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Electrical 2009

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Part-I (Q1-Q60) General Aptitude Q1. A farmer sold two of his cows for 210/-. He sold one cow at a profit of 10% and other for a loss of 10%. Totally he gained §% on selling both the cows. What is the original cost of each cow? (a) 130. and 70, (b) 120 and 80 (c) 10 and 60 (d) 115 and 85 Q2. Ifa man were to sell his cooler for Rs. 720)- , he would lose 25%, In what price he should sell it to gain 25%? (2) Rs. 980/- (b) Rs. 1080/- () Rs 1000/- (d) Rs. 1200/- Q3. Find the loss percentage if the selling price of 18 oranges is equal to the cost price of 16 oranges {a) 10% (b) 50% (0) 11. lg % (d) 22 4/5 % Q4. A defective chair costing Rs. 800/- is being sold at a loss of 8%. If the price is further reduced by 5%, then the selling price is (a) Rs. 701.80 (b) Rs 696 {c) Rs.699.20 (a) Rs.704 Q5, Find the next number in the series 0,1.8,15,_ (a) 22 (0) 24 (c) 25 (d) 23 Q6. A train travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the limes 5 hrs. What is the distance traveled (a) 210kms (b) 90kms (c) 60kms (d) 30kms PGDC - CET 2009 Q7. Find the next number in the series 133-1517 (a) 3 (b) 4 4 (d)-2 Q8. By selling 90 ball pens for Rs. 160/- a person loses 20% . How many ball pens should be sold for Rs. 96/- to have a profit of 20%? (a) 36 (b) 45 (0) 30 ( Q9, What price should be marked on the market price (MRP) of an item which costs Rs. 1200/- so as to gain 12% even after allowing a discount of 16% (a) Rs. 800). {b) Rs. 1400/- (¢) Rs. 1800 {d) Rs. 1440/- 10. Square root of (99) * square root of (396) = (a) 66 (b) 198 (o) 132 (0) 99 Q11. The probability of getting either a black card or a king froma shuffled card pack (of 52 cards) at random is (a) 15126 (b) 172 (9) 7/13 (d) 3/13 Q12. If Chitra ranks 18th in @ class of 38 students, what will be her rank from the last? (a) 22 (&) 21 20 (@) 23 Inst. Q13-16 . These questions are based on the following information ‘P@Q' means 'P is mother of Q’ ‘PQ! means 'P is husband of Q' 'P#Q! means 'P is sister of Q! 'P*Q' means 'P is son of Q' Q13. Which of the following indicates the relations ship 'R is daughter of T’ (a) REF*B@T (b) RAF*BST (c] T@BER*F (d) T@BEFR Q14. 'M*H@DSK' represents what relation of H with K? ia) Mother ib) Father (c) Mother in Law (d) Grand father Q15, If FATSR@L' (a) Lis brother of F (b) Lis brother of J (c) Fis brother of J (d) Fis sister of L Q16. 'A@B#Z"M' represents what can be the relationship between A and M? (a) Grand mother (b) Husband (c) Gradfather (A) Father Q1?7. Ina certain code ‘DEAF’ Is written as 3587 and ‘FILE" is written as 7465. How IDEAL can be written? (a) 48536 (b) 43568 (c) 63548 (d) 43586 Q18.In a certain code CENTRAL is written as 'EEPTTAN' then how ‘SEMINAR’ can be written? (a) SEMKNCR (b) UEOKPAT (c) SGPKNCR (@) UEOIPAT Q19. If EARTHQUATE ' is coded as 'MODGPENJOSM' then ‘EQUATE’ will be coded as (a) MNJOPM (b) MENOPM, (¢) NJOGPM (d) MENOMP 20, If THOUSAND’ is coded as ‘SGNTRZMC' then ‘FUMING’ will be coded as (a) GVNJOH () ETHLMF (c) ETLHMF (d) EVLJMH Q21. Y catches 5 times more fishes than X. If total number of fishes caught by X and Y is 48, then number of fishes caught by X? (a) 10 (6) 9 (o) 8 (7 Q22 Two pipes A& B can fill a tank in 36 hours and 45 hours respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, how much time will be taken to fill the tank? (a) 10 (b} 20 (©) 30 (d) 40 Q23. In a simultaneous throw of two dice, what is the probability of getting a total of 10 or 117 (a) 5/36 (b) 8/38 (c) 7136 (d) 5/38 924. In certain code language 'dugo hui mul zo’ stands for ‘work is.very hard! “hui dugo ba ki’ for ‘Bingo is very smart’ ; ‘nano mul dugo' for ‘cake is hard’ and ‘mul ki gu’ for ‘smart and hard’. Which of the following word stands for Bingo? (a) Dugo (b) Ki (c) Ba (d) Mul Q28. In certain language 'FOR' stands for'old is