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Resuscitation 46 (2000) 297299

Part 8: Advanced Challenges in Resuscitation

Section 3: Special Challenges in ECC
3G: Electric Shock and Lightning Strikes
Electric Shock
Most electric shock injuries to adults occur in the occupational setting [1]. Pediatric electric shock injuries occur
most commonly in the home, when the child bites electrical
wires, places an object in an electrical socket, contacts an
exposed low-voltage wire or appliance, or touches a highvoltage wire outdoors [2].
Electric shock injuries result from the direct effects of
current on cell membranes and vascular smooth muscle
and from the conversion of electric energy into heat energy
as current passes through body tissues. Factors that determine the nature and severity of electric trauma include the
magnitude of energy delivered, voltage, resistance to
current ow, type of current, duration of contact with the
current source, and current pathway. Victims of electric
shock can sustain a wide variety of injuries, ranging from
a transient unpleasant sensation caused by low-intensity
current to instantaneous cardiac arrest caused by exposure
to high voltage or high current.
High-tension current generally causes the most serious
injuries, although fatal electrocutions may occur with
household current (110 V in the United States and Canada,
220 V in Europe, Australia, Asia, and many other localities)
[3]. Bone and skin are most resistant to the passage of electric current; muscle, blood vessels, and nerves conduct with
least resistance [4]. Skin resistance, the most important
factor impeding current ow, can be reduced substantially
by moisture, thereby converting what ordinarily might be a
minor injury into a life-threatening shock [5]. Skin resistance can be overcome with increased duration of exposure
to current ow. Contact with alternating current at 60 cycles
per second (the frequency used in most household and
commercial sources of electricity) may cause tetanic skeletal muscle contractions and prevent self-release from the
source of the electricity, thereby leading to prolonged duration of exposure. The repetitive frequency of alternating
current also increases the likelihood of current ow through
the heart during the vulnerable recovery period of the
cardiac cycle. This exposure can precipitate VF, analogous
to the R-on-T phenomenon [6]

Transthoracic current ow (eg, a hand-to-hand pathway)

is more likely to be fatal than a vertical (hand-to-foot) or
straddle (foot-to-foot) current path [7]. The vertical pathway, however, often causes myocardial injury, which has
been attributed to the direct effects of current and coronary
artery spasm [810].
Lightning Strike
Lightning strike kills hundreds of people internationally
every year and injures many times that number. Lightning
injuries have a 30% mortality rate, and up to 70% of survivors sustain signicant morbidity [1113].
The presentation of lightning strike injuries varies widely,
even among groups of people struck at the same time [14].
In some victims symptoms are mild and may not require
hospitalization, whereas others die from the injury [15,16].
The primary cause of death in lightning-strike victims is
cardiac arrest, which may be associated with primary VF or
asystole [1518]. Lightning acts as an instantaneous,
massive direct current countershock, simultaneously depolarizing the entire myocardium [16,19]. In many cases
cardiac automaticity may restore organized cardiac activity,
and a perfusing rhythm may return spontaneously.
However, concomitant respiratory arrest due to thoracic
muscle spasm and suppression of the respiratory center
may continue after return of spontaneous circulation.
Thus, unless ventilatory assistance is provided, a secondary
hypoxic cardiac arrest may occur [20].
Lightning can also produce widespread effects on the
cardiovascular system, producing extensive catecholamine
release or autonomic stimulation. If cardiac arrest does not
occur, the victim may develop hypertension, tachycardia,
nonspecic ECG changes (including prolongation of the
QT interval and transient T-wave inversion), and myocardial necrosis with release of creatine kinase-MB fraction.
Right and left ventricular ejection fractions may also be
depressed, but this injury appears to be reversible [18].
Lightning can produce a wide spectrum of neurological
injuries. Injuries may be primary, resulting from the effects
on the brain. Effects may also be secondary, as a complication of cardiac arrest and hypoxia [12]. The current can
produce brain hemorrhages, edema, and small-vessel and

0300-9572/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 American Heart Association. Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
PII: S 0300-957 2(00)00294-X


