filtration compared to freshwater. Protein dissolved in the
water, e.g. from fish waste, is removed from
the water by air being blown in. This task is
fulfilled by the skimmer.

lected (6). The purified water flows into the

standpipe at the bottom end of the skimmer
and back into the aquarium or filter tank
through the outlet hose (7) connected to it.

Skimmer tasks
A skimmer is the heart of marine aquarium
filtration. It removes protein that is permanently released into the water by micro organisms, invertebrates and fish. The skimmer removes particles such as floating
matter and aerates the aquarium. Protein not
removed from the water will lead to an increasing amount of harmful substances such
as ammonia, nitrite and nitrate (bacterial
breakdown chain beginning with protein).
Keeping marine organisms in closed systems
would be considerably more difficult or, depending on the requirements of the species
in question, even impossible.
Function principle

The dispergator pump of the sera marin

Protein Skimmer draws in the water from
the aquarium or from the filter chamber (1),
mixes it with air drawn in by the resulting low
pressure (3) inside the gyro case (2), where it
is scattered into tiny air bubbles by the sera
pinwheel. The fine air bubbles provide a large
surface where the protein can settle.
This water/air mixture is pumped into the inner reaction chamber of the protein skimmer
(4). The outlets directed sideways (5) make
the mixture rotate, keeping the air bubbles
floating for a longer time and therefore increasing the flotate yield. The protein attaches to the bubbles within this chamber. The
bubbles accumulate at the water surface and
form a solid foam while floating there. The
narrowing standpipe of the foam cup directs
this foam into the flotate cup where it is col-



Skimmers reduce water pollution by proteins

and other organic substances. They aerate
the aquarium and provide it with oxygen.
Skimmers need to be cleaned regularly, as to
prevent skimmed waste matter from getting
back into the aquarium.
sera marin Protein Skimmers are high performance, energy saving and flexibly usable
dispergator skimmers. The sera marin Protein Skimmer 400 HO is suitable for aquariums up to 400 liter. It can be used as a hangon version as well as a filter underneath the
aquarium (sump). It is therefore optimally
suitable for all aquarists that wish to switch
over from freshwater aquariums to marine
The sera marin Protein Skimmer 600 S is
used in a filter underneath the aquarium
(sump) for aquariums up to 600 liters.

sera marin Protein Skimmer 400 HO

The sera marin Biotop Cube 130 includes

the small but powerful sera marin Protein
Skimmer PS 130.

sera marin Protein Skimmer 600 S

sera marin
Protein Skimmer PS 130


3.4.2 Mechanical water purification

Large and solid dirt particles (such as uneaten food or algae particles) are collected in
the mechanical filtration step as to prevent
them from clogging biological filter media. In
the sera marin Biotop Cube 130, filter
sponges retain these coarse particles. This

considerably increases the biological efficacy

of the filter.
These filter media must be washed out regularly as to avoid water pollution by waste
products and ensure a high water flow rate.

3.4.3 Biological water purification

Useful bacteria clean the marine water by biological waste product breakdown. This includes non-skimmable substances such as
ammonium, ammonia and nitrite. This purification process takes place in special filter
media. Depending on the filter, there is a separate filter chamber as in case of the sera
marin Biotop Cube 130.
Two components are crucial for the biological
purification quality:
1. The filter medium
2. The purification bacteria
Filter media ensure optimal working
The sera siporax filter medium has a unique
surface structure. sera siporax provides ideal conditions for the different bacteria
species in sera marin bio reefclear. The
bacteria can optimally attach to the large,
coarse surface. They are sufficiently supplied
with oxygen and convert ammonium into nitrite in an aerobic process.

The extremely large amount of open-pored

tunnel structures in sera siporax allows for
ideal supply of anaerobic bacteria with nutrients and smallest amounts of fresh water.
The bacteria are forced to break up nitrate as
to get enough oxygen. This allows to also reduce nitrate continuously. Due to the large
internal diameter of the tubes, the waste
products are quickly transported away without continuously washing away the bacteria.


Filter media for bacterial settling should be

tube shaped. This allows the water flowing
off at the inside of the tubes. No clogging
will occur, which would affect the filtration

The su (one US
of one f sera sipor h
quar lmost as m wn
has a al breakdo US
biolog s 34 liters (9 er
power of ceramic fi


You can check ammonium/ammonia, nitrite

and nitrate with the sera NH4/NH3-Test, the
sera NO2-Test and the sera NO3-Test, respectively.
Billions of purification bacteria in volcanic
rock for permanent pollutant breakdown
in aquariums
sera marin bio reefclear contains bacteria
cultures in finely ground volcanic rock. Therefore, they already bring their settling space
with them and can start water purification not
only in the filter but also within the entire
sera marin bio reefclear is simply poured
onto sera siporax and directly into the aquarium. Brief mineral cloudiness will occur after
addition to the aquarium water. It will vanish
after some hours as the cleaning effect takes
place. During this time, the volcanic rock
binds floating matter that cause water cloudiness, and will leave the water as clear as never before. sera marin bio reefclear should
be added regularly in weekly intervals as to
achieve this positive effect permanently.


3.4.4 Pathogen reduction by UV clarification

The downstream UV-C device, such as the
one in the sera marin Biotop Cube 130, ensures permanently healthy aquarium water.
Pathogens in the water, that may adversely
affect the animals, are reduced. In particular, the number of free swimming stages of
white spot disease pathogens can be lowered with UV-C radiation. The pathogens
become damaged, and rapid multiplication
of these pathogens is prevented.
All kinds of floating algae are reliably removed without using chemicals.