Gold! , 'ROT' stands for 'Gold is pure’ and "ROM stands for 'Gold is cosily' then how will 'Pure old gold is costly' to be written? (a) FOTRM. (b) TFROM (c) FTROM (d) TOFRM Q26. ina certain code ‘4 1 §' means 'milk ig hot' ;'1 8! means ‘hot soup’; and '8 9 5' means ‘soup is tasty’. Then what is the code for tasty? (a) (b) 8 (5 (4 Q27.In a certain code '@ + 7" means, 'I met Sudha’, '+ “ means ‘Sudha and Harish’ and '* ? A! means ' Harish met Ram' then which of the following is the Meaning of the code ‘@'? (@) Ram (b) met (c) Sudha (0)! Q28. If 'rain’ is called ‘water’, 'water' is called ‘air, ‘air’ is called ‘cloud’ ‘cloud’ is called 'sky’, 'sky’ is called 'sea’, 'sea’ is called ‘road’, where do aeroplanes fly? (@) Water (b) Road (0 Sea (¢) Cloud Q29. If ‘orange’ is called ‘Lemon’, ‘Lemon’ is called ‘Flower’ , Flower is called ‘Fish’, 'Fish' is called 'Tail’, 'Tail' is called ‘Pen’, what is a Rose"? (@) Pen (b) Fish (©) Flower (d) Lemon Q30. if 'Sun' is called 'Hen', 'Her'' is called ‘Pond’, 'Pond is called ‘Joy’, ‘Joy' is called 'mute' ‘mute’ is called noise! then what raises in the East? (a) Hen (b) Joy (c) Mute (d) Pond 31. Wood is to polish as iron is to (a) Industry (b) Rust (c) Galvanisation (d) strength Q32.A lady runs 12 Km from North, then 6 km towards South and then 6 km East. How far is she from her starting point and in which direction? (a) 5Km North-East (b) 5Km East (0) 10 Km North-East (d) 10Km West Q33. Ria travels in North Direction and then turn left. After travelling for some time she turn left, again left and right. Later in the journey She tums left and left once again. What is the direction she is facing now? (a) North (b) West (c) East (d) South « Q34.Rana journeys 10 KM to East then 10 Km to southwest. He turn again and journeys 10km towards North-west. Which direction is he from the starting point? (@) South (©) North (c) East (a) West 35-36 Fill in the banks with the most appropriate option. Q35, 13.243 + 5.409 + = 24.71 (a) 5.818 (b) 4.718 (c) 6.048 (a) 6.058 Q36. (841.952 * 1.999) /7.014 = (a) 240 (b) 304 (co) 214 (d) 250 Q37, Naveen is taller than Pushpa but not as tall as Manish. Rama is taller than Mamta but not tall as Puspa. Who among them is the tallest? (a) Manish (b) Naveen (c) Mamta (d) Pushpa Q38. Pointing to a photograph of a girl , Rajan said "She has no sister or Daughters but her mother is the only daughter of my mother". How is the girl in the photograph related with Rajan’s mother? (a) Sister in Law (b) Grand Daughter (c) Daughter in law (c) Grand mother Q39.Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, "His only brother is the father of my daughter's father’. How is the gentleman related to Deepak? (2) Father b) Grand father {a) {c) Uncle (d) Brother in law 240. In a row of boys Sam is 8th from the right and Chand is 12th from the left. When Sam and Chand interchange their position Chand becomes 21st from the left. Which of the following position will be Sam's position from the right? (2) 8th (b) 21st (©) 17th (d) 7th 41. A sum of Rs. 817 is divided among A,B and C such that ‘A’ receives 25% more than ‘B’ and ‘B' receives 25 % less than ‘C’. What is the ‘A's share in the amount? (a) Rs. 285/- (b) Rs. 247/- (c) Rs. 2287 - (d) Rs. 304/- Insiructions: Q42-Q43 study the following information and answer the questions below |. Seven books are placed one above the other in a particular way II History book is placed exactly above civics book Ill, Geography book is fourth from the bottom and English book is fifth from the top IV. There are two books between Civics and Economics books Q42. How many books are there between Civics and Science books? To answer this question, which other extra information is required, if any select from the following. (a)There are 2 books between mathematics _ (b) There are 2 books between And geometry geography and science books (c) The civics book is before 2 books above —_(d) There is one book between Economics book English and Science Q43. Out of the following, with three books are kept above English book?. To answer this question, which of the cther information, if any is required? (@) There are 2 books between English —_(b) The Economics books is And History between English and Science books (c) The Science book is placed at the top (d) The Geography book is above English Book Instructions : Q44-46 study the followng information and answer the questions below |. Satish, Khan, Rudra, Mohan and Tapan are five friends who stay in one building ll, Each one own a separate garage i, i, i, iy and v and a different coloured car viz. Red, Yellow, White, Black and Blue lil. Khan does not own either garage ‘iv’ and ‘v’, His car is of red colour IV. Mohan owns yellow coloured car and garage ‘ii’ V Tapan who own garage 'T does not own black or white coloured car Q44. who owns a blue coloured car? (a) Sathish (b) Rudra (e) Tapan (A) data inadequate 45. Who owns garage ‘iv’? (a) either sathish or Rudra (0) Rudra (0) Sathish (d) owner of Biue car Q46. which of the following combination of colour of car and garage is correct? (a) white-iv (b) Red-'v' (C) Black-'iv’ (d) Blue"? Instructions Q47-Q48. More than stetements are given. Based on this resolve a most appropriate conclusion given as options. Q47. The Rajya Sabha opposition mace a hue and cry over the discretionary Gecision of the government relating to quota allotment of petrol pumps and LPG agencies. They also pointed out the irregularities in this case and compelled the petroleum state Minister to issue a complete list of allotments (a). The opposition intends aising this issue in the Lok Sabha also (b} Besides the discretionary quota allotment, the LPG agencies had petrol pumps have been allotted on the basis of day-to-day requirements (c) Such irregularities were never committed in the past (d] Whenever such an allotment takes place , this type of irregularities are often committed. Q48. Every man should have his identity card with him, That card should mention his blood group, complete address and telephone number for contact, in case some serious accidents take place. (@) Incase of emergency, he may forget his address and may need the card to contact his house (b) The police/helping hand needs this information specially when the accident is fatal (c) None is supposed to forget his phone number under any circumstances (¢) Blood can not be transfused unless its group is mentioned in the card Q49. Because of the high level differences in the ruling party. the nine month old government is on the verge of collapse. The dissidents will be able to prove their majority (2) The ruling party also has the support of some of the dissidents. (b) If the party is divide, then there will be a cabinet reshuffle, (0) If the party is divided, then the present C.M's political career will come to an end (d) The mid term elections are expected soon Q50. During 1930s, there were very few poultry farms and now the number has increased substantially, Each of the following statements, if true , could explain this , Except 2 More and more people are turning to vegetarianism (b) There are many vocational courses on poultry (©) The demand for poultry products has been increase (d) Banks provide loans for setting up poultry farms Instructions Q51-Q53. In ho questions an assumption is given followed by three statement. The assumption is something taken for granted. You have to find out wheter Siatemenis are based on the given assumption or nol accordingly choose your answer from the choices givon below the statements Q51. Assumption: Madav’s birthday was known to his friends Statements |. Madav arranges birthday party only for his family members Il, Onhis B'day, Macay received a bouquet and greeting card from his friend through courier ll Madav received blessings from his mother and best wishes