Part 8: Advanced Challenges in Resuscitation

neuronal injury. Hypoxic encephalopathy can result from

cardiac arrest. Effects of a lightning strike on the peripheral
nervous system include myelin damage [12].
Patients most likely to die of lightning injury if no treatment is forthcoming are those who suffer immediate cardiac
arrest. Patients who do not suffer cardiac arrest and those
who respond to immediate treatment have an excellent
chance of recovery because subsequent arrest is uncommon.
Therefore, when multiple victims are struck simultaneously
by lightning, rescuers should give highest priority to
patients in respiratory or cardiac arrest.
For victims in cardiopulmonary arrest, BLS and ACLS
should be instituted immediately. The goal is to oxygenate
the heart and brain adequately until cardiac activity is
restored. Victims with respiratory arrest may require only
ventilation and oxygenation to avoid secondary hypoxic
cardiac arrest. Resuscitative attempts may have higher
success rates in lightning victims than in patients with
cardiac arrest from other causes, and efforts may be effective even when the interval before the resuscitative attempt
is prolonged [20].
Clinical Effects
Immediately after electrocution or lightning strike, the
victim's respiratory function, circulation, or both, may
fail. The patient may be apneic, mottled, unconscious, and
in cardiac arrest from VF or asystole.
Respiratory arrest may be caused by a variety of mechanisms:
Electric current passing through the brain and causing
inhibition of medullary respiratory center function
Tetanic contraction of the diaphragm and chest wall
musculature during current exposure
Prolonged paralysis of respiratory muscles, which may
continue for minutes after the electric shock has terminated
If respiratory arrest persists, hypoxic cardiac arrest may
Cardiopulmonary arrest is the primary cause of immediate death due to electrical injury [21]. VF or ventricular
asystole may occur as a direct result of electric shock.
Other serious cardiac arrhythmias, including VT that may
progress to VF, may result from exposure to low- or highvoltage current [22].
Modications of BLS Actions for Arrest Caused by
Electric Shock or Lightning Strike
The rescuer must be certain that rescue efforts will not put
him or her in danger of electric shock. After the power is
turned off by authorized personnel or the energized source is
safely cleared from the victim, determine the victim's cardi-

orespiratory status. Immediately after electrocution, respiration or circulation or both may fail. The patient may be
apneic, mottled, unconscious, and in circulatory collapse
with VF or asystole.
Vigorous resuscitative measures are indicated, even for
those who appear dead on initial evaluation. The prognosis
for recovery from electric shock or lightning strike is not
readily predictable because the amplitude and duration of
the charge usually are unknown. However, because many
victims are young and without preexisting cardiopulmonary
disease, they have a reasonable chance for survival if
immediate support of cardiopulmonary function is
If spontaneous respiration or circulation is absent, initiate
the ABCD techniques outlined in parts 3 and 4 of these
guidelines, including EMS system activation, prompt
CPR, and use of the AED. The presenting cardiac ECG
rhythm may be asystole or VF [23].
As soon as possible, secure the airway and provide ventilation and supplemental oxygen. When electric shock
occurs in a location not readily accessible, such as on a
utility pole, rescuers must lower the victim to the ground
as quickly as possible. Note: Actions that involve rescuer
proximity to live current must be performed only by
specially trained rescuers who know how to execute this
task. If the victim remains unresponsive, rescuers should
start the standard ABCD protocols, including AED use by
lay responders.
If the victim has no signs of circulation, start chest
compressions as soon as feasible. In addition, use the
AED to identify and treat VT or VF.
Maintain spinal protection and immobilization during
extrication and treatment if there is any likelihood of head
or neck trauma [23,24]. Electrical injuries often cause
related trauma, including injury to the spine [24] and
muscular strains and fractures due to the tetanic response
of skeletal muscles. Remove smoldering clothing, shoes,
and belts to prevent further thermal damage.
Modication of ACLS Support for Arrest Caused by
Electric Shock or Lightning Strike
Treat VF, asystole, and other serious arrhythmias with
ACLS techniques outlined in these guidelines. Quickly
attempt debrillation, if needed, at the scene.
Establishing an airway may be difcult for patients with
electric burns of the face, mouth, or anterior neck. Extensive
soft-tissue swelling may develop rapidly and complicate
airway control measures, such as endotracheal intubation.
For these reasons, intubation should be accomplished on an
elective basis before signs of airway obstruction become
For victims with hypovolemic shock or signicant tissue
destruction, rapid intravenous uid administration is indicated to counteract shock and correct ongoing uid losses.

Part 8: Advanced Challenges in Resuscitation

Fluid administration should be adequate to maintain diuresis

to facilitate excretion of myoglobin, potassium, and other
by-products of tissue destruction [19]. Increased capillary
permeability may develop in association with tissue injury,
so local tissue edema may develop at the site of injury.
Because electrothermal burns and underlying tissue injury
may require surgical attention, we encourage early consultation with a physician skilled in treatment of electrical

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