The sera UV-C System 5 W for up to 500

liters (132 US gal.) of aquarium water is the
ideal addition for filters without a built-in UV-C
water clarifier. A powerful but at the same
time very economical UV-C clarifier with multi-purpose connection for filters and pumps.
The sera UV-C System 5 W can be used in
combination with a flow pump such as the
sera P 1200. The performance of the pump
should be the volume of the aquarium per
hour. The UV-C clarifier cannot be operated
without a pump.

Aquarium inhabitants and filter organisms are

not harmed by using UV-C water clarifiers.
UV-C clarifiers should run 24 hours per day
as to be effective. They will then maintain
permanently biologically healthy water. The
unit is switched off only when performing
maintenance in the water.

sera UV-C System 5 W

for adding to filters without UV


3.4.5 Special sera filter media

The standard equipment of the sera internal
filters is entirely sufficient for permanently
clean and crystal clear water. However, using
additional filter media may become necessary due to external influences.
Further filter media can be used within the
internal filter of the sera marin Biotop Cube
130 without any problems. You can additionally simplify addition and removal with a sera
filter media bag.
Removal of toxic substances
sera super carbon (filter carbon) is particularly pure and provides a large surface. It absorbs toxic substances from the aquarium
within shortest time. Due to its very large surface, sera super carbon remains active for
6 weeks. Then its uptake capacity is spent,
and the filter carbon must in any case be removed from the filter. Otherwise, substances
already taken up can get back into the water
again. sera super carbon does not affect
the pH value and is free from phosphates
and nitrates.
Removal of diatoms
Silicate supports the formation of diatoms in
marine aquariums. In some areas, silicate is
added to tap water by the water provider as
to inhibit corrosion. By doing so, water providers protect the pipes, but indirectly harm
every marine aquarium. sera marin silicate
clear binds silicate permanently and, by doing so, withdraws the quickly growing diatoms their skeleton construction material.
The sera SiO3-Test allows to easily monitor
the levels in tap water or in the marine aquarium.


4. The correct location

When choosing the location, bear in mind that
subsequently moving the aquarium is difficult.
A decorated and filled 100 liter (26 US gal.)
aquarium weighs up to 150 kg (331 lb. without cabinet)! In older buildings we recommend that you gather information about the
stability of the floor first. Take into account
that the viewers weight adds to the aquarium
weight! A small aquarium can add to more
than 300 kg (662 lb.) in a small area of floor
Quiet places in the room which are far from
the window are best. Sunlight coming in
through the window promotes algae growth.
Furthermore, the fish start to swim in a slanting way as frankly speaking up to them
is where the light comes from.
The aquarium optically stands out better in a
dark corner of the room, and the fish are less
frequently disturbed by persons rushing
along, opening doors, etc.


The rack
In case you do not want to place the aquarium on a cabinet, you will need a suitable
rack. It must be stable and stand exactly horizontally. A spirit level is very helpful.
The sera marin Biotop Cube 130 is equipped with a glued-on safety frame. Place the
aquarium with its frame directly onto the cabinet. Do not use any additional mats.
Aquariums without a safety frame require a
safety pad and heat insulation below the
aquarium as to avoid tension caused cracks.
The sera thermo-safe safety pad reduces
the danger of breaking glass caused by e.g.,
single sand grains or tension caused cracks
caused by torsion of the wooden cabinet.

5. Sea salt: The basis for life in a

marine aquarium
Using natural marine water is not possible
and also not advisable. Marine water for
aquariums is prepared with synthetic sea
salt, as marine water inhabitants require stable conditions without much variation.
sera marin basic salt is very homogenous.
It dissolves to crystal clear marine water
quickly and without residues. The pH value
precisely and reliably stays within the correct
range due to the natural buffer system in the
sea salt. sera marin basic salt provides natural pH and KH values, and it is free from nitrates, silicates and phosphates. Marine water conditioned with sera marin basic salt
has biologically correct calcium and magnesium levels.

est quality for splendid reefs. The separate

components are blended in a way that ensures there are no pollutants included. It is
always possible to obtain reproducible results. Even very sensitive organisms do not
react stressed after water changes. The requirements of even most fastidious invertebrates are fulfilled, and deficiencies are efficiently prevented.

sera marin reef salt has the same properties

as sera marin basic salt. Furthermore it is a
sea salt similar to nature and provides high-

5.1 How to condition tap water

Tap water contains a large number of additives and natural substances that make the
water suitable for human consumption but
may harm the inhabitants of a marine aquarium.
A reverse osmosis (R/O) or ion exchange
system is by all means recommended in
areas with tap water rich in nitrates or phosphates. This water purification will remove
about 95% of all dissolved pollutants from
the water.
You should condition the water with sera
aquatan as to protect the aquarium inhabitants and bind present heavy metals and
chloramines. These harmful substances can
be present even in water conditioned with reverse osmosis (R/O) and harm the animals.

sera aquatan with the Bio Protect Formula

provides many advantages for the marine
water inhabitants:
immediate removal of aggressive chlorine
immediate binding of heavy
splendid colors and vitality
mucous membrane and gill protection by skin protecting colloids
less stress and nerve system
support due to vitamin B
Fish and invertebrates feel visibly better in
healthy water, and aquarium maintenance
causes less efforts.


5.2 How to prepare marine water

It is best to prepare the marine water in a
suitable and sufficiently large container, e.g.
a rain barrel made of plastic (as it is corrosion
proof). Follow the instructions for the sea salt
you use.