from family members (a) Only Ill (b) Only Il and | (©) Only | and Il (6) only 1 Q52. Assumption: After weekend holidays, a person should be fresh and active Statements |. Look, today is Monday. Ask Ravindra to take up the new project and execute it by Wednesday evening ll, Since it is Monday, office atmosphere is relaxed. After lunch some work will begin. lll, It's Friday afternoon: Gan you give it to me on Monday morning. | will finish it by lunch (a). Only Land tt (b) Only II (0) Only !and Itt {d) only Ill Q53 Assumption: Dogs are trainable Statements 1 Dogs prefer human contact I Most household dogs are emotionally stable Ill Dog show is an important item in any circus (a) Only tll . (b) only I (c) Only 1 : (@) Both | and ti Q.54.58: Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below The Annual income of 6 persons aver the year (in lacs) | Years Persons Hary [Indira | Jayram | Kiran [Lalita | Manish 2002 444 [145 [2.00 [1.68 [7.80 50 2003 [4.50 [1.56 [212 [4.74 [4.92 12.61 2004 156 [1.64 [225 [1.92 [2.00 | 268 2005 [1.62 [1.70 [230 [200 [211 1273 2006 [1.68 [4.64 [233 [205 [2.78 | 2.80 2007 1.73 [4.95 [240 [217 [2.20 [2.85 Q54. In the year 2002, who amongst the given people got the highest increase (in percentage) in their annual salary from the previous year? (@) Manish (b) Hary (©) Lalita (d) Indira Q55.What is the approximate percentage increase in the annual income of Kiran in the year 2005 from that of the previous year? (@)55 (b) 6 {o)4 (d)7 56. What is the approximate average annual income of Hary over the given years? (a) Rs. 4.588 lacs (b) Rs. 1.88 lacs (0) Rs. 2.588 lacs (d) Rs. 1.562 lacs Q57. The average annual income earned by Indira over the given years is approximately what percent of the average income earned by Jayram over the given years? (a) 10.15 (b) 75.50 (©) 13.44 (d) 24.50 Q58. What is the respective ratio of the annual income of Indira and Manish in the year 2008? (a) 23:35 (b) 23:37 (c) 32:35 (4) 43:70 Q59-60 Fill in the blanks with more appropriate pair of word combinations Q59, People to work hard if you certain conditions on them (a) decide, negotiate (b) try, thrust (c) plan, invoke (d) hesitate, impose Q60. The sack was so that Saleem carry it (a) full, hardly (b) hardly, full (c) heavy, hardly (d) light, easy 10 Part-II (Q61-Q90) General Engineering Q61. Which of the following transducer is used for measuring high temperatures? (@) Thermo couple (6) Thermometer (6) Moving coil galvanometer (d) Utube Q62. The length of a conductor (whose resistance was 'R’)is doubled and the Cross sectional diameter is decreased to half of its previous value, Now , the resistance of the conductor is (a) 8R (6) RI2 (0) Ri4, (a) 4R Q63. In which of the following medium sound waves can travel very fast *(@) vacuum (b) air (c) water (d) stone Q64. 32768 bytes are equal to (a) 30 K Bytes (b) 32 K bytes () 31 Kbytes (4) 32.5 K bytes Q65. Which of the following is the best insulator? (a) Semiconductor (b) porcelain (0) petroleum gel (¢) Diamond Q68. Metallic bonding is due to (a) sharing of electrons between _(b) attraction between ion cores and adjacent atoms electrons (©) overlapping of electron clods__(d) sharing electrons between energy levels Q67. The type of bond in SQ is (a) Vandawalls (b) attractive (C) ionic (d) Co-valent 68. Eddy currents of core can be minimized by (a) decreasing the flux density (©) laminating the core (c) reducing core volume (d) decreasing the number of turns Q69. Ina capacitor circuit, the current leads the voltage by an angle }. The load angle of the same capacitor will be {a)> (b) 80+ 5 (c) 90-6 (0) 18046 Q70. The effect of electric shock on human body depends on (2) Voltage (b) current (c) period of contact (d) all the above Q71. FTP stands for (@) Full Transmission Procedure (b) File Transfer protocol (©) Full Transmission Protocol (d) File Transmission procedure Q72. Which of the following