1.023 g/cm at approx. 25C (77F). Depending on the setup, you will require about
130 150 liters (34 40 US gal.) of marine
water for a 130 liter (34 US gal.) aquarium.
You will need about 5 kg (1.1 lb.) of sea salt.

The nitrate level should be below 10 mg/l

(ppm), phosphate and silicate should not be
detectible. Check the water with the sera
phosphate-Test, the sera silicate-Test and
the sera nitrate-Test for being sure. You can
also ask your local water provider for the
measured values or look them up on the internet.

The marine water should be agitated by a

pump in the container and aerated for about
24 hours. The water will then appear perfectly clear.

The salt is now by and by added to the water

while stirring, until you achieve a salinity of
approx. 35 per mille (i.e. 35 grams per liter of
water). This corresponds to a density of

5.3 How to measure salinity

The sera marin hydrometer is put into the
aquarium or a bigger glass filled with the water which should be tested, in a manner that
it can float freely. The hydrometer will be immersed the deeper, the less salt there is in
the water. It will display the density of the water on the integrated scale. The density
should be 1.022 1.024 g/cm at approx.
26C (79F) in aquariums with invertebrates.
If necessary, add more salt or dilute with conditioned water. However, the marine water is
not put into the aquarium yet.



1.025 g/cm3
1.026 g/cm3
1.0265 g/cm3
1.0235 g/cm3 1.025 g/cm3
1.0255 g/cm3
1.022 g/cm3
1.023 g/cm3
1.024 g/cm3
1.0215 g/cm3 1.0225 g/cm3 1.023 g/cm3
1.020 g/cm3
1.0215 g/cm3 1.0225 g/cm3

6. Setup
6.1 Bottom gravel
Coarse coral sand is excellently suitable for
the marine water aquarium. It is decorative
and contributes to pH value stabilization due
to its lime contents.
However, some fish species (e.g. gobies) by
all means require a zone with sandy bottom
material into which they can retreat during
the night. A separate zone with fine coral
sand must be arranged at the bottom for
these animals.
The remaining bottom area is covered with
an approx. 3 cm (1.2 in.) thick layer of coarse
coral sand. It is advisable to separate the different kinds of bottom material from each
other with stones as to prevent them mixing
up. Coral sand of different grain sizes is available from your local specialized retailer.
Another important bottom ground task is to
provide additional settling space for the bacteria that require oxygen (aerobic) in the upper zones and for the bacteria living without
oxygen (anaerobic) in the lower zones. These
purification bacteria in sera marin bio reefclear break down pollutants as in the filter.

The dry coral sand must first be washed thoroughly. Put it into a clean bucket in portions,
and pour about 4 5 liters (1 1.3 US gal.)
of warm tap water on top of it. Stir the sand
with thorough, circulating hand movements,
then pour away the water along with the pollution. Repeat this procedure until the sand
appears clean. Now fill the sand into the still
empty aquarium.


6.2 Live rock

You now require the live rock chunks, which
can easily be transported and stored moist
for a couple of hours. However, the longer
the rock chunks are exposed to air, the more
attached biomass may die.
When purchasing them, see that the rock
chunks have good and diverse growth on
them, and that they have different shapes.
The more diverse the growth attached to the
rock chunks and the shorter they were stored
at the retailers, the more different animal
species are attached to them. You will find
these animals in your aquarium later on. By
no means ever wash live rock with freshwater.
The rock chunks should be piled up in a way
that small caves are formed, into which the
animals can retreat later on. Also, such an
open setup allows for good and hardly inhibited water agitation. Take your time when
building the setup. The rocks should not cast
shadows on the ones underneath them, as a

shadowy place is not suitable for positioning

animals that require light. The construction
must be firm and must not totter, because
rocks falling down might damage the bottom
or side panes of the aquarium or injure
aquarium inhabitants. Allow for crevices between the rock chunks that serve for fixing
sessile invertebrates.

Examples of overgrown live rock with additionally added invertebrates in larger marine aquariums


7. Filling in marine water

In aquariums with internal filters pour sera
marin bio reefclear over the sera siporax
in the biofilter chamber before filling the
aquarium with marine water. In case of external filters, pour sera marin bio reefclear
over sera siporax before the filter is filled
with water (please also see page 26). The purification bacteria will then settle immediately
on and in the porous filter material. They can
optimally multiply there and quickly start their
purification work. This considerably shortens
the biological activation phase of the aquarium.
The aquarium is filled to the upper edge with
the matured marine water. It is best to allow
the water to flow into the aquarium over a
plate. Otherwise, all the bottom gravel will be
stirred up. You can store possibly remaining
water in the plastic barrel under aeration and
use it for the first water change.

7.1 Starting filtration and technical equipment

Switch on the filter equipment after you have
filled the aquarium. Switch on the units in the
following order: submersible pump, UV clarifier, skimmer and heater [set the temperature
to 26C (79F)]. You can now watch how the

water flows back to the spray bar attached

to the outlet and circulates. Air from the outside is blended with water drawn inside the
skimmer. From now on, the water is constantly purified.

7.2 Topping up water

As in every other aquarium, water will evaporate. Depending on the situation, top up
evaporated water every 2 3 days: Use tap
water conditioned with sera aquatan to do
so, as the salt dissolved in the marine water
does not evaporate. The salinity would slowly
rise if you would not top up water, which is

tolerated by the animals only to a certain extent. There will be no harm as long as the
salinity is between 34 and 36 per mille.
However, the more constant you keep the
salinity at 35 per mille, the better for your animals.


8. Watch your aquarium come to life

Many small animals and almost certainly
some beautiful algae species have entered
your aquarium with the live rock chunks.
They will become visible soon. However, it is
possible that some of the animals growing
on the rocks (e.g. sponges) do not survive.
If an invertebrate obviously does not survive,
remove it as to prevent too strong water pollution. You must in any case add bacteria cultures from sera marin bio reefclear that
break down pollutants.

8.1 The first days The activation phase

Switch on the light for 8 10 hours per day.
If you wish to automatize the light switching
you should get a timer that you can program
You can feed the small organisms with a
small amount of sera marin coraliquid for
the first time after about 2 weeks. In this activation phase no other animals should be
added during the first 2 weeks.


You should replace approx. a third of the water each week during the first 3 months with
matured marine water (always ensure correct
salinity!). Enhanced algae growth taking
place during the first few weeks is perfectly
normal. Usually, a slight cover of red algae
appearing brown and slimy comes first,
which is replaced by green algae after a few
weeks. The green algae indicate that you can
now add the first organisms. You can care-

fully remove algae mechanically with a small

brush (e.g. clean toothbrush). It makes sense
to carry out a partial water change afterwards, using a hose or the sera gravel
washer to remove the water from the aquarium along with the algae.

tinuing operation of the aquarium an exciting

expedition into the world of small creatures.
You can then introduce
the animals after 2

When using a magnifier you will be able to

discover small crustaceans such as isopods
or copepods on the aquarium glass. These
are important for every aquarium and its
manifold life forms. They have entered the
aquarium with the live rock chunks. By and
by, further life forms brought in with the live
rock will establish. These small organisms
make the activation phase, but also the con-

8.2 How to introduce and acclimatize the animals

Some marine animals must not leave the water while transferring them to another location. Even a few seconds of being exposed
to air may harm them. Sea urchins, starfish
and pufferfish are among these air sensitive
animals. Do not add all invertebrates and fish
at once. Start with the invertebrates and add
the fish afterwards.
Make sure these animals are placed in the
transport bag under water when purchasing
Please ask your retailer how the purchased
animals must be introduced into the aquarium. Transfer into another aquarium causes a
climate change for the fish and invertebrates.
It is usually advisable to proceed as follows:
At home, transport bags with the newly purchased fish and invertebrates are opened
and placed side by side in a bucket.
Aquarium water is dripped into the transport
bags during the next half hour. An air hose
fitted with a clamp are suitable for this purpose.
By doing so, the animals not only adapt to
the new water temperature but also to the
other water parameters (salt content, pH
value, etc.).

sera aquatan accelerates the

healing process of the mucous
membrane if it has been damaged
during transport.


9. Regular maintenance
9.1 Feeding
Staple diet
Marine fish require much more iodine and
other minerals than freshwater fish. More
than 50 ingredients in sera fish food ensure
feeding the aquarium inhabitants a balanced
diet according to nature. This supports disease resistance and prevents deficiencies.

All sera foods are very low in phosphates

and very easy to digest, thus preventing water pollution by undigested breakdown products.

sera marin coraliquid, a

plankton based liquid food
rich in energy, was specially
developed for filtrating invertebrates.

sera marin GVG-mix is a

flake food with added treats
for marine fish. This versatile
basic food contains iodine
and other minerals from marine algae, krill, plankton and
other valuable ingredients
such as bloodworms, daphnia and Artemia shrimps.


sera marin granules is an

ideal food for fish that search
for their food between coral
branches, in the middle water
layers or near to the bottom.
It sinks slowly, softens quickly
but keeps its solid consistence. Therefore it prevents
water pollution.

sera marin gourmet nori provides an ideal

diet for most marine fish, crayfish and
shrimps, but also sea urchins. In marine water, it swells within seconds and then is a natural food like hardly any other.

sera has developed the innovative crustacean foods sera crabs natural and sera
shrimps natural for the various requirements
of the crustaceans. The valuable ingredients
and the careful processing make these foods
an ideal staple diet for crustaceans. The
unique nutrient composition results from the
sole use of aquatic organisms such as marine fish, gammarus, spirulina and marine algae as protein and fat suppliers. The proteins
they contain are therefore characterized by
an amino acid composition that can ideally
be utilized by the crustaceans.


Healthy treats
sera Spirulina Tabs can be attached to the glass inside the
aquarium. This completely vegetable tablet in premium quality contains more than 20% of
Spirulina algae. sera Spirulina
Tabs are indispensable for algae-eating animals such as
surgeonfishes or blennies.

sera FD Artemia Shrimps consist of tender brine shrimps.

They are a healthy treat for all
marine fish.


sera FD Krill is a food of

carotene rich small crustaceans that live in the
ocean and feeds on plankton. sera FD Krill is very rich
in protein. It is ideally suited
for strengthening fish and
increasing the readiness to

9.2 Water changes

Regular water changes of 10% per week, beginning after the first three month activation
phase, are an important contribution to successful care. It is advisable to clean the bottom gravel along with the water change. This
is easy to do with the sera gravel washer.
You can avoid salinity variations with a marking on the outside of the aquarium. Always
top up the aquarium with water up to the
marking as to replenish the evaporated water. The water is always conditioned with
sera aquatan for pollutant removal.

After you removed the aquarium

water as far as necessary, you
can now also perform smaller
cleaning activities.

An important tip

Mark the outside of the aquarium glass with adhesive tape or

the like up to where you wish to
empty the tank.