is not released from burning of fossil fuel? (a) Carbon-di-oxide (b) Sulphur dioxide (c) copper oxide (¢) Nitrogen oxide Q73. Dissolved pollutant gases can form (a) ozone (b) Acid rain (0) Alkali snow (a) Neutral hail Q74. Sulphur-di-oxide levels can be reduced by using (2) catalytic converters (b) static electricity to attract it in factory chimneys (c) Low sulphur fuels (d) more efficient car engines Q75. Which of these atmospheric pollutant is not released by car exhausts? (@) Magenesium oxide (b) carbon di oxide (©) carbon mono oxide (0) lead — oxide Q76. Catbon di oxide dissolved in the oceans can be used by (a) fish (b) phytoplankton (©) volcanoes (c) zooplankton Q77. Solder is. a mixture of (@) Lead +tin (b) lead +aluminium (©) Lead +silver, (@) lead+copper Q78. The common material used for insulating steam pipe line is (2) cotton (b) 85% magnesia and glass wool (©) saw dust (d) Asbestos Q7°. Insulating material used in spark plug is (a) Rubber () Porcelain () Mica (@) Polystyrene Q80. The fins are provided on the heat transferring surface (a) to increase temperature gradient — (b) to increase heat transfer surface (0) to increase heat transfer co-efficiont (@) Allthe above Q81. 4.4g of CO2 contains how many litres of CO2 at STP? (a) 24 litre (b) 2.24 litre (c) 44 litre (d) 22.4 litre Q82._ Silvering of mirror is done by (2) AgNo3 (b) Ag203 (©) Fe203 (@) Al203 Q83. The most malleable metal is (a) Sodium (b) Lead (c) Steel (a) Gold 84, The heaviest naturally occurring element is (a) Uranium (b) tron (©) Silica (@) Aluminium Q85. Hydraulic press is based on (a) Archimedes principle (>) Bernauli’s equation () Pascal's law (4) Reynold’s aw Q86. A boat of mass 40 kg is at rest. A dog of mass 4 kg moves in the boat with a velocity of 10m/s. What is the velocity of boat? (a) 4mis (ob) 2mis (c) 8mis (@d) 1 mis Q87. Solar energy is mainly caused due to (a) Burning of hydrogen in the oxygen (b) Fission of uranium present in the sun © Fusion of protons during synthesis of heavier elements @) Gravitational contraction A laser beam is used for carrying out surgery because it \s highly monochromatic (b) Is highly coherent Is highly directional (4) Can be sharply focused Spherical shape of a water drop is due to Surface tension (’) Adhesion Gravity (4) Density To an astronaut in space the sky will appear to be Blue (b) Black Violet (a) Dark blue Q91, as2 93, 994, ass. 095. 97, 98, Part-lll (Q91-@180) al, Electrical &instrumentation, Electrical &Electronics Engineering and Equivalent Engineering Adgition of zeroes in the transfer function causes compensation (a) lag (bllead (6) lead-ag (d) none of these ‘step function is applied to the input of a system and the output s ofthe form y=t, the systom is (2) stable (blunstable (©) conditionally stable (6) none of these The phase shift of the second order system with transfer function 1/s is (2) 90 degrees (b) 180 degrees (¢).90 degroes (d)-180 degrees Introduction of integral error changes a system from type (a) one to two (b) two to three (d) one to zero (d) two to-one The Laplace transform of ramg is {a) a/s (b) Us (oa tayo The steady state acceleration error of type “Lis (a|zer0 (b) unity (infinity (a) none of these System response is best obtained with (a) ramp signal (b) step signal (c) parabolic (d) impulse CT is overloaded when (a) its load is less then burden (b) terminals are short {c) terminals are open circuit (6) primary current is more than 100% 15 99. auoo. quoi. auo2 103, 104. For the case of a transmission line with sending end voltage same as receiving end and with Ps, Qs= sending end power and Pr, Qr=receiving end powers {a} Ps=Pr=0 {b) Ose (c] both age (a) Ps= Pr=50% & Qs = 50% A3 “a digit, 2 V full scale slop> ADC has its integration time set to 300 ms. if the input to the ADC is (.