You will need:

A watering can and two clean buckets reserved only for the aquarium. They must
never have been in contact with cleaning
Two meters of aquarium hose or, even
better, a sera gravel washer
A towel or a shallow bowl in case of spilling
By all means pull the mains plugs, e.g. those
of the heater, the filter, and the lighting
First place the two buckets on the towel or
in the bowl. Then let the water flow from the
aquarium into the buckets. There are different ways to do so:
Many aquarists hold the hose end into the
aquarium and then briefly suck the water
from the other end with their mouth.
However, this method requires some practice. Sometimes, the water either will not
flow, or you may accidentally swallow a big
gulp of aquarium water.
You can siphon the water off more elegantly
with the sera gravel washer. By doing so,
you will serve two purposes at once. You will
easily and thoroughly remove sludge from
the aquarium gravel with the sera gravel
washer, and you will change a part of the
water at the same time.


9.3 Supplying trace elements,

calcium and macro elements
These substances must be replenished regularly for maintaining natural conditions in a marine aquarium, especially after a water change.
This is the only way to ensure optimal, healthy
growth of the animals. In particular corals, but
also snails and clams withdraw calcium and
trace elements from the water. Also, bacteria
in the sediment can reduce these elements by


Calcium hydrogen carbonate

Acidic or alkaline influences may strongly alter

the pH value of the aquarium water if the calcium hydrogen carbonate concentration becomes too low. Because of the sensitivity of
the marine water inhabitants you must by all
means avoid this.
Regular addition of sera marin COMPONENT 1
Calcium and sera marin COMPONENT 2
Calcium pH-Buffer allows maintaining an
even concentration in an uncomplicated way.
The two component buffer system requires
two bottles. Both components are present in
high concentrations, which would not last
when combined. The calcium level in nature is
approx. 450 mg/l (ppm), the carbonate hardness is approx. 9dKH. It is advisable to raise
the carbonate hardness to 10dKH in an
aquarium. You can reliably monitor the calcium
level and the carbonate hardness with the
sera Ca-Test and the sera kH-Test, respectively.

Why do these levels sink? Corals and mollusks, in particular, precipitate calcium hydrogen carbonate as calcium carbonate by
means of their endosymbiontic algae, using it
as construction material of coral skeletons and
mollusk shells! A growing coral thus withdraws
a part of the buffer system from the water.
Some mollusks are also able to do so. For example, giant clam species (Tridacnidae), which
become more and more popular, withdraw
calcium hydrogen carbonate from the water
for their shell growth! Bacteria living in the bottom gravel can also cause local precipitations
due to their metabolic products.


Trace elements

Many metabolic processes in animals and

plants require catalysts. They activate reactions of single components and lead to the
formation of certain substances required
within the organism. These biological catalysts are called enzymes. Rare metal ions
play a key role in some of these enzymes.
They originate from the marine water and are
taken up by the animals either from the water
or with the food.
The trace elements are present in the sera
marin COMPONENT 3 trace elements
Anionics and sera marin COMPONENT 4
trace elements Kationics solutions. Regular
addition is by all means necessary as these
trace elements are consumed by animals
and plants.


Trace elements are not only important in enzymes, but they are also present in certain
color pigments. They can be found in the
coral tissues of stony corals, especially in
parts of the colony that are exposed to direct
sunlight. It is likely that they reduce the influence of aggressive sunlight. Keepers of
stony corals wish to achieve the same color
intensity of the animals kept in the aquarium
as in nature or even enhance it. This is possible, even under aquarium light, which is
weak compared to natural sunlight (approx.
5,000 Watt/m2). An elevated level was found
to lead to enhanced color intensity of stony
corals under aquarium conditions. Accordingly, some brown Acropora corals turn into
violet ones within only a few weeks!

Strontium and magnesium

Regarding their natural concentrations, the

so-called macro elements are situated between the common and the trace ions.
Strontium and magnesium are among them.
It is known that available strontium ions are
utilized in the skeleton of stony corals and
therefore must be replenished. Magnesium
is mainly taken up by coralline algae. These
settle on live rock as a violet cover. However,
there are also many species whose shape resemble small trees. Natural magnesium levels of 1,250 1,300 mg/l (ppm) provide good
conditions for the growth of these algae.
Both metal ions are present in high levels in
sera marin COMPONENT 5 strontium and
sera marin COMPONENT 6 magnesium,
respectively. Be sure to avoid overdosing, as
this would reduce the calcium level. Many
marine aquarists are not aware of this, and
they reduce the amount of available calcium
by too high additions, especially of magne-

sium. Calcium, strontium and magnesium are

among the alkaline earth metals. This group
features similarities in its physical characteristics, leading to similar chemical and physical properties. It is therefore by all means
necessary to get an overview on the current
values by means of water test kits, and to
monitor the increased concentration after
adding the water conditioners. You can reliably monitor the magnesium level with the
sera Mg-Test.

Iodine does not remain active in the water
very long. Iodine is precipitated by high concentrations of other ions. It is thus removed
from the water and becomes unavailable for

the aquarium inhabitants. A constant iodine

level is achieved by daily addition of sera
marin COMPONENT 7 iodine.


9.4 Monitoring and adjusting

pH value, carbonate hardness and carbon dioxide
The oceans represent the most stable ecological system on earth. The ocean inhabitants have adapted to the constant physical
and chemical parameters over millions of
years. As these parameters vary only slightly
in nature, most of the ocean inhabitants are
much less adaptable than freshwater inhabitants. Because of this, the aquarium water
must provide stable conditions without drastic fluctuations.


pH value




marine water
8 8,5

The pH value describes whether the water

reacts acidic (pH below 7), neutral (pH = 7)
or alkaline (pH above 7). The pH value in natural marine water is slightly alkaline (pH 8 to
The pH in an aquarium is lower in the morning than in the evening. This is due to the fact
that during the day carbon dioxide (CO2) is
consumed by the algae. As a result of the
consumption of carbonic acid, the pH value
will rise during the day.



The pH value of the aquarium water should

be checked regularly. The sera pH-Test
allows easy monitoring of the pH value.
Use sera KH/pH-plus for increasing the pH
Due to their high CO2 requirements, the pH
value may rise over 8.5 if you keep plenty of
macro algae (Caulerpa, Halimeda etc.).


Carbonate hardness (KH)


KH inc




marine water

The carbonate hardness (KH) in the water

serves as a buffer. It is able to neutralize
acids and therefore absorbs small fluctuations of the pH value. In order to provide a
buffering effect that is strong enough for a
marine aquarium, the carbonate hardness
must not fall below 8dKH.
You can quickly and precisely check the carbonate hardness with the sera kH-Test.
Increasing the KH level is easy and safe with
sera KH/pH-plus.


CO2 is only used in calcium reactors in marine aquariums. This

device is usually placed in the
sump and provides the aquarium
with calcium hydrogen carbonate.
The water inside the calcium reactor is acidified by the introduced
CO2 and dissolves the calcium carbonate inside the device. Soluble
calcium hydrogen carbonate gets
released as a reaction product. The
amount of water taken up by the
calcium reactor in the filter underneath the aquarium (sump) is the
same as the released amount.


The CO2 supply for the calcium reactor is best controlled by a pH controller such as the seramic pH
Controller. The device interrupts the
CO2 supply as soon as the adjusted
pH value is reached. A pH value lowered to at least 6.5 by CO2 is required
for converting calcium carbonate
into calcium hydrogen carbonate, for
higher performance possibly a pH
value lower than 6.0. This pH vale
can be automatically maintained by
the seramic pH Controller, provided the pH measuring probe is located inside the calcium reactor.

9.5 Monitoring ammonium, nitrite and nitrate

Organic waste products in the aquarium result in a nitrogen pollution of the water. Those
waste products include fish waste, uneaten
food and dead algae as well as dead animals.
Nitrogen occurs in the aquarium in different
forms. Excess protein, ammonium resp. ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are nitrogen containing waste products in the aquarium.
The useful bacteria in sera marin bio reefclear convert dead plant parts, uneaten food
and fish waste from ammonium via nitrite
into harmless nitrate. Macro algae such as
Caulerpa then considerably lower the nitrate

Organic waste products contain proteins,

from which ammonium or ammonia is
formed by biological decomposition. The ratio between relatively harmless ammonium
and toxic ammonia is determined by the pH
value. The higher the pH value, the more ammonia is formed. Since the pH value in marine water is always above 7, the ammonium
level must be monitored very carefully.
The total concentration of ammonium and
ammonia is checked with the sera ammonium/ammonia-Test. In case the measured
level is above 0.2 mg/l (ppm), you must carry
out a partial water change and add sera
marin bio reefclear immediately.

Immediate pollutant breakdown within the filter by

sera marin bio reefclear


Fish waste,
uneaten food
and dead algae

Immediate pollutant
breakdown within the
aquarium by
sera marin bio reefclear







Biological breakdown of ammonium/ammonia to nitrite

The next step in the nitrogen cycle
is the biological conversion of ammonium or ammonia to nitrite by
Nitrosomonas bacteria. The bacteria need oxygen to do so. This process is
called aerobic (with oxygen). Nitrite is highly
toxic to fish and invertebrates.
Elevated ammonium, nitrite or nitrate levels
are either due to mistakes or insufficient
aquarium maintenance or to insufficient settling space for useful bacteria. The nitrite level of the aquarium water is checked with the
sera nitrite-Test. A partial water change is
necessary if the value exceeds 0.3 mg/l



The ammonium and nitrite levels can be lowered with sera marin bio reefclear. sera
marin bio reefclear contains bacteria that
break down ammonium and nitrite and is
therefore effective merely biologically. The
liquid product is simply added to the aquarium water and to the filter medium (please
see page 26).

Biological conversion of nitrite to nitrate

The biological decomposition of
nitrite by Nitrobacter bacteria
leads to nitrate. The bacteria need
oxygen also for this step. Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria live in all
zones of the aquarium rich in oxygen. This
includes the upper gravel layers, the filter and
the outside of the live rock. Water rich in oxygen is therefore important not only for fish
and invertebrates.




Nitrate uptake by macro algae

Nitrate is considerably less toxic
than ammonia and nitrite. Nevertheless, concentrations above
20 mg/l (ppm) harm sensitive
corals. It also supports the growth of unwanted thread and slime algae. Macro algae such
as Caulerpa withdraw nitrate from the water
and considerably reduce pollution. You can
check the nitrate level with the sera nitrateTest.


Bacterial nitrate breakdown can only take

place in zones low in oxygen, where the bacteria take oxygen from nitrate. This process
is called anaerobic (without air) or anoxic
(without oxygen). Harmless nitrogen gas escapes into the atmosphere as the final product. The biological breakdown of nitrate
takes place in the bottom ground, but mainly
in filter media such as sera siporax.