+1sin 3144)¥, then the ADC output will be {a} 1.000 (b) 1.999 (cq) 1414 [a) 1.500 A Kelvin double bridge is best suited for the measurement of (a) inductance (b) capacitance (0) low resistance (4) high resistance magnitude of the pain in the inv be x with switch St open, W ng Op-amp amplifier cireuit shown ich SL is closed, the megnit il 2s a a A dynamometer type wattmeter responds to (2) average value of active power —_(b) average value of reactive power (0) peak value of active power (d] peak value of reactive power ‘A moving coll galvanometer is made into a d.c. ammeter by connecting (a) alow resistance across the meter (b) a high resistance in series with the meter (6) pure inductance across the meter (0) a capacitor in series with the meter 16 anos. ‘atos. quo7. Quo. 109. 110. Fan energy meter dise makes 10 revoultion in 100 seconds when a load of 480 W is connected to it, the meter constant (in rev/KWh) is (a) 1000 {b) 500 (c) 1600 (a) 800 Resistances R1 and Rs have respectively, nominal values of 10 62 and 5. and tolerances of 5% and + 10%, The range of values for the parallel combination of Rand Rs is (a) 3.0770 10 3.635. (b) 2.805 003.3710 (c)3.237 9 03.6782 (6) 3.192 203.4350 A sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit, having 2 holding capacitor of 0.2 nF, is used at ‘the input of an ADC (anelog-to-cigitsl converter). The conversion time of the ADC is Lusec, and curing this time, the capacitor should net lose more than 0.5% of the charge put across it during the sampling time. The maximum value of the signal to the S/H circuit is SV. The leakage currant of the S/H circ: () 25ma (2) 0.25. ma (©) 25.0 ua (a)2.5 pa The current coll of a 200 V, 5 A, EDM type LPF wattmeter carries a current of v2 cos(100t)A. The voltage across the pressure coil is J2 200sin(100st)V. The meter will indicate (a)ow (B) 100 W (c) 200 w (D) 4o0w The instrument that does not have any restoring torque is (A) D’Arsonval galvanometer (B) Flux meter (C) Ballistic galvano meter {D) ML instrument ‘Three DC Voltmeters are connected in series acrass a 120 V DC supply. The voltmeters are specified as follow: Voltmeter A:100V,5ma Voltmeter B: 100 V, 250 ohms/v Voltmeter C:10ma, 1500002 v7 quia. ani2 au3, uta. Quis. que. ‘The voltages read by meters A,8 and Care respectively (a) 40, 50and 30Y ——{b) 40,40 and 40V—{c} 60,20.and 30. (d} 30,60 and 30V The coil of 300V Mi voltmeter has a resistance of 500 ©) and an inductance of @.8H. The meter reads correctly at SOHz AC supplies and takes 100mA at full scale deflection. The reading of an instrument when it is connected to 200V DC supply is (a) 200.6 (b) 199.4 (c) 200v {d) 0 volts The primary current in a current transformer is dictated by (a) the secondary burden (b) the core of the transformer (c)the load current (4) nane of the above A single channel digital storage oscilloscope uses a 10 bit, 10” samples ner second Analog to —digital converter. For 2 100 KHz sine wave Input, the number of samples taken per cycle of the input will be (a) 10° (b) 10° ()10° (d)10° In successive approximation AD converter, offset voltage equal to LSB is added to the D/A converters output. Thisis done to (a) improve the speed of operation _(b) reduce the maximum quantization error (2) increase the number of bits at output (d) increase the range of o/p voltage that can be converted ‘An op-amp, ahving a slew rate of 62.8 V/micro sec, is connected in a voltage follower configuration. if the maximum amplitude of the input sinusoidal is 10 V, then the minimum frequency at which the slew rate limited distotrtion would set in in at the output is (a) 1.0 MHz (b) 6.28 MHz (Q) 10.0 MHz {062.8 MHz A charged particle enters at 30 degrees to the magnetic field .Its path becomes a. Circular (b) helical (c} parabolic (a) straight line 18 qui7, quis. quis. aa2o. quai. A spherical conductor of radius ‘a‘ with charge ‘q’ is placed concentrically inside an uncharged and unearthed spherical conducting shell of inner and outer radii and r; respectively. Taking