Crystal clear, biologically healthy

aquarium water


9.6 Checking the water

Ideal parameter
When to check?
8.0 8.5

Value too high lower

Value too low raise

Partial water change with more acidic

Add CO2
sera KH/pH-plus


Partial water change


8 12 dKH


400 450 mg/l (ppm)


50 54 mS/cm


1.022 1.024 g/cm3

at 25C (77F)

Partial water change


ideal: 0.0 mg/l (ppm)

dangerous from 0.02 mg/l (ppm)
depending on the pH value

Partial water change (check pH value)

Avoid still water zones by providing
water currents (use a powerhead)
Add sera marin bio reefclear
Check/clean the filter
Reduce number of fish
Feed sparingly


ideal: 0.0 mg/l

Add sera marin bio reefclear

Check the filter
Feed sparingly
Check whether a fish or another
animal is missing
Partial water change
Remove cause

sera KH/pH-plus

Partial water change

Add sera marin COMPONENT 1+2
Partial water change with water of
little less conductivity
Add sera sea salt in small portions
until the correct value is achieved

0.3 0.9 mg/l (ppm) NO2

[equals 0.1 0.3 mg/l (ppm)
NO2-N]: water pollution
from 0.9 mg/l (ppm) NO2
[equals 0.3 mg/l (ppm) NO2-N]:
danger for fish
3.3 mg/l (ppm) NO2 [equals
1.0 mg/l (ppm) NO2-N]: acute
danger to fish life

Add sera sea salt in small portions

until the correct value is achieved

Partial water change

Repeat partial water change after
12 24 hours

Ideal parameter
When to check?
ideal: maximum 20 mg/l (ppm)
from 20 mg/l (ppm)

Value too high lower

Value too low raise

above 100 mg/l (ppm)

Use 1 liter (1 US quart) sera siporax

per each 100 liters (26 US gal.) of water in the biofilter. To do so, activate
the filter with sera marin bio reefclear
Carry out frequent partial water changes with water that is low in nitrate
Reduce fish stock if applicable
Feed sparingly
Use a protein skimmer
Partial water change


about 1300 mg/l

Partial water change


max. 0.1 mg/l (ppm)

ideal: below 0.05 mg/l (ppm)

Partial water change

Add macro algae
Feed sparingly
Reduce number of fish

Fresh water
Fish feeling

ideal: 0.0 mg/l (ppm) (every detectable amount severely harms

invertebrates or is fatal to them)

Add sera aquatan

Generous partial water changes with
copper-free water, prepare fresh water with a double dose sera aquatan


Add sera marin COMPONENT 6


above 1.0 mg/l (ppm): fatal for all

living beings in marine aquariums

2 weeks

above 6 mg/l (ppm): sufficient


Rapid increase with

sera O2 plus
Aerate water


below 0.02 mg/l (ppm)

Find out and remove cause

sera aquatan neutralizes the effects
of chlorine
Add sera marin bio reefclear
Aerate water well

Water change
New setup


9.7 Cleaning the filter media

Mechanical filter media are washed
out once weekly. As coarse particles are collected by the mechanical
filter media (sponges), it is sufficient
to wash out the biological filter medium sera siporax only every 3 to 6
months. Be sure to use marine water
from a water change for this pur-

pose. The filter media are washed out

in the removed marine water until no
cloudiness is released any more. The
water missing now is replenished with
freshly prepared and matured marine
water. Adding sera marin bio reefclear compensates the loss of nitrifying bacteria during the water change.

9.8 Removing excess algae

If macro algae, such as Caulerpa,
grow in your aquarium, you should
carefully control their growth. The
rapidly growing Caulerpa algae
can actually overgrow invertebrates. Be careful when removing
such algae, and do not remove
too much algae at one time.
The algae leaves are so-called
thalli. They consist of a single
cell that will release its nitratecontaining cell liquid into the
aquarium if it is not removed

properly. We recommend to proceed

as follows:
The rhizome (this is the cord from
which the single thalli grow) has fragile spots beside the thalli where you
can carefully break the algae apart.
Immediately remove the unwanted
part of the Caulerpa algae from the
aquarium. Be careful not to damage
the algae, as this will lead to cell liquid running into the aquarium uncontrollably.

9.9 Removing deposits

Waste (e.g. dead algae parts) means of the sera gravel cleaner.
accumulating between wa- Waste that is not removed will cause
ter changes must be re- severe water pollution.
moved instantly, e.g. by

9.10 Testing the lighting

The fluorescent tubes the latest. The human eye does not
should be replaced with detect the gradual reduction of light
new ones after a year at emittance.


10. When you are on a vacation

It depends on the fish species whether the
fish need to be fed every day. Small, bottom
orientated fish such as gobies tolerate a couple of days without being fed. They will find
enough food between the live rock chunks
or in the plant periphyton. However, bigger,
freely swimming fish consume more energy
while swimming and therefore must be fed

We recommend setting up a maintenance

plan for your vacation replacement in case
of a longer vacation. It should include the
regular addition of trace elements, calcium
and macro elements (from page 42) for the
invertebrates and topping up evaporated water against strong density variations.
Prepare daily portions for feeding. If you have
the opportunity to use an automatic feeder,
the sera feed A plus allows you to feed up
to 30 days, depending on the number of fish.
sera marin granules is excellently suited for
automatic feeders. The soft granulate keeps
its shape and floats in the water long enough
to be entirely eaten by the fish. The valuable
ingredients are optimally digested, thus
avoiding unnecessary water pollution.

Give your fish an extra portion sera fishtamin before your holiday. By doing so, your
fish will remain fit, healthy and lively.