potential to be zero at infinity, the potential at any Xt \ x \ S @ 3 ® ga © a Og Acapacitor with initial charge q at t=O" acts as (2) short circuit (b) open circuit (0) current source (@) voltage source ‘An inductor at t= infinity with zero initial condition acts as, (2) short circuit (b) open circuit (0) current source () voltage source Laplace transform analysis gives (2) time domain (b) frequency domain (botha& b (d) none of these The laplace transform of @ unit impulse in time is {alee (bo {2 (d) undefined 19 an2z. 123, Qi2a, Q125, 0126. he vi characteristic torminal-aair (A, B) of the network of Fig 10 ¥ an incu: oni aetes: ial time const f or canean — Sy j “Mneeierens ane y t ~ Se oe j__sp ) uploss the extual network is specified ‘A practical current source is usually represented by (a) a resistence in series with an ideal current source (6) resistance in parallel with an ideal current source (c)a@ resistence in parallel with an ideal Voltage source (4) None of the above Ifthe length of the wire of resitance R is uniformly stretched to n times its original value, the resistance of the wire now is (2) nr (6) Fn (eln'e (6 fa? er ee «b) a ‘When the plate area of a parallel plate capacitor is increased keeping the capacitor volatge constant the force between the plates (2) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (6) may increase or decrease depending upon the metal makin up the plates 20 ql, 12s. 29. 100. qiai. ais, 4 unit step voltage is app at t= 0 toa series RL circuit with zero initial a) It for the 10 be oseillatory. b} The vi 3. OF is zare. Time constant for R-C circuit is 0) 1/RC (eo) RIC Ic) CAR (a) RC At impulse, Sa(t}, is forced the capaciter The greph of an electrical network has N nodes and B bronches. The number of links L, with respect to the coice of a tree, is given by (a) BNF (b)B+N (c) N-B+1 (4) N2B-1 In an 8085 microporcessor, after the execution of XRA A insiruction (a) the carry flag is set {b) the accumulator contains FFH {c) the zero flag is set |d} the accumviator contents are shifted left by one bit 21 Q133. isa. Q13s, Qi36, @is7. In a microprocessor, the address of the next instruction fo be excuted, is stored in {a) stack pointer (5) address pitch [c) program counter {d) general purpose register Which semicondcutor power device out of the following is not a current triggered device (a) thyrister [b) GTO (c) Tiae (a) MosFEt Which material is used in controling chain reaction in a nuclear reactor? (a) Thorium (b) heavy Water [c} Boron (d) Berylium A PWM switching scheme is used in three phase inverter to (a) reduce the total hormonic distortion with modest filtering (b) minimise the load on the DC Side (c] increase the life of the balteries (d) reduce low order harmonics and increase high order hormonics The main reason for connecting a pube transformer at the output stage of a thyristor figgering circuit is to {a} amplity the power of the triggering tube {b) provide electrical isolation {c) reduce the tum on time of the thyristor (0) avoid spurious triggering of the thyssitor due to noise Q139 aried from 0 co never of @140, When a 400 Hz transformers operated at 50 Hz its KVA rating is (a) reduced to 1/8 (bJincreased to 8 times (c) unaffected (a) none of these QI4l. ON-OFF controller is (a) P-Controler (b) | controller (c) Non-Ineor (d)P1D controlior Q142,_ Lead compensation (a) speeds-up tronsient response (b) increases stability margin (6) increases system error constant (d) allof these Q143._ The torque spped characteristics of a repulsion motor assembles which of the folowing de motor cheracteristic? {a} Seperately excited —(b) shunt —_(c) series (djcompound Ql44. A 10Kw, SCHz, 0.8 pf, 3-phase induction motor runs at 980 rpm al no load and at 960 fpm at full load, Windage, ‘rction loses are 320 W, armature resistance is 1.5 ohms per phose. What is the frequency of rotor currents? (a) 50 Hz (b) 0 He (c} 1ooH2 (d) none of these Qias. ais, Quay, Q14s, alas. Q150. qisi alsg, A voltage v = 400 sin 314.16 tis appliod to a 1-phase transformer on no-load. If the no load current of the transformer is 2 sin(314 16t - 85°), the magnetization branch impedance will be appreximately equal to (a) 141/90¢ (b) 200|-85° (©) 200|85° (4) 262 |-80° Asynchronous generator connected to an infinite bus is overexcited.Considering only the reactive power, from the point of view of the system, the machine act as (9) a capacitor (6) an inductor (c) aresistor {d) None of the above . The magentizing current in a transormer's rich in {a 3#Hoimonic —(b) S* Hormonie (ce) 7" Hormonie (a) 13! Hormonic The maximum efficiency of a 100 KVA, | phase transformer is 98% and occurs at 80% of ihe full load at 0.8 p.f (Power factor). If the leakage impedance is 5%, the minimum reguiction is (a) 5% (b) 4.89% (c) 1.022% (4) 3.75% Ino medium (or) high hydro power station, a surge tank is provided to (a) reduce the length of the penstock pipes (0) cugment water at the fore bay [<) contro! the pressure variation in the penstock pipes due to sudden load changes (2) control the water flow trough the turbines The colour of moist Silicagel is {a) Red (0) Brown (c} Blue (a) Yellow A transformer can have zero voltage regulation at (a}Zer0 Power Factor {b) Leading Power Facior (c) Lagging Power Factor (d) Unity Power Factor Transformer cores are laminaied to 24 Qis3. Qis4, iss. 186. Qis7, 158. ass 160, {a) reduce material weight {o)reduce cost (cjrecuce eddy current loss (d} reduce hysterisis loss Which of the following conditions should be fulfilled for the parallel operation of two transformers? (o) Percentage impedance should be: (b) polarities of both winding shovic be same same [c} voltage rating should besame —(¢) All the above ADC series motor is connected to an AC supply. the motor will {a) not start (9) overspeed {c) perform better (4) start and run poorly Ad phase , 4 pole 50 Hz induction motor runs at a speed of 14401,9.m, the slip is (a) 0.03 (b) 0.1. {e} 0.04 (a) 0.05 The rotor slots in an induction motor are skewed so os to (a), increase strength (0) increase rotoriength [¢] reduce noise andiocking = (d) reduce losses The air gap in the ac rotatory machines is of the order of (a) Lem (b) 1 inch (c)..05 inch, (6) Sem In the case of DC machines the brushes must be placed ana line {a} perpendicular to the field axis (p)along the field axis (c) af any onis (d)none of these A transformer is roled as 50 kVA, 2400/120-V, open circuit test readings os wartmeter=376 wats, ammetet =9.65 A, yolimeter = 120 V on low voltage side and Short circuit test readings os, wattmeter = 810W, ammeter = 20.8 A, Voltmeter = 92 V on high voltage side.Then the magnetizing reactance referred to low voltage side 's (o} 14.6 ohms (6) 12.8 ohms |e) 132 ohms (d] none of these For the transformer in above question, the core loss component of the currents (a]907A fo 6A {c] 334 [d) 9.65.4 28 Qiél area, 163. ales, Qi6s. 166. Quer. Qe. The efficiency of the transformer for 4.0.8 power factor lagging load at rated kVA (a) 50% (0) 95.2% (78.3% — (a97.1% Tesla is the same as (a) 1 Weber (b) 1 Henry (ec) 1 Weber m2 (d) 100 Weber / m2 A current transformer can be used with which of the following instruments? (a) Ammeter (b) Wattmeter (c} Watt-hour meter {d) Any of the cbove. sleady stote siobilly of a power system is the abilly of power system to {a] maintain volatge at the rated voltage level (o] maintain frequency exactly at S0 Hz (€] maintain a spinning reserve margin at all times (d] maintain synchronism between machines and on external fie lines In case of HYDC system there {a} charging cument but no skin effect {6} no charging current but skin effect {d) neither charging current nor skin effect (d) both charging cunent and skin effect The surge impedance of a 400

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