11. What to do in case an animal gets ill

Good maintenance provided, invertebrate
diseases rarely occur. You should nevertheless consider certain precautions.
The skeleton formation of stony corals is affected if the water temperature exceeds
30C (86F). Furthermore, the symbiotic algae living in the coral tissues (zooxanthellae)
die, and consequently also the coral itself will
Crustaceans shed their skin regularly. The
water must contain approximately 400
450 mg/l (ppm) calcium for them to build up
a new exoskeleton; the carbonate hardness
must be between 8 10dKH.
If an invertebrate becomes stunted despite
best possible maintenance conditions, the
animal must be examined for external parasites. Those parasites may be very small and
possibly only come out at night. The animals
should be fed sera crabs natural and sera
shrimps natural as to prevent deformations
while shedding their skin.
Planarians are flat white or red worms sized
approximately 5 mm. They can harm anemones, corals, etc., with their excreted slime.
The worms can be siphoned out of the
aquarium by means of a flexible hose. Sometimes it is useful to place a strong torch
above the aquarium at night, since many planarians assemble in the light and then are
easier to remove. Check invertebrates thoroughly before buying them! Small, brownishred, oval spots are usually planarians.
Although bristle worms (Polychaetes) are
actually debris eaters, they eventually nibble
on mushroom anemones and stony corals.
Furthermore, they tear at their prey and injure
the animal with their sharp jaws. It is possible
to attract them with fish meat, then catch and
remove them. As they are mainly active at
night, this procedure should be carried out in
the dark. Be careful: Do not touch these


worms. The bristles break off and may cause

skin inflammations!
Small bristle worms hide in the gravel during
daytime and can be removed by siphoning
off a large quantity of the substrate (approximately 30 50%) and washing it with freshwater. Usually, this is sufficient to remove
bristle worms from time to time.

Many snails nibble on sea anemones, corals,

etc. In a reef aquarium, every snail should be
carefully removed by means of a pair of
tweezers. Some snails exclusively feed on
sessile invertebrates.

An Oodinium ocellatum (velvet disease) infection is effectively treated with sera med
Professional Protazol. Please read the instructions for use carefully.

Predatory shrimp species, such as marbled

shrimps (different Saron species), can literally cut up anemones. When interested in
these nocturnal animals, they must be kept

The ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans resembles

the freshwater parasites Ichthyophthirius and
is therefore also called Marine water Ich.
Its symptoms are white spots of up to 1 millimeter in diameter and strong scrubbing
movements of the fish.

Parasitic diseases caused by micro organisms (bacteria, single celled parasites) virtually only occur after preliminary damage
caused by chemicals (e.g., ozone, hydrogen
peroxide, phosphate) and are almost never
observed in well maintained aquariums.
Combating the mentioned parasites with
remedies is only possible in a quarantine tank
because remedies cannot differentiate between desired and undesired invertebrates.


Cryptocaryon is treated with sera costapur

or sera med Professional Protazol. sera
costapur is harmful for some invertebrates
(e.g. stony corals, snails, shrimps) and must
only be used in a quarantine tank for safety

Diseases affecting ornamental fish are reliably treated with sera treatments. The danger of a disease outbreak is reduced by
proper maintenance and regular vitamin supply with sera fishtamin. We recommend
dripping sera fishtamin onto the food and
then allowing it to soak in for a minute immediately before feeding.
The most frequent and disturbing disease
that affect marine fish and the recommended care for your fish while ill, are described


Bacterial diseases cause various symptoms.

The most important symptoms include skin
slime and fin rot. Bacterial diseases are treated in a quarantine tank with sera baktopur
and sera baktopur direct according to the

sera med Professional treatments

High effective and well tolerated
In close cooperation with the working group
of the well known parasitologist, Prof. Dr.
Heinz Mehlhorn (Heinrich-Heine-Universitt
Dsseldorf/Germany), sera succeeded in marketing a range of unique, highly effective over
the counter treatments. The products mainly
appeal to versed, experienced users who
look for quick and specific support from
highly effective treatments after having diagnosed a specific disease.
sera med Professional Tremazol contains
the reliably and directly effective Praziquantel, which has been successfully used
against flatworm infections in human and
veterinarian medicine for a long time. The
patented, highly effective agent dissolving
complex ensures even distribution of the otherwise poorly soluble substance in water,
making the active agent get to the pathogen
very quickly.


The effect spectrum of the treatment ranges

from gill and skin flukes (Dactylogyrus sp.,
Gyrodactylus sp.) to tapeworms (e.g. Bothriocephalus sp.). Besides its excellent efficacy
it is also very well tolerated and is suited for
treating marine fish in a quarantine tank.

After the treatment

You should always carry out treatments in a quarantine
tank since many invertebrates do not tolerate treatments.
Fish are considerably weakened by a disease. A vitamin
treatment with sera fishtamin should be carried out for
strengthening the fish after a disease treatment. We recommend dripping sera fishtamin onto the food and then
allowing it to soak in for a minute immediately before feeding.
Using treatments may also affect useful bacteria. sera
marin bio reefclear should therefore, be used according
to the information for use after every treatment. sera
super carbon will remove treatment remainders from the
water after the treatment.
Cleaner wrasses and cleaner shrimps help remove ectoparasites. Some stinging coral species (e.g., gorgonians)
also help protect fish against some diseases.
You will find detailed information about recognizing and
treating fish diseases in the sera guide Healthy aquarium
Good, constant water conditions and a varied nutrition as
well as an appropriate vitamin supply are the most important prevention against fish diseases.



GmbH D 52518 Heinsberg Germany

For natural